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Comparative study of the testing tools Ghost Inspector and

Jämförande studie av testverktygen Ghost Inspector och Selenium

Dennis Kristensson

Examen: Kandidatexamen 180 hp Handledare: Magnus Krampell Huvudämne: Datavetenskap Andrabedömare: Ivan Kruzela Program: Systemutvecklare Datum för slutseminarum: 2017-05-30

i Sammanfattning Studien undersöker de automatiserade testverktygen: Ghost Inspector och Selenium. En limiterad litteraturstudie och två fallstudier görs, för att undersöka och utvärdera testverktygen. Detta för att kunna tillgodose riktlinjer som är användbara, vid val av ett verktyg för att utföra regressionstestning på webbapplikationer.

IStone använder Ghost Inspector som verktyg vid regressionstest på webb applikationer, eftersom det ger dem en effektiv konfigurering och underhålls- process. Selenium kräver mer ansträngning för konfigurering och underhåll, eftersom verktygen inte är en tjänst. Miljön i Ghost Inspector underlättar för iStone att exekvera test kontinuerligt och förser projektteamet med det senaste testresultatet.


iii Abstract The study evaluates the automatic testing tools: Ghost Inspector and Selenium. and focuses on comparing them in terms of the set up and maintenance processes. The study includes a limited literature study and two case studies. The purpose is to evaluate the tools and provide guidelines for choosing a tool when testing the functionality of web applications.

IStone use Ghost Inspector as regressions testing tool on web applications, since it offers an effective set up and maintenance process. Selenium requires more effort to set up and maintain, since Selenium is not a service. The Ghost Inspector environment comforts iStone with the ability of executing test continuously and supplies the latest test results to the project team.

Keywords: automated testing, agile, case study, continuous integration, functional testing, Ghost Inspector, Jenkins, maintainability, regression testing, Selenium, test management.


v Acknowledgment I would like to thank iStone for the opportunity to write a study within the company. They have supported me with material and ideas and have encouraged me to make this study. It has been an interesting experience and I have gained much knowledge within short time. Many thanks to my supervisor Magnus Krampell for qualified guidance, valuable ideas and concrete feedback.


vii Contents Sammanfattning ...... ii Abstract ...... iv Acknowledgment ...... vi Glossary ...... x 1 Introduction ...... 1 1.1 Background ...... 1 1.1.1 Testing ...... 1 1.1.2 The company IStone ...... 1 1.2 Purpose of Research ...... 1 1.3 Question formulation ...... 2 1.4 Scope and limitations ...... 2 2 Theoretical background ...... 3 2.1 Software Testing ...... 3 2.2 Black box Testing ...... 3 2.3 Regression Testing ...... 3 2.4 Ghost Inspector ...... 3 2.5 Selenium...... 3 2.6 Jenkins ...... 4 2.7 JUnit ...... 4 3 Related work ...... 5 3.1 Literature search criteria ...... 5 3.2 Selected papers ...... 6 3.2.1 Holmes et al. - Automating functional tests using Selenium ...... 6 3.2.2 N. Seth et al. – ACI (automated Continuous Integration) using Jenkins: Key for successful embedded Software development ...... 6 3.2.3 S. Bauersfeld et al. - A Java Library for Fully Automated GUI Robustness Testing ...... 7 3.2.4 T. Parveen et al. - A Case Study in Test Management ...... 7 3.2.5 H. Kaur et al. - Comparative study of automated testing tools: Selenium, Quick Test Professional and TestComplete ...... 8 3.2.6 A. Bruns et al. - Web Application Tests with Selenium ...... 9 3.2.7 R. A. Razak et al. - Agile testing with Selenium ...... 9 4 Method ...... 10 4.1 Method description ...... 10 4.2 Fact-based case study ...... 10 4.3 Practice-based case study ...... 11 4.3.1 Set up Ghost Inspector and Selenium ...... 11 4.3.2 Set up Jenkins ...... 11 4.3.3 Recording tests ...... 12 4.3.4 Replay tests ...... 12 4.3.5 Create test reports ...... 12 5 Result ...... 13

viii 5.1 Fact-based Case Study ...... 13 5.1.1 Overview ...... 13 5.1.2 Recording plugin ...... 14 5.1.3 Variables ...... 14 5.1.4 Application support ...... 15 5.1.5 Costs ...... 15 5.2 Practice-Case Study...... 16 5.2.1 Set up the environment ...... 16 5.2.2 Jenkins ...... 17 5.2.3 Recording tests ...... 17 5.2.4 Replay 5 tests ...... 17 5.2.5 Report ...... 19 6 Analysis ...... 21 7 Discussion ...... 23 7.1 Method discussion ...... 23 7.2 Discussion...... 24 8 Conclusions and future work ...... 25 8.1 Conclusions ...... 25 8.2 Future work ...... 25 References ...... 26 Appendix ...... 30 Test cases ...... 30

ix Glossary Agile: An iterative software development methodology.

API: Application Programming Interface is used by applications for communication.

Cloud-service: Shared computer resources and data on demand.

Continuous integration: A development practice when developers integrates code into shared repositories daily.

CSS: Cascading style sheets is a language for styling HTML documents.

CSV: Comma-separated values stored in lines as data records.

IDE: Integrated software environment is a software suite with tools for writing and testing code.

GUI: Graphical user interface is used for interacting with e.g. a computer or device.

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language is a language for building and structuring websites.

Silver bullet: A simple, perfect solution to a software problem.

Slack: A message service mainly used for enterprise projects.

Test suite: A container with a set of test cases for testing software.

XPath: XML Path Language is used to navigate through elements and attributes in an XML document.

Variable: A variable store data and can be used for different purposes, e.g. sign up credentials or check with an assertion that a value corresponds to another value.


xi 1 Introduction 1.1 Background 1.1.1 Testing Software testing is useful when assessing the quality of a software product. Testing provides information to the customer and shows if the product is built to the given requirements [1]. Software testing is in many organizations not prioritized. According to [2] companies should have a testing strategy for a more effective software testing.

Automated testing can be applied in many of the stages and environments in software development. It can be used for testing platforms, layers, interfaces, etc. A common use for automated testing is regression testing. Regression testing, reduce test time and ensures stable software versions in projects. Regression testing is effective when the development is iterative. The testing process includes organizing test cases, test artifacts, and test results. The process should be followed systematically, for successful results in the software project [3].

Agile development includes black box testing and regression testing, by executing automated scripts with tools e.g. Selenium or Ghost Inspector. Agile testing creates a time-efficient testing process, by incremental and iterative test new delivered functions [4].

Two tools for doing automatic regression testing are Ghost Inspector and Selenium. Ghost Inspector is delivered as a cloud-service with predefined functions for [5]. Selenium is an open source testing tool and may be one of the most used regression testing tools. Test automation has benefits which support frequent testing with feedback, documentation and test reports. The process of doing, it automatically is appropriate if the graphical user interface not change continuously. This since more time needs to be spent on modifying tests. Test automation is suitable when working with Agile methodologies [6].

1.1.2 The company IStone IStone implements and maintains comprehensive IT solutions. IStone has offices in 12 countries with 607 employees in total. The company provides IT solutions to areas such as business intelligence, e-commerce, marketing, etc. [7]. IStone wants an evaluation of the automatic software-testing tools: Ghost Inspector and Selenium.

1.2 Purpose of Research The study provides IStone and others with results in relation to the set up and maintenance processes of the two evaluated tools. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the tools Ghost Inspector and Selenium. The results and conclusions are derived from a limited literature study and two case studies: fact-based and practice-based.

1 1.3 Question formulation The tools Ghost Inspector and Selenium are evaluated in this study focusing on the set up and maintenance processes. The tools are both used for regression testing web applications. Ghost Inspector is a service and Selenium is an open source tool.

RQ: In the context of the regression testing tools: Ghost Inspector and Selenium, how do the tools differ regarding the set up and maintenance processes?

1.4 Scope and limitations Ghost Inspector is chosen since it is currently used at iStone for regression testing. Selenium is chosen since it is one of the most used open source tool for testing [6]. Only the set up and maintenance process of the tools are evaluated.

2 2 Theoretical background 2.1 Software Testing Software testing is used to assess quality of the software and to ensure that the developed features meet the given requirements. The software testing process consists of a collection of methods, e.g. black box and regression testing [2,8].

2.2 Black box Testing Black box testing is a method to verify if the program meets the requirements. This is done without accessing the code. The most suitable persons to run black box tests are non-. A usually test “what they programmed it to do”, the non-programmer test realistic scenarios and is more inclined to find faults [8].

2.3 Regression Testing Regression testing provides a stable and reliable software development process. Testers run tests on previous and updated code versions, to ensure, that new or modified features, has not affected features that previously worked. New code is included into the code base, once it has been verified and regression tested. The testing process helps to identify faults at an early stage of the development and is most effective when the testing is done automatically [9,10].

2.4 Ghost Inspector Ghost Inspector was introduced 2014 by Justin Kleem as a regression testing tool. Ghost Inspector relieves developers from installing software, finding packages and provides a service with everything configured [11]. The tool is useful for creating web application tests through a methodical black-box way of working. Tests are built with the Ghost Inspector plugin, installed in the browser . Recorded tests are saved in an account at the Ghost Inspector website. After a test is executed, a video and screenshot are saved on the website to get a clear overview of the result [12,13].

2.5 Selenium Selenium was introduced 2004 by Jason Huggins working at ThoughtWorks. Jason Huggins developed Selenium as a JavaScript library for doing test automation thought multiple browsers. Selenium is a framework that includes several tools, used for creating and executing automated test scripts, for regression testing of web sites. Selenium is an open source tool, that can be customized with plugins and support multiple browsers for executing tests on. The Selenium IDE is used for recording and executing tests via the browser . Recorded tests can be exported in several programming languages and executed with Selenium Remote Control and Selenium Standalone server [4,6].

3 2.6 Jenkins Jenkins is a tool used for effective continuous integration, by automating the build and deploy process in a software project. It is configured via a interface. Jenkins is an open source tool and can be customized with plugins. Jobs can be scheduled and configured in Jenkins for executing tests automatically on other services. Jenkins supports sending build status notifications and maintain reports, useful for the development team [14,15].

2.7 JUnit JUnit is an open source framework from 2002 written by Erich Gamma and Kent Beck. JUnit is used to write and run unit tests in Java for testing individual parts of a code. It uses assertions to match tests against an expected result [16]. JUnit can be used for running Selenium tests and for creating test reports [6].

4 3 Related work 3.1 Literature search criteria The ACM, Google Scholar and IEEE provides the study with computer science papers. The databases are used for searching on related keywords regarding automated testing. Papers and articles from Google are selected to complement missing materials. Searches in the presented databases are logged in the appendix for the chosen articles, to get traceability in the study. All the papers found in Chapter 3.2 are used in the study.

The specific key phrases are selected by reading papers about regression testing. The search strategy is made by first use regression testing and automated testing as keywords. If an interesting keyword appears in a paper, it is added to the next search. When a search is made, the result in the first page is evaluated. Every keyword is searched in all the presented databases. The peer-reviewed reports are prioritized.

The following keywords are used in the searches:

• Automated testing • Agile • Case study • Continuous integration • Functional testing • Ghost Inspector • Jenkins • Maintainability • Regression testing • Selenium • Test management

The following questions are inspired from [17] and considered when an interesting paper is found:

• Is it related to any other papers? • Is it valid and well written? • What is the purpose of the paper? • What type of paper is this?

5 3.2 Selected papers These papers are selected to present related work to software testing by following the method in Chapter 3.1.

3.2.1 Holmes et al. - Automating functional tests using Selenium In this paper [18], the authors refer to Selenium as being close to the silver bullet. According to the authors, it is not difficult to write tests in Selenium. To be able to record tests a Selenium installation must be made. To keep tests organized, each test is grouped into suites, containing other tests with the same story. The authors are striving for an independent, self-contained testing solution. By including new tests into completed tests and reducing duplicated code, flexibility and maintainability are increased in the testing process.

The following process is used in the study: • Before development, tests are written. • When development is done, all tests are executed and discovered bugs are corrected. • Then code is reduced for better maintainability.

Conclusions of the study: • Store all tests in one suite for easier managing and reducing test time. • If possible, write the test first and then develop, else write the test directly after the new code. • Look for unique identification of elements, by using the Selenium IDE • Exclude XPath expressions, since it increases the test time.

3.2.2 N. Seth et al. – ACI (automated Continuous Integration) using Jenkins: Key for successful embedded Software development In this paper [14], the authors propose a way of running a daily test execution when building software using Jenkins. The study is built on common project scenarios, with teams spread over different countries. For building and testing the environment Android Lollipop is used. When a build is successfully created, the results are stored and transferred for flashing the Android device. When the device is ready for testing, it is deployed to the customer. The framework JUnit runs tests automatically and helps to discover possible faults or issues before a release. This process is done two or three times daily. After a build is completed, the results of the test run are reported from Jenkins by e-mail to all team members.

Conclusions of the study: • Automated testing is made more effective when using Jenkins. • Scheduled test and building processes in Jenkins have big impact in terms of reducing costs and saving time.

6 3.2.3 S. Bauersfeld et al. - A Java Library for Fully Automated GUI Robustness Testing In this paper [19], the authors present a Java Library for generating automated GUI tests. The GUI (Graphical user interface) is a central link, connecting a user with the software for making interacting possible on for example a website. Automated tests are often written manually and need much effort to develop. For creating automated tests on a GUI, input chains are recorded for re-creating user interaction with the system. It is useful if the GUI not shifting constantly.

The authors attempt to find a way of building auto generated test cases during a test run. They produced a Java program called GUITest. It generates tests for advanced software applications without human interaction. The library does not require any input strings, manually generated models or patterns. This is an advantage that differs from other software libraries. The GUITest process starts with gathering information about the current state. It scans for positions and sizes of elements. The gathered information is used to build a hierarchical tree, containing all elements. The GUITest use the tree to detect default actions like simple clicks, keystrokes, etc.

To test GUITest in context, Microsoft Word is used together with test configuration files. The files are restored after each test to ensure same conditions and tests is done by generating random interactions. If the program crash, the time and interaction are logged.

3.2.4 T. Parveen et al. - A Case Study in Test Management In this paper [2], the authors believe testing is not enough prioritized in most organizations and require more effort. Companies should have a testing standard for creating an effective management strategy.

The case study is made at a big Software company with offices spread over the world. At the company employees works with an agile development and executes tests after changes in the code. Communication between employees is made via emails containing the test results. The authors believe that this is not a reliable way to handle the result. They choose Test director which is a web-based testing for managing test data and share results within an organization. Test director makes it easier for different teams to get an overview of the performance of each test.

The research is focused on the testing processes within test management. The authors write about test experience and how to organize requirements, test cases and results within companies. The result shows how important software testing is for creating stable software.

7 3.2.5 H. Kaur et al. - Comparative study of automated testing tools: Selenium, Quick Test Professional and TestComplete In this paper [1], a comparison between different tools for testing web application is made. The purpose of the study is to investigate the tools usability. The following criteria are examined:

• Capability of generation of scripts • Costs • Data driven testing • Easy to learn • Execution speed • Playback of the scripts • Recording Efficiency • Reusability • Test results reports

The study includes three automated testing tools with the same core functionality. The authors create a list with tools limited to, requirements and chose the top three most suitable tools for the study. The tools are Selenium IDE, Quick Test Professional and TestComplete. A table with features of the chosen tools is made, to discover differences between the tools. Features for comparing the tools are:

• Application support • Database applications • Licensing costs • Object oriented language support and scalability • Platform dependency • Programming skills • Report generation • Support for /platforms • Usage

The conclusion from the study results in the fact, that each tool is useful within different circumstances. Choosing an appropriate tool should depend on the application, the budget and the way of working in terms of efficiency. The Quick Test Professional tool serve same functionality as Test Complete and is more useful for critical application testing. If Test Complete serves required demands, there is no purpose of using the Quick Test Professional since it is more expensive. Selenium is recommended as a cost-efficient testing tool.

8 3.2.6 A. Bruns et al. - Web Application Tests with Selenium In this paper [20], the authors present how to use Selenium. Testing is a comprehensive process which can be endless, especially if it is done manually. The importance of doing it automatically has increased and tools like Selenium has appeared for acceptance test application. The acceptance test focuses on effects showed directly to the user. It tests if the functions work as supposed after added functionality. Acceptance test is time-efficient until the software is changed and tests need to be recorded again. The authors believe in crafting code after tests, for more flexibility.

Selenium is a framework for testing web applications. The Selenium core runs a JavaScript application. Selenium has created an own language called Selenece, based on a grouped HTML table consisting of commands, elements and values. The language Selenece may be unnecessary to learn, since Selenium supports converting tests through the Selenium Remote Control to C#, Java, Pearl, PHP, Python and Ruby.

According to the authors, Selenium contributes to coming closer the real user experience. If the developers expect changes, a good idea is to assign a unique ID to an element when tests are written. XPath expressions or CSS selects can be used if IDs not are preferable under development for identifying elements.

3.2.7 R. A. Razak et al. - Agile testing with Selenium In this paper [4], the authors present Selenium and how it automates the testing process. It has high flexibility and allows operations for locating elements and comparing results towards the behavior of the application. A table is presented showing compatible frameworks using Selenium, e.g. Junit, TestNG, Ruby.

A benefit with Selenium is that it can test multiple browser platforms. The Selenium IDE is a tool for building test scripts in Firefox. It is easy to use for recording tests, containing user actions, which can be exported to different programming languages for execution. To use Selenium the authors implements the framework with Python. Jenkins is integrated into the Selenium testing process for creating an effective continuous integration process. The authors describe the process step by step how to set up the environment with Jenkins. Jenkins executes tests and reports the result. The conclusion is that Selenium has positive impact when testing automatically.

9 4 Method 4.1 Method description This chapter describes the method used to answer the research question. A limited literature study is made, together with two case studies. One case study examines facts, another the practical process. The boundaries in the cases are the set up and maintenance processes, since those are most important for iStone. With inspiration from [1], the tools are compared and presented in tables.

4.2 Fact-based case study To understand the concept automated testing, scientific papers are studied and reviewed. To be able to answer the research question, a limited literature study is made. The databases ACM, Google Scholar and IEEE provides the study with information. Papers from Google are selected to complement missing materials.

Facts are collected in the literature study and used in the fact-based comparison, as the authors of the paper [1] did, when comparing Selenium and two other tools in a table. According to the authors of [20], the best source for finding information is in the documentation section on the tools website.

Following criteria cover the most important functionalities for examination, some of them are also used in the paper [1].

• Application support • Cost • Display resolution • Environment • Programming skills • Recording plugin • Report generation • Variable

10 4.3 Practice-based case study The practice-based study includes the process of set up and maintain the environment, inspired from the paper [4] where the authors describe the process of set up and testing with Selenium.

In the case study [21], the authors based their cases on own experience when studying maintainability. This is made in this practice-based case study as well. The author of this study has the main responsibility for using Ghost Inspector software at iStone and is acting as an objective observer and performer in the study. Findings regarding setting up the environments, recording tests, replay the tests and creating test reports are discussed in the discussion Chapter 7.

Criteria used for comparing and reviewing the tools: • Set up process: o Ghost Inspector o Selenium o Jenkins

• Maintenance: o Record five tests o Replay the recorded tests o Create test reports

4.3.1 Set up Ghost Inspector and Selenium Table 1 Ghost Inspector Selenium To set up Ghost Inspector, the guide To set up Selenium a new Maven Java supplied on the Ghost Inspectors project is created in the editor Intellij website [5] is followed. IDEA, which is a tool for writing code.

A registration is made on the Ghost The tests are recorded with the Inspectors website. The Ghost Selenium IDE and exported into a Java Inspector plugin is installed in a file in JUnit format. Chrome browser. Selenium Remote Control 2.53.1 and Selenium Standalone Server 2.53.1 are used for executing tests.

4.3.2 Set up Jenkins Ghost Inspector and Selenium are configured with Jenkins, which enables tests to be executed remotely. Jenkins is configured with a plugin developed to be used with Selenium [22]. Ghost Inspector is connected through its API. Jenkins sends a request to Ghost Inspector which execute all tests in a suite and returns the result [23].

11 4.3.3 Recording tests Five test cases are used in the test runs selected from a project on iStone. Each test differs as much as possible to reduce duplicates and redundancy. These test cases are inspired from the project on iStone and can be found in the Appendix.

The tools shall record and replay tests that can be found in the documentation. The Ghost Inspector plugin is used for recording tests in the browser Google Chrome. When tests are recorded, and exported to JUnit 4 (Java) format, the Selenium IDE is used with the browser Firefox.

To organize tests, inspiration is taken from the paper [18], where the authors carefully examining each recorded step to reduce duplicated code. In the study tests are grouped into suites. The studies [4,14] presents Jenkins for managing the test environments. Jenkins is configured to execute Ghost Inspector and Selenium tests for getting control over the environments.

4.3.4 Replay tests When all tests are recorded, they are replayed for examination.

Table 2 Ghost Inspector Selenium Ghost Inspector tests are executed Selenium server and Selenium Remote directly in the Ghost Inspector are used for executing Selenium tests. environment.

4.3.5 Create test reports JUnit is used for creating reports from test runs in Selenium. It outputs a file in HTML format [16]. In Ghost Inspector are test results shown in each test suite.

12 5 Result This chapter presents two case studies according to the method in Chapter 4. Presenting the tools next to each other make it easier to see the differences and investigate them individually.

5.1 Fact-based Case Study 5.1.1 Overview Table 3 Features Ghost Inspector Selenium Application support The Ghost Inspector plugin The Selenium IDE plugin can only be installed in the can be installed in the browser, Google Chrome [5]. browser Firefox [27].

The Selenium server and Selenium remote control can run on PC/MAC/UNIX [1].

Can be customized with open source plugins freely after requirements [6]. Display resolution Has support for display Display resolutions can be resolutions, same as many set in the Selenium code. phones, tablets and computers are using The Webdriver.Window [26]. Interface is used for setting a resolution in Java [29]. Environment Cloud-based service Can run in a local and in a accessible from cloud environment with e.g. www.Ghostinspector.com Browserstack [28]. [5]. Licensing cost Commercial [5]. Open source [1]. Programming skills Require skills in the Require skills in one of the languages: HTML, CSS and languages: Java, .Net, JavaScript [24]. Pearl, Selense PHP, Phyton and Ruby [1,20].

Require skills in the languages: HTML, CSS and JavaScript [6]. Report Generation Can be done by e.g. Slack Can be done with the [25]. plugins JUnit Report or TestNG. [6]. Video support and screenshot comparing [25].

13 5.1.2 Recording plugin Table 4 Ghost Inspector Selenium The Ghost Inspector plugin for Chrome The Selenium IDE is used with the is used for recording tests. The plugin browser Firefox for recording tests in has basic functions as making Selenium [6]. Recorded test includes recordings and assertions. Recorded interactions, made by a user during a tests can be replayed and modified in browser session. The Selenium IDE the Ghost Inspectors web-application. recognizes link clicks, values in input The test editing is done through the fields, options selected in dropdowns, Ghost Inspectors visual editor [13]. etc. [27].

A cogwheel is spinning during a test During a test replay, each step turns replay until the is test done and turns green or red, depending on success or green or red, depending on success or failure [6]. failure.

5.1.3 Variables Table 5 Ghost Inspector Selenium Variables can be managed in each test Selenium can manage variables both in suite. Ghost Inspector provides the Selenium IDE and in Java. Examples of user with a visual editor, useful for commands for storing variables in structure and set up tests with Selenium are: storeElementPresent, variables supplying input. Ghost storeText and storeEval [1]. Inspector can also be used with variables uploaded as a CSV file [30]. The user can choose how to set up variables in Selenium [27]. In this project, variables are stored in a Java file and can be accessed from all tests in the suite.

14 5.1.4 Application support Table 6 Ghost Inspector Selenium The supported browsers to run tests in Selenium supports testing with the with Ghost Inspector are Firefox and browsers: Firefox, Google Chrome, PhantomJs. , Edge, PhantomJs, etc.

Ghost Inspector has support with The Selenium IDE has support for external services, e.g. Jenkins and the converting recorded tests to code in the message service Slack. Each test suite following languages: Java, .Net, Pearl, can be executed from Jenkins. The PHP, Phyton and Ruby [4]. Plugins and Slack integration allows Ghost browser support can be installed. Inspector to post test results to a Slack Available plugins on the Selenium channel [25]. website are e.g. screen shots on fail and test results [27].

5.1.5 Costs Table 7 Ghost Inspector Selenium Ghost Inspector has four subscriptions Selenium is an open source project free to choose between: Free, Small, to use. It does not require any license Medium and Large. These provide and can be used without any different numbers of monthly test limitations [18]. runs, team members, screen sizes, length of results retention, etc. [26]. The authors of [1] refer to Selenium as a cost-efficient testing tool. All subscriptions contain: • API access. • Full video of tests. • Integration with services, e.g. Jenkins and Slack. • Simple screenshot comparison.

Table 8. These are the different plans which Ghost Inspector offer (2017-03-14) [26]. Free Small Medium Large Price monthly 0 USD 71 USD 179 USD 359 USD Team member(s) 1 team 5 team 20 team 40 team member members members members Tests runs 100 runs 10,000 runs 40,000 runs 100,000 runs monthly Length of result 3 month 6 month 6 month 6 month retention

15 5.2 Practice-Case Study 5.2.1 Set up the environment Table 9 Ghost Inspector Selenium To learn Ghost Inspector, read the The learning process of Selenium is manual on the website. There is an complex. Much documentations need extensive documentation with to be read. The process starts with examples and videos. An account is examining required software for the required on the Ghost Inspectors setup. The Selenium frameworks and website. The guide supplied on [5] with plugins are downloaded an installed. a video was followed. The Selenium version 2.53.1 is used Ghost Inspector gives possibilities for since the latest version 3.X does not users without programming skills to be have support for running the Selenium involved in the testing process [31]. remote control directly [20].

1. A registration is done and the Ghost Selenium requires skills in program- Inspector plugin is installed into the ming, since it is used in e.g. Java Chrome browser. environment.

2. After a successful login, a suite is To set up Selenium a new Java Maven created with a brief description. project is created in Intellij. The tests are recorded with Selenium IDE and Installations: exported into a Java file in JUnit 4 • Ghost Inspector plugin 3.1.5 format. • Google Chrome 57.0.2987.133 Installations: • Chrome driver 2.29 • Firefox 52.0.2 • Intellij IDEA 2016.3.4 • JUnit framework 4.12 • Selenium framework 3.2.0 • Selenium IDE 2.9.1 • Selenium remote control 2.53.1 • Selenium standalone server 2.53.1

16 5.2.2 Jenkins Table 10 Ghost Inspector Selenium Jenkins is configured for executing Jenkins is configured for executing test test through the Ghost Inspectors through the Selenium Standalone API. server.

The Jenkins set up process for executing tests could be made both in Selenium standalone server and through Ghost Inspectors API. Jenkins worked well with both tools and results were received correctly.

5.2.3 Recording tests The following steps are done to record a test. Table 11 Ghost Inspector Selenium 1. Enter the website. 1. Enter the website. 2. Open the document containing the 2. Open the document containing the test steps. test steps. 3. Start recording with the Ghost 3. Start recording with the Selenium Inspector plugin and follow the test IDE plugin and follow the test case case given from step two. given from step two. 4. Make assertions by switching to 4. Make assertions by right click on assertion mode in the plugin to the mouse. Alternatives, e.g. assert- validate the appearance of an ElementPresent and verifyText can element. be used to validate the appearance 5. Finish the test and enter a name for of an element or text. the test. 5. Finish the test and enter a name for 6. Store it in a specified suite and the test. access it from the Ghost Inspector 6. Store it in a suite and access it from website. the Selenium IDE. 7. Exported the test into the Java JUnit format and import it into a Maven project.

5.2.4 Replay 5 tests Table 12

17 Ghost Inspector Selenium 1. Open the suite containing all the 1. Open the Java project containing all recorded tests. the recorded tests. 2. Click into the given test and click on 2. Click into the given test and adjust the blue button “Run test” execution speed. 3. The results are presented with a 3. Execute the test. video and screenshot. 4. The results are presented in the Intellij IDE console. An advantage when working with Ghost Inspector is that screenshots and video An advantage when working with recordings on test results are saved Selenium is that when a failure occurs [25]. the recorder save alternative possi- bilities for running the test. A disadvantage with Ghost Inspector is that if a failure occurs during a test A disadvantage with Selenium is that run, the Ghost Inspector plugin does screenshots and video recordings on not save alternative possibilities for test results not are saved. running the test. When replaying tests in Selenium: When replaying tests in Ghost Inspector: • Input fields were often not found. This was solved by using a delay on • Input fields were often not found. the executed step. This was solved by using a delay on the executed step. • The test “Mega Menu”: Could not be created without the use of XPath. • The visual editor in Ghost Inspector The authors of [18], did not does not have the function of setting recommend XPath as a good option test execution speed. when recording tests, since it increase test time.

18 5.2.5 Report Ghost Inspector report Ghost Inspector creates reports automatically after each test run. Tests can be accessed from the used account on Ghost Inspectors website. The result view is presented in the figure 1 below. Ghost Inspector 1. Go to the Ghost Inspector website and click into the given suite and execute all tests. 2. After the test execution, the results are presented.

Figure 1 Ghost Inspector test report 2017-04-07.


Selenium report Test reports are created by the framework Junit and are outputted as an HTML file. The code was configured after the section “How do I use Ant to create HTML test reports” from [16]. Selenium 1. Open the Java project in Intellij IDEA containing all recorded tests. 2. Click into the given test and execute it. 3. A HTML file is created in the project source folder with the results.

Figure 2 Selenium test report 2017-04-07.

20 6 Analysis Examination of collected information indicates that Selenium puts higher requirements of the user than Ghost Inspector. Knowledge of how to set up and maintain the Selenium in a local environment is needed, while Ghost Inspector is cloud-based. The set up process in Ghost Inspector can easily be made by registering an account and install its plugin.

Basic programming knowledge in HTML, CSS and JavaScript is useful when using both tools, in order to understand the tests. The Selenium IDE has a visual editor, like Ghost Inspector, but to get the most out of Selenium, knowledge in programming is required. The programming part when using Selenium can be complicated when the solution needs to be customized. When deciding which tool to use, the knowledge in software programming of future users should be considered.

The Ghost Inspector documentation [5] is clear with instructions on how to use the tool and differs from the more detailed Selenium documentation. Selenium gives the user possibilities to read about different ways of using it [6]. The Ghost Inspector documentation is simpler, since the only way of using Ghost Inspector is with its visual editor and recording plugin. Selenium can be used in several ways by the Selenium IDE or combined with Selenium Server and Remote Control with customized code.

The set up process was easier to follow for Ghost Inspector than Selenium. Decisions about choosing frameworks, how to set up them and which environment to run them in had to be considered in Selenium.

Several computers can access the user account on the Ghost Inspector website at the same time to run tests and view the test results. These can also be reported to the external message service Slack. A plugin for Slack were not found for Selenium, instead reports were stored in the local Selenium environment. It was easy to understand the reports both in Ghost Inspector and Selenium, since the results consist of the status passed or failed. An advantage with Ghost Inspector is that each test result included a video and a screenshot of the test run which makes it easier to see what went wrong from a user perspective.

Jenkins can be configured with both tools and is good for viewing test results and executing different test suites. Jenkins provides Selenium with a web based interface and can be used to execute test remotely and manage test results. Junit reports were easy to implement in code by following the guide [16], in the section “How do I use Ant to create HTML test reports”. The Selenium reports were shared manually, this process should be considered if an automated process like Ghost Inspector has been needed.


A price plan is needed when using Ghost Inspector, since 100 tests monthly in the free plan may not be enough to run tests extensively. This aspect should be considered when choosing a tool, since a price plan cost the company both employee time and a monthly subscription. Selenium has no license cost, but takes more time to set up and maintain. In Ghost Inspector, a monthly subscription is paid. Since it takes longer time to set up a project with Selenium, the cost aspect needs to be combined with other criteria based on the project needs.

The Ghost Inspector plugin records and make assertions. The simplicity was useful when the functionality was tested in the fourth test. The third test was suitable for Selenium, since the test has more functionalities to be tested, which were easier to structure and control. When building tests with Selenium, Java code was written to count objects in results with the function size (), which returns the size of a list. A count function would be useful in the visual Ghost Inspector editor, when test cases data are collected and presented.

When test suites are divided e.g. in desktop, iPad or mobile views for testing displays, all variables need to be declared in the suites in Ghost Inspector. This is not time-efficient and creates redundancy, since each suite needs to have its own variables. In Selenium variables are easier to manage and can be stored in one Java file accessible from all tests.

To test display resolution in Ghost Inspector, a list with various display resolutions is presented. Selenium lets the user set a resolution in tests freely. In need of testing a precise resolution, Selenium can be useful, otherwise both tools provide the functionality of testing various displays in a good manner.

The Selenium IDE can manage tests during recordings and integrates the alternatives, e.g. storeElementPresent, storeText, storeEval in the Firefox browser. During recordings in Ghost Inspector, only the actions: “assert” and “record” can be selected and recorded tests cannot be continued. It results in a trial and error process with long waiting times, if recorded test needs to be modified. An advantage with the Selenium IDE were that recorded tests could be continued which makes the maintenance easier.

22 7 Discussion 7.1 Method discussion The limited literature study supported the case studies with information. When searching on Ghost Inspector in the ACM, Google Scholar and IEEE databases, all facts could not be retrieved from peer-reviewed papers. Information was instead collected from the Ghost Inspector website to fill the literature gap. The method of complement peer-reviewed material with information from related websites were used by the authors of [18,19] as well.

The practice-based case study is inspired by the [21] paper, where the authors act both as observers and participants. This was the only way of doing the study on iStone, since the author of this paper has the main responsibility for using Ghost Inspector on iStone. The fact-based study in 5.1 is inspired from [1] comparing facts about the tools in tables. This helped to reveal facts that otherwise may have been missed in the research. The criteria in the tables are predefined in 4.2 and built on other studies. This study can be reproduced by following the defined criteria and method in Chapter 4, together with sources found in the reference list. The practice-based study in 5.2 is made by following instructions from the Ghost Inspector and Selenium websites and is inspired from papers [4,21]. An explanation is made of each step to prevent misunderstanding and make the work reproducible. The discovered differences in the fact-based and practice-based study were clear and easy to describe, which minimize the risk of the author being subjective.

The study focuses on providing an objective result, so iStone can choose a suitable tool for upcoming projects. The result in Chapter 5 covers both the set up and maintainability processes, as asked for in the research question. A literature study and the two case studies provide enough information to present a result to iStone and others, useful for choosing between Ghost Inspector and Selenium. The method is therefore successful since it answers the research question.

23 7.2 Discussion RQ: In the context of the regression testing tools: Ghost Inspector and Selenium, how do the tools differ regarding the set up and maintenance processes?

The study indicates that Ghost Inspector is preferable when testing needs to be introduced within short time. Selenium fits users with programming skills and may be the tool to use when the testing process needs customization. Ghost Inspector fits projects in need of a fast cloud-based testing solution. The learning curve is longer when using Selenium than Ghost Inspector, since the set up and maintenance process is more complicated. Both tools are useful when working agile with continuous integration and when deciding which tool to choose, the requirements in the project shall be taken in consideration.

The process of repairing tests appeared with high frequency in the project when using both Selenium and Ghost Inspector. The authors of [13] recommend writing tests before the development. This seems to be a common problem within testing, since [18,19,20] refer to the process of maintaining tests as endless. Writing tests before development could not be applied in this research, since the tests and the code already were written. It would be interesting to evaluate the process when tests are written before the code, since the authors of [13,18] recommend doing the process in this way.

The study resulted in similar conclusion as the authors of [1] concluded from their study. There is no silver bullet in software testing. Each tool is useful within different circumstances. Choosing an appropriate tool should depend on the application, the budget and the way of working in terms of efficiency. The Selenium tool offers the same functionality as Ghost Inspector and is more useful for critical application testing. If Ghost Inspector serves required demands, there is no purpose of using Selenium since it requires more knowledge and has a longer set up and maintenance process.

24 8 Conclusions and future work 8.1 Conclusions IStone use Ghost Inspector as regressions testing tool on web applications, since it offers an effective set up and maintenance process. Selenium requires more effort to set up and maintain, since Selenium is not a service. The Ghost Inspector environment comforts iStone with the ability of executing test continuously and supplies the latest test results to the project team through Slack.

8.2 Future work This study focuses on comparing two tools in terms of facts, practical set up and maintenance processes. For future work, more tools could be studied. The study could also compare other aspects or focus on specific functions. It would also be interesting to compare the monthly license cost for setting up and maintain Selenium, with the cost of a full-time employee, doing the same job.

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29 Appendix Test cases 1. Registration of an account Preconditions: GIVEN that you are on the Login page Steps: • WHEN you enter a First name, Last name, an unregistered email address, a password longer than 6 characters AND click on Register THEN an account should be registered and you should be redirected to the My Account page

• WHEN you enter a First name, Last name, an unregistered email address, a non-matching email address in the confirmation box, a password longer than 6 characters AND click on register THEN an error message per incorrect field should appear to inform you about the non-matching email address

• WHEN you do not enter anything, and click on Register THEN an error message per incorrect field should appear to inform you about the missing inputs

2. Navigation in the mega menu Preconditions: GIVEN that the mega menu is available Steps: • WHEN you click on a top-level category THEN the mega menu is opened with the second level categories connected to the top-level category

• WHEN you click on a second level category THEN the second level category page is opened with the third level categories connected to the second level category

• WHEN you click on a third level category THEN the third level category page is opened with the products connected to the third level category

30 3. Check-out test Preconditions: GIVEN that you are on the checkout page Steps: • WHEN you buy product(s) THEN the order confirmation page should be displayed

• WHEN you buy product(s) with Klarna THEN the order should be created with the correct information

• WHEN you buy product(s) with voucher + Klarna THEN the order should be created with the correct information

• WHEN you buy product(s) as an anonymous customer THEN the order should be created with the correct information

• WHEN you buy product(s) as a logged in customer THEN the order should be created with the correct information

4. Search for product, category, names and item number Preconditions: GIVEN that the search box is available Steps: • WHEN you perform a search query for a product category THEN you should get realistic search results according to the search parameters

• WHEN you perform a search query for a product name THEN you should get realistic search results according to the search parameters

• WHEN you perform a search query for an item number THEN you should get realistic search results according to the search parameters

5. Stock level in stores Preconditions: GIVEN that you are on a product page AND on a site with stores Steps: • WHEN you click on the Stock Level in Store button with a size selected THEN a list with all available stores should be displayed

• WHEN you click on the Stock level in Store button without a size selected THEN a message should be displayed prompting the user to select a size

• WHEN you click on the Show all stores with product in stock THEN all stores with the product in stock should be displayed