SITREP # 22 IOM South 5 May 2014 IOM • OIM SITUATION REPORT Harish Murthi/IOM Site preparation at the UN House PoC in


1,273 NFI kits were distributed to IDPs OVERVIEW at the PoC this reporting period 800 meters of water pipeline laid The security situation remains highly volatile and at the PoC unpredictable across the country. On 4 May, heavy fighting broke out in Bentiu town and tensions 750 children under five received continue to remain high. UN peacekeepers are Routine Immunization at the currently protecting some 22,500 displaced people at Malakal Poc the Protection of Civilians (PoC) site in Bentiu – a figure that has risen from 8,000 since 15 April.

Reports of intense fighting in the northern parts of State, mainly in Abiemnhom, Mayom and Pariang works at a section of the PoC and site expansion/ have resulted in large numbers of displaced people improvement activities are ongoing to improve moving between Bentiu town and Pariang – at least overall living conditions of IDPs that continue to seek 3,000 people have since fled the violence to the protection within the UNMISS base. region. In total, an estimated 78,000 IDPs are seeking protection In State, violent clashes were reported on in eight UN bases across and over 900,000 5 May in Renk and Nassir between government forces people are estimated to be internally displaced inside and the opposition. In Malakal, almost one week of South Sudan as a result of the crisis. A further 293,000 heavy rainfall has inundated the UNMISS PoC where have fled to neighbouring countries (63,400 Sudan, 18,000 IDPs are sheltering. IOM has completed drainage 97,413 Ethiopia, 34,301 Kenya and 98,278 Uganda). IOM South Sudan Situation Report | 5 May 2014


Upper Nile Malualkon North Bahr el Ghazal


Bor Jonglei Warrap

2 Wau 3 West Bahr el Ghazal Disclaimer: The boundaries and names used in the map are not boundaries and names used in the map are The Disclaimer: of South Sudan or IOM Government endorsed by

Awerial Abyei Area Juba 1 Central

Western Equatoria 2

Multi Sector Health Non-Food Items DTM WASH CCCM Common Transport ServiceTransition and Recovery 3 IOM Offices IOM Activities in South Sudan in South sudan

OVERVIEW with ACTED. IOM continues to act as CCCM state focal point in Upper Nile, Jonglei, West Bahr el Ghazal and Warrap.

CAMP COORDINATION CCCM TRAINING AND CAMP MANAGEMENT IOM continues to provide support to the Norwegian The Camp Coordination and Camp Management Refugee Council (NRC) who lead the capacity building (CCCM) Cluster works to facilitate the effective and component of the CCCM Cluster. Training in Malakal targeted delivery of life-saving services to IDPs in (Upper Nile) was completed last week and planning displacement sites and ensure that basic humanitarian is ongoing for the next state-level training exercise – living conditions are provided, while also building Unity was originally planned, but due the ongoing the foundations for voluntary return and recovery insecurity in Bentiu, it has been put on-hold. IOM and interventions where it is possible and safe to do so. IOM NRC are exploring the option of carrying out the next and UNHCR co-lead the CCCM Cluster, in coordination training in Bor, Jonglei as an alternative.

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Site Development, Expansion and Improvement

Site improvement and expansion remains a key priority • In Malakal (Upper Nile), 33% of PoC site (sector for the CCCM Cluster. Priority locations include the one) has been completed. The first sector of the PoCs in UN House, Juba (), Malakal expanded PoC area in Malakal will be ready for (Upper Nile), Bor (Jonglei) and Bentiu (Unity) as well use by 25 May. However, relocation can only be as the relocation site for spontaneous settlement in carried out once additional Force Protection from Mingkaman /Awerial (Lakes). IOM is currently actively UNMISS is deployed to cover the perimeter of leading expansion efforts in Malakal and Bor and the expanded PoC area. Challenges including providing assistance in UN House and Mingkaman in heavy rains, flooding, logistical bottle-necks and partnership with the Shelter/NFI Cluster. insecurity could also cause unavoidable delays for the completion of the remainder of the site. In response to the growing IDP population at the UNMISS Wau PoC (West Bahr el Ghazal), IOM has Displacement Tracking deployed an experienced CCCM surge specialist to provide guidance and additional capacity to • Data gathering for the 3rd round of DTM (Data humanitarian agencies providing assistance at the Tracking and Monitoring) is on-going. This round site. There are currently an estimated 700 IDPs (6 May) aims to gather updated information on sites seeking protection at the UNMISS base since fighting covered in the past round (40 sites) and expand broke out on 26 April. An upsurge of more IDPs arriving coverage to reach additional sites across the at the PoC site is a possibility if the security situation country. further deteriorates in Wau. • DTM teams are deployed in Bentiu, Malakal, Melut (Upper Nile), and Mingkaman to gather information • In Juba (Central Equatoria), 75% of the UN House on the changes in population as a result of recent PoC3 site has been completed and relocations were armed actions and heightened movement of expected to commence on 30 April; however, due people. to the delayed arrival of UNMISS force protection units, relocation of IDPs has been rescheduled to take place at the end of this month.

Humanitarian Hubs Five hub tents have been set-up at the Malakal PoC with the capacity Site preparation has to accommodate 50 aid workers been completed in (10 people per tent) – one mobile Bentiu and Bor, and hub has also been prepositioned 60% of the hub site at the PoC, ready for emergency in Malakal has now UPPER NILE deployment. been completed – backfilling of the site UNITY to accommodate tents and containers is JONGLEI pending.

In Bor, 95% of required hub materials have been received and the set-up of tents and electrical work (wiring and

lighting) is expected to be completed by Eric Makhatsa/IOM the next reporting period. Humanitarian hubs being set up at the Malakal PoC

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WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE 20 litres of water available per day per person – above the ideal standard of 15 l/p/d IOM is the Upper Nile focal point for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) assistance covering Malakal, 29 Melut, Wau Shiluk, Rom and Dethoma. IOM also IDPs per latrine at the PoC – hygiene provides WASH support to IDPs in Turalei and Aweng, promotion activities continue Warrap State. with special focus on solid waste management Malakal, Upper Nile State As the main provider of WASH services at the UNMISS Malakal PoC, IOM’s WASH emergency response SHELTER AND priorities remain centred on ensuring access to safe NON-FOOD ITEMS water, provision of emergency latrines and bathing facilities, and solid waste disposal. With the expansion As lead of the Shelter and Non-Food Items (NFI) Cluster in South Sudan, IOM provides essential household of the PoC site ongoing, IOM has laid 800 meters of items and emergency shelter materials to conflict- water pipeline from the water treatment plant to the and disaster-affected populations as well as returnees. new site – this coverage represents 30% of the required IOM also manages the Shelter and NFI Core Pipeline, pipeline needed to supply the new Poc site. Drainage a mechanism to ensure that key NFIs and emergency works have also been completed at the PoC4 site to shelter materials are prepositioned in strategic reduce the presence of stagnant water in the areas locations and ready to be deployed rapidly. most affected by flooding. Bentiu, Unity State 800 meters • 1,273 basic kits were distributed on 27 April. These of water pipeline laid at the Malakal kits included 1 plastic sheet, one blanket, one PoC – this represents 30% supply mosquito net and two buckets. requirements needed at the new PoC site • Eight full kits were distributed to vulnerable beneficiaries identified by the Protection Cluster. 8 litres This distribution is ongoing and the IOM team in water available per day per person Bentiu will be also be distributing basic shelter kits through this partnership with the Protection – improved road access has enabled Cluster. delivery trucks regularly reach to the water treatment plant • Four communal shelters have been constructed and are currently occupied. IOM will attempt to distribute shelter kits to the inhabitants of these 137 communal shelters once land is allocated through IDPs per latrine – IOM is proactively the community leaders and the CCCM Cluster. working with UNMISS to identify new • Ten plastic sheets and 50 sleeping mats were areas to expedite the construction of distributed to displaced foreign nationals. communal and family latrines • More than 98% of the currently erected shelters have received plastic sheeting to augment the Melut, Upper Nile State existing makeshift structures set up by the IDPs. Due to clashes in Renk, the IOM WASH team anticipates an influx of IDPs to arrive at the Melut PoC site in the Shelter/NFI assessment coming weeks. Efforts are underway to improve clean water supply at the PoC, with the civil works currently Shelter/NFI assessments were completed on 30 underway to install 600 meters of pipeline from the April at the UN House PoC Juba, (Central Equatoria) Nile River to the PoC. and in Awerial (Lakes State).

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IOM’s health team played a critical role in the triage HEALTH and treatment of newly arrived patients from the Bentiu Hospital. IOM continues to provide primary health care services for wounded IDPs inside PoC site, IOM is the main Primary Health Care actor providing including dressing wounds and follow up support for assistance to IDPs, returnees and host communities discharged patients through mobile and semi-static clinics in Renk and Malakal (Upper Nile) and Bentiu (Unity). Bor, IOM is spearheading the Oral Cholera Vaccination Top morbidities for all sites continue to be (OCV) Campaign at the UNMISS Bor PoC and a public upper respiratory tract infections, malaria health expert has been deployed to lead the campaign and watery diarrhea at the site.

Malakal, Upper Nile State REFUGEE 775 RESPONSE IDPs received consultations at the UNMISS Malakal PoC As lead provider of WASH response in Doro camp, IOM is continuing to meet the needs of the camp’s refugee population. All key water, hygiene and sanitation 385 indicators are currently above the minimum standards. IDPs benefited from health education Nonetheless, there remains a need to maintain these sessions covering the prevention of standards, particularly with the start of the rainy season, malaria and other waterborne to prevent the outbreak and spread of waterborne diseases diseases amongst the refugee population and the surrounding host communities.

Bentiu, Unity State 24 litres As part of IOM’s plan to scale up health services and Water availability per person respond to the influx of IDPs into the PoC, additional per day clinical officers, nurses, vaccinators and health promoters have been hired. IOM is closely working 14 with a partner to expand clinical services by adding The number people per latrine two medical tents which will cover vital maternal and (family latrines have now reached child health services. IOM also assisted a partner to 95% coverage at the refugee camp) provide measles and polio vaccinations. 22 The number of people 750 per bathing facility children under five received Routine Immunization during two days vaccination 144 Active hygiene promoters at the Doro refugee camp

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COMMON Support to CCCM and Core pipelines TRANSPORT SERVICE of Shelter/NFI and WASH clusters:

• 10 flights completed to Malakal (Upper Nile State) The IOM-operated Common Transport Service (CTS), a this week transporting Tents and Plastic Sheets for free service for transporting humanitarian supplies in Shelter/NFI pipeline. South Sudan, is helping partners to deliver aid across • 75 flights completed to date since the start of the the country. CTS trucks remain strategically positioned crisis, carrying 629MT / 3,539 m3 of humanitarian across the country to provide transport assistance to cargo. humanitarian partners.

CTS trucks are positioned in the following areas: Upper Nile State 44 Malakal Weight 448.5 MT Volume 2,516cbm

Unity Upper Nile 1 Truck 4 Trucks Upper Nile State 17 Maban Weight 100.5 MT Volume 561 cbm

Western Bahr el Ghazal 1 Truck Jonglei 1 Truck

Unity State 8 Bentiu Weight 47 MT Lakes Volume 264 cbm 2 Trucks

Jonglei State Central Equatoria 4 Trucks 6 Bor Weight 33 MT Volume 198 cbm


The Rapid Response Fund (RRF) is a flexible funding mechanism allowing for swift disbursement of grants through NGO/Community-Based Organization (CBO) partners in response to onset emergencies. There are currently 12 active projects in crisis-affected areas of the country being supported across a range of sectors. In response to the recent upsurge in violence in Bentiu, RRF funds have been mobilized to support urgent WASH needs and fill gaps in response to the massive influx of IDPs at the Bentiu PoC and enhance the provision of life-saving health services at the PoC.

Funding for IOM South Sudan’s emergency operations is provided by