THETUFTS DAILY [Where You Read It First Thursdav. October 10.1996 Volume XXXIII. Number 25 I The library that Tisch built: Dedication today kxecs discuss Preston Tisch role of money to cut ribbon 0 in0 cerernonv in pro sports J by JONATHANLADD byGREGORYGEIMAN Contributing Writer Daily Editorial Board Students, faculty, and members of the This afternoon, $21 million in donated press packed Cohen Auditorium yesterday funds and countless hours of planning and to see a panel of Boston’s top sports execu- construction will culminate in the snip of a tives discuss the role big money plays in ribbon. With scissors in hand, Preston professional sports. Robert Tisch will approach the main en- The forum entitled “Let the Games Be- tranceofthe librarywhich bearshis family’s gin” featured Preston Robert Tisch, CEO of name and commence the grand opening of the New York Giants and a major donor of a building which has been two years in the the Tisch Library; New England Patriots makiig. owner Bob Kraft; Red Sox CEO John Tisch donated a $10 million matching Harrington; Boston Bruins assistant gen- gift to the University for the renovation of eral manager Mike O’Connell; and Stuart the library, meaning that theuniversity had Layne, Boston Celtics executive vice presi- to match that amount through donations dent for marketing and sales. from additional University benefactors. Panelists responded to questions from Many ofthose donors will also be in atten- audience members and moderator Will I dance at today’s ceremony. McDonough, ofthe Boston Globe and NBC The $21 million in donations financed Sports, about the increasingly prohibitive the creation of 84,000 additional square feet costs of attending sporting events. of library space, in a building which now In response to a question posed by seats 1,250 students and has been com- McDonough regarding the high ticket I monly described as “bright and cornfort- prices charged at the new Fleet center, Layne able” -two adjectives not commonly as- said, “The perception of these new stadi- sociated with its predecessor, Wessell Li- ums is that the average person is being brary. priced out of it.” O’Connell said the Bru- When the grand opening and dedica- ins are trying to correct the discrepancy tion ceremony forthe library gets underway between ticket prices and the quality ofthe at p.m., members ofthe Tufts commu- I 12:45 product on the ice. I nity, from trustees to students, will be on “It is expensiveto go to the Fleet Center. I Construction: May, 1996 hi& filephoro hand to honor the man who shouldered the I acknowledge that. That is why we didn’t ! financial burden forthe building which sits raise ticket prices this year,”O’ConneIIsaid. i at the center of both the campus and the On the subject of the Bruins perfor- I I I University’s academic life. mance overthe past couple years, O’Connell F Just before the library dedication, the sighted more room for improvement. “We I! University will hold a ceremony on the are not happy with the product this year library roofat 12:30p.m. to award Tisch an either and are working to improve that.” Honorary Doctorate Degree in Humane Kraft incorporated the need for afford- Letters. Presented by University President able ticket prices into his ongoing cam- JohnDiBiaggio,thedegreewillmarkTisch’s paign for a new football stadium in down- service to Tufts as “a philanthropist who town Boston. knows that education imbues the soul of “We want to keep our [bleacher] prices our society.” stable by selling luxury boxes to the corpo- Yesterday morning at 10:00, according rate and business community,” Kraft said. to Associate Director of the Tisch Library “Businessmenwill not come to Foxboro,” Paul Stanton,theTischfamilytookaprivate he added. Kraft elaborated on the need for tour of the new library. He said that the the construction of new stadiums in Bos-, family seemed to react “extremely favor- ton. ably” to the renovations. Tisch. who is co-chairman and CEO of see EXECUTIVES, page 13 see TISCH, page 13 First meeting for freshman senators Physics Department is Seven rookies learn about procedure and functions of Senate ranked 19th in nation byJEFFREYCARUlN about the plan to improve Senate out- charged to undertake new Senate Contributing Writer reach. “Outreachwill be involved with projects. byANDREWRAFF The seven newly elected freshman the Education committee and with the Rosenbergsaid, “That’s really what Contributing Writer representatives of the Tufts Commu- whole Senatein genera1,”Feldman said. I was here to do on the Senate.” in a recent study conducted by Tulane University nity Union Senate got their first expe- New senator Jon Mok said the Nicolaou added, “I just wanted to professors John P. Perdew and Frank J. Tripler, published rience with parliamentary procedure Senate’s outreach is an effective do it because I think that is one of the in the Oct. issue of Physics Today, the Tufts physics and the different Senateprograms and method to establish a better relation- best ways to get the students body deparhnent was ranked amongthe top twenty in the nation. committees at Sunday’s meeting. ship with the student community. involved.” The ranking was determined by dividing the number of The meeting served as a building Currently, the plan calls for sena- Both mentionedthat they can inter- faculty members referenced in research papers by the ground for the new representatives as tors to attend hall snacks in each dorm twine the Services Committee and number offaculty in the department, resulting in the place- experienced senators took the time to in order to get feedback from students SpecialProjects Committee because in ment of Tufts in the 19th position. explain the procedure and the various through discussions about their con- many cases they work on the same While Tufts is not well known for its Physics depart- functions of the Senate. cerns and opinions about Senate is- ideas. ment, physics Professor William Oliversaid it “is aquite an The freshmen were elected by the sues. Many of the senators said they The last issue addressed by the excellent department.” Senate onto both the Allocations hope that students will attend hall Senate was the election of a trustee Advanced research in high energy physics, condensed Board and senatorial committees. Matt snacks when the senators are present. representative to serve as a liaison matter physics, astronomy, biophysics, cosmology, par- Behrens was elected as a representa- Freshman senator Costa Nicolaou withthe administration.Followingdis- ticle physics theory, and condensed matter theory are all tive on the ALBO Council 7, which added, “Just come and talk to us. cussion, Senior Brian Ostrer emerged conducted at Tufts. deals with pre-professional groups. Anytime during the week, not neces- victorious. “For a University this size, Tufts has a lot of clout,” Commenting on his new position, sarily during hall snacks, you just see Nicoloau said, “Almost everybody Oliversaid. which he won unopposed, Behrens us around... just come out and talk to spoke [in the debate]; everyone had Additionally, Tufts researchersare working in conjunc- said, “I think it’s going to be a good us. We have a ton of ideas.” an opinion on it.” tion with larger universities such as Oxford University and way to learn about the way the school Two freshman senators, both mem- The position, he added, “is going the University of Minnesota in order to access facilities works and the way the Senate works. bers of the Services Committee, to be doinga lot ofinteracting with the currently unavailable at Tufts. It’s a good way to get my feet wet.” Nicolaou and David Rosenberg, were general student body as well. We made “I expected Tufts to have [such a high ranking]. My Charlie Feldman, a freshman mem- elected as co-chairmen of the Special a good choice. We had two good can- professors all seem very qualified,” freshman Erik Rich- ber ofthe Education Committee spoke Projects Committee; a committee didates, but we made a good choice.” mond said. )age two THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, October 10,1996 rHE TUFTSDAILE Letters to the Editor John B. O’Keefe ing the audience I remember feeling very “typical of [the TLGBC’s]radical activity.” Editor-in-Chief If you mean it, show it uneasy about the future of Palestinian- I’m curious to know what“radica1activity” To the Editor: Israeli relations. Would the Israeli people Dawson is speaking of. Call me desensi- Managing Editor: DanTobin I’d like to point out that I fmd it ironic and Associate Editors: Bill Copeland,KarenEpstein continue down the road of peace (the road tized, but I just don’t see Wednesday social Production Managers: Pmtiksho Thakkar, rather funny that so many people are now to a proper solution) or would they elect a night at the TLGBC as much of a“shocker,” Raquel Almeida, Karen Thompson up in arms, ardently supportingthe lesbian/ leader whose major campaign slogan had to though Melrose Place can get pretty wild. gayhisexual community here at Tufts,while do with fear? This summer they elected the Overall, I would say that TLGBC’s presence NEWS defending their sexuality and their “right” current Prime Minister and my hopes for a Editors: Gregory Geiman, Pete Sanborn oncampusislow-key.Forallbutonedayof to be straight. Indeed, I find it very humor- solution were dashed. the year, they are closeted behind the e-mail VIEWPOINTS ous that the Tufts apathy that we all know The only resolution to this bloody con- lab in the basement of Carmichael. For Editor: Amy Zimmet so well keeps people from attending events flict is peace and mutual trust. We were Dawson to request that the TLCiBC refrain Assistant Editor: JasonCohen such as the rally, yet as soon as they get headed toward that goal with the late Rabin. from “creating a climate of discomfort” is “offended”, they begin to show signs of FEATURES Now “Bibi” has taken over and the hard not only out of line and offensive, it is also Editors: Annie Risbridger, Micol Ostow, life. work that had taken place over the past inaccurate. I hate to shock you with this Merredith Portsmore To these people and others like them: three years means nothing. If I sound frus- one, but our society is an uncomfortable Thank you for your “support,” but where trated it is because I am.We were so close place. It is uncomfortable because bias and ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT were you at the rally? I want to know why, to asolution, closer than we have been in 40 prejudice binder certain people from being Editors:Jay Ruttenberg, CaraManiaci, at a school of undergraduates, there Laura Bernheim 4,000 years and Netanyahu proceeded to dis- honest about who they are. Assistant Editor: DuYLinhTu was merely a sprinklingofattendees. Ifyou mantle everything. It is up to an informed Dawson refers to such activities as “un- really do support the TLGBC and what they and unbiased public to turn things around. welcome and altogether unnece:ssary.” The WEEKENDER are trying to achieve, then show it. Tanvir Alam, E ‘97 Editor: RobMckm\\% fact that they are “unwelcome” is exactly Sally Rubin, LA ‘99 TASA president why they’re necessary. SPORTS Being gay or bisexual is not a personal Editors: Gregory Youman, Sam Erdheim Mk were so dose Hetero sc decision, it is an orientation. Being openly Assistant Editors: Marshall Einhorn, gay, however, is a choice, and a commend- Eric Polishook Tothe Editor: To the Editor: able one at that; essentially, a gay person would like to congratulatethe author of I I would like to respond to Micaela must turn in his or her rights at the door PRODUCTION Tuesday’s viewpoint concerning solutions Dawson’s Letter to the Editor (“Statements when stepping out ofthe closet, and know- Layout Editors: Haley Stein, Deborah Swibel to the Arab-Israeli conflict (“Possible solu- Layout Assistants: Julie Guinn, were indecent, Daily, 10/08) in which she ing that makes me pretty uncomfortable. tionsforpeacein Israel,Daily, 10/08).Itwas Mami Rachich, Amy Rutenberg refers to the chalking “Lesbianism is Coming Out Day celebratesthose individu- Graphics Editors: \vCnilllD POWt%$% the first truthful and informativepiece about yummy!” as an “absolutely disgusting dis- als who are strong enough to be open and Dave Perry theMideast I have read inthe Duilyin avery play,” and a “disregard for decency.” I honest with themselves, and with others. Copy Editor: Judith Dickman long time. Finding solutions to the prob- couldn’t disagree more; as a heterosexual To every openly gay, lesbian, or bisexual lems in Israel is adifficult chore,especially ONLINE ally ofthe gay community, as well as one of person reading this, I applaud your strength when the majority of student “experts” are Online Editor: Mike Weissman the individuals responsible for such chalk- and your persistent efforts to have your ignorant or biased. ing, I saw them as illustrations of pride on capacity for love known and validated. I was lucky enough to be invited to a day intended to celebrate the sexuality of Neil D. Feldman “Hetero schmetero,” this is your day! speak at Prime Minister Rabin’s memorial gay, lesbian, and bisexual individuals. Mary Kohler LA ‘99 Executive Business Director service last year at Tufts. As I was address- Dawson also refers to this chalking as Business Manager: Abby Krystel Office Manager: John Walker Advertising Managers: John Gendron, Sonithn Nmn) an Race, inner cities at center stage at debate Subscriptions Manager: Brian Murphy need” and that while he opposes “quotas,” and &id Buckley, who gives speakingsemi- Receivables Manager: Freya Wolke Los Angeles Times-Washington Post News Service he believes the country should “protect nars to business executives in South Caro- ST. PETERSBURG, F1a.-The problems diversity.” lina. The Tufts Daily is a non-profit newspaper, published of race and America’s inner cities took a Kemp sought to shift the issue to eco- In the Longboat Key resort near Sarasota, londay through Friday during theacademic year and distrib ted free to tlie Tufts community. The Daily is entirely somewhat surprising position at center nom ics -arguing repeatedly that the prob- Gore sparred in four mock debates with .udent-mn;tlierearenopaideditoria1positions.TheDaily is stage as Vice President AI Gore and Jack lems of impoverished city neighborhoods former Rep. Tom Downey, D-N.Y ., who was rinted at Charles River Publishing, Cliarlestown, MA. Vie Daily is located at tlie back entrance ofCurtis Hall a1 Kemp, his Republican opponent, opened could be solved by eliminatingcapitalgains playing the role of Kemp. ufts University. Our phone number is (617) 627-3090, OUI their nationally televised debate Wednes- taxes in inner cities. Doing that would bring Each session was followed by acritique, ix number is (617) 627-3910, and our e-mail address is day night. a vast new inflow of investment, he said. with Gore’s senior aidesjoined by Clinton’s [email protected]. Business hours are :OOa.m.-5:00p.m..Monday through Friday,and 1:OOp.m Gore, responding to a question from senior adviser George Stephanopoulos, 5:OO p.m. on Sunday. debate moderator Jim Lehrer, pronounced Gore, for his part, repeatedlyusedKemp’s White House counsel Jack Quinn, a former The policies of The Tufts Daily are established by the his support for continued affirmative ac- own past words as a weapon. In the past, top aide to Gore, and Paul Begala, who Moria1 board. Editorials appear on this page, unsigned. idividual editors are not necessarily responsible for, or in tion, say ingthat“diversityis agreat strength Kemp often criticized Dole for being too playedakeyrole in preppingClinton forthe :reement with, the policies and editorials of The Tufts Daily. in America” and challenged Kemp to ex- willing to raise taxes, and Gore had clearly 1992 debates. The content of letters, advertisements,signed columns. wtoonsand graphics doesnot necessarily reflect theopinion plain his change of position on the anti- memorized many of those quotes - re- Going into the debate, Kemp was seek- FThe Tufts Daily editorial board. affirmative action initiative on California’s minding viewers that Kemp had once said ing to recount Dole’s inspiring biography ballot. Dole had “never met a tax he didn’t hike.” and lay out in plain terms the Dole-Kemp Letters to the Editor Policy Tlic Tufts Daily welcomes letters from the readers. The Kemp had opposed the initiative; now For days, the two running mates had economic plan. He had planned to avoid tters page is an open forum forcampusissuesand comments Proposition 209, before joining the Repub- been bunkered down in Floridaanticipating personaljabs and view the meeting as more oout the Daily’s coverage. lican ticket, but during the Republican con- what questions might be thrown their way than aKemp-Gore affair. Letters must include the writer’s name and a phons umber wliere the writer can be reached. All letters must bl vention announced that he had switched on national television. The stakes were Gore did not view the debate as “as a erified with the writer before they can be published. positions,joining Dole, who supports it. At high, for the contest is viewed by many personal clash or a negative clash, but as a Vie deadline for letters /o he comideredfor publicatioi the same time, however, he has opposed activists in both parties not just in terms of good substantive discussion between two 1 the following day‘s issue is 4:OO pm. Due tospacelimitations, letters should benolongertlir making the initiative a focus for the GOP the 1996election, but as a possible preview alternative visions and views for where this 50 words. Any submissions overthislengthmay beedited b: campaign and has often seemed uncom- ofthe2000 campaign. country should be going,” said Assistant ie Daily to be consistent with the limit. Letters should b ccoinpanied by no more tlian eight signatures. fortable with it. The initiative would end Kemp went to Dole’s condominium in Housing and Urban Development Secre- The editors resewe the right to edit letters for clm’ty government-sponsored affirmative action Bal Harbour and used the same conference tary Andrew Cuomo, Gore’s debate coordi- ‘tiblication of letters is no/ piurun/eed, but subject to thi nator. iscretion of the editors. plans in the state. room that Dole used to prepare for Sunday Letters should be sent via electronic mail tc In keeping with Kernp’s somewhat am- night’s debate with President Clinton. With ‘[email protected]. Letters may also b( biguous position on the issue, he carefully Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., playing Gore, The debate was staged in the cily-owned (ped or printed in letter-quality or near-letter-quality modi nd turned in to the Daily’s offices in Curtis Hall , with a1 avoided saying anything favorable about Kemp ran through four mock debates. Af- Mahaffey TheaterandBayfrontCenter,twin tated regulations regarding Letters to the Editor stil the initiative, saying that “my life has been terward, he huddled with his pack of advis- performance venues that house a sym- pplying. dedicated to equality of opportunity” that ers, who included Steven Merksamer, a phony hall and an arena for sporting events Letters should address the editor and not a particula idividual. While letters can be critical of an individual’: “affirmativeaction should be predicated on Californialawyerand longtime Kemp fiiend, and rock concerts. ctions, they should not attack someone’s personality traits. TlieDailywill notacceptanonymouslettersorpenname: wept in extreme circumstances if the Executive Boarc FBI to interview Flight 800 families for leads etermines that there is a clear and present danger to the uthor. The Daily will not accept letters regarding the Los Angeles Times-Washington orsonormother ... thinkofhow youwould whole personal lives.” overage ofotherpublications.unless their coverage itselfha: Post News Service like them to be approached,how you would The source said officials had no new ecome a newsworthy issue that has appeared in the Daily he Daily will accept letters of thanks, if space permits, bu NEW YORK - After more than two like them to be treated,” said Victoria leads but were moving ahead becituse they iillnotmn letterswliosesolepurposeistoadvertiseanevent months of holding back in. deference to Cummock, of Coral Gables, Fla., whose were concerned that if more time passed, When writers have group affiliations or hold titles 01 people’s memories would fade. ositionsrelated tothe topicoftheirletter, theDaily will note grieving families of the victims of TWA husband, John, waskilledinthe 1988bomb- iatfollowingt1ieletter.nlisistoprovideadditionalinforma Flight 800, theFBIplanstostartconducting ing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, on and is not intended to detract from tlie letter. interviews as early as next week with the Scotland. Aurelie Becker, whose 19-year-old Classifieds Information relatives in hopes of turning up leads from The letters, dated Oct. 1 and signed by daughter, Michele, was among the 230 All Tufts students must submit classifieds in person the lives of those who died. Assistant Director James Kallstrom, say an people who died July 17 on Flight 800, said repaid with cash or check. All classifiedsmust be submittec y3 pm.theday beforepublication. Classifiedsmayalsoh The bureau notified the immediate fami- FBI agentwillcalltosetupaninterview“to family members have had mixedreiictionsto ought at the Information Booth at the Campus Center. AI lies in letters received in the last few days. discuss the investigation, any concerns the letter, But she said she unders1:ands the lassifieds submitted by mail must be accompanied by i And to make the process less traumatic, the you may have regarding the investigation FBI’s need to do the interviews. heck. Classifieds may not be submitted over the phoqe. Notices and Lost & Founds are free and run on Tuesday! FBI last month held a sensitivity session in and any information you will be able to “It’s causing some anguish with quite a nd Thursdays only. Notices are limited to two per week pel New York City for the agents who will be sharewithusthat will helpus inourefforts.” few people,” said Becker, a director of a rganization and run space permitting. Notices must be writ newly incorporatedgroup ofvictinis’ fami- :n on Daily fonns and submitted in person. Noticescannot be contacting the relatives. Family members sed to sell merchandise or advertise major events. from two previous aviation disasters urged A senior law enforcement official, who lies. “They’re asking, ‘What are they going The Tufts Daily is not liable for any damages due tc the more than 50 agents who attended to said Wednesday the interviews were to ask us, and how is it going to be framed?’ /pographical errors or inisprintings except the cost of the isertion, which is fully refiindable.We reserve the right tc approach grieving relatives with compas- planned to begin as early as next week, said They are going to have to be very sensitive :fuse to print any classifieds which contain obscenity, are o sion. agents talking to the families would cover tothe fact it’s been less than 100 days since n overtly sexual nature. or are used expressly to denigrate i “the whole range, from did they see any- this happened and an awful lot of us are Nerson or group. “I said, if your wife was the person you were going to see, or if it was your daughter body suspicious at the airport ... to their having a hard time with our lives.“ Thursday, October 10, 1996 THE TUFTS DAILY page three VIEWPOINTS Don’t underestimate the power of women by Erin Meyers controlled. He believed the way speaks her mind, votes, or even to control a woman is to “get her puts on a pair of pants, she is Many in the radical right have pregnant and keep her barefoot.” benefiting from years of feminist tried for years to put down the Keeping women in this role of- struggle. Since women first won efforts of feminism, employing fers no opportunity for learning, the right to vote, they have been stereotypes and propaganda to try and therefore, no opportunity for achieving more and more free- to kill the feminist movement. change. An ignorant person is doms, and that is the essence of They are trying to deny working much easier to control than an feminism. women benefits, such as govern- educated one. Women who decry feminism men t - s~ o n - I- -h and refuse care and ma- even puts on a pair of pants, she is benefiting from of it don’t ternity leave, e a I e which makes years of feminist struggle.” I what it has life harder I done for for these progressive women. Another tactic of radical right them. Feminism has not only These misguided people live in a extremists is to encourage stereo- given women the opportunity to world where women stay home, types about feminists and their succeed in the male-dominated raise a family, and live to make lifestyles. They say feminists are business world, it has freed them their husbands happy. They are a group of ugly, man-hating les- from sexual taboos that many stuck in the past. The real world bians who don’t shave their legs. other nations associate with scares them. In modem society, They say any woman who is a women. women speak their minds, have a feminist is a “femi-nazi.” The For example, according to the career, andchallenge theold rules. radical right assumes these lies World Health Organization, an So, the radical right extrem- will discourage women from par- estimated 25 million women in ists have launched a war against ticipating in feminism. Africa are sexually mutilated for feminism to try and preserve their The truth is feminists come in the sake of fertility. These mutila- Leave It To Beaver world. Unfor- every shape and size. Today’s tions are basically a female ver- tunately for them, feminists do feminism is about the right to a sion of castration and do nothing not die easily. personal freedomofchoice. To be to aid in fertility. They are simply From the beginning of the afeminist, you don’t have to shave a way to oppress women in the feminist movement there have your legs. You don’t not have to society. This is an extreme of the been people - men and women shave your legs. You have the taboos involving women. Others - who have fought against its freedom to decide what you want include societies where women efforts. Former Arkansas Senator to do, not what men and society are inferior to men and are even ful for feminism. ing the rights of women, femi- Van Dalsem tried to perpetuate deem is appropriate. denied adequate food because the Feminism is under attack, but nism is not dead. Many other the myth that women exist to be The most frightening truth to men “deserve” more, even though it will not die. Some may accept women and I are proud to be the radical right is that women the women do the same amount, the lies the radical right is trying feminists. Labelsand propaganda Erin Meyers is afreshman who see the benefits of feminism ev- if not more, of the work. If these to sell; but as long as one woman will not stop us or the feminist has not yet chosen a major. eryday. Every time a woman ideas make you cringe, be thank- is speaking her mind and defend- movement. Electoral irony Minority students let / Poor Bob Dole. As his campaign limps towards successfully use experience as a weapon, Dole is its November date with defeat, the subtleties of left with only two options; he can either run on the down, again presidential politics still seem to elude the 35 yey strength of his public personality or on the attrac- veteran in his third attempt at the presidency. tiveness of his campaign proposals. by Danielle Costa and 1,000 students, then the African- President Clinton, a man admittedly more comfort- Yet past campaigns have left no doubt that Joseph Hardee American community, which able on the cam- Dole’s dour personality will be a hindrance in his makes up only 3.9 percent of the Brad Snyder paign trail than in quest for the presidency. Thus, Dole’s chances for Once again, the lesbian, gay, campus, and the Tufts Lesbian, the Oval Office, electoral success depend on the quality of his ideas. and bisexual students, as well as Gay, and Bisexual Community, On Second Thought continues to run But what exactly has Dole decided to offer the students of color, have been let which claims even lower num- circles around his electorate? down. With the failure ofthe cul- bers of openly queer students, elder rival. In the age of candidate-centered cam- Touting an economic plan that neither he nor ture rep amendment to the TCU don’t really have any chance at paigns, where personality and passion can matter Americans truly believe can work, and riding the Constitution, itbecomes painfully all of having their concerns ad- as much as experience and ideas, Dole is simply a backs of the supply-siders he publicly mocked, apparent that the student body dressed. So, the solution, accord- fish out of water. Dole offers us a 15 percent tax cut. He tempts us does not understand what it is ing to the Daily, would be for an A young, exuberant president buoyed by a ro- with a balanced budget and increased defense like to be a minority on this cam- openly gay person to run for a bust economy, multiple successes in the interna- spending. He speaks of a “bridge” to a better time pus, or how the needs of the mi- Senate seat. It sounds simple, tional arena, and an unpopular Speaker of the in America and of a return to basic values. Curi- nority students can best be met. doesn’t it? “This is not like the House, has done nothing to enhance Dole’s chances ously, this election’s candidate of change spends Does the Senate really have American political culture where of electoral success. Nevertheless, Dole is likely to most of his time railing on the status quo, but will the capacity to deep pockets suffer defeat mainly because his message does not only offer us the past. represent the “After a short amount determine match his persona, and because he is plagued by an Apparently, Dole believes he can gain the White needs of of time, queer students the ability to incredibly poor sense of timing. House by imitating the ’68 campaign of Richard “som e on e on this campus get be a viable At the Republican Convention in San Diego, Nixon. It was then that Nixon successfully ran a slightly differ- political Dole boldly declared himself to be “the most “law and order” campaign built upon the wishes of ent” from exhausted of trying to candidate,” optimistic man in America.” Throughout his ca- a “silent majority” yearning for a return to nor- themselves, as do all the things that as the edito- reer, however, Dole has been anything but the malcy. But Nixon had something Dole doesn’t the Daily edi- the Senate could be rial sug- optimist he claims to be. Voting against the cre- have: the turbulence of the Vietnam War, of the torial (“Vote gested. ation of Medicare, Head Start, and Americorps, Watts riots, and of two devastating assassinations. no on the doing, in addition to However, Dole has traditionally favored the stability of the In other words, Dole has little chance of win- Amendment, being students.” even with in status quo to the uncertainties of new initiatives. ning the presidency because he has none of the again,” Sept. the Tufts His sudden conversion to the “candidate of change,” necessary ingredients (particularly mass chaos) 26) suggested on the day of the bubble the stigma of race and hopeful and optimistic that shaking the current that would make his backwards-oriented message vote? We don’t think so. sexuality function against a can- course will be good for America, is the great irony appealing to American voters. Someone in the The recent vote on the future didate during an election. of the 1996 campaign. Dole campaign would be smart to wallpaper Re- of Pepsi on this campus clearly We are also concerned about Only two years ago it seemed impossible to publican headquarters with the slogan: “It’s the displays that the Senate either the entire student body’s lack of imagine a race in which Clinton played the part of future, stupid.” Perhaps then Dole will better grasp does not know the position of understanding of the issues that the tested and experienced leader, and Dole mas- the current electoral climate and understand that their constituents, or simply concern lesbian, gay, and bisexual queraded as the challenger dedicated to changing both he and his message appear old and haggard. doesn’t care. When almost a quar- students at Tufts. After all, the business as usual. They are unfamiliar roles for Still, it is probably too late for Dole to master the ter ofthe school signs a petition to senators were the ones to con- both participants, but Clinton has the Rose Garden skills needed to realize the office he has coveted his remove Pepsi products from the ceive of the culture representa- to embolden his strategy. Dole, on the other hand, entire adult life. He will likely be remembered campus and then only one sena- tives, and it was the student body has only a 35-year record ofpublic service that will more for his inability to perform well on the tor votes in line with the student who failed the LGB community do more harm than good as he tries to convince biggest stage of the political arena than for any body, people should be outraged and the communities of color. voters he has something new to offer. contributions made during his senatorial career. at the Senate for their disregard People, such as the editors of the Dole’s campaign staff is so desperateto downplay Unfortunately, Dole will have no one to blame but of campus sentiment. Daily, don’t know what issues are the former senator’s service that highlights of himself. His willingness to sacrifice the record he Furthermore, if the Senate is important to the LGB commu- Dole’s long Washington career were conspicu- has worked so tirelessly to build will leave voters willing to ignore the voices of nity. The editors oftheDailyseem ously absent from the footage shown at the Repub- no choice but to define the man in terms of his to think that the most significant lican Convention. Dole is correct to fear the incon- repeated failures. We’ll remember how he sought Danielle Costa is a sophomore task of the Senate is planning sistencies and unpopular decisions associated with the presidency again and again and again. We’ll be who has not yet chosen a major. Spring Fling. This attitude is ex- such a comprehensive political record. Still, fail- forced to remember him as poor Bob Dole, the man Joseph Hardee is a sophomore actly why we need an advocate in ing to capitalize on his distinguished service will who could never win the one race he truly cared majoring in history. Both are co- likelv move to be a maior mistake. Unable to about. coordinators of TLGBC. see TLGBC, page 14 page four THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, October 10, 1996

Dedication Ceremonies for The Tisch Library at Tufts University

Thursday, October 10 12:30 p.m. Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters Degree to be awarded to Mr. Preston Robert Tisch, A71P, A76P, co-chairman and CEO of Loews Corporation

12:45 p.m. Grand Opening and Dedication The Tisch Library at Tufts University

1:15 p.m. Open House and Tours The Tisch Libraw at Tufts University

and Seminars Honoring the Opening

Wednesday, October 9,1996 11:30 a.m. ASEAN Auditorium Cabot Center

Let the Games Begin: The Business of Sports Presider and Panelist: Preston Robert Tisch, chairman and CEO, New York Giants Moderator: Will McDonough, NBC sports commentator

Panelists: Mike O’Connell, assistant general manager, Boston Bruins Robert Kraft, owner, New England Patriots John Harrington, CEO, Boston Red Sox Stuart Layne, executive vice president marketing and sales, Boston Celtics

Thursday, October 10,1996 1O:OO a.m. ASEAN Auditorium Cabot Center

Forrest Gump at the Millennium Moderated by: Steve Tisch, A71, producer, 66 Forrest Gump” and numerous other major motion pictures president, The Steve Tisch Company

Panelists: Jeff Strauss, A84, and Jeff Greenstein, A84, writers for the NBC series “Friends” Jonathan Levin, A75, of Creative Artists Cary Granat, A90, senior executive VP, Miramax/Dimensions Films . Tovia Smith, J87, New England correspondent, National Public Radio Thursday, October 10, 1996 THE TUFTS DAILY page five FEATURES Tufts women will walk for domestic violence byERINMEYER!3 pearing fast,” she said. This may be due to in honor of battered women, will be on Contributing Writer the increased effort to promote this year’s display to increase awareness of the real Next Saturday, Oct. 12, is the 5th annual walk on campus. effects of domestic violence. Victims of Domestic violence Jane Doe Walk for Women’s Safety at the “We have taken many different avenues domestic violence will be honored by signs Hatch Shell on Boston’s esplanade. This to get more people involved,” Im said. carried by the walkers. facts walkisoneofthemajor fundraisersfor area “We’ve put up signs around campus, in the In 1995 approximately 1,669 women and *In 1995, 32 women were killed in programs that fight domestic violence. The residence halls, and have given information 2,209 children were provided shelter Massachusetts as a result of domestic commitment to help battered women is tom’saboutthe walk. We’re hoping to get throughout the Commonwealth. The goal violence. strong at Tufts. many types of students involved.” of the day is to raise awareness about cSCrisis hotlines received over 92,000 “I think the campus is pretty involved Interested students can pick up pledge domestic violence, as well as money for calls last year. with women’s’ issues,’’ sheets at the in- shelters and programs for battered women. *A woman is battered every nine said junior Anne Im, or- formationbooth in The Massachusetts Coalition of Battered seconds; over four million women are ganizeroftheTufts walk the Campus Cen- Women Service Groups has 32 member pro- battered each year. team. ter, atthe Women’s gramsthatprovide direct servicesto women *One out of every two women will be Besides promoting Center at 55 Tal- and children who are victims of domestic involved in a violent relationship in and participating in the bot, or atthe Cam- violence. their lifetime. walk, Tufts students are pus Police Station “I volunteer at the Asian Shelter Advo- *There are three times as many also active in a women’s on Boston Ave. cacy Project, which receives part of the shelters for animals as there are for legal advocacy project The Tufts group money raised at the walk,” Im said. “Work- battered women and their children. that assistswomen seek- is meeting at 9:OO ing therereally sparked my interest in help- e50 percent of all homeless women ing restraining orders that momingatthe ing with the walk.” and children are fleeing domestic against abusive part- Women’s Center “Thewalk isone ofthemajor fundraisers violence. ners. The Women’sCen- to do the walk to- for the Coalition,” Barrett said. The money *Domestic violence costs businesses ter offers support groups gether. raised by pledges to the walkers and dona- an estimated three to $5 billion annually for women who have The walk is a tions by walk sponsors and other area busi- in lost wages, benefits, and been involved in abu- little more than nesses will be distributed among these productivity. sive relationships.Tufts’ threemiles around groups to help end domesticviolence. Some *Women are six times more likely then administration has been the Charles River, services supported by the contributions men to be victims of violent crimes in supportive ofthe efforts but the day is include shelters, 24-hour hotlines, educa- intimate relationships. against domestic vio- about more than tion, and prevention programs. *More than $3 million women and lence. just the walk. In- children witness acts of domestic “The president’s of- formation tents The walk begins at 10 a.m. with registra- violence every year. Dar/y file photo *Children of abused mothers are six fice is buying the shirts Peggy Barrett. will be set up tion at the Hatch Shell. Last year’s walk’s forthe Tuftsparticipants around the site to proceeds helped provide refuge and assis- times more likely to attempt suicide and [in the Janeboe Walk]. The shirts have a provide further education about domestic tance forthe over 92,255women who called 50 percent more likely to abuse drugs Jumbo design so we can be recognized as violence. for help, whether it was staying at a shelter, and alcohol. a group,” said Peggy Barrett, director ofthe calling a hotline, or getting a restraining Women’s Center. Music, celebrities, and food will be fea- order. Organizersofthe walk hope to match -Compiled by Mass.Coalition of Barrett was pleased at the rise in interest tured throughout the day. The Clothesline or exceed last year’s gain to continue their Battered Women Service Groups in the walk. “The pledge sheets are disap- Project, a display of shirts designed by and fight against domestic violence. CD-ROM discusses biases in sentencing by CMEY SOLOFF “ConStatS,” a program designed Contributing Writer for helping students with intro- “Why would one judge sen- ductory statistics. tence adefendant to six months in “ConStatS,” Cohen said, “is jail and another judge, when pre- being used by about three-hun- sented with an identical case, dred students ayear here at Tufts.” sentence a defendant to sixty The “ConStatS’ project, di- months?” rected by Professor George Smith, This is the question that Tufts was developed in consultation Political Science professor Kent with faculty who teach Introduc- Portney along with colleagueJeny tory Statistics at Tufts. Currently Goldman atNorthwestem Univer- being published nationally by sity have set out to answer by Prentice Hall, an extensive evalu- creating “Crime & Punishment,” ation of “ConStatS” has shown an interactive CD-ROM court- that students who use the soft- room simulator. Developed by waredemonstrateasubstantial im- Mitch Rosenbaum and Nick provement in conceptual under- Callamare,“Crime & Punishment” standing of statistics: The pro- is the latest creation to come out of gram also comes with a compli- the Tufts nationally-recognized mentary workbook based on the SoftwareStudio. This piece ofsoft- classroom assignments of Tufts ware, soon to be available for PC biology professor Sara Lewis. and Macintosh, puts the user in Both “Crime & Punishment” the judge’s chair to preside over a and “ConStatS” received federal courtroom and sentence the de- funding under Funding for the fendant to whatever the user Improvement of Post-Secondary deems proper. Tufts students are Education (FIPSE). This has featured in acting roles. helped a tremendous deal with tiiatufel “The program simulates sen- production according to Cohen. tencing hearings for convicted Beyond these two programs The only department which let, felons,” Portney said. “It is as- and on amore local level, students sumed some trial or plea bargain in the Introduction to Art History has taken place and the defendant class at Tufts have the opportu- you write about ab~olutely has been found guilty. The stu- nity to use another program devel- dentjudge then decides how much oped by the Software Studio. Cre- nnYTtIInG0 time in prison, how much proba- ated under the direction of Art tion, fines, etc. Professor Eva Hoffman, “Artifact” “The purpose is to provide stu- is used primarily to help access Pick a topic, write about it. Or dents with an experience not un- images discussed in the class. Not like that faced by actual judges, only does it display the images but don’t. Gall nnnic, Mcrredith, or and to teach them how difficult it it also helps studentscritically view is to reduce variability in sentenc- the images and understand the ing, and to learn what factors influ- circumstancesofthetimein which miool at ~2962.They’ll help you ence sentencing decisions.” the pieces were made. Steve Cohen, a key player in idea. the“Crime & F’unishment”project, “ConStatS’ is in its early stages come up with an They’re has worked on many of the other of release and “Crime & Punish- programs to come out of Tufts. He ment” is due for release hopefully redly rmcrrt. was head programmer for in the not-so-distant future. page six THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, October 10, 1996 NATIONAL SPORTS Whalers trade their wing 12-year-old’s dream comes (Shanahan) to Red Wings true, saves day for Yankiees Los Angeles Times-Washington he’s hard-nosed,’’ Bqwman said. “I don’t Los Angeles Times-Washington which team will go to the World Series. Post News Service know how many people there are like him in Post News Service Tarasco argued heatedly that the ball Hartford Whaler left wing Brendan the league. He’s a winger, a power winger NEW YORK - Twelve-year-old Jeff would have settled easily into his glove, an Shanahan and Detroit Red Wing forward thatcan score.Obviously,that’s whatwe’re Maier dreamed of making a big play at opinion that was supported by video re- Keith Primeau gottheirwishes Wednesday, expecting.” Yankee Stadium,but he never imagined that plays from several angles. Umpire Rich but Detroit’s Paul Coffey got what may be Primeau, 25, scored 27 goals last season it might happen before he got out of middle Garcia didn’t see it that way and signaled only a temporary new address. but scored only one in 17playoff games. His school. home run. Ending weeks of speculation, the Whal- lack of production was a key to Detroit’s The baby-faced Baltimore Oriole killer The guy with the best view was standing ers traded Shanahan and defenseman Brian loss to the Colorado Avalanche in the reached over the right-field fence Wednes- 10 feet above them, being high-fived by Glynn to the Red Wings for Coffey -the Western Conference finals after a record- day and deflected-Derek Jeter’s National Hockey League’s career scoring setting62-victory season. He didnotreport eighth-inning fly ball away from 661 didn9tthinkanythinglikethis leader among defensemen -Primeau, and to training camp and asked to be traded. BaltimoreOrioles outfielder Tony a 1997first-round draft pick. The deal nearly Tarasco. turning a likelv out into would ever happen to me!. “Primeau’s a big center-ice man that is Y fell apart when Primeau changed his mind going to help our team play in the Eastern agame-tying home run in the first pretty cool.” about the contract he accepted contingent Conference, which everyone would like,” game of the American League on the trade, but the details were completed Rutherford said. “I know a lot ofteams in our ChampionshipSeries. -Jeff Maier, stunned fan a few hours before the Red Wings’ home conferenceweretrying toget him. And Paul “I just leaned over and it opener at Joe Louis Arena. Coffey (is) aguy that obviously brings a lot jumped into my glove,” said Maier, who was dozens ofYankees fans who all knew that he Coffey, 35, was reluctant to leave Detroit ofexperience (and) quarterbacks the power mobbed by reporters and cameramen mo- had done somethingthe Yankees could not for Hartford, where the Whalers have play. And if it’s not Paul Coffey, it’s going ments after the incident changed the course do themselves. He had stolen the lead from struggled on the ice and at the box office for to be another one or two good players.” of Game 1 - an eventual 5-4 New York the hated Orioles. several seasons. However, his stay may be The Red Wings said Glynn will be as- victory in 11 innings - and perhaps the Maier seemed to understand that he was brief because broadcast reports indicated signed to the minor leagues. best-of-seven playoff that will determine no hero in Baltimore. the Whalers will trade him to another team. . “Oh, no, Baltimore,” he said when ap- General Manager Jim Rutherford also ac- proached by a reporter from the Baltimore knowledged he will listen to offers for the Umps press for action from leagues Sun. three-time Norris Trophy winner. Los Angeles Times-Washington Maier admitted afterward that he had “All I know is I’m out of here,” Coffey, Post News Service leaned over the railing to reach for the ball who has 1,4 IO points in I, 154 games, said NEW YORK- Richie Phillips, head ofthe umpires union, held anews conference but gave conflicting accounts of whether it before leaving Detroit. “I’d rather not say before Wednesday’s Game 1 ofthe American League ChampionshipSeries at Yankee would have cleared the fence on its own. anything more.” Stadium. “Ithink it would have gone out,” he said, Scotty Bowman, the Red Wings’ coach The topic? What else? “but I may have leaned over. I was just and player personnel director, said Coffey Still angry over what they perceive as lenient punishment given to Baltimore Orioles trying to catch the ball.” refused to speak to him. “It’s not easy,” second baseman RobertoAlomar,theumpiresdidn’twanttowaituntilaNov.14 summit He didn’t make the catch. He pulled it Bowman said. “I think everybody knows meeting in Phoenix for definitive statements from the league presidents on codes of back over the fence, but it popped out of his that. Paul’s been traded before, and it’s player conduct, Phillips said. The meeting was scheduled by acting commissioner Bud glove and was lost among tine cheering unfortunate. Most of the times he’s been Selig. fans. But nobody cared. The outcome was traded it’s not a result ofhis play on the ice Alomar was suspended for ihe first five games of next season after spitting in the the same. In an instant, he was‘New York’s or what he can bring a team. It’s mainly his face ofumpire John Hirschbeck Sept. 27. Umpires had threatened to strike last week until newest and youngest celebrity. baseball received an injunction from a US District Court judge in Philadelphia. contract .” ‘‘I’m just, like, shocked,” Maier said. “I Coffeywillearn$2.6millionthisseason Tuesday,nine members ofthe umpires union executive board accompanied Phillips didn’t mean to do anything wrong. It just to a four-hour meeting with major-league officials, including American League Presi- and $2.9 million each ofthe next two years. happened. I thought it was going over (the dent Gene Budig andNational League President Len Coleman, to voice their concerns Shanahan,27, was expected to help save wall). I’m a Yankeesfan,but1 didn’tmeanto the franchise when Hartford acquired him over what they say is a lack of support from baseball officials. do anything to change the outcome of the from St. LouisforChrisProngerinJuly 1995. game or do anything bad to the Orioles.” Wednesday, Major League Baseball and the umpires association issued a joint However, he recently resigned as the Whal- “It’s just unbelievable,” Maier said. “I ers’ captain and requested a trade, citing statement that read: “Major League Baseball fully understands and appreciates the feel like something amazing has just hap- the club’s uncertain future in Hartford. One concerns that were expressed (Tuesday)by the board of directors ofthe Major League pened. would Baseball Umpires Association and pledges that any physical acts directed against Ididn’tthinkanythinglikethis of the NHL’s premier power forwards, he ever happen to me. It’s pretty ~001.~~ umpires will be dealt with swiftly and severely. This policy will be communicatedto all scored 44 goals last season and has 289 The Orioles did not agree. ’Tarascoand teams engaged in the League Championship Series and will be restated to the World goals in 634 games. relieverArmando Benitez surrounded Garcia Series participants. “Hockey-wise 1 think everybody knows and argued their hearts out. Thursday, October 10, 1996 THE TUFTS DAILY page seven SPORTS A view from the balcony Fall is arite ofpassage for most sports fans. Pro and college footbal hitthe gridiron, the Red Sox are eliminated from the pennant race, an1 fans begin to anticipate the basketball and hockey seasons. Celtics tickets went on salejus Gregory You man over two weeks ago-and I callec to get mine on the very first day. The /nSide COfnef dialed up everyone’s favorite mo nopoly, TicketMaster,and orderec fourtickets to themonumental Celtics-Knicksmatchupin March. Tei minutes and $87 later, I hadmy seats, and agnawing feeling inside tha I just got ripped off. I had shelled out all that money for what -to se Dee Brown and Alton Lister? To see M(ore). L(osses). Carr wave towel from the bench while coaching a bunch ofhas-beens and never will-bees to 3 1 wins and a 10th place finish in the East. And others mus share my sentiment, as Celtics tickets are available for purchase thi year - something that was unheard of during the Larry Bird era. “The perception is that the average fan is being outpriced ii today’s sports arenas.All the talk is about luxury boxes. It’s somethin; that we’re really paying attention to,” said Stuart Layne, the Celtics executive vice president ofmarketing and sales, at yesterday’s“Busi ness of Sports” forum. Daily file pho But are they truly paying attention? The average cost of a Celtics Even ChoDDv waters cannot stoD success of Jumbo sailors. ticket is $39; ten years ago during the days of Celtics greatness, thi best seats in the house were $1 1 less. Even Jimmy Carter didn’t sei inflation like that. Sailing in the right direction The Celtics -and the Bruins to a lesser extent -do deserve soml credit for trying to keep tickets at a reasonable price. The Celtics, whosl by HOWARDNEWMAN “I thought that the conditions the top ten in most of the major pricesareamongthetopsintheleague,willhaveI,OOOseatspricedat$l( Daily Staff Writer were really difficult,” she said. “It regattas. andanother2,OOOpriced at $1 8. In advertisingthese3,OOO seats, the Celtic At times, one may feel that he is took a lot of patience. There were Tufts finished behind Navy in haveexclaimedthattheprice is fantastic, explainingthatacustomer“wil driving down the right road, or a lot of good sailors.” the Danmark Trophy at the Coast onlyneedtheedgeofthe seat.” TerrifiqmaybetheCelts will alsoprovidl riding on the right track in life As we all know, however, hav- Guard and received a combined those fans with binoculars and oxygen tanks. You see, those 3,000 seat ing the right attitude can help in score of 135 while Navy had a are in the heavens, loosely defined as the back rows of the balcony. the end. “I felt very relaxed. Just score of 108.The regatta featured Neither the Bruins nor the Celtics raised ticket prices this year, bu the fact that I went into the race 17 other teams including BU, that’s not saying much for Boston’s Ice Men. The most inexpensivc with an open mind really helped.” Brown, BC, Harvard, Dartmouth, seat for aBruins game is $29, while the average ticket is $48. With thesi In theCary Price Trophy, Tufts Rhode Island, and Yale. Seniors outrageous prices, how can a family of four - or a college student towards satisfaction.Certainly, the finished just behind Hobart, los- Graeme Woodworth and Kiri Wil- for that matter -afford to see the game. Just doing the math is scary sailingteam is headed up the right ing 70-72. The regatta featured 13 son received a low point score of 4tickets@$29.00: $116.00 rivertowardsachampionship sea- other teams. Most of the teams 47 in the first boat. Seniors James 8 Parking: $10.00 son. The Jumbos continued to were from the Midwest, including Wadsworth, Marthacarleton, and 4drinks@$2.50: $10.00 make their presence felt in the re- Notre Dame, Northwestern, Uni- Alice Keh manned the second boat 8 Total $136.00 gattas last weekend. At the New versity of Michigan, Ohio State, and received a low point score of And that’s pretty much the minimum that a father can expect to spend England Women’s Singlehanded Wisconsin, and Michigan State. 88. Wadsworth was not very Opening night, the Bruins offered a student discount: $4 offa $2‘ EliminationsatMIT,Tuftshad one Juniors Ramsay Key and Jesse pleased with the conditions but ticket. While this is somewhat helpfulto those in college, it still doesn’ woman qualify for the champion- Picunko manned the first boat and was happy that the Jumbos were justify the fact that $25 buys you a seat where the air is thin. ship round at Stanford in late Oc- receivedalow pointscoreof42. In still able to secure second place. “Going to a sportingevent in a new arena is going to be expensive,‘ tober. Tufts also finished second the second boat were sophomores “The conditions were atro- Layne said in an interview after the forum. “We’re concerned, an( intheCary PriceTrophyin Michi- Jon Baker and Jessi Dimock, who ciously inconsistent,” he said. that’swhywehavethe$lOticket. Theaveragefanwilllookforthe$lO gan and in the Danmark Trophy at received a low point score of 30. “Graemeand Kirisailedamazingly $1 8 seat, buy peanuts from a vendor outside the building, eat dinne the Coast Guard. “The competition wasall right. consistently and I let the condi- at home, and take the T to the game.” And they would have had a bette Sophomore Julie Brennink- The wind was light but the boats tions get to me a little bit but we view had they stayed home and watched the game on TV. meyerwill begoing to thechampi- were terrible. We still had a good managed to hold on to2nd place.” The Celtics ofthe 1980swere legendary. Their starting five ofBird onships in Stanford in about two time but we should have finished McHale, Parish, DJ, and Ainge is arguablythe best ever. It was durinl weeks. She hadtocompete against first,’’ Pickunko said. The Jvmbos are sailing up a those years that Celtics tickets were absolutely unavailable. From thc 17 other sailors. Other schools Bakeradded,“ltwasfun.I think river that ultimately leads to vic- beginning of the Bird era to the shut down of the Boston Garden, thc represented included Radcliffe, we sailedprettywell. ltwasniceto tory. Other teams continue to feel Celtics sold out 664 consecutive games and your chance of movinl Dartmouth, BC, Yale, BU, and gosomeplace else. Itwasaworth- their winning presence in the re- up on the season-ticket waiting list was as good as the chance of Tec Brown. She received a total score while trip.” gattas. They are looking forward Kennedy giving up liquor. of 127 and was able to overcome It seems that every trip has to next weekend and hope that That all changed with the opening ofthe Fleetcenter in 1995.Thc rough conditions in order to been worthwhile for the Jumbos more victories are in sight as they price ofthe two most expensive seats in the arena went from $50 an( qualify. this season. They have finished in look towards the horizon. $39,respectively,in 1994 to$125and$70in 1995.Andnow,accordin~ to the Boston Globe, approximately 160,000seats were availableto thc public when tickets went on sale. Who would’ve thunk it when thc Pattern continues for tennis team Celts were winning titles in the OS? lose two matches Perhaps the outcry wouldn’t be so loud ifthe Celticswere winninl Arnovitz throws out her back, Jumbos -iftheCelticscouldputaquality product on thecourt. Butright now by JOHN STEMEN doubles were over and the singles 4, respectively. sxpect the Celtics to battle the Nets and the 76ers for last place in thc Senior Staff Writer were going fast. Arnovitz adjusted to the clay Atlantic Division. And expectto keep shellingout the big bucks ifyoi Murphy’s law has reigned su- The number one duo ofjunior and smacked her opponent 6- 1,7- want to see this. I’ll take in my one game in March and watch the res preme on the tennis courts this co-captain Staci Arnovitz and 6. It wasa key victory forthejunior on UPN 38. For free. fall. Thewomen’stennisteamcon- sophomore Charm ion Mugar number one player. Also victori- *** I couldn’t find the groove- and fell ous was sophomore Missy Meo, I would like to personally thank Tufts and the Tisch family fo who blasted her Polar Bear foe, 6- putting together the best forum that I have seen in my three-plus year: I the time we got used to the 2,6-2. Those were the only wins at this University.“Let the Games Begin: The Business of Sports”wa: Tennis I clay, it was too late? commented for Tufts, however, as the Jumbos %ank,straightforward, and informative. How manytimes in one’s life junior Nikki Kraslin. Co-captain fell by a final score of 7-2. Ioes a person get to see the owners oftheNew England Patriots, New tinues to battle youthful inexperi- Kraslin and her partner Lisa Kerr Murphy would strike again. lork’Giants, and Boston Red Sox in the same room. ence, injuries, and strong oppo- would battle it out before suc- Number one Arnovitz would throw The choice of Will McDonough as moderator was the best selection nents. The Jumbos have improved cumbing 8-5. The other team of out her back just before Tuesday’s hfts has made since B.B. King played Spring Fling. The Globe’s greatly throughout the season,yet newcomers sophomore M issy match with the UniversityofCon- enowned rip artist took his shots at each panelist, teasing Red Sox they lack the marks in the win Meo and freshman Meena Thever necticut. The Division I Huskies bwnerJohn Harrington about RogerClemensandMike Greenwellwhile column. This week, they contin- would also lose 8-4. proved to be too much for Tufts. ,ften referringtoGiantsownerPrestonTischas“the$lOmillionman.” ued the pattern ofbad luck, losing “Bowdoin was just more ag- The squad was forced to play On a serious note, Harrington spoke candidly about the possibility two hard-fought matches to gressive. The clay probably had up one spot due to the loss of If re-signing Clemens (he’s optimistic), Kraft spoke about a new Bowdoin and University of Con- something to do with that. We Amovitz. “Everyone stepped up, tadium in Boston (there may be a privately funded one by 2000), and necticut. . never practice on it, so it gives but UConn wasjust atough team,” )oth Kraft and Tisch spoke openly about Cowboys’ owner Jerry The team traveled to Bowdoin them ahuge advantage,”said head said Kraslin. Mugar partnered up ones (“follow the rules,” they told him). last Saturday. Upon arrival, they coach Jim Watson. Kraslin, Mugar, with freshman MeenaThever,and The panel discussion gave Tufts some much needed public found clay courts, a rarity in New and Kerr all found themselves the duo played some solid points ttention, as reporters from at least two television stations were England, and a solid Polar Bear downaset in theirsinglesmatches but lost. The team of Kraslin and iresent. Congratulations to all who put this forum together. Many team. It was obvious early on that veryquickly. Thethreeall dropped Kerr played some of their finest tudents walked out of that auditorium not only with Giants’ hats the Jumbos were not accustomed first sets, 6-1. They would all doubles but were unable to pull thanks, Mr. Tisch) but with smiles on their faces. I’ve never felt better to the surface. Before the Jumbos bounce back to play solid second see TENNIS, page 14 bout skiooing a class. realized what had hit them, the sets, losing those sets, 6-4,6-2,6- page eight THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, October 10, 1996 Thursday, October 10, 1996 THE TUFTS DAILY page 1 Tufts University’s Arts and Entertainment Guide R HiP-Hop, Faye, Boogie, HIU, and Brahms The Hub’s fall theater lineup is enough to make a New Yorker stand UP straight

by DARA RESNIK name a few. They will be at the Thai Day, and Mandy Patinkin in a good time. (Call the Park Plaza Contributing Writer Performance Center at Boston Concert. In addition to this Hotel’s Terrace Room for details.) oming fiomNew York City, University on Oct. 22 and 23. (Call season’s many musicals, these Two Andrew Lloyd Webber and being an avid theater- 492-7578.) two concerts seem to be 47ou‘~e favorites will also be lover, I assumed that I had For amore international taste, The coveringtheclassics.Dorisisatribute making runs in seenmorewonderfbl theater National Song and Dance Ensemble to Doris Day written by Patty Carver the thanC I could ever hope to experience in ofTibet will be at Symphony.- Hall on and Leo Carusone. They pay tribute Continuing Boston. I was wrong. Whether you Oct. 9. its long run at the ‘*caf have an appetite for dance, music, They will Wang Center, Phantom of drama,oramixofallthree,theBoston b e the Opera,is playing, and the rock- theater scene is budding this fall with performing opera Jesus Christ Superstar will delightsthat will quickly satisfy your traditional. be making a final Boston run every desires-no matterwhat genre folk November 19 through 24 at the they may fall into. dances to Colonial Theatre. Ifballet is on your agendathis fall, the chants There are, of course, always the checkoutthefifthseasonoftheBoston 0 f long runners. Tried and true favorites Dance Company. This season, they Buddhist of Bostonians, the following are finally have their own space at the Monks. alwaysa safe bet: Blue Man Group, Emerson Majestic Theater. Their On Nov. an amazing performance experience season opener was Celebrate 22 and 23, for everyone, is at the Charles Balanchine,andtherest oftheir season again at the Playhouse; Charles Stage Two’s shouldbestunning.1fyoucanwaitabit Wang Shear Madness,an interactive play, longer, the American Ballet is coming Center, isinitseighteenthseason,makingit for a rare appearance Nov. 15 at the Sankai Juku will be to Ms. Day’s “hit classics.” Mandy thecount$slongestrunningcomedy; Wang Center. They will be performing butoh, a form Patinkin, star of the well known The the comic Late Nite Catechism is at performing UD ‘ ofdance fiom Japan. (Call Princess Bride as well the €3&dlidS AHF) - fl& 482-2595.) Lastly, the asmanyothermovies -gels h meflea Church Theme p@H - p*7@KU’ Dance Collectiie of and Chicago Hope, Par&2: Perestr0-a for all and A Boston will be presenting a singshisfavoriteshm Nations; Variations, (ci ‘ program entitled Beyond Walls, a many genres. It should be a treat. the Trinity Repertory Theater has Tony A Brahms Symphony group of dances Musical theater is also Kushber’s epic drama Angels in by Lar Lubovich, along with choreographed by the d!a#t@f‘cL7s’ abundant inBoston this America Part 2: Perestroika; the pieces from The Sleeping Beauty, artistic co-directors of autumn. OnNovember Huntington Theatre plays host to Swan Lake and . (Call the company as well as one of the 5,themuchanticipatedBostonrunof Journey to the West;and Jackie: An 482-2595 for tickets.) members. Dawn Kramer the rock-opera Rent opens at the American Life is a play about the For some, simply the idea of choreographed a piece to a set of Schubert Theatre. Although it is famous Jackie the Wilbur. spending an evening at the ballet may “SDankhMedievalbaapipes.”Martha scheduled to run through January 26, New plays, traditional and obscure, make you yawn. However, and possibly longer due to its will be &riving on the scene as well. the Boston Ballet’s Boogie, Late Nite cateccltsm anticipated Opening at the Wilbur Theater on Brass and Blue,” also at the Wang Armstrong Grey choreographed popularity, Nutcracker Oct. 29, the national tour of Center from Oct. 17 throughNov. 3, Outback to Australian aboriginal get tickets Master Class will be starring BU isset tothe Andrews Sisters’ “Boogie music. Themost anticipatedpieceof for Rent now. Described by its late alum and film star Faye Dunaway. Woogie Bugle Boy,” and touches on the presentation will be writer Jonathon Larsonas a“Hair for Class,written by Terrence McNally, ome interesting ideas. It wilI most JamieHugmin’s A the OS," Rent’s music, its script and won the 1995 Tony for Best Play. :an

be available for $25 in the entire. The AmericanRepertoryTheater’s balcony and the first two rows of (ART) Punch and Judy Get a L orchestra seats will be on sale “day- DivorcewillbeattheC.WalshTheatre of-show” at rush prices of $20. New from Oct. 25 throughNov. 10.Punch L Yorkers created a stir by waiting on is described by the ART as “a post- line for up to twelve hours to obtain modemvaudevillemusicalromp that borrows traditional characters of Music lovers can also check out popular puppet theatre and stirs them <:::: <:::: “The into a mix of ordlnaly loving, embattled men andwomenand notable historical COUI TI ,yric haskeclecticmixofother to live street dance one through Nov. Stal will dance troupes and 10. Good for a present choreographersintown.For a fun For musical performancethis fall, laugh is Gerard Candide while night ofi~-ho~, the two Alessandrini’s the Orplieum trycphiladeiphia; S TI~IATinteresting F o r b i d d e n The atre of troupe, Rennie MAN1)Y lDArI’IA concertsare Broadway, a Foxboro will Harris. who have CtbNCIWD’ shaping up parody ofplays on The rnnw wene frnm Rn give us TN-a m .I \I m \I e -- _._“___ .. -______--ston Ballet’s performed with - ---- to be andOffBrOadWaY. production ofthe Nutcracker. Measure for stars likeLL Cool Jand RunDMC to DeJinitelyDoris: TheMusicofDoris Italwayspromises Measure. page I1 THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, October 10,- 1996 WEEKENDER

xediarn crtiminah take the dcrteen . U Wnlike& film paitin8 is pun& foe auccesa Bela Fleck and by RACHEL DEAHL Corky, she longs to escape fiom this lifestyle, she Daily Staff Writer longs to “get out of the business.” Of course, no the Flecktoner at t’s not everyday that you get to see a upstanding citizencan start anew life without some mainstream Hollywood movie about cash in their pocket, now can she? Of course not. The Somerville lesbians. It’s certainly not everyday that And so Violet comes to Corky withan idea, a simple you get to see a mainstream Hollywood idea: Steal fiom Caesar and the mafia. Theater, Tuesday, movie about lesbians stealing fiomthemafia. To be Corky, an experiencedcrook, initially opposes honest, Boundisthe first movieI’ve ever seenwhich Violet’s plan. But after some consideralion, she October 29th hasboldlycombin~the~twoideasin~onestylistic begins to plan meticulously what they are going to andwittyfilm. do. Writtenanddirected by the Wachowski brothers, Of course the one thing which underlies the BoundstarsJenniferTillyandGinaGershon. -on whole thing is trust- ifthey don’t trust one another, playsCorky,atough,masculinewomanwhoishired they’ll fail. Corky concocts aplan in which she and for aplumbingjob in the apartment next to Violet, Violet are to steal money that Caesar is waiting to played by Tilly. Fromthe first moment Violet sets givetotheheadofthemajorcrime family whichheis eyes upon Corky, the sexual overtonesbetween the working for,andthentrickhimintothinkingthatthe two characters are anything but subtle. In the son of the godfather has really stolen the money apartmentnext door, Corky listens through the thin because he is out to set Caesar up. walls to Violet’s extra-curricular activities. The plan hinges on the fact that, when Caesar But it doesn’t take long for these thin walls to discoversthat the money is gone and assumes the fade and for Violet and Corky to start a torrid son took it, he will have no choice but to run, sexual affair of their own. More than anything,the implicating himself and leaving Violet and Corky filmsetsupthisrelationshipbasedonsex. Andtheir completely untouched. Corky is to sneak into the relationship starts up so quickly that it does have an apartment to steal the money, go back to the almost unbelievableand fantastic quality to it, but apartment next door, and wait for Violet; lid ening to somehow this is isn’t a problem. The scenes the actionthroughthosethinwalls. The plot ithickens between the two women are extremely sensual and when things don’t go according to plan and Caesar explicit, andit’s throws arather by ROB McKEOWN thisqualitythat sizeable Daily Editorial Board makes them so monkey- ela Fleck and the Flecktones have much like any wrench in the made a career out of flaunting of the other entire conventionality. Just one lookor listen male-female o p erat i o n . Bwill do plenty to support this. Merall, relationships What ensues is the talented triumvirate not only plays music for the which seem to a chaotic, next millennium, they do so withaninnovativestyle sprout up all the surprising, and -and even an innovative appearance. timeinfilms. witty reversal Led by soft-spoken banjoist Bela Fleck, the Because and rereversal Flecktones cross-breed jazz philosophy and Vi0 let and of events that bluegrassboogie withnew-age curiosity and hionist Corky don’t keeps you flair. Bassist Vic Wooten parlays his goofy just kiss but smiling and on appearance into music of monstrous worth. He is actually have theedgeofyour perhaps the most impressivebassist one could ever sex, we don’t seat. see live, offering aninspired combinationoffbk- get the sense Not only is bred slap bass and supple,jazz-informed melodic that we do Gershonasa pairofbank-robbinglesbiansinthewonderfulnewBound. ~~un~(-an plucking. Percussionis left up to Futureman, atie- from some films that something ground-breaking ingenious movie plot-wise, but it is also visually dyed innovator who plays the synthax drwnitar, his or abnormal is going on. While we watch these two stunning.The Wachowskibrothersmusthavetaken own personal creation.Funny though it may seem women having sex, you almost have to remind endless pains in setting up every shot. Like the plot (andlook, andsound), itworksandaddssurprisingly youselfthat you’re watching something which, for of the film, the look of the film is also dedicated to a rich and broad soundsto the Flecktones innovative all intents and purposes, has remained a taboo in sleekness and intricateness that keeps your eyes genre. And, of course, there is Fleck himself. A Hollywood films for so long. glued to the screen. It’s not that the Wac.howski virtuoso wielding bluegrass’ favorite weapon, Fleck While some films have presented lesbians in a brothershaveshotthe filminsuchawaythatitmakes playsthe banjo like JohnMcGlaughlinplaysaguitar positive light, few have actually shownany sexual youthink about the greater implications offhe film, -that is, with great dexterity, extraordinary range, contact between women. or of cinemain general forthat matter. Itjust looks and deceptive speed. A film like The Incredibly True Adventures of really cool. This coolness, this smooth, fluid quality The Flecktones are most at home on the live Two Girls in Love, was one of the first films to that the filmmaintainsbothvisually and intellectually, performance stage, a place where they can break from this tradition, but it had two major is a big part ofwhat makes this film so entertaining comfortably explorethe musical realm through the problems. The first problem is thatthe only thing the and enjoyable. manipulationoftexture and harmony, soloing and film had to offer was the fact that it shamelessly What makesBoundso fascinatingis that it isnot spur-of-the moment collaboration.What’s more, portrayed two women being intimate; the second amovie about lesbians or a film which aims for the they will be doing this all on stage at the Somerville that not very many people went to see it. outskirts ofthe commercial audience. Bouiddoes Theaterthreeweeksfromnow, onTuesdaythe29th It continues to be unfortunate that, while somethingvery unusualandnoteworthy by choosing of October. homosexuality has become a more credible film to present its story in the way that it does. In many Returning fortheir first showsincelastyear’ssold topic, it will not be shown in the same way as ways the relationship that Corky and Violet have in out pre-Halloween blowout, the Flecktones are heterosexualrelationships. Surewe can have a film this film couldhavejust as easily beenbetweenaman touring insupport oftheir latest album, adoublelive about two men or two women in love, but we can’t andawoman. CD entitled Live Art. The album is an appropriate actually watch have them have sex. And when we This film could have simply been another neat portrait ofthe band, captured withneitherrestrictions do, not too many people will go see them. heistmovie. Butit’snot. nor boundaries. Compositionsrange fromshortand With Bound we have something entirely new By making Violet and Corky lesbians, the snappy to long and experimental. And, just as you and different. IfBoundwished to make its mark filmmakershaveovertlymadeusroot for anunlikely can expect in the upcoming Somervilleshow, there simply by the fact that it was presenting a rather couple, a couple who most audienceswould choose are plenty of guest musicians, among them Chick graphic and uninhibited picture of two women not to watch in another setting. Presented as they Corea, Bruce Hornsby, Branford Marsalis, and sexually involved-well, it wouldn’t endup being are, however, we have no choice but to watch Paul McCandless. halfthejoyrideitturnsouttobe. Theaffairbetween Corky and Violet. We can’t help but root for them, Few collections ofmusicians embracetheircraft Violet and Corky is simply the beginning of an not because they’re lesbiansbut because they’re fun with the enthusiasm that the Flecktones do. They intiicate and intriguing plot whichmakesBoundso characters. treat each show as a sort of newgrass apocalypse, much fun to watch. Bound does not present itself as a film out to intent to re-define the boundariesofagenrethatthey Violet, somewhat ofa kept woman, lives in her break the stereotypes or discomforts of have created on a nightly basis. It is pure joy to penthouse apartment with her mafioso boyfriend, homophobic America. Instead, its brilliance arises see FLECKTONES, page I11 Caesar, played by Joe Pantofiano. But as she tells from doing so without us ever realizing it until we .. ..,..I ___._.-___.-- ._--- ~ Thursday, October 10, 1996 THE TUFTS DAILY page I11


‘Surviving ’ is bold and beautiful by ROB McKEOWN Francoise Gilot. would soonshowup inhis paintings.” the viewer like he does his mistresses Daily Editorial Board Natascha McElhone makes her And much like Picasso’s art -easytogrowsickof,impossibleto irector and film debut in the leading role of metamorphosedwitheachchanging see go away. Picasso the charmer. producer Francoise. Intelligent andravishing, woman, so too does director Ivory’s Picasso the genius. Picasso the have spent the better part she makes the perfect match for Gilot, cinematic portrayal. bastard. As purrs, “After of the last decade making aheadstrong youngsterwhoknowingly Each successive wifeand mistress Picasso, only God.” 9 And who could argue given some idyllic, often languorouspictures of lets herselffall into the manipulative is introduced to us in contrasting mass proportion. Period pieces which and often tyrannical world of ~~ of the film’s visual not only make one long for an 18th Picasso, by this time world- “..’Surviving Picasso’ is much more a sequences. There is the century garden, but for the unenviable renowned for-both painting and cinematic expression of the artist’s abstract cluttered solace of pomp which goes along with it. womanizing. Born inthe same works than a typical Merchanfflvory Picasso’s Parisian studio, Shadowlands, Howard’s End, The year Picasso’s youngest son, Production with linear plot and dramatic drowned in grayish-blue; as progression.” Remains of the Day - each and Paulo, Gilot seems easy fodder the visit to the endearing every film was downright wonderful, for the female terror-cycle that “After Picasso, only God.” , yetdefinitivelycmstrkting.So it should is the artist’s passionand roguish -Dora Maar, Picasso’s mistress grandfatherly amidst his come not just as a surprise, but as a charm. Suchpassion,orthe selfishness sparklingwhite studio; and the nearly downright Richter-worthy shock that andmanipulationthathemasked with fashion, complete withtheir own color orgasmic sequence in which Picasso’s their latest film, Surviving Picasso, it,isthemainthrustofthefdm,sheddhg scheme, accent, atmosphere, and brush is the sole player on the canvas bubbleswith both thejoy ofcreativity. what may seem like a disrespectful wardrobe. (Safe)plays ofthe silver screen. As music traipses and the ecstasy of experiment. light onsuchareveredman. outgoing mistress Dora Maar, icily ever-so-subtly in the background, Surviving Picasso is a daring and Characterizingthe film’s plot on a cladinblackandcuttingedge fashion; Ivory’s cameras follow Picasso’s innovative lookat life surroundingone broader scaleisn’tjustquitedifficult, it Diane Venora (Heat)plays his second brush as it paints at most eight or nine ofmodemity’smostintriguing geniuses, is nearly impossible. After all, wife, without her own scheme, for she strokes.Blackpaintflows,withalmost the artistpablo Picasso. But it is neither Surviving Picasso is much more a is the ultimate slave he initiallydesires; erotic tension, over a deep yellow. A anexaminationofhislifeascreator (in cinematicapproximationofthe artist’s Marie-Therese, his homely third wife, Caribbean shade of blue spreads the artistic sense of the word) or a abstract worksthanatypical Merchand is awash in muddied oranges, ecru, vertically over a blank background. biographical celebration of his Ivory production with linear plot and andfiumpybrowninastu@apartment; Lush red moves sensually along the existence. Unlike our accwtomedview dramaticprogression. A sprawlingand Jane Lapotaire is Olga, wild and canvas, lavishingthefinal stroke in yet of worship from within a gallery, often intoxicating work, Surviving eccentric, asightwithherthickRussian another masterpiece. It is an Surviving Picasso reveals the Picasso is bold filmmaking - accent, awkward gesticulations,and unforgettable scene. underbelly of the artist’s existence, resplendent with images, dependent tacky garb. uncovering his flaws andingenuities in on expression, independent of Thenthere istheartisthimself. Which is probably the easiest way startling fashion. restriction. Sir gives a to characterize Surviving Picasso as Interestingly, it is not the story of During this past summer, New remarkable performance as Pablo a whole. It is not, by any means, Picasso that is the central focus of York City’s Museum ofModern Art Picasso. Ever the professional, he another nearly flawlessMerchanthvory the film, although his genius and his (MOMA) staged anhistoric exhibition takes on one of his most challenging production. Nor is it an epic drama presence- bothunderstandablyand of Picasso’s portraits. Picasso’s roles with remarkable flair. With about an artistic genius. But with a quite intentionally - are always portraiture was, of course, largely an elusive charm, seductive wit, magnificently creative screenplay by getting in the way. The story which inspiration-andareflection-ofhis intoxicating presence, and sly Ruth Prawer Jabvala, Surviving Surviving Picasso does tell is that life in relation to his women. As Gilot goofiness, Hopkins captures anearly Picasso isafantasticallyoriginal film, of his volatile love life between the remarked so astutely in the film, maniacal range of qualities and does further distinguished by sumptuous years of 1943 and 1953, focusing on “Picasso was not very good at hiding it all with the utmost precision. visuals, defiant acting,- and lucid his relationshipwith his fourth wife, when he had a new woman, for she Fittingly,Hopkini’s Picasso plays direction. Bela Fleck in Davis FLECKTONES continued from page I1 watch. Bela Fleck and the Flecktones are performing at The Somerville Theater on Tuesday, October 29th. Tickets are on sale now at The Somerville Theater box ofice. They can be purchased at the Somerville fiom 6:30-9:30 p.m. or through Ticketmaster by calling 931-2000. Call 625-5700 for more information.


A Public Service of the USDA Forest Service ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT FOREST FIRES. page IV THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, October 10, 1996 *.-

NICK’SCOMEDY STOP Wild and wacky Vinnie Film63 Favorito lightensthings up on Friday, Saturday,andSunday. Concerts Concerts 100 Warrenton Street, call Theatre KENDALLSQUARE 482-0930 for more Lone Star; Synthetic information Pleasure; Caught; Curdled1 CLUB3 PARADISE CHARLESPLAYHOUSE The Spitfire Grill; BCNight.MaryHouse.Crazy Boston’s own Jonathan An Off Broadway Trainspotting; Infinity; Bus. 608 SomervilleAvenear Richman returns for a one- phenomenon that has been a Walking and Talking; Porter Square, call 623-6957. night stand with AsaBrebner. sellout for yearsmakesam in Surviving Picasso; Paradise Show starts at 9pm and is 18 Boston. Check out the Lost; Big Night. 10 Kendall JOHNNY D’s to enter. Comm. Ave, Boston. heralded Blue Man Group. Square. ShowschangeFriday, Steve Tilston and Maggie Call 582-8800 for more OnsalethoughOctober13th. call 494-9800 for times. Boyle. Clive Gregson. 17 information Concerts 74 Warrenton Street, 93 1- Holland Street, in Davis 2787. Square. Call 776-2004 for JOHNNY D’s more information. New Orleans. 17Holland St. MAMAKIN HARVARDSQIJARE in Davis Square. Call 776- Toasters Beat Soup. 9:30 CHARLESPLAYHOUSE A m e r i c an B uffalo ; 2004 for information. (2 1 +). 36 Lansdowne Street, STAGEI1 Basquiat; Emma; Bound; MAMAKIN call 351-2525 for more Shej. the One. Friday Vertical Horizon, Mindflow, Shear Madness is now the On MAMAKIN idormation. longest-runningnon-musical in and Saturday at midnight: Cottonmouth. 8:30 and2l-t. Rocky Horror Picture Show. 36 Lansdowne St., call 536- Gamelan Presents: Fiji American theater. This Mariners featuring Colonel MIDDLEEAST murder-mystery uses its 10 Church St. in Harvard 2 100formore information. Square. ShowschangeFriday, BruceHampton. Mudhens, Downstab.Jiggle the Handle. audience as sleuths and Flip Turtle (21+). 36 DanRocket Band. Quahogs. participants -- always a call 864-4580 for times, or MIDDLEEAST 472 Massachusetts Ave. in reliable treat. 74 Warrenton 33 3 -FILM. Soupbaby. Shakedaddy. Lansdowne Street, 3 5 1- 2525. Cambridge. For more St., Boston. Call 426-5225 (18+, $7). 472/480 Mass. informationcall497-0576. for info. Ave., call 497-0576 formore f or mat ion. MIDDLEEAST COPLEYPLACE: Downstairs: Six Finger Satellite.Trans Am.. 472 CLUB3 BERKLEE PERFOR-03: The Mighty Ducks; PARADISE Inznity; That Thing Do; Mass. Ave, call 497-0570 for Chieftains of Creep. MANCE CENTER. You Boston dark gothy-rockers Spocks Johnson Independence Day; Mistle Thrush play a WBCN more information. Comedianandpoltiicalsatirist Destitutes. 608 Somerville Bill Mahermakesa ‘Politically Maximum Risk; Then Rich sponsered show with Jack Ave, Porter Square. Call 623- Man’s Wife; F1.y Away Drag and Bright. 967 T.T. THE BEAR’S Incorrect’ appearance. 6957 formore information. LocatedindowntownBoston. Hom e ; Be aut ifui G ir Is; CommonwealthAve., Boston, Cone Bowery Electric. Ditch Bulletproox The Leopard call 562-8800 for more Croaker. All shows are 18+. Call Ticketmaster at 93 1- THERAT 2000 formore information. Son; Tin Cup; A Time to information. 1OBrookline Street incentral Kill; Last ManStanding; ne Square, Cambridge call 492- El Dopa. Chelsea on Fire, Long Kiss Goodnight. 100 Latimer.-Bananacide.(9p.m. THE&IT BEAR formore information. HuntingtonAve. inthe Copley 19+). 528 Commonwealth Candy Stripper Death. Grave, Museums Plaza MAll, Boston. Shows Ave in Kennmore Square, Distrust. (9 p.m. show, 19+). change Friday. Call 2166- 1300 536-2750. 528 THERAT ISABELLASTEWART formore informationi. Kenmore Square, call 536- Red Time. Down Lown GARDNERMUSEUM 2750 formore information. Connection, Dysfunction, THETAM Highlights include works by ShmooveRufk.(9p.m., 1St). Rem brandt, Bot tic el li, T.T. THE BEAR’S Chapter In Verse and The 528 CommonwealthAve., in EastWest Quartet round out Raphael, Titian, and Whistler. BRATTLETHEATRE 8.. ChelseaonFirePlaster ofParis Kenmore Square, call 536- a twin-bill. Plus a Classical 280 The Fenway, call 278- Tonight: Ingar Begrman’s Texas. Kasper Hauser The 2750 or 536-6508 for more Brunch with Celia Shneider 5 107for more information. seminal Persona at 4pm and Adults. 10 Brookline St. in information. and friends. 1648 Beacon 7:30pm. Cries and Whispers Central Square, all shows are Street in Brookline, call 277- MUSEUMOF FINEARTS at 5:45pm and 9:15pm. 40 18+;cal1492-BEARformore Come y 0982 formore information. Through October 20th: Brattle Street Harvard information. d “Karsh Portraits: The Square, 876-6837. THECOMEDY CONNEC- Searching Eye”. Through FINNEGAN’SWAKE T.T. THE BEAR’S December 29th: “Alfred Tuftsmerklee hybrid Little TION Curtain Society. Chainstuck. Stieglitz and Early Modern e: Pictures appears with DJ Bob Nelson & the Starting The Meltaways. All shows Photography.” Call 267- JANUS CINEMA Gerard Evans. 2067 Mass. Lineup appear on Oct 1 1th. 18+. 10 Brookline Street in 9300fordetailsonallexhibits; 2 Days in the Valley. 57 Ave, Porter Square. Call 576- Happy Laughs. Faneuil Hall, Cambridge. call 492-BEAR admission to the museum is JFK St., Harvard Square, 2240 for more information. call 248-9700. for more information. free withaTufts ID. 661-3737. I The Weekender Production staff hopes that each and every one of YOU has an eclectic:, bohemian weekend. Later, dude. Thursday, October 10, 1996 THE TUFTS DAILY page nine

NATIONALNVORLDNEWS 2, Helium flows uphill? Nobel Prize Clinton comments winning physicists say that it does about Whitewater Los Angeles Times-Washington upon it. In this superfluid phase, the helium atoms are Post News Service so well ordered that they move in lock-step, behaving Six researchers from the United States and Britain like a single atom. This allows them to flow virtually were awardedNobel Prizes in physics and chemistry friction-free,climbing up and out ofbottlesand down elicit controversy Wednesday for discoveringunexpected phenomena through the pores of ceramic containers. that defied known laws of nature. “It’s the purest material that humans can create; Los Angeles Times-Washington his law license wouldnot be worth The physics prize- for finding aunique form of it’s incrediblyuniform,” said Osheroff, who received Post News Service the paper it is printed on. He can- helium that can flow uphill - went to Stanford his undergraduate training in physicist David WASHINGTON -Legal ex- not impedethe prosecution ofhim- University’s Douglas D. Osheroff and Cornell Uni- Goodstein’s lab at California InstituteofTechnology perts disagree on whether Presi- self.” versity colleagues David M. Lee and Robert C. in Pasadena, Calif. dent Clinton is acting ethically by White House officials denied Richardson. Like most atoms, helium comes in several ver- holding out the possibility of par- again Wednesday that the presi- The chemistryprize-for discoveringthe soccer sions, or isotopes. Helium 4, which has four nuclear doninghisformerwhitewaterpart- dent is trying to send messages. ball-shaped, 60-atom carbon molecule affectionately particles, was known to be a superfluid. But helium ners during a second term. ButNew YorkUniversity Law known as the “buckyball”- was awarded to Richard 3, with only three particles in its nucleus, shouldn’t The controversy stems from School Professor Stephen Gillers E. Smalley and Robert F. CurlofRiceUniversity and have been able to behave in the same way. comments Clinton made in a tele- saidthatwhile Clinton’scomments Sir Harold W. Kroto of the University of Sussex. The three researchers were conducting experi- vision interviewtwoweeksago- “seemed appropriate,” they nev- “It’s a great Nobel Prize,’’ said Cornell chemist ments at Cornell on helium 3 at temperatures very and reiterated in Sunday night’s ertheless appeared “calculated to Roald Hoffmann, himselfa laureate, about Smalley’s close to absolute zero when Osheroff picked up debatewith Republican Bob Dole communicate with Starr and the ability to deduce the carbon structure based on only extremely subtle clues that the helium had suddenly - that he would “handle” any public that he will not be cowed a few molecules. “It was an inspired piece of guess- changed phase- in the same way that water chang- Whitewater-related pardons and that anything he does by way work.” ing to ice turns from a liquid into a solid. The Nobel through the Justice Department’s of a pardon can be defended on UCLA physicist Steve Kivelson was equally en- committee made special note in its citation of “regular process.” thegrounds that Starr’s investiga- thusiastic about the physics prize: “I think it’s long Osheroff s “vigilant eye.” Those backing the president tion is politically motivated.” overdue,” he said. “They discovered an entirely new Superfluidity is similar to the better known phe- say he is taking a principled stand Columbia University law Pro- state of matter; it bred a whole new field.” nomenon superconductivity,the ability of electric by refusing to deny James and fessor Gerard Lynch, aformer Iran- Kivelson was especially pleased that in this era of currents to flow forever without losing energy -a Susan McDougal the same con- Contra investigator, asserted that big science where physics is done by casts of hun- feat with enormous potential applications. Helium 3 stitutional guarantees as other there is nothing illegal about dreds, the prize went for a small-scale experiment. shares the same complex structure as so-called “high convicted Americans. Clinton’s “bland and appropriate” ‘ “This wasn’t three guys who were the head of a huge temperature” superconductors,which are still very “This controversy is apolitical statements. group,” he said. “They were the guys who did the poorly understood. If superconductivity is ever to ploy to embarrass the president,” Last summer,James McDougal experiment.” make good on its promises of cheap electric power said American University Law began cooperating with Starr in Stanford’s Osheroffreacted to the 2:30 a.m. call and efficientmagnets and motors, these exotic mate- School Professor Herman hopes ofdrawing areduced prison from Stockholm with annoyance, and chided the rials will have to be pinned down. And it’s likely that Schwartz. term. Sept. 16 a federal judge or- voice on the line for waking him up. “Then he said the superfluid helium 3 might well hold the key. Yet others in the legal commu- dered Susan McDougal held in jail matter was of considerable urgency,” said Osheroff, nity accuse Clinton of launching a for refusing to answer grand jury “and I thought, oh my God, my mother’s is in the The discovery of buckyballs - officially concerted campaign to derail In- questions about whether Clinton hospital.” “buckminsterfull-erines” after the architect dependent Counsel Kenneth knew about illegal loans and Buckminster Fuller’s geodesic domes of the same Starr’s investigation by signaling whether he lied under oath in tes- Cornell’s Lee was doing his back exercises when shape - also depended on some clever observa- that he might grant clemency to timony during her trial. Wednes- the call came at 5:30 a.m. Eastern time. tions by researchers. The chemists figured out the the McDougals and other wit- day, a St. Louisappealscourtruled Lee and Osherhoff said they were not looking for structure of a completely unknown form of carbon nesses ifthey withhold damaging that she has no right to refuse to so-called superfluid helium 3 when they stumbled from a sample of only a few molecules. information. testify. Indeed, the critics said, Clinton By late August, Clinton began -a Yale Law School graduate, a attacking Starr and his investiga- former constitutional law teacher, tion accusing Starr’s staff of a current member ofthe Arkansas “abuse” and soliciting false testi- bar, - is knowingly abusing his mony from witnesses.Clinton also presidential power to shield him- vowed to help pay the Whitewater- self and first lady Hillary Rodham related legal billsofhisfriends and Clinton from prosecution. White House aides once he leaves To clearthe air, Clinton should office. rule out pardons, advised Leo Then on Sept. 23, in an inter- Stoller, director of Americans for view on PBS’ “NewsHour” with the Enforcement ofAttorney Eth- Jim Lehrer, the president said it is ics, anon-partisan legal watchdog “obvious” that Starr is out to get group based in Chicago. him and his wife. “I’ve given no “Clinton is giving lawyerly re- consideration to that,” Clinton sponses to the question of par- said when asked about pardoning dons - responses that are right the McDougals. Clinton said he on the edge of professional mis- would “handle” all Whitewater- conduct,” Stoller said. “The presi- related pardons through the Jus- dent is a smart lawyer and knows tice Department’s “regular pro- that if he were to grant pardons, cess.” Altered photo adds bizarre twist to VA Senate campaign ’t Los Angeles Times-Washington When questions began to surface about Greg Stevensdid not return severaltele- standing.... It feeds public cynicism and Post News Service the picture Wednesday, John Warner’s cam- phonecalls Wednesday.Richard G. Reed, a continued distrust of the political process.” An increasingly nasty Virginia Senate paign initially denied responsibility for the partner in the media firm, acknowledged The flapover John Wamer’scommercial race tooka bizarre turn Wednesday, as Sen. content ofthe ad, which was paid for by the that the picture was “technically altered to capped a day in which the campaigns held John W. Warner’s campaign acknowledged Republican National Committee and re- exclude Robb” and that John Warner had dueling news conferences to debate the 69- that its new ad contains a picture altered to leased on Monday. “let the firm know he wasn’t happy.” year-old senator’s most personal attack on make it appear that Democratic challenger But late Wednesday night, the senator Democrats’ anger over the senator’s ad the Democrat thus far. Many political ana- Mark R. Warner is shaking hands with former issuedastatementblamingthe alteredphoto was mixed with a bit of giddiness. While lysts question why John Warner even re- governor L. Douglas Wilder and President on his media consultant, Greg Stevens & upset that John Warner’s campaign had put leased the ad, which also attacks Mark Clinton. Co., which also is working for Republican out what they called amisleading commer- Wamer, 41, for building a fortune of more The picture- in a commercial that casts BobDole’spresidential campaign. The sena- cial, they were encouraged that after a frus- than $100millionbytakingadvantageofthe ’I Mark Warner as a liberal “political insider’’ tor ordered the manipulated image deleted trating summer in which the senator main- US government’s giveaway of cellular - is similar to one that appeared in The from the commercial,but stood by its over- tained a huge lead in the polls, he had phone licenses. Washington Post and several other news- all accuracy and said he wouldnot pull it off shown some weakness. Analysts said the ad is an indication that papers on Oct. 22, 1994, showing Wilder, the air. Political analysts, meanwhile, were despite holding a double-digit lead in re- Clinton and Sen. Charles S. Robb, D-VA, He said the deception was the result of shocked at the blunder by the GOP senator’s cent polls, the senator is worried that Mark joining hands at arally in Alexandria. In the Stevens taking too literally his order that Warner’s $5 million-plustelevision ad cam- campaign. P commercial, Robb’s head has been replaced campaign materials include no reference to “This is really a shame,” said Robert paign is beginning to strike a chord among with Mark Warner’s. Robb, his fellow senator. Denton, a professor of political communi- Virginia voters. In a series ofTV ads, Mark The explanation outraged Democrats. cation atVirginiaTech University,who said Warner has criticized, among other things, While hardly misrepresenting Mark “Does John Warner think the people of John Warner’s ad showed hypocrisy both the senator’s votes against social programs Warner’spolitics-the former state Demo- Virginiaare stupid?”askedEric Hoffman,a because of its apparent deception and be- and abortion rights, and his acceptance of cratic Party chairman has supported Wilder spokesman for Mark Warner’s campaign. cause the senator previously had called for money from special-interest groups. + and Clinton and was on the podium at the “Mark Wamer’scertainlynot, andthepeople civility in the campaign. rally-the ideathatthe senator’s campaign of Virginia certainly are not. This is a dirty “Clearly when you manipulate some- “It’s kind of surprisingthat John Warner would release a commercial containing a political trick, and how can Virginians be- thing and people do not know it’s manipu- would go negative, because he doesn’t deceptive photograph sent ripples through lieve anything coming from (the senator’s) lation, then that is by definition, distor- have to,”said RonaldG. Shaiko, an Ameri- both political parties. campaign?” tion,” Denton said. “It leads to misunder- can University professor of government. page ten THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, October 10,- 1996

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Take a sampleFREE IBs( and hdoutrrhmyou S(andmth0ul~ TESTS-an of%xal scam on your ward. Forrest Gump at the Millennium LSAT: Sun., October 20 9:-m - 1:30pm Bromfield Pearson, Rm. 3 MCAT Sun., October 20 9:00am - 430pm Bromfield Pearson, IRm. 2 An-Alumni Panel on Careers in Media GRE: Sun., October 20 1000am - 230pm Bromfield Pearson. Rm. 5 Auditorium, Cabot loam to l2noon GMAT Sun., October 20 1l:OOam - 330pm Bromfield Pearson. Rm. 7 ASEAN - Call today to reserve a spot for one of our FREE tests Steve Tisch (Producer of Forrest Gump), Cary Granat (President of Miramax-Dimension Films), Tovia Smith (Reporter, National Public Radio and WBUR), Jonathan Levin (Creative Artists Agency), Jeff Strauss and Jeff Greenstein, and others

Meet the CMS Alumni Advisory Board Communications & Media Studies Open House Cabot, 7th Floor - 5:15pm to 6:30pm Up Close and Personal - A chance for faculty and students to talk with the alumni media panel participants and other alumni active in Save water. mass media -- & Enjoy the Refreshments Too! The Communications and Media Studies Program Shower with a friend.

=. page eleven Thursday, October 10, 1996 THE TUFTS DAILY

Thursday, October 10. Dewiek & tarmiehael stop serving at 7:30 pm.

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c; is xor cooKie. That's good enough for us. page twelve THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, October 10, 1996


1996-97 Advertising Rates E? Information

General Rate: $6.00 per column inch Agency Rate: $1 1 .OO per column inch gross - $7.00 per column inch net About the Daily Commencement Issue The Tufts Daily is now entering its 17th year of Weekend of May 16- I 2 J 997 circulation. Whetherjust to read the sports section or solve Afull-color issue with an on-campus circulation of 1 1,500. the puzzle on the back page, the Daily is picked up by Mailed home to an additional 3,500 students, parents and over 6,000 students, faculty and staff on campus. The Trustees. Total cirulation tops 15,000. Call for more infor- Daily also reaches a number of subscribers all over the mation. world. It is undoubtedly the most efficient and effective way to reach the Tufts market. Display Ad Sizes & Prices Display advertising is sold by the column-inch Publishing Schedule (c.i.). Ads run in a certain number of columns across the Monday through Friday, starting September 1 6, page by a certain number of inches down. Each page 1996, with the following exceptions: has a total of 80 column-inches. For example, a general Columbus Day- Oct. 1 4, 1 996 (non-University, non-agency) advertiser wishing to run an Veterans'Day-Nov. 1 1, 1996 ad roughly a half-page in size could run it in four colunins Thanksgiwng-Nov. 28-29, 1 996 (up to 7.75" wide) by ten inches high. WinterBreak- Dec. 9, 1996 to Jan. 14, 1937 Formula: 4 col. x JO"= 40c.i x $6.00 = $240//isertion Martin Luther King Day- Jan. 20, 1 997 Typesetting: $5.00 Photos: $8.00 each Presidents'Day- Feb. 1 7, 1 997 Spring Break- Mar. 1 5-24, 1997 Ad Dimensions Patriot3 Day- Apr. 2 1, 1 997 Column Widths The final regular issue of the year is on Monday, April 28, One column - 1.75" 1997. Two columns - 3.75" Special Issues Three columns - 5..75" Freshman Orientation Four columns - 7.75" Wednesday, August 28, J 996 Five columns - 9.75" Special issue for all incoming students, giving an intro- .Full Page - Five columns (9.75")x 16" high duction to Tufts and the Greater Boston area. A must for Centerfold Spread - 2 1 " wide x 16" high new and returning students. Billing Information Back to School Issues Credit must be approved prior to insertion. Ad Tuesday & Thursday,'September 3 & S, I 996 orders must be received three days prior to date of pmbli- The first issues of the new semester, eagerly picked up by cation. Phone orders cannot be accepted. Terms are net students upon delivery. These are read by all new and 30 days from invoice date. Partial payment may be re- returning students as well as faculty and staff. quired in advance.

Homecoming Weekend Classifieds Friday, October I6 I996 Events, For Safe, Rides, Housing, Services, Wanted M~t-nniand students regroup on campus to cheer on the All Classifieds have a 35 word limit and must be prepaid. football squad and other Tufts teams. With a , Pep Classifieds will not be taken over the phone. rally, alumni receptions, and parties, the Tufts campus $4.0O/da y $1 O.OO/week swells with excitement. A great time to gain exposure with Tufts alumni. - Thursday, October 10, 1996 THE TUFTS DAILY page thirteen OPen house will be held, too TIStH continued from page 1 Auditorium of the Cabot Center. 1 Steve Tisch is also the presi- dent of his own motion picture the Loews Corporation and CEO company.As the producer ofmany of football’sNew Y ork Giants, has films, including 1994’sOscar-win- donated funds in the past for the ning Forrest Gump,Tisch will serve construction of the Tisch Gallery as moderator for the media panel, in the Aidekman Arts Center. His entitled Forrest Gump at the Mil- children, Jonathan and Steve, both lennium. of whom are on hand for the cer- Tufts DirectorofCommunica- emoniesthisweek, are Tufts gradu- tions Rosemarie Van CamD said ates. thattheentireTisch family&ll be Jonathan Tisch (LA’76) cur- on hand for today’s ceremonies. rently serves as the president and Speaking of the University bene- CEOofLoewsHotels. He has been factor, she said that Tisch “has a a charter trustee of Tufts since vision in helping us reach for to- 1988 and just recently became a morrow.” member ofthe Board of Trustees’ Following the dedication cer- university development commit- emony on the library roof, all those tee. attending the events will be in- According to Stanton, vited inside the library for an open Jonathan Tisch has been “very house in which tours will be con- much in touch with every phase of ducted and light refreshmentswill the library project, and very be served, according to Celeste pleased with its evolution. He is Mahoney from the University Of- even more pleased that the stu- fice ofDevelopment. dents are so pleased with it.” In the course ofthe open house, Having been involved in mo- Tisch and his family, along with .. tion picture production since several University donors and , 1 graduatingfiom Tufts, Steve Tisch senior level administrators, will be (LA’71) will serve on a panel of Tufts alumni in the media this of the library for a luncheon in morning at 10 a.m. in the ASEAN Tisch’s honor. I I Sports panel EXECUTIVES continued from page 1 “I don’t think Boston can be a first-classcity without footballand baseball stadiums,” Kraft said. Afterward, McDonough ex- pressed his opinion that business issues in sports should remain a major topic of discussion. “Themajor issues in allofsports right now are where the teams are going to be, how much are you going to pay foraticket, and what’s the future for the game,” he said. Harrington addressed a num- ber of questions regarding baseball’s attempts at a new col- lective bargaining agreement in which he has taken a leading role in negotiating. According to Harrington, the current financial system in base- ball is unacceptable. “Right now, there is a huge economic disparity between the clubs,” the Red Sox CEO said. “If you look at the four teams which EVERYONE~LGIVEYOU are playing now, they have the four highest payrolls.” Expressing a strong desire to THEIRTWOCNTSWORTH,BUTwIul get the labor situation in baseball resolved soon, Harrington criti- THATBEENOUGHTORETlREON? cized the behavior of both the owners and players over the past oday there seems to be an investment expert or And we’re nonprofit, so our expense charges are few years. T financial advisor almost everywhere you turn. But among the lowest in the insurance and mutual fund “The fans are sick and tired of just how qualified are all these experts? industries.’ That means more of your money is where it hearing [during the winter months] Peace of mind about your future comes from solid should be - working for you. planning. From investments and services designed and TIM-CREF is now the largest private pension ofeconomic problemsand players managed with your needs and retirement security system in the world, based on assets under management and owners whining.” specifically in mind. The kind of investments and services - managing more than $150 billion in assets for more He added, “I’m very confident TIM-CREF has been providing for more than 75 years. than one-- and a half million people throughout the nation. that once we resolve this labor dispute we will have a very excel- wE;’LL HELP YOU BUILD TIAA-CREF: lent commissioner.” A REWARDING RETIlZEMENT. THE CHOICE THAT MAKES SENSE. McDonough concluded the Our counselors are trained retirement professionals It’s tough to wade through all the “advice” to find a forum and said, “We couldn’t go who have only you and your future in mind. So you’re reliable pension plan provider. But as a member of the away any more impressedthan we treated as the unique person you are, with special needs education and research community, your best choice is were today with Tufts.” and concerns about retirement. And that makes for an simple: TIM-CREF. Because when it comes to helping Many panelists and observers understanding, comfortable relationship. you prepare for retirement, our annuities will add up to were also impressed by the large With TIAA-CREF, you have plenty of choice and more than spare change. student turnout. Kraft said, “This flexibility in building your retirement nest-egg - from For more information about how TIAA-CREF can was a unique symposium; the TIAA’s guaranteed traditional annuity to the investment help you prepare for the future, call our Enrollment opportunities of CREF’s seven variable annuity accounts. Hotline at 1 800 842-2888. questions were excellent. I love Tufts. I remember Rocky (Carzo) and John DiBiaggio going way back. It was terrific.” DiBiaggiosaid he was satisfied Ensuring the future with the symposium.“I’m glad to for those who shape it.” see so many students. I hope we * Standard & Poor‘s Inaurance Rating Andpis. 1995; L+pr Andytkl &&a, Inc., Lipper-Director.’ Analytical Date 1995 (Quarfcr/y). have as big a turnout tomorrow + CRRF CC~$~CJam dbtdutrd by TIM-CREF lnJiu2ual J Imtitidwnal &wk.,. / whenthediscussionwill beon film / producing, which will be equally interesting.” page fourteen THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, October 10, 1996

- Tufts failed TLGBC continued from page 3 the Senate. Perhaps the Senate would question why Charlene Waldron, the director of the LGB Resource Center, is the only resource cen- ter director who is only part-time. Maybe the Senate would take it upon themselves to push the ad- ministration to make her position full-time, so that she will be able to have more than two office hours a week for the students who need her services. Or maybe the Senate would look into the channels they need to go through in order to implementa Gay & Lesbian Stud- ies program here at Tufts. One simple task the Senate could have handled last year would have been pushing for campus-wide sensi- tivity training after the LGB Re- = source Center experienced three separate incidents of vandalism. Yet, because these don’t seem to be as important as Spring Fling, they go on unaddressed by the Senate, and it is up to the queer students, alone, to push for any kind of change. After a short amount of time, queer students on this campus get exhausted of trying to do all the things that the Senate could be doing, in addi- tion to being students, while still trying to have a life. Writing this will change noth- ing. Minority students will con- tinue to struggle to get their con- cerns addressed. The Senate might feign interest in our needs for a little while, and then go back to doing what is easy: Represent- ing themselves and not their con- stituents. I hope, however, that this might cause some people to better understand why the culture rep amendment was important, and why minority students on this campus might feel betrayed, again. Success soon? TENNIS continued from page 7 out the victory, falling 8-5. “We played really aggres- sively,” commented Ken-. The match was stopped be- cause ofrain with the Jumbostrail- ing4- 1. Mugarand Meo were both involved in tight three-set battles when the skies opened up. The bright spot of the after- noon, certainly not the weather, was freshman Meena Thever. “Meena is really settling down. She is playing well and very ag- gressive. UConn was a huge match for her,” praised Watson. Tufts has some time off be- cause of a canceled match with Harvard. The team is looking ahead to matches versus Trinity and Williams, andto theNESCACtour- ney.

LL We’re going to get some good practice and heal up,’’ said Tracy Treger. Watson spoke highly of his young squad saying, “They have all improved, nowtheyjust need a little confidence.” “We have had some bad luck this season. But 1 think we will perform well these last two weeks *; *; and. especially at NESCAC’s. That’sour overall goa1,”remarked Krasl in.

e Thanks to your United Way donation, the summer dreams of The Tufts @emdisadvantaged children reallv can come true. OFiVUSWXE~BAY It brinm out the best in all of us’.’ L Daily I Two Liberty Square,Boston. Ma. 0210&3966,Tel.16171 482-8370 ’ I Thursday, October 10, 1996 THE TUFTS DAILY page fifteen

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We deliver! 396-1124 call JOY at Parents in a Pinch, 617- questions on teh H.R. record of with University Bartending. thomas A.S.A.P.. if interested, 666- Student papers, theses, grad school 739-KIDS. Mexico. Tomarrow! See LA FOMMA 50% student discount. on campus 6331. applications, personal statements, Friday Q 7 p.m. in Cabot. classes starting soon! Call 1-800- SPRING BREAK "97 FROM A tape transcription, resumes, Cash Paid Dally U-CAN-MIX for info. LEADER TO A LEADER BOOK A graduate/faculty projects, multiple Phone work - $6/hr + bonuses. Guerilla Uprising SMALL GROUP1 letters, AMCAS forms. Thorough Located in the heart of Medford Sq in Mexico is making international Teachlng lnternshlp program BOOK A SMALL GROUP! WORK knowledge of APA. MLA and Hours: 9-1 or 5-9, S-T. pick you1 news. Come meet 5 revolutionaries for college students in ECUADOR, WITH SST AND TRAVEL FREE!! Chicago Manuals of Style. All own days. Call Vinny 391-2401. this Friday! 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CALL FRAN at 396- copying, binding, mailing, etc. Hwm Routes, (510) 848-4800. 1124. (Member of NASS-National of employment to be discussed ALASKA EMPLOYMENT Association of Secretarial Services) $7/hr. Call Lena at Cognetics 661. "Syracuse, NY.' Fishing industry. Earn up to $3.000. What do you want to be when AAA WORD PROCESSING. 0300. I need a ride to Syracuse or $6,000+ per month. Room 8 Board! you graduate? Transportation! Male/Female. No Whether you know your career surrounding area Columbus Day "*RESUMES"' Arllngton chlld care needed weekend 10111-10114. Will split gas, experience necessary! (206)971- LASERTYPESET for 3 and 6 yr old. Tues/Thurs. 7- choice or are dueless use this Jan. 3510 exl. A50353. break to check out your career tolls, etc. Call Cheryl x7693. $28 - 396-1124 9AM and or 2-4PM. Need car, Impressive Laser Typeset character, and sense of humor. options. About 200 openings exist ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS1 for students to do Interimships in Resumes, featuring computer Good pay. Call Karen at 646-6702. Over $6 Billion in public and private storage for future updating. Your Arts & Comm. Business, Education, Housing sector grants 8 scholarships is now Gov't, Law, Non-Profits, Health, choice of typestyles. including bold, Would You Like to Share available. All students ere eligible. italics. bullets, etc. on Strathmore your knowledge with Girl Scouts? Science 8 Engineering. More info at Housemate Needed Let us help. For more info. call: 1- the CPC. Deadline Wed. 10-16-96. paper. Have your cover letters For more information call 395-5983. Events To share large sunny apartment wl 800-263-6495 ext. K50355 done by us to match your Resume! 3 grad. students and 1 friendly dog. One-day service avail. 5 min from Healthy College-Aged women Recruiting, Retaining 8 We're in safe quiet W. Medford. 20 EASTERN EUROPE JOBS Tufts. (Member of PARW: can EARN up to 530.001 SEE THE BAND YOU'VE BEEN Empowering members of you min. walk from campus. Come and Teach basic conversational English Professional Assoc. of Resume Participants needed for study HEARING ABOUT1 Organlratlon meet Betsy, John and Adam. 391- in Prague, Budapest. or Krakow. No Wednesday, October 16, Writers. Call for FREE 'Resumel examining how nutrition influences Little Pictures Q Finnegan's wake 8753 teaching certificate or European Cover Letter Guidelines") Also, word sensitivity to temperature. THIS THURSDAY. You'll be 1996(rescheduled seminar) 4-6 languages required. Inexpensive p.m. in the Large Conference Room processing or typing of student Informatiof!al Meetings: Research psyched with yourself. Clothing TOWNE HOUSE CONDO 3 Room 8 Board + other benefts. For papers, grad school applications, Building, 490 Boston Ave.. Optional. in the Campus Center. RSVP by MILES FROM GRAFTON info. call: (206) 971-3680 ext. Tuesday, October 15, 1996 at the personal statements, theses, Classroom C Weds. Oct. 9: 4:30 VETERINARY CAMPUS FOR K50355. multiple letters, tapes, transcribed, p.m., Thursday Oct. Office of Student Activities. 10: 7 p.m. The Fletcher Foreign Film RENT OR SALE1 laser printing. Fax Service, etc. Contact person: Kris DAnci x2453 Club presents: 3-4 Bedns. available 12/1/96, pets TROPICAL RESORTS HIRING CALL FRANCES AT 396-1 124 AAA or KdanciQemerald. Stanley Kubrick's "Dr. Strangelove" ok. Call 508-839-5522 (answering Entry-level 8 career positions RESUME SERVICE. (or "How I learned to Stop Worrying machine) available worldwide (Hawaii, Bertuccl's of Medford and Love the Bomb") at 8 p.m. in Mexico, Caribbean, etc.). GRAD SCHOOL APPLICATIONS 4054 Mystic Valley Pkwy. Hosl ASEAN Auditorium. It's Free - 9 Rm., 4 Bdnn.. 2 bath Waitstaff. housekeepers, SCUBA EXPERTLY TYPED and Waitstaff positions available. Come One, come all! large eat in ktchen wRh dishwasher, dive leaders, fitness counselors, (Law... Medlcal. Business1 Hours are flexible. Days, evenings, fridge, stove, 2nd level, all and more. Call Resort Employment "'396-1 124"' ' &weekends available. Call TU# (Tufts Unlv. Unltarlan remodeled with skylights. Services 1-206-971-3600 ext. Are your grad school applications Bernadette at 396-9933 for Unlversallsts) Hardwood floors, 2 closed in R50354. piled hQh on your desk? Are you information and application. Welcomes spiritual seekers of all porches. Close to Tufts and bus wondering how you're going to ft all faith tradnions. Join us Thursdays line. $1600.00 call 396-4694. NATIONAL PARKS HIRING your info in those tiny spaces? Are '*FREE TRIPS 8 CASH!"' at Goddard Chapel. Oct. 10: Join Positions are now available at you concerned where you'll find the Find out how hundreds of student us from 6-10 p.m. Our Topic: Spring Sublet: National Parks, Forests & Wildlife time to do it all before the deadlines? representatives are already earning "Wisdom From the Jewish a room in a FULLY Furnished and Preserves. Excellent benefits + Is your Personal Statement and FREE TRIPS and LOTS OF CASH Tradition." Call 396-7309 for more cared for house on Teele Ave., Wl bonuses! Call: Resume professionally typeset with America's #1 Spring Break info. D(no coins!), very near Tufts and (206) 971-3620 ext. N50353. and laser printed on high quality Company! Sell only 15 trips and T station, $35O.OO/mo.. call Jen at paper in a typestyle that's travel free! Cancun. Bahamas, ARE YOU SCULPTED? 776-6175. Earn MONEY and FREE TRIPS1 attractive? No need to fret - CALL Mazatlan. Jamaica or Florida! Join the Arts Haus Fri. nite. 7-9 Absolute Best SPRING BREAK FRAN AT 396-1124 a specialist in CAMPUS MANAGER POSITIONS p.m. in a RAMPAGE OF SKULPTIE! U Apartment For Rent Packages available!! making your applications, personal ALSO AVAILABLE. Call now! TAKE 111 37 Sawver Ave. We Want Your Furnished 1 Bedroom Apt., new INDIVIDUALS, student statement, and resume as appealing A BREAK STUDENT TRAVEL Hands!. carpet, Refrigerator, Full bath and ORGANIZATIONS, or Small as possible. (800)95-BREAK! kitchen, Living Room, Bedroom. GROUPS wanted!! Call Chaplaln's Table, Thursday, Safe West Somerville INTER-CAMPUS PROGRAMS at Af-Am. Females Needed 10110196, 5-7 p.m., MacPhle neighborhood, adjacent to Tufts 1-800-327-6013 or http:/l Body Fat Distribution and Risk of Conference Room. College. Cable and all Utilities www.icpt. corn Wanted Breast Cancer Study needs Af- LEADERSHIP IN A MULTI- included. Near T and area colleges. Am. females 18-36 non-smoking, CULTURAL WORLD - "Gay For Sale Non-smoking. Male Graduate GET BETTER GRADES1 If you are responslble, no estrogens, non-veg. Receive Leadership In a Heterosexual student preferred. No Pets. First Improve your writing skills and TSR Celebrations has an $100. #617-636-0613. World" The speaker will be IBM Computer Month and security, Available 111 study habits. Experienced tutor/ immediate opening for a manager. Danlelle Costa, LA '99. ~xCD-ROM, 16 meg ED0 RAM, 1/96. $625/mo. Call Q 617-776- writer. M.A. in English. reasonable Have fun while trying out your HELP WANTED-SYNAGOGUE 16-bt Sound, 28.8 faxlvoice data, 4239. Rates. Call 666-5562. Business skills - Please call TSR Q ADMINISTRATIVE. .- ...... - ASSISTANT Design a Homecoming Banner x3224 if you are interested! Starting immediately. 7rlO. hours/ or Floatll 2 gig Maxtor hard drive wMlin95 + over $2000 in pre-installed soflware. Lg. and small apts. available WORD PROCESSING AD week. $7/hr. Knowledge of Jewish Prizes will be awarded!! close to campus, Need a Resume, Manuscript or WORKSTUDY NEEDED customs and practices required. Register by Friday, October 11. 2 meg 64-bit PCI video, hi-fi speakers, 104 keyboard & mouse, within walking distance. Close to T Thesis typed and no time to type it? Classics Department needs 1 Resume to Director, Temple B'nai 1996 at the Office of Student also; These places are in great Do you need a tape transcribed and student, 6hrshk. PROFICIENT in Brith, 201 Central Street, Somerville. Activities. $1400 w/P150+, $1300 wlP120+. $1 150 ~/586-133.391-8980. condition and rents are always no dictation equipment handy? Call WordPerfect for IBM. 02145 or call 617-625-0333. On reasonable. Call day or night 625- Susan at 641-2956. Knowledge of Windows 95 and other public transportation. SENDAPERSONALTOA AIC Window Unit. 6000 BTU. Great for a large room. 7530 and ask for Camillo or Lina. -Professional Service programs a plus. Call Wendy, 111 FRIEND ABROAD11 Off campus living is he best. -Quality Work x3213.


I1 I1 Make sure you are not left out of the 1997 Yearbook!

Senior portrait sessions will begin Due to the fact that yearbooks will be distributed t during senior week in May 1997, this will be your only I October 14, 1996. chance to have your portrait taken. Call 1-800-836- 0558 now to schedule your appointment before October 11, 1996. Sittings are FREE! Yearbook order forms will be available at the sittings. Yearbooks are $60.00. YOU MUST ORDER BY DECEMBER 15th!

I Submit black and white or color candid phojos of you Do you want your face plastered all over and your friends for use in the Student Life section. On the back of each picture, print your name and the pages of the yearbook? permanent home address. The pictures will be 1 returned to you in the Fall of 1997. Bring all pictures to the Information Booth in the Campus Center. I 1 Then submit your pictures by October 1 1 ! Questions? Call x3243.

I I_ -6 -- - I Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily page sixteen THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, October 10, 1996 Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau Around Campus Today WORLD; “Gay Leadership in a Heterosexual World” riolence Against Children Speaker: Danielle Costa, LfA’99 Lwareness MacPhie Conference Rm., 5-7 p.m. jeneral Interest Meeting >lin 11 1, 7 p.m. Department of Romancc! Languages iillel and the Bayit “Agrippine” 7alafel Night Olin 01 1, 5 p.m. 18 Packard Ave. -The Bayit, 7:30 ).m. OXFAM Collective (anti-hunger =oxTrot by Bill Amend organization) itrategic Gaming Society Planning Meeting: All we!come I FoU6oTTo DRINK NOW I’M WIN6 TO HAVE vleeting Oxfam Cafe, 9:45 p.m. WE ‘(ESZERDAY MD To DRINK LIKE 20 OF ichwartz Rm. Campus Center, I LOST A PWND THESE. JUST TO 6AlM I Chinese Culture Club 1 p.m. AND A H&F. Mahjong Night Torrest Gump at the Millen- The Commons, 8:30-11:30 p.m. iium: h Alumni Panel on Careers in the Tom o r rovv vledia :abet Auditorium, LA FOMMA IO a.m. - 12 noon “Maya Theatrical Perforniance & Human Rights Discussion.” Zommunications and Media Cabot Auditorium, 7:OO p.m. Studies by Scott Adams )pen house for students and Tufts Film Series 7aculty to meet media alumni Movie “The French Connection” MY COMPANY PREFER5 TO >ounge,7th Floor, Cabot, WAVE THAT KINO ONLY $2. OF i:15 p.m. Bamum 008,9:30 p.m. &midnight OCCLSION MADE BY UNINFORNEO MECVTLVVES. Jniversity Chaplaincy MIDNIGHT CAFE WE CALL TT EMPOWERM MEN^" :HAPLAIN’S TABLE - LEADER- Fight the Tundra! ;HIP IN A MULTI-CULTURAL Oxfam Cafe, 10 p.m-l am.

Non Sequitur by Wiley

W schmetero Weather Report Sherman’s Lagoon by J.P. Toomey TODAY I TOMORROW

Q1IWlJ W1I’ Rain, rain, you’ve come again Hide and seek High! 62; Low: 43 - I High: 68; Low: 61 The Daily Commuter Crossword ACROSS 1 Juan’s room 5 Robert or Alan 9 Frosted 13 On one’s - (alert) Dinner Menus 14 Silk fabric ~ 16 - contendere 17 Obsessively in Unscramble Uwsa tour Jumbbs. DEWICK- mind CARMICHAEL 19 Roughly MACPHIE 20 Legume 21 Pub potions Caribbean BBQ Chicken vegetable 22 Oil transport 24 Hot spot Chicken 25 Comedian SOUP Johnson VG-Greek bean Chicken lo mein 26 Copies ARING 29 African plant 1 32 Superman, e.g. bake Beef sirloin tips 33 Ballet movement I 34 Hat feature rn Korean bean - Manicotti w/ pesto 36 ’- for All THE MATH TEACHER Seasons” UESCRI0EU HIS thread sesame sauce 37 Hints PRAWNCUT 38 Zhivago’sjove UIVORCE A5 THIS. 1 noodles w/ - Chicken Potsticker 39 Lug 40 Altila’s people Veggies Corned beef 41 Dilly Now arrange the drcled bHem to 42 Savings Yesterday’s Puzzle salved form the rumrlsa answer, as sug 44 Shuns 7 Portuguese gostsd by me above cartoon. Corn stuffed red brisket 46 Fair grades discoverer 47 Mr. Flintstone 8 Mr. Onassis pepper Parslied rissole 48 Minnesota 9 Natural (Amwan tomonow) native 10 Bottle stopper Peas and mush- potatoes 51 Ravelings 11 In addition Ysstedafs Jumble% MEALY YODEL INHALE GLOBAL 52 Singer Davis 12 Revolving or I hwec WhtmarnoulrkdemitoIh. rooms * Vegetarian fried rice 55 Eye barn end prospector - GOLD! MINE suggestively 15 Main courses Cream puffs 56 Annoying 18 Roof edge Angel cake w/ - 59 Mine finds 23 Swallowed up 60 Fertile desert 24 Troubling orange glaze spots 25 Zodiac sign 61 Staff officer 26 Chew the fat Quote of Day 62 Great 27 Sour fruit the achievement 28 Make a Speech 63 - Trueheart 29 Threw 64 Cabbage salad 30 Middle Eastern ’ native “A book is a mirror: If an ass peers into it, DOWN 31 Broadcast 1 Traffic sign 33 Stoppers you can’t expect an apostle to look out. ” 2 The best 35 Defaces 3 ‘-smile be 37 Good-bye 48 Foul up 52 Air or chain end your ...” 43 Golf item 49 Fairy tale 53 Verd opera -G.C. Lichtenberg 4 Shade of blonde 44 ’Gunsmoke” star monster 54 Ship’s gang 5 Moseys 45 Old soldiers 50 Entreaty 57 - King Cole Late Night at the Daily 6 Actress Sophia 47 Some penalties 51 Misplace 58 Possesses