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©2010 The Topps Company, Inc. All rights Reserved. Historical Turning Points: Glengarry, ® Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, BattleMech and ’Mech are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. STICKS IN THE WIND 4 KILOMETERS SOUTH OF HALIDON “Any Legion unit this net, contact!” Tran shouted into his radios. He read off GLENGARRY coordinates. Part of Kellum’s mind listened but there was no reply. Every exercise SKYE MARCH, FEDERATED COMMONWEALTH the Legion ran involved all combat arms—Grayson Death Carlyle had pioneered mercenary combined arms when the rest of the Sphere was still using BattleMechs 17 APRIL 3056 for everything. His platoon—his blower!—shouldn’t be out here all alone like this. “And the damn Skye Guards shouldn’t be shooting at us either,” Cannes said, Sergeant Glenn Kellum held his teeth apart just far enough to let his tongue rest leaning over and holding his hand over his helmet microphone. “Get it together, between them. The soft tissue absorbed some of the vibration from the Condor’s TC!” big Jones diesel and the lift fans, but his skin was still raw from rubbing against I said that out loud? Kellum squeezed his eyes shut for an instant and then looked the hard canvas-covered seat. He’d been in blowers for a decade but no one could at his screens. The caret indicating the Vindicator was still coming strong—not as take four hours of fl ank running without side eff ects. He rocked forward as far as fast as the Condor could move, but it could go over the hillocks and boulders the his restraints would allow, almost bringing his helmet into contact with the vision hovertank had to go around. More signals—phantoms, really, contacts the Con- blocks. Sinews in his neck and shoulders crackled. He touched the intercom. “Fuel?” dor’s computer couldn’t identify—blurred the screen behind the Vindicator. “Another hour—two, if we slow down,” the Condor’s driver, Corporal Gomez, “Tran!” Kellum barked. “Anything from Watts?” said. The driver’s compartment was two meters forward, behind a bulkhead and “Nothing, TC!” shrouded in blast curtain. Kellum knew Gomez was suff ering more than he was— The turret vibrated as Cannes rotated the Whirlwind toward the Condor’s rear. the commander’s cupola was in the turret, and the heavy casting absorbed a lot A chunk-chunk announced the loading of a new cassette-round of ammunition. of the vibration. Kellum touched a control and slaved his screen to Cannes’ gunnery screen. The dis- “We’re not slowing down,” Kellum mumbled. “Tran—anything?” tinctive head armor of the Vindicator appeared over the crest of a hillock. Cannes The commo tech in the bowels of the Condor broke squelch once in the dragged his controls, swinging the autocannon barrel to the left and up. The gong- negative. hammer of the Whirlwind’s fi ring fi lled the turret again. Shells exploded across the “Defi nitely not slowing down,” Kellum muttered. “Cannes?” Vindicator’s left arm, smashing armor plates to the ground. Kellum grin bared his “Nothing, TC,” the gunner said from beside him. The gunner and the tank com- teeth. The Vindicator’s right arm cleared the rim of the hill— mander shared the turret cupola. In smaller blowers the Legion usually made the —blue-white light— TC man the gun, but a Condor rated a dedicated gunner. Cannes had been in the —snap-boom— Legion for six months, joining from Coltbridge. He’d chafed a bit at being assigned —the hairs on Kellum’s arms and neck stood on end as the Condor rocked. He to Halidon when the Skye Guards hit Coltbridge, but the Separatist landing shut dialed his screen to a damage schematic but there were no new red scars on the him up. Condor’s armor. The PPC had missed, but only barely, and the explosion as it de- The arrival of a Free Skye fl eet had turned Glengarry upside down. The landhold- stroyed the ground beside the speeding tank had rocked it as if it had hit. Kellum ers, the mercenary Gray Death Legion, had opposed the Separatists landings from breathed out—and was slammed against his restraints as the Condor lurched to the start, even after that bastard DeVries tried to take over and killed Major de Villar. the other side. “Gomez!” The Colonel’s boy was doing a good job so far, slowing the Free Skye landings by “It’s not my fault!” the driver screamed. A screech arose as the skirts dragged moving Legion ’Mechs around on the maglevs. Kellum eyed the landscape again. the ground, and Kellum felt the tank lurch to the left and slow. “He threw us into That’s what I’m doing out here. Lieutenant Zappirelli’s platoon was tasked to slow a boulder—“ the Halidon landing long enough for the reaction ’Mech companies to get here. “Get. Us. Moving.” Kellum ground out. Four blowers against two ’Mech companies. “I can’t—“ Sergeant Wilke’s Saracen had fallen fi rst, its steel skirts taken out by the lead This time the Vindicator’s PPC hit, tearing out the armor protecting the Condor’s Cataphract’s cannon. M’Dahlia’s Scimitar died trying to draw the Separatists’ fi re rear side and smashing the engine. The fans’s howl died immediately and the Whirl- while Wilke’s crew bailed out. Emma Watts’ Drillson was off to the east, blowing up wind, which had been fi ring, cut out mid-cassette. Cannes swore and slammed his a dust cloud trying to draw some ’Mechs away from the railhead. Where the Legion fi sts against the console. His foot kicked the fi ring trip again and again. ’Mechs would appear. “TC!” Tran shouted. Someday. “Everybody out!” Kellum shouted. His hands were jerking at the hatch wheel “Contact!” Cannes shouted. A red caret appeared on Kellum’s screen as a Sepa- over his head. The lights in the turret fl ickered and died. “Now!” The hatch wouldn’t ratist Vindicator strode over the hill. Hatches popped open on its chest and fi ve budge. long-range missiles arrowed toward the Condor, but Gomez fl ung the blower “It’s Watts!” Tran said. “She says the ‘Mechs are here.” aside by angling his thrust. Cannes grunted as he worked the controls, bringing “One just killed us, pendejo,” Gomez spat. His voice echoed down the interior of the big Whirlwind cannon to bear. The turret sang with the blam-blam-blam of the the tank. cassette-round cycling, adding its own tremulous vibrations to the fans’. “No, the Legion ‘Mechs!” Kellum ignored it, watching the rounds track across the Vindicator’s chest. “Tar- Kellum pulled his sidearm and slammed the butt of the pistol against the hatch. get!” he shouted. “Gomez, go! Get us out of here.” The wheel shifted a centimeter or so. He spun it open and cracked the hatch— smoke immediately bellowed into the turret. “Maybe they’ll have better luck,” he said, and pulled himself out of the turret. He looked for the Vindicator, but it was already headed back the way it had come, breaking into a run as he watched. “Or not…”

1 elcome to Historical Turning Points: Glengarry, a campaign book designed to give players the opportunity to ght in one of the landmark con icts of the Inner Sphere’s tumultuous history. W The general information contained in the Atlas and Combatants sections gives players the tools needed to ght an in nite number of engagements on Glengarry, while the Track section gives details on some of the larger and more pivotal battles of the planetary struggle. The Track sections can be used with stand-alone games set in 3056. The Atlas section presents a global view followed by some quick facts about Glengarry. Included in this section you will nd terrain tables broken into various categories. These tables can be used as a random chart to determine the maps used in the tracks, or simply as a guide to give you ideas of the types of terrain found on the world. This section also contains a list of various additional terrain types, environment and other rules that can be used to enhance your game experience. All players should agree whether or not to use any or all of these features before play begins. The Combatants section gives details on the units who participated in the con ict and can be used by players who wish to add authenticity to their game. While the units who actually participated in the battles are noted, in most cases the numbers on each side are left undetermined. This allows the players to pursue the tracks with di erent forces as they wish. The rough ratio of forces on each side is provided as a guideline. Players should feel free to balance the forces in each track as they see t, whether by battle value, tonnage, total number of ’Mechs, or whatever else suits them. The Tracks section presents several key battles that occurred on the world, though they are not the only ones. Players wishing to incorporate these tracks into their Chaos Campaign campaigns should use the Warchest Points (WP) listed in the brackets. Optional points are awarded only if the group achieves at least one Objective while using the listed option. Objective points are cumulative as they are achieved, unless otherwise noted. The Annex section contains two o cial Record Sheets. First is the Zeus of Leonidas Brannock, combat commander of the Free Skye ground forces on Glengarry. Next is the Hovercraft PPC Carrier, a low-cost conventional unit used by the Legion armored forces.

CREDITS Project Development: Ben H. Rome

BattleTech Line Developer: Herb A. Beas II STAR LEAGUE ERA CLAN INVASION ERA JIHAD ERA Writing: Jason Schmetzer

Production Sta Cover Design and Layout: Matt Heerdt Evolved Faction Logos Design: Jason Vargas, Ray Arrastia Maps and Unit Logos: Ray Arrastia Record Sheets: David L. McCulloch

Factchecking/Playtesting: Joel Bancroft-Connors, Bruce Ford, Glenn Hopkins, Michael Koning, Darrell Meyers, Mike Miller, Geoff Swift, John Unchelenko, Chris Wheeler, Patrick Wynne

For more information about the Battle of Glengarry, or the Gray Death Legion in general, see the source- book Day of Heroes or the novel Blood of Heroes, by J. Andrew Keith. Additional information about the Legion can be found the novels Decision at Thunder SUCCESSION WARS ERA CIVIL WAR ERA DARK AGE ERA Rift, Mercenary’s Star, Price of Glory, Tactics of Betrayal, and Operation: Excalibur by William H. Keith and The Dying Time, by Thomas S. Gressman, as well as several sourcebooks including Field Manual: Mercenaries and The Gray Death Legion. NOTE! The last four pages of this PDF are sized for 11” x 17” paper. Please keep this in mind when printing out the document.

2 ATLAS Compilation, BT =ClassicBattleTech. Box Set Introductory specifiunless otherwise ed by thescenario. , MSC=MapSet MS=MapSet from theappropriate tableorrandomly determine whichmapto use, found onthebattlefields ofGlengarry. Players amap may eitherselect capital, boththeoretical andfinancial—to theworld. theLegion’sedge—and reputation—have military brought welcome the Carlyle family’s stance widely-known aboutthefree spread ofknowl- has brought agentle wave ofoptimismto theworld anditspeople, as andbegan afamily.on Glengarry The oftheGray arrival DeathLegion currently heldby DeVries, Roger aformer shipping magnate whosettled The astheCouncil’s Governor General functions chiefexecutive, arole a conduit between the people and the baron when one is in residence. of Twenty operates thecivilian governmental as andacts bureaucracy Grayson DeathCarlyle thebarony hadbeenpassedoften. The Council as aconvenient sopto purchase loyalty—prior to theassignation of of itsstature. For was usedby many theLyran years Glengarry aristocracy able, hardworking people in who a take job pride done well regardless that are considered often menialonotherworlds are heldby respect- developed worlds would usetechnology, usespeople. Roles Glengarry offondghost city histories andunemployed journeymen. Where more spread into smallerandself-sufficient packets. garry’s) andsettlements declineasthepopulation shrunkanditscity word—andon amilitarily-worthless thusbeganDunkeld’s (andGlen- had notimeorresources to anoverpopulated devote to city supporting by all the Successor States to claim the bones of the Hegemony, but it fate. The world was claimedby theLyran Commonwealth inthescramble in thewake ofAmaris’ defeat andKerensky’s Exodus sealedGlengarry’s claimed the Hegemony was a warning flare, but the fall of the Hegemony itself.the infrastructure to support The disruptionoftrade whenAmaris especially.and for Glengarry Although was Dunkeld afi itlacked ne city today intheformsurvives Center oftheMunicipal in West Dunkeld. intoshaped thecity asymbolofpeaceful expression, ashapethat still grew intoquickly ametropolis to rivalany Sphere. intheInner Architects quiet pastoral world, and the capital (and main settlement) at Dunkeld fl philosophers, as artists, and other ourished great thinkers fl ocked to the it metmany ofitsneedsthrough trade rather thaninfrastructure. The arts growing colony, closeenoughto thebosomof Terran Hegemony that League Sphere. Inner the During Star Leaguewas a small but Glengarry and societal — forced by the Succession Wars that rocked the post-Star GLENGARRY MAPSHEETS The tablesat rightrepresent thecategories ofterrain that canbe Today remains Dunkeld thecenter ofGlengarry, butitisalargely The falloftheStar League was adisaster for theentire Sphere, Inner representativeis a prime Glengarry of the decline — technological 5 Weather Conditions Terrain Modications played out. may beused totions (TO) add specifi to the battles aspects c Glengarry OPTIONAL RULES Bog Down (seep.Bog 62-63,TO (seep.Rain 58,TO Wind (seepp. 61-62,TO (seep.Rails 51,TO (seep.Mud 50,TO Rubble (Ultra) (seep. 39,TO (Ultra)Rough (seep. 39,TO Planted Fields (seep. 38,TO Fire (seep. 43,TO Sheer Cliffs (seep. 39,TO allplayersIf agree, eff thefollowing particular from Tacticalects Opera- *place 10 light and medium buildings of varying heights*place andsizes 10light andmediumbuildingsofvarying onthemapin

determine thesize, cF, andplacement ofallten buildings. any 10 non-paved hexes. roll 2D6—the player with the highest roll result may OUTSKIRTS DUNKELD BROKEN RIDGES GLENGARRY MAPSHEETS TABLE MAPSHEETS GLENGARRY 1D6 Result 1D6 Result 1D6 Result 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) City (Hills/Residential) #2(MS3,MSC1) (Hills/Residential) City City StreetCity Grid/Park #1*(MS4,MSC1) ) ) ) ) Desert Mountain #1(MS3,MSC1) Mountain Desert Large #1(MS5,MSC2) Mountain Scattered Woods (MS2,MSC2) Scattered Woods (MS2,MSC2) Scattered Woods (MS2,MSC2) City Downtown*City (MS6,MSC2) Desert Hills (CBT, Hills Desert MS2,MSC1) Open Terrain #1(MS5,MSC1) Open Terrain #2(MS5,MSC1) BattleTech (CBT, MS2,MSC2) Mountain Lake(MS2,MSC1) Mountain CityTech (MS2,MSC1) Map* CityTech (MS2,MSC1) Map* CityTech (MS2,MSC1) Map* City (Suburbs) (MS6,MSC2) (Suburbs) City City Ruins*(MS2,MSC1) City Map Map Map THE BATTLE OF GLENGARRY / COMMANDERS reaction forcereaction toward thelanding. ’Mechs backaboard Davis themaglevwhile Major McCall took asecond ward of Coltbridge. the maglev terminal city ordered Carlyle quickly his but were interrupted by the news that a second force was headedto- the Separatists to surrender. The Legion forces celebrated their victory limited strength thefew to overwhelm defenders debarked andforcing was ableto catch force thearriving before itwas fullydeployed, usinghis side thecity. moving By his’Mech forces aboard themaglev, Alex Carlyle company ofinfantry, grounded intwo DropShips inthebadlandsout- company oftheFourth Guards, Skye reinforced by atankplatoon anda ontheshoresing community ofGlengarry’s largest freshwater lake. A onslaught. at Dunkeld, theLegionblown prepared theirvictory after for theSkye using adamagedLegion DropShip asamassive mine. With theircover space forces, engagedtheSkye andlured‘Mechs theminto anambush small force ofLegion ’Mechs andinfantry,by itsscant aero- supported under downthe guise of DeVries’ to the spaceport A safe-conduct. until the’Mech forces arrived. forcesinfantry would bedeployed to disruptlikelyenemy landingzones forcesreaction mounted onGlengarry’s maglevtrains. Conventional and plan to use thefew companies BattleMech available to theLegion asfast- entire strength rebels oftheSkye intheopenfi eld, soheapproved a and large forces Skye landing. could hold theLegion together, withdissent eruptingacross Glengarry DavisMajor McCall convinced young Alex Carlyle to fi ll. Only a Carlyle represented lossintheLegion’s acritical command structure, aholethat to face theincoming Separatist Skye forces. The de loss ofMajor Villar As themilitia fl ed into thehinterlands theLegion to tried consolidate murder of the senior Legion field offi cer on-world, de Gomez Major Villar. militia loyal todespite DeVries opposition from andthe theGlengarry facilities where the Legion offi cers were being held and freed them, the cadetcorps oftheLegionGuard led anassaultagainstthePlanetary Legion’s officers incustody. When the Legion’s officers refused to abide by his decision, he placed the and assured General-Kommandant von Bulow of Glengarry’s neutrality. however, choseto takematters into hisown handsto protect Glengarry on to tried decidehowTharkad, to respond. DeVries, Governor-General ontheClanbordergarrison andColonel Grayson DeathCarlyle away andclaimingGlengarry.Skye The Legion, splitwithhalfitsstrength in rebel fl otilla moved in-system, announcingthesecession oftheIsle Kommandant von Bulow, aseniorofficer oftheFree rebellion, Skye the point stations. and soonthenearby orbital Commanded by General- the Legion’s JumpShipsfrom escaping, buttheycontrolled thejump aerospace assetsat thejump point. They were unableto stop oneof and aerospace cover, destroying quickly the few Gray Death Legion JumpShips entered system the and Glengarry released their DropShips wealth believed bureaucracy thethreat would never to rise that level. exploded intonearly openrebellion, butmostoftheFederated Common- Hanse Davion of the Federated Suns. April By 3056 the Isle of Skye had independence thatby hadbeenburied theArchon’s late husband, Prince thoseshockwavesSkye washed thesandoff ofpent-up dreams ofSkye shockwaves through Lyran society, butinthealways-secessionist Isleof GLENGARRY THE BATTLEOF The next landing the Skye rebels landingtheSkye The attempted next fell at Loch Sheol, afish- The fi rst rebel landingcameat itself, Dunkeld asmallforce lured Young Legion forces hisshort Carlyle knew couldn’t hopeto face the Led by Davis Clay andtheseniorfree officer, Tech Alard Major King, On the fi rst of April a Free Separatist Skye fl otilla of six They were wrong. The assassination ofArchon Steiner-Davion Melissa in3055sent Invader -class 7 led the Legion from small victory toled theLegion smallvictory, managing to from holdout smallvictory Davis McCall, to Bear HassanAli draw Khaled,andCharles on,Alex Carlyle advancing Guards Skye scout lance single-handedly. ment hesnapped, formation breaking andrushingforward to destroy an Ryco Pass, Carlyle hadtakenabout allhecould. thefi During nal engage- enemy. thetimeretreat By from Halidonforced theLegion through them, to likethem,andto seethemtakenaway underthegunsof the cost ofcommanding menandwomen inbattle, gettingto know of hellfor theyoung MechWarrior, from ashelearned experience terrible overall command oftheLegion Guards whentheSkye attacked. much soonerthananyone could have imagined ashewas pressed into what ittook to command theLegion oneday. course, Of that day came much oftheLegion might have thatthesonofOldMan perhaps showed militia, and that action from cells the prison of the Glengarry Legion leadership, hewas freed intheraid that freed theLegion officers Dunkeld, attending theDay ofHeroes celebration. Captured withthe officer incharge oftheothertrainees. his future role ascommander oftheentire Legion himcadet- by making training. was here that It theLegion’s trainers beganto shapehimfor MechWarrior withadedicated studiesinearnest, ’Mech assigned for his and opened the Brander Glengarry Training Center that he began his as anapprentice withtheLegion. wasn’t It until theLegion moved to began hisMechWarrior training muchashisfather hadbeentrained, that someday theGray DeathLegion would behisto command. He fromder Durant thetimehewas Carlyleoldenoughto knew understand COMMANDERS Separatists and the abortive Skye rebellion Skye ended.Separatists andtheabortive the damage already done by helped crush the the Legion on Glengarry Highlanders, at theheadofNorthwind lyle arrived backonGlengarry engagements thetimeGrayson at By Killiecrankie Car- reinforcements gave theLegion fresh hope, whichtheyputto gooduse Although theytookran lossesinspace blockade. theSkye serious the Khaled’sMajor Second’Mech Battalion and returned from duty garrison out ofahiddenDropShip, theLegion andreceived survived aboonwhen Verthandi to theSeparatists where hideandstrike theywere Based weak. Guards,with theSkye usingLegion establishedasfarback doctrine GuardsSkye hadfinally broken theLegion’s momentum. arrived, force theSkye was stilltoo strong andtheLegion retreated. The company to tried hold them, and succeeded until the rest of the Legion themuntil theLegion ’Mechs arrived.harry Although’Mech thereaction armor, landedto face onlythesmallconventional forces assigned to lands. Fully two companies and of’Mechs, Skye by infantry supported landing zone High- high in the Monaghan near Halidon, a mining city warning systemsorbital showed a much larger force Skye headedfor a landingzone wherean emergency theirDropShips could retrieve them. still highbefore theLegion forced forces theSkye to withdraw toward kept theGray Death from being overrun, and the cost in casualties was ofAlexthe timelyarrival Carlyle’s battered forces from Loch Sheolthat the Skye Guards, Hauptmann-General Leonidas was only Brannock.It at Loch Sheol, andincludedtheoverall ground combat commander of available to stop them. These forces Skye were heavier thanthelanding lev terminal, facing thesinglecompany ofGray DeathLegion ’Mechs ALEXANDER CARLYLE With ofsuchlong-time Legion the experience andsupport officers as brutal form in 3056 wasThe aparticularly campaign across Glengarry Cadet Carlyle was inWhen Separatists the Skye attacked Glengarry The onlysonofGrayson DeathCarlyle andLoriAlexan- Kalmar-Carlyle, 3037(19in3056) Born: Colonel (Cadet),Rank: commander ofGray DeathLegion The next severalThe next months found theLegion playing cat-and-mouse As the Legion consolidated Loch after Sheol and Coltbridge, however, At outside a the hot-drop mag- Coltbridge the Fourth performed Skye COMMANDERS / COMBATANTS historical formations. their usebefore gameplay begins. Keep inmindtheserulesare optionalandall players shouldagree to Warfare (seep. 264,TW defined unitfrom acampaign), follow theUnitGeneration rulesinTotal if randomly determining aforce. To buildaunit(ifnot usingaplayer- dom Skills Table (seep. 273,TW The Experience Level indicates whichcolumn to roll onusingtheRan- COMBATANTS ship, Strategy, and Tactics rolls. HeisanexcellentSkye). leader, Modifi Roll with+6Skill ers to allLeader- loyalist witha10-TP (hauptmanngeneral) and5-TP Rank For In Life (Free and officer withalongcareer intheAFFCandLCAF before it. HeisaSkye inDecember 3056hewastachment anearly-broken ofHighlanders man. and confidence, andby thetimehewas captured withhisstaff by ade- reinforcements could arrive, was aconstant grind onBrannock’s nerves sure from General-Kommandant von Bulow to crush the Legion before The constant low-level againsthistroops, actions combined withthepres- advancethe Skye until theLegion disappeared into campaign. aguerilla disbelief, and he kept his fi movingeld headquarters with the front line of succeeded. angerat beingpushedoutofColtbridge His bordered on nock dropped with theColtbridge forces to makesure landings theSkye of success theinitiallandingsat andLoch during Dunkeld Sheol, Bran- ing HauptmannGeneralBrannock hadever seen.Angered by thelack together. commander, formed a staff and he quickly and brought his regiment choice to be the Guards’ made him the perfect military the Skye combat campaign was secretly announced. Brannock’s years ofexperience with almosten anddeclaredmasse forserted Free whentheGlengarry Skye up ofelements oftheFourth and Tenth unitsthat Rangers, Skye hadde- to leadthenewly-formed Fourth Guards. Skye The Guards were made Skye’s staff military whenGeneral-Kommandant von Bulow tappedhim attention Steiner andtheFree Ryan ofDuke leadership. Skye wasn’t until herose to therank ofcolonel, however, that hecameto the secessionists in3034that pushedBrannock into theFree camp. Skye It the Fourth War, andthenHanseDavion’s heavy-handedtreatment ofthe Combine. was seeing the It raiding into the Isle of Skye that followed company commander intheFourth Succession War againsttheDraconis glamore was to the Skye Rangers, where as both a helance served and a consummate ’Mech officer loyalist. andSkye fi His San- rst postingafter Modifi Roll tion. Alex has+3Skill ers to allLeadership and Tactics rolls. a 3-TP Equipped Trait, aswell asa4-TP Fast Learner Trait and2-TP Reputa- theBattle histaskduring ofGlengarry. learned Hepossesses who quickly Highlanders. Northwind and deny was relieved until the Skye GuardsGlengarry by victory the LEONIDAS BRANNOCK Notes contain a brief notation of the skills,history, or attitude of the Unit Abilitiesare specialgamerulesthat applyto that unitincombat. RAT campaign. liststhecombatThis intheGlengarry unitsactive section Abilities:Special Leonidas Brannock is a Veteran-level MechWarrior The fi ended up being some of the hardest fighting on Glengarry ght- of ontheDuke 3056then-LeftenantIn GeneralBrannock was serving A graduate oftheSanglamore Academy onSkye, Leonidas Brannock is 3000(56in3056) Born: HauptmannGeneral, commanderRank: oftheFourth Guards Skye Abilities:Special Alexander Carlyle isa Veteran-level MechWarrior shows Assignment whichRandom Table (seep. 6)to roll unitsfrom ). ) for thecombatants. 8 than Skye Rangers. than Skye together, ofthemselves Guards, asSkye themthinking rather andto start was formed to give the disparate units experience Skye Ranger working the Fourth’s regiments. supporting The ad hoc the Tenth buttheconventional Rangers, Skye forces were drawn from Steiner’s adventurism. ofthe’Mech elements Most camefrom military ments oftheFourth and Tenth to backRichard who elected Rangers Skye assault ’Mechs are destroyed ordisabled. assault ’Mechs receives a+1Initiative bonusfor aslongnoneofthe ditionally, any Guards Skye force composed ofmore thanfi percent fty than half their original force is disabled or destroyed in any game. Ad- tive Guards againsttheSkye unlessmore NoopponentRangers. may Force theInitia- of abilities from their parent units, the Skye a young unit, buttheyinherited anumber Brannock problem. Grayson Carlyle isquite happy to lettheAssassin looseonany tough Even theJadeFalcons have felt thesteel ofHassan’s Assassins—and the elite Legion to exploit any armored inany infantry weakness enemy. example to bethemostaggressive possible, fullyutilizing to make up forencourages Khaled hissubordinate it. Major officers by ofFirsthistory ’Mech Battalion buttheyhave more thanenough attitude onthefi isactive Khaled when Major eld. abilities (seep. 193,TO Second may use the and Overrun Communications Disruption special CommandoSaurimat commanding offi cer. Legion, refl theattitude ofitsformer-ecting ion is the most aggressive battalion in the 3056) (26 September Second ’Mech Battalion the forefront Legion since. ofevery action Legion’s fi rst formal contract on Verthandi, andtheyhave remained at among thefirst recruited by Grayson Death Carlyle onGalatea before the gion. The Gray Deathcontains several MechWarriors whowere still active Alexturn Carlyleonthefi isactive eld. and receives a +2 Initiative bonus for any p. 192,TO may usetheOff movement-Map rules(see First ’Mech Battalion FOURTH SKYE GUARDS GRAY DEATH LEGION Notes: The Fourth Guards Skye were amalgamated from onSkye ele- Unit Abilities: The Fourth Guards Skye are RAT: Average Experience: Regular CO: Notes: Second’Mech Battalion (Hassan’s Assassins) doesn’t have the Unit Abilities: The Second’Mech Battal- RAT: Average Experience: Veteran CO: Notes: Gray First Death)istheleadunitofLe- ’Mech Battalion (The Unit Abilities: The First ’Mech Battalion RAT: Average Experience: Veteran CO: HauptmannGeneralLeonidas HassanAli Khaled Major Colonel Acting Alexander Carlyle Free Guards Skye Gray DeathLegion Gray DeathLegion ) for upto halfitsforce inany track, ) andgainsa+2Initiativeany bonusduring turn Skye Guards Skye regiment TRACKS 84, TO Fire:nity Firing ontheMove rules(seep. 86,TO Bonuses: Optional WARCHEST edge isopposite theedgechosenby theAttacker. platoons astheAttacker.ber ofinfantry The Defender’s homemap Sphere (seep. 270,TW domly, roll on the and have aGreen Experience Level. When determining unitsran- Defender Hover APCs(seep.). 15,TRO3039 hexes oftheAttacker’s homemapedge. ploys theDefender. hisunitsafter All unitsmust deploy withinfour Attacker may determine his or her home map edge first, but de- None of the units should have an Experience Level of Elite. The platoon andonearmored vehicleinfantry two ’Mechs. for every force. andarmor infantry The Attacker shouldfield oneunarmored Attacker one buildingastheResidence. being placed by theDefender). The Defender shoulddesignate 75) onthemap(eachplayer may allocate half, withany leftovers (see p. 5). GAME SETUP the rank-and-file Legion. Residence nearCastle Hill,intending to usethemasalever against senior Legion officers andtheirfamiliesensconced theminthe Guard to backhim.DeVriesthe Planetary stealthily scooped upthe had been experiencing, and he had the full weight Glengarry of ery orbit. He hoped to keep combat from the delicatewrecking recov- General-Kommandant von Bulow before theinvasion fl eet reached eral DeVries, Roger to tried a deal forstrike the Legion’s with neutrality 3056 4 April Glengarry, Federated Commonwealth Dunkeld SITUATION PRISON BREAK [+50] Marksmen: Fire Once: Knocks Only useOpportunity andOpportu- [+50] It Track200 WP Cost: The Defender’s force shouldequal125percent oftheAttacker’s Recommended Guard Forces: Planetary Glengarry additionto theforcesIn above, theattacker alsoreceives two The Attackers are the cadet companyBattleMech and a scratch Recommended Forces: Gray DeathLegion Place 4 mapsheets 2x2, and place 2D6+4Buildings Medium (CF Recommended Terrain: Light(seep. Urban 263,TW The Legion, however, takescare ofitsown. Under threat of invasion Glengarry’s civilian leader, Governor-Gen- ). Random Combat Vehicle Table: Assignment Inner Use the Bracing and Careful Aim rules (see p. ). The Defender shouldhave anequalnum- ). ) orDunkeld 9 solution—Alex Carlyle. fi cer would force theLegion leadership to adoptanunorthodox Villar, First Battalion’s commanding officer. The lack ofaseniorof- Guard.Planetary crews squads, and infantry although they effectively destroyed the Legion ’Mechs andtheirpilotswere aswere killed, several vehicle fromteams, thenearbyspaceport. Dunkeld andairsupport Two put upaspirited defense, includingarmored vehicles, infantry considering theuntrained soldiersforced itout. to carry The PG unit. standard infantry they may bepickedupby theotherHover APCasiftheywere a itisonlydisabled, hittheescapeesareCrew If critical killed. Killed map edge. complete, the Hover APC must retreat off the Attacker’s home designated The Residence without moving or firing. Once this is of theHover adjacent APCsmustspendtwo turns to thebuilding Fast Getaway (Reward: 150) they fail, theDefender hasprevented theescape. (Reward: 150) win theymustcomplete theFast Getaway specialrulebelow. If Legion offi Guardcers fromcustody. Planetary For theAttacker to AFTERMATH SPECIAL RULES OBJECTIVES Most damaging,Most however, de was Gomez thedeath ofMajor GuardThe well succeededattack against the Planetary very theescapeesisdestroyed theHoverIf orsuff APCcarrying ers a orderIn to free thehostages, oneLegion andone BattleMech The following rules are ine forthistrack: ect 2.) Show Them Who’s Boss. Destroy ordisabletheenemy force. The Legion1.) Escape! forces to are free attacking the captured MechWarrior de Cristiano Villar. and mine’s onlyamajor… bittheLegionnaireevery Alexis, even ifhisdadistheColonel you’ll is. seeIwas Iknowyou’ll Dad bitthejock every seeI’m sheep, Mom—you’ll see. We’ll Guard gothrough like thePlanetary awolf through the enoughto bodies ll out a company each of armor and PBIs. monkey. Clayisrunningthe’Mechs, Dave andwe’ve got Alard isincharge, andwe knowhe’s both notjustawrench- thepriceabout ofwood rightbefore atornado, comprende? with apendejoinvasion  eet coming in!That’s like arguing weren’t we never looking—but himto make expected amove and Gray Carlyle’s whentheadults coin theleaderofGlengarry the Governor-General DeVries, Roger through thegrace ofGod --personal correspondence, found in the locker of Cadet- I’m coming to getyou. Just kidding. Ilove you, Dad. Mom.And IgettoI hope tell you Idon’t, thisallinperson—if Iknow We’ll Mom.Iknowwe will. you—out, Uncle gethim—and I mean, most of us never trusted Cait’s dad—His Excellency, Madre deDios,hewas stupidenough to take my Dad!