DRAFT SOUTH GREY MUSEUM Minutes of the September 20th, 2007 Board Meeting held at 4:30 pm in the Artemesia Room, Flesherton

1. Present: Councillor Stewart Halliday (Chair), Councillor Lynn Silverton, Lucile Renaud, Michael Kirby, Josie Kruzick, Colleen Boer and Christine Kirby. Also present: Curator Judith Buxton

Unable to attend: Jan Trimble, Birnie Floyd

2. Agenda: adopted as presented. IVIOTION: K.Kirby1L.Silverton and carried.

3. Minutes of the July 1 2th 2007 meeting were approved: MOTION: C.Kirby1J.Kruzick and carried.

4. Matters Arising 4.1 Bat Exhibit: Judith has booked this for display May through August 2008.

5. Treasurer's Report 5.1 Mike noted that this covers the first nine months of the fiscal year. Programs and workshops raised some money, but ideally admissions would be higher. Josie suggested a telephone campaign to those who don't renew, and a reminder will go out with the Fall newsletter - Lynn suggested putting a "red dot" to tell members they are overdue. We have raised over #I 1,000 this year, and are still a little short of our target, but the 50150 draw and Trivia Night revenues are yet to come as are the three grants applied for. Judith said that Geraldine Robinson has made another generous donation. 5.2 Judith noted that changes at means that we will get our financial statements from them at the end of the month. Lynn said that the municipal budget will be brought down before the end of each year in future (this includes Strategic Planning) and Judith noted that she will have to present her Business Plan earlier also.

6. Curator's Report 6.1 The Historical Society tour of the lbluseum took place on July 1 7th, and at their monthly meeting that evening, voted to give the Museum $200 again this year. The Grade 4 and 5 students from macphail Elementary School visited on September 20th. 6.2 Music in the Park was attended by 22 people, and raised $190. 6.3 Visitor Statistics: People are coming from all over Canada and from abroad - it seems Museum goers will visit Museums wherever they travel. Having Opening Day on the same date as the Flesherton Fling brought in 145 people. Other events proved attractive also, and attendance for the summer was high.. 6.4 Website statistics are also good, and is bringing people in, thanks to Barbara Pearn's efforts on our behalf. 6.5 Kist Exhibit: This moves on to King City, ON on Sept. 25th. Judith sent a package of the materials she developed for this exhibit to the Scottish museum, and received high praise for making so much of "our little exhibit". 6.6 During August, Mike copied nearly all of the videos onto DVD, and Rebecca input most of the slides and military artifacts. 6.7 Agnes McPhail: The Museum is collaborating in the project with Grey Highlands Libraries. Jessica Postgate comes every Friday to add some of our material. 6.8Split Rail Saturday, Donna Mann will attend at the Museum from 2 - 3 pm to sign copies of her new Macphail book, "Aggie's Storm", about Agnes' childhood. 6.9 The IVluseum Network meets tomorrow in Meaford, and up for discussion are changes in municipal procedures brought about by a move to "small business format" accounting, e.g. valuing assets. Lucile wondered whether a value could be put on the Museum's contents, but most would not be replaceable. 6.10 Rocklyn now moves to the top priority, and Judith will concentrate on clearing the building as soon as possible. 6.1 1 Grey County Rocks will take place on November loth,from 1 - 4 pm. 6.1 2 Community Foundation Grey Bruce: Judith had circulated a copy of the draft agreement for the Museum's Endowment Fund. See 8.1

7. Committee Reports 7.1 Advertising - Lucile: For Music in the Park, she had put up 37 posters and notified local papers and TV. She will start advertising the Bats Exhibit early next year, in good time for the opening. Judith is still writing articles for Mosaic and the local press. She will post Trivia Night posters as soon as they are available. 7.2 Building Inspection - Stewart: He noted that all items for attention should now be reported directly to Peggy Harris, who will forward them to Ron Petch if they need his attention. 7.3 Health, Safety, Hazards and Security - Josie: - The storage cupboard in the furnace room still needs attention. - The down pipes need fixing to prevent further erosion from rainwater. - An outside light is still on 2417, wasting power. - The rear door is jamming and the crash bar does not work - this is a fire exit and needs urgent attention. The eaves troughs really need cleaning twice a year, or perhaps trough covers would be more cost effective. Stewart suggested sending an email concerning these to Peggy, asking when they might be fixed. - The double doors still need replacing - Stewart will attend to this in the near future. 7.4 Policy: Mike said that no changes are planned this year, and asked the Board members to think about what should be considered next. 7.5 Collections: Judith and Jan will have some proposals on Jan's return from vacation. 7.6 Fund Raising - Colleen 7.6.1 50159 - A schedule of people to cover the post on Raffle Row at the Split Rail Festival was drawn up. Blankets will be for sale, but not displayed. Donna Mann's book signing will be posted on Saturday. Colleen was thanked for donating the cost of the ticket printing. 7.6.2 Trivia Night - to be held November 20th (or 1 3th) at the Kinplex. Lynn offered to be MC, and all Board members will provide 10 questions each. We will need markers, runners and refreshments. Lucile will put up posters. 7.7 Garden: Judith reported for Chris, who has been away. Sue and Olive have added earth to the bed in front of the building, and mulching has been done. A frame for the bench area has been installed. The recent rain has made the garden look much better after the dry weather. Stewart suggested listing the Heritage Garden on Ecotours itineraries. Stewart said he will be replacing the currently sad municipal flag.

8. New Business 8.1 Endowment Fund: Judith expects to have the cheque very soon, but we have no formal agreement with the Community Fund Grey Bruce (CFGB) as the Treasurer at Grey Highlands wants to bring in other municipal bodies. A meeting with CFGB and the Council is scheduled for this coming Monday, at 10.45. Judith will attend for the Museum, and suggested Board members might come too. The main purpose of joining the Fund is to develop a supplementary revenue stream for the Museum that will add to funds from existing sources, all of which of course is to be accounted for in our annual budget and municipal ledger accounts. A very important factor in the joining the CFGB is that the donors' wishes be carried out. MOTION: That this Board supports the concept of a designated South Grey Museum Endowment Fund with the Community Foundation of Grey Bruce: M.Kirby1J.Kruzick and carried by five votes to two (Lynn and Lucile).

9. Next Meeting: October 1 2007 at 4:30 pm in this location. Grey Highlands' South Grey Museum Curator's Report

' 1 September 2007 Board Meeting ... . - ..,

Scope of this report is larger than usual including some July items, since we skipped our August board meeting.

1 Museum tour for the Grey County Historical Society July 18th went well, with about 20 people visiting and an end-of day donation from the group of $200 to museum activities. Macphail classroom tour, September 20.

LMusic on the Park held Sunday July 22 attracted over 50 people for its evening performance by the Valley Concert Band. The evening donations amounted to $190. 3 Summarizing visitor statistics for the season, we've seen out-of- province visitors from Nova Scotia, British Columbia, Alberta and Quebec. Internationally we' ve had visitors from England, Switzerland, Japan, Germany, New Zealand, Holland and Scotland.

Month Number of Days Details visitors Open Ma Y 186 6 Opening day alone(which was also part of Flesherton F1ing)we recorded 145 visitors.

June 160 14 Included one school tour and 1 museum program (Herbal Tea Tasting) - July 185 2 1 Included one special interest museum tour and two museum programs (Music in the Park and Music from the Kist). August 8 6 23

September 80 8/10 Not including September 21 & 22. Includes one school class. Exhibits come down September 25.

+Website visitor stats are very satisfactory. This is proving to be a way people can visit the museum on line and it's also motivating people to visit in person. Average per month for domain visits: April -$/day, May - 6/day, June - 16/day, July - 16/day, August - 20/day, September - 16/day. Hits per day: April (66); May (93), June (68), July (83), August (60), September (63). 5 Kudos for the Kist in Grey Highlands arrived in an e-mail from Scotland after I'd sent then a package of materials we'd developed in support of the exhibit (newspaper photos and articles, the exhibit guide, poster, concert program, newsletters, labels, etc.) David Forsyth, senior curator Scottish Social History and Diaspora, writes: Dear Judith, I can't tell you how pleased I am to see how much you have made of our little exhibit. You have added so much value to a simple display, I have to say you have provided the best programming around this exhibit in its entire run in n- - - -1- v;-+ mn~~~rnn +n ~;nn +\I MII~PII~.T~lesrlav Se~tember 25. ) 6 August accomplishments: Thanks to Michael almost all our videos are now transferred onto CDs. Rebecca, while she was covering for Judith during her vacation, input most of our remaining slides, as well as the majority of military artifacts onto Past Perfect. Our next step will be to add this window (military) to our Website.

7 Agnes Macphail research is currently being conducted in conjunction with the Grey Highlands Libraries. Jessica Postgate is in the museum every Friday as we gather Macphail documents from museum collections to enter into a Grey County register.

Split Rail Saturday, we welcome author Donna Mann to the museum to sign copies of lggies Storms, a novelized account of Agnesf s girlhood, she has recently published with The Brucedale Press.

Grey Bruce Dufferin Museum Network meets this Friday September 21, this time in Meaford. Topics include changes to Municipal regulations that may affect museums.

Going Forward

~CRocklynbecomes the priority now that our regular open season is drawing to a close. This means the curator is free to work off-site and, when on site, to be ensconced in the depths of the museum. il November loth is the date selected for our annual Rock Identification Clinic: Grey Highlands Rocks. Time 1 - 4 pm.

Contract with the Community Foundation Grey Bruce has not been signed or gone to Council, pending administrative concerns that it could serve the municipality better if it was broadened to embrace other organizations beyond the museum, such as recreation and other areas that also look to donations for ongoing support. As a result, Kelley Coulter has arranged for a delegation from the Foundation to present information to Council Monday, September 24 at 10:45. We can be part of this presentation and available for questions from Council. Meanwhile I received notice from the donor's daughter, Tuesday, September 18th1that funds can now be released to the museum in the amount of $20,000, and that the family is expecting their mother's considerable donation will constitute part of an endowment fund. .sasuadxa (lo~Aed/6u!pl!nqledp!unlly 01 pale3ol(e lnq arJasaJ JOJ sasuadxa unesnw JaAo auo3u! unasnyy 40 16'1.~5t$40snld~ng 'B'N 5 - [05'65~'6$ [ LG'SSE'L 1$ I 00'SLS'E-L$ 1 08.980'Zil$ I


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-01s~-LO ZL 4nr oz 'des LOOZ 9001 uall # 31e podel jse7 len~lv la6pna lenpv DRAFT SOUTH GREY MUSEUM Minutes of the July 12th, 2007 Board Meeting at 4:30 pm at the Artemesia Room, Flesherton

1. Present: Councillor Stewart Halliday (Chair), Councillor Lynn Silverton, Lucile Renaud,, Michael Kirby, Josie Kruzick, and Christine Kirby. Also present: Curator Judith Buxton

Unable to attend: Jan Trimble, Colleen Boer, Birnie Floyd

2. Agenda: adopted as amended. MOTION: J L.Silverton/M.Kirby and carried.

3. IVlinutes of the June 1 4th, 2007 meeting were approved: MOTION: M.Kirby/J.Kruzick and carried.

4. Matters Arising: 4.1(4.2) Outdoor lights: Nothing to report as the new municipal staff member has not been appointed. The side light was on at the Kist concert on July. 'The light on the front of the building appears to have a motion sensor. The rope lights on the building are turned off. 4.2 (1 Lynn suggested that a Vice-Chair be appointed to formally substitute for the Chair when absent. After checking the Policy Manual, there is a provision for appointing a temporary Chair at any meetiqg where one is needed. 4.3 (4.3) Grey Highlands CAO Kelly Coulter is ordering at hydro usage study throughout the municipality's properties, including this one. The Museum meter is read twice a year.

5. Treasurers' Report - Income: Mike reported that donations have been coming in nicely, but we still need another $1,000 before year-end, perhaps from Trivia Night? - Expenses: Advertising is high due to the cost of the new brochure, and the Kist Exhibit sign, but there are no more expenses to come under this heading. The cost of insurance for the year si $1,017, and building repairs (lights) are $630.57 and cover two years, and there will be another $60 for fire extinguisher servicing. In response to a question from Lucile, Mike reported that the figures in the 2006 Actual column do not balance because of the $5,000 fund raising money which Grey Highlands is holding in the General Reserve Fund and there was some discussion on this. However, this does not happen to all municipal organizations, and Lynn will try to get the format used by exempted groups. Lynn noted that not claiming tax receipts for donated items masks the real cost of running the Museum.

6. Curator's Report 6.1 Rocklyn: Judy thanked Colleen and her family, and Mike, for the removal of items taken to the dump. This really cleans up the space for prospective buyers. Judith said that she would need the 60 days the sale would normally be expected to take to move the other items back to the Museum in an orderly manner, but it could be done faster if really necessary. This would probably mean closing the Museum for several days a week instead of running summer hours of 5 days open. She can do all she has to do by the end of September. 6.2 Communications: The internet connection had been down for at week this month, probably due to the upgrading of the cable. Cablerocket will not charge for July. The fax machine has been up and running for a year, using the phone line, and faxes can only be received when there is someone in the office to switch it on. This has not caused problems and saves considerably on a separate phone line. Judith will be away for two weeks from August 6thand Rebecca will cover. 6.3 Community Foundation Grey Bruce (CFGB): Judith has met with Kelly Coulter to discuss this proposal, and she was supportive, suggesting that we create a draft contract which she will review, and then inform Council before we make a formal proposal. As we expect a large donation in September, we would be able to open the account then. It would attract further large donations from the community as people would be assured that their money would be working long term for the Museum, and, as the donor seems willing, could also serve as a media event to encourage more large gifts. When the interest is available each year, a special Board Meeting should be convened to decide on its disposition. Judith will clarify two points: whether we can touch the capital before 10 years are up, and what would happen to it in the unlikely event that the Museum closes. 6.4 Service Canada (formerly HRDC): Judith finally received a call back from a woman who has our file. It seems a "consultant" drew an arbitrary line between non-profit and for-profit groups and we need to get back into the correct standing or we will never recover our funding. Judith has sent an information package to Larry Miller's office at his request so that he can work on this also. Our Museum representative at Queen's Park, John Carter, is also following this on our behalf. 6.5 Herbal Tea Tasting, June 30th: This was very successful: there were a lot of people, the garden looked very good, the Mad Hatter brought people in from the street, and the teas were popular, as were the goodies made with herbs, some of which came from the garden. Donations amounted to $94. 6.6 Kist Concert, July 7'" This was a mixture of Scottish and other music, excerpts from immigrant diaries and stories and jokes by Naomi Norquay and Rob MacDonald. 6.7 Coming Up: July 18"', the Grey County Historical Society is booked to visit the Kist Exhibit, and on July 22"d, Music in the Park with the Valley Concert Band will take place. 6.8 On-going Coverage: The new "Mosaic" is out. The Museum is participating in the "Get Away to Grey" contest sponsored by the County Tourism Office. Barbara Pearn is posting our events on the Flesherton blog, and the public is finding out about us through news items, brochures and posters.

7. Committee Reports 7.1 Advertising (Lucile): The brochures are available in 17 locations including the newly revived Flesherton Tourism Office. Flyers are posted in many places for the Music in the Park event. The Kist Exhibit summer hours are posted in Forthcoming Events in local papers and on Cable. Judith updates the Grey Highlands website listings. Lynn will include the Concert in her article. Lucile reported that she has a list of more than 80 possible locations for advertising, etc, and picks the best for the purpose. 7.2 Building Inspection: Stew said the replacement doors will be installed at the end of the summer. 7.3 Health, Safety, Security & Hazards: Josie said the last inspection was June 7Ih. The downspout needs to be fixed before the erosion gets worse. The plug for the outdoor light is too high to reach - it needs to have a switch and to have the cable not run through the door creating an entrance for insects and small vermin. 7.4 Policy: Nothing to report at this time. 7.5 Collections: Nothing to report at this time. 7.6 Fund Raising: The booth is booked at Split Rail and 50150 tickets distributed for sale. 7.7 Garden Committee: Chris reported that the gardens are doing well. The committee meets tomorrow to discuss what works and what does not.

8. New Business: 8.1 Bats Exhibit: Judith is negotiating with the ROM to get this for next summer - June through August - at a cost of $2,150 (much lower than the original quote) for transportation and participation fees. She expects to have $2,000 in hand for this, and will be seeking business sponsors. MOTION: That Judith book the ROM Bat Exhibit for 2008 for $2,150 plus tax: J.KruzicklC.Kirby and carried.

9. Announcements None to be made at this time.

10: Next Meeting: September 20th at 4:30 in this location.

11 MOTION to adjourn : L.SilvertonlJ.Krusick and carried.