Monday, 18th September, 1911


OF 'l'IIJ,;


Vol. L





April 1911 - March 1912


tlabli•lwl 111] .fj11tharilJz at thel>obrruar�.enrral •


PROCEEDINGS OF TirE COlil\CIL OF 'l'rrr:: Gmn:;:-:niolt ~ 1':' :i OF INDIA, ASSEMBLED FOR 'l'UE U O ~'1 OF !;'.I\Ktl'.G LAW!> AND ItEGULA- TIONS trNDF:n TEr: I"(OVIE!O:;S 01;' 'rIn: I:

The Council met 3t Viecrc.:;nl : ~.', Simb, 1)11 :\I ~', till' lSth Se})temool: l!Jll.


His Exofll1enc1 BARO!IT HA!tI>INGE OJ:' l'm'lsnuRS1', r.c., r:.c.n., G ,~[ G, G,O.V,O" G,Y.S.I., O,M.I E" Viol,t'ny nIHI GOYCmOl' Gonem} of IUIli:l,liresiding,

and 39 ~, or ,rhom 32 wore Additinl1:l11[('mbcl's, OATIl O}' opProI-:.

The Hon'ble Mr. O. H. Armstrong, AdtlitiOltnl ::Hl'rnhcl', bcfore t.aking his scat, made the presoribd u:\t!l of nllcgiallcJ to t.I;c CI'OWI],


The Hon'bleMr. Jenkins lairl on tho tnbl0 statemcnts' containing the furtber informntion promised ill tho n ~\ ' ~ ' n hy him on tile 27th Itt:tl.l'ch .1911, to the Hon'ble P:mrlit "nrhll 2\foh:l11 )fal:l.·;ip's qUI'>tiOll rognrding feos levied in colleges and schools iu llritish Indin.

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, The Hon'ble Mr. Armstrong Rsked :-

"Will Government be I I~ , (1) to issue n statement showing tho nmoullt of Ihc cnsh balances in the l1omo Tl'ensmy at the cud of each month during tho past tcn years; (2) to state whether much 10rgcL' ~ hal:l]lces (\re now hold in tho Home 'fren.llury t.JWD flll'mcl'ly and, H so, 10 state tho reason f01' this, and also os to ",hethel' it is the intontion of Government to still further incrcnsl.l tho cash balanoes of the HOUlO Trea.sury ;

• ' ~ A I'pendir A. 728 QVES'l·10.\\ ...• ANI) Aj".ySlJ'BRS. [18'm SEPmmnm 1911.]

(3) to stMc ill what form tho 01\1(11 hnlances ill the lIOlllO '£r03sury aro lent Ollt at interest" nnd ghe the amount, Oil the ~ I'f'cent dnte for which the illforlllatioll is Ilv:l.illthle, lout ont ngaim.t thc deposit of securities, ,nnd the amount lent out without the deposit of securities;, ! ( 1) to stnte whet.her: Gov'ernment will lend to tlw 1ll0lWV markds in India agninst the deposit of seourities' of npproved character when theil' Treasury llnlnnecB nrc high j (5) to stnte whether it is the iutention of Government to furtller reduce the permanent silver section or the Gold Stuudnrd RCl;(Jrve, and. if RO, to state ,,,!lathel' it is the intention to discontinllo tho silver branch of tho Rl'serve when tho l'UPCOS' now held in it ore absorbed into;the circulation i' (6) If Government sllould not be in possession of nIl the information asked for in the n110ve questions at prescnt, "rill they furnish Buch inforII)ation nt n future unte? The Hon'ble Sir G, Fleetwood Wilson l'eplied :- : ~ ":My Lord, the lllllt.i o[ the ITou'ble Member's qncst.ion lapses, iuosmuoh as I OUl prepo.retl;to give him thu informutioll hu is asking for,

IC 'I'ho answers t() his qpestiolls arc ;- "1. 'fhe statement detired by the lloll'hle Memher is lai(l on' the table,- It excludes slims held iti cqsh on hollalf of the Golel Standard Hcserv(>.

II 2, (a) Thu cash ballW.ces nrc much larger than thoy usuolly wora up to B few years ago. I:.

U (b) '1'110 bOlano. cs ~ been. swollen in recent years by the following cnuses operating at different timo singly ~ iu combination ;- (i) the raising of 10 ns. befol'e the closing of IL fiI1ll.neial year to finance the railway roaramme of the following yeor ; (ii) the in u~ i of U~ roniittcd in 1910·11 from OUl!' large opiU:oi- i ~ for ~ . i ~~ deht; . (iii) heavy ulef! ?f 1 1~i i~ and 'l'elogl'o.phio 'rrans[ers in excess of , tbo' ~\U ~ n , of I ~ Home 'l'reasury. '

II 'fhe lIon'blo nla<> no doubt :1War3 thot the ensh balances now carry sums' (not sboifn bowevor in the state mont whioh I have pluced on the tnble) of n : .i : ~ £11 ~i i n on accollnt o( the Gold Standard lteserve, in pursunnce of ,the policy of kooping ri. portion of thnt Reserve uninvested, . .. (r.) Thero is n~ suoh intention, sullject always to the llSuo.l oonsidoration tbat Bills in excess 9£ the Secretary'of State's requirements may have to be sold to ~ ~ legitimate demands 6£ tl'ade . .. 3, Tbo ~ ~ [ by lQans from tho llomo Treasury balances is two" fold- .'. (a) to n v~. . borrow,en ~ tho security of Indian rnilwoy debentures a.nd Bntuh ]'ulids; and : (b) on d'cposlt with ~ ~v Bunks, "Tho amounts so lent on;the 31st of hst month ,,"crc-

(a) £9,850,000;. and I ' ; (b), ~ ,~~O,O~ iii,,!;;,

", II 4. '£he Government of Indio.,' ns tho Hon'ble lIIember is awal'e, lcavo considerable Bilbis, ~ i of tlfeii Titdinn cash balances, on deposif with the ~ ~ D. , .~~~ .•:T~~ ~ u~i ~ it rulvisoble to mako a practice of n i i ~ ~ ~ n in~ ' : 1!l Jrldlo. In any other manner or to any larger ~i n ' ., ,,'" ,. " , ;() I . ;1 ,. ..• } ~ ,,:1, :',.'~' .' ' .. :,> .' .:" ~ ~ ~ ... I : '1I ~ It'is hot oUr i n i n:i~ presont to mako any u ~b reduction intbe silverbranoh of the'Oold:.StandnrdReserro; !lnd it is not our i n i n~ to discontinue tbe8ilver branch,"'."

, •• rid. Arpendix B, fJ[:ES"'lONS ..1.1'0'1) ASSWj,.'1,'S. 72!J

[18TU Bnrnmlllm :1911.] [Jlr. ,J/ac/fle; Sir C, ]i/(!elwllul i / ~ llao ]](I/i.a(/,,,. It. N, Jll"tI Ito 1 !.'flr ; :AI" • .l1ullt't',] The Hou'ble Hr, llIndge asked:- .. 'With 1 ~ to ~ Unikd }'nn-jnccs Gorf'rnmcllt st,nlcUlcnt in Lhe Pro\'incin I J,egisl:ltiYe Con neil 01\ the l:?t It AU!!"st, 1'('g:1I'I1 i Ill; f n '~ of olliecl's llOldillg npl'ointnll!nts 1:0 he IlIJ01i<;hl'cl ill t.he Opium J.>llpnrt,:ncllt to 0(;1101' E;uit· ~b po"{",· will 11It! C:O\-cI'JII\IIl1ll 01' I.n.lh he p!():IS ,II to ,.;falll \\·J.L,;tlll'l'. in :;:n:d.iolL- in~ : n~ , that mny 1m '~ n n 1, C':l.I'O will IJC! taken t.o seo thnt (a) 5ueh \ ',~ cntnilll'J pccnnial',l' ""'S, Imd (lJ) th:lt no hreaks arc made il1 l'emioll- nb!e sorvice, whidl Ill:ly '~ ' ' elaims hased on P:I':t ~O ' iecs r .. Does tho GO\-ornml·nt. iuhmcl st .. ppillg frosh fl}lpuiutmcut!l ill auy clcfnrt. mcnt to which clisc:ha .. gcd OpiulIl ollicc)'s Juay Jill It';UlEf,:no,l, Ulltil all "\lch lIIen o[ tho latter. 3S can bo rcbiuctl :11'0 IlJ'oviclcd for?" The Hon'bIa Sir G, Fleetwood Wilson replied :-- " Tho ': ~ of offic,'rs f",1m t,ho Ollitlm D ' n ~ u to othor Dcpnrhncnts "will be ]:ll'!rd,· n. mntt(!r f'/I' sdt.lcmcnt hy the , I~: 1 rion'rllulCnt. But tho Govcrnmeut of Indin. i!t cloill:; awl will do ali that lies ill tlll'h' pl)wer to pfCYCnt Rvoid:J.hlc Iwrl)ship ill tllt" 'O ' ~, The HOll'bIe Rao Bahadur R N, 14udholkc..r asked:- " 'Will Gonl1'lllllllllt hI! ~: ~ to stnte wbat cITed kls heen gh-ell in tho different ProvincG.'1 to tJw rO(lolllnlencintitlns of 1110 E,11H'11.1 ionnl Conforenoo whioh sat at AlInhnbad in Ft!bl'lltH'':'- last 1 1 ~ ,' !lIe l'l'.::;ideotship of tho IIon'ble 1\[1', 13ntler P" The Hon'bla Mr. Butler replied :- " The recommendations of the 'EdnoRtioll!l1 Oonfol'ouco wldeh S:l.t at Allah- Abad in l'ellrual'Y last nre t'llgnging tho attention of tho Go\'cl'nmollt of India and bave formed tbe subject of referencos to Local GovorllUlents and A.dminis- trations." The Hon'bla Rao Bahadul' R, N. l'tIndholkar asked:-

II Will Go,e1'llmcnt bo 1'1 ~ 1 to stnto the r.,venue ren.lize

Ie The information is heillg colledcd and will bc bid on the tubIo "hon rendy." The Hon'ble Rao Bahadur R. N. Mudholkar asked:- "Do G v~ n n intend to cOlll;itler whcther there shoulU not hc a proporly qualified Inspcctol' of 'l'eolmioal Educ:Ltioll uuder UIO Education Department ef the Govcrnment of Indio. pOI Tha .Hon'bie Mr. Butler replied :- .. Some Local Governments already have qualified inspecting or advising' officers, It would bo contral'Y to the general policy of the Govcrnment to lluve a central inspecting o{ficl:r for Indiu, but it is hoped to liceure tho rcsults desired by tho Hon'bla Membcr by confcreDcC8 of local olliecl's," The Hon'bIa Bao Bahad ur R. N. M udhoikEu' a.sked:-

If Will Government bo pleased to state whcthol' therc is uniformity of practice in the differeJlt IJrovinccs in regard to the qualifications of persons entrusted with the management and chnrgo of boilers P If not, do Government intend to take nction with a. view to rcquiring fOl' all parts of tho country tbat steam-boilers nnd all prime-movers, whethcr driren by steam, i i ~ gaaror other mechanical po,,"cr, sbnll, whilo under work. be under tbo super- vision and ohargo of qulilitied cngineers P" - .. , / , ,~ . QUESTIONS .L1.ND .L1.SS1FBltS,

[lb', Clark i ]t{lItoalJ SaiyicZlluhnlnmncZ SahilJ [18n[ SE '1'E~ n . Hn1.] l1nhrrdlU'i Afr, Jell'';'IJI i the Raja of i[ '~n IIi Sir T, R. W!/1II1C.J The Hon'ble Mr. Clark replied:- " 'The Doilel' Acls ill forco in tho ditirl'l!llt ~ ' vi . ' prollibit t.1I0 lise of !l

b i ~ ' 01' prime-mover 11ulrso; it is in ohal'go of:l qU:llitled ollgincC\', an(1 pcunlu i~ 111'0 impose(l for tho lIon-ohservonco of Ihi!! provision, H.ules fm' tho oxmui- nat,ion of, nnd the grant of ccrtiflcntes of compotoncy to, pcn;om intcndiJlg to tnl,c chnrge of boiler!'l OI'C frllll1oc1 by Locnl G v'~ n n . , ,,'ith whom tho ndmi- nistl':ltioll of the Doill'l' Acts rests. 'J'hese l'n1C's Ill'll uot exootly tho sanw iu nIl tho Proyinccs, and the Go'-cl11ment of India 110 not consider absolute uniformity in the matter to be essentiol," The Hon'ble Nawab Saiyid Muhammad Sahib Bahadur asked:- " With refol'ence to the reoommendntion of tho Royal l>ccflllhalization I Commis!lioll P1'oposing an Aot of general delegation of Iluthority. and ~ , ,! ,viII the Govprnment bo n~ to stnte-- (a) whether the Loiml Governments ,"ero consulted in l'cglll'tl to the proposel1 mctlSure subsequollt to the rep0l't of tIle Oomlllission ; (0) whothor tho opinion of tIle majority of tho Local Goverlllllents was in favour of .the measure; and (c) ",-hetll01' thc Government willlmhlish the connected pnl)ers fot, gen- eral information ?" The Hon'ble Mr. Jenkins replied:- "The nnswcr to part (a) of the quostion is in the negative, No reply is aocordingly required to part (6), With l'('g/ll'ti to 1JO.rt (o), the Hon'blo Mem- ber is informed that it is proposed to introduce n Bill on the subject during tbe 'our1'eut sossion of the Council .... The Hon'ble N awab Saiyid Muhammad Sahib Bahadur aake(l :- "(a) Is it afnot ~ G v ~n1 1 n , of Indin 113ve under consideration a proposal fllr tho special training of membel's of the Indio.n Civil Service for judicial worl, r, . , .. (b) If so, '\Till tIle OOVIll'n!llent be ploased to publish tIle proposal and to give the publio• nn opportunity 01 expressing nn opinion on the same? .. The Hon'ble Mr. Je'nkinsreplied:-

II The answer to tho fi1'st pa1't of the question is in tho nffirmntive,

II At thl'l present stago of the discussion no announcement can ho made os to whether the Ilropcisnl will bo publishi!d," The Hon'ble the Baja of Dighapatia asked :- "'Voulel tho Government be plea.sed to stntA if tho 'raihvny line twtweon I Godaga.ri .. RnjsIVWyelNattore ,has been snnotioned by tho Right Hon'blo the 1 Secretary of Stllte for India. ? ,

II If so, when i~ it going to be tnken up? .. j . I '.' The n'b ,~i ~.' R.. n~ replied:- 1 " '., .• , • "'Ibe Scor!'tnry' of Stato has not sanctioned the constructIon of a railway between G, ~ ~ i: i~ ~~ , nn,d at th? ~ n time thero is no prol}osal before Government for: tho oonlltl'uetlOu'of tlll9 hue," : .. : ~ ~.~ '~~ i .i~~ .,. t· .~, q , The Hon'ble'tlie Rajaofmighapatia asked:- ~, .. Would Uk v~ Din'~~ : b ;ploased ~ stnto wha.t progress has heen made in the construdion works of the Lower Ganges Bridge at Barn aud when tbe bl'idgo is likely to DO completed P.'.' QT.;HS7'IONS A ..V1J AXSlI'El,·S.

[18TH S : 'n ~IDI Inn.] [Sil' T. n. 11"1I111J{!; lI,c ./:(lj(1 f!f JJigl.·(lj;alia; JIll'. JCllkins.]

Tlle Ron'blo Sir ~. R. '\Vyune l'eplie

IC Snti/:factory ' '~ I'lls hoon m:ulo in tll(' rOIlSil'llci:ion of t.ho Lower Gnn~ ' Dl'idgc. A :\I'~ prll)lIJl'JiOll of tho ('clIIstrnc( ion phtnt 1m!: 1H'f'n ruech-. cd o.n<1 tJ10 runuurnctul'c (,j' tile ~ n ' blocb. of whi('h tI,C wells will Iw hUiH, bos been iu lituHl {1.I1' some time. - ,. The ~in in ' of the nhllf,lllf'nt ni~ :\ 11,1' lw:m llogl1ll u:1(1 n :\ I~ n nl'e in l)rogl',()!;s for conmwllcillg work on the l)il'l's, ""'ith rcgnrcl to th!' ':\i i ~ works, Ih!' tW;) ,1nitlt' l)ulI'.ls h,\'e bl'cn }1moti- cally completed, " It is expectod thnt the Bridge will 1>0 completed ill the ye!ll' 10H .. " The Hon'ble the Raja. of Dighapatia. asked :- "'Vould the GOl'emment h,. pll'Mrd to !'1:1fe if it i$ in ~ n ' I : .i n 10 oxtcml tho hrOlul gallg(' lillt: r.ll' tll(· Enstel'Jl Ikl1r,:ll SlatCl Haihmy up to Siligllri fl'om S: ,~ i-

t< H so, whcn will th·.! work COlnll!CllOI! :' " TIle Hou'bla Sir T. R, Wynne replied :- .. PropO!'nls nrc unch'!I' n~i ~ n iO ~ fol' conn'ding tho I ~ ' . n\ lille from Sl\ra to PnrllOtilJlll' to the In'ontl g:mgl',

'''1'ho carrying out of this work clcI,eu:ls 011 the IICel'.; ~:, ry funds bcing available," The Hou'ble the Raja of Digbapatia asked:-- " "Yould tho GovorullInnt hp. : ,~ to slate if it ig illlc:tdc.l to extou(l the rnihr:ly lino up to tIlC Claunui Vallo)' P" The HOll'ble Sir T, R WYllne replied:- .. A conC'l's!ljon hns heel! ~i\' ... n, Hnder ,Brandl lilln ~, fO!' t·ll!' n~inn of tho D:1 '.i ' iD~. i n n\ RIl'l'nihny to I \~ nnll f'll' the CQIl;;hIIClti,l11 01' It line from ~i i u i to 'l'ees'a 13rHlge, "No proposnls nrc IIndel' (!ollsillc;':lti()ll f.n· t!le c:dcn,;ioll oi . ' ~ lillClS beyond these places." The lIon'bIe the.Raja. of :Digha.patia askc{l:- " 'Vouirl tho Government btl ploasml II) state what steps havo uean tnken to give dIed 10 tho : u ~ O i of Rai Sahib 1'1ll1!.lit .\Int:dill Sulml, Ex<,cnt ive Engineer, lto.jshahyfl, in tho matter of the 8(\foty of the intel' nnti thiru olnss female passengers? " The Hon'ble Sir T, R, Wynne replied :-- "In nnS\Hr to his qllcstioll the Hon'bIc 1\1c·mhr.r is illyitNI to refer to tllO reply girell hy ~ ~i n . J.!.ail\\'(\y ]Ionr!l, tn 1\ u ~ .i n~i with l'ob- baries ill traiDs asked t.y the Ilou'),le Mr, 13hupl'lIdr:.Illath lJasu au the tith , ~' Iudinl1 nllil'iall'eJ'erreU tu in tklt rCI,ly is Rai S!l.hib l'nndit lIatadin Bukul." The Hr.n'ble the Raja. of Diglutpatia. asked :- " 'Yould the Gov.el'lllllcnt he pIc'Gsed In ~ . . if therc! is nlly proposal· or a nigh Court being '\b i~ ' nt Dncrn ? "

The Ron'ble Mr, Jenkills replied !-

.. No proposal to rstablish 1\ High Court at Dncc/L has I)Cell rcceil'cd hy the G v n ~n of India." [.1b', Sacl,chitJ(lIIallCia Sinha; Sir [16'l'lT Sn'Tl-:mllm 1011.] T, it, TP'ylltle,] The Hon'ble JlJIr. Sachchidr.nallda Sinha askod :-

"'Will tho GO\' U n~ be pleo.silll to state- (£I) 1l0lr many of the !i.f{l coaching ychicles addcu to t.ho rnllillg' stock of tho rnilwnys in 1\J1O, and Ilo\\' m:Il1Y of the 1,427 cO:lching vehicles nntler snpply, nro meant for third-class n~ ' ~

(li) Aro tho Gon'l'TllOcnt QWfil',1 tbt tho :\vililnhle ""PI,ly of third.clnss vehicles is i 1 , n...' ~ and tll:lt third-class ~ ~ firc carried in got)(ls wagons on occasions or fairs and ~ i n ? (c) Is it not n fnct ~: out of n total inorcase of 14(l'lO bkhs of rllpees in the passengcr carnings last year, ] 20'21 lnkhs \\'l'1'C deriv('d from third·olass tra1Iio ? (tJ) If so, c10 thc Government iutend to'Ul'l'nngc that an adequate increase be mnde in, the number of third-ebss vehioles ? t (e) 11u\'e tho GoverrinlC'lIt under consideration a proposal of tile Goveru- ment of. ~ ~ni Provinccs thnt whell third·cbss I \ ~ n are carrilld ,Ill; goods '{I'ngons, tllCY should he chUl'gOlI tire at a 10wor l'ate than, that ? (/) If so, will ,G~v n i l)o'plo:J.sccl to slate what deeiE-ion, if ally, has been n ' i~ at, nud"if not., ",hen it nmy bo oxpected." The Hon'bla Sir T~ R. W;ynne replied:- "The o.ns\rer u~ ibn (a) is that of the 040 coaching v('hicles added to t11e rolling stock of ' .i ~ in l010,:thuro wero 210 bogie carl'iagrs for 3rcl class tramc. The Dumbor of hogie 3rd clnss carl'iagcs now unclol' supply is 622. It must be appreciated tllot boa ching stock, besides 1st and 2nd class vchiclcs; includfls brnkd vans, ~ b vans, ~i c31'riages, borse hoxes, oil vallS, cal'ringe trucks and inlermedia.te class 'vehicles.

CI With reghrd to tho.:nJxt qmistiJ'n, tho Go,ernmcnt of Ijulia, nrc not prepor- cd to admit tha.t tho eupplY,of ~bi class carriages is inadequate to the ordinary: demands of tl'atli,e,; ,j ".

" In casrs wl1ere mnny u ~ of pilgrims have to 110 carried withiu a very short time, reCOUT!?:) is n~ to the usn or spccially selected gonds wagolls, so ns not to clis:lp,point thoso ~: :i u to lllnke the pilgriD!nge" It mmt he, re- membered that Itwonld cost n.:v~ large sum to pl'ondo ,~ class cnrrmge accommodatioo to meet the demands' for transport made 011 railways during large mclaa lIud. tlIntwheo ~ meZoB-were 0.01' this stock woul(l lie idle. :1tforeover, in order toreooup theml/elvl's for this expenditure on n ~ un of which but little return wonld ho l'cceil"ed, the railway compnnies might very probably IHlvtJ to :ni ~ thl'ir 8rd n~ forcs. ; , ' I " In answcr,to question (I:), it is n. fnct that of the total inorease' of 14G'10; lakhs of u ~ in the' pass.enger carnings In ~ ~ n ' ~ ' 1 lnkhs wel'c .derived from 31'(1 clllss traffic,' TIllS fact,couplcd os It IS WIth thc yearly stl'orly Increaso in 3rd olass Inlssengrr receIpts, . is, \'fJry striking cyidence of the satisfactory arrangements tht\:t .railways ~1D~O for: thc ~ i \. of third I~ , pnssengers ;, since, if tho corichtlOl)S of· thml·clnss trnvolllllg' '{I'cro not sabsfnctory to the third-class ~ n ', tho enrnings from this olass of trnlic would not show So remarkable all incrcase . .. In light of thcGO ~G' v ~ n llo not admit thut tho strady incrcnso in 8rd c}nstlcul'ringrs; which is l)cing mado yeurly is inadequate and see rio r(-:Isoo f,ir ~i ,the rail wuy companies all this lloiut, At tho sarno time oure is llcing' bken thnt. tho yCl11'ly supply of nmv 3rd class stook should not f/lll llelow what is considered nccessarY'. 1 "'Ihe llroposlIl to e1UHgo nlo\\'9r fnro to passengers trn'\"clljng in goods wagons hus not becn adopteu for two reaSOllS, , i ~ , .. Q UE5'1'10.V8 .AN.D ..1.NS1VER8.

[18Tll SJ:\·n;;\IJ\J:n. 101l,J [Sil' T. R. T .T 11 ~ ]Ill". B(I(;l,clliclal#fI'lida Si,i1,a; MI', Carlyle; Jll'. lJ/ltll!1',]

"Tho first. is thni wiill the !'Illall carryin;; (','pacily H:tocl Iol' n specially selected wagon ",h(,l1 ll"ed for }1:1ssclIgcr tramc, Ih('I'c nTe ' ~ strong rensons for bolil'ying th:lt arc1 (·Inss 1 :1 1' 'II~ like wag-ow; for nn~ in , lUMIU1\ch (1S 11101'0 i!l pleuty of room to slow IIWIIY t.he thing'S tlll'Y O:11'I'Y with thclll nud thoy Im,'o moro room to lie ,loll'n :mcl slc,'p ill. thun ill :il',l cI:1sS cl\'t'riagos, .. S ,O ~', pilgrim I rll i ~ orlen f'ollsist of her1.h Nl.1'rillgl!s n11(1 \\":1 gOIl!!, and it; wouhl he iUl)lOs-il,]o to Sl'rt t.11Cl l'nss!'llgm'" 'lilt o('ool'ding 1.0 1.ho tickets they beW. 1t wonld f1'cqmmtl,r L:'PPCll that ill Ill:> l' that ~ ISI S nl, n shtion ,,.11cn a tl'nin ' 'i '~, t.ho :'1',1 ~~ ti,·kl·t·hlllch·r \\'0111,1 finci him;;elf in 1\ 'It"1l'''on a.nd t.ho wngon ticket·holclCl' in :1 ::l'ti clas'! <.'ani:lge, Difficulties ill tho biter cnso wottld th(,ll IIJ'iso 'wit II :ho t ickrt colled.ors." Tile Hon'blo Mr. Sachc:hidallall(la Sinha. asked :- "(Il) Arc lIte GOT'ernl1lf'ut. nlrnl'O th:lt thcl'o is tlissatisrtlct.ion amongst officC'l's of ~ 'UpPCL' subordi1i:lk cshbli;llItlCl1t or t 'IC l'nhlfc W'Ol'l\::; Dopartment iu l'cgnru to tllcir }lrly, nllo·.r:ll!C.!, i~n i all11 status? " (lI) Ha\'o the GOV'C'I'nI:lcnt ]'('c:oiv('d allY '~ ' ,i\ \ n \ fl'onl ~ on tho subject? "(e) If !lO, "'llnt acli(lll. if nllY, 11:1S either ho.::u tnlwl\ by tho G Ol"crnmcnt or is l'ruposocl to bo takell r .. The Hon'bla Mr. Ca1'lyl13 replied :- .. (a) YI:S. "(b) Y('s.

II (c) TM mattcr is under consideration," The Hon'ble Mr. 8achchidana.nda. Sinha. asked :- .. (/I) Is it 1\ fact that in tho rlllf's ]ntoly puh'ished in 1'.'gll.rc1 to appoint- ments in the Indian FOl'l'st S('nice, it is lnid dllwn thnt ('nndidatcs applYIng {or appointment as pl'obationel's mmt bo 'natul'ul-llOl'l1 British suhjects' ? .. (b) Is tho nhore : ' .'~Si 1 pl'eoisely tho IInMC ns 'tho u n. ~b n sub- jects oC His Zllnjesty' ? .. (c) If not, willlho GOvcl'ilmcnt. ba pleased to st:lto whelhcr tho CXPl'CS- sion • nnt.ul'al.born llritbh SUbji!cts ' includes 01' ex:elulfes tho Indian subjects of tho King-Emperor? .. (cl) If the latter, elo t.l:o GOYCl'Ilillcut intend b Sl) I\mellll tho l'liles ns to mako Indians' also oligi!'lo COl' nIl nlll'ointlllclltl; ill tllis dcpnrtmellt, equally with othel' subjects of t.ho Cl'OWll rIO The Hon'ble Mr, Carlyle replied:-. '''fhe rcply to n. S ~ (a) n~ 1 (iI) is in 'the o.ffirnJ:lti'\'c :.lllll tho exprossion • nntu1'lll-bol'D British sul'jects • ine!ndt·s Incli:l11 i. b ~ of tllo King-EDlperol·." The Hon'bla Mr. Sachchidanands. Sinha. asked :- "lIas the attcntion of Governmcnt ~ n c1rllwn t.o tho {ollowing obser- vations in the .Annual Hcp0l't of the Uil'cctor Gc'OcrnL 0[ Archmology for 1908,09, recently pllblisht'll:- "It is timo to ask wh,·ther it 'l'lluld not he tho better course for tll'i Imperial Government to 811ume entire resp'Jusibility £ur Arcb.Dolog-iclI.l wurkd," .. (b) Do Government })\"Op050 10 tnke nny nction ill the mnttor on the lines suggp.sted by tho Dircctor Gonoral ? .. (c) If not, will Government bo ple3sc(1 to state tho rcason for the rejection of the proposal, .. THe B:on'ble Mr, Entler relllied :- .. TJio ottention of G n~ ' n IIns helm called 10 tho ll:lssnge quoted. The Government of Iudi:!. tll? not propose to . ~ netioll 011 the lines indioatod. '.ro do ~ would be contrnry to the l)olicy of uecentralization which the Govorn- mento! ,ndia. arc pursuiug." . , .'/ 7;34 QVESl'IO'XS AN]) .ANSiFHll,"; i CTl1US'L'I.Lnr 1 ~IU G ' COUllT-Ji'BES; POHBS'rS: .lU:lI·G..d[j, AGllA ANlJ ASSdlH Ol1TIL 00 VETS.

[ ...'U7'. Sachr.lddananda SinllG; /lIe PETIT SY.;I'TElIrnrm lOll,] mGlIdC/··in-Ollief; 1I1r. Bntla; JenkillB; .M,., 1J1aclugall.]

The Hon'bla Ml', Sachcllidananda Sinha asked:- "(a) Are the Governm::p.t aware th:tt tho relations botween tho owners of bungalows find the military officel·;:; occupying thelll, ill tho' Iliuuporo Cnn. tonment, nre shnined nt present? .. (0) lins the attention of tIle GoYcl'nl11cnt beeu cll'aWIl to a pdition on the subje<,t, ~ i1 to the Offioer COlllmnu(ling t he Station, by the owners of somo houses in tho cout.onmeut, nnd publishecl ill tile Belial·ce of tho 8th September, 1011 ? . " (e) Are the Go .. n ~ awaro that the present st:lte of n.(fnil·s lIn·s produced great dit:sntisfnotion nmongst:owncrs of house·pl'opcl·ty in thot cantonment? .. (d) Do GOYCrnplcnt intend to issne sudl in!:tructions in the maHer ItS will bring ahout b b. i~n between tho olliccrs and tllO hO\lsc-oWl1C1'3? " His Excellency the replied :- .. (a) 'rhe question implies that straillc

t< (b) The GOyernlllcnt 6f Indio haye beard t.1:1tt. n petition has heell received by Ille military' authorities. ~ .ui i arc in prognss. "(0) The nnSITer is iu tbe negntive, , "(d) On the infOl;mntiop before ~b the Government of India do not see the necessity ~ takinl;" nction in thu mntter."

I D~ ISTI~ U GE (A!IENDMENT) BIL1J. The Hon'ble ..:~n'UT i v that tho Bill fUl'ther to amend the' Indian i inn~ ' b Act, 1872, J10 taken into consideration. The motion was ppt ,and o.grced to. 'The Hon'ble MR. 131riLER moved that the 13ilI l)c pnsscd. The motion was ~ nnd ngreed to, .

COURT-FEES I~ D E ' llIU.J. The Hon'hle MR. JENKINS moved th:lt the Bill further to amend thc Court-fees Act, 1870, be fakeD into c011sideration. 'l'be motion wns put nnd C1grecd tCf, The ~'b 1.In.';TENxINs.'mo,ecl n~. tho nill bo passed. The motion was ~ nnd ngrccd to. INDIA.N FOltEs,'r (AMENDMEN'l') BILL. ;', The Hon'hle ~ .: : Illovcd t.hnt tho Bill furthm· to nmand the' Indian Forl'st Act, 18iS, betaken into con:-ideraf.iol.l. The motionW3s put and agreed to. 'l'!tc Hon'blo.MR ' : ,,~G ' mor-od t!t!lt the Bill bo pass(l{1. TlJe motion. ~ \S put nnd agreed to . . '.. . , DENGAL. AU riA AND ASSAM' CIVITJ coun:rs (AM BNDMENT) JHLL,

: 'lito Hon'hleMn' JI(NKINS .moyed tllat. tho Bill to ameud the n n n ~ NOrtb·1Veslern ProviJll!cS nnJ .A,ssam Civil Courts Act, 1887, 110 tnken into' COllsidcratioll_ . TholIloti{lu wag put. a n<1 agreed to. Tho llOll'hlo:\llt .•TmJKIKS movecl that the Bill be passed. '.rhe n,ot.iIJ!l ~ put an(1 agroed to. .AIRSlIIPS; OOIY ASJEE JRllANGIR BAllO :~'E1'O ·7:H:' LUNAOY.

[18m SErTE:MDER 1911.] [Yr. Jf'7lki",; 1f,.. S:;CiZ Ali Ima1ll i .,111'. JCllkill8. ] .


jlhe llon'blo Mn, ,TE!'IKINS: U My Lorcl, I pl'l'!:ont Ihe I1crort of tho Seleot Committee on 1.ho Bill to control tho w!Iollufacturc, ' . ~i II\~1 .', ~ , illl port lInd export of nirships. Thl're urc two "mell nltoration!l whi('h thc Select Oom_ mittee ' ~ ~ u bo maclc in tho Rill. 'J'hc,e fll'C \ ~' (,xplaiuod in their Repol't, nud thl) Commltteo ~ l'ccolUUlendcJ that tho Hill h" passell u.s it is now ameuded,"


The Hon'hle lUll, SYED AM IlI.u[: II My Lorll, I ~ to mo\'() for letlvo to illtroduce a. llill for in~ nil nnnuity of fifty thOIlR:1W1 rurees pILynblo by the Sceret.nry of State ill Couadl of Inelin. in pr'rpehlity 1111,1 hl"!ing I'>f tho

"Till) objcct of the Dill hns l)Oell pllt for\rl\rtl ill the portirln thot I hn.T"() read, hut I may be allowed to sny ju"t one word as to tbe necessity which hus occasioned my introducing i~ Bill before tho Co\tncil, 'L'ho ordinary lnw of perpetuity ,,'auld not permit the settlcment of tho leind that ii intended to bo made through this Dill, nnd therofore nn Act of Lcgi311\t1\l'Cl is n ~ i in the cosc, 'I'hero is precedent for this, inn!llU\loh ns two othcl' distinguished country_ men of nline 'l\'ho received similnl' hllnonrs nt tho hnnels of tI\A Soycl'eign, n ~ camo to this Conncilnnd ohtained the ~n relief "'hich Sir CowMjeo n ~i in the present instanoe clnims, I oonlcl lIot possibly eloso my obsp.rvntions when I moye for tho introduction of this Dill without p:\ying to Sir : I~ . Jebangir the tribute to which ho is entitled RS n distinguishccl Indian. ITe is one of the great captains of industry in tho \l'cll knowu City of Bombay nn(l has been II. sUCOC'ssfllllenclcl' of oommcreinl ontl'l'pl'iso, IIis own oOlltribution!ol to public charities and his brgc-hcadcu public spirit hl1.\'o all dl':l\Vn, not only the reslll:'ot of his countrymen, hut have nlso I'ljl'itod from his S \' i~n tlw great dlstinction to which he has been cnlled, I h:l.\'e only ono word to 11IId, aurl 1hot is that this Bill has been framed on thc lil1csof Act VI of lS03, and h(l.'l been settled in concert with Sir COWl\sjeCl Jebungir's legal advisers an(l tho Government of Bombay,"

'rhe motion 'l"l\S put ami agreod to, The Hon'ble Mn, SYED ALI IMAM Dlol'ed that tho Dill, . ~ with tho Statement of Ohjcots and Rcasons rcbting thcreto, be pnblished in Engli!lh in the Gnzette of Indilland in tllo BomLny Gc)"rCl'llllll'l1t G:\zeUo, The motion was put 3nd ngrced to,


Tho Bon'bla Mit, JENKINS: 1/ My Lord, I move for ll:'nve to introcluCle II. Bill to consolidato Bnd Illllenu the lnw rclating to Lunncy. '1'110 pl'c

[Jl,.. Jelll;ins; J1fr. CI!lrk.J [18'1'11 Sn'1'E~I : 19] 1 .J

TIon'ble ' ' ~, thc IIigh COlll'ts had not l'ecoive!l their dilutors rmd t.ho Indian Councils Aot of IS01 hac\ Hot beon p.1Sgl!rl. OUt' law on t.he mbjrct i!-l thereforo Tlot only confuserl and widegpread over sovernl enactmont.s, hut is also Qompletely out of date. \\"e proposo 10 cOllsolidate t)WgO onadmonts allcl to intl'odllCO ~ in amendment,s, apcl ~ : to bring the lnw in c01'toin irnport!lDt]ar,; int.o line willi tho modern ~ I i Ad. No question of Jlrinciplo is involved, uud tbo Bill is, I thinl):, onc which is more fit for careful ~..'Iniin i n 'with regard to ..'Ill detnils ill Select Committen thnn fo1' generul lliscussiou ill Council. 'I'lie preparation of t,lIo 13i1l has heen a work of much pninstaking' labulll',nllcl I thill k t.he rcs111 t ill very creditahle to tho oflieers of the i~ i Vepartmellt ",1m hal'o beon responsihle fOl' it. Great pains havo beeu taken to ennble thoso who IHlve taken an illtorest ill the subjoct-nu(l I :un nfmicl it is not nn invitin!! ono-to seo exnctly what is ' ~ t.o be douo. 'I'll

Tho motion· was put n~ agreed to. 'l'he Hon'ble Mn. E ./U~S moved that the Bill, together wit.h tUo ~ n U n of, Objects and, Rel1!1orls \ ~ , , . , he pllhjisbod in the GnzC'ttp of India in ~n lish. and in. tho IoO:nl Q$oial.; G ~ in nuglish and in such other langurages as. tho Local GO I'D O~I\ ~iu Ilt. . . '£he motion wM ~u , .n~.n to. .. . t .. . . I.. :U ~ ~OST O.E'. I E E D~ E T BILL. . The lIou'blfl M;R. .I, .~ .,:. My I,onl, 1 move for lE'ave to. introrluco a Rill fll.l'thcr tp Q.n,'cnd-Jho IndJa.b J;'ost,Ofllce Act of 1 g08. Experienco 11 ~ shown tl,at lhe. n .~ under this Act o.n tho Post Office have OI~n inndo. qunte in regard to .arqolos ~ in c.ontl'::1.vulltion of the Inw. ",Ve proposc to tn:ku such further pO\"'ers, as are Jiecessarv, nml at tho· tilDe to amend certain mi,lOr det'il.cts.1n;the.ln..w. 'I'he i ~ i ~1 provision of tho Bill is to givo the Post, QiliCO,3utholjtjes. powcr to opon neW5\mpel'9, sam'pIe alld book pnckets suspooted to n ~in ihc\ecent· literaturo of any kind. ExpE'rienoo has shown that thoso po\vers nro.neeessnry. 'fhem hm; been n. very had case reeelltly hi' which tho l'ost Offiuc were entirely O ' ~ to Ftop tho circulntion of no publi.'. eati'/fi .of the kind. '1111e O\ ~ which "'f) nnw ' O~ t.o coufer on tbem nre e S<\II.111 n.!! those ~ 1 hX th,! Post Ullieo in tho Ul.lite(j Kin"- clOIll. 'I'h!)ll tbere will; be nn,other. provision ill l'cgnru Lo search fo\' .i ~ pr,)hihited un(ler'llotilleations issuml Uildcl' the Sea Customs Act 0['1878. Thoro i:! some douht nt11l'('sent whether the law a1\01l'8 the l'ost. omce t.o· open postal 'Pl\ckots in mnking n soareh."'o. propo,u to define the law, nUll to empower . the rost Olfiee to open \ \\, n ~ , ~ U I ~ \ and book paekctfi. On tho otl)or hanrl, t.hcro,will be no ,power to optm letters lln(\pnrcels. 'fho Postal nuthoi'itio9 wi Il"ho"'ovcr, .ho ~ \' to haud over 1 ~ and letters suspect(!cl U;l !)ontllin pl'Ohibile(t ' .i .~ Lo .~ n ~ u i i . Of the other provisions of thl) Dill,.ono is ai\lledltt the prcI'ontioll of fl'luds whieh have occurred in 0011- neotion Ivith vahw-l'ayahlu articles, and nnother hilS for i ~ object tho preven- tion of the nn U i~ i . by post of. lottery cil'eulnrs and the l'0gu\nlioll of the FOST·OFPICB.

(ISm SE1'TE]'llIElt 1011.] [.11,.. Clat·/':.] t.fl.lnsmission or bullion and coin. Tho ot)lCr prol'isiuuR nl'c of minor impol'- t:mce, anc1l1ccd not bo speoifically montioned."

'1'he IIlotion WIlS Jlut nnd ogreed to. 'Iho Hon'b1o MR. CLARK morcd thnt tho Dill, togcther nith the Stntement of Ohject!! nnd UcaSOUB relating thcl'l'!to, bo publishpu in tho Gn1.l'ito of India ill Ensliqh nnd in the local official ~n in :English nlld ill It'uch other languag(:11 as tho Local Governments think Ot. Tho motion WIlS put Ilollll ngreed to. 'rhe Counoil adjourned to FridllY, tho 22nd Scptemi>cl' 1Dll. J. 1I. lJAOPUEnSON,

Score/fir!) fo ti,e Goverllnltlllt of Intiia, LC!JMafitc Depo,.tment. Suru;

'l'ht! 218t SeJltem6el' Ifill.

o C. n. p., Shol •• -No 200 r •. . ~ I . iGO. . '.EI. /.