Parents Handbook Award winning after school and holiday childcare

Simply Play Unit 1, Kirkhill Business Units, Broxburn EH52 6EE 01506 856444 • [email protected] • Charity No. SC041420 Welcome On behalf of everyone involved with Simply Play I would like to introduce our handbook to you and to thank you for your custom.

As you will be aware, we are a local charity that provides multi-award winning out of school care across and everyone is focussed on delivering the best play opportunities for your children.

I hope that you find this handbook informative and that it gives you a good overview of how we operate our clubs. Further detail is always available from your local club staff or the central office.

There are a few things, which we are particularly proud of, that I’d like to highlight: • Firstly, we are delighted to have been recognised nationally for our innovation and quality. So far we have received a Scottish Social Services Council Care Accolade, for “demonstrating exceptional achievement and excellence” and we also won a Social Enterprise of the Year award, from Social Enterprise Scotland, in the Innovation category. These are valued testament to the hard work of everyone, across the organisation, over the last few years. • Secondly we are all proud of our achievements in providing quality play and care. Our Care Inspectorate grades are independent confirmation of our performance and these are on display in our clubs and are available on the Care Inspectorate website. • Our unique online booking and payments system is designed to be convenient, efficient and secure, enabling you to book, pay and check your account, anytime, anywhere. • Finally, as a local charity, we are not only committed to offering you the best value, quality, childcare around but also to helping families in crisis or need. Through our unique “Community Places” initiative we ensure that we give added value to families and communities. For more information contact the office or your local club.

Here’s to another busy and fun packed year ahead.


Raymond Branton Chief Executive

2 Information for Parents/Carers Our Vision The provision of high quality, accessible and affordable out of school childcare across West Lothian. We aim to provide • A friendly, fun, stimulating, safe and healthy challenging environment for children in our care. • Varied programmes, chosen by the children, that aim to broaden their experiences and to develop their skills, including arts and crafts, outdoor play, drama, sport, project work and outings. Activities are designed to be challenging, with an element of supported and managed risk. • A reliable, good value, professional and consistent service for children and parents.

Ethos Every club is child-centred and aims to create a warm, caring atmosphere, where participative play takes place for all children and they feel supported. Positive behaviour, by all, will be promoted by staff. Employees will build strong, positive relationships with children and their parents/carers. Staff will always make themselves available to chat or answer questions. Play will be the focus within all of our clubs. Staff will be trained and supported to develop appropriate play activities in partnership with the children. This will be informed by current play theories and good practice. This means that children will be encouraged to experience outdoor play (in all weathers) and to participate in challenging activities, with an element of supported and managed risk.

3 Structure Simply Play is a Scottish Registered Charity, No. SC041420 and a limited company incorporated under the Companies Act in Scotland, No. SC372020. All income pays for the operation of the charity. Any surplus generated is used to further the charity’s aims and enhance its services. We work in partnership with Family and Community Development West Lothian and West Lothian Council. Governance Simply Play is governed by a voluntary Board of Directors who act as the charity’s Trustees. They include a range of professionals (childcare experts, educationalists, accountants, social entrepreneurs, local business people) and parent representatives. The Board are always looking for people with skills and experience to enhance the organisation and anyone interested in joining the Board should contact the Chief Executive. Management Simply Play is managed by a professional staff team, which comprises Chief Executive, Operations Manager, Finance Manager, Project Manager and individual, dedicated, Club Managers - all supported by central admin staff and local teams of Playworkers, Support Workers and Escorts. All club staff are registered with the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC), are qualified for their role (or working towards this) and are fully vetted for their suitability to work with children. Registration and Inspection All of Simply Play’s clubs are registered and inspected by the Care Inspectorate. Inspection reports are displayed in each club and copies are available on request and on the Care Inspectorate’s website Quality of Services The operations of all of our clubs follow the National Care Standards and the SSSC’s Codes of Practice and we apply the National Occupational Standards for Playwork to our practice. We are very focussed on the quality of experience for children and parents and always appreciate customer feedback both positive and negative, to help us know how we are performing. There are lots of ways to let us know how we are doing - please check in your club or on our website for your preferred method of communication.

“My daughter loved every minute. I cannot commend this club highly enough (brilliant is the word of a 5 year old)”

4 Operating Hours Term-time: Mondays to Fridays staff collect children from their local school and clubs are open to 6pm. The breakfast club in East Calder is open from 7.30am. School holidays/in-service days: clubs are open for children to be dropped off from 8am and remain open to 6pm. Please note that not all clubs are open during holidays but a club will be available nearby, check with your local club for details. The Admin Office is generally open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Outside of these hours there is a voicemail service or messages can be passed on through your local club. Programmes and Activities Term-time activities and programmes will vary by club and be designed by the staff and children to take advantage of local resources, opportunities and children’s choices. Following a play agenda there will be a wide range of play opportunities on offer covering a range of play types. We promote regular outdoor activities (in all weathers) and support managed risk. This aims to ensure that, by participating in diverse play opportunities, children will continue to develop their social, communication, creative, emotional, physical and intellectual skills. Holiday programmes will also be devised in the above way but will be advertised in advance, to allow for informed choice of bookings. Daytrips and outings will feature more in holiday programmes and these may involve an additional cost, which will also be advertised in advance. Trips are however subject to change, from time to time, depending on weather conditions, etc. A continuous cycle of regular feedback and evaluation will be used to inform planning. Additional Support Needs Simply Play aims to include all service users with additional support needs, where possible, within our various settings (dependant on staff/project capability or capacity). Additional support needs may be linked to a learning difficulty or disability but could also apply to a child or young person suffering from bereavement who requires pastoral support, a more able child/ young person or those with a particular talent, which needs to be fully developed. Each case will be assessed on an individual basis, in conjunction with parents/carers, Social Work Services, West Lothian Council, other external agencies and arrangements (such as Care Plans) which may already be in place, prior to introducing any required procedures.

“My husband was so impressed with Mandy and her love for her job and the kids she was caring for” 5 Trips and Outings As part of clubs’ everyday activities groups regularly go off-site to local parks, play areas, woodlands, burns, etc. These are considered part of the regular programme and we will not seek specific permission for these activities. All day trips and outings that take place outside the club will be carefully planned in advance to ensure that we meet the needs of the children. All day trips and outings will be risk assessed prior to them taking place, allowing us to identify and address risks in advance. When planning day trips or specific outings, these will be advertised in advance to allow for informed bookings. These may, however, have to be changed at short notice due to weather conditions, etc. Healthy Eating Simply Play aims to promote healthy eating in all of our clubs by providing the children with healthy, varied snacks. Staff will also educate the children on the importance of a balanced, healthy diet through their activities programmes. Internet Safety Clubs have internet access but children are not allowed to use the Internet without supervision. All internet access uses appropriate filtering software to ensure access only to appropriate sites. Anyone who does not wish their child to have any access to the internet should make staff aware of their wishes.

“Just a wee message to say how happy I am with the after school 6 club...I have recommended it to all my friends and family ” Confidentiality Simply Play respects customers’ rights to confidentiality. This means that in general, no information, given in confidence to an employee or volunteer, will be divulged to any person outside Simply Play without that person’s agreement. This excludes information relating to child protection. Policies and Procedures Simply Play has a number of Policies and procedures which guide our practice across the organisation. All of these are held within each club and are available on request. These include: • Admissions Policy • Accident & Incident Policy • Bookings Policy • Child Absence Policy • Child Protection Policy • Code of Conduct • Complaints Policy • Data Protection Policy • Equal Opportunities Policy • Food Hygiene Policy • Healthy Eating Policy • IT Policy • Medication Policy • Transport Policy • Whistle Blowing Policy Please note that a complete list is available in your local club Bookings Our bookings policy is governed by the following principles: • All bookings must be made through the online booking system • The booking system has a 48 hour cut off, to enable us to plan for staffing and ratios, so please plan ahead. In emergencies the office may be able to take a short-notice booking, if there are still any places remaining (telephone and e-mail bookings will incur an administration fee) • Bookings must be made in advance. Un-booked children cannot be accepted by staff at clubs or school pick-ups, as this affects legal ratios and is unsafe for the children • Places are offered on a first come, first served basis at the time of booking via our online booking system: long-term bookings offer more security; short-notice bookings carry a greater availability risk • Our cancellations policy is available on our website • Bookings must be paid for in advance • Unused bookings will still be charged at the normal rate • It is essential that parents/carers inform club/admin staff of absences/cancellations to avoid confusion or children reported missing • We are committed to offer continuity of services wherever possible. In the event of circumstances outwith our control, eg. building closures or adverse weather, we will do our best to offer childcare at an alternative venue - please use our Facebook & Twitter services for updates at these times Our bookings policy is available on request. Please ensure that you keep your contact details up to date with our office, eg. mobile phone no, e-mail, etc. This is important in case of an emergency. 7 Child Absence If your child will not be attending their club for any reason, it is essential that you contact the club or admin office, by 12noon during school terms or first thing in the morning during holidays. This is to remove any confusion or upset and to avoid a child being reported as missing. In the event of a child becoming missing, the organisation’s Child Absence Policy will be followed. A copy of this is available on request. Sick Children Sick children should not attend their club. Allowing sick children to attend can put other children and employees, at risk from cross infection. If a child is not well enough to attend school or is sent home from school, they should not attend their club. If your child has a bout of sickness or diarrhoea then they should not return to the club until 48hrs after the last bout In the event that a child is ill at their club, parent/carers, or their emergency contact, will be notified to collect the child. Staff will explain the child’s illness to the parent/carer and ask them not to return until they have fully recovered. If no one can be contacted, the child will be looked after by staff, who will give reassurance and comfort to them until collected. Community Places Simply Play and its partners are proud to be the only provider to provide supported childcare to local families in need or crisis. This initiative has already made a massive difference to lots of families across West Lothian and our easy referral process is open to all. For more info contact your local club or the admin office.

8 Payment and Recovery of Fees Our rates provide excellent value, are eligible towards tax credits and we accept all childcare vouchers, which are a great way of paying for childcare that offers savings to working parents. Fees are reviewed and set annually in April. All fees are due strictly in advance. Our current rates are displayed on our website, in each club and are also available from our central office. All bookings are processed via our unique online bookings and payments system. To access this just visit our website and register (you will need an e-mail address). You will then receive an e-mail to allocate you a customer number and instructions to activate your account. Once you are registered just login when it suits, book and pay (there is a short tutorial available for first time users). Bookings cannot be made via the club – only the online system or, in emergencies, by calling the central office.

“I wanted to thank you and the staff for everything you have done for my son throughout the 5 years he has attended. He has had some very memorable and fun packed days and I am sure he will look back with fond memories”

9 “My daughter has been going to her club for years and it has been invaluable to us. Thank you for all the hard work you and your team have put in”

Financial Difficulty If you are experiencing financial difficulties please speak to your Club Manager or the admin office direct by calling 01506 856444 or e-mailing [email protected] and we will do our best to help you. Fee Recovery Any arrears will place your membership and use of Simply Play’s services, at risk of cancellation. Arrears will be recovered through court action if necessary, and the debt may be passed to a debt collection agency.

10 Club Contact Details Area Venue Phone e-mail Schools Covered Armadale Armadale Academy 07985 763 377 [email protected] Armadale EH48 3LY Eastertoun St Anthony’s Blackridge Southdale Balbardie Balbardie Primary 07717 838 637 [email protected] Balbardie Torphichen St Bathgate EH48 4HL Bathgate Bathgate 07866 076816 [email protected] St Mary’s Partnership Centre, Windyknowe EH48 1TL Deans Deans CHS 01506 282158 [email protected] Deans Livingston Carmondean EH54 8PS Meldrum St John Ogilvie Dedridge Dedridge 01506 412831 [email protected] Dedridge Community Wing Williamson Dedridge Primary Bankton Livingston St Ninian’s EH54 6JQ East Calder East Calder 01506 880473 [email protected] East Calder Community Centre St Paul’s EH53 0EP Kirknewton Kirknewton Primary 07871 791 000 [email protected] Kirknewton EH27 8DD Ladywell Inveralmond CHS 07984 485 395 [email protected] Harrysmuir Livingston Toronto EH54 6HN St Andrews Riverside Murieston 07901 543 387 [email protected] Village Hall Williamston EH54 9HZl Wester Inch Simpson Primary 07713 488 039 [email protected] Simpson Primary Bathgate EH48 2SG Head Office Unit 1 01506 856444 [email protected] Kirkhill Bus. Units Park Court Broxburn EH52 6EE Complaints Should you feel that we have not done our job we would like to hear from you so that we can address this. If you’d prefer, you can raise the issue in your club with a Practitioner or the Club Manager, who will do their best to resolve things. If you’d rather write you can e-mail or post to us at the office address at the back of this booklet. Complaints can also be raised with our regulator, the Care Inspectorate, on 0845 600 9527, via their website or by post to the local office: Stuart House, Eskmill, Musselburgh, EH21 7PB 11 Working in partnership with

Simply Play Unit 1, Kirkhill Business Units, Broxburn EH52 6EE 01506 856444 • [email protected] • Charity No. SC041420