1. Personal data - Date and place of birth; 20/07/1973 in - Familial situation: Married with two children (Sun 12 & Daughter 8) - Private adress; 4 Rue Bouguirat Maraval Oran 31000 - Phone (Mobile); 00 213 771 19 11 09, (Landline) : 00 213 553475454 - Website; http://www.univ-oran2.dz/VRPG2/laboratoires/egeat/index.php/en/le-laboratoire-en/le- mot-du-directeur-en

2. Proposed structure - Department of Geography and Land Planning - Faculty of Earth Sciences and Universe - University of Oran 2 Mohamed Benahmed / Algeria - Address; Department of Geography, University of Oran 2, Campus Belgaïd, Oran 31000 Algeria.

3.Recent employment history - Professor at Oran University since 2018, at Oran 2 University -Director of EGEAT Laboratory 2016-2022 at Oran 2 University -Associate professor 2012-2017 at Oran University -Assistant professor 2009-2011 at Oran University -Assistant 2000-2009 at Oran University

4.Education - Director for Geography and Land Planning Laboratory (EGEAT) 2015-2021 - Professor, 2018, Oran 2 University, Department of Geography and Land Planning - Associate professor 2013-2017 Oran 2 University, Department of Geography and Land Planning. - Assistant Professor 2010-2012 Oran University, Department of Geography and Land Planning. - Teaching Assistant, 2003-2008, Oran University, Department of Geography and Land Planning,

5.Honors -Chevening followship program UK, (Oxford Center for Islamic Studies, OCIS) Scientific research in Religious discourse in environmental preservation and water management, North African case study, from 15th January to 21th Juin 2021. - Fulbright program, University of Georgia / USA, Laboratory Water Resources and Remote Sensing (WRRS), from 9th September to 9th December, 2013. Title of the project: Application of remote sensing and GIS methods to analyze environmental impacts of anthropogenic activities in south Mediterranean coastal areas, the case of Algeria, coordinated by Professor Adam Milewski


- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Institute of geography, Universität Erlangen- Nürrnberg from 1st Jully to 30th September 2011, postdoctoral training in geo-ecologique methods analysis in arid region, coordinated by Professor Michael Richter.

6.Publications -Bougherira A, Ghodbani T, 2020, Contemporary geomorphic evolution of Falcon Cape sandy coastline (Oran, Algeria): geographical information system (GIS)-based approach, Arabian Journal of Geosciences https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-020-05983-7

-Ghodbani T, Abdeljalil A, 2019, The Algerian coast between environmental protection and development challenges, Issues and Perspectives. Geo-Eco-Trop., 2019, 43, 4 : 559-568. http://www.geoecotrop.be/uploads/publications/pub_434_07.pdf

-Bougherira A, Ghodbani T, 2019, The low accumulation coasts of the eastern region of the bay of : vulnerability and protection actions, Geo-Eco-Trop., 2019, 43, 4 : 541-558. http://www.geoecotrop.be/uploads/publications/pub_434_06.pdf

-Ghodbani T, Belmahi M-N, 2020, The problem of water in western Algeria and major hydraulic transfers, challenges and prospects, Cahiers Géographiques de l’Ouest Water & Environment- Territory & Society, n°14-15, ISSN : 2710-130x. http://www.univ-oran2.dz/VRPG2/laboratoires/egeat/index.php/fr/publications/la-revue/dernier- numero - Hadeid M, Bellal S-D, Ghodbani T, Dari O, 2018, Agriculture in the Algerian south-west Sahara: between modern agricultural development and traditional agriculture permanencies, 2018, Volume 27, Number 1, The oases in North Africa: territorial dynamics and sustainability of agricultural production systems. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/cagri/2017060 -Ghodbani T, Bellal S-D, Hadeid M, Dari O, 2016, Traditional water systems in the oases of the Maghreb between expertise and rehabilitation of local issues, Example of , Algeria , Aboriginal knowledge issue, Autrepart review n° 83, https://www.cairn.info/revue-autrepart-2017-1-p-91.htm -Bellal S-D, Hadeid M, Ghodbani T, Dari O., 2016, Access to Groundwater and Transformation of oasis area: the case of Adrar (Sahara southwestern Algeria), special issue Africa Cahiers Géographiques du Québec. https://www.erudit.org/fr/revues/cgq/2016-v60-n169- cgq02900/1038664ar/resume/ - Ghodbani T, Kensab O, Kouti A., 2016. Tourism development in Algeria facing the Issue of Coastal Protection Programs. coast case dtudy, Etude Caribéennes, Tourism and natural resources n° 33-34, https://etudescaribeennes.revues.org/93055 -Belkader Z, Ghodbani T, Lequellec J-L., 2016. The rock carvings in the Saharan region: between environmental interest and degradation, Le Cahier du CRASC n°32, 2016, Les ksour du sud- ouest algérien, Urbanisation et changement social, pp117-130. -Ghodbani T, Milewski A, Bellal S-D, , 2015, The wetlands of the Terga area, a vulnerable coastal ecosystem in the southern Mediterranean (western Algeria) n° 125, Dynamics of coastal wetlands and management issues in the Mediterranean p. 153-164. https://doi.org/10.4000/mediterranee.8104 - Ghodbani T., 2014. Coastal development in western Algeria, dynamics, actors and Society, Population and society review: Populations and coastal zone, n° 1-2, pp. 231-243. Web site: http://eps.revues.org - Ghodbani T, Amokrane K., 2013. Macta wetland, a space to be protected on the west coast of Algeria: Physio-Géo, Volume 7, Varia, pp. 139-155. Web Site: http://physio-geo.revues.org/3228


- Ghodbani T, Messahel A. 2011. Farmland and natural areas facing the city: the case of Oran, Algeria’’: Cahiers thématiques, Metropolitan Agriculture / Agricultural Metropole. http://www.lille.archi.fr/cahiers-thematiques-n--11__index--2047418--2047547--2047514--actu.htm - Ghodbani T and Lasgaa M., 2011, Desalination of seawater in Algeria, project and environmental impacts, Bulletin of the Geography and Land Planning, Water and environment Management in North Africa, n° 16, pp.33-44. - Ghodbani T., 2010. Coastal urbanization in Algeria, Processes and Environment Impacts: The case of Aïn el Turck Bay. Etudes Caribéennes, Marine resources: status, uses and management, http://etudescaribeennes.revues.org/4431. - Ghodbani T., 2010. Environment and coastal development in western Algeria, Electronic Journal of geographer, http://www.carnetsdegeographes.org/carnets_soutenances/sout_01_06_Ghodbani.php - Ghodbani T., 2005. Rechgoun, a space to be protected on the west coast of Algeria, Journal of Mediterranean geography, The great natural site in the metropolitan regions of Mediterranean, n 105, pp. 87-94. http://mediterranee.revues.org/351 4.3 Books -Ghodbani T, Bellal S-D, 2015. Análise multicriterial da problemática da água em uma região semiárida do Mediterrâneo, o caso de Oran, nordeste da Argélia in Encolhimento das águas: O que se vê e o que se diz sobre crise hídrica e convivência com o Semiárido, coordinated by Pedro Vieanna Costa.Univ federal JaoPessoa, Brasil, pp 45-56 - Ghodbani T., 2011. Man and environment in Western Algeria, Press of European Universities, Germany, 190 p. - Ghodbani T., 2009. Coastal areas between openness and isolation: Arzew and Beni-Saf Algeria in Seas, straits and coasts: hinge or frontiers of territories? Book coordinated by Semmoud Bouziane, L’Harmattan press, Paris, pp. 373-382. - Ghodbani T and al., 2008. The city between representations and practices in Europe and Arab world in the Arab world and Europe cities, Actors, Territories and Organization, book coordinated by Pierre Robert Baduel, Maison neuf and Larose press, pp. 219 – 235.

5.Recent conference participation - Yahia Meddah R & Ghodbani T, 2020, Multi-Scalar study for a sustainable coastal social-ecological system: Ain Temouchent, West coast of Algeria. International Symposium on Sustainable Development and Environment, 10-11 february 2020, Univ Relizane. - Yahia Meddah R & Ghodbani T, 2020, Monitoring the land occupation for sustainable development in the west coast of Algeria: Rachgoun case study, 7th Algerian Geographical days, 2-3 Mars 2020, Oran 2 university / Algeria Bougherira A & Ghodbani T, 2019, The coastal dune ridge of the eastern region of Jijel bay: a multi- criteria analysis of its current situation, IXth National Days of Nature and Life Sciences, , University of Abdelhamid Ibn Badis – Mostaganem, Algeria. Yahia Meddah R & Ghodbani T, 2020, Béni Saf: Coastal territory and sustainable development, 9th international conference of FLAHM, Difficult spaces in the Mediterranean: Environmental Risks, Territorial Dynamics and Challenges of opening up, 7, 8 and 9 March 2109, Mannouba, Tunis / . -Ghodbani T, Dari O., Algerian oasis, environmental status and form of resilience, Paper presented at workshop Integrated Sustainable Management of North Africa oasis, 13-15 April 2016, Zagora, .