2012 Election Guide A Guide to Changes in Congress

K&L Gates LLP 1601 K Street Washington, DC 20006 +1.202.778.9000

November 2012

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 Members by State 11 Senate Committees 38 House Committees 72

Information in this Reference Guide is current as of 10:12 A.M. EST on January 9, 2012

For updates on the information contained in this guide, visit us online at www.klgates.com. For additional information regarding the effects of the recent elections, please contact Tim Peckinpaugh or any member of K&L Gates public policy practice at 202.778.9000.

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After a long, expensive and whirlwind campaign, a closely divided country voted to retain the status quo: President was re-elected and the Congress remains split, with Republicans controlling the House and Democrats controlling the Senate.

In the , the Democrats achieved a net gain of two seats. In addition, Angus King, an Independent elected in Maine, will likely caucus with the Democrats. Only one Senate incumbent lost his seat: Scott Brown (R) of Massachusetts. The eight new Democratic Senators are: Chris Murphy (CT), Mazie Hirono (HI), Joe Donnelly (IN), Elizabeth Warren (MA), Martin Heinrich (NM), (ND), Tim Kaine (VA), and Tammy Baldwin (WI). The Republicans have three new Senators: Jeff Flake (AZ), Deb Fischer (NE), and Ted Cruz (TX). The Democrats have 53 Senators and two Independents who will caucus with them. The Republicans have 45 Senators.

In the House of Representatives, it appears that the Democrats will pick up a handful of seats with several races to be determined. The Democrats will have at least 50 new members, including eleven from California, five each from Illinois and , four each from and , three from Washington, and two each from Arizona, New Hampshire and Nevada. The Republicans will have at least 35 new members, including four from North Carolina, three each from California, Florida, , and Texas, and two each from Kentucky, , Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania. The House will have 234 Republicans and 201 Democrats next year, which is a net pick up of eight for the Democrats.


K&L Gates is providing this guide to help you better understand and keep track of the changes in Congress. It provides a starting point for assessing the coming changes in House and Senate Committee and Subcommittee memberships. The following are included within this guide:

All new Members of Congress are listed alphabetically by state along with links to the campaign websites which contain biographical information. Outgoing Members of Congress are listed, with the reasons for their departures.

Complete delegations for each state are included with new Members of the House and Senate highlighted in yellow to indicate no change in party and their predecessors shown. Seats that switched parties are highlighted in red for Republican pick-ups, blue for Democratic pick-ups, and green for independent pick- ups. Races that are too close to call are marked with an asterisk and highlighted gray.

Roster lists for each full Committee and Subcommittee from the departing 112th Congress are included; with non-returning members lined out and projected full Committee House Chairmen noted.

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Republicans (3) Independents (1) Democrats (8) Jeff Flake (AZ) Angus King (ME) Chris Murphy (CT) www.jeffflake.com www.angus2012.com www.chrismurphy.com Deb Fischer (NE) Mazie Hirono (HI) www.mazieforhawaii.com www.debfischer2012.com Ted Cruz (TX) Joe, Donnelly (IN) www.tedcruz.org www.joeforindiana.com Elizabeth Warren (MA) www.elizabethwarren.com Martin Heinrich (NM) www.martinheinrich.com Heidi Heitkamp (ND) www.heidifornorthdakota.com Tim Kaine (VA) www.kaineforva.com Tammy Baldwin (WI) www.tammybaldwin.com

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Republicans (35) Democrats (47) Tom Cotton (AR) Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ) www.cottonforcongress.com www.kirkpatrickforarizona.com Matt Salmon (AZ) Kyrsten Sinema (AZ) www.salmonforcongress.com www.kyrstensinema.com Paul Cook (CA) Ami Bera (CA) www.joinpaulcook.com www.beraforcongress.com Doug LaMalfa (CA) Julia Brownley (CA) www.douglamalfa.com www.juliabrownley.com David Valadao (CA) Tony Cardenas (CA) www.valadaoforcongress.com www.tonycardenasforcongress.com Ron DeSantis (FL) Jared Huffman (CA) www.voteron2012.com www.jaredhuffman.com (FL) Alan Lowenthal (CA) www.tedyoho.com www.alanlowenthal.com (FL) Scott Peters (CA) www.treyradel.com www.scottpeters.com Doug Collins (GA) Raul Ruiz (CA) www.collinsleads.com www.drraulruiz.com Rodney Davis (IL) Eric Swalwell (CA) www.electrodney.com www.swalwellforcongress.com Adam Kinzinger (IL) Mark Takano (CA) www.electadam.com www.marktakano.com (IN) Juan Vargas (CA) www.susanbrooks2012.com www.votevargas.com (IN) Elizabeth Esty (CT) www.lukemesser.com www.elizabethesty.com (IN) (FL) www.standwithjackie.com www.loisfrankelforcongress.com Andy Barr (KY) (FL) www.andybarrforcongress.com www.joegarcia2012.com Thomas Massie (KY) (FL) www.thomasmassie.com www.graysonforcongress.com Kerry Bentivolio (MI) Patrick Murphy (FL) www.bentivolioforcongress.com www.patrickmurphy2012.com Ann Wagner (MO) Tulsi Gabbard (HI) www.annwagner.com www.votetulsi.com Steve Daines (MT) Cheri Bustos (IL) www.stevedaines.com www.cheribustos.com Chris Collins (NY) Tammy Duckworth (IL) www.collinsforcongress.com www.tammyduckworth.com George E.B. Holding (NC) Bill Enyart (IL) www.georgeholdingforcongress.com www.enyartforcongress.com Richard Hudson (NC) Bill Foster (IL) www.richardhudsonforcongress.com www.billfoster.com Mark Meadows (NC) Brad Schneider (IL) www.meadowsforcongress.com www.schneiderforcongress.com

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Robert Pittenger (NC) Joe Kennedy (MA) www.robertpittenger.com www.joekennedy2012.com Kevin Cramer (ND) John Delaney (MD) www.kevincramer.org www.delaney2012.com David Joyce (OH) Dan Kildee (MI) www.davidpjoyce.com www.dankildee.com Brad Wenstrup (OH) Rick Nolan (MN) www.usabrad.com www.nolanforcongress.com Jim Bridenstine (OK) Dina Titus (NV) www.jimbridenstine.com www.dinatitus.com Markwayne Mullin (OK) Steven Horsford (NV) www.mullinforcongress.com www.stevenhorsford.com Scott Perry (PA) Ann McLane Kuster (NH) www.patriotsforperry.com www.kusterforcongress.com Keith Rothfus (PA) Carol Shea-Porter (NH) www.keithrothfus.com www.sheaporter.com Tom Rice (SC) Don Payne Jr. (NJ) www.votetomrice.com www.paynejrforcongress.com Steve Stockman (TX) Michelle Lujan Grisham (NM) www.congressmanstevestockman.com www.michellelujangrisham.net Randy Weber (TX) Hakeem Jeffries (NY) www.randyweber.org www.hakeemjeffries.com Roger Williams (TX) Dan Maffei (NY) www.rogerforcongress.com www.maffeiforcongress.com Sean Patrick Maloney (NY) www.seanmaloney.com Grace Meng (NY) www.gracefornewyork.com Charles Malone (NC) www.malone4congress.com Joyce Beatty (OH) www.beattyforcongress.com Matthew Cartwright (PA) www.cartwrightcongress.com Joaquin Castro (TX) www.castroforcongress.com Pete Gallego (TX) www.petegallego.com Beto O’Rourke (TX) www.betoforcongress.com Marc Veasey (TX) www.marcveasey.com Filemon Vela (TX) www.velaforcongress.com Chris Stewart (UT) www.chrisstewartforcongress.com Suzan DelBene (WA) www.delbeneforcongress.com Denny Heck (WA) www.dennyheckforcongress.com Derek Kilmer (WA) www.derekkilmer.com

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Mark Pocan (WI) www.pocanforcongress.com

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Incumbents defeated in the 2012 General Election


Republicans (1) Democrats (0) Scott Brown (MA)

HOUSE (24)

Republicans (16) Democrats (8) Dan Lungren (CA-7) Pete Stark (CA-15) Mary Bono Mack (CA-36) Howard Berman (CA-30) Brian Bilbray (CA-52) Leonard Boswell (IA-3) (FL-18) Ben Chandler (KY-6) (FL-26) Larry Kissell (NC-8) Joe Walsh (IL-8) Kathy Hochul (NY-27) Judy Biggert (IL-11) Betty Sutton (OH-16) Robert Dold (IL-10) Mark Critz (PA-12) Bobby Schilling (IL-17) Roscoe Bartlett (MD-6) Chip Cravaack (MN-8) Frank Guinta (NH-1) Charlie Bass (NH-2) Nan Hayworth (NY-18) Ann Marie Buerkle (NY-24) Francisco Canseco (TX-23)

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Retiring Members (37)


Republicans (4) Democrats (6) DeMint, Jim (SC) Akaka, Daniel (HI) Hutchison, Kay Bailey (TX) Bingaman, Jeff (NM) Kyl, Jon (AZ) Conrad, Kent (ND) Snowe, Olympia (ME) Kohl, Herb (WI) Nelson, Ben (NE) Webb, Jim (VA)

Independent (1) Lieberman, Joe (CT)

HOUSE (27)

Republicans (12) Democrats (15) Austria, Steve (OH) Ackerman, Gary (NY) Burton, Dan (IN) Boren, Dan (OK) Dreier, David (CA) Costello, Jerry (IL) Gallegly, Elton (CA) Dicks, Norm (WA) Herger, Wally (CA) Frank, Barney (MA) Johnson, Tim (IL) Gonzalez, Charlie (TX) LaTourette, Steve (OH) Hinchey, Maurice (NY) Lewis, Jerry (CA) Kildee, Dale (MI) Myrick, Sue (NC) Miller, Brad (NC) Paul, Ron (TX) Olver, John (MA) Platts, Todd (PA) Ross, Mike (AR) Scott, Tim (SC)* Shuler, Heath (NC) Towns, Edolphus (NY) Woolsey, Lynn (CA) Jackson Jr., Jesse L. (IL) *Chosen on 12/17/12 to replace retiring Senator Jim DeMint in January 2013

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Members defeated in primaries (15)

Senate (1) Republicans (1) Democrats (0) Lugar, Dick (IN)

HOUSE (14)

Republicans (7) Democrats (7) Adams, Sandy (FL) Altmire, Jason (PA) Manzullo, Don (IL) Carnahan, Russ (MO) Schmidt, Jean (OH) Clarke, Hansen (MI) Stearns, Cliff (FL) Holden, Tim (PA) Sullivan, John (OK) Kucinich, Dennis (OH) Turner, Bob (NY) Reyes, Silvestre (TX) Quayle, Ben (AZ) Rothman, Steven (NJ)

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Members who ran for other offices (13)


Republicans (5) Democrats (5) Akin, Todd (MO) Baldwin, Tammy (WI) Berg, Rick (ND) Berkley, Shelley (NV) Flake, Jeff (AZ) Donnelly, Joe (IN) Mack IV, Connie (FL) Heinrich, Martin (NM) Rehberg, Denny (MT) Hirono, Mazie (HI) Murphy, Chris (CT)


Republicans (0) Democrats (1) Filner, Bob (San Diego- CA)


Republicans (1) Democrats (0) Pence, Mike (IN)

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Members by State


SENATE  Shelby, Richard (R) Next Election: 2016  Sessions, Jeff (R) Next Election: 2014

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Bonner, Jo (R) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Roby, Martha (R) (Incumbent) 3rd District – Rogers, Mike D. (R) (Incumbent) 4th District – Aderholt, Robert (R) (Incumbent) 5th District –Brooks, Mo (R) (Incumbent) 6th District – Bachus, Spencer (R) (Incumbent) 7th District – Sewell, Terri (D) (Incumbent)


SENATE  Begich, Mark (D) Next Election: 2014  Murkowski, Lisa (R) Next Election: 2016

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES At Large – Young, Don (R) (Incumbent)

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Arizona [Gained district] SENATE  McCain, John (R) Next Election: 2016  Flake, Jeff (R); Won open seat. Jon Kyl retired. Next Election: 2018

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Kirkpatrick, Ann (D); Won new seat. 2nd District – Barber, Ron1 (D) (Incumbent) 3rd District – Grijalva, Raúl (D) (Incumbent) 4th District – Gosar, Paul (R) (Incumbent) 5th District – Salmon, Matt (R); Won open seat. Jeff Flake (R) ran for Senate and won. 6th District – Schweikert, David (R) (Incumbent) 7th District – Pastor, Ed (D) (Incumbent) 8th District – Franks, Trent (R) (Incumbent) 9th District – Sinema, Kyrsten (D); Won open seat


SENATE  Boozman, John (R) Next Election: 2016  Pryor, Mark (D) Next Election: 2014

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Crawford, Rick (R) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Griffin, Tim (R) (Incumbent) 3rd District – Womack, Steve (R) (Incumbent) 4th District –Cotton, Tom (R); Won open seat. Mike Ross (D) retired.

1 Ron Barber replaced Gabrielle Giffords in a special election after she resigned in January 22, 2012.

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SENATE  Feinstein, Dianne (D) (Incumbent) Next Election: 2018  Boxer, Barbara (D) Next Election: 2016

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Lamalfa, Doug (R) Won open seat. Wally Herger (R) retired. 2nd District – Huffman, Jared (D); Won open seat. Lynn Woolsey (D) retired. 3rd District – Garamendi, John (D) (Incumbent) 4th District – McClintock, Tom (R) (Incumbent) 5th District – Thompson, Mike (D) (Incumbent) 6th District – Matsui, Doris (D) (Incumbent) 7th District – Bera, Ami (D); Defeated Lungren, Dan (R) (Incumbent) 8th District – Cook, Paul (R) Imus, Gregg (R); Won open seat. Jerry Lewis (R) retired. 9th District – McNerney, Jerry (D) (Incumbent) 10th District – Denham, Jeff (R) (Incumbent) 11th District – Miller, George (D) (Incumbent) 12th District – Pelosi, Nancy (D) (Incumbent) 13th District – Lee, Barbara (D) (Incumbent) 14th District – Speier, Jackie (D) (Incumbent) 15th District – Swalwell, Eric (D) Defeated Stark, Pete (D) (Incumbent) Merged seat. 16th District – Costa, Jim (D) (Incumbent) 17th District – Honda, Mike (D) (Incumbent) 18th District – Eschoo, Anna (D) (Incumbent) 19th District – Lofgren, Zoe (D) (Incumbent) 20th District – Farr, Sam (D) (Incumbent) 21st District – Valadao, David (R); Won new seat. Dennis Cardoza (D) resigned. 22nd District – Nunes, Devin (R) (Incumbent) 23rd District – McCarthy, Kevin (R) (Incumbent) 24th District – Capps, Lois (D) (Incumbent) 25th District – McKeon, Howard “Buck” (R) (Incumbent) 26th District – Brownley, Julia (D); Won open seat. Elton Gallegly (R) retired. 27th District – Chu, Judy (D) (Incumbent) 28th District – Schiff, Adam (D) (Incumbent) 29th District – Cardenas, Tony (D); Won new seat. 30th District –Sherman, Brad (D) (Incumbent) Defeated Berman, Howard (D) Merged seat. 31st District – Miller, Gary (R) (Incumbent) 32nd District – Napolitano, Grace (D) (Incumbent) 33rd District – Waxman, Henry (D) (Incumbent) 34th District – Becerra, Xavier (D) (Incumbent)

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35th District – Baca, Joe (D) (Incumbent) 36th District – Ruiz, Raul (D); Defeated Bono Mack, Mary (R) (Incumbent) 37th District – Bass, Karen (D) (Incumbent) 38th District – Sánchez, Linda (D) (Incumbent) 39th District – Royce, Ed (R) (Incumbent) 40th District – Roybal-Allard, Lucille (D) (Incumbent) 41st District – Takano, Mark (D); Won new seat. 42nd District – Calvert, Ken (R) (Incumbent) 43rd District – Waters, Maxine (D) (Incumbent) 44th District – Hahn, Janice2 (D); Defeated Richardson, Laura (D) (Incumbent). Merged seat. 45th District – Campbell, John (R) (Incumbent) 46th District – Sanchez, Loretta (D) (Incumbent) 47th District – Lowenthal, Alan (D); Won new seat. 48th District – Rohrabacher, Dana (R) (Incumbent) 49th District – Issa, Darrell (R) (Incumbent) 50th District – Hunter, Duncan D. (R) (Incumbent) 51st District – Vargas, Juan (D); Won open seat. Bob Filner (D) ran for San Diego mayor and won. 52nd District – Peters, Scott (D); Defeated Bilbray, Brian (R) (Incumbent) 53rd District – Davis, Susan (D) (Incumbent)


SENATE  Bennet, Michael (D) Next Election: 2016  Udall, Mark (D) Next Election: 2014

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – DeGette, Diana (D) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Polis, Jared (D) (Incumbent) 3rd District – Tipton, Scott (R) (Incumbent) 4th District – Gardner, Cory (R) (Incumbent) 5th District – Lamborn, Doug (R) (Incumbent) 6th District – Coffman, Michael (R) (Incumbent) 7th District – Perlmutter, Ed (D) (Incumbent)

2 Janice Hahn replaced retiring Jane Harman in a special election held in July, 2011.

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SENATE  Blumenthal, Richard (D) Next Election: 2016  Murphy, Chris; Won open seat. Joe Lieberman (I) retired. Next Election: 2018

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Larson, John (D) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Courtney, Joe (D) (Incumbent) 3rd District – DeLauro, Rosa (D) (Incumbent) 4th District – Himes, Jim (D) (Incumbent) 5th District – Esty, Elizabeth (D); Won open seat. Chris Murphy (D) ran for Senate and won.


SENATE  Carper, Thomas (D) (Incumbent) Next Election: 2018  Coons, Christopher (D) Next Election: 2014

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES At Large –Carney, John (D) (Incumbent)

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Florida [Gained 2 districts] SENATE  Nelson, Bill (D) (Incumbent) Next Election: 2018  Rubio, Marco (R) Next Election: 2016

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Miller, Jeff (R) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Southerland, Steve (R) (Incumbent) 3rd District – Yoho, Ted (R); defeated incumbent in primary 4th District – Crenshaw, Ander (R) (Incumbent) 5th District – Brown, Corrine (D) (Incumbent) 6th District – DeSantis, Ron (R); Won new seat. 7th District – Mica, John (R) (Incumbent) 8th District – Posey, Bill (R) (Incumbent) 9th District – Grayson, Alan (D); won new seat. 10th District – Webster, Daniel (R) (Incumbent) 11th District – Nugent, Richard (R) (Incumbent) 12th District – Bilirakis, Gus (R) (Incumbent) 13th District – Young, Bill (R) (Incumbent) 14th District – Castor, Kathy (D) (Incumbent) 15th District – Ross, Dennis (R) (Incumbent) 16th District – Buchanan, Vern (R) (Incumbent) 17th District – Rooney, Tom (R) (Incumbent) 18th District – Murphy, Patrick (D); Defeated West, Allen (R) (Incumbent) 19th District – Radel, Trey (R); won open seat. Connie Mack (R) ran for Senate and lost. 20th District – Hastings, Alcee (D) (Incumbent) 21st District – Deutch, Ted (D) (Incumbent) 22nd District – Frankel, Lois (D); won new seat. 23rd District – Wasserman Schultz, Debbie (D) (Incumbent) 24th District – Wilson, Frederica (D) (Incumbent) 25th District – Diaz-Balart, Mario (R) (Incumbent) 26th District – Garcia, Joe (D), Defeated Rivera, David (R) (Incumbent) 27th District – Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana (R) (Incumbent)

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Georgia [Gained district] SENATE  Chambliss, Saxby (R) Next Election: 2014  Isakson, Johnny (R) Next Election: 2016

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Kingston, Jack (R) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Bishop Jr., Sanford (D) (Incumbent) 3rd District – Westmoreland, Lynn (R) (Incumbent) 4th District – Johnson, Hank (D) (Incumbent) 5th District – Lewis, John (D) (Incumbent) 6th District – Price, Tom (R) (Incumbent) 7th District – Woodall, Rob (R) (Incumbent) 8th District – Scott, Austin (R) (Incumbent) 9th District – Collins, Doug (R); Won new seat. 10th District – Broun, Paul (R) (Incumbent) 11th District – Gingrey, Phil (R) (Incumbent) 12th District – Barrow, John (D) (Incumbent) 13th District – Scott, David (D) (Incumbent) 14th District – Graves, Tom (R) (Incumbent)


SENATE  Inouye, Daniel (D) Next Election: 2016  Hirono, Mazie (D); Won open seat. Daniel Akaka (D) retired. Next Election: 2018

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Hanabusa, Colleen (D) (Incumbent)) 2nd District – Gabbard, Tulsi (D); Won open seat. Mazie Hirono (D) ran for Senate and won.

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SENATE  Crapo, Mike (R) Next Election: 2016  Risch, James (R) Next Election: 2014

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Labrador, Raul (R) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Simpson, Mike (R) (Incumbent)

Illinois [Lost district] SENATE  Durbin, Richard J. (D) Next Election: 2014  Kirk, Mark (R) Next Election: 2016

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Rush, Bobby (D) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Jackson Jr., Jesse (D) (Incumbent) – resigned on November 21. Special election set for April 9. 3rd District – Lipinski, Dan (D) (Incumbent) 4th District – Gutierrez, Luis (D) (Incumbent) 5th District – Quigley, Mike (D) (Incumbent) 6th District – Roskam, Peter (R) (Incumbent) 7th District – Davis, Danny (D) (Incumbent) 8th District – Duckworth, Tammy (D); Defeated Walsh, Joe (R) (Incumbent) 9th District – Schakowsky, Janice (D) (Incumbent) 10th District – Schneider, Brad (D), Defeated Dold, Robert (R) (Incumbent) 11th District – Foster, Bill (D), Defeated Biggert, Judy (R) (Incumbent) 12th District – Enyart, William (D), Won open seat. Jerry Costello (D) retired. 13th District – Davis, Rodney (R) Gill, Won open seat. Timothy Johnson (R) retired. 14th District – Hultgren, Randy (R) (Incumbent) 15th District – Shimkus, John (R) (Incumbent) 16th District – Kinzinger, Adam (R) (Incumbent); defeated incumbent Donald Manzullo in primary 17th District – Bustos, Cheri (D), Defeated Schilling, Bobby (R) (Incumbent) 18th District – Schock, Aaron (R) (Incumbent)

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SENATE  Coats, Dan (R) Next Election: 2016  Donnelly, Joe (D); Won open seat. Dick Lugar (R) defeated in primary. Next Election: 2018

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Visclosky, Peter (D) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Walorski, Jackie (R); Won open seat. Joe Donnelly (D) ran for Senate and won. 3rd District – Stutzman, Marlin (R) (Incumbent) 4th District – Rokita, Todd (R) (Incumbent) 5th District – Brooks, Susan (R); Won open seat. (R) retired. 6th District – Messer, Luke (R); Won open seat. (R) ran for governor and won. 7th District – Carson, André (D) (Incumbent) 8th District – Bucshon, Larry (R) (Incumbent) 9th District – Young, Todd (R) (Incumbent)

Iowa [Lost district] SENATE  Grassley, Charles (R) Next Election: 2016  Harkin, Tom (D) Next Election: 2014

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Braley, Bruce (D) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Loebsack, Dave (D) (Incumbent) 3rd District –Latham, Tom (R), Defeated Boswell, Leonard (D) (Incumbent) Merged seat. 4th District – King, Steve (R) (Incumbent)

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SENATE  Moran, Jerry (R) Next Election: 2016  Roberts, Pat (R) Next Election: 2014

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Huelskamp, Tim (R) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Jenkins, Lynn (R) (Incumbent) 3rd District –Yoder, Kevin (R) (Incumbent) 4th District – Pompeo, Mike (R) (Incumbent)


SENATE  McConnell, Mitch (R) Next Election: 2014  Paul, Rand (R) Next Election: 2016

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Whitfield, Ed (R) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Guthrie, Brett (R) (Incumbent) 3rd District – Yarmuth, John (D) (Incumbent) 4th District – Massie, Thomas (R); Won open seat. Geoff Davis (R) resigned. 5th District – Rogers, Hal (R) (Incumbent) 6th District – Andy Barr (R); Defeated Chandler, Ben (D) (Incumbent)

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Louisiana [Lost district] SENATE  Landrieu, Mary (D) Next Election: 2014  Vitter, David (R) Next Election: 2016

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Scalise, Steve (R) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Richmond, Cedric (D) (Incumbent) 3rd District – Landry, Jeff (R); Charles Boustany (R); (Note: Two GOP contenders.) Runoff on Dec. 8*. 4th District – Fleming, John (R) (Incumbent) 5th District – Alexander, Rodney (R) (Incumbent) 6th District – Cassidy, Bill (R) (Incumbent)


SENATE  King, Angus (I) Won open seat. Olympia Snowe (R) retired. Next Election: 2018  Collins, Susan (R) Next Election: 2014

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Pingree, Chellie (D) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Michaud, Michael (D) (Incumbent)

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SENATE  Mikulski, Barbara (D) Next Election: 2016  Cardin, Ben (D) (Incumbent) Next Election: 2018

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Harris, Andy (R) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Ruppersberger, Dutch (D) (Incumbent) 3rd District – Sarbanes, John (D) (Incumbent) 4th District – Edwards, Donna (D) (Incumbent) 5th District – Hoyer, Steny (D) (Incumbent) 6th District – Delaney, John (D); Defeated Bartlett, Roscoe (R) (Incumbent) 7th District – Cummings, Elijah (D) (Incumbent) 8th District – Van Hollen, Chris (D) (Incumbent)

Massachusetts [Lost district] SENATE  Warren, Elizabeth (D); Defeated Brown, Scott (R) (Incumbent) Next Election: 2018  Kerry, John (D) Next Election: 2014

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Neal, Richard (D) (Incumbent) 2nd District – McGovern, Jim (D) (Incumbent) 3rd District – Tsongas, Niki (D) (Incumbent) 4th District – Kennedy, Joe (D); won open seat. Barney Frank (D) retired. 5th District – Markey, Edward (D) (Incumbent) 6th District – Tierney, John (D) (Incumbent) 7th District – Capuano, Michael (D) (Incumbent) 8th District – Lynch, Stephen (D) (Incumbent) 9th District – Keating, William (D) (Incumbent)

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Michigan [Lost district] SENATE  Levin, Carl (D) Next Election: 2014  Stabenow, Debbie (D) (Incumbent) Next Election: 2018

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Benishek, Dan (R) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Huizenga, Bill (R) (Incumbent) 3rd District – Amash, Justin (R) (Incumbent) 4th District – Camp, Dave (R) (Incumbent) 5th District – Kildee, Dan (D); won open seat. Dale Kildee (D) retired. 6th District – Upton, Fred (R) (Incumbent) 7th District – Walberg, Tim (R) (Incumbent) 8th District – Rogers, Mike J. (R) (Incumbent) 9th District – Levin, Sander (D) (Incumbent) 10th District – Miller, Candice (R) (Incumbent) 11th District – Bentivolio, Kerry (R); won open seat. Thaddeus McCotter (R) resigned. 12th District – Dingell, John (D) (Incumbent) 13th District – Conyers, John (D) (Incumbent) 14th District – Peters, Gary (D) (Incumbent); defeated incumbent Hansen Clarke in primary.


SENATE  Franken, Al (D) Next Election: 2014  Klobuchar, Amy (D) (Incumbent) Next Election: 2018

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Walz, Tim (D) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Kline, John (R) (Incumbent) 3rd District – Paulsen, Erik (R) (Incumbent) 4th District – McCollum, Betty (D) (Incumbent) 5th District – Ellison, Keith (D) (Incumbent) 6th District – Bachmann, Michele (R) (Incumbent) 7th District – Peterson, Collin (D) (Incumbent) 8th District – Nolan, Rick (D) Defeated Cravaack, Chip (R) (Incumbent)

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SENATE  Cochran, Thad (R) Next Election: 2014  Wicker, Roger (R) (Incumbent) Next Election: 2018

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Nunnelee, Alan (R) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Thompson, Bennie (D) (Incumbent) 3rd District – Harper, Gregg (R) (Incumbent) 4th District – Palazzo, Steven (R) (Incumbent)

Missouri [Lost district] SENATE  Blunt, Roy (R) Next Election: 2016  McCaskill, Claire C. (D) (Incumbent) Next Election: 2018

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Clay, William Lacy (D) (Incumbent); Defeated Russ Carnahan (D) in primary. 2nd District – Wagner, Ann (R); won open seat. Todd Akin (R) ran for Senate and lost. 3rd District – Luetkemeyer, Blaine (R) (Incumbent) 4th District – Hartzler, Vicky (R) (Incumbent) 5th District – Cleaver, Emanuel (D) (Incumbent) 6th District – Graves, Sam (R) (Incumbent) 7th District – Long, Billy (R) (Incumbent) 8th District – Emerson, Jo Ann (R) (Incumbent)

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SENATE  Baucus, Max (D) Next Election: 2014  Tester, Jon (D) (Incumbent) Next Election: 2018

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES At Large – Daines, Steve (R); Won open seat. Denny Rehberg (R) ran for Senate and lost.


SENATE  Fischer, Deb (R); Won open seat. Ben Nelson (D) retired. Next Election: 2018  Johanns, Mike (R) Next Election: 2014

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Fortenberry, Jeff (R) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Terry, Lee (R) (Incumbent) 3rd District – Smith, Adrian (R) (Incumbent)

Nevada [Gained district] SENATE  Reid, Harry (D) Next Election: 2016  Heller, Dean3 (R) (Incumbent) Next Election: 2018

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Titus, Dina (D); Won open seat. Shelley Berkley (D) ran for Senate and lost 2nd District – Amodei, Mark4 (R) (Incumbent) 3rd District – Heck, Joe (R) (Incumbent) 4th District –Horsford, Steven (D) Defeated Tarkanian, Danny (R), Won new seat.

3 Rep. Heller was appointed to Senate after John Ensign resigned 4 Replaced Dean Heller (who was given Ensign’s Senate seat following resignation) in a September 2011, special election

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New Hampshire

SENATE  Ayotte, Kelly (R) Next Election: 2016  Shaheen, Jeanne (D) Next Election: 2014

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District –Shea-Porter, Carol (D) Defeated Guinta, Frank (R) (Incumbent) 2nd District – McLane Kuster, Ann (D) Defeated Bass, Charlie (R) (Incumbent)

New Jersey [Lost district] SENATE  Lautenberg, Frank (D) Next Election: 2014  Menendez, Robert (D) (Incumbent) Next Election: 2018

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Andrews, Robert (D) (Incumbent) 2nd District – LoBiondo, Frank (R) (Incumbent) 3rd District – Runyan, Jon (R) (Incumbent); Shelley Adler (D) 4th District – Smith, Christopher (R) (Incumbent) 5th District – Garrett, Scott (R) (Incumbent) 6th District – Pallone Jr., Frank (D) (Incumbent) 7th District – Lance, Leonard (R) (Incumbent) 8th District – Sires, Albio (D) (Incumbent) 9th District – Pascrell, Bill (D) (Incumbent) 10th District – Payne Jr., Donald (D); Won open seat5. 11th District – Frelinghuysen, Rodney (R) (Incumbent) 12th District – Holt, Rush (D) (Incumbent)

5 Donald Payne Sr. (D) deceased

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New Mexico

SENATE  Heinrich, Martin (D); won open seat. Jeff Bingaman (D) retired. Next Election: 2018  Udall, Tom (D) Next Election: 2014

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Grisham, Michelle Lujan (D); won open seat. Martin Heinrich (D) ran for Senate and won. 2nd District – Pearce, Steve (R) (Incumbent) 3rd District – Lujan, Ben Ray (D) (Incumbent)

New York [Lost 2 districts] SENATE  Schumer, Charles (D) Next Election: 2016  Gillibrand, Kristen (D) (Incumbent) Next Election: 2018

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Bishop, Tim (D) (Incumbent) 2nd District – King, Peter (R) (Incumbent) 3rd District – Israel, Steve (D) (Incumbent) 4th District – McCarthy, Carolyn (D) (Incumbent) 5th District – Meeks, Gregory (D) (Incumbent) 6th District – Meng, Grace (D); Won open seat. Gary Ackerman (D) retired. 7th District – Velázquez, Nydia (D) (Incumbent) 8th District – Jeffries, Hakeem (D); Won open seat. Edolphus Towns (D) retired. 9th District – Clarke, Yvette (D) (Incumbent) 10th District – Nadler, Jerrold (D) (Incumbent) 11th District – Grimm, Michael (R) (Incumbent) 12th District – Maloney, Carolyn (D) (Incumbent) 13th District – Rangel, Charles (D) (Incumbent) 14th District – Crowley, Joseph (D) (Incumbent) 15th District – Serrano, José (D) (Incumbent) 16th District – Engel, Eliot (D) (Incumbent) 17th District – Lowey, Nita (D) (Incumbent) 18th District – Maloney, Sean (D), Defeated Hayworth, Nan (R) (Incumbent) 19th District – Gibson, Chris (R) (Incumbent) 20th District – Tonko, Paul (D) (Incumbent) 21st District – Owens, Bill (D) (Incumbent) 22nd District – Hanna, Richard (R) (Incumbent)

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23rd District – Reed, Tom (R) (Incumbent) 24th District – Maffei, Daniel (D), Defeated Buerkle, Ann Marie (R) (Incumbent) 25th District – Slaughter, Louise (D) (Incumbent) 26th District – Higgins, Brian (D) (Incumbent) 27th District – Collins, Chris (R), Defeated Hochul, Kathy (D) (Incumbent)

North Carolina

SENATE  Hagan, Kay (D) Next Election: 2014  Burr, Richard (R) Next Election: 2016

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Butterfield, G.K. (D) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Ellmers, Renee (R) (Incumbent) 3rd District – Jones, Walter (R) (Incumbent) 4th District – Price, David (D) (Incumbent) 5th District – Foxx, Virginia (R) (Incumbent) 6th District – Coble, Howard (R) (Incumbent) 7th District – McIntyre, Mike (D) (Incumbent) 8th District – Hudson, Richard (R); defeated incumbent Larry Kissell (D) 9th District – Pittenger, Robert (R); Won open seat. Sue Myrick (R) retired. 10th District – McHenry, Patrick (R) (Incumbent) 11th District – Meadows, Mark (R); Won open seat. Heath Shuler (D) retired. 12th District – Watt, Mel (D) (Incumbent) 13th District – George Holding (R); Won open seat. Brad Miller (D) retired.

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North Dakota

SENATE  Heitkamp, Heidi (D); Won open seat. Kent Conrad (D) retired. Next Election: 2018  Hoeven, John (R) Next Election: 2016

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES At Large –Cramer, Kevin (R); Won open seat. Rick Berg (R) ran for Senate and lost.

Ohio [Lost 2 districts] SENATE  Portman, Rob (R) Next Election: 2016  Brown, Sherrod (D) (Incumbent) Next Election: 2018

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Chabot, Steve (R) (Incumbent) 2nd District –Wenstrup, Brad (R); Won open seat. Jean Schmidt lost primary. 3rd District – Beatty, Joyce (D); Won new seat. 4th District – Jordan, Jim (R) (Incumbent) 5th District – Latta, Bob (R) (Incumbent) 6th District – Johnson, Bill (R) (Incumbent) 7th District – Gibbs, Bob (R) (Incumbent) 8th District – Boehner, John (R) (Incumbent) 9th District – Kaptur, Marcy (D) (Incumbent) 10th District – Turner, Mike (R) (Incumbent) 11th District – Fudge, Marcia (D) (Incumbent) 12th District – Tiberi, Pat (R) (Incumbent) 13th District – Ryan, Tim (D) (Incumbent) 14th District – Joyce, David (R); Won open seat. Steven LaTourette (R) retired. 15th District – Stivers, Steve (R) (Incumbent) 16th District – Renacci, Jim (R) (Incumbent); Defeated Sutton, Betty (D) merged seat.

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SENATE  Inhofe, James (R) Next Election: 2014  Coburn, Tom (R) Next Election: 2016

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Bridenstine, Jim (R); defeated incumbent John Sullivan (R) in primary 2nd District – Mullin, Markwayne (R); Won open seat. Dan Boren (D) retired. 3rd District – Lucas, Frank (R) (Incumbent) 4th District – Cole, Tom (R) (Incumbent) 5th District – Lankford, James (R) (Incumbent)


SENATE  Wyden, Ron (D) Next Election: 2016  Merkley, Jeff (D) Next Election: 2014

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Bonamici, Suzanne6 (D) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Walden, Greg (R) (Incumbent) 3rd District – Blumenauer, Earl (D) (Incumbent) 4th District – DeFazio, Peter (D) (Incumbent) 5th District – Schrader, Kurt (D) (Incumbent)

6 Suzanne Bonamici replaced David Wu, who resigned, in a special election on January 13, 2012

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Pennsylvania [Lost district] SENATE  Toomey, Pat (R) Next Election: 2016  Casey, Bob (D) (Incumbent) Next Election: 2018

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Brady, Robert (D) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Fattah, Chaka (D) (Incumbent) 3rd District - Kelly, Mike (R) (Incumbent) 4th District – Perry, Scott (R); Won open seat. Todd Platts (R) retired. 5th District – Thompson, Glenn (R) (Incumbent) 6th District – Gerlach, Jim (R) (Incumbent) 7th District – Meehan, Pat (R) (Incumbent) 8th District – Fitzpatrick, Michael (R) (Incumbent) 9th District – Shuster, Bill (R) (Incumbent) 10th District – Marino, Tom (R) (Incumbent) 11th District – Barletta, Lou (R) (Incumbent) 12th District – Rothfus, Keith (R); Defeated Critz, Mark (D) (Incumbent) 13th District – Schwartz, Allyson (D) (Incumbent) 14th District – Doyle, Mike (D) (Incumbent) 15th District – Dent, Charles (R) (Incumbent) 16th District – Pitts, Joseph (R) (Incumbent) 17th District – Cartwright, Matthew (D); Defeated Tim Holden (D) (Incumbent) in primary 18th District – Murphy, Tim (R) (Incumbent)

Rhode Island

SENATE  Reed, Jack (D) Next Election: 2014  Whitehouse, Sheldon (D) (Incumbent) Next Election: 2018

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Cicilline, David (D) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Langevin, James (D) (Incumbent)

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South Carolina [Gained district] SENATE  Graham, Lindsey (R) Next Election: 2014  DeMint, Jim (R) Next Election: 2016  Scott, Tim (R) Next Election 2014

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Scott, Tim (R) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Wilson, Joe (R) (Incumbent) 3rd District – Duncan, Jeff (R) (Incumbent) 4th District – Gowdey Trey (R) (Incumbent) 5th District – Mulvany, Mike (R) (Incumbent) 6th District – Clyburn, James (D) (Incumbent) 7th District – Rice, Tom (R); Won new seat.

South Dakota

SENATE  Johnson, Tim (D) Next Election: 2014  Thune, John (R) Next Election: 2016

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES At Large – Noem, Kristi (R) (Incumbent)

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SENATE  Alexander, Lamar (R) Next Election: 2014  Corker, Bob (R) (Incumbent) Next Election: 2018

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Roe, Phil (R) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Duncan, Jimmy (R) (Incumbent) 3rd District – Fleischmann, Chuck (R) (Incumbent) 4th District – DesJarlais, Scott (R) (Incumbent) 5th District – Cooper, Jim (D) (Incumbent) 6th District – Black, Diane (R) (Incumbent) 7th District – Blackburn, Marsha (R) (Incumbent) 8th District – Fincher, Steve (R) (Incumbent) 9th District – Cohen, Steve (D) (Incumbent)

Texas [Gained 4 districts] SENATE  Cruz, Ted (R); Won open seat. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R) retired. Next Election: 2018  Cornyn, John (R) Next Election: 2014

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Gohmert, Louie (R) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Poe, Ted (R) (Incumbent) 3rd District – Johnson, Sam (R) (Incumbent) 4th District – Hall, Ralph (R) (Incumbent) 5th District – Hensarling, Jeb (R) (Incumbent) 6th District – Barton, Joe (R) (Incumbent) 7th District – Culberson, John (R) (Incumbent) 8th District – Brady, Kevin (R) (Incumbent) 9th District – Green, Al (D) (Incumbent) 10th District – McCaul, Michael (R) (Incumbent) 11th District – Conaway, Mike (R) (Incumbent) 12th District – Granger, Kay (R) (Incumbent) 13th District – Thornberry, William “Mac” (R) (Incumbent) 14th District – Weber, Randy (R); Won open seat. (R) retired. 15th District – Hinojosa, Rubén (D) (Incumbent) 16th District – O’Rourke, Beto (D); Defeated incumbent Silvestre Reyes (D) in the primary

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17th District – Flores, Bill (R) (Incumbent) 18th District – Jackson Lee, Sheila (D) (Incumbent) 19th District – Neugebauer, Randy (R) (Incumbent) 20th District – Castro, Joaquin (D); Won open seat. Charlie Gonzalez (D) retired. 21st District – Smith, Lamar (R) (Incumbent) 22nd District – Olson, Pete (R) (Incumbent) 23rd District – Gallego, Peter (D); Defeated Canseco, Francisco (R) (Incumbent). 24th District – Marchant, Kenny (R) (Incumbent) 25th District – Williams, Roger (R); Won new seat. 26th District – Burgess, Michael (R) (Incumbent) 27th District – Farenthold, Blake (R) (Incumbent) 28th District – Cuellar, Henry (D) (Incumbent) 29th District – Green, Gene (D) (Incumbent) 30th District – Johnson, Eddie Bernice (D) (Incumbent) 31st District – Carter, John (R) (Incumbent) 32nd District – Sessions, Pete (R) (Incumbent) 33rd District – Veasey, Marc (D); Won new seat. 34th District – Vela, Filemon (D); Won new seat. 35th District – Doggett, Lloyd (D) (Incumbent) 36th District – Stockman, Steve (R); Won new seat.

Utah [Gained district] SENATE  Hatch, Orrin (R) (Incumbent) Next Election: 2018  Lee, Mike (R) Next Election: 2016

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Bishop, Rob (R) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Stewart, Chris (R); Won new seat. 3rd District – Chaffetz, Jason (R) (Incumbent) 4th District – Matheson, Jim (D) (Incumbent)

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SENATE  Leahy, Patrick (D) Next Election: 2016  Sanders, Bernie (I) (Incumbent) Next Election: 2018

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES At Large – Welch, Peter (D) (Incumbent)


SENATE  Tim Kaine (D); Won open seat. Jim Webb (D) retired. Next Election: 2018  Warner, Mark (D) Next Election: 2014

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Wittman, Rob (R) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Rigell, Scott (R) (Incumbent) 3rd District – Scott, Bobby (D) (Incumbent) 4th District – Forbes, Randy (R) (Incumbent) 5th District – Hurt, Robert (R) (Incumbent) 6th District – Goodlatte, Bob (R) (Incumbent) 7th District – Cantor, Eric (R) (Incumbent) 8th District – Moran, Jim (D) (Incumbent) 9th District – Griffith, Morgan (R) (Incumbent) 10th District – Wolf, Frank (R) (Incumbent) 11th District – Connolly, Gerald “Gerry” (D) (Incumbent)

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Washington [Gained district] SENATE  Murray, Patty (D) Next Election: 2016  Cantwell, Maria (D) (Incumbent) Next Election: 2018

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – DelBene, Suzan (D); Won open seat. Jay Inslee (D) resigned to run for Governor. 2nd District – Larsen, Rick (D) (Incumbent) 3rd District – Herrera Beutler, Jaime (R) (Incumbent) 4th District – Hastings, Doc (R) (Incumbent) 5th District – McMorris Rodgers, Cathy (R) (Incumbent) 6th District – Kilmer, Derek (D); Won open seat. Norman Dicks (D) retired. 7th District – McDermott, Jim (D) (Incumbent) 8th District – Reichert, Dave (R) (Incumbent) 9th District – Smith, Adam (D) (Incumbent) 10th District – Heck, Denny (D); Won new seat.

West Virginia

SENATE  Machin, Joe (D) (Incumbent) Next Election: 2018  Rockefeller, John (D) Next Election: 2014

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – McKinley, David (R) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Capito, Shelley Moore (R) (Incumbent) 3rd District – Rahall, Nick (D) (Incumbent)

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SENATE  Baldwin, Tammy (D); Won open seat. Herb Kohl (D) retired. Next Election: 2018  Johnson, Ron (R) Next Election: 2016

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1st District – Ryan, Paul (R) (Incumbent) 2nd District – Pocan, Mark (D); Won open seat. Tammy Baldwin (D) ran for Senate and won. 3rd District – Kind, Ron (D) (Incumbent) 4th District – Moore, Gwen (D) (Incumbent) 5th District – Sensenbrenner, James (R) (Incumbent) 6th District – Petri, Thomas (R) (Incumbent) 7th District – Duffy, Sean (R) (Incumbent) 8th District – Ribble, Reid (R) (Incumbent)


SENATE  Enzi, Michael (R) Next Election: 2014  Barrasso, John (R) (Incumbent) Next Election: 2018

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES At Large – Lummis, Cynthia (R) (Incumbent)

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Senate Committees Please Note: Only the full Committee rosters have been finalized in the Senate as of now; the Subcommittee rosters are still pending. For Subcommittees, however, the listed Chairman and Ranking Members simply carry forward information from the 112th Congress. We will continue to update the rosters as new information is forthcoming, particularly during the week of January 14.


Democrats Republicans Debbie Stabenow (MI) – Chairman Pat Roberts (KS) – Ranking Member Patrick Leahy (VT) Thad Cochran (MS) Tom Harkin (IA) Mitch McConnell (KY) Max Baucus (MT) Saxby Chambliss (GA) Sherrod Brown (OH) John Boozman (AR) Bob Casey (PA) John Hoeven (ND) Amy Klobuchar (MN) Mike Johanns (NE) Michael Bennet (CO) Chuck Grassley (IA) Kristen Gillibrand (NY) John Thune (SD) Joe Donnelly (IN) Heidi Heitkamp (ND)

COMMODITIES, MARKETS, TRADE AND RISK MANAGEMENT SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Nelson (NE) – Chairman Chambliss (GA) – Ranking Member Gillibrand (NY) Cochran (MS) Baucus (MT) Johanns (NE) Brown (OH) Boozman (AR) Bennet (CO) Grassley (IA)

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CONSERVATION, FORESTRY AND NATURAL RESOURCES SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Bennet (CO) – Chairman Boozman (AR) – Ranking Member Leahy (VT) Cochran (MS) Harkin (IA) McConnell (KY) Baucus (MT) Chambliss (GA) Klobuchar (MN)

NUTRITION, SPECIALTY CROPS, FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Casey (PA) – Chairman Lugar (IN) –Ranking Member Leahy (VT) Cochran (MS) Harkin (IA) McConnell (KY) Brown (OH) Johanns (NE) Bennet (CO) Hoeven (ND) Gillibrand (NY)

LIVESTOCK, DAIRY, POULTRY, MARKETING AND AGRICULTURE SECURITY SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Gillibrand (NY) – Chairman Johanns (NE) – Ranking Member Leahy (VT) McConnell (KY) Baucus (MT) Boozman (AR) Casey (PA) Grassley (IA) Klobuchar (MN) Thune (SD)

JOBS, RURAL ECONOMIC GROWTH AND ENERGY SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Brown (OH) – Chairman Thune (SD) – Ranking Member Harkin (IA) Chambliss (GA) Casey (PA) Grassley (IA) Klobuchar (MN) Hoeven (ND)

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Democrats Republicans Barbara A. Mikulski (MD) – Chairman Richard Shelby (AL) – Ranking Member Patrick J. Leahy (VT) Thad Cochran (MS) Tom Harkin (IA) Mitch McConnell (KY) Patty Murray (WA) Lamar Alexander (TN) Dianne Feinstein (CA) (ME) Richard J. Durbin (IL) Lisa Murkowski (AK) Tim Johnson (SD) Lindsey Graham (SC) Mary Landrieu (LA) , (IL) Jack Reed (RI) , (IN) Frank R. Lautenberg (NJ) Roy Blunt, (MO) Mark Pryor (AR) Jerry Moran, (KS) Jon Tester (MT) James Hoeven, (ND) Tom Udall (NM) Mike Johanns (NE) Jeanne Shaheen (NH) John Boozman (AK) Jeff Merkley (OR)

AGRICULTURE, RURAL DEVELOPMENT, FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, AND RELATED AGENCIES SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Kohl (WI) – Chairman Blunt (MO) – Ranking Member Harkin (IA) Cochran (MS) Feinstein (CA) McConnell (KY) Johnson (SD) Collins (ME) Pryor (AR) Moran (KS) Hoeven (ND)

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COMMERCE, JUSTICE AND SCIENCE AND RELATED AGENCIES SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Mikulski (MD) – Chairman Hutchison (TX) – Ranking Member Inouye (HI) Shelby (AL) Leahy (VT) McConnell (KY) Feinstein (CA) Alexander (TN) Reed (RI) Murkowski (AK) Lautenberg (NJ) Johnson (WI) Pryor (AR) Collins (ME) Graham (SC)

DEFENSE SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Inouye (HI) – Chairman Cochran (MS) – Ranking Member Leahy (VT) McConnell (KY) Harkin (IA) Shelby (AL) Durbin (IL) Alexander (TN) Feinstein (CA) Collins (ME) Mikulski (MD) Murkowski (AK) Murray (WA) Graham (SC) Johnson (SD) Coats (IN) Reed (RI)

ENERGY AND WATER DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Feinstein (CA) - Chairman Alexander (TN) – Ranking Member* Murray (WA) Cochran (MS) Johnson (SD) McConnell (KY) Landrieu (LA) Shelby (AL) Reed (RI) Collins (ME) Lautenberg (NJ) Murkowski (AK) Harkin (IA) Graham (SC) Tester (MT) Durbin (IL) * Alexander will likely opt to rank a different Appropriations Subcommittee, which would open up the ranking position for E&W Appropriations.

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FINANCIAL SERVICES AND GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Durbin (IL) – Chairman Moran (KS) – Ranking Member Lautenberg (NJ) Kirk (IL)

HOMELAND SECURITY SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Landrieu (LA) – Chairman Coats (IN) – Ranking Member Lautenberg (NJ) Cochran (MS) Inouye (HI) Shelby (AL) Leahy (VT) Murkowski (AK) Murray (WA) Moran (KS) Tester (MT)

INTERIOR, ENVIRONMENT AND RELATED AGENCIES SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Reed (RI) – Chairman Murkowski (AK) – Ranking Member Feinstein (CA) Alexander (TN) Leahy (VT) Cochran (MS) Mikulski (MD) Collins (ME) Johnson (SD) Johnson (WI) Tester (MT) Blunt (MO) Landrieu (LA) Hoeven (ND)

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LABOR, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, EDUCATION, AND RELATED AGENCIES SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Harkin (IA) – Chairman Shelby (AL) – Ranking Member Inouye (HI) Cochran (MS) Murray (WA) Alexander (TN) Landrieu (LA) Johnson (WI) Durbin (IL) Kirk (IL) Reed (RI) Graham (SC) Pryor (AR) Moran (KS) Mikulski (MD)

LEGISLATIVE BRANCH SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Nelson (NE) – Chairman Hoeven (ND) – Ranking Member Tester (MT) Graham (SC) Brown (OH)

MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, VETERANS AFFAIRS, AND RELATED AGENCIES SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Johnson (SD) – Chairman Kirk (IL) – Ranking Member Inouye (HI) McConnell (KY) Landrieu (LA) Murkowski (AK) Murray (WA) Blunt (MO) Reed (RI) Hoeven (ND) Pryor (AR) Coats (IN) Tester (MT)

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STATE, FOREIGN OPERATIONS AND RELATED PROGRAMS SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Leahy (VT) – Chairman Graham (SC) – Ranking Member Inouye (HI) McConnell (KY) Harkin (IA) Kirk (IL) Mikulski (MD) Blunt (MO) Durbin (IL) Coats (IN) Landrieu (LA) Johnson (WI) Lautenberg (NJ) Hoeven (ND)

TRANSPORTATION, HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, AND RELATED AGENCIES SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Murray (WA) – Chairman Collins (ME) – Ranking Member Mikulski (MD) Shelby (AL) Durbin (IL) Alexander (TN) Leahy (VT) Kirk (IL) Harkin (IA) Coats (IN) Feinstein (CA) Moran (KS) Johnson (SD) Blunt (MO) Lautenberg (NJ) Johnson (WI) Pryor (AR)

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SENATE COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES Democrats Republicans Carl Levin (MI) – Chairman James Inhofe (OK)* – Ranking Member Jack Reed (RI) John McCain (AZ) (FL) Jeff Sessions (AL) Claire McCaskill (MO) Saxby Chambliss (GA) Mark Udall (CO) Roger Wicker (MS) Kay Hagan (NC) Kelly Ayotte (NH) Mark Begich (AK) Deb Fischer (NE) (WV) Lindsey Graham (SC) Jeanne Shaheen (NH) David Vitter (LA) Kirsten Gillibrand (NY) Roy Blunt (MO Richard Blumenthal (CT) Mike Lee (UT) Ted Cruz (TX) Joe Donnelly (IN) Tim Kaine (VA) Angus King (ME)

* McCain is term-limited and Inhofe is in line to become the new ranking member (assuming he relinquishes the ranking member position in the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.)

AIRLAND SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Lieberman (CT) – Chairman Brown (MA)– Ranking Member McCaskill (MO) Inhofe (OK) Machin (WV) Sessions (AL) Gillibrand (NY) Wicker (MS) Blumenthal (CT) Vitter (LA)

EMERGING THREATS AND CAPABILITIES SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Hagan (NC) – Chairman Portman (OH) – Ranking Member Reed (RI) Chambliss (GA) Udall (CO) Graham (SC) Manchin (WV) Cornyn (TX) Shaheen (NH) Gillibrand (NY)

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PERSONNEL SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Webb (VA) – Chairman Graham (SC) – Ranking Member McCaskill (MO) Chambliss (GA) Hagan (NC) Ayotte (NH) Begich (AK) Vitter (LA) Bluementhal (CT) Collins (ME)

READINESS AND MANAGEMENT SUPPORT SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans McCaskill (MO) – Chairwoman Ayotte (NH) – Ranking Member Udall (CO) Inhofe (OK) Begich (AK) Chambliss (GA) Manchin (WV) Portman (OH) Shaheen (NH) Collins (ME) Grahan (SC) Cornyn (TX)

SEAPOWER SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Reed (RI) – Chairman Wicker (MS) – Ranking Member Hagan (NC) Sessions (AL) Blumenthal (CT) Ayotte (NH) Collins (ME)

STRATEGIC FORCES SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Nelson (NE) – Chairman Sessions (AL) – Ranking Member Reed (RI) Inhofe (OK) Udall (CO) Wicker (MS) Begich (AK) Portman (OH) Shaheen (NH) Cornyn (TX) Gillibrand (NY) Vitter (LA)

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Democrats Republicans Tim Johnson (SD) – Chairman Mike Crapo (ID)* – Ranking Member Jack Reed (RI) Richard Shelby (AL) Charles Schumer (NY) Bob Corker (TN) Robert Menendez (NJ) David Vitter (LA) Sherrod Brown (OH) Mike Johanns (NE) Jon Tester (MT) Pat Toomey, (PA) Mark Warner (VA) Mark Kirk, (IL) Jeff Merkley (OR) Jerry Moran, (KS) Kay Hagan (NC) Tom Coburn (OK) Joe Manchin (WV) Dean Heller (NV) Elizabeth Warren (MA) Heidi Heitkamp (ND) * Shelby will likely leave to become ranking member of the Appropriations Committee and Crapo will likely succeed him as ranking member of the Banking Committee.

ECONOMIC POLICY SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Tester (MT) – Chairman Vitter (LA) – Ranking Member Warner (VA) Wicker (MS) Hagan (NC) Johanns (NE)

Johnson (SD)

FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Brown (OH) – Chairman Corker (TN) – Ranking Member Reed (RI) Moran (KS) Schumer (NY) Crapo (ID) Menendez (NJ) Johanns (NE) Tester (MT) Toomey (PA) Merkley (OR) Vitter (LA) Hagan (NC)

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HOUSING, TRANSPORTATION, AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Menendez (NJ) – Chairman DeMint (SC) – Ranking Member Reed (RI) Crapo (ID) Schumer (NY) Corker (TN) Brown (OH) Toomey (PA) Tester (MT) Kirk (IL) Merkley (OR) Moran (KS) Bennet (CO) Wicker (MS)

SECURITIES, INSURANCE, AND INVESTMENT SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Reed (RI) – Chairman Crapo (ID) – Ranking Member Schumer (NY) Toomey (PA) Menendez (NJ) Kirk (IL) Warner (VA) Corker (TN) Merkley (OR) Vitter (LA) Bennet (CO) Moran (KS) Hagan (NC) Wicker (MS) Johnson (SD)

SECURITY AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Warner (VA) – Chairman Johanns (NE) – Ranking Member Brown (OH) Kirk (IL) Bennet (CO) Johnson (SD)

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Democrats Republicans Patty Murray (WA)* – Chairman Jeff Sessions (AL) – Ranking Member Ron Wyden (OR) Chuck Grassley (IA) Bill Nelson (FL) Michael Enzi (WY) Debbie Stabenow (MI) Mike Crapo (ID) Bernie Sanders (I-VT) Lindsey Graham (SC) Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) Rob Portman (OH) Mark R. Warner (VA) Pat Toomey (PA) Jeff Merkley (OR) Ron Johnson (WI) Chris Coons (DE) Kelly Ayotte (NH) Tammy Baldwin (WI) Roger Wicker (MS) Tim Kaine (VA) Angus King (ME) * Murray is next in line to become chairman.

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Democrats Republicans John Rockefeller (WV) – Chairman John Thune (SD) * John Kerry (MA) Roger Wicker (MS) Barbara Boxer (CA) Roy Blunt (MO) Bill Nelson (FL) (FL) Maria Cantwell (WA) Kelly Ayotte (NH) Frank Lautenberg (NJ) Dean Heller (NV) Mark Pryor (AR) Dan Coats (IN) Tim Scott (SC) Claire McCaskill (MO) Ted Cruz (TX) Amy Klobuchar (MN) Deb Fischer (ND) Mark Warner (VA) Ron Johnson (WI) Mark Begich (AK) Richard Blumenthal (CT) Brian Schatz (HI)

AVIATION OPERATIONS, SAFETY, AND SECURITY SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Cantwell (WA) - Chairman Thune (SD) – Ranking Member Boxer (CA) Wicker (MS) Nelson (FL) Isakson (GA) Lautenberg (NJ) Blunt (AR) Klobuchar (MN) Boozman (AR) Udall (NM) Toomey (PA) Warner (VA) Heller (NV) Begich (AK)

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COMMUNICATIONS, TECHNOLOGY, AND THE INTERNET SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Kerry (MA) – Chairman Thune (SD) Inouye (HI) Wicker (MS) Boxer (CA) Isakson (GA) Nelson (FL) Blunt (MO) Cantwell (WA) Boozman (AR) Lautenberg (NJ) Toomey (PA) Pryor (AR) Rubio (FL) McCaskill (MO) Ayotte (NH) Klobuchar (MN) Heller (NV) Udall (NM) Warner (VA) Begich (AK)

COMPETITIVENESS, INNOVATION, AND EXPORT PROMOTION SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Klobuchar (MN) – Chairman Blunt (MO) – Ranking Member Kerry (MA) Thune (SD) Cantwell (WA) Boozman (AR) Pryor (AR) Ayotte (NH) Udall (NM) Heller (NV) Warner (VA) Begich (AK)

CONSUMER PROTECTION, PRODUCT SAFETY, AND INSURANCE SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Pryor (AR) – Chairman Toomey (PA) – Ranking Member Kerry (MA) Thune (SD) Boxer (CA) Boozman (AR) McCaskill (MO) Wicker (MS) Klobuchar (MN) Heller (NV) Udall (NM)

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OCEANS, ATMOSPHERE, FISHERIES, AND COAST GUARD SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Begich (AK) – Chairman Snowe (ME) -– Ranking Member Inouye (HI) Wicker (MS) Kerry (MA) Isakson (GA) Nelson (FL) Boozman (AR) Cantwell (WA) Rubio (FL) Lautenberg (NJ) Ayotte (NH) Klobuchar (MN) Heller (NV) Warner (VA)

SCIENCE AND SPACE SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Nelson (FL) – Chairman Boozman (AR) – Ranking Member Inouye (HI) Wicker (MS) Kerry (MA) Rubio (FL) Cantwell (WA) Ayotte (NH) Pryor (AR) Heller (NV) Warner (VA)

SURFACE TRANSPORTATION AND MERCHANT MARINE INFRASTRUCTURE, SAFETY, AND SECURITY SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Lautenberg (NJ) – Chairman Wicker (MS) – Ranking Member Inouye (HI) Thune (SD) Kerry (MA) Isakson (GA) Boxer (CA) Blunt (MO) Cantwell (WA) Boozman (AR) Pryor (AR) Toomey (PA) McCaskill (MO) Rubio (FL) Klobuchar (MN) Ayotte (NH) Udall (NM) Heller (NV) Warner (VA) Begich (AK)

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Democrats Republicans Ron Wyden (OR)* – Chairman Lisa Murkowski (AK) – Ranking Member Tim Johnson (SD) John Barrasso (WY) Mary Landrieu (LA) James E. Risch (ID) Maria Cantwell (WA) Mike Lee (UT) Bernard Sanders (I-VT) Dean Heller (NV) Debbie Stabenow (MI) Jeff Flake (AZ) Tim Scott (SC) Mark Udall (CO) Lamar Alexander (TN) Al Franken (MN) Rob Portman (OH) Joe Manchin (WV) John Hoeven (ND) Christopher Coons (DE)

Mazie Hirono (HI) Martin Heinrich (NM) * Wyden is next in line to become chairman.

ENERGY SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Cantwell (WA) – Chairman Risch (ID) – Ranking Member Wyden (OR) Barrasso (WY) Johnson (SD) Lee (UT) Landrieu (LA) Paul (KY) Sanders (I-VT) Coats (IN) Udall (CO) Portman (OH) Shaheen (NH) Hoeven (ND) Franken (MN) Corker (TN) Manchin (WV) Coons (DE)

NATIONAL PARKS SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Udall (CO) – Chairman Paul (KY) – Ranking Member Landrieu (LA) Barrasso (WY) Sanders (I-VT) Coats (IN) Stabenow (MI) Portman (OH) Franken (MN) Heller (NV) Manchin (WV) Corker (TN) Coons (DE)

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PUBLIC LAND AND FORESTS SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Wyden (OR) – Chairman Barrasso (WY) – Ranking Member Johnson (SD) Risch (ID) Landrieu (LA) Lee (UT) Cantwell (WA) Paul (KY) Udall (CO) Portman (OH) Shaheen (NH) Hoeven (ND) Franken (NM) Heller (NV) Coons (DE)

WATER AND POWER SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Shaheen (NH) – Chairman Lee (UT) – Ranking Member Wyden (OR) Risch (ID) Johnson (SD) Coats (IN) Cantwell (WA) Hoeven (ND) Sanders (I-VT) Heller (NV) Stabenow (MI) Corker (TN) Manchin (WV)

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Democrats Republicans Barbara Boxer (CA) – Chairman David Vitter (LA)* – Ranking Member Max Baucus (MT) James Inhofe (OK) Thomas Carper (DE) John Barrasso (WY) Frank Lautenberg (NJ) Jeff Sessions, (AL) Benjamin Cardin (MD) Mike Crapo (ID) Bernard Sanders (VT) Roger Wicker (MS) Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) John Boozman, (AR) Tom Udall (NM) Deb Fischer (NE) Jeff Merkley (OR) Kirsten Gillibrand (NY) * If Inhofe moves to become the new ranking member of the Armed Services Committee, which is expected, Vitter is next in line to be ranking member of the Environment & Public Works Committee.

CHILDREN’S HEALTH SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Udall (NM) – Chairman Alexander (TN) – Ranking Member Whitehouse (RI) Vitter (LA) Gillibrand (NY)

CLEAN AIR AND NUCLEAR SAFETY SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Carper (DE) – Chairman Barrasso (WY) – Ranking Member Baucus (MT) Vitter (LA) Lautenberg (NJ) Sessions (AL) Cardin (MD) Alexander (TN) Sanders (MI) Johanns (NE) Merkley (OR)

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GREEN JOBS AND THE NEW ECONOMY SUBCOMMITEE Democrats Republicans Sanders (VT) – Chairman Boozman (AR) – Ranking Member Carper (DE) Sessions (AL) Merkley (OR)

OVERSIGHT SUBCOMMITEE Democrats Republicans Whitehouse (RI) – Chairman Johanns (NE) – Ranking Member Cardin MD) Boozman (AR) Sanders (VT)

SUPERFUND, TOXICS AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Lautenberg (NJ) – Chairman Crapo (ID) – Ranking Member Baucus (MT) Alexander (TN) Carper (DE) Johanns (NE) Merkley (OR) Boozman (AR) Gillibrand (NY)

TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Baucus (MT) – Chairman Vitter (LA) – Ranking Member Carper (DE) Barrasso (WY) Lautenberg (NJ) Sessions (AL) Cardin (MD) Crapo (ID) Sanders (I-VT) Johanns (NE) Boozman (AR) Whitehouse (RI) Udall, Tom (NM)

WATER AND WILDLIFE SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Cardin (MD) – Chairman Sessions (AL) – Ranking Member Baucus (MT) Barrasso (WY) Lautenberg (NJ) Vitter (LA) Whitehouse (RI) Crapo (ID) Gillibrand (NY) Alexander (TN) Udall (NM)

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Democrats Republicans Max Baucus (MT) – Chairman Orrin Hatch (UT) - Ranking Member John Rockefeller (WV) Chuck Grassley (IA) John Kerry (MA) Mike Crapo (ID) Ron Wyden (OR) Pat Roberts (KS) Charles Schumer (NY) Michael Enzi (WY) Debbie Stabenow (MI) John Cornyn (TX) Maria Cantwell (WA) John Thune, (SD) Bill Nelson (FL) Burr, Richard (NC) Robert Menendez (NJ) Johnny Isakson (GA) Thomas Carper (DE) Rob Portman (OH) Ben Cardin (MD) Patrick Toomey (PA) Sherrod Brown (OH) Michael Bennet (CO)

ENERGY, NATURAL RESOURCES, AND INFRASTRUCTURE Democrats Republicans Bingaman (NM) – Chairman Cornyn (TX) – Ranking Member Rockefeller (WV) Grassley (IA) Kerry (MA) Roberts (KS) Cantwell (WA) Enzi (WY) Nelson (FL) Thune (SD) Carper (DE) Burr (NC)

FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ECONOMIC GROWTH SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Nelson (FL) – Chairman Crapo (ID) – Ranking Member Baucus (MT) Coburn (OK) Burr (NC)

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HEALTH CARE SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Rockefeller (WV) – Chairman Grassley (IA) – Ranking Member Kerry (MA) Roberts (KS) Wyden (OR) Enzi (WY) Stabenow (MI) Cornyn (TX) Cantwell (WA) Coburn (OK) Menendez (NJ) Burr (NC) Carper (DE) Cardin (MD)

INTERNATIONAL TRADE, CUSTOMS, AND GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Wyden (OR) – Chairman Thune (SD) – Ranking Member Rockefeller (WV) Hatch (UT) Kerry (MA) Grassley (IA) Schumer (NY) Crapo (ID) Stabenow (MI) Roberts (KS) Nelson (FL) Menendez (NJ)

SOCIAL SECURITY, PENSIONS, AND FAMILY POLICY SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Stabenow (MI) – Chairman Coburn (OK) – Ranking Member Rockefeller (WV) Hatch (UT) Schumer (NY) Cardin (MD)

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TAXATION, IRS OVERSIGHT, AND LONG-TERM GROWTH SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Conrad (ND) – Chairman Kyl (AZ) – Ranking Member Baucus (MT) Crapo (ID) Kerry (MA) Roberts (KS) Schumer (NY) Enzi (WY) Wyden (OR) Cornyn (TX) Cantwell (WA) Coburn (OK) Nelson (FL) Thune (SD) Menendez (NJ) Carper (DE) Cardin (MD)

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Democrats Republicans John Kerry (MA) * – Chairman Bob Corker (TN)** – Ranking Member Barbara Boxer (CA) James Risch (ID) Robert Menendez (NJ) Marco Rubio (FL) Benjamin Cardin (MD) Ron Johnson (WI) Robert Casey (PA) Jeff Flake (AZ) Jeanne Shaheen (NH) John McCain (AZ) Christopher Coons (DE) John Barrasso (WY) Tom Udall (NM) Rand Paul (KY) Christopher Murphy (CT) Tim Kaine (VA) * Kerry has been nominated by President Obama for Secretary of Defense. If he is confirmed, either Boxer or Menendez could assume the chair. ** Corker is the next likely ranking member.

AFRICAN AFFAIRS SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Coons (DE) - Chairman Isakson (GA) – Ranking Member Cardin (MD) Inhofe (OK) Durbin (IL) Lee (UT) Udall (NM) Corker (TN)

EAST ASIAN AND PACIFIC AFFAIRS SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Webb (VA) – Chairman Inhofe (OK) – Ranking Member Boxer (CA) Risch (ID) Casey (PA) Barrasso (WY) Shaheen (NH) Rubio (FL) Coons (DE)

EUROPEAN AFFAIRS SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Shaheen (NH) – Chairman Barrasso (WY) – Ranking Member Cardin (MD) Risch (ID) Casey (PA) Corker (TN) Durbin (IL)

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INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS, HUMAN RIGHTS, DEMOCRACY, AND GLOBAL WOMEN’S ISSUES SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Boxer (CA) – Chairman DeMint (SC) Menendez (NJ) Inhofe (OK) Casey (PA) Isakson (GA) Shaheen (NH) Barrasso (WY) Durbin (IL)

NEAR EASTERN AND SOUTH AND CENTRAL ASIAN AFFAIRS SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Casey (PA) – Chairman Risch (ID) – Ranking Member Boxer (CA) Corker (TN) Menendez (NJ) Lee (UT) Cardin (MD) Rubio (FL) Coons (DE) Isakson (GA) Udall (NM)

WESTERN HEMISPHERE, PEACE CORPS AND NARCOTICS AFFAIRS SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Menendez (NJ) – Chairman Rubio (FL) – Ranking Member Boxer (CA) Lee (UT) Shaheen (NH) Isakson (GA) Udall (NM) Barrasso (WY)

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Democrats Republicans Tom Harkin (IA) – Chairman Lamar Alexander (TN)* – Ranking Member Barbara Mikulski (MD) Michael Enzi (WY) Patty Murray (WA) Richard Burr (NC) Bernard Sanders (VT) Johnny Isakson (GA) Robert Casey, Jr. (PA) Rand Paul (KY) Kay Hagan (NC) Orrin Hatch (UT) Al Franken (MN) Pat Roberts (KS) Michael Bennet (CO) Lisa Murkowski (AK) Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) Mark Kirk (IL) Tammy Baldwin (WI) Tim Scott (SC) Christopher Murphy (CT) Elizabeth Warren (MA) * Enzi is term-limited. Alexander is next in line to be ranking member.

CHILDREN AND FAMILIES SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Mikulski (MD) – Chairman Burr (NC) – Ranking Member Murray (WA) Alexander (TN) Sanders (VT) Isakson (GA) Casey (PA) Paul (KY) Hagan (NC) McCain (AZ) Merkley (OR) Roberts (KS) Franken (MN) Kirk (IL) Bennet (CO) Blumenthal (CT)

EMPLOYMENT AND WORKPLACE SAFETY SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Murray (WA) – Chairman Isakson (GA) – Ranking Member Franken (MN) Alexander (TN) Bennet (CO) Hatch (UT) Whitehouse (RI) Kirk (IL) Bluementhal (CT)

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PRIMARY HEALTH AND AGING SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Sanders (VT) – Chairman Paul (KY) – Ranking Member Mikulski (MD) Burr (NC) Casey (PA) Isakson (GA) Hagan (NC) Hatch (UT) Merkley (OR) Murkowski (AK) Whitehouse (RI)

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Democrats Republicans Thomas Carper (DE)* – Chairman Tom Coburn (OK) * – Ranking Member Carl Levin (MI) John McCain (AZ) Mark Pryor (AR) Ron Johnson (WI) Mary Landrieu (LA) Rob Portman (OH) Claire McCaskill (MO) Rand Paul (KY) Jon Tester (MT) Michael Enzi (WY) Mark Begich (AK) Kelly Ayotte (NH) Tammy Baldwin (WI) Heidi Heitkamp (ND) *Carper is next in line to be chairman. Coburn is next in line to be Ranking Member

DISASTER RECOVERY AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS SUBCOMMITTEE (AD HOC) Democrats Republicans Pryor (AR) – Chairman Paul (KY) – Ranking Member Landrieu (LA) Johnson (WI) Tester (MT)

FEDERAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, GOVERNMENT INFORMATION, FEDERAL SERVICES, AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Carper (DE) – Chairman Brown (MA) – Ranking Member Levin (MI) Coburn (OK) Pryor (AR) McCain (AZ) McCaskill (MO) Johnson (WI) Begich (AK) Portman (OH)

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OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT, THE FEDERAL WORKFORCE AND THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Akaka (HI) – Chairman Johnson (WI) – Ranking Member Levin (MI) Coburn (OK) Landrieu (LA) Moran (KS) Begich (AK)

PERMANENT SUBCOMMITTEE ON INVESTIGATIONS Democrats Republicans Levin (MI) – Chairman Coburn (OK) – Ranking Member Carper (DE) Collins (ME) Landrieu (LA) McCain (AZ) McCaskill (MO) Paul (KY) Tester (MT) Begich (AK)

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Democrats Republicans Maria Cantwell (WA)* – Chairman John Barrasso (WY) – Vice Chairman Tim Johnson (SD) John McCain (AZ) Jon Tester (MT) Lisa Murkowski (AK) Tom Udall (NM) John Hoeven (ND) Al Franken (MN) Michael Crapo (ID) Mark Begich (AK) Deb Fischer (NE) Brian Schatz (HI) Heidi Heitkamp (ND) * Cantwell is next in line to become chairman.

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Democrats Republicans Patrick Leahy (VT) – Chairman Chuck Grassley (IA) - Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (CA) Orrin Hatch (UT) Chuck Schumer (NY) Jeff Sessions (AL) Dick Durbin (IL) Lindsey Graham (SC) Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) John Cornyn (TX) Amy Klobuchar (MN) Mike Lee (UT) Al Franken (MN) Ted Cruz (TX) Christopher Coons (DE) Jeff Flake (AZ) Richard Blumenthal (CT) Mazie Hirono (HI)

ADMINISTRATIVE OVERSIGHT AND THE COURTS SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Klobuchar (MN) – Chairman Sessions (AL) – Ranking Member Leahy (VT) Grassley (IA) Whitehouse (RI) Lee (UT) Coons (DE) Coburn (OK)

ANTITRUST, COMPETITION POLICY AND CONSUMER RIGHTS SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Kohl (WI) – Chairman Lee (UT) – Ranking Member Schumer (NY) Grassley (IA) Klobuchar (MN) Cornyn (TX) Franken (MN) Blumenthal (CT)

THE CONSTITUTION SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Durbin (IL) – Chairman Graham (SC) – Ranking Member Leahy (VT) Cornyn (TX) Whitehouse (RI) Lee (UT) Franken (MN) Coburn (OK) Coons (DE) Blumenthal (CT)

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CRIME AND TERRORISM SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Whitehouse (RI) – Chairman Kyl (AZ) – Ranking Member Feinstein (CA) Hatch (UT) Durbin (IL) Sessions (AL) Klobuchar (MN) Graham (SC) Coons (DE)

PRIVACY, TECHNOLOGY, AND THE LAW Democrats Republicans Franken (MN) – Chairman Coburn (OK) – Ranking Member Schumer (NY) Hatch (UT) Whitehouse (RI) Graham (SC) Blumenthal (CT)

IMMIGRATION, REFUGEES AND BORDER SECURITY SUBCOMMITTEE Democrats Republicans Schumer (NY) – Chairman Cornyn (TX) – Ranking Member Leahy (VT) Grassley (IA) Feinstein (CA) Hatch (UT) Durbin (IL) Sessions (AL) Franken (MN) Blumenthal (CT)

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Democrats Republicans Charles Schumer (NY) – Chairman Thad Cochran (MS)* – Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (CA) Lamar Alexander (TN) Richard Durbin (IL) Mitch McConnell (KY) Patty Murray (WA) Saxby Chambliss (GA) Mark Pryor (AR) Pat Roberts (KS) Tom Udall (NM) Richard Shelby (AL) Mark Warner (VA) Roy Blunt (MO) Patrick Leahy (VT) Ted Cruz (TX) Angus King (ME)

* Alexander is term-limited and would likely move to ranking member of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, which would allow Cochran to become the ranking member. Cochran is term-limited as ranking member of the Appropriations Committee.


Democrats Republicans Mary Landrieu (LA) – Chairman David Vitter (LA) Carl Levin (MI) James Risch (ID)* - Ranking Member Tom Harkin (IA) Marco Rubio (FL) John Kerry (MA) Rand Paul (KY) Maria Cantwell (WA) Tim Scott (SC) Mark Pryor (AR) Deb Fischer (NE) Michael Enzi (WY) Ben Cardin (MD) Jeanne Shaheen (NH) Ron Johnson (WI) Kay Hagan (NC) Heidi Heitkamp (ND) * Risch is next in line to serve as ranking member of this committee, since Vitter will likely become ranking member on the Environment & Public Works Committee.

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Democrats Republicans Bernie Sanders (VT)* – Chairman Richard Burr (NC) – Ranking Member Jay Rockefeller (WV) Johnny Isakson (GA) Patty Murray (WA) Mike Johanns (NE) Sherrod Brown (OH) Jerry Moran (KS) Jon Tester (MT) John Boozman (AR) Mark Begich (AK) Dean Heller (NV) Richard Blumenthal (CT) Mazie Hirono (HI) * Murray will likely opt to chair the Budget Committee. Sanders is next in line since Rockefeller would likely remain as chairman of the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee.


Democrats Republicans Barbara Boxer (CA) – Chairman Johnny Isakson (GA) – Vice Chairman Mark Pryor (AR) Pat Roberts (KS) Sherrod Brown (OH) James Risch (ID)


Democrats Republicans Dianne Feinstein (CA) – Chairman Saxby Chambliss (GA) – Vice Chairman John Rockefeller (WV) Richard Burr (NC) Ron Wyden (OR) Jim Risch (ID) Barbara Mikulski (MD) Dan Coats (IN) Mark Udall (CO) Marco Rubio (FL) Mark Warner (VA) Susan Collins (ME) Martin Heinrich (NM) Tom Coburn (OK) Angus King (ME)

Neither the Ethics Committee nor the Select Committee on Intelligence have announced their rosters yet.

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Democrats Republicans Bill Nelson (FL)* - Chairman Bob Corker (TN)– Ranking Member Ron Wyden (OR) *Mark Kirk (IL) Bob Casey (PA) Susan Collins (ME) Claire McCaskill (MO) Orrin Hatch (UT) Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) Dean Heller (NV) Kirsten Gillibrand (NY) Jeff Flake (AZ) Joe Manchin (WV) Kelly Ayotte (NH) Tim Scott (SC) Richard Blumenthal (CT) Tammy Baldwin (WI) Ted Cruz (TX) Joe Donnelly (IN) Elizabeth Warren (MA)

* Nelson is next in line as chairman. Assuming Corker leaves to serve as ranking member of the Foreign Relations Committee, Kirk is next in line to succeed him as ranking member.

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House Committees Please Note: Some of the full Committee rosters in the House have been finalized, while none of the Subcommittee rosters have been finalized. See the footnotes at the bottom of each full committee chart for an indication of finalization. At the full Committee level, the listed Chairmen and Ranking Members reflect what is expected for the 113th Congress. For Subcommittees, however, the listed Chairman and Ranking Members simply carry forward information from the 112th Congress, since the rosters are not yet finalized for the 113th Congress. We will continue to update the rosters as new information is forthcoming, particularly during the week of January 14.


Republicans Democrats Frank Lucas (OK) – Chairman Collin Peterson (MN) – Ranking Member Bob Goodlatte (VA) Mike McIntyre (NC) Steve King (IA) David Scott (GA) Randy Neugebauer (TX) Jim Costa (CA) Rep. Mike Rogers (AL) Tim Walz (MN) K. Michael Conaway (TX) Kurt Schrader (OR) Glenn Thompson (PA) Marcia Fudge (OH) Bob Gibbs (OH) Jim McGovern (MA) Austin Scott (GA) Suzan DelBene(WA) Scott Tipton (CO) Gloria Negrete McLeod (CA) Steve Southerland (FL) Filemon Vela (TX) Rick Crawford (AR) Michelle Lujan Grisham (NM) Martha Roby (AL) Ann Kuster (NH) Scott DesJarlais (TN) Rick Nolan (MN) Chris Gibson (NY) Pete Gallego (TX) Vicky Hartzler (MO) William Eynart (IL) (WI) Juan Vargas (CA) Kristi Noem (SD) Cheri Bustos (IL) Dan benishek (MI) Sean Patrick Maloney (NY) Two vacancies, as of 1/8/13, to be filled in Jeff Denham (CA) coming weeks Doug LaMalfa (CA) Richard Hudson (ND) Rodney Davis (IL) Chris Collins (NY) Ted Yoho (FL)

The majority has finalized its roster, but the minority still needs to fill two vacancies.

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CONSERVATION, ENERGY, AND FORESTRY SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Thompson (PA) – Chairman Schrader (OR) – Ranking Member Goodlatte (VA) Owens (NY) Stutzman (IN) McIntyre (NC) Gibbs (OH) Costa (CA) Tipton (CO) Walz (MN) Southerland II (FL) Pingree (ME) Roby (AL) Fudge (OH) Huelskamp (KS) Sablan (CNMI) Hultgren (IL) Ribble (WI) Noem (SD)

DEPARTMENT OPERATIONS, OVERSIGHT, AND CREDIT SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Fortenberry (NE) – Chairman Fudge (OH) – Ranking Member King (IA) McGovern (MA) Crawford (AR) Baca (CA) Noem (SD)

GENERAL FARM COMMODITIES AND RISK MANAGEMENT SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Conaway (TX) - Chairman Boswell (IA) - Ranking Member King (IA) McIntyre (NC) Neugebauer (TX) Walz (MN) Gibbs (OH) McGovern (MA) Scott (GA) Scott (GA) Crawford (AR) Courtney (CT) Roby (AL) Welch (VT) Huelskamp (KS) Sewell (AL) Ellmers (NC) Gibson (NY) Hultgren (IL) Hartzler (MO)

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NUTRITION AND HORTICULTURE SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Schmidt (OH) - Chairman Baca (CA) - Ranking Member King (IA) Pingree (ME) Rooney (FL) Sablan (CNMI) Southerland II (FL) Crawford (AR)

LIVESTOCK, DAIRY AND POULTRY SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Rooney (FL) - Chairman Scott (GA) – Ranking Member Goodlatte (VA) Courtney (CT) King (IA) Baca (CA) Neugebauer (TX) Schrader (OR) Conaway (TX) Owens (NY) Huelskamp (KS) DesJarlais (TN) Gibson (NY) Ribble (WI) Noem (SD)

RURAL DEVELOPMENT, BIOTECHNOLOGY, SPECIALTY CROPS, AND FOREIGN AGRICULTURE SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Johnson (IL) - Chairman Costa (CA) - Ranking Member Thompson (PA) Cuellar (TX) Stutzman (IN) Welch (VT) Scott (GA) Sewell (AL) Hultgren (IL) Hartzler (MO)

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HOUSE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS Republicans Democrats Hal Rogers (KY) – Chairman Nita M. Lowey (NY) – Ranking Member (FL) Marcy Kaptur (OH) Frank Wolf (VA) Peter J. Visclosky (IN) Jack Kingston (GA) Jose E. Serrano (NY) Rodney Frelinghuysen (NJ) Rosa DeLauro (CT) Tom Latham (IA) James P. Moran (VA) Robert Aderholt (AL) Ed Pastor (AZ) Jo Ann Emerson (MO) David E. Price (NC) Kay Granger (TX) Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA) Michael Simpson (ID) Sam Farr (CA) John Culberson (TX) Chaka Fattah (PA) (FL) Sanford D. Bishop Jr. (GA) John Carter (TX) (CA) Rodney Alexander (LA) Adam B. Schiff (CA) Ken Calvert (CA) Michael M. Honda (CA) Jo Bonner (AL) Betty McCollum (MN) Tom Cole (OK) Steve Israel (NY) Mario Diaz-Balart (FL) Tim Ryan (OH) Charlie Dent (PA) Dutch Ruppersberger (MD) Cynthia Lummis (WY) (FL) Tom Graves (GA) Kevin Yoder (KS) Steve Womack (AR) Alan Nunnelee (MS) Jamie Herrera Beutler (WA) Chuck Fleischmann (TN) Jeff Fortenberry (NE) David Joyce (OH) Thomas Rooney (FL) David Valadao (CA)

Neither the majority nor the minority have finalized their rosters yet. Finalization is expected to occur, according to the committee, the week of January 14.

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AGRICULTURE, RURUAL DEVELOPMENT, FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION AND RELATED AGENCIES SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Kingston (GA) – Chairman Farr (CA) - Ranking Member Latham (IA) DeLauro (CT) Emerson (MO) Bishop (GA) Aderholt (AL) Kaptur (OH) Lummis (WY) Nunnelee (MS) Graves (GA)

COMMERCE, JUSTICE AND SCIENCE, AND RELATED AGENCIES SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Wolf (VA) – Chairman Fattah (PA) - Ranking Member Culberson (TX) Schiff (CA) Aderholt (AL) Honda (CA) Bonner (AL) Serrano (NY) Austria (OH) Graves (GA) Yoder (KS)

DEFENSE SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Young (FL) – Chairman Dicks (WA)- -Ranking Member Frelinghuysen (NJ) Visclosky (IN) Jack Kingston (GA) Moran (VA) Granger (TX) Kaptur (OH) Crenshaw (FL) Rothmen (NJ) Calvert (CA) Bonner (AL) Cole (OK)

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ENERGY AND WATER SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Frelinghuysen (NJ) – Chairman Visclosky (IN) - Ranking Member Lewis (CA) Pastor (AZ) Simpson (ID) Fattah (PA) Rehberg (MT) Olver (MA) Alexander (LA) Womack (AR) Nunnelee (MS)

FINANCIAL SERVICES AND GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Emerson (MO) – Chairman Serrano (NY) - Ranking Member Alexander (LA) Lee (CA) Bonner (AL) Visclosky (IN) Diaz-Balart (FL) Pastor (AZ) Graves (GA) Yoder (KS) Womack (AR)

HOMELAND SECURITY SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Aderholt (AL) – Chairman Price (NC). - Ranking Member Carter (TX) Roybal-Allard (CA) Culberson (TX) Lowey (NY) Frelinghuysen (NJ) Olver (MA) Latham (IA) Crenshaw (FL) Dent (PA)

INTERIOR, ENVIRONMENT AND RELATED AGENCIES SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Simpson (ID) – Chairman Moran (VA) - Ranking Member Lewis (CA) McCollum (MN) Calvert (CA) Hinchey (NY) La Tourette (OH) Serrano (NY) Cole (OK) Flake (AZ) Lummis (WY)

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LABOR, HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES, EDUCATION, AND RELATED AGENCIES SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Rehberg (MT) – Chairman DeLauro (CT) - Ranking Member Lewis (CA) Lowey (NY) Alexander (LA) Jackson Jr. (IL) Kingston (GA) Roybal-Allard (CA) Granger (TX) Lee (CA) Simpson (ID) Flake (AZ) Lummis (WY)

LEGISLATIVE BRANCH SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Crenshaw (FL) – Chairman Honda (CA) - Ranking Member La Tourette (OH) Price (NC) Emerson (MO) Bishop Jr. (GA) Rehberg (MT) Calvert (CA)

MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, VETERANS AFFAIRS AND RELATED AGENCIES SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Culberson (TX) – Chairman Bishop Jr. (GA) - Ranking Member Young, Bill (FL) Farr (CA) Carter (TX) McCollum (MN) Flake (AZ) Moran (VA) Austria (OH) Yoder (KS) Nunnelee (MS)

STATE, FOREIGN OPERATIONS AND RELATED PROGRAMS SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Granger (TX) – Chairman Lowey (NY) - Ranking Member Lewis (CA) Jackson Jr. (IL) Wolf (VA) Schiff (CA) Cole (OK) Diaz-Balart (FL) Dent (PA)

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TRANSPORTATION, HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, AND RELATED AGENCIES SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Latham (IA) – Chairman Olver (MA) Wolf (VA) Pastor (AZ) Carter (TX) Kaptur (OH) La Tourette (OH) Price (NC) Diaz-Balart (FL) Dent (PA) Womack (AR)

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Republicans Democrats Howard “Buck” McKeon (CA) – Chairman Adam Smith (WA) - Ranking Member Mac Thornberry (TX) Loretta Sanchez (CA) Walter B. Jones (NC) Mike McIntyre (NC) J. Randy Forbes (VA) Robert A. Brady (PA) Jeff Miller (FL) Robert E. Andrews (NJ) Joe Wilson (SC) Susan A. Davis (CA) Frank A. LoBiondo (NJ) Jim Langevin (RI) Rob Bishop (UT) Rick Larsen (WA) Michael Turner (OH) Jim Cooper (TN) John Kline (MN) Madeleine Z. Bordallo, Guam Mike Rogers (AL) Joe Courtney (CN) Trent Franks (AZ) Dave Loebsack (IA) Bill Shuster (PA) Niki Tsongas (MA) K. Michael Conaway (TX) Chellie Pingree (ME) Doug Lamborn (CO) Bill Owens (NY) Rob Wittman (VA) John Garamendi (CA) Duncan Hunter (CA) Tim Ryan (OH) John C. Fleming (LA) C.A. Dutch Ruppersburger (MD) Mike Coffman (CO) Hank Johnson (GA) Scott Rigell (VA) Colleen Hanabusa, (HI) Chris Gibson (NY) Jackie Speier (CA) Vicky Hartzler (MO) Ron Baraber (AZ) Joe Heck (NV)

Jon Runyan (NJ)

Austin Scott (GA) Tim Griffin (AR)

Steven Palazzo (MS) Martha Roby (AL) Mo Brooks (AL) Richard Nugent (FL) Kristi Noem (ND) Paul Cook (CA) Jim Bridenstine (OK) Brad Wenstrup (OH) Jackie Walorski (IN)

The majority has finalized its full committee roster, but the minority has not. Finalization for the minority is expected to occur the week of January 14.

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AIR AND LAND SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Bartlett (MD) - Chairman Reyes (TX) LoBiondo (NJ) McIntyre (NC) Fleming (LA) Cooper (TN). Rooney (FL) Tsongas (MA) Hartzler (MO) Owens (NY) Runyan (NJ) Garamendi (CA) Roby (AL) Speier (CA) Jones (NC)

Wilson (SC) Turner (OH) Shuster (PA) Lamborn (CO)

MILITARY PERSONNEL SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Wilson (SC) - Chairman Davis (CA) - Ranking Member Jones (NC) Brady (PA) Coffman (CO) Bordallo (GU) Rooney (FL) Loebsack (IA) Heck (NV) Tsongas (MA) Scott (GA) Pingree (ME) Hartzler (MO)

OVERSIGHT AND INVESTIGATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Wittman (VA) - Chairman Cooper (TN) - Ranking Member Conaway (TX) Andrews (NJ) Brooks (AL) Hanabusa (HA) Young (IN) Rooney (FL) Coffman (CO)

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READINESS SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrat Forbes (VA) - Chairman Bordallo (GU) - Ranking Member Rogers (AL) Courtney (CT) Heck (NV) Loebsack (IA) Scott (GA) Owens (NY) LoBiondo (NJ) Ryan (OH) Gibson (NY) Hanabusa (HA) Hartzler (MO) Speier (CA) Runyan (NJ) Griffin (AR) Roby (AL)

Palazzo (MS) Roby (AL)

SEAPOWER AND EXPEDITIONARY FORCES SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrat Akin (MO) McIntyre (NC)- Ranking Member Hunter (CA) Davis (CA) Coffman (CO) Langevin (RI) Rigell (VA) Larsen (WA) Griffin (AR) Courtney (CT) Palazzo (MS) Pingree (ME) Young (IN) Johnson (GA) Forbes (VA) Wittman (VA)

STRATEGIC FORCES SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrat Turner (OH) - Chairman Sanchez (CA)- Ranking Member Franks (AZ) Langevin, (RI) Lamborn (CO) Larsen (WA) Brooks (AL) Garamendi (CA) Thornberry (TX) Barber (AZ) Rogers (AL) Fleming (LA) Rigell (VA) Scott (GA)

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EMERGING THREATS AND CAPABILITIES SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Thornberry (TX) Chairman Langevin (RI) - Ranking Member Miller (FL) Sanchez (CA) Kline (MN) Andrews (NJ) Shuster (PA) Davis (CA) Conaway (TX) Ryan (OH) Gibson (NY) Johnson (GA) Franks (AZ) Barber (AZ) Hunter (CA)

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Republicans Democrats (WI) – Chairman* Chris Van Hollen (MD) - Ranking Member Scott Garrett (NJ) Allyson Y. Schwartz (PA) Mike Simpson (ID) Marcy Kaptur (OH) John Campbell (CA) Lloyd Doggett (TX) Ken Calvert (CA) Earl Blumenauer (OR) Tom Cole (OK) Betty McCollum (MN) Tom Price (GA) John Yarmuth (KY) Tom McClintock (CA) Bill Pascrell Jr. (NJ) Jason Chaffetz (UT) Michael M. Honda (CA) (IN) Tim Ryan (OH) James Lankford (OK) Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL) Diane Black (TN) Gwen Moore (WI) Reid Ribble (WI) (FL) Bill Flores (TX) Karen Bass (CA) Mick Mulvaney (SC) Suzanne Bonamici (OR) Tim Huelskamp (KS) (IN) Justin Amash (MI) (IN) Rob Woodall (GA) * Rep. Ryan will be granted a waiver (he is term-limited) to return as Chairman. Otherwise, neither the majority nor the minority have finalized their full committee rosters. Finalization is expected to occur the week of January 14.

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Republicans Democrats John Kline (MN) – Chairman George Miller (CA) - Ranking Member Tom Petri (WI) Robert E. Andrews (NJ) Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (CA) Bobby C. Scott (VA) Joe Wilson (SC) Rubén Hinojosa (TX) Virginia Foxx (NC) Carolyn McCarthy (NY) Tom Price (GA) John F. Tierney (MA) Kenny Marchant (TX) Rush D. Holt (NJ) Duncan Hunter (CA) Susan A. Davis (CA) Phil Roe (TN) Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ) Glenn Thompson (PA) Timothy H. Bishop (NY) Tim Walberg (MI) Dave Loebsack (IW) Matt Salmon (AZ) Joe Courtney (CT) Brett Guthrie (KY) Marcia Fudge (OH) Scott DesJarlais (TN) Todd Rokita (IN) (CO) (IN) Gregorio Sablan (MP) Trey Gowdy (SC) John Yarmuth (KY) Lou Barletta (PA) (FL) Martha Roby (AL) Suzanne Bonamici (OR) Joe Heck (NV) Susan Brooks (RN) Richard Hudson (NC) Luke Messer (IN)

Both the majority and minority have finalized their full committee rosters.

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EARLY CHILDHOOD, ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Hunter (CA). - Chairman Scott (VA) Kline (MN) McCarthy (NY) Petri (WI) Holt (NJ) Biggert (IL) Davis (CA) Platts (PA) Grijalva (AZ) Foxx (NC) Hirono (HI) Goodlatte (VA) Woolsey (CA) Hanna (NY) Fudge (OH) Barletta (PA) Noem (SD) Roby (AL) Kelly (PA)

HEALTH, EMPLOYMENT, LABOR, AND PENSIONS SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Roe (TN) - Chairman Andrews (NJ) - Ranking Member Wilson (SC) Kucinich (OH) Thompson (PA) Loebsack, (IA) Walberg (MI) Kildee (MI) DesJarlais (TN) Hinojosa (TX) Hanna (NY) McCarthy (NY) Rokita (IN) Tierney (MA) Bucshon (IN) Holt (NJ) Barletta (PA) Scott (VA) Noem (SD) Altmire (PA) Roby (AL) Heck (NV) Ross (FL)

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HIGHER EDUCATION, LIFELONG LEARNING, AND COMPETITIVENESS SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Foxx, (NC) - Chairwoman Hinojosa (TX) - Ranking Member Kline (MN) Tierney (MA) Petri(WI) Bishop (NY) McKeon (CA) Andrews (NJ) Biggert (IL) Davis (CA) Roe (TN) Grijalva (AZ) Thompson (PA) Loebsack (IA) Hanna (NY) George Miller (CA) Bucshon (IN) Altmire (PA) Barletta (PA) Heck (NE)

WORKFORCE PROTECTIONS SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Walberg (MI) - Chairman Woolsey (CA) Kline (MN) Kucinich (OH) Goodlatte (VA) Bishop (NY) Rokita (IN) Hirono (HI) Bucshon (IN) Miller (CA) Gowdy (SC) Fudge (OH) Noem (SD)

Ross (FL) Kelly (PA)

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Republicans Democrats Fred Upton (MI) – Chairman Henry A. Waxman (CA) - Ranking Member Ralph Hall (TX) John D. Dingell (MI) Joe Barton (TX) Edward J. Markey (MA) Ed Whitfield (KY) Frank Pallone Jr. (NJ) John Shimkus (IL) Bobby L. Rush (IL) Joseph Pitts (PA) Anna G. Eshoo (CA) Greg Walden (OR) Eliot L. Engel (NY) Lee Terry (NE) Gene Green (TX) Mike Rogers (MI) Diana DeGette (CO) Tim Murphy (PA) Lois Capps (CA) Michael Burgess (TX) Mike Doyle (PA) Marsha Blackburn (TN) Jan Schakowsky (IL) Phil Gingrey (GA) Jim Matheson (UT) Steve Scalise (LA) G.K. Butterfield (NC) Robert Latta (OH) John Barrow (GA) Cathy McMorris Rogers (WA) Doris Matsui (CA) Greg Harper (MS) Donna Christensen (VI) Leonard Lance (NJ) Kathy Castor (FL) Bill Cassidy (LA) John Sarbanes (MD) Brett Guthrie (KY) Jerry McNerney (CA) Pete Olsen (TX) Bruce Braley (IA) David McKinley (WV) Peter Welch (VT) Ben Ray Lujan (NM) Cory Gardner (CO) Paul Tonko (NY) (KS) Adam Kinzinger (IL) Morgan Griffith (VA) (FL) Bill Johnson (OH) Billy Long (MO) Renee Ellmers (NC)

Both the majority and minority have finalized their full committee rosters.

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COMMERCE, MANUFACTURING AND TRADE SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Bono Mack (CA) – Chairman Butterfield (NC) - Ranking Member Blackburn (TN) – Vice Chair Matheson (UT) Harper (MS) Dingell (MI) Lance (NJ) Rush (IL) Cassidy (LA) Schakowsky (IL) Guthrie (KY) Sarbanes (MD) Olson (TX) McKinley (WV) Pompeo (KS) Kinzinger (IL) Barton (TX)

COMMUNICATIONS AND TECHNOLOGY SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Walden (OR) – Chairman Eshoo (CA) - Ranking Member Terry (NE) – Vice Chair Markey (MA) Shimkus (IL) Doyle (PA) Rogers (MI) Matsui (CA) Blackburn (TN) Barrow (GA) Gingrey (GA) Christensen (VI) Scalise (LA) Pallone (NJ) Latta (OH) Rush (IL) Guthrie (KY) DeGette (CO) Kinzinger (IL) Barton (TX)

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ENERGY AND POWER SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Whitfield (KY) – Chairman Rush (IL) - Ranking Member Sullivan (OK) – Vice Chair Castor (FL) Shimkus (IL) Sarbanes (MD) Walden (OR) Dingell (MI) Terry (NE) Markey (MA) Burgess (TX) Engel (NY) Scalise (LA) Green (TX) McMorris Rodgers (WA) Capps (CA) Olson (TX) Doyle (PA) McKinley (WV) Gardner (CO) Pompeo (KS) Griffith (VA) Barton (TX)

ENVIRONMENT AND THE ECONOMY SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Shimkus (IL) – Chairman Green (TX) - Ranking Member Murphy (PA) – Vice Chair Butterfield (NC) Whitfield (KY) Barrow (GA) Pitts (PA) Matsui (CA) Latta (OH) Pallone (NJ) McMorris Rodgers (WA) DeGette (CO) Harper (MS) Capps (CA) Cassidy (LA) Dingell (MI) Gardner (CO) Barton (TX)

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HEALTH SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Pitts (PA) – Chairman Pallone Jr. (NJ) - Ranking Member Burgess (TX) – Vice Chair Dingell (MI) Whitfield (KY) Engel (NY) Shimkus (IL) Capps (CA) Rogers (MI) Schakowsky (IL) Murphy (PA) Matheson (UT) Blackburn (TN) Waxman (CA) Gingrey (GA) Latta (OH) McMorris Rodgers (WA) Lance (NJ) Cassidy (LA) Guthrie (KY) Barton (TX)

OVERSIGHT AND INVESTIGATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Terry (NE) - Vice Chair – Communications & Technology DeGette (CO) - Ranking Member Murphy (PA) - Vice Chairman – Environment & Economy Schakowsky (IL) Burgess (TX) - Vice Chairman - Health Castor (FL) Blackburn (TN) - Vice Chair – Commerce, Manufacturing & Trade Markey (MA) Gingrey (GA) Green (TX) Scalise (LA) Christensen (VI) Gardner (CO) Dingell (MI) Griffith (VA) Barton (TX)

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HOUSE COMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL SERVICES Republicans Democrats Jeb Hensarling (TX) - Chairman Maxine Waters (CA) – Ranking Member Gary G. Miller (CA) Carolyn B. Maloney (NY) Spencer Bachus (AL) Luis Gutierrez (IL) Peter T. King (NY) Nydia M. Velázquez (NY) Ed Royce (CA) Melvin Watt (NC) Frank D. Lucas (OK) Brad Sherman (CA) Shelley Moore Capito (WV) Gregory Meeks (NY) Scott Garrett (NJ) Michael Capuano (MA) Randy Neugebauer (TX) Rubén Hinojosa (TX) Patrick T. McHenry (NC) William Lacy Clay (MO) John Campbell (CA) Carolyn McCarthy (NY) Stephen Lynch (MA) Michele Bachmann (MN) David Scott (GA) Kevin McCarthy (CA) Al Green (TX) Steve Pearce (NM) Emanuel Cleaver II (MO) (FL) Gwen Moore (WI) Michael G. Fitzpatrick (PA) Keith Ellison (MN) Lynn Westmoreland (GA) Ed Perlmutter (CO) Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO) Jim Himes (CT) Bill Huizenga (MI) Gary Peters (MI) Sean P. Duffy (WI) John Carney (DE) James B. Renacci (OH) Terri Sewell (AL) Robert Hurt (VA) Bill Foster (IL) Michael G. Grimm (NY) Daniel Kildee (MI) Steve Stivers (OH) Patrick Murphy (FL) John Delaney (MD) Stephen Fincher (TN) Kyrsten Sinema (AZ) Martin Stutzman (IN) Joyce Beatty (OH) Mick Mulvaney (SC) Randy Hultgren (IL) (FL) Robert Pittenger (NC) Ann Wagner (MO) Garland “Andy” Barr (KY) Tom Cotton (AK)

Both the majority and minority have finalized their full committee rosters.

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CAPITAL MARKETS, INSURANCE AND GOVERNMENT SPONSORED ENTERPRISES SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Garrett (NJ) - Chairman Waters (CA) – Ranking Member Schweikert (AZ) - Vice Chairman Sherman (CA) King (NY) Hinojosa (TX) Royce (CA) Lynch (MA) Lucas (OK) Maloney (NY) Hensarling (TX) Moore (WI) Neugebauer (TX) Perlmutter (CO) Campbell (CA) Carson (IN) McCarthy (CA) Himes (CT) Pearce (NM) Peters (MI) Posey (FL) Green (TX) Fitzpatrick (PA) Ellison (MN) Hurt (VA) Grimm (NY) Stivers (OH) Canesco (TX)

DOMESTIC MONETARY POLICY AND TECHNOLOGY SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Paul (TX) – Chairman Clay (MO) - Ranking Member Jones (NC) - Vice Chairman Maloney (NY) Lucas (OK) Meeks (NY) McHenry (NC) Green (TX) Luetkemeyer (MO) Cleaver (MO) Huizenga (MI) Peters (MI) Schweikert (AZ)

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INTERNATIONAL MONETARY POLICY SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Miller (CA) - Chairman McCarthy (NY) - Ranking Member Campbell (CA) Moore (WI) Bachmann (MN) Carson, (IN) Huizenga (MI) Scott (GA) Perlmutter (CO)

FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND CONSUMER CREDIT SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Moore Capito (WV) - Chairman Maloney (NY) - Ranking Member Renacci (OH) Gutierrez (IL) Royce (CA) Watt (NC) Jones (NC) Hinojosa (TX) Hensarling (TX) McCarthy (NY) McHenry (NC) Baca (CA) McCarthy (CA) Scott (GA) Pearce (NM) Velázquez (NY) Westmoreland (GA) Meeks (NY) Luetkemeyer (MO) Lynch (MA) Huizenga (MI) Carney (DE) Duffy (WI) Grimm (NY) Fincher (TN)

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INSURANCE, HOUSING AND COMMUNITY OPPORTUNITY SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Biggert (IL). - Chairman Gutierrez (IL) - Ranking Member Hurt (VA) - Vice Chairman Waters (CA) Miller (CA) Velázquez (NY) Moore Capito (WV) Cleaver (MO) Garrett (NJ) Clay (MO) McHenry (NC) Watt (NC) Westmoreland (GA) Sherman (CA) Duffy (WI) Capuano (MA) Stivers (OH)

OVERSIGHT AND INVESTIGATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Neugebauer (TX) - Chairman Capuano (MA) - Ranking Member Fitzpatrick (PA) - Vice Chairman Lynch (MA) King (NY) Waters (CA) Bachmann (MN) Baca (CA) Pearce (NM) Ellison (MN) Posey (FL) Himes (CT) Renacci (OH) Carney (DE) Fincher (TN)

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Republicans Democrats Ed Royce (CA) - Chairman Howard L. Berman (CA) - Ranking Member Chris Smith (NJ) Eni F.H. Faleomavaega (AS) Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (FL) Brad Sherman (CA) Dana Rohrabacher (CA) Eliot L. Engel (NY) Steve Chabot (OH) Gregory W. Meeks (NY) Joe Wilson (SC) (NJ) Michael McCaul (TX) Gerald E. Connolly (VA) Ted Poe (TX) (FL) Matt Salmon (AZ) Brian Higgins (NY) Tom Marino (PA) Allyson Y. Schwartz (PA) Jeff Duncan (SC) Frederica S. Wilson (FL) Adam Kinzinger (IL) Karen Bass (CA) Mo Brooks (AL) William Keating (MA) Tom Cotton (AK) David Cicilline (RI) Paul Cook (CA) George Holding (NC) Randy Weber (TX) Scott Perry (PA) Steve Stockman (TX) Ron DeSantis (FL) Trey Radel (FL) Doug Collins (GA) Mark Meadows (NC) Ted Yoho (FL) Luke Messer (IN)

The majority has finalized their full committee roster, but the minority has not.

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AFRICA, GLOBAL HEALTH, AND HUMAN RIGHTS SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Smith (NJ) - Chairman Bass (CA) – Ranking Member Fortenberry (NE) - Vice Chairman Deutch (FL) Marino (PA)

ASIA AND THE PACIFIC SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Manzullo (R-IL) - Chairman Faleomavaega (AS) - Ranking Member Johnson (OH) Wilson (FL) Ed Royce (CA) Sherman (CA) Chabot (OH) Kelly (PA) - Vice Chairman Duncan (SC)

EUROPE AND EURASIA SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Burton (IN) – Chairman Meeks (NY) - Ranking Member Bilirakis (FL) Engel (NY) Griffin (AR) - Vice Chairman Sires (NJ) Marino (PA) Higgins (NY) Poe (TX)

OVERSIGHT AND INVESTIGATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Rohrabacher (CA) - Chairman Carnahan (MO) – Ranking Member Kelly (PA) Cicilline (RI) Poe (TX) - Vice Chairman Bass (CA)

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MIDDLE EAST AND SOUTH ASIA SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Chabot (OH) - Chairman Ackerman (NY) – Ranking Member Wilson (SC) Connolly (VA) Fortenberry (NE) Deutch (FL) Ellmers (NC) Higgins (NY) Rohrabacher (CA) Schwartz (PA) McCaul (TX) Keating (MA) Bilirakis (FL) Marino (PA)

TERRORISM, NONPROLIFERATION, AND TRADE SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Royce (CA). - Chairman Sherman (CA) - Ranking Member Poe (TX) Cicilline (RI) Duncan (SC) Connolly (VA) Johnson (OH) Schwartz (PA) Griffin (AR) Ellmers (NC)

WESTERN HEMISPHERE SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Mack (FL) - Chairman Engel (NY) - Ranking Member McCaul (TX) - Vice Chairman Sires (NJ) Smith (NJ) Faleomavaega (AS) Meeks (NY)

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Republicans Democrats Michael McCaul (TX) – Chairman Bennie Thompson (MS) - Ranking Member Lamar Smith (TX) Loretta Sanchez (CA) Peter King (NY) Sheila Jackson Lee (TX) Mike D. Rogers (AL) Yvette D. Clarke (NY) Paul Broun (GA) Brian Higgins (NY) Candice S. Miller (MI) Cedric L. Richmond (LA) Patrick Meehan (PA) William Keating (MA) Jeff Duncan (SC) Janice Hahn (CA) Tom Marino (PA) Ron Barber (AZ) Jason Chaffetz (UT) Donald Payne (NJ) Steven Palazzo (MS) Beto O’Rourke (TX) Lou Barletta (PA) Chris Stewart (UT) Tulsi Gabbard (HI) Keith Rothfus (PA) Richard Hudson (NC) Steve Daines (MT) Susan Brooks (IN)

Scott Perry (PA)

Both the majority and minority have finalized their full committee rosters.

BORDER, MARITIME AND GLOBAL COUNTERTERRORISM SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Miller (MI). - Chairman Cuellar (TX)- Ranking Member Rogers (AL) Sanchez (CA) McCaul (TX) Jackson Lee (TX) Broun (GA) Higgins (NY) Rigell (VA) Duncan (SC)

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COUNTERTERRORISM AND INTELLIGENCE SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Meehan (PA) - Chairman Higgins (NY) - Ranking Member Broun (GA) - Vice Chairman Sanchez (CA) Rigell (VA) Hahn (CA) Long (MO) Barber (AZ)

CYBERSECURITY, INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION AND SECURITY TECHNOLOGY SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Lungren (CA) - Chairman Clarke (NY) - Ranking Member McCaul (TX) Richardson (CA) Walberg (MI) - Vice Chairman Richmond (LA) Meehan (PA) Keating (MA) Long (MO)

Marino (PA)

EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS, RESPONSE AND COMMUNICATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Bilirakis (FL) - Chairman Richardson (CA) - Ranking Member Rigell (VA) Marino (PA) - Vice Chairman Farenthold (TX)

OVERSIGHT, INVESTIGATIONS AND MANAGEMENT SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats McCaul (TX) - Chairman Keating (MA) - Ranking Member Bilirakis (FL) Clarke (NY) Long (MO) - Vice Chairman Davis (IL) Duncan (SC) Marino (PA)

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TRANSPORTATION SECURITY SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Rogers (AL) - Chairman Jackson Lee (TX) - Ranking Member Walberg (MI) Davis (IL)

Richmond (LA) Barber (AZ)

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Republicans Democrats Candice Miller (MI) Robert A. Brady (PA) - Ranking Member Gregg Harper (MS) Zoe Lofgren (CA) Phil Gingrey (GA) Aaron Shock (IL) (FL) Todd Rokita (IN)

The majority has finalized its full committee roster, but the minority has not.

OVERSIGHT SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Gingrey (GA) - Chairman Lofgren (CA) - Ranking Member Schock (IL) Nugent (FL) Rokita (IN)

ELECTIONS SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Harper (MS) – Chairman Gonzalez (TX) - Ranking Member Schock (IL) Brady (PA) Nugent (FL) Rokita (IN)

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Republicans Democrats Bob Goodlatte (VA)* - Chairman Jr. (MI) - Ranking Member Lamar Smith (TX) Jerrold Nadler (NY) James Sensenbrenner (WI) Bobby C. Scott (VA) Howard Coble (NC) Melvin Watt (NC) Steve Chabot (OH) Zoe Lofgren (CA) Darrell Issa (CA) Sheila Jackson Lee (TX) Randy Forbes (VA) Maxine Waters (CA) Steve King (IA) Steve Cohen (TN) Trent Franks (AZ) Hank Johnson (GA) Louie Gohmert (TX) Pedro R. Pierluisi (PR) Jim Jordan (OH) Mike Quigley (IL) Ted Poe (TX) Judy Chu (CA) Jason Chaffetz (UT) Ted Deutch (FL) Tim Griffin (AR) Linda T. Sánchez (CA) Tom Marino (PA) Jared Polis (CO) Trey Gowdy (SC) Mark Amodei (NV)

Neither the majority nor the minority have finalized their full committee rosters. They are expected to finalize during the week of January 14.

THE CONSTITUTION SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Franks (AZ) - Chairman Nadler (NY) - Ranking Member Chabot (OH) Quigley (IL) Forbes (VA) Conyers (MI) King (IA) Jordan (OH) Scott (VA)

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COURTS, COMMERCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE LAW SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Coble (NC) - Chairman Cohen (TN). - Ranking Member Gowdy (SC) - Vice Chairman Johnson (GA) Franks (AZ) Watt (NC) Ross (FL) Quigley (IL)

CRIME, TERRORISM AND HOMELAND SECURITY SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Sensenbrenner Jr. (WI) - Chairman Scott (VA) - Ranking Member Gohmert (TX) - Vice Chairman Cohen (TN) Goodlatte (VA) Johnson (GA) Forbes (VA) Pierluisi (PR) Poe (TX) Chu (CA) Chaffetz (UT) Deutch (FL) Griffin (AR) Jackson Lee (TX) Marino (PA) Quigley (IL) Gowdy (SC) Polis (CO) Amodei (NV)

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, COMPETITION AND THE INTERNET SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Goodlatte (VA) - Chairman Watt (NC) - Ranking Member Coble (NC) Conyers (MI) Sensenbrenner Jr. (WI) Chu (CA) Chabot (OH) Deutch (FL) Issa (CA) Sánchez (CA) Jordan (OH) Nadler (NY) Poe (TX) Lofgren (CA) Chaffetz (UT) Jackson Lee (TX) Griffin (AR) Waters (CA) Marino (PA) Johnson (GA) Amodei (NV)

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IMMIGRATION POLICY AND ENFORCEMENT SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Gallegly (CA) - Chairman Lofgren (CA). - Ranking Member King (IA) – Vice Chairman Jackson Lee (TX) Gohmert (TX) Waters (CA) Poe (TX) Gowdy (SC) Pierluisi (PR) Ross (FL)

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Republicans Democrats Doc Hastings (WA) – Chairman Edward J. Markey (MA) - Ranking Member Rob Bishop (UT) Peter A. DeFazio (OR) Don Young (AK) Eni F.H. Faleomavaega (AS) John J. "Jimmy" Duncan Jr. (TN) Frank Pallone Jr. (NJ) Louie Gohmert (TX) Grace F. Napolitano (CA) Doug Lamborn (CO) Rush D. Holt (NJ) Rob Wittman (VA) Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ) Paul Broun (GA) Madeleine Z. Bordallo (GU) John Fleming (LA) Jim Costa (CA) Mike Coffman (CO) Gregorio Kilili Camacho Sablan (MP) Tom McClintock (CA) Ben Ray Luján (NM) Glenn Thompson (PA) Niki Tsongas (MA) Jeff Denham (CA) Pedro R. Pierluisi (PA) Dan Benishek (MI) John Garamendi (CA) Jeff Duncan (SC) Colleen Hanabusa (HI) Scott Tipton (CO) Paul Tonko (NY) Paul Gosar (AZ) Raúl R. Labrador (ID) Kristi Noem (SD) Steve Southerland II (FL) Bill Flores (TX) Andy Harris (MD) Jeff Landry (LA) Jon Runyan (NJ) Bill Johnson (OH) Mark Amodei (NV)

Neither the majority nor the minority have finalized their full committee rosters yet. Finalization is expected to occur sometime during the week of January 8.

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ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Lamborn (CO) - Chairman Holt (NJ) - Ranking Member Gohmert (TX) DeFazio (OR) Broun (GA) Bordallo (GU) Fleming (LA) Costa (CA) Coffman (CO) Boren (OK) Thompson (PA) Sablan (MP) Benishek (MI) Heinrich (NM) Rivera (FL) Sutton (OH) Duncan (SC) Tsongas (MA) Gosar (AZ) Tonko (NY) Flores (TX) Landry (LA) Johnson (OH) Amodei (NV)

FISHERIES, WILDLIFE, OCEANS, AND INSULAR AFFAIRS SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Fleming (LA) - Chairman Sablan (MP) - Ranking Member Young (AK) Faleomavaega (AS) Wittman (VA) Pallone Jr. (NJ) Duncan (SC) Bordallo (GU) Southerland II (FL) Pierluisi (PR) Flores (TX) Hanabusa (HI) Harris (MD) Boren (OK) Landry (LA) Runyan (NJ)

INDIAN AND ALASKA NATIVE SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Young (AL) - Chairman Luján (NM) McClintock (CA) Kildee (MI) Denham (CA) Faleomavaega (AS) Benishek (MI) Hanabusa (HI) Gosar (AZ) Grijalva (AZ) Labrador (ID) Noem (SD)

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NATIONAL PARKS, FORESTS AND PUBLIC LANDS SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Bishop (UT) - Chairman Grijalva (AZ) - Ranking Member Young (AK) Kildee (MI) Duncan (TN) DeFazio (OR) Lamborn (CO) Holt (NJ) Broun (GA) Heinrich (NM) Coffman (CO) Sutton (OH) McClintock (CA) Tsongas (MA) Rivera (FL) Garamendi (CA) Tipton (CO) Labrador (ID) Noem (SD) Johnson (OH) Amodei (NV)

WATER AND POWER SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats McClintock (CA) - Chairman Napolitano (CA) - Ranking Member Gohmert (TX) Costa (CA) Denham (CA) Luján (NM) Tipton (CO) Garamendi (CA) Gosar (AZ) Tonko (NY) Labrador (ID) Noem (SD)

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Republicans Democrats Darrell Issa (CA) – Chairman Elijah E. Cummings (MD) - Ranking Member John L. Mica (FL) Carolyn B. Maloney (NY) Michael Turner (OH) Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC) Patrick T. McHenry (NC) John F. Tierney (MA) Jim Jordan (OH) William Lacy Clay (MO) Jason Chaffetz (UT) Stephen F. Lynch (MA) Tim Walberg (MI) Jim Cooper (TN) James Lankford (OK) Gerald E. Connolly (VA) Justin Amash (MI) Mike Quigley (IL) Paul Gosar (AZ) Danny K. Davis (IL) Rául R. Labrador (ID) Bruce Braley (IA) Pat Meehan (PA) Peter Welch (VT) Scott DesJarlais (TN) John Yarmuth (KY) Trey Gowdy (SC) Jackie Speier (CA) Dennis Ross (FL) Blake Farenthold (TX) Mike Kelly (PA)

Neither the majority nor the minority have finalized their full committee rosters yet. Finalization is expected to occur sometime during the week of January 14.

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FEDERAL WORKFORCE, US POSTAL SERVICE AND LABOR SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Ross (FL) - Chairman Lynch (MA) - Ranking Member Amash (MI) - Vice Chairman Holmes Norton (DC) Chaffetz (UT) Connolly (VA) Gowdy (SC) Davis (IL) Jordan (OH) Walberg (MI)

GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION, EFFICIENCY, AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Platts (PA) – Chairman Towns (NY) – Ranking Member Lankford (OK) Cooper (TN) Amash (MI) Connolly (VA) Gosar (AZ) Holmes Norton (DC) Farenthold (TX)

HEALTHCARE, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, CENSUS, AND THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Gowdy (SC) – Chairman Davis (IL) - Ranking Member Gosar (AZ) - Vice Chairman Holmes Norton (DC) Mica (FL) Clay (MO) McHenry (NC) DesJarlais (TN)

NATIONAL SECURITY, HOMELAND DEFENSE AND FOREIGN OPERATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Chaffetz (UT) - Chairman Tierney (MA) - Ranking Member Labrador (ID) - Vice Chairman Braley (IA) Mica (FL) Welch (VT) Turner (OH) Yarmuth (KY) Gosar (AZ) Lynch (MA) Farenthold (TX) Quigley (IL)

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REGULATORY AFFAIRS, STIMULUS OVERSIGHT AND GOVERNMENT SPENDING SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Jordan (OH) - Chairman Kucinich (OH) – Ranking Member Labrador (ID) Cooper (TN) DesJarlais (TN) Speier (CA) Kelly (PA) Braley (IA)

TARP, FINANCIAL SERVICES AND BAILOUTS OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PROGRAMS SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats McHenry (NC) - Chairman Quigley (IL) - Ranking Member Amash (MI) Maloney (NY) Meehan (PA) Welch (VT) Gowdy (SC) Yarmuth (KY) Ross (FL) Speier (CA) Cooper (TN)

TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION POLICY, INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS AND PROCUREMENT REFORM SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Lankford (OK) - Chairman Connolly (VA) - Ranking Member Kelly (PA) - Vice Chairman Lynch (MA) Chaffetz (UT) Speier (CA) Walberg (MI) Labrador (ID) Meehan (PA) Farenthold (TX)

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Republicans Democrats Pete Sessions (TX)* Louise M. Slaughter (NY) - Ranking Member Virginia Foxx (NC) Jim McGovern (MA) Rob Bishop (UT) Alcee L. Hastings (FL) Tom Cole (OK) Jared Polis (CO) Rob Woodall (GA) Rich Nugent (FL) Daniel Webster (FL) Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (FL) Michael Burgess (TX)

Both the majority and the minority have finalized their full committee rosters.

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HOUSE COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Republicans Democrats Lamar Smith (TX) - Chairman Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX) - Ranking Member Ralph M. Hall (TX) Zoe Lofgren (CA) F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (WI) Daniel Lipinski (IL) Dana Rohrabacher (CA) Donna Edwards (MD) Frank D. Lucas (OK) Ben Ray Luján (NM) Randy Neugebauer (TX) Donna Edwards (MD) Michael McCaul (TX) Paul Tonko (NY) Paul Broun (GA) Jerry McNerney (CA) Steven M. Palazzo (MS) Terri A. Sewell (AL) Mo Brooks (AL) Frederica S. Wilson (FL) Andy Harris (MD) Suzanne Bonamici (OR) Randy Hultgren (IL) Larry Bucshon (IN) Steve Stockman (TX) Bill Posey (FL) Cynthia Lummis (WY) David Schweikert (AZ) Thomas Massie (KY) Kevin Cramer (ND) Jim Bridenstine (OK) Randy Weber (TX) Chris Stewart (UT)

The majority has finalized its full committee roster, but the minority has not.

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ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Harris (MD) - Chairman Miller (NC) – Ranking Member Rohrabacher (CA) Luján (NM) Lucas (OK) Tonko (NY) Neugebauer (TX) Lofgren (CA) Broun (GA) McNerney (CA) Fleischmann (TN)

INVESTIGATIONS AND OVERSIGHT SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Broun (GA) - Chairman Tonko (NY) – Ranking Member Sensenbrenner (WI) Lofgren (CA) Hultgren (IL) Miller (NC) Bucshon (IN) McNerney (CA) Benishek (MI)

RESEARCH AND SCIENCE EDUCATION SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Brooks (AL) - Chairman Lipinski (IL) - Ranking Member Palazzo (MA) Clarke (MI) Harris (MD) Sewell (AL) Hultgren (IL) Bonamici (OR) Bucshon (IN) Benishek (MI)

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SPACE AND AERONAUTICS SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Palazzo (MS) - Chairman Costello (IL) – Ranking Member Sensenbrenner (WI) Sewell (AL) Smith (TX) Edwards (MD) Rohrabacher (CA) Wilson (FL) Lucas (OK) McCaul (TX) Rigell (VA) Brooks (AL)

TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION Republicans Democrats Quayle (AZ) Edwards (MD) – Ranking Member Smith (TX) Wilson (FL) Neugebauer (TX) Lipinski (IL) McCaul (TX) Luján (NM) Fleischmann (TN) Bonamici (OR) Rigell (VA) Hultgren (IL)

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Republicans Democrats Sam Graves (MO) - Chairman Nydia M. Velázquez (NY) - Ranking Steve Chabot (OH) Member Steve King (IA) Kurt Schrader (OR) Mike Coffman (CO) Yvette D. Clarke (NY) Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO) Judy Chu (CA) Mick Mulvaney (SC) David Cicilline (RI) Scott Tipton (CO) Cedric L. Richmond (LA) Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA) Janice Hahn (CA) Richard Hanna (NY) Gary Peters (MI) Tim Huelskamp (KS) Bill Owens (NY) David Schweikert (KS) William Keating (MA) Kerry Bentivolio (MI) Chris Collins (NY) Tom Rice (SC)

The majority has finalized its full committee roster, but the minority has not.

CONTRACTING AND WORKFORCE SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Mulvaney (SC) – Chairman Chu (CA) – Ranking Member King (IA) Schrader (OR) Coffman (CO) Clarke (NY) Richmond (LA) Landry (LA) Ellmers (NC) Barletta (PA)

ECONOMIC GROWTH, TAX, AND CAPITAL ACCESS SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Walsh (IL) – Chairman Schrader (OR) – Ranking Member Chabot (OH) Clarke (NY) King (IA) Cicilline (RI) Chu (CA) Coffman (CO) Peters (MI) Mulvaney (SC) Hanna (NY)

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INVESTIGATIONS, OVERSIGHT, AND REGULATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Coffman (CO) – Chairman Schrader (OR) Tipton (CO) Hahn (CA) Landry (LA) Herrera Beutler (WA) Hanna (NY)

HEALTHCARE AND TECHNOLOGY SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Ellmers (NC) - Chairman Richmond (LA) – Ranking Member King (IA) Gary Peters (D-MI) Mulvaney (SC) Tipton (CO) Beutler (WA) Hanna (NY)

AGRICULTURE, ENERGY, AND TRADE SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Tipton (CO) – Chairman Critz (PA) – Ranking Member King (IA) Cicilline (RI) Landry (LA) Keating (MA) Ellmers (NC) Chu (CA) Barletta (PA)

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Republicans Democrats Jo Bonner (AL)* – Chairman Linda T. Sánchez (CA) - Ranking Member Michael McCaul (TX) John Yarmuth (KY) Mike Conaway (TX) Donna Edwards (MD) Charles Dent (PA) Pedro R. Pierluisi (PR) Gregg Harper (MS) Joe Courtney (CT) * Bonner is not term-limited, but he has announced he may vacate the chairmanship. Neither the majority nor the minority have finalized their full committee rosters yet.

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Republicans Democrats Bill Shuster (PA)* – Chairman Nick J. Rahall II (WV) - Ranking Member Don Young (AK) Peter A. DeFazio (OR) Thomas E. Petri (WI) Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC) Howard Coble (NC) Jerrold Nadler (NY) John J. Duncan, Jr. (TN) (FL) (FL) Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX) Frank A. LoBiondo (NJ) Elijah E. Cummings (MD) Gary Miller (CA) Rick Larsen (WA) Sam Graves (MO) Michael E. Capuano (MA) Shelley Moore Capito (WV) Timothy H. Bishop (NY) Candice Miller (MI) Michael H. Michaud (ME) Duncan Hunter (CA) Grace F. Napolitano (CA) Andy Harris (MD) Daniel Lipinski (IL) Rick Crawford (AR) Tim Walz (MN) Lou Barletta (PA) Steve Cohen (TN) Blake Farenthold (TX) Laura Richardson (CA) Larry Bucshon (IN) Albio Sires (NJ) Bob Gibbs (OH) Donna Edwards (MD) Patrick Meehan (PA) Richard Hanna (NY) Daniel Webster (PA) Steve Southerland (FL) Jeff Denham (CA) Reid Ribble (WI) Thomas Massie (KY) Steve Daines (MT) Tom Rice (SC) Markwayne Mullin (OK) Roger Williams (TX) Trey Radel (FL) Mark Meadows (NC) Scott Perry (PA) Rodney Davis (IL)

The majority has finalized its full committee roster, but the minority has not. Minority finalization is expected sometime during the week of January 14.

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AVIATION SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Petri (WI) - Chairman Costello (IL) – Ranking Member Coble (NC) Lipinski (IL Duncan (TN) DeFazio (OR) LoBiondo (NJ) Johnson (TX) Graves (MO) Capuano (MA) Hultgren (IL) Cohen (TN) Farenthold (TX) Holmes Norton (DC) Long (MO) Meehan (PA) Southerland II (FL) Lankford (OK) Ribble (WI) Fleischmann (TN)

COAST GUARD AND MARITIME TRANSPORTATION SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats LoBiondo (NJ) - Chairman Larsen (WA) - Ranking Member Young, (AK) Cummings (MD) Coble (NC) Brown (FL) Harris (MD) Bishop (NY) Farenthold (TX) Michaud (ME) Landry (LA). - Vice Chairman

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Denham (CA) - Chairman Holmes Norton (DC) - Ranking Member Crawford (AR) - Vice Chairman Michaud (ME) Hultgren (IL) Walz (MN) Barletta (PA) Edwards (MD) Gibbs (OH) Meehan (PA) Hanna (NY) Fleischmann (TN)

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HIGHWAYS AND TRANSIT SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Duncan (TN) - Chairman DeFazio (OR) - Ranking Member Young (AK) Nadler (NY) Petri (WI) Capuano (MA) Coble (NC) Michaud (ME) LoBiondo (NJ) Napolitano (CA) Miller (CA) Walz (MN) Graves (MO) Cohen (TN) Shuster (PA) Richardson (CA) Moore Capito (WV) Sires (NJ) Miller (MI) Edwards (MD) Harris (MD) Bernice Johnson (TX) Crawford (AR) Cummings (MD) Herrera Beutler (WA) Barletta (PA) Farenthold (TX) Bucshon (IN) Long (MO) Gibbs (OH) Hanna (NY) - Vice Chairman Southerland (FL)

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RAILROADS, PIPELINES AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Shuster (PA) - Chairman Brown (FL) - Ranking Member Miller (CA) Nadler (NY) Graves (MO) Larsen (WA) Moore Capito (WV) Bishop (NY) Miller (MI) Michaud (ME) Herrera Beutler (WA) Napolitano (CA) Hultgren (IL) Lipinski (IL) Barletta (PA) Walz (MN) Bucshon (IN) Richardson (CA) Long (MO) Sires (NJ) Meehan (PA) DeFazio (OR) Hanna (NY) Landry (LA) Denham (CA) Ribble (WI) Fleischmann (TN)

WATER RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Gibbs (OH)- Chairman Bishop (NY) - Ranking Member Young (AK) Holmes Norton (DC) Duncan (TN) Edwards (MD) Miller (CA) Brown (FL) Shuster (PA) Bernice Johnson (TX) Moore Capito (WV) Capuano (MA) Miller (MI) Napolitano (CA) Hunter (CA) Cohen (TN) Harris (MD) Richardson (CA) Crawford (AR) Hirono (HI) Herrera Beutler (WA) - Vice Chairman Bucshon (IN) Landry (LA) Denham (CA) Lankford (OK) Ribble (WI)

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Republicans Democrats Jeff Miller (FL) - Chairman Corrine Brown (FL)* – Ranking Member Doug Lamborn (CO)* Michael H. Michaud (ME) Gus Bilirakis (FL) Linda T. Sánchez (CA) Phil Roe (TN) Bruce Braley (IA) Bill Flores (TX) Jerry McNerney (CA) Jeff Denham (CA) Tim Walz (MN) Jon Runyan (NJ) John Barrow (GA) Dan Benishek (MI) Tim Huelskamp (KS)

Mark Amodei (NV)

* Brown is next in line to be ranking member. Neither the majority nor the minority have finalized their full committee rosters yet.

DISABILITY ASSISTANCE AND MEMORIAL AFFAIRS SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Runyan (NJ) - Chairman McNerney (CA) - Ranking Member Lamborn (CO) Barrow (GA) Stutzman (IN) Michaud (ME) Walz (MN)

ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Stutzman (IN) - Chairman Braley (IA) - Ranking Member Bilirakis (FL) Sánchez (CA) Johnson (OH) Walz (MN) Huelskamp (KS) Denham (CA)

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HEALTH SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Buerkle (NY) - Chairman Michaud (ME) - Ranking Member Bilirakis (FL) Brown (FL) Roe (TN) Benishek (MI) Denham (CA) Runyan (NJ)

OVERSIGHT AND INVESTIGATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Bill Johnson (OH) - Chairman Donelly (IN) - Ranking Member Lamborn (CO) McNerney (CA) Roe (TN) Barrow (GA) Benishek (MI) Filner (CA) Flores (TX)

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Republicans Democrats Dave Camp (MI) – Chairman Sander Levin (MI) – Ranking Member Sam Johnson (TX) Charles B. Rangel (NY) Kevin Brady (TX) Jim McDermott (WA) Paul Ryan (WI) John Lewis (GA) Devin Nunes (CA) Richard E. Neal (MA) Pat Tiberi (OH) Xavier Becerra (CA) Dave Reichert (WA) Lloyd Doggett (TX) Charles Boustany (LA) Mike Thompson (CA) Peter Roskam (IL) John B. Larson (CT) Jim Gerlach (PA) Earl Blumenauer (OR) Tom Price (GA) Ron Kind (WI) (FL) Bill Pascrell Jr. (NJ) Adrian Smith (NE) Joseph Crowley (NY) Aaron Schock (IL) Allyson Schwartz (PA) Lynn Jenkins (KS) Danny Davis (IL) Linda Sanchez (CA) Erik Paulsen (MN)

Kenny Marchant (TX) Diane Black (TN) Tom Reed (NY) Todd Young (IN) Mike Kelly (PA) Tim Griffin (AR)

Both the majority and the minority have finalized their rosters.

HEALTH SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Herger (CA) - Chairman Stark (CA) - Ranking Member Johnson (TX) Thompson (CA) Ryan (WI) Kind (WI) Nunes (CA) Blumenauer (OR) Reichert (WA) Pascrell Jr. (NJ) Roskam (IL) Gerlach (PA) Price (GA) Buchanan (FL)

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HUMAN RESOURCES SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Paulsen (MN) Doggett (TX) - Ranking Member Reed (NY) McDermott (WA) Price (GA) Lewis (GA) Black (TN) Crowley (NY) Boustany (LA)

OVERSIGHT SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Boustany (LA) - Chairman Lewis (GA) - Ranking Member Black (TN) Becerra (CA) Schock (IL) Kind (WI) Jenkins (KS) McDermott (WA) Marchant (TX) Reed (NY) Paulsen (MN)

SELECT REVENUE MEASURES SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Tiberi (OH) - Chairman Neal (MA) - Ranking Member Roskam (IL) Thompson (CA) Paulsen (MN) Larson (CT) Boustany (LA) Marchant (TX) Gerlach (PA)

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SOCIAL SECURITY SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Johnson (TX) – Chairman Becerra (CA) - Ranking Member Brady (TX) Doggett (TX) Tiberi (OH) Schock (IL) Smith, Adrian (NE) Marchant (TX)

TRADE SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Brady (TX) - Chairman McDermott (WA) - Ranking Member Reichert (WA) Neal (MA) Nunes (CA) Doggett (TX) Buchanan (FL) Crowley (NY) Smith, Adrian (NE) Larson (CT) Schock (IL) Jenkins (KS)

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Republicans Democrats Mike Rogers (MI) - Chairman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (MD) – Ranking Member William M. "Mac" Thornberry (TX) Mike Thompson (CA) Jeff Miller (FL) Jan Schakowsky (IL) K. Michael Conaway (TX) Jim Langevin (RI) Peter T. King, (NY) Adam B. Schiff (CA) Frank A. LoBiondo (NJ) Luis Gutierrez, (IL) Devin Nunes (CA) Lynn Westmoreland (GA) Michele Bachmann (MN) Tom Rooney (FL) Joe Heck (NV)

Neither the majority nor the minority have finalized their rosters yet.

TERRORISM, HUMAN INTELLIGENCE POLICY SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Myrick (NC) - Chairman Thompson (CA) - Ranking Member Conaway (TX) Gutierrez (IL) King (NY) LoBiondo (NJ) Rooney (FL)

OVERSIGHT SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Westmoreland (GA) - Chairman Schakowsky (IL) - Ranking Member Miller (FL) Thompson (CA) Nunes (CA) Bachmann (MN) Rooney (FL)

TECHNICAL AND TACTICAL INTELLIGENCE SUBCOMMITTEE Republicans Democrats Heck (NV) - Chairman Schiff (CA) - Ranking Member Thornberry (TX) Langevin (RI) LoBiondo (NJ) Nunes (CA) Bachmann (MN)

Copyright © 2012 K&L Gates Page 128 PUBLIC POLICY AND LAW PRACTICE

For nearly four decades, K&L Gates has helped clients solve their critical legal, policy, and political problems in the national’s capital—on Capitol Hill, at the agencies, and in the courts. In August 2012, K&L Gates was ranked among the top five law firms in theNational Law Journal’s Influence 50 survey. Virtually every sector of the economy is and Attorney General of the United States, Knowledge and Experience affected by the government. Fates, futures, and key former Democratic and Republican and bottom lines often shift substantially as counsels and staff to the House and Senate Our success is built on a philosophy a result of governmental decisions. Those leadership, Congressional committees and that emphasizes a deeply substantive and teamwork-based approach to public who can shape decisions have a competi- numerous Members of Congress. policy. Our goal is to understand a policy tive edge. To achieve their goals, companies Members of our team have worked in the issue from every direction—substantively and other organizations need timely and Executive Branch and regulatory agen- and politically—and to use the collective relevant information, and the ability to cies, including the U.S. Departments of knowledge and experience of our team to identify and access the right government Commerce, Defense, Energy, Justice, and help a client achieve its objectives. The officials about issues and proposed legisla- Transportation; Central Intelligence Agency, group is well positioned to consider a range tion or regulations that affect them. Federal Communications Commission; of legislative, regulatory and judicial options Office of Management and Budget, Office to benefit our clients. of the U.S. Trade Representative; Securities Public Policy and Law Team We offer innovative solutions, provide and Exchange Commission, and others. The Public Policy and Law group has more exceptional service, and deliver extraor- than 50 lawyers and policy professionals Members of the Public Policy and Law dinary results. That approach has worked with over 500 years of combined experi- group know what makes government tick in for nearly four decades, which is why the ence in federal and state government. Our Washington, D.C., as well as in states in key Public Policy and Law group has thrived bipartisan team members include: two regions of the country. through eight Administrations and former Congressmen, a former Governor 20 Congresses. “This firm combines access to many Ethics Guidance The Public Policy and Law group maintains an active government ethics counseling levels of government with a wide industry practice to help guide our clients through the maze of government requirements. The sector reach to form a prominent firm has written the book on government ethics—“A Guide To Political and Lobbying government relations practice.” Activities”—which includes advice on politi- cal fundraising, lobbying disclosure rules, Chambers USA 2012 Congressional and Executive Branch ethics. Areas of Practice K&L Gates has The Public Policy and Law group maintains specific practices in a range of substantive areas: the largest Policy • Aviation/Airport Policy practice of any • Congressional Investigations • Defense and Homeland Security fully integrated • Environmental Policy • Energy global law firm. • Export Compliance • Federal Funding • Financial Services Services • Fisheries Public policy and law services include, but are not limited to, the following: • Government Contracts and Procurement • Legislative monitoring and advocacy • Government Ethics and Election Law • Regulatory advocacy and implementation • Health Care Policy • Government procurement • Higher Education • Appropriations • Information Technology Policy • Administrative agency advocacy/ • International Trade grants and loans • Maritime • Political, ethics, and campaign • Michigan finance counseling “...one of the most • Nanotechnology • Pacific Northwest Public Service successful Public • Political and Legal Intelligence The Public Policy and Law group also has a long and cherished tradition of providing • Postal Industry Policy groups in pro bono representation. Among our most • State Policy practice satisfying representations is our work with – North Carolina Water Advocates to pass and fund the town...” Senator Paul Simon Water for the Poor Act – Pennsylvania of 2005. More than one billion people cur- Washington Post Capital – Texas rently lack access to clean drinking water, and each day water-related illnesses kill • Tax Business, December 2011 3,900 of the world’s children. The Water • Tax-Exempt Organizations for the Poor Act commits the United States • Telecom, Media, and Technology to promoting safe, affordable, and sustain- able drinking water and sanitation in the • Transportation developing world. A broad, bipartisan team of professionals from the Public Policy and Law group worked with Water Advocates to help draft and pass this legislation. In addition, the firm has worked to increase annual federal water aid funding to Learn more about our Public Policy and Law practice at klgates.com. $300 million. Contacts:

Mark Ruge Darrell Conner Partner Government Affairs Counselor +1.202.661.6231 +1.202.661.6220 [email protected] darrell.conner@klgates. 10046 Anchorage Austin Beijing Berlin Boston Brisbane Brussels Charleston Charlotte Dallas Doha Dubai Fort Worth Frankfurt Harrisburg Hong Kong London Los Angeles Melbourne Milan Moscow Newark New York Orange County Palo Alto Paris Perth Pittsburgh Portland Raleigh Research Triangle Park San Diego San Francisco São Paulo Seattle Seoul Shanghai Singapore Spokane Sydney Taipei Tokyo Warsaw Washington, D.C.

K&L Gates includes lawyers practicing out of 46 fully integrated offices located in North America, Europe, Asia, South America, Australia, and the Middle East, and represents numerous GLOBAL 500, FORTUNE 100, and FTSE 100 corporations, in addition to growth and middle market companies, entrepreneurs, capital market participants and public sector entities. For more information about K&L Gates or its locations and registrations, visit www.klgates.com.

This publication is for informational purposes and does not contain or convey legal advice. The information herein should not be used or relied upon in regard to any particular facts or circumstances without first consulting a lawyer.

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