Closing the Waste-to-Resource Loop Solid Waste Management Waste Non-Incinerable Generated Waste in 17,855 t/d 477 t/d (2%) Commercial & Retail Residential Collection Incinerable Landfill Consumers Waste 7,083 t/d (40%) Ash Reduce Reuse 1,728 t/d Waste Recycled 10,295 t/d (58%)

Factories & Recycle Waste-to- Industries Energy Producers NtiNationa lEl Envi ronment tA Agency Electricity

Strategy 1 : Waste Minimization Strategy 2 : Recycling Recycling of Industrial and Commercial Waste Singapore Packaging Agreement  Used Slag (378,900 tonnes, 99%)  Prevent waste generation at source  C & D Waste (921,800 tonnes recycled, 99%)  Ferrous Metal (1,127,500 tonnes recycled, 94%)  Jointly developed by Government,  Wood / Timber (190,000 tonnes recycled, 70%) Industry & NGOs; signed Jun 07; valid  Paper / Cardboard (738,200 tonnes recycled, 53%) for 5 years  Horticultural Waste (99,200 tonnes recycled, 40%)  Signatories  Food Waste (102,400 tonnes recycled, 16%)  Plastics (78,100 tonnesrecycled, 11%) • set targets voluntarily

• formulate action plans to reduce and reuse packaging waste

 122 signatories

Recycled Products from Wood Waste C & D Waste Recycling Plant Food Waste Recycling Plant

Strategy 2 : Recycling Overall Recycling Rate

Recycling of Domestic Waste 75

 National Recycling Programme (NRP) 70 Singapore Green Plan (SGP) 2012 target: - For HDB / Landed Premises 65 - Participation rate = 63% 60% by 2012 - Door-to-door fortnightly collection 60 - 1,600 centralised recycling depositories 55 rcent

 Mandatory provision of recycling receptacles Pe 50 for all condominiums 45 58%  School Recycling Corner Programme (100%) 40  Annual Recycling Week 35  PbliPublic Areas (4, 160 recycli ng bins ) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Year Strategy 3 : Waste-to-Energy Strategy 4 : Reduce Waste To Landfill

Non-incinerable Waste A Cost Effective Method of Refuse Disposal as: - 477 t/d (e.g. sludge & slag)

 volume of refuse can be reduced by 90% Incineration Ash  energy can be recovered for power generation - 1,728 t/d  scrap metal can be recovered for recycling Semakau Landfill • Trial use IBA in road construction completed

IBA from Waste-to-Energy Plant Processed IBA Completed Road-base with IBA

Waste Collection System Public Waste Collection Sectors

Ang Mo Kio-

Domestic & Trade Premises - Woodlands-  Waste collection privatised in 2001 8 6  Improve collection efficiency and service 1 - 7 quality 3 2 Industrial & Commercial Premises 4 9 5  Waste generators are free to engage licensed Clementi City general waste collectors - SembWaste Veolia E S Colex 800 Super Contract duration: 7 yrs

Waste Disposed Waste-to-Energy Plants (Daily Average 1970 – 2010) Location Year Cost ($) Capacity (t/d) Tonnes Per Day 2001 9, 000 2010 7,700 TIP 1986 200 milli on 1, 700 7,600 8,000 SWTE 1992 560 million 2,100 (contracted) 7, 000 TSIP 2000 890 million 3, 000 5,700 6,000 KSTP 2009 160 million 800 (contracted) 5,000 Total 7,600

4,000 2,600 3,000 12001,200 2,000

1,000 0 Year 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 IP Senoko WTE Plant Tuas South IP Keppel Seghers Tuas WTE Plant (dives te d 2009) (DBOO IP) Locations of Disposal Facilities Public-Private-Partnership (PPP)

DBOO IP  The Keppel Seghers Tuas Waste-to-energy Plant is developed under the Design-Build- Own-Operate (DBOO) scheme  The plant is providing incineration services to NEA over the 25-year period from 2009 to Keppel Seghers Tuas WTE Plant 2034 ((OO)DBOO IP)

Disposal Site Disposal Fee Per Divested SIP tonne  Senoko Plant was divested in Sep 09 Tuas IP $77 + Tuas South IP  The plant is providing incineration services KlShTWTEPltKeppel Seghers Tuas WTE Plant to NEA over the 15-year period from 2009 to TMTS (Semakau Landfill) 2024 Senoko WTE Plant $81 * Senoko WTE Plant + Same fee applies for TIP , TSIP , KSTP & TMTS to deter non-incinerable waste being disposed of at the IPs, resulting in damage of equipment * Higher fees introduced to ensure better distribution of waste to the 4 IPs

Semakau Landfill In the longer term… A unique environmental solution created entirely out of the sea space  Sustainable Development Blueprint - Key goals and initiatives for the next 10 to 20 years

 Boosting our Resource Efficiency, we aim to attain recycling rate of: - 65% in 2020 (Intermediate goal) - 70% in 2030

Commenced operation on 1 Apr 99 Received (2010) : Area : 350 hec tares • 477 t/d non-iiincinerabl ewaste Capacity : 63 mil cu.m • 1,728 t/d incineration ash Cost : SGD 610 million Estimated lifespan : till 2045

Thank you.