Filmi, Nastali Po Knjižnih Predlogah
FILMI, NASTALI PO KNJIŽNIH PREDLOGAH KNJIGA - FILM ZA ODRASLE KNJIŽNA PREDLOGA FILM ŽANR Asimov, Isaac: Roboti jutranje zore I, robot = Jaz, robot znanstvena fantastika Austen, Jane: Prevzetnost in Pride and prejudice = Prevzetnost in romanti čna pristranost pristranost drama Austen, Jane: Pride and prejudice (ang.) Ballard, J. G.: Imperij sonca Empire of the sun = Cesarstvo sonca drama Ballard, J. G.: Trk Crash = Trk drama Buck, Pearl Sydenstricker: Kitajska The g ood earth = Dobra zemlja drama trilogija. 1, Dobra zemlja Buck, Pearl Sydenstricker: Kitajska trilogija. 2 Buck, Pearl Sydenstricker: Kitajska trilogija. 3, Razkropljena družina Buck, Pearl Sydenstricker: Dobra zemlja Burroughs, Edgar Rice: Tarzan Greystoke : the legend of Tarzan, lord pustolovski of the apes = Greystoke : legenda film Burroughs, Edgar Rice: Tarzan sin oTarzanu opice Tarzan. Tarzan the ape man. Tarzan Burroughs, Edgar Rice: Tarzan kralj escapes = Tarzan kralj džungle = džungle Tarzan zmaguje Tarzan. Tarzan and his mate. Tarzan's finds a son! = Tarzan in njegova prijateljica = Tarzanov sin Tarzan. Tarzan's secret treasure. Trzan's New York adventure = Tarzanov skriti zaklad = Trzan v New Yorku Cain, James Mallahan: Poštar zvoni The postman always rings twice = kriminalka zmerom dvakrat Poštar zvoni dvakrat Cankar, Ivan: Na klancu Na klancu drama Cankar, Izidor: S poti Iskanja drama Capote, Truman: Zajtrk pri Tiffanyju Breakfast at Tiffany's drama Christie, Agatha: The hollow (ang.) Poirot, The hollow = Brezno kriminalka Christie, Agatha: Smrt na Nilu Poirot, Death on the Nile = Po irot, Smrt kriminalka na Nilu Christie, Agatha: Žalostna cipresa Sad cypress = Žalostne ciprese kriminalka Cooper, James Fenimore: The last The last of the Mohicans = Poslednji vojna drama of the Mohicans (ang.) Mohikanec Crichton, Michael: Sfera Spher e = Sfera znanstvena fantastika De Bernieres, Louis: Corellijeva Captain Corelli's mandoline = vojna drama mandolina Corellijeva mandolina Defoe, Daniel: The fortunes and Moll Flanders drama misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders, & C.
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