E724 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 30, 2021 was unable to vote on June 29, 2021 for these Valley. I join his family and friends in cele- and community events for Hampton residents. reasons. Had I been present, I would have brating Vang’s life. From beach clean-ups to snowshoe tours and voted NAY on Roll Call No. 189; NAY on Roll f the installation of a rain garden at the local li- Call No. 190; NAY on Roll Call No. 191; YEA brary, Rayann has dedicated herself to im- on Roll Call No. 192; NAY on Roll Call No. MS. ANN WHITAKER proving the Seacoast community by always 193; YEA on Roll Call No. 194; NAY on Roll bringing others into her work. Call No. 195; and NAY on Roll Call No. 196. HON. JAMES COMER Rayann Dionne has made an immeasurable impact on her local community and the state f OF of New Hampshire not only through her con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING THE LIFE OF COLONEL crete actions but also through the energy and VANG FONG Wednesday, June 30, 2021 positivity she brings to all her endeavors. Mr. COMER. Madam Speaker, I rise today Foregrounding the importance of climate ac- HON. to congratulate Ann Whitaker for her upcoming tion, Rayann has served her community in a way that warrants our recognition. Her contin- OF CALIFORNIA 50th anniversary with the Annie Gardner Foundation in Graves County, Kentucky. ued involvement in her work puts her commu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ann began her career with the Annie Gard- nity, and the entire state of New Hampshire, Wednesday, June 30, 2021 ner Foundation on July 5, 1971, as an admin- on a pathway towards a more climate-resilient future. Mr. COSTA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to istrative assistant. She has helped so many in On behalf of my constituents in New Hamp- honor the life of Colonel Vang Fong. Vang the Mayfield community, going above and be- shire’s First Congressional District, I thank passed away on February 17, 2021 in Fresno yond to assist the less fortunate in their times Rayann for her decades of enthusiastic dedi- County. Vang was a husband, father, and of need. Those who are lucky enough to know cation to our state. The Granite State is a bet- grandfather and a leader in the Secret War in Ann describe her as dependable, compas- ter place because of the public service of Laos. sionate, and sincere. Rayann Dionne. Vang was born on January 1, 1944 in Anyone who spends half a century with one Rhawv Zeb, Xieng Khouang, Laos to Cheu organization is incredibly dedicated and genu- f Xang Vang and Nai Lor. He was one of eight inely loves what they do. Ann is loved by all IN RECOGNITION OF ATLANTIS children. In the year of 1960, Vang left school of those in her community, and I am honored YACHT CLUB’S 60TH COMMIS- at the age of 12 to join the CIA’s Secret Army to represent her in Congress. SIONING DAY in Laos. He was chosen by the late Brigadier Once again, I congratulate Ann on this General Vang Pao in 1962 to attend military achievement. I look forward to hearing about training at Savannakhet. It was there that all the wonderful work she will continue to do HON. , JR. OF NEW JERSEY Vang obtained the CCB/Premier Degree from in her role at the Annie Gardner Foundation Pham Khaum. and beyond. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Vang was stationed to Long Cheng, Laos. f Wednesday, June 30, 2021 After hard work and dedication to protect all IN HONOR OF RAYANN DIONNE Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, I rise today around him, he quickly rose rank and he was to recognize Atlantis Yacht Club of Monmouth promoted to W–4 Chief Warrant Officer. After Beach, New Jersey on its 60th Commissioning a brief period as W–4 Chief Warrant Officer, HON. CHRIS PAPPAS Day. As its officers and members gather to he was named to Lieutenant Colonel in 1964. OF NEW HAMPSHIRE celebrate this milestone, I would like to join Nine years later, he was appointed to rep- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with them in honoring its history and spirit. resent the second military region at Luang Upon returning from World War II, a group Wednesday, June 30, 2021 Prabang, Laos. of veterans and their families from Barnegat His love for his family encouraged him to Mr. PAPPAS. Madam Speaker, I rise today Bay to Englewood would meet up with each make a decision on the subject of moving. He to honor Rayann Dionne, who is the 2021 re- other at various locations along the eastern moved in 1980 and his family resettled in cipient of the NH Coastal Adaption shoreline from New Jersey to Connecticut. Hamilton, Montana. After living in Montana, he Workgroup’s Climate Champion Award. The Boating became a relaxing pastime for these then had everyone move to Huntington Beach, CAW Climate Champion Award is given to families and provided an outlet from their California to reunite with the rest of his family. members of the Seacoast community who are memories of the war. In 1961, the group This move inspired Vang to be active in what- powerful advocates for climate-related re- founded the club to further the fellowship that ever community he resided in. He was a search and adaptation work. For 12 years, their boating engagements had developed. member of the Lao Veterans of America; in- Rayann served as the Conservation Coordi- Begun at rented docks and an old Victorian corporated since 1989, and the Special Guer- nator for the Town of Hampton where she home converted into apartments in Sea Bright, rilla Units (SGU) Veterans and Families, incor- championed climate adaptation efforts. In ad- New Jersey, the club outgrew its first location porated since 2009. dition, Rayann also serves as Vice President after just three years. Needing a larger loca- Even while Vang worked alongside the late and Treasurer of the Seabrook-Hampton Estu- tion, the group constructed its new home in General Vang Pao to ensure equality, social ary Alliance. Monmouth Beach, New Jersey. The area was justice and opportunities for Hmong families in Rayann has been an invaluable part of the marsh and needed dredging, fill, and construc- America, he still enjoyed being around his Hampton community, overseeing complex tion to transform it into a beautiful club house, family. In 1964 he married Mylee Vang, and in issues including conservation efforts, pool and docks. The extensive work was com- 1968 he married Kao Lee. Throughout his life, stormwater management, and floodplain man- pleted with each founding member contributing he raised 10 children. agement. Hampton has several miles of coast- what he could in his area of expertise. The Vang was well-respected in the Hmong line and an ecologically critical estuary, and Atlantis Yacht Club welcomed its members to community for his courage and leadership in Rayann was critical in working with FEMA to its current home in Monmouth Beach in 1968. protecting many people during the Secret War enroll the town of Hampton in FEMA’s Com- Since then, its membership has continued to in Laos. Vang participated in numerous munity Rating System. She has been able to grow, but the kinship remains. The club events. He participated in the Central Valley engage all members of the community in her worked together to rebuild after Superstorm Veterans Day Parade in Fresno, California, efforts including by working with local students Sandy and again to remain operational during where he settled for the remainder of his life. on projects to maintain the health of the the COVID–19 pandemic. Throughout its 60 His love for his culture was evident and admi- Hampton-Seabrook Estuary, as well as coordi- years, the Atlantis Yacht Club has provided a rable to many in the community. nating an auction of rain barrels painted by welcoming and inclusive club for families of all Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join local middle school and high school students. backgrounds to enjoy and share. me in honoring the life of Colonel Vang Fong. Throughout her career, Rayann has been a Madam Speaker, I sincerely hope my col- His service and contributions to the Nation fierce advocate for climate resilience. A leader leagues will join me in honoring the rich his- and State of California will not be forgotten. on environmental issues, she has overseen tory of the Atlantis Yacht Club and celebrating He will be fondly remembered in the Central both the designing and running of workshops its 60th Commissioning Day.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:27 Jul 01, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30JN8.020 E30JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS June 30, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E725 REPLACEMENT OF BUST OF inferior that they had no rights which the white 5. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, ROGER BROOKE TANEY WITH man was bound to respect, and that the negro 347 U.S. 483 (1954), the landmark case over- BUST OF THURGOOD MARSHALL might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery ruling separate but equal doctrine of Plessy v. --- for his benefit.’’ Ferguson; and SPEECH OF According to Chief Justice Taney, black per- 6. Browder v. Gayle, 352 U.S. 903 (1956), HON. sons were not, and could not be made to be, which outlawed the practice of racial segrega- OF TEXAS citizens of the United States under the Con- tion on buses and led to the end of the Mont- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES stitution. gomery Bus Boycott. The decision in Dred Scott was a major fac- As Chair for the Congressional Children’s Tuesday, June 29, 2021 tor leading to the Civil War because Chief Jus- Caucus, I am especially concerned with fair Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, as a tice Taney’s opinion also held, obiter dicta, access to quality education for today’s youth senior member of the Judiciary Committee, I that Congress lacked the power under the and am personally grateful to Thurgood Mar- rise in strong support of H.R. 3005, which di- Constitution to prohibit slavery in territorial shall and the NAACP for its leadership in win- rects the Joint Committee on the Library to re- areas of the United States, which vitiated the ning the greatest legal victory for civil rights in place the bust of former Supreme Court Chief Missouri Compromise of 1820. American history, the 1954 landmark decision Justice Roger Brooke Taney in the Old Su- Madam Speaker, to anyone who professes in Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 preme Court Chamber of the Capitol with a to doubt the existence of white supremacy or (1954), in which the Supreme Court struck bust of civil rights legend and former Supreme claims not to understand what it means, I down de jure segregation in elementary Court Associate Justice Thurgood Marshall. would recommend they actually read Chief schools. The legislation also directs the Joint Com- Justice Taney’s opinion in Dred Scott; they will NAACP General Counsel Thurgood Mar- mittee on the Library to remove statues of in- be disabused of any pretension that the dan- shall, who would later become the first African dividuals who served voluntarily at any time as ger of white supremacy is a figment of the American Solicitor General and Associate Jus- a member of the Armed Forces of the Confed- imagination. tice of the Supreme Court, forcefully argued erate States of America or of the military of a In contrast to Roger Taney, Thurgood Mar- and persuaded the Court to rule unanimously State while the State was in open rebellion shall represents everything that is good and that in the field of public education, ‘‘separate against the United States, and any individual decent and optimistic about our country. but equal’’ was inherently unequal. who served as an official of the Government Madam Speaker, in this nation’s new birth That decision gave hope to millions of of the Confederate States of America or as an of freedom that was prophesied by President Americans that their children might enjoy the official of a State while the State was in open Abraham Lincoln, Thurgood Marshall was per- full promise of America that had been denied rebellion against the United States, is deserv- haps the principal architect of equality, work- their forebears for more than three centuries. ing of a place of honor in the Capitol of the ing through the judicial system to eradicate the There is still a need for justice and equal United States. legacy of slavery and destroy the segregation treatment for African Americans and other vul- Madam Speaker, it is long past time that system of Jim Crow. nerable populations in our country, and thank- Before Thurgood Marshall ascended to the Congress take this fitting and appropriate ac- fully, we still have leaders following in the foot- federal bench as a Circuit Judge in 1961 and tion. steps of Thurgood Marshall as we make our Hallowed places in the Capitol should be re- later to the Supreme Court as the nation’s first way on the path to a more perfect union. served for persons recognized for their con- African American Associate Justice, he was It is therefore fitting that the bust of the tributions to the defense, protection, and ad- Solicitor General of the United States and great Thurgood Marshall adorns the Old Su- vancement of the American experiment in de- would argue 32 cases before the Supreme preme Court Chambers in the U.S. Capitol as mocracy—what President Lincoln called the Court, winning 29 victories, more than any a rebuke to Roger Taney and a symbol of the ‘testing of the proposition’ whether a nation other individual in history. commitment of the Constitution and of Amer- conceived and dedicated to the principle of For more than a half century, Thurgood ican democracy that in this country all persons equality can long endure. Marshall championed the cause of justice and are equal before the law and entitled to equal Simply put, Roger Brooke Taney does not equality in America, fighting valiantly and tire- justice. meet this test; Thurgood Marshall easily ex- lessly on behalf of African-Americans and oth- ceeds it. ers to secure their civil rights and liberties and Madam Speaker, Thurgood Marshall fa- At a moment of crisis in challenge for our the full measure of justice and equality for all. mously said: ‘‘I wish I could say that racism young nation, Chief Justice Roger Taney At a time when African-Americans were and prejudice were only distant memories. We faced a critical decision and he chose poorly treated as second-class citizens and the must dissent from the indifference. We must and to his everlasting shame. scourge of slavery was still rampant, Thurgood dissent from the apathy. We must dissent from The decision in Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 Marshall worked against overwhelming odds the fear, the hatred and the mistrust . . . We U.S. 393 (1856), which he authored is per- to ensure that the rights, interests and voices must dissent because America can do better, haps the most offensive, pessimistic, and rac- of African-Americans did not go unheard. because America has no choice but to do bet- ist decision ever handed down by the U.S. Su- Thurgood Marshall is perhaps best known ter.’’ preme Court, far worse than the infamous de- for the practice he pioneered with the leg- The refusal to tolerate injustice is what led cisions in Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537 endary Charles Hamilton Houston of ‘‘impact millions of persons of goodwill across the na- (1896), and Korematsu v. United States, 323 litigation,’’ the strategy of bringing carefully se- tion to take to the streets in peaceful protest U.S. 214 (1944), and Shelby County v. Holder, lected cases to court to establish legal prece- to demand equal justice for all and an active, 570 U.S. 529 (2013). dents of beneficially affecting thousands, and engaged commitment to making the promise Dred Scott was a slave in Missouri, who frequently millions, of persons beyond the im- of America real for all Americans. from 1833 to 1843, resided in Illinois (a free mediate parties to the case. Equality requires unity of purpose and unity state) and in the Louisiana Territory, where Among the historic victories won by requires reconciliation, which requires ac- slavery was forbidden by the Missouri Com- Thurgood Marshall and his lawyer colleagues countability which requires truth. promise of 1820. at the NAACP were: Thurgood Marshall recognized, as President After returning to Missouri, Dred Scott filed 1. Chambers v. Florida, 309 U.S. 227 Lincoln recognized, the truth is that slavery is suit in Missouri court for his freedom, claiming (1940), which established that confessions ob- America’s Original Sin, a crime against nature that his residence in free territory made him a tained as the result of police coercion are in- and humanity so horrific and understood that free man. admissible at trial; the Almighty gave to both North and South Dred Scott’s master maintained that no 2. Smith v. Allwright, 321 U.S. 649 (1944), this terrible war and may will it continue ‘‘until ‘‘negro’’ or descendant of slaves could be a which outlawed the South’s ‘‘white primary’’; all the wealth piled by the bondsman’s two citizen in the sense of Article III of the Con- 3. Shelley v. Kraemer, 334 U.S. 1 (1948), hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall stitution. which ruled racially restrictive covenants and be sunk and until every drop of blood drawn In ruling for the slave master, Roger Taney unconstitutional and legally enforceable; with the lash shall be paid by another drawn wrote to his eternal shame: ‘‘The [negroes] 4. Sweatt v. Painter 339 U.S. 629 (1950), with the sword.’’ had for more than a century before been re- and McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents, And if that happened Lincoln told his coun- garded as beings of an inferior order, and alto- 309 U.S. 637 (1950), which held that separate trymen that ‘‘as was said three thousand years gether unfit to associate with the white race ei- law and graduate schools are inherently un- ago so still it must be said ‘the judgments of ther in social or political relations, and so far equal and thus constitutional; the Lord are true and righteous altogether.’ ’’

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:27 Jul 01, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A30JN8.025 E30JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS