
“CHAMB AS HOST: A Invite State Off Crossin Mes Fi HICKSViLLE—Assemblyman John J. Burns is acca to have: John Johnson, superin- tendent of the State Dept. of Public Works at Albany, tourjthe ‘ munity during peak auto. and rail traffic movement to show the head of the Public Wo tks organization in the state need-tor Kail Koad elimination, it was tne urgent Crossing we today. . lear 5 Val. 9, No. 12—Hicksville, N. Y., Mar. 29, 1956— Michael J, Sullivan, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce RR Entered as Second Class Matter at Hicksvill N. Y., Post Oftic crossing elimination committee, Boy the Chamber di- Bi was authorized by 26,000 NOT COUNTED: rectors this week to Invite Johnson Sco Arra and to have him look over the local situation first hand as the guest of the Chamber.

HICKSVILLE — Cub, Bo in Ekplore of the Stat 14,000 As a result of such invita- Scouts Say tion, the Tii- Distiict, Boy Scouts, hold the tirst dramatizing urgency kway wil} Sco of the local conditions, the of its kind on the Isla: d hete om May 5. Expositien . Chamber hopes to obtain the [The (I Lighting Company on is Our allocation of state funds for Qld Corintry Road, here, will con- Population preparation of plans. Arm Mak vert their huge garage into an in- Plan preparation would be a T door exposition hall. Booths wi&# Hicksville today has a population of more than 40,000 per- preliminary to actual bid taking ded for Scouts to exhibit sons, according two to authoritative studies. But according to tne and awarding of contracts for the In inonstrate every phase of State of New York, thru its Department of Commeice, almost job which it is estimated . would Appe Apri ft. A Center Arena and

‘ two-thirds of the people who call Hicksville their home are not cost over eight million dollars. heater will be constructed here. As the result of efforts the MINEOLA — It was announced ial entertainment. really living Z by * that Mrs. Peter Curcio cf ‘the State of New York insists our community population is Chamber and its special commit- today “arkWay District is com- and Frank of only 14,000. tee, the priority position. of the Bethpage Chlumsky f more than 100 Scout Hicksville have been Tne Nassau County Planning Commission this week released local crossings involved has raised appointed ‘om Hicksville, Levittown, Chairmen of their respective com- school census figures which shows that ds of Jan. of this year, and the work ordered by the Pub.ice b, Plainview, Island Trees, munities for the Salvation Army Hicksville had a population of 40,167, an increase of 236 percent Service Commission last year. fainedsje and Farmingdale, total. Annual Appeal. Chlumsky will also from the 10,405 residents of ;five years ago. ing well over 5,000 Scouts and serve as overall Chairman of the The Long Island Lighting Co. in a new estimate of popula- Lgaders Girl Scouts Look Town of Oyster Bat. The appeal tions as of Jan. 1, puts the Hicksville total at 40,991 inhab-tants. ‘The ijea of this Exposition was will. start in April. The Lighting Co. reaches its estimate by taking the’ number of ‘Ahead Ten Years by a group of Scout residential meter services. * cimecLeader: with William “T look formard to generous co- together LILCO estimated Hicksville two District Tri- population years ago at HICKSVILLE—At cae February operation from our communities,” Inger’ Executive 35,649, and four vears ago in 1952 at 27,502. The utility com- Town Committee meeting of the Chlumsky said. “The role of the Parkwa; District, to show the pub- the 1950 census Hicksville a of the’ skills of and to pany says gave population local Girl Scouts, it was decided Salvation Army in our community lie Scouting them for their contributions 12,070 that the first Hicksville girl born is important, providing as it does, than In of this when State of the 1956 Finance Cam- January year the Dept. Commerce on the annual birthday of Girl comfort and help in any emergency wa at Albany published its “newly revised Physical Map of New Scouting, March 12, would be chos- to distressed families and individ- r ich will help build “Bet- York State and Adjacent Areas” it was noted that Hicksville for e as “Miss Hicksville Girl Scout uals on a round-the-clock basis.” ter Amer.cans Tomen = ‘was not indicated as a place. Levittown was on the map, Glen of 1964&qu according to Mrs., Robert “Contributions the Annual Cove, Garden City, Hempstead, Mineola, Floral Park, Valley Goodrich, Town Chairman. The to and Appeal support a many sided pro- Sream Freeport. hospitals checked in this-program | The Herald wrote to the State Dept. and called the oversight were Nassau, South Nassau Com- gram: Emergency ‘family care, the Home for Infants and is, to the attention of Commissioner Edward T. Dickerson, munities, Mercy, Meadowbrook and Nursery Evening foster for older the He “census data for communities care children, replied unincorporated Mid-Island. HICKSVILLE — The School Men Social Service Centers, the are difficult, if not impossible to ascertain. In the case of unincor- Patricia Helena Gamble, daugh- ‘Board ‘will probably meet to- Wayside Home for young girls, re- porated communities in metropolitan areas, including Nassau, r. and Mrs. Raymond habilitation work in jails and an we used as the basis for population, data appearing in Rand Bamboo Lane, here, endless of other al- 1955 commercial Atlas.” list services, MeNally’s :30 P.M. at the Nassau regular monthly ses- n. ways available to the discouraged He then quoted McNally as giving Levittown 60,000 persons, Hospital in Mineola, the 6 ‘Normally the session fulfilled and Baldwin Elmont needy.” 24,000, 22,000, Wantagh 21,000, Bellmore 16,000, above requirements and thus be- would ‘be held on Friday, Mar. Oceanside 15,000 and Hicksville 14,000. came “Miss Girl Scout of 1964”. The total budget for the Salva- 0. Heiweve due to the Good The Girl “On this basis,” Dickerson added, “you will note that there Scout troops are tion Army' program Frid observance the change are six unincorporated communities in the county with popula- pleased to present to “Miss Hicks- and Suffolk Counties for Tharsday was announced. ville tions greater than that given for Hicksville. Of these, only Levit- of 1964” a scroll showing her eal year is 3837.000. A least one ndance of all four “of- for the a third of this town was included on the map on the arbitrary basis that any registration year 1964, must be r ed during bond and <ommunity of 50,000 population or more would be so included. $25 savings other gifts. the Annual Appeal. “I know you will realize that the rapid growth your fine community, as well as most of Nassau County, is enjoying, makes the task of keeping population data current particularly diffi- Snow Storm Prevent ine cult. I can assure you that Hicksville or any other incor porate community which reaches 50,0 population wil be included in V the next revision of our map.” ARC Drill He also mentioned that all incorporated places of 500 or Landing In Disastei more, except those in metropolitan areas of under 10,000, hav HICKSVILLE — The grounds H manned the canteen been omitted “for lack of space” local fire and police units. ksvill of the Jerusalem Ave. Junior High The Red Cross had ambulance v The map, which is “Copyright “195 b the State of New an trek, School, which have served for all York’, clearly shows where the Long Island Rail Road branches and a canteen truck at the scho Chief Lawren Huttle of the fire kinds of community gatherings, in addition to fi id unit. Miss at Hicksville without identifying the location. There is a wide a artment, together with the am- stood ready for about three hours Louise Aug ine, Miss Mildred b nee a truck stood” open space on the map in the Hicksville location where the com- pumper last Saturday to receive a Sikor- * an munity have Clark and William Way, of b: nanic could been printed sky S 55 helicopter sent to this “isolated disaster area” by the actual house-to- census in 1959 for the first time. Previously American Red. Cross. school district census figures counted only children up to 18 The helicopter did not land how- years of age. ever, because of bad weather. It According to the Planning Commission the Hicksville Dis- was snowing most of the The trict percentage growth was second greatest for the Township time stunt was intended to dramatize (which itself gained 174.8 per cent), next to Massapequa with the Red Cross’ part in relieving 386.8 increase from 8,794 to 42,808. areas victimized by disasters. ‘Op- eration Helicopter” was scheduled Monetary Gifts Biggest in conjunction with this year’s drive for funds which continues un- Of Victims til the end of this month. Need Fire Red Cross units, county police and local firement stood by from HICKSVILLE—A. J. Plonski of 61 Myers Ave. today re-. about 11 A.M. until 2 P.M. waiting vealed that $120.00 has_been contributed to the Goscinski Family for the helicopter _to set dowr.. Fund to help the victims of a disastrous fire which gutted their Lawrence McCaffrey, Disaster home recently. All contributions are being publicly acknowledged Chairman of the local branch of the Herald and may be sent to Plonski at his home or left at office, the Red Cross, estimated that a- be payable to the bout 50. 98 North Broadway. Checks should ma persons were collected on Goscinski Fund. the school The Family cortributio grounds. plane ap- Teachers of Burns Ave, School made a of $20 peared, hovered aboy and flew directl to the famil for th purcha of food, There hav also on. The helicopte ‘ U.S Coast bee generous offers of furniture an fixtures for th famil Guar plan ha come from Floy for their home at 3 Gardner Ave. but.the real pressin need at “Bennet Field in Brooklyn and had this time is for monetary gifts; Plonski said. landed in South Hempstead. Hicks- .Contributors to date have been: ville was its second scheduled stop Jerry 3 50.00 and Manhasset next. At each stop 30.00 Members of Hicksville Kiwanis ==. the plane was to deliver “needed” i HICKSVILLE STREET SCENE the first (jn of .. Members of North West Civic A: 30.00 to the lIecal em- day spring

: found Broadway at Marie St. uj nder inches of Bill Smith, Ohio St. 5.00 forces. The e local people 1 snow. d ‘Town 3.00 were then set to demonstrate crews won for in =. Ave. first highway comp! iments the speed i a which main Frank- 224 St. 2.00 aid precedures and-other local re- thoroughfares were? to move- lief -open&l pea tie TOTAL CONTRIBUTED TO DATE one $120.00 methods, in conjunction with ment. (Herald Frank photo by Mallett). g

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y =»|

es OFF MILLWOOD GATE: PACE: 2—MID-IS) Civics Set Some Future Events

By (DOROTHY R. BROWN jdale Dr. was elected to fill this and we know you will have a WElis 1-0128 position, On the Board of directors, good time. Now we only have to 1 and aluminum After demon- was elected fift Post Office on No: new glass a“Very. interesting Flaherty to Eight Mayflower Dr. was’ the building Ta stration of Uses of Oil in By-Prod- the resignation of Mrs: K. MeCus- outer doors shut by ‘themsely: scene of a very happy bunch Sat-/ ‘A brazen brok icksvil Courthouse one night vets by T.J. Hurley, a representa- ker. The Assoc. has sent letters. to urday-night March 10. Event: a burglar clerk’s cash box. Police tive from the Oil industries Com- the proper authorities in regard to surprise dinner birthday Party | last week and made off with | the court D1 use the said the thief entered the bui into the Veteran Ser mittee,.we had our regular busi- of play area, traffic light} wita Karen Cuccioli the guest of} ing vic viexs of the Millwood Gate and at New South ! office .on the fi meeting signs Road, honor. She was eight years old on| Agency first Civic Assoc. sroadw and end of Millwood | March » friends who shared Colleg announces that:school He showed buturite which is Gate; is do- 20 in the Little Theatre... Theatre in the new Hicksville (Hope something in this affair were Patsy Brittain,| . | for first used as safety glass center, rub- here before it is too late and we Patty McNeeley, Diana Schmidt, High School was put‘into use Board meeting ber milk or latex used as a serious The Milleridge accident.) to record audience. . . sponge have Virginia Winkleman, Kathy Mann,| on Mar. 16, due the ing . rubber. Another new product he The picnic is scheduled for July Caroline Ann Linda Inn was in stitches last week LIPSCHUTZ tooko Hellrigel, Ko-| HERMA pn showed was mylon which has-1/% 28 at the Chateau in Wantagh beck, and Mary Tomaszewski.| role of an 8-year-old starlet, | tensil of steel and is used where it was held last and i an inter. strength year hy Brady was invited bul dis-| with PAUL DRAKE. ille Kiwanis ‘planning in etc everyone had such a good time to LOU KLEIN baking pans ‘appointed due to ‘a case of Mumps. club meeting in Was according Oil was first discovered for The kiddies will be students at com- party again (There seem to be several cases of SHIRLEY }MILLER of licksville, is among mercial in 1859 Drake. of this affair. There dis- use by part was these around now). Foy dinner they} Geneseo State Teacher have been pladged to Agonian

Where would we be toduy if oil cussion of « block party to be held had Fruit cup, frankfurt Bak Society. a. had never been discovered. Orlog with no definite date set. It wa aS ed and jrainber of 5 of Hicksville meet next.Mon- beans, green salad. After a When Eme . ix another have announced that cf our by-product) we one group) few more games they had ice day night they will all be in orm. The occasion is the fact that come to use extensively in clothes had become a volunteer Fir o-| the just am and cake which was inscrib-| the “Hollywood Company” i ‘a formal picture taken for and other products. man in Hicksville, Jack Henn. Con. ed Karen” Karen) firehouse, are reminded ‘thst enroll- “Happy Birthday new Strong St, .. e Boys gratulations, At the business meeting we had ceived many very nice gifts, Ngient for Little League and Bal th League takes place at Broadway two offi to be filled because of Next will be held meeting Did you Khow that both Mr School on Mar. 31 at 7 o’clock, The 11 hee, Ave. Just to resignation. recording rre-t on April at Hellrigel and her daughter were The Fork Lane P-TA of wille recently appropriated $120 Mrs. Pat what the is for then Institute Confer- tary, -Dergin. resigned program jinvested as scouts? Mrs. Hellrigel’ send two of the new officers xr day Cornell and Mrs. Laure of Fern- wail and see. Save the date msored the National McVay ‘is an assistant leader of Brownie! ence in April. by Congress Troop No. 367 which meets Friday of P-TA and is a afternoons at Nicholai School. Car- Picture of AH 22 Hunter St., Hicksville, hav- # W L Journal- Ann is a member of this new ing her portrait ied in the NY American sweet held EASTER PLANTS troop. They combined the investure Mar. 21., She was the sixteen contest by of these brownies with the birth- Arnold Constable’ i their 16th anniversary. . 3 ad (day of Girl Scouting which cele- Oyster Bay Town! calls from 35 people who were LARGE SELECTION brated its 44 year on March 12. concerned about pending ma incidents during the big snow storm. With Faster this week we hope One of these turned out to be -emergéncy.... }each and every one will attend the The Black Team won 35-3 Girls’ All Sports Night was held

n church of their choice andécelebrate at Hicksville High, Friday The period from 15 to May Crucifixonm A SHOP A on ERNEST SAUSMER’S ©» \the Friday especial- 1 will be set as Clean-Up * - 12 and 3 when for tly during many GOSSEY we eledted chairmal Better churches will be opened. On Easter Government School Affairs,

— jin Sporting Goods Housewares — Hardware «Sunday we all celebrate the ris- surrendered the chairmanship AKP We Deliver WEIIs 1-0017 of Christ who ov ame Sin - Opp. ‘ing his vice-chairman, JAMES B that we might have everlasting life GALLAGHER of 16 Fordham ‘without the blood of live offering Wicksville Fire ambulance, Tu ‘morning, Suffering a nec injury y. animals friends still as some of.our JAMES CUMMINGS is the Herald staff as of Friday of — ‘do as the rejected Christ as their tis week. . . since He _ HAPP EAS GREET An. King, vame as ing aa such a} — a) ‘humble and would not y being claim) z WAGNER FUNERAL HOME for the job they gig i Mrs. Hogg, form ly of His Crown at that time. [thanks Robert

\ Cornwall Lane who now 8 . development. here,, Vernon oo. 2 C. Wagner, Prop. With April we hope that Spring The ‘P-TA of Nicholai Sch es in Refreshm 125 Old Country Rd. Corner Jerusalem Ak Hicksville, N.Y r is really here. This articie was aoe: sponsoring a White Elephan in nanan snowbound as was most of us for oy April 26 and it would be a day or so last week. How was helpful if anyone’ with any Street? We your had one taxi cab bric-a. Distributor “Yon Can Ga Wrong With Rite” Member a. 9 usable toy, china, tt one end and just upustéd wool, etc. (noc t fe thepe same end arouand} Mrs. Winant o I please) would get in touch ears countrcar at the other end of the! agp at WE Jacob Hellrigel 5-1 of the street. Considering all the streets _T regular. meeting | that of in i en know many you P-TA of Hicksville. n this village and that they are idst he e children at. this seho | hetin the habit of starting to plow| Thursday .evening; j ke an attempt to until they have four inches or mon which ma e they Martelle Elemen- of snow and also that this Winant,: storm} gh " to this w FUELOIL @ HEATING @ AIR CONDITIONING ‘tary School Guidance Counsellor, drifted so badly in many sectio without chia cause. Anyone “Guidance In Our: Ele-- feel that the Township . of Oy ry} there also contribute. if may A most inter: WEST JOHN ST, Bay did very well in clearing our , too. Another Rite Service care important pi related Hicksville, N on a top treets and scraping them. Many plan to visit the sale and you UNEXCELLED WEIs His Mark” was find that one article you have looking for, for |-some. time THURS. FRE TILL. 9 PLM. “Mrs. J. Hellrigel of the Ways haven' been able|to find, and & and Means committee announced find many other things yo SILK hat a White Elephant Sale will be EMPIR that not }use you had though evening, April Telephone: y bout? Let’s help Mrs. Hell ® Curtains are askéd to send in make this event a grand sué ~ bric-a-bac, unused fabric, CHapel 9-1610 ® books, Yard Goods | Neighbors. rockery and dishes, recorded mu- ® Domestics Atso |how man: of you who t sic, lamps, small articles of fur at Toni’s - Shell Station have flowe’ seeds, bulbs, sLIP COVERS - ure, plants, DRAPE sratalated him on the birth of cles and materials, Custom Made named Ja daughter |Marylyn. trays, unused Home of Brass [ She was born, on |March 14 wel costume jewelry and Kirsch Hardware 6 14 ing pounds, jovelties, ceramic ‘ware and pot- WE 1-2060 bons was snow bpund at the tery, antiques, picture frames, us- 35 BROADWAY Opp. 5 pital List week but the = a ible toys, games, and play mater- als y on Won you look in your THE TIONAL May I remi _basement..or attic for | some of CASH RE STER CO. news tovme b these articles and send them in Dayton Ohio ull wetting our news i orde With your child so that this CASH rh into the office on Monday Sale will be a huge success? ADDING « HO K ING now. As a result of this you 1 A safety contest in Language MACHIN he receiving your paper by ts, Arts and Crafts, Social Stud- Supplies on Thursday from now on. e and Science is being planned EASTER New Factory Rebuilt an The Independent Art Societ; for the children of Nicholai for | A RHODE Hicksville will elect new offi T.J.JUDGE pril 19th. Prizes are going to be Factory Representatives when it meets Monday, Apr. for the best entries. Phone [Vanhoe 1-6760 The meet i wwarde | Milton Leavitt in of GREETINGS P.M. at the home of M spoke favor 386 Fulton Ave. Hempstead, L. 1. ~ state to be Authorized Otfice Hoffman, 57 E. Nicholai four year college president of th organ ation © I in Hicksville. To One And All | SCHWARTZ F ITURE W will close-at 2 p.m. on Easter Sunday. The Brownie Bake Shop Reg. 89.50


~s Open Sundays, 7 to 7 — Closed Mondays _ FREE PARKING IN REAR — PROMPT DELI PHONE WEl 1.02 "Oth Days to s P.M. — Fridays 9 P.M. - BROADWAY at CHERRY STREET HICKSV veneeis80>:PanancPYtai_i

- 1 MID-ASLAND HERE Mi 23; PAG 3 announced. special services on PAREN FA COMMUNITY * we Mar. and i HICKSVIL Thi Foo Frida Ma » 28, Friday, : T and Easter:'— red pe ‘Sat 80. Bro. Faust. will. of the: Pa urday, owl Wednesday, on ‘'Th C. spe jehoii‘Chutch«: wi I services and functions -in’ “_- » toda Go starting ‘T Judas” and, Friday, on “The “The Crucifixion” on Go ‘Frida dates are Mar. 29,:30 ew BPauApr: 330 3 1 \To € an science of -Peter.” ST. IGNATIUS, (Pleas; Turn: to Page 14)° wilt b Servic St. Ignatius Loyola: R. C. Gmn ‘Thuré there HICKSVILLE — The fund fori with» Holy at 7:15 and on Broadway, here, has ‘schedule Communio Bing. Keung. Jew,’ }laundrym 8:30 P.M. Between and 3 P.M. Confessions frem.3 to & on Thurs- noon who .was put’ iia: degpera BityY the next ‘there will be. Good day, followed a Low ‘Mass.at 6 day nation. by. a. fire in -his* by : and a Solemn -Mass Intercession at Friday, Services, preached by mem- Feb. 13 rose. to. over:$300: with 8 P.M. There will be services bers of the -Lutheran . cler, from ‘an additional on $20..reported:after | Friday afternoon, with ‘Holy ‘Con neighboring. churche Again, » ther the close of the drive. Fund munion at.3 PYM. will be.7:16-and-8:30 P.M. Treasurer Frank ‘Chlumsk said The Rev. Christopher Hunding-| *On. Easter. Sunday at ‘Trinit additional contributions :includ- ed ton, -of Great Neck, -will offer the’ Evangelical Lutheran Church;-there $5 by Mrs. Edna. Gilde, $5 by will be 6:30 and A.M. William devotion and.sermon at 8 PM. Serv- 7:45 Servic A. Kielman and-- by with and.10:15 ices Friday night. On Saturday-aft« Holy Communion, 9 Robert W.. Fyffe “of Mannetta Family Services in.the gymnasium, Lodge 1025, This the ernoon between 3 and. 5, Confes- made grand sions will be heard. Easter Services; and'&# 11:15 Service: with. Holy total. $805.41, including $25 giv- Communion. in the en Glenbroek beginning at 11 P.M. will. precede church. directly by, Civic a wooden carv- Assoc. an Easter Mass at midnight, Sat- Last-Sunday, urday. ing. in memory of Paul Jud was GEO in-the school and. dedicat- OUR LADY OF MERCY hung of Easter will coincide.with the ' ed. Paul student of the At Our Lady of Mercy R. C was a rest of the Christian world, Every "Fine Trinity Evangelical. coincide, Meats Church, on South Oyster Bay Rd, School five years the two days: he Quali who was crushed by the here, Confessions will be. heard whe said. The chureh is-on:W. Carl and ; of a. bus two. MERKEL’S BONELESS ednesday, from 4 to 5:30 and 7:30 years ago. Frederick Pl..off Old Gountry Rd. REAPY-TO- to 9 P.M. A High Mass.and Pro- METHODIST CHURCH CHURCH OF CHRIST © scheduled: for The Methodist Church, on Old * cession is ‘Thursday. The’ Hicksville Ghureh*of Christ &qu Siz Nelson HAMS at 5:30 PM., and a Low Mass. at Country Rd. opposite Ave.; aa 7:30 P.M. Holy’.Communion may here, will have Holy Communion MERKEL’S &l _ 31 Ibs. 8 P.M. A Good Fri- be received at these Masses but on Thursday, at Remember ... is scheduled for av- not in the morning. day Observance On Good Friday there will -be the next afternoon between 2 and CANNED can HA 3-2° Confessions for children from 9 3 P.M. At 7:30 P.M. on Friday by FRESH HOME MADE A.M. to noon. A Mass of Presancti- there. will be a Sacrificial Supper fied, with Holy Communion during for the young people. ere BEAT the Mass is scheduled for 3 P.M. On Easter Sunday at the Metho- Polish rm, SAUSA 7 5 At 8 P.M. there will be Stations dist Church, there will be an early. @ FRESH EASTE @ eld and Veneration of the Cross. service at 7:15. A.M. in addition ELBAS Holy Saturday Confessions will to the usual schedule. A Sunrise FREE DELIVERY — HICKSV@LLE ind be heard at the church from 4 Service will be sponsored by the Sup uLE PLAINVIEW fo 5:30 P.M. and 7:30.to 9 P.M., not Youth, Groups of the church, at Stationers Since 1926 WElls 1- for children. Easter Vigil. Cere- Salisbury County Park, on Post 20: Ave. south of Old Rd., 68 Broadway WElls 1-9850 monies at 11 P.M. will be followed Coentry 6 EAST MARIE STREET | ‘HICKSVILLE by “Resurrection Mass at Midnight. Westbury. It will begin at 5 1 ch Easter Sunday Masses will be A.M. Last Sunday, the 3 = usual, heard. the Senior Choir sing a can- HOLY FAMILY tata, “On The Passion of Christ.” The Rev. Martin O’Dea, pastor HOLY TRINITY EPISCOPAL In The Boys’ Dept... of Holy Family R.C. Parish, an- Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Ave. and Old. Coun-. nounces these Masses at the churq on Jerusalem The Service on Fordham Road: Holy Thursday, try Rd., has scheduled Low Mass for children at. 5 P. .j}of Tenebrae for 8:15 P.2i. on Wed- for at, and:Solemn High Mass at 8 P.Ml; nesday. On Thursday morning e Good Friday, Solemn Mass and 7 there will be Holy Communion. East Veneration of the Cross at 3 P.M, At 10 there will be a Solemn Euch-

+ ‘An Easter Vigil Service will begin arist, followed by a Solemn Watch Altar of at 11 P.M. on Saturday, he said, before the Repose. The SPORT JACKETS ix: will be and a Solemn High Mass will be Watch kept continuously a wool held at midnight. Easter. Sunday until noon on Good Friday. Juniors -6to12.... Masses will follow the usual Sun- At noon on Good Friday a Litur-

schedule. gy and Preaching Service will be- - 13 to 20 day Preps .... Roman Catholic services will gin, and will last until 3 P:M. The will\be at Huskies ...... generally allow for more partici- Stations of the Cross 8:15 that On pation by the laity this year. evening. Saturday, ST. STEPHEN the church has scheduled a 9 A.M. The Evangelical Lutheran Church Altar Service and a 4 P.M, Evening of St. Stephen has scheduled Com- Prayer and Lighting of the Paschal in flannels Easter Sun- SLACKS munion Services at 8 “P.M. on Candle and baptisms. gabardi ar Thursday and Friday. Easter Sun- day morning will have these ob- Juniors-6to12..... pines from: 2.98 servances: Eucharist; | day services will be as usual, at 7:30, Holy I Ays 9, Choral Eucharist; 10:15 and the church on Broadway and 4th Preps -13to20..... wees From (3.98 Street here. 11:30, Holy Eucharists. Huskies ...... be from 4.98 TRINITY LUTHERAN ST. MARY’S UKRANIAN Trinity Evangelical Lutheran St. Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church ‘will celebrate Church on W. Nicholai St., will Catholic hear the Trinity Mixed Choir per- Easter Sunday on May 6, accord- The form on at 8:15 P.M. ing to the Julian Calendar. SHIRTS in ni- Wednesday sport and style Rev. Andrew A. dr 3 They will sing a cantata, ‘“Peni- Kuschak, Pastor, tence, Pardon and Peace.” On said that next year the observance Plaids, Checks, Gabs, White from 1.98 Pink Mint, with French Cuffs from 1.98

for oi Headquar BROADWAY WE GIVE S&a GR EE | le STAMP ( st FRANKLIN ‘CHARGE ACCDUNT © GAR CE Free Alterations

We take the hard-to-fit as a challenge OPEN ALL DAY HUSKY and SLIM Sizes Alwa In Stoc Easter Sunday 4 ¢ 8 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. _Easter Flowers & Pot Plants GOLDMA B for Easter Giving... 192 BROADWAY, HICKSVILLE | WE 1-0441

&# FREE!.. With each purchase receive a Beautiful Dahlia "Everyth for MEN on BO fe . of .. COMPLE LIN is

Garden = Garden Tools Orname ‘GEO H. PERRY Flowers - Shrubs - ‘Seed - Supplie IN o BROADWA HICKSVILLE | Hicksville- Roa O S Bc a ~LI .|

PAGE 4—MID-ISLAND HERALD, MARCH 29, 1956 Grandje Will’ Boys Sign Up Saturday See Electio

BETHPAGE — All boys are reminded that Little

League and Babe Ruth registration night takes place BETHPAGE — Robert F. Feuss this Saturday, Mar. 31, at 7 o’clock at the Broadway announced this week that Howard A. Grandjean of 46 Berkshire Rd., School. All applicants for both leagues must be accom- will be a candidate for — School panied by their parent or guardian. Registration forms Newspap for Trustee to fill the vacancy left Oteic will be available at the school in case boys did not re- open by the expiration of the term ceive one thru classes. who do not will not Pho Boys register of Fred Kramer. Feuss, a past Pre- be eligible to play this summer. sident of the North Bethpage Civic Assoc., will act as campaign man- Train Demolishes Station for Wagon ager Grandjean. ma A resident for the five BETHPAG E—William Sloane’s 1949 Ford station wagon was past Arra erServic years, has been con- demolished in a contest with a Long Island Railroad train on Mar. Grandjea BETHPAGE — Churche in ips. The usy two services 19, after the snowiest weekend of the winter. stantly active in civic) and schoal community: have planned sp affairs. As a member a the North services and programs to Bethpage Civic was Asso _h Week and Easter twice chairman of the Little Lea- Holy Sunday. ROMAN CATHOLIC gue Committee and was instrumen- St. Martin of;Zours R.C. Churel tal in the Association’s sponsoring . “Assembly of God Chitrc at Mal Pierce Pontiac “ at Central and Seanjan Aves. of a Little League team. He has Ave. and Emma St. ‘here, will mark Holy Thufsday,- Mar also served as coach and manager. planned to have four or five with Solemn Ceremonies at 5 Grandjean was also instrumental aa their INC. Communion’ Masses sch sing accompanime in the organization of the Cub are for 6:30 and 7:30 P.M., and Scout Pack now sponsored by the on. Easter Sunday. The mu- Adoration the Blesse Sac m - of Hempst Tpke. East Levittown organization. He is currently Vice fanaries and organ, will begin ment begin at P.M, and -President of the association. will 8 and continue through the until 3 P.M. M: on. Friday, This is the Bethpage Town Line In school affairs, Feuss contin- service. first time ued in his announcement, Grand- w O Friday, at 3 P.M. ther jean was the School led, has: been attempted by appointed by be Solemn ‘Gros the Ado LEvittown 9-5300 Board in 1955 and in 1956 urch,' it has been.done in again as|tion of the Cross and the Pass a member of the Citizens Advisory a churches, according to Mrs. and Communion Se In‘the i ' C Radawski, the wife the preparing the school! ening of at:8 the observances -will The- budget. He was also a member of . canaries are pets>.o th Statio of the |Cross, a the Citizens Committee selected by mib of the church. sion Sermon and a eneration the anu the] the P-TA approved by the Cross. Easter Sunday ser- School Board, to recommend a sol- les will The ‘Easter Vigil Service. at weigh the offer- Whaet a ution to the teachers Veterans Pre-| who beautiful way wartin of Tours Church will t f brought by church-goers,. ference problem. He is currently ‘been asked to bring oy Holy 31, change Coordinator of the School acting as 10:30 P.M. A Mas f the Res r than bills. The weighing: of Survey Study Group studying the| gifts will commemorate them rection will ricbe sa ptat_ midnig! to recommendations of the NYU Sur- of love save steps! The other Easter Sunday Mas lerings ‘as constrasted vey for the improvement of the] 30 on Apr..1, follow the usual’sche the pieces of\silver weigh- school system. ule. into the hand of Judas Iscariot of Grandjean was educated in the - METHOD purchase price .Christ. schdols of Harrison, N. J. He is About, 20 confirmation child the offerings on Sunday employed as Terminal Manager of| will be received into the church been slated for the sgnetuary New York a prominent City trans-|the Bethpage Methodists on We «uction fund. The building is A veteran of portation company. nesday, in an 8 P.M. Holy Co fed to be complete by the three in Air years the Corps, he/munion Service. New members 1956, about one year after f served with the 20th Air Force as| be received into the church, a 1 of the. church’s p a Radar Operator on a B 29 in the in school Broadw here, a similar 5 building. The build- bombing of Japan. vice at the same time Thursday. presently being used for all The Choir at the Methodi activities. It was first oc- Church will present a can: on Thanksgiving, 1955. sacred i tata at 8 P.M. -on Good Frida: mmunion will be held both in Carl Grozah will direct the Cho orming and the evening, this IT& and Mrs. Ruby Kloss will accon iy, at the church. pany it, in Maunder’s “From Ol vet to Calvary.” SAUSMER’S The church has announced th Easter Sunris Service at 5:30 AL IN ETHPAGE — All resi- Everyone in the community is in-) its were today reminded | Vited to this service yhich is spon. that three dates sored by the Methodist Youth Fe registration 56 | é been set for the annual jool meeting and election in Pine Ave -TA May. All voters are required Tegister in person on eith- Sponsors roop er ‘Frida Apr. 13, 2 to’9 P. ; Saturday, Apr. 21, 9 A: BETHPAGE — The Pine Avi M. to 6 P.M. or Wednesday, P-TA is sponsoring a new bo Al es scout troop, which is jin the orga’ OO 1a& i izational stages. Any-person who js inter Ya ( ee sizccan cal Michael Kronberg, at Wl! Parent of future scouts, musé) naa UL attend the first organizational | meeting, scheduled for Tuesday,

Apr. 3, 8:30 P.M., at the’ Nort r were greeted by Bethpage Civic Association on fifth child, a daughter, on | Stewart Ave. here. The boy h 15. jt hemselves. may also attend. tricia Ann Tendel weighed When a minimum: of ten boys Ibs. 14 oz. and was 2016 ‘have applied, the troop can be re ies long when she was born gistered. Hospital here. This will be the second. troop: ParocS are Richard, 1; sponsored by a Bethpage P-TA_ °2;- Douglas, |The Powell. Ave. school also spon: oma 5. Frank Trendel is a | sors a scout troop. ‘Expert Technicians

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NEW HIC -W YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY WE 1-0005 @ - 117 Post Avenue 67 Broadway Hicksville ©A~_. o

e 5 MID-ISLAND HERALD, ma 29 1956—PAGE Report To Taxpayer ——~

- s SOL yl By ZIMMERMAN role in staging the one-car ful attempt to grant Tenure rights ORDER YOU EASTE The Hicksville School. Board “motorcade”. and petition to to pregnant, probationary teach- meeting scheduled for Friday, the Commissioner of Educa- ers; his successful establishment of March ° FLOWE 23, was postponed because tion, It is axiomatic that aspir- a pupil dossier; his advocacy of 2 NOW. of the unavoidable absence of a ants to public office cannot small class sizes in order to light- Trustee. action PLANTS @ ® FLOWERS Board -on Trans- get enough publicity. en the teachers’ load; and many CORSA (CUT portation and Teachers’ Salaries Of course, any qualified citizen others. }WERS are set for the WE TELEGRAPH FL next board meeting. has a right to run for the School If this quartette slips past the ANYW Inability of the Board to function Board. Taxpayers have the. right; taxpayers and onto the School with one Trustee absent emphasiz- to know where the candidates stand Board, it would be very harmful to KRUMENA R’S FLORI es the necessity for ejther an im- on school affairs; their educational | the District. More so than the mediate Hicksv 1-1650 election or stop-gap ap- philosophy and background. Be- harm -which would result, nation- 215 Newbridge Roa d Fho “WEL pointments until an election is tween now and election time, we wide, if almost all the Senators in| held. should take a good look at the re-! the U. S. Senate were from one Bid openings for an additi to cord. political party. Remember, there is the old High School were held las Mrs. Edna K. Sutton, President no one to ‘veto the Board’s acts. Friday night. This construction |of the. Board, is a former school; Gone would be the critical scrutiny was authorized the teacher, Candidates Leavitt and which enlightened by taxpayers a- oppositio pro- THOMA F bout one year ago. It has been de-! Malohey are, at present, working | vides. A solid bloc of six on a sev- 1 Jayed. Now that the Bids have been! teachers. The election of these two! en man Board would be a calamity P opened, it js hoped that seed. Tha to the School Board would resuit! for the FUNERAL tion will in three teachers Distxi CH proceed at full speed. The | on a board of | additional rooms will be sorely | seven. This would be a severe blow! 100 WEST MAR St needed in to the Reade Sept., 1957. principles of objectivity and Opinion i The ousted R Trustees—Leavitt, impartiality that are required of | ‘ Ells ‘1-0262 by CHARLES DE SHAW and Newbridge Road, Hicks il Yocum and Soininen—members of the Schocl Board. The School Ad-! TIME MUST MAKE DIF- the former Board Mapority, have ministration is thoroughly capable! Any! FERENCE. Last July, when the announced their candidacy for the. of presenting and defending the Hicksville School Board comprised School Board. The next regular rights and prerogatives of the six members, with one vacancy, Schoo] Election will be held on school teachers. An organized, the business of the district was so Wednesday, May 2. Last week, Dr.| group of proponents on the School that to withhuld the Joseph Maloney, organizer of. the| Board would not be in the best in- pressing ap- N WN of a seventh member, MONE e pointment much-publicized ““motoreade” to} terests of school government. : goo Milton Albany, announced that he wa The best interests of the teach- Leavitt, was); unthinkable. Consequently, at. 4:30) A.M, the ap- joming ‘the ousted trio. The quart- ers are not always coincident with Long Term—Easy pointment was. made. Now we find ette will. campaign as an organized the best interests of the pupils the same Milton Leavitt with and unified group. If elected, | and/or the taxpayers. During Mr. along when G. Soininen voted for you buy four will join Trustees Sutton and Leavitt’s short term. as Trustee, Adolph (wh the appointment) of the Cawley in the fermation of a there was abundant evidence of his ‘opinion that district business isn’t to achieve thelr common purp: po pre-eminent concern for the teach- present Dr. Matoneyis announcement ers. We recall his‘unsuccessful at- so. important that a special elec- CYCLO clears up some of the mystery tempt to abolish Board approval of tion should be held to fill their’ concerning the good doctor’s teachér promotions; his unsuccess- Vacant seats. Can it not be considered strange direct from the y then, that these men consider them- factor HERALD READ OPINION: . ESTIMATE y selves capable of providing for our FOR A FREE PHO s children’s educational welfare? e | How Ploneer 6-5854 - Pl Leavitt ‘Omission’ can we parents successfully 6+08 r teach our children that selfishness, Call Collect By MILTON LEAVITTClai4. Second ; 3 regular registration spite, and disregard of community 482 Jericho Tpke., Mineola, N.; To the Editor: April 28th. Sales Office All Satup: welfare is wrong, when those who Open Day I think there is a notable omis&g 5. Annual Budgev Meeting, May (Please Turn to Page 15) sion in al] your articles, news e umns, guest: editorials’ and opin- 6) Regular Elections, May 2nd. jon of last: Weédnesday’s All this within 3% weeks! Is CAMP Goebel, Zimmerman, Stephan, va this cf are in Rub- ‘the type thing you instein and yourself all failed to favor of? Is your staff in favor of MON-CHA-TEA

mention that Messrs. Yocum, Soin- deliberately - created confusion? inen and I were uncondi-. Summer resigning Let’s have one election, a campaign Day Camp tionally on the dates we stated. devoted to\educational issues and a

- An unconditional resignation is clean-cut decision. Arts Crafts - Horsemanship not a deal. of You, course, know The voters \will decide who will Two Pools that. be the Board members from July Yon also know that we are re- 1st on. The Board may accept these Lunches - Transportation signing fcr-a specific reason—to winners as the choice of the voters Junior and Senior Sections end all titigation, and to give the and appoint them immediately for Ages: 332 to 5 and 5 to 12 Board the opportunity to have a the period from May 2nd to July NIGHT s DAY full 7-man Board on May 2nd—if 1st. 303 Merritt Rd., Farmingdale or it wishes to. When. Mr. Szendy stated that he Tel. CH 9-2055 Your staff of commentators} would probably not favor the ap- W 1-035 passed lightly over our reasons for pointments, he was simply imply- not resigning instantaneously. We ing that he would not vote for the RUBBER TIRE pointed ‘out that confusion would winners unless they were. his can- COMMERCIAL DEPT. result. They obvieusly do not object; didates. Let him now state unequi- Burners fpr all commercial No to such confusion. vocally that he will or will not vote Bulldozer plants. Buyns No. 5 and Here a picture. A “special” el- to appoint the elected candidates 6 oil. BUCKET WORK ection would take place between so we will know he isn’t playing DOMESTIC DEPT. “GRADING and RAKING Williams Oil-O- non- April 7th and April 16th. The cal- politics. And if he says “no”, then Matic, nozzle, for a endar would have to read some- he alone will be responsible for Garden and ciog guaranteed | Plowing Discing litetime. Burns No. 2 oil. thing like this: leaving the Board without its full FUEL OIL — 1. Special registration, April 7th: complement from May to July. EDWARD L. FINN 2. Special election, April 14th. 41 Atlas Lane 212 Wes Nicholai St., Hicksville 3. Regular registration April 21s Hicksville, N. Y. must Mar. WEHs 5-3936 LOUIS Everyqne re-register. 26, 1956 \. \WEHs 1-0890 53 Heitz Place, Hicksville M j Vince Braun’s Mea Market FREE DELIVERY i For - FROZEN Everything Sprin POULTRY FOODS T Home Made Sausage Meat — Bologna 5 ‘SU 102 Broadway, Hicksville . WE 1-005 Y &a GARDENING GS Improved NYLON-RAYON | PEAT MOS B jautifu pack FARMINGDALE ” dive THROW RUG Bent fo Mixture large bale 9 to 3.25) WASHABLE — NON-SKID

Ir Size = SALE 5 Ibs. 35 3:7 Hybri Teas 24” x 36” 2.95 yey THI : iee OF ab 24” x 48” 4.95 Ty GARDE YEAR 36” x 60” 8.95 .. Complet Garden Supplie S HI 48” x 72” 13.95 SEEDS — TOOLS — MOWERS — FERTILIZERS

& 3

S Inc‘ Wm At My 1-0500 by

: a : proenWEll FRED

CAPOB w STRE 1 WES MAR STR tye “WElls 11-285 WES JOH ~f ‘HICK ~_.|i


- Tantalus And - oe Sutton Express The Custed Trustees Mrs of one Harry Goebel, rejected |e th Editor et <l ee ie oe nee didate for school attorney, HARRY By H. GOEBEL I wish to compliment and thank) ting at the same school diy trounced candidate. for Mrs. — Libbie Kozma for her com- | hearing exactly |.the. same trusteeship, and. presently, Greek my jology is responsible for the story of Tantalus, ‘plete accuracy and refreshing ob-| cthers hear, seeing the same editorial writer for your " p a son of Zet offenses th he against Was CON- jectivity in reporting my talk at a/in operation that others Tt is to be noted that his nd Gemned te through eternity r up to recent meeting of the Burns Ave.) presumably equally capable orials are not accompanied by

€ iis nev ne lowered his . I am from : qu en his|P.T.A. particularly grateful| derstanding interpreting, comment and, as a ou, | to ti would be Jowered below reacn. When- her because here was the first/ almost systematically, pred quence, the reader is left free

ti accurate account of school| have his -as articles ey tort his, neck. to the my produced by others, iecept writings board activities to in that are in variance with the editor’s a appear your! # spressing dpinions’. j his head. th d be paper in approximately two years.| aforementioned ‘local pape: ‘Mr.- Goebel expresses adverse To Hoe = h neer the Almost consister during that| opinions that are fantas A ism ofthe Commissioner of Ce OM Vs st _ period of time and some of the read have offended the Vvotec your writ to hones jon Dept. Legal Division, tron quote m ca Drs. Brind and Jehu; |

no moral E. r. and e Court wou’ feel obligatiol Crane,/schoo)] attorney, 1 give your readers opinions th all others who choose to differ Yocum t sound and reasonable? i him. talks of ‘sacred cows’ On He “| : Your recent headline was ‘dogs in the manger’, but ne Court again <0 that write letters to the sustees Propose ‘Deal’ “mostly he’s been busy with promot- Leavitt@was illegal unted to the in your own ‘gentle-| Special Election”. Your o} ing a. special election. He claims too be ousted. He was a; at 4:50 manly’ fashion, you have taken ad- Ine pointed out that they hat the Board of Education is aut-

inuous session of eight-hour t vantage of this However, your flatly refused to “resign” momous, and he’s been’ recom- tee fart of the public in atte nee thie laceration of me as an individual} ditionally”, and the second se

1 is of tuen vacaney be deferred fo oniv one week to minor concern. {continued along the line that mimes be The major concerns, as I see was a 3) } 1 to submitted fore nsideration. proposal This them, are your own questionable’ ment ‘deal’ with the fact that school District is and has been entitled to the benefit practice of permitting remaining are subordinate to the of the advices erroneous;four stees opinion - and considered judgments of accounts written presumably by Ridiculous and absurd, to sa we Dept. of Education and the seven legally instituted Board members. It is and has others to be printed in your paper} very least! Mr. Sbininen, Mr. |Commissioner.. He overlooks the been denied this right. without so much as an editor’s note}cum and Mr. Leafitt neither, int that the Conimissioner may

S have been advanced for to indicate that certain points gested a deal nor move trustees who wilfully dis- . Exe inac Notwithstand- are} jmplied any# Ing the fac fact. the first contrary to It is my opinion|of the kind. There was expré y any decision, orde?, rule or lay Suprene Court lon declared the that you have dene and are doing willingness-to resign as of wulation of the Education Dept. language ar and unmiist kable™ and a Aherefor their “election”} very serious damage to our school! tain dates;. there /were no ¢ does not tell the reader that the a nullity, Mes Soini nen and |& because and some of/ tions and share of mon- saw tit te ystemg you no propbsals of. an ‘district’s the public tocum announce that they would r, y continue to sit. cohorts make the of be j Mid-Island the state t your pointment.deal”, much for ey may withheld: if At first, Was to be 4 | is until all | appeals would. be resolved Herald an instrument for the pre- main story..A hepdline and : istees wilfully violate and dis- anda t aeter rmination | b the highest Court of sentation of slanted He fails to out that the State reports an sentences ‘report ahd repeat m .jebey. point was made. Lat this was a cour -dey unwarranted destructive changed to await criticism, | terpretations. ‘there are trustees who feel legal € being entered and served. i Thee were i4 fa permittee instead of an instrument for th Fair to your readers, Mr, ‘and moral obligations. In brief, he

feerve for | a period of two weeks in of of facts and construc- tor? ‘8 spite the decision, with Presentation F the lve die ee ee p de e y contriv. i criticism of school board. af-) ule ted Halo foe This us , Wh demands th ee Son This Th dictionary tell thal th and urging cedure tire pro- fairs. editorial this”Board disre- was an a no t to the is a leading article That flagrantly. dignity of our stem of us are thankful that ard the considered of and affront to the Many our}newspaper, “an article -expre: opinion the an ‘vesidents of this 1h t. Notwith- school district now has two the editor' It is_ thest officers. of the Education tianding the two local “opinions”. Supreme Court decisions, the, despite dai papers, the Centre Island|reasonable to assume, thei fept.? Why the shouting for some- protests of Messrs. and szendy Mirich, the lame of |News and the Mid-Island that this Board 14e plates Daily!and particularly so-if an hing was repeat- ousted inc luals continued to be placed on the Board Times, both making sincere efforts does not indicate otherw: e, thi ly Advised ‘cannot be done at ble before the eves of the Th to a clear, untarnished is and under public. constitut a present ‘guest editorial’ reflects the time these circum- zen of disregard the dignity of the school picture,—the as it) tor’s the adverse criti- Cour and a deliberate picture opinions. tances’? Why ront to the people of the District. really is. This leads us to the recent ‘sp of. board action, and of trust- The f who attempt to perform their Precept of Education is to teach r expect for the Law ia? as it is interpreted by legally constituted he must stand forever charged as one who defies the sani authority. Thix ‘air ‘to your readers, Mr. Edi- precept is being violated. of our Judicial System. So long as.Méssrs. Soininen flagrantly ‘Fair to anyone, including law, as ~The it applies to the three musted i,ocum permit M Leavitt to speak for them they too individuals, 5 xed until the 1 urself? °° decisions of Mr. Justice stand with the same of our Hit rsed. charged disregard accepted j Yefer again to my earlier ob- A&# good citizens, respectful of the vial3° law. the ould be the process. - ervation, to my opinion that you have seen that the Uirs to law whieh dete-m ted their A serious question has been to be v done and are doing very ser- T status. Z permitted raised pelt ue enonss 2) law that the = L damage to our school requires vacan she filled attitude of the individuals involved. Section 1703 of system }y and witho prompt-. Education Law under which the yecause you and some of your co- 2 any proposed additional two offices wi ippeals to ans te : : hhor make the Mid-Island Herald Courts. The onl party to the Su. to Le filled, provides: instrument for ne Caurt ‘ @ the presentation vas Dr. James 3... Allen, dr., State . The additional members first Commissioner of elected shall ation. Thev were rally at a : and in- special election which destructive ‘ shall be cdlled instead of . electe by th criticism, idu Iv served with all papers in the pr ceedings, They boar and be held not Jess than ‘an instrument for the presentation mid have thirty nor|more than sought to be made formal parties to the froceed- sixiy days the facts and constructive criticism This following ‘annual meeting at] which the ngs. thes c se not fo da. They can net now number was school board affairs. e ompte in. increased, and pending the first| election of - temand for ¢tions to fill th ve De n made such additional members no ; ae vacancy shall be| deemed - re a exist. in the offices Hicksville, N. Y. thereof e) rept for ‘the |purpose tl the March 23, 1956 filling same by election, notwitt tanding|any incon. sisten. provision of any law. ‘(emphasis oury) The of*the problem non-filling of the vac ncies. wit! 50 or 60 days from the possible th last May annual meting ¢ in view of the he annual elect disregardet Supreme Court proteedings, of the vacancies ired term tilling within a similar period as extended Mr the Supreme Court rulin is Leavitt, as or the very important] The rai Counsel to the sy the Commissioner of the District’ indi t the right to” these otfices within 30 to 60 after SIGH days the S preme Co ions, when a special election was asked foy, would di ne paramount right of the people to what as an get tHey voted ft ix tt the three gentlemen involved the _ time fully app the indehcate ciate position in which they are putting - i ther Distriet. They were previously so advised. or lin to set They then ¢ o ‘isregard the admonition. The bad situation t for hin need no permitted to worse. In ‘iged, and then grow view of the expr langua v1 the * law a special election and lets the should be called, if the law is be adhered to. Theré is no need to hold red demoeratic out the bread of ili the board t with its full iors as ely complement of seven Pamate ‘yl or members, then to have it taken away by further actions which m hallenge the procedure proposed by the ousted ND HERALD T) truste sno need to speak of slackening the thirst of the HELEN LARSEN trict for and action e Mrs. Sat appropriate and then to have that thirst Dagfin Larsen, of ah ot ta failure to had -, Jericho, have announced FRED J NORTH, be v hanced by have the law followed, sher Soininen Mes of their JAMES MOUNGS. Yocum, and Leavitt, vou should in engagement daughter, adeornc Marager acquiese the S HOWARD ‘wveme Court decisions without len Larsen, to Flory. Pujazon, FINNEGAN. Sports Edeter further delay and permit Address istrict to go about its business. to ° correspondence P.O. Box 95 4 Miss Larsen is a secretary at Offiee: 4» North Gross Broadw.y, next to PL), Hicksville intemperate language was used before—inelu McIntyre, Inc., on -W. John Wills ine unwairanted that Jelephones 1-1400 - charges the WEMs 1-0346 taxpayers’ money She graduated from Glen Cove Wasted, an cing that, because the actions of the fo: and will ner ae School the Berkeley Sec- table for errors naiority were the the being challenged, men so School in Manhattan. ceyond cost challenging al

ipoed ‘ or, actions were men of a certain “ilk”. and Mr. x These were the Pujazon have set no : words 5 Subsomption rates | Ys. Sutton and a4 - ret er vear, $5.00 ty Mr. Crane, Whatever the “ilk”. for their wedding. They years word three State: $3.00 per! vean is to to be o open conjecture. If the members 0 vely plan married in - payable in aad remaining le ;/ copies on newsstands 5 cents: by Board, and the three individuals who r of the Good cents, were ousted from Shepherd- in is Board, desive to avoid Plainview. second class matter at Hickscille being charged with wastin~ texpa: Y. Post Office, Jan. 24. 949. jazon, the son of Mr. and money, and do want to be charged with being “ilk” (wi Yan of that : Pujazon, Canton, ,ever may mean), they will delay no longer. The will PAGE 6—MID-ISLAND HERALD, MARCH is @ senior at Kent State demand the : holding oi elections without further excuse,” rsity.

co is|


| MID-ISLAND HERALD.) - Vichengr Head Driv :

HICKSVIL E — Hy Vichengrad, unteers in the n of weeks. uple , ; 80 Andover f Lane here, is the, MS Taz Day Saturday, May = . | | : tan OF Lae” widiuip.e serevosis 12. solicit dona- |? : ~ drive here and inf ti Volonte Becapage, Syos- Hopping andj set and Plainview. = 1g SEEK 2 ek He and . centers Nassau his wife, Betty, who is a x Discou ¢ Big Spe T multiple selerosis patient, are or- ganizing volunteers to solicit do- $ nations during the 1956 drive in ct of th® appeal tiis year May. Anyone who wants to volun- BA RUT ena is a Rehabilitation Center here L teer in| LITT may call them at WE 5-7080. lew Nassau which will About tens people have volun- County, cost | teered so far. Vichengrad said that about $45,000, according to V ichen Finest In Baseball this area can use as as Patients now be Equipmen many they grad. have to van get. He said that will be WElls 1-0342. WEST a tea transported all the way into ee BARCLA ST., HICKSVILLE WElls 1-0343 held to discuss plans with the vol- York te City, he said. ——— RAS Flash bulletin from Run Mobilg Foond ; i et ee f= em — FORDWINSIN

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; Test Drive the c/ , Economy Winner... For i, ~ ° 2 i V ‘ MOTOR Inc. PLAINVIEW a - LEVITT MOT Inc. *

. 210 , Gardiners iAven South ‘et Oyste Bay Road & = Levittown, New York Syosset, New York Y._|

MissWesnofske and Eilee Meyer, of 19 Rd., Hicksville, were pre- _ HOLDEN& | Bride ith a son, Paul. Matthew, h 14. The baby was born “cy Cen- STATIONERY Miss Dorothy Wesnofske, daugh- Hospit sockvi ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wesnof- ske, of 85 Lee Ave. son was. born the next day, to CHOCOLATE Hicksville, was | EASTER ; married Feb. 4, to Stanley Kac- and Evelyn Fippinger BUNNIES, BASKETS, {przycki Jr., of Windber, Pa. The cou e are in 1 John Richard Fippinger living an a- » CANDIES, ete. partment at 16 East St. Mrs. Kac- his appearance on March 15. przyeki Plans on William and Frances continuing her | jethpage German and Italian Easter work of 170 as a checker at Big Ben’s, on} ppmann, -Evergreen Marie became the of a-son Greeting Cards |W. where she has been} parents

| employed r six years. pn 100 Mercy Hospital. BROADWAY yeki does construc- | tion work Frank Stanato and| “daughter, Martha Mary, was” ivered to Manuel and Anne Fal- Company in Elmont. He spent! of 56 Cliff Nea Corner Marie Street |from 1951 ta 1954 in the United ra, Dr., Hicksville. | was born States A Force paratroopers. ttha Mary on March The ‘in Kacy; 3 were married in} Merey Hospital. ‘Mr. and Mrs. St. Ignati la R. C. Church, | Raymond T. Foster Hicksville, n afternoon Hicksville are the parents of a wed- EILE born Mar. ding. The wore a white full Raymond Patrick, ried [length gown of chantilly iace and| Huntington Hospital. ee * hone: a fingertip v She carried white] N. J. roses and sweet peas. Ol been Mi s Barbara Miller, Mrs. Country P-TA Kac-| the T przycki' friend, of 186 Lee Ave.,! was Fasullo Univ. maid of hcnor. She wore a full cts Mrs. length blue serve gown and carried pink * By E. DOBBINS (Lew SToke 1 Wednesday evening, March Siw, ie GE tren, MR. AND MRS. STANLEY KACPRZYCKI JR. the Old Country Road School and his wife, Mr. Kacprzycki’s sis- it Teacher Assoc. 6f Hicks-

id : ter, f : . h i N Pru lan gro at thehom w 32° Emera Chapter OES [Blizzard Fail conducted its regular meeting aicn. ind it was indéed a most memor- after , . stica, th cerem Card Part Apr 6 To. Halt Shower le evening. ‘Me SET ing the meeti the Class- FASHION SHOW The Emera Chapter, Order of| One hundred braved Toom Mothers, under the. chairman- The Sisterhood of the | guests n The Midway Eastern will Star, hold a card|blizzard of Mrs. Michael weather to attend a brii ship Fasullo, en- Pius 3 jJewish Community Center, 310| at the party Hicksville Masonic shower for Miss tertained the entire and South Oyster Bay Rd., Hicksville, Camille Ca faculty c.. Chi eon Friday night, Apr. 6 at] of and husbands with has announced its Fashio Tem Hicksville on Suhday, Mar. 1 a most regula Show,|8 o'cloc Charlotte Harvey is The shower was given in ;|delicious Smorgasbord dinner. The Monda on Monday evening, Apr. 9, in the| chair of man honor Miss Rose their | ‘faculty arrangement’ by Testaverde demonstrating appre- the se SEE THESE EASTER Golden Slipper Night Club,.Glen| the home of Mrs. Nancy Note ition presented every mother Ballwe Cove. WINS ASTIC HON SPECIALS NOW! Brooklyn. Miss Testaverde i to a charming corsage of pink Father Miss MarilynStor L. 20 Everybody is weloomed to the! Kreider, Ter-| maid of honor at Miss Car white carnations. the Sc 1955 Chevrolet race Pl, Hicks fil N. $1495 show. Y., was a-|wedding Saturday, At the regular business meet- Tickets may be secured by) May 5. child ;mong 15 seniors recently® elected| beautiful the Many gifts were » conducted by President, » Stephe calling WE 5-077}. The donation to the pre | Gettysburg Colleg chapter|sented to the bride-to-be Mrs. Mildred Polsenski, election of. York ¢ 1955 Chevrolet jis $2. .at ~ lof Phi Beta Shower. for the Kappa, national’ hon- | fficers terms of 1956-57 chology Spt. Cpe., Gray/Coral The clot shown will ng be from: orary scholastic society. Miss Cardinale is the da ‘was held and those who will be in- Th

ae : 1954 Chevrolet Nina Michele, of the . ._|of Mr. and Mrs. Cardi stall at the April are: he on Merrick, Miss Kreider, a Stephen meeting ac-| biology major, is of ina cessories from David' 14 St., Hicksville, it, Mrs. Michael Fasullo; pare! of Fifth)a member of Phi Mu, national Terry soc-| fiance ig Joseph Ruggier the ‘President, Mrs. Charles Frost; passi Ford..... Ave. Garden City. Goubaud 195 de|ial ser ority, Beta Beta Beta, Biol-|of Mrs. Mrs. chase Katherine Ruggiero » Doris Gabris; Re- Paris, of Manhattan, will make upjogy society, Women’s Student|the late Armand Ruggiero, Mrs.

the models. A fur : 195 Chevrolet showing has also|Government and the Student Brooklyn. The wedding will be. ee co lad of been. St. plante Joseph’s | ‘Dobbins; and Coun- Christian Asso-ziation., Church, Suydam ‘Walton = mittee, Brooklyn. Mrs. Rudolph: Szaba- “Parcé) 1953 Chevrolet Four “Alt to bridesmaids are. plan be congratulated ages 3] ; \ lincluding Miss Rose Cardina’ ‘wished well in the coming meetin; YOUR oe e Ike 19 Tei of th bride, of 21 First stead ¢ Chevro aNEAREST eo ~ Bethpege; and Miss Phyllis Je were most fortunat in hav- eon is Snat friend @s our guest for ‘the Saturd: |efer ani no re! speaker . ‘tion to the Mrs. Martelle in | 1951 Plymouth .. groom, of Lee Winant, the Director for the Elemen- kets’ ar AGENCY . ner Miss grades in Hicksville. Mrs. ased fr 1951 Henr J... Crrdirale, a graduate wastt has a vast and varied’ ex- April o Hicksville High Schopl, is’emplo: lence in all elementary school availabl Fairchild Camer jb lem: is and we all ed to 1950 Plymout .. Kohsto - benefited con- p ; ‘ment Corp., Syossell. _sideraly Arom her discussion. She The F to continue working there for som ifically pointed out the four 195 Chevrolet amportant factors that jtime after her marriage. Her fian parents and . 4 Dr., Ivory/Green eacher must. have Blessed is when dealing manager of Macy’ with their e children. They are as 195 Studebaker parts: dept. follows: Integrity, Depth of Under- ee | ing, Intellectual t Curiosity and Dr 1950 Nas “Th sor | ...... Center Island Jewish Sch Living _ . : ews Martens, Chairman of the 18 sponsoring an evening of “Fol ys” Means Committee an- Ford FOR FINE SHOES S@ngs of Israel and an ...... 194 need that our ‘card party will 118 a , BROADWAY, ILLE 0. at Levittown Hall, HICKS WElls 1-2860 Shturday, eve! held on Friday, April 20 at the 194 Plymouth ‘ma Mar a1. and any really beautiful ve already been purchased is affair. Everyone will be Contacte shortly by the ticket itee.. This 1955 Chevrolet HICKSVILLE has, always been $1295 BAK enjoyable evening for all 14 Ton Cameo Carrier ing as besides military announces Fresh bridg other types of was in } Ford Tes Daily... games are 1953 mw SAKERY Ope Sun y layed. _ conclusion of the meet ROLLS, CAKES : ‘th SET 1951 Chevrolet shments were served by | ‘UNTIL 7 P\M. Grade The Bt Panel Ton, Green COOKIES oT Tayi Third Mothers. the ‘Hick SET CAKE SALE held at t Phone: WElls 1-9894 “The Bethpage Fire Dept. Auxil- urday, A 154 il hold cake sale on BROADWAY, St. Ignati is Church a East- available HICK jaturday, March 31, at 380 Opp phon W & Form MacPHE Wec “ARGO-SCHIL To CHEVROL LUMBER Corp. Hir. SALES and SERVICE _ 50 Bethpage Rd. at RR Crossing, 27 - Ist St., Hicksville Hicksville -. Long Island WElls 1-1145 Largest and Finest Yar — Complete Line of Buildi Supplie pt. Until 9 P.M. E ore Sf It’s Lumbe Call Our Num WENs 1-888 CO eee tens Oe) ect” eam! oe _ee eG

af Women&#: Societyasim MID-ISLAND HERALD, 195¢— o- 1 a To Elect LUNCHEON AND BRIDGE liam iG ° at WE 5-816 Officers » re= is | Everyone invited to the Lunch- Th pa: rat 12:30 P.M. at the ew, “The of the eon and Son Shining. Moun- Bridge Party pf the Glen} Swat Club “t Glen Cove. Door orn tain,” a film on the Cove-Hicksville Indian-Ameri- League of Mercy | prizes’ and Sweepstake prizes will can theme will be shown at the Hospital, Apr. 5..Tickets, at $8.50/ be given monthly meeting of the Woman’s out includin ‘a prize of each, are from Mrs. Wil- silver to Society of Christian Service at the availabl servic Hicksville Methodist Church on me Wednesday, Apr. 14, at 8:15 P.M. the zer All ladie of the church are in- 15. HIC Officers ces, will be elected during the @ Open Sundays 9 till6 P.M. een business session of the meeting. EVISCERAT The FA hostess will son be the Leah Cir- - Ib. - 59¢ cle and the TUR yas devotional will be RS in| charge of the Priscilla Circle. A Cake and Food Sale will be © yas Ca held oneit - Tb. by the women al- on Wednesday, 59 Apr. 18, from to P.M. le. 4 Tea and BO? ssi cake will be served ‘ch during the sale, Roa Be -- 69e lb. at the church on Old Rd. and Nelson here.count ver AV oo HIS V/ ONLY EILEEN ARRO WOLF, a member of the Herald staff, will be mar- Fresh Larg JWV : ried on Far May 27,to Joseph W. Katz, o: f Auxiliary Kearney, N. J. After a four week pic 3 Doz. honeymoon, the will take FRES FISH couple up permanent residence in Trenton, To Install Staff &# N. J., or its environs. Miss Wolf, a of EGGS... $1.95 graduate Vassar College, has On & been with the Herald since /1955. Thursdays 24 3 doz.” October, Mr: Katz is a reporter in New officers of the Sgt. Ben Savin on the Trenton Bureau of the Newark } ews. He is a graduate of Rutgers Levitt Post, No. 655, and Auxiliary HOT ITALIAN BREAD ino FRES CABBA DAILY University and Northwestern Uni ersity’s School of Journalism. He of the Jewish War Veterans of served in World War II and afterward in the United States Navy. Hicksville will be formally instal- 1-0892 (Lewis Phone W Stafford Photo). led on Fre Saturday night, Apr. 14. Deliver The ceremony is set -for 9 P.M. 128 Woodbury Rd., betwee Bethpage Rd & Park Hicksville” at the Congregation Shaarei Zed- WATCH FOR OUK DOELAR ‘Av Holy Famil ek on East Pius Society Socie Barclay St: SAL To Mrs. Winnie Collock is to be the Receiv Sunda new Auxiliary presiden Mrs. Syl- Meets via Richman, senior vice Monday The Rosary Society of Holy president; SEE US FOR ALL YOUR:LUMBER NEEDS Family Roman Catholic Church of Mrs. Sara Kass, junior vice presi- - DOORS - PBS PAINTS - The Executive Committee of the MOULDINGS CEMEN - SCREENS Hicksville will receive Communion and Mrs. dent; Doris HARDWARE - UNPAINTED FURNITURE - Pius X of St. R- Lichterman, HARDWARE Society Ignatius at the 8 o’clock Mass on Easter treasurer. JALOUSIE - PORTER TOOLS . Chureh has announced the next WINDOW CA3L Morning. There will be a The regular meeting will take place on meeting Auxiliary’s new conductress the following Monday, April 2, at 8:30 P.M. in Tuesday evening, will be Mrs. Ruth Stillman, the the school hall. Father “Lawrence April 3, commencing with the reci- chaplain, Mrs. Ethel Glass; the Ballweg, Moderator, has invited tation of the Rosary in the Chap- historian, Mrs. Bertha the Father Patrick to address Kriegel; Frawley. el 8:15 * the P.M. The Nominating Com- patriotic Mrs. Society: Father Frawley, a instructor, Edna mittee will be selected child comes from St. that evening Roniger; and guard, Mrs, Eva Lev-

. Stephen’sDevenoR.-C. Churzh in New for the next of officers. group itt, : York ‘ City and will speak on “Psy- Mrs. Ann Beliveau President, in- The Auxiliary’s new trustees chology and the Modern Child”. vites to attend. The everyone , will be Mrs. Josephine Communion ‘Buckner, Hours: - articles will 7:30 5:30 Weekdays — 7: 0 to Saturdays There“ will be a Theatre ~ 31 be on sale at the meeting. The Party, Mrs. Ethel Lauer, Mrs. Myrtle 33 Old 3 parents the child’s April 17, to see “Mr. Wonderful”. and Country Rd., Hicksville ‘WEls must bring Lang, Mrs. Edna Olitsky. . 1-0390 passing slip in order to pur- chase the articles. Mrs. William Giannelli, Chair- lady of the Ways and.Means Com- FISHING TACKLE REDUCE mittee, reminds the members of the SAVE “Parcel Post Party”. The pack- 6.00 Casting Reel 4.50 ages should be brought to the ...../...... meeting and will be they sold in- 3.95 Casting Reel ..... 298 stead of the dark horse, “Lunch- eee eon is Served” will take place on 28th 6.50 Casting Rod Saturday April at 1:30 P.M. 050&qu ...... 4+ 3.60 in the Cafeteria of the school. Tic- kets 4.00 are $1.50 and can be purch- Bay Reel SEE 3.00 ased from the committee at the Firestone April meeting. Only 150 tickets are 6.95 Rod Bay ...... 5...5. 4.95 1 available and the members are urg- OUTBOARD . ed to purchase them at that time. SEE ATTAIN OUR COMPLETE ’56 TEAS The Executive Committee wishes LIN to extend to all of the members of MOTORS

Pius X, Society their wishes for a Blessed and Joyous Easter Season. Biggest Bargai of the * * a . $200. 69&g Mo SAVE on. thi Dr LePener. | $7.50 es tonne 249°& Wed In Miami eres famous Nationally Advertised 3-SPEED eg. Dr, Joseph Alexander Le Pener, a sa formerly of 2 Essex Lane, Hicks- 2999 PORTABLE ville, will take up residence at 2. NO TRADE-IN North St., after Site 399% 1 Syosset, 1. May REQUIRED sen MIXER His to 11 marriage Mrs. Lillian! *and old Coyne Hendrickson on Feb, 14, was! your eperating outboard motor Only 75¢ a Week announced recently. The wedding (Pa was in Miami, Fla. :


SET CHARTER NIGHT . The 5th Annual Charter Night of HICKSVILL Firestone the Hicksville Rotary “Club will be held at the DEALER STORE Milleridge Inn on Sat urday, April 7 at 7:45 p.m. Tickets | available from Freeman Patfr’ 300 South . Broadway, Hicksville WElls 1-0961 - 0170 phone WElls 1-1203.

Formal n Fri. Tinti = Wear 9 P.M.


- ‘pace 10_MID-ISLAND HERALD, MARCH 29, 1956

DEADL for both main Herald and Plat ‘Wednesd at 4 PM for

oe Fe for 15 . charge $ words, word. Repeat 5¢ word, min. : ates upon request. ]

oe * :

ee eee aan s —— a - SERVICE OFF SERVICE OFFER SERVICES OFFERED {— _ REAL ESTATE __ FL BING:Dan heat cont SO bott r a REUPHOLSTERING | tip sor ree small’Wills“§-2 | steri covers,RioF ho ser. Chair $28.95 — Sofa $69.95 ae —|vice call IVanhoe 6.515 or ] Plumbing ting PYr yr. Written Guaranted © Hun- | B3884 dreds of Fabrics to Cholose From Plumbi & Heati 3| | . in Levitt ” IV 9-1500 WE 8-4282 Experie Ber Hom F *<| t xtension s ee Call We 20 Paes | POTOTIUN sersting, rertifie- j ge = Night, AM 4-1263 G Atticsttics and lawn maintenance. Ed. DANIEL | arages ing FREE S E LYON Metc WElls 1-4883. a a a All —___. = Kinds |= ADT | CARPETS, rugs and furniture; ‘See For Yourself” I cleaned your/ ° REAL and shampoo ia CONCRETE WORK | ALTERATIONS ESTAT . home, *DORME _ Mayflower eaning ATTICS COMPLETED 5 115 Broadway, Hicksvill : LEvittown pe Jo Locations On Request : a § RNR 5 FEOTOGRAPHY —Weddings,| Contractors J. & E. Maintenance Co. heme commercials. General portraits, = eS Contractors WEIls 5-050Lopts Ferre Charbonnet, 59 Priggs St, Phone: WElls 1-6264 t Hicksville. Telephone WElis 1- FHA 1 6479. Terms Arranged a LET me! help catch up with! MIMEOGRAP clean, m d up and dei- service. sh |iver ELECT ‘copies. Prompt Ne ee | | macnine to turn out expeptio fi = WORK los ork.ay Herald office,’ : Noli Bro ext to Hick Forever Yours Aah | i ESTATE

= ville REPAIRS Mothers Preserv * i4 Hicksy ee You childs” Jerusalem Ave., ’ INSTALLATIONS BIRTH First Steps

Te ANNOUNCEMENTS . G -B zed Dryers - Outlets - Atuca Wired New Pearl- TIONS & INFORMAL: SELLING YOUR H Sy 5 Pastel Colors Call fer Free Estimate Shown In Your Home. ‘ For Prompt Service call ‘ W 1-7035 ‘ W OEE HICKS After 6 PM, WElls 8-0243 ’ pr es ‘

wo . - : °HARVEY N oToy Real Estate Ins

dc pete teat esl : — w 75 254 North Broadway, Hi WElls 8-4200 “TING, interior aud FLOOR WAXING [/ 35-1102 WE 35-5341 1 exte eg tig mo eee All Types of Floors EEE = manship. O. Nilsoun, WE 6-| P COURTEOUS RIB L SERVICE WAXIN ae eA oe | GUARANTEE LES PLAN SS Aone] | |MORSTOTE SE , 5-024 5 R p Sand & Gravel con ee ean F [SSR | nates HO Po 8 A CAS ’ N KARL ASSOC: = Contractor STE al Carpenter WEB 3 of AT HICKSVILLE R.R. STAT! # - Attics Rasements - W 5-9800 BA RU SIL heoat pr Garages - Soe aoa tien jishacirter “bite statins | Wells 5-410 (ore mron#ele mT AR WE WILL BUY - © HOME | Aree ne | YOUR : Stephen Hladki - WEls 1-6755 LE - - H AVENDALE SLIP COVERS : HOTO L ; ~ ; Se ; ; ES 5 a eapIn joi Island' Estate Chain M ; ‘Long Large Rea

: Hos Ete ‘d SOFA, CHAIR, CUSHIONS : abo Lebtan 309 WO OLD COU?“OUNTRY RSVILLE WE | W. 1-2445 Hs ne “ = oer As Low As ei en aewea Id ee 49. a

Gd. : ARTICLES S SALB GEORGE, CATERERER - . FOR * p 10% Off On Alb Uphotstery Hicksville Floor Slaut. 14744oad Wo or M h o Mar. a iee CEAU | Waxing Service AD — Weddinuy, Anviteryuriu, |———-—- Hicksville ; eis,2Dinhers, Shower Term Homes & cifice Credi Availabl Mainteqanc a Opposite the Post Otfice mects, Birthdays HICKSVILLE HOUSE 129 Bway WEls identiols — Businesses” a 5-444sini: ata Price You Can Aftord de, - UPHOLSTERY CO. _ ING. Mac bl WElls 1-1818 a 1 domestic. = S xcellent| 106 i Broadway WE 11-3484 ‘Gall WENs .5-8900. e WEH — ee re 5-1771 : - is “ports ‘ . | : bed, spring, SPECIAL : 2 PURCHASE CABINET waking MARCY CATERING MAHOoe ee _A FEW LEFT = ; h 23 : Weddings - showers - alListed IN F = f Cocktail Parties - Buffets PAPER 3 SAL Call for Appointment MARC RUBBER STAMPS. Standard = do

Keasonable . ROTOTILLING Hne return address |stamp, ‘sp 0 Spe LAWN CONSTRUCTION - Se er Ream LECIROLY 8 4 ‘ss mediate # Occupancy g Colored SANDY L. FABRICATORE oe A ,| geen _ CANARY Yc 30 Sycamore Avenue BUSINES special. card 1, RL T |} A. Mannilla RESI nuy,EER | a - i Willie : pensively, a : -y 6.95 -WENS 35-5563 N.Y. feathweight, E a Bethpag ernoon, evenings. Transportation up to seven lines of i pe ReuwWidpred, el c can amd srincisi, Hicksville carrycarry: Broadway, urnished. L e Crane, accredit-| : s and Pocket card case free with order, : £ Savet-, care a 1 et ; & B operaiur, WElis 5-6347. CONCRETE; general ce-| ‘Herald office, nevt ty Hicksvill tou ts WELEs 1-1052 i P at the ment work: WElNs) reasonable. 22> ———————————————. Boat. Office. a : ifive of R002, : { Ba SMOOTH . : LOOK “AP FOR . ARTME 2 MID- WANTED. Cnwante Hair removia torever, REN SITUATIO- at ISLAND LAWNMOWER Multiple or Short-wave. . era 19 wishe to clean windows Free Consultation and Repaire rooms, bath, odd. : Call LE 3. &q ive, jobs. 98 NORTH Sharpe MR. GAIPTMAN d BROADWAY un ant Tevelivo (b.S.A.) month security. i

- S

VEn Taiz oe FOR

a D FOUND > = Insurance — Ww FE o . 2 fs ws aa peuits a RE (p wonderful pets for E W A x La 1. outa 3. $5 pair Pair IN THE HERALD per an B “ta. “ne WEll 53-1181. WE . 8-2 2 WI

A WHAT THI aa I OH PAPA! PAPAL! a : FOR faces MORTGAGE RUD i AVE! ‘ PA z WE'L 1 AN a . a OO . Bees HOME & rosin.suing2ani-~~~-.|

NOTICE IS° HEREBY.” GIVEN. ADS that License No. 6A 3473, has: béen WANT issued to ‘the undersigned to sell rald Beer, Cider at retail, under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law for (Continued from Page. 10) FURNISHED _ at 547 South Broadway, *Hicksville, RO Nassau N.Y. for off rds, UPHOLSTERY County, pre- mises” consumption, min. ARCH room, pilvate fam-| = The sunny private DINETTE 7 Holsten -chairs ye- kitchen arry recovered, ily. Light privileges. 547 South padded. Chair, soft springs, re-|Near Grumman's. Gentleman. Broadway tied,_ Hicksville rewebbed. Reasonable -rates.| WElls 8-4783. GhekU SUnse 5-3904. F76 2t x 4/5 ONE rivate room, LEGAL entrance. OTIC 223 Duffy Ave., Hic PROF ESSIONAAL cian, “Re- DISSOLUTION NOTICE ‘ordings, TN, accepting BETHPAGE—Furr _NEW YORK, DEPA ATE O Set limited number of students, STA , ‘Wood bedroom, next & tify that a wind instruments and accordion. entrance; private of RON? 4 ons in your home. Instruments | been filed in this person. #10. and that it Joaned free for first ace day ap- S0 such WElls 1-1603, corporation | man omiplied with section one * | Stock hundr LARGE fiv of Corporation ACCORDION ary room, priv ‘and that it is dissolve er, ust of hor in duplicate under my ban@®: iven in your hen “Bré use of} | 1 of the Department of | rdion for 1-} optional. n a bey rners,“ WEls ms of Albgny, this [5th 7537, WElls “tholistin 2 5-22 ‘aft mine hunei ix mine G. DeSapio Secretary of State. Se EL LONDON ca eretary of Sta MID-ISL: SMALL BUSINESS LOANS was fhe top of Bill How ‘at BABY SIT ER lett, representing the Mead ow Br@gok Nitional Bank, when he Hicksville luncheon at the SERVICE spoke the: Rotaigy Clu Int He tRe of Charles Bar- Virginia G. Vittal DISSOLUTION NOTICES Milleridge recently. was guest STATE OF NEW DEPART- Mature vels, at right, ‘assistant cashier thi} Meadow Brook’s. instr etions in your | Competent Mothers MENT OF STATE pf Hicksville office. Club President B¢ nd Rusch is in the home. Instruments rented and) WElls do hereby certify that a certif 1-2677 of. of W ORPAL lHi0M sold, LEvittown {-8034, dlissolutio centre welc somin the Herald photo by guest ,

in F Tr ‘ ‘i un Ma j -PIANO Instruction- OFFICES FOR RENT an Het PROFE LEAL NOTICE SIGHT READING PROFESSION suites available i dissolved. Z

in new 5 building in} in under “my hand COURT, NA i attractive Business Theory - Hicksville. duplica ze b ineludi in, Harmony | Suitable for dental lab-/ icial Yanklin Nation ‘Distrist “the the heof 15th Playnute premises situ- Conservatory Teacher oratory, docto or other profes- \s at | Gf Mareh thousand ‘nine fun- Paletta, Detendant ut Jericho, N. Y:, (now. in 2 224 o Apply +2, /*C" jsional Offic and fifty seution jJence District) being ‘WEIls Rd., le. WElls Carmin G. hu 8-6173 Rose Stark DeSapio e in th and: [Coun of State. part cularly’ bounde x jecret bed a follows: or Stat that) ‘ LECAL NOTICE t, certain plot, piece parcel land and wbe- TRUMPET, In the above, er th .4f lying TROMBONE, of sald and. PUBLIC NOTICE ‘pluntif : at Jericho, in the Town of HORN . fendants ed on the PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that| jer Bay, County of Nassau Lessons private in small pursuant to the Town Law, the! State New York, bound- | Seale proposals will be rec groups. Theory I ructions County Government Law of Nase nd dejcribed as follows: for the installation of in included in the reasonable | water mains, an { sau County, the Na u County nises ibeigg irregular and in Carmen, rates. WElls 8-4424 Administrative Code and amend-) appurtenances }! at Jericho: near intersec- Homes, by the Board of Water | ‘of noitheast corner of Jér- hs ments to said laws. also a resolu- Commissioners of the Hicksville Tunipike, and+ Jericho- ARTHUR VANACORE—Piano District, Nassau irects alt inz Tour ef eee County, §) an Palet= Bzi Road, Onc wao Mary fur 4 r comprising wateew at the office struction, and York, of ‘the! - beginner advanc March 7th, NOTICE IS} Sth day of 0.7803 acres, having a front- Water Comm ~ students. 36 Miller Rd., Hicksville.| 85 Bethpage the HEREBY GIVELS that a ma |! PP a ee agelof J8 ifeet on easterly Phone WElls 1-791. Road, Hicksville,sionN. Y., until 8: 0 owing described atte proper- side! of - showing orome to be acquired | * oo Jericho Oyster Bay P.M. 12 prevailing time, April i Midlucnese ceeuen Jors, eecow or are Roag} 400 for the purpose of continuation of begiining feet, more T TAX 1956, and then at said office, cri: with the and INCO Power Street and open- of Ja building or Igss, no}therly from Jericho Ferney Street, ed and read aloud. te ings publicl ‘Purgpiter zn depth e lmitovenentsene (eve pike aveiage consisting a 6 inch strip across | ls eat dale, dept of All inquiries must be addressed! iy i Tow a Ceni said streets in Hicksville, Town of ot|* of §pproximately 377.98 feet, to the Engineer. Each bid: must be and Sts Gye on a TAX RETURN Oyster Bay, Nassau County, New | andghavin;t frontage on. the a: : |accompanied by certified check ilide of Jericho Turn- York, said dated see | in in” jierly in map being May or bid bond: made and Prepared Privacy of Your payable in| care ta ik p entitled: Map or of 95 feet and 11, was Albert pike an average 1953, prepared by the amount as set Home by forth in the Gardens’ Corp. Ine. Mav 0 feet. L. Loeffler and is on file with the formation to, Bidders. bel Clement: L.L S Hempstead Expert Public Accountant BY OF THE TOWN office of the Town Engineer at the/ Attention of bidders is called to! rt RD Ce or | BOARD oF 8-0825 Town Hall, Oyster Bay, New Yor! the Schedule of Rat FReeport Prevailing Wages | is Map 4504 and {- “Said shows the THE-TOWN OF OYSTER BAY properties *!: , map ‘as set forth in the Information to) taken togeth | H - to be for bounde snd des ed, ‘Curran,Bay, N.Y.Town SeerClerk: acquired street -purpose: | it Bidders and made a z part of ee INCOME Dated i LES th Bey: Ne : TA “expertl pre-|and distinctly indi tes the pur- Specifications lic accountant, owner thereof ‘and the di-/ March#43,. 1456 Ap-| potted he successful bidder will be re- {th el 3 and bounds P89 1tpid/ Broadway,|mensions of each of, quired to furnish performance bond! $ side 2 said Bin’ a thence parcels. {as | the Information to Bidders pro- jorth: ihe side of PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NO- vides. 100 feer running thence S terhs® Ti TICE that a hearing wil! The right is reserved: to on with Bireh TAX reject | frat inking then REFUND DUE? /in to such respect ma. any and all bids, to waive any in-| with RETURNS PREPARED ing Room at the Tow formality in any bid and to acce | nort) th ster Bay, Nassau County, such bid or bids as to the Board.

| For Information York, at 10:00 o’clock in the fore- appears for the bést interest of the noon on the 10th of April. District. Cail WElls 1-9132 1956, at which hearing said Dated, March &# 1956 Board will afford a reasonable op- ‘Board of Water Commissioners portunity to all interested Hicksville Water District — persons aceount-| t0 make objections) thereto or Harry Borley, Chairman gest changes therein. sug- William A. Cisler ave you ‘New A. t : Dated, Oyster York, George Kunz. Feder and| 7th 19 Bay F8i 2t x 4/5 . 8 MarHENRY M. CUR N i Tow Clerk LEGAL NOTICE ‘AL NOTICE Town of Oyster Bay [- Nassau New York ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS PUBLIC NOTICE rmeeting of the Zoning Boar ‘ Cou Io F79 3t x 3/2: = Town of Oyster Bay, wil NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN DOMINICK NOCE the J Justice Room. “Court that a Public Hearing will be_held oss R Bo E88 PM | Public Accountant LEGAL NOTICE Mo Rt by the Town Board of the Town

Sas APPELLANT 98 of Oyster Bay on Tuesday, April Disso A Federal and eres. oes 10, 195 at 10 o'cloc A. M. in the} GREF{TINGS & GIFT State (Regmc Lane,aranceManhass | Room, Town Hall, . _adait Hearing : Oyster nt with i building t Oyst to from Income ordinance allows, also N at which hearing citi-| you Taxes . . Weglrought jof dissol. than to Foot wi 8 md neerenterested Nei . TION CO.. . par ne) E s 3p BcBiin ste Sil ly Neighb Prepared t at Nort “O have an opportunity to be departm a Road Welfare therefr Miller | hepears orporation upon the following resolution of & 24 SHERMAN AVENUE complied ne hundred “CAS a the Tawn BoardBoar o o the. Town of! and five of t ith tock’ Corporation Law, a Leaders No& 515D Homes Ine. e yen i N. Y. and that it i ‘a olvec yeter!be Bay ot BETHPAGE, . APPELLAN Hor Park O pay f . in hrough erect a resi-{ cial VED, that upon appl- WEIs 1-0782 dunlie width ESO! wit Jo cation of WALTER UliL the WELCOME WAGON Drai T alle ide of C | zon Ordinate oe theal 2 Bude ‘ ft f Cedar ¥ St Town of Oyster Bay. as AR Sirge 4 amended MRS DOINNIE | and revised and the boundaries SPADIN | roksei wae eee at Samuel 8-7096 By | FEDE Sublic APPELLANT ~ D Homes Inc..| of the use districts therein es- f¥rsimid opereil: z Fetir man anes re i y 111 Hawtho Cost ee Joral Park.| tablishe & e (Nb 2: or Obligation?ligation n home. Call H. Caust,/Fs3 2t x 4/ nv Cost your sURIEC e, Pipral Far tablishe be am mended (an oe | iat ~ —! s 1-5763. 4 denee on plot wit less width, and! NOTIC . ene LEG , area than ordinance allows,

HEL WANTED LO ATION — North sid of Chestnut AL DISSOLU NOTICE 100 ft. of Cedar Street, TATE OF DEPART- Pire ea NEW YORK, Hicksvil 10 7 DAY ‘ WE PART TIME TELEPHONE WORK cas ‘0. 5160 -YOUR OWN HOURS. WEls 1- rtific A tagratane | i361 enun r | 24 HO A DAY

erect a FEMALE needed. ariance resi-| help Steady em- to ar We Answ r a four ployment, good vacation, insur- yards and greater p! “ares than” ee e Fite wood “Auivancement| mun or: an tiv et T Cony Fe Subidi P. L. Andrews ue eee possibilities. Corp. LOCATION — West of -Pine| P # ik S an Givoffic: in duplicat0! ne na B ma j Fer Business -| enpartmen 260 ft. aid wake Andrews Rd. Hicksville,vill 1 Street, north 0: 5 | WElls Chestnut : gpd official se: ity of this 15th| Stree 6500. Albany. Hirk ville. day of March, one thousand nine hun- RY ORDER “O THE BOARD OF and fift ix APPEALS HOUSEKEEPER, full time, Hicks- dre Carmine G, Town of DeSa ‘ Oyster Bay ville. Good salary. Near bus. Box Serretary wf State. Daniet SAMUEL LONDON Secret 58, Mid-Island 98 No. a soleara Herald Deputy of State. i FS82 2t x Secretar4/5 PS Broadw 4 (MEDLD-.|

PAGE 12—MID-ISLAND MARCH 29, 1956 HERALD LEGAL NOTICE : No Ma U premi, es bounded and described LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE as follows: Easter jas plann despite the ALL that:.certain plot, ‘piece vacations last ac-- PUBLIC NOTICE April 12 195 at which time they parce of land lying and be- scho bein closed fo of snow week NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN or wi be publi and read. “at Town of to mid-island uthorities, . opene ing Hicksville, coréin that a Public Hearing will be held Plans and be be mad is not Specifications may Oyster Bay, of Nassau Whether the two m w to up by the Town Board of the Town! obtained at the Office of the Board Soa and State of| New York; being certain, according to inistration. Next week the of Oyster Bay on Tuesday, April H. the r or from the Engineer, more particularly bounded and. have District -district to annoui or ‘the two-days 10, 1956 at 10 o’clock A.M. in the|G. * expects not Holzmacher, Marie described as follows: Hearing Room,; Tow Hall, L. We ¥. to be added in June. Oyster Street, Hicksville, . upon Hicksville Property Idcated at said that N.Y., at whic’ hearing the 0.00 for “each set In Hicksville, Dr. Wal ib, Superintendent, Bay, deposit of with frontage on Duffy Ave- jzens an ‘parties interested citwill whic! will have furnished, sum b re- nue of 139.34 feet and said ime will not _ have an opportunity to be heard! when funded the set is returned in property located 1821.4 feet to s’upon_the following resolution of good condition within ten (10) the west of the northwest corn- y.the Town of the Town of after the bids have been Boar open- er of the intersection of Duffy Bay: : d Oyster OS Avenue with Newbridge Road. RESOLV that upon appli ach proposal must be accom- BY ORDER OF THE TOWN the snow cation of McKeo Lumber 20. g through high panied by a certified check or bid BOARD OF Inc. and Messina the iG Goze “ifts. Pasquale bond in the amount of Five Per- THE TOWN OF OYSTER BAY Josep Building Zone Ordinance of the Mr. O’Brien’s death was attribu- cent (57) of the bid amount made Henry M. Curran, Clerk Town of amended Town HICKSVILLE — John Oyster Bay, as payable to the Bethpage Water Y, to acut cardiac failure by the Dated, Oyster Bay, N.| and and revised, and th as assurance that the bid who was. born office at Mea- boundaries District, March 27, 1956 . Gozelski, ical examiner’s of the use districts therein estab- is made in good faith. in thig F88, 1t x4/29 many years comm ook Hospital. He died shortly lished be and € gimende The Board reserves the to Mar. 21. ter change right on. finding a taxi at the Hicks- by includifg in “G” any all waive Business reject or bids, any} ~-Mr. ‘Gozelski, whose la 1 lot. District the situate at iile Railroad Station -parking premises informaHties, and to accept such| Pitts East (now in Re- was 363 Clay Rd., taxi, owned by the Railroad Plainview, } Y., bid which i its opinion is in the IBLI OTICE ~The near South © sidence “D” District) more port, was born 1 Jerusalem being best mterests of the Water ral NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN xi~ Services, Ave., particularly bounded an je- Bay Rd. and Old Country Rd. P. of triet. |that a Public Hearing will be held driven by George Keller, scribed as follows: Sal J. Greco, Chairman by the Town Board of the of Later, he lived-on West, St ittown. Dr. Jacob Rand, of 2 ALL that certain Town plot piéce Té Benkert, Treasurer him are his wife , Oyster. Bay on Tuesday, April 10, Surviving dena of Dr., Plainview,- or parcel land, situate at ~ Harry A. Stolz, Secretary ,1956 at 10 o'cl A.M. in the lian (nee Strauss); his. son, dead 6:20 Plainview, Town of O’Brie at A.M.’ Oyster Board of Commissioners Hearing Room, Town Hall, his Mrs, Jo Oyst Jr.; daughters a veteran of th Bay, County of Nassau, State . O Bethpage Water N. at which heari ci , ‘Bay, Y., and Goze! New which is wan Phyllis Mar igor was a for of York, bound- Bethpage, L. 1, N.DistY and war, porter. zens parti interested William a ed and described as follows: brother, ozelski; New-York News: He had Dated, 1956 have an opportunity to be heardwil Daily Premises situate on the Mar gl | Mrs. Helen Pelkowski, and lt x 4 P the following ord- living ‘here with his daughter, southerly side of Old Country F9 nance of the Town opposeof Oyster grandchildren. arian Dorsa, at 23 Valley Road distant 322 feet westerly OUTDOOR WATE R PO eve Mr. Gozelski eposed from the intersection ‘of Old a ae Sie J. Funeral ICE Section 1. Coverage: Henry Stock Ho: Road and Grohman’s LIC &g Country trict outdoor water shall NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN no pool Saturday, Mar. 2 That Lane having a frontage of 22, arranged by the Thomas be constructed, erected or main- Marc 150 feet Old Road that a Public Hearing will be held a Solemn Requiem Mass wi on tained unlessin conformity with Fufieral Home in Long Is= and of Count193 fee by the Town Board of the of at St. Anthony of Padua a depth Town this Ordinanee City. Following a 10 A.M. BY OF THE TOW Oyster Bay’on Tuesday, April 10, Church in East, Section 2: Definition: Outdoor Northport, fiass at Corpus Christi Church in 1956 at o'clo the BOARDORDOF 10 . in followed, i Rood Water Pools*shall for the pur- burial Holy interment was ‘in Long THE TO OF OYSTER BAY Hearing Room, Town Hall, Oyster Voodside, pose of this Ordinance be con- etery, Westbufy. National M. Curran, Town Clerk Bay, New York, at which hearing) Cemetery, Pine- Henry strued to mean . any swimming Dated, Oyster Bay, N. Y. citizens and parties interested will ° pool, tank, depression or exca- Alfre O' 27 1956 have an opportunity to be heard Mar - vation in any material, dike or “F87 x 4/29 jupon the following resolution of It berm constructed, erected, exca- HICKSVILLE — Alfred 0 the Town Board of the Town of vated or maintained which will a resident of co LEGAL NOTICE Oyster Ba. 6 this cause the of water to that the retaining for about three years, died m , applica- NOTICE TO BIDDER a greater depth than (2) two tion of FRANK and ROSE GEN- inches and in a tari, Mar.<19, Notice is hereby given that having a larger’ plane suddenly arate SEALED PROPOSALS for TILE, for a. special permit use surface area of water greater than (2) two feet, 1. Plumbing, 2. Heating, Ventilat-a be granted pursuant to the pro- square except LEGAL NOTICE such as shall hereinafter be ex- ing and Air Conditioning will be of the Zone visions Buitdmg cluded. The word ‘Pool shall be received by the Board of Commis- toa depth of 36” thirty-sis « of the Town of lerbert Ordinance Oyster construed to Outdoor d sioners the Bethpage Water mean ‘es. 8” eight inches-in ieee of Water Pool. grandchildre District, in the offiee*of the Board Bay, as amended and revised, for spaced. not over 10 feet ligious services were held Section 3. Permits: Permit for the Fabric be erected in to erect and maintain shall Fire House Broadway, ; permission ay, Mar. 22, in the Wagner th construction, erection, mainten- barbs on to: a Euel Oj] Tank on the a Storage ance of suc poot shall be issued Gates to™ i “Home at Old Country Rd. by the Building Department and ‘enclosure 5) Jerusalem Ave. here. The shall be subject to all applicable the shall Edward H. Stammel, pastor of provisions of the Building Code ex p ity e Church, here. of- of the Town of Oyster as peer Bay, tion was on Friday amended, and of the. Building ‘other than’ the a 7 at Middlé Village Zone Ordinanc of Town of fe submit for aj ith plans in Queens. ‘Gre Oyster Bay, as amen but no fencing will be app Section 4. Materials a Construc- if erected on wood posts. tien: No pool shall be built, con- Wodd Boards not Te tha: structed or maintained except of one in¢h thick or split ce ESVILLE — Richard Posch- materials having adequate ““kets when “woven % of 84 W-. Nicholai St. strength to retain the water con- rous wire and secured to ner tained therein. They shall be de- frame’ supported by: posts signe in accordance with sound section or reinforced con enginéerin practice and the ap- meeting ‘the strengt Th (ne Fulton) Poschman shall furnish a! plicant complet ment of the “impos - th brother of Mrs. Charlotte plans, data and specifications to will be accepte er and Mrs. Florenc Burger. enable the building inspector to ed equal. Barbed 35 years Mr. Poschmann was evaluate the structure. used for. the .to} Section 5. Wa ter Disposal: Water mber of the Carpenters Local overflowing from the pool and, ere. — | when the pool is the services were scheduled Water therefrom, shallemptiedty ed of on the wner’s Nan ‘and |! Fro the Henry J restrained Bre from flowing on the inance shall-be putdoor ic Funeral Home land of on Newbridge any adjoining Property ing rinks or surfaces oi , Interment was planned Owner or into abutting used for here any ice- con lain Lawn street. The applicant shall show ‘to maintain dept of wate Cemetery here. i ) his application the pla for over (2) two in the dispos of water ‘storag wat * Sectio 6 Fente Excep as tanks are. comp othérwise provi e for, ever the principal m: pool shall be completely enclose eonstructi Ack ld, die unexpectedly on with to prevent accident- interior of. such ay, Mar. 26, at about 1:45.A. LONG ISLAN FIRST NETWORK RADIO SHOW al fenci entry and unauthorized use of |: " International & National News, Local News, Special Features funer will be from the As- PacGod Chufch T on wire work of steel members-as listed 2 P.M. services today GE below. yy Mar. FEED or other approved equa!. 28).Funeral ar- “H’”’ martiorma’l ars &a Line Posts: Sections - 2.84 of the ound lineal foot or 2” two inch O: TT per grade and approximately. A, Fulton and. Son D. (outside diameter) pip 2.72 Sam condition as Mr, Raynor home in Servic for r Progr Banki Lo Islan lineal foot corner, en an gat _poolva const ni Ray was wel know to posts— 0.D. lin- shall further MEMBE FEDER DEPO INSURAN CORPORATIO 3,6 per sno eal foot top rail— O.D. department. of t| 2.27# per lineal foot. so that an inspe 65 Broadwav e Hicksville e WE 1-2000 AH posts shall be set in conerete may be made an) e be Be Sure To See the... sectio 9. Dista:istaned Every pool shal at: least, (15) fi tant from wd Section- 10 ‘buildin powe: to : tions hetein ‘for a of ani Pails e to.meaethe r to. installation o -of:) the B lo tena for TOTS to TEENS at $ ioe oake and CHILDREN’S WEAR Peter & Wendy Shop : _Corner W. Ni HICKSViLLe s we. |

Sets Art Classes - HICKSVILLE Mrs. :“ Hoebel has announced oil painting} - Hicksville Theater classes for children from 10 ' Mar. 30 beginning Fr GEAR Saturday Apr. q from TN Cry Tomorr 7:03 9:23.& 2 to 3:30 P.M. . Sat Mar. 31 The classes. wil be in Mrs. Hoe I& Cry. Tomorrow ~2:0 4:12, Piano Player Ever Frida b Sete si bel’s studio ‘her at 30 Terrace 6:24, 10:42..°° 100 NORTH BROADWAY Place. She may be reached at WE }Sun., Apr.ar1 HICKSVILLE 1-0668. Mrs. Hoebel taught art in PN Cry 2:23, 4:43, this Adult Tomorro community’s Education|}, 7:08, 9:23. | Program for six years. Mon., Apr. 2 Til Cry Tomorrow. 7:03, 9:23. CONTINUE FLAG SALE Tues. thru Thurs., Apr..3 to 5 The. Archie. McCord. American Commanche 7:00, 9:45. Legion’ will Killer ALIBI Auxiliary continue the Is Loose 8:42. -FRAN sale of American Flags, Mrs. Joan Thurs., Mar. 29 snow Poppe, Americanism chairman an- All That Heaven Allow 1:00, SPECIA nounced at a meeting of the group 3:55, 6:50, 9:45. EAST ttribu- in the Legion clubhouse. Sale of Timetable 2:30, 5:25, 8:25. DIN by the has been well flags received..and Fri, Mar. 30 . Mea- Family Style; | orders may be placed by calling All That Heaven Allows 1:10, shortly Mrs. Popp at WE 5-2337. Cost:of|. 4:20, 7:30, 10:40. Hicks- the flags is $2.25 and includes’ staff Timetabl 2:50, 6:05, 9:20 CHOICE OF APPETIZE: ng lot. and mounting piece. Sat., Mar. 331 Antipasto Eresh. Fruit Cup ailroad Marinated Herring > Mille] Tomato Juice A meeting of the’Cancer sewing All That Heaven Allows 1:35, WILLIAM HOLDEN is starring Cherrystoné Clams Rresh Cocktail . Ave., will 4:40, 7:45, 10:45. group take place on April 3 at in “Picnic” at the Cove Theatre, and lier, of Timetable Celery Olives {Shri the home of Mrs. Poppe. Members 3:20, 6:20,. 9:25. Glen Cove, Saturday, Mar, 31 thru ‘ of 2 Sun. thru to 3 CHOICE , have completed 500 pads which will Tues.,.Apr.2 Friday, Aovril 5. OF SOUP}. nounc- Cream of Tomato be turned over to the Battle Stations 1:00, 3: 55 6:45, ‘co ‘somme with ‘ Nassau . Ric My of. the 9:50. French Onion Sou Au Chapte Canc Societ REA IT FIRST pti of the A coffee hour to.be sponsor Son Of The South 2:20, 5:10 ENTREES by IN THE HERALD ter for the. Unit 8:15, was announced by Mrs. Roast Leg of Spring Lamb, Mint He ha Jelly Kay Mazzie, Veteran Rehabilita- st Maryland Turkey, Saucg jl... Glen Cranberry ighter, tion chairman. Coffee and dough- Cove, Cove Roast Long Island Duckling, Apple Sq Valley nuts will be serveds to all visitors ‘Tues., to Fri. Mar: 27. to 30 Saurbraten, Red Cabbage and Pota&# mpfii to Southern Fried Corn Northport Veterans Hospital on The Lone Ranger 1:40, 5: 00, 8:20 Chicken, Fritter \WJ.i— irsday, April 4. Mrs> Mazzie also reported Walt Disney’s Song of* The Veal Cutlet a la Parmigiana with Spag ‘homas that she had delivered ‘materials ~South 3:10, 6:30, 9:50. F: Roast Prime Ribs of Beef Au Jus ng Is- donated by the members which. in- Sat. Mornin Kiddie Show. Mar. 31 Now thru Fri., Mar. 30 Broiled Swordfish Steak, Butter! A.M. cluded electric 3 Cartoons radios, clocks, — 10:30 Home Made or Meat Ravioli — inch in » Kim.10:45 WALT DISNEY’S Baked LasagnChe . Long at. thru Fri. Mar. 31, thru Apr. 6 Stuffed ‘Manivo : Pine- Picnic 1:30, 3:40, 5:55, 8:10, Vegetables Served Famil “SONG O Peas and ee 10:2 e Carrots String Bea Choic of Potatoes TH SOUT Creamy Whipped Candied Sweet ? “French Fried Hold Mixed Green Salad, French Sch- Meeting “ EASTER in Color - DESSERTS Tpiss here, HICKSVILLE — At & recent — Home Made Apple or Pie Pie — plus Crea -Island To the little ones, it means a Member Committee Meeting of the Blusber JBos Chocolate or Vanilla Ice visit from the Easter Bunny. To- Nassau Cooperative G.L.F.. Service, “The Lone Bisquit Tortoni Italian Spumoni s prawie Short Cake -ather- mc., West St., here, Arth- Ranger&qu Coffee some it offers the opportunity Barclay Tea Mik in er of xr V. Youngs of Glen Head was Color of promenading in their new pe. He Fe-elected to serve as Chairman of finery, Others Clayton Moore - Jay Silverheels the Committee for a one year per- SPECIAL CHILDREN’S D NE recognize it held as.| iod. - Fresh Fruit Cup, Soup, Turkéy Dinner, ey beckon Milk — 1.50 the glad time” Sat. thru Fri, Mar. 31 - Apr. 6 Vagner Other committeemen present i when e ry Ra. the were Richard Bergman, George The earth comes to . Hendrickson, Joseph Nicholson and “PICNIC” Dinner Served 12 Noon te stor of life again. Harold Simonson. Also present P in Color and CinemaScope bE | re. of- e And, those were Charles Boyly, former G. L. 50 OLD COUNTRY ROAD Friday F. District for HICKSV wh reflect on Manager the Long William Holden Between Broadway and Jerusal; pra Crem- I sland ivent the Resurrec- area; Robert Grindrod, Mr. Rosalind Russell Boyly’s successor and Val WElls 1-9660 tion, it is the Stype, Kim Novak Manager of Nassau GLF. in symbol of eternal hope. Start this Easter Sunday by at- Posch- tending services at your Church, TAIL GATE. . . here, RESTAWIA After Church, join the paraders on the Avenue. Climax this 12 FIRST STREET ie late HICKSVILL glorious da b dining at the - MacPherson Chey mann, po Alibi. attention will be 1.9 arlotte Speci Georg Gerdik Prop WEl urger. given to family parties. Relax n was over your favorite cocktail in Local pleasant surroundings before order the Easter you elegant TODAY TOMORROW thru Saturda: eduled and Today dinner at the Alibi Restaurant, MARL JE. Rock Hudson mane Jane Wyinen 50 Old Country Rd., Hicksville. Saree ¢ SIMMONS ALL uel Goldwin's B Ne See HENNINGSE AND DOLLS

‘GU also — EMET ABLE pian Scope and Color ol wit SINAFRA VIVIAN Sunda thra Tues Easter “Li BLAINE Walt Disney’ Din SON OF THE SOUTH Starts Saturda in Color WILLIAM KIM HOLDE BATTLE STATIONS Enjoy NOVAK John Lund - William Dinner’Famil St Bendix ICNIC St. tarts Wednesday CHOICE OF APPETIZE and Color Bing Crosby, Donald O’Conner CinenisSco Fruit Cocktail. Tomato Juice, Marinated Heri Blended Juice WONDERS of ANYTHING GOES ‘MANHATTA Shrimp CocktailPkt — 35 ex also — RED ‘eaturette in Color SUNDOWN Celery and Olives .Both in Color Rolls and Butter CONTI PERFORMANCES DAILY FROM I PM+LATE SHOW EVERY FRL SAT. CHOICE OF SOUP

: Cream of Chicken “Co


_Werig, Red Sauerbraten, Cabbage, Potato of Dumpli oe Countr Dinin Roast Leg Lamb, Mint Jelly Roast Givies S Varmont Turkey, Gravy Roast Ham, Sauce the charm and Virginia Burgundy graciousness Roast Prine Ribs of Beef Au Ju: Syherly America remains tradi- | Broiled Sirloin Steak ol tiona background to fine food

x * 5 DINING é 72 ROOMS CHILDREN’S DINNERS —4| CHRO *& INTIMATE BAR-PARLOR: + w % * UNIQUE GIFT SHO Potatoes Luncheon ...... Dail 12 to Vegeta in Season — Dinner 5:30 to 9 P.M, Fa SHO new Musie From The Hamm q St 12 Noon td 9 P.M. Organ peata Weeke CHOICE OF DESSERTS Paints -Artist ; Supplies GLOWING FIRE PLACES Chocolat Strawberry, Vanilla Ice Cream ‘T Cream Cake ar B. ~ - Walipaper Hicksville Road &a Jericho Tpke: Jericho WElls 1-2201 Bisquit Tortoni ncere Henningsen’s Beectsho= Pie, Tart,i Strawberry NEWBRIDE . their 148 ROAD — CLOSED MONDAYS — 2pple Yara

eigh- : Hicksville WEHs 1-2995 . Coffee ge “Member of the DINERS CLUB” : eave-- “Fi in=-


COMMENTS BY SZENDY: Tear Ducts With Spigot It seent ‘to a gen : H o a beli th a w post B po EMIL J SZEND function were abrup turne o cept n ‘by an on at &l nc of thi poi It had ‘bee dis- th dang Mon testif again r hus os The tears that were shed onl a as if at spigot i Meadowbrook Hospita assumptio appeal covered that a simple. solution was week before about the sad plight the old-time fictio available - the “resignation’ ‘of Yo- of the Board and the School School cum, Soininen and Leavitt andthe District and “the children” poor holding of an immediate: election. beezuse the Board was “unable to No tears were shed: and no protest made at the Board testify. againsb- hin Peters Servcie meetings of a ¥,..March 9. and retires safely; and aMarch 18,. dis- Rep Saturday, the A.M. Leavitt, law. -enforcement. BENDIX - GE HOTPOINT tion .with 4:30 rupted when -the chair called con- frustrated. by the rule: of PART — SERVIC indicated that e other Board members “in-- appointment the - siderable question can be raised|©¢cited... a WASHER - DRYERS sects” and twice permitted Wil-~ wishin; te dis about the legality of any appoint-|. Withou liam Jack to speak of Eirich RANGES ment; No Board member could. be peace-of mind-of Anyone w and myself as “pigs”. But tears have married. such’ a coerced into making a promised ap- for REFRIGERATORS were shed immediately there- must that the era pointment. And, for what if may be report after at the “inability of the belief worth, school attorney Crane said cepted is_unfounded; % Board to function.” - wife’ h with respect to- the: con- Friday, Mar. 16, that that kind of may testify against tinrony, WE 8-5656 and the un- band that, of the letter, was admissable. The Board situation implied “deal” should not be made. and, conseque it is still ir happy potentialities thereof have “Oddly enough, afl emphasis is denger. state (Eh o not changed one iota since the re- law may be of’ interest, PNE DAY SERVICE now being placed on filling the when numerous signa- those women’ who have not Ali Work Guaranteed & Insured cent Sunday Board -by appointment after the secured to a re- fore reported the short: tures were petition budget has been voted upon and the intervention their respective spouses, bell “positive adopted at the annual meeting. No of the Education. that they would t be pel is “preparation. a basic Commission o 1 busi of. long ‘petiti to take the witness stand to ry es- dget” of to the NU aa them. m y his or her spouse, pecially preparation of a basic gatherers. How. the Board will func- owa not within. the protection of budget”. There still exist the same 2nd. Actually, there that beats ‘em aii! tion between now and the May: and be revealed. lack -of when th rule ferred to w rule, may unpleasant possibilities: election seems no longer to be of unanimous for fellowed. i agreement necessary - But any importance at least. not to ile r it Board action; absence of a Board dergoing, in yer MADDEN’ those who were weeping bitterly radnal so, that member for cause in just resulting over the prospect only a week ago. im no and day, most jurisdictions, AUTO BODY SHOP meeting; mismanagement. Now, it appears, attention. will be of the Spo e is competent to and disruption meetings by diverted to after May 2nd and tears 140 WOODBURY ROAD gainst the other, o’clock in th évening in chair. shed in advance at the terrible eight lim of the HICKSVILLE But the solution suggested to prospect of a four-man Board after statht ecaste‘Hempstead OF WE 1-9777 the petition bearers by Dr. Brind, May 2nd. All to create a =smoke;~ Ave pte: « all will be directed In practic states, 2 chief counsel for the State Dept. of sereen around ‘the that a 7-man e fact ever, including New York, “Miss Education, was distasteful. It was board of unquestion legality CAAT band or wife:eannot be a solution that had been advocated could be created now by vote of the or witheut the consent of the organ. Solos will be sung by for a month previous by Eirich and people if Yocum, Soininen, Leavitt, th if living, cannot be pe Knight, Howard Christ, and: and Sutton were to HICKSVILLE myself repeatedly rejected by Cawley willing © disclose. co} dential k Nelson Elmer Bauer Mrs. Sutton and Mr. Cawley on the submit the matter to the electorate. and tions: made y the other d vid Young. advice of School Attorney Crane Which obviously they ate not. The reason We Serv at for ; Othe Holy AUTO as ‘“‘illegal”,-the holding of a spee- No more tears please. The marriag spig is based. upon the sound pub! Community will include 4al election. Now, it required only ots are squeaking. icy of protecting the sacred Thursday Service of fthe concurrance of Yocum, Soinin- confidential communicatio: ‘Holy Communion at eight WRECKE en and Leavitt to make it legal and tween persons. standin (March 29), Easter Sun- “it W BUY AND SELL workable. [2 Car Crash relationship to one es will be held at 9:30 One would assume that the pe-| i - | CARS - PARTS ord WRECKS HICKSVILLE — A col- protection Small children are tition gathers, still weeping bitter-| two-car same 12:00. A.M. Serap and Metal tision at Jerusalem Ave. and ions made by a pal for in the Church ly at the plight of the District, Ol Nurser DISMANTLING Rd., here, result- to his doctor; by a communic¢ would now appréach Yocum,: Soin-; Countr Sunday, WE 5-6203 ‘ ed in injuries to two occupants. No his priest, minister or rabbi; inen and Leavitt and demand that WANT ADS 62 West Barclay St. Hicksville was hospitalized, by a client to his atéorney. HERA they “resign” forthwith. But, no, jon (Opp. G.L.F.) | The accident at 5:10 must be with resp the wailing stopped, the circulation happened It noted, GET QUICK RESULTS P.M. Rosemarie E. Mullady, 23, of latter rule of of petitions ceased, nothing furth-! this evidenc Brooklyn, the d iv of one car, er was done by the leaders in the was sent home with lacerations Phone SUnset 5-0232 petition drive, Cawley and Joseph ;and contusions. Kathryn McFad- Maloney. R. & W. Jedierowski a. ‘den, 44, of Elmhurst, was also sent Yocum, Soininen and Leavitt home with. a possible sprained an- have now indicated their intention RICH IDEAL kle. She was an occupant of the lof “resigning”. But even now, when are not Board members, other car, driven by Thomas Mc- Window they they . FURNIT Cleaning wish to dictate to the Board and Fadden,. 52, also of Elmhurst. Co. the District when and how their OPE NI positions should be filled. Leavitt, Specializing in their spokesman, has_ graciously Broadway an @ Estates @ Private Homes consented that the Storm Windows and Screens position on the Board Kemoved & Attached not now occupied by him and which will automatically become Pp Bex 307 Hicksville, N. Y. 0, vacant in any event on June 30,

= should te filled by an election | now there are Cat

which will occur, with or without y BENDIX, HOTPOINT his consent. on May 2nd. The same is true for Soinen. Yocum, who fill- Washers, nine great new hak Dryers eda Quc position having a term ex- ELECTRIC RANGES tending to June 30th, 1957, is also “Resigning” something he does not HAV MOR TI Parts and Service hold to permit an election for that position on May 2nd. Soininen and F GRONER Leavitt are giving nothing - abso- Whi lutely nothing to the iDs it. SERVICE Yocum is yielding only the unlikely VACA possibility t he would be rein- 25 Old Road Use Ne Country stated by reversal of the Supreme Court decision. Yet all of these! v WElls 5-8484 people, having obstructed reconstit ;tution of a T-man board on April DEV 7. have the temerity. to instruct the Board and the Distriet how to yy % Dry in r a act - hold election 2nd to an May Greater Power! and those successful the the ’round—no appoint to NEW paint year Board for the interim period from: windows open—and this Fuel » Economy! yl base interior guar- May 2nd to June 30th. paint “NEW ert results. Wonder-Tones Cheek of the statutes in connec- | Startin Easel walls like a dream with * NEW ler. Find out how easily, you can rate during ee Quieter Quiet! have free Come in and ere your vacatio CARPORTS. ORIVEWAYS the nine uxs great acw vinrudes. — s o selec o 1 ewe Tone ready- colors FISHER Lal 41 sae — ‘uavittown. & talbegpo and colors, too: nv. colorsentsemi-gloss and gloss. MIDWAY

Sales & Service’ | 325. JERUSALEM AYENUE Concrete, with Wire Mesh . HICKSVILLE Reinforcement,- i. WElls 1-371 ~?Makes-a-Better- ==) - 5,B


— .| SPRING.SCHEDULE Wins Reward For Incentive Senio VARSIT BASEBALL In Lo HICKSVILLE—Milt Goldman of 6 Ballard Lane, here, re- | ceive a cas incentive award for improvin th serv.ce of the Cee F ne r i

L — Yellow | Wic Th Sea : Veveran Administration b discover a ,heal haaar an Is led Talbot with 14 an automatic devic a machine. by igre H installing on specia vie upset tae Levu aC ours Levittow Hi Golaman is Bacteriological Supt. of the Tuber depart Ave. The of Veterans He is School, Saturday. victory Roslyn ni ment Kingsbridge Hospital. 34°) by the Rebels forces a speciai Westbury H!| and has been associated with the hospital for eight year playoff to determine tne cnampion- Chaminade A award said in part, “In his capacity as Supt. his machine r A ship in the Senior Division of the Bethpage in improving facilities effectively with minimum cost" 4 St. Ignatius ‘intraparisn Baskec- Oyscer tay | _the second incentive Mr. Goldman has received. |¢ateSpeealju Levittown award ~ - — ball League. This game will have == ~~ Bnited Sea 7I Cliff. . to be played off on Saturday, Apr. Gnd S Garden City ~|Baldwin Gray ‘Pack 91 Goes eins 14. Farmingdale Aj fo and wer Dooley, Tylinski Talbot beland, Bese 4 Defeat Colts ‘Down Under | the diiving force that enabled the Jha Rebels to the Devils. Ai | Bim. — upset Bergin Westbury SOUTH HEMPSTEAD The HICKSVILLE — Cub Pack 91 St. Mary’s lf, and Baroletti are to be commended First Pre- met on Speed A Baldwin Grays, : Friday evening at the St. Bethpage Poli Villé “Peet “i Work for their defensive play. Dolan and A(cinet champs of the ignatius School Cafeteria with| High Tu 1 Milco H were for the Caghone hign scorers Si2Ghit A Division Basketball “Down at the Bottom of the Sea’”|at Red Devils. unt Farmingdale H/|feated the Syosset Colts, Second as their theme. Dens 1, 2 and 3/44a, H| Precinct in first their made The Nj The Green Arrows, altho Island Trees Champs, th coun- displayed projects dur-|_ have lost ing month and Dens and 6 during “hi they a good part of Open ity playoff here the 4, Aj tThe skits. fall don. their games by two or three Roslyn. score presented The méeting was| the./smi-profes- N.S. < A‘ Bar - Sional points, moved into third place Conch of the Syos well attended by the cubs, the will in the final de- jset Colts was commended for his tommittee and puests. serv standings by County A feating the Blue Lakers 24-23 fine handling of the boys through- Awards’ during the evening vem the season and his were: Bobcats: John in a hotly contested battle. JUNIOR HIGH BASEBALL although Ciarelli, and team lost this game, they are stiil Robert Newman. Wolf’ badge: With’ Devine, Himberger and | the Second Precinct Champions. Michael Barker. Bear badges. Calzetta feeding Fetten and Burns, Westbury Ro bert Bergin, Ronald McCormick, the Arrows were able to overcome} Bethpage & Prem & =& - mpm > KennethPEMD Service,& atp po VincentDeere m R teem Rpr>> mp m&g the highly touted scoring combina- Plainedg Rebels Victors jand Paul Yura. Weblos: Paul Gian- tion of the Lakers, Shanley and || nell, John Gannon, James — Montal- SOUTH HEMPSTEAD: The, Fetten (12 .and ° Douglas. points) [to and Pat Martino, Gold Arrows: - Lo- (10 points) were high scor- Grenville Bakers Boys Club of Burns ‘Louis Parmiagiani, Rober K Valley in the in- ers for the Arrows while Douglas cust champions wi ak and Charles | Silver termediate division in the Second |- ne. ar- 14 points was high scorer with for} rows: Louis Parn Charles lea- iani, the Lakers and the game. Police Precinct PBC basketball Lang, James Me otghlin All the and who | gue, bowed 59 to 34 before the I and boys the men Michael wood Rebels of the Fourth Pr MeGunnigle. worked With them are to be com- TRACK The cub committee will hol its cinet, Thursday night, in a playoff mended for their teamwork, coop-; YARSITY & JR. HIGH next regular meeting on Wed. ev-, eration and above all the for county honors, sports-| ening, Apr. 18 at the sehool cafe- manship they showed throughout teria. Pack night will be on-Faiday the season, Reade Opinio evenin April + SENIOR DIVISION (Continu I, Will (JH) from “pag 5) FINAL STANDINGS seek to guide the educational des- Pato Position si tinies of the children do just the Award Team Finished | opposite. Can anyone deny that tle) 2 Varsity Letter Yellow Rebels 1* children are bound to become con- 5 the situation? Red Devi ha {fused by present. BRL SSWICK, Maine — 5 Port Washington (JH) George that Arrows 3 They are taught at home cer- M. Paton. JOB OF FIXING 8 Farmingdal (JH) of Hicksville, a student! Lakers 4 9 ‘tain things are wrong, and then OLR WASHER IY, of Bowdoin College, here, was- * Tie 2 they hear of elected and pseudo iAM SURE YOUN awarded | 2 Rela (JH) elected officials preaching and do- a varsity track letter re- CAN FIX OUR TV’ i 6 Ee, ing those very things. cently. Poe” TOM SAWYER 6 The this fill- big question on Paton won the letter for his 19 per- ing the board vacancies is sim- Iie Trees performance in the hurdles Day Camp (JH) ~ com- ply..“What business.was more All Athletics - Simms Daily iff in petition. Recently, he was named? Transportation Included Bay (JH) compelling July,.that a full Oyster ito the Dean' list Co-ed (0-12) board complement must be se- an academic 85 W cured at that time, than the honor, present business confronting the board?” ar

The latest move of these men be ew ‘and in the group they represent SUSE ANT MECHAMIC OR? to the community trying split still ELECTRICIAN 13 NO BEAL — further the of was induéing Joseph IEIEL&# Tt} REPAIR A TVSCA Maloney to campaign with them FOR RT SERVIC for a seat on the board, Maloney, X who proudly holds a doctorate de- gree, 4nd doesn’t care who knows it, is that man of profound wisdom EINR and vision who boldly and proudly ‘ ‘ TV declared during the political cam- ’ RADIO & SHO paign of last Fall that the Demo- ‘ : 2b: BROAD crats would sweep the Republicans ‘ from office, that Operation Break- (Co; ne Barcl Street) , through could not fail. ‘ ‘ W all know what happened. 500.000 Galiors WEll 1-062 118 Brittle Lane ‘ is SCHALIZING IN+ Hicksville, N.Y IRS ONLY “Yes, |\do...she never used to “You don’t say!” pay GREC BROS. AUTO RADIO

her bills on time... . but now she ‘ Fuel Co. \ ~ does with a convenient, HOME RADIO

@ This is a professional yo. sales - Oil Burners - Service economical Long Island ‘ BHOWNOGRAP pharmacy, specializing in ‘ WElls 1-2010 ‘ National Bank @ Ai Work Guaranteed @ ‘the prompt and precise Checking Storage ‘ Plant: Office: Hicksville Rd. 211 compounding of your Account.” ‘ Broadway “Serviggz’ This Community. for LT. Rethpage, L. the Past 21 Years” Doctor's prescriptions. , Rethpa

You'll like our friendly, interested service; appre- we ciate our fair GUS uniformly “YOUR COMMUNITY BANK” ’ prices. Try us next time. Lon National Bank ESSO SERVICE e Einof Hicksville PLAINVIEW OFFICE bear leses 445 So. Oyster Bay Rd.. HOURS i WElls 1-9200 Mon. thru Thurs.—8 BANKIa.m. to 3 p.m.—Fri. B a.m. p.m. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE core.

SMITH' PHARMACY 2 SOLE AGE ter 69 BROADWAY 53 NORTH BROADWAY 914 Hicksville, N. Y. HICKSVILLE CLUB 69 Next to A&a Marke Phone WE 1-1099 ; WINE - WHISKEY WEllis 1-0414

a ee '

O Experime

HICKSVILLE — Frank Geslak,

HICKSVILLE — All a senior at Albany State Teachers’! organiza-| tions and residents who have College, has been a student assist- not} acted im “ant there in-government-sponsored already support of the; proposal to have a four-year experiments to remove salt from State, Teachers College located here were, mum number of boys and sea water. today urged by~Dr. Wallace E. would clearly be located i Geslak, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lamb, of schools, to ville because -this comm Frank Geslak of 55 Lenox Ave., superintendent “raake their view known so that in- not only the center of population here, is a chemical research major formation be the on Island but the center of at the school. He graduated from can passed on Long Board of Regents.” transportation routes, “And, o€ the St. Ignatius School and, in Lamb also said: Hicksville with 1952, from the High School. His course, together “More and more of the citizens East and Levittown which wife, the former Nadine Watson Meadow of Hicksville are becoming impres- are our neighbors have the three of New Hyde Park, is an English sed with the tremendous advant- -largest public school systems on teacher in an Albany high school. age to our community which would Long Island,” Lamb said. Recently, Geslak was awarded a follow the location of the four- fellowship for two years’ graduate year New York State Teachers study at the Albany school, to con- Their tinue his chemical College in Hicksville. peti- ‘Rauch research. As a Assigned tiens are being sent on to the} freshman, he had planned to be a Board of received and! teacher, but his aptitude in chem- Regents are To Fort Jay the state is manifesting more andj istry changed his plans toward more interest in Hicksville 4s a! FORT JAY, N. Y.—Army Pvt.! majoring in chemical research. possible location. Stanley Rauch, 20, son of Mr. and Geslak is assisting members of “Joseph Cawley, Chairman of the Mrs. Max Rauch, 92 Acre Lane,’ the Chemistry Department of the school board committee which has Hicksville, recently was assigned! State college in experiments to re been spear-heading the attempt to to the First Army move salt from sea water econom- Company here. Headaua ically by means of passing the to intelii-! water through membranes. The&# 4 Girls Qualify Rauch, assigned the sec ion, entered the federal government is financing gence Army in’ | and was last : the study in hopes that the chem- HICKSVILLE — Four girls of October 1 stationed Fort Lix, N. J., where he com- ists will develop a cheap water Girl Scout Troop No. 20 qualified!at supply, for municipalities. {for their Skating Merit Badge Fri- pleted basic training. The has also day, Mar. 3 at Levittown HA college announced the He attended Hofstra College. SMOKED

‘that Roller Rink. « 49; Geslak was ‘named to the Dean’s List for the fall semester The test that the girls required (whole or half— to grades, in which he maintained at must pass to win their Badge con- least a “B” average. Geslak’is a sists of eight skating activities, THE PAINT candidate for a B. S. degree this three of which are compulsory. June, with a major in chemistry The girls qualifying were Ro- OF THE and a minor in mathematics. berta Dangler of 29 Ash Lane, Susan Durso of 8 Berry Lane, Bar- SALE A SUCCESS bara Keeler of 48 Cable Lane, and FUTURE ~ The Cake, Bread and Cookies Claire Provenzano of 45 Bamboo sale Lane. on Sunday, Mar. 25 was pro- IS HERE mounced a success by the Rosary Troop 20, which meets Wednes- Altar Society of St. Ignatius Loy- day afternoons at four in Dutch ola R. C. Church. Mrs. George Lane School, is under the leader: Wright was chairman of the sal-.! ship of Mrs. Florence Comellas of 10 to 12 Ib. Average) In addition to selling baked 24 Belfry Lane, and Assistz goods, the ladies took names for Leaders Mrs. Jo. Blum of 2 - members of the new St. Ignatius Lane, and Mrs. Mildred De Shaw Miscellaneous Club. ’ of 118 Brittle Lane. Ib. Easter Sunday Is Apri! 1s¢ - ORE TO-EAT 79

DOMESTIC Share the joy of Easter 9 to 12 I Average with your family, friends, your church, by sending the that flowers, one gift L. CANNED s a a s the 69. truly expresse signifi- cance of the day. For the best selection of flowering plants, Spring&# choicest cut flowers, and corsages, HOLLAN we suggest you order early. IMPORTE (3 Ib. net) We send Easter Flowers-by-Wire anywhere. Your satisfaction guaranteed. CANNED


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