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THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1970 PAGE TWENT^.POUR ^ AwR«t« Daily Net Prete Rm The Weather i®attrliP0tW lEwriittg lipralii . \ ^ ^ •or Wto Week Ended dMUtoiy 14, IfN ■ Gradual clearing and oolder The cast of the Manchester four from Manchester were des­ tonight. Low hi 20a. TomoROW About Town Community Players production patched to pul out the fires. partly aimny wtth htgha M to "Don’t Drink the Water" will Fire Calls Pireflghers have experienced 15,890 40. Sunday'a outlook—lair. ICemtoers of the Chamlnade rehearse tonight at 7:30 at its this before, when the same Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm Musical Club oborus will re­ workshop on B. Middle 'Tpke. thing, except^imuch worse, oc- Fireflghterk from the town, the hearse tonight at 7 :30 at the cured In the early spring last borne a t Mrs. C. Sumner Rob­ Blghth District and East Hart­ year. VOL. L X X X IX , NO. 138 MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1970 (Oleaaifled AdvertMag on nige XI) PRICE TEN CENTS erts, 318 Blue Ridge Dr., instead The executive board of the (TWENTY.POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) ford extinguished a series of A Penn Central spokesman of at the home of Mrs. Clifford Manchester Junior Women’s small g^rass fires along the rail­ Benson on McKee St., as was re­ Club will meet tonight at 8 at said this morning that there road tracks all the way from ported- in lest night's Herald. the home of Mrs. Stephen Har­ could be many causes for the vey, 298 Redwood Rd. Co-host­ East Hartford to behind ttfe fires. He said sparks could be esses ere Mrs. Donald Wolff and Agway store on Tolland Tpke. produced by the friction of the Explosions, The sunset Club will meet to­ Mrs. Philip Pineo. yesterday. wheels against the sand on the Day of Days? Mansfield: Insure morrow at 3 p.m. at the Senior The call was received at the rails or there cquld be carbon By M » , B . COHEN Citisens Center. After the meet­ Town Fire Department at 12:85 In the engine. explained that The study and discussion Bomb Scares ' You say you woke up this ing, there will be a card party. p.m., and a total of six engines, sand is put cn the rails to give m orning and wondered Vote to 18-Year-Olds group of North United Method­ two from East Hartford and better traction. wholt’e wrong, ’couee your ist Church will meet tonight at WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic Leader Mike The diaconate of TVinlty Cove­ 7 at the church. The Co-ed Rock Nation aitUtude woe different and nant Church will conduct a serv­ you didn’t hear a song? , 1 Mansfield of Montana said today he hoped the Senate Christian Growth Group will would follow up its 18-year-K)kl amendment to votlnR ice tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. at meet at 8:30 at the church. By ’n iE AgBOCIATED -PRERtf That your eggs were cold and the coffee was hitter, the the Meadows Convalescent ExpIoBioliB occurred in rights legislation with a constitutional amendment to Home. kids were noldy and were in­ Pittsburgh, Pa-, and Wash­ lower the voting age. The Stein Club and the Steln- S/. Patrick's Day clined to tttterd He said he expects there will The Christian Education Com­ ettes will sponsor a Seafood ington, D.C., seven gasoline Your car was eiugglah and be some difficulty In getting the mittee of Emanuel laitheran Night tomorrow from 6 to 10 Special bombs went off in a jam­ the traffic heavy, and your House to accept the legislative Connecticut Church will meet tonight at p.m. at the VFW Post Home. med New York high school desk stocked wUh work you amendment adopted by the Sen- 7:80 in the board room of the The event is open to the public. and suspicious fires bi^ke didn’t aawy? , Ste yesterday, 64-17, to lower church. The property commit­ Your sandwich for Itmch the voting age to 18 in all elec­ Votes Nov. 3 ON SALE out in two Appleton, Wis., was mashed and was soggy, tee will meet at 8 In the music Members of the VFW Auxil­ THROUGH WEEKEND tions. schools today and a wave and your trip back home was room. iary planning to march in the PLUS MON. and TUES. In view of this, the Montanan of telephony bomb threats in air that was foggy? DeMolay parade Saturday will said It would be advisable for On Voter Age meet at 1:30 p.m. in front of OUR OWN CURE U. S. CHOICE continued. Your supper wasn’t ready The - board of missions and Thousands of workers and stu­ and the TV not working? the Senate to approve a consti­ Keith’s Furniture Store. Whatever final action is tak­ stewardship of Community Bap­ CORNED BEEF BRISKET dents were evacuated as -the W ^ , relax, deer frtend, for tutional amendment also "Just tist Church will meet tonight at scares occurred in public build­ tomorrow you’ll be smirking. to be sure” the franchise is ex­ en in Congress for lowering the 7:30 in the church Youth Build­ The Ladies Aid Society of4he HEAD CUT lb. 69c ings, offices of major corpora­ Today’s a Friday, the tended to some 11 million young national voting age to 18, Con­ ing. Lutheran Women’s Missionary tions, high schools and coUeges thirteenth — we’ve had it people. “ I don't know what the House necticut voters, on Nov. 3, wlU League of Zion Evangelical Lu­ FLAT CUT lb. 99c but In most cases aear^eg before. And in Just eight will do,” he said, "but the Sen be able to make their own de- Cpl. Donald Olsdiefskle was theran Cihuioh, has chosen Mrs. 'B O R S r turned up no bombs. months, we’ll have It LOT SIZE ootLouiM C E in Pittaburgh, a night club in Late last month South Viet­ South Vietnam. desperately but unsuccessfully don’t talk now, we are Washington and in both cases The demonstrations were evi­ British Teens namese Infantrymen uncovered from tbs Oommundato that they gylng to be able to talk for dently orchestrated to drama­ Laos-Viet Warfare Line STAIR police aald bombs could be In­ an abandoned hospital they said would leave his territory—If not more years under this SCULPTURED volved. tize the govemment’a repeated was capable of treating up to demands that Hanoi ana me WASHINGTON (AP) -W ith traUve apparatus looks remark- Im m ^ te ly . ^ oppressive In First Vote CARPETS Police In Washington said an demands that Hanoi and the 800 patients. . * v!e™ S T n g withdraw their esU- g worried father, a ably ine««U ve ,although there ‘ he con- explosive of some type could American fptces searching LONDON (AP) — The oppoel- TWEEDS AND tor have been used in the blast at through e n ^ y base camp mated 60,000 troops from the American official says cernlTbomtoe SULlsts was “‘tu? extension of the basic tion Conservative party won a the Crfebrlty Club though they areas along the Cambodian bor­ MANY HALL t & S , 1 1 did not rule out a gas leak as a der north of Saigon encountered “°Sh^id the Oommundrta con- SteTpa? Ewt for a“ evl Ol^ously ^ ^rami^fog^'^Neio'^^votlS ®P®®‘®‘ ®‘®®““‘ qpuPirr c.or ts possible cause. A floor of the sporadic resistance amd with­ RUNNERS club buckled, windows were stood a heavy daylight shelling COLORS knocked out and tbe kitchen was attack Thursday, military Beautiful Setectian Twii +hp TTnlbed States to there is an increasing fee Communists or the turles. Dixie senators and dlffeis torv swunir heavily to ttieir damaged, ’^ e bomb squad was spokesmen reported. tfkAm Philippines could fo-low pj*iuQYjij.Ag New Left with the But by early this year, when gj|3^rpiy with a House-passed . - ' o f Colors Investigating. But tbe U.S. Command said a plea will ac- ablll& ^o unite all dissident, he went off to version supported by President ^ .poke.man for the rul- Reg. 3 7 to $10 yd. The Pittsburgh explosion de­ only that one of the four new ac­ tually be made largely depends «volutlonary UberaUon war ^ organized armed Ing from Nixon. ^ t r , ^ 1"$ L a '»» P»rty countered ."In tb stroyed a Jewelry store, broke tions resulted in American cas­ on the outcome of rivulriea that rebellion without somehow leak- pressure and sl»«ey * approving i o w ^ g the our view this is a hasty and a X S S E i windows and damaged more ualties. have been growing Inalde the The whole soclal-economlc-po- ,ng. intentions. was clear that Slhanc^ had age 64 to 17 T h u i^ y , the ,rtahful assumption.’' I l C l r ) than 20 other shope. Three Americans were killed ruling Cambodian eatabllshment Utlcal structure in the Philip- onjy alx months ago, James failed to dissuade the Commu- senate also set up another likely The Tories retained tu-the seat A fire at Appleton West High and one was wounded when a -■ pines appears suddenly shaky to „ ___»,i_w*v battle with the House, where between Prince Norodom Si- . (See Page Eight) LHibAtv W8M8 7 , for Bridgwater,Bnoffwaier, a souinwewsouthwest WALL-TO-WALL CARPET “ repTfcAAJD • |!9 School was attributed by fire of­ 1st Air Cavalry Division unit hanouk, the chief of sitate and analysU. They feel the adminls- (See Page Ten) New York Rep. Emanuel CeUer, England farming district, with ficials to Incendiary devices was hit by an enemy force nine chairman of that body’s Judi- ^ increased majority of 4,800 While They Last miles northwest of Song Be. 5T 100% Nyloh Dupont 501 thrown through the windows of clary Committee, has vowed to ^g^ee or a swing of 8.6 per cent STEAXS a classroom and faculty room. U.S. units have been operat­ fight it relentlessly. their favor In Thursday’s vot- Installed Over A car was seen leaving the ing In the remote Jungled area Celler will be chairman of Ing. $0 .8 5 < » U C C D AO QQI for more than a week and have Battle Appears Won House conferees when the Ume to UU the vaoa» scene at high speed. 32 oc. W affle Pad run Into North Vietnamese units comes to reconcile the House caused by the death o f ' Sir Reg. $9.95 9x12 NYLON More telephoned bomb threats were reported today, including of varying slse almost daily. and Senate voting rights blUs. Oerald Wills, was the first to be ROOM SIZE 'B ft O O lO (B one at the courthouse at Elkton, The U.S. Command reported If enacted, the 18-year-old heij under a new law which Md., S3 miles east of Bel Air, another two Americans were Sex Education Introduced proposal wiU make an esUmat- lowered the voUng age from 21 Mte of the trial of black m ille t killed early. Thursday and five ed 11 million young people ellgl- to 18. H. Rap Brown on fneiting to riot were wounded during a North ble to vote as of Jan. 1, 1971. All porUes watched it careful- RUGS C M t K t Y OXiCM0YU>S ^ CERAMIC BATHROOM charges and of the death of two Vietnamese attaick on a govern­ Georgia, Kentucky, Alaska and ly for trends that could show of his friends in an explosion In ment position at a highway In Nearly All U. S. Schools Hawaii now permit persons un- how new voters will boUot in the their car. bridge near Cam Lo, five miles der 21 to vote. general election which must $ The Senate rejected protests come by May 1971 . mieiOD^ APP1£S but adds that educators are (See Page Eight) (See Page Ten) have formal sex educaUon pro­ that the Supreme Court might CenservaUve Thomas Kitag, a ^ 1 1 9 9 5 NEW YORK (AP) — Sex edu­ "getUng a negaUve feedback 49.95 cation may sUll be a highly con­ grams. More often they are in Reg. 09.00 the metropolitan areas. Rural that It’s a cJommunlst plot to un­ (Sm Page Eight) (8m Page Sixteen) c s t lio y iS troversial subject among par- dermine the minds of the INSTALLED 4 Sides Finished 39 enU but it has been introduced areas are inclined to shun them. Several states, including Missis­ youth." Up to IM 8q. F t bMstades A In almost every school in almost Chicago has a full-scale pro­ Ibtariab and Y a r n Onlee «i 1 every area of the nation, an As­ sippi and Idaho, have no sex ed­ ucation courses. Many others gram from the fifth grade up in egup SoMicisr . sociated Press survey shows. 300 elementary and 66 of the ARMSTRONG Once the chief target of the have no separate courses, but have Instructed schools to Intro­ city’s 66 high schools, says the •IS antisex education forces, the program’s director. Miss Bar­ VINYL INLAID ^ C 0 Sex Information and EcucaUon duce some form of sex educa­ tion Into other courses—health, bara Hawkins. lA Council (SIEkJUS) headed by Nashville, Tenn., withdrew a KITCHEN CARPET! Dr. Mary Calderone has retired biology, agriculture, home eco­ EMBOSSED nomics. planned all-grades program aft­ DO IT YOURSELF from the front lines, convinced er the state assembly passed a SIECUS has distributed thou­ that the Initial battle has been law requiring state board of ed­ 9x12 sands of copies of Its study • 100% NYLON • HIGH DENSI!^ won. ucaUon approval, and there Is ( 3 o L o (aa3 \ a guides on sex educaUon, which RUBBER BACK • LARGE ASST. OF Leaving the spread of formal no sex education per se In are being Incorporated Into book LINOLEUM sex education classes to local ^ Tennessee. COLORS . . . form and entitled "SexuaUty and state educators, SIECUS la A school official in New Mexi­ turning its attenUon to othar and Man." co said the state stresses "that "■si $1 -M-AINA. matters. Including research Into California has banned use of health education In general the effects of sex educaUon on SIECUS guides In its schools. should Include sex education, the first generation of school New York City uses SIBXJUS drug education and other areas children to undergo widespread material in training Its teachers of concern," but has no record SQ. YD. sex teaching. for special sex Information of how many schools carry out A state-by-state jiurvey shows courses but does not make the the policy. that the parent protest contin­ material available In the class­ A Florida state official says m STA U ED ! ues, that no area of the country room. "Just about every one" of the $9.50 ycL Is Immune from these protosts, Three years after New York state’s 67 county school systems y and that they often determine City came out with a compre- has a family life-health educa­ BES h e n s 1 V e ktndergarten-to-12th tion program, but how many ac­ [ J k T O U i r _ /I //xn»n u/ \ \ I ■ how far school officials go— whether -the information aup- grade "family living” program, tually teach about sex is un­ only about 100,000 public school _ O o ^ J O N U r piled on sex Is full and frank, or known. BROADLOOM OARPET turned Into another "hygiene" children out of morei than a mil­ A Calltomla group opposed to course. lion are getting sex educaUon sex education says conserva­ I Tweed KIGnEiLIID under the program. Officials tively that at least 60 per cent of CMors A lawsuit has been filed In Connecticut by several parents, say they have doubled the num­ the atate’a children are getting challenging the right of the ber each year, but finding suita­ eex educaUon as well as what It ENCLOSURE state and a local achool to give ble teachers and training them calls "coureea in pornography,” yd. PARK ' Instruction In sex education. Is the problem. but a state official eetlmatee r- Connecticut has had required Illinois’ health education dl- only 20 to 26 per cent of the •27.95 Pick Up and Deliver sex education alnca 1888, calling reotor. Dr. Thomas Jansway, state’s 1,200 achool districts Heads Up! ir-is* widths 317 HIGHLAND STREET Elevators at Knights of (3olumbuB headquarters in It "health educaUon,” but offl- estimates that 100 school dis­ have "true sex educaUon." Just as Clarence Emerson comes up for a lookSM Beg. I89J5 tricts In his state have fairly All 40 achool districts In Utah M a n c h e s t e r conn New toven can't handle the massive moving job to clala say n ^ methods of teach­ from a manhole in Delaware his oo-worker, Ojffia ing apparently Inspired the suit. comprehensive' programs In MX tha order’s new quarters so Smedley Co., crane (Bm Pime Sixteen) Wise seems to be putting him down. (AP Photofax) f H E CHOICES [ MEATS [ N f 0 \\ fj Thousands of school dletrlota - educaUon at every grads level. ? : f ! \ \ T11TI X ° t s tricks to the floors. (AP Photofax)

■ «>,

* 1 7 ^ 4 '• .4 <- •> ■ V V- \ . A. A : ■ • . ;■ A ’('■A - A ''V'. \ \ ^ v , -A v \M A V- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., FRipAY, MARCH 18, 1970 PAGE TRRBB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 18,. 1970 V. — ‘ PACn TWO ' S o l t o n arrested In October, la aerving make a oontiibuUon to the - with the armed forcea in Viet­ For Better Trade Relationa: South African economy.’ choice, since Liszt la so seldom Girl Scout News nam. ifapan la South Africa’a sec­ played nowadays. Brown U Taps SheinwoM on Bridge Watts Fails The following companion caae ond largeat and fastest-growing Unfortunately, I go back to roW RW EWlBAND P e titio n Donald Hornig MAKE FULL USB NOMINATED FOR was nolled: About 300 Girl Ooouta and South Africa’s Apartheid market, taking one-eighth of CK- the days when Ldsat'was rela­ YOUNG PGOPIE OF s t r a y n in e NORTH Paul a . Duoharme, 23, Of leaders attended the annual OIrl porta. It is ths Uggsst overssas In A rtistry tively popular, though I can For President 4 KQ94 Coventry, charged with breach Scout Communion Breakfast buyer of South African sugar, never recall a whole program Ms MIhSm (4 «• mSSM b *• *"*■* 4 ACADEMY AWARDS! Circulates Relaxed for the Japanese PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — fMSM sSssf Ms wSMSM *4 By ALFRED SHEINWOLD , 9 Q982 of peace, sodomy, intoxication, Sunday, March 8, at Manches- com and inm ore, and a major of the composer’s works. I Bridge writers earn their Dr. Donald F. Homlg, a 60- and indecent assault. ter High School. The event was markot for wool. At Keyboard have, however, heard every 0 2 NATAUEWOOD ROBERT CULP JOHANNESBURG, South At- mented; "Poor South Africa, year-old chemist who coimselled keep by advlslitf atudente to 41 K763 O n A ir p o r t Few South Africans can tell composition .Mr. Watts offered lULMU UMimO bid more with Tene and nlnea a p By JOHN 0RHBBR four Presidents, today was EAST . M ( > - n..«««,1..™ » played by DePachmann, Hof­ imral Audlwcu than with lower'card^. You can WEST named president of Brown Uni­ A group at Bolton residents . neace and Intoxication the Gibbons^ Assembly, Catlwllc in South Africa's racial jigsaw ^ *mUr« " ** Japanese who are tempo- mann, Rachmaninoff Lhe- often win a trick/with a „ nine AI8652 ♦ 10 BOB & CAROL &TED & ALICE Andre Watts, pianist, brought versity, effective in June. 9 73 vdn circulate a petition next CoUlns Laihes of Columbus. Before .^ e u,e Japanese. They " B S t ^ e “ rs ago Hendrik J vlnne, Petri, and Horowitz. Tbe that you couldn’t win with a O 63 the Jorgenson Auditorium sea­ The selection of Hornig as the AU Atn AOMimO 0 A K Q 1095 M young hopeful is simply not in MmUl Sullamt 6sMnli deuce, as you c w aee in to­ 0 3763 son of winter concerts at UOonn Ivy League school’s 14th presi­ 4b Q 3 10 9 Sm^dTr^’t^ ““ f^d arperr„"rr*^ id^ r a class with any of these. GP day's hand. 4b 8 ELLIOTT GOULD DYAN CANNON to a close last evening, playing dent wa^ made by Brown’s gov­ East dealer. SOUTH As a matter of fact I once erning body upon the recom­ -K a t h y Anton cmiducted IS: before a near capacity crowd in East-West vulnerable. ♦ 73 /.is; HAHIfiih, uM paratVon for the publlo h e a ^ ^leged offense In Coventry last oei«?„ony assisted by s expla ned it n buMinem, q heard a hard-working 16 year mendation of a selectlcm com­ m tzitm (? AK3 104 . the enormous hall. He was well old girl play the six Paganinl- r If noitn* wn* Opening lead — Three Of Dia­ 0 4 on the airport at Coventry h J^T .. . ^ CharrSn Potamlanoe and NVmcy n«verthlei«^aUowod „ ^ mittee which screened hundreds HSnt or Atult tm 0 84 IN EM A 1 received, but there were no Llszt studies in Boston about monds. CTIIIIS.T iiliii A i irt School on March » . Collins recommended the ^ Brownies; Mary Bo- mternatlonal horse a team of Japane^ swimmers the ImmoraUty of nominees, a spokesman said. West opened the three of dia­ 4b A542 wild demonstrations of enthusi­ 36 years ago. She has never Hornig, vice president and a monds, and East won with the East South West North asm. been heard of since, so the abil­ director of Eastman Kodak Oo. A loyslu.Aheam ,w holnastate- and Jane Lemelln and Mary . tlons across the color bar, by , M WC MUMS If ABUmn queen. Like a flash, East re­ \ <0 1 ♦ 4 SO Invitation, but the government "We sell to Japan and we buy the Mixed Matriages Act This was my third encounter ity to negotiate Liszt'S difficul­ and a professor of chemistry at (AiiiMitiii(y««>y 1 0 ment this w'eek’give I n i ^ W S i ’ Pario, Juniors. turned the ten of spades. (A All Pass Mrs. Roger 'Lemelln, choir- atepped■fAnn«fl in.in . ThereThAr« wanw m nn no publicTMihlln fromfrnm thAm them,’ * anM said Vamx//vov/lVerwoerd. It Japanese have been refused with the young man in a period ties is no guarantee of any de­ the University of Rochester, is la sirttin ansil) ot reasons for the group’s op- gree of professional success. player should lead all cards position. » Other cases nolled: _ o f the______broakfast,, welcomed______^ normal and correct thing, - g^rvlce,.w„ in restaunuiU, had...... dlffl- of four years and I have to re­ understood to have been offered with the same speed or lack of port that he has not advanced The same etudes were offered the presidencies of at least a Ahoam noted that when * I3ie girls and Introduced the trade without cer- culty finding living accommoda- it, but the sad fact Is that dou- eight of spades at the third Gov. Dempsey vetoed a UU to ^®>npa°n Rd., Intoxication. guests seated at the head table. Africa tain contacts and no the Japa- oons, been ordered off segregat- artistically one iota from ihe last evening. half-dozen colleges and universi­ bletons are usually led with trick South could assure the first time I heard him. He plays Musically they are of no provlde funds to buy Qie sUe he K^ymond H. laleib, 42, of Mrs, William McCarthy, presl- dl*! not Imve traditional sport- nese must come to Simth Africa ^ buses andsuffered other ties during the past lew years. painful care; singletons, with contract by playing dummy’s expIalnecL “ No demonstiable ®®bool Rd., Bolton, breach of dent of Gibbons Assembly and *ng tlee with Japan! in connection with certain trade gnubs. somewhat more carefully, with value. Paganini was a com­ The offer from Brown was at­ blinding speed.) nine. state n « d apparenUy exists.” M™. Leonardo Parla, prosldent compoimd- con tra^ . But th^e aro never ..But most Japanese here are fewer wrong notes and better poser who was engrossed in tractive, Homlg saldt If East could win the trick, West won with the ace of Aheam said th ri^ tl^ u rT y m s Mitchell, 89. of Hart- of the Combined Catholic Moth- ed when Interior Minister Ste- more than 60 to 100 in the coun- gaUMled,” says Vice Consul tone than formerly, but he Is a writing mere difficulties for the many reasons, among them, either by ruffing or by produc­ THEATER TIME spades and craftily returned apparently nob aware of local non-support. era Circles, represented the phanus L. • Muller a ^ m c e d try at any one time ro there is Takashl Matsumoto. "One of shallow pianist at best. violin. Liszt compoiuided a simply, that I have a special af­ the eight, hoping that this ing the jack of spades, South feeling when it.passed the bill B. Noble, 80, of Ver- sponsoring organizations. Mrs. n«w surfaced ro tm ^ a t from these temporary problems is that we are of- Mr. Watts offered a program felony by transcribing these fection lor Brown.” He once SCHEDULE would be taken as his highest could win any return, draw oVer the g o v e r n e d veto Q "d en ApU., Rockville, Dante Balbonl and Mrs. Law- «»nie after all. t r ^ relations. miateken tor Chinese peo- chosen entirely from the music things for the plamoforte. Stu­ taught at Brown. remaining spade. South fell tor trumps and then disc6u:d two of FVanz Liszt. Just why, re­ dents learn them as part of Tbs salary paid the president Burnside — Secret of San clubs on dummy’s king and The group believes the air- P“ ®‘ng on the right. rence Dunn represented the ®®*"® tempo- p,g generally Incidents are thU meaningless maneuver by ' Dort would be tav hutvien te J«hn DeDora, 19, of Hartford, Manctvester-Bolton Girl Scout 3acts. But Masuzawa declined to rary Japanese residents now. mains an unanswered question. growing up, but there seems to of Browm never has been made Vlttorla, 6:60, 9:16. putting up dummy's queen of queen of spades. rare," Liszt has not been looked on be scant reason for inflicting public. The fringe benefits In­ Cinema I (East Hartford) — spades—"to make sure of win­ Dally Question . ^ T S ^ y e r ' ’l h r a l i ^ '“ ®®"y '“ ‘t®*’ »“ «• c^anlzatlon. e°««e. Teiti Sugawa, head of the Nip- be t ^ e : ^ n t ’ and w i i i ^ C“ es continued; Miss Kathy Anton, assisted CMUcs of the goveriiment pon Club of South Africa, says with favor as a composer for them on a paying audience. clude a large house on the cam­ Bob & Carol and Ted A Alice, ning the trlok,” he later ex­ Dealer, at your righ^ opens Bldized bv the state There has Richard W. Bartlett, 27, and by Linda St. Laurent, Betty tl»le ammunition to attack more can be expected as trade many years, and has been rele­ Once in a while you hear pus. 7:00, 9:00. plained. with one diamond. You hold: ALL FAMOUS D ^ L i been no evidence given to show ^3erard J. Roullot, 28. both of Vaiculus and Sharon Magnotta, “ 3^*^®*^- _ .. .. ‘"®*’®“ ®*- .. gated to the status that occas­ somebody defending the Liszt of East Hartford Drlve-In — East took the third defensive Spades, K-Q-9-4; Hesuts, Q-9-8- COSMETICS 1'IVE STORES OF FASHlOM 2; Diamonds, 2; Clubs, K-1-6-8. *tLt*'^**relievtog**'l^iwtrv Hartford, both charged led the girls in group singing '31»e Sunday Express said the “ Most of them are refined, ed-1 ionally one of his compositions the piano sonatas and saying What Do You Say to a Naked trick by ruffing the queen of y.' What do you say? might grow around the airnort ‘ ^eft of a motor vehicle, at the closing of the program. Japanese could not be treated ucated people who like a chance Sets^-Ferfwiies is trotted out as an added num­ that here is the real Liszt, the Production Crew Lady?, 9:26; The Sex of Angels, spades, and South eventually .AB B a* tuniun., Monday. The breakfast was served by ‘lu tl»le scurvy manner and ex- to work abroad and realize their | ber to a program by some vir­ 7:30. had to give up a club. Down Answer: Double. You have they said. profound, Liszt, the worthwhile Michael Carr, 16, of 40 u committee from both of the them not to be affronted.” responsibilities as guests of an- ARTHUR DRUG tuoso with technique to bum. Named for Play East Windsor Drive-In — one. just about enough strength for The grouD Is also verv p m v - "Aicmtei warr, lo, OI 40 “ o u i i u . ua.v w j a. v..u o o v u o . u .c — — - — ------— ------— . composer. If you were present cemed with the noise ^ and Rd.. receiving stolen sponsoring groups directed by The Johannesburg Star com- other country,’ he say . ‘They | Mr. Watts has a reputation last evening you heard Mr. Tick-Tick-Tick, 9:16; Marlow, No Fault To Find a take-out double, promising Mrs. Marci Negro, producer water pollution as well as the to April 2. Mrs. I ^ t e O r l^ s k l chairman as a tecdmlcian and he negoti­ Watts tackle the first sonata by 7:30. Nobody would find any fault strength in the throe unhid of the Manchester Community suits. Wait for a slightly strong­ ated the notes last evening in this composer, and found that Manchester Drive-In — Easy wrlth declarer’s play If dum­ destruction of the land’s natural 33- Holmes, 27, of Phoe- ^rom Gibbons Assembly, ffiHW Players’ production of “ Don’t er hand if you have an imcon- acceptable fashion but without it is diffuse, and superficial in Rider, 10:15; The Ambushers, my’s spades had been K-Q-4-2, beauty that will be destroyed Vernon, breach of ^ Drink the Water,” has an­ trollable partner. the elan that should go with content. nounced the following produc­ 8:30; The Swimmer, 6:46. but South overlooked the im­ by the leveling necessary for an Pesce, to Monday, Mansfield Drive-In — Anyone portance of dummy’s nine of Copirrlgfat 1970 airport. Wayne A. DeCapua, 22, of these display pieces. I suppose Yet even here Mr. Watts was tion staff: Pat Nixon Takes C?an Play, 7:00; Sterile Cuckoo, spades. When West led the General Feature Oorp. Aheorn said the group fears Hartford, Illegal sale of he thought he was safe in his unable to plumb ithe shallows Ticket chairman', Nancy Rus­ tile airport will eventuaUy have •'^n^otlcs, to Monday. of the composer’s stream of sell; pubOloity, Barbara Cole­ 8:40. ‘Oh, Grandma^ Jet traffic although this has E. Church, 19, of Col- inspiration. Petri and Horowitz man; program, Roger N egro State Theatre — The Arrange­ been denied by the state. llnsvllle and Kenneth M. Ed- Attitude at Midis were able to make you sit up and Barbara Coleman; posters, ment, 6:46, 9:16. U.A. Theatre — Funny Girl, TONIGHT Aheom said the group Is not fooads, 16, of Holland, Mass., iKanrliwt^r and take notice with this one. Manny Sbona, Gary Gentllcore, j NEW YORK (AP) Mrs. D&I I^ANCHESTiE K thru TUES. against sport-flying or small ^®ft ot a motor vehicle, to Mr. Watts was merely boring. Norma Gentllcore and Cas Ko- 6:30, 9:16. five stores o f FASH103* valaski; sound, Don Rlberdy; planes, but about 90 airports In Mer8on- — MATINIIS at 2 Dodd and is expected to make $2.00 students only ..V .. 1'1'e Cuban broadcast, moni- , ^ , .. ^ . WID. aad SAT.------2.00 his decision public in a week. Directed by Donald a substitute charge o t breach ^red In Miami, made no men- ^ business,’’ made a brief ap- coat from California MANCHtSTER ' of peace, reduced from tade- arrival of a Varig Pearance at the showing 'niurs- SUN. aad HOUDAYS 2.S0 While acknowledging his inter­ McKayle CENTER AU SIATS RnnVID est in the c(Migressional post, NOW cent exposure. He was fined $10, Brazilian Airliner hijacked *•• “ • outfit that was defl- PARKING HEAR OF THEATRE glven 180 days, suspended, and Thursday on a flight from San- ••e‘ely above the knee, but not Achieve a rustic look with urbaR sophistication ■at OMaa Opaa Dally 1-« P.M. Ratchford said he would give Mail orders accepted through Monday, March 16. T onl^ t “ THE j^tBANGEUEMT" at 6:45 * 905 placed on two years’ proha- uago, ChUe, to Europe with 42 ^ulte short enough to quaUfy for in a cotton tweed knit coat. E]asy fittinpf casual, mONI MS. 82S-S207 Monagan his “ full support for mlni statiu. the FHfth District congressional On or after Tuesday. March 17 please telephone Storrs 429-3311 Ext. tion. Two additional indecent persons aboard. '**' beautifully proportioned patch pockets, chain belt seat” if he runs for seventh 807. 9 :00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. exposure charges were noUed. The Avlanca Boeing 727 hl- interwoven with leather Egflrshell and brown term. Please make checks payable to The University of Connecticut and mail elia Kazan's Ab a condition, he was order- jacked Wednesday carried 79 tweed. 8 to 16. « « 0 to Jorgensen Box Office, Storrs 06268. ed by Judge EU Cramer to con- persons when it was comman- Boutbem New England Hockey League (Semi-Pro) ttaue psychiatric treatment for deered near Barranquilla. Pour CDAL, Coots, oU stores) SATURDAY at 7:48 e Adults $2.00 • Child 60c the duration of the probationary men reported to be armed with PAS DRIVE-I All-Stan period. bombs and guns threatened to Winimsntte -n T a-' w u . > . \ THEATRE EAST Bristol Ghoinploilis vs. New England Judge Cramer warned Fer­ blow up the Colombian plane if r o u t e 5 EASTHARTFORD land that he would face Jail it did not take them to Cuba. ROOFING Friday Hum fikmday HARTFORD ARENA SOUTH WINDSOR DHIVt IN 'A' HI 5 should he be foimd guilty of a The aircraft developed me- Best Actress Nominee similar charge in the fture. ’chanlcal troubles and was RMfifli: and Repairs James Ni(x>l, 20, of 40 Mc­ forced to spend several hours on Done Realistkally The Panty Set iJ«a- MhmelU Allen Funt panavision* Cabe St. pleaded guilty to pos­ the ground in Barranquilla until by douglas-doSiaway technicolor'* session of marijuana and was hijackers ordered it to fly to Ha Free Estimates MANCHESTER COMMUNITY PLAYERS PRESENTS His firsl given six months, execution vana before the repairs were WOODY ALLEN’S TWO-ACT COMEDY Ccindid Ciimcra NO ONE UNDER 18 ADMITTED. suspended, and a year’s proba- (ximpleted. Call 649-2373 WITHOUT A PARENT OB GUARDIAN gets rid of wrinkles ■I fcatun: tilin. tion. Havana Radio made no men­ 649-1516 DONT DRINK THE WATER" A charge of taking a motor tion of the number of hijackers, MATINEES ONLY! SATURDAY and SUNDAY! vehicle without permission was saying only “ it was diverted to as well as garters! Fri. and Sat. Evenings, March 20 and 21, 1970 “What MMwn at 1:8$ 2 806 -AUSeataSOo noUed in the case of William S. Cuba by several armed passen­ 8:30 P.M. Kilgore, 22, of 262 E. Middle gers carrying two pistols and At last there’s a gar­ Bowers School, Princeton Street, Manchester The entertainment Tpke. He pleaded guilty on a two dynamite sticks and fuses.” Do You Say second charge of operating im- Saptie Tanks terless panty girdle for everyone who AI«D with replaceable stock­ Donations $2.00—Tickets Available at the Door or by to a der a suspended license and Mycoplasma* Smallest calling either Marci Negro, 646-8911 or Naacy Riisaell, was fined $100. ing set that really 649-6002. was ever a child! Harry Leister, 60, of no cer- WASHINaTON- Mycoplasmas P lu ^ Sswsrs works. Naked Lady?” tain address was given 80 days are the smollsat free-UvIng or- PorofTxxjn) Pictures Presents The stockings don’t tor intoxication. gonlsms now known. They am Machins Clsaiiod sag and bag. They ^ c n IFblulciPisduciion^B ^ Eileen M. Riley of Coventry intermediato between bacteria Septlo Tanks, Dry Wells, Sewtr Lines Installed—(Del' don’t ride up or slide '■s/tenle was fined $10 for allowtag a dog and vlnsMs in slss and are lor Waterproofing Done. down. And they are to roam. generally spheroid hut appear legsized to fit per­ The A Ixmd forfeiture of $25 was in other shapes also, ktyco- GASUGHT ordered in the case of Raymond plasmas differ from bacteria in NdUNHEY BROS. fectly. Technicolor’ A Paromouni Picture Q f l MeUuszo, 21, of Wethersfield, that they have an extectiol lU Penri St. — 64t-58$8 If a stocking runs, you charged with speedtag. The membrane raithW then a cell Sewenge Dtaposol Oo. just replace it instead Phis—Ursula Andress RESTAURANT so OAK STREET—MANCHESTER court was told that Mellusso, wall. of throwing the whole “ Anyone Can Play” thing away. We Cater to ParUes-^hone 648-6058 Girdle is tightly knit Every Fri. and FREE DELIVERY # FREE DELIVERY • mesh for firm but DANCING Sat. Night gentle control. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT d a il y BUSINESSMEN’S LUNCHEONS...... from $$c Stockings are AgHon* TAKE A • stretch nylon. ’Thts Sftecial We Serve Every Day! Panty Set GS BURKE’S SPAGHETTI 99e ^Replacement (With rolls and butter) Stockings RESTAURANT 11^ Lenten Noon Special—FISH POLLACK ■ ..______J EIGHTH ANNUAL MANCHESTER ST. PATRICK'S DAY CHICKEN, SEAFOOD. RIBS SPECIAL Winner! Golden Globe Award! ANTIQUE SHOW PICTURE OF 1970______by MARVELLA SPONSORED BY THE COUPLES CLUB r HAM DINNER 6:00 s 9:16 THE Second Congregational Churoh FREE DELIVERY Incandescent, milky white with fresh water pearls . .•. pastel SECRET 886 NORTH MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER, CONN. pink, blue or yellow pearls. And look what you can do. You TURKEY DINNER Exit 08 From WUbur Croee Highway—F-l Fri, March 2019701 pjn. • 0 pjih An Omego rreductSen PfQdvctd OAd O iiccttd by ten Metk TUe Ad PermltB 1 or $ Fectcoae To Purrheer (DfkL. Jewelry, all storea) (DML, HoslMy — oO stMTM) BURNSIDE $1.25 Hokets For $1 eCMh YOUR CHOICE ONLY $1.50 EXTRA COLOR CARTOONS mMMk. 844 MAIN ST. Across from W. T. Grant


4-''! 7 ^ ' Ty WT -A- ■ T '\V ' '\ V \ ' \ \\ ;•■ '.A " ; . ^ V ■ "N' ''' '\ ''■' ■ \ \ '-x V.

\ ' - ■ ■ ; -'V A . . ■ : ■ ' ' _ s \ '■ \ ■■ ■ 'A ■ '. .. V- ■ ■ A ■■ ■ ■ - -■ . BERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.; FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1970 PAGE f l V l MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 18. 1970 &IANCHESTEII a resident of the Main Street Bristol Resident apartment where the death oc­ 'F e p fio n O F M ANC Administration 1 curred, police said. HETGHER GLASS 00s Hockanum Y TV-Radio Tonight Held in Slaying ■The victim was believed to bo Now Neutral On William Thompson, i8, a B r|stol 54 McKEE STREET To Start Indian BRISTOL, Conn. (AP )— A resident but without any speci­ Tonkin Issue man was arrested this morning fic address there. Now la the tim e to bi^nj^ In your screens to Iw lepSiMA. ^Guide Program Television bn a murder charge in the Police declined to speculate on Storm window' gtaas repIsoBd, WASHmOTON (AP) The throat slashing death of an un­ what led to the slaying. identified man in an apartment. Nixon ‘ admlnUtretion haa 'The Hockanum Valley YMCA, Si* (I) Ml AUTO QLASS INSTALLED dropped Ita formal oppoaklon to ( i l l Dtdutls ■Tile body was dlecovered which was formed recently to (N) Mautai alxxit 6:80 a.m. by a rsrident Old Conlemptibles repeal of the oontroveralal Ton* (U) OUlsaa’* "isfcSr QUSS FURNITURE TOPS kin Gulf resolution, the Waah> serve the three-town area of 5iU (4») WWMbwm O w Walsh’ of another apartment. on the ■nw small BriUsb expedition­ tagtOR Post reported In today’s Vernon, Tcflland and Ellington, SiM (■) Muap lbs Mara (0) Bsslaa BlasUS break of World VIST I In 1914 Instead, the Post said, the ad­ (M) aousaa’i Ulaad Ohsal aad Mra. Mai Iloe said. was cslled “ ’The Old Oontempt- PIOTURE FRAMINQ (all ty|wt) ministration now takes the posi­ meetings to start the Indian <44> Trafli av OsasstasMss S ift (t> Maria Arrested while walking on ibles." The name stem, from an • :M A1 Vasira apsHs ■bsw (IS) Taa O’ Otarii BapaH (0 ) Uoh” ' to wipe the IMl resolu­ MawhMs WiHu.Lmg ttunu.,.LULaM Wt tiU (SS> HIchwas Malral position, the newspaper said, tend the program which is /be­ • :M (S) Maws wMi WSMsr Oraa- are three other resolutions that ing promoted by the Hartford kUs 1 (0) County YMCA and was estab­ (S) Maws with Mraak Xav- put Cmigrera behind a Presi­ aalSs (0) OitfMn dent’s position in International lished to create, at an early age, (U> Disk Taa Dyka (S4t> mak 0avall j»a w crises—the 1Q6S FVnrmosa reso­ “ a'deep and lasting bond be­ m litS (t> WMh Tkla Bias — la e a l Maws M*waeafa lution, the 18B7 Middle Bast res­ tween father and son.” 7:SS Daalh Vallay Dasa (O) (SS> rrira’i- Tkaatra r olution, and the 8M2 Cuba reso­ Meetings of the tribes to be £ . Hkallajr - B ria m y Ba- ■South of Paco Pago” Victor part (C) MoLagla lution. formed, will be held twice a (I) Tnilh sr Oaaaataaasas (0) (IS) iTsa — v u r Sen. Cluurles McC. Mathias, month at homes of the members. (U ) GaaSM Caaiara li lt (I) \ (M-IS> Nswi — Waalhsr — tilS (Si) ^ M awa'"i^ SIga Off A , R-Md., la seeking to repeal all The program will include taking Saaila aa« Faalaras (01 (S) Nawa a a i Waat t aa — Ma- » I four resolutions, tiast Decem­ trips, educational tours and 7;S (i) Oal flraaH (p> maat af MaSHaMaB aaS Slga ber, the State Department said nature walks which are detailed (M-M) Thraa Bays aa a ■O' Off It formally <^posed repeal of in a manual compiled by Donald BEE SATURDAY’S TV WEEK FOR OOBfPLETB USTINQ8 the Tonkin Gulf rewlution al­ Woollett of the Hartford Coimty Voters also approved plans for town hall addition. The addition, at left, would add 3,600 square feet. though' Secretary of State Wil­ organisation. Radio liam P. Rogers said at the time Heading the local program he would give the question fur­ committee are Donald Gandlnl (This Ustliig Includea only those newa bioadnasts ot It or U ther consideration. ■ and Kenneth Smith. Anyone minute length. Some atationa carry other short newaeasta.) Columbia Taxpayers Vote 51-Mill Rate The newspaper said the State wishing further information WBOB-SU 9:10 Bp S;00 BarUonl Hlgbllslito 13:16 BI) “oS'’ Present members are Myixxi Department’s new pdslUcm was should contact either of these 7:00 Newa WTIO IMS Voters at toe annual town OrdlnaUons presented, regu­ era indicated that they felt the contained in a nine-page re­ (Herald photo by Buoelvlclua). men. There is no charge for the 8:00 GasUght 6:00 Afternoon BdlUoe meeting this week approved a lating m>en burning in town, town should resume mailing Berkowltz, chairman, Edward 12:00 Quiet Boura i:U Market Baiioct Carlson, Henry Ramm,, Sam sponse to Sen. J. W. Fulbrlght, program. WPOP—111! 1:36 Afternoon Bditlon tax rate of 51 mills, an increase were accepted In full and will town reports to taxpayers. D-Ark.,,chairman of the Foreign George Russell Named 6:00 Hike Green S:$0 WaaOMT be detailed in a future column. Members of toe second build­ Pescatello, Warren Jurova^ A Short Distance Call with a Long Range Objective 7:00 Ray Dunaway 7:00 Accent 70 of four mills over last year. Relations Committee. It was George W. Rtissell of Vernon 13:00 B ^ y Rivera 7:06 Ski Report ■They also, at long last, approv­ Voters approved toe sum of ing committee, who finally ty, and toe three selectmen, Jo­ Ropor seph Szegda, Robert ’Tuttle and P\ilbright who asked for State has been appointed chairman of WHIP—UM 7:20 Edwin Newman ed plans for an addition to toe $660 to be used for toe Fourth came up with the acceptable and procedures for making emergency calls, but 8:00 Newa 7:80 Newa of the Wji George Peters, who were on the comment on Mathias’ repeal Elizabeth Cook and John J. Gaily are engrossed in the Highland District Boy Scouts 6:10 Bnola Jay 7:60 Joe OaragtA town hall for office space, as of July parade, toe money to building plan, said former mem­ resolution. their conversation, despite the presence of so many adde(l the unit also incorporated teaching the al­ campaign. 6:00 Newa &:06 Pop Oonoert be taken from surplus funds. bers of toe committee itoould first building committee. S:10 Walter (>Dnklu 8:10 Job Line presented by the building com­ ’The department said the eavesdroppers, during a two-week unit in use of the phabet and numbers from 1 to 10. Equipment was The Highland District is made ii:20 Phil Burgeaa 8:30 Fop Oonoert mittee. ’The cost of this addi­ In the past saveral years toe be given a great deal of credit 7:00 The Wond Tonight 9:06 NIghtbeat Manchester Evening HenUd crises which produced the reso­ telephone, conducted in the Bentley School kinder­ loaned, and a booklet given to each child through up of Vernon, Ellington, Tolland, tion Is not to exceed $60,000, Lions Club has paid expenses for the original plans, many of Enfield, South Windimr, East 7:20 Frank GUford 10:80 Flacea and People Columbia correspondent Vir­ lutions have long since passed, garten class of Mrs. Donald J. Kirby. Mrs. Kirby the courtesy of the Manchester office of the South­ 8:10 Specik Up on Sporta 11:00 Newa, Weather which is already in a non-recur­ for the parade which has grown which were incorporated into Windsor and Somers. Russell Is 7:30 News 11:36 S^rta Final ginia Carlson tel. 328-B224. thus making them obsolete, ac­ ern New England Telephone Co. ring expenditures fund and does to such proportions that toe the present addition. cording to the Post. said emphasis was placed on telephone courtesy division manager of the Connect­ 9:00 Newa 11:36 (5thiher Bide of the Day ’ not affect toe mill rate. Liona felt they could no longer EV>rmer President Lyndon B. icut Light and Power Co. Justify the expense. Johnson cited the Tonkin Gull The House-Senate panel’s ac­ The crowd, estimated at Oil Pollution Bill in Making: Lufkin To Seek QES Officers shout 160 persons, seemed in a It was suggested that the cele­ resolution as authority for step­ tion Thursday ended a five- Doris and James Heckler have receptive mood for all items on bration be extended to include San Francisco Paralyzed; ping up the U.S. Involvement in month-old deadlock over differ­ been elected worthy matron and ing versions of the bill. It now Monagan Seat such as church fairs to add to Vietnam. I>atron pf Hope Chapter 60, PLAZA DEPT. STORE the agenda, tor all were approv­ must be approved by both bod- WATERBURY ,Conn. (AP) — toe festivities and toe resolu­ The response to Fulbrlght Hickel Finds 147 Violations Order of the Eastern Star. Mr. ed. Municipal Employes Strike les. Dan W. Lufkin, stockbroker emd (We Have A Notion TO Pleaae) tion was amended to include said the administration la not and Mrs. Heckler and the other E. BfIDDLB TPKE. (Next to Popular MM.) The only opposition to toe depending on any of the resolu­ The measiue would require conservationist, hsis slipped into officers elected will be installed OPEN WED., THURS., FRI. UO • ^dition centered around toe thanks to toe Lions - tor their SAN FRANCnSCO (AP)— he said. “ You can’t get Wood In Gulf of Mexico Spillage firms to pay damages of $100 the maneuvering for the Repub- monetary part in previous pa­ tions for either the legal or con­ March 21 at 8 p.m. at the problem of moisture forming in ■Thousands of municipal em- out of a turnip, stitutional authority ot the Pres­ per gross ton of oil or $14 mil- lican nomination for the Fifth Masonic Temple, Orchard St. the new vault because It will be rades. ployes struck for higher pay to- Cablecar, bus and streetcar NEW ORLEANS (AP) Inte­ the north and northeast of the Ion, whDclVeiver is leas, in case CongT^^iunul District seat held ident to act In an emergency. Other officers are Linda Silver below ground Ini the lower por- The amended budget, includ­ day crippling most city serv- runs normaUy starting after rior Secretary Walter J. Hickel oil platform. of an _ accidental spill or leak for by Rep. John S. Monagan. and Robert Silver, associate The Easter Bunny Uon of the addition. Architect ing an Increase of $9,000 for toe ices and paralyzing pubUc midnight were canceled as driv- The Coast Guard said a slick t^e company is not held Lufkin, a 36-year-old resident says an oil company was to matron and patron; Patricia David Butts said toe state re­ Board of Education, was ac­ transportatlon. ers honored Janitors’ picket of crude oil six miles wide ex­ negligent. of Newtown, will actively seek Nation’s Weather blame for a pollution "disaster” tended for more than 20 miles Smith, secretary; Rachel Pease, has come to quires removal of this problem cepted at $014,066. The increcuse . lines- More than 100 drivers However, unlimited liability the nomination. Republican treasurer; Dorothy Stark, con­ And will be settled by toe use for the 'board was explained by posed by an offshore well gush­ south-southwest of the platform. was set for cleanup costs in State Central committeeman Mi- 1 . / 1 me \ t MnH nther ivavs were stranded in toe carbarns By TflE ASSOOlATCa) PRESS ductress; Joy Pearson, associate of barriers and ventilation, toe fact that alteratUms for fire were forced to find without their usual public trans- ing oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Two smaller slicks were south cases where wiltfu negligence or chael Stolfl of Waterbury said Rain, aleet or snow extended Hickel, after an inspection of the area. conductress, and Florine Slater, PLAZA which he said “will eliminate regulations must be met as well ^ reach their ^ bs m streW- Nation home misconduct can be proved. Thursday. trustee. as the hiring of an extra kin- onrs- buses and the famed ------over most of the Eastern sea­ flight over the area Thursday, Winds blowing offshore head- the problem 100 per cent.” Unions on strike represented board today as a late-winter The bill was prompted by Chairman of Connecticut Ac- dergarten teacher and cosUy clanking cablecars ground to a said Chevron Oil Co. had re­ ed the great alick out to sea for damaging oil spills such as the tlon Now, Inc., a new conserv- It pointed out that exact mostly nonprofesslonal munici­ storm bom In the southern You will find a complete and colorful stock halt. moved an |8(X> safety device the first two days. However, one last yearln Santa Barbsira. atton and antipollution group, amounts for toe building can­ therapy problems concerning a pal employes. Other unions Rocgies completed a cross-coun­ CTlty officials said toe strike, from the well which would have winds frequently ^Ift direction bm also creates an Office Lufkin becomes the first Repub- of Easter Baskets, grass, eggs, dye, fuzzy not be presented at this time disadvantaged youngster. which promised not to cross try sweep. called by five unions with moire riiut It off in an emergency. In the area. of Ehivironmental Quality to act Mean In open quest of the noml- bunnies and chicks plus delicious chocolate In ‘fairness .to those who wish ■The grand list on which toe picket lines Included toe AFL- Snow ranged along the Ohio “ The storm choke, if operat­ than 7,000 members, could "Ctompared to Santa Barbara as steff for President Nixon’s nation, to bid on the construction, but tax rate is set is over $11 mil­ CIO American Federation of VaUey Into Pennsylvania, New ing, would have taken care of It, bunnies and eggs. throttle schools, toe ship-filled ■Teaitoers, which represents this is a disaster,” said Hickel new EJnvlronmontal (^uncU. The Fifth District candidate- the bids may not total more lion. York and New England. The no doubt about that,” Hickel than toe amount appropriated. At toe end of toe meeting vot- waterfront and bustling Ban about half toe city’s 6,000 public storm left S Inches at Columbus, as he walked along thfe sandy To help the government react on the Democratic aide Is still said. It ^ ( ^ d never h a i^ h ^ shore of Breton Island during a Immediately and cleanup Its uncertain because Monagan, a Buy our beautifully made up baskets or Francisco International Airport. school teachers. Ohio, before rolling eastward pened and It wouldn’t have had „ brief stop there by his helicop- coastal waters after a spill, the former Waterbury mayor, will And 2,600 nurses and other hos­ The unions want a salary In­ into the Appalachians. Six inch­ the regulations put into effect make your own. ter. “ There Is much more oil In- conference established a $86 not disclose until March 20 pital woriiers were off toe Job, crease package of at least $9.5 es fell at PhlUpaburg, Pa. last August been met.” volved, more pollution, a wider million revolving fund and au- whether he will seek re-electlofV' the unions said. million—about twice as m%tch as Travelers warnings mmalned Hickel riclrted questions about PLAZA has the supplies. North Vietnamese ’Copter area and It will take much long- thorized contingency planning or try for U.S. Senator, a post Picket lines were throiwn up toe $4.8 million increase voted in effect from Kentucky to whether action was planned by toe Board of Supervisors on southern New England. er and be harder to clean up.” services and expanded research now held by Sen. ’Thomas J. around affected faidlltles and against Chevron, saying only, Razed by U.S. Jets in Laos union spokesmen predicted M on^y. A mixture ot sleet, freeslng ” We -will consider everything An offshore, well at Santa Bar- ou new clean up methods. Dodd, bara, a channel off the Califor­ many of about 7,000 nonunion Tam ara . c h ^ a n of drissle, rain and snow plagued within toe statutes.” By GEORGE ESPER The department statement eity employes would observe toe ‘ he ^ r d of Supervisors Per- nia coAst, leaked some 8,000 soothem edges of the snow belt. Chevron officials declined Associated Press Writer seemed aimed chiefly at Mos­ Tbundersbowers extended into barrels of oil during drilling op­ ' picket lines. In addition, leaders “ ""*1 Committee, said Thurs- comment. cow, which, unlike toe United ot major unions besides those _ on day San much of the Southeast. ■The well is one ot a group erations, creating extensive'pol- VIENTIANE, Laos (AP) — ■ - . "demonstrated In the last elec­ Heavy rains tapered off some­ lutlim and killing 'wildlife. States, has not endorsed a plan asked their members not piped to an unmanned, automat­ U.S. Jet fighter-bombers de­ tor informal' consultations . .u- ii„eg tion” they were “ In revolt” what in Florida, where Fort ed c(xitrol platform whi(Ji Chevron continued drilling on stroyed a North Vietnamese he! among the 14 nations that ‘V o U ^ Ind ^“ firemen, who t^ e s .’’ Myers was swamped with near­ stands In 40 feet of water some three relief wells which'"weire MAM OS SKtUtHCI tcopter on toe ground In toe Ho toe Geneva accord. agreed on salaries earlier, con- supervisors say toe ly 0 inches for the 24 hours end­ 30 miles off toe Louisiana shore. angled in to Intercept toe wild strung workers are among toe ing Thursday evening. W. R. Bill(m, Chevron safety wells at a point beneath toe sea Meanwhile Thursday, Herb tlnued to work. CM M.M. T tM. r.e«, o. M 0« T " T S T mT » V Far to the west, a storm sys­ engineer, said toe well was bottom. A spokesman said toe tem off Alaska spilled rain into gushing 600 to 1,000 bairels of well spewing most of toe oil much of the Pacific Northwest oil a day. It spews up in a 100- may be “ killed” by Monday. today. Issue with critics of last week- gotlatlng session In Mayor Jo- . , nrtvate industry enH’a PreRldentlal nollcv stnie- Aiintn’a c a .. uolI P® P . .. T ' late Thursday. Winds to 76 foot high c(>lumn ancl falls Into Twenty-one other oil plat­ The sources said It was toe end’s Presidential policy state- seph Alioto’s City Hall office re­ The city has offered raises of miles an hour lashed Cape Blan­ toe gulf, feeding a g;iant oil forms owned by Chevron are In first confirmation ot n North ment on Laos. cessed at 4 a.m. — four hours 6 per cent and the union seeks co, Ore., during the siltemoon. slick. the off-shore area, which is Vietnamese helicopter in Laos, without naming names, he after the strike begfan. 10 per cent on current monthly Snow flurries swirled across An explosion on toe 40-by-100 thickly dotted with oil and gas aMhough there have been uncon- tou a seminar of Young Repub- Morg talks were scheduled rates which include: portimis of the northern plains, foot platform Feb. 10 set toe oil wells. firmed reports of at least three ucans “ It bothers' me later today, Nurses, $789-$919; hospital but fair skies prevailed over a wells out of control. ’They shot Hickel said 147 violations resoundii^ reasons why being sighted in the Plain of considerably. . . t o find he Is After the marathon session. orderlies, $600-$607; Janitors, large part of the midcg(lstlcs base 16 miles southwest of toe perimeter of The tie-dyes ... a great looking splash Impressive styiing. Ihemendous selection. toe Plain of Jon, and Long A ' 'Cheng, the beadquarten of Gen. of. colors, that get together _ Reason enough _ alone to go withi Chevrolet. The O f colofs. O f accessories. O f engines. O f transmissions. Vang Pao, 80 miles north of Vi­ skirt impression;ssion is that it’s’afiit’s an expensive car,ca if you want to make O f fabrics. Of custom features you can add. And o f models to entiane. for the wildest, newest look in jeans. an impression.ipression. pick9 from. There are nine different big Chevrolets alone. Van Pao is the commander of toe 7,000-man guerrilla army of Great blends of purple/shocking pink, Massive interiors. Americans favorite. ^Meo tribesmen which toe U.S. ■BD ^W lN TEB SPECIAL pink/brown/green, purple/blue/gold, Result? Room to stretch out or to sit tall. A lot o f ______Something else a new “ something else” can’t claim: government finances. THE WET LOOK room-5 for people and their luggage. Chevrolet actually has America’s most popular car. If actions speak louder than words, In Washington, the Unltod lengths novy/pink/gold. 5-13. Sportswear more front leg room than any other car in its field. doesn’t this say something to you? See your Chevrolet dealer. States supports a recent French suggestion that all foreign forces IS RIGHT AS RAIN get out of Laos, the State I>e- f HI NIW BRIID OF »21.95 partmknt says. In on announcement Thursday E a ch a department press offlesr TOPS FOR SUMMIR 3 6 . 0 0 \ • Th« luxury look in i called "most helpful” French on* - inch combination door at a budgat- Foreign Minister Maurice Schu- The eve^ so exciting mindad prlcal marm’s call for a complete ter­ • Puali-bunon door han- dl* . . • ’’Straamllnar" mination of foreign Interference . 5.00 wet l(X)k ; . . o sign of the e o n c M M hlngaa end respect for Leotlsn neutral- • Pro-hung for aaay, quick Ity. ^ Tops take to stripings and lots of times . . . that moves out in InatallatTon (Pll^rlvnvMills ^ • Complata with door “ It foeuaaa attantton on the cipaar, chock chain and two moet Impmrtent aspeota ot a fiABRIC DBPARTMBNT BTORBB color for Spring Summer '70. oil kinds of weather. The vinyl awaop at till aolutlon to the Laotian ptob- • Fully weatharatrippad .Choose from olive, powder blue, belted trench in block, white, at top and on aldetl 1am,’’ tha preaa aid# aatiL 434 Oakland Street • Rt. 83 • MANCHESTER Impala Custom Coupe ‘fFlrst, full Implementation of cranberry, navy, chocolate, with brown, cornel, skippier blue, the (3enev« accord by use of the W. 8a 8LENNEY GOq intemattonal maohtnery set up Open Monday thru Saturday 10 a.m. to 9 t3 0 p.m. contrasting stripes, S,M,L. red, sizes 6-18. Coots for ttats^ptirpoee by the agree 8M NORTH MAIN STREET ment. Sportswear aiwnn>h.g Phum e WALLINOFfHlD Bostgn Foat Road • ORANGE “ Second, by wocklag out an MANCHESTER—g4»-8l 68 A ' ■ \ • ..... ______— Putting you firttpkeeps ut first. underatandlng amsng the LB»> tlena themaeivaa.”

, 4 rf J. 0 : A ;v \ \ ■ \ \ V \ \ \" '' 1 \' 'V

\ • ,


would hidlcate, in turn, that 60 IRanrl^FBipr None Of Its Business per cent of Monidieater fam* Vietnam’s Women Remind There .were only nine votes against lUes are maiking less than $8,- '1 ? i l ^ r a U ) It when it passed the Senate the other >en Foru] 000 annually. In addition, li You of ‘South Pacific’s Liat day, and they may have been votes should be pointed out that tills to BT THE not “ take-home” pay. we don’t want that,’’ said Jo- At midday, a daughter will ______j r a CO., in : from tobacco states rather than votes (Obatimied from Page Six) only cimcerned but also that we More Importantly, the sole EDITOR’8 NOTE;~Alma De carry food to her parents work­ IS BIh «U ttreat concerned with principle. source of tax revenue for Man­ Mmii^wter, Conn. are becoming Increasingly Liite and her husband Daniel, ing in the flooded paddles. The THOM ia y. FBRaUSOb area is reaoonahly assured by chester la the property tax W A U ^ K WBRQVBOK By the terms of the bill pcused 75 to more frightened. What more . an assistant general manager of last meal of the day is after PuUuEen International conditlona created which, as the name implies, is The Associated Press, have Just dark, served in bowls on a long fV>unl»d October l, 188} B, and likely to receive equally b a ld e d can we do to Insure that the by the actions of the UMted Na­ drug abuse problems will not levied upon property not in­ returned from an 18-day 'visit In wooden table. The only source Pub Brery Bvenlnc Bxoept Bundey> approval when it gets to the House, tions. come knocking at our door Is come, and any reiatlonsMp be­ North Vietnam. Here is her re­ of light Is the yellow glow of a Juiered iit the Poet Office at It la time that the American Oonn., aa Becood Ctaas Hall the Senate outlawed all cigaret commer- there anything more that we tween property ownerrttip and port on the women of the North. tiny kerosene lantern. oitUen Informed Mr. Nixon in the ablUty to pay taxes is, at ials on radio and television effective next can do? Farmers’ daughters, who nev­ no uncertain terms to abide by Beverly Kaminsky best, tenuous. By ALMA De LUCE er used a sewing machine, have BUB8CRIFTION RATES Jan. 3. P a ru le In Advance his oath of the Office of the 47 Willard Road. While Hennlgan cuicurately One Tear ...... SSO.OO A little girl in North Vietnam found themselves learning to & Montha ...... 1B.W Some of 'the senators who were President of the United States stated that Manchester’s school fire rifles, load machine guns, Three Hon the ...... 7.80 and obey the Laws of the Fed­ population is 20 per cent of its knows exactly what will be styl­ One Honth ...... ASO exuberant over the great blow they were and aim antiaircraft artillery. eral Constitution Instead of the “ Level Equal to Netuhy total population he foiled to ish when she’s 16 and 60. It will A new generation has also HBHBBR OP ~ thus striking for the health of their fel­ ’tbwns’' Uhlted Nations and Its military mention that since IBM popula-. be the same as when'she’s 6: learned to operate and repair THB iS O C lA T B n PREBS tlon o f sch(x>l age cMldren in­ Ib e AaaMlated Preaa Is exclusively eir low Americans expressed a determina­ policy of ‘perpetual war for To the Editor, Jeeps, diesel trucks, steam roll­ titled to the use of republlcatlon of all perpetual peace.’ creased less than 1 per cent A long-sleeved cotton blouse news dispatches credited to It or not other­ tion, on' the scene, to try to do some­ I am reading about the teaidi- ers, and bulldozers. (21 students)! of any color, usually wMte. Parkhill-Joyce wise credited in this paper and also the Fellow cltisens! Take due no-. er negotiations and am upset. The most Impressive p e n ^ - tooti n ^ a published here. thing to see that the money hitherto All this aside, the time-honor­ Worn over black cotton trou­ All nimts of republlcatlon of sipecla] die- Uce thereof and govern your­ We chose to live in Manches­ sers. A conical straw hat. Open allty I met was Truong oaleiiM nerein are also reserved. spent on radio, and television cigaret selves accordingly. ed approaidi of line-item budget­ WSCS Speaker ter because of a good school sandals. Vem, woman chairman Of the Flower Shop ing, based on objects of expen­ I b e Herald Printing Company Inc.. a»- commercials is not now devoted to In­ Respectfully Submitted system but it is rapidly decay­ fishing (tooperative ,Ot Nhon Frank Oafceler, Proprietor ditures, such salaries, con­ Gordon S. Bates of East Hart- ______She’ll let___ her ___shiny,______black____ hair HmM no financial responalDlllty for typ<- Frederick A. Etoker ing. I am willing to support any 0 8 601 MAIN ST„ MANCnEVIBI graphloal errors appearing In advertise­ creased advertising in the natidn’s mag­ tractual services, suppliee and ford, director of volunteers for grow very long, hanging , ***** rJi***'***'** ments and other readlnz matter In The increase in taxes to Improve our straight down her back from leads a flahlng team. They are (Next to Hbittord ■Notional Hannh ester Eventns H e iw . azines and newspapers. We suppose, Editor’s Note: Isn’t it strange equipment needs to be re-ex­ the Connecticut Prison Associa­ system to a level equal to near­ metal clasp at the neck. expecting their first child: Bonk) how some of us who think we amined. What is needed is a tion in Hartford, will be guest e YES—'WE DELIVER a R ib s ta ^ r to ^ Anvelee Tlmes-Waelilny- however, that Ctongress will never qillte by towns. I would be especially She related with pride that too Post News Bervice. are living in the same world as healthy re-thlnking of the plan­ speaker Tuesday at a meeting If you know the musical Phooeai 849-07B1—64B-1MS dare try to be quite as dictatorial to the' unhappy to live in a town where of the Women’s Society of Oiris- during four years of bombings, ^ 1 service dient of N. E. A. Bervice, Inc this Correspondent have such ning and budget processes and "South Pacific” you already PubUahets ItoprasestaUves — Hatbews. the school system got santdion- tian Service of South United the tonnage of fish caught in­ CuUen Inc., Special Acency media of print as it is willing to be to different ideas, like considering their roles and relatlimsMps in know her—Liat, the little Ton­ — New Yorfc, Chlcar).- Detrqrt and Boston ed because only the voice of the Methodist CTiiirch at 8 p.m. in creased annually In her village. SEATG an American - created decision making. Our Board of kinese beauty on the Island of the media of voice and picture. low tax advocates was heard. the church receptirdlnator stevedore to Ms knees, that reason, I wish to try to nlgan cledmed that "the aver­ Tom Dixid is running tor re- press cMef, told me; ever have revealed about yourself In the it could not be produced, or sold, or of Its Sponsors Program. --•■-i-Girls •begin ■- early to carry answer a comment made by age family iiuxime is up to $15,- nomination to the United States "Wotpen are very important possessed, or consumed, and would con­ Mr. Dlgeui, who served as one The Edgar CJlrcle Is In charge their sharq of family responsi­ signed statements which have been re­ 000 annually.’’ Where did this Senate. bilities, usually a younger broth­ to our nation. They have eanied sequently never have any need tor com­ of a panel of experts at a meet­ His censure and Ms stand on of fellowsMp tor the meeting, respect because they do whatev­ quired of you for various purposes over figure me from? Its ■validity and the Story Circle is In Charge er or sister. Farmers hope their mercials. ing held by the Board of Direc­ is certainly questlonalble. How­ firearms (xmtrol are well-known er is needed. your lifetime. tors at niing Junior High School of hospitality. first child will be a girl. Then ever, even if this is an axxiept- and people will vote their hearts "Even when not being at­ Once (Congress faced such a proposal, concerning the drug abuse she can raise the younger cMl­ Recollect all the mailing: lists you have able figure it is an arithmetic on those two Issues. dren wMle mother works in the tacked by enemies, our people it would, we hope, come speedily to the problems. Mr. Digan was quot­ Less well-known Is Ms posi­ mean and doesn’t trfl us any­ field. have always Uved on the edge of ever been on, or the mag:azlnes you have ed as saying "The problem with tion on the big question In our Today in History conclusion that smoking Is none of Its thing about the distribution of The loudest voice I heard in a disaster, ^ m e of our dikes are most adults is that most of us foreign affairs. Dodd’s 12 years By THE A880CIATX» PRESS received. business, which It isn’t. Income among famines. A more thousand miles of travel be­ a thousand years old. Still we don’t want to face this situation in the Senate have witnessed a T(xlay Is Friday, IKarch 18, PtioioirDaphed by Sylvian Oflara meaningful figure would bo longed to a 4 year old, whose 7- have fl(x>ds. Then women are Remember all oontaota with the law, s JANUARY, WINTER COULD BE BEAUTIFUL until it comte knoiSdng at our lot of disruption in the Ctommu- the 72nd day of 1970. There are WITH OR WITHOUT doors in the person of one of median family income which is year-old sister unexpectedly de­ asked to woric as hard as men. vriiether you were guilty or Innocent. Allergy-Free Floors Mst bloc. In these years, the 293 days left in the year. INSTALLATION our own cMldren using drugs.” the mld-polnt of distribution of serted Mm at his own hedge and Our people learned long ago Our dear scientists have researched family buximes and a more re­ Ciommunist CTilnese and the Today’s HlgMlght In History that every family in the vlUage My husband and I are the Russians have come close to On tMs date in 1938, Nazi Ger­ ran off to borrow a book from a Remember how you paid all your bUle. and researched and analyzed and ana­ liable statistic to use when mak­ must help to save the dikes, or peuenta of five sons. We are conflict. The Rumanians have many annexed Austria. neighbor. His outraged shouts BOX TRAILERS ing Income comparisons. be wiped out. So during crises, Imagine what other people might have lyzed and tested and tested until they Herald very awsire of the drug use and taken a new independent On This Date could be heard through two When you consider that the we work together easily." FOR RENT think they have com e up with an actual abuse problems existing here In 1868, the impeachment clumps of bamboo. said about you, your capabilities, your Inside Report Yesterdays average manufacturing payroll course. The Vugosla'vlanB have The Open Forum in our town. We have discussed managed to keep on their inde­ hearing againsl President An­ A (iurrent popular song tells of private life, to any one checking on you living cause for what is commonly de­ for the state is $142.21 per week by drugs (use and abuse) at home pendent (XHirse. Our State De­ drew Johnson beg;an in the U.S. a farmer’s wife who urges her scribed as our allergy to mmon house and since Manchester has a fair at any phase of your life. 25 Years Ago Communications for publication on the Open Fonuc wUl not. with our hoys. The cMldren partment has dpne what it husband to take up arms and CONN. AUTO SALES Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert 1>. Novak number of manutocturing em­ Senate. dust. be guaranteed pjbllcaticm if they (xmtain more than 800 have received veduable in­ could to encourage this trend. In 1925, a bill designed to fore­ fight the enemy. In rough trans­ Near il tons of tin can ployes as residents, this lends & SERVICE, INC. Recall all your illnesses, including words. The Herald reserves the right to decline to publish formation in their scImmIs con­ Dodd has been blind to these stall the teaching of evolution lation, the words are: “ Do not The scientists would like to have us WASHING’rON—The fact that salvag< Itocted last weekend strong support that median your possible life-adjustment problems. High offiidals are talking about any matter that may be libelous or wMch is in bad taate. cerning drug abuse. opportunities, - and has stayed was signed into law in Tennes­ worry about me and the chil­ QUALITY USED CARS believe that It is a real allergy, which the Nixon administration is now breaks sra to date. credit controls as their last line Free expression of political views la desired by ocmtributlons I feel that I echo many par­ family ln<»me is in the neigh­ rigid In the early cold war see. dren. I -will grow the rice and do And, Just to be safe, think of anything seriously cx>ntemplaUng a major ijij and Pickup Trucks comes from a tiny beetle-like creature of defense. Ckmsequently, they of this character but letters wMoh are defamatory or abiudve ents when I say that we are not borhood of $8,00049,000. TMs position of 30 years ago. For­ Ten Yean Ago your work as well as my own. about yourself which doesn’t fall into policy switch making selective await public reaction to Rin­ will be rejected. A radio (ximmunlcatlons When the enemy has been driv­ Ask About Our 100% Guaiantec hardly big enough to hang his eight credit controls its possible last tunately, his voice carried no fret’s long list of propoeals: This was a Sunday; The record was set when a Pioneer en away, I will welcome you any particular classification at all. legs onto. He is a mite, caHed Derma- iline of defense agadnst infla- weight in our toreign policy Control on bank borrowing with Herald did not publia councils — if it had, the Soviet Five apaceciaft sent back sig­ home again. You will see how ROUTE 6, COLUMBIA, OONN. Then imagine all this information tophagoides, and he actually lives In Mon is signaled in a confiden­ commercial paper, subsidized NOTICE well the fields have been kept.’’ tial message dlspfutched tMs “ Shadow Oovernment” through the Southeast Asia Col­ bloc would be a lot stronger nals to earth from more than iili 423-4087 George S. PGstemedd home loans, limitation of loans The following ordiMUice was adopted by th« Town of BoVton, To be a farmer’s wife is not about yourself being availaMe to any­ house dust and allergists are now using week by the WMte House to lective Defense Treaty. today than It is, and World War 400,000 miles In space. tor strictly productive purposes, OoimeoUcut at a Spectel Town Meeting held Frtiruary 1, 1970 easy. She rises before da'wn to body else through the simple push of nsumer credit, Sponsored by the Manchester meals; Meat, fish, vegetables an early supporter of Richard \ to the most naive person who that Mr. Nixon did not have fhf the Seal hereinafter set forth and deocribed, which Seal ahati be gets on tl\e Senate Foreign Re- said Ms Vietnam policy had 'among others. Council of Churches and rice. When times are bad, A a RIGHT!—A a RIGHT! 'That Is the nightmare which some peo­ ■ta: injections which. It is hoped, , may M. Nixon for President, badly 'Voted the Republican ticket in U.S. OemsUtution in mind when tiie'Seal ntrol of (ietermined’’ Nixon testified, "to side designed for the Seal The outer rim glvee the date of in- even tor a fanciful allergy. chances about Rinfret’s forth­ of Wis(x>nsln jto prohibit un­ can any more create the small­ the two party system more than honor our commitment to the oorporatlon. The top o f the Inner circle "shows the Hartfccd them to sponsor and finance a $149,500 coming testimony before the solicited bank credit (»rd8 thirty years ago. Southeast Asia ’Treaty. Mourttalns” (as the town was first known) and the rising sun But the real reason we experience dis­ est flower than he could create two and a half year study of what the Senate Banking Committee. ’Two (though some WMte House ad­ the greatest world.” Nothing better typifies the ar­ Nothing was said here by Mr. with water at its hose depicting our Mkes. On one side o f a scrMl visers 'vigorously disagree with stands Joshua, son o f Uncos, as he bequeths the lands o f BoHon development of a nationwide network of comfort in the presence of dust Is not requests were made of Rinfret. Joseph Parker rogance of the international Nixon about honoring the rights that opposition). of our American fighting men by to the early settlers on tlte other side o f the scroll. 'Within the because of anything the dust contains First, the WMte Ifouse would "A happy life Is not built up mentality of the foreign policy ocnA ate symbols for farming (plow), industry (water wheel), computerixed data banks might (io to the appreciate it if he did not ad­ More important, the 'Treasury of the U.S. Department of State abiding by the Laws of the Fed­ or harbors, but merely because the dust of tours abroad and pleasant beauty (fruit branch), service to country (rifle ond sword), and privacy and the liberties of ordinary vocate (as he has in memos to itself feels credit controls solve holidays, but of little clumps under the Nixon Administration eral Constitution wMch our an acorn symbolizing growth and soMdartty. Americans. is there and we know that somebody Is, clients) a return to Presiden­ nothing and (xpposes changing of violets noticed by the road­ then the extension of the "No- soldiers are duty bound to honor sooner or later, going to have to do tial "JawboMng"—LBJ-style ad­ current policy. Secretary David side, hidden away almost so win’’ war policy (xmducted in ledding .their Ud in the Dr. Alan F. Westin, professor of pub­ monitions against wage and Viet Nam under the control of of their country. something about removing it. Kennedy was dead serious last that only those can see tiiem lic law and government at Columbia pric» increases. Indeed, an’ at­ year about a wage-price freeze who have God’s peace and love the Southeast Asia ’Treaty Or­ r 'Neither did Mr. Nbom admit NOTICE V that the Southeast Asia ’Treaty Our real allergy is not to dust, but to tack on Jawb<»iing from Rin­ (before being slapped down by in their hearts; in one long ganization of the-UMted Nations. Tim fOUowteg ordinance was adopted by the Town o f Bolton, University, is to direct the investigation. was framed under the provisions work, not to any mite, but the mop pail fret would be much appreciat­ the WMte House) but was nev­ continuous chain of little Joys, Eveiy citizen and voter should CVxinedticut a/t a Special Town Mierting hdd November 24, 1969. ed. of Arti(de 52 and 58 of the sub- Dr. Westin believes it must be made er interested in credit contreds. little whispers from the spiri­ realize that the real objective of BUILDINCW ON LOTS WHICH ABUT UNACCEPTED or the vacuum cleaner, not to anything versl've Charter of tlie United SIHEBT HIOHWAYe, Second (and more surprising), In the current Banking Oom- tual world, end little gleams of the "no-win” war such as the clear both to the federal government and we breathe, but to what we think. Nations. Regulating ConatriKsUon of A CONVENIENCE FOOD STORE the WMte House woMd not mind mittee hearings. Under Secre­ sunshine on our daily work." one in Viet Nam conducted to private centers of information that under the various treaties of the Under Article IV of the Section 1. No Oertlfloete of Regtstiaition, Certificate o f Ap­ Can we prove what we say? Is there if Rinfret endorsed credit con­ tary Oharls Walker is expect­ Edward Wilson proval or Certificate of Occupancy as required by the Zoning ethical curbs will have to be placed aver any test of our contention? trols to cope with the present ed to flatly oppose credit con­ Submitted by: U.N. Is not International peace SEIA’TO Treaty it states: beaulatioiis of the Town of Bolton or the BuUdMg Code of the lethal combination of rampag­ trols. and security as the shadow "Measures—the words ‘meas­ of ■SmII be iasuad and no buUdlng or structure the "currently unregulated and unsuper­ Indeed there is. Rev. Norman B. Swenson, ing inflation, tight money, and government In Washington and ures’ means military action — Ji.u be elected <» a lot abutting on an unaccepted street or vised’’ use of (tomputerized data banks. The final determination like­ ’TrlMty Covenant CJhurch "1 Let our scientists or our allergists tty a critical housing shortage. ly will be made by Dr. Arthur their controlled United Nations “ Measures taken under tMs Ugfaway except as hereinalter provided. Section 2. Tb» Plaimlng OonunisBloa o f the Town o f Bolton He thinks that proper safeguards 'of to discover any allergy to dust or to dust The fact that Rinfret in large would have you believe. paragraph shall be immediately, Burns, the new chairman of the may tiennit arid autborize the tasuanoe o f a Ctortifloate o f Regls- part compiled •with these re­ Federal Reserve Board. Aa Current Quotes The true “ Purposes and princ­ reported to the Security (Coun­ the rights and privacies of the individual mites among people who live on dirt quests is less significant than teS aao, Certificate of Approval or CertiacBte of Occupancy on a Presidential counsellor last iples’’ of the U.N. military ad­ cil of the United Nations." NOW! POSITIVELY wlU have to be established within five fl(x>rs. whait they revealed about the "M y mlMsters are disappoint­ Nor should loyal American lot whi(di does not ainSt on an occulted street or M^way pro­ year, Burns prevented a ventures is to maMpulate the vided tbe following ooodittons have been met: years, or "it will Just bo too late.’ Administration’s economic tiiink- ed at the lack of progress in the United States armed forces overlook the Joint House Reso­ LOWER PRICED Ing. (hitegorical rejection of credit (1) The e^iplloont o r holder of the Certificate of Regirtiar “ Mr. LQ.” controls by the WMte House and Paris talks."—Queen Elizabeth under Security CTouncil (xintrol: lution Number 1146 'Gulf of Certificate of Approval or Certificate of Occupancy has de­ DIRECT FACTORY SHIPMENT The information gathering agencies to In the first place, the WMte II of Britain on the 'Vietnam To force all of.the nations into Take It on the authority of the Republi­ persuaded Mr. Nixon not to TVinkin Resolution’’ wMch is posited with the Plonntaig Ctmuniaslon of the Town o f Bolton a House does not agree, with many war. line and deliver them up to a one bond or equivalent, with adequate guarantee sufficient be covered during the investigation in­ can Congressional Committee news­ veto a bill ctontaining standby often quoted as (xmgresslonal,. Democrats and some Republi­ world government. approval to commit Anlericans to cover tbe coat of-'SlI required street or highway impirove- clude the FBI and its NaUonal Crime letter; Vice President Agnew has an I.Q. cans that severe recession is credit controls. "We found that American and am detenmined by the Planning Oomintoaton. K l«ch«nA lcl of 186. "Arthur Isn’t for credit con­ The deception of the U.S. to the Viet Nam War. Information (Center, poUce IntelUgenhe just around the comer. Rather, French policy certainly Isn’t the presidential authority is care­ (2) No Oerttflcate o f Approval or Ootlficate of Oixnipancy trols but he isn’t against them 'This Resolution,’ states sec­ ‘"rhe last time the Vice President had It realizes galloping inflaticxi is same thing, but Uiat at bottom fully maintained, of course; But ^ mII be Issued unless at least one Street leading from a town ac­ DISHWASHERS files, the Army Intelligence System, either,,’’ explains an intimate. tion 8, shall expire when the his I.Q. tested he scored 185,’’ said the still the nation’s top p(x;ketb(x>k our long-term objectives are the real chain of command teads cepted street or highway or a state highway to the building or president shaU determine that dwrttliig has been brougdit up to the i^ipiteed rough coat or credit investigating and ranking serv­ newsletter, answering a reader who issue and figures to remain' so. ’That sums up the new Wtilte generally very close.’’—Presi­ from the U.N. Security Ooimcil 1 0 yetinafgoodold'B*Buonedqualiiy complained that certain Democrats had That recognition makes the House attitude and it represents dent (Georges Pompidou, recent the peace and security of the hard top base and tbe street dratnoge system is in operable oon- ices, hospitals, unions, churches, motor headed by Dr. Leonid N. Kuta- >7UWi saUafSetory to the Planning Oonunlsslon. said that Mr. Agnew had a low I.Q. WMte House sensitive to Dem­ a portentous (diange in posttlcm. visitor to Washington. vehicle bureaus and educational institu­ kov (a Soviet OommunlsU (Sea Page 8er«i) Section 8. It shall be the respotudbUlty o f tbe appUCont oC | It Just isn’t so. Mr. Agnew ranks close ocratic charges that Mr. Nixon’s jirtirW of the Ceitlfioato of Registration, Certificate a t Approval tions. to being a genius. ’The genius mark in refusal to Jawbone has forced or Certificate of Occupancy to repair any damage to alnittlng I.Q.’s starts at 140 and goes up from up the cost of living. Statistical One of the potentially terrible things town streets, curbs or surface water drains that may be caused there. arguments te that effect by Dr. ‘ os a result of the development of the lot or buUdIng. This retpon- about the developing system of data- A lot of peoide will be surprised at Arthur Okun, President J e n ­ slblUty Shall remain with tbe appHoant or holder until the surety CORNER OF MANCHESTER keeping, according to Dr. Westin, is the Vice President Agnew’s I.Q. A go(xl son’s econbmic advisor, provide Fischetti bond Is lelcaaed. 305 GREEN RD. WOODBRIDOE ST. many at them figured he was a genius DemeKratlc campaign fodder. Section 4. The surety bond abaH be rrieaaed only when all fa6 TOOtl0d« COMPLETE INSTALLATION ARRANGED flation. Oodtton fl A building erected In violation o f this ordltiance • lea Qraam ciled to the idea of no privacy at all and enough qualifications for voters to pan­ ^ 1 1 t>e asainad to be an unlawful structure and the Ttown, der without having to (xmsider who has ’To resolve that dilemma, the to the idea of living as if each slightest through the oonlag agent appointed by tbe Po^on Zoning Oom- EGGS DOZEN the higher I.Q. —os if that matters. WMte House i# now kxiking at m ial^ .niay br1i« acUon to enjoin the eraotiocrof said stnKtere M A N C a act and thought were to be part of an The Constitution, wMch was adopted credit (XMitroU, a proposal plug­ or oouss H to be or removed, • Boar open (tomputer bank report. before I.Q.’s were ever beard of, makes ged endlessly the part year by Seottoo 7. Any firm or ooeporatian rteetlng a bulkUng ititi^ it'k'k'k'k'k'kk'k^ 'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k no mention of this measure as a require­ Rinfret and fellow economist df* stnidtuiv tn vio______i t_ this ordinaaoe rtiaU be fined not more What we shall actually do, regardless ment for office. All it sajrs la that a Eliot Janeway without arous­ 1200.00 for earti buUdliig or struoture ao erected In eddltton 4a Uia herein granted to the Town under Beetion 0. o f thla LARGEST CANDY SUPPLY IN TOWN — PLUS o( special investigations and reports, Is President must be a natural bom citizen, ing much interest in Washing­ to tirt herein granted ' at least 85 years old. Senators have to be ton. ordUMOoe. Jwtm k muddle along doing what requires least SedUon 8. All ordtnaaoas, and regulitlcoa abd parts of at least 8 Oyean old; Representatives 35., ’Times are changing. Oeotge ^ TlLIVISiON 9 ApPUAMOi reststance, which la to let the banks keep and regulattons. In oohflkt wkh this ordinance are at least 80 ysars old; Representatives 35. Romney, Secretary of Housing hmeb* ranteled and this ordinante abaU be la fuU force end effect growlnc until, very shortly, they even' in­ But we are glad to knosr what Mr. Ag- and Urban Development^ twe 'upon tte n£ptkai. clude what we say about them under our new's I.Q. Is. It is reassuring, to have a finally found WMte House ^ t o e t t o n ». SIxMld any eeotloa, paragniRi. sentence^ dause NEXT TO SrOP ■iiid SHOP near-genius for a Vice Pwsldent. — listeners tor Ms rnsssiMha a t of this regulotua be declarad unoonabtutlooal or in- OWNED AND OPERATED BY ROD AND PEGGY WRIGHT iMWath. MERIDEN RBfXlRD prophecy of housing chaos. vaiidfor any iiiasno the remainder of'said refutation OhaU be tobe valid. «

t : > .4 f . A ' \\\'' V . \' ' 1 ^ ' . . \ \ it 1 : . r % I t ^ \ ’■S' i ' j- \ \ MANCHESTER EVBIilNG HERALD, MAHCHESTEE, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1970 P A G E N I N E - * MvMi ■' ^ A O B S I G R T MANCHESTER EVI5NING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 18. 1970 clue to A! Fatah's future strate­ Mimichesier Area Israeli Planes Pound gy in Us continuing guerrilla Bad^Weather Hartford Fire Executives eMUCGCatifnNyt'topQtifH O h ilu ary Home Economics Teachers M an sfield : F ireC a U s Hauaman Asked to Rule struggle against the Jewish Man l(eturned state. Drop ITT Stock Options Have Conference at MHS Insure V ote On GOP Bylaws Change Rumors are circulating that Thrci Front Afissoiiri Town firefighters extinguish­ Egyptian Missile Base Israel plans to move thousands open tonight till fl AntwMLit KM m , W. «t «M H. Manchester High School's de­ of refugesB from Gaza to the. oc­ HAR'TFORD, Ooiin. (AP)—In Fire, said the officers hod IWUte, MHS Junior. ed a fire In a newspope*’ storage State GOP Chairman Howard have a ruling, alio In writing, E x p o D eb u t M«ln St.. 4 M y*«t*rtey partment of home economics TBL AVIV (AP) — Israeli region os the Middle East and cupied West Bank of the Jordan the hop* that Connecticut will "volunteully surrendered their In Tolland Theft The panel discussed special T o Y ou n g box at Chestnut and Park St. Hausman has been called upon after he geU Dobkin's letter. fonigltt and taf. onlyi noon «t MwndiMitaT M«morl«l yesterday was host for a Cooper­ expectations and needs M the planes /lew deep Into. Egypt despite warnings of many prom- River. But If Israel does this. It approve the merger of Inter- options", but did not disclose yesterday at 4:18 p.m. to interpret and rule upon a by­ He said that he, as OOP state By KAY TATBUm HcMqpItml. Carl O. Gustafson, a former ating Teachers Conference for student, teacher, cooperating (Continued from Page One) again today and pounded a So- Americana, may succeed only In transfer­ lational Telephone and Tela- the names. solid chocolate mlnlaturo Eighth Dtatrlct fireitghters laws change voted Jan. 12 by chairman, has the authority to Associated Press Writer Mr. Kl«iM w«a torn Nnv. 14. rsaident of the Tolland area, Home' Economics, sponsored by teacher, and administrator. "The only plausible explana­ ring a hotbed of resistance from (ITT) and the Hartford Dixon also kaid that Hartford rule the amendment unconstitu­ extinguished a minor oar fire the Manchester Republican make the ruling.. viet-buUt missile bos* on the 1904 tn Pnkuoai*. Uthuanta. was returned yesterday from the Home Economics Unit of the Principal George' Emmerllng tion is that America wants and one place to another. Gaea’s Fire^'SCMurance Oo., four top of­ Fire will also not offer stock tional after 18-year-olds voted in on^ Parker St. Yesterday at Whatever decision he rendere. banks of the Nile 70 miles north OSAKA, Japan (AP — Bad •nd tod Uv«d in Mwtictoatnr Missouri by State Police to an­ Division of Vocational Educa­ opened the afternoon session by Town Ctommlttee. s needs the Arab region—but on fighter* may be obliged to leave weather threatened to mar the ficers Of Hartford Fire have options to 64 oiUier employes, the 1972 elections, thus throwing 12:25 p.m. On Jan. 12, the town com­ It appears from examining the' of Cairo, the Israeli military Um pMt 10 y«ara. H« w»a * atit- swer charges of breaking and tion of the State Department ,'f extending greetings from the Its own terms. Every American behind some of their weapons, elaborate opening ceremony surrenderM^their options to buy as it had planned, and ITT the next presidential balloting Thick tar-like~oll covered one mittee amended its bylaws to local rules, both old and new ,, command annqunoed. easier employad cnrpMtor. H« w m a entering with criminal Intent Education. host school. Dr., Ronald into confusion. Sen. James B. East bound lane of E. Center that the town committee com­ action or Inaction In the Middle but the move would put them Saturday of Asia's first world n r itock, ft ipoketman for officials said they would drop merotor of the UthuenlMi V«t> and larceny under $50. It was under hie direction of LaCont'e of the University of provide for a committee mem­ All the Israeli Jets returned Hartford Fire said Thursday. Allen, D-Ala., lost 72-15 on an St. this morning in front of the piled with both, when It en­ East at present indicates not so closer to Jordan tvhere a*™s exposition, Expo '70. any special employment and er«n*'Soclety and the Ramove Gustafson is being charged in Mrs. Grace Harrison of 27 Connecticut School of Educa­ bership of 85 members. It had safely from the raid on the BA3 amendment to defer the effec­ Southern New England Tele­ dorsed members on..March 5. much an Intention of quitting and ammunition are more Coming in the final session consulting contracts agreed on of Hartford. ccmnecUion with an alleged Meadow* Lane, consultant In tion moderated a panel of four been 100. And, on March 5, It antiaircraft missile site at El light rain began to fall befoire tive date until after 1972. phone Oo. building. A Hess oil The old rules state that the the Arabs as of remaining with accessible, of a three-day hearing Into a in the first merger proposal. Survivors Include'his daugh­ break at Fepco, Inc., Rt. SO, Tol­ home economics to the state de­ first-year home economics endorsed an 86-member town Mansura, 45 miles west of the noon today and turned Into drix- The vote for the voting ago truck was making a delivery of town committee "ehall consist them, keeping them divided Until now, attempts by the revised merger plan, the dis­ foil wrapped ter, Mrs. NIJole Hanaljran of land. last July. Police said 4S partment. The hosteas was Mrs. teachers on the subject of committee, to serve two years. Sues Canal, the spokesman said. sle with Intermittent snow flur­ Raymond H. Deck, senior amendment, proposed by Demo­ fuel oil to the phone company of not more than 100 members." and using Israel every now and guerrillas to establish an effec- closure w as. part.^ of testimony vice president for Hartford Fire (full pound pkg.) Wethersfield; a sister, Mrs. Mi­ blank checks, petty cash and Greta Bourke, MHS home econo­ "Looking Baok." However, the committee did n WM the 16th strike by Is- then as a whip or threat or gun tlve resistance movement In the ries by midafternoon. A cold some stamps were taken. cratic Leader Mike Mansfield, when a hose broke, spilling Ihe not file lU byluw chknges with The new rules state "not more Intended' to emswer objections and its comptroller, painted a chael Oeclauskes of Manches­ mics department chairman. Each presented a brief talk raeU planes deep Inside Egypt of murder.” West Bank region have not been wind hampered workers fever­ The alKiay conference was was more lopsided in the Senate oil out into the road. the Secretary of the State’s of­ than 85 members." The 85 mem­ raised by Connecticut Insurance dark picture for Hartford pros­ ter; and two brothers and three Other area police yesterday: on these questions: (i) Do you since the beginning of the year. At the United Nations, the So- notably successful. Israeli secu- ishly trying to apply the finish­ attended by 38 state teachers than had been anticipated, win­ The oil, known as "Bunker fice until about March 10. bers endorsed March 6 fit both Commissioner William R. (tot­ pects if Hartford Fire does not sisters tn Lithuania. ELUNGTON recall how you felt about It The last one took place a week vIet Union and the United States rity forces boast of the ease ing touches to structures and who work with student teachers ning the votes of some senators C,” is thicker than the type Changes in local committee requirements. At the very ter, who rejected the Initial merge with ITT. The funeral will be Monday Mary GaUitto, Sta.ford while you were a student teach­ ago^ were reported deadlocked over with which they have foiled in scattered areas from the University of Connect­ who had spoken against It. used to heat individual homes rules become effective 60 days worst, provided the old rule is merger proposal last December. "In the absence of TIT, there jTical Republican officials been forced to conduct opera- . ,, .. surance business altogether." / sweeping process. tom and Skyhawk Jets. sador. last summer asked for a tem­ / Private funeral services for ed to appear In RockviUe Cir­ Mrs. Doris May, associate pro­ what it was and la as a full­ lower the voting age; that Con­ stating the situation, and ask­ have expressed the beliel that tlons largely from bases outolde "J southwest Earlier t^ay. In the occupied Diplomatic sources said the of Tokyo. porary Injunction to block the / Harry Kanehl, 63, of WilUman- cuit Court 12. April 8. fessor of home economics educa­ time teacher? gress had no power to act by ing for an interpretation. Haus­ Hausman wldl rule that the by­ the occupied areas, mainly from tion at the University of Rhode Gasa Strip, Arab guerrillas shot U.S.-Soviet deadlock developed Emperor Hlrohlto and Em­ merger on antitrust grounds, tic, formerly of Manchester and On the panel were Miss Kathy simple legislation. man said today that he will laws change la In force. Jordan and more recently from Island, gave the keynote ad­ up an Israeli bus, wounding the m the guer­ not accept that. Cotter said ' In his decision 1906 in Woterbury, son of Carl for court appearance March 30. Mich., countered with their years ago, also. attacks are launched from the Braving the idtill, the orches­ television and audio tapes. Joseph College, and Dr. Bar­ prepared statement, has an­ rillas accuse of cooperating with The four ambassadors an­ that the exlst«ice of (he Kanehl and Anna Kell Kanehl measure extending the 1965 act. view in its next regular meet­ At its regular meeting last comparative safety of the tras, brass bands, choral The morn!r,g session concluded bara Osborn of UConn. nounced that It will file for the Israelis. nounced t h ^ will meet again options was "disquieting’ ’ and r, end had lived part of with a panel discussion modera­ The 1965 act permits suspen­ ing on Monday at 8 p.m. in the night, the Board of Education Arab-held East Bank of the river groups, boy and girl scouts, se- Richard E. Muldoon, 16, of Fourteen students all boys mediation In the current te^ch-. In the aftermath of Thurs­ next Hiursday. curity guards, Japanese and would be an impediment to Ms life 'in the Manchester-CXnr- ted by Dr. William Nolan, chief sion of literacy tests and use of council chambers. According to approved twp recommendations' and consist of rocket blasts, of­ 152 Eldridge St., charged on a — from the MHS food service day’s air attacks across the Arab guerrilla leaders may be foreign pavilion hosts and hos- approval of the merger, entiy a r ^ . where he was a of the Bureau of Elementary and federal registrars upon a court one source, the examinaltlon will er salary-condiUons ot employ­ by Superintendent of Schools ten set off by timing devices, Circuit Oourt 12 warrant with group planned, prepared, and looking to the Gaza Strip to pro­ At the hearing, Ralj^ C. pMntlng conbcMTtor. He was a Secondary Education of the finding 6t discriminatory denial probably be scheduled for Apriil ment negotiations for the 1970- Laurence O’Connor. All tour Sues (tonal, the Egyptians con­ against Israeli troop positions.______teases, were at their aissigned attempted larceny. He was ar­ served the luncheon menu, and firmed that the Israelia shot vide a blueprint for resistance attorney for Hartford UK. tonner patrotman with the WU- state department. Participants decorated the tables In antici­ of voting rights and also pro­ 27. Another date to be estab­ principals and Dlreotor of PupU Such tactics are a recurrii* positions for the practice sea- Dixon, rested as the result of an inci­ 71 school year. The talks reach­ down one of their Sukhol-7 fight­ In the lands occupied by Israel. UmanUc Police Department and were Mrs. Alice dark, Hamden pation of St. Patrick’s Day. vides for advance federal ap­ lished Is the public hearing on Personnel Arnold Pressman will source of annoyance to the Jor- ______dent Monday at a local dentist's ed an Impasse at Wednesday er-bombers. They also said that Palestinians In Gaza are en­ later with the Clearwater (Fla.) High School teacher; Mjra. Pat­ They were supervised by Miss proval of voting law changes. the general government bu^et, be re-hlred for the 1970-71 tschooi danlan army since frequently Despite the bad weather, the offioet during whi<^ four boys, lids gaged In a “people’s war” Police Department. FVir the past ricia Kondo, sttident teacher Marie Petrone, home economics These sanctions were auto­ which last year amounteli to nigdilt’s session mainly in finan­ year. TTie principals are, at the the Israeli raids killed seven they draw retaUatory artillery Burmese, Greek, Korean and three of them Juveniles, alleged­ against the Israeli forces, says few years he was ompltiyed at from UOonn; and Miss Deborah teacher. matically applied in states and $2.5 million. cial areas, according to the high school, Milton Wilde; Cov­ Egyptians and woimded nine. fire from the Israelis. By the Algerian pavilions were opened L-O-O-K! SAT. ONLY! "I ly attempted to take money A close confidant of Egyptian guerrilla chief Yaslr Arafat. Brides love it, wedding Brand Rex, American Blmka from a secretary’s purse. Ooiu't counties using literacy tests If The council is also scheduled board’s statement. entry Granunar School, Itobert time the big guns begin to separate ceremcmles with President Gamal Abdel Nasser ‘Even the old Bntlro Stock o t Men’s Wlotor guests love it, mothers Oorp., in WilUmanUc. He was a date MarMi 30. less than SO per cent of their to vote on the acceptance of Brairton; Robertson School, Jo­ boom, the guerrillas have Suests standing In the drizzle The statement reads, "A t Is­ said today that U.S. policy in and children particularly love It member of Bestem Star Lodge voting age population was regis­ the resignation of J. Kirby Hol­ seph T ri^ , and Capt Nathan are fighting,’ hb scurried to safety. about 80 minutes before the of Masons in WiUimantic and a Buckley Teachers Charge sue are salaries, insurance, and the Middle East la not based on claims. "The Israelis may have it Insures complete Paul Dodge Jr., 18, of 34 tered or voted in the 1964 presi­ combe from the Sewer Oommis- Hale Schoed, Eklward Mahoney. ribbons to the entrances were Reg. to charter member and the first sion. A discussion on the re­ extra curricular activltleB. The forsaking'American interests in harmony and coordina­ Tuck Rd.. charged with failure dential election. The act created The other recommendation control during the day, but at cut. Grand Tall Cedar of Laurel placement of this member, Board of Education has pro­ tion for everybody. And the bride Miecta from the to obey a stop sign at the a legislative presumption of dis­ concerns the phase-out of Proj­ the Arab world in favor of Is­ night Gaza belongs to the Ar­ Eugene Ormandy, 70 (Itie Soviet Union staged a Forest, Tall Cedars of Lebanon, Town Neglected Icy Road whose term does not expire un­ posed a salary schedule with a COATS largest collection of fine Silver, China and Crystal found Manchester High School park­ crimination in these areas. ect ASK, which will end on June rael but on 'ensuring these in­ abs.’ fashion show at its towering In Merrow. til December of 1973, is expect­ beginning step of $7,100, ulti­ terests in the long run on Wash­ To Undergo Surgery anywhere. Register earlyl ing lot exit to Brookfield St. Twenty members of the Buck- at the same time so a decis­ An Allen amendment defeated mately going to $12,752 tor 30 formallly, because the fed­ The pattern of Arab resis­ pavilion, which was opened offi­ (Ossk or Book Omige Wehren of 68 ployes of Dun and Bradstreet, berland Farms dairy store at sulted In minor property dam­ Nancy Frazier and Mrs. Mary in mid-January, and have been mass. Others participating In­ Birch Rd. in Wapping, has been held in executive session on a the financial rating firm. 449 Hartford Rd. was revealed age. Cutronl to act as hostesses and clude Pat Shermcm, organist; pledged to the VlUanova Uni­ Police also rushed to a pre- by a routine po'lce check.early Commenting on the situation, chaperones. weekly basis, so that, beyond Karen Ware and Pamela Quin­ versity colony of Lambda Chi the board’s prepared statement, vlously-trouWed high school in today. Police said the door and O’Neill said that on the morn- Andover Senior Scouts Pa­ tal, singers; and Howard Slade Alpha, a social fraternity with A bou t Tow n biick Jamb hod pry marks and ing of March 2, temperatures it has been Impossible to learn upper Manhattan after a report tricia Campbell and Charlene aitd George Smith, playing 12- 167 chapters and 19 colonies. with a touch of sophistication that three incendiary bombs that a hinge had been partly re- were fluctuating around the Donahue will Join other mem­ any more. But apparently, the The church oouncll o f a t « OPEN HOUSE string guitars. He pledged the college organi­ moved. freezing pxiint. His department, basic disagreement centers on Evangelical Lutheran Church had been found in the basement bers of Regional 'Troop 6021 Later, members of the chap­ zation on Feb. 1 in formal of the school. ------he says, thought that, because a difference of $200 at the be­ wUl meet tonight, at 7:46 p.m. with all of the Brownie Junior ter will attend the master ceremonlea held on campus. All four tires on a car owned of these temperatures, traffic ^n^Oadett troops from Colum- ginning salary level, and a lit­ at the church. Another telephone call led to councilor’s church. At 3 p.m., Wehren was graduated In 1968 juniors 5-13 pre-teens 6-14 evacuation of the fourth floor of by Paul Evaltano of 49B Rochel would turn the Ice quickly into pia and Lebanontonight at the tle less than $600 at the top Friday, March 13th-^7 P.M. fo 9 P,M, the DeMolay Week Parade will from East Catholic High Sduxd the 17-story Criminal Courts level. Some attempt was appart Grade 7 Youth Instruction of Rd. were found punctured early slush, Horace Porter school In Colum­ in Manchester. 'While a student Building, bringing proceedings yesterday. Police said an Instru- ”We can either plow or sand start at Bennet Junior High ently made also to have the Zion EvangeUcal Lutheran bia from 7 to 9 for a folk dance School and proceed to Center there, he was an active mem­ Saturday and Sunday March 14th-1Sth—2 to 5 to a halt in four courtrooms and ment Hke an Ice pick had been and salt,” he says, brit the festlbal. mediation request filed Jointly, Church will bo held tomorrow a crowded complaint room. same truck can’t do both Jobs Park. ber in football and baseball. but this was not successful. at 9:80 o.m. The festival is sponsored by Judging by the wording of the Prismers were returned to the the Jonathan Trumbull service board’s statement. cell block during the seeurch for unit and Mrs. John Tettlebach Members a i Manchester Bhn- a bomb. I One school official indicated blem Chib wiU meet tculgtat itt FREE - FREE - FREE Jr., Service Unit chairman and In Viola, N.T., some classes Officials Again Told yesterday that if the request 7:80 at the John F. Tleniey Fu­ advisor of the senior troop. In Group of GOP Dissidents at Rockland Community Ckdlege was made by both teams, it all, 14 troops are involved. Mrs. neral Home, 210 W. Center 8L. One Carnation to the First 500 People were interrupted for 60 minutes would expedite the mediation 1-84 Relief Years Away Tettelbach has been in chaige to pay reflects to the late Mis after an anonymous telej^ne To Get Petitions Tomorrow schedule at the state level. of teaching to the folk dances Khmarney, wtamt caller warned that a bomb had The ImpMoattons of medtoiUoti State Sen. David M.. Barry in about one year, but construc­ as well as supervising the festi­ Frank Utalds, chairman of natures of at leaet five per daughter, M «. Frances Wag­ Vittner’s Garden Will Feature Cut Flowers For AH ' Occasions been planted in a building. A are generally detrimental to the ner, is a member o f the dub. tion ■won’t begin for three years. val. the newly formed Republican cent of those enrolled Repub­ search by police revealed noth­ and Robert Mitchell, deputy town In some areas, as was At this morning’s meeting BloodroobUe Vistt licans who were on the voter ing. commtealener of the Depart­ Cltlzeia Committee of Manches­ pointed out by a teacher yester­ CORSAGES • FUNERAL WORK • WEDDINGS two possible interim solutions Andover . people who work­ lists at last November’s elec­ Tile Amerioon Legion will The bomb scares were tele­ ment of Tranaporiiaticn, met ter, announced today that hds day. Teachers, now being inter­ were mentioned; the use ot oar ed at'^^ the bloodmoblle visit tion, The signatures, oonso- its regular Fra* Bnack phoned Thursday to schools, pri­ with several area officials and viewed tor positions, will tend poois with the state providing earlier this week in Oolumbta group hoe sufficient candidates quently, muA total about 486, To serve you will be Tom Miner former owner of Park Hill Flower vate and govenunent offices, a to sign contracts in other towrns guests tonight starting at 7 at the Manchester Chamber of land to park oars, and the use Include Mias Vera Stanley, staff to petition for an April 16 find must be certified by Peck. military training center, an in­ since the local situation Is so Commerce Board of Direotors of shuittle buses. aid, and Mrs. Virginia Osborne., primary for town committee Town Clerk Bldward Tomkiel Shop and Jock Yitfner, dustrial plant, a subway terml- Four raeas of traffic conges­ members. has announo^ that paper bal­ uncertain, be said. He added this morning to further discuss Mrs. Jean Gasper, Mrs. EwJd?*' wlH flaj and the United Nations tion in Manchester were also He -said that petitions will be lots would be used for the April also that with Tolland’s recently / \ the problems of traffic-clogged Dorothy Abbott and Mrs. Joan building. No bombs were found. obtained tomorrow morning announced settlement of $7,800 discussed at the meeting. Sen Hopkins, donor elds. 16 primary. He explained that 1-84. Barry listed the center, where from GOP Registrar of Voters for a starting position, Coven­ Members at the oommlttee tor The meeting held at the Mrs. Hopkins received a two- the voting machines hava'toom Main and E. Center St. inter­ Fred Peck and that $15 filing try, if it 'Wishes to attract qual­ the rummage sol* to be mtvmn PETITES Chamber offices, was really a gallon donor pin. Mrs. Dimna for only 50 names and that a Penonal Notices sect; Manchester Green, where fees will be posted for each of minimum of 107 names (the ity teachers, will have to remain bwwftt continuation of a meeting held Waller was a first time donor. Of oircs Rt. 6 and 44A and E. Middle the opposition candidates. 85 endorsed committee mem­ competitive. ^ 1 wm med ton^iT^ March 2 with the Department of Andover had 18 tai all. The Card of Thanks Tpke. intersect; Broad and Cen­ He declined to sterie how bers and the 22 or more oppo­ What the mediation requeat 7.80 at the home of Mrs, wh. Hie widow of Clyde Petrie wlahei Transportation In Hartford. At bloodmoblle collected 66 pints. Vittner's Flower Shop^ ter Sts.; and the Tolland Tpke.- many opposition candidates will sition candidates) would be up means also Is that the town k«m Thurston, 63$ Hprk» S t of to ezpran her asiireclaUon to that meeting, which was attend­ There were 11 rejects. IHende for their kind remecnbruioee .Oakland St. intersection. file, except to say that the 22 for consideration. will, in all UkUhood, hove to ton^and labd ed by essentially the same peo­ during her hour of bereavemeot. Sen. Barry said he would minimum has been reached. The new Republican group face another budget beaitag In tor t o m o ^ ’s sal*. ple, it was learned that relief Mia Joeeiihlne Petrie meet with Department ef Trans­ Much Nickel in Crawler The state’s primary laws re­ last night deebed a permanent May at wfatdi the salary sofasd- tor the 60,000 conunuterB who portation officials to discuss CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. — quire that an c^posltkm slate secretary, to replace an acting ula has not been set. Sfaioe the 1 TOLLAND TURNPIKE, MANCHESTER. CONN. DISTINCTION In Memoriam use 1-84 daily is three or four these problemsareas in early The 6Jl-mUUon-pound craTrier must equal at least 25 per cent secretary named Feb. 20. He total sidKMt budget totala ahodt I d lovtnc memory ot Jacob A. years away. CUSTOM DESIGNED AND Ibaaoey, wmo psssart away March 18. April. A committee was named transporter that moves the of the endorsed oommlttee mem­ is Bruno Primus. In addMaa, 75 par cent at the total town Je^ah's WltoMsn wlU attmd MOttohell said at that meet­ to accompany him. They are, Apollo spacecraft and rocket bers. Manchester’s OOP town on action subcommittee, heaif- budget, and teachers’ aoMrlss in Wia annual tbrM-toiy Btbto ooo- Phone 643-5117 643-5118 ing that one interim solution SCIENTIFICALLY CREATED Otarays a aUant haariaehe. George Shenkman, Lyman B. from the Vehicle Aoeembly committee has 86 members, ed by WlUtam -Strain and a tum account for at laoot tivt ‘^Charge It” With Your Master Charge Card would be car pools. Mttcfaril Hoops, Warren Howland, Rob­ TO FIT iMMiy a slleat tear, Building to the launch elte con­ hence the 32 figure. public information subcommit­ much at the soliool budget, High Mohooi. TiM dr Open Up A Casual Village Charge Account. Bm aiwaya a b u itiful memory, said that the first bid tor the ert Gavedon, Roy Conyers and q T «oa wa_ lo*«l_ao.w daar. ‘ tains more ' than 2 million The oppoeMion sM e will have tee, headed by Arthur Bvenason, townqMopla gsnaiatly find look »«n s WiU be "laorMoee llMt Wife and chldrw 'vrideniiig of 1-84 wiU be let out Walter Fuss. pounds of nickel alloys. to March 26 to oMain the Mg- wem created. of Battlement vary aggravating. Pleas# Qod." ■ \ \ '■'■ .V\. \-V \\ \ I r '' ; . V; n ■ ' \- - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANOTES'TER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1970 PAOil ELEVEN PAOB I S N MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1970 Former Officers^ ; Philippine buslnest ,and finan­ — , ____ .Mrs, Myrtle M. Wheeler, 836 Vernon cial community has backed the Hebron Green Berets Philippines Could Follow II MORIARTY BROTHER ^glVtl yOU Summer ’70 Program correotive measures and the In­ Indicted in Theft o*** ternational banking community O f U n io n F i i n d a y e b t b r d a y : a Lead Attack Laos-Viet Warfare Line has welcomed the move. Moosup Firm Gets Contract t J I l l u n r u n a 8 soh to Mr. qnd Mrs. Ernest Un- Rowboat Dominates Lake Drowning Trial Outlined at Meeting TTiere has been huge over­ HAR'Pim Rn /AD, • derhlll, Long Hill Rd., Andover; OYOTA (Continued from Page One) spending In the PhlUppliies. By For Gilead School Addition HARTFORD. Conn. (A P ) — A a son to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley By JUNE LINTON COROMA On Hospital congressmen retorted with a some estimates the public and former president and a former Sargent, W. Bayberry Rd., Bol- (Herald Reporter) 4*Door SofhM ‘4 Members of the fifeneral committee, a planning com­ M. Wilson Jr., the American call for terminating U.S. bases private foreign debt runs to $1.6 N. Orondahl A Son, a con­ New Ubrary Books' recordlng secretary of a metal ton; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Jeff- The trial now going on in Tol­ mittee for the Summer '70 communal living program (Continued from Page One) minister in Manila, told Sen. agreements and sending Amerl- billion while the government re­ struction company from MooBup, The Douglas lib rary h$* t*' trades union in Groton have Odell, RED 1 , Hebron; a land County Superior Court la in Maivenester and Willimantic, held their first meeting *1,- Stuart Symington’s subcommit- can businessmen home, serves of foreign exchange is in ceived several new books glvon dominated by the presence of a south of the demllltariMd lone. ^ ^.S. security commit- Whether reform-minded has teen awarded the contract bean Indlcbed by a federal grand ‘ yesW day afternoon at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. the vicinity of $186 million dol­ for the new 12-room addition at In memory of former Hebron jr euo, HA Krunu Linn, Edgemoro Rd., Oov- battered blue rowboat, strange Sources had said earlier that ments overseas, there was very moderates ttnd the New Left Rev. Ruaaell H. Allen of ------lars. Gilead Hill School. restdentz. Jury on charges of embezzling entry; a eon to Mr. and Mrs. 'V beached on the soft green laohidea; Mary’s, director of Summer to provide scholar- 30 enemy and seven South Viet- little possibility at that time of a militants come together is yet to The "Oomplete Book of Rug- Philippine Ambassador Out of eight bids submitted, union funds and falsifying rec- Ralph DeNioolo, East Hartford, carpel of the courtroom. ‘Utomatic Tn X 'TO, Introduced committee mem- ghipg to gn ^ho need them. namese troops were killed in the revolution or coup d’etat. be determined. Making” by Zarbock was donat­ mizalna, WbBa i Ernesto Lagdameo told the Par Cirondahl A Son was low bidder ®f‘t®' Its presence makes all the But that was before a late- Some students thought It was ed In memory of Mrs. Laura The officers are John Bautis- OISOHARGED Y E 8TER- more immediate the tragic hap- Urea, ’noted g l f here to each other and explain- Summer ’70 director Bald attack. Ehist-America pound! recently at $407,718, which is approx­ ed the program’* financial and tj^gy gtill have a deficit of some blooming student movement a Joke when militants broke out Osbom by Mrs. Mary Osborn ta, 88, of Coventry, R.I. and U A Y : Stephen Vineze, 22 Em- pentngs which occured shortly MORIARTY BROTHERS AU Vinyl iBtaitar his nation Is in temporary eco­ imately $61,413 lower than was organiaationai needs. The toll of U.S. helicopters suddenly sprouted Into a series "Dante for President" placards and "Teaching Montessori In the Harry Rougas, 44, of Narragan; Unne, Vernon; M ra. Della after 1 a.m. on June 29 on Crys- (E^A LYNCH MOTORS) 90 H.P. ag |l,800 from last year, which nomic difficulties, but he said estimated by the School Build­ The group hopea to raise |9, lost climbed to 16 In the past of violent confrontations at Mal- during the Jan. 30 demonstra­ Home" by Halnstook was given sett, R.I., members of the Metal Marlow, 164 Hawthorne St.; Su- tal Lake In Ellington. Frederick 801 Center Street, Mancheaber to wail they will try to meet with the week and by official count to the ouM®®b is bright for recov­ ing Committee. 648-6186 plus Loads 0} Loot BOO to finance. Summer ’70, an publication of a short book he aganang Palace—the Philippine tion at Malanganang Palace. In memory of Mrs. Dorothy Ool- Trades Council, AFJX3IO, which U. Zucker, 260 Benedict Parsaln, 28 of Rockville drown- ery and the prospects for rapid ’The company Is at present Open Bvea. Except Thun., Sat. ury and M stj expansion of the ^ Summer ’Of 3,470 in the war with the an­ White House—at the Congress, Dante is a militant Huk and gan by the Republican Town Is exclusive bargaining agent for ®*'-> South Windsor; Arthur W. ed when the rowboat sank, or has written on Summer ’69. growth over the long run are building . a new high school In program directed'by the Rev, nouncement of three more loss­ at the U.S. embassy and in Pla- leader of the Peking-oriented Commilttee. 11 local unions at the Electric Marglson, 10 Thompson St., capsized, and Raymond Letel, I JaiMn'l No. 1 AutomoWlo MonufoottirofB ss; ------^ Attending yesterday’s meet- even tetter. Woodstock, working with the Mr. Allen last year in Willlman- jng, were the Rev. Winthxt^ es: a UHl Huey in which 10 la Miranda. New Peoples army. The Hebron Adult Girl Scouts Boat shipyard In Groton. Rockville; Mrs. Helen Conner, 18, of Rockville Is now charged The American economic stake architectural firm of Chandler tic. Americans were killed and two Numerous student factions .The .______Huks_____ were______a serious pro- have also purchased some books The unions together represent Virginia Rd.; Mrs. Stella 8 . with manslaughter In connec- Nelson Jr. of Center Oongrega- in the Philippines Is In excess of and Palmer, also the architects light observation craft in wMch ^ broad spectrum of views. Communist guerrilla force In In memory of Mrs. Colgon. All 7,000 workers at the plant, Uennerley, Stafford Springs; tion with the death, In Summer ’69, about 16 high tional Church, the Rev. (Jary half a billion dollars. The terms for the Gilead Hill School ad­ school and college-age young oom ell of South United Metho- one man was killed and three ideologies and leanings began the Philippines two years ago. these books are now on display which has built many of the Pblllp Lewis, 228 Lydail St.; The boat Is a useful piece of for continued American bu.si- dition. were wounded. operating at the end of Jcuiuary Although deported new Huk In the library and will be avail­ nation’s nuclear submarines Sidney Carter, 64 Campfleld Rd. evidence for both sides, al- people o t both sexes lived to- Church, Carl Osier of the ness will be renegotiated when Other bids submitted were A spokesman said the Huey on a basis of ‘Think Together groups have sprung up recently, from Annuli Construction for able for general use after this gether in a church-sptmsored, ihwn Youth Oommtaslon, Mrs. the Laurel-Langley trade agree­ Bautisto, who was president « » ’ ^very. Bloom- tteugh It was Introduced by tte relatively unsupervlsed "com' crashed as It was landing In No; Push Together Yes.’ There are two other new Huk $413,940; Elcl Co. for $436,826; week. of the council at the time of state on Monday which was the Joyce Lunt of Bolton and Mrs. ment expires in four years, s Also on display In the Chil­ munlty housing slttmtlon. coastal Phuoc Thy province, but The leftist student organize- groups operating In Central Lu- Jack R. Hunter Construction Co. Bleanore Gowen, a teacher in dren’s Room Is a variety of GW the aUeged offenses. Is charged TurW«Kton, first day of testimony ‘ ~**> ® DO YOU KNOW?? Bach worked 40 hours a week, Manchester, the cause of the crash was not tlons call for what they have al- zon. One is Commander Dlwa The United States has said It for $478,000; Northlngton Build­ Scout craft Items and badges with embezzling more than %2 - f witness^ who had primarily with minority group Also, Gary known. ways deifianded—rembval of who heads the Soviet-oriented would not seek continuation of ers for $447,243; J. S. Nasin Co. - KUI Stanley H. some connection with Henderson of made by the girls. The badges 200 between Jan. 16, 1966 and problems, to help out in a varie­ The two observation choppers U.S. forces and bases; abroga- Peoples Army and the other is any special trade preferences In for $410,000; New England Con­ 48 Grandview St.; Mrs. Marie ‘ he drowning. Haw really limited the audia-visual budget Elastem Connecticut State Col­ describe Girl Scout activities, June 1, 1967. Rougas^ recording ty of already ejdstlng WUllman- were shot down by enemy Uon of the Laurel-Langley eco- Commander Sumulong whose the U.S. market. The Philip­ struction Co. for $410,800 and F. Kunhardt. Staffordvllle; Rob- Tb® most Important witness lege In Willimantic; the Rev. such as weaving, basketry and secretary at the time, alleged­ is each year in Manchester Schaals? For Uc programs. ground fire. nomic agreement with the Unit- armed men operate in and pines has asked for an extension Robert J. Sullivan Co. for $439,- ert D. Gustafson, 12 B’arm- t®*" the state is the third person Murray Goodwill director of interior decorating. ly embezzled more than $1,600 example, the High School English Depart­ In the 16 helicopter crashes ed States, before It expires In around Angeles, near the Impor- of preferential treatment in the 600. stead Lane, Ellington. directly Involved In the boat This year, besides the WUll- the Elplscopal Metropolitan Mls- Mrs. Helen Horton, Ubrarten, between March 8, 1968 and since last BYiday, 28 Americans 1974. tanjt Clark Air Base complex. U.S. market but wants to end Deadline date for the com­ ^ „ ride which allegedly took place ment is allotted $ 150 per year for film rent­ montic group, a second co-ed gjon, an association of some reports that the Bookmobile March 1, 1967.' and five South Vietnamese have Sumulong's men have little any American preferences In pletion of the addition is Jan. 1 on stter an afternoon and evening al, which averages $7.14 per year par group, again of about IB people, eight Hartford Bplscopal More moderate groups such firom Willimantic wUl he in He­ Assistant U.S. Atty. F. Mac 139 Mountain Rd.; Mrs. which the two men and been killed, and 31 Americans Communist motivation, accord­ the Philippines. 1971 with a $60 a day penalty If will live together In Man<^ies- churches; the Rev. Douglas as the National Union of Stu­ bron Center on March 17. Buckley said the two made false Caroline B. Staffordi, 71 Brood ^^ove around Rockville teacher. $7.14 will not rent one quality film. and one South Vietnamese have ing to U.S. embassy analysts, But whatever the outcome of the completion date Is not met. tei* and work with similar prob- Theuner of St. Paul’s Bpisoopal The librarians 'plan to choose entries In union records and St, been wounded. dents and National Students Mafla-tvne exercUe these negotiations the United Marlborough Rejection Carl Curtis, Enfield; Mrs. drank beer. This witness lems In both Hartford and Man- church In WUlimanUc, and Da- League call for reforms through about 160 books that restdents submitted false vouchers. In- Marjorie E. Meier, 160 In Thailand, mobs of Cam- The three Huk groups have an States is planning to reduce its The Marlborbough Board of Croft jg gjgyj pjrtel, 22, of 95 Union chester. yld Henry of Warburton Com- . . j . . - constituUonal convention next will be able to borrow. Dr.; Mrs. Marion G. Shanahan, gj presence in the Philippines after Education has rejected the volvlng "lost time” overtime, or Besldes community work, the munlty Church in Hartford, bodians demonstrated today f o r ______. estimated total strength of 400 Also, 19 children attended last Manchester Teachers the third day against North wh ch professional poll- regular armed men, 600 armed Vietnam according to a high Joint study committee’s recom­ time spent away from their 3 Bancroft Rd., RockvUle; ^e testified that Letel had program includes lour hours a Other members of >the gen- ,,, , j TTt » tlclans wou.d be barred as rep- week’s story hour at the li­ Gerald T. Barth, 2534 Ellington ‘‘egged on” Parsain about Vietnamese and Viet Cong combat support personnel and American policymaker. In line mendation to hire one supenn- regular posts on union duties. week of seminars in sociology eral committee are Robert Di- brary. 3,000 to 4,000 unarmed general with the Nixon doctrine, he said, tendent to serve the Boaids of In addition, Buckley said, the__ Rd., South Windsor; Barbara swimming and called him and theology and a weekly “ con- gan, coordinator of youth serv- troops using their country and -President Ferdi- Mrs. Horton said she plans ralded the Vietnamese quarteir want tTesiaeni rerai support personnel. 'The mass "we will cut back but that does Education in Hebron, Andover two submitted vouchers to the Griffin Rd., Wap- ‘'chicken” , knowing, according Care!— Do You? temporary" worship service. ices In Manchester; Miss Judi to continue tills program every of Phnom Penh, the capital In- ^ base for the New Huks numbers not answer the fundamental and Marlborough and the locals that in some Instances to Plrtel, that Parsaln couldn’t The Rev. Mr. Aljen said yes- Threschuk of Coventry; the Tuesday afternoon from 2:30 to formed sources In Bangkok said. ^ from 30,000 to 36,000 and some Regional District 8 Board. got them double payment on Loren V. Glrouard, 166 swim. He said In his testimony terday they have already re- Rev. Barbara Hofrichter of the problem. It is their own society *The croWds attacked houses One American official snorts say as high as 80,000, the U.S. Andover’s board last week 3 unless attendance drops be­ expenses. Birch St.; Jacqueline 8 . Smith, Wednesday, "M e and my wife ceived 30 requests for more in- Horace Bushnell Church in that is ailing." (Herald photo 1^ Linton) and stores owned by V iet- at the aeries of anti-American Senate subcoifimittee was told. approved the recommendation. low five riiUdren. Both men were charged on Tolland; George told h(m (Lebel) that he could- Manchester Ekhioation Associntton formation and qight requests Hartford; William Lannon, pro- Blue rowboat used in O ystal Lake drowning is near judge’s bench in court. namese and looted Roman Cath- demonstrations at the U.S. Em- The proximity of the Huks to However, Hebron’s board tabled Basketball Season two counte of emtezzlement and Parsons, 160 Blssell 6 t.; n’t swim, several times,” add- for aipplications. One of the re- fessor of drama at Elastem Con­ George E. Wood, Treas. olic churches. No deaths were bossy In Manila since January, the U.S. bases has created an any action until the Regional The Hebron Youth Basketball one count of falsifying union W"l*a*** J. Schultz Jr., Eiast ing, "They had a bet going on.” quests came from a student in necUcut; Miss Marie Elalcone of Male anil Female Trees Hartford; Mrs. Wanna Cush- Plrtel said they drove to the was dog-paddling with one hand noise like a shot and that he drowning, "Ateut the booze, reported, but at least four Viet- He notes grave weaknesses in inflammable situation that Board can act on their request season has come to an end ftfter records. Alaska and another from an Willlmcmtlc; and the Rev. John ing, 398 Summit St.; Mrs. Sy- lake about 1 a.m., and went to and pulling on the rope with the then saw “ three of four Inches” don’t tell the cops I bought It.” namese were reported hospital- Philippine society graft that American military commanders ’There are male and female for a formal study commilttee on a 12-week inter-league scfaedlde. Amerieen student in Paris. He Allen of the Campus Christian jjg j goes beyond the norm even for describe as fantastic. Despite trees. A few species have separ­ regionalization under public Act The Eiagles emerged as ebam- bella R. Larkin, 12 LlUey SL; the launching area where, he other. of water in the boat. He sold State toxicologist Dr. Abra- said, as in last year’s program. Foundation at UConn. Mrs. Dlan Dozier, 466 W. Middle said, Parsain and Letel took off Letel took the stand later to Plrtel "told me to Jump and ham Stolman earlier testified Cambodia’s ruler, Prince No- Asia; an anUquated land-owning strict orders to U.S. security ate sexes because their male 698. plons over the Hawks, Owls and their shoes and socks and went tell a differing verslwi of the start pulling and turn It that results of blood taken rodom Sihanouk said in Paris system that stirs cries of feudal- guards, there are Inevitable and female flowers grow on sep­ The regional board meets Falcons and were presented a Manchester Tpke. into the water. boat ride, one that came out around.” Asked by Hammer If from Parsaln showed that he that the demonstraUons were ‘ sm; a society where the rich clashes with prowlers and occa- arate trees. Some examples are Monday evening and It is ex­ trophy which will be on display SAUNA BATHINB Hospital Notes Plrtel testified that ’I said to In halting difficult speech. He Plrtel helped at all, Lebel an- was, at the time of death, Tolland the worit of right-wingers trying "et richer and the poor get poor- sionally fatal shootings, ash, holly, date palm and gink- pected some action will be taken in the elementary schools. 'at this meeting. Fred. ‘Let’s get out of here!’ ’ ’ could not understand much of swered, “ No," adding that "quite sober.” A state trooper to force his nation into "the «r. T^ls has become one of the g»- Four of the players, out of the IS UNIQUE 500 Students 111; After Lebel got the oarless row- what was asked and both hie "Fred had a foot over the boat also testified that when he saw American camp." But the Cam- "S® y®u"«r Pe®Pl® lash out major griev^ces of the PWllp- 10 chosen to the All-Star Team, Intermediate Care Semi- boat, he said, the three of them counsel, A tty.‘ Harry Hammer, and was helping paddle.” both Lebel and Plrtel after the New Gas Station on Rt. 195 bodlan cabinet said the demon- at the Philippine establishment pines. Situations have arisen are members of the Hlogles. "The fimout Finnish Hiiltk private, noon-2 p.m., and 4 p.m. CeSe Orders got In it. However, according to and the state’s attorney, Robert Lebel said Plrtel handed him drowning they did not appear to $aih dtiifntd for Modtm Amiri- strators were "worthy of and we get caught in the cross- where American GI s by accl- They are William Long, Mark B razil Ready^ to F ree Five StelnmlUer, Joe Stamp and 8 p-m.; private rooms, 10 a.m.- his teatlmony, " I told Reynold J. Pigeon, had to explain the his wallet, “ He didn’t want to be Intoxicated. ean Livinf" — port of Finnirt esl- pralse,” and the National As- Are," he exnlalns. " It’s our as- J ''' design have teen p « - Classes Canceled turt for ovor 100 yttn. Approved by Zoning Board sembly made known that mltted to leave the i s l ^ ^ te- Paul Klsner. 2 p.m., and 4 p.m.-8 p.m. I ’d get In on condition he’d go meaning of many of the words lose It or get it wet." At that When court adjourned yester- it soclotlon with the estabUshment NEW BRITAIN, Conn. (AP) Also named to the team were Pediatrics: Parents allowed around the ahore." they used, words like time Letel was, according to day until Monday, Grant Morris, ENJOY fhit opKlol bonaficlol OSV, "strongly supports" the demon- that makes us a target.’ '°re ‘ be Philippines feel Justice To Ransom Japan’s Envoy —Nearly a week of classes was The Zoning Board of Appeals Great Pyranees dogs, which are Paul Nielson, David Higgins any time except noon-2 p.m.; Instead, he said, Lebel push- "describe” and "intoxicated.’ ’ testimony from both sides. In a commander and In s t^ to r o f HEAT, (or It; strators. ’There Is another view among done. canceled at Central Connecticut —Promott* Phyolcol pltnooo has approved the location of a very large animals. Such a situation appears inev­ By BRUCE HANDLER Reporters found the letter in a find Mark OahlU from the o ttw n , 2 p.m.>8 p.m . at * r- 11 tin, A t , ed the boat into deep water Before the trial began, Atty. the water pulling the.boat with the Ifanchesler P w e r ^uadron „ . . . . In explaining its decision the Prince Sihanouk, who has “®me knowledgeable America State College Thursday, to al­ itable because the United States mailbox after a local newspaper Hawks; Bret Cbesboro from the Sslf Service: is a.m--8 p.m., State^ College Thursday,^ to ^ Hammer In the process of one hand and dog-paddllng with was t ^ t l f y ^ about boate in ••Sllmumoi elrcumion ' gas station at the comer of Rt. ZBA ruled that no hand- teen on hU annual health visit Anancla! authorities that the Associated Press Writer low hundreds of students time and the Philippines disagree on SAG PAULO, BrasU (A P )— received a tip. ^ Ehlcons, and John Stamp and 4 p .m .4 p.m . and that from the water Letel choosing the 12-panel Jury the other. Letel said that as w i ! *-Rolo«ti muocit* 196 and Baxter St., and vetoed ship was involved as Mrs. to EYance, said he would leave S®vcfnlng powers In Manila to teat a stomach bug that has who has Jurisdiction over U.S. The government announced to­ Five men hauled Okuchi from Daniel Novatoeky from the Intensive Care and Coronar.v was "shaking the boat and asked each member if toey Plrtel thof -RoMovot tonolono requests for an exemption from Moore did not own the proper- today for Phnom Penh but may have encouraged the aiftl- made them Ul since Sunday. mony as he doubted that M o rri.s - forces. day it had "taken all measures his limousine Wednesday, one Owls. Cam. Immediate family only, laughing. He was going crazy." would be lees likely to believe Plrtel said to him, If you lose ••Cloonioi poret, koopi ihin booutl- American demonstrations to anytime, limited to five min- Day and night classes were qualified as expert in regard to present zoning regulations for a noted the high ground would stop on the way in Mos­ A 1966 accord updating peist lor the liberation, transport ana block from his residence, and All the boys were presented Plrtel said, “ I swore up and the testimony of someone of this I ’ll drown you.” He said fut cow and Peking, apparently to ease pressure against the Mar­ Otoe. closed at 4 p.m. by Central such thingpj as that boat’s ••many other beneme 118-acre Sugar HUl subdivision cos administration and provide criminal Jurisdiction agree­ asylum” of five political prison drove him away In a car. letters lor the season. down at him” and “ swung at limited Intelligence. when Plrtel dove from the boat Location of the kennel on this ask the Soviets and the Chinese Maternity: Fathers, 11 a.m.- president F. Don James, who . ^ ^ ^ stability. Again all eyes were on an escape valvie for student un­ ments gave the United States era demanded by a terrorist In a letter delivered later to .toff •*-*** twice," and "eveiytlme I Lebel described an evening of it overturned hitting him (Leb- and a commercial dog kennel, land might cause water poUu- to smooth over things between U:46 p.m., and 6:80 p.m.-8 the boat which has almost be­ rest. Jurisdiction for offenses com­ group as ransom for the kid­ news media, the kidnapers Manchester Evening Herald I VISIT our display — f ro-Fab or Custom .luilt proposed for Cedar Swamp Rd. tion of the area which had been p-m.; others, S p.m.-4 p.m., and r.comm«,aed L mov.. Oa.™ VT,”" tTI. come more of a prop than him and Hanoi. TTie demonstrations also mitted while U.S. personnel are naped consul general of Japan. threatened to kill their prisoner Hebron correspondent Anne Earl told me to untie it and I gtUl Holding Wallet The approval of the gas sta- described as flowing Into the • :M pjn.-S p.m. evidence. Rooms to fit yoar wwda | The cabinet statement, broad­ turned attention away from a ®" duty. The Philippine courts A communique from Presi­ and themselves. If five prismi- Emt, tel. 228.3971. f " did.” He said...... Plrtel told Wm, Lebel said he looked Under tlon was approved by a 4-1 vote lakes eventually, cast by Radio Phnom Penh, Age Limits: IS in maternity, severe economic situation and a got Jurisdiction for offenses dent EmlUo Garrastazu Medl ers were not turned loose, if J ®*t btoi,” atldlng, “ I was terrl- "push the boat before some- Parsaln and asked of the ZBA, with secretary The ZBA decisions become U In other areas, no - limit in The total number of students said "several hundred thou­ threat of bankruptcy. committed when the GI is off cl's office said that in view of their hiding place was found or body sees us.” Atty. Hammer p j^ ei to help "but he had his Charles August Loehr within IB days from the of- self-service. reporting sick to the Infirmary sand” residents of Phnom-Penh When a mob burst through duty. the measures the kidnapers now If the government did not call “It Went Down” asked him if Plrtel was tntoxl- ghges on and wouldn’t come." LISGEn DRUfi AM-FINN SAUNA SALES Barnes CStes Statens since Sunday has reached 600, Those, attending the hearing had demonstrated to support the The United States contends had “ total responsibility’ for off its massive manhunt. The Plrtel teetllled that he waa a oated, going through an expla- Lebel said he was still Iplding steel gates of the U.S. Embassy , , , , Tbs administration reminds PAMCADE based their objections on safety people of Svay Riauig Province, Feb. 18, rampaged ^ through the tormula is now In effect but the safety of the Japanese. note demanded safe conduct out Wai^Related Economy with complaints including stom­ “ fair swimmer” but only went nation of what that meant, end y^g pallet when he got iiack to OF HARTFORD School Lunches visitors that with construction factors and on the fast-growing which the Viet Cong have Infll- ^"linds a n T s T fir e ‘ira^n office Philippines say t o e ^ e e - of the country for those released ach disorders, fever and, in OPEN DIV. ALL-SAASON POOL, INC. School lunches next week A government commiuilque WALLINGFORD (A P ) — State ■aider w ay, parking space to syvlmmlng twice in three years. Letel answered, “ Ekirl waa In gjjore. Asked If he knew Parsain number of gas stations building trated heavily. building, it was the lowest point ratified by Its some cases, vomiting. Routo 44A ‘— Bolton are: Thursday afternoon said it and a promise that there would Senate Minority Leader Wallace limited. Visitors are asked to Ahni.t B900 rtnv .tudente and **® that he and Parsaln that oondlHon the way he was couldn’t swim, Lebel said, |794S a m . M 1 0 P A fi. on Rt. 196. ’The National Assembly Issued j,, U.S.-Phlllpplne relations and Is not yet effective, TEL. 649-6962 or 236-15S0 Monday, soup, meat and would accede to the demand be no retaliation against other Barnes says state officials lack bear with the hospital whUe the ab^m llSio nlri^t S t^m te “ e turned the boat toward shore by talking." “N o." He also testified that The devbippers of the gas sta- . j j ^ its statement after a 2%-hour since toe islands gained their in- Therefore the Philippines from the kidnapers, who Identi­ political prisoners. the proper "sense of urgency" poridng problem exists. paddling with their hands but. He denied rocking the boat or pj^tei told him right after the Uon explain^ it was port of a ‘=**^*^ emergency meeting, held dependence In 1946. operates on the basis of the enrolled at the school. with fied themselves as members of It was the second such embar­ in the face of a ’serious eco­ he said Lebel "turned the boat pushing down on the back and planned shopplhg c e n t« which Wednesday while demonstrators u.S. Ambassador Henry Byr- original 1947 Military Bases The wave ot illness struck peaches and cream. the Popular Vanguard terror rassment for Brazil’s military nomic blow’ to Connecticut that into w h ^ ^ u t 160 °P®" ^ t e r . " He when asked by his attorney U, would contain a 2^,000-square- were protesting on the steps of oadc stiffly protested failure of Agreement, which gave toe Patients today: 276 - _ . Tuesday, St. E*atrick’s Day group, "so long as the kidnapers government in six months, and ccuid result from a sudden end ®^®d. '"n*®** « was ha« fun- everyone was having a good foot supermarket, a 22,000- toe building. the Philippine government to United States JuristocUon over special, pepper steak, Irish ' can prove that the consul is the second political kidnaping In to the Vietnam war. square-foot department store In Tam, first deputy chair- provide police protection al- "any offense committed by any ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Ssoning 3 blamed" at first, t^tTetel “to^y^ero ‘S ig ^ ^ b o ^ ’l parsley jxitatoest Ediellelagh alive and in good health." Latin America in less than a "Oonhecticut is one of the Mrs. Mabel L. Al 1 e n. Ware- but by Thursday medical Inves- we e roc g and 20,000 square feet for sihall- man of the assembly, said toe though It had teen formally re- pel’s®*! within any base except said he was sorry and Letel was in the water, the I sticks, emerald isle peas. Blar­ There are an estimated 2,000 week. greatest dependents on the war house Point; Calvin C. Bolles, tlgators weren’t sure what was “ t®** er retail stores. .Parhing facili­ demonstrations were the result quested almost 12 hours earlier, where toe offender and the of- political prisoners. Antigovemment leftists seized tried to pull the boat back to other two in the boat with PIr-1 BEST ney roll, St. Pat’s dessert. of the "Indignation of the peo- "The embassy is being treat- ‘ ended p a ^ are teto PhlUpptoe economy In the ooimtry," ties for 700 or more cars would Wednesday, French potatoes, Soon after the government is­ U.S. Ambassador C. Burke E1-. m Rd., sodd. W id * “ » X ? , 'd Cl- "“■» • Id- »«“ w„ ».d UI d,d-«. H. "a.y| pie” at toe presence pf Viet ed as a defenseless hostage rou- citizens. The PhUlpp nes has Barnes, a candidate for the Re­ sor; Nancy A. Campmlre, — ------. ^ be provided. baked luncheon loaf, buttered sued its communique, a second brick in Rio de Janeiro last Sep­ publican gubernatorial nomina­ *- the front, "but it went were pulling their hands on the [ Cong and North Vietnamese tinely available for physical Jurisdiction when offenses are Fhrnham Rd., South Windsor; lege’s medical director, said the “ Several stipulations were at­ broccoli, wheat bread and but­ letter from the captive consul, tember and held him for several tion, told a gathering here sides and laughing.” tached to the approval of the troops in Cambodia. abuse by any sector of toe socle- committed off base . Nobuo Okuchi, 56, repeated that days until the government al­ ter, fruit crisp. ty with a grievance" he com- "Hie criminal Jurisdiction pro- Thursday night. DRAPERY CENTER gas station request, however. Douc Rasy, another assembly- he was well and expressed lowed 16 political prisoners to CARPET Thursday, Italian grinder, po­ plained. vision will be the heart of any The state legislature has set dally, but a « . r that th. md- baddla, Ida waU.t to L .b .1 wbo tb. boat wlion th.y, board a Developers must provide ac­ man and former cabinet minis­ appreciation that the govern­ go to Mexico. In Guatemala last tato chips, buttered green Foreign SecretaQr Carlos P. **®w negotiations held this year up a subcommittee to study the Thomas A. Gorman, East Hart- dence of new cases dropped celerating and deaccelerating ter who was ousted by left-wing ment had agreed to ransom week, a terror group abducted beans, fruit. Romulo apologized but in a sep- ®** military bases agree- effects of an end to U.S. in­ ford; Mrs. Althea A. Jewell, 218 sharply. lanes for a 325-foot length along pressure in 1967, said Cambodia him. U.S. diplomat Sean M. Holly F’riday., fish sticks, meshed arate statement invited toe em- ment. volvement In Vietnam. But Spruce St. Welcomes Planchesfer With Fanfasfic Savings On: the service station property on had long "shown kindness and " I have full co^dence In (the and held him for 38Vi hours un­ potatoes, tartar sauce, buttered bassy to “ ponder such legiti- The Plilllpplne demonstra- "without the leadership from We Think Rt. 195. taken pity on the Viet Cong” out kidnapers') intention to release Also, Patrick J. Langan, 81 Commander Transfers com, homemcide bread, straw- mate grievances as were made tions obscured and almost til the government there al­ the governor’s office behind it.” They must provide a sight of "tolerance and kindness." me,” he wrote, "for they have Oak St.; Mrs. Mary Longo, 9 . j i terry-j^hlp and chill. manifest" in peaceful demon- short-circuited toe effectiveness lowed three political prisoners he asserted, "the legislators will In return, toe Viet Cong had ’- nothing against me personally.” Walnut St., Rockville; Domin- To Hartford Barracks line distance of 476 feet at the ZBA Hearing Strattons. of stringent financial measures to fly to Me:^co. be righting a losing battle." SPRING at entrance. ‘opened fire on our soldiers and Ick L. Marotti, 149 Oakland St.; HARTFORD, Conn. (A P ) — The Zoning Board of Appeals The quarrel deepened when the Philippines has taken to sta- our policemen. This is enough to Jean M. Oaikeis ,167 Tanner St.; Lt. James McGrath, 44, Itos In addition, the developers will hold a public hearing Reps. Mendel Rivers. D-3.C. billze Its economy, make one very angry, but we Mrs. Barbara J. O’Neil, 86 S been transferred from comman­ Woodland Gardens must have a caution light in­ March '23 at 8 in the ’Town Hall and H.R. Gross, R-Iowa, blasted The government is imposing Alton St.; WllUam J. Peoples, der of the state police troop BROADLOOM & DRAPES stalled at the intersection and to heEir a variance request sub­ have not shown our discontent Romulo and called for a cut-off restraints at a time when the 14 Thomas Dr.; Robert L. in Westbrook to the same post must contribute part of the mitted by Malte J. Sallstrom and relied instead on diplomatic of American aid and military students, farmers and laborers Roife, 340 Hackmatack St.; at the troop here. cost. of Browns Bridge Rd. and political representations,’’ SC 0 1 assistance now totollng about are looking for more reforms Evans F. Sealand, 73A Charter The change In duty, an- Subdivision Denied Sallstrom is requesting a he said. $22.5 million a year. Philippine and less,restraints. However toe Oak St.; Alfred J. Simpeon, 72 nounced here Thursday, wUl A variance which would have variance to permit the con­ He said the Viet Cong and ^HecKlquorters School St.; Barbara Small, 81 take effect Monday. McGrath, a Per Sq. Yd. exempted the 118-acre Sugar struction of a two-car garage on North Vietnamese had promised START FEEDING NOW! to withdraw their troops, "but Charter Oak St. native of Ansonla who served Polyester Shag Hill subdivision from meeting the easterly side of his house, T U R F B U IL D E R —S ave $2.00 toe Viet Cong have continued to A, T_». m a____01 nine years as Instructor of the I the present zoning regulations resulting In a two-foot sldeUne 16.000 sq. ft . R eg- $18.06. stay on in our territory. They HanZ St.; Mr*^ irente A. ^ ‘e P°“®® calling for 200-foot frontage and clearance. The house Is located N ow $11.05 one-acre lots was defeated by a on the south aide of Brown’s have built their beqes and even Stampp, High Manor Park, ^ H A L T S P L U S — S a ve $2.00 4-1 vote, with EUsworto Pear- Bridge Rd. approximately 260 opened fire on us. ’Ihis has be­ RockylUe; Mrs. Patricia ^ ® d Bur-kha^t B urkter^ has teen assigned to the Hart­ Feeds and Kills Crobgrase .99 Per Sq. Yd. son voting In favor. feet from toe Webber Rd; Inter- come imtearable for the Khmer A. Strohmeler, Rt. 44A, Bolton; ford troop. Llpman and his attorney, section. (Cambodian) people, filled them 6.000 aq. ft. Reg. $14.05. Nylon Shag Harold Garrity, sought toe ex------with anger and led them to ®^eciAV.® N o w $12.06 demonstrate.’ ’ He called on the emption claiming plans of toe Manclieeter Evening Herald ’emRviNm ttAucHmtrmm ovmn eo ybaum* perimeter plan of the entire 118 Tolland correspondent Beite government to mobilize toe ORTHO HEADQUAWTERS acres had been filed with toe Quatrale, tel. 876-2846. armed forces or at least boost Marlow's says: Per Sq. Yd. Planning and Zoning Commis­ their strength to equal that of Buy ORTHO Lawn Food ot Rogulor Prico — toe Viet Oong. Nylon Kitchen sion in 1962. They contended de­ ^ ' GET ONE FREE! velopment would be allowed to Bolton "It Is not true that toe Viet § W hy walk when you can wing it continue within toe regulations Oong troops have taken refuge Dear Reader: In effect at that time. Education Board In our territory to avoid Ameri­ in supremely comfortable OriMT ORTHO Lawn Produett: They claimed it woidd cost can pursuit," said another' as­ p BUY ONE— GET SECOND ONE V2 PRICE! $3,000 to $4,000 to meet the new R c a f f i m i S W a i v C F semblyman, Kaom Reto. "They GLAMORIZE regulations because toe plan of ^ „ have come to use our territory Please Nylon Plush development would have to be O H I I r i f l k i n g D a i l as their own.’ ’ Deputy Premier Slrik Matak BOVINURE, SO iba. (dehydrated) Reg. $8.06. Now $8A6 thrown out and started all over ® •YOUR HOME b y E nnajettldks'Skylark light! Skylark soft I again. Uaa* « * « H°o*^ << Edu- told a news conference that he Two sections of toe develop- reatfirmod Its decision to has proposed adding 100,000 W IT H J Skylaik cool! "Sctoch Card" treated to wipe clean. Smart remember to AFRICAN VIOLETS, 4” p o t...... Only 80o ment have been completed, one waive the food and drink ban more men to Cambodia’s armed I FOLDING i f Skylark styling is Always in fashion. Come in... try on for four homes and another for at the high school tor the 260th forces, which now total 49,000 skylark today I Discover new comfort for walking, work­ 10% DISCOUNT ON DRAPERIES men. 16. The balance of the develop- Anniversary Beil. The board ing, shopping, travelingl CHRYSANTHEMUMS, extra large pot $4.88 ment shows about 80 lots ' re- said the waiver did not include Prince filiik said the govern­ pay' your In Black. Blue. m ^ ln g to be developed. the sale of liquor but would al- ment also had suspended a com­ mercial agreement, providing LJpman admitted he had not low a wine . or champagne AZALEAS, red and w h ite...... O nly $8.77 teen before toe PZC since the punch for the balL for the sale of rice to the Viet THIS IS JUST A PARTIAL LISTING regulations were revised sever- The board voted to send a let- Cong, until the latter indicates It carrier al years ago. ter to toe high school vanity will withdraw its troops. He said POTTED CROCUS, in bloom ...... $1-88 Hag .Kennel basketball team commending it the government at the same The application for location ®** Its "sportsmanship and ex- time exprezaed its regrets to the of a commercial dog kennel cellent team attitude.” North Vietnamese and Viet POTTED PUSSYWILLOW, 8 to 4 ft. in flower Only $2.88 Cong for the initial demonstra- Decorative, practical, functional, regularly. SALE ENDS WHEN STOCK IS, SOLD OUT ■;/ on Cedar Swamp Rd., Just over Mary Blalock was ap- toe Coventry-Tolland town line proved by toe board as a driver tiona Wednesday in which both economical. What more can you was turned down by toe ZBA, the town station wagon. A their embassies were ^tttacked, “OlMU’ge It" with youp Maater Obarge Oordl following a hearing two weeks medical examination will com^ but he declared that both must say. We have them in all standard ' Siiamrock respect Cambodia’s territorial Prices Include Complete Installation plete her application and op- 3®®

/: A \'\\ A- "A A\ ' A', \ •V- A

PAOB TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, MARCH 18,- 1970 Section Two FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1970 FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1970 for her servants and body­ Church Union. Action oh the ed, after the Rev. Othal H. Lak­ iianrtrPBt»r lEnipnhtg l| irra tit Pages 13 to 20 Lady Dottie’s Life Replete guards, , and everyone on the Bishop Rotation matter was deferred. ey, a black pastor of Dallas, floor brings her small gifts. Only hours before, . church said "It smacks of mere token­ Lady Dottle knows how to Move Pressed; representatives unanimously ism.” W ith Catly Grace, Fantasies space out her joys. At least Black - White approved a, stipulation limiting Nine denominations, with h to­ twice In her life she has come the national presiding bishop to tal of 2B million members, Blind, She Teaches Sighted, Sightless Drug Center By HAL BOTLE apartment into her personal em­ across a cockroach In the kitch­ eight years in office, and requir­ involved in the project. pire. en and made mock ferocious at­ By OEOROB W. OORNEU.. ing that the post be filled alter- Bjr JOHN A. dOHNITON NEW YORK (AP) — Every AP Religion Writer Three are blaqk denomina­ D o n a tio n s "My, I don’t believe I ever tacks on It. In each case die fi­ th aighted and Printing Services are providing paws on the kitchen floor star­ aightleaa—at Mtanafleld, and her ^>ecial services for the center’s ing worshipfully up at the refri­ jole de vie opena cne’a e y n to operations and Manchester Me­ gerator as if K were her Idol. the world he haa alwaya aeen morial Hospltat is providing Who can say that It is not? but really never known. rent-free facilities at 81 Rus- Lady Dottle Is now IS. If you seU 8t. multiply that by seven, the com­ Ctildol E cr aeveral yean, ahe haa mon method of finding the hu­ Uved at 96 Falknor Dr., flrat On Tuesday, the Kiwanls man equivalent a t an animal’s With a footer mother and later Club said It was donating 2,000 age, she is 91. a foetor alater. Row ahe Hvea copies of the brochure "Decid­ I must say she doesn’t look It. alone. "TMa houae la every­ ing About Drugs” to the DAC. She is growing old quite grace­ thing to me,” ahe aald. " I have Financial oontribuUons from records and everything I need. fully. She still has all her claws the business commtmlty have How lucky I am !” and teeth, has plenty of bounce been received from Matthew M. Addict Gets Treatment in ^The Concept’ Planters Deluxe Non-Stick Coetingl For The Yoiiiij! Set! She waa traced in a nursery in her poimce and retains her Moriarty Sr., William H. Sleith, school for the blind In Farm ­ Augte Nlgro Is arrested for down, drsig-out sessions because there Is no refuge, fin­ interest in the world around her. Watkins Brothers, Inc., Colonial ington as a pie-schooler, and {g group theraphy, Augle 1s ally, from ourselves." ■ As a matter of fact, her cu­ Dry Roasted Board Co., Rogers Oorp., The possession of heroin. He General Electric General Electric General Electric then entered Oak HUl School for ducted into the routines riosity, far from drying up, is Mias Oertrude DeLeo, at home, wKh canine friends reflecting contracting moods. "Happy,” Herald; Cheney Brothers, Inc., given a choice. Go to jail or growing steadily. Her whiskers the BUnd in Hartford, from purposes of the community. Be- peanuts which ahe graduated. After re­ her third Seeing Eye dog, anooaoea In one of her favorite spots after a hard day at school. fore this, there are brief sketch- Today’s Church and black-dotted nose research Coffee Maker Steam & Dry Iron Portable Phono Omflned to the house all day, "Cay” ‘greets her mistress with typical exuberance. On Mtss everything that comes into or ceiving addttlonafl training at a S te erA lu “ S l S n f S ^ : «« '"^at It’s like on the Our Reg. 8.99 Our Reg. 15.99 Charge itI home In Summit, N .J., the re- DeLeo’s lap, in Braille, is one-quarter of a Reader's Digest. (Herald photo by BuceivlciUB) Priest’s Topic goes out of our apartment. We Our 13< terns, Carlyle-Jelr prey. Af- The Rev. Peter Rosassa, pto- if it is addressed to us, not her, "sS \ j y " Over Charge house mother for three years. sadd. All her classes are in Her other dog makes the trip Commonly used gadgets—oven Corp., Manchester Sand k cept” begins to imfold. It is ter details of the reformed ad- feasor of modem languages at without Lady Dottle trying to 3.00 iti " I loved the work there, bath­ music. to Mansfield cn occasiana for no dials, pressure cooker gfauges, Oravel. 'the (3ase Bros. Division the portrayal of Angle’s road ojots’ backgrounds are reveal- St. Thomas Seminary In Bloom­ climb into it first. She simply Dry Roasted using absolutely 5 .8 7 1 2 .7 0 14.88 ing and taking care of the chil­ Her morning classes are three other reason except she is a bathroom scales, thermometer, of BolM Cascade Ooip., and to becoming “unhooked." The ®°’ pretty much falls field, will present a program, "Today’s <3hurch‘," to parishkm-. assumes it must be for her. no oils, fats or sugar. Polished aluminum body, cup markings inside and Features 39 steam vents on double coated non-stick Four speed turntable 4S RP adaptor built in. Sturdy dren, reading to them, and all with sighted educables, older happy-, go-lucky, one-year- old, and thermostat—are notched for Aldon Spinning Mills. therapy is applied by residents Augle. the other things,” Miss DeLeo than the blind in the afternoon, era of the Chuidi of the Ab - It is a meu-k of -wisdom in a out. Has "keep warm" internal control for ready soleplate. New perma-press touch up setting. Water polyethylene scuff resistant case. Solid slate design tiny black and white mongrel easy and accurate use. A Bralile Financial contributions from ***® house, all ex-narcotlcs Driven by his friends In Day- transistors. Four inch dynamic speaker. said, "but thene was no oppor- " ’Two are in kindergarten chron- calendar hangs on the kitchen sumption Sunday at 8 p.m. In human being to achieve a stoic coffee. Wide lip, non-drip spout. Detachable cord. window shows level o f water. Wliile handle, blue wlUi a delightfully playful per­ community organisations In- addicts. In this scene, the new- top, who often seem objective .#CM I 20 per store - no rain checks trim. #F-90WT tuntty for advancement.*’ ologically, even though they are wall. the church hall. serenity In the darkening twi­ sonality; end because "the elude the Klwanis CTub Broth- 'V arrived addict undergoes enough to be his enemies, he Is Her family couldn’t under- H years old. When they come in- Identification Father Roaozza will show a light of age. In that respect sighted children are interested ertiood-ln-Actlon, Rotary Club, the "treatm ent," from verbally assaulted until he’s Lady Dottle is a wise cat in­ stand her need or desire to ob- to the room, each one tells me in seeing how ahe is growing,” film, "All Doefrine Is Social Selecting canned and pack­ Manchester Property Owners Daytop Villagers who have able to get at the truth about deed. tain further education, she said, who he is and where he is sU- Miss DeLeo said. aged foods from her pantry Doctrine," which presents the ting. Then they’re surprised lat­ Assoclatton, Manchester Tele- been through the wringer, that matter how awful. Servant Church as depicted in Sometimes as I watch her But she could. " I had taken a Place her facing into an old- shelf Is not a hit-or-miss ad- He’s hounded through the hol- stare calmly from her -window ii.i couple of summer courses at er when I spot something out of phone Employes Community make or break him. the Vatican II Documents. He faridoned Viotrola horn, and you venture at best, thanks to a It Is one of the dramatic ®‘»‘rtdor® of his own self­ perch at the wdrld outside, I the UhWersity of Connecticut. order. I can tell when a voice would swear ahe was the punch and plaatic stripe pur- Service Fund, Manchester J uH' has done extensive reaeardi feel that she has ^ e n greatly is out of place or coming frtim tor Women’s Clul\ St. Marga­ scenes of contempt, moUvated pertinent to the church and Its Then the people there said they model — albeit more mobile — chased from the American scorned, with a fury that seems above me.” ret’s Circle of the Daughters of by love, that will be seen in place in the world. He haa done cheated in life by haVlng missed would give me a scholarship if for the “Her Master’s 'Voice” Foundation for the BUnd. A inexhaustible. many of ffie -wild pleasures Save the state would match It. I alao Classes with the sighted educ­ trademark. friend heli>s her to shop for Isabella, Emanuel Lutheran presentations of “’The Concept" summer work in Appidatdila. known to roaming cats. On received help from organlsa- ables are entirely devoted to Another teacher found the pup large quantiities of groceries, Church Women, and the Stan- by the Daytop ’Theatre C3o. on Behind it Is the concept of Since he was oralned in 1961 Lady Dottle has never caught tioiH.” music in some form—listening in 'the woods near the sriiool. *^nd Identifies each when they ley Circle, Women’s Society, March 20 and 21 at 7:80 p.m. truUi freeing a troubled man. in the Notre Dame Cathedral in a bird. Famous That was the beginnmg of Ufa “tory records, sing- “She was about five or six g«t home. ’Then Miss DMjeo South UnSted Methodist Church, in the East Catholic High Augle Is made to look upon Paris, Father Roaaaza boa himself, without evasions or She has never even seen a as a fuU-tlme undergraduate. " I ing, and doing rhydunlc exercls weeks old^ snd no one clsimsd punches the BraiUe idenUfica- T h e DAC waa also allocated School auditorium. The per- worked in many aspects of the pity., and with the knowledge mouse. had a readerwho was taking the es to records. her although we watched the lion into each plastic strip and $8,000 in public funds by the formances are jointly sponsor- church. STANLEY g i to go on. In the words of Day- She has never climbed a tree. course or had taken it. She was Teaching ‘Aide' ads,” Miss DeLeo said. She attaches It to the container. "I Manchester Board of Directors. ed by the Smarteens of Bennet She has never slapped a dog top's philosophy: "We are here paid by the state. It was also a One of her teacMng_ ____ named the waif "(Jay,’’ to com- can use the strips over and over and filing Junior High Schools, CN'S BEBU ILT 8H O U in the mussle. help to her, if she was in the she occsfdonally transports to plement "Happy,” and the dog «*a-pl«®.” she said. and the CSiamber of Commerce. She has never foraged for her for the garden or Electronic m Silver Award same course, to be reading the Mansfield In ai wire coirlar. has grown up to fit her name. Tlie oame procedure la used All roles are played by ex- dioea. supper In a garbage can. Public Records T o o l S a le ! material a second time." He’s Kelly, a four-year-old par- Ih the first hour cf aftemoona for clothing, "After I learn the She has never sat on a back­ addlcta. In techniques ranging SAM y h y l b s Miss DeLeo worked in the col- rot, whose "Hello, Gertrude” with the' Uiatd, Miss D e S jeo plays color when it is bought,” ahe 28 Oak Street yard fence under a tawny moon Warrantee Deed from pantomime to knock- ST 1^ “Sleelmaster” logs cafeteria during her last comes out loud «u»d faysical educatlim. Ions of three or four people Y®*®” oommenclng Feb. 1, 1970, (Next to Popular Mkt.) freedom. 1 .4 4 each DeLeo end her driver is her merely try to keep them up about combinations and use the with two options of 10 y ea n 4 .9 7 OPEN WED., THUBS., Bmm into a world die ne-ver (be became a permanent staff Seeing Eye dog a golden w^t they hawe leained in each to renew. made, she has made a world of #296 Surf^rm Plane •Set o f 3 pants • Set o f 6 dress membe^ ’’I h ^ to combine named "Happy,” a «h* oo1s tor the Wind. I do read F B L tm 9 M aterials: 3 dimensional playing Now achieve professional oil painting Big selection o f Boats - Planes - Cars. ------.------^ ^ ------^ men she c a a ^ a ^ ^ ate BiSldlng Perm it Party aiqipUes and her own and turned an 8th floor Our Reg. 3 .9 9 .... X...... •Set o f 3 skirt • Set o f 3 clip console with radar screens, tpap, and musio with phys ed heoauee results. Be a do-it-yourself artist. Be a do-il-yourself expert. companion since xiiei. x-wo _ —» ^ jjju, ju Cerent pat- The Rev. Robert Becker for greeting cards for St. • Set of 3 dres.s • Set o f 3 suit playing surfaces, and plotting pegs. bind diUdren like music," ehe othere preceded her — "Duch- *l**eB.* Slglitteea Glee aub *«>r later use. United Pentecostal (2hurch, new Patrick’s Day are at All Blonde Hangers ea t^ ” a German obepbetd. tor PLAZS .rw y T x . 1 . ___ TWs winter's treacherous ofaMich a t 170 Woodbridepe S t, 12 years; and "Tafty,” a boxer, One of her glee dubs is com- ^ $28,000. tor 8. . posed of about 15 sighted edu- FUB.OIL Miss DeLeo said. “I couldn’t >T AU three were obtained et ^ ^ ®«« »h® l®e so I didn’t vrorry. If Seeing Eye, Inc. in Morristown, I fell, I was relaxed.” S '- i r N. J . " I vras there for a month olaaees. "Musio for them must ’ Problem a$$ OaL BBa. adjusting to the O n t and The change of bus atop In -V, *=*.... * 1 Day Noiloe For DeilvaiY M Hr. B a u e r Sandea ^ dog to me.” Mlaa DeLeo ex- Hartford^created som^Ung pialned, “but oidy ‘weeks with «*«*« music. They pertbrm of a problein for _her,_____ and_ .Zshe T ltla M A N C H ES im the others. I had no trouble wlUi <* with another following bUnd residents, rangiiig in age • 4 0 - 4 M 8 from 18 to 60, is something tise, shopping area. But there la one »I dog’s deotii.' place “Haiq;>y” can lead her Ovtr 1000 Styitt To Choon Froml according to those who baive at­ tended their “road” oonoects. without instructions. 'irh at’a Spanish One person said Gov. John the bank,” she said. Normally, Dempeey must have heard the she knows when to cross at in­ Look Visit Our group 100 tamee during his tersections in glUes by listening to the flow of traffic. "But not Kodak ‘Carousel’ Magic Mirror Beauty Salon terms of office. “And I douht y ' - m New Fashion If it was ever with a dry eye,” In Manchester,” ahe added. Stainless Flatware he added. “Too many people jaywalk.” Sleeping Bags Our Regl 19.99 is At Mansfield, Miss DeLeo Sunglass Boutique “The blind are capable of a Slide Projector lot more In harmony and said, "I am treated like any Jr.C a m p « a q q other employe. If I can do Our Rag. 54.87 Caldor PricadI rtiyttun than the sighted,” Miss Our Rsg. 6.97...... pleased DeLeo potnted out. ”We do lots something, I am expected to do It. If I can’t, nothing is said. I Fronticisnian 0 ^ / 1 ^ of work with tope recordeta, Our Reg. 10.97...... O . O ^ 16,70 Charga arid tiiey tove It. Ttey have an have not been discriminated Beautifully detailed Mediterranean design on finest to uncanny robe memory. The against in any way.” Alpine Hunter 1 O O O quality solid stainless steel. Velvet leaf pattern. secret of their Buocees is singing To the sighted and the slght- Our Reg. 15.97...... IZ.OO 4T#44 49*. 6.79 a number often enough so they ***•• offers these pieces of 50 Pc. Service for 8 Famous "Carousel” quafity at a bargain price. A rich grnate design with intricate our New and original ideas in sunglasses for the entire| get a feeliag of togetheniew. ®dvice: Efficient blower cooling protects your slides, 80 slide introduce detailing and costly piercing. Grand R.S. 1 O '7 0 1 family. Styled in the fashion capitals o f the world. They are capohle of doing dif- “Those who con see should ItoBTE Vinyl Rain Suit Marvier pattern. 2 4 J 9 l 7 . « O f circular tray, jam-proof operation. flcult show tunes, such as not be shy about offering to New excitement Suit Includes pants, jacket, hood. 1.97 ■Sound of Music.’ ” help the blind when they seem in ceiling tile styling Michael “Several hav« ateduts pStch, confused or In need of asaiat- PANTY 9” Kerosene Lantern and the oldest person' is one of ance. You are more sensitive by Johns-Manville A necessary accessory them. I don’t need a pitch pipe about it than we are.” for any outdoor or 1 /I f t when we travel. She gives the -And then, "R ’s iq;> to us to lot Pirouette puts an end to indoor activity. X Hair Stylist pitch, end I provide the rhythm y®u know how we do thlnga so commonplace ceilings. CHARGE with a aoft whisper or s«ne- you can take a healthier atti- AT LAST These acoustical ceiling Coleman Lantern timM only a breath.” ^ude, * and regard ua as your a unique lightweight fabric r i y tiles are an exclusive new # 230 - Double mantel 1 O YOUR to this area Miss DeLeo explained why so sightleia peers rather than as styling creation, with par­ that combines freedom of movement lantern. l O . V V PURCHASE J 4 | / many should have perfect pitidi a special class.” allel border strips that in a small groiq>. "6ome^(hU- with natural figure control... provide a graceful and Coleman Stove of dren sure tend because of an with garterless cuff that really works. charming contrast to the Tired teasing and tugging and combing and #425 - Double burner brushing to make it behave? MICHAEL will give ootygen $ack at pnemature bliith. smaller-fissured centers. Some professional people have a An amazing lightweight stretch > stove. RANGF Pirouette has a "custom” 13.99 you a personality cut; but for it to be successful theory”—and she empboaiaed it fabric LETS YOU MOVE FREELY. \ Ml look reminiscent of hand­ it requires an imaginative and perspective eye to ia only a theory—“that'when re­ You move freely and Free Spirit crafted panels that create Coleman Fuel, p. 99* see the ways of your hair and his skill to sculpt tina development is ImpedMi I UFL O IL ceilings of unsurpassed it to your personality. You’ll find MICHAEL pitch memory la accentuated.” GASOLINF moves with you without binding charm... seemingly in­ Canteen • Belt Kit makes it look easy; also specializing in the new At home, she niovea with as-. or constricting, crease room dimension. G .l. style aluminum tonlshing grace and ease from Shag kx>k. JUST THE RIGHT CONTROL Come in, see them.at canteen with cover and g room to room. In ootners of the BANTLY OIL Shapes naturally... but gently. pistol belt. 4 dining room ane her other three ' (liir \\), iM Movie Camera The price for this personality cut is only $6.00. birds: “Chipper,” a oanaiy; : :l M \l\ - I i;i I I FASHION MAGIC CUFFS THAT REALLY "Feppl,” a parakeet; and III I. I'l I ,-i , WORK WITHOUT CARTERS Our Rag. 66.87 Won’t it be worth it to have softer, more natural, "King,” a oookatM, who con Kdt I. \ till ,1 Light and lacy... holds stockings u| Portable T .V . more manageable hair on your head, just for a whistle a recognisable rendUtoa of the opening bare of ’’Tonkee and panly legs down. with Stand change? Doodle.” Perfect for panly hos 18” Diagonal Picture si!^ ' Available in 3 styles— 5 4 .8 7 L i'.h ’. »lim. Compact palm sized design allows easy handling as SHORTIE $8.00 PANTY $8.50 LONG LEG $9.00 well as convenient to carry. Simple ‘drop in’ film x 'l? * " '"oWed

Kodak Power Zoom Super 8 Movie Camere #M-30. Rag. 70.87.....67.87


Firemen Injured, "best cotmtry song" for Ito writ* Soviets Anxious sharing an apartment used to three ptacea." This . Indicates §TAR, GA.XEIC* iC> No Knight of tho Round Table, yot Machine Gets Top Honors er, ShsI Sllverstein, uut "bast take turns paying a womhn 2 or cleaning women have Jacked up •By CLAY R. POLLAN' country male voc^ perform- a mbies to clean the place," their price to 86 rubles per Women’s Lib May Fade ARIU LIIRA 23 Homeless In At Scariiity Of building. UAH. 21 Your Doi/y AcIMIy Guido- JM SlfT. ance" for Johnny Caah. Cash ■aid one Muscovite. The mble Is 'I According to Iho S ion , In Grammy Competition worth t l.ll. "Now they do M ~'ip^Ani. If ocf, Stamford Blaze also won that category last "Young 02Ml mlddls-agsd peo­ BITUMINOU: To develop message for Soturdoy, Oeaning Women themselves. It’s Imtiossible to 8-32-48^ 3- 4- 5- 6 year, for "Folsom Prison ple spurn a bucket and mop read vrords carresponding to numbers MBW YORK (AP) — A nlna- "Oamea People Play" was 1^69-7S-79-81 7-13-56 8TAMFORD, Conn. (AP) — Blues.” This year he won a sec­ find an uborschltsa who would with Indignation," the paper of yourZodioc birth sign. £ todn rook group, a pop zong and named song of the year and best MOSCOW (AP) — American But the Questions Won ’t TAURUS ond Grammy, for best album work for that kind of money." said, '"nie work is left to pen­ 1 Currtnt 31 Those 61 Work Three firemen were injured ear­ a machine that look, like a housewives who have trouble DRIVEWAYS A M . 20 contemporary song, with two notes, those he wrote for Bob To overcome the shortage in sioners. And In 10 years when Parking Areas o Osa Stations ■ Bsshstliall Osarts By MARY WIBOER8 father worked in a factory. "I raised in Connecticut, went to 2 Youf '32 All 62 Emotions ly today during a four-hour-long ■mall computer did better thati 1 'ir< MAT JO 3Don'r 33 Impulsive 63 Decisions Orammles going to writer Joe Dylan’s "Nashville Skyline." finding cleaning women are not unpopular Jobs, the Kremlin re­ they are gone there ^11 be none Now Booking for Spring Work The Waahlngton Poet was encouraged to go to col­ a Massachusetts boarding 64 Foolishly any Indlvlduale when 44 Oram- 12-21-33-36 4 Rock 34 On effort to put out a three-alarm South. Sajcophonist King Cur­ "The liove Theme frtim (the atone in their pUght- Moscow’s cently decreed that workers in left to take their place." lege by my immediate family, school and a Pennsylvania col­ ;fe<31-39-80-86 5Th« 35 To 65 Intellectuol mlea were awarded for the beat 36 For 66 For fire that drove 23 persona from tis* pla'ying of the song won for movie) Romeo and Juliet" won several low-paid, menial cate­ Trud reported on a round-ta­ Early Bird Special (Laat of a Four Part Series) because I was bright. Ihat was lege. 6 Boat reoordlnga of ib69. apartment dwellers who can af­ GIMINI 7L«t 37 To 67 Big their homes. him in the rhythm ‘n’ blues In­ "best contemporary perform­ gories could work fUll-Um« after ble conference In Lenijigrad PLACE YOUR ORDra NOW BECAUSE OF A WASHINQTON—llie Washing­ my thing." m a t 8 Trtndi 38 New 68 A ford them are feeling the pinch, "I s t^ e d to date a very lO I I The blaze at 890 South Pacific TTiree Orammiea apiece went strumental performance catego­ ance by a ohoniii," as per­ retirement angt 43 Spend 73 A the ground floor of the frame "Oamea People Play," and the napied the ‘classical album "o f ment’' for arranger Henry Man- (hey worked more than one age." A meat plant director, M. D«MAIO BROTHERS ily. But she went to Mount CANCIR 44 Todoy 74 Loss CAPRICORN her dark coveralls, bucket and CALL 641-1W1 or S47-971t country. Probably only Bos­ strong man. At the same time, 14 Situot-iont building, then’ swept upward to album "Switched-on Baoh" 1969, the best solo iiutrumental cinl, MancinI has won in that month a year. Ivanoff, sold he hod 120 unfilled Mercy, a Catholic Girl's Col­ I was taking a child psychology 21 15 Judgment's 45 Privot# 75 Avoid Die. mop is lked down on by other ton's Women's Ub, which draws 16 Grtot 46 Or 76 Favors the top three floors;. , which la performed on the Moog classical performance and the category five times previously A cleaning woman used to vacancies for cleaning women. lege. course in which the teacher 22 17 0oy 47 Coll 77 Heod JAN. classes of Soviet workers. Wool­ s:;;4 None of the persona fleeing Syntheataer, a ^ computer-llke best engineered classical re­ during the 12 years Grammy cam 88 to 40 rubles a month for recruits from a score of colleges In college, she became in­ mentioned Eleanor Macoby’s 2-15-22-33 18 You're 48 In 78 Don't 16-17-36-40^ en prefer driving steamrcdlers, 19 Feel 49 Activities 79 Scottering 149-55-67 from the early morning blaze, machine that can sound like any cording. awards have been given by the and universities, can claim as volved in the local civil rights studies of sex differences. We 44-51-63 cranes'and tractors. servicing one building. By doing 20 Long 50 Day 60 High including 16 children, were hurt instrument in an orchestra. National Academy of Recording many members. movement. She married right looked at supposedly male LIO 21 For 51 Deloy 61 Er\ergies Crosby, Stills and Nash were As a result, most clesjiing three., she could up this to the 22 Too 52 Fricrich 82 Be as the building was evacuated, Winners of the Orammiea, Arts and Sciences. Women's Lib here has pick­ after college, and worked for a characteristics like aggression juty iJ acclaimed beet new pop artists women are old, nSarlng retire­ average Soviet monthly wage of 23 Entertoinir>g 53 Ecor>omic 83 For fire officials said. However, ■tatuettea shaped like gramo­ of 1969. Awards programs were held 120 rubles or $188,. eted D.C. General for its abor­ year as a laboratory technician. and verbalization and found ' AUS. 22 24 There's 54 Upon 84 Is ment and In great .demand. A three firemen were injured, phones, were announced tion policies; it ran a day care She and her husband have one they were learned. That ' was 1- 8- 9-10 25 Add 55 Plan 85 AAeons Peggy 'l i e won the best fe­ Wednesday In New York, Atlan­ sort of reverse aiobbery has set Trud claimed pensioners, be­ child. '11-46-62. 26 Especially 56 Settle 86Ptoces none of them seriously. Wednesday night. male vocal performance Oram- ta, Nashville, Chicago and Los sides the pensions, "earn 200 ru­ center during the November tremendously supportive to me 27 Free 57 Cultivate 87 Money UWCELOT in with the uborschHsaa picking It was her husband who told VIRGO 28 Pendirxi 58 Situations 88 Shown fiscn Investigators were on the ‘'Blood, Sweat and Tears," my for "Is That AU There laT" Angeles, with winners accepting bles a mouth by working in We make buying Vietnam Moratorium; it dis­ then." their own Jobs and, very oftsn, AUG. 22 29 Temptation 59 New 89 A ^ ice emerges victorious in a lot of small (domes­ the group’s second LP, combin­ rupted Sen. Gaylord Nelson's her about a group, then form­ scene after the fire was brought and Nilsson won as best male in the city most convenient. their own solarieB. She married the "very gentle 30 Concentrate 60 Someor>e 90 Bockword MA». 2 0 '^ ^ ing rock, Jazz and claaslcal mu- hearings on the birth control ing in Washington, that was to 22 3/U under control at about 7 a.m. tic) wars with his adoring wife, Lori. Every­ vocalist with "Everybody’s Tal­ dm-ff510aes march 12 "It is easier to fill two vacan­ become Women's Lib. man” and between them they 24-29-37-43 ■ic, won as the beat album of pUl to protest that only men ,41-50-66-71 ^ G ood . (^Adverse Neutral They said flatnes apparently one in the family will get a lough and o lift kin’," written by Fred Nell, in cies with engineers than to find “ I was very pessimistic and worked out their thinking about |lg>7fr78-82-90 sm € 64-74-84-88 V the 1960 (mntest year. Oroup a used car were listening, and testifying started from an undetermined the movie "AQdnight Cowboy.” Tiny Dogs *GoIden* a cleajUng women," complohied cynical. I was convinced that sex roles. Sharon taught in a from this modern new comic appearing doily BRAND NEW 1970 about the pill's safety when cause in (Chic’s variety store, member Fred Llpslus won the Composer John Barry’s Instru­ the labor newspaper Trud. "We I had no problem as a woman, one-room school in Kentucky MEXICa CITT — The first OHRVILIR RIWNRT women were the’ "guinea pigs." typing or teach" while a man the Women’s Liberation move­ then spread to two other stores in our comic section. Watch for LANCELOT arranging award for the group’s mental theme for "Midnight know of a c e r t ^ direc^r of en­ and I didn't want to be in a and when she moved to Wash­ specimens of the modem Chi­ It has approximately 2,000 with the aame degree can enter ment will fade like the suffra­ on the main floor and to the every day in this newspaper. lilt "Spinning Wheel." “ VarlA- Ck)wboy" won as best theme terprises who was compeUed to meeting with a lot of women. ington heard about Women’s huahua dog were found about a happy “ hard core" activists. Its pill and rearfi the managerial lev­ gettes—or whether some other rest of the building. tloiu on a Theme by Eric Satie” tune. 1880 in the Mejcican state of that enlist cleanijig women on the sa­ and abortion pretests have add­ I’d had' enough of that in col­ Lib from other teachers. Sie el of any business, profession movement will take its place. Six families, who lived on the Starting Monday, March 16 won for BSAT in the best con­ A couple of other tunes also name. Some of the tiny dogs lary of engineers In his project ed another 250 to its mailing lege. My interest was in racism, quit teaching, except one elec­ or Industry. Whether it stays or fades is, upper floors, were made home­ temporary instrumental per­ did well. have been sold for more than bureau.” lists. As ongoing activities, it and my first thought was to tive course for 12-year-old girls at Sidwell Friends. The course Linda Carclone aaye: "If m one sense, unimportant. What less by the fire. formance (^tegory. “A Boy Named Sue" won their weight In goIiL "Five years ego famlMes experience nins an abortion counseling manipulate the women into un­ you’re going to popularize birth is important Is that Women’s serwlce, offers a free course on derstanding how it feels to be is on the role of women, and she receives no pay. control in a nomHctatorlal, non- Liberation has raised questions: Mt. Waialeale, on Hawaii’s 4-Or. S«4m. gsulSMS WHS women's history and problems oppressed as women, then use questions of what is biological­ Kauai island. Is 0,000 feet high. SSS witliM , S kM., suttmenc, OK USED CARS. 'niE KIND YOU CAN TAKE FOB TEST DRIVE at the Washington area free their understanding to interest One woman’s husband is dogmatic way, it is necessary emnr stsitrlnt, lltM pKk- WITHOUT OETTINO TAKEN FOB A BIDE. first of all to find something ly innate and what is learned in ■M, umltfwtllt, mSercMt, uhiversity and recently began them in oppression of blacks. working this year and next, the male and female; questions wtiMl errors see S-ytar/ else for women to do. If they ’69 CHEVY $2845 >66 CHEVY $1545 publishing a tabloid called "Off "Now I understand that the while she pursues Interests like of whether our society as it now Pkk up a good second car from VoUcswagen. MAOO mils Ckrytlar War- ‘89 JAVELIN $2798 Oixr Backs." oppression of women is a Women’# Lib. In two years, she can only find fulfillment m ty'. stack flSI*. 8ST 2-Door HanJtop. V-8, Impala Sport Coupe. V-8, Impala Sport Coupe. V-8, through children, then they’re exists is the best form of society auto, power steering and auto., power steering, ra­ auto., radio, heater, white- One Lib member asserted, legitimate issue in itself." will earn the family Income and for the future; and finally going to go on having them no Somebody traded In a Rolls-Royce (or quite practical cars, like Volkswagsns. for thirty days or one thousand miles. brakes, radio, heater, dio, heater, whitewalls. walls. “ Right now, we're the only Charlotte Bunch-Weeks grew he’ll pursue his interests, like reaching to questions involving really active radical group in matter what devices tu'e invent­ o Volkswagen? But no cor, Rolls or VW , gets that guar­ Whichever comet First. bucket seats, ^^itewalls. •67 FIBEBIBD $2078 >68 MUSTANG $2995 up in New Mexico and went to working in the peace move­ the basic family structure — *8375 Mach I Sport V-6. town." ed or what directives a govern­ Yet, somebody traded in a Rolls-Royce antee on l^e windshield automatically. So when a VW dealer soys that a >67 CHEVY $1448 Sport Coupe. V-8, auto., Duke where she was active in ment. (They have no children.) whether marriage and m’other- auto., power steer Who are its mepibers? ment passes. So In this sense. (or a Volldwogen. First it goes through a rigorous 16-point used cor is os good on the Impala i-Door. 6 cyl. radio, heater, whitewalls. the civil rights and )>eace move­ Women’s Lib in Washingtoh hood will continue in their pres­ standard, tadio, heater, dlo, heater, whit Jiis. The founding mem'bers of the ments. got started right after the Jean­ Women’s Lib comes first, not BRONCO WAGON It (loppened in Taxot, o( course. inspection. inside os it looks on the *68 BUICK $2245 $1795 >67 DODGE second.” ent form. . V 1966 whitewalls. Special Station Wagon. Washington branch, like those of "I was really raised to be nette Ranking Brigade. The But even in overage stales tome pretty If anything needs Fixing, it gets fixed. outside, you don’t have to Dart o r Sport Oiniite. Some members feel Women’s Women’s Lib may go, but CtrsnaS!L“!."?..’1995 Waste. V-4, >65 VAIXIANT $$95 V-8, auto., power steer­ other groups across the coun­ very independent by my par­ Brigade was a peace march (oncy co n show up on o VW dealer's And only then dCes a Volkswagen trust him. ■utt., ratfe, twatir. NIcatyroty eaelaeaS,eaelaeas. V-8, auto., power steering, try, came mostly out of the stu­ Lib isn’t radical or active these questions won’t. 4-WHEEL DRIVE—WITH PLOW VlOO 2-Door. 6 cyl. stand­ ing, Rtdlo, heater, white- radio, heater, bucket,, ents. They had goals as high o n , Congress by 3,000 women used cor lot. dealer guarantee the free repair or re­ He'll put it all down in ard, radio, heater, white­ walls. dent, peace" and civil rights for me as they did for my from across the,/country in enough. When they want to par­ And tome not to fancy cart. And tome placement of every major workfng port* writing (or you. 68 PLYM. seats, vinyl root, white­ movements. ticipate in more aggressive con­ walls. >68 FALCON $1095 walls. brothers. The conflict was in a January, 1968.. Afghal Roads Neglected Mery It t-M tta. W te. *1845 Its membership includes stu­ frontations, they organize them- 35,000 ’$$ MUSTANG $1998 Station Wagon. 6 cyl. au­ >88 PLYMOUTH $2195 society that didn’t want me to At that time, 200 young radi­ Ka b u l — Afgnmnlsten’s ex- *««elM. Iro iw llilon, raor axU. front aila otMmbli«i. brol* tyslnm. ■(•clrlcol lyitMU V4, reSle, ivta., pearorr ateartes.itMfOfffa to., radio, heater, white- selves as ‘W.I.T.C.H.es" ^pork Coupe. V-8, stand­ Fury m 4-Door Hardtop. dents, housewives, government fulfill those goals.” cal women denounced the bri­ tenstive highway network tn- ard radio, heater, white- walls. workers, professional women (members of the Women’s In­ ORIGINAL 66 PLYM. V-8, auto., power steer­ Charlotte came to Washington gade as "so peaceful as to be oludes a primary system of walls. >68 CHEVELLE $2445 ing and brakes, radio, and a contingent from Takoma ternational Terrorist (Conspira­ about 1,300 miles of paved Mary Waste, 4 attt., *1495 and worked in the university effective.” They held their own MILES rasia, keetar, aata. >66 FOBO $1655 Malibu Sport Coupe. V-8, heater, whitewalls. Park, Md., commutes. cy From Hell). W.I.TXC-H.ea roods conneciiing important * '" 1966 VOLKSWAGEN >66 DfHlOE $1995 Christian movement and a local caucus, which included a dis­ 2095 1954 VOLKSWAGEN 1965 TOYOTA 1966 PONTIAC Lamans Falrlane ‘‘60(y’ OTA. V-8. auto., power steering, ra­ It includes few blacks. "We'd are pressing a protest against community organizing project. cussion of women’s rights and population, agricuttural and inr 113 SED A N auto, power steering, rai- dio, heater, whitewalls, (Jharger Sport Coupe. V-8, like to have black women in 113SED A N p i c k u p ; 4 SP EED 6 A U T O . 65 PONT. She was a student at the Insti­ roles. the Gridiron Club dinner, a dustrial centers with the capi­ dk), heater, bucket seats, power disc brakes, bucket auto., power steering, la- our movement," one member strictly stag affair, staged by tal .Kabul. But the country has GREEN e ran S Mrix 1 • D r. *1295 whitewalls. seats. dlo, heater, whktewaUs. tute for Policy Studies where The women are aware of oth­ $1095. B E IG E $1295. G R E EN $995. G R E E N HarStae, Suckal Saata, eaeaala, aeta., said, "^ut we imderstand it male journalists. $1295. eaanr ataartea, aaaror kraktt, nilel "I played a sort of ‘token’ or er complaints: that women in a critical need of better high­ when they say they're fighting No one can predict whether way maintenance. caedltlael “A Good Ploeo to Ivy a Cor" something of a “ matrlmarchy" ‘exceptional woman’ role. But this country make 60 cents for problem. Black women are being accepted by the men every dollar a man makes; that 1965 PORSCHE 1966 VOLKSWAGEN 1967 VOLKSWAGEN 1966 DODGE Coronpt 68 PLYM. currently more interested in meant that I was more and aU medical schools and most SataStta 4-Daar Sadan. *1795 911 COUPE, 6 SPEED SQUAREBACK 2 DR. H.T., 8 AUTO.,P3. CHEVROLET building piide in their men, more being separated from graduate schools have "quotas” ★ CANVAS and ALUMINUM PRODUCTS i f 113 K a aia, haatar, a iita ., Maaror ttaartea. other women. When women’s on the number of women they V IN Y L ROOF than in asserting their rights as S IL V E R $4405. BLACK $1195. B L U E $1795. G O LD $1395. women. Lib started, I was very curious. will accept each year; that CombinoHon Windows and Doors 65 CHRYS. $1095 C O .. INC. Members here are almost all I was Interested in how they commercial air lines have N ow i»it 4-Door. Radio, Door canopies, Roll-up Awnings, Canvas Awnings Repaired, beater, auto., P/S, P/B. CARTER 15* / ^ under 30, and as elsewhere, would deal with the frustration “men only flights find women |1229 Mcdn St. — Op#« EtwdiigB HH 9 — Thui-B. lM $ — of mcde domination. It was Just are still denied entrance to Re-covered, Takedown Service and Storage. Boat Canvas Re­ 1965 MUSTANG 1968 VOLKSWAGEN 1968 FORD Galaxie 1966 VOLKSWAGEN about evenly divided between paired or Made New To Your Pattern. All Work Custom so exciting that I kept on. It’s some bars and clubs; that in 2DR. H.T., 6STD. FASTBACK SEDAN married and unmarried wom­ Made. Grommets — Eyelets — Fasteners. Storm Panels lor 2D R. H.T..8AUTO., P.S. 113SEDAN - RADIO 67CHRYS. 12295 en. so much more close, human some states a woman can’t co- Jalousie Units. Waterproofing Compound For Tents, Boat- " III" CtevartlMa "“Rm W G R E EN Caupa. R i«a, aota., eaanr tiatt Linda .Carclone was one of the and real to me than anything sign a loan without her hus­ covers and Canvas. We Do Rracreenlng of Aluminum Screens. $995. B E IG E $1705. B L U E $1995. B L U E $1295. eawtr kraktt.( founders, Joining in February, I had done before.” band; that women with appoint­ Heavy Duty Zippers, Venetian Blinds, Alumliuim Shutters. 1968. Sharon Wotfson’s parents ments to high government Jobs DILLON SALES and SERVICE 66 PLYM. $j|495 1 .9 5 6 PO RSCH E 1964 VOLKSWAGEN 1964 BUICK Skylark She's from a working class were worried that was too are few and "token” and that a 319 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER, CONN. 1968 VOLKSWAGEN Mary Waaae, 4-Maai., " e w w m town near Pittsburgh and the smart. They were afraid she woman with a liberal arts de­ MANCHESTBt AWNING CO. raSia, haatar, aata. oVi? CO U PE, 5 SP E ED STATION WAGON . 2 DR. H.T., 8 AUTO., P5. CAMPER ON oldest of six children. Her wouldn’t get married. She was gree is often told to “ Take up BS(T. 1949 — 190 W. GENTEIR SdUEET - 4 04»-S«ei 67 OLDS. lIN QC G R A Y $3795. G R A Y & W H ITE $995. TA N . $1195. W H ITE $2495. Dananrota "N" 4-Daer. R ^a MmR PARADE Meat your New Datsun dealer RtSla,Bae^ *-- * eataeiattc,-- . eaanr attwias, 1967 FO R D 1963 BUICK Electra 1964 VOLKSWAGEN 1966 PORSCHE 8 8 DOM E SQUIRE WAG. 4D R.H.T., ALL POWER 113 SED A N 912 COUPE, 5 SPEED A 1 COND. Caraeal 44* 4-Or. fa- *1895 8 AUTO PS PB Sae. llaSla, haatar, aata, eaanr tiatw D e C o rm ie r WHERE ARE ALL THE USED CAR SAVINGS ? G R E EN $795. G R A Y $1095. B LU E $3995. G R E EN » « 5 > bis. MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM Motor Sales 1967 CHEVROLET 1967 VOLKSWAGEN 1968 PORSCHE ' 1967 FORD Galaxia 285 BROAD STREET— MANCHESTER, CONN. SQUAREBACK-SUNROOF 912 COUPE, 5 SPEED 4DR.,8 AUT0..P5. I WAGON 8 AUTO IMPALA OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9:00 PS C LEA N $1995. B L U E $1895. G R E EN $4595. G R E EN $1495. ChBrdies EXCEPT THURSDAY AND SATURDAY P A U L , d o d g e TOLLAND TURNPIKE of MinehMier TALCOTTVILLE, CONN. 06080 AUTHORIZCO CENTER OEAtCII 80 Oaklon^ St. f ED TRUDON, Inc. 649-2838 373 M ain Street Used Cars Manciiastar - 643-2791 Manchester. Conn. 06040 / Phone 649-2881 •ITZGERALD P A U L D O D G E 1969 E-300 VAN 1969 GALAXIE GT 1968 MUSTANG Red Ford Super Van, Standard Trans, 6 cylinder Bronze, 2 dr H.T., auto trans, 390 V-8 engine, bucket Blue, 2 dr H.T., 3 speed stick, 6 cylinder engine, gauges, HJ>. springs. Many extras.' seats a console, Gt performance group, PS, radio, engine, radio, 1^W tires, wheel covers. reiiiaindet factory warranty. dthOD* A A AUTOMOTIVE CENTER NOW $1945 NOW $ Z b 9 U NOW $1795 toJe- for -U care. confttto^B LOOK AT THE FANTASTIC LOW PRICES ON 1968 MONTEGO 1968 GALAXIE LTD 1967 FALCON L t b lu e, 2 dr. H.T., Mercury, auto trans., V-8 Gold, 2 dr. H.T., white vinyl top, auto trans, V-8' Dark Blue Ford, 2 dr. Sedan; standard transmission, engine, AM radio, power steering. engine, PS, PB, WSW tires, radio, wheel covers. 6 cylinder engine, radio. a.U= to our Main ------THESE LATE MODELS! HURRY... SAVE TODAY! wMch b. -ov 6 ^ NOW $1795 NOW $1995 NOW $ 945 1966 FORD FALCON autooobil«® 1986 PONTIAC LE MANS 1966 BUIGK LE SABRE custoToers* STATION WAGON SPOflt COUPE 1963TBIRDConvt 1966 LeSABRE 1967 FORD WAGDN on. 4-DOOR HARDTOP i Black, Black top, auto transmission, V-8 engine, Green, Bulck, 2 dr. H.T, auto trans, V-8 engine, PS, Tan, Ranch, 6 passenger.-Standard transmission, 6 nakea and ggr meana good and re tadio, PS, PB, Power side windows, WSW, wheel PB, radio, WSW tires, wheel covers. cylinder engine, radio. f of aU your 6-cylinder, autnmatlic ^ 6-cyli2ider, auto- JM transmission, power A 1 ■ V-8, automatic trans- 6 ^ vtll^be^abl. to^ factliu.. ^rv^crat matic tranomds- A ■ # ■ ■ I mission, power steer- gD M M M M M ^ steerUig, radio and ^ Sion, radio and ▼ ■ # ■ ^ 1 1 % NOW NOW $1495 NOW $ 995 " a b l '^ i o perfora ezceU.nt heater. Great family ing, radio and heater. ^ ““ $ 895 i / ) Le to P*‘ W e r . see this Terrific buy! reaaonabla rata...... ^ pla.Burei.««u re dotnEdoing ^buBlneso 1967 KARMEN GHIA 1967 GALAXIE 500 1965 FAIRLANE 500 . i ; '• Blue, VoIkswaglMi, Bucket Seats, 2 dr. H.T., 4 speed Gold, 4 dr H.T., auto trans, V-8 engine, PS, PB, Power White, 4 dr. Sedan, standard transmission, 6 cylinder TH4BK3 TO YOU 1985 PONTIAC TEMPEST 1965 PONTIAC CATALINA 1965 PONTIAC BONNEYIUE Stick, radio, WSW tires. side windows, r^ io, WSW tires, wheel covets. engine, radio, WSW tires. psul Dodge iutsfbtlve Center CUSTOM 2-DOOR HARDTOP 4-DOOR HARDTOP 4-DOOR HARDTOP NOW $1195 NOW $1295 NOW $ 845 V-8, automatic V-8, standard tranamls- QT V-8, automatic trans- ^ ^ ^ k ^ ^ k f trans., power ^ ■ ■ slonadon, radio and w WM H mission, power steer- A H ■ ■ ■ steering, potw- I k ’ * ■ * 1966 FAIRLANE XL 1966 F-250 Pick-up 1966 GALAXIE 500 heater. Eksonomical ~ ing, power brakes, ra- ^ ^ ^ k er brakes, radio, $|m ■ ■ ^^M Bl^ GiM n, 2 dr. H.T., auto trans. V-8 engine, bucket Gold, F ot^ 8 foot box, 3S2 V-8 engine, 3 qteed, Green, 4 dr. Sedan, standard transmission, overdrive, trajvaportatinn. dio and beater. Great ^ J heater, feictory ■ ■ V seats, console, radio, WSW. gauges, painted rear bumper. V-8 engine, radio. P JD / 3 AIR cxiNDi- M ■ ■ m M m m ■nONINQ. A real NQW $1295 NOW $1445 NOW $1095 Datsun's Unbeatable 6 New 96 & 136 HP overhead cam 1864 PONTIAC GATALMA 1964 V0LKSWA8EN 1983 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE engines. Husky, sure-stopping front disc brakes. Fully indt- pendent rear suspension. Four and five-speed all-synchro- STATION WAOON CONVERTIBLE CONVERTIBLE WAir ✓ Special of the Week mesh transmissions. (Optional 3-speed automatic on some V-8, automatic trans- ^ The hottest compact in V-8, automatic tiens- 0 V I models at modest extra cost.) More extras. More fine car fea- mission, power steer- A H H I ■ Amerl(}a! Sharp, sharp H ■ mlaslon, power steer- A ing, power brakes, ra- ’ model with radio and ~ ing, power brakes, ra- ^ tuns and bui/t-in quality. Datsun 4-Door Sedan • Datsun/ dio, heater. Lots of _ 1 _ 1 _ 1 dlo. and heater. Out- _ ■ ~ M _ ■ Drive Into Spring.Care Free... room here! 2 Door • Station Wagon • Pickup • Two Sports Cars A V w w standing! 1965 SQUIRE WAGON FREE MUFFLER and BRAKE INSPECTION Ford.i Auto, V-8, PS. ^Unbeatable. Test drive one today! with our EXPERT FRONT-END $750. AMw tfn pound moy§ to MHu HanM SilwMflr* ASK US ABOUT ALIQffllENT SPECIAL Reg. 11.95. ^ SALES uasetHiaR P A U L D 0D G E / '? a 5i r FITZGERALD FORD INCORPORATED AIR CONOmONEO CARS 373 MAIN STR EET • M A N CH ESTER lilUual OV OPEN 8 A.M. to 9 PA4 CONVENIENT HarHord National Bank TImt Payment Plan Refir* 14.95. 12.95 PHONE M9-2881 • OPEN EVENINGS WINDSOR AVIkf-^MUTB S3 R O C K v iu a r o M M M u m aam / A \ ■■ ■ . \ \ '\A '■ ' ' \

- \ , ' -'A' \ ' ' PAOB SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1970 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1970 PAGE SEVENTEEN Tolland Couny Politics Tolland Blood Donors Sex Courses Sports Bdltor Wolcome Monday Bdltor Nancy Maoomber Jerry Katona MANPOWER BEGINS WITH BOYPOW Blood donors who made Sen. Dodd andDuffey Plan Feature Bidltor Senior Bdltor Committee Nearing an End Taught In "Save-A-Ufe Sunday" such Betsy Hunter Unda Jacobs a success will have their To Proposed Charter Work U.S. Schools first chance to donate since Visits to Area Next Week T he H igh S chool W orld the Christmastime special By BETTE QUATRALE tion. Stats Rsp. Robert King has (Continued from Page Qne) appeal when the Bloodmo- been mentioned by some, ,, but Mrs. Joyce Don, Facility AdviNr TIm Cbkrtor Study Committee Spring," on March 20 at 7:80 (Herald Reporter) VOL. X X X II, No. 21 FRIDAY, MARCH 18 Compiled by Studento of Manchester High School p.m. at the Podtmk kfill Club on blle comes to the Emanual King likes his p<^tlan in the met taat nlgiit to complete have a state-recommended ElUngton Rd., South WlnddOr. Lutheran Church MS *’ th e committee Is coming Into Howat of Vernon, chairman of of sex education. lected 296 pints of blood. This HSW interviews County next week. TViUand'e RepubUoan Town the home stretidi on lU work on the dance committee. Every public school in Hawaii was the largest blood colleo- Chairman Ruaeell Steveuaon tlon since Worid War n . Red Incumbent Sen. Thomaa Dodd the charter and will hold «i final ' Bulletin Board is included in a state-wide sex was rumored to be Intereatgd in Cross officials said. meeting on March 26 to proof­ The VFW Post 2il Auxiliary education program in . effect wlU hold a reception Sunday the nomination, Itut when Aafced Red Cross blood officials Ex-Heroin Addict read the diarter before making will hold a special meeting to­ since September 1968. It has two from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Bol­ said he was interested but oould hope to make the 160-plnt up copies for diatrlbution to the night at 7:S0 in the Town Hall. phases, one aimed at Bth and not run for the poet beoauAe o< Drugs are more than Just toe you receive at D artoc?" monthly quota this month be­ ton Lake House for leading general public. St. Matthew's Church will hold 6th grade students and the other his business commltinents. black and white statistic* com- "At Dartec I lived with about cause more donors are eli­ Democrats throughout the coun­ A pubHo hearing on the its St. Patrick’s Day DSnce to­ at 10th to 12th graders. piled, describing percentages of 36 other addicts. The people gible. ty- Republicans are looUng tor a charter will be held April 10, morrow night in the church Par­ A study by Central Washing­ users, pushers and overdoses, were dl'vided up into squads for As always, walk-in donors Wednesday night Joseph Duf- strong candidate to field against five days before, the statutory ish Center. ton State College indicates that will be welcomed throughout fey will appear in Vernon to Incumbent Democrat Robert StaUsticB do not reveal toe suf- cleaning, maintenance, etc., for deadkne. 90 per cent of secondary schools Tolland Boys League will hold the day. Those who need meet with town . committee Houley of Vernon who enters faring, toe searching or toe toe house Itself. We hardly had the proposed charter general­ in that state have some kind of sthiggie for enough money for any free time at all. Bach per- its first registration session of transportation, may call the members of Vernon, ToUand and the ocuiteet as a strong candi­ ly retains the present govern­ sex education. Nearly all offer­ the year, tomorrow from 9 a.m. local Red Cross office and Ellington. He promises to dis­ date. toe next essential fix. son had to take orders of any mental structure of the town, ings are elective, the study Several members of toe HSW kind from another without ques- until 3 p.m. at the Town Hall. a ride will be arranged. cuss his campaign and present Powers suffers a recognition but its adoption will permit the staff Inlaplewed a former tlonlng or reacting through The Tollander’s Square Dance ' found, and the ratio electing to The Red Cross said, ‘There his opinion on "the Issues fac­ problem throughout the oounty Club will hold a bake sale Sun­ take them is 20 girls to each heroin a«hct, Andy Kearns, facial expression. In thU way we town to amend portions at a Is no substitute for blood, it ing us here in Connecticut and but wlU have eufflolent time to day from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. at who ia now lecturing to organ!- were made more aware of our later date If it is considered boy. can only come from donors across the country. The meet­ put into a campaign sld)c be obscriete, CSC.Chainnan Frank Shurway Food Market on In Oregon a legislative contest zatlons • conceniing his expert- own behavior and toe behavior who care enough to give so ing will be held at 8 p.m. in the retires os University ot Con­ Kales expledned. Rt. 190. Vernon towni. Administration ences with drugsNlnder toe dl- Of others. The therapy was on developed over bills both to that someone else may Mve.” necticut placement directw $hls compel school districts to Intro­ Building. rectlon of Mr. DlgW, Andy has effort to bring you to a point At the start of work on the The United Congregational The bloodmobile will be summer. Dodd’s appearance Sunday spoken to Illlng Jr. High stu- where you were conalstant in (Siarter almost a year ago, the Church Pilgrim Fellowship will duce sex education and to pre­ open from 1:46 to 6:30 p.m. Carruthers is weU known in CSC agreed to a basic phlloso- meet Sunday night at 7 at the vent them from doing so. Mean­ will be of an informal nature, dents, a PTA group and\(it a your behavior and did not get the area. He has the endorse­ Fred Manhan Sara T r e a t and is designed to afford him church program. upset by daily annoyances." phy which was to alter the church. '' while a state official estimates ment of his own town commit- the maximum exposure to coun­ Andy’s answers to bqr "What do you think about present structure of government that 60 per cent of the state’s ee in Vernon. Carruthers rah Police Term ty Democrats on a peraoinal questions were so lengthy, dufe^ plans suggested to distribute as little as possible, but to per­ Manchester Evening Herald school children are getting sex for state representative from basis. He promises to discuss Legion of Honor to his deep emotional connec- ffee heroin to addicts?" mit changes at a later date if Tolland correspondent. Bette education in 40 per cent of the Pagano Slaying Vernon in 1968, losing the Dem­ Quatrale, tel. 875-284S. 400 districts—including the big the drug bill and his legislative tion with the subject, that we ^Giving heroin to addicts necessary. This would be done ocrat Gerald AUen by 600 votes (Southern dialect — to be road "Another week, another leg- accomplishments. will only attempt to paraphrase would eliminate crime, but tWs by the appointment of a Charter areas of Portland, Salem and and in 1962 when he lost to Al­ aloud) end. Who is that? The lucky girt Gangland Job A third Democratic senator­ them here. But we do advise must regulated with treat- Revislcn Committee. Eugene. ien by 16 votes. Dear Mama, of the week, huh?" Some changes, have been Other states where some form YONKERS N Y (AP) __ ial hopeful, Alphonsus J. Dona­ that you hear him speak in per- ment fo r the individual. Heroin Pietrantonio Heads Scout Drive Vernon Dbmlnsiit I have' Jus' met one of the "Sara Treat. Do you know aon. Jttst a Symptom of the real made, but basically the charter British Teens of sex education is ^tag taught Westchester County authorities hue of Stamford, will speak to the South Windsor Democratic The' large number of candi­ greatest boyahs in the entyah her?” "Andy, what is your main problems that cause people to la nwdeled on the present town Discussing the charter Oak in 60 cub, scout and exjrforer least some districts Al- have termed "an apparent Town Committee tonljght at 9 in dates comlng^ut of Vernon this land bcie. He’s tail, very "Yeah, kind of. She's in my ordinances and the charter of Council’s 3800,000 Boy 9cout De- units and includes the towns of abama, Arizraa, ^Kansas, Col- goal in ’ discussing drugs with use H ” In First Vote the Council Chambers of the year in both poUtical partlea ia blonde JuA’ lak Dahdy’s cotton trig class and in creative writ- others?” “What are you .doing at pre- the town of Somers. vel<^ment Campaign with Manchester, Andover, Hebron, otodo, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, gangland slaying” the death Town Hall. storting to be a problem to fieOds; with blue eyes, the color ing. She wrote a pretty cool "I want to Inform kids about sent?” Once adopted the charter will James A. Wagner, right, dlvi- Bolton and Marlborough. B^mds Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Mas- Thursday of ex-convlct James (Continued from Page One) Sheriff Contest some. blue in toe Dixie flag. He's oh play. Who wrote the legiend?” -onomi- things that "Right now. I’m working as a become the hlble of Tolland’s sion chairman, is Anthony Pde- raised will goto expand and Im- sachusetts, Minnesota, Mis- J.______Pagano,^______found_____ shot to _ death A probable contest for the Several political leaders sre so nice. Mains—Ahm surah that "One of .. her friends. How might happen ___ to them, why laborer and I’m getting involved town government. ^year-old mdustrialist, won trantonlo of 228 Parker St., Just prove three existing scout pro- «>uri, Montana, Nevada, New cross County in his car at the Cro Democratic nomination for Tol­ beginning to resent the town’s you and Dalidy will lak him. I drugs, and how I have In the Drug Advisory Council. I School Bus Problems the seat with 26,687 votes. The named Blackledge District chair- grams: Camp Pioneer in New Hampshire, North Carolina, Shopping Center here. land County sheriff Is brewing. dominance over the state' and He goes to school Tieah at What...... Oh, .I .don . . . . .t know—let..— .. — h„ir,oH munnlfmyself.” want to go back to college and Several problems being ex- Labor candidate, Richard May- man of the fund-raising project. Hartford, the Volunteer Service Oklahom a, Pennsylvania, Perennial Democratic candidate area election scene this' year. L.S.U. (Loulsianna State) and is me think. I guess I’d say she m en and why did you turn eventually get married, buy a perlenced by the Board of Edu- er, was second with 14,772 and The area to be covered by Pie- Center in Hartford, and the Rhode Island, South Carolina, The 84-year-old Pagano, con­ Nicholas Pawluk is expected to Republican ' candidatee from laked by everyone who knows was a pleoe of origami.” to drugs?" house and get a better Jobt” cation regimling the school Uberal Patrick O’Loughlln trantonlo, a member of the Man- Lake of Isles Scout Reservation Vermont, Virginia, West Virgin- victed in Chicago last year for be challenged by TTieodore Sat- Vernon include Congreeelcnal him . . . he’.s "restless, quiet and "A what?" “I started smoking pot at toe Mr. Dlgan hopee that Andy buses were aired during Wed third with 6,832. Chester Board of Directors, has in North Stonlngton. (Photo by a, and Wisconsin, mail fraud, was sprawled on the kowskl of Staffordville. candidate for the 2nd Dlatriot friendly.” "Origami, you know, paper end of iny sophomore year. wHl be able to come to MHB neaday night’s meeting of the in London, a Conservative more than 2,260 scouts organized Kula Studios). Of these, Kansas reports 1,016 front seat of the auto with two Satkowski has received the en­ Robert Steele, vdio is expected His main ambition in life is circles in all different codors. Previously I had been drinking ®n a paid basis to counsel atu- school board. party spokesman said the elec------^ ------o* 1,362 schools have some form bullet wounds of the head. dorsement of the Stafford Dem­ to win the nomination; Car- to be a golf pro; Mama — ain’t You can make things out of wlto friends, but I didn’t have dents on the trubjec* o f drugs, Although described as a brick­ Tranaportatioa chairmen Mrs. torate 4n Bridgwater had grown laT* A 1 MB' Myi" education, Minnesota 300 ocratic Town Committee and is ruther’a bid for State Senator, that Utah cutest thing you-all them. She was making a mobile any relationship with these In the near future Andy hopes Oarolyn Kolwics of toe oru« Advisory Council and vol- Creamers Pour It On of the schools, altiiough only that older voters switched from state Department programs one dents, research scholars, ath------and enjoys bein’ with small shades and sizes. She can go days a year for five years in the State Senate Race Some area poUticlana are go­ had considered shooting heroin unlteers should contact Miark Billed as the "greatest giame ^ n t 14-13 lead, but it would be made a foul shot following a 6, Downham 2, Germain 1, Ificks Memorial School has Labor to Conservattive." official says provides a "bigger letes, lecturers, professionals groups of people — tl»t he laks. from the brightest yeliow to a federal prison at Danbury, FoUowing the announcement ing so far as to accuse Vernon to be the worst thing a guy Swerdloff at 647-9222. on earth," tlie intramural bas- the'^ Jast advantage they would technical on toe hot-handed, Crockett 1, Schultz 1, Pember- deep blue or purple." submitted its reports to Super- jjg the increased Tory payoff here per dollar than any- and specialists have crisa- Conn. by form er State Sen. Andrew of being hoggish regarding the He’s not a big city man. Mama; could do. But with drugs I be- Why does Andy want to share Hospital Notes "Ooh aren’t we poetic. Says ketball championship contest enjoy: but hot-headed Ogren, making lain 0, Russell 0. Intendent of Schools Kenneth jnajority of 8.6 per cent In thing else the United States crossed the oceans between the Police said Pagano was re Repko, confirming that he doesn’t lak ali toe pol- his personal experiences? Be- providing of available candi­ here that she dikes blue flan­ gon to„ rationalize______everything,______1. 1.- , . featured the "greatest teams At the\end of the half, with it 36-24. A driving lay-up by Final selections on the East- MacKenzle. Brlugwater, applied to the na- does.” United States and ISO nations. leased March 3 from the prison. would not seek the post this . hitlon and crim e.” So don’t you Rockville dates. They ere not yet, how­ nel shirts (weird) and happy and' I could even rationalize my ®*use M feels s o ^ for others anywhere" and when it was all the Creamers up 24-19, Ogren, Hassett at the buzzer brought West Intramural All-Star Teams One resident of Dockerel Rd. tional level, would mean the The administration is asking The ratio is three visitors for Police said Pagano and two year, several Republicans have ever, fielding their own candi­ .worry, now, ya heah? , taking heroin. It wasn’t until 1 — my me naan t been m t^ fu^ Creamergesics walked who later weht on to receive toe the Merchants to within ten, have been announced. claimed his children’s bus ran cionservaitives would win the some $40 znilUon, an increasa ot every American sent overseas. Fred Is "always ^mself" math teachers with mustaches. living.” He wants to meike peo­ Visiting hours are U:S6 to 8 other men started a Jewelry expressed Interest in the nomi­ dates to combat Vernon’s had been using it off and on for away as the greatest of the two. m .V.P. of the Year Award, had with one period of play remaln- For the East Team will be 46 minutes late Monday, a clear Qext general election witn a nia- about 20 per cent, for the pro- While results may be difficult Mama, and "triee to make life Do you get that?" p.m. in all areas except ma­ store in Chicago in 1964. They nation. dominance. six months that I finally had to ple "understand one anotoer” Winning all the prestige, fame canned 10 with DoUf Nelson get- tog. Mike Crockett and Dave Hassett • Jonty of 140 In the 630-seat Jects, including the well-known to measure in hard terms there enjoyable so that others may "Na. What else does it say?” and he hopes to "bring ithe ternity where they are 2 to 4 allegedly received a $100,000 TVo of the more serious can­ admit to myself that I was an and fortune, that goes along with {Qyj. gj^,j juiUging Jack it was in toe final canto that (both Merchants of Menace), Mrs. Kolwicz raised the ques- House of Commons. Labor now Fulbright scholarships. The are nuggets of gratification, enjoy it with him.’’ Adh’t that ‘‘She thinks sh»’s idealistic, town closer together’’ tiuough and 6:80 to 8 p.m. shipment from a Jewelry firm didates for the Republican addict — I was using heroin being champs,. the small but jjash, six, for toe utqmpions. the Creamers really poured it Tom and Tim Devonney, and tion of requiring all buses to be hashas aa majoritymajority ofof 64.64. money is looked on as low CMt such as the French Journalist nomination appear to be Mans­ adofable? All he wants to do” Is True or not?” these group efforts. Bob Carter (all Vertical Snnilles). and thea disappeared with the enjdy everythin.” "True. She always looks at about twice a day at this point.” skilled and speedy Creamerges- Hassett was able to get. elghf on, as Ogren and Odell outdid housedi at the service station Labor took the view that the cwerage of a gray "e a who came to the United States Admitted Wednesday: Doro- field Board of Finance chair­ What do you tWnk? Are you Second team players on toe East gems. FRESH GANDY Back home, Mama, Fred skied the bright side of things. Spe- ‘How did you get the money los, who overcame a monsteroas (jggpjtg jijg injury. Prof^sror themselves controlling toe ball, on a grant: jjjy darling. Crest Dr., Vernon; man John Powers and Repub­ Just out for a good trip, or do are Dennis Wlrtalla, Ralph ~ “ »u™w ..000 V,«r. 0, BHd*. S' S One of the partners in the a lot — no Mama, not water dally when we get trig tests to support your habit? aiwi n Merchants of Menace effort in Vlqcek scored five, aluj Weary and dreary, the Mer- service the buses. . water between 18 ;;d“‘ 2r"^ d 'ons^erm, immeasuroble but “It seemed to me todlspensa- Jacob Schelbe, Davis Ave., lican Town Chairman of Ver­ WHITMAN, SCMRAITT, Pemberton, Bill Schultz (Mer­ hie to refute at least the most firm, Allen Rosenthfil, was CANDY OCFBOABD elding; snow skiing, lak. in aU back. She doesn’t see much bad “I 'worked part-time. And In sometotog woito while accom- n Willy Watella connected twice .phants played sloppily with She attributed tile delay other new voters under 24 made someday Rockvllle; Richard Quinn, non ’Thomas Carruthers. taking all the marbles by a 66-38 chants), and Walt BUkowskl, ^ foimd dead in Chicago March t^tose jpictuaha. He was even in to things.” a 'vari.sty of other ways.” ■Vipcek and Dovmham fouling starting time of the bus rune“ State says the broad purpose flagrant fals^oods. Having left Brookside La., Vernon; Felicia TVo ToUand residents have plished? Chief and PlaUIa taUy at toe end. for four points. Greg Johnston (Vertical little significant difference in 17, 1967. He had been shot in the trfe 'UiS. Eastern Amateur Ski "What kind of music and in the summer of 1969, Andy The Merchants were hurting outN^d Von Schultz receiving ^'Jes). to the tact that many are bous­ to all this is a useful interaction for the United States believing It Archambeault, Charter Rd., been mentlcmed but are not ex- ARTHUR DRUG For the Merchants, it was the outcome. Both Labor and head three times. 'fcfcirifitirm But he oniy'‘*^r- books does she like? We always -was admitted to McCook Hos- following the second half toss- a Jarrii^ knee injury, ed at the driver’s homes, rather of people, stronger relationships to be on the verge of collapse Rockville; Marguerite Michal- j>ected to go after the nomina­ nothing but pain and anguish, as Hie West squad will be com­ the Liberals had predicted new smd civil war. . .1 must say to ’The third man of the Jewelry tieWted In those actlvUias Put that In?” p'tal to Hartford after he con- than at the service station in a world where economic, po­ kiewlcz, Wlndemere Ave., Ell­ everything they tried in the last up as Geslcs’ Gary Galasso When It was all over, the posed of Carl Ogren, John Odell voters would follow the balloting firm, not identified, fled and whloh Interested him." He Just “Says her favorite group la tracted hepatitis from a dirty Spring Concert where a medianic is available litical and military affairs are France on returning that die ington; Todd Waskiewlcz, Staf­ two periods failed. turned on the gas, stopping, Creamerge^ipa, O dell and (both Creamergesics) Jeff Ma­ pattern of their parents. thus far has escaped prosecu­ couldn’t "live within a‘ shell of the "Rubber Bands." And her needle. He was bitterly dlsap- to start the busee bn cold morn­ ELffected in the way a country’s has been duped." ford Springs, and James Rock, "Freedom” will be toe In the opening quarter, the shooting, missing, rebounding, Ogren had made believers out her, (SiooUng Stars), Dick The department’s upbeat view tion. notbing but clubs and act- favorite^ author IS Tolkien. She’s pointed when none of his for- ings. One bus to Rockville High Labor also took encourage- leadership group feels, Rockville. cry from all the members Menaces' brilliant leader Bull­ shooting again, making it and of the capacity crowd that March and Rick Goss (Indians). ment from the fact that the in- "You begin to get groups, ac- of its programs is not shared by When Pagano was found, Imles,’’ Don’t you think feat’s anotoer one off the TnilUons mer "drug” friends 'visited him School last week did not arrive Discharged Wednesday: Ern­ of the combined choirs when dog Hassett suffered' torn, liga­ also drawing a foul from M & M watched toe garde at Clarke Second team players will be ______creased Tory majorlity in Brldg- ademics, for Instance, who be- Rep. John J. Rooney, D-N.Y., there was $300 in cash in his ' siivart, Mama? who*ve walked with the fellow- there. He realized that a rela- until 9:80. est Garritt, Hilltop Dr., Rock­ they present their annual ments in hl3 calf, but the "Hustl­ player-coach, Ben Downham. Arena. Mike Kelly, Bob Huss (Shooting an appropriations subcommittee pockets, so police have discount­ Johnson presents : N i' admires "individuality, ship of the ring. Oh, and she tlonsh'.p between people cannot Other buses are running 10 water was still 3 per cent less gi„ (gel a bond wlUi one an- ville; Sandra Adams, Pine St., Spring Concert. The selec­ ing Hass” was able to return Hassett's tenacious defense Creamergesics (6S) Stars), Jack Nosh, Gory Gal­ than the 11.1 per cent swing to other,” says John Richardson, chairman who Is expected to ed a robbery theory. tfii*rstanding and patlende in liked "Bob and Carol and Ted be based on drugs, or It will to 16 minutes ahead of schedule Manchester; Mary Halloran, tion this year is Robert giving the M&M’s a sUm 16-8 held the Creamergenslc whizz­ Ogren 16, Nelson 10, Nasfi 10, asso and Doug Nelson (Cream­ the 'Cwisrevatlves in the last assistant secretary lor Educa- fight the Increase. pbpbie.” Mama, so you and and Alice.” l>e superficial and meaningless. ’These buses are not waiting the Hammond St., Rockville; Chea­ Ward’s "Sweet Freedom's edge. es, but his offensive hand was Galasso 9, GaJtes 3, Odell 3, ergesics.) by-electlon in Wellingborough tion and Cultural Affairs. “This Rooney has sourly attacked please try to change ah "PhUoeophy? Oh yeah. She'd Andy had plenty of time to required time at stops to per­ ter Chase, East Main St., Rock­ Song* — A New England The Big O’s of the Geaics, Carl not up to par despite a final 21 Newcomb 3, Swadosh 2. C. I. A. a— and Louth Dec. 6 is an Important fact imd reflects exchange programs In the past. NAIIONALBDAIINIilESI little, because w e’U he Home use a line from “ Today” on toe think in the hospital. He Merchants (88) Coimectlcut Intramural mit the youngsters to get out ville; Mahlon Cooley, Maple Jobless Qaims Chronicle.’’ Since MHS is Ogren and Johnny Odell, ex- point barrage. He said his mail favors “abol- this afternoon, at about 3:3(>. "Surrealistic I*iUow’’ album. It an inner resolution to stay off to the stop. the feeling of the government. only toe third group in the hlblted their swift ball -control, Crockett and Hassett each Hassett 21, Wirtalla 8, Vlncek Atoeletlc Committee ishing the whole program . - St., Ellington Anna Santa- .. Youah loving daughtah, goes,-"To be any more than all drugs, but he kept it for Just Reports have been received “ Within a discipline an under­ Rise by 7.7% world to perform this can­ displa'ying a fireworks of offen­ standing can result in an Im­ People don’t seem to Uke Ful- ’ Sally — Sue I am would be a Me.” a short time. This was a time that children are being dropped Femon erick McCreery, East Hartford, tata, toe composer will be sive brilliance early in the sec­ proved image, a closer coinci­ bright people.” "What's it mean?" ot self-hate for Andy. He hated off at unscheduled stops in cer­ and John McLeod, South St., A 7.7 per cent increase In un- there for toe concert. 'Why ond period. tain areas on a busy corner, a dence of attitude and feeling’’ "Man -4 It moans hhe’s hon- bJmrolf for using Pe®P|®. *or League “Rookie of the Year" School Menus Rockville. e m p lo y m e n t compensation eat and sincere and none of this thinking only of Wmself, for don’t you come too, and hear Senior Picnic Discussed Searebing good distance from their home. says Richardson. Cditttest Winners Mike Crockett, and his team­ claitma was reported for hypocrisy is for her.” cheating his friends, Md 1^ toe action as the choir fol­ The school board agreed to With this in mind the money mate, Bill Von Schultz, came in For Next Week Ex-Police Chief "Where’s she gtHng to apathy toward any goal to life, lows toe history of toe coun­ You know that June is get- covers two me€tis> transporta- Seventies write Floyde Muimoe, owner of makes it possible for historian week in the Manchester office Are Announceid for the Merchants at fee second LBPa Pains Disappear SUNDAY. MARCH 15, 4:30 P.M., EST school”’ H® liad a lot of hang-ups about try? ting pleasantly near when the tion and Just about every acti- the bus company, detailing the The foUowing hot lunches will Clinton Ro^iter to lecture at an In Watertown of the State Labor Department. period whistle, getting a one seniors start hearing about sen- vlty at Frank Da'vls’ Resort. The foUowing seniors bave African imiverslty, the chief Jus­ 'Winners in the annual “ falre •She’s going to Bay Path Ju- appearand. He reaiited that board’s complaint. be served in the Vernon schools ^ u| SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (AP) — The figures were 882 for the lor activities. Last week Prin- The picnic will be held on June been accepted at colleges Can- tice of Malaysia and Filipino la­ the Handicapped” writing land nlor C ollege, Longmeadow, ®"® himself could ever Meadowbrook Building Panel next week: X 1108 O 'U U ty i IC fl Former President Lyndon B. week ending March 7, compar- cipal George Emmeriing gave 15 and the payment whhto is dace Burke, University ot Con- bor leaders to com e to the Unit­ poster, contert were recently' an- Mass., come fcdl and to Wyo- solve these problems, The Meadowbrook School Monday, ravioli with saitce, Johnson, hospitalized March 2 ed to 819 for the week ending NATIONAL BOATINO TIST lectures to gpoupe of students due in March will be refunded necticut, Storrs; Marcia Comp- ed States. WATERTOWN, Conn. (AP) with chest pains that have since Fob. 28. nounced at Manchester H i^ mtag for toe summer. And Andy said he was not really Once Upon a Time Addition Building Committee ptoeapple and cabbage slaw, concerning the senior picnic euid if necessary. No underolassmen beU, Hiram CoUege, Hiram, Toward the same end the Jun­ OFFICIAL TF.ST ANSWER FORM The purpose of the writing somehow she’s going to work happy on drugs. Drugs did not will meoT with the architect, bread end butter, cake with va- Carlo J. Palomba, one-time Wa- disappeared, continues to make Statewide claims rose by 1,- other actMtles. Mr. Emmeriing will be allowed to attend. Ohio; Stephen Daunt, Central ior Wells Rhythm and Blues contest is for atudente Jo write to make her perfect dream, Five him Uto acceptance or love building contractor and Alex­ nUla sauce. tertown poMce dilef, pleaded progress, doctors report. 960, or 4.6 per cent, to a 44,776 I. WHCN MEETIN6 AN­ II. WHAT DOES THIS FIAO has decided to remain as toe Graduation exercises ha've Connecticut Stete, N w ^Jtaln Band tours East Asia with a OTHER 60*7 HEAD-ON, WHAT MEAN TO •0ATER6? (Chtsh about local companies feal hire peace, come true.” he was looking for. He was ander Toblassen, director of Tuesday,- hamburg on roll, Bulltv Thursday In Superior Physicians at the Army’s total. The figure was 38,437 for SHOULD YOU DO TO PA66 senior class ad'visor, which was tentatively set for June Eastern OonnecUcut^tate, team of Seattle, Wash., gym ­ One) handicapped people, citing in- ««you know this Wd aH right." Nine Cheerleaders... building and grounds tor the pickles, celery and carrot sticks, guilty i-nursaay m oup^or 3 ^ ^ General Hospital said the correaponding week last SAFELY? (CtMcfcOe*) nasts not far behind. A Columb­ stancesatoivnnti where urhBro handicappedhandlcamied oeo-peo­ rnioinAEHalne, >'707n his problems. It didn t work. Once upon a time there lived, one sweet pickles, they would his Job as vice principal, be- jgtjj The Senior Reception and WUlmantlc; Maureen Donora^ school system, on March 26. buttersrotch pudding with top­ Court to a charge of Interfer- Thursday they were satisfied year. Andy decided to stay dean, in an old brick castle, a pretty be sweet, too. South ian poet is brought to New York. ple do Jobs that normal peo­ really, she cause "I enjoy 'being In'vblved Dawn Dance ■wUl be held on Seton Hall University, • The meeting, which will be ping. ing with a police officer. A with his condition and that his Bridgeport, with 6,203 claians, Five American students study ple do. They also were to speak But he needed some professional light - haired mother and her made them all sweet ■wife her with toe seniors concerning June 12, and cap and gown held at Meadowbrook, will air charge of perjury against him vital signs continue to be nor­ was the state loader last week. WATCH THE FOUOWINO SIT­ have not as yet been decided, jjgjp 3 at Dartec House, Wednesday, baked chicken, 1 WHEN ANOTHER SCAT with actual handicapped peo­ nine little children. silly roly-poly smile and her their Important and memorable measurem^t^ll begin to be ml problems remaining to be re­ in Turkey, 42 Turks come to the mal. UATION CAREFUUY, AND AM winners and their parents Meriden that he finally made a cranberry sauce, mashed potato, was dropped. It ■was followed by Hartford with It AFfROACHINQ YOU FROM PICK OUT THE FOUR ilNSAFS ple 'about their work. Katherine and her nine girls heart-felt happiness. class week.” solved in the addition. United StMes. Hardening of the coronary ar- YOUR RIOHY SIDE, WHAT teachers ■will be honored at jj, .yrtth the help taken on Tuesday. Brooklyn, N.Y.; Dions buttered green beans, bread and 6,061, Waterbury with 6,898, and AND OANOEROUS FRACTICS6 The writing awards are as (they were the best girls that sharon was toe last of Movies of toe 1969 class ptc- Voter Registration Under the International Visi­ Palomba had been dismissed ACTION SHOULD YOU TAKET YOU WITNESS? (asssUses t i ­ Mr. Emmeriing stressed toat University ot Con- butter and peaches. as Watertown’s oolice chief Julv caused the chest pains, New mvcii-vnuiHaven-with a6,094. . v n . suunenwManches- (Clieek Dee) follows:roiinwH- First place. Diane ® dinner at the Manchester and guidance of ex-addicts. any mother could hope for) „ gririg.______Sometimes quiet., ___ , _____ nlc, which were taken by Mr. A'voter-maldng session will be tors program Mrs. Sum! Yama- ll) - there is no senior skip day necticut, Storrs. Thursday, beef stew with veg­ U 'I tie r ^ r p le ^ e d gtolty to a '*'‘^®** ^mhUshed and finally ter retained its 18th position loved all toe people att^d mysterious, she would be Perry and edited by Mr. Fish, held Tuesday from 6 until 8 p.m. zakl of the Hokkaido Mothers which Is sponsored by the Andrea Hansen, Eastern etables, com breed and butter, chkS® o? o K e t i ^ j U c e weekend. among the state’s 19 offices. u. Steely: third place. Sue Katz; Ss,'Vu“Vi"c... .. _ .« When I got out of the them and they* ...... wanted. to give «rst to be carried off by a were Shown, causing much at the Town Hall for aU qual­ and Women Teachers Associa­ school. The last illegal one end- Connecticut State; Rlobord :^ced apple sauce. fourth {dace, Lillian Messier, clt^D^Uatera president Fran- hospital, I stayed clean for one them smiles and happiness and J^^nce, L t her first devotion amusement dver familiar faces. ified residents of the town of tion toured 10 cities, asking He was given a six-month a u s - ______ed in a fatal car accident, he Haskell, University of Oon- Friday, fish sticks, mashed I WHO MAS THE RIBHY-OF- 1 $ . and fifth place, BIU Geyer. The movies illustrated the type at least six months’ standing. questions at a Chicago slum pended sentence at the time. OPEN SUNDAY! WAV IN THIS SIYUATIONT Bod **’®" ^ a V It s *'®r mother and sisters. remlnded toe students. necticut, Storrs; Clayton Ja- potato, frozen spiimch, bread Diane’s paper also won sec- ‘“Triends and I started using Ruth and Karen, nicknamed Nursery School Aides head start project, taking lunch On Thursday, sentencing on (Check Oae) oerain T narrwk tn the de- the seniors because thev w«2« rtAxvsajBAlways smiling, z».vvaa^aalways pretty, waof things— .-o- that 7 go 1 onJJ during J a Mr. iLmmerungEmmeriing WM was "very very coDS.gobs, Case WestemWestern iteierveReserve and butter and brownie. ia Mid i^ace ill the state competi­ Assisting mothers at the T, every Monday ^ Charles M^ney, Mrs. ^chard CLOWN (RessUsasW-M) larger groups of seniors in the school of Nursing, Middletown; Justice P.B. O’Sullivan into or­ TICES YOU SEE? (0 Stavnltsky: third place, Diane at these clinics, because your things about myself. From there Md Thursday, Mother Katoer- finding it easy to D6 ^a MHS has been holding this Cardin, and Friday, Arnold 4 ,la a S « T tiFATit to rhirtfto." ine and her nine firirla oractlced ^ y audltoriuin instead of in class- Keith McKenney, Louisians To Connecticut for Trial ganized crime in the Waterbuiy M. Gray, and fourth place. Mar- help is needed for teaching and I went to Dartec. ine and her nine girls practiced . „K,rvm- nns cloBs picnic for 38 years and Sbarge, Mrs. John DelPonti. Jorie Johns. The state awatxla demonstrating stuntt. “ What kind ot treatment did in toe dungeon (it was toe only considerate and rooms. State University, New Orleans Nursery Registration SAN FRANdSIX) (AP) — Seale was In New Haven May , thoughtful. only on two occasions has It CStlef La.; andy McNeU, Boutoem AROUND 17. ______—------place they could find.) The Tolland Co-(^>erative Black Panther leaxler Bobby 19 for a speech at Yale Uni- Palomba and former Assistant Glnnl, fee bright blonde light Mother Katherine watched rained. Mr. Emmeriing has ------Connecticut State, New HavsiL Nursery School wlU hold a reg- Seale was taken from the San versity, and police said he or- Court Prosecutor Donald always been "proud of toe sen­ IS. of toe grpup, helped Mother over all of her nine girls, mak- Also, Gary Newton, Rsnssela- istratlon session April 1 from Francisco Ckxmty Jail today for dered the "purge” and slaying charged m June with your Katherine and became chief or- In* them one happy family. Her iors’ behavior; they have con- Seniors: Only 64 more days of Polytechnlcal Institute, Troy, 9 until 11:80 a.m. at the Unit- .extradition to Ocmneoticut to of Rackley. ^ obstructing Justice by ganlser She' was always think- warm, calming love and con- ducted themselves as young school—that’s counting Senior jj.Y., University of Oonnsotlout, 'When Seale was arrested last withholding reports of an arrest. M. ed Congregational Church Re- stand trial on murder charges, ?. WHAT OOU THIS RUOV tag of creative cheers toe girls slderatlon and a firm hand kept adults.” The cost of this year’s week and graduation! Dream gtoprs; Georgia Twsh, Atiarita. liglous Education Building. a Jail^ warden______said.____ August in Berkeley, Calif., an O’SuUiyan said that ^te r toe MEAN AND HOW 00 WE PASS could use in their mission of her girls on toe road to happl- picnic will be $9.60, which about it! u.S. Air Force Academy, incCbsMlOM) Registration is open to ail Seale was token from toe fa- affldavU accompanying toe ar- *1969''^^ conquering sadness ness. Colorado Springs, Cok>.; Ronald children who will be four years clltty about 6:16 a.m., the ward- rest warrant said that Seale or- I^cember, 1968, in Next came Gall. It was her And when all toe people of toe Roche, Manchester Community ot age by Deo. 31. A birth cer­ en said. It was noi dlsdomid dered the slaying. The affidavit idea that if everyone could live country were made happy, College; Joyce Rubin, Osorgt tificate must be presented at the how the militant black leader was taken from George Sams ‘’hH INCOME TAX has the Eadi qsrtliB is «wMi Ikw on a saAdy beach with nothing Mother Katherine and her girls Washington University, Wash­ I. WHICH tot toe youngest) and Katherine and her nine above) and a lot of other people, eds are social outcasts to the western Connecticut OoUsgs, ton. Palomba and Vitale each office TODAYI ' UP toe method of transportation or murder, aiding and abetting pleaded ^______^ ____ guilty^ to_ toe obstruct- ■■■■■■■IM B IE OUABANTII SESBIBmSBSSlB said. In that big smiley way of girls (who had only waited to dope-freaks, ex-dope-freaks and straights, toe straights are Wtaated. Bfontessori Officers M. WHAT Dots THE RIO M-MpsIMS...M 0U hers, “I’m going to smile at share with everyone toe spirit straights, are searching for love, idiots to the long haireds. Tolera- Next week wlU b* ths last the route the prisoner and hU murder and kidnaping. Sams charge. Palomba W e guarantee accurate preparation of every tax return. PENNANT YOU M l MIAN TO The Parent's Association of every person I meet and spread they had) all lived happily ever The trouble is it’s hard to find tion is not enough. If Manchester publication of acosptancss. the Oulstlan Andei^n Piards would take. and another' lather pleaded dismissed as police chief ROATMIN? (Chssk OiNl 70-10 pelMS...PMR Montessori School on Baxter St S«sle 1« accused in toe death guilty to murder, -a woman Vitale was suspended from ( my happiness that way." And after. in Manchester. Perhaps some of High wants happier people, then If wet make any arrors that cost you any penalty or recently adopted a set erf bvlaws ^®* RaeWey, another Black pleaded guilty to a lesser ^j,e practice of law in Connecti- OOerlns ...... POM smile sha did, smiling so hard a story with a happy ending them cannot find it anywhere it Is everyone’s business to act governlng th6 organization and Panther, in Connecticut. char^, two d^endwta cases that whe frequently lost her couldn't better conclude toe but as Andy said, toe people of to help each other; by listening, voice. year for toe Manchester High Manchester should come to- by talking, by smiling, by trying ‘ Concept’ sleeted officers for toe current Rackley, 24, of New York City are b^ng handled in secrecy perjury charge against RETURN FORMS HER E^ scbool year. was allegedly brought to New in Juvenile court, and another paiomba came after be testi- Kathy (who was named after Varsity Cheerleaders: Captain gather and lielp each other. to understand. -me pUy 'Xjonoipt" wia ICn. Donald Pelham of Ver- Haven and tortured before he woman defendant was granted (led at toe hearings conducted her mother because of the in- Katherine Koehler, co-captsJn Andy used drugs as a means Andy is trying to help us. Ho terest in otoers that both pos- Ruth Chatel, Karen Saunders, to an end—to be accepted, to find doesn’t want anyone to go be performed on ICarah 90 non was elected of wss slain. Police said toe tor- Immunity in exchange for her by O’SuUlvan. America'* Urgatl Tax Service with Over 4000 Office* and 7:10 p.m. In fes the sseocistion; Mrs. John ture was aim ed at making him testimony at a pretrial hearing. ManzoIU, ■who bad tieen sessed) was the listener. She Glnnl Jewell, Gall Cserwtaski, people who accept him for what through what he has. When each 21 CAPITOL he is. But ho found out that the of us is looking for love, we Bast OatooUo Hl^h AudHtorl- Oahlos, of Manchester, vice- admit he was a police informer She refused to testify and was charged vdto theft, later plead- felt that by Uatentag and '.ovlng Leslie Vaughn,' Kathy Vaida, ASfitww, and Mrs. Gustave agaliwt fellow Block Panthers. Jailed for contempt of court, but ed guilty to a subs^tute charge she could win all toe people in Marcia Leon, Sharon Nelson, drug, rather than the people, shouldn’t forget to give some on um. TtM play Is about drug xntitMtMiMi of FJHngt«n. sec- He was shot to death May 21, the grant of immunity means of larceny Invtdvliig about $10 aiaii. tons Fit. 6 A J I. to t r Jl . toe country Into a state of Cindy Post and their faculty ad- soon becomes the center of a toe way. sddldtB IlgM hv Oo looa rool- Ecpiipmrat Co., hie. tty. acton are pntm- leteil iiessiirnr and his body was found in Mid- ^ will not be tried in con- missing from a filling station and Aon. * A J L to 6 PAf—nwaa M$-S« 4 ^ser. visor, Marie Petrone. relatlonfelp. . "All you need Is love," as toe 1116 Andy was not happy on drugs, Beatles said. siofwia from New Tort ORgr. Ths associstion wlU bold its dlefleld. Conn., about 10 milea necUon with the Rackley slay- where he worked. He was fined 88 Main St. • 64S-7958 Shown above are the MHS cheerleaders as they perform a half-time st^ t. The’ Marcia, t o e ' slUlest of oil ^ The End "The One Who Knows but he was.not happy off drugs love, TtciMto a n 02.00. R n t dinosF^'daBoe, "Bwlng Into freun New Haven. ing. I3S. APPOmTMfNT IS NICISSAftY. girls have been leading the crowds through a great cheering, if not scoring sea- those silly girls, teased the oth- TTiem Best" either. Maybe there Is something Paula Bon. (Herald photo by Bucelviciua) era saying, 'if we gave every- PAGE EIGHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1970 . MANCHESTER EVENING RERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1970 \ PAGE NINETEEN Herald Angle S W’s Roj Ncts Rccord 60 Bombastic Busch Delivers Punch,

EARL YOST Spofti Kdllw Tigers Eliminated Ski N otes Cards’ Carlton Still Holds Out Notes ftt>m the Little Black Bo<^ NEW YORK .(AP) — his demand for 840,000-about ance benefits. Busch is standing .Cleaning off the desk before shovins: off for Flori­ Astros could win the pennant with folir blanks by Tony Clo- Bombastic August Busch 88,000 more than Busch was firmly on his 36 per cent raise wlth-Jlm, but not without him. nlnger and one by Al Jaokson da. . . . .Red-Faced Department: East Catholic High In Class M Contest willing to pay the pitcher. and refuses to move. "Jim is the star of the ball completing the job. was pitt^ against Windham High and not Middletown dropped a low yield explo­ "M y hope Is that som e other By DEAN YOST " I can’t understand with the clqb," said Morgan, “and of all Elsewhere, rookie BUI Buok- High in the L Division semifinals Wednesday night at sive on baseball’s genera­ owners will have the guts to do the guys, he’s the one we should Sensational I That is how you can describe South pension they (the players) have ner cracked four hits and drove > Central. . . . Central has a seating capacity listed at Windsor High’s 6-8 junior center Tom Roy. Last night tion gap and the shock what I’m doing to help reverse keep happy. The other teams in four runs while Andy Kosoo 4,600 but reports'were that as many as 5,500 saw East the Central Connecticut State College gym, Roy scor- and how fair we are, how they this thing and get people back-to don’t make the Aarons and the added a three-run homer help­ waves reached all the way can consistently call all of us, normalcy.” / Mayses unhappy. Right now, ing Los Angeles belt Houston eUminate WiniUi^ and Soutt ed a record 60 points. Surpassing the previous mark Instead of normalcy,'' Wynn CaUtoUc drop Northwest Catho- season, has , played for Mt by Calvin Murphy in IMS, to Houston where Jimmy the owners, a bunch of tight­ Jim is very unhappy and I don’t 10-6. Jim Lonboig worked (our was on his way back to Houston blame him.’’ lie. . . . Twice during' the regu- neycn teams — eight. If you against South Catholic. Roy's right ankle and had to have a By BUX BACmmiK Wynn is searching the clas­ wads and not w;orth a dam n," scoreless innings and Billy Go- after another frulUess salary lar season, both times in Hart- count the Syracuse Nationals as output also sot a OCSC mark, temporary splint put on his foot. Had a call from Brodta Mbun- Meanwhile, exhibition action nigllaro tagged Tom Seaver (or sified ads, “looking for a said Busch. conference with H. B. ’’Spec” tord County Conference play, clubs since they mov^ to The Eiobcats eliminated Middle- With Hathaway gone from the tain os they are having their continued and the key men In a home run as Boston topped Tigers' lineup, the Orangemen fiffit annual Irish FeeUval. They jo b .” The Cardinals sent Carlton a Richardson, general manager of one winter trade made the deal the New York Mets 3-0. East played and beat South by Wdiadelphla In IMS. Gambeo town High In the semifinals of Busch, owner of the St. Louis just went through the motions still have from 43 to 63 laohea o f ■letter of renewal, stating that the A stm '. look good from both ends. Rookie Dwayne Anderson and 88-64 and 74-86 margins. has played for, in this order, the CIAC Cliksa B Division, 108- Cardinals, gave holdout Steve * * * Uie S t IxMiis Hawks, dninnatl o f the giame. snow and are making more. Al­ the pitcher’e contract had been- ' ^ e sluggi'hg outfielder is ask­ Alex Johnson, traded by Cin­ veteran Rick Monday homsred ready they have had 136 digrs of Carlton a verbal dressing down renewed at the estimated 28 per ing fo r 860,000 and Richardson, cinnati to California for three on consecutive pitches and Oak­ Here ’n TTiere junior giant did the built The , victory .put o South Wlnd- skkiig and 110 nights ainoe (he Thursday, saying, "I don’t care cent increase and that he would who says he won’t "negotiate pitchers including Jim Me- land walloped San Francisco Followers of East CathoUc Ben Diego RocfceU, MUwairicoe jhe BobcaU' scoring as he Saturday ovo- if he ever pitches another ball be permitted to play without ball player cMitracts in the Mgh, unaWe to purchase BwHts, Detroit Platons, and cur- poured In M field goals and against the first game wln- opening of the eU aeaeon. Glothlin, ripped three singles, 12-1. Cleveland pushed across a for us again.” signing If he wants to. newspaper, "is holding the line Uckets for Uie showdown with the San Francisco War- ,,^,,t of 11 polnU from "era. Hand High of Madison. Record-breaking oknuIb over drove in three runs and scored nm in the 11th inning to top the the Washington BMliday week­ A similar public explosion’ a If Carlton, who is working but at something over $60,000. two in the Angels’ 7-6 Victory Chicago Cubs 4-8. And Bt. Louis South for the UUe 'Saturday af- ***** • • • **®t to be overlooked jhe charity stripe. Unbelievable Hand, ranked number one In the day earlier had brought slugger end were reported as the ■ » remains unsigned, agrees to Wynn got support from second over Seattle. McGlothlin pitched shut out Detroit with Nelson temoon at 4 o’clock; may turn *?)!?*’*'**’ hut true, Roy missed only two Division, defeated Kblbe Rich Allen into line in a hurry play without a contract, he will baseman Joe Morgan, his room­ four scoreless Innings and the to teevee. Channel 8 will carry •*** different te^ s field attempts In his record pro- High of Bridgeport, 7^-78. These cats and tractors were put to Briles .Harry Parker and Chuck * 8# * . * J_____ a______a _a jn _ a ai___ but Carlton was standing feet on lose certain pension and insur­ mate, who said he believes the Reds shut out Kansas City 3-0 Taylor eharing the (Ive-hltter. the. game In black and white “ ductlon, to prove that he Is only *wo teams meet at 6 at the 'work to thin out the crowd on with Dick QaUette, calling the human. OCSC gym . the lift lines. plays. . .Ttotal o f 8,000 tickets ^ ® J With 6:41 left In the final Hand also is a big team, with New plans are underway for wWe aUotted to East. . .’DUl Ed OinclnnaU and Detroit before quarter, the Bobcats’ wander two brothers, Scott Fergusmi 6- the enlargement cf Brodle with Arnold Palmer Has Problems^ Fires 74 mo'vlng to hts present club, the Fitsgerald is the only East boy equaled his best previous 8 and Bill Ferguson, 6-6, mak­ the poesible purohaae of more SEAVER GE’TS BALL—New York Mets pitcher Tom Seaver is tagged out l>y Milwaukee Bucks. . . Chappell game mark of 46 points, which ing up the front line. These two land on the north side. Tuesday, Sports Briefs starter not a senior. Playing and Oambee were teammates In Boston Red Sox’ first baseman George Scott. Seaver sacrificed Bud Harrelson to their final game Saturday for was also a school record. At players accounted for 37 of the lat 6 p.m. under the brilliant Syracuse and Philadelphia — 3:31 of the stanza, Roy ho<^d team ’s total o f 77. They also kghta on the Stsamrock TTratt, second base on a bunt. The Mets defeated the Red Sox 2-0 yesterday in St. Pete. East will be regulars Tim briefly. Pool Table Putting Lesson Exhibition *Football 16, the Santiago racetrack sold Kearns, Tom Juknis, John In num ber 89, t y ^ him with combined to haul in 22 re­ the fifth annual Brodle Cup Tuesday. The classic Is one of Socha and Tom Sullivan, super­ MuriUiy. Then with 8:31 left, bounds. Race will be up for giatos for How the Times Have Changed DENVER (AP) — The Den­ the highlights of the BanUogo reserve Ed Rowley, and ,ubs Hie l i n e Roy was fouled and sank the Rich VanDeventer and Bob the pro racers and pro nU in­ Registration ver Broncos of the NaUonal racing season. Jim Sullivan and Kevin S^dls. . ^A sutusucaistatistical oaomemoddment oiof uie one-snoione-shot anempi,attempt, gooa good n>rfor num-num­ McNamara control the floor structors with 81,000 In cash Football League's American .Art Dltmar former New Tork ®*’“^ campaign was the ber 60. At this point. South game for Hand. Pays Off for Tommy Jacobs I^zes. Last year’s winner was Flxst of two litUe Leogue Conference announced Thurs- Former Hoop CtNuJiet Yankee pitcher and • current K*®**"S absence of punt returns Windsor’s Head Coach Charlie, Quarterly, South Windsor Hopfensberger, of Stratton, in boseboU registratlan seaslons ,, , „ - . , day they will play an exhibition College Grid Players PENSACOLA, Fla. (AP) putting, too.’’ Hugh Royer, Miller Barber, Lou game against the San Francisco 3 coach at AIC will 8***>* way." It was Sharos lifted his star center made 28. 18, 29 and 28 points 1.20:00 followed by Baer at will be held tonight from 7 INDIANAPOUS, Ind. (AP) — So he corrected the putting Graham, and Dave Stockton. speak at the March meekng of because there had been from the game. while the Middletown crew 1.20:16, and LeUner at 1.30:17. —^Tommy Jacobs took a 49ers at the University of Ore Retired coaches Harold "^id" to 8 M In flio cafeterias at stroke, had 10 one-putt greens Former Masters champions the Hartford World Series Club ®*ven the pre'vioua season. In- Roy In the first half was a made -12, 18, 16 and 9 points. So race fans. It couldn’t be gon in Eugene Aug. 29. Foster of Wisconsin and Not ' tbe Waddell, Verplanck and putting lesson on the pool and needed only 27 putts in his Bob Goalby and Gay Brewer March 18 at the Hedges. Dlt- ®******F ® P®!*' *>y Oakland’s perfect 12-12 from the field and Final statistics showed South murii closer. Holman of City College of New Today Plenty Smart Buckley Scliools. pace-setting round on the tree- topped a group of 11 at 69 with mar Is director of admis- G®®*Y« Atkinson, the first two- was six of eight from the char- Windsor making 48-76 field goals On a fast course, the laoe table and it paid off in the York have been named coaches Boys 6 tfarn 12 ore eligible. lined, 6,625 yard Pensacola Bob Lunn and Lee Trevino wese Plays Football sions at AIC.. .The 1970 major *o-®-»eason In a half-doaen _®***P®- Hoy, by quarters, tor a 89 per cent. From the could be as exciting os It was An must be accompanied by first round lead in the (or the East-West ctdlege all- made 18, 12, 12 and 18 points. NEW YORK (AP)—James Thurber once wrote a Country Club layout. amohg the crowd at 70. league baseball all-star game y*®**- Every year, with the ex- charity stripe they were 13-21, last year. It efiould be worth' a parent and must pay a $t DANBURY (AP) —Dean of star basketball game here-’ Apart from his scoring spree, story about a big, dumb tackle who, to remain eligible ?150,000 Monsanto Open Tough young Grier Jones, a Gary Player, making his first w ill be played at night at Cln- 1967, w b o i D enver’s good for 67 per cent. As a team the trip to see the proe In Insurance fee. Students F. Burton Cook said March 28. the giant grabbed 27 rebounds, for football, had to answer one question correctly. The Golf Tournament. 23-year-old tour sophomore from start in this country this year, clnnaU’s new Riverfront StadI- pr®vonted a shut- they grabbed 86 rebounds. action. Thursday that W®®*®™ Connect- The game Is sponsored by the two less than the entire Middle- The secoiid sign-np date "When the pro-am was rained Wichita, Kan., looking for his said he was "quite {deased,” Middletown made 22-62 field It was snowing hard at Jay conversation went something like this: Icut State College will start National Association of Basket- urn on July 14. . .Annual Hall o f O*®*^ I*®®** 1®®®* town team total. win be next Friday night, 7 out Wednesday, my brother first victory, was Just off the considering it's my first round Fame baseball game at Coop- ****®® touchdown punt returns. attempts for 35 per cent and Peak as 10 inches had fallen Professor: “ Name a means o t ------playing varsity football in the ball Coaches and Indlanapo- Charlie Sharos said after the to 8 :M at the same sites. (John) and I went downtown to pace with a 67 that Included a over here,” with his par 71 e(- netted 10-17 from the line, good (Ap Ffeo^oAuc) and more coming. transportation." Penn State, music; ______(all. ' H® Star. erstown, N.T., wUl be July 27 *°“*« "P> *^®** contest, "I led Tim go; when play some pool with Phil Rodg- pair of bogeys and an eagle fort. Arnold Palmer had putting with Montreal playing the ^ regl®tered In 10 years for 89 per cent. They hauled In DESPERATE REACH— ^Kentucky’s Mike Pratt, on floor, reaches desperately Jerry Aske at Madonna re­ Tackla:_ ‘Duh-h-h-h-h.’’ , Tennessee, second- On Wednesday, students voted '^® S®me at Butler's HlnUe your’re that close, why not. only 29 rebounds ers and Jacky Cupit," Jacobs three, *troubles and took a 74. Chicago White Sox. . .New Tork l®ague competition, compar- for ball grabbed by Notre Dame’s Jay Ziznewski. Kentucky defeated the Irish ports new snow and excellent Professor: ‘How did you education; Onkotz, Wophys- .. 08B-93 to perm it assessment o f Fleldhouse, which seats 14,766, This was the first time I al- Game scoring honors went to come here?” said Thursday after firing a Ray Floyd, fighting his way Jacobs, a slim, soft-spoken basketball writers have named ®<1 *<> “ W®koff returns which during their Mid-East NCAA regional l^isketball tournament game last night. spring skiing. Madonna is the flve-under-par 66. out of a slump that has plagued veteran of 15 yeans on the tour, up to $10 a year In additional tg a sellout, gam e officia ls an- went the distance. . .But 1M9 lowed Roy to score that heav- Roy. with teammates Mason home base for some of our Tackle: ‘Muh father “®™®ent Stanford,a?', history; defensive ^ aie Holds student fees to support the foot- nounced Tuesday, Bob Lanier of St. Bonaventura ily. UsuaUy he plays only half netting 13 points on five field "While we were playing John him since he won the PGA Na- is on the refund after some the outstanding 'visiting player drew a blank. In the kickoff *"*•’ back Tom Curtis, lificlilgan. told me something I was doing, tional Championship last fall. lean years that threatened to ball program. - column there were a couple of the game and passes off a goals and three of four from Professor (exasperated): economics; McClinton, business for the 1969-70 season. Lanier lot. I kind of felt badly about the line. Stoddard hooped in 12 Niasara Eliminated from NCAA Tourney Cochran family, Marilyn, Bar- Sw im Edge, He showed me that I was headed a big group at 68. end his career. He started back AICTs Hill y Mike Cadden, who third straight victory over the fore Middletown’s Ted Hatha' mark and ended Its season with long time favorite. Is whom I Set for Santa Anita Detrick, will be staged Aug. . . .Further oddm ent: TTiere son: Intermediate macro theo- many rubber plants and vines ot>®ned the meet by winning the Jets In a best-o(-seven playoff SASKETBAli, 28-29 at St.-Thomas M ore School, way sank two foal shots with a 17-6 record. South Windsor, will be< rooting for. Bob Tlaylcr, PARKADE DUSTY — Joe La- weren’t any xxait returns ei- ry, uihon ebonomica, credit and scattered about his apartment. 600-yard free style event in series in the league’s Northern Gardner Lake, Ooldiester. 8:27 remaining. ranked fourth, upped their Long Beach Defeated from West Hartford a teem It looks like the classroom will be full for the final Vae 262-601, Gene Nead 201, BUI Division. SCOKS w _ , I .. -a i, am ong mem'beiiB o f the Then South Windsor went to member is also in the veoe so banking,. , advanced j staUitical . GlUette, who would------Uke to be- 4:«.98, the Ells piled ^ up 94 test for the Santa Anita Derby—Saturday’s running of Faculty wlU include Hall Greer dubs which have been m ark to 21-2. A very 237, Ron Bletcher 203-669, Elgin McCann o f the Blades COMMUNITY “ Y** of the PhUadelphla 76er» and ® “ X® ,?®®“ work and built up a 21-2 margin A year ago the Tiger’s Hath­ It will have a Nutaneg fla'vur inferenro ^ social disorganl- oome a computer programmer ^ ‘^ ^ ® Dartmouth College |50,000 San Felipe Handicap. d e m Quey 204-204—879, BUI Wil- and Dom DlBerardino courses. u he doesn’t make It In pro baU, son 213-561, D ick Goons 201, Gene Jets each scored a pair of another hoop. The outside rebound with two seconds left St. Bonaventure and Villanova as this is Bob’s first year with 18 sec­ reglonals at Columbia. S.O. Big an exam in biophysics, his ma- gy; the city, idtA strerghth [„ eaHilng 81 “ .J, ^ $16,000 R ebel Handicap fo r 8- 2^ Don ^berr 2a Shoemaker at Santiago ^ quarter outscoring and Jim McNickle . . .Annual “ ®‘°0 ’ to play before one mU- game will be televised on CTian- their opponenU 19S. defense. onds on the clock. 6-11 Bob Lanier led the Bonnies jor subject. Reid is a piano and organ vlr- points. wiu oe ai iia mues. year-olds at Oaklawn Park. meetlng of the Central Connect- ** ® ragular season, n e l 8. showdown battle next week SANTIAGO, ChUe (A P ) - High fo r Ole winners w ere'D m Middletown’s answer to Tom Burrows, a 7-footer, filled the with 24 points, 19 rebounds end —Four members of the All- tuoeo who was in'vited to per- Alan Magerman a speedy ^ icut Board of Approved Basket- they drew 19.867 against So«th Wlmdmtr (lOS) for the national collegiate AFL President --- — ------— ------wuwv WGUI u'T—vu w- Mjvot,Host ±.mMDartmouth WOS tllird ¥ .1 I waIoIia/Y ftt ——— —... — -..0..- ^>em^ 201^7, Ron Mavey 2M. American jockey Willie Sitoe- Wollenberg (16) and Mike A hah Officials wUl be Monday ®®" Dies® in Madistm Square Roy, 6-1 forward Ted Hathaway, P B F Pts gap with 7-2 Artis Gilmore numerous blocked shots. How- Amertca team also made the form wiUi the Utah Symphony with 76 points. The Indians were G®®*?® *f nign-wei^ea ai jjaryland-bred 3-year-olds Is ex- Tom Atam ian 200, Roland Smith 3 R oy 26 8-11 60 maker has agreed to ride the O’Reilley (9). For the losers Bill JacksonvUle fouled out with ard'Porter’s 29 points led Villan­ academic AU-Amerloa. They>phA» Orchestra. j ‘ j' helped m Chris ^ ______Carstensen- ______won 122 oounds.poun^. otherOther nrobablesprobables In - ___*1. . , , night at Central OonnecUcut'wiUi Garden, this pushed the was way off from his usutd 3 M a^ n 6 3-4 13 basketball championship. Woodard Resigns pected for the 1 1-16-mUe ChaUe- 667. OiUean horse A Go Go in the SandweU had (16) and Ifike the annual banquet March 24 *.n Knlcks’ home attendance to frame performance. He man­ 0 SuUAvan 2 1-2 6 Kentucky, ranked No. 1 in the eight minutes to play after scor­ ova. Niagara’s Galvin Murphy are of The only sophomore on the ac- Uie 60-yard free style In 21.48 ®‘®®® »®«»“®} *^®^® don Stakes, 'wiQi Robin’s Bug 3 Boss! 4 (M. 8 ing 30 xx>ints. Saint Leger Classic next May Murphy (0). PlalnviUe . . .Little League base- ®8t.614 for 37 gam es, and 5.014,- aged 18 points in the first half, 1 Jankowflici 0 04) 0 final Aasoedated Press poll of was held to 18 points. NEW YORK (AP) — Presi­ Purdue, tight end Jim Mandlch ademlc AU-America U Carlos seconds, and Mike Brown de- the early c^ice. OABINBN GROVE — Carole ball candidates nq^y sign \rp to- for 71 games . . . Little but made only seven of 17 floor 2 Stoddaixl s 0-1 12 •‘The turning point came H ie NTT, the other m ajor of Michigan, Onkotz and defen- Alvarez. Florida’s Cuban flank- throned defending champion W. T. Pascue m ’s Gaelic Unkworth 143, Sophie Carl 131, 0 Levesque 1 (KO 2 the season, came from behind to dent Milt Woodard of the Ameri­ night from 7 to 8:30 at the Wad- League Baseball Umpires’ attempts. Without Hathaway on 0 BinghAin 1 04) 2 when Gilmore fouled out," said postseason tourney, opens to­ slve back Buddy McCr-inton of er and a pre-law honor student. John HuHfstuUbr of Prinedbrn in ®**<* Charles Engemard s Pro- Dancer, who has finished first Carol Noske 132486, Dot beat Notre Dame 109-99 In the can Football League, a key fig­ deU, Verplanck and Waddell School will meet Tuesday night the mark, the Tigers tell fur- 1 Lacy 0 1-2 1 Ralph Miller, Iowa coach. “We night In New York 'wMh Georgia Auburn. Phipps also won a He is a third-team AP selecUon. the one-meter dive. tanto, each 117. in all seven career starts but Baldyga M6. Mideast reglonals of the NCAA ure In Ms openatlon since Its in- I School cafeterias . . .Nice pro- at aUng from 7 to 9 o’clock. Ai thef behind. 13 Totals 1 3 ^ lOO becsime carelesspn defense." Tech meeting Duquesne and St $1,000 postgraduate scholarship ironically, the year’s most Other team scoring included R®y®l Comedia^ who hM once was disqualified to second, tourney at Ooliunbus, Ohio, cepUon 10 years ago, resigned FOREIGN motion for Baaron Pittenger, to Vlncek reports 28 young men With 1:01 remaining in the BUddletowm (54) Henry Blbby’s outside shoot­ John’s, N.Y., pitted against Mi­ today. from the National CoUeglate pubUclzed student was James Villanova 60V4, Navy 38, Har- *>®®** racing in Florida gets KACEY — Norbert Audet 203- 4 Hathaway 9 <6-10 34 Thursday night. heads a field of nine for the slx- former Hartford Times sports- are currently enrolled. . .The third quarter, the Bobcat’s Ma- 1 Overton 1 0-1 2 ing that accounted for 20 points ami of Ohio. AtbleUc AssoclaUoh. Street, Texas quarterback and vard 87 , Lehigh 33, Army 31, Wgh weight of 122 pounds and furlong 'Paumonok. 504, MUt Kershaw 203-201, Art 3 Filanda UCLA, striving for its fourth Woodard, who served In a slotant director of atldetics March 31 session of the aihiters ®®n led a fast break attempt, 7 3 3 17 overcame Long Beach’s zone In the small college tourneys, Only three of the 19 seniors an honorable mention All-Amer- Rutgers 27%, ComeU 24, North Might, a runner from C al^r^^ Cunliffe 201, Ddck Nash 2QS-667, 1 G lover 1 (M) 2 straight national tUle and its number of capacities including Ten 3 and 4-yeEU'.old8 w ere en­ CAR SERVICE writer, from director of will have Chris McHale In a Hathaway came down the court 2 Barone 0 (H) 0 defense cus UCLA crushed the the NCAA college dildskm Utl^ Carolina 18%. Pittsburgh 10. *20 (or the 1%-mUe, $76,000- John Fogarty 209, Wayne Tracey 1 Owens that of assistant to Commission­ majored in physical educaUon lean. tered Tliursday tor the six-fur- m 3 0-1 6 sixth in seven years, shattered sports Information to as- guest role. The young pro um- ^ast, trying to block the shot 1 Proet 49ers after Utah State nipped is at stake tonight at EvansvUle, —tackle Bob M cKay, Texas; Street str»¥,v drmiped aU Ws courses Syracuse - and Bucknell 9 each, guaranteed New OrleaM Handl- i,,,^ Albany Handicap Including 60S. 1 OO 2 the 19-game winning streak of er Joe Foes when the league at the Ivy League School. plre will discuss field positions ®nd *akn Mason out at the same 0 Gutda 0 1-2 1 Santa Clara on Ed Epps’ Jump­ Ind. where Philadelphia Textile center Rodney Brand, Arkan- —accotmUng, statisUcs, real es- AdelpW 7 , Lafayette 6, East ®®P ®* ^^r Grounds, Big Red 'Ryder, winner of four 0 Caaaerino 0 OO 0 Long 'Beach State 88-66 in the started, left to enter ‘another Dave Gambee, now In his 12th and trick y play altuaUons. time. His effort proved disas­ er 'With 10 seconds left followed and Tennessee State play for sports field," It was announced. sas, and defensive end Jimmy tate, insurance and business law Stroudburg 4, East Carolina and Other Ukely starters are Oa- MlJt CITY — Roland Smith West reglonals at Seattle. races in 1969 and all six of his Specializing in all trous. He landed heavily on his 13 Totals 23 1047 54 by a game-saving steal by Ndte the ediamplonship. stauls this year. 201-226406, Bob Baasett 660, Joe Jacksonville ended Iowa’s 16- The new field was unspecified In Gunn, Southern Oallfornla.' —last Jan. 9, six days before Colgate 2 each. bildo and Vlf, 119 each, and Mlr- WUUams. Textile beat California, Rivei> The other 16 seniors had tbe semifinal exams. Non-scorers were Columbia, acle HUl, last year’s winner, Taoiuwe 202, Jim Lawrence 209, gam e winning streak 104-103, the announcement from William Everett Lowrance’s Love New Orleans Defeats Leaders “ I 'was very well pleased, par­ side, 79.63t and Tennessee State H. SuHivan Jr. o f the m erger Gunnar Larson 219-206-693, Tom foreign made cars VUlanova thumped Niagara 98- following major subjects: Man- *i was a ilttle bit behind, not Drexel Tech, Fordham, Gettys- H6. That 'DoUar faeaids the probables ticularly with our d^ense," said whipped B uffalo State 101-80 in com m ittee. (or the Rebel Handicap, a prep 204, Ken P lecity 210, Bob Manormen Top West Sides 73, St. Bonaventure overpow­ dlch, economics; wide receiver really far behind, i was ^u*Y> LaSalle, Penn, Penn Among those expected (or the Coach Wooden of UCXA. "We Thursday’s semifinals. Woodaid, a former newsman, Walker GUlette, - - - State, St. John’s, St . Joseph’s i i-i«-mlle, $85,000-added Cana- for-the Arkansas Derby April 4. Heavisides 660, Jfan McCarthy In a single Senior League ered N.C. State 80-68, Drake Richmond, afraid I’d mess up on one of my found themselves in the fourth kept them from the inside and The 29-game winning streak came Into football from golf West Virginia, and WUUam and dian Turf Handicap at Gulf- FeUpe Handicap. 201 , Ekank Gallqs 216-246-223- game Tliursday night. Green quarter, outscoring Manor 31- beat Houston 02-87, New M exico math; offensive tackle John exams and not get to $day baae- Complete line of Yolliswcigim attacked their zone very well. I of Stephen F. Austin, the No. 1 where he was an official of the Mary. stream Park are Great Cohoes, ; ------688. Royals Down Rockets Manor bad little trouble in de­ State overcame Kansas State Word, Oklahoma State, forest- ball,” explained Stroet, a sec- 18, but their eMorts were txx) woujd not have gueesed that it team in the final AP small col­ Western Golf Association. Be­ feating a revamped Weot aides late. 70 66 and Utah Stete shaded ry; guard Bill Bridges, Houston, ond team All-American pitcher 119; Eaglesham , 116; P revail­ re4Niilt engines would be this easy." lege poll, 'was snapped by Guil­ fore that, he held administrative Y — Al Bujaucius 147408, Ken array 92-65 at Ilhng. Santa Clara 69-68 in the other secondary educaUon; Phipps, the last two years. JEWElXi — Scuidy Brown 188- ing, 114, and Otoraano II and Green Manor’s fdtack New Mexico State blew a 17- ford 100-94 in the NAIA quarter­ posts in iMsebsill. Red Baron Seaton 172-404, Tony M arinelli Manor Jumped to an early 14- led by their two big men Clayt NCAA regional games. Industrial economics; halfback However, Street re-enroUed In 607, Judi Bugnacki 16»478, JUl Zarco, 112 apiece. In NBA Tilt, 165-151 point lead, but rallied behind finals at Kansas City. A succe^r has not been 147-137-402, Fred MeCUrry 144- The restilts set up these pair­ Bob Anderson, Colorado, bust- February and was ruled eligible M errill 176-604, Florence Viasoe Other natimial features are N F W VCTJV /ATJV rn . , . * Increased that to 20-10, Nivleon and Rea, each with 20 Jimmy Collins and Sam Lacey, Ekistem New Mexico beat named. 136-38B, Andy Lam oureaux 874, , ^ r iW , vAl*)— lom Van Arsdale was only 19 fi»® second stanza, points, other managing double ings for the national quarter-fi­ ness; halfback Steve Owens, for baseball after his'teachers *n. $27,600 ChaUedon Stakes at Pim - Paces W in to beat Kansas State. Drake M aryland State 76-74 in over­ Don Carpenter 146-372, Al Pirkey USED Tom Rea’s scoring^ the figures were Don Romano, Glo nals in the four regional finals Oklahoma’s Heisman Trophy submitted statements saying he Uoo, the $25,00(Vadded Paum o- and a pro basketball career was still a dream in 1962 H®**™* staved off a Houston rally In the time, Central Washington shad­ 136-378, CharUe Whelan 164-883, Saturday afternocm: CIAC! Tonmament winner, general business admin- had peuMing grades when he when Philadelphia and New York set a National Bas- *’***"«** increased their total to Talaga and Jim Breen with 14, closing minutes to beat the Cou­ ed Jackson State 72-70 and Ken­ For Flyers P ete Aoeto 188-887, Art Johnson VOLKSWAUENS FOR SALE w ith *■ ***OK>lng 29 points at inter- 13 and 10 markers respectively. East at Columbia, S.C., 2:10 Class M IstraUon; fullback , withdrew. ketball Association scoringr record for two teams gars in the Midwest reglonals at tucky State downed Central The Philadelphia Flyers have 368, Joe Twaronite 377, John 316 points. mlsalon, 49-20. Confinuing to Collins Judd scored------— 14 of - • his■ p.m ., iEST, St. Bonaventure, 24- Hand 77, Kolbe 78 Ohio State, marketing. And finally there’s Buddy Lawrence, Kan. OolUns’ 28 State o f Ohio 66-86 in the other traveled this route before. B leder 136-866, Jerry Smith 863, 1 .. Elvln Hayes led all scorers dominate every aspect of the 20 points in the last quarter to 1, -vs. VUlanova, 22-6. South Windsor 108, MldiHetown Defensive end Phil Oleen, McClinton, whoee mother paints paced the Aggies. Al Wil­ NAIA quarter-finals. Hiey’re used to the Red Baron FYank Oalvo 142471, Jim CUtq>- ATsoaie isn t w* _i_.^ .rabbdd__ , MwtA Manor Increaaad th6lr Mideast at Columbus, Ohio, 64 Utah Statis, personnel and Indus- wouldn’t let him play hi^ pace the West Sides. John using them for target practice. poni 140-356, Honk Martyn 864, 4:06 p.m ., EST, K entucl^, 26-1, trial relations; McCoy, econom- school or ctdlege footbaU imiMia CHUCK'S day nttl, 'S , a. a a «~a .Nddn, d.»l,* . QuagUa contributed 12, whUe Last season. Red Berenson Russ DeVeau 366. lead with one quarter remain­ vs. JacksonrvlUe, 2I|^. Ics; defensive tackle Mike Reid, he maintained a B average. D ieso’ s evenlnp- intn » nio.K. ^® *' Orleans fought back a Cliff LaPolnte was cloM behind By M ARTY RALBOVSKY, NEA Sports Writer tied a Naticxial Hockey League ing. The West Sides finally Midwest at la.'Wence, Ken., FOREIGN CAR SERVICE mare, scoriij^ St®, to^lid *" “’® ®‘°®^ "“**■ with 10 points. record with six goals In a single NITE OWLS — Norma Imler 4:10 p .m ., EST, Drake, 22-6, 'VS. game against the Flyers. The 196-483, Carol M ldm ud 177463, New M exico State, 28-2. 16-Pittsburgh, NL East Lota Johnson 176-492, OeoeUa RT. 83—VERNON tymg ^962 1962 ma^k“mark. « ‘ ®"® '^-®® ^ ®®-®«^ Spencer " ‘-® Hay- ® * " NIT Opens for 3Srd Toum ^. P ow erfu l R o c k V i 11 e T ea m St. Louis superstar didn’t score West at SeatUev 6:06 p.m ., a single goal Thursday night but Henderson 176-464, Mciry Lourie TEL. 875-5851 The Royals also broke a club wood led Denver with 26 points EST. UCLA, 28-2, vs. Utah PROSPlCTU$ — Danny Murtoufh, 175-186-494, Jeni Granato 196-606, scoring record set earlier this and 28 rebounds. was every bit as devastating. State, 22-6. Defeats Indians Shooters who took the Pirotei all the way in Helen M lchniewlos 486, Ektte ysM against Atlanta. Los Angeles came back from Beronson assisted on oU four Open 8 A .M . till 9 PJM .— ^Mon. th ru Sat. Yunkus Makes Debut The winners of these four Tlie Manchester Hgb rifle Haven tonight for the I960, returnt at manager with tame St. Louis goals as the Blues Whitfond 472. ■The cwitest at Cincinnati was a nine-point deficit In the final games move on to College Park, thought lor 70. He hat a talented the only NBA acUon Thursday period and closed to within two team loot tts third and final State Rifle team matches and edged closer to the West Divi­ Md., for die aemtfinala and match of ttie season to a more hope to come home the victors, t team, but too much hinges on come- sion crown with a 4-2 victory night. In the American Basket- with 11 seconds left. champfonshlp game Thursday ball Association, New Orleans In Garden Classic powerful Rockville High team hackt by Bill Mazerotki ■ and Gene over Phlladelidila. In the only stopDed Denver iis-ios aiui Ken ?® " ^ NEW YORK «iPOtlKrht tonight when h. l«ui. Goor and UCLA each are only two vic­ In a cloeely ocotaeted mat®‘*' "*** HIT showing J“ **®’ °®®'f° ® ’ both teams produced • very In- Marty liquort finally may cop- PITCHING — Strong ftaH, oltkougk bullpt® could use tomt holp. Top 27th of the year, ■was the winner 3 throughout __Mniiiaftn RniiftrA fiarvijkn iq ® nationally Madison televised Square contest Garden nationally televised contest Adolph Riqpi who would dearly •four ort Stovo< ilo u (16-10), Dock Ellii (11-17), Bob Moom (14-1) and with just over six minutes left. nels. teresUng mottdi. For^Monobes- ture the national collegiate In­ at 1 p.m. ,EST . love to win a fifth national tlUe oom against the veteran Dukes, 17-6, ter, Otft, Pate I.elaehiUs (188), door mile title, but well - mue- lob Voalt (13-14). M , »bo no-hiltod Moh and bod ERA of 2.91, could Three St. Louis goals came In the nightcap, the final to match Johnny Wooden, tbo bo No. 1 btforo ytar't out. lullpon hot liu cc Dtl Canton (1-2), Joe Gib­ who have been in 12 previous Bi%hi Nosh (187), Jtued Stans- cled Kansas - even without with Philadelphia shorthanded, game of the first round, Louis­ tXlLA mentor, saw hit Kentuc­ bon (6-4) and Chuck Hortonitoin (S-4). All oppoorad in 50 or mort giving the Blues 81 power play ttald (184) and Whltfoon West graduated Jim Ryun - zhn^iM ville, 18-8 , with center Mike ky t ^ d c a t s raUy from a 83-48 gomof. Rating—R-f- goals for the year. Ten nessee State Battles Yunkus, a 6-foot-9H Junior (178) continued their fine fooot- retain its team orown in the Grosso, faces Oklahoma, 18-8. halftime deficit to beat Notre The four polnta gave Beren­ with a 80.8 point a game aver­ lag, Menrheetar ends its NCAA Indoor Track and Field On Saturday, Manhattan, 17-7, Dame. CATCHING — Manny Songuillon kit .303 loit ytor. Ezeopt (or Johnny son ,known as the Red Baron, 67 age, U one of the highly-touted Dan Issel led the Wlldcata’ rsgtdor season with a record of chomptonsUpa stortlag tonight Itnch, b bait yoang catekor in NL If bo noodi rnt, lorry May and Doro For NCAA Division Title players in the tournament, but “ ®*“ ^®*'‘ ** Carolina, 18-8, and polnta lor the season. He led the rally. He taHied 44 points, 24 o< U-8 while Rockville ends It by Uquori. like Ryun a 1,000 - Rickottz, from Cardi, ero tkora. RoHng— 1-)- West Divtslon wftfa 83 foot year. them In the' second half, to help a gaudy record of 14-1. meter finalist in the 1988 Olym- Ross Lonsberry and Eddie offset the 62 tossed In Austin Tbs looala travel to New pios, lost la a dead heat INFIELO — Al OHvor kit tt S witk 17 HRt n rookit fint boMmon loit young team without a senior on “ VoinU ^ oarry Nelson. ’ Shack powered Los Angeles’ Carr of Notre Dame. , ------to Ryun in loot yaar*a two • day yoer. But bo’ll bo putkod by Bob RobortMn, who lod IntomoHonol Looguo conquest of Pittsburgh with two Its squad, and PhUadelpWa Tex- “ “* ‘*‘® ® ^ ® On tho same doubleheader. St. J^ttl? 2^ri;pii;M with 34 HRi in| Columbut loit Motoa. Sacaad ii itill Maztroiki’ii if bt can F O R R E N T! "One of our problema wps Btanehsster High Rifle Team NCAA ahow «t gUstaaing Opbo goals each. The victory broke a \ t tile, a unit with finesse and a ®* **** R®ms made 46.2 per cent John’s, 18-7, which has won this *atta, 18-6 In toe night double- that we were not getting the ball (tis) Arana. coma bock. Ploytd only 47 goawt latt Mawn bafora log injury. Jou six-game losing streak to the 37-gamo winning atreek, tangle of their floor shots and gathered tournament four times and is header ' ^ to laseU" Rupp said. "So I told 4M 04841—188 Ryun and Uqubrt both wore Martinaz, kit ^61 ropioctmaaf lotf momo, oad Dgrt Cotk, .291 ot Penguins this season and was Thot’s right, it** not too ooriy to rosorvo for toiright for the NCAA College 53 rebounds. 19 by Poole. Mike »»*®W'« ®PP®®ranc® The ‘ winners Friday night the boys ‘I don’t know whether Noah 88484844-187 clocked at 4.-15) and rotorvo now. the showdown phase at Evans- Tennessee had another run- ®*ve clubs. Miami ranks amOon victors meet In th© other, we got the ball to Issel we got backstroke and trseitsle and Is arily' oomptUng In the Indivi-'- Lorensan 48434842—178 straight Indoor mile tttle. txporionetd uHlitymon. Rating—8— Angeles lost his shutout bid vlUe twice before, losing both away, pounding Buffalo State **Hh in the country on defense, j„ bracket, some points." on the University of Conneeb one of the top five soorors on duol modley, Kirk U on oU-! Other MH8 Bhootsrs Uquori and (wo-time 440 when Ptttsbi^h defenseman This yoor wo will hovo ovoiloblo: OUTFIELD — Ona of baMboll’i bait: Cbmtnto in right, Motty Alou in times In the opening round In 101-80. John'® eighth. Saturday night’s winners "I thought we might do it, but tout team shown with Coach ■round perfortner, and oon-' AUws 48444844—173 champion Locry Jbmea hood the varsity. Last year he omn- cantor, Willb Storgoll in loft. Tkoir ’49 figurtt; Clomonto—.34S; Alou— Bob Blackburn- scored late in 1968 and 1968. The Tennessee The Tigers, tutored by Ed Maravich, major college bas- meet In one of Tuesday night's we simply ran out of gas," said Matent point witmer tor his! HUbboid 48464448—171 IBDoaova'a bid to dMtirane Pete McDevitt (left), are, from peted In the Natioaala at In- .331, Storgoll—.307 with 29 HR*. Wkoa thay roit, two rookbi will fill in; the final period. DeJordy ex­ TRAVEL TRAUBtS FfCKUF COACH Tigers never have passed the Martin, were headed by a pair ketball’s all-time high scorer quarter-finals and the Sunday Johnny Dee, Notre Dame coaci-. <••*«*■ Hlo mador oouna of; Bmmerllng 48414447-188 Kamas, rriuratag with the idtot- left, Ted Brindamour, of Man­ John Jtftr, .285 with-25 HR* at Columbai, aad Angal Monguol, who bd celled In the second stonsa, regional playoffs. of Juniors, Ted "The Hound"'and with a 46.6 average this sea- winners In the other In the lower diona and now bolda Uu Unl> ■tudjr la iaauranoe. Piolmer 47484841—158 put trio wfatoh oonttfoubed U (1 3 to I f FOOT) (O N YOUR TRUCK OR OURS) "Kentucky is No. 1 until some- Ea*ttrn Laagua ‘in hit*, bomor* and RBI* lo*t yaar at York. Rating—A turning back 16 shots. He wound Tile Rains, oooebed by Heib McClain with 29 points and Ron son, doesn't turn on Louisiana bracket. ons proves differently." chester, Kirk Thomton of Glas­ verslty 100 yard bockatroka Sooflold ia tbs top in the DunfMd 4T-4447-36-140 pohtts to the JoyMawto’ record up with 37 saves. TENT TRAILERS MOTOR HOMES record at B6A He ia oloo co- Magee , a former star for the Dorsey with 22. The hefty but State’s high-powered offense— The semifinals are Thunday Jacksonville will try to prove tonbury, and Richard Scofield IW yard braaatstnkq. He hoMe ■sekvUls High (888) wtanbig tetol Mat year. TOF ROOKIES — Co*k, Jatar and Mengual leak bail, but onotbor holder o f rscords In the 200 ■Bbool, are 38'3 for fbe oeMon agile team plucked off 61 re' fourth In the country at 94.8 a night and the final Saturday aft- differently Saturday. The Dol­ of Manchester. the seheol rsootd for that sveiii Proulx 48404748-188 ■xpaetad to boss into Om Kon- pitekor, Frank Cambria, might oIm makt It. Ha wo* 9-2 at York bit EARLY BIROS — Anita ond ranked 13th nationally. bounds, 20 of them by Lloyd game—until the first game of ernoon, March 31, at 1 p.m. BST yard medley relay and 400 yard at 1:00.7. A hard worker and 80404848-188 N ^ln 160-348, M ary Kearney Me.« (Weri) W lW m eiilk phins, virtually unloxMvn at the Brindamour is an outstapdlng ih o g l und I'VUlonbva eitowdown os main ytor oad pilckad parfoct gama. Tbey led all the way in 'wal- Neal, aM made 60,6 per cent of Sunday afternoon’s doublebead- on natloial television, with a freestyle relay, Ha la majoring •Mdleoted etrimmer, ooooidlii^ 48 48 41 44 MT bride thraata ore B g Ten 141-348, Blblane P oirier 1I3, start of the aeason, knocked off Junior, both as a studsnt and as H owlgy HU lofting California Riverside 7968 its court shots, ^r. The Tigers >8, face dark- third {dace game preceding it. in mathematloB. to MoDoritt, Dick la a Muter REC TOWN U.SJL Iowa’s Big Ten obamptons on a swimmer. He swims both Hook 46484648—188 champfon Wlaocootn and South- Pradiction: 4th in NL East Jon Obushlng 138, Betty Oeno- Thornton, a juidar, is prim­ **>«Joriag In psyohology. A roori 6T4B-6846-1T8 «nt Rlinoto. veee 341. V . : ■ ' •' / -/f. y-'-vv y., ■ ■■■ V/ w ■ \ y •\r ' i- ■A \ ' ^\\\ r . , ' a ; ■■ W\ ; ' a ' ' . v A- ■V V:):; \ - v -v-'ft'Vl

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MiCNCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1970 PAGE TWENTY.DHi PAOB TWENTY MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, "MANCHESTER. CONN.^ FRIDAY, MARCH 13. 1970 ClMllWM SwrviCOT BUGGS BUNNY OUK BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE Hdp Wanted— M * 35 Help Wanted Mele IS O l h n d 1 3 3 5 OKAV, CICERO/THATS PEACE.., X SUHSS ME STILL T H E Aanrtr !• I CLASSIFIED SHARPENING Servloe — SaWa, AUTO mechanic, steady work, CNOUSU VIOLIN PRACTICIN' i r s POESNT KNOW M A O O R knlvea, axea, ahean, akataa, SECRETARY Receptloniat, good fringe benefits. No Satur­ SECURITY GUARDS P E R r P A V ! WONRERFULJ RIP Old-Time Frolics BERRyS WORLD needed for doctor’s offlca In I (SU6SS MV STSONS IHES 0EIN' TURNER rotary blades. Quick aerVica. days. See At Patch, Servloe Excellent .beneiRa and nssr WILLPOWER IS PAYIN' ' o f f RE&ULABlV.' i AAORE T O Capitol Equipment Co., SI Manchester. Applicant must be Manager, Carter Chevrolet OFF AJ=TEB ALL.' rVE SEEN NEWS­ CURB HI6 a good typist and able to meet wages. Must fiavis clean rM- X LOST FIVE POUNDS CASTERS WHO A P P E T IT E ACROSS Initrumant advertising .Main St., Manoheater. Hours Co,, me., 1229 Main St., Man­ ord and be of good char­ 3 Child o f the public. Hours Monday chester. THIS WEE< EVEN WERE SETTER -THAN A 1 Playing CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS dally 7:80-6, Thurwlay, 7:894, acter. Work avaHaMe full TVOUSH 1 WAS TOO INFORM ER T O U R — — oln ca nisei parents Saturday, 7:80-4. 648-7966. throiigh Friday, 1 until 6 with TOUfiH TO 06 AFTER THEIR O F T H B 4 Appointment 8 AJL to 4:80 PJI. Wednesday off. Pleaas reply DISHWASHER and part-tkne in the Mlddle- S — L rid n wanted for town-Hartford area. Cidl HYPNOTIZEP.' TELEPPOMPTER S T O C K - ■ CompatiUva to meet — ' ’ "-v______RHARPENTNO Servloe- Sawn, Box "A ." Manchester Herald. Saturday nights. Apply Cavey’s. % 0 R O K 6 / VARRS/ 5 Cornucopia 627-4177. ip e llln g ----- knives, scUsora, garden and Restaurant, 45 E. Center Bt. 11 ^ c lu d a 6 Frianda (Sp. CWPY CLOSING TIMS FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. ahop toola. Power mowara re­ WOMAN wanted to care for U S h ou ld tr 7 A t a distance small home of adult couple. (d ia l.) • PJI. DAT BBFOSiB PUBUOATIOM paired and aervlced. Pick up PINKERTON'S, INC. (comb, form) Llve-ln preferred. Room, board IS Mountain In 8 Liver - Dradtlnc for SatonUy Mid Moadny la 4i99 p.ni. rrldni and d eliv ered . Sharpall, 686 secretion Adama Bt. (rear) Manoheater, and garage furnished. Refer­ DEAN MACHINE Aaia M inor 44 Masculine NIGHT auditor, hours U mid­ B B ibU cal. 28 Biblical 646-6306. ences required. Call after 10 14 Light aarcaim wiaem en appellation PRODUCTS night — 8 a.m., S days. Ap­ . .. AimuW««<>«• 15 Curl o f hair n rd e n PLEASE READ YOUR AD a.m ., 644-0711. 29 And others 45SmeU IP ply Fiano's Motor ^ 190 17------gamaa 10 Gnaws 46Rom an 11 Excavate (ab.) **ken over tb* phone oa ■ WOMAN wanted to babysit oc­ 102 COLONIAL RD. E ast C enter St. 646-SMO. IB Camara part 30 Capital of emperor 5??l*y5*^-®y„**vertieer abonld read Me nd uieTIR8T HouswhoM SwnrlcM ALLEY OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN 20 Graak lattar 16 Flash 47 Heroic casional evenings during the 18 Oithallo’s Latvia Ofimwd 13-A 21 NaUva o f 32 Far 49 AnglO'Siucon w eek. 649-7684 a fte r 7 p.m . Has immediate openings— TRUCac mechanic's helper. THEN THOSE ARE FROM THATS RIGHT, THIS ONE... A PR. M VW v-...... \ OH, THE false friend for only ONK in- ...HE WAS THE ONLY (au ffU ) (comb, form) slave 2S«*22.***? toaerUon for any adveiHaein^ and **— TWO handymen want a variety _ „ Apply In person or call Motor PH3PLE WHO ARE RIAUV 00O1A...M0NEY ANDERSON WEST WHY HIM IN ) CHOICE ONE WHO ENaOSED 23 Early OaUic 22 Slavic ruler 50 Home for SERKXIS ABOUT LEASING WAS NO OBJECT ANP ASSOCIATES.' ' PARTICULAR / W AS 35 Tight of Jobe by day or hour. Rea- Days 7 a.m.-4:80 p.m. Truck A Traiiar Co., Route S, A CASHIB«S CHECK triba 23 Dance the doves' TOUR TIME- MACHINE.' WITH THEM ? ^RELATIVEiy FDR SSOO.OOO WITH 26 Frivolous V irgin ia------37 Sandy aonable. Call 643-5805. vt: 4 ^ Columbia, 228-9349. SIMPLE... HIS APPLICATION.' expanses 51 Arduous 2ZnSSL^ni!keSd?'tal^ win not b. Nights 4 p.m.-l a.m. ------31 G uido'a not# 24 G irPi name iou m sv COMPTOMETER 25 Lady 40“----- Bridge CUSTOM made draperlea, allp 32 Brushy clump is falling 52 Title of TTTRRFT T ATMF ^ openings In our nsur- 33 F ins violin (colL contr.) oovera and . reupholaterlng. OPERATORS lU K K i!,l L.A THE—Set-up \y organised grinding depart- 27 Roman dow n" respect fBoekvtlle, ToB F re e ) 34 Flush with S4B om ana operate. ment for experienced ID and t l I^USTEB ROESNT theaters 41 Lubricate Budget terma. Eatabllabed In auccaaa Openings for experienced OD grinders. Many exeaUent 7 U KNOW THE S6Partofhaad 64-2711 1945. Daya, 524-0154, evenlnga, I” r - 3” r - S” S“ 7” r~ r ~ IS 875-3136 Comptometer Operators, BRIDGEPORT MILLING benefits plus quarterty bo­ 3-a \ S C O R E • 38 Amusing 649-7590. FULL-TIME and PART- MACHINE OPERATORS nuses. Cfome in to nee Mr, anacdota 12 13 SBComposadof I t RE W BAIGN O ot buma, moth- TIME. Must be skilled In all —Set-up and operate. Orsech, for an Uitervlow at thinplatas 14 holea, xiiq>erB repaired. Win­ Klock Co., 1866 ToUand Tpks, u 15 Treulle Reaching Our Adverliicr? phases of Comptometer All benefits BY J. B. WILLIAMS 41 Arixona dow ahadea made to meoature, w ork. Manchester. OUT OUR WAY 14 county 17 14 all alae Venetian bllnda. Keya 42 New » 24-Hour Answering Service made while you wait. Tape re­ An equal opportunity employer KADBVICH of our {dasma ~T~sa^>A. 1^ HOOH.BOY.' eHORTV.THIS OPEMIH67 ^ (com b, form ) Company offem excellent flame spray department Is glv- Z.Z VEAKSi' IS HANK.' IT'S THB B O T T O M 43 Alw ays corders for rent. Marlow's, 867- OF TH'BARREL/ W JT SI u wages, above average bene­ ______Ing interviews for an expsrl- I COULPNT YOU CAN SHOW (con tr.) Free t o Herald Readers Maln St. 649-5231. fits, congenial co-workers TAKE a n o t h e r HIM AROUNR.'... , ...ANPAFTBRMY " ® 1,70 b, Nf*, enced inspector. Must be 4S Individuals s r and excellent working con­ DAVY JONES BY LEPP and McWILLIAMS RAY ON THIS HANK.TOUR HITCH APTITUPE TESTING 48 Ignores WwM Inionwwt&oii on d m ot oof clMnlllwd sdveziteemeBtiiT LIGHT TRUCKINO, bulk deliv- familiar with aircraft parte BACK-BREAKING IN A NAVY SUB THEYTOLPME 53 Relies on 34 !!• WDrarar at the telephone Hntedf Simply cnDttiP ery, yards, atUca, cellara "I think it's only fair to tell you, ma'am— he's rated 'X T ditions. Apply: MACHINISTS and procedure. Many excaUent JOB.'.;ANP THATS SHOULPAWKE T U R R E T LATHED 55 New Zlealand cleaned and removed. Also odd benefits plus quarterly bo­ *■ I SHOVEL ON SOME COAL, CAPTAIN, WE'RE MOVING AT MY REPLACEMENT YOU FEEL RIGHT WERE/WY BAS.' 34 A WELL,THAT, naUve Jobs. 644-8962. • ENGINE LATHE nuses. Apply In person, Klock O R WE'LL SET THERE TOO LATE TOP SPEEP, MARCO. . AT HOME.' 56 Boundary GIRAFPE?./' ITS THE ONLY FIGURES.' 42 EDWARDS FIRST NA-nONAL Co., 1886 Tolland Tpke., Man­ T O HELP MY PAL RAVY/ OPENING AT (comb, form) LIGHT trucking, cellar and at- • BRIDGEPORT MILLINO 57 Eternity Mnnnary, Holp W antof^ chester. THE PRe^HTi 46 ih so s r ANSWERINO SERVICE tlca cleaned, odd Jobs, lawna, STORES INC. 58Natundfot Drossm akliig 19 59 Fabulous bird u and trees cut and removed. 35 PARK A OAKLAND AVENUES Second shift. Must be top SINGER CO. Due to expansion 33 a 60 Compais point 548-6000. MRS. PRESS — 'Dressmaking WAITRESS — FuU-time, notch all around men. Ca­ we have an opening In the hf 53 SAMSOO S75-2S1} BAST HARTFORD, CX)NN. 61 Fume 53 and alterations, eicpert work- pendable woman who pable, ambitious. Overtime, Manchester area, tor a man DOWN end lenv«. your meeaage. Toa*U beiw httni onr aavertMer M AL MARINO Services — Now 34 60 31 manship. 66 B. Center St. Lo­ work from 6-1 nights. No Sun­ all benefits, air-conditioning. to be trained In sales and cer­ U p Jig Hmr witbont apendlnt bH evening at the telepimie. booking spring cleanups. 1 Lim a,— -U cated in Andrews BuUdlng. 649- days. Acadia'Restaurant, Man­ A p p ly : tain phases In management. 2 W ind Attics, cellara, garages, es­ 8088. WOMAN wanted to care for ETCcellent opportunity tor ad- (N m ffH iiUtrprit* AiiaJ chester, 649-0898. tate contents bought. Bulky children vdiile mother works, vancment for the right man. t Automobilas For Sola 4 furniture moved, removed. HAIRDRESSER — excellent live in preferred but hot neces­ J. T. SLOCOMB CO. Good starting saUry, .commis­ 1968 DODGE Charger, radio Free estimates. 644-2615. Moving— Trucking— working condlUons, full or sary, $60. weekly plus room 68 MATSON HILL RD. sions, vehicle provide^ Ikany HERiUJI and heater, power steering and Storoga 20 part-Ume. Apply Anthony and board. Call 644-0196. GLASTONBURY, CONN. employe benefits. Apply Sing­ brakes, air-condlU oning. 65,0(M H airdresser, 129 O n t e r St., er 0>., 866 Main St., ManAea- CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER B u n d ln 9 " '* BOX LETTERS miles. Exc^lent condiUon. MANCHESTER —Dellvery-Ught 646-8494. 683-9486 ter, to Mr. Moore. $1,700. Firm. 646-8796. Contfoeting 14 trucking and package delivery. F ir Yoor Refrigerators, washers and SALESGIRL for morning shift, Hoip WantMl—Mala 36 SUPERINTENDENT tor garden WAYOUT BY KEN MUSE IW CMEVROLET Impala. DORMERS, garages, porches, H NU, W T M. I«t U t M e«. stove moving, specialty. Fold- five-day week. Please apply g a S STATION attendant need- 'PLUMBERS and plumber’s apartment. Must be sober and Infotnibtkn Beige, V-8, automatic, power rec rooms, room additions, j - t » " —3U » ing chairs for rent. 649-0762. Mr. Donut, 266 West Middle ed, full-time, days. Apply in helpers wanted. CaU 646-4638 reliable, have some knowledge steering, radio. Excellent con­ kitchens, add-a-levels, roofing, T h e h e r a l d w iu imm Tpke., Manchester. person, Gorins Sports Car after 6 p.m. of maintenance and willing to / I WAS THE &OOARE F^G dition. $1,060. 643-2041 after 6. siding, general repairs. Quality diaeloie the identity of Center, Route 88, ToUand work. Good salary and apart­ m a l c o n t e n t any advertiser using box workmanship. Financing avail­ ABANDONED Fainrtng— PopiNriiig 21 n u r s b ’ s a i d e s — 7 to s p .m ., Tpke., TalcottvlUe. EXPERIENCEID Bridgeport ment. Send resume to 6 Dow­ incorporated BY THE letters. Readers answer­ able. Economy Builders, Ino. ------^------8 to 1 1 p.m., full and part- operators wanted. Allied Mold ney Dr., Manchester, Conn. ing blind box ads who Truck»—Traefon 5 643-6156, 872-0M7 evenings. B.H. MAGOWAN JR. k Sons, time. Call 640-4616. MILLER Pharmacy requires k Engineering, Subsidiary of ORPHANAGE/ SHORT RIBS BY FRAN K O’ NEAL desire to protect their Interior and exterior painting, ------1966 DODGE A-lOO van, origl- l e q n Clessynaki builder —new drug clerks, over 21, evenings Plastfllne, liic., CTark Rd., PULL-'nMB grocery boy. Good IS NOW identlQr ooa follow ‘hie paper ^hanging. Thirty yeans hours, good pay. Inquire Ver­ p ro ce d u re : nal owner, very good condition. or weekends. BTcperience pre­ V ernon, 876-6238. homes custom built, remodel­ escperience, four generations. WAITRESS wanted — full or non (Urcle Market, ask for H IRIN G / SOUUV, C all 648-9479. ing, additions, rec rooms, ga­ P., 266 Pine St. WOODWORKING 3410. 'want to aee your letter. camper special, fully loaded. floors, hatchways, remodeling ______SKILLED CABINET DEPARTMENT Tour letter will be da- Phone after 6 p.m., 648-0929. porches, garages, closets, ceU- D. k E. PAINTINO service, in- BE A HOSTESS and obtain Co­ FOREMAN atfoyed If the advertieer Inga, attics finished, rec terlor and exterior painting. lonial housewares free. Wood, MAKER BTcperlenced man for supervis­ BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE Is one you've mentlonad. 1963 CHEVROLET, half ton rooms, formica, ceramic. Oth­ Free estimates. Prompt serv­ wrought iron, and milk glass. ing high quality custom work. IN M TATION I'M ON MY WAY TO NEW YORK, YOUWE SURE SOT A JO B ON YOUR HANDS ff not It wUI be handled TAKE THE PRESIDENT OF THE BREWERY, pick-up. Call after 4:30, 649- er related work. No Job too ice. 649-2476, 649-8484. Ckill Mrs. O’COnneU, 646-1668. Good opportunity and benefits. Excellent opening. P E N N Y . LET'S HAVE ALL THE POOP in the usual manner. IF YOU EXPECT THEM TO SPEND A LOT OF FRANKLIN P. STONE. HE'S AN OBSTINATE, 9476. smaU. Dan Moran, Builder. CaU Mr. Arplno, 616-0662 tor DISPLAYCRAFT TO BID YOU HAVE ON THE BREW ERY ANP AAONEY JUST TO PREVENT WATER ANP PENNY-PINCHING EFFICIENCY EXPERT. BRWm DA'VIS, painting and ~ ^ceptkmlst, appointment. Sealed bids wiU be received at CHEMICAL COMPANY BIG SHOTS. Evenings, 649-8880. , exceUent opportunity for • 648-9557 K AIR POLLUTION. NO HOBBIES, NOVICES, NO CHILDREN, papering, prompt courteous the office of the Director of NO SENSE OF H U M O R.... AND A HEART career In a worthwhUe and in­ 1966 OMC %ton, A-1 condition, j LaFlamme —(Jarpenter service. Tel. 649-0466. LANE maintenance, nights. Oeneml Services, 41 Center HERE YOU OF ICE. Loct and Found 1 teresting position In the office MADEW ELL one owner. 743-7036. contractor. Additions, remodel­ Aw>ly in person. HoUday street, Manchester. Octm., untU ARE AMP E D W AR D ~ r ! p r i c e —P alnt- of a doctor in Manchester. Ap­ OF CONNECTICUT, INC. GOOD LUCK. LOST—P a ssb ook N o. 76303. ing and repairs. anytime plicant must be a good typist Lanes, 89 Spencer St., Man- March 20, 1970 at 11:00 a.m. Savings Bank of Manchester. (or free estimates, 875-1642. Ing eicterior and interior, 186 Adams St., Manchester Chester. E.S.T. for Traflon— paper hanging. Ceilings, etc. and able to meet the pubUc, Application made tor payment. pleasant surroundings, Uberal PARTTTMH! ArAdit ROCKLEDGB AND LOOKOUT Mobila Homos 6-A SAVE MONEY! B'ast service. Insured. 649-1008. PART-TI^ credit and col- jtOUIfTAIN WATER STOR- Dormers, room additions, ga- _ ------r r r ;------benefits, salary commensurate b a r b e r s ~ Earn additional BONNAIRE covered wagon, with sTcperience. Hours, 12- i a g e TANK SITE IMPROVE- rages, porches, roofing Md -outside painting. Spe- $1,000 - month. Keep your H orn 10 to 8. Dependable car w|nv*rfl 22', sleepe 6, fuUy seU-contain- 6:80, 6 days a week and Satur­ I'll ^ 1»78 hr WtA, W.. TJd. leg. U S. M. W. slding. Compare prices. Add- rates tor people over 66. present Job. No conflict of in­ essenaiU. Op^rtunKy for toll- ” ™ r m s . plane and speclfl- ed. Electric brakes. Coll 649- day morning. Please reply to INCXiME TAX preparation serv­ A-Level Dormer Ctorp., 289- <^0“ “ V compeUtors, then caU terest. CaU 649-9896. tlme, plus advancement If In- “ 'Uncle Harvey was doing great making figureei on ice. Please caU Dan Mosler, 4446. 0449. uio- Estimates given. 649-7888. box “W”, Manchester Herald. dustrliJus and amblUous. CaU ^ 649-8329 or 247-3116. the ice till he tned a 36-23>36!" WOMAN to work fuU or part- CXX>K and sh ort o rd e r cook . Mr. Roberto at Federal Col- ®*r*,S*" CARPENTRY and remodeling INTERIOR and eTctertor palnt- Good pay tor the right man. lecUon Bureau tor Interview Center Street, Manchester, Con- Motorcyeio^- time In catering. Apply Krause n ecticu t. rec rooms, dormers, kitchens, ing, amaU Jobs only. Free esti- Wm train. Acadia Restaurant, appointment, 646-1318. MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD Caterers, 466 Hills St., East Town of Manoheater, INCOME Taxes prepared by Bieyclos 11 addiUons and garages. OdI mates on aluminum siding. Manchester, 646-0898. 'IC a rv ln B a k er. CaU 643-0267. Tom Cbrbitt, 643-0086. CaU 6-1, 643-6863. H artford. WANTEU5 licensed plumber, ex­ ConnecUcut WHEN I INHERITED THE ■ ------b i c y c l e s —New and used. R e -______■ ri.n-i.Liiu.... l.. 771 7 u t y v 'it fnll.timA o a-in- cellent working conditions. Robert B. Weiss, MATTRESS COMPANY FROM UNDERSTAND STEVE CANYON TAX Returns prepared In the pairs on all makes. Open dally NEWTON H. SMITH and Son— JOSEPH P. LEWIS — Custom SECRETARY for crodtt a ^ 4 „ m sal!^ and oU store CaU 646-2112 tor appointment. General Manager I KNOW HOW BUSY YOU ARE, OH, PHIL MY LATE HUSBAND, IT WAS MINERVA— BY MILTON CANIPP coUectltm manager. Must be 4 p.m. salary and aU store MINERVA— BUT I ALSO KNOW — IT'S SO ALMOST BANKRUPT' AFTER BUT I'M ALSO convenience of your home. 9-&.-30. Manchester Cycle Shop. Remodeling, repairing, addi- Painting, Interior and exterior, benefits. Apply Mr. Kats, Ar- A. B. Chick Plumbing k H eat­ GOOD TO efficient and capable of assum­ YOU HAVE TO EAT, SO I FIGURED WORKING FOR 15 Y^ RS TO CONCERNED FOR YOU, MISS VBiP' SIDNORINA, YES .'YES' F h E h a s PROVED^v^TJe s a y s THAT >t)U?J B u slness • p erson al. (Tail 648- 182 West Middle Tphie., 649- tlons, rec rooms, garages, paperhanging, fuUy insured. ing, In c. SEE YOU! ing reeponslbUiUes. ChaUeng- /thur Drug Stores, 942 Main Bt. WE COULD HAVE LUNCH TOGETHER!j M A K E IT WORTH SOMETHING, ABOUT U S ' CALHOON! ITS MA'AM IT IS IN RE6ARD DIP YOU TO B EA COLONEl. SIONORINA, ARE SS88. 2068. porch ee and roofin g . N o Job For free estimates caU 649-9668. I DON'T WANT TO LOSE IT.' Ing and rewarding position. OlSOM,m SHALL THE POLICE.' TD YOUR COM- THROW IN THE U.S.AIR NOTAaUALLY THE If no answer 648-6862. NOTICE INCOME TAXES prepared by 10O6 B E N B L U m o to rcy cle , 125 Modem air-comUttoned down­ BE6IN WITH COUNT P U IN T ABOUT HIM INTO FORCE/ ^ EMINENT COPPER Holp W antod— M ol* 36 ADMISSION DEL PASSO.'HE IS A ONE SI6NOR PRISON CALHOON-THAT anMintment, personal and cc, good condlUon, $176. CaU WES ROBBINS Carpentry town office. Free parking. CaU CANYON... 7 YOUR REAL NAME IS bustness. Please caU R.J. BeU; after 6 p.m., 649-4266. modeling specialist. Additions, Mr. Roberto, at Federal Ool- OF ELECTORS fATt MYRA 649-6788. rec rooms, dormers, porchea, ______Floor RnMiing 24 lectlcn Bureau for interview NoUce to hereby given that the BRECKEWRIP6E * Board for Admission of electors cabinets, formica, buUt -Ins, FLOOR SANDING and refinlsh- appointment, 646-1218. BIDE WANTED to Travelers Biisinass Sanrlcos bathrooms, kitchens, 649-3446. ------MACHINE OPERATORS for the Town of (toventry, State 8-4:80, from Bolton (Hebnm- ______!______1______^ (speclaUxIng in older WOMAN WANTED for mwith of ot ConnecUcut, wlU be In m s - Andover line), 646-0787. Offarod 13 MASONRY — AU types of stone floors). Inside painting. Paper May, six-days weekly. Help FIRST - SECOND - THIRD SHIFT slon at the Town Office BuUd­ DRY WALL — remodeling — and concrete work. <)uaUty hanging. No Job too smaU. with house and chUdren, 643- lng on the 21st day of March INDIVIDUAL Income tax re­ OPENINGS Workman^p, work guaran- John VerfaiUe, 649-6760. 4934. 1970, from 10:00 a .m . to 13 turns prepared In your home paint, repair, or replace ceil­ ings and walls. Reasonable teed>CaU after 6, 648-1870, 644- Cleon ahop, steady work, ample free parking. (Tompemy Noon to examine the qualifica­ by appointment. CaU 649- rates. CaU 649-6764. 3976. paid retirement plan, hoepital, medical, life Inwranoe pro­ tions and act on the aopUcatloiis 6606, H. H. Wilson. Bonds Srocki— BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY KEYPUNCH OPERATOR gram, paid hoUdays, vacation. Apply Personnel Office, of any reeldento ellglMe to ap- ‘ ----- LIGHT trucking, odd Jobs, also HALLMARK BuUd^ tor Mortgogos 27 8 :3 0-4 :S a ply for admission. home improvement, additions, ------______moving largo appliances. Birni- AU appUcanto must (1) be a ICE CREAM] CANPr] 9 H E ! I PUT ON TWO POUNDS rec rooms, garages, roofing, MORTGAGES — 1st and 2nd, Opening tor experienced Al­ V A olem ablleB For Sola 4 ing barrels deUvered, $4. 644- U nited S tates CTlUsen, (2 )—h ave POPCORN] JUST HEARING ABOUT FOOD] gutters. Free estimates. AU mortgages— interim financing pha-Numeric IBM keypunch- (X)NSOLIDATED ______1776. er to work fuU-tlme days. attained their twenty-flist birth­ WINTHROP 1968 MUSTANG, red, 289, auto- work guaranteed. CaU 646-3027. —expedient and confidential Company offers exceUent day, and (31—have established matlo, exceUent condition, 6 PIANO tuning, by graduate of •enrloa. J. D. Real Estate wages and working condi­ their residency in Coventry tor new tires, $1,060. Firm. 389- Hartt College of Music. Ward Aaeoo. 64M n 39. CIGAR CORP. tions, convenient free park­ at least six months prior to such 8181 after 6 p.m. Krause, 648-6336’.- Roofing— Siding 16 ing, in-plant cafeteria and MANUFACTURING DIVISION applicaUon. ^ .STEREO SICK? Let us doctor ROOFING and repairs done Binln^gg ODOOrtVnIIV 28 above average benefits. Ap­ 131 Oak Street — Glastonbury Dated at Coventry, CkmneoU- VOLKSWAGEN 1960-Mechan- It- Call day-night, radio equip- reallsUcally. Free estimates. ------^------l ! 2 ______* ____ p ly : cut, this loth day of March tea eoecial 61M. 644-0776. prow*pt service. 647- P 6e S Roofing, 649-1016, 649- or phone 633-9441 for interview appointment. 1970. 9000. 2878. RUBBISH route for sole. 180 Margaret E. Jacobson, 1960 CHEVROLET Impala, ------■ ^ stops. Richard Lee, 238-9680. FmST NA*nONAL An equal opportunity employer Elisabeth R. RychUng, Super Sport convertible. AU BRICK, Mock and stone work. ROOli'iNO and roof repair. STORES, INC. Board for Admlssiona deluxe features. Guaranteed. Brick wuUs, patioe, outdoor-in­ Cfoughlln Roofing Co., too. 643- HOUSEWIVES — couples, your P A R K k OAKLAND 13-13 P r ice d to selL Phone 649-S96S. door fireplacee, aldewalks, 7707. own business at home, piart or AVENUES chimneys. Free estimatea. ------fuU-Ume, caU 647-1851, after 6 BAST HARTFORD, CX>NN PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER 1967 GTO, ehowroom condition. Domenlc Morrone, 649-1604. BIDWBIX Home Improvement p. m. for Interview. Wen maintained. Not abueed. Co. Expert Installation ot You DO POP SPENT ALL Many extras. 648-0290. TWO. YOUNG married men aluminum siding, gutters and BXCELLBINT neighborhood s q h (X)L BUS drivers, Bolton, UNDER STANID, DAY t e l l i n g NAE 1 ~ tavern that eerves hot meals, DON'T YOU I WON'T SET A ' wUl do smaU repair JoM and trim. Roofing InstallaUon and bourn 7:20-9 a.m. and 2-3:46 WOMEN PRISCILLA? HOftSE FOR MY 1969 CHEVROLET Nova, exoel- painting, aloo ceUar cleaning repairs. 649-6496, 876-9109. plssa, grinders. Fine tor a p.m., 649-8400. BIRTHDAYV lent condition, S-speed V-8, and lig h t tru ckin g. Cbdl 046^ couple, T.J. Crockett, Realtor, radio, beater. Muet sell, go- 3693, 646-3047. 648-1677. EARN EXTRA MONEY FOR EASTER b w o v ereea s. 646^)648. DING-DONG BY LESLIE TURNER ______TREE SERVICE (Souder) — Roofing and AVON CALLING mBED CART Credtt very bad? buUdlng lota ADD TO FAMILY INCOME LST'* HOT »IVB HBV.WAirA SECOND! Chimnays 16-A H o l p W o n m d Bankrupt, rsposaesslonT Hon- oared, trees topped. Got a You can earn $$$ in your spare e o WAV TO oaw tiR i WHAT'B THIB BIO 3 5 time selUng guaranteed coe- THINK. BA »y, ^DBA VCWB GOT7 est Douglaa accept! lowest problem! WeU worth ROOFINO — Spedallalng re- ______STEADY WORK UNTIL MAY down, smaUest phon, caU. 742-8883. pairing roofe of oU kinds, new KEYPUNCH opeitttor mosUy locality. CaU where. Not small loan flnanoe ______roofs, gutter work, chimneys numerioal, 036 or 039. Gaer oompany j ^ . Douglaa Mo- g>i70 hf HIA. Ur. TM. »«t < 6M9, aok for Dave or leave BIAGHINE WRAPPERS -- HAND $^pAPPlMS scaping, ReaoonaMy priced ------needed tor cleaning work In tor Manchester office. High Meaeoge. tI6 par car. I PACKERS — STOCK LAYOUT OsU 648^)861. „ . Mancheator area evenings. commlsslona. .Call Mr. Dwyer H ooting and Phonbliig 17 j^oo^ wages, paid hoUdays. ^ TYING'NACHINE OPERATORS — LITHO PROCESS LANCELOT BY COKER and PENN at 647-1464. “sxoeUsnt medianloal eondl' TO« Art. A-., - A-l CaU 627-9886-or apply Rudder B u ilding S erv ice O orp., 167 tlon. Asklnc $438. 876-6186 af­ enm .to* nw. QuaUty work tor reaeonabla COME IN AND SEE THIS ways sealed and smaU bAiok- Charter Oak Avenue, Hart­ te r 6 p .m . ______prices. CaU tor free estimates. Ing done A-l right CaU Tre- ford, Conn. INTERESTING WORK m on o T ru ck in g S erv loe toU- 646-6641. ______WANTED INTERVIEWS DAILY 8:S6-lllS9 AM. 1967 CHEVROLET free, 743-9487. BEEN putting Off installing heat B»T. HARD FOR BIONDAY THROUGH FRIDAT I. A- Avtva work in oaah and carry store, 8186-8:86 P A L LITTLE SPORTS Two-door Bel Air, power EXCAVATmO — Trenching— la your rec room or that e:^ aeanere, 838 S N O I D ir T . BY BOU80N roomT Do it now. CaU tor free gUde, power steering, redlo. Bob Cat machine, snow plow­ Bfelo or Female estimate 646-3834, 647-1681. Broad S t, Manoheater.______Only 43,000 mUee. $1,100. ing driveways and parking Full-Time BeneOto sm N 6 lots, tree, removal. Reason­ i^M WATSON Plumbing and Alee Need Fart-llase C. R. BURR & C O h INC. })J 6M.20T2 (fter > p.ni. able rates. 643-6186, 878-0647. ^Heattng. Bathroom remodeling tra . dollars and a new ward- Beleeperecn I*AWN MOWERS, garden tree- eetlmaUe. pj^ Apply Mre. Sbrguma 1881 IIONBA Oorvalr, "GROWING SINCE *98" coupe. Mack with red interior, ton, chain oawa repaired and top oommlaelons, no deUver-! HOUSIRHAU WHOIJMAIJ) NUBSBRYMBN sharpened. Parte and acoae- —------— — ------lag, no ooUectlng. Car neoea- new tires, 4-spsed, dual oar- 846 MAIN IV . BfANCHBSTHR, OOMM. burttora, clean, $888. CaU aorles. Mlnl-Mcton, 188 rsar ^ ■ e a e 86ry.. IV>r personal Interview, Cepr. -ft ftee I fssswei 3/13 after 6, 6444818. Middle Tpke. W., 8484T06. | (ea d H eralC l A d s 8784S40 or 44M48I.

y ' \ ■ . '''r V N ‘ \ \ i V'\- " '■ ’ ' A' A , \ A W 'A \A , M \ ; - - A ^ ‘ \ ‘ V ^ X ^ / ■ ^ V . \ ■ V , \ ' ■ ' . ■■ . .,\r 'A . V PAGE TWENTY-TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1970 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, C(^NN., FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1970 PAGE TWENTY-THREE Housts For Sdo 72 Howos For Solo 72 Houtos For Sob 72 Boots and AecMSoriM 46 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY SHORTEN M id WHIPPLE Invttw nt PropTty Housof For Sob 72 H o m o s For S ob 72 Out o f Town Out o f Tourn Out o f Town 14’ HYDROPLANE with oon- For Salt 70-A MANOMEBTBR —' H»n|^tir AS MEMBERS of the Manches- For Sot* 75 For Solo 75 For Salt 7B Q lEMMEATNim^ FOUR-room Bungalow plus ex- School Is just one fatook. from QARRIBON Oolonlal ■— AU troll. Very fait. Juat refinUh- MANGHE0TBR, West Middle tm lot. Mr. Zinsser, Bslfiore rooms exceptl(^lly large, • ter and Greater Vernon Multi­ CLASSIFIED ed. $390. 044-0770. Artite vjeigm- iij this 9-room home on Delmont TOLLAND -Ar Tpke. and Hawthorne 8 t.- formal dlnl^ room, I l v ^ ple listing ayatem this, office EAST Hertford — Oversized COVENTRY — LAKBVIllW, Agency, 647-1418. St. with 2-oar garage, $24,600. •TV/AS CLEAR, C aone parcel. 140x140’ plus has hundreds of choice prop­ PRIVATE SETTING . . custom 1964 Ranch, near Oak Flano Agency, 849-0101. room, 14x24’ with fireplace. MANCHESTER Here (or this six-room Cape Ranch in beautiful oondltloii. ITWCXJLP BE THE usable exisUng structure. erties for sale In all price St. Wooded lot. Formal dining, Fim I and Food 49-A TWO-famUyi, osn|ral tooatlon. Master bedroom 14x24’, ga­ Cod with a,bath and a half, Two bedrooms, garags, wood­ ADVERTISING BCXITOFTHE'feAR, Heritage House, 646-2483. Now aluminum aiding, new rage. Owner wonts quick sale. ranges and styles. Let us solve all built-lns, fireplace, 1(4 M A N C H M -riH r- Centrai,ASr- for family convergence and ed lot with brook. Only |M,- FmEW OOD for aale, aawed roof. Aluminum sUwma and Priced below replacement. AND VICINITY your housing problems today. baths, garage, family room. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS aud would LASr PEARL St — a 14-room du­ room Colonial plus sim porch, also a large garage and 600. Philbriek Agenoy, Real- and apllt. Will deliver. Tim- Bcreena. For detaUa, Mr. lom - 8 large bedrooms, 2-oar ga­ $27,600. PhUbrlck Agency, Call Doris Smith, Jarvis Real­ $29,900. Meyer Agency, Real­ tot’s, 646-4300. BUT ONE ROUND plex home. Handy to schools breezeway. A really big val­ 8 AJL to 4:80 PJi. berland Tree Servlca, 047-M70. bairdo, BelHofo Agency, 947- rage. 108’ fronUge. Sale price Realtors, 646-4200. $24,900—Hebron, new 6-room Raised Ranch ready for your ty Co., Realtors, MLS, 843. tors, 643-0609. - NO MORE - and Main St. Dwelling la cur­ ue for only $26,600. Call Mr. 1418. ______$19,000. Mitten Really, Real- own decor, cathedral oeiling living room, ndsed 1121. BOLTON —$16,600, 6-room old­ rently occupied as rooming LAROE 6-room Oarri/son Colo­ hearth fireplace, formal dining room,'«ustom kitch­ Bogdan today to Itrspect this ANDOVER — 9 rooms of lux­ er Ranch. Dead end stiwet. .CX»>Y CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. 'tors, 948-6080. home. Horses are allowed SEASONED fireplace wood for' house showing a fine return on WHERE? WHERE In Man­ ------^------. i . ------nial with 1(4 baths, breezeway en with gtass slkUng doom and sundeck, 8 bed­ MANCHESTER center, 6-room urious living are yours in this Pasek Realtors, MLS 399------rooms and vanity both. 10% down to qualified here, too! «tN P JI. DAT BEFORE PDBUOATION sale. Call 238-9080. investment To reconvert chester can you get two aorss MANCHESTER — B-room Rale* and attache^ garage. Immedi­ Colonial, possible office and large Ranch home for only 7476, 743-8348. property to standard 3-famlly ate occupancy, $26,600. PhU­ buyer. residential combination, 1(4 $29,900. Call 646-0191. Flano DeMBtaw for S*tnrd«cr Mid Monday la 4 :M p.in. Frida.^ ' of land along with a slx-«w>n> ed Ranch, four to five bed- dwelling would require but a brlck Agency, ReaUors, 646- baths, 2-car garage, $24,900. B &L W Agency. SEVEN-room Raised Rsneh Oolonlal Capo with breoaoway rooms, built-lns dishwasher, $24,900—Vernon, circa 1872 gives wrormth to this well kept minimum alteration. For fur- carpeting, rec rpom, wooded 4200. Hayes Agency 646-0181. with formal dining room, Fortiliiors 50-A and two-car gairego? For do- O-room Otdonlal home that has features like a 27’ BARIWW8 and WALI^CE Co. goUTH WINDSOR — 7-room modern' kitchen, family room, TOOB COOPERATION w nx |%|AI AA9 O '?!! ______I thur Information about this lot. High 20’fl. Hayes Agency. Manchester Parkade BE APPRECIATED D I A L M ^A /11 taUs, Mr. Merritt, Belflore MANCHESTER — Deluxe cus­ paneled living room, formal dining room, kitchen Colonial with 2(i baths and at­ weU built home In an excellent 646-0181. $26,900 OVERSIZED 3-bedroom Manchester 649.5306 2 fireplaces, sundeck and ga­ NEXT ROUND ^ 1 - ' Agency, 647-1418. tom 7-room Oarrlson Colonial, with range and dlahwBsher, 1(4 tlM baths 3 bed­ tached garage. Home in ex­ c o w manure delivered. Call neighborhood, ideaae call 649- rooms on the second floor and a /q>aclous panned Ranch. Two batlu, family rage, on one acre wooded lot. BurW N EH irCAME WAV 1 LEAD?,! 2(4 baths, 2-car garage, all kitchen, built-lns, dishwasher, cellent condition and has $26,600. PhUbrlck Agenoy, 742-8208. \ \ I 6241. Robert J. Smith, Inc., SIX-ROOM nU aluminum Oape sunporch on the rear o l the house, 2-car attached ATTRAtTriVE 6-room Ranch TQ THE FIGHT. aluminum, private treed lot, 2-car garage. Wooded acre lot. with large bedrooms, full many built-in features. Fine Realtors, 646-4200. Continuod From Procoding Pa9t 963 Main St., Manchester. on lovely treed, 200 ft. lot Just PRICED RIGHT! garage and one acre lot. 1WE'/ WNCED THE plush living in the finest of Hutchins Agency, 649-6324. ceramic bath, ' sliding glass residential neighborhood. Lot redecorated. Immediate oc­ VERNON — 6(4 room Ranch, ^FIVE I A its, good Income, $49,- neighborhoods. Hayes Agency, $26,600—Hebron, 8 year old 7-room Raised Ranch, 8 bed­ doors to large sundeck, one- is 100x200’ and heavily wood­ Holp W a n to d -^ a lo 36 Holp Wantod— Housohold Goods SI WHOLE NIGHT- cupancy. Mr. Lmnbapdo, Bel- heated rec room, treed lot, 600. Eight unites $70,000. Wol- S)t. Bartholomew area, SpIU- 046-0181. rooms, cathedral ceiling living room, 2 flreplaoee, FOUR-FAMILY on East side. car garage, on 1(4 acre lot, ed. T.J. Crockett, Realtor, Malo or Fomolo 37 ■mEKE OUGNTA flore Agency, 647-1418. walk-out basement, exceUent NORGE washing machine, cop- verton Agency, Realtors, 649- level home with many out­ finJeh^ rec room, treed lot. Large comer lot with garages. $26*900. PhUbrlck Agency, 843-1.577. SCHOOL BUS drivers. Bolton, BE A LAWR ! standing features, 8 twin AU four-room units rented. T. location. Only $21,600. Hayes hours 7:20-9 a.m. and 2-3:40 YOUNO MAN or woman to help pertone. Three-years old. Very c, 2813. n e w LMTINO —lovely 8-bed­ ReaUors, 646-4200. size bedrooms, closet space $29,600—-Hebron, 6-room Swiss Oialet, ti'ving room with J. Crockett, Realtor, 648-1677. SOUTH WINDSOR - This im­ Agency, 646-0131. p.m., 649-8400. me in my new business. Call good condiUon. Phone 647-9376. CM., room Ranch with fire alarm MANCHESTER beamed celling and stone fireplace, formal dining between 1-3 p.m., 389-3373. .MANCHESTER close to shop- galore, 2 full baths, large BOLTON — Box Mountain Rd. maculate 6(4-room Ranch of­ DAYSTROM formica top kitch­ ayatem In dealrable location. living room with fireplace, room, kitchen with oven, range and dishwasher, 3 MANCHESTER — 8-room home fers wall to wall carpeting, SIX-ROOM Raised Ranch with ELEX7TRICIAN — Journeyman. nn fcping, 4-famiIy with 4 room bedrooms, planked stairway, glaas sliding doors $19,900 assumable mortgage. en set, table, 4 chairs; apart­ Fireplace, oat-ln kitchen^ land- formal dining room, 2 pic­ $32,6(X). Immaculate 2-family, 2- plus B-zone lot, 2-family con­ fireplace, 2-car garage, con­ 3 bedrooms, dining room, liv­ Top wajfes with benefits. Call m apartments, 4-car garage, new car garage, aluminum siding. and sun deck, treed lot. A distlnot home. Five - room home, • garage, ing room with fireplace, mod­ ment slse refrigerator; day s c a i^ lot. Aluminum stom a, ture windows, and more. version easy. Owner will fi­ venient location. Asking $24,- between 8 a.m. and 0 p.m. SittMtions Wcrnted— heating systems and roof. Mid West side location. landscaped yard, one acre. bed. All like new. 643-1621, be­ «HOICTeiJ,'> screens, doom. Early occupan­ Immediate occupancy.- nance both. Let us show you 900. W. J. Barcomb, Realtors, ern kitchen with built-lns, base­ Roberts Electric Co., 644-2421. Femole 38 80’s. Hayes Agency, 64M131. $29,600—Bolton, see this new 6-room Contemporary Oape Marlon E. Robertson, Realtor, ment Is partially completed fore 6:30 p.m. cy. Mr. Zlnaser, Belflore Agen­ that la different in every detail, a redwood paneled this unique property. Flano 644-8000. 3 - /3 ' $37,300. Young 2-family in tip­ 043-6963. with laundry room and half cy, 647-1418. ______FOR QUICK SALE $28,900 top shape. Must be seen. cathedral ceiling living room with a floor to ceiling Agency, 646-0191. STEREO CONSULTANTS ask (XILUMBLA LAKE area — VERNON bath facilities, 2-car garage. TYPING done in my home. Call Land For Sole 71 DRIVE By 271 Avery Bt. Juat ftreplaoe, a compact kitchen with complete b iot­ CLERICAL POSITION 646-0844. "Why buy In a store?” Save $31,800. Nice 7-room Cape with ins and large breakfast counter, formal dining Spacious 4-bedroom Dutch Co­ Situated on large wooded lot. more — buy at home! Try Rooms WIHiput Board 59 Aparfmenfs Hats— Out of Town MANY CHOICE Industrial and barely over the Mandiester PHILBRICK AGENCY 1(4 acres of land, garage and room, 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, attached garage, Lots For Sol* 73 lonial. Two baths, two fire­ “WESTWOOD PARK” $25,900. Philbriek Agency, PRODUCE WAREHOUSE our fast repair service! To commercial sites available In line. Notice the neat, clean ex­ one acre lot. Move right in. Realtors, 646-4200. Tenomonts 63 For Rant 66 stable. Offeirs invited. ONE acre w ood^ lot with places, choice lot with 260’ Con you picture a home cus­ WOMAN would like to baby-sit call a consultant day or night, the Manchester area. Owner terior appearance of thla Im­ Realtors 646-4200 THE THOMPSON House—Cot­ frontage on two Streets in pro­ frontage. Private right of way tom built, on a large (reed OFFICE days. Call 876-6381. call 647-9000. Charge cards ac­ ANDOVER — three room fur­ will consider land lease or wlU, maculate 8-bedioom Ranch $42,600. (Custom 8(4-room Split $34,600—New UsUng — Wethersfield, 6(4-room Colonial, 8 tage St., centrally located, CLEAN 6-room second floor fessional area, $6,600. PhU­ to lake. Priced in mid 30’s. lot, especially for you? This cepted. apartment, garage, convenient nished or unfurnished heated build to plan. CaU Jarvis Real­ with 2-car garage. IWIde, with 2(4 baths. In-ground pool bedrooms, large living room and dining room, con- large pleasantly furnished venlent kitchen and finished sunponUi, second brlck Agency, Rjealtors, 646- For details please coll Lange dream can become reality Wanted—4taol Estota 77 For a person who Is inter­ location, bus line. Security and apartment. 742-7641. CaU after ty Co., 643-4112, 643- 1121. there la an honest to godi CAMBRIDGE ST. — Four-bed­ and Impresslvie large lot. Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 CLEAN, USED refrigerators, rooms, parking. CaU 649-2358 floor has 8 bedrooms, tiled bath, attached garage, 4200. Agency, 228-0349, 228-3206. if you call this office for ested in working^ evenincrs lease required. $176. Heated. 6 p.m. country aized—We mean blgt room Colonial with 2-car ranges, automatic washers for overnight and permanent SOUTH MANCHESTER — Ap- $38,600. Built-in quality in this 3- aluminum adding. Close to everything. more details. Summer de­ (ibeginning: at 3 p.m.), but Heritage House, 646-2482. kitchen. The living room haa garage on an oversized lot. % ACHE LOT on first Bolton HEBRON. . a beauty of a 6(4 LAND-8ITES-FARMS — Acre­ with guarantees, see them at guest rates. proximately 6 acres with 641’ bedroom Ranch in prime coun­ livery !! Please call 649-6306. who is looking for a position LONG HAIRED Chihuahua, 2H VERNON — Mount Vernon a lovely raised hearth fire­ House has had considerable re­ $37,600—^Bolton, owner transferred on this one-year-old Con­ lake with frontage on, the room Ranch on heavily wood­ age. Large, unzoned parcels, B.D. Pearl’s Appliances. 649 ATTRACTIVE 3-room apart­ Apartments. Immediately 8 frontage, half mile ito Martin modeling. Full baths and two try club location. all areas. Louis Dimock Real­ with responsibility and an years old, male. Caill 742-6906. NICE bedroom for gentleman place. Everything is spit ond temporary 6-room home with a cathedral celling lake and on Route 6. $6,000. ed lot In fine residential area, Main St. Call 643-2171. ment, heat, hot water, electri­ rooms at $146, 3(4 at $160, 4(4 School. Owner wUl finance. M. lavatories, sunporch plus ty, Realtors, 649-9623. opportunity for advance­ with references, private home, polish Cleon! Several mirrors living room and dining room, also kitchen with CaU Warren E. Howland, full basement, rear porch. T. B & W ______POODLES — Cuddly black city, stove, refrigerator. Adults, at $180. Heat, hot water, re­ H. Palmer Realtor, 648-6321. another open porch. All In ex- center island work counter and a bedroom or den, J. Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677. ment. There Is now an open­ SINGER touch and sew with very near Center. 21 Church wUl stay! Aluminum storms, HERITAGE HOUSE Realtor, 643-lj,08. BARROWS and WALLACE Co. ALL CASH for yotir property ing dn our produce ware-. miniatures, one male, one fe­ no pets. References, $130. 649- frigerator, oven-range, dispos­ screens, doors. For a leisure­ ' cellent condition. Sensibly pric­ floor to celling fireplace, glaas doors to sun deck, male. Three months old. AKC cabinet. Monograms, hems, St. 649-4966. 6324. al, dishwasher, wall to wall ed. Immediate occupancy. T.J. 646-2482 the second floor overlooks the first floor from a FIVE-ROOM Ranch offering 2 Manchester Parkade within 24 hours. Avoid red house office. No experience embroiders, etc. Used, excel­ ly inspection, caU Oorl Zlnseer Manchester 649-6306 tape, instant service. Hayes is necessary, the duties are registered. 643-7422. carpeting, air - conditioning, Houses For Sole 72 Crockett, Realtor, 648-1677. balcony with one or two bedrooms and a fuU bath, Out o f Town bedrooms, kitchen and large lent condition. Ouarsmteed. FOUR and five-room apart­ at (he Belflore Agency, 647- Agency, 646-0181. diversifiehl. swimming pool, tennis courts, also full basement with glass doors. Ideal for a fu­ Uving room with picture win- aNDOVER Dutch styled AKC German Shepherd, cham­ Full price now $66 or 7 month­ R(X>M with kitchen privileges, ments In 2-family, lovely yard, SEIVEN-ROOM Cape^ four bed­ 1413. MANCHESTER — Five - room HEAR THIS — Nine room (Co­ ture rec room, attached garage. Situated on a 3- For Sak 75 dow, full basement with den, basketball court. Parking and Raised Ranch, 2 full baths. IF YOU ARE thinking of sell­ Company also offers com­ pion sired, black and tan with ly payments of $8. 622-0476, centrally located. 14 Arch St. appUances. Security deposit. rooms, two baths, oversised home. City utilities. Near shop­ lonial. Four bedrooms, foyer, acre parcel of high wooded land. Miut be seen to covered porch, garage, $15, storage all included. No pets. MANCHESTER — 4-bedroom * country kitchen, paneled fam­ be appreciated. CX)VENTRY — 4-room Ranch 2 fireplaces, double garage, ing your home please let «ui plete paid benefit program. superb temperament, beauty dealer. M.H. Palmer, Realtor, 643- CaU Hartford, 627-9288, Ver­ two-car garage. Landscaped ping, bus. Recent furnace, $19,- 900. PhUbrlck Agency, Real ROOM for rent, gentleman on­ Oape, new furnace, root,' Uy room, paneled recreation with fireplace and attached ga­ famUy room, sun deck, $29,- help you. We offer no guaran­ Appiy: plus braiM. Shots, wormed 6321. non, 876-8721, 876-4869. lot, 109x160’. Marion E. Rob­ 900. What! $16,000. That’s tors, 646-4200. Model Home Furniture ly. Central location. Free park­ plumbing. Oarage, famUy room, 2(4 baths, double ga­ $46,000—Highland Elsbaites, Mancbeeter. New 8-room cus­ rage on oversized lot, $10,600. 900. Hayes Agency, 6464)131. tees, only a promise to do our and leash trained. Three ing. References required. 643- ertson, Realtor, 643-6963. room. All jalousie windows. right. Hayes Agency, 046-0131. tom built Raised Ranch that has features such as Philbriek Agency, Realtors, WEST side, 4H-room spacious VERNON — Willow Brook rage, 200x300’ wooded lot. VERNON — Just listed, excel­ best to find a buyer ready, months old, fully guaranteed. 3 ROOM HOUSEFUL 2693, 649-8150. Immaculate, $22,900. Meyer a front to back cathedral celling living room with 646-4200. FIRST NATIONAL two-bedroom apartment. New­ Apartments. Immediately new SIX ROOM Ranch, brick front, EAST Center St. — Oombina- (Close to everything. Hutchins lent 6-room Ranch, garage. wiUlng and able to buy. CaU 649-9713 after 7 p.m. 19 PIECES Agency, Realtors, 643-0609. a fleldatone fireplace, a formal dlRing room and Doris Smith, JorvU ReaMy STORES, INC. ROOM for woman only, kitchen ly decorated, basement, ga­ 3(4 rooms at $160, 4(4 at $186. 3 bedrooms, fireplace, garage, tlon home and office, 7-room Agency, Realtors, 649-6824. kitchen with center Idand work counter and com- NORTH (X5VENTRY fireplace, large kitchen, close f j o j i r l H A m l H 4 r le park-llke yard. ImmeiUate oc­ to bus and shopping, nice yard 19.C41U l i C i i l l U Co., Realtors, MLS, 648-1121. HORSES for sale, black and $297 privileges. Parking and laundry rage. Rental agreement, se­ Heat, hot water, refrigerator, WEST SIDE — A true family O>lonlal, offers outstanding plete built-ins, there are 4 bedrooms, 2 vanity PARK & OAKLAND cupancy. Only $23,900. Hayes PRINCETON ST. -Seven-room SPACIOUS WITH TREES white pinto mare, 6 years old; facilities. 649-5129. curity deposit, references. oven-range, disposal, dish­ home of seven rooms and 2- posslblliftles, excellent condi­ tiled baths, lower level with a paneled rec room Two-year old Raised Ranch, for the kids. Only $21,900. ------AVENUES interior Designer wants re­ Agency, 646-0131. (Colonial, plus heated paneled and palamlno gelding 12 years AdulU. 649-3846. washer, wall to wall carpeting, c€ir garage. Down has living tion. Call Morrison Agency, and fireplace, 2-car garage, high one acre pliu lot 3 bedrooms, hugie family Keith Agency, 646-4126, 649- liable family or newlyweds COMFORTABLE room for gen­ recreation room, 24’ living . with a view. NOTICE old. Call 647-1013. alr-conditloning, swimming room, dining, kitchen and fam­ Recator, 643-1016. room, big shady lot. Elbow 1922 EAST HARTFORD, to accept delivery of com­ tleman, semi-private bath and FOUR ROOMS, first floor, heat, MANCHESTER suburbs, 3-fam­ room, fireplace, 2% baths. Bow­ '_____ ^ ______The following ordinance was adopted by the Town of Botton, pool, tennis courts, basketball ily room. Plus lavatory and room and privacy. Multiple CONN. plete Model Display of Qual­ shower, references. Please call hot water, garage furnished, lly, 6-6, garages, 160x800 lot, BOWERS School, 6-room (Colo­ ers School. Priced under $30,- ELLINOTON _(Colonial lour Cotuveotlcut, at a Special Town Meeting November 24, 1969. ity Furniture just removed court, parking and storage all laundry facilities, lliree bed­ bath, fireplace, garage and bedrooms one fuU and’ two PERM nS - FEES FOR BUILDING PERMITS, SION PERMITS, Artielos For Solo 45 649-0719. central location, 649-4813. included. No pets. Call Hart­ full basement, separate fur­ nial, possible 4th bedroom, 1(4 000. Elva Tyler, Realtor, 649- to warehouse for Public naces, ceramic baths. Built in rooms and bath up. Carpeting 4469. U &. R REALTY CO., INC. many more features. Quick ^inW ELECTRICAL PERMITS. PUBfiBINO PERJfilTS AND ford, 627-0238, Vernon, 872-4400. baths, garage, family style occupancy — owner trans­ hajf-baths, to™ *! CER’nFICATE OF OCXIUPANCY PERMITS ALUMINUM sheets used as Sale. Modem 3 complete LIGHT housekeeping room, ful- FOUR-ROOM apartment. Ap- 1967. Mid 20’s. Wolverton Agen­ throughout. Enclosed front kitchen, private lot. Excellent room, modem kitchen vdth A B 'n C L E I. BUILDINO PERMITS ANSALDI built 6-room . Dutch ferred. Good buy for $31,- printing plates, .009 thick, 23x rooms with the $1,000 look. ly furnished. Linens supplied. pUances included. $160 month- ROCKVILLE — 8 Regan St., cy Realtors, 649-2813. porch. ExceUent value at Robert D. Murdock, Realtor built-ina, central air-condition- j ppmiit to begin ■work tor new constructloii* alteraUoa, Help Wantod— buy. Mid 20’a. Wolverton Agen­ 900. Mr. Lewis, 649-6306. 36” , 26 cents each or 6 for $1. 8 pc. Convertible Living 801 Main St., 643-6071. ly. Call 646-0191. four-room, two-bedroom, sec­ $28,900. T. J. Crockett, Real­ (Colonial, 3 bedrooms, huge Ins, garage. Wooded lot, 160x removal or other building operaition shaU be Isoued until the Mala or Ftmcda 37 ROUND UP TIME with this cy, Realtors. 646-2818. 643-2711. Room, 6 pc. bedroom, 6 ond-floor apartment. Total tor, 648-1677. formal dining room, front-to- 643-2692 230’, wall to wall stays. $82,- fees prescribed herein s h ^ have been paid -to the building In- eight-yea^Id, five - room pc. Dinette. $10 down, you TWO beautiful rooms, near electric. Range, refrigerator, HOLLISTER St.— 4 bedroom back living room with fire­ 500. PhUbrlck Agency, Real- q>e<^r, building official or other authorized town agency, nor TECHNICIAN for quality as­ Ranch with acreage right here B &. W OERT’S a gay girl-ready for a may purchase any room tn- downtown shopping, churches, disposal, basement laundry RANCH — Modem kitchen with Dutch Colonial, aluminum sid­ place, large kitchen with built- tors, 646-4200. shall, an amendment to a permit necessitating an addttlaRal fee surance department in small Apartments— Flats— in Manchester. Ideal for dining area, large living room BARROWS and WALLACE Co. whirl after cleaning carpets dlvlduaUy. Immediate deliv­ heat, hot water, appliances. and storage. Adults only, no ing, close to schools, excellent in oven, range and dishwasher, ------^------because of an increase in the estimated costs of the work In- plant manufacturing plastics Tenements 63 horses. Use your Imagination, HIGHLAND Park SchotU area, ASSUMABLE 6(4 per cent plus Manchester Parkade BOLTON . . . attractive Ranch voived be approved until the additional fee shall have bMn paid. with Blue Lustre. Rent electric ery or free storage. 668-0833. pets. $140 per month rental, with fireplace, three bed­ financing, $27,000. Austin A. 4-car garage, acre lot. Wolver­ materials. Must be hig^h school partner. Loads of possibilities. large 7-room (Colonial with 1(4 (4 per cent Immaculate 7-room Manchester 649-6306 home high on a cliff overlook- 1.2 Special Fees. The payment of the fee tor the coiuibuc- shampooer $1. Paul’s Paint A CAP A CCP Charge Plana $140 lease security. CaU James rooms, bath, plus large pine Oiambers, Realtor, MLS, 648- ton Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. or technical school graduate Wallpaper, Supply. Also, our own Instant Credit NEW 2-famlly Duplex, 4 large THREE beautiful rooms, near Asking $31,600. The Paul W. paneled rec room with bar in baths, fireplace, screened Ranch with Uving room, din- so u th winrta«r su. ing Eastern Conn. Three bed- Uon, alteration or removal and for all worti done in connection J. Oeesay, 876-0134. 2828. tWPf^l An/t 9»f>ni* O^OraOTA ILTonYf ew/wwi *««««» ruOIll ______ziHfh flvA xofwwtr with mathematical and Plan rooms, 1% baths, wall to wall downtown shopping, churches, Dougan Agency, 649-4636. basement. $26,900. PhUbrlck ._ heat, hot water and appliances mechanical aptitudes. Good IT'S inexpensive to clean rugs carpeting, appliances, base­ HEBRON - WALL ST., four- Agency, Realtors, 646-4300. MANCHESTER — Older two- TWO-FAMILY and upholstery with Blue Lus­ included. 668-0833. MANC31ESTER Suburbs — 7- starting salary and excellent DISCOUNT FURNITURE ment vrith w a^er and dryer room apartment, heat, hot wa­ family, perfect repair. Ap­ Immediate occupancy. Rec u. a... ^ ordinance tor water taps, sewer oonneotlons, eleotirlcal per- tre. Rent electric shampooer room Split, tip-top condition, HOW ABOUT $13,900. Seven- Central—^Near Schooils. Walking only, 643-9386. fringe benefits. Interview by WAREHOUSE hook-up. Nice yard. $190 i>er AVAILABLE April 1, 6-room ter, carpeting, etc. Available pliances, 2-car garage, $28,- room, double garage, $23,900. “e mita. plumbing permits, sign and display structure permlta or $1. Olcott Variety Store. fireplace. Family room, gar­ rooms, 6 finished, fireplace, distance to Main St. Mid 20’s. MANCHESTER area — Seven- appointment. Call Mrs. Marge NOW 2 BIG LOCA’nONS month. CaU 643-2282 or 644- duplex. Centrally located, neau’ immediately. $175 monthly. 646- 900. ConnefcUcut Vadley Real­ Hayes Agency, 646-0181. Crockett, Realtor. 64d-i077. other fees tor Inspectkms, certificates of use and occupancy or 8896. age acre plus lot. Mid 20’s. new furnace, fuU basement, ty, Inc., Bruce Little, Shirley room Cape. Large kitchen, MANCMBSTER — Oversized Hampson. 643-6163. Rogers USED only once. Northland la­ 3580 Main St, Hartford bus line. AdiUts $160 monthly. 0882, 649-2871. VIRGINIA H. CELINSKI ------wvoipMTTOv Tm. ether privileges or requirements. Corp., Mill and Oakland St., Hayes Agency, 646-0131. CaU Mitten Realty, Realtors, Uttle, 044-1671. dishwasher, disposal, built-lns, four-room Ranch. Full i base- BOLTON —Three acre lake- Ronrh New OonaitruoUon and Alterations. The fees for a bufUUng dy's skis, size 8 boots, poles, 622-7249 WEST SIDE — 6-room apart­ 649-6023. Manchester, Conn. An equal NEW 4-room apartment. Wall 643- 6930. , BROKER 649-1116 fireplace,. 1(4 baths, beautiful ment, oil hot water heat, 2-car front estate includes 9-room maculate, o^ -room ^ penndt shall be based upon the eetiznateid coats of the atruoture bindmgs. CaU 646-0844. (former FuUer Brush bldg.) ment available April 1st, se­ MANCHESTER — Key location. treed lot. Sale price, $27,900. garage. On bus line. Char-Bon opportunity employer. St., Hebron, first-floor, appli­ SPACCIOUS 6(4-room Ranch, modem Ranch with a plethora Fireplace. Only aojra, building d all groups and types of construction as classiftbd 176 Pine St. Manchester curity deposit and references $28,600 — ATTRACTIVE 7^ GEUtT’S a gay girl — ready for ances, heat and hot water, cel­ Industrial zone, 8-famiIy house, centrally located, wall to wall $18*900 BUYS this 6-room house Mitten Realty, Realtors, 648- Agency, 643-0683. of extras, such as central air- Realtors, MLS, 289-7476 defined in Article 2 of the BulUIng Code of the State of 646-2332 required. Write Box M. Man­ new furnace, excellent busi­ room Raised Ranch. Dining carpeting, fireplace, ceramic or 742-8243. Connecticut a whirl after cleaning carpets Fumislwd lar storage, large yard. $176. in exceUent condtUon, g;arage conditioning, four fireplaces (former Norman’s Fum.) chester Herald. monthly. CaU 649-2871. ness potential. CaU now! Hayes room, family room, two fire­ tiled bath, screened patio, ga­ and large lot. Has assumable 6.2 ACREIS. Good bam, out­ ' 1.4 The fee schedule tor new Construction, altecution and re­ PET SHOP HELP with Blue Lustre. Rent electric Apartments 63-A (one outdoors) radio operated goxjTH WINDSOR—^Three l)ed- moval shall be as foUows: Warehouse Agency, 646-0131. places, wooded acre lot rage, aluminum siding, mortgage. CaU on this one. PITKIN S’TREET — One ol the buildings, 9 rooms, family garage doors (three-car ga- ^ th attached shampooer, $1. Pinewood at comer of Pine A Forest Sts. FOUR ROOMS, one-bedroom. room, 6 bedrooms, 1(4 baths, FEE EiSTTMATED COST We want someone who will FOUR-ROOM furnished house, ELLINGTON — Plnney Brook Hutchins Agency, Realtors, storms, beautifully landscaped Mitten Realty, Realtors, 643- most gracious homes in Man­ rage) etc., etc. Outside there j.g_ort. Separate dining room Furniture Shop. Mon.-Fri. 9-9. Sat. 9-6 Heat, hot water, centrally lo- Bolton Lake, March —May, Apartments. Laige deluxe 3(4- 649-6824. lot, bus, school, shopping cen­ chester. Large stately Colonial 2 fireplaces. Hutchins Agency, $3.00 $ 1.00 - $ 200.00 come to work every day. MANCHESTER AREA is a professionally landscaped buitt-ln supboeid, partial- $4.00 $201.00 - $ 600.00 Over 21. Prefer pet shop ex­ cate.i. Adults only. 643-2171 $176. per month. Deposit re­ room unit In brick one-story ter within walking distance. with four rooms plus heated Realtor, 649-6824. COMPLETE train set, 100 SEWING machine — Singer zig­ MANCHESTER — Horse lovers, lot, yet retaining the "Forest , finished rec room. targe $5.00 $601.00 - $1,000.00 perience. Hours 9 a.m.-2 days. quired. CaU between 8-12 noon. garden apartment building. 14 Room Rambling Colon­ Upper 20’s. Reale Realty, 876- VERPLANCK School area, Six- sun room on first floor. Four pieces track, 7 switches, 17 zag, buttonholes, hems, fancy over acre, 8 rooms, 4 bed­ “ ‘ ‘ • . $19,900. IMMACULATE 6(4- Primeval” look. The long convenient to Parkway. $6.00 Per additional $1,000.00 p.m., 6 days weekly. Good Adults only. 649-0072. Total electric, floor to celling ial (circa 1966). Custom built 2844. room Cape with screened bedrooms on second and two ^ lakefront has its o'wn sailboat or fraotioki 'thereof. cars, 4 engines, transformers, designs, etc. Originally over MANCHESTER — 6-room, sec­ rooms, 2 ceramic tiled baths, baths ^toom Ranch, fireplace, bullt- Owner must sell! Low 20's. pay. Apply King’s’ Pet Shop, fireplace separates formal din­ for most discriminating buy­ porch, attached garage, rooms on third. 4(4 basin with concrete tmlkhead. AR-nCLE n. SION PERMITS accessories. 643-9386. $300, full price now $51. Easy ond floor apartment with heat, coimtry style family room, SEVEN-ROOM Ranch' with at­ 1ns, recreation room. Assume Connecticut Valley Realty, King's Dept. Store, Man­ OVERSIZED Two - room fur­ ing area and living room. er, 7 'bedrooms, 3 )>aths, aluminum siding. Quick oc­ Two-car garage, heated. The We could go on, but why not 2.1 No permit to begin work for the construction, alterolUiDn terms. 522-0931, dealer. $176. monthly. References, se­ kitchen, sundeck. Bam with tached garage, screened porch, VA mortgage. Hutchins Agen­ Inc., Bruce Little, Shirley Lit­ chester Parkade. SOUP’S ON, the rug that Is, nished apartment, ideal for Range, refrigerator, disposal, family room, 2 ultra-modem cupancy. Substantial oarii will extras are too numerous to let us show it to you? Just and repair and maintenance of all signs and outdoor display curity deposit. Hayes Agency, 3' bedrooms, 2 full baths, cy, Realtors, 649-6324. tle, 644-1671. structures together with ‘their appurtenant and auxiliary devlcea clean with Blue Lustre. Rent young couple' or single wom­ alr-condlUoner. Available May kitchens, formal dining parking, pony stalls, hay stor­ assume 6% per cent mortgage. mention. CaU, we wlU give call us at 647-1413. Belflore A A G OLDE THINGS — used 646-0131. formal dining room, large liv­ shall be issued until the fees prescribed herein shall have been electric shampooer $1. Man­ an. CaU after 6, 646-2293. 1st. Adults only, no pets. $160 room, living room, paneled age. Convenient to Manches­ $28,600. PhUbrlck Agency, you the details. T.J. Oockett, MANCHESTER is 16 minutes to Agency, Realtors. furniture, appliances, collec­ per month. $160 leake securi­ ter schools and shopping. ing room and recreation room, paid to the building inspector, building ofttctal or other author­ START your own business now. chester Hardware A Supply, tors items, refinlshing, strip­ MANCHESTER—Newer luxury den, 3 fireplaces, Eiil on first ReaUors, 646-4200. Realtor, 648-1677. this oversized custom built ROCKVILLE, 2^-room furnish­ ty. Call James J. (3essay, at Additional acre available. lovely landscaped lot with pri­ LEGAL ized town agency, nor shall an amendment to a permit neceoul- You can berame financially In­ 877 Main St., 643-4426. ping. Open weekends, 260 2-bedroom apartment, avaU- floor. Huge paneled rec aluminum sided, 8-bedroom BOLTON — Spacious six-room tating an additional lee because of an increase in the estimated ed apartment. CaU 876-6816. 876-0184. Principals only. Owner, 649- vacy. Immediate occupancy. MANCHESTER — $24,000. Hill 1(4 baths, custom dependent \rith a small invest­ Pleasant VaUey Rd. (rear), able now. $186 per month In­ room, beautifully land­ Glastonbiu-y-Manchester Line 1969 Raised Ranch, wooded lot. Ranch, cost of the work tn-volved be approved until the ndiutfawia) fee REGISTERED, matched, golf $28 weekly. scaped, private, wooded 3408. Only $26,900. PhUbrlck Agen­ overiooklng parkade, at­ kitchen, beautifully -land­ NOTICE ment if you qualify. Interviews C om er Route 6, South Wind­ cluding heat, appliances and ROCKVILLE — 6(4-rooms, re­ double garage, fireplace, 1(4 shall have been paid. by national sales manager, clubs, 4 woods, 9 irons, bag acsie setting. In fine neigh­ cy, Realtors, 646-4200. tractive C|6pe, fireplace, OPEN SUNDAY colored, baths, built-ins. High scaped. Louis Dlmock, Really, Notice Is hereby given of the 2.2 Ihe fee tor signs, billboards and other outdoor dtqplay sor. carpet. Call Paul W. Dougan, decorated, first floor. Nice MANCHESTER — Six - room Saturday and Sunday, March and cart. Slightly used. CaU borhood. Fantastic offering, aluminum siding, recreation 20's.. Meyer Agency, Realtors, 649-9823. certification of party-endorsed structures for which permits are required ixider the pravtilcn Realtor, 649-4686. Business Locations street, near everything, one- Cape, quiet neighborhood, 1:30-4 P.M. 14 and 16, at the Howard John- 649-2903 after 6:30 p.m. GE REFRIGERATOR, —excel- far, far below replacement. room, garage, wooded lot. candidates of the Republican of the Building Code o t the State of (tanneaticut shall be bowed car and one or two older chil­ near schools. Large lot. Mid 643-0609. 8»«of said maintenance of the sign or outdoor display structure to- table with two extensions, $40. AVAILABLE Immediately, two references. 871^6437. After 2:30 Directions: South Main St. Partv in the Town of Manches- ^ether with their appurtenant and auxUiary devices. for appointment. Inquire Manchester Garden J. WATSON BEACH CO. lot, immaculate 3-bedroom CaU 646-3796. SIX-MONTOS old, Glenwood rooms with air-conditioning in p.m. RANCH, 6 rooms, large Uving to Glastonbury Une, second NOTICE TIt K. ot 2.8 The fee schedule tor signs, billboards end other display Apartments, 16 Forest St. centrally located buUdlng. Hartford office 647-1660 Ranch. Enclosed breezeway, , ter. A list ol the persons so en- atnictures shall be as lotawsT apartment size gas range. $60. room, fireplace, garage, trees, right Indian Hill TraU, VARIETY of salt and pepper Plenty of oft street parking. EAST Hartford — Adult couple, TW« TEN APAsraiBHM 2-car garagO, dead end street. Notice is hereby givw of the dorsed as candidates Is on file in FEE ESTIMATBiD COST CaU 643-6479. THREE-room apartment, heat, fine location. $37,000. Owner, 310 MUnUt, Manchfiter fourth house on right. PRODUCTION WORKERS shakers for sale. After 6 p.m. John H. Lappen Inc. 619-6261. no children. Four-rooms, heat, STEPHEN STREET. . .new on 644- 1321. Hutchins Agency, 649-6334. certification of party-'endorsed my office, being the office of the $3.00 $ l.o o - $ 200.00 water and stove furnished. candidates on the slate of the Town Clerk, 41 C enter Street, $4.00 $201.00 - $ 600.00 and'all, day Saturday. 649-8716, RUGS, 9x12' and 6x9’ brown, hot water. Near stores, bus market. Solid four bedroom co­ . s-Robsd APARTMENTH Excepti<»ially well situated 474 Main St. Second floor with full attic. MODERN Store 20’x70’, 840 stop. Call 628-0696 Monday NEW Listing — Immaculate 6- (juBt a few left) JUST reduced — Six-room- Republican Party in the Town Manchester, (tannecUcut, and $8.00 $601.00 - $1,000.00 MuHi-Circuits extends an in­ beige and blue tweed. Call One-car garage, $128. month­ lonial, 1(4 baths, two - car large 6-room Ranch, 8 bed­ Main St., Manchester. Call 622- through Friday, 4 p.m.-9 p.m. room Cape, fireplace, ceramic rooms, 2 baths, eat-ln kitch­ Cape, built 1968. Treed lot, 1(4 of Manchester lor election as copies thereof are available for *8.00 Per additional $1,000.00 vitation to visit our plant to POOL TABLE, 7’, newly cov­ 643-6648. ly. Available April 1. CaU 644- garage. Vacant. T. J. Crockett, Luxurious woU-to-wiaU oar- 3114. Weekends, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. bath, large kitchen, poMlble peting thnouglfout, nanae,'W- en (buUt-ins), center haU- baths, fireplace, garage. Ex- DELEGATES to the conventions nubile distribution. . fraction thereof. discuss Job opportunities in ered, balls, rack and sticks. 0682. Realtor, 643-1677. SERVER, couch, piano stool, 4th bedroom, partlaUy finish­ trigenubor, dlspciaal, dish­ way, large fiieplaced living ceUent location. Very clean, of said Party specified below. ^ The number of Town Com- , , the following areas: $76. 646-2489. OFFICE SPACE or novelty By BBA KEITH chairs, garden chairs, safety TWO-BEDROOM brick Cape ed and heat^ basement. Wall washer, oentzel air oendi- room, dining room, 2 cov­ A list of tae persons so endorsed mlttee members to be elected, the ^ erf ^ n e < r t l ? T ^ a S ^ l ^ ^ l ^ SXu the f l l S ^ ^ b ^ PRESIDENTIAL Village apart- store. Immediately available. 1st Shift—QC Inspection. Wanted To Rent 68 Cod with large sunporch and to wall carpeting. Low, low The Far Eastern countries Uontaig, tiled both. ered porches, 2-car garage, 64B-4128, 649-1922. as candidates is on file in my under party rules, is 86. m thU ordinance have been paid to the bulUMmr inspector. buUd- eleotric heater, window nients, Thompson Rd. at Cen- Paneled throughout. Central lo­ Experience necessary. rec room. ExceUent location, 20’s. Wolverton Agency Real­ were the first to use a fold­ Heat end hot water lanM i- aU on one acre. High assum­ DRTVE bv 89 Branford St "Nice, being the office of the Notice is also hereby given ing official or authorized town agency, nor shall an amendment HART Galaxy skis, 190, used screens, wooden screen door, tei St. New SH-room apart­ cation. CaU 876-6141. WAN*TED — Three -bedroom near schools and shopping. CaU tors, 649-3818. ing screen for purely orna­ ed. Parking. able, low interest mortgage. then mil Here’a n eioon •uroi'i Town Clerk, 41 Center Street, that a primary will be held on to a permt necessitating an additional fee because of an Increase 3rd Shift—Plating one season. Call 64M361. solid wooden door, mlsceUane- ments, immediate occupancy, duplex apartment with own complete OE kitchen. Includes MAIN STREET office space, Peterman Agency, Realtor, mental purposes. WhUe you •IM MONCTLY Asking $38,260. For appoint­ . . Clean, weii Manchester, Connecticut, and April 16, 1970, if twenty-two can- in the estimated cost of the work involved be approved until Routing ous. 643-4564. basement. Bowers, Buckley or BOWERS Sdiool area — Six- self-cleaning range, dishwash­ 100 per cent location near 646-2223. can’t wi:^ away an ugly rad­ Warren O. Howland, ReoHer ment at other times call enS thereof are available lor d io d e s (which Is at least 26% the adc^onal fee shaU have been paid. Silk Screen Printing Green School area. 649-3811. iator or a waU of mismatch­ Beotol Agent end street. Walk to everything, ROPER GAS stove, good work­ er, disposal, and double-door room Ranch with large Mrs. Suzanne B. Shorts, 646- publlc distribution. Experience desiraUe. Boots aiid Acetssorits 46 banks, air-conditioned, auto­ HEART OF TOWN. . .ten (or ed windows, you can effect Ml-UM fireplace and garage. Low ing condition. Best offer takes refrigerator, ample walnut matic fire sprinkler. Apply PROFESSIONAL couple desire modem kitchen, fireplace, 3233. (XINVENTIONS is it 11) room single with 3(4 recreation room. Very neat an attractive disguise with 20’s. Keith Agency, 646-4126, PENN YAN — 1966 16’ fiber- it. CaU 643-6746. cabinets. Carpeting, 2 iair- Marlow’s, 867 Main St. tour or five-room apartment. State (tanventlon Apply at our Peirsonnel baths. Needs some redecorat­ and well maintained home, screens. For a really dla- 649-1622. glas, trailer, 80 h.p. motor. conditioners. Rental includes No children. Call 638-7418 af­ UncUve look, you can design J. "WATSON BEACH- (tangressional (tanventlon are filed in accordance with 3.3 The fee schedule tor the electrical permit shall be as Dept, between 9 and 4 week BEALES round solid maple UP TO 3,500 square feet of com­ ing. Priced at $26,900. T. J. $28,900. PhUbrlck Agency* days. $896. Call 644-0776. heat, hot water, parking, mas­ ter 6 p.hi. your own screen. Many REAL ESTATE CO. RANCH — Hackmatack St., 6 County Convention Sections 9-382 to 9-4601 Inclusive, follows: dining room table with 2 mercial space. Two exposures, Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677. Realtors, 646-4200. ter TV antenae, coin operated stores today carry screen 547-1550 rooms, garage, flreplaoe, car­ Senatorial (tanvention ~ of the General Statutes by per- FEE ESTIMATED CX)ST 16’ FIBERGLA8, 60 h.p. elec- leaves extending to seat 10 laundry in basement, large reasonable. Wolverton Agency, frames which you can paint, peting, stove, treed lot, city Notlce Is also hereby given gons other than party-endorsid $3.00 ' $ 1.00 - $ 200.00 pe/^le, 4 Duxbury chairs. $200. PRESIDENTIAL MULTI-CIRCUITS, INC. tric start Mercury engine, storage area, on bus line. Open Realtors, M9-2818. Business Property paper, or cover to siUt your utlUtles, 6(4 assumable mort- that a primary will be held on candidates; provided the num­ $4.00 $201.00 - $ 600.00 trailer. Full canvas top. Many 649-8990 after 6 p.m. own scheme. VILLAGE $6.00 $601.00 - $1,000.00 60 Harrison St., Manchester daily, 17, or by appointment. LIGHT manufactiuring or For Sale ^ 70 gage, upper 20’a. Owner, 649- April 16, 1970, if a slate of can- ber of such candidacies plus the extras. Call 649-3786, after 4 646-2623, 843-1023, or 648-4112. 1. NEW USHNO. Vernon, Oenter St. 0240. didates for any or all conven- number of endorsed candidates $6.00 Per additional $1,000.00 p.m. storage. 28x88 first floor, heat­ ROUTE 6 — Business location, 6-Room Ranch. One-car or fraction thereof. WANTED B d., PINE RIDGE ------1_ lions is filed in accordance with exceeds the number to be elect­ ARTICLE IV. PLUMBINO PERMITS MANCHESTER —Unusual exe­ ed or unbeated with 10x12 over­ 260’ frontage, 6-room Ranch, basement garage, large Sections 9-382 to 9-460, Inclu­ Musical Instrumants 53 head door. 22x88’ first floor un­ lot. Low 20’s. Inxnry lining As You’d MANCHESTER ed to said town committee. (If 4.1 No _plumbing _ or drainage permit. as- - _ required______by_____ the Htip Wantod— Molt or Ftinolt 37 cutive suite, prestige location, country store. Many possibUi- VILLAGE sive, of the General Statutes. number of opposing candidate^ Building Code of the State of (tannecUcut shall be issued'' until massive Hvlng room with heated with 8x8’ overhead 2. Treed lot. 12 min. from - It ties. CaU now, $28,900. Hayes EXPERIENCED BODY MAN Manchester. $2,200- By Damnto FuU Shed dormer. Cape with Forms for petitions tor filing filed is reduced to less than the fees prescribed in tills ordinance have been paid to the 16-BAR autoharp, lU(e new, $60. fire[Uaoe, maple paneling, for­ door. Near Main Bt., plenty of OlMi^ Jk Two-Bedroom Agency, 646-0181. 8. (3olng restaurant buaineae. New Stete Rd. (nckosn oversized one-car garage. 1(4 ®iich candidacies by or on be- such 26%, no primary wUl bq bidlding inspector, building official or authorized town agency, CaU 649-9718 after 7 p.m. mal dining room with fire­ parking. CaU Peterman Agen­ Top Play— Excellent Woriting ConcUtkinB Apsrtmenta Central location, low rent, from E. OathoUo High) baths. Nicely treed lot. (23ty ^ slate of enrolled Re­ \ nor shall an amendment to the permit necessitating an addition- CLERK TYPIST place, 2 bedrooms, all ap­ cy, Realtor, 646-2228. MANCHESTER — 20,000 square (Hourly Rate or Commission) AU O-E KHoiien stock It equipment $6,600. Equipment FBATURINOt water and sewers. $22,000. publican party members of Forms for neUUons for ming because of an increase In the estimated cost of the work To work in our Accounting: Department. General pUances, heat and electric in­ foot masonry industrial build­ APPLY 4. Ooventay. 280-ft. street other than party-endorsed can­ sucht. candidacies1 Kby or on behalf involvedpgj^ be approved untU the additional fee ohall have been — cluded. $250 per month. Paul MANCHESTER — 178 Middle ing, l(i acres, central location, frontage, lake prlvUeges. R ai«e with Self Cleaning'' A 1 A 8 bedroom deluxe knowledge of accounting helpful. Wearing Apparel— Tpke. West, new building of Oven • 'Two-Door Refrig- Townhouse Apts. didates may be obtained from of enrolled Republican party 4,2 iTie fee for a plumbing or drainage permit shaU be based W. Dougan Realtor, 649-4686. all utilities. Many posslbiUUea, CONN. AUTO SALES Of course It's not perfect,' Frederick E. Peck, Republican Houre: 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Furs 57 modem air-conditioned suite of Including commercial use. but for $10.000-C a n ’t you 'erator-FVeeser e Disposal A Colored range, refrigera­ C VR members may be obtained from upon the estimated costs o t the design and installation of the EFFICTENCTY apartment for offices, paneled walls, carpet­ RT. 6, COLUMBIA TEL. 423-4087 e Dishwasher e Two Air tor, dlshwaoher, dlq>oMl. Registrar of Voters, 41 Center Frederick E. Peck, Republican plumbing system together with their appurtenant and auxiliary Company paid Fringe Benefits RAC3COON fur coat for sale, Hayes Agency, 646-0181. do a Uttle painting? CXJNNECnCUT VALLEY rent, furnished or imfumlshed, ing, can be divided. Rea­ 6. If $10,000 Is too much, .Conditioning Units s REALTY, INC. Street, Manchester, Connecti­ Registrar of Voters, 41 Center devices. excellent condition. CaU 649- CONVALESCENT home, long how about $8,9007 We have 'Traverse Rods s Venetian A Wall to wall carpets cut. Inatructlons for filing such Street, Manchester, (tannectl- The fee schedule for the plumbing and drainaga psnnU Apply 0654. $110. monthly. 646-0191. sonable rates. 644-1689, 649- Blinds s Wall to WoU 2098. established buaineas. Ahrays another steal In Coventry A Air conditioned Bruce Little, Shirley Uttle, a slate of candidates are con­ cut. Instructions for filing such ‘**'®*^ __ ,Oiu^tittg. Two bedroom FEE ESTIMATED COST ~ FOUR-ROOM apartment, sec­ fuU, great opportunity for right that w« can let go at $8,- A Heat A hot water In- Annette Kehoe tained in Part I, Instruction oandidacies are contained in ax. ATARlMfNTS 900. Ihe owner wUI take apartments Include one $3.00 $ 1.00 • $ 200.00 CHENEY BROTHERS, INC. ond floor, centraUy located, MANCHESTER — To lease, person. For more information, 8M HIUilAED STREET MANOEQC8TEB and one-half baths. olnded Page, of the petition form, Part I, Instruction Page, of the brand new stores. North Main back a sobstantial mort­ 644-1571 $4.00 $201.00 - $ 600.00 Wantod— To Buy 58 647-191$. caU PhUbrlck Agency, Real­ copies of which are available in petition form, copies of which $8.00 $601.00 • $1,000.00 31 Cooper Hill Street St., heavy traffic, air-condi­ gage. (5«u us. Ample perking, Indlvktuat A Individual private bose- tors, 646-4200. basement stonige, muster ______said Registrar’s office. Prior to are avaUable In said Registrar’s $8.00 Per additional $1,000.00 WANTED — Antique furniture WE HAVE customere waiting tioned and parking. Meyer 6. ExceUent (tape reduced numta with laundry oon- Manchester, Conn. 06040 TV antenna. Oonvenknt to' neotlona RHIMODELED 9-room Colonial, obtaining the petition form, the office. Prior to obtaining the or fraction thereof. glass, pewter, oil paintings or for the rental of your apart­ Agency, Realtors, 643-0609. i$l,000. Six rooms, 1-car bajwment garage, treed transportation, ftiopptag, Fireplace, beamed Uving room consent of each candidate to be petition form, the consent of 5.2 The fee schediUe for a Certifloate of Oocupopoy and or other antique Itemaj Any ment or home. J.D. Real Es­ BCboris and churoheu. A Soundproofing masonry celling. Double garage. Income proposed therein plus a deposit each candidate to be proposed Certificate of Approval shall be $3.00. tate Associates, Inc. 648-6129. Invostmont Rreporty lot, 1(4 baths. Near schools quantity. The Harrison’s, 648- shoming and churches. Rental agent on premises wall between each Apt. producing rooming house. $29,- of $16 for each such candidate therein plus a deposit of $16.00 ARTICLE VI, ENFORCEMENT AND VIOLATIONS 8709, 166 Oakland Street. For Sab 70-A I!:: LOOKING for anything In real H ousm For Rant 65 Oehdtlon of a delegate-at- 1-7 p.m. Also ritown by 'oMU MP Tm #00. Pasek Realtors, 289-7478, must be filed with said Regis- for each such candidate must be . . *1™) w corporation who violates any pro- MANCHESTER RETAIL FURNITURE STORE WANTED — ANTIQUES, used estate rentals — apartments, CENTRAL A-1 apartment site, laige: A man whose wife On»-quarter 668-1868. tror. A petition for an oppoalng filed with sold Registrar. A peU- SDC-ROOM Ranch, 2-car ga­ sm s's.’sssss.'"* didn’t go with him. Your esst of Exit M, w n- furniture, partial or complete homes, multiple dwellings, no 18 - rooms, two - famUy 2(i TWO FAMILY— 6-6 Duplex containing the required tlon containing the required gj, ^ S f e ^ . Jurisdte- Hos Opening for a Sedesmon, moSe or Female, rage, $228. per month. Securi­ wtfe wlU go with you to see kur Cross Puitway, estates. CaU 646-0004 after 7 fees. CaU J.D. Real Estate baths, 8 -oar garage. Easily e x o l u m v b r e n t a l a g e n t ^ l y p ^ d 'cent^W iSiatl "umber of signatures of enrolled ARTICLE VIL SEPARABILITY ty deposit. Wolverton Agency, our latest listing! Route 16 und I-S4. FULL or PART-TIME Associates, Inc'. 948-9129. converted to more units. Enor­ ed 'IW ^ toriiM s nrira ®‘‘ P"*ty members RepubUean party members in 7.1 If any article, section, eub-seotion, paragraph, sentsnoe p.m., 683-3800 days. 949-291$. J.D. RRAL iSTATl ASSOCIATIS, INC. TELEPHONE 646-3638 mous lot. Broker, Owner, 949- Some Apts, ready for vsrd Tiv« r.n» 700 *" “A*** miinlclpaUty must be filed clause or provision of theee regulations shall be adjudged la- FMnfie beneCtts, top wages, fdAasant associates, and 643-1033 643-4113 HOUSEHOLDS lota — Antiques THREE-room apartment in 6091, 947-1899. oooupnnoy R m U a m 0B0.TZTS ’749 Registrar of Voters with said Registrar of Voters valid, such adjudication shall appy only t o the article, s e o tio n , good working oondlUons. Flexible schedule. Phone Mrs. bric-a-brac, locks, frames, wooded setting, ideal for one w o * neauors, 4S9-/«/o, i « - ^ ^ ^ March not later than 4 p.m. on March sub-section, paragraph, sentence, clause or provision so a d jl^ e d Garrlty 643-4169 and make an appointment to diacuu this MANCHESTER — bUSbUBS Agent on premises 1 to 8 interesting Jot>. glassware. We buy estates. Vil­ person or couple, large Uving Out o f Town OPEN H O U SE Every IN^, I Furnished ______26, 1970, being the 21st day pre- 26, 1970, being the 21st day pre- Invalid, and the rest and remainder of these regulations an thev lage Peddler. Auctioneer, 420 room with picture windows, block with 8 apartments, axr SOHALLBR RD. — 8-bedroom ceding the day ol the Primary, ceding the day of the Primary. li^nen^ter exist, shall be deemed ,to be vald and ef- For Rant 66 ModelB. Lake St., Bolton. 949-8247. private petilo and carport, cellent condition. Ownsr wlU SAT. gnd SUN. l^plH level, 1(4 baths, wall-to- Dated at Manchester, -Con- Dated at Manchester, Oon- aw fidi it vitt ws-ps-jif Asm h a t o —— nwetfvi* KEITH FURNITURE CO. heat hot water and appliances FIRST-floor apartment. Ward financs 80 per cent at 8H P«r ft*: Paul W. Dongnn Agency wnU onrpet, dlUiwatiier, patio, nectlcut, this nth day of March 'neoUcut, thla nth day ol March g j ^ ordinances’ and regulations and porta of oedfeiaaoM included.. Immediate occupan­ St., RockvUle, parking, ceUar cent. Terrific Income produo-' REAL ESTATE I^U M N fnk]^ UU MAIN SnUSET WANTED — Second hand stm MM 8$8 or M8-1AU -r tamlly room plus other extras. 1970. 1970. and regulations In conflict wUh this onUnonoe are hereby repeal cy. $160. monthly. PhUbrlck •tbrage, 4 rooms, $110. month­ er. ,CaU now, Haj’M Agency, 113 East Center Stnet Convenient location. $29,900. Edward Tomklel, Edward Tomklel, ed and this cfdlnance rtiaU be In full force end effect i n n Me fish or sail fish. CaU 949-891$. 2-5P.M. OTHER APTR AVAHABUD yiiiiiliiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiHininiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiihiiHHiiiiiiiiiiijlijiliijiiiiiiiiiHiiijiliijiijjiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiilil Agency Realtors, 949-4200. ly. Cal! 849-8871. 9494181. 6«e-41S6 Owner 649-06^. Town Clerk Down Clerk adoption. - - V \ \ V • '-A \Y V A' A \ i. A ^ FRIDAY, MARCH '18, 1970 PAGE TWENTY-FOUR Average Dally Net Preea Ron manrl;:e0trr lEiijitine ®Tralii For The Week Ended .The Weather January 14, 1970 Cloudy, enow tapering off to The frbe vision testing clinic ' Drug Charges fiurrlee by tonight. High, middle About Town for pre-school children from 3 to BIRTHDAYS, WEDDINGS, SHOWERS 30e tv near 40. Sunday variable 8 years of age will be held Mon­ 15,890 cloudlneea, little temperature tile Rev. James A. Birdsall, Face Teacher day from 9 a.m. to noon' at the Mancheater—A City of Village Charm change. vloar of St. Peter’s Episcopal Community Y, 79 N, Main St. VISIT Church In Wapplng, will conduct The clinic is sponsored by the In Glastonbury a service Sunday at 8:18 a.m. Manchester Public Health -A 44-year-old substitute ele­ VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 139 (EIGHTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION—TABLOID) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1970 PRICE TEN CENTS on radio station WINF. The pro- Nursing Association. mentary school teacher la Authenticity I (Claaelflnd Advertleing on Page 18) (ram la sponsored by the ACan- awaiting a court hearing later chester Council of Churches and Members of the IfFW Auxili­ this month on two chargee of the Clergy Association of Man- ary with the colors will meet selling martjuaira. A UNIQUE GIFT SHOPPE >» c.l.w ty a«b, paged through the streets of units since the start of 1969. .. w group’s Friday afternoon as they As Expo Opens in Japan Phnom Penh for the third Deputy ...... Premier Strik...... Matak ^ put down a demonstration OSAKA, Japan (AP) — Chil­ straight day, attacking Vietnam­ announced the suapension of an p.oo**' ^ against Charles Meyer, U.B. As- boo stalks, soaring temples and President Thieu Says: agreement to sell rice to the ® a* Secretary of state for dren sang, trumpets blared and spidery palacea , ese shops, and houses. SALE ANNUAL SALE North Vietnamse claimed the North Vietnamese and Viet aiSJ, d ^ L If Jombs dest^^^^^^ American affairs. Meyer the emperor of Japan bowed as The 815-acre site was built arrived Friday afternoon for a IIAI.E D a y Expo ’70 began officially today. with its surrounding roads and attacks were the work of “sabo­ propos^ that the damaged two at a Ona On/y — Serf., Under clearing skies and teurs” trying to break up the Pathet Lao Bid to End War Increased 46-hour visit and is staying at ONLY MA6NAV0X HAS rtdl» nets at a cost of $2.7 billion. friendship between the Vlet- the Siracusa residence. brisk weather, Emperor Hlrohl- It was the second time in six j ^ x. from 49,000 to 69,000 men. reported In March 14fh! to declared Asia’s first world namse and Cambodian govern­ Same as Cong Plan in Viet Cambodia’s ruler. Prince No- of fjjg fires or bombings, There was no indication the years that Hlrohlto—held stood ment and people. Set-and-forget exposition open during cere­ as imperial hort to a great in­ rodom Sihatrauk, cut short a va- A security alert was ordered Alexander death had any rela- monies in the vast festival The official Communist party SAIGON (AP) President the proposal put forth by the cation in Prance to return home at the Pensacola Nayal Air Sta- ^on to Meyer’s visit. TOTAL AUTOMATIC COLOR ternational gathering. He open­ newspaper Nhan Dan said the plaza dominated by the massive ed the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo, saboteurs were acting in the in- Nguyen Van Thieu said today pathet Lao are "not different” ''Us- Moscow and Peking. He said tlon in Pensacola, Fia., after a BREZA, Yugoslavia (AP) Tower of the Sun. The opening was a mixture of the Pathet Lao proposal to end from the 10 points proposed by Paris he would seek Soviet man called to say one or more explosion roared through a Thousands of invited guests, Japanese solemnity, and love of erest of the United States the fighting in Laos is the same the National Liberation Front to and Chinese Communist help in bombs was set to go off, one of ®oal mine here today shortly TAG is an exclusive Electronic System that combines a// the func­ including Prime Minister Ei- spectacle. Alter the formal ’What the U.S. wants to do,” as the Viet Cong plan for ending settle the issue in Vietnam. curbing the North Vietnamse them on a bridge. Traffic was a^®*" 320 miners had gone down tions of three Magnavox innovations. Automatic Tint Control— lets saku Sato and surviors of the 17 speeches, the Japanese let go in ‘'?® said, “is to the war in Vietnam. communists still acUvlty in Cam- halted for a half hour until it to work. At least 38 miners per­ ished tn the blaat in central Bos­ you select flesh tones most pleasing to you — and keeps them that workers who died while building ^an exh,.h..rantexhuberant outburstnnth..rat of sing- cambodia “>® Present policy of Thieu told an ethnic groups Invade Laos, and their *x)dia. determined there was no the fair attended the 72-mlnute the policy of peace convention at Ban Me Thout in gtrategem still is to force the al- "I blame the leftlste for their bomb, nia; north of Sarajevon Tanjug way — on every channel, every time. Improved Automatic Chroma Early American Ing, music, dancing and fire and model 6924 inaugural. workds. neutrality of defending the Central Highlands that the g, j__ggg jo es- activities and their interference Secretary of State William reported. Circuit— gives more uniform color intensity from station to station; Hie fair is braced to receive “Deku,’ w . . ... j j Cambodia’s independenceince and objective in Laos—as in Viet- tabllsh a broadened coalition "'Y cotmtry’s affairs and the Rogers was forced to vacate his The Yugoslav news agency no matter how often you change channels. Instant Automatic nne more than half a million visi­ chuffed, bells~ clanging “and a sovereignty and of solidarity nam—is to bring Communist government in this county so as support they give to all Commu- Washington office briefly when said 38 dead miners had been and friendship with Cambodia’s Tuning — keeps all station signals locked in for a perfectly-tuned All models shown tors when it opens its gates to lights flashing like a pinball ma­ elements into the government. /a D- a \ teen-age youths shouted at identified. neighbors.” He said the various points of (See Page Seven) (8«e Page Seven) ^ guard that his State Depart- The first group of 240 men 23" (diagonal measure) picture — automatically. And, these other have concealed swivel ‘the public Sunday, and hopes chine. Raising itself to Its full for a record 60 million during Its ______ment quarters harbored a went into the first gallery, while Magnavox features also add to your enjoyment: Chromatone for casters. Also available height, it surveyed the throng, in authentic French six months of life. winked and imcovered four lines bomb. Rogers continued a about 80 miners continued on to depth and rich beauty; Quick-On pictures and sound; 3 I.F. Stage and Italian First in line at the meUn gate, of bugle playing chUilren. From conference with several persons the second gallery, 660 to 800 Bonded Circuitry Chassis assures lasting reliability. i Provincial styling. waiting for the public opening, that moment on, the plaza was in a room across the hall. feet below the surface. Twenty All models shown at right are also available with 82- 50 was A1 darter, 39, of Chicago, a children’s playland. In a hap­ Thousands of other persons men were reported saved from Channel UHF/VHF Instant Automatic Remote Con­ Your Choice... NOW ONLY m. A Jazz drummer. Carter pening joined by a few adults, Peking Sounds Less were forced to evacuate their the blasted pit, and nine of them claimed that he was the first ad­ the boys and girls of many na­ offices and schools Friday while were taken to hospital In Sant- trol with more functions and more conveniences mitted to the Montreal exposi­ than any other remote unit today — NOW $648.501 tions marched, danced, sang (Bee Page Eight) (See Page Bight) I , tion In 1967. and impersonated dragons, Although the diplomats of 77 bears and ostriches. participating nationas sat in the When it was over, Hlrohlto— Like a Tiger Today stands, the opening ceremony bowed formally, waved his hat had a predominately Jpanese and walked away. HONG KONG (AP) — China base. The shift came as the China spent $380 million of SAVE ^50 SAVE *5 flavor. An extremist student group muting its demands that its peo­ peasants began to prepare for foreign exchange last year to The Asian impact was appar­ called "The Joint Struggle to ple prepare for'war, is exhort­ the spring planting late last import 4.6 million tons of wheat. ent not only in the colorful cos­ Crush Expo and the Japan-U.S. ing them now toward rapid ex­ month. It was a "revolutionary The tonnage is a full 20 per cent tumes of the Eastern hemi­ Security Treaty,” applied lor a pansion of agricultural produc­ spring” with thousands of “Mao of China’s estimated 1969 crop MAGNAVOX... sphere, but also in many of the permit to demonstrate around tion. Tse-tung thought propaganda of 23 million tons and the money aiohitiectural designs on the Such orchestration of national teams” urging greater produc­ is badly needed to reinvest in grounds—pagodas. Junks, bam- (See Page Eight) priorities reinforces a belief tion while playing down war the new leap forward. YOUR BEST BUY ■ that Felling’s once-omlnous talk fears. A spattering of war talka still of war was basically to mobilize To mobilize the people, mass comes from Peking but other the people for a new economic campaigns to conserve ■water factors raise questions about BECAUSE: leap forward. and expand farm land have China’s real belief in war. The log;lc of this argument Is been ;Iaimched. In addition to Economic experts remain un­ convinced that China’s high im­ Only Magnavox Is sold that China's masses, weary and. economic gains the campaigns disillusioned after the chaos of are instrumental in developing ports of steel, copper and rub­ . V directly to just a few the cultural revolution, could automatic responses from the ber are for war preparations. carefully selected fine best be united again by the public and channeling their They note these items can be !★ U1 SUITS M$ SPORT COSTS retailers In this community— threat of attack. Once the na­ thoughts in one direction. plowed into industrial expansion |50 stores such as ours who, tionalistic adrenalin was again Soldiers by the battalions and farm machinery. Similarly, X ON SALE, IN0LUDIN8 OUR NOW ONLY 90 have been ordered out of garri­ sharply reduced exports of NOW ONLY like Magnavox, are dedicated running strong, the people's mo­ mentum could be turned Into sons to prepare fields for their Tungsten and antimony could NIEW SPRINB STYLESI to serving you betterl There Astro-SonIc Sthreo Radio-Phonograph— lets you more productive pursuits. own source of food and to help are no "middleman" costs. the farmers. Following Mao’s (See Page Eight) ★ FAMOUS BRAND NAMES enjoy the full beauty of music — from records. Magnavox Portablo Starao Phonograph — will Fervent nationalism erupted Savings are passed on to you following the series of border order to "support the govern­ Stereo FM/AM radio, or optional tape equipment. amaze you with its fine performance. Model 251 f INCLUDED - NOTHINO WITH­ In the form of higher quality, clashed with Soviet troops last ment and cherish the people.” 30-Watts undlatorted music power. Its Micromatic has such quality features as a precision player year.'Mao Tse-tung’s call to "toe thousands of troops seem In­ more features, finer HELD! , Player lets your records last a lifetime. With two (with Diamond Stylus) that lets records last a life­ prepared against iwar, be pre­ volved more in agriculture work Bulletin I High-Efficiency 12" Baas Woofers and two 1,000 time, two Magnavox extended-range speakers performance and lasting pared against national disaster, than in preparing for war. and do everything for the peo­ The overriding goal in China Rhf. I99-90 ...... -X ...... NOW § n cycle Exponential Treble Horns. Mediterranean plus lasting solid-state reliability. Its compact, reliability. Even without these special savings, each ple.” rang through the country. today, as determined from DEADUNE NEARS Rhf. $85.09 ...... : -. - - -NOW M S model 3853; also in Contemporary, Early Ameri­ easy-to-carry case will let you take beautiful Public fears were kept at lilgh broadcasts monitored in Hong IN KIDNAPING can and Italian Provincial styling — your choica. music wherever you gol rpodel offers you the greatest pitch until early this year by Kong and from Chinese publica­ SAG PAULO, BrazU (AP) Rn T-$80.00 ...... N.NOWM4 value and the finest constant warnings that Moscow tions, is to carry out a "new — Tlie kidnapers of Japanese Bog. $70.00 ...... -NOIVSM quality per dollar spenti and Washington were plotting leap forward.” consul general Nobuo Okuchl assaults on China. ■ The prlmarjik emphasis is on and the Brazilian government Actual preparations for war agriculture, with industrial ex­ were close to agreement to­ O m Day Only — S«W., March 14tfi \ OUB OWN 8EBV10B STAFF were widely undertaken by pansion closely tied in. Great day on the live political pris­ t h r« e e p a y m e n t p l a n s thousands throughout China. priority is being given to in­ oners the kidnapers want Don’t miss this Important Pre-Baater Sale! Simply o These Included carving the In­ creasing grain production, par­ freed In exchange for his re­ deduct 20% off any price ticket of men's suits or 'T oMoro yon of the boot ooattnaad 1. so Days Gaoh sport coats! cawoee from

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