National Capacity Building Workshop on Sustainable and Inclusive Development 2014 Janmarg ‐ BRTS System

Technical Support: Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, Structure of the presentation

• Janmarg Today • Before Janmarg: Precursors to planning and implementation • Why BRTS was chosen in Indian cities? • Janmarg components, characteristics and innovations • Branding and Public Outreach • Operations Management • Replicability of concept of BRTS in Indian cities

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India JANMARG Today

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India PLANNED JANMARG NETWORK System Statistics

89 km in Phase 1+2

143 BRTS Stations

81 km constructed

08 km under const.

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India EXISTING JANMARG NETWORK System Statistics

86 km operational

127 BRTS Stations

160 Bus Fleet

09 Routes

38727 Bus km / day

1820 Bus trip / day

1.45 Lakh Passenger

Rs 16.0 Lakh Revenue

6am to 11pm Service hr

Peak frequency 2.2 to 4 Centremins of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Before Janmarg! Ahmedabad had a vision! Even before the BRTS, Ahmedabad got the basics in place! Vision Long term Sustainability Integrated, Comprehensive

Multimodal Metro System, , BRTS, Bus System, Feeder, Bicycles, Pedestrians

Land use Plans Network Completion, Missing links, bridges, railway over bridges

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Ahmedabad’s approach

1. Comprehensive outlook

2. Continuous Effort

3. Strong/Decisive Leadership

4. Proactive Elected Wing

5. Encouraging State

6. Consultant who is a Partner

7. Positive Media

8. Citizen who sees change as positive

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Before Janmarg! Precursors to building infrastructure Completing Network

Building River Bridges ‐ Vasana‐Pirana & Wadaj‐ Dudheshwar

Clearing right of ways & encroachment removal

Utility Survey and Integration

Building storm water drains & drainage infrastructure

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Complementary measures


Completing the network

24 New bridges (river bridges, flyovers, Rob/RuB) constructed in last 8‐9 years

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Structuring road network for the future


Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Why BRTS was chosen in different Indian cities? ‐ Case of Ahmedabad: Janmarg . Suits a transport nuances‐ planning follows development . No strong CBD . Highly randomised development with localised trips . Urban pull – spreading out . Need for decongestion . Flexibility in routing / Easily expandable

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Why BRTS was chosen in different Indian cities? ‐ Case of Ahmedabad: Janmarg . Scope for both low density and high density passenger movement . Project implementation easier . Wider reach . Leverages the full scope for public space and accessibility improvement . Can be operated according to the city ethos . Environment friendly

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Why BRTS was chosen in different Indian cities? ‐ Case of Ahmedabad: Janmarg Ahmedabad’s Option: Two systems at the same cost Metro Rail system (6 kms. only) system (88.8 kms.)

. We are seeking transport solutions and not technology . We need to expand Transit Coverage, Quantity and Quality Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India What makes Ahmedabad a BRTS city? • Ahmedabad has a well developed ring‐ radial structure, high density development and dispersed pattern

• Improvements in existing bus system alone are not adequate to bring about significant modal shifts

• No single mode is adequate to meet with the mobility needs in cities

• BRTS serves as a trunk while AMTS and IPT as feeder

• Ahmedabad trip length is 6.5 for PT which is good for BRTS

• People prefer affordable commute with quality service

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India How was the network finalized?

. NETWORK and Not Corridors Chandkheda . Connectivity of important origin and destinations Sola RoB village . Catalyst for area development RTO Naroda . Formation of strong network for AEC Iscon Memnagar Thakkarbapanagar Bopal circle flexible route operations Rly. Stn. Nehrunagar Soni ni chaali Shivranjani Shreyas . low income, low accessibility Rly. stn,. RoB CTM zones (old walled city) Jashodanagar Vatva . Availability of right of way to build Narol infrastructure . Add capacity and take away apprt of capacity for BRTS PHASE 1 PHASE 2 . Overall impact of transit on city Proposed Elevated Corridor New River bridge . Connect ‘busy places’ but avoid RoB Constructed (Phase 1) Proposed RoB/ RuB (Phase 2) ‘busy roads’ Flyovers (phase 1) Proposed Flyovers (phase 2) Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Lessons Learnt in Design of BRTS

• ‘Open’ to closed system • Trunk + Feeder system • Pragmatic approach that is constantly evolving and improvising the system • ‘Network’ and not just corridors • Need for constant monitoring of system performance • Rigid pavement at bus stations • Planning for future expansion – System to be compatible to articulated – Bus stations to be expandible – ticket counters shifted out of bus station to allow more clear passenger entry/exit

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Lessons Learnt in Design of BRTS • Shifting location of ticket counter from centre to side • Possible option of docking articulated buses in future • Gradient of access ramp is increased • Signages – Information dissemination • Flap gates –for faster passenger flows • LED lighting –energy saving • Hand rails adjoining ramps • Rigid pavement at bus lanes

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Type of System Operations: Open and Closed

 Open system  Closed system

 Regular buses in BRT lanes  Specially designed BRT buses ply in BRT  Partial BRT segregation lanes  Reduced Reliability and quality  Full BRT Segregation  Delays due to /alighting, Ticketing  High reliability and quality of service  Bus turnings at junctions become critical  Delays averted  Bus turnings at junctions rationalised

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India BRT-Station Locations: Kerb side or Median side

Kerb side Bus stops Median Bus stops

• Need to Build 4small bus stops at • 1 large per location each location • Ahmedabad BRT –1 bus station • BRT (8‐12 bus stops per per location location) • Easy and safe passenger transfers • (4 ‐6 bus stops per location) • Passenger transfers critical Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Janmarg –system characteristics

. System Types Closed system – trunk and feeder services selected Open system considered but not selected

. Running Way Centre Running Curb Running Mixed Traffic

. Stations Aesthetically designed, accessible level boarding Near side (before intersection) Two buses at each side Far side

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Complete BRTS


Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Designing for local context

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Integration with Railways

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Innovating to manage constraints

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Innovating to manage constraints

Soni ni chaali – Double Deck Station

BRT at College RoB (Elevated Bus station)

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Anjali Junction Before Janmarg

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Anjali Junction After Janmarg

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Glimpse of JANMARG

Street Infrastructure for Commuters Developing Public Spaces Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Glimpse of JANMARG

Janmarg BRTS Depot and Workshop Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Choosing the Right Vehicle Janmarg bus – Flat floor LowLow floor bus buses may be popular –high floor buses are more practical for closed system like Ahmedabad JANMARG VEHICLE CHOICE . High floor buses (900mm)

. Flat floor

. Cleaner Euro III Diesel, CNG

.SemiStandard ‐ Low floorbus (Capacity bus 80 passengers ) . Two wide central doors

. Width of doors in centre 1960 mm

. Length of bus ‐12 m

. Mix of A.C. and Non A.C.

. Use of ITS

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India ITS in Janmarg

State of Art control room • Support Automatic Vehicle Locator System • Real time operation monitoring • Ensuring service levels to commuters • Serves as data management center for service planning

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India ITS in Janmarg

Automatic collection system • Pre‐paid boarding • Real time fare collection system • Smartcards, Token & paper tickets • Smart cards for Students with discounts

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India ITS in Janmarg

Passenger Information System • Real time information system • LED display in Buses and BRT Stations • Public announcement for disabled • Signage and Maps

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India ITS in Janmarg

Automatic Sliding Doors • Controlled by the driver • Can be operated only when the bus aligns at designated location • Built in design redundancy • Safe user interface Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Innovation in ITS: RFID based automatic sliding doors

Use of RFID technology for automatic door operations – First time used in city transport system

At‐level and rapid passenger boarding and alighting

Safe and barrier free access

Automatic door opetations RFID reader and sensors (non synchronized) at approach RFID reader and sensors (synchronized) at hault

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India RAPID BOARDING AND ALIGHTING safe, fast, accessible for all…

40‐50 passenger boarding/ alighting in 40 sec. Can cater to 14 passenger boarding/ higher demand with more than double the no. of people alighting in 40 sec.

• At level boarding reduces boarding time and increases safety • Reduces delays • Accessible for all..physically challenged, senior citizens, women, children Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India ITS in Janmarg

Automatic Vehicle Location System • GPS and GPRS based technology for real time tracking • Electronic console for drivers for monitoring schedule • Two way communication system with driver • Emergency response system

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Before Janmarg Branding

• No established bus transit market • Managing apprehensions • Capturing concurrent changes in bus transit to validate the planning • Wide roads to narrow roads • Adaptation to local felt‐needs • Local body’s role central, has to be the execution head • Interfacing with NHAI to gain access, TEC, BSNL, Railways, gas company

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Why do we need Branding?

Ahmedabad Janmarg is a Successful Brand in Public Transit in India Highly accepted and used by the people of Ahmedabad

• Educating people • Creating awareness • Creating Identity for the system • Information Dissemination • Public participation • Different user groups (age, social..) • Transferring ownership to people ..(“ Apnu amdavad..apno Janmarg”…) • Project initiated as a Planning project needs to finally be accepted and owned by people..

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Janmarg Branding

BRT Booklets / Brochures / Newsletters


Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Janmarg Branding


JANMARG Bus Graphics

Uniform designs for entire AJL and control centre staff, System operators, Workshop staff

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Public Outreach

• Bus stop prototype and Free trial runs – Special BRT rides for school children, industrialists, doctors, religious leaders etc. – BRT trial runs till 1 am during Navratri

• Extensive public outreach and media coverage (during construction, trial runs, operations)

• Enhanced Accessibility for all (physically and visually challenged, senior citizens, women, children etc.)

• Special training programmes for staff, Bus drivers for improved skills and public interaction

• Regular passenger feedback surveys and for performance monitoring Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Strong political will and support

Surprise visit by Hon. Ex. Chief Minister of Gujarat, Shri. Narendra Modi

On the bus ride, he discussed with the passengers, their response and feedback for the system

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Public Outreach

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Public Outreach

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Delegations to BRTS

Dr. M. Ramachandran, US Delegation on BRTS ride Members of American Planning Association on their visit to Janmarg Ex. Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development, GOI, on his visit to Janmarg bus station

Members of Lagos BRT, Nigeria on Former Secretary, Urban Development, GoI, Visit to BRT by Dario Hidalgo their visit to Janmarg Mr. Anil Baijal on a BRT ride Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Experts Visit

Media Publications

“I declare Ahmedabad BRT as the first full‐fledged BRT system in India ” – Dario Hidalgo

“Ahmedabad BRT system will transform people’s lives and the way they move in the city” – Enrique Penalosa

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Public Outreach

Politician Raj Thackrey on BRTS ride

Movie Star Nagarjuna on BRTS ride Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India How the real estate uses BRTS as marketing strategy

‘BRTS is a bus based high quality, high capacity rapid transit system that delivers fast, comfortable and cost effective urban mobility. In a BRT system, vehicles travel in exclusive lanes, thus avoiding congestion. The strategic location makes it perfect destination for Offices, showrooms, cafetaria, restaurants, hospitals & call centers

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India A system for people

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India A system for people

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India A system for people

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India A system for people


BUS STATION LOCATED AT PUSPAKUNJ –A PUBLIC SPACE INAUGRATION INTEGRATED WITH KANKARIA CARNIVAL Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Management of transition to a new mode

• Formation of Separate Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) named Ahmedabad Janmarg Limitied (AJL) under the Companies ACT. • Role of SPV – Operation and Maintenance – Route planning and rationalization – Integration with feeder – Quality Control – Undertake performance monitoring assessments – Fare regulation – Capacity Building Where do we see Janmarg?

• Public transit to be made available within 500m for every citizen with last mile network • Seamless travel through Public Transit Integration • Achieving Service Level Benchmarks of PT • 40% trips in Ahmedabad made on public transit • Safe and high quality pedestrian and NMT infrastructure to support Janmarg last mile connectivity Making Janmarg BRTS ‘a benchmark of excellence’

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Sustainability

Major Modal shifts • 17.5% Auto (shared) / 12% two wheelers / 6 % walk / 5% cycle/ 2.5% / 5.5% auto

Improvement in air quality • Reduction in PM2.5, NOx, SOx,CO • PM2.5 levels: 122 – 170% lower than other modes on non‐BRT corridors

Improvement in road safety • Reduction in fatalities (Narol‐Naroda sample survey) • Fatalities ‐ 35 (2005), 12 (2011) • Accidents – 169 (2005), 147 (2011)

Financial Sustainability • Automatic fare adjustments (Fuel pricing, WPI) • Proposed fare revision annually • Additional sources of revenues (Advertisement rights, parking charges) Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India BRTS: Replicable in Indian Context

• High population density + Mixed landuse – results into short and dispersed trips – Necessitates flexible routes

• Makes BRT an affordable solution – min. fare 5 Rs. for travelling 1.5 kms in high quality AC buses.

• Activity centers at frequent intervals– bus station at every 500 mts.

• Surface mobility makes it highly accessible – Development of Complete streets

• Accessible, Safe and comfortable mode of

• High quality PT to favour higher modal shifts from private vehicle

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Indian Cities Following JANMARG Model

Sitilink, BRT Ahmedabad BRTS model is taken as standard and developed in other cities as: BRT under implementation: Surat Rajkot BRT Indore Hubli‐Dharwad

Feasibility Study undertaken: Vadodara Bhubhaneswar Rajkot BRT

Hubli‐Dharwad BRT

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India SuratSitilink Withwith LimitedNo – Public Bus PublicRapid Transport Transport…2007 Transit ...before System 2007 (BRTS)..2014

40,000 Introductionauto of Cityoperating Bus services like public in 2007 transport! Challenge for Surat to create Sustainable High Quality Public Transport Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Before BRTSToday…– ‐ No Roads…2008No With Roads BRT (2014) 13 kms. Of Canal corridor was identified in BRTS network in phase 1. Partially there was no road, no traffic, degenerated use, encroachments on water front, canal degradation Centrally located canal acted as waste collection area, no transit opportunity Lack of land use changes Degradation of surrounds, land prices, Quality of life..

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Today…–Before With BRTBRTS No(2014) ‐ NoRoads Roads…2008 Transforming Constraints into Opportunities BRTS to be operational on this corridor by 2014.

Pedestrian path Pedestrian path Mixed traffic lanes Mixed traffic lanes BRTS BRTS bus lane

Existing Canal

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Technical value to road development

• Not just roads , developing ‘Complete Streets” • Integration of Public transit, NMT • Focus on moving people and not just vehicles. . • Creating ‘livable streets’ through wide walkways, activity areas , street furniture, street landscape Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Sitilink‐Surat Bus Rapid Transit System


Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India How successful are we in communicating! A painting competition by local media for children aged below 12 A participants vision of TOD

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India THANK YOU…

Prof. H.M.Shivanand Swamy Executive Director Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Email: [email protected]

Centre of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India