The Official .Journal of Cardiff Trades Union Council November1992 Free Avethenh

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The Official .Journal of Cardiff Trades Union Council November1992 Free Avethenh UNION THE OFFICIAL .JOURNAL OF CARDIFF TRADES UNION COUNCIL NOVEMBER1992 FREE AVETHENH the Tories own legal system? Down in Penarth, Uandough Hospital is due to 'opt-out' of Health Authority control in April 1993. In effect, it will become a private hospital, able to do whatever its directors fancy. These • directors, again, are accountable to nobody, except their political masters in the Welsh Office. Uandough's 'business plan' remains a closely guarded secret. All the staff and public see is the glossy brochure, full of wonderful prom- ises, beaming managers and selected medics who have disgraced their profession by ap- pearing in such a publication. A foretaste of what is to come is the closure of two wards over the summer and the sacking of staff, including nursing staff, to remain within budget! A few years ago, Margaret Thatcher told the Another example of the farcical running of the If your medical complaint is not 'profitable' you Tory Party Conference that the N.H.S. was NHS was seen when Mrs. Janet Sainsbury, need not bother to go to Uandough. In future safe in their hands. Nobody believed it at the wife of the former Tory Mayor, Jeff Sainsbury, their sole motive will be profit, the only winners time, and recent events in South Glamorgan was appointed head of the Family Health Serv- being the highly paid managers, and some of Health Authority prove the point. ices Advisory in South Glamorgan. This ap- their cronies in the medical profession. In the general election in April, Ian Grist was pointment was made by the previously men- So the future does not look good for patients turfed out of his Cardiff Central seat. Another tioned Gwilym Jones, a family friend of the and staff in Cardiff. unemployment statistic? Hardly! Within weeks Sainsburys. For two and a half days work each The public can help by supporting local cam- his fellow Tory (one of only 6 Tory MP.s in week, Janet Sainsbury gets £11,720 p.a.! ( continued Page 3 ) Wales!) Gwilym Jones had appointed him to the Nice work if you can get it! position of Chairman of South Glamorgan Elsewhere, St David's Hospital is now a Health Authority. This is a part-time position, boarded-{Jp shell. No sign of the promised which carries a salary of around £20,000 p.a. neighbourhood hospital! and is accountable to nobody, except the equally unaccountable Welsh Office. At the Heath, Whitchurch and Velindre, a pri- vate company, Gardner Merchants, have sud- A trip around the local hospitals shows the denly been awarded the catering contract! extent of the crisis. Staff who were told last year thatthey had jobs At Cardiff Royal Infirmary, 98 jobs are due to for three years, now face the sack around be lost, obviously to the detriment of patient RINTING CO-OPERATIVE Christmas and the New Year! At best, they now care. Staff there have begun a campaign to face worse pay and conditions, working for the Ty Penderyn, Pen-y-Wain Lane, save the major hospital which covers the city Roath, Cardiff CF2 3NH private contractors. centre. Despite some noises from manage- ment rumours persist that CRI is planned to Gardner Merchant are part of the Trust House We offer an efficient speedy shut within the next three years. Forte Group who donated £60,00 to the Tory Party last year. The Tories reward their friends service for union journals Imagine, no accident and emergency prov~ and paymasters? sion between the Heath and Uandough!. The including despatch and future of the renal unit, and other vital services, However, they do not reward experienced, mailing if required. remain in doubt. capable and loyal staff. The result being that patient services are bound to suffer. Why not ring for a quote. To cap it all, when the manager Alan Trew dared to express his concern he was sus- At the time of writing, COHSE and NUPE are pended by the Health Authority, and the brother examining the legality of all this. It seems ob- Tel Cardiff 482582 vious to the unions that there has been some of Gordon Harrhy (General Manager of the Fax Cardiff 499429 SGHA) imposed in his place! crooked dealing, but can we prove it through iii) Early provision of a Cardiac Unit. iv) Satisfactory grouping of specialities. No Future for the CRI • v) Further improvement of academic facilities. vi) A maximum provision of 750 beds on a single site other than UHW Unless \Mefight Back vii) Four Neighoourhood Hospitals . The Management Consultant's preferred option was For months in the spring and summer, rumours 6) We'll send the sick home every night. around that the Cardiff Royal Infirmary was to the subject of much discussion within the Authority flew None of this revealed that the CRIwas to be closed. close. Staff were called to special meetings to and the UWCM and it became clear that whilst the This was finally admitted by the General Manager, discuss the "overspend" in the group (CRI, principles were generally acceptable, someadjustment Alan Trew, when he disclosed that there was a Rookwood, Prince of Wales (Rhydlafar) and to the service distribution and bed allocation was "secret" plan to close the CRI during the next three Lansdowne), which had reached £900,000 by necessary The main characteristics of the to five years, and build a multi-storey carpark plus July, and was expected by management to reach District Option are summarised as follows: a nolHTledical hotel bed unit at the Heath to £1.6 million by March' 93. This "overspend" is • Three major acute hospitals "replace" it. For telling the truth, he was suspended caused by the "cost improvement programme" on Sept 27th, and replaced by John Harrhy, the • University Hospital of Wales being implemented across the Health Service by brother of the Gordon Harrhy, General Manager of • Llandough Hospital the Welsh Office over the next 7 years. What this the Area Health Authority. He was originally sus- • New Cardiff Royal Infirmary. means is that budgets will be cut progressively pended on disciplinary grounds, but this has now over the period, from their already low rate. The • Provision of Cardiac Services at Llandough Hos- been changed to financial mismanagement, (the renal unit, for instance, already receives a lower pital "overspend"). The "overspend" or underfund as I fixed allowance per transplant than English Hosp~ • Location of the Accident and Emergency Unit in prefer to think of it at the Heath is much greater, but tals. the new Cardiff Royal Infirmary the management there are still in post! The rumour These financial constraints are not unique to the machine has it that the sale of the CRI site has • Grouping of rehabilitation services, including CRI, the Heath Hospital has already had to tempo- already been informally agreed with a large Insur- spinal injuries at the new Cardiff Royal Infirmary. ance Company, but only time will tell if it's true. • Four Neighoourhood hospitals. "Patients will benefit from the The combined effect of the redundancy notices • Complies with the academic requirements of the and the closure plans galvanised the already UWCM." provision of three major acute emerging protest. A petition had already been This option allowed for a steady fall in the number hospitals, " raised, and march organised. In the first consulta- of beds in use from 3453 in 1987t0319O in 1996. tion meeting on Sept 7th the Trades Unions de- At no time in this plan was the number of beds in use manded the withdrawal of the planned redundancy to drop below 3190. If the closure of CRI in 95/96 rarily close wards to save costs. notice until after consultation had taken place. This is allowed to go ahead on top of the premature Then on 18th August, the Director of Personnel, K has led to the withdrawal of the redundancy notice, closure of St David's and the non arrival of the H Bennett wrote to the Trades Unions involved but not to the planned cost saving. John Harrhy is planned Neighbourhood hospitals, then the number warning them of impending redundancies, and on to produce a new financial statement in November of beds in use would have dropped to 2300. Some 24th August he issued the statutory notice of 98 detailing how he intends to deal with the £1.6 of this drop could be alleviated by the "secret" redundancies to the Dept. of Employment. In the million "overspend". plans proposed new beds at the Heath. However in attatched consultation document the reasons for None of this fits with the South Glamorgan Health their own consultation document, the Area Health redundancies are given as :- "1) The organisational structure of the unit is no longer appropriate to the contracting environment and the emerging role of Clinical Directors. The Management arrangements of the Unit will be re- organised. 2) As part of the Unit's Cost Improvement Pro- gramme, the Portering Services will be re-organised, or where that is not acceptable to the Porters con- cerned, the service will be the subject of Competetive Tendering. 3) A potential reduction in the Works Department staff arising from the intention of the Community Unit to market test the service level agreement, they have with our Works Department by the end of the financial year. 4) Temporary closure of a ward at the Cardiff Royal Infirmary. 5) In line with good management practices, the Authority Strategic Plan for 1988/98, and makes Authority stated about Heath Hospital:- rationalisation of services involving Ancilliary and a mockery of the public consultation that went with Clerical Staff.
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