Review of the Year the April 2008 – March 2009 NATIONAL GALLE Y
review of the year THE April 2008 – March 2009 NATIONAL GALLEY NGreview_texta-wa/w.indd 1 4/11/09 21:34:48 NGreview_texta-wa/w.indd 2 6/11/09 01:23:23 THE NATIONAL GALLEY review of the year April 2008 – March 2009 published by order of the trustees of the national gallery london 2009 NGreview_texta-wa/w.indd 3 6/11/09 01:23:31 Contents Introduction 5 Director’s Foreword 7 Michael Levey (1927–2008) 8 Acquisitions 12 Loans 18 Conservation 22 Framing 28 Exhibitions 34 Education 43 Scientific Research 46 Research and Publications 50 Private Support of the Gallery 54 Financial Information 58 National Gallery Company Ltd 60 Trustees and Committees of the National Gallery Board 62 NGreview_texta-wa/w.indd 4 4/11/09 21:34:52 the national gallery review of the year 2008 2009 – 5 introduction The year was dominated by the Gallery’s than had ever been paid by either institution for campaign, launched jointly with the National any work of art, it represented excellent value, Galleries of Scotland, to secure the funding and that the supreme importance of the painting of £50m required to acquire Titian’s great would be acknowledged by all who care for masterpiece Diana and Actaeon. Even before the Old Master paintings. The Art Fund was the first launch of the campaign in August, much work publicly to show its support for the campaign, had been done in London and Edinburgh to with the offer in early October 2008 of a grant arrive at an initial agreement with the owner of £1m, an unprecedented sum for it to give of the painting, the Duke of Sutherland, as to a single work.