Mammoth Park Rehabilitation- Site Development Landscape Architect: J.T
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SITE MASTER PLAN for Westmoreland County Parks and Recreation Mammoth Park Prepared by: JTSA Sports 264 Smith Township St. Road Suite 3 Burgettstown, PA 15021 412-787-1994 Westmoreland County Parks and Recreation Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................2-3 CHAPTER 1 COMMUNITY HISTORY....................................................................................4-5 MAMMOTH PARK HISTORY.............................................................................6-7 DEMOGRAPHICS AND CONCLUSION.............................................................8-10 CHAPTER 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS OVERVIEW.................................................................11-12 SOIL REVIEW...................................................................................................13-14 EXISTING SITE ELEMENT CONDITIONS...........................................................15-16 CONCLUSION..................................................................................................17-18 CHAPTER 3 DESIGN PROCESS OVERVIEW.........................................................................19-20 DISC GOLF......................................................................................................21 MAMMOTH SLIDE OPTIONS..........................................................................22-25 COMMUNITY INPUT.......................................................................................26-29 CONCLUSION..................................................................................................30 CHAPTER 4 FINAL MASTER PLAN OVERVIEW....................................................................31-33 MASTER PLAN ELEMENTS..............................................................................34-39 ESTIMATE OF PROBABLE COST........................................................................40 CONCLUSION...................................................................................................41 ATTACHMENT A- OPPORTUNITIES Mammoth Park Site Development Master Plan 1 Westmoreland County Parks and Recreation Executi ve Summary Mammoth Park is a 408 acre park tucked in between the communiti es of Mammoth, Calumet-Norvelt and Pleasant Unity located within Westmoreland County Pennsylvania. It is 8 miles from Latrobe and less than a 15 minute drive from Greensburg. This park is known for its natural beauty, its large fi shing lake, pavilion rentals, and Mammoth Slide. The locati on of this park and its central positi on within the center of populati on of Westmoreland County allows this park to remain a regional park and draw upon local residents as well as county wide use. The local surrounding demographics show an age bracket of +/- 21% under the age of 18. This demographic is the ideal target age group as they bring families to the park. The fi shing and trails provide a natural setti ng and plenty of recreati on opportuniti es, while the 2 baseball fi elds, 2 tennis courts, and deck hockey provide the 5-18 age bracket with acti ve recreati on and league play opportuniti es. There are 14 pavilions available for rental with locati ons spread throughout the park. From quiet secluded pavilions to pavilions next to the lake; there is something for every gathering and event opportunity. Mammoth Park provides a passive nature recreati on park with a touch of acti ve sports. Mammoth Park has something for all interests. This master plan focus is not on the redesign of Mammoth Park, nor for a park which has fallen in disrepair and in need of major overhauls for its conti nued use. This master plan is part of the standard and ongoing maintenance programing which all parks should have. This master plan’s purpose is up- grade for faciliti es and programming. Building a park is the easiest task in an overall park system. It is the maintenance, care, up-grades and programing, which take daily support and man-power, that makes the park. Too many top level parks are built each year only to become abandoned in 6 to 15 years aft er the equipment and the park fall into disarray. This is not the case for Mammoth Park. The proposed master plan looks at targeted up-grades in programing, equipment, and safety. For programming, a 9 hole disc golf has been proposed. This is a low impact and very cost eff ecti ve park element which is currently trending in popularity. This item consists of steel baskets on poles (holes) and a designati on sign (t-box) which shows the course and Par. Additi on of a Disc-Golf course, adds to the programing up-grade for the future success of this park with low cost impact. Equipment upgrades will be provided through the renovati on of the central playground and renovati ons of the tennis/deck hockey court. Playgrounds safety is an every evolving issue of codes and regulati ons. Playgrounds produced each year have newer and newer code and design concepts which make the older models fade in relevance quickly. Playgrounds are one of the most used items in a park, and used by the youngest park users. It is not required, but imperati ve to the future of a park that the playground be up-dated regularly and be safe. This master plan includes the replacement of the central playground and its needed up-grade. The tennis and deck hockey courts additi onally fall into the equipment upgrade category, as the courts need new surfacing and sports equipment to conti nue to provide functi oning and competi ti ve use. Cracks in the surface, older nets, and smooth playing surface are litt le items, but are the diff erence between empty courts and those used daily. These upgrade are recommended. Mammoth Park Site Development Master Plan 2 Westmoreland County Parks and Recreation Executi ve Summary...Conti nued Finally the safety upgrades. The safety upgrades fall upon one of the most popular recreati on att racti ons in the park, Mammoth Slide. The subject of many YouTube (tm) videos and the hot topic of public input. But unfortunately the slide is outdated and has documented injuries to users. It is imperati ve this slide be upgraded for the future of its associati on with this park, and its future success. Its upgrade creates a challenge; keep the excitement of Mammoth Slide, while creati ng a slide which is a safely meets 21st century standards. This park and its upgrades are part of the conti nued operati ons and maintenance plan for this park. These upgrades are not opti onal, but have great value in the future success and att racti on of this park. The goals are achievable; the park has the documented users to make this a reality; and, public support is present to help move this plan forward. It must be understood that without upgrades the park programs disappear and with that so do the park users. With no park users, the support which funds this park will also ulti mately disappear. Therefore, Mammoth Park upgrades are justi fi ed and will support on-going enjoyment for park visitors for years-to-come. Mammoth Park Site Development Master Plan 3 Chapter 1 Westmoreland County Community Analysis Westmoreland County Parks and Recreation Chapter 1: Community Analysis Community History Informati on taken from: Westmoreland County website ( and Wikipedia: Westmoreland County is located in southwestern Pennsylvania. Westmoreland County was founded on February 26, 1773 and was the fi rst county in the colony of Pennsylvania in which its enti re territorial boundary was located west of the Allegheny Mountains. The county is divided into thirds by four major traffi c routes which cross the county (Route 22, Route 30 and Interstate Route 70 and 76). Westmoreland County is primarily a rural county, however the county is approximately 13 miles from the City of Pitt sburgh on its western border and 6 miles from Johnstown, PA on its eastern Westmoreland County in PA boarder. Therefore, the most populated areas of the county are nearest Pitt sburgh in the Municipality of Murrysville and the county seat of Greensburg. Mammoth Park is located in Mt. Pleasant Township, PA. Mt. Pleasant is a small area founded around the Radiator Mine and the Bryce Brothers and L.E. Smith Glass Companies. It has small communiti es and is surrounded by rural farming. Westmoreland County has 10 county parks located within its borders and 5 county trail systems. Within this park system is Mammoth Mount Pleasant PA Park. The parks are managed and operated by the County Parks Department with partnerships with local municipaliti es and community groups running programs from these parks. Due to the locati on of Mammoth Park: between Greensburg and Latrobe, this park is prime to have opti mal draw from the highest populati on centers of Westmoreland County. Parks in Westmoreland County Mammoth Park Site Development Master Plan 5 Westmoreland County Parks and Recreation Chapter 1: Community Analysis Mammoth Park Overview Overview (Taken from Mammoth Park (approximate acreage: 408) contains a 24-acre fresh water lake stocked by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission that provides excellent fi shing opportuniti es. Another att racti on at the park is the giant slide and creati ve play area. The 96-foot high rusti c giant slide has provided many thrilling rides to adventuresome park visitors. Mammoth Lake A natural stopover for migrati ng waterfowl and a beauti ful area for a lake side