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NUBIA: A journey along the to

March 14-28, 2020

A unique itinerary that finally can be experienced thanks to the opening of the land border between Egypt and Sudan. A journey of discovery from the first invasion of the Egyptian who subdued the Sudanese , to the area of Jebel Barkal, the capital city of the Kingdom of the Black Pharaohs, when the Nubian Kings conquered the whole pharaonic Egypt.

We will visit Meroe, where a great indigenous culture which rivalled even with the Romans developed and where there are dozens of pyramids laid down in the desert. We will then cross the border to reach and board on a small boat to discover , visiting beautiful sites such as Wadi Es Sebua, Amada and Kasr Ibrim, with no tourists at all and far from any political tension in Egypt until the beautiful temple of Abu Simbel.

In Sudan we travel by 4x4 vehicles along the Nile to admire and discover the beautiful archaeological sites of Soleb, Tombos, and also to see the colourful Nubian villages, the Nubian Desert and the Jebel Barkal with its polychrome tombs. We will also experience the Bayuda Desert with its volcanic cones and nomadic settlements up to the astonishing UNESCO site of the Royal Necropolis of Meroe. In , we will visit the Archaeological Museum and the huge market in Omdurman.

Mar 14 Day 1 / Arrival Khartoum Meet and greet at the airport and transfer to your hotel. Dinner NOT included and overnight stay.

Mar 15 Day 2 / Khartoum - city tour Breakfast at the hotel and then we visit the Archaeological Museum that, besides many beautiful objects, contains two beautiful temples rescued by UNESCO and moved from the Lake Nasser area, when it was flooded by the water.

We then visit the Mahdi’s tomb from the outside and, time permitting, the Khalifa’s house Museums (open until 13.30) in Omdurman. Lunch included in a local restaurant (Al Housh).

Afterwards, a visit to the largest souk in Sudan. (B.L.) Dinner NOT included.

Mar 16 Day 3 / Khartoum - Naga and Mussawarat temples – Meroe

After breakfast we begin our journey northward. After about 50 km, we get into a desert area covered with huge round covered boulders. These are the last offshoots of the rocky formations of the 6th cataract.

We leaved the asphalt road and drive about 30 km on a desert track among many camel thorn acacia trees to visit two archaeological sites.

The site of Naga is one of the two centres that developed during the Meroitic period. In Naga, in a typical Saharan environment with rocks and sand, we find a temple dedicated to Apedemak (1st century A.D.): a wonderful building with bas-relief decorations depicting the god with a lion’s head, the , noblemen and several ritual images.

A few metres away there is a small and odd construction with arches and columns, named "kiosk", in which we can notice Egyptian, Roman and Greek styles, all at the same time. Not far away we reach another temple dedicated to Amon with many statues of rams and beautiful gates decorated with bas-reliefs.

We then go to the site of Mussawarat is located in a beautiful valley crowned by hills. Here the ruins of a very big temple are visible; it once played an exceptional important role. Its main characteristic, the “Great Enclosure” is made by many constructions and boundary walls which surround a temple built in the 1st century A.D. The large number of elephants represented on these walls makes you think that this animal used to have an important role in this area. Beyond the big wadi there is another temple - restored by a German archaeological mission - dedicated to the god Apedemak.

Picnic in the area and we return to the main road driving north, and all of a sudden, we see more than 40 pyramids located on top of a hill, some of them perfectly preserved, belonging to the Royal Necropolis of Meroe.

Arrival at the Meroe Camp with a beautiful view on the pyramids. Accommodation in comfortable and fully furnished tents, dinner and overnight stay. (B.L.D.)

Mar 17 Day 4 / Meroe - the Necropolis and the Royal city of Meroe Morning dedicated to the visit of the pyramids. The Royal Necropolis of Meroe is located at about 3 km from the Nile on some hills covered by yellow sand dunes. Several pyramids stand out with their sharp shapes against the clear sky. Each one has its own funerary chapel with the walls fully decorated with bas-reliefs that show the King’s life and offers to the gods. Lunch at Meroe Camp. In the afternoon we move along the Nile to visit the ruins of the Royal city. The excavations confirm that the town of Meroe used to cover a large area and the Royal city was located in a central position, surrounded by suburbs and a boundary wall. Most of the area where the city is located, formed by many small hills covered by red clay fragments, has still to be excavated by the archaeologists. Dinner and overnight stay at the permanent Meroe Camp. (B.L.D.)

Mar 18 Day 5 / Meroe-Bayuda Desert--El Kurru-Karima We cross the Nile in Atbara and enter the Bayuda Desert, the area bounded by the loop formed by the Nile between the 4th and the 6th Cataract and characterized by sharp black basalt mountains, most of them volcanic and typically cone-shaped. They alternate with level pebble stretches and large valleys crossed by dry wadis, where little vegetation can be seen. It is very likely to meet isolated groups of Hassanyae Manasir nomads, who live in familiar groups in small huts made of intertwined branches close to the rare water wells, with their caravans and herds of camels and cattle.

We finally reach the pyramids of Nuri. A short walk among those ancient ruins before crossing the Nile. In the village of El Kurru lies one of the necropolises of the ancient capital, . Here we can visit one tomb, which is excavated in the rock under pyramids - partially collapsed; decorated with images of the Pharaoh, of the gods and multicolor hieroglyphic inscriptions. Not far from here there is an interesting site of petrified wood, an ancient forest with hundreds of huge trunks.

We shall then reach the village of Karima at the foot of Jebel Barkal. Dinner and overnight in the charming Nubian Rest House at the feet of Jebel Barkal. (B.L.D.)

Mar 19 Day 6 / Jebel Barkal – Nubian Desert - Old Dongola-Tombos Landmark in the Nubian Desert, Jebel Barkal ("Jebel" means mountain in Arabic) can be seen from a few dozen kilometres whilst still in the open desert. At the foot of this wonderful and isolated red sandstone mountain, considered holy since the ancient times, there is a big temple, dedicated to the Pharaohs of the New Reign and to their patron, Amon. Amon's ancient "Pure Mountain," the Olympus of the , was the religious Nubian heart for more than 1000 years. Besides the ruins of the big temple there are still several sculptured granite rams that were supposed to border a long avenue that probably led to the pier on the Nile. In the mountain wall, there is a big room decorated with bas-relief.

The Jebel Barkal archaeological sites are on the World Heritage list. The Royal necropolis of the ancient city of Napata, the Nubian capital (from 800 to 400 B.C.) before the Meroitic period, had a large number of pyramids, located in three different places: few hundred metres north of Jebel Barkal; a dozen kilometres southwards from the holy mountain, in El Kurru; in Nuri, which is located on the other bank of the Nile.

We will then reach the archaeological site of Old Dongola where we see the ruins of a Christian Coptic temple with marble columns as well as several suggestive ruins of churches situated on the banks of the Nile.

We continue our journey along the Nile. This area is the central part of the Nubian region. Here the population lives in small villages amongst yellow sand dunes and palm trees. They speak a different language from the Arabs and also the Islamic religion is not as "strict" as in other regions. The women don't cover their faces and readily speak to foreigners. Some houses in the Nubian Villages are painted and decorated with colorful patterns and flowers. Enthusiastic hospitality abounds, people will often invite foreigners to visit their home and share a meal or a cup of spiced tea.

Picnic in the area. In the late afternoon, we reach the preset camp in the area of Tombos.

Mar 20 Day 7 / Tombos – Sebu – 3rd Cataract - Kerma – Tombos After breakfast we reach the Third Cataract, which used to be the third huge obstacle that the ancient had to face when trying to sail on the Nile River. We walk up the hill to the ancient Ottoman Fort where we can have beautiful views of the cataract. In Sebu, right on the river bank of the Nile it is possible to visit one of the richest sites of rock engraving of all Sudan with hundreds of images from prehistoric to Egyptian times.

In the afternoon we arrive in Kerma where we visit the majestic “Defuffa” the monument that characterizes Kerma civilization. Very interesting is the Museum created by the Swiss archaeological mission after the recovery of seven statues of the Black Pharaohs in 2003. We then reach the ancient granite quarries of Tombos where we will see a statue of simply left there in the sand. Return to the preset camp for dinner and overnight. (B.L.D.)

Mar 21 Day 8 / Tombos – Island of Sai - Temple of Soleb - Tombos After breakfast we reach the Island of Sai taking a short cruise on the Nile to see the Nile crocodiles and to reach the ruins of an and an old Ottoman fortress on the island. We shall then continue southward until the small village of Wawa. Here we will take a small motor boat to reach the temple of Soleb, the most beautiful Egyptian Temple in Sudan. Return to Tombos. Dinner and overnight at the preset camp. (B.L.D.)

Mar 22 Day 9 / Tombos - – Ashkait - Abu Simbel Today we depart very early in the morning and continue to the border with Egypt. After passing the Sudanese border by local bus and once we have cleared the formalities to enter Egypt, we shall meet our Egyptian staff who will accompany us for the rest of the journey. Please bear in mind that crossing the border might takes long hours.

Arrival in late afternoon in Abu Simbel. Check-in to hotel. (B,L). Dinner not included.

Mar 23 Day 10 / Abu Simbel – beginning of the cruise - Toshka Island – Qasr Ibrahim Fortress - Amada In the morning we enjoy a visit to the famous rock-cut temples of Abu Simbel. (In case there is enough time, we shall do the visit the day before. A UNESCO World heritage site, these spectacular ruins were constructed by Ramses II. Without doubt one of the most powerful of the New Kingdom Pharaohs, which includes the 4 iconic 20 meter high statues of the great pharaoh himself.

After the visit, we board our private boat to start our beautiful cruise on Lake Nasser. We reach Toshka Island by foot, enjoying the desert scenery. The skies above echoes with the sounds of dozens black hawks. The boat will catch us on the other side of the island where we will enjoy the opportunity to swim in the lake.

We then sail towards Qasr Ibrim (qasr = fortress) the only monument to have remained in its original location when the lake was flooded. We have the privilege of visiting these ruins by foot, which are normally not accessible to the public. For one month a year, archaeologists come on a mission to this mysterious place.

We will have lunch with view on the remains of the old Cathedral. We then continue cruising across the lake towards Amada where we will arrive just before sunset. A light evening walk to an observation point will allow us to watch a fantastic sunset over the entire lake, just amazing. We then finish the day close to the setting of the stunning Amada Temples, the oldest of the lake’s historic temple sites. Dinner and first night on the boat. (B.L.D.)

Mar 24 Day 11 / Navigation on Lake Nasser: Amada temples – –Korosqo- Nubian fjords” sail - Wadi El Arab dunes

After a light breakfast we’ll enjoy a sunrise walk to the temple site of Amada. Dating back to the XVII dynasty, these are the oldest monuments to survive the creation of the lake. Relocated by a team of French engineers, the complex includes some of the best preserved inscriptions left in ancient Egypt and this morning we will pay a visit to the temples of Amada and Derr and the tomb of Pennout.

Returning to the boat we cruise on, heading towards the wonderful sandy beaches of El Marsan el Ramla. This place is a great opportunity for swimming in stunning clear waters of the Nile or to try out some fishing from the shore.

After the break, we head to the dramatic canyons of Korosqo, also called de “Nubian fjords” on the east side of the lake which is only 2-3 km wide at this place. This stretch of the lake provides an ideal spot to look out for birds and other animals living on the shores of Lake Nasser, as we turn north and meander through the narrow confines of the gorge.

After lunch, continue to Wadi el Arab where we will take an evening walk in the desert before enjoying drinks and dinner in the shadow of a vast, golden dune. (B,L,D)

Mar 25 Day 12/ Navigation on Lake Nasser: Madiq – Wadi es Seboua We start the day with a light early morning trek through the great dunes of Wadi El Temsah (crocodile bay). One of the unique places on Lake Nasser where dunes plunge into the lake waters.

Then we continue cruising north to the temples of Wadi es Sebua, Dakka and Maharraqa. Saved from the rising flood waters of Lake Nasser, the temples sit along the western banks of the lake and include the stunning Temple of Ramses II, dramatically lying half buried among the desert sands and approached along a spectacular avenue of sphinxes which gave the name to Wadi es Sebua, Valley of the Lions.

Re-boarding the boat, we enjoy lunch with views from the upper deck on the temples and continue our sail to Madiq to discover some nearby ancient Egyptian engravings. This unofficial site is one of our best-kept secrets. We have confirmation from a famous archaeologist, that the date for these engravings are definitely late Predynastic (Nagada II, c. 3500 BCE to about 3100 BCE) to the New Kingdom. The motifs are purely ancient Egyptian. The presence of the Horus emblem (the bird) in particular marks a very early date, as does the low central cabin without a sail.

After the visit we continue to Soqqar Bay (Sugar Bay) for the night. Dinner and overnight on the boat. (B,L,D)

Mar 26 Day 13 Abu Derua-Garf Hussein (Lake Nasser) – Abu Setta-Kalabshah Archipelago We start cruising in early morning to Abu Derua, a cone like hill in the middle of the lake. We stop for breakfast and a swim.

Then we sail towards Garf Hussein where we can spot the unfinished holiday palace of Anwar el Saddat. Unfortunately, he was assassinated before ever living in his palace on the shores of Lake Nasser. The famous Egyptian architect Hassan Fathy designed and built the beautiful palace, which has many Nubian features.

We continue cruising north through the strait of Abu Steit, for birdwatching. This evening we take a sunset walk on the Kalabshah Archipelago keeping an eye out for Nile crocodiles. Dinner and overnight on the boat. (B,L,D)

Mar 27 Day 14 / Boussalem – Kalabshah temple – Aswan High Dam harbour (end of cruise) – Overnight in Aswan

After breakfast we start our final cruise towards Aswan. At Boussalem we enjoy a last swimming in the lake and some fishing from the shore.

Then we head to the temples of Kalabshah which lay just besides the Aswan high dam. Kalabsha Temple, ancient Talmis, was built over an earlier New Kingdom site during the Roman Period for Caesar Augustus. This is perhaps the finest example of a freestanding temple in Nubia and is constructed from sandstone blocks. Kalabsha Temple complex is among the most important of the salvaged monuments on Lake Nasser. It includes the main temple of Kalabsha, Beit el-Wali, Garf Hussein, and the Kiosk of Qertassi.

Lunch with splendid view on the temples and the high dam. After lunch we enjoy a last little stretch on the boat until we reach the commercial harbour. It’s time to say goodbye to the crew and disembark. Transfer by road to Isis Corniche Hotel. (B,L) Dinner NOT included.

Mar 28 Day 15 / Departure

Transfer to the airport and boarding your international flight.


In SUDAN - THE PRESET CAMP: The preset camp is prepared one day in advance of the group arrival. It is equipped with big igloo tents (2,40 x 2,40 x 1,80m) with camp beds, foam mattresses, sheets and wool covers; one small table and two folding chairs each tent. For the meals a big restaurant tent with table and chairs is set up. Two camp showers and two toilets (one for men and one for women) complete the structure. The camp will be located among the beautiful rocks of the Third Cataract in the Tombos area.


Karima is a small town located on the right bank of the Nile, close to the famous archaeological site at the foot of Jebel Barkal, south of the 4th Cataract. The town is a small, dusty and calm village, where a big market takes place in the morning.

The Nubian Rest House is a charming small hotel built in the typical Nubian style just at the foot of Jebel Barkal, the holy mountain of the old Egyptian and Nubian Pharaohs. It is surrounded by a large private enclosure, with a nice garden and leisure area. Each of the 22 A/C rooms is characterized by a peculiar Nubian door with its own private bathroom and a pleasant veranda. The decor and finishing have been carefully selected. They come mainly from Italy and provide an elegant yet rustic charm.

A reception, a restaurant and a living room with decorated walls complete the wonderful setting. All the buildings are made with local bricks covered by hand-spread clay plaster as used in the Nubian area. The hotel is managed by an Italian manager with the help of well-trained Sudanese staff. http://www.italtoursudan.com/en/our-properties/the-nubian-rest-house


Meroe tented Camp is located in Bagarwyia, (about 230 km. north of Khartoum) overlooking the beautiful pyramids of Meroe. The Camp is located 2 km from the Royal Necropolis.

Accommodation consists of 22 twin-bedded tents (4x4 m), tastefully furnished. Each one has its own private bathroom hut with shower and toilet. Each tent is equipped with a veranda with two comfortable chairs to relax in front of the astonishing view of more than forty pyramids. The tents have electricity produced by a generator working till 11:00 pm.

A restaurant building is available for the guests. The Camp is managed by an Italian manager with the help of well-trained Sudanese staff. With this permanent facility, this arid region of extraordinary archaeological interest and beautiful landscapes become accessible even to those reluctant to sacrifice their comfort. http://www.italtoursudan.com/en/our-properties/the-meroe-camp

In EGYPT – OVERNIGHTS ON BOARD The boat provided for the cruise on Lake Nasser has 4 DBL cabin with shared facilities. SGL cannot be guaranteed. The staff included one Rais (captain), a chef and sailors. An Egyptian policeman will be also onboard as required by the local authorities.

OUR 4x4 CARS in SUDAN: Toyota Land Cruiser with 3 or 4 pax per car and Toyota Hilux double cabin with 3 people per car

The border crossing: Please note that the border normally opens at 09.00 but delays might occur and we must reach it well before in order to avoid being placed in a long queue with all the other people. There is normally a long queue to hand the passport in to the Egyptian police – they normally keep the passports to check and stamp them, then return them to the clients after about 1 hour.

At the border there is a bank, a coffee shop/restaurant and some toilets. There is an entry/departing fee to pay cash which is 50 EGP pp (subject to change). Passport and bags will be carefully checked. Please be aware that they may create problems for knives; they usually confiscate them. To cross the border and the no-man’s-land (about 200 mt) it is compulsory to board on public buses. Your TL will take care of the tickets.

There is an exit fee of 180 SDG pp to be paid cash (subject to change). There will be a fixer to facilitate the border crossing. There is an entry form to be filled in and handed in together with the passport.

Price: $4770 per person based on min 6, $5660 based on min 6 people. Single Room Supplement: $860.

Plus: Archaeological fees in Egypt (Temple entrance tickets for Abu Simbel and Lake Nasser (Amada, Wadi es Sebua and Kalabshah), total 4 sites): $38 cash to be paid in Egypt; Archaeological fees, National Museum entrance, photo permit and passport registration in Sudan $280 cash to be paid on arrival in Sudan; Exit fee Egypt (50 EGP to be paid in cash), Entry fee Sudan. Fees subject to change.


Arrival transfer to hotel (day 1; extra cost for arrival day early) - 1 O/N at Isis Corniche Hotel Aswan 4* with breakfast - 1 O/N at Nubian House in Abu Simbel with breakfast - Full board on the boat including water, coffee and tea

- Individual lake permission for the protected areas & for visiting fortress of Qasr Ibrim, normally not accessible for tourists

- Fixer in Sudan for border crossing

- 2 O/N at Acropole Hotel (3*) or similar in Khartoum in BB (possible upgrade to 4 or 5* hotel in Khartoum upon request) - all the camping equipment for the overnights in camp (igloo tent, rubber foam mattress) and a cook in charge of the meals - 3 O/N in a special preset camp in Sudan in Tombos with shared facilities - 1 O/N with full board at the Nubian Rest House in Karima - 2 O/N at the Meroe Camp with full board

- In Sudan transport with Toyota Land Cruisers (4 people per car) or Toyota Hilux double cabin (3 people per car guaranteed) including one extra day for our vehicles to reach Wadi Halfa from Khartoum. - English speaking tour leader - Sudanese staff - mineral water outside Khartoum - meals as per itinerary

Does Not Include:

Wine, beer and soft drinks throughout the tour even when meals are included Wine, beer and soft drinks on board the boat in Egypt Meals and drinks in Abu Simbel and in Aswan Dinners in Khartoum Video camera permits at the archaeological sites in Sudan (at the moment 20 USD per site per video camera) Sudan entry fee Sudan entry visa and visa authorization Egypt entry visa Egyptian departure fee Tips to driver, guide, hotel staff, dining staff Personal expenses