Letter from the Executive Director Check CambridgeScienceFestival.org for updates 

the Cambridge the Public Museum Library), Harvard, MIT, of and WGBH Boston; and, last but not least, by a very large number of other individuals and organizations that have contributed their own creativity by suggesting or hosting specific activities and events. are We especially grateful to the many funders and sponsors who have supported this 2008 Cambridge Science Festival; we couldn't have done any of this without them! dedicate We the 2008 Cambridge Science Festival to everyone who lives in, works in and visits Cambridge. There's only one instruction: Be curious! John Durant Cambridge Science Executive Festival Director, MIT Museum Director, Welcome to Welcome the 2008 Cambridge Science Festival! delighted We're to be bringing the Cambridge Science Festival back to town, following our hugely successful The launch format last is year. the same: nine days of community celebration, with scores of events in many different locations aimed at inspiring people of all ages and backgrounds. This year's festival is even larger than last year's. Starting on April 26th with a spectacular opening ceremony in Cambridge City Hall, we have well over 200 different activities and events in more than 30 different venues across the city running through May 4th. Inside the covers of this program book, you'll find details of carnivals and concerts, lectures and debates, exhibits and films, poetry readings and plays, talks, trails and TV programs: in short, there's something for absolutely everyone! This program is the result of a lot of hard work: by our festival staff; by our festival collaborators - the City of Cambridge (including the Cambridge Public Schools and

1 2 3 4 6 10 13 17 21 26 30 34 39 Festival Overview Map of Venues Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Contents the Letter from Executive Director 2008 Sponsors

complete list of wnners. Will we ever discover how to make ice cream that never melts? Why do people get sick? ? e big terifying move? big terifying What will happen when happen when What will its makes global warming

TUR g u WHAT will People invent in the F n lo Some of the questions posed by the Winners... 2008 Curiosity Award Check CambridgeScienceFestival.org for a See page 33 for the Curiosity Challenge overview. how is forever? I wonder what I wonder what sea? is under the


how to make ice cream that never melts? Will we ever discover   Check CambridgeScienceFestival.org for updates Map2008 ofSponsors Venues Silver Titanium Krypton Copper Gold Platinum Map of Venuesof Map

of locations. of variety a in days, several of period a over – concerts workshops, debates, tours, performances, demonstrations, exhibitions, creative – activities related technology- and science of range wide a offer that celebrations public are festivals Science anyway? festival, science a is heck the What own backyard. own our in place taking discoveries prominent internationally the explore to minds curious sparks and public, general the educates and engages treasures, Cambridge’sscience hidden reveals festival The involved. professionally not are who those to unknown is technology and Cambridge’sof much science technology.Yetand science in invested heavily are that institutions commercial and academic numerous to home distinction, international of city” “science a is Cambridge festival? science a need we do Why pages. following the on venues of map and schedule our out check city.Please the across venues various in held be will events 100 than more then and 26th) April Ave(on Mass on Hall City at held be will carnival opening Our Cambridge! over All held? being festival crazy this is Where 2008 4, May through 26 April year? this held be it will When

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collaborators are: collaborators Festival Science Cambridge The festival. the of execution and content the on advice valuable and guidance significant give to regularly meet who collaborators It’sof happen? team all a this makes who about Curious Collaborators Our

Festival Overview Festival  updates for CambridgeScienceFestival.org Check  Check CambridgeScienceFestival.org for updates Map of Venues

Concord 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


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Land Blvd Charlestown Ave 37    Check CambridgeScienceFestival.org for updates Map of VenuesDay

12:00–1:00pm 10:30am–4:00pm 12:00–8:00pm 12:00–4:00pm 10:00am–5:00pm 10:00am–4:00pm 10:00am–2:00pm 10:00am–12:00pm 10:00am All Day All Day All Day All 8:00–10:00pm 6:30pm Check WebsiteCheck 3:00pm 1:30pm` 1:00pm 12:30pm 12:00pm Time 1 April 26 April Saturday, Event Solar Lunch (weather permitting) (weather Lunch Solar Presentations Science Live Exposures Environmental at Look A Gallery of Sound: Sound: of Gallery A Carnival Science Closer A Science: Health Environmental VanityPeptides Down Me Well,Blow Side Wild the Walkon Horenstein Henry with TalkGallery Booksigning Exhibition and Walk Through TimeWalkThrough Blue Professor Nanohedron TikaGalak Performance Gamelan Boston In Banned Exhibit Sound of Science A Science at Workat Science Future the of Car Nova: Resolve of State e2: Energy Growing e2: Waythe Paving e2: Wind the Harvesting e2: Radio and TV

Map of Venuesof Map

U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Audience Kids and Family


Adults U U U U U U U U U Type Arts + Performance U U U U U U U Activity U Library or School

Social U Talk Cost: Free Cost: best of the Horenstein's animal Horenstein's the of best the of volume new a Animalia, of publication the and Horenstein Henry by Photographs Animals: at Looking of closing the mark we as weekend this us Join History Natural of Museum Harvard the Street, Oxford 26 Horenstein Henry with Booksigning and TalkGallery Exhibition 10:00am Public Library Public whirl! that things and wind the exploring exhibit hands-on a Experience Room, Children's Branch Square Central Library,Public Cambridge Down Me Well,Blow 10:00am–2:00pm accepted graciously Donations Cost: Reservation Alewife otter.river and fox gray of evidence perhaps and eco-systems multiple the see to treck mile one a Pond, Little to trail north the up group the lead will He Brown!! David Birder and Trackerwith out head and shoes walking good and bottle water a Grab well! body your Cover stop T Alewife the of off Reservation Alewife Side Wild the on Walk 10:00a Free Cost: History Natural of Museum photographs. unpublished 35 includining work,

9 Broadway 359 m

Thanks to: Friends of Friends to: Thanks

–12:00pm Thanks to: Cambridge to: Thanks Thanks to: Harvard to: Thanks

admission museum with Included Cost: Health Environmental for Center NIEHS Harvard the and Environmental for damage. DNA from skin your protect can you how learn and models DNA LEGO with experiment Come too? damage DNA cause can radiation UV to exposure that know you Did radiation. UV and smoke tobacco to exposure with look would you how you show will It age. with it morphs computer the as face your of image Watchan health. airway own your assess to meter flow peak simple a out Tryhealth. airway and lung your affect can exposures how learn Come you? affects environment the how about Curious Ave. Mass. 265 Museum, MIT Exposures Environmental at Look Closer A Science: Health Environmental 10:00am–5:00pm admission museum with Included Cost: Science of Museum the and Levesque Ethan structure. protein and Dogma Central the encryption, of nature symbolic the exploring while structures biochemical acid nucleic and protein custom into text translate to participants enable will exhibit interactive This life? of language molecular the in written like look would name your what wonder Ever ComputerPlace Cahners Science, of Museum The VanityPeptides 10:00am–4:00pm

Thanks to: MIT Center MIT to: Thanks

Thanks to: Thanks

Cost: Free Cost: Cambridge Hall!! City at all it's chemistry— green to contests building to animals live From give-aways. and activities, demonstrations, with buzzing be will Hall City Carnival! Science signature our at style in festival science first nation's the Kick-off Hall, City Cambridge Carnival Science 12:00–4:00pm Free Cost: Science of telescope. solar safe Museum's the through flares solar and sunspots possibly and sun the Observe permitting weather Science, of Museum the of front in plaza the On Lunch Solar 12:00–1:00pm admission. museum with Included Cost: Science of Museum to: Thanks science. current and illusions, optical lightning, animals, live as topics such on programs live Science's of TakeMuseum the in Halls Exhibit Science of Museum Presentations Science Live 10:30am–4:00pm Mass Ave. Mass 795

Thanks to: The City of City The to: Thanks Thanks to: Museum to: Thanks

: Saturday, April 26 April Saturday, : 1 Day  updates for CambridgeScienceFestival.org Check   Check CambridgeScienceFestival.org for updates Day 1: Saturday,Map of AprilVenues 26 Urban Improv Urban for Fundraiser $200 Cost: Improv. Urban benefit to all - cuisine fabulous and comedy,music, of night one-night-only a for media and sports politics, science, in names biggest the together brings that revelry ribald of night ridiculous the is Revue Musical Madcap A Boston: In Banned beyond. and Boston, Cambridge, in people young of thousands of lives the in difference profound a making is that program prevention violence acclaimed nationally the Improv,Urban to support your lending while loud out laugh Come MIT,Auditorium, Kresge Boston In Banned 6:30pm Free Cost: Thompson Meredith and Chris Program, Engineering Instrument Musical University's TuftsFoundation, Science explore! and by stop so Festival, Science Cambridge the throughout Gallery Passim's at be will exhibits The exhibits. imaginative five through science of concepts basic and music of aspects interesting some Explore bridge? suspension a like guitar a is How seashell? a in ocean the hear you do Why Street Church Gallery,26 Arts the for Center Passim Exhibit Sound of Science A Sound: of Gallery A 12:00–8:00pm 8 Massachusetts Avenue Massachusetts 48 Thanks to: Urban Improv Urban to: Thanks Thanks to: The National The to: Thanks

admission museum with Included Cost: Science of Museum the and cells. of images microscopy confocal or framework mathematical a by informed art as such nanoscience of realm the outside lying images scientific includes also gallery Our molecules. of renderings graphical to materials nanoscale of images microscopy electron from range works The objects. nanoscale of depictions on focus a with images, scientific exhibits Nanohedron TechnologyStage and Science Current Gordon Science, of Museum The Nanohedron Day All students Harvard & MIT and 12 under children for $5 seniors, and student $10 adults, $15 Cost: Tika Ziporyn. Evan by Gamelan fusion as well as Suasti, Made Ni and Bandem Made I dancers master Featuring keyboards. and basses guitars, with together gamelan Balinese of beauty ancient Tikathe brings Galak global, the and local the future, the to past the Spanning Center Cambridge 7 Harvard, and MIT of Institute Broad performance TikaGalak Gamelan 8:00–10:00pm

Thanks to: Peter Kutchukian Peter to: Thanks Thanks to: Gamelan Galak Gamelan to: Thanks

Map of Venuesof Map

Stata Center , Center Stata science in their studies, and distill and studies, their in science pursue to children motivate videos The environment. the and water of issues the address that videos entertaining and short of series a is Blue Professor once! at all screens 50 on podcasts video Blue Professor Experience the MIT,at Lobby TSMC Blue Professor Day All Cost: Free Cost: Avenue. Mass. along placards 14 by highlighted line time evolutionary the of recreation a Walkalong Avenue Massachusetts Along TimeLine Evolutionary An Time:Through Walk Day All Free Cost: Blue Professor 12:30. at day every event live a be will There lives. daily our impacts science how about informed better us making population, general the to science

2 VassarStreet 32 Thanks to: Thanks

Minnesota’slead? follow US the of rest the Will policy.wind in role key a plays government state Minnesota The WGBH Wind the Harvesting e2: 12:00pm WGBH to: Thanks Radio and TV for our transportation. our for what’sof come issue to serious the at look knowledgeable but light-hearted a take Magliozzi Ray TalkCar TomNPR brothers, and WGBH Future the of Car Nova: 3:00pm emissions. gas house green­ regulate to laws passed California technologies, clean-air in leader global a Becoming WGBH Resolve of State e2: 1:30pm ethanol. with success extraordinary Brazil’sfrom learn can we what examines program This WGBH Energy Growing e2: 1:00pm manufacturing. car for materials ultra-lighweight in latest the off shows Fiberforge firm technology and Sequel; cell-powered fuel the and super-hybridvehicle a Vold,the unveils Motors General WGBH Way the Paving e2: 12:30pm 44 44 44 44 44

• • • • • • • • •

• • • •

• • • • • • • • CambridgeScienceFestival.org) goes: Here what’sCarnival? & the who at about Curious Hall. City Cambridge at 26th Saturday,April on Carnival the Catch time. same the at learning and laughing you have to designed are activities free fun, 40 than More Carnival! festival’sScience day opening the at 2008 Festival Science Cambridge the Kick-off Hall City Cambridge 12:00–4:00pm 26, Saturday,April Carnival! Science Products Division Products Rainforest Rainforest Center for Material Science Material for Center Cancer Drug Development Drug Cancer City of Cambridge/ of City Cambridge Public Schools Public Cambridge Flying High Flying Cubist/Citizen Schools Cubist/Citizen Camp Dresser McKee Dresser Camp Analog Devices Micromachines Devices Analog Camp Kaleidoscope Camp Cambridge Recycling Program Recycling Cambridge Experimentations Gone Wild Gone Experimentations Investigating the Amazon the Investigating Merck Benign Beyond Moving Chemistry: Green at Millennium at Alexandria Real Estate Real Alexandria and Engineering and Gizmos & Gadgets & Gizmos MIT Museum MIT Biogen Idec Biogen Insects and Bugs and Insects Annosphere Animal Interviews Animal Dance Dance Revolution Dance Dance Genzyme


Details about activities at activities about Details

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • •

• Pollution! VertexPharmaceuticals Festival Science Cambridge Schering Plough Schering TTT Mentor Program Mentor TTT Science Comes Alive! Comes Science Waste Free Lunch WasteFree Robot Explorations Robot Shire Untravel Media Untravel Muscles, Lungs, Blood and Guts and Blood Lungs, Muscles, Urban Ecology Institute Ecology Urban Motion & Design & Motion Sunflower Tornado! When it Rains it Pours. . . . Pours. it Rains it When Novartis (Henry Friedlander and Friends) and Friedlander (Henry Pfizer Windows on Earth on Windows Super-Cool Science: When Super-CoolScience: Postmark: TemperatureExtreme! Goes Solar Powered VehiclesPowered Solar

10 Day 2 Day 10 Check CambridgeScienceFestival.org for updates Map of Venues

7:00pm 5:30pm 6:30–8:00pm 3:00pm 1:00–3:00pm 1:00–3:00pm 1:00–3:00pm 2:00–3:00pm 12:00–8:00pm 3:00pm 2:00pm 12:00pm 12:00–4:00pm 12:00–1:00pm 10:30am–4:00pm 10:00am–4:00pm Time All Day All 1:00–2:00pm 1:00pm All Day All Day All Day All Check WebsiteCheck April 27 April Sunday,

American Masters: American Squad Design Fiction Science The Powers of Tenof the Powers by The Rock of Science The TripBoat Eco and Experiments WatershedScience Nurseries Beetle Building Tourbot TripBoat Eco Charles River WatershedAssociation River Charles Families for Exhibitions A Gallery of Sound: A Science of Science A Sound: of Gallery A Day Family Exposé: America’sExposé: Reports: Investigative Sustainability for Passion A Life for Quest The Space: Exploring Radio & TV How-To;Hack's A Museum MIT permitting) (weather Lunch Solar Presentations Science Live VanityPeptides Walk Through TimeWalkThrough Race Kayak Charles River WatershedAssociation River Charles Rock of Science The Exhibit Sound Run of the Charles Canoe and Canoe Charles the of Run Blue Professor Nanohedron Company Opera Family Cambridge North Science at Workat Science Worldthe See I How Einstein: Event

Map of Venuesof Map

U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Audience Kids and Family


Adults U U U U Type Arts + Performance U U U U U U U U U U U U U Activity

Library or School


Talk 10:30am–4:00pm admission museum with Included Cost: description. for 10 page See Cost: Free Cost: Howtoons day?! family fun-filled this hack you Can hacks. memorable more the of some of tour a take and hacks, of history the hear hack, a build to how learn you as yourself for see Come work? really hacks MIT crazy those how about Curious Ave. Mass. 265 Museum, MIT Day Family Museum How-To;Hack's A MIT 12:00–4:00pm Free Cost: Science telescope. solar safe Museum's the through flares solar and sunspots possibly and sun the Observe permitting weather Science, of Museum the of front in plaza the On Lunch Solar 12:00–1:00pm admission. museum with Included Cost: Science of Museum to: Thanks science. current and illusions, optical lightning, animals, live as topics such on programs live Science's of TakeMuseum the in Live Science Live ComputerPlace Cahners Science, of Museum The VanityPeptides 10:00am–4:00pm Museum of Science Exhibit Halls Exhibit Science of Museum Presentations Thanks to: MIT Museum, MIT to: Thanks

Thanks to: Museum of Museum to: Thanks

Cost: Free Cost: Association WatershedRiver Charles to: awareness. stewardship environmental your challenge that games playing and experiments testing water conducting while eco-boat an on Boston toward Charles the up travel you as scientist watershed a Become Brighton in Road Field Soldiers on dock Park Herter TripBoat Eco Association Watershed River Charles 1:00–2:00pm admission museum with Included Cost: Science of Museum to: U2. band rock legendary the of songs the through roll 'n' rock of science the explores that performance interactive live a for Science of Museum the from educators and Groove of School Cambridge-based the from musicians Join Theater Cahners Science- of Museum Rock of Science The 1:00pm Free Cost: Thompson Meredith and Chris Program, Engineering Instrument Musical University's TuftsFoundation, Science National explore! and by Stop exhibits. imaginative five through science of concepts basic and music of aspects interesting some Explore bridge? suspension a like guitar a is How seashell? a in ocean the hear you do Why Street Church Gallery,26 Arts the for Center Passim Exhibit Sound of Science A Sound: of Gallery A 12:00–8:00pm

Thanks to: The to: Thanks

Thanks Thanks

Cost: Free Cost: WatershedAssociation River life. to come science environmental make that experiments science child-friendly hands-on for Charles the for banks the to family whole the Bring Brighton in Road Field Soldiers on Park Herter Families for Exhibitions and Experiments Science Watershed 1:00–3:00pm Free Cost: Department WaterCambridge and Reservation Pond Fresh of Friends to: Thanks plants. native for wetlands reclaim to Reservation Pond Fresh at used being is beetle Galerucella the how and loosetrife purple of biocontrol the about Learn plants. loosestrife purple netting and potting by nurseries beetle Create TreatmentFacility, Water Sullivan J. Walter Nurseries Beetle Building 1:00–3:00pm Free Cost: Museum setting. museum busy a navigate can that robot a build to takes it what students creators/ the Ask students. MIT by built robot "tourbot" a future, the of guide tour the with Gallery Innovation Museum's MIT Visitthe Ave. Mass. 265 Museum, MIT Tourbot 1:00–3:00pm 0 Fresh Pond Parkway Pond Fresh 250

Thanks to: Charles to: Thanks

Thanks to: MIT to: Thanks

Day 2: Sunday, April 27 April Sunday, 2: Day 11 updates for CambridgeScienceFestival.org Check 12 12 Check CambridgeScienceFestival.org for updates Day 2: Sunday,Map of AprilVenues 28 admission museum with Included Cost: description. for 8 page See TechnologyStage and Science Current Gordon Science, of Museum The Nanohedron Day All Free Cost: Opera Family Ten. of Powers The oratorio, science the of premiere American the perform will Chorus Festival The community.the from children and adults 150 of performance powerful the by away swept Be Theater Cahners Science, of Museum Company Opera Family Cambridge North Tenof the Powers by The 6:30–8:00pm admission museum with Included Cost: description. for 1:00pm See Theater Cahners Science- of Museum Rock of Science The 3:00pm Free Cost: description. for 1:00pm See Brighton in Road Field Soldiers on dock Park Herter TripBoat Eco Association Watershed River Charles 2:00–3:00pm

Thanks to: North Cambridge North to: Thanks

stars. the of realms unknown the in lies what of dreams our renewing and Universe the of rest the with Earth on life Linking Earth? of outside life there Is begin? life did How WGBH Life for Quest The Space: Exploring 12:00pm WGBH to: Thanks Radio and TV Free Cost: description. for 8 page See Avenue Massachusetts Along TimeEvolutionary Line Time:Through WalkAn Day All paddle to fees entry variable watch, to Free Cost: WatershedAssociation us. Email Race. Kayak and Canoe Charles the of Run 26th the in paddle or watch you as TakeCharles the to Brighton in Road Field Soldiers on Park Herter Race Kayak and Canoe Charles the of Run Day All Free Cost: description. for 8 page See , Center Stata the MIT,at Lobby TSMC Blue Professor Day All

44 2 VassarStreet 32 Thanks to: Charles River Charles to: Thanks

Map of Venuesof Map

sustainability called "The Natural "The called sustainability to approach an of heart the at principles scientific four applying by innovation for awards garner and stories their tell businesses Oregon Portland, cutting-edge 14 as recycling than green being to more there's why Discover WGBH Sustainability for Passion A 2:00pm thinkers of all time. all of thinkers scientific greatest the of one become the on went nonetheless Einstein Albert office, patent government a at working stuck and school high from Expelled 2 WGBH World the See I How Einstein: Masters: American 7:00pm boys for path career exciting an and challenge fun a as engineering showcases 'tweens,' for series competition reality new WGBH's 2 WGBH Squad Design 5:30pm business. big of benefit the for science spinning around built industry whole a is Technologythere discovered, and Science Environmental for reporter former a As WGBH Fiction Science Reports: Investigative America's Expose: 3:00pm Step."

and 44 44 girls.

All Day All Day All Day All Day All 6:00–7:00pm 12:00–8:00pm 12:00–4:00pm 12:00–1:30pm 12:00–1:00pm 5:30–8:30pm 5:00–7:00pm 12:00–1:00pm 11:00am–12:00pm 10:30–11:30am 10:30am–4:00pm 10:00am–3:00pm 7:00pm 6:00–7:00pm 6:00–7:00pm 4:00–5:30pm 4:00–5:00pm 3:30pm 3:00pm 2:00pm Time Day

3 Walk Through TimeWalkThrough Blue Professor Nanohedron Futures Energy Alternative Tomorrow:Imagining Meadow Lusitania Walkthrough Inventions and Scientists A Gallery of Sound: A Science of Science A Sound: of Gallery A My! Oh Structures, and Cells, Sun, Wildflowers and Bugs Birds, permitting) (weather Lunch Solar Medicine) in Prize Nobel (1993 King School and Science Club Club Science and School King Professors Pre-School Enhancement Neuronal Lunch with a Laureate: Philip Sharp Philip Laureate: a with Lunch Us Around WorldAll The Nature in Changes Metamorphosis: Presentations Science Live Charles the in Exploration Underwater Greater Boston: Science Reports Science Boston: Greater Radio & TV ESL Conversation Group: Famous Group: Conversation ESL Shadows and Lights Night Family Science Girls for Making us Smarter? The Ethics of Ethics The Smarter? us Making Us WorldAround the Explore Investigation DNA Museum MIT the at Scenes the Behind Museum MIT the at Scenes the Behind Exhibit Sound Event April 28 April Monday,

U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Audience Kids and Family


Adults U U Type

Arts + Performance U U U U U U U U U U

Activity U U U U U U Library or School

Social U U U U

Talk 13 updates for CambridgeScienceFestival.org Check 14 14 Check CambridgeScienceFestival.org for updates Day 3: Monday,Map of AprilVenues 28 Memorial Drive Memorial 134 Cost: Free Cost: Library Public Cambridge special. something into morning Monday your turn toddler,will into storytime this infant or butterfly into caterpillar a from changing you're \Whether Branch, Boudreau Library Public Cambridge Nature in Changes Metamorphosis: 10:30–11:30am admission museum with Included Cost: Science of Museum to: Thanks science. current and illusions, optical lightning, animals, live as topics such on programs live Science's of TakeMuseum the in Halls Exhibit Science of Museum Presentations Science Live 10:30am–4:00pm Free Cost: dry.feet your keep worry,you'll don't but demonstrated, be will experiments and technology of types Several lakes. and rivers, oceans, of depths the explore to surface the beneath go engineers and scientists how learn and ship jump Charles, the on sailing of Instead Pavilion, Sailing MIT Charles the in Exploration Underwater 10:00am–3:00pm Concord Avenue Concord 245 Thanks to: MIT Sea Grant Sea MIT to: Thanks

Thanks to: Thanks

Main Library,Main Cost: Free Cost: Audubon wild. urban this inhabit that organisms the about bit a out Find wildlife. sprouting and flying hopping, for Search Reservation Alewife at Sanctuary Wildife and Center Education Habitat Audubon Mass Wildflowers and Bugs Birds, 12:00–1:30pm Free Cost: Science of Museum to: Thanks telescope. solar safe Museum's the through flares solar and spots sun­ possibly and sun the Observe permitting weather Science, of Museum the of front in plaza the On Lunch Solar 12:00–1:00pm only program for Free Cost: Museum MIT the Dr.and to: Sharp Phil conversation. informal and Q&A by followed talk minute 20 a for 1993) (Medicine, Sharp Phil Laureate Nobel with down sit and lunch bag brown a Grab Ave. Mass. 265 Museum, MIT Medicine in Prize Nobel –1993 Sharp Philip Laureate: a with Lunch 12:00–1:00pm Free Cost: Library Public Cambridge them! around world big Toddlersgreat the about sing the at Room Children's Library's Public Cambridge Us Around WorldAll The 11:00am–12:00pm

Map of Venuesof Map 9 Broadway 359 Thanks to: Mass to: Thanks

Thanks to: Thanks


Earn a certificate of participation. of certificate a Earn 10+. ages students homeschool for event technology.Great and science in topics hottest the about learn to place the is This sculpture! solar a create and bridges, build and Design DNA! Lego with day field a Have Ave. Mass. 265 Museum, MIT My! Oh Structures, and Cells, Sun, 12:00–4:00pm admission museum with Included Cost: Museum Hasselbalch! Kurt Curator Museum MIT with Collection Nautical Hart the at scenes the behind Peek Ave. Mass. 26 5 Museum, MIT Museum MIT the at Scenes the Behind 2:00pm Free Cost: Thompson Meredith and Chris Program, Engineering Instrument Musical TuftsFoundation, University's Science National The to: Thanks explore! and by stop so Festival, Science Cambridge the throughout Gallery Passim's at be will exhibits The exhibits. imaginative five through science of concepts basic and music of aspects interesting some Explore bridge? suspension a like guitar a is How seashell? a in ocean the hear you do Why Street Church 26 Gallery,Arts the for Center Passim Exhibit Sound of Science A Sound: of Gallery A 12:00–8:00pm admission museum with Included Cost: Museum MIT to: Thanks

Thanks to: MIT to: Thanks

admission museum with Included Cost: Museum VanZante! Gary Curator Design and Architecture Museum MIT the with exhibit Car City the at scenes the behind Peek Ave. Mass. 265 Museum, MIT Museum MIT the at Scenes the Behind 3:00pm Cost: Free Cost: Library Public Cambridge crafts. Earth to down some do then and Earth our about stories beautiful to Listen Street Aberdeen 64 Branch, Collins the of Room Children's Library Public Cambridge Us Around Worldthe Explore 4:0 people 24 first the to Limited Free Cost: Science of Museum to: Thanks models. DNA LEGO using function it's explore and DNA own their extract will participants where lab investigation DNA the in like looks DNA what out find Come Classroom Lab Cabot Suit Science, of Museum Investigation DNA 3:30pm

0– 5:00pm

Thanks to: MIT to: Thanks

Thanks to: Thanks

Cost: Free Cost: Center Children's Cambridgeport to: Thanks more. much and polymers with playing and making floating, and sinking gases, with experiments making, butter pulleys, and ramps magnetisim, as such theories scientific demonstrate kids the while back Step wild! run curiosity pre-schooler's your Let Street Chestnut 65R Center,Children's Cambridgeport Professors Pre-School 5:0 Free Cost: MIT,Novartis University,Harvard to: Thanks MIT.at Neuropharmacology of Professor Distiguished Green H. Cecil the Wurtman, Richard and Memory and Learning for Institute Picower the of Director Bear,Mark by joined be will and panel a moderate will Hyman E. Steven Neuroscientist and Provost Harvard sciences. brain the in developments current of result a as possible becoming are that enhancement neuronal of kinds various of implications ethical the and prospects practical the both Explore Ave. Mass 220 Auditorium, Novartis Enhancement Neuronal of Ethics The Smarter? Us Making 4:0 0 0– –7:00pm 5:30pm

Cost: Free Cost: Library Public Cambridge either! speakers English native weren't Salk—who and Curie Einstein, scientists— gifted most world's the of some with common in something share and English your Practice Street Cambridge Library,826 Branch ValenteLibrary Public Cambridge Inventions and Scientists Famous Group: Conversation ESL 6:00–7:00pm Free Cost: Library Public Cambridge to: Thanks again! same the look never will Yourtheatre! puppet nightlight special a and songs, stories, through shadows and light Explore Street Cambridge 826 Branch, Valenteof Area Children's Library Public Cambridge Shadows and Lights 6:0 Free Cost: Girls for Club Science and Schools Public Cambridge Jr.King, school. Dr.the Luther at Martin created projects science outstanding the tour and family the Bring out! night boy's) (and Girl's Jr.Dr.King Luther School, Martin Night Family Science Girls for Club Science the and School King 5:3 00 Putnam Ave Putnam 100 0 0– –7:00pm 8:30pm

Thanks to: Thanks Thanks to: Thanks

: Monday, April 28 April Monday, : 3 Day 15 updates for CambridgeScienceFestival.org Check 16 16 Check CambridgeScienceFestival.org for updates Day 3: Monday,Map of AprilVenues 28 Broadway 344 Cost: Free Cost: Project Foresight The to: Thanks climate. global and technology clean to related students school high Massachusetts from videos and stories contest: TomorrowImagining 2008 the of entries winning Project's Foresight The view Come Annex Hall City Cambridge Futures Energy Alternative Tomorrow:Imagining Day All Free Cost: Department WaterCambridge to: Thanks WaterDepartment. Cambridge the of plan protection quality water the into fits Reservation Pond Fresh at restoration how understand and process, restoration the of step every about questions ask to chance Youthe removal. have species will plant invasive and revitalization, soil planning, including process, restoration landscape the about learning while Meadow Lusitania in wetland restored newly the exploring hour an spend and shoes walking your on Put Reservation Pond Fresh Meadow,Lusitania Meadow Lusitania through Walk 6:00–7:00pm

Cost: Free Cost: description. for 8 page See Avenue Massachusetts Along TimeEvolutionary Line Time:Through WalkAn Day All Free Cost: description. for 8 page See Center, Stata the MIT,at Lobby TSMC Blue Professor Day All admission museum with Included Cost: description. for 8 page See TechnologyStage and Science Current Gordon Science, of Museum The Nanohedron Day All 2 VassarStreet 32

Map of Venuesof Map

Medical School. Medical Massachusetts of University the at library line cell stem a and institute research cell stem a launch to plans and science; of study the in people young engage to efforts Center; Sciences Life Massachusetts the of future the on reports Rooney Emily Host 2 WGBH Reports Science Boston: Greater 7:00pm WGBH to: Thanks Radio and TV

All Day All Day All Day All Day All 6:30–8:30pm 6:00–8:00pm 6:00–7:30pm 6:00pm 4:00–5:00pm All Day All 12:00–1:00pm 10:30am–4:00pm 9:00am–2:00pm 8:30–10:00am 8:30–10:00am 7:30pm 7:00pm 8:35am 6:35am, Time 12:00–8:00pm 12:00–1:00pm 3:00–6:00pm 3:00pm 2:00pm 3:30–4:30pm 3:30pm 8:00pm Day 4

Walk Through Time:WalkThrough Yourup Blog Set Own Blue Professor Nanohedron Futures Energy Alternative Balancing YourBalancing Cyber-LifeInternet On! Hands Biotech Robots Box/Sociable Soap Record Fossil the Outside Thinking Brewing There’sa Storm a Mural Chain Food a Making Imagining Tomorrow:Imagining Security and Privacy with Lunch with a Laureate: WolfgangLaureate: a with Lunch Presentations Science Live Link Lab YouEarth LIVE Rock! Tomorrowof Engineers House Open Science Cereal, Orange Juice, and Lava Rocks Lava and Juice, Orange Cereal, María Hinojosa: María Reports Science Boston: Greater Stories Morning Radio and TV A Gallery of Sound: A Science of Science A Sound: of Gallery A permitting) (weather Lunch Solar 2001 Physics in Prize Nobel – Ketterle An Evolutionary TimeEvolutionary Line An Cambridge Public Schools/ Public Cambridge Museum MIT the at Scenes the Behind Museum MIT the at Scenes the Behind Exhibit Sound The Story Goes On– Goes Story The Investigation DNA Expo Science MIT Nova: Sinking the Supership the Sinking Nova: Doretti Mercedes One-on-One Event April 29 April Tuesday,

U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Audience Kids and Family


Adults U U Type

Arts + Performance U U U U U U U U U U U Activity U U U U U Library or School

Social U U

U U U Talk 17 updates for CambridgeScienceFestival.org Check 18 18 Check CambridgeScienceFestival.org for updates Day 4 : Tuesday,Map of AprilVenues 29 8 Spring Street Spring 158 Street Spring 158 [email protected] at workshop the attend to register must schools Free, Cost: NSF Lab, Bowring Museum, MIT to: Thanks ages!! of rock the Its webcast. live a via scientists with conversation afternoon Watchthe groups. school for workshops Morning years. of millions over like looks change climate what and died, dinosaurs the when is, Earth the old how out figure to using are world the around and MIT at scientists top the that techniques the learn and tools the Use Ave. Mass. 265 Museum, MIT Link Lab Earth LIVE YouRock! –2:00pm 9:00am Free Cost: Schools Public Cambridge to: Thanks designed. School Longfellow Kennedy the from engineers grade 8th and 7th 6th, that future the of structures Glimpse School, Longfellow Kennedy Tomorrowof Engineers 8:30–10:00am Free Cost: Schools Public more! even exhibits science student's the enjoy and breakfast Enjoy School, Longfellow Kennedy House Open Science Rocks Lava and Juice, Orange Cereal, 8:30–10:00am Thanks to: Cambridge to: Thanks

Cost: Free Cost: Science of telescope. solar safe Museum's the through flares solar and sunspots possibly and sun the Observe permitting weather Science, of Museum the of front in plaza the On Lunch Solar 12:00–1:00pm only program for Free Cost: Museum MIT the and Dr.to: Thanks WolfgangKetterle conversation. informal and Q&A by followed talk minute 20 a for 2001) (Physics, WolfgangKetterle Laureate Nobel with down sit and lunch bag brown a Grab Ave. Mass. 265 Museum, MIT WolfgangKetterle Laureate: a with Lunch 12:00–1:00pm admission. museum with Included Cost: Science of Museum to: Thanks science. current and illusions, optical lightning, animals, live as topics such on programs live Science's of TakeMuseum the in Halls Exhibit Science of Museum Presentations Science Live 10:30am–4:00pm

Map of Venuesof Map

Thanks to: Museum to: Thanks

The exhibits will be at Passim's at be will exhibits The exhibits. imaginative five through science of concepts basic and music of aspects interesting some Explore bridge? suspension a like guitar a is How seashell? a in ocean the hear you do Why Street Church Gallery,26 Arts the for Center Passim Exhibit Sound of Science A Sound: of Gallery A 12:00–8:00pm admission. museum with Included Cost: Museum MIT to: Thanks Ganson! Arthur creator with exhibit Engineering Gestural Artist Museum's MIT the behind Peek Ave. Mass. 265 Museum, MIT Museum MIT the at Scenes the Behind 3:00pm admission. museum with Included Cost: Museum MIT to: Thanks Technology& Douglas! Debbie Science of Curator Museum MIT with exhibit Cancer and Zebrafish the at scenes the behind Peek Ave. Mass. 265 Museum, MIT Museum MIT the at Scenes the Behind 2:00pm Free Cost: Thompson Meredith and Chris Program, Engineering Instrument Musical University's TuftsFoundation, Science explore! and by stop so Festival, Science Cambridge the throughout Gallery Thanks to: The National The to: Thanks

Thanks to: Cambridge Public Cambridge to: Thanks Campus. MIT the tour they before students MIT with interact and projects science imaginative their showcase they as students school middle 350 by awed Be VassarStreet MIT,Center,Athletic Johnson Expo Science Schools/MIT Public Cambridge 3:00–6:00pm Cost: Free Cost: Library Public Cambridge to: Thanks chain. food own your make Then on. so and snake, eats hawk frog, eats snake bug, eats frog plant, eats bug - life of cycle the about poem Fischer's Aileen to Listen Street Cambridge 826 Library,ValenteBranch Library,Public Cambridge Mural Chain Food a Making On– Goes Story The 3:3 people. 24 first the to Limited Free. Cost: Science of Museum to: Thanks models. DNA LEGO using function it's explore and DNA own their extract will participants where lab investigation DNA the in like looks DNA what out find Come Classroom Lab Cabot Suit Science, of Museum Investigation DNA 3:30pm Free Cost: MIT and School 0– 4:30pm

Cost: Free Cost: History Natural of Museum Harvard. at Paleontology Invertebrate of Curator and Geology & Biology of Professor Marshall, Charles to listen Come history? in unique epoch this makes what and explosion diversity this caused What record. fossil incomplete, albeit rich, create and Earth on life dominate to arose skeletons and cords, spinal shells, hard with creatures complex of family after Family exploded. life animal of diversity the when ago years million 540 evolution of flash that — "explosion" Cambrian the for explanations many are There Street Oxford 24 Hall, Lecture University,Geological Harvard Animals of Explosion Cambrian the for Explanations Record: Fossil the Outside Thinking 6:00pm Free Cost: Library Public Cambridge to: weather.crazy our about poems and stories to listen you as moonlight the in dance and rain, the with cry sun, the with Smile Branch, Main Library's Public Cambridge Brewing a Storm a There's 4:0 0– 5:00pm 9 Broadway 359

Thanks to: Harvard to: Thanks


biogenidec.com communitylab@ at now register so limited is space but Free Cost: Idec Biogen to: Thanks adult. an by accompanied be must old years over.16 under Children and old years 11 children and adults For about. all is biotech what for feel a get and medicine, the behind science the learn DNA, You'llof DNA. samples their test on medicine-based particular a take can patient a if out find to try to lab biotech real a in work you'll activity,hands-on special this In difference! a makes science DNA-based how just yourself for out find to chance your It's Broadway and Binney between Idec, Biogen at Lab Community The On! Hands Biotech 6:0 Free Cost: Museum MIT Breazeal, Cynthia say! their have to show-up may two or robot sociable a knows, Who event. salon-style this in audience the of rest the and you from hear we'll then Breazeal, Cynthia and TurkleSherry professors MIT from hear we'll First, ourselves? about us tell robots sociable do What Ave. Mass. 265 Museum, MIT Robots Sociable Box/ Soap 6:00–7:30pm 0– Thanks to: Sherry Turkle,Sherry to: Thanks Cambridge Center Cambridge 15 8:00pm

: Tuesday, April 29 April Tuesday, : 4 Day 19 updates for CambridgeScienceFestival.org Check 20 20 Check CambridgeScienceFestival.org for updates Day 4 : Tuesday,Map of AprilVenues 29 Broadway 344 Cost: Free Cost: description. for 16 page See Annex, Hall City Cambridge Futures Energy Alternative Tomorrow:Imagining Day All Free Cost: Machinery Computing for Association the of Chapter Boston Greater to: existence. online your of out most the getting while all - health financial your shield and privacy/identity your protect risks, your minimize to techniques and tools world real the Learn risks. distinct carry they but collaborate and communicate to opportunities evolutionary represent all IM email, forums, blogs, networking, Social presentation. this in valuable something find you'll sophistication, social and technical of level your whatever and sites, posting job and LinkedIn using professional a or FaceBook, or MySpace on student college or teenager a you're Whether Branch, Square Library,Central Public Cambridge Security and Privacy Cyber-Lifewith YourBalancing Internet 6:30–8:30pm

Pearl Street Pearl 45 Thanks

Collins Branch Library,64 Branch Collins Cost: Free Cost: description. for 8 page See Avenue Massachusetts Along TimeThrough Walk Day All 349-4021. 617 Call space. a secure to needed pre-registration but Free Cost: Library Public mouse. a working comfortable be and use, to ready password and username a have should Registrants space. web own your personalize to how and entries post to how domain, free a up setting of basics the Learn blog? own your up set to how know you do but rage, the all is Blogging Street Aberdeen Library,Public Cambridge YourBlog up Own Set day all sessions hour One Free Cost: description. for 8 page See Center, Stata the MIT,at Lobby TSMC Blue Professor Day All admission museum with Included Cost: description. for 8 page See TechnologyStage and Science Current Gordon Science, of Museum The Nanohedron Day All 2 VassarStreet 32

Map of Venuesof Map Thanks to: Cambridge to: Thanks

disastrous sinking. disastrous Yamato'sthe with abruptly so ended it why and battleships of age great the on perspective dramatic a opens program The mission. suicide ultimate the on out set built, ever battleship Yamato,largest the Battleship Japan's 1945, April In 2 WGBH Supership the Sinking Nova: 8:00pm violations. rights human of investigation the for anthropology forensic of use the in authority leading a Doretti, Mercedes with talks Hinojosa Maria Host 2 WGBH Doretti Mercedes One One-on- Hinojosa: Maria 7:30pm School. Medical Massachusetts of University the at library line cell stem a and institute research cell stem a launch to plans and science; of study the in people young engage to efforts Center; Sciences Life Massachusetts the of future the on reports Rooney Emily Hosts 2 WGBH Reports Science Boston: Greater 7:00pm science. of side personal seldom-explored the at looks Tonyhost episode, this Kahn In Boston 89.7 WGBH Stories Morning 8:35am , 6:35am WGBH to: Thanks Radio and TV

All Day All Day All Day All 6:00–7:00pm 6:00–9:00pm 4:00–6:00pm 4:00–6:00pm 4:00–5:30pm 4:30pm 3:30– 3:30pm 3:00pm 2:00pm 12:00–1:30pm All Day All 7:30–9:45pm 7:00pm 6:30–9:30pm 12:00–1:00pm 12:00–1:00pm 10:30am–4:00pm 10:30–11:30am 12:00–8:00pm 8:30–10:30am 10:00pm 9:00pm 7:00pm Time 6:00–8:00pm Day 5

Walk Through TimeWalkThrough Blue Professor Nanohedron Futures Energy Alternative ESL Conversation Group: Conversation ESL TriviaScience Challenge Fair Career VertexUniversity Fair Career House Open Shire Soundscience! Kids: for Culture Club Craft Crazy Investigation DNA Museum MIT the at Scenes the Behind Museum MIT the at Scenes the Behind Exhibit Sound of Science A Walking from Astrolabe to Zoetrope: to Astrolabe Walkingfrom Chemistry in Imagining Tomorrow:Imagining Theater Railway QED/Underground Impossible the of Physics Innovation Brewing Molecules? Bad Dudley Herschbach, 1986 Nobel Prize Nobel 1986 Herschbach, Dudley Lunch with a Laureate: : Laureate: a with Lunch permitting) (weather Lunch Solar Presentations Science Live Wind the in Blowin' Breakfast and House Open Science A Gallery of Sound: of Gallery A WalkingGroup Adult Cereal, Orange Juice and Lava Rocks Lava and Juice Orange Cereal, Curious: Mind Brain Machine Brain Mind Curious: Survival Curious: Reports Science Boston: Greater Radio & TV Why Do Good Scientists Make Scientists Good Do Why Inventions and Scientists Famous Event Event Wednesday, April


U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Audience Kids and Family

Teens Type

Adults U U U U

Arts + Performance U U U U U U

Activity U U U U

Library or School U U U

Social U U U U U U

Talk 21 updates for CambridgeScienceFestival.org Check 22 22 Check CambridgeScienceFestival.org for updates Day 5: Wednesday,Map of AprilVenues 30 admission. museum with Included Cost: Science of Museum to: Thanks science. current and illusions, optical lightning, animals, live as topics such on programs live Science's of TakeMuseum the in Halls Exhibit Science of Museum Presentations Science Live 10:30a Free Cost: Library Public wind. the about stories and breeze blowing a of sounds soft the to Listen Branch, Square Central the of Room Children's Library Public Cambridge Wind the in Blowin' 10:3 Free Cost: Schools Public more! even projects science student's the enjoy and breakfast Enjoy School, Morse Breakfast and House Open Science Rocks Lava and Juice Orange Cereal, 8:30a 0– Thanks to: Cambridge to: Thanks m m– 11:30am –10:30am Thanks to: Cambridge to: Thanks

4:00pm 0 Granite Street Granite 40 Pearl Street Pearl 45

Cost: Free Cost: Library Public Cambridge display.on are 1400's the as back far as dating instruments 20,000 than More instruments. scientific of exhibit extensive its view to Harvard at Center Science the to Library the Takefrom out! stroll find a and group this Join are? Zoetrope and Astrolabe what know Don't Branch, Main Library Public Cambridge Group Walking Adult Zoetrope: to Astrolabe from Walking 12:0 only program for Free Cost: Museum MIT the and Dr.to: Herschbach Thanks Dudley conversation. informal and Q&A by followed talk minute 20 a for (Chemistry,1986)Herschbach Dudley Laureate Nobel with down sit and lunch bag brown a Grab Ave. Mass. 265 Museum, MIT Chemistry in Prize Nobel Laureate: a with Lunch 12:0 Free Cost: Science. of telescope. solar safe Museum's the through flares solar and sunspots possibly and sun the Observe permitting weather Science, of Museum the of front in plaza the On Lunch Solar 12:00–1:00pm Dudley Herschbach, Dudley 0– 0– 1:30pm 1:00pm 9 Broadway 359

Map of Venuesof Map

Thanks to: Museum to: Thanks Thanks to: Thanks


The exhibits will be at Passim's at be will exhibits The exhibits. imaginative five through science of concepts basic and music of aspects interesting some Explore bridge? suspension a like guitar a is How seashell? a in ocean the hear you do Why Street Church Gallery,26 Arts the for Center Passim Exhibit Sound of Science A Sound: of Gallery A 12:0 admission. museum with Included Cost: Museum VanZante! Gary Curator Design and Architecture Museum MIT the with exhibit Car City the at scenes the behind Peek Ave. Mass. 265 Museum, MIT Museum MIT the at Scenes the Behind 3:00pm admission. museum with Included Cost: Museum MIT to: Thanks Technology& Douglas! Debbie Science of Curator Museum MIT with exhibit Cancer and Zebrafish the at scenes the behind Peek Ave. Mass. 265 Museum, MIT Museum MIT the at Scenes the Behind 2:00pm Free Cost: Thompson Meredith and Chris Program, Engineering Instrument Musical University's TuftsFoundation, Science explore! and by stop so Festival, Science Cambridge the throughout Gallery 0– Thanks to: The National The to: Thanks 8:00pm

Thanks to: MIT to: Thanks

people. 24 first the to Limited Free. Cost: Science of Museum to: Thanks models. DNA LEGO using function it's explore and DNA own their extract will participants where lab investigation DNA the in like looks DNA what out find Come Classroom Lab Cabot Suit Science, of Museum Investigation DNA 3:30pm children ages 5 and up. and 5 ages children for Recommended crafty! and crazy be Come plants. imaginary create to seed real a Plant Library, Main the at Room Children's Library Public Cambridge Club Craft Crazy 3:3 call 617-491-2382 call Reservations adults. for donation $5 a with kids for Free Cost: Arts the for Center Passim Thompson, Meredith and sizes. and shapes all of instruments different out try to stage on up go to volunteer and songs to along sign to invited are members Audience instruments. musical of science the to ages all of children introducing program Soundscience their in Thompson Meredith and Chris Join Center, Cultural and Music Folk Passim Soundscience! Kids: for Culture 4:0 617-349-4038. Call needed. pre-registration but Free Cost: Library Public Cambridge 0– 0 –5:30pm 4:30pm

7 Palmer Street Palmer 47 9 Broadway 359

Thanks to: Chris to: Thanks

Thanks to: Thanks

Cost: Free Cost: Pharmaceuticals you! for place right the Vertexis maybe Just resume. your Bring Employees. Vertexwith Network and Resources Human of President Vice Executive the and Officer Scientific Chief the including Vertexleaders, from Hear Cambridge. in biotechs growing fastest the of one Explore you. for destination right the be might Vertexhow discover to invited are Youtangible? always is passion and life, of way a is life of quality Where job? a than experience an like more feels day each Where up? speaking for rewarded is say,but a has only not everyone medicines?Where life-saving of discovery the to contributing while grow and share dream, work, could you everyday if What Street Sydney 200 VertexCampus, Fair Career VertexUniversity 4:0 Free Cost: HGT Shire to: Thanks time. a at life one difference make help and employee Shire a You become them. can like kids for exclusively created drugs on working are HGT Shire at friends their that know do they but is, disease their rare how idea no have treat they children the of Many of. heard never has world the of most that diseases rare with people for treatment provide that therapies replacement enzyme sell discover,and make develop, They Pharaceuticals. Shire of unit business biotech global HGT,Shire Visit fast-growing a Street Main 700 Shire Fair Career House Open Shire 4:0

0– 0– 6:00pm 6:00pm

Thanks to: Vertexto: Thanks

Cost: Free Cost: College Cambridge future. safer a for opportunities discuss and field, Warner,the of founder a Dr.from chemistry John green of history the about Learn place. market­ the in successful and competitive economically being still while environment the and health human on impact neglible with designed be can products and Materials process. materials a of stage design the at materials hazardous eliminate or reduce to work scientists where field new exciting an is chemistry Green is? chemistry green what clue any have you Do materials? hazardous have we why wonder Ever Room Avenue, Massachusetts College, Cambridge Molecules? Bad Make Scientists Good Do Why 6:00–8:00pm Free Cost: Library Public Cambridge either! speakers English native weren't who - Salk and Curie Einstein, - scientists gifted most world's the of some with common in something share and English your Practice Street Cambridge Library,826 Branch ValenteLibrary Public Cambridge Inventions and Scientists Famous Group: Conversation ESL 6:00–7:00pm

Thanks to: Beyond Benign, Beyond to: Thanks

Thanks to: Thanks 1000


: Wednesday, April April Wednesday, : 5 Day 0 3 23 updates for CambridgeScienceFestival.org Check 24 24 Check CambridgeScienceFestival.org for updates Day 5: Wednesday,Map of AprilVenues 30 [email protected] available. register,slots 100 only pre- must but Free Cost: Adams Samuel Xconomy,Equities, Estate Real Cheers! event. 21+ Strictly evening. the out round will d'oeuvres hors and tasting Beer research. Biofuel breaking on lecture will who Institute, Whitehead the of Fink R. Dr.by followed Gerald brewing, of science the about talk will Koch Jim Founder Beer Adams Samuel work. energy emerging edge cutting as well as Alzheimer's to cancer from diseases of research the in used been Yeast (Adams)! has Sam and science of evening an for us Join Ave. Mass. 265 Museum, MIT Innovation Brewing 6:30–9:30pm teams. division open for $50 or teams division youth fee entry $20 watch, to Free Cost: Boston Laureates. Nobel local by dinner to taken are teams winning the and prizes earn contestants All science. computer astronomy,and mathematics, sciences, earth physics, biology,chemistry,including subjects in knowledge their on challenged are contestants where quiz trivia team live a is This teams. Division Open and Youthboth school) for (high format Jeopardy-like a with competition colorful this of moderator the is program, Friday Science NPR's of host Flatow,well-known Ira Auditorium Kirsch MIT,Center,Stata TriviaScience Challenge 6:00–9:00pm Thanks to: Alexandria to: Thanks Thanks to: MIT Club of Club MIT to: Thanks

seniors with ID. with seniors students/ Ticketsfor Cost: $20/$12 Collaborative@MIT Catalyst the and Theater Railway Underground The to: Thanks Festival. Science Cambridge first the of part was which Dreams Einstein's of production successful very the on up follows and URT and MIT between initiative science/theater on-going Collaborative@MIT,Catalyst an the of part a is performance This personally.Feynman knew whom of community,many MIT the of scientists by led public the with conversations by followed be will Performances spirit. human the of expression an and inquiry scientific about inspirational deeply is QED moving, surprisingly and funny very Alternately Jochim. Keith Lipsky,starring Jon by Directed electrodynamics. quantum on work his for Prize Nobel the won who Feynman, Richard eccentric and brilliant the Parnell’sPeter about QED, play Center Cambridge 7 Harvard, and MIT of Institute Broad Theater Railway QED/Underground 7:30–9:45pm seating limited but Free Cost: Science of book. latest his of copies sign will then and tomorrow,commonplace become may fiction science of feats other and fields, force of use routine the reading, mind how explore will theory,field string of cofounder Kaku, Michio physicist Renowned Theater Cahners Science, of Museum Impossible the of Physics 7:00pm

Map of Venuesof Map Thanks to: Museum to: Thanks

Broadway 344 Stata Center,Stata school students related to clean to related students school high Massachusetts from videos and stories contest: TomorrowImagining 2008 the of entries winning Project's Foresight The view Come Annex, Hall City Cambridge Futures Energy Alternative Tomorrow:Imagining Day All Cost: Free Cost: Avenue. Mass. along placards 14 by highlighted line time evolutionary the of recreation a Walkalong Avenue Massachusetts Along TimeEvolutionary Line Time:Through WalkAn Day All Free Cost: description. for 8 page See the MIT,at Lobby TSMC Blue Professor Day All admission museum with Included Cost: description. for 8 page See TechnologyStage and Science Current Gordon Science, of Museum The Nanohedron Day All Free Cost: Project Foresight The to: Thanks climate. global and technology

2 VassarStreet 32

engage young people in the study the in people young engage to efforts Center; Sciences Life Massachusetts the of future the on reports Rooney Emily Host 2 WGBH Reports Science Boston: Greater 7:00pm WGBH to: Thanks Radio and TV robots. of cast fascinating a as well as decision-making, of science the of understanding our revolutionizing is that scanning brain of method a using decision-making of act the in brain the catch to attempting scientists meet will you program this In anyway? mean, "normal" does what nature, human to comes it When WGBH Machine Brain Mind Curious: 10:00pm cancer. breast with diagnosed was wife his when medicine alternative an find to career his reinvents Davis Mark Engineer Chemical WGBH Survival Curious: 9:00pm School. Medical Massachusetts of University the at library line cell stem a and institute research cell stem a launch to plans and science; of 44 44

: Wednesday, April April Wednesday, : 5 Day 0 3 25 updates for CambridgeScienceFestival.org Check 26 26

Check CambridgeScienceFestival.org for updates Map of Venues6 Day

Time All Day All Day All Day All 7:00–9:00pm 6:30pm 5:00–9:00pm 5:30–7:30pm 5:00–8:00pm 3:30pm 3:00pm 2:00pm 2:00–4:00pm 12:00–1:00pm 11:00–12:00pm 11:00–12:00pm 10:30am–4:00pm All Day All 7:30–9:45pm 7:30pm 7:00–9:00pm 12:00–8:00pm 12:00–5:00pm 12:00–1:00pm 8:30–10:00am 6:35am, 8:35am 6:35am, 7:30pm 7:00pm 5:45pm

Event Walk Through TimeWalkThrough Blue Professor Nanohedron Futures Energy Alternative Climate Change Expo at Cambridge at Expo Change Climate Grunion USS the for Search The Mixer Art/Science Night Math and Science Family Group Research Chocolate Sustainable Investigation DNA Museum MIT the at Scenes the Behind Museum MIT the at Scenes the Behind TrackingSpecies Invasive Exhibit Sound of Science A of Color of Lunch with a Laureate: Jerome I. Jerome Laureate: a with Lunch TimeWonderToddlerof TimeStory Storytime Seedling Presentations Science Live Breakfast and House Open Science Imagining Tomorrow:Imagining Theater Railway QED/Underground YourSalsa Science Festival Film Institute Whitehead Latin and Rindge A Gallery of Sound: of Gallery A Showcase Brightest & Best Biotech's permitting) (weather Lunch Solar Physics in Prize Nobel 1990 – Friedman Cereal, Orange Juice and Lava Rocks Lava and Juice Orange Cereal, John Carroll's TakeCarroll's John Radio & TV : Science and Communities and Science Black: Basic Reports Science Boston: Greater Thursday, May 1

Map of Venuesof Map

U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Audience Kids and Family


Adults Type U U U U U U

Arts + Performance U U U U U

Activity U U U U U Library or School U U U Social U U U U U Talk Cost: Free Cost: Schools Public more! even exhibits science student's the enjoy and breakfast Enjoy Street Elm 89 School, Cambridgeport Rocks Lava and Juice Orange Cereal, 8:3 Cost: Free Cost: Library Public contrary... together.Mary,Mary, quite flowers plant them watch then and nature, about stories hear to gardeners little budding your Bring Avenue Rindge 70 Library,Branch O'Neill Storytime Seedling 11:0 admission. museum with Included Cost: Science of Museum to: Thanks science. current and illusions, optical lightning, animals, live as topics such on programs live Science's of TakeMuseum the in Halls Exhibit Science of Museum Presentations Science Live 10:30a Free Cost: Schools Public more! even exhibits science students' the enjoy and breakfast Enjoy School, Open King Rocks Lava nd a Juice Orange Cereal, 8:3 0 Cambridge Street Cambridge 850 0– 0 0– –10:00am Thanks to: Cambridge to: Thanks Thanks to: Cambridge to: Thanks 10:00am m 12:00pm Thanks to: Cambridge to: Thanks


Cost: Free Cost: Science telescope. solar safe Museum's the through flares solar and sunspots possibly and sun the Observe permitting weather Science, of Museum the of front in plaza the On Lunch Solar 12:00–1:00pm Free Cost: Museum MIT the Dr.and Friedman Jerome conversation. informal and Q&A by followed talk minute 20 a for 1990) (Physics, Friedman Jerome Laureate Nobel with down sit and lunch bag brown a Grab Ave. Mass. 265 Museum, MIT Physics in Prize Nobel Friedman-1990 I. Jerome Laureate: a with Lunch 12:0 Free Cost: Library Public Cambridge to: Thanks caregivers. their with up and 2.5 children for trees, and plants about songs and poems stories, TimeWondera with of Enjoy Library, Main the at Room Children's Library Public Cambridge ToddlerTimeStory TimeWonderof 11:0 0– 0– 9 Broadway 359 1:00pm 12:00pm

Thanks to: Museum of Museum to: Thanks

Thanks to: Thanks

Windsor Street Windsor 225 Cost: Free Cost: Academy Maynard Fletcher Dr.and to: Morimoto Thanks David sightings. your record and track to neighborhood the into out venture then plants, the identify to how learn Dr.and with Morimoto David minutes 20 Spend us. around all plants invasive bothersome the and beautiful the both about Learn Academy,Maynard Fletcher Species TrackingInvasive 2:0 Free Cost: Thompson Meredith and Chris Program, Engineering Instrument Musical University's TuftsFoundation, Science explore! and by stop so Festival, Science Cambridge the throughout Gallery Passim's at be will exhibits The exhibits. imaginative five through science of concepts basic and music of aspects interesting some Explore bridge? suspension a like guitar a is How seashell? a in ocean the hear you do Why Street Church Gallery,26 Arts the for Center Passim Exhibit Sound of Science A Sound: of Gallery A 12:0 admission museum with Included Cost: science! in leaders world them makes what revealing products, and research latest their show-off companies premier Cambridge's biotech! in best the Discover Wing Blue Science, of Museum Showcase Brightest Biotech’s& Best 12:0 0– 0– 0– 4:00pm 8:00pm 5:00pm Thanks to: The National The to: Thanks

Day 6: Thursday, May May Thursday, 6: Day 1 27 updates for CambridgeScienceFestival.org Check 28 28 Check CambridgeScienceFestival.org for updates Day 6: Thursday,Map of Venues May 1 Cost: Free Cost: ThoughtAndMemory.org provided. be will chocolate of Samples products! chocolate of aspects responsible socially of reviews publish and about learn we AndMemory.orgas Thought at team the Join Ave. Mass. 26 5 Museum, MIT Group Research Chocolate Sustainable 5:0 people. 24 first the to Limited Free. Cost: Science of Museum to: Thanks models. DNA LEGO using function it's explore and DNA own their extract will participants where lab investigation DNA the in like looks DNA what out find Come Classroom Lab Cabot Suit - Science of Museum Investigation DNA 3:30pm admission museum with Included Cost: Riskin! Seth with technologies emerging Museum's MIT the at scenes the behind Peek Ave. Mass. 265 Museum, MIT Museum MIT the at Scenes the Behind 3:00pm admission museum with Included Cost: Museum Hasselbalch! Kurt Curator Museum MIT with Collection Nautical Hart the at scenes the behind Peek Ave. Mass. 265 Museum, MIT Museum MIT the at Scenes the Behind 2:00pm 0– 8:00pm

Thanks to: MIT to: Thanks

Thanks to: Thanks

Windsor Street, Cambridge Street, Windsor 225 Cost: Free but limited seating limited but Free Cost: Science of Museum to: Thanks reception. dessert a by followed is program The Islands. Aleutian the near crew 70-man entire its and Grunion USS the of place resting final the seek to technologies current and documents historical discovered recently use Abeles The ago. years 60 over trace a without lost and father their by commanded submarine WWII the Grunion, USS the for search their discuss Abele Bruce and John Theater Cahners Science- of Museum Grunion USS the for Search The 6:30pm Free Cost: Schools Public Cambridge to: Thanks explorers! generation's next the by created projects math and science exciting the discovering family your with out night a Enjoy Academy,Maynard Fletcher Night Math and Science Family 5:3 admission Cost: Museum MIT to: Thanks "refreshments." atmospheric with world engineering arts-sciences- the from people fascinating plus artworks, engaging and performances, exhibitions, with mingle and Mix Ave. Mass. 265 Museum, MIT Mixer Art/Science 5:0

0– 0– Included with museum with Included 7:30pm 9:00pm

Map of Venuesof Map

high school has worked hard on hard worked has school high entire the because That's answer! enthusiastic and informed an for prepared be and student Latin and Rindge Cambridge any Ask change? climate is important How School, Latin and Rindge Cambridge Latin and Rindge Cambridge at Expo Change Climate 7:00–9:00pm Cost: Free Cost: Institute included. refreshments Life-sustaining films. short of series a through biology modern of expressions visual the into journey a for us Join Center Cambridge 9 Institute, Whitehead Auditorium, McGovern Festival Film Institute Whitehead 7:0 Free Cost: Schools Public world! this of out are that projects science explore and Come results. the off show to time its and project change climate school-wide a 0– 9:00pm 9 Broadway 459 Thanks to: Whitehead to: Thanks

Thanks to: Cambridge to: Thanks

are welcome - from modern from - welcome are dance of modes All audience. live a of front in scientist winning the crown judges 3 of panel a as watch and showdown the to come simply or - competition Science YourSalsa Museum's MIT the and Globe Boston the Enter chance! your Here's dancing? like felt you much so research your enjoy Ever Ave. Mass. 265 Museum, MIT YourSalsa Science 7:30pm seniors with ID. with seniors students/ Ticketsfor Cost: $20/$12 Collaborative@MIT Catalyst the and Theater Railway Underground The to: Thanks Festival. Science Cambridge first the of part was which Dreams Einstein's of production successful very the on up follows and URT and MIT between initiative science/theater on-going Collaborative@MIT,Catalyst an the of part a is performance This personally.Feynman knew whom of community,many MIT the of scientists by led public the with conversations by followed be will Performances spirit. human the of expression an and inquiry scientific about inspirational deeply is QED moving, surprisingly and funny very Alternately Jochim. Keith Lipsky,starring Jon by Directed electrodynamics. quantum on work his for Prize Nobel the won who Feynman, Richard eccentric and brilliant the Parnell’sPeter about QED, play Center Cambridge 7 Harvard, and MIT of Institute Broad Theater Railway QED/Underground 7:3 admission museum with Included Cost: Museum MIT the Globe, Boston to: Thanks encouraged! are hoofers Amateur ballroom. to ballet mambo, to 0– 9:45pm

Broadway 344 Cost: Free Cost: description. for 8 page See Avenue Massachusetts Along TimeEvolutionary Line Time:Through WalkAn Day All Free Cost: description. for 8 page See Center, Stata the MIT,at Lobby TSMC Blue Professor Day All admission museum with Included Cost: description. for 8 page See Stage Technologyand Science Current Gordon Science, of Museum The Nanohedron Day All Free Cost: description. for 25 page See Annex, Hall City Cambridge Futures Energy Alternative Tomorrow:Imagining Day All 2 VassarStreet 32

communities in the region. the in communities American African on advances scientific of impact economic and environmental the on discussion a leads McLarin Kim Host Color of Communities and Science Black: Basic 7:30pm School. Medical Massachusetts of University the at library line cell stem a and institute research cell stem a launch to plans and science; of study the in people young engage to efforts Center; Sciences Life Massachusetts the of future the on reports Rooney Emily Host 2 WGBH Reports Science Boston: Greater 7:00pm Take. Caroll's John of edition special a in week this science of world the on perspective unique his focuses Carroll John commentator WGBH and scholar media Festival, Science Cambridge the of honor In Boston 89.7 WGBH TakeCarroll's John 5:45pm 8:35am, 6:35am, Thanks to: WGBH to: Thanks Radio and TV

Day 6: Thursday, May May Thursday, 6: Day 1 29 updates for CambridgeScienceFestival.org Check 30 30 Check CambridgeScienceFestival.org for updates Map of Venues

All Day All Day All Day All 12:30–1:30pm 5:00–8:00pm 3:30pm 3:00pm 2:00pm 12:00–8:00pm 6:35am, 8:35am 6:35am, Day All 8:00–10:00pm 8:00–10:15pm 6:00–8:00pm 5:00–9:00pm 5:00–8:00pm 12:00–1:00pm 12:00–1:00pm 10:30am–4:00pm 8:00–9:00am 5:45pm Time May 2 May Friday,

Walk Through TimeWalkThrough Blue Professor Nanohedron Futures Energy Alternative Lunch with a Laureate: Susumu TonegawaSusumu Laureate: a with Lunch Exhibit Sound of Science A CSI: Searching for Clues with the with Clues for Searching CSI: Investigation DNA Museum MIT the at Scenes the Behind Museum MIT the at Scenes the Behind Medicine or Physiology in Prize Nobel 1987 A Gallery of Sound: of Gallery A permitting) (weather Lunch Solar Classical Connections Classical Radio & TV Tomorrow:Imagining Night Our Coloring Theater Railway QED/Underground Fest Earth Amigos Mixer Night Energy Museum the at Night Girls for Club Science Group WeekBook Science Presentations Science Live Stars the with Coffee Event Day 7 Day

Map of Venuesof Map

U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Audience

Kids and Family U



Type U U U U U Arts + Performance U U U U U U U Activity U U U Library or School U Social U U U Talk Cambridge Public Schools Public Cambridge stars! the with coffee Enjoy demostration. minute 20 a in participate to attendees for opportunity the with up, set be will planetarium traveling Starlab the Also, EXPO. the from projects science grade 8 and 7, 6, TobinThe showcase will School TobinSchool, Stars the with Coffee 8:0 Dreams by Alan Lightman! Alan by Dreams Einstein's discuss and Come Halls Exhibit Science of Museum Presentations Science Live 10:30a Free Cost: Cost: Free Cost: Library Public Cambridge to: Branch Boudreau Library,Public Cambridge Group WeekBook Science 12:0 admission. museum with Included Cost: Science of Museum to: Thanks science. current and illusions, optical lightning, animals, live as topics such on programs live Science's of TakeMuseum the in Concord Avenue Concord 245

0– 0 –1:00pm 9:00am m–

4:00pm 97 VassalLane 197

Thanks to: Thanks Thanks 987 Nobel Prize in Prize Nobel 1987 Cost: Free for program only program for Free Cost: Museum TonegawaSusumu MIT the and conversation. informal and Q&A by followed talk minute 20 a for 1987) Medicine, TonegawaSusumu or (Physiology Laureate Nobel with down sit and lunch bag brown a Grab Ave. Mass. 26 5 Museam, MIT Medicine or Physiology TonegawaSusumu - Laureate: a with Lunch 12:3 Free Cost: Thompson Meredith and Chris Program, Engineering Instrument Musical University's TuftsFoundation, Science explore! and by stop so Festival, Science Cambridge the throughout Gallery Passim's at be will exhibits The exhibits. imaginative five through science of concepts basic and music of aspects interesting some Explore bridge? suspension a like guitar a is How seashell? a in ocean the hear you do Why Street Church Gallery,26 Arts the for Center Passim Exhibit Sound of Science A Sound: of Gallery A 12:0 Free Cost: Science telescope. solar safe Museum's the through flares solar and sunspots possibly and sun the Observe permitting weather Science, of Museum the of front in plaza the On Lunch Solar 12:00–1:00pm 0– 0– 1:00pm 8:00pm Thanks to: The National The to: Thanks

Thanks to: Museum of Museum to: Thanks

Thanks to: Dr.to: Thanks

people. 24 first the to Limited Free. Cost: Science of Museum to: Thanks models. DNA LEGO using function it's explore and DNA own their extract will participants where lab investigation DNA the in like looks DNA what out find Come Classroom Lab Cabot Suit Science of Museum Investigation DNA 3:30pm admission museum with Included Cost: Museum MIT to: Thanks Ganson! Arthur creator with exhibit Engineering Gestural Artist Museum's MIT the behind Peek Ave. Mass. 265 Museum, MIT Museum MIT the at Scenes the Behind 3:00pm admission museum with Included Cost: Museum MIT to: Thanks Riskin! Seth with technologies emerging Museum's MIT the at scenes the behind Peek Ave. Mass. 265 Museum, MIT Museum MIT the at Scenes the Behind 2:00pm

Day 7: Friday, May 2 May Friday, 7: Day 31 updates for CambridgeScienceFestival.org Check 5:00–8:00pm 6:00–8:00pm 8:00–10:00pm All Day ( e CSI: Searching for Clues Amigos Earth Fest Coloring Our Night Walk Through Time: An Cu-ri-ous (kyoor´e- s) with the Science Club Evolutionary Time Line Amigos School, 100 Putnam Ave. Harvard Bridge, Eager to acquire knowledge for Girls Massachusetts Avenue Join in the fun! Come and Along Massachusetts Avenue Martin Luther King, Jr. School and celebrate the Earth by doing Discover how the technology of See page 8 for description. Amigos School, 100 Putnam Ave. "make and take" crafts, witnessing artificial illumination changes our Cost: Free Are you curious?! Test your sleuthing skills and learn science demonstrations, and landscape and influences our about basic properties of everyday learning more about the Amigos climate. This workshop lets you Great scientists and innovative technologists are materials such as flour vs. baking School science projects. Thanks step back and see the Cambridge Day 7: May Friday, 2 soda and synthetic vs. natural to: Cambridge Public Schools night and the color that extends TV and Radio immensely curious – they want to know how to prevent fibers as you investigate a "crime" our day in a new light. Bring Thanks to: WGBH Cost: Free disease, if there is life on Mars, how to create social scene. Choose between two your flashlight, a piece of pastel different scenes, one suitable for paper mounted on a board, a box communities on a global scale, and what sociable 6:35am k–3rd grade, and the other for 8:00–10:15pm of 24 Nupastels or other color robots tell us about ourselves. They are eager to 4th–8th grade. Learn from the drawing medium, and meet us at Classical Connections acquire knowledge – it’s the mark of a true scientist. pros — the Cambridge Police QED/Underground the Harvard Bridge for a colorful Department! Thanks to: Science Railway Theater WGBH 89.7 Boston evening of drawing. Be prepared We know that the future Eric Landers, Phil Sharps, and Club for Girls, Cambridge Public Map of Venues for any weather. Thanks to: Broad Institute of MIT and Tune in for this delightful edition Schools , Cambridge Police Kimberly Jermain Classical Connections that looks Eileen Collins are in school right now, learning to read, Department Harvard, 7 Cambridge Center, at the surprising and unexpected Cambridge Cost: Free write and make a positive contribution in life. But we Cost: Free places that science and classical QED, Peter Parnell’s play about music are meeting in the state of were curious. We wanted to know more about these the brilliant and eccentric Richard All Day Massachusetts. future scientists. 5:00–8:00pm Feynman, who won the Nobel Imagining Tomorrow: Night at the Museum Prize for his work on quantum So we dared students between the ages of 5 and 18 electrodynamics. Directed by Alternative Energy 8:35am Harvard Museum of Natural years old to take the Cambridge Science Festival’s Jon Lipsky, starring Keith Jochim. Futures Classical Connections History, 26 Oxford Street Alternately very funny and Curiosity Challenge. They went to their schools, after Cambridge City Hall Annex, Bring the family! The Harvard surprisingly moving, QED is deeply WGBH 89.7 Boston school programs and libraries. They told us what they inspirational about scientific 344 Broadway Museum of Natural History will See details above. open its doors free-of-charge for inquiry and an expression of the See page 25 for description. are curious about and how it prompted them to explore a special evening of exploration human spirit. Performances will their world. They gave us essays and artwork – a be followed by conversations Cost: Free and fun. Staff and volunteers will 5:45pm be in the galleries with hands- with the public led by scientists glimpse into some of the greatest questions that may be Classical Connections on activities, live animals, and of the MIT community, many of All Day answered by the next generation. interactive displays. Thanks to: whom knew Feynman personally. WGBH 89.7 Boston Harvard Museum of Natural This performance is a part of the Nanohedron Curious about student’s entries? Check out the winning History Catalyst Collaborative@MIT, an The Museum of Science, Current See details above. on-going science/theater initiative entries at CambridgeScienceFestival.org! Cost: Free Science and Technology Stage between MIT and URT and follows up on the very successful See page 8 for description. 5:00–9:00pm production of Einstein's Dreams What was the Cost: Included with museum first country Energy Night Mixer which was part of the first admission Cambridge Science Festival. ever found? MIT Museum, 265 Mass. Ave. Thanks to: The Underground Railway Theater and the Catalyst All Day IS BIG Get charged up by seeing some Collaborative@MIT of the most innovative energy and Professor Blue FOOT REAL? environment projects that MIT Cost: Tickets $20/$12 for students/ MIT, TSMC Lobby at the Stata has to offer. Mix it up with the seniors with ID Center, 32 Vassar Street researchers who are setting the See page 8 for description. pace for global scale solutions. I AM CURIOUS ABOUT Thanks to: MIT Museum Check CambridgeScienceFestival.org for updates Cost: Free SHOOTING STARS! 3322 Cost: Included with museum admission 34 34 Check CambridgeScienceFestival.org for updates Map of Venues

Time 10:00am–1:00pm 12:00–8:00pm 10:00am–12:00pm 9:30am–12:00pm 3:00–6:00pm 2:00–4:00pm 3:30pm 3:00pm 2:30pm 2:00–3:00pm 1:30pm 1:00pm 12:30pm All Day All Day All Day All 8:30–10:30pm 8:00–10:15pm 7:00pm 3:00–5:15pm 3:00–4:00pm 12:00–4:00pm 12:00–1:00pm 10:30am–4:00pm 10:00am–4:00pm 10:00am–3:00pm 10:00am–3:00pm 10:00am–2:00pm 10:00am–2:00pm Day 8 Day *

Event Mystery at MIT at Mystery Backyard Own Our in Species Invasive A Gallery of Sound: A Science of Science A Sound: of Gallery A Universe the Explores Cambridge Invasion of the Bio-Diversity Snatchers: Bio-Diversity the of Invasion History Natural The Powers of Tenof the Powers by The It! Do It, Build It, See Swiss Think Rock of Science The Swiss Think Fair Engineering and Science State MA Swiss Think Rock of Science The Swiss Think Exhibit Sound Walk Through TimeWalkThrough Blue Professor Nanohedron Mesozoic the of Birdsongs Theater Railway QED/Underground night Movie Sci-Fi Camp-O-Rama: Sci-Fi Theater Railway QED/Underground Books in Life A Company Opera Family Cambridge North Solar Lunch (weather permitting) (weather Lunch Solar Presentations Science Live VanityPeptide Cambridge of Side Wild The Day Rocket Two... Three... Lift-off One... Jam Community Child: Per Laptop One Kids for Writing Science game GPS Reality Augmented Saturday, May


Map of Venuesof Map

U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Audience Kids and Family



U U U U U U U Type Arts + Performance

U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Activity

U U U Library or School

Social U Talk History Natural of Museum Harvard to: Street Oxford History,26 Natural of Museum Harvard History Natural 9:30a 10:00a non-members for $35 members, HMNH for 31.50 $ Cost: fascinating environment. fascinating truly and relaxed, hands-on, a in teach who students graduate Harvard evolution—from human to dinosaurs history—from natural our about learn Come Cost: Free Cost: School Public Charter Banneker Benjamin the and Dr.to: Morimoto Thanks David sightings. your record and plants the track Dr.with to Park Morimoto Denehy to out adventure then plants, the identify to how learn and Dr.with Morimoto minutes David 20 Spend us. around all plants invasive bothersome the and beautiful the both about Learn Ave. Dame Notre 21 School, Charter Banneker Benjamin Backyard Own Our in Species Invasive Snatchers: Bio-Diversity the of Invasion



12:00pm 12:00pm


Cost: Free Cost: Library Public Cambridge to: Thanks signing. and sale for available be will Books titles. favorite their of some illustrated and wrote, researched, they how discuss will family.Participants whole the for fun be will that presentations lively eight for illustrators and authors book children's local Join Library Branch Square Central the at Room Lewis Kids for Writing Science 10:00am–2:00pm [email protected] emailing by up Sign Free, Cost: Program TeacherScheller MIT Education teams! child and parent for activity Great session. three-hour the for computer handheld GPS-equipped a given be will team each and assumed is science of knowledge prior No disaster.potential a becoming from it stop to try and cause the determine investigate, to needs team your and campus MIT's on discovered been has problem mysterious fictitious A participants holding reservations holding participants to sent be will location Meeting game GPS Reality Augmented - MIT at Mystery

10:00am–1:00pm Thanks to: Thanks

2 VassarStreet 32 cambridgesciencefestival www.gbcacm.org/ http:// at Pre-register Free, Cost: (GBC/ACM) Machinery Computing for Association the of Chapter Boston Greater The to: event. this plan us help to cambridgesciencefestival, http://gbcacm.org/ website, the at free for register Please community.user XO Cambridge Boston/ the in involved get and community,development XO international the to connect games, play software, develop can you how Learn one. have you if XO your Bring workshops. community OLPC our to Come applications? and games software for own your of ideas have you Maybe elsewhere? and classroom the in creativity and education for used be can they how or them, with doing are kids what them, with doing are countries other in people what learn to want you Do laptops? cost low with world developing the of children provide to wants which Child Per Laptop One organization non-profit the from laptop" "$100 innovative the XO, the about heard you Have Center,Stata Room MIT Jam Community Child- Per Laptop One 10:00am–2:00pm

Thanks 32-044,

Day 8: Saturday, May May Saturday, 8: Day 3 35 updates for CambridgeScienceFestival.org Check 36 36 Check CambridgeScienceFestival.org for updates Day 8: Saturday,Map of Venues May 3 0 Concord Ave. Concord 650 macinescience.org/catalog www.at advance in register please people, 30 to limited materials, for person per $10 Cost: Science Machine event. five-hour this during rocket new your launch you help will Science Machine rocket! water own your build and bottle plastic 2-liter a Bring Street Sherman 99 Park, Danehy Day Rocket for off Two...Three... Lift- One... 10:00a Free Cost: Schools Public Cambridge Institute, Ecology Urban to: Thanks like. you as hour,long half as stay every start Activities more! lots and studies, coyote and terrapin quality,local water bioacoustics, study,bird canopy tree urban biodiversity,bird include workshops The project. research study field a in participate to workshops mini of day half a for Institute Ecology Urban the Visit Center,Ecology Maynard Cambridge of Side Wild The –3:00pm 10:00am


3:00pm Thanks to: Thanks

Cost: Free Cost: Science telescope. solar safe Museum's the through flares solar and sunspots possibly and sun the Observe permitting weather Science, of Museum the of front in plaza the On Lunch Solar 12:00–1:00pm admission. museum with Included Cost: Science of Museum to: Thanks science. current and illusions, optical lightning, animals, live as topics such on programs live Science's of TakeMuseum the in Halls Exhibit Science of Museum Presentations Science Live –4:00pm 10:30am admission museum with Included Cost: Science of Museum the and Levesque Ethan structure. protein and Dogma Central the encryption, of nature symbolic the exploring while structures biochemical acid nucleic and protein custom into text translate to participants enable will exhibit interactive This life? of language molecular the in written like look would name your what wonder Ever ComputerPlace Cahners Science, of Museum The VanityPeptides 10:00am–4:00pm

Thanks to: Museum of Museum to: Thanks Map of Venuesof Map

Thanks to: Thanks

20 VassarStreet 120 in scholarships and prizes. Come prizes. and scholarships in $430,000 than more for compete will state the across from students school high hundred Four leaders! engineering and science of generation next the Meet MIT,Center,Athletic Johnson Fair Engineering and Science State Massachusetts 12:00–3:00pm Cost: Free Cost: Astrophysics for Center Harvard-Smithsonian the and Research Space and Astrophysics for Institute Kavli MIT to: Thanks world! this of out It's tours. telescope and activities, hands-on exhibits, multimedia interactive demonstrations, live include that Stations" "Exploration Smithsonian's Harvard- the Discover day)! a (for astronomer an Become Street Garden Observatory,60 College Astrophysics/Harvard for Center Harvard-Smithsonian Universe the Explores Cambridge 12:00–4:00pm Free Cost: Fair,Engineering MIT Inc., & Science State Massachusetts patenting! for selected be will which of two projects, their discuss to eager are who students with talk and hall exhibit the see

Thanks to: Thanks Date Change! Date Same time Same


4. Mass Ave. Mass 265 Gallery throughout the Cambridge the throughout Gallery Passim's at be will exhibits The exhibits. imaginative five through science of concepts basic and music of aspects interesting some Explore bridge? suspension a like guitar a is How seashell? a in ocean the hear you do Why Street Church Gallery,26 Arts the for Center Passim Exhibit Sound of Science A Sound: of Gallery A 12:00–8:00pm admission museum with Included Cost: Science of Museum to: U2. band rock legendary the of songs the through roll 'n' rock of science the explores that performance interactive live a for Science of Museum the from educators and Groove of School Cambridge-based the from musicians Join Theater Cahners Science, of Museum Rock of Science The 1:00pm Free Cost: Boston swissnex to: Thanks way.the along researchers meeting and labs visiting campus, MIT the across travel you as change climate Explore Museum MIT the at Begin TourWalking Change Climate Museum MIT Swiss/ Think 12:30pm Free Cost: Thompson Meredith and Chris Program, Engineering Instrument Musical University's TuftsFoundation, Science explore! and by stop so Festival, Science

Thanks to: The National The to: Thanks


Mass Ave. Mass 265 Ave. Mass 265 See 1:00 for description. for 1:00 See Theater Cahners Science, of Museum Rock of Science The 3:00pm description. for 12:30 See Museum MIT the at Begin TourWalking Change Climate Museum MIT Swiss/ Think 2:30pm Free Cost: Museum MIT Kaleidoscope!! Camp and alums MIT with blast a have and engine, an apart take vehicle, own your Build backyard! your across sail to glider,ever boat and car,best the build to you Wedare Ave. Mass. 265 Museum, MIT It! Do It, Build It, See 2:00–4:00pm description. for 12:30 See Museum MIT the at Begin TourWalking Change Climate Museum MIT Swiss/ Think 1:30pm

Thanks to: Thanks

seniors with ID with seniors students/ Ticketsfor Cost: $20/$12 Collaborative@MIT Catalyst the and Theater Railway Underground The to: Thanks Festival. Science Cambridge first the of part was which Dreams Einstein's of production successful very the on up follows and URT and MIT between initiative science/theater on-going Collaborative@MIT,Catalyst an the of part a is performance This personally.Feynman knew whom of community,many MIT the of scientists by led public the with conversations by followed be will Performances spirit. human the of expression an and inquiry scientific about inspirational deeply is QED moving, surprisingly and funny very Alternately Jochim. Keith Lipsky,starring Jon by Directed electrodynamics. quantum on work his for Prize Nobel the won who Feynman, Richard eccentric and brilliant the Parnell’sPeter about QED, play Center Cambridge 7 Harvard, and MIT of Institute Broad Theater Railway QED/Underground –5:15pm 3:00 Free Cost: Opera Family Ten. of Powers The oratorio, science the of premiere American the perform will Chorus Festival The community.the from children and adults 150 of performance powerful the by away swept Be TobinSchool, Company Opera Family Cambridge North Tenof the Powers by The 3:00–5:00pm

Thanks to: North Cambridge North to: Thanks

97 VassalLane 197

Day 8: Saturday, May May Saturday, 8: Day 3 37 updates for CambridgeScienceFestival.org Check 38 38 Check CambridgeScienceFestival.org for updates Day 8: Saturday,Map of Venues May 3 Mass Ave. Mass 265 Cost: Free Cost: Astrophysics for Center Harvard-Smithsonian lecture. science enlightening an and drawings free include that Movies!" the at Learned I Science, About Learned I "Everything series, special a of part a are films These design. intelligent words the to meaning new whole a brings It sense! makes that story a has sequel this 2001, Unlike Contact." WeMake YearThe "2010: is offering second Mutiny."The "Space movie the of versions funniest 3000's Theater Science Mystery of one offer humbly we First filmmaking. sci-fi of yang and yin the for ready Get Street Garden 60 Astrophysics, for Center the at Auditorium Phillips Astrophysics for Center Smithsonian Harvard the at night Movie Sci-Fi 7:00pm description. for 12:30 See Museum MIT the at Begin TourWalking Change Climate Museum MIT Swiss/ Think 3:30 Free Cost: Store Book Square signing. book a by followed be will program The science. about passionate so they're why and ideas, their get they how work, artists these how out Find discussion. panel Q&A family-oriented a in participate and topics science on focus who illustrators and authors book children's local four Meet Store Book Square Porter Books in Life A 3:00–4:00pm

Thanks to: Porter to: Thanks

Thanks to: Thanks

Cost: Free Cost: Machinery. Computing for Association the of Chapter Boston Greater to: space. sonic through visually travel to user the allows that application software custom a by controlled and graphics, OpenGL using embellished is data Spectral sound. of view detailed responsive, a produce to analysis spectral based wavelet- multi-resolution uses that process visualization music a is Vizzy program. Vizzy his of version real-time a Lights, Vizzy software animation music custom own his employing be will Resnikoff Resnikoff. Ned designer software and musician by imagery algorithmic including visuals, projected time real large-screen by augmented be will performance Birdsongs' music. creative modern of world the to contributors significant as collectively and individually both recognized been have (synthesizer) Scott Rick and (piano), Lindgren Erik (sax/flute/percussion), Field Ken (guitar/laptop), Bierylo Michael 1980. in formed ensemble music modern electrified 4-piece a is Mesozoic the of Birdsongs Room Auditorium, Center Stata MIT Performance) Concert (Multi-Media Mesozoic the of Birdsongs 8:30–10:30pm ID with seniors students/ Ticketsfor Cost: $20/$12 description. for 3:00 See Center Cambridge 7 Harvard, and MIT of Institute Broad Theater Railway QED/Underground 8:0

0 –10:15pm 32-12,

Map of Venuesof Map 2 VassarStreet 32

Thanks Professor Blue Professor Day All admission museum with Included Cost: description. for 8 page See TechnologyStage and Science Current Gordon Science, of Museum The Nanchedron Day All Free Cost: description. for 8 page See Avenue Massachusetts Along TimeEvolutionary Line Time:Through WalkAn Day All Free Cost: description. for 8 page See Center, Stata the MIT,at Lobby TSMC 2 VassarStreet 32

All Day All Day All Day All 7:30–9:45pm 3:00–5:15pm 3:00pm 2:00pm

12:00–8:00pm 12:00–5:00pm 12:00–1:00pm 10:30am–4:00pm 10:00am–4:00pm 5:30pm Time 1:00–3:00pm 1:00pm 1:00–3:00pm Day 9 Day Walk Through TimeWalkThrough Blue Professor Nanohedron Theater Railway QED/Underground Theater Railway QED/Underground Rock of Science The Program Family Sunday Discovering the World Around Us: WorldAround the Discovering Nook Black's at WaterQuality Biodiversity and Climate Change. Climate and Biodiversity A Gallery of Sound: A Science of Science A Sound: of Gallery A Seven Solar MIT permitting) (weather Lunch Solar Presentations Science Live VanityPeptide Design Radio & TV Event The Powers of TenNorth of the Powers by The Rock of Science The Exhibit Sound Urban Scientists: Investigation of Investigation Scientists: Urban Company Opera Family Cambridge Sunday, May 4

U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Audience Kids and Family



Type U U U U U Arts + Performance



Library or School

Social U U U

Talk 39 updates for CambridgeScienceFestival.org Check 40 40 Check CambridgeScienceFestival.org for updates Day 9: MapSunday, of Venues May 4 admission. museum with Included Cost: Science of Museum to: Thanks science. current and illusions, optical lightning, animals, live as topics such on programs live Science's of TakeMuseum the in Halls Exhibit Science of Museum Presentations Science Live 10:30a admission museum with Included Cost: Science of Museum the and Levesque Ethan structure. protein and Dogma Central the encryption, of nature symbolic the exploring while structures biochemical acid nucleic and protein custom into text translate to participants enable will exhibit interactive This life? of language molecular the in written like look would name your what wonder Ever ComputerPlace Cahners Science, of Museum The VanityPeptides 10:00am–4:00pm m–


Thanks to: Thanks

Cost: Free Cost: Thompson Meredith and Chris Program, Engineering Instrument Musical TuftsFoundation, University's Science National The to: Thanks explore! and by stop so Festival, Science Cambridge the throughout Gallery Passim's at be will exhibits The exhibits. imaginative five through science of concepts basic and music of aspects interesting some Explore bridge? suspension a like guitar a is How seashell? a in ocean the hear you do Why Street Church 26 Gallery,Arts the for Center Passim Exhibit Sound of Science A Sound: of Gallery A 12:00–8:00pm Free Cost: Seven applications. of range broad a support that devices generating energy built student- of exhibits Seven Solar MIT the by amazed be and Come VassarStreet 32 Center,Stata the at Amphitheatre Seven Solar MIT 12:0 Free Cost: Science telescope. solar safe Museum's the through flares solar and sunspots possibly and sun the Observe permitting weather Science, of Museum the of front in plaza the On Lunch Solar 12:0

0– 0– 5:00pm 1:00pm

Map of Venuesof Map Thanks to: Museum of Museum to: Thanks Thanks to: MIT Solar MIT to: Thanks

0 Concord Ave. Concord 650 Cost: Free Cost: Center Ecology Maynard Schools Public Cambridge Reservation, Pond Fresh of Friends Department, WaterCambridge to: Thanks laboratory.Center Ecology Maynard the in observation for specimens macroinvertebrate and plant aquatic collect to buckets and nets of variety a use and data chemistry water collect to equipment field employ samples, collect to net plankton a use to how learn and Nook Black's Visit Center,Ecology Maynard Schools Public Cambridge Nook Black's at Quality Water of Investigation Scientists: Urban –3:00pm 1:00 admission museum with Included Cost: Science of Museum to: U2. band rock legendary the of songs the through roll 'n' rock of science the explores that performance interactive live a for Science of Museum the from educators and Groove of School Cambridge-based the from musicians Join Theater Cahners Science, of Museum Rock of Science The 1:00pm


2 VassarStreet 32 science oratorio, The Powers of Powers The oratorio, science the of premiere American the perform will Chorus Festival The community.the from children and adults 150 of performance powerful the by away swept Be MIT,Center,Stata Company Opera Family Cambridge North Tenof the Powers by The 1:0 See 1:00 description. 1:00 See Theater Cahners Science, of Museum Rock of Science The 3:00pm Free Cost: History Natural of Museum Harvard to: Thanks surroundings. natural Museum's the investigate to outside go we'll Weatherpermitting, change. climate of impact local the understand to how about talk We'llalso them. tracking and observing for ways share to and us around animals and plants of richness the about talk to Project, Life of Encyclopedia the for Director Outreach and Studer,Marie Join Education Street Oxford History,26 Natural of Museum Harvard Studer Marie with Program Family Sunday Change. Climate and Biodiversity Us: Around Worldthe Discovering 2:00pm Free Cost: Opera Family Ten.

0 Thanks to: North Cambridge North to: Thanks – 3:00pm

admission museum with Included Cost: description. for 8 page See Technologyand Science Stage Current Science, of Museum The Nanohedron Day All description. 3:00 See Center Cambridge 7 Harvard, and MIT of Institute Broad Theater Railway QED/Underground 7:3 ID with seniors students/ Ticketsfor Cost: $20/$12 Collaborative@MIT Catalyst the and Theater Railway Underground The to: Thanks Festival. Science Cambridge first the of part was which Dreams Einstein's of production successful very the on up follows and URT and MIT between initiative science/theater on-going Collaborative@MIT,Catalyst an the of part a is performance This personally.Feynman knew whom of community,many MIT the of scientists by led public the with conversations by followed be will Performances spirit. human the of expression an and inquiry scientific about inspirational deeply is QED moving, surprisingly and funny very Alternately Jochim. Keith Lipsky,starring Jon by Directed electrodynamics. quantum on work his for Prize Nobel the won who Feynman, Richard eccentric and brilliant the Parnell’sPeter about QED, play Center Cambridge 7 Harvard, and MIT of Institute Broad Theater Railway QED/Underground 3:0

0– 0– 9:45pm 5:15pm

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2 VassarStreet 32

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