**. 4 New Merciad E d i t o r s i i. • Assume-Duties May 18 / Junior Fran Moavero and 1982-1983 Editor and then with freshman Naomi Romanchok Carla. I'd just like to continue have been selected as the that improvement." 1984-1985 Merciad Editor and Assistant Editor, respectively. In addition to some design Moavero and Romanchok were changes, Moavero lists some con- chosen for their positions last tent modifications as another V . Thursday, April 26, after being priority. ^ * \ V\ interviewed by a committee con- She said she'd like to expand sisting of Academic* Dean, Dr. the paper from its current eight- David Palmer, Director of Stu- page format to 12 pages weekly. dent Services E. William Ken- "1 think there's enough news nedy, Communications depart- here to justify the expansion," **^wv *VP ™W> ment Chairman Richard Ragan, Moavero said, especially if the Merciad advisor and Communica- paper utilizes more editorials, col- tions Instructor Richard Garcia, umns, possibly more sports pages, newly-elected Student Govern- features, and more national news ment President Pat Songer, and from the AP newswire. But 1983-1984 Merciad Editor Carla Moavero stresses that the real 1-the new; b u i l d i n g , 2-the Campus Center, 3-McAuley Dorm, 4-Baldwin Dorm* 5-St. Lukes Anderson. thrust of next year will be to This is the view from East 38th Street. Moavero brings three years of recruit more student staff Housing Alternative Merciad experience to her new members. position. A Communications ma- "I'd like to get more students jor, she worked as a staff reporter involved," she said. "And I don'tl before advancing to the positions want to limit it to the Com- Col leg To-Acquire of News Editor, Feature Editor, munications Department." and Director of Human One idea Moavero has is to Resources. utilize students from all college She is active in other areas of departments as correspondents, to Briggs Apartments the college as well, being a three- keep track of what's going on in ' by Martha Camp of Briggs Avenue. Their purchase, form groups." year member ot the Crew Team, various areas of the campus. ™ "Mercyhurst College is in the Aiello explained, has just been ap- "Not counting basements, and serving as the News director The possible installation of| 4 process of acquiring four Briggs proved by the Board of Trustees, there is a potentialfor 4ft apart- for campus radio station WMCY computer terminals hooked up to Avenue apartment,'T director of so details on the project have not during the past year. ments," Aiello said. "Because we Brown-Thompson Printers, will housing and safety, Phyllis Aiello yet been finalized. have the extra space, now there The Cleveland, Ohio native is further add to the efficiency of announced to The Merciad on "Until all the ^paperwork is will be singles available for men in excited about her new position, The Merciad's production. Wednesday. completed, ^Baldwin (present McAuley and singles for women and she has many ideas she hopes In a 11, Moaverocis optimistic owners of the buildings) will in Baldwin." It also gives people to implement during the next about next year. «* The building, numbers 3942 & - sublease to us," she continued. who were closed out of the Mer- year. "It's going to be a young staff 26, 3938 & 40,4008 & 10 and 4012 "For that reason, I have hed off cyhurst Apartments another "I do want to make a few who will be learning as they take & 14, are located next to the pre- residence hall sign-ups for one option." changes,'* Moavero said, adding their positions," she said. "I sent townhouses on the west side week so that interested parties can The apartments were purchased that some of the renovations will think with what they'll bring with because of a great need for stu- be in the newspaper design itself. them and their enthusiasm, we'll Officers Assume Posts dent housing on campus, she ex- "1 think The Merciad has been have a good staff." plained. "So many students, improving over the past two Naomi and I have worked namely those who live in ( Erie, years-first under Donna Peterson, f » •Continued pg. 5 Chairpersons; want to live on campus. "Building another residence hall or apartment building would Senators Chosen be totally cost prohibitive in this The 1984-85 MSG officers Committee chairpersons were day and age," Aiello said. "Also, #i took reign at last Sunday's, chosen to serve next year* They this expands our land by leaps and meeting. Selected by the MSG are: Budget-Finance,::' Sharon bounds." <;T body to serve two year terms as Murphy (as mandated by the Sign-up times for these ^^^ Senators were Pat Callahan, constitution); Government Rela- ments will be annouced at a later Dean Hall and Christie Smith. tions, Pat Reed; Public Rela- date, with assignment based upon Two other students, Tom tions, Pat Callahan; Resident, a point system that is presently us- Bonello and Mike Kriley will Tom Bonello; IMinority Con- ed in the Mercyhurst Apartments, represent the student body on cerns, Dave Alexander and Elec- Aiello said. Senate for one year. tions, Jean Weber. Other com- In new business, the problem mittee chairpersons will be At the present time, the college of funding for next year's elec- chosen at a later date. is taking a look at multiple uses tion series was discussed. The The body showed*an all-in- for the four.;new buildings, she administration will not con- favor response to accept the revealed. These ideas, Aiello said* tribute funds to finance it, as in Association of Black Collegians would make these buildings "true past years. The issue will be for Organizational Status under living-learning centers." discussed further. the revised constitution. The "There's a lot of exciting things Maria Santangelo re- status allows ABC voting rights.) that can be done with those introduced the Academic buildings. The total college com- Honesty Policy question. Songer The next student government munity will benefit from those invited any members who are meeting will be held Sunday, things," Aiello said. "I'm really THE 1984-85 MERCIAD EDITORS: Fran Moavero, Editor willing to form a committee to May 6 at 7:30 p.m. in 114 Zurn. enthusiastic about it," she (seated), Naomi Romanchok, Assistant Editor (standing). revise the policy. •* All students are urged to attend. concluded. V

Fromthe § Editor^ D e s k

Congrats |: t jSpring Into It!! Along with the spring weather finally arriving on the Mer- cyhurst campus, everyone's favorite weekend is here. It's time to 'spring out and'celebrate the sixth' annual Activities Weekend. Now is the chance for the community to support the clubs, departments, and organizations sponsoring events. This is one weekend that offers something for everyone on campus, and it's still not too late to get involved with spon- soring an activity. Just contact Karen Gens or Kathy O'Con- nor, committee co-chairpersons as soon as possible. Kudos to Karen, Kathy, and the MSG body for the hard work they've put into the event. Pray for sunshine! . Speaking of hard work, the 1984-85 editorial leaders of The Merciad were chosen last week and.will assume management I | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR k of the newspaper in mid-May. The new Editor and Assistant The Merciad welcomes letters of expression from its readers in Editor, Fran Moavero and Naomi Romanchok respectively, [ "Your Opinion." The following are guidelines wh%n writing letters: both possess the drive, ambition, enthusiasm and talent to 1. Please type all letters. & $) produce a number one, grade A publication, with a well- 2. Letters must be submitted Tuesday by noon of the publication week. trained, well-supervised staff. 3. Refrain from using libelous statements. '. -'"7 f As the twcmew Editors already realize, it is not easy to 4. Letter contributions will only be edited for grammatical or spelling 1 write and design a weekly newspaper and expect to please errors. % each and everyone of more than 2,000 readers. Being Editor for The Merciad is truly a full time job, and along with classes 5. All letters must be signed - no excuses! can be difficult at times. But they knew thatiwhen they ap- 6. Please include a phone number or an address for verification pur- plied for thier posts and didn't let it discourage them. poses. \y For anyone entering a new position, the MSG and SAC of- 7. Letters should be placed in an envelope and addressed to Carla ficers for example, the support of the college is vitally impor- Anderson, Merciad office. Then just drop your letter off in the tant. What they do can only become better if the community mailroom.

offers feedback, both positive and negative. As one academic \ year comes to ajclose and another goes into the planning stages, everyone should take notice of the new student leader- ship corps and let them know what you think. The Merciad Staff Box Editor Carla J. Anderson Assistant Editor Martha J. Camp Human Resources Naomi Romanchok News Editor Karen Merkle Feature Editor ...... Fran Moavero Sports Editor Greg Yoko Photo Editor Rich Forsgren Copy Editor Grace Rlcci Business Manager Darlene Nolan Circulation Mgr ...... Debbie Hison Circulation Mgr. ...> Richard Prerti l(>CDot Cartoonist Mathew Duska Cartoonist Steve Ayers Advisor ...... „...... „.*..,. Mr. Richard Garcia Graphic Artist , Frank DePlacido Reporters: Darlene Nolan. Debbie Hison, Wydetta Carter, Barb Gaydos, Jack Holland, Merciad Judy Watson, Cindy Lochner, Natalie Ceraso. Lisa Bauman, Richard Prem, accepting applications for 1984 Chris Dorazio and Stephanie Hult b e r g Typists: Rena Zicarelli and Jacqueline Perez. Photog Editor. Contact Carla Anderson Th« M«rciad is the student-edited newspaper of Mercyhurst College, 501 East 38 Street, Erie. Pen nsylvama 16546. Th« M«rclad office is located in the basement of Baldwin Dormitory, Phone 825 03/6. Th« Merciad is printed by Brown-Thompson newspapers in Union City, Pennsylvania. 7812 more information. THE MERCIAD Merciad: The New and The Old The Merciad is seeking applicants for the position of Advertising Manager for the 1984-85 academic By Richard J. G a re i a hearing from you. And I bet we Nolan also begin new careers year. The position is to be filled during the Spring The year is nearly over; and can find a job to suit your talents. soon. * Term and the incumbent will begin immediate Carla Anderson is in the process I There are some pretty big shoes All of these folks have derived training to assume all duties. The position requires of handing over the Merciad in Baldwin Basement that need benefits from working with the reigns to 1984-85 editor Fran filling. newspaper. Career skills have an aggressive sales approach, and the ability to Moavero and assistant editor? Carla is putting the finishing been sharpened. They've been at manage a small staff. Commissions on sales, 20 Naomi Romanchok. The last few* touches on a distinguished Mer- the center of what's going on on percent. Closing date for letters of intent is May 10 issues are in sight. The staff ban- cyhurst career and a dynamite campus. And they've shared their at noon. Contact Carla Anderson. Box 516 or call quet is creeping up rapidly. year as editor. Her leadership this talents with all of us each week to But next year's work is already year produced a sparkling staff, a keep us informed. * 825-7812. '#? I • ?i underway to forge a fresher, crisp paper and a sure winner in They've also learned a lot in the stronger campus newspaper. collegiate press contests. process. How to get a paper to People, particularly individual Martha Camp's performance as you, our readers. How to deal student achievements, will be a assistant editor has been stellar with the nuts and bolts of jour- top. priority next year. In addi- and through her efforts, the Op- nalism, graphics, design, produc- tion, even greater emphasis will be Ed page has become a solid tion, business aspects, circulation placed on departmental news and mainstay. ... newspapering from top to Look For T h e s e features. bottom. s J£ We also want more involvement We're going to miss each and as staff reporters from all every one of them. But we're also Things In\ \ A academic departments, so look vv\sw> looking forward to developing a for Merciad recruiters beating the K. sharp new staff next year: campus bushes for anyone who Back will be 'Hurst's Mr. wants to write and help build a Sports, Greg Yoko; Debbie dynamic staff. Hison; Laura Ruby; Judy Wat- vw. hv\; We're already in the process of r>\v son; Lisa Bauman; Natalie \ scouting the 1984-85 r freshman *£ Ceraso; Jack Holland; Grace Ric- . % class and this year's freshman - ci; Matthew Diska; Rena Zicarelli crop who will be sophomores next r***** and Jacqueline Perez. year. Merciad's newswoman emeritus We'd also enjoy seeing more Martha Camp is also expected to work from students enrolled in play a crucial role in weekly] any of the 'Hurst's photo classes operations next year. and those of you who find The Carla-Martha team this photography an interesting year was a winning duo, by the ihobby. way. Two completely different And you aspiring artist out talents, these young women were there — don't hide. There's always unwavering in their efforts to room for staff artists with The i bond a staff and direct editorial Merciad. Mary Jo Allen, who graduates policy, while at the same time Spring Formal We're looking for enthusiastic in a few weeks, made the feature complementing one another. Both Bed Races folks with energy, drive and a page sparkle until commitments at are strong, adept and^proficient. desire to produce a quality pro- Erie Cablevision forced her to Both are professionals of top MHEA Fashion Show duct weekly. leave the staff. Our thanks for a quality. ',, * Anyone who's worked on a solid, well-done job. Together they succeeded this Tug-of-War high school newspaper or year- Karen Merkle departs after a year, just as Fran and Naomi are Raft Race \ book already has basic skills that year as News Editor and her years expected to succeed next year. guarantee success with The as a staff reporter have made her a Success, however, doesn't come Mr. Mercy h u r s t Merciad. professional. easily. It requires hard work, Despite what you may think, Fran pioneered h u man dedication, farsightedness, an Raffle * f The Merciad is open to anyone resources this year, then filled the abundance of talent, a lot of pa- Prophecy (in concert) who has the desire to be a field vacant features job. Naomi, our tience, the weight of responsibili- reporter, photographer, artist, multi-talented newcomer, quickly ty, the yoke of authority tempered W.J.E.f. D.J. Mike Kobylka copyreader, typist or other staff filled the human resources gap with good judgement, and the aide. with no loss of quality. ;3 guts to hand in there when things Ping Pong Drop i And, if those jobs don't appeal Rich Forsgren, our veteran get tough. Softball Tournament to you, there's the advertising photo editor, departs with a hefty Both Carla and Martha possess sales and business services aspects portfolio and experience money these, and many, many more Movie • "Never Say Never of the newspaper. can't buy. His work will be miss- positive attributes which We also have a director of ed, but the door is wide ajar for guarantee their future success in Again" human resources, whose primary^ many talented folks we know are attaining their career goals. job is to provide continuous, year-' out there. Carla will be missed. But round in-service training for And 'Hurst women's sports will welcome back Fran, Naomi, Mar- building journalists. '• not go uncovered next year even tha and all the rest of you who If straight news isn't your bag, though Stephanie Hultberg com- care to join us for our mid-decade try a hand at features—personality mences later this month. of growth as a campus news profiles, lifestyles, campus living, Graphic Artist Frank DiPlacido medium and forum for communi- achievement, backgrounders or a and Business Manager Darlene ty life. VJ ,/,.*,* special series. The 1984-85 goal: at least one reporter in every academic depart- If you are a third-term freshman and: ment on campus. Ambitious? * have a Q.P.A. of 3.0 or higher v J Certainly. Achievable? Only if * are interested in challenging, enriching you go for it. classroom experiences * would like to graduate with the There is still tirrreSfor your And you faculty members are distinction of an honors degree important too. Give us some referrals: talented students you You should apply for admission to the EGAN club or organization to get feel would be staff assets. But, SCHOLARS program by May 11,1984. f guys and gals, don't wait to be Forms are on the bulletin board outside involved - prodded. Drop in on us anytime Dr. Lutton 's office, director of the program. ... particularly Tuesday and Interviews will be scheduled after applications are submitted. Any contact MSGfOffice. Wednesday. questions, contact Dr. Lutton in Zurn 114 or 825-0372. See me, or talk to Carla, Fran or Naomi anytime. We'd enjoy THE MERCIAD IABC X • Mercyhurst Chapter Meets With Professionals On The? Job By Natalie Ceraso The members of the Mercyhurst Fair view School. District. Ms. Dorazio felt that her trip to Chapter of International Associa- Reeser's main objective is to ex- Cablevision answered her many tion of Business Communicators plain the district's learning pro- questions about the process of had the opportunity to spend the grams and activities to the public cable production. x afternoon of April 17 with profes- so they know their schools are Debbie Hi s o n visited United sionals on-the-job. Each student preparing students for college. Way, where she met Ms. Karen was, assigned to work with an I ''In doing this," explained Engro, communications director. employee of a company or cor- Holland, it involves preparing Hlson had at chance to see how poration in Erie. This gave the many forms of publications." United Way operates and how students the exposure to see what Holland said that such publica- they communicate with a wide I sit, staring , their future careers may be like. tions include; brochures, cur- range of service-user and donor / *•• Shane Brown, vice president of riculum guides and an activity publics. -Hison felt that her visit withfmy pen above the page the Mercyhurst Chapter/had the calendar. Holland viewed many gave her;insight to how United opportunity to visit Mr. Tom of these publications and saw how Way uses their communication trying to tell you Trimble, who directs video pro- these materials were put together. skills and how to maintain good duction for AM SCO's Education Other 'Hurst chapter members community relations. $4 the way I feel ^Center. Brown enjoyed his visit who attended career day (also {Natalie Ceraso,- president of the and was offered an internship found it to be a learning Mercyhurst Chapter, met with But I can't there. experience. | Mr. Robert Hagel, director? of Secretary Lisa Bauman was Martha Camp visited Erie In- marketing services for Lord Cor- assigned to AM SCO (American surance Exchange as a guest of poration. Lord Corporation pro- Any words Sterilizer tCorporation, which Ms. Iris Crumbly, communication duces chemicals and chemical by- ^specializes in manufacturing specialist in the human resource products such as glue and plastics. that I can come upjwithj hospital equipment. Bauman division. Martha was shown ex- : Ceraso had the opportunity to can't begin to express spent her day with Mrs.j Lois amples of the various methods of learn about the corporation's Fischer, communication publicity used by the company. function and the products that what I long to say specialist. Initially, Mrs. Fischer Among them were the design of they develop. She also experienc- explained the organization and videos, "^brochures, company ed how they market' their pro- But I'll try displayed her work to Lisa. magazine, and \other j specialized ducts. , Ceraso was s pleased with £ Bauman had the opportunity to communication tools. Martha her visit and felt it helped her get a '^meet key executives and to learn found her visit worthwhile. better perspective on marketing It may not be as impressive about their jobs. Bauman toured Chris Dorazio went to Erie aspects of a big corporation. AMSCO's entire graphic arts and Cablevision, where she spent her All members of the Mercyhurst as the lovers who have \ printing department which pro- day^with Mr. Michael Williams, Chapter enjoyed theirlvisit^and J w duces all AM SCO publications. program director. Chris Dorazio found it to be worthwhile. This said it, poets who have Treasurer Jack Holland spent toured the entire company, which day gave the IABC members the his day with Ms. Susan Reeser, 'gave her the opportunity to learn benefit to see how professionals writtenjit and the singers public f relations director of the how Cablevision operated. operate. who have sung it Do you have a note for nouns? \ But I love you Th# Merclad is seeking reporters for next year. Don't wait until the Fall to join the staff, get into the Spring of things and be a reporter now! News, sports and feature writers are being sought. If you are interested in being a staff member contact Fran in Founders 132. Did you ever have the feeling of being all alone, of never having anyone to really call your own? 11 Convenient Locations Have you ever really wondered of how '•' things may have been 4319 Peach Street "A 1311 Broad Street if you hadn't said the things you said 2170 East Lake Road 1115 Sassafras Street or changed the way you did? McDonald's 909 Peninsula Drive J 4316 Buffalo Road > \ 2650 West 26th Street Imperial Point Plaza, Girard Have you ever stopped to count the <$cC/OU~ Millcreek Mall , Interstate 90 and 97, times you've cried alone at night, 430 State Street State St. Exit about the things that bothered you,

\ joyed his association with Mer- 1 cy hurst College." Sam Rotman TONY S A B E L L A 'S "hopes he'll be able to contribute R) to a higher caliber" in terms of a Genuine Pizza and learning experience. \ Lewis Lutton was pleased upon his tenure. He feels, "more a part Delicatessen of the. Mercy hurst community." 3018 State Street Lutton hopes to develop new horizons of expertise in the areas 455-6119 of Biology and Aging' and Behavioral Pharmacology. jotg* ****** *6e In financial terms, with the cur- rent pay package offered, there is ONE 1 a difference in ranking. Dr. LARGE CHEESE Garvey explains that an associate 38th and Ave professor makes up to $28,000 PIZZA WITH 2 ADDITK and a professor makes up to ITEMS DELIVERED FREE TO \ Presents $32,000. I YOUR DORM OR APARTMENT

Monday: Wing Night Campus Ministry T Raffle Winner Tuesday: Pony Night 3 for 1 of the Wednesday: Pizza and 25* Drafts Schwinn World •dffr* Tourist Bicycle HAPPY HOUR was Marl Dowdell, *tf Monday thru Saturday 4 to daughter of Mary COUPONIXPIMS S/l 1/1 TIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIh Ann Dowdell. THEMERCIAD

• * Ifi . • . May 4, 1984 Page 7

To the Mercyhurst Community: BULLETIN BOARD Sunday's celebration was as lovely Heidiwoman: How am I going to as the day, thanks to all of you! breathe in all that clutter? GW Father Chuck Chris, I've never been to Galaway Attention Seniors To the cast of 'The Secret I ife of Canal. Do you have any pictures? class, can pick up their works in Computer and Business Walter Mitty": Don't forget Just a reminder to all Seniors that his office which is located in. 119 Show about the Cast Party on May 11 at Graduation announcements are Zurn. Southex Exhibitions is sponsoring 8:00. For more information call Kay - You said you'd believe it if in. Announcements are available a Computer and Business Show. r you saw it in print, well, here it is; Brent at 823-6171. , and can be picked up in the Senior Recital It will take place on May 8, 9, 10, you-know-who did try you-know- Bookstore during store hours. at the Louis 1. Tullio Convention what and got it you-know-where. Senior Voice major, Art Martone Center located at 811 * French Patty Lou: Early wishes for a hap- NOW will you drop him! Or do Fashion Show will be presenting his senior recital Street in Erie, PA. Show times are py and peaceful Mommy's Day. you want to check the emergency on Sunday, May 6 at 3:00 p.m. in Tuesday and Wednesday from I'll be home soon enough and room records? A friend you'll Mercyhurst student chapter of the St. Mark's;Auditorium. Accom- 1:00 to 8:00 p.m. and Thursday then the Old Homestead will hate American Home Economics panying Martone will be Senior from 11:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. never be quiet!! Luv, ME Association is sponsoring a Piano major, Julie Annuziata. For more information on ticket fashion show. It will take place on reservations call 716-852-2006. Joe - BWAUGH! You are a Saturday, May 5, 1984 at 1:30 This show will include seminars druggie WE WANT BUTTERSCOTCH p.m. in the Grotto. Fashions are Senior Week and feature local Erie businesses. KRIMPETS! i think. W.W. provided by Carlisle's department To the Old Gang - Do you have to store. There will be a meeting for-the Eric, Tammy, Bob, Let's get some do it before you can say it or can planning of ^Senior Week on wings - I'll bring the Ameretto you say it before you do it??!! Senior Exhibition Wednesday, May 9 at 8:00 p.m. Senior Art Exhibit The meeting will take place in the and Cognac if you bring the Thanks for welcoming me back An exhibition of works by Mer- A Senior Art Show by Jeanne Ber- Seagrams. with understanding hearts cyhurst College Senior Art Major Video Room and all are invited to help coordinate this event. talan, Pamela Dodman, Kerri Mc- Richard Forsgren will open with a Cormack, and Mary Nolan will be reception from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. on display through May 10 at the Hey, folks,! Won't be long now! CWK - Thanks for this past f weekend - especially YES!! And at the Dovetail Gallery located at "Desperate Rock N Roll" Cummings Gallery, located on the Hang in there, kids; school's 1503 State Street on Sunday, May second floor of the library. almost out. Mom & Dad - enjoy it congratulations on your award - A special that examines the music whatever it may be. Love, GAR 6. The show will continue through while you can. Love you guys, May 26. It features works of of two bands, The Doors and The Gena Photography, Prints and Clay. Joy Division will be presented on Helio Graphics will take control Sunday Night at 11:30 p.m. on I.D. PhotOS Congrats Fran & Naomi! You'll over the world with their painted Attention Art Students WMCY 880 AM. The musical Photos for l.D. cards will be do a great job next year. Carla shirts! feature looks at two groups that taken this Friday, May 4 from 1 to Any Art student who took Dr. are separated by a decade and tied 4 p.m. in the Student Union. Cost Pizzat's winter term "taping" together by their philosophies. is $3.00. Prince - Press here to start the Naomi, How about a cut rate for waterbed in motion. BULK classified buyers?

Beth, Fracture one of your slat- Heidi: NO! My affections can't be ternly limbs. W.W. bought at mass quantity dis- ...... j.... counts! Nice try! Naomi Mike: One year ago tonight we walked along Baker St. preten- Mom and Dad, 26 issues down! ding we were Sherlock Holms, Only ONE more to go. 1 did sur- and then we followed in the vive and loved it. Love ya, Carla footsteps of the Beatles by posing for a photo on Abbey Rd. Love, Chris. P.S. Remember the "NO Sgt. Rat, Are you MIA or POW ARK1NG" sign? We better tell or just hiding? 2nd Lt. Dimples Noah.

Lowell - Write to your friends Mary Beth: Like, how's life in under the bridge yet? your transcendent mode? BATES Beer Distributor 921 West 21 st Street Erie, PA 16502 2 Phone 459-8109 LAKER CREWS ARE The Student Where Beer Will Union will I Never Be LOOKING FOR A FEW close at SMALL MEN AND WOMEN! 6 p.m. on If you are male and weigh 130 lbs. or less, Friday due SUMMIT BEVERAGE If you are female and weigh 115 lbs. or less, For All Your Beverage Meeds If you enjoy a position of leadership and command, Activities We Handle Keg Beer & Equipment If you enjoy the excitement of intense competition, Hours, Monday thru Thursday 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Then you quality as a candidate far Weekend. It * ' Friday 6 Saturday 10 a.m. • 11 p.nv I 1 coxswain oi the Crewll I • will reopen PROPER ID REQUIRED j 7471 Perry Highway iter e s t e d , send your name, campus address and | on Sunday , Erie. PA 16509 number to Box 81. Preston Mall Room Immediate 864-0150 at 6:00 THE MERCIAD Men's And Women's Crew 'Hurst Tennis Lakers Win First Regatta!! Netters To Participate Laker crews traveled to non's charges sizzled down the Lakers entered the last 500 meters Poughkeepsie, New York, this course, leaving the closest rival charging up on Skidmore. In the past weekend where they par- four boatlengths behind. In the last 150 meters, both crews were 1984 Division II ticipated in the 22nd Annual varsity Lightweight 8 event, Mer- neck and neck in the race too close President's Cup Regatta, hosted cyhurst battled for the lead with to call. Finally, in the last three Championship Tournament by Marist College. f SUNY Maritime all the way down strokes, the Lakers gave one last A dozen schools competed for the course, mounting a furious mighty heave and slipped across Mercyhurst will once again be quez has strengthened the top of the Herbert J. Haight Trophy, sprint^ in the last 500 meters to the line one-half second before the [represented at the Men's Tennis our line-up and thus aided our which is awarded to the overall claim the gold medal. In the other crew. Head Coach Al Division II Nationals which will representation at the national winner. Besides Mercy hurst, five Novice Men's 4, the Lakers placed Belovarac was very pleased with be held at South West Texas State event." other schools entered both men's second out of six entries, falling the performance. "We've been in San Marcos, Texas next week. The national tourney com- and women's races- Marist, For- only to Manhattan by a scant of working on our sprint the past The Lakers, ranked 11th in the mences Thursday, May 10 and dham, lona, Manhattan, and St. five seconds; i. two weeks and it really paid off country, will send two singles ends with the awarding of the John's. New York Maritime and The premiere race of the day players and a doubles tandem to Division II national titlists on the U.S. Merchant .'Marine was the men's Heavyweight varsi- for us in the clutch," he com- the competition. Sunday, May 13.T ; Academy entered the men's com- ty 8 event. Six schools entered. mented, "but more ^importantly, Jens Caap and Joel Balogun -"Right now," comments petition, while St. Joe's, Navy Half-way through the 2000 meter our crew has developed the con- will be a part of a 64 player field, Findlay, "with our players and Coast Guard competed in the course the Lakers found fidence and the aggressiveness to all of whom'are striving for the reaching new peaks, our three na- women's division only. * !S- themselves with^four boats trail- come back on a crew and pass national title. tional representatives are ready The regatta-, which traces'its ing in their wake, with only Skid- them. In the last 750 meters, we're Meanwhile the duo of Caap and for the best. Jens Caap, one of roots to the IRA's which were in- more standing between themselves deadly. If anyone's ahead of us at Peter Straub will challenge a 32 Mercyhurst's classiest athletes, is itiated in Poughkeepsie in 1895, and the gold medal. Steadily br- that point, they'll pay dearly for team field for the Division II dou- probably the most mentally tough has been captured by St. Joseph's inging up the stroke rating, the it." Y> '* ble crown. player I've seen and he's ready for on five occasions, 'while Marist "I consider these selections a the best competition. and Trinity have had their name fine reflection on our team's per- inscribed on the Haight Trophy formance all year," says Coach "Joel Balogun and Peter four times each. Last year, Rhode Andy Findlay. "The' hard work Straub always seems to rise on the Island captured the overall Cham- exerted by the players, who will big occasion. We are all ready and pionship. This! year itj was not attend nationals, Walt Hader, looking forward to the trip," con- Mercyhurst. Phil Nykyforuk* and Juan Blaz- cluded the coach. * % In this past weekend's races, it was Mercyhurst all the way, cap- turing the Haight Trophy as well Raised Over $1600 as the men's heavyweight varsity eight Cup. In the course of the day's' racing, the men's crew began by placing second in the Li ft-A-Thon Success lightweight four event. Manhat- m Above is the 1984-85 calendar. two days. The vacation begins tan slipped by the Lakers by two Notice that the fall term begins after classes on Tuesday, boat lengths while our crew bested about a week later than last year - November 20, rather than on Fri- Marist, lona, Merchant, Marine, September Ilk- although it ends day, November 165 Registration about the same lime, on for winter term will then be held and SUNY Maritime. In the five The victorious Laker Crew team carries Coach Al Belovarac after boat frosh eight event, Joe Len- taking first place at the President's Cup Regatta. December 12. This will ease the on the 19th and 20th -right before difficulties that develop when the Thanksgiving break. students and parents have to travel to the College on Labor This new calendar also provides Weather Cooperating;^ Day for orientation and registra- for the normal fall weekend (with tion. The later start was made Friday, October 12, being a free possible by reducing the overly day) and a winter weekend that Baseball Season in Ful Swing long Thanksgiving vacation by was cancelled last winter term. - By Greg Yoko triumph. Julio got the win in Laker , Mark Goodwill The Laker baseball team swung relief. * also received a walk 'to set the into full action this week, playing Westminster College then stage for Wheeler's heroics. eight games in six days. hosted the Mercyhurst Blue and '' I was concentrating on getting ®mi Coach Fred Conger's squad Green for a pair of contests. The a good arm swing at the ball and Scoreboard opened the series with a 10-1 deci- Lakers dropped the opener 14-4 just making contact to put the ball sion over city rival Gannon after five innings but took revenge in play," said the proud left University. Mercyhurst's Ed in the second scrap by winning fielder. "As soon as I hit it, I SCOREBOARD Kriausky was the Laker producer 18-11. knew it would fall in. I went with PRESIDENT S CUP REGATTA by knocking home five RBI's with Julio, who had a in the pitch, a fastball low and away, l POUGHKEEPSIE, NY and put it into right Held." two hits and a walk. his final at bat in the opening MEN'S LW 4 MEN'S Frosh 8 MEN'S LWt MEN'S Froth 4 "MEN'S Vanity S Senior Scott Lucas and junior game, cracked two more round- :Along with Wheeler's three hits Manhattan 8:12 LAKERS 7:33 LAKERS 7:22 Manhattan 7:58 LAKERS 5:58.8 LAKERS 8:20 Marist 7:45 Maritime 7:25 LAKERS 8:04 Skidmore 5:59.3 Ted DeSanti each added a pair of trippers in his initial trips to the and four RBI's on offense, were Marist 8:21 Manhattan 8:06 Marist 7:53 Marist 8:17 Manhattan 6:02.3 plate in the second'contest. Andy lona 8:36 lona 8:20 lona 8:30 Marist 6:02.8 RBPs. One of • Lucas' came on a DeSanti and Lucas. DeSanti add- Mcrch, Maritime 8:23 Maritime 8:35 Maritime 6:07.0 solo home run. Casper also added four runs on ed four hits, Including a pair of Marine 8:41 Mcrch. lona ; 6:16.0 Bill Julio received the victory two hits While Skonieczka went doubles and five RBI's. Lucas, Maritime 8:45 Marine 8:49 v^ on the mound. Julio allowed just | three for five with a , home meanwhile, .was perfect in four ».«...-...... * HAIGHT TROPH\ trips to the plate while knocking WOMEN'S LW4 WOMEN'S Var 4 WOMEN'S WOMEN'S Points four hits and one run while strik- run and two RBI's. Navy 9:53 C. Guard 9:04 Frosh 4 Varsity 8 Mercyhurst , . ">6 ing out six. Mercyhurst was also successful in two Laker runs. C.Guard 10:20 LAKERS 9:31 C.Guard 8:03 Navy 7:24 Manhattan" ?7 LAKERS 10:37 Marist 9:39 Manhattan 8:09 C.Guard 7:33 C Guard "" 17 The Laker's dropped the Gan- in another slugfest. At Fredonia, And finally/ in Mercyhurst's Skidmore 11:19 Navy 9:50 lona 8:36 Fordham 7:38 Marist "" 16 non nightcap 10-3. The /Hurst NY, the Lakers outlasted the Blue first appearance at Tullio Field lona '.- 10:03 Marist 8:40 LAKERS 7:45 Naw ". • "ii St. John's 10:13 LAKERS 8:52 Skidmore 7:59 iona '" ' 9 was able to collect five hits in the Devils 17-16. -| this season, they dropped a pair of Manhattan 10:17 v Marist 8:03 Skidmorc^"""""."""]8 Fordham 7 outing. Bill Wheeler's two out, .bases contests in tight fashion to the * SUNY Maritime 6 The Golden Knights were again loaded, double in.the .top of the University of* Pitt-Johnstown, 3-2 Merchant Marine 0 the opposition the following day seventh was the game winner. and 5-3. as nice weather swayed the two With Mercyhurst trailing 16-13 DUAL MATCH TENNIS SCORE SHEET coaches into taking advantage of going into their last chance at the Errors were the culprit as Mer- Mercyhurst vs Behrend the sunshine. plate, the Lakers put together a cyhurst yielded six runs via May 1, 1984 at St Marks Mercyhurst captured the vic- rally. mistakes in the two games. Lucas, Singles Winner Score Doubles Winner Scort Skonieczka drew a walk with Mercyhurst Behrend Mercy hunt Behrend tory in the final frame when the Kriausky, and DeSanti provided Jens Cup vs Tim Juncas M 6-1,64 Caap, Straub vs Juncas, Grecnen M 6-1,7-5 Laker's put together three straight one out and Lucas followed with a the limited Laker offense. Good Joel Balogun vs Jim Grcencn B default ' Balogun, Nykyforuk vs Perkins, Chuck McKcnna Phil Nykyforuk vs Brian Long M 6-0,6-1 ,M 6-1, 6-0 hits. With two out, Steve single. DeSanti then hit a double pitching, despite the pair of Pete Straub vs Greg Schlcgcl M 6-0, &Q Blazquez, Hader vs Long, Schlcgcl M 6-3,6-1 Loshelder and Chip Lewis reach- which scored both baserunners to defeats, was turned in by Julio Wall Hader vs Rob Perkins M 6-0,6-0 ed on singles and then raced home bring the 'Hurst within one. and John Kosko. Juan Blazquez vs Paul Bishop M 6-1,6-1 on a double off Rick Skonieczka's L Cory Franceschi was given the Mercyhurst's record falls to 1 FINAL SCORE bat to give the 'Hurst a 4-3 free pass to first, and after a 5-10. i- Mercyhurst 8, Behrend 1, Season Record 11-7 J £ . * * • • THE MERCIAD \\\