NOOR Mohammad Mahmood Al-Kharabsheh


Al-Balqa Applied University, Al-Salt 19117,

E-mail: [email protected]


Marital status: Single Nationality: Jordanian Sex: Female Interests & Hobbies: Reading, walking, travelling and voluntary work.


Position: 1) Assistant Professor – Hydrogeology/Hydrogeological Engineering, Water protection and Quality, and Environment (Feb. 2016-current).

2) Director of the International Research Center for Water, Environment, and Energy (IRCWEE) at Al-Balqa Applied University (Oct. 2016-current).

Institution: Al-Balqa Applied University/Al-Salt, Department of Water Resources and Environment Management.

Teaching Courses: Water Chemistry and Quality + Laboratory, Wastewater Treatment and Reuse + Laboratory, and Environment and Society.



Education Certificate Subject, Specialisation Name of Institution Period & Grade

2011-2015 PhD Engineering Department of Engineering Sciences/Hydrogeological Geology and Hydrogeology, Engineering RWTH Aachen University (LIH), GPA: Distinguished. Aachen - Germany. 2006-2009 M.Sc. Water Resources and Department of Water Environmental Resources and Environment Management, Management, Al-Balqa Applied Hydrochemistry University, Al-Salt - Jordan. (Agricultural Eng.). GPA: (4 out of 4), (1st rank in the department) with excellent distinction. 2004-2006 B.Sc. Water Resources and Department of Water Environmental Resources and Environment Management, Management, Al-Balqa Applied (Agricultural Eng.). University, Al-Salt - Jordan. GPA: (3.89 out of 4), st (1 rank in the department) with excellent distinction.

FIELD OF ACTIVITIES -Environmental geotechnique -Assessment of water vulnerability and modeling Environmental water quality -Water resources and environmental management Business administration.


Lecturer in Water Resources and Environmental Management, Sept./2009–Aug./2011. Department of Water Resources and Environmental Management, Al-Balqa Applied University, Al-Salt - Jordan. Duties included teaching courses of soil chemistry, soil physics, hydrochemistry and wastewater treatment in addition to teaching laboratories of these courses. Lectures, planning and preparation. Checking and assessing students work and attending meeting staff.

Assistant manager, Jan./2008-Aug./2011. Manaseer Group, - Jordan. Performing assistant managerial work. Interviewing qualified people for recruiting as well as making sure these new employees transit as smooth as possible into their jobs. Dealing with comments, questions or complaints from employees or customers while consistently monitoring customer service.


Officer Position, Jun./2009–Sept./2009. Career Vision Agency for Recruitment, Amman-Jordan. Duties included meeting employment candidates as well as employers in order to select the qualified candidates and match requirements of market.

Assistant Consultant of Environmental Impact Assessment in different projects as representative member of Al-Balqa Applied University, Feb./2006-Aug./2011. Consultation sessions were organized by Arab Center for Engineering Studies, Amman-Jordan. Duties included participation in the environmental scoping session and creation the Terms of Reference (TORS) in addition to conducting studies of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

Research Assistant, Sept./2006–Oct./2007. The project entitled ‘Integrated Management for Water of Phosphate mines’, Department of Water Resources and Environmental Management, Al-Balqa Applied University, Al-Salt - Jordan. Duties included performing the laboratory tests (physical and chemical analyses) of soils that were irrigated with Phosphate rinsing water. Thereafter, analysing the laboratory results.


Volunteer, Oct./2012-Jun./2013. Franziskuskloster-Lindenplatz Seniorenzentrum, Paulusstrasse 10, 52064 Aachen-Germany. Duties included helping old people and sharing them entertainment activities.

Trainer in the program of woman empowerment and awareness, Mar./2010–Sept./2010. Mosa Al-Saket Center for Culture, Al-Salt - Jordan. Duties included Training the participated women for positive dealing with various critical social issues.

Program Presenter in the program entitled ‘Speech for Us’, Aug./2008-Feb./2009. Television of Jordan, Amman-Jordan. Duties included participating with youth people in presenting a dialogue program entitled Alhaki elna in English means the speech for us. In each time the program discussed an important social or youth people affair with a respective governmental character. The audience of youth people asking questions and receiving answers during the session.

Founding Member and Media Member, 2006–current. We are All Jordan Youth Commission, Amman-Jordan. Duties: Participating in founding ‘We are all Jordan Youth Commission’ by setting its regulations and performing activities. Attending tens of training courses in various topics such as media, social work, time management, governmental institutions structure, initiation the own project and youth participation of youth in political organizations.


Member of youth club, Jul./2005–current. Wadi Al Hour Youth Center, Al-Salt - Jordan. Duties included effective participation in the conducted activities and contributing in creating new ideas serve the local society.



- English-Excellent fluency; IBT Exam with score of (102) and ITP Exam with score of (510).

- German– Current level C1 (High level). The German language courses that were taken at RWTH Aachen University, Aachen-Germany, are:

A12: Oct./2011-Feb./2012. A21: Apr./2012-Jul./2012. A22: Oct./2012-Feb./2013. B11: Apr./2013-Jul./2013. B12: Oct./2013-Feb./2014. B21: Apr./2014-Jul./2014.

- Arabic - Native language.

Computer: Very good User of: - Arc GIS (Geographic Information System). - ICDL (International Computer Driving License), Jul./2008. - Adobe Photoshop CS. - Advanced searching through internet engines.

Others: Very good communication skills, presenting and reporting of television and radio programs.


Literaturverwaltung mit Endnote. This course was organized on 15/Jul./2014 by Center for Doctoral Study (CDS), RWTH Aachen University, Aachen-Germany.

Geotechniches Laborpraktikum. This course was conducted on Mar./2014 by Prof. Rafig Azzam and Dr. Matthias Nendza, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurgeologie und Hydrogeologie (LIH), RWTH Aachen University, Aachen-Germany.

Applied Geosciences (AGEO)-Laboratory Course-Hydrological Part. This course was conducted on Sept./2013 by Prof. Thomas


Rüde, LuFG Hydrogeologie, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen- Germany.

Scientific Writing and publishing. This course was organized on 22/Mar./2013 by Center for Doctoral Study (CDS), RWTH Aachen University, Aachen-Germany.

Scientific writing, Module I: The Language of Scientific writing. This course was organized in Sept./2012 by the Center for Doctoral Studies (CDS), RWTH Aachen University, Aachen-Germany.

ArcGIS Desktop III: GIS Workflows and Analysis. A course of 16 Hours organized in 5-6/Sept./2012 by InfoGraph (representative of ESRI), Amman-Jordan.

ArcGIS Desktop II: Tools and Functionality. A course of 24 Hours organized in 1-4/Sept./2012 by InfoGraph (representative of ESRI), Amman-Jordan.

Conference English (Advanced Level). This course was organized in Mar./2012-May/2012 by the by Center for Doctoral Study (CDS), RWTH Aachen University, Aachen-Germany.

Course of Arc GIS (Geographic Information System). This course was conducted in Oct./2011-Jan./2012 in the Department of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology (LIH), RWTH Aachen University, Aachen-Germany.

Scientific Writing, Module II: Essential Techniques for Writing Good Scientific Texts. This course was organized in Nov./2011 by the Center for Doctoral Studies (CDS), RWTH Aachen University, Aachen-Germany.

Scientific Writing, Module 3. Writing and Publishing Scientific Research Papers, Nov./2011. Center for Doctoral Study (CDS), RWTH Aachen University, Aachen - Germany.

Adobe Photoshop CS program. This course was organized in Jun./2011 by Al-Balqa Applied University, Al-Salt - Jordan. Environmental Impact Assessment Consultant Assistance and Trainer in different projects, Amman - Jordan. Duties included participation in the Environmental scoping session and Creation the Terms of References (TORS) and from these projects: - Al Qatranah Cement Company, Mar./2010, Amman - Jordan. - Others would be explained later on.

Researcher in scientific, social and historical fields, Sept./ 2009- current. Center of Community Empowerment, Al-Salt - Jordan. Duties included making researches that in developing and empowerment the local community in Al-Balqa.


ICDL (International Computer Driving License), Jul./2008. Computer Center, Al-Balqa Applied University, Al-Salt - Jordan.

Training in "preparing of presenters for media skills", Jun./2007. All Jordan Youth Commission and Higher Council for Media, Amman-Jordan.

Comprehensive Training in Press, Aug.–Sept./2006. Jordan News Agency (), Amman - Jordan.

Training in "Time Management", 2006. Injaz Program, Amman - Jordan.

Training in "Success skills", 2006. Injaz Program, Amman - Jordan.

Training in "Life project", 2006. Injaz Program, Amman - Jordan.

Training in "Development of leadership skills in civil community institutions", 2006. Friends of Al-Salt Cultural Forum, Al-Salt- Jordan.

Training in analytical chemistry (drinking water and wastewater), Aug.–Sept. /2005. Department of Laboratories and Quality (Ministry of Water and Irrigation), Amman - Jordan.

Training in management of national water projects, July– Aug./2005. Department of Water Studies (Ministry of Water and Irrigation), Amman - Jordan.


Scoping Session of the Proposed Environmental and Social Impacts Mahis Multipurpose Project, 13/Jul./2017. The session was organized by Consolidated Consultants Group, Amman - Jordan

International Conference entitled ‘Life and Climate Changes (ELS2014), EGU–SSS Conference’, 22-25/Sept./2014. I have submitted a paper entitled ‘Comparison between the Intrinsic and Specific Vulnerability Using a Diffusion Cell’. The conference took place in Bari - Italy.

Semester Institute-Seminar, 11/Jul./2013. I have submitted a presentation entitled ‘Quantification of Vulnerability Classes through Mass Transport Scenario Modeling Using the ETI Concept’, Department of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen - Germany.

International Conference entitled ‘Geology and Geophysics’, 16- 18/Jun./2013. I have submitted a paper entitled ‘Effect of Septic Tanks and Agricultural Wastes on Springs’ Water Quality Deterioration in Wadi Shu’eib Catchment Area-Jordan’. The conference took place in Beijing - China.

The Youth Conference 2011 ‘To converse for Jordan’, 14-15/Jun./2011. 6

The conference took place in the presence of His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan, – Jordan.

Inception workshop of piloting climate change adaptation to protect human health in Jordan project: Adaptation through safe use of treated wastewater, 20/Mar./2011. The workshop was organized by the Ministry of Health, WHO, UNDP and other stakeholders of universities and NGOs. Al-Hussein Youth City, Amman - Jordan,

Attendance the celebration of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Independence Day and Royal Seating in the presence of His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan and Her Majesty Queen Rania in view of my creative voluntary youth work in Jordan, 8/Jun./2010. Amman - Jordan.

Conference of "Jordan Water Week, 2010", Mar./ 2010. Al-Balqa Applied University, Al-Salt - Jordan.

Environmental impact assessment study ‘Using coal as a source of energy in Al Qatranah Cement Factory at Al-Karak’, Mar./ 2010. The session was organized by Al Rawabi Company for Environment and Energy Consultation, Amman - Jordan

‘Discussion the Results of Copenhagen Climate Change Summit’, Mar./2010. Al-Balqa Applied University, Al-Salt - Jordan.

Conference of ‘Reasons of violence in universities’, May/2008. University of Science and Technology, Irbid - Jordan.

Environmental and social impact assessment (EIA) revised scoping report and terms of reference, study for El Lajjun Oil Shale Product, Feb./2008. The session results were submitted to Jordan Energy and Mining Company, prepared by Eco-consult, Amman - Jordan.

Conference of ‘Cafe scientific video conference entitled water and environment’, Oct. /2007. British Council, Amman - Jordan.

Environmental impact assessment study of Al Rajhi Cement Company, Oct./2007. The session was organized by Al Rawabi Company for Environment and Energy Consultation, Amman - Jordan

Oil shale mining upgrading and defining in Al-Karak, 2007. The session results were submitted to International Corporation for Oil Shale Investment (INCOSIN), prepared by Arab Center, Royal Hotel, Amman - Jordan.

Conference of ‘We are All Jordan Youth Commission’, for the years of: 2006, 2007 and 2009, King Hussein Center for conferences, Dead Sea - Jordan.


Attendance the celebration of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Independence Day in the presence of His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan and Her Majesty Queen Rania as honoring for my creative voluntary youth work in Jordan, 25/May/2006, Amman - Jordan.

Environmental Impact Assessment Session of Utilization of Oil Shale as Supplemental Fuel at Al Rashadiyeh Cement Factory- Tafilah ‘Using of Oil Shale as A Source of Energy’, May/2006. The session results were submitted to Lafarj Company, Amman - Jordan.

‘Environmental Conference for Universities’, 2004. Hashimite University, Zarqa'-Jordan.

Conference of ‘Confrontation the Water Challenges in Jordan’ presented at ‘The first environmental conference for Jordanian universities’, 2003. University of Science and Technology, Irbid - Jordan. (I was the youngest participant as a bachelor researcher among all other researchers of master and PhD students).


PhD Scholarship in Germany submitted from Al-Balqa Applied University, Al-Salt - Jordan, May/2011. This scholarship was submitted for excellency in Master degree.

PhD Scholarship in USA submitted from University of Jordan, Amman/Aqaba-Jordan, May/2011. This scholarship was submitted for excellency in Master degree (Apology was submitted in order for attending the PhD Scholarship in Germany).

PhD Scholarship in Hungary submitted from the Ministry of Higher Education, Amman-Jordan, Jun./2010. This scholarship was submitted for excellency in Master degree (Apology was submitted in order for attending the PhD Scholarship in Germany that was expected at that time).

Certificate of excellence for first place in the Masters stage for 6 consecutive semesters (2006-2009) submitted from Al-Balqa Applied University, Al-Salt - Jordan. GPA: (4 out of 4) with excellent distinction.

Submitting the Master Thesis titled ‘Effect of Urbanization on the Springs’ Water Quality of Wadi Shu'eib Catchment Area’, Al-Balqa Applied University, Al-Salt - Jordan, May/2010.

Internal M.Sc. Scholarship submitted from King Abdullah II Fund for Development and Career Counseling, Amman-Jordan, Sept./2006. This scholarship was submitted for excellency in Bachelor degree.


Certificate of excellence for first place in the Undergraduate for 8 consecutive semesters (2002-2006) submitted from Al-Balqa Applied University, Al-Salt - Jordan. GPA: (3.89 out of 4) with excellent distinction.


Al-Kharabsheh, Noor M., Azzam, Rafig, Ruede, Thomas (2016): Experimental Investigation of Mass Transport for Nitrate in Soils by the ETI Concept. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. (Proceeding)

Al-Kharabsheh, Noor M. (2015): Quantification of vulnerability classes through mass transport scenario modeling using the ETI concept (Ph.D Thesis). RWTH Aachen University/ Universitätsbibliothek, Germany- Aachen, Techn. Hochsch., Diss., 2015.

Al-Kharabsheh, Noor M., Azzam, Rafig, Neukum, Christoph, and Aljazzar, Taiseer (2014): Comparison between the Intrinsic and Specific Vulnerability Using a Diffusion Cell. In the Earth Living Skin: Soil, Life and Climate Changes (ELS2014), EGU – SSS Conference, Bari-Italy, 22-25/Sept./2014, ELS2014-76-1, Impressum Bari-Italy: ELS2014. 76-1.pdf

Al-Kharabsheh, Noor M., Al-Kharabsheh, Atef A. (2014): Influence of Urbanization on Water Quality Deterioration of Northern Wadi Shu'eib Catchment Area Springs, Jordan, in: Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 6.1, S. 29-35.

Al-Kharabsheh, Noor M. (2013): Effect of Septic Tanks and Agricultural Wastes on Springs' Water Quality Deterioration in Wadi Shu'eib Catchment Area-Jordan, in: International Conference on Geology and Geophysics :(ICGG2013) ; 16-18/Jun./2013, Beijing- China. 2013060416491498.pdf (The online pdf file displays the submitted abstracts. In order to find the respective contribution please use the search function for surfing within the pdf file).

Al-Kharabsheh, Noor M., Al-Kharabsheh, Atef A., Ghnaim, Othman M. (2013): Effect of Septic Tanks and Agricultural Wastes on Springs' Water Quality Deterioration in Wadi Shu'eib Catchment Area-Jordan, in: Jordan journal of agricultural sciences : JJAS 9.1, S. 86-101.


Univ.-Prof Dr. rer. nat. Dr. h.c. Rafig Azzam, head of the Department of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, Faculty of Georesources and Materials Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen-Germany. Lochnerstrasse 4-20, 52064 Aachen - Germany Tel.: +49 241 80 95740


E-mail: [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Muheeb Awawdeh, head of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Yarmouk University, Irbid - Jordan. P.O Box 566, ZIP Code 21163 Irbid- Jordan. Cell.: 00962 79 8176793 E-mail: [email protected]