Cumulative key figures,December 2017 to October 2020 Highlights Cholera cases in Somalia December 2017 to October 2020

• In October 2020, a total of 212 suspected cholera cases and no related death 15 765 81 was reported from Banadir and Bay regions. Cases Deaths CFR(%) Suspected cases Related deaths 450 6 • From December 2017 to October 2020, a total of 15 765 suspected cholera 400 5 cases including 81 related deaths (CFR: 0.51%) were reported from seven 350 regions, namely Banadir, Bay, , Hiran, Lower Jubba, and 300 4 64.22% 0.51% . The districts with the highest cumulative number of cases are 250 3 Kismayo (2 305, 14.62%), Hodan (1 879, 11.92%) and Daynile (1 873, 11.88%). 200 Children < 5 years CFR 2 • During the year 2020 a total of 31 deaths have been reported from Daynile 150 100 (8), Beletweyn (5), Madina (5), Baidoa (3), (2), Warta Nabada (2), 1 Case Fatality Rate (%) Fatality Case key figures,October 2020 Dharkeynley (2), Jalalaqsi (1), Hamarweyn (1), Howlwadag (1) and Hodan (1), 50 Number of cases and death 0 0 districts of Hiran, Middle Shabelle, Banadir and Bay regions. 4951 1 3 5 7 9 111315171921232527293133353739414345474951 1 3 5 7 9 111315171921232527293133353739414345474951 1 3 5 7 9 1113151719212325272931333537394143 2017 2018 2019 2020 • This cholera outbreak is a continuation of the outbreak that started in 212 0 December 2017 but there was a gap in the reporting of the cases in the first Epidemiological weeks seven weeks of 2019 due to closure of the main cholera treatment center in Suspected cases Related deaths * The CTC Bnadir was closed for first seven weeks of 2019 Banadir. The center reopened in late February 2019 to manage the suspected cholera cases and has since been reporting cases. • A total of 501 samples tested at the central public health laboratories since Cholera cases and deaths reported during 58.35% 0% January 2020, out of which 166 have been confirmed as cholera-positive by December 2017 to October 2020 culture. Children < 5 years CFR Region Districts Cumulative cases* Cumulative deaths* CFR (%) Abdilaziz 35 2 5.71 Bondere 68 0 0 Geographical distribution of cholera cases in Daynile 1873 18 0.96 Somalia December 2017 to October 2020 02 out of 18 regions reported suspected cholera Darkenley 1420 3 0.21 DJIBOUTI cases in October 2020 HamarJabja 509 2 0.39 Hamrweyn 112 1 0 Awdal Samag Bari Heliwa 75 0 0 Sahil Hodan 1879 3 0.16 Galbeed Togdher Case fatality rate (CFR) 0% in October 2020 Banadir Howlwadag 380 2 0.53 Sool Kahda 337 1 0.30 Nugal Karaan 178 1 0.56 Madina 1790 10 0.56 Shibis 34 0 0 ETHIOPIA Abudwaq Shingani 27 0 0

Cholera cases by regions in Somalia Waberi 330 2 0.61 Galgadud December 2017 to October 2020 Beletweyn Warta Nabada 334 3 0.90 Bakol Hiran Yaqshid 180 0 0 Bulo Burti Belethawo Baidoa Jalalaqsi KENYA Gedo Belethawo 94 0 0 Mahaday Middle Jowhar Shabelle Cases Deaths CFR(%) Beletweyn 1080 6 0.56 Gedo Bay Afgoye

Hiran Bulo Burti 193 0 0 Merka 12000 1.20 Middle Kurtunwarey Banadir Region Jubba Lower Jalalaqsi 216 1 0.46 Shabelle Brava Heliwa 10000 1.00 Daynile Yaqshid Kismayo 2305 15 0.65 Warta Lower Nabada Karaan 8000 0.80 Lower Jubba Jubba Kahda Howlwadag Shibis Hodan Bondere Abdilaziz Badhadhe 30 0 0 Shingani Hamrweyn Waberi Kismayo HamarJabja 6000 0.60 Darkenley Jowhar 1113 4 0.36 Madina Middle Shabelle Badhadhe 4000 0.40 Mahaday 1 0 0 0.20 Afgoye 133 0 0 Number of cases 2000 Number of cholera cases

Case fatality rate (%) rate fatality Case Brava 14 0 0 0 0.00 Lower Shabelle /E Bnadir Lower Hiran Middle Bay Lower Gedo Kurtunwarey 27 4 14.81 0 1- 200 201-I 500 501- 1000 1001- 2330

311 Jubba Shabelle Shabelle Merka 228 0 0 0 50 100 200 300 400 Bay Baidoa 770 3 0.39 Miles Regions The designation employed and presentation of material on the map do not imply the expression on any opinion whatsoever on the part Total 15765 81 0.51 of the Secretariat or the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or any any area of authority, or concerning determination of its fronteers or boundaries. WHO-EM/CSR/ * Case fatality rate more than 1% is highlighted *Cumulative number of cases and deaths are from December 2017 to October 2020

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