Tracy Beaker Series 2 Episode 10 Home Truths Programnr:31315tv10

THE STORY OF Series 2 Episode 10 “Home Truths” Based on the book by

LOUISE: Nathan’s in lerve.

BOUNCER: Huh, she’s just a friend.

DOLLY: Nathan’s my best friend, not her!

JUSTINE: Dolly’s getting jealous….Dolly’s getting jealous….

LOUISE: Come on.

LOL: Oh, Anna, I looooove you Anna. Mmmmmm.

BOUNCER: Oh, Nathan, Mmmmm. I looooove you too.

BOTH: Mmmmmm.

ANNA: Hi kids.

ANNA: Don’t forget the tickets.

DOLLY: Come and play a game with me!

NATHAN: I will- soon.

JENNY: If you’ve nothing better to do, I could find a few jobs....

JENNY: You’re late.

NATHAN: A few minutes.

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JENNY: Again.

NATHAN: Sorry.

. NATHAN: Hello?

NATHAN: We just said goodbye. Yeh, goodbye again. No, I won’t forget, I promise.

NATHAN: All right pest, all right. Come on kids………

DOLLY: Let’s start……….

NATHAN: Come on kids…… a quick game with Dolly and me.

NATHAN: Come, on, it’s truth or dare.

DUKE: Not truth or dare, I’m not having truth or dare, It’s dangerous.

AMBER: Why does she get to choose the game?

DUKE: On your own head be it.

DOLLY: Do you like Anna best in the whole wide world?

NATHAN: Cheat! I didn’t choose truth!

DOLLY: Tell me!

NATHAN: ‘Course not- the person I like best in the whole world is....someone whose name begins with.....D.

DOLLY: Me! Dolly!

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JUSTINE: Sick bag…

TRACY: I choooose.....

DUKE: No dares! I’m….I… I’m still having nightmares after the last Tracy Beaker dare!

TRACY: I wasn’t my fault I sicked up the worms they made me eat!


DUKE: You sicked them over me!

LOL: Dumping ground rule number 27 Duke, be fast with the sick bucket when a kid calls you in the night.

DUKE: You’ll have to choose truth.

JUSTINE: Then there’s no point in Tracy Beaker playing, cos she never tells the truth.

TRACY: Liar! I always tell the truth!

AMBER: Then tell us why your ex-foster mother Cam dumped you back in the dumping ground.

DUKE: That’s it. You can play a nice friendly game of snap.

JUSTINE: She still has to answer.

TRACY: I told you before, she’s a very famous journalist, she has to go abroad all the time.

TRACY : Her last job was to find a rare species of jungle apes. She didn’t want to leave me but I told her she should go.

TRACY: She couldn’t take me cos I hadn’t had all my booster shots and I could have caught a dangerous disease.

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AMBER: Liar!

JUSTINE: Liar, Liar, pants on fire. Liar, liar pants on fire. Liar, Liar Pants on fire.

KIDS: Liar, Liar……

KIDS: …………pants on fire!

TRACY: All right! If that’s the way you want it! I’ll tell the truth! All day until six o-clock tonight and you’ll be sorry!

KIDS: Ooooh!

DUKE: You’ve just unleashed pure evil.

DOLLY: Tee hee!

JENNY: Is this work business or personal?

NATHAN: Er, not work.


ADELE: Caught you talking to your girlfriend.

NATHAN: Wrong. But if I don’t get these tickets she won’t be any kind of friend.

ADELE: What tickets?

ADELE: Ah, I’ve always wanted to see them! Oh no! I don’t have enough money!

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NATHAN: Oh, it’s on hold again! If I don’t get through, I won’t be able to get these tickets....

ADELE: Um well....I could go down there, get the tickets for you...

NATHAN: You’re a star!

ADELE: If you sub me a fiver so I can buy one too.

NATHAN: Knew there’d be a catch.

ADELE: Pretty please?


AMBER: She’ll never do it.

BOUNCER: Who’ll never do what?

AMBER: Tracy Beaker. She’ll never go a whole day telling the truth.

LOUISE: But....what if she does?


LOUISE: What if she tells the truth about everything bad we do?

LOL: Don’t do anything bad.

LOUISE: But what if she tells the truth about everything bad we’ve already done?

AMBER: We have to get in first!

DUKE: I’m getting fat, aren’t I?

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TRACY: I have to be stopped from telling the truth. What I have in here (HEAD) could bring this whole place down.

AMBER: Tracy Beaker sneaks out of her room after bed time!

JUSTINE: And she stole the biscuits that Duke thought he left in the shop!

TRACY: You grassing worms!

LOL: And she....

JENNY: Stop! All of you. What is going on?

TRACY: Actually, lots of things have been going on, Jenny.

TRACY: As you know, I was going to keep quiet about everything.

TRACY: But they’re forcing me to tell the truth. You know that sandwich toaster that went missing?

AMBER: I didn’t! Don’t believe her!

TRACY: Midnight feasts in your room, Amber, tut, tut. And how did that glue get on the sofa, again?

BOUNCER: It was him!

LOL: You liar! Anyway, you broke that lamp in the lounge!

TRACY: And Louise, what were you doing out with Justine’s new bag on Saturday?

JUSTINE: I thought I lost that- thief!

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LOUISE: Well, you spilled milk all over my bed and pretended it was me!

DUKE: I said that game would end in tears, but did anybody listen?

JENNY: This is not truth telling, this is snitching and I hate snitching! Now go! All of you!

AMBER: You’ll keep, Tracy Beaker.

TRACY: I’m sorry, Jenny, if you don’t like the truth. Oh and by the way, Duke, Jenny always lies to you about your weight. She does think you’re fat.

DUKE: I’ll be in the garden.

LOU: I’m never speaking to you again Justine Littlewood!

BOUNCER: Get out of my room, liar!

LOL: It’s my room, traitor! Ow!

TRACY: I think I like this truth business.

TRACY: People might come from all over just to hear me tell them the truth.

TRACY: In fact, if the truth were an Olympic event I’d get gold. Everyone will think I’m fantastic.

NATHAN: Hi, I’m on it, someone’s picking them up for me. (PAUSE) No, I have to stay here for lunch. (COY) If you miss me that much, come over.

NATHAN: Em, sorry, wrong number.

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JENNY: Nathan, it really isn’t wise to mix your personal life with your work here.

NATHAN: Yes. I mean, I mean, no.

ANNA: HI, is Nathan here?

DOLLY: He’s not in.

ANNA: He must be, he invited me for lunch.

JENNY: He treats this place like his home- I’ve got a good mind to go out there and…..ooh.

JENNY: You think I’m being a bit hard on him, don’t you?

DUKE: I’ll take these up to the kids.


DUKE: Nobody’s talking to anybody and they won’t come out of their rooms until six in case Tracy tells the truth again.

JENNY: Well, you can come and eat yours with me if you like.

DUKE: I’m not having any. I’ve got to lose weight, remember?

ANNA: She’s so cute.

NATHAN: When she’s not being a pest- eh, Dolly?

DOLLY: I’ve got a secret.

ANNA: I love secrets! Will you tell me?

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ANNA: What?

DOLLY: It’s true.


DOLLY: Come with me. I can prove it.

ANNA: Be back in a minute.


DOLLY: Tell her what Nathan said about her in truth or dare.

TRACY: We have to put up with damaged children here and be kind to them. Bog off!

DOLLY: Tell!

ANNA: Did he talk about me in truth or dare?

TRACY: Yes, but...

DOLLY: She’s usually a big fat liar, but not today.

TRACY: The truth is, he must be mad, he likes a horrible girl whose name begins with “D”!

TRACY: Wait! It’s not what you think!

ADELE: I got them! Just in time, they were nearly sold out.

ADELE: Anna, I got the tickets.

ANNA: Who is this “D” person that you like so much better than me?

NATHAN: No! Look, you’ve got it wrong!

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ANNA: You’ve got it wrong if you think I ever want to see you again!

ADELE: My ticket!

ANNA: You’ve ruined everything!

ADELE: I bet this was down to you!

NATHAN: Anna! I can explain!

JENNY: Stop right there!

JENNY: Is your social life really more important than your job?

NATHAN: No, but... sorry.

JENNY: Was this something to do with your so-called truth telling?

TRACY: You think you know everything, don’t you?! Jenny always has to be right and everyone else has to be wrong!

TRACY: Why is everybody asking for the truth if they can’t take it!

NATHAN: Anna wait, Anna, oh we can sort it out……….I’ll call you.

NATHAN:Come here….

TRACY: It’s not my fault if the truth hurts.

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TRACY: Roll up, roll up! Come and see the greatest show on earth! Everybody gather round!

DUKE: Where’s the fire?

TRACY: Through no fault of my own I was forced to tell the truth and make everyone unhappy. Now it’s your turn.

DOLLY: We don’t like that game.

TRACY: It’s one minute to six! Just enough time to tell Tracy Beaker the truth about herself and she won’t murder you. So, who’ll be first?

AMBER: Tracy Beaker sucks.

TRACY: That’s the best you can do?

JUSTINE: Tracy Beaker is a snitch!

LOUISE: Tracy Beaker hurts people’s feelings

LOL: Yeah, she never minds her own business!

DOLLY: Nasty girl, nasty girl!

AMBER: Thinks she’s smart!

BOUNCER: Selfish, greedy, mean horrible....

TRACY: Wait! I still have enough time to tell the truth back!

JENNY: No more, Tracy.

TRACY: No, I insist.

TRACY: Jenny, you are the biggest bossy boots in the world.

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TRACY: But that’s ‘cause you really care about us.

TRACY: And the truth about you Duke, is you are very, very, cuddly. No, wait, I still have to tell the truth - you’re fat. But if you dare change, we’ll never forgive you.

TRACY: Nathan, you are hopeless! Pathetic! The worst care worker in the world.

TRACY: And the most fun we’ve ever had.

TRACY: And you lot- You’re all loonies, but you’re sort of family and I’m truly sorry I made you all hate me. Phew, it’s seconds to six. Thank goodness....

TRACY: Six, five, four,

ALL: Three, two, one...

TRACY: I never have to tell the truth again!