N - 1911 Census, Co

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N - 1911 Census, Co N - 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish Nagle Anne Glenosheen Particles Kilfinane Nagle Denis Cottage Uregare Dromin, Bruff Nagle Edmond Main Street, Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Nagle Garrett Ballylanders Village Ballylanders Ballylanders Nagle Garrett Lemonfield Knocknagaul Mungret Nagle James Inchacoomb Galbally Galbally Nagle John Cloghadoolarty North Fedamore Fedamore Nagle John Loghill Town Loghill Loughill & Ballyhahill Nagle Michael Boolanlisheen Galbally Galbally Nagle Michael Garryarthur Kilflyn Glenroe Nagle Patrick Boheereenkyle Ballingarry Ballingarry Nagle Patrick Sheares Street, St. Peter & Paul's Kilmallock Kilmallock Nagle Patrick Sheares Street, St. Peter & Paul's Kilmallock Kilmallock Naish Thomas Kilbreedy Kilcornan Kilcornan, Stonehall, Cappagh Nash Bridget Bruff Town Bruff Bruff Nash Bridget Woodpark Stradbally Castleconnell Nash David North Quay, Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle West Nash Denis Gardenhill Stradbally Castleconnell Nash Edmond Ballyteige Lower Bruree Rockhill Nash Edmond Kilbreedy Kilcornan Kilcornan, Stonehall, Cappagh Nash Ellen Courtmatrix, Pt. of Rathkeale Rathkeale (Rural) Nash Ellen Knockroe (Wilson) Inch St. Laurence Caherconlish Nash Ellen Pallaskenry Town (a) Chapelrussel Kildimo Nash Frank Dromin Grange Bruff and Knockaderry Nash Hanora Moanleana Mahoonagh Mahoonagh Nash Hanora Newtown Kilcornan Kilcornan, Stonehall, Cappagh Nash Henry Ballycullen Croom Croom Nash Henry Ballynamuddagh Dromin Dromin and Athlacca Nash James Ballyallinan South Rathkeale Rathkeale Nash James Kilbreedy Kilcornan Kilcornan, Stonehall, Cappagh 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index 1 Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish Nash James Maiden Street, Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle West Nash James Morgans North Morgans Shanagolden Nash John Garrydoolis Templebredon Pallasgreen Nash John Graigbeg Ballingarry Ballingarry Nash John Mitchelstown Iveruss Askeaton Nash John Mitchelstown Iveruss Askeaton Nash John Moig Kilmoylan Shanagolden Nash John Oolahills East Oola Oola and Solohead Nash Mary Ardagh Town Ardagh Ardagh Nash Mary Cloghanarold Doondonnell Coolcappa Nash Mary Crean West Glenogra Dromin and Bruff Nash Mary Hospital Town Hospital Hospital Nash Mary Mussel Lane, Askeaton Askeaton Askeaton Nash Michael Attyflin (Patrickswell Killonahan Patrick's Well Town) Nash Michael Ballyquirk Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine Nash Michael Crokerspark Kilcornan Kilcornan, Stonehall, Cappagh Nash Michael Morgans South Morgans Shanagolden Nash Michael Skehanagh Kilscannell Ardagh, Rathkeale Nash Patrick Ballycullen Croom Croom Nash Patrick Ballyguy (1) Abington Murroe and Boher Nash Patrick Bruree Town Bruree Rockhill Nash Patrick Dunmoylan West Kilmoylan Shanagolden Nash Patrick Gortroe Grange Bruff and Knockaderry Nash Patrick Knockroe (Wilson) Inch St. Laurence Caherconlish Nash Patrick Lurraga Nantinan Cappagh, Stonehall Nash Patrick Pallaskenry Town (a) Chapelrussel Kildimo Nash Patrick Tuogh Adare Adare Nash Richard Church Street, Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle West Nash Richard Moanleana Mahoonagh Mahoonagh Nash Richard Morgans South Morgans Shanagolden Nash Roger Carrickittle Kilteely Kilteely Nash Thomas Dohora Croom Croom Nash Timothy Carrigeen Monasteranenagh Manister 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index 2 Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish Nash William Gortnacreha Lower Cloncagh Knockaderry and Cloncagh Nash William Reerasta North Ardagh Ardagh Naughton Bridget Castlematrix (Pt. of) Rathkeale Rathkeale Naughton Bridget Maiden Street, Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle West Naughton Catherine Ballingarry Ballingarry Ballingarry Naughton Catherine Shanid Lower Kilmoylan Shanagolden Naughton Daniel Ballyagran Corcomohide Ballyagran, Colmanswell Naughton David Ballylanauna Iveruss Askeaton Naughton David Carrowclogh Kilmoylan Shanagolden Naughton Deborah Ballyfroota Ballingarry Ballingarry Naughton Edward Cantogher Killeedy Newcastle, Tournafull Naughton Ellen Cahirguillamore Tullybracky Bruff Naughton Frances Jane Milltown Kilmurry Parteen, St. Patrick's Naughton James Adare Adare Adare Naughton James Ballincurra Croagh Croagh and Kilfinny Naughton James Ballinruane Kilmeedy Feenagh Naughton James Ballynahaha Ballingarry Ballingarry Naughton James Capparoe Adare Adare Naughton James Carrowclogh Kilmoylan Shanagolden Naughton James Thomastown Kilbreedy Minor Effin Naughton Johanna Cool Lane (Maiden Newcastle Newcastle Street), Newcastle Naughton Johanna Killeheen Kilscannell Ardagh, Rathkeale Naughton Johanna Mountcollins Killeedy Newcastle, Tournafull Naughton John Adare Adare Adare Naughton John Carrig West Kilkeedy Patrickswell Naughton John Craggard Kilmoylan Shanagolden Naughton John Crean East Tullybracky Bruff Naughton John Croom Croom Croom Naughton John Skehanagh Kilscannell Ardagh, Rathkeale Naughton Margaret Banemore Killeedy Newcastle, Tournafull Naughton Margaret Corcamore Kilkeedy Patrickswell Naughton Margaret Galway Askeaton Askeaton Naughton Mary Ballycasey Kildimo Kildimo 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index 3 Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish Naughton Mary Bruff Town Bruff Bruff Naughton Mary Caherlevoy Killeedy Newcastle, Tournafull Naughton Mary Carrigeen Dysert Croom Naughton Mary Craggard Kilmoylan Shanagolden Naughton Mary Anne Dromcolliher Town Dromcolliher Drumcolliher, Broadford Naughton Michael Bruff Town Bruff Bruff Naughton Michael Bruff Town Bruff Bruff Naughton Michael Carrowclogh Kilmoylan Shanagolden Naughton Michael Dunmoylan East Dunmoylan Coolcappa Naughton Michael Lisready (Cripps) Loghill Loughill & Ballyhahill Naughton Patrick Ballyagran Corcomohide Ballyagran, Colmanswell Naughton Patrick Ballygrennan Uregare Dromin, Bruff Naughton Patrick Bishop Street, Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle West Naughton Patrick Bruff Town Bruff Bruff Naughton Philip KIlbradran Kilbradran Coolcappa Naughton Richard Castlematrix (Pt. of) Rathkeale Rathkeale Naughton Terence Ballynacarriga Ardcanny Kildimo Naughton Thomas Ballyagran Corcomohide Ballyagran, Colmanswell Naughton Thomas Ballycasey Kildimo Kildimo Naughton Thomas Corcamore Kilkeedy Patrickswell Naughton Thomas Drehidtarsna Drehidtarsna Adare Naughton Thomas Farnane Franklin Doon Doon, Cappamore, Murroe, Boher Naughton Thomas Lissatotan Kilbradran Coolcappa Naughton Thomas Steales St. Peter & Paul's Kilmallock Naughton Thomas Wolfe Tone Street, St. Peter & Paul's Kilmallock Kilmallock Naughton Timothy The Quay, Askeaton Askeaton Askeaton Naughton William Bruff Town Bruff Bruff Naylor Charlotte Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Naylor Elizabeth Garraun Killeenagarriff Castleconnell Naylor John Ballygeogoge Particles Kilfinane Nealon Catherine Moanroe Dromkeen Kilteely, Pallasgreen Nealon Daniel Drombane Grean Pallasgreen Nealon James Beagh Iveruss Askeaton 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index 4 Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish Nealon John Ballinscoola Kilcullane Hospital Nealon John Newtown Kilcornan Kilcornan, Stonehall, Cappagh Nealon Mary Dromalta Tuogh Cappamore Nealon Patrick Kildimo Kildimo Kildimo Nealon Patrick Kildimo Kildimo Kildimo Nealon Richard Kildimo Kildimo Kildimo Nealon Thomas Clonkeen Clonkeen Murroe and Boher Nealon Timothy Clashbane Cahirconlish Cahirconlish Neazor Adam Ballycahane Kilcornan Kilcornan, Stonehall, Cappagh Neazor Christopher Ballycahane Kilcornan Kilcornan, Stonehall, Cappagh Neazor Mary Ballycahane Kilcornan Kilcornan, Stonehall, Cappagh Neazor Thomas Ballydoole Ardcanny Kildimo Neenan Denis Gortalassa Kilmeedy Feenagh Neenan Edmond Croghteen Corcomohide Ballyagran, Colmanswell Neenan John Clooncrippa Kilmeedy Feenagh Neenan John Kilmurry (Archer) Kilmeedy Feenagh Neligan Catherine Abbeyfeale Town Abbeyfeale Abbeyfeale Neligan David Templeglentan East Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine Neligan James Boskill Caherconlish Caherconlish Neligan John Templemichael Caherconlish Caherconlish Neligan Maurice Tooreennagreana Killeedy Newcastle, Tournafull Neligan Sarah Kilkinlea Lower Abbeyfeale Abbeyfeale Neligan Thomas Gortnaclohy Killeedy Newcastle, Tournafull Nester James Ballydoole Ardcanny Kildimo Nester Laurence Mellon Ardcanny Kildimo Nestor John Ballyvaddock Iveruss Askeaton Nestor Laurence Barnakyle Mungret Mungret and Crecora (Patrickswell Town) Nestor Laurence Cloonagournagh Adare Adare Nestor Laurence Moig West Kilcornan Kilcornan, Stonehall, Cappagh Nestor Michael Shanbally Kilcornan Kilcornan, Stonehall, Cappagh Nestor Michael Thomas Kilquane Clonagh Kilcolman and Coolcappa Nestor Michael William Kilquane Clonagh Kilcolman and Coolcappa Neville Bridget Ballintober Darragh Glenroe and Ballyorgan 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index 5 Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish Neville Bridget Kyletaun Rathkeale Rathkeale Neville Catherine Mornane Kilcornan Kilcornan, Stonehall, Cappagh Neville Daniel Kiltenan North Croagh Croagh and Kilfinny Neville Deborah Chapel Lane, Rathkeale Rathkeale Rathkeale Neville George Lickadoon Cahervally Donaghmore Neville James Adare Adare Adare Neville James Boherbee, Rathkeale Rathkeale Rathkeale Neville James Boherbee, Rathkeale Rathkeale Rathkeale Neville James Creeves Lismakeery Askeaton Neville James Gibbonstown Kilbreedy Major Bulgaden and Ballinvana Neville James Lurraga Nantinan Cappagh, Stonehall Neville James Main Street, Rathkeale Rathkeale Rathkeale Neville John Ballyhaght Kilquane Kilmallock Neville John Ballynacourty
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