Inspiring young people in Italy and to adopt sustainable lifestyles and to advocate for them in local politics. "Children Stand UP” project aims at strengthening dialogue between Italy and Albania on Climate Change.

Our target beneficiaries:

Local Government Children and youth Officers Beneficiaries will improve their knowledge on Climate Change, will become actors of change implementing concrete actions and disseminating key messages for positive change within their communities. Exchange of experiences and good practices will be fostered with the support of digital platforms and face to face meetings building a strong relationship among beneficiaries in both countries. Our work will focus on: Children education and promotion of best practices Concrete actions and collection of evidence Promotion of change in Climate Change policies in Albania through child participation




Durrës Our Target areas: Albania

2 Municipalities in Italy 4 Municipalities in Albania Our aim and impact ambiti: on We will positively raise awareness on climate change of youth and general populati on in Albania and Italy and build networks connecting youth groups and schools in both countries. In the long-term youth will become adults who actively care about nature, act against climate change and advocate about issues that will advance the social and economic issues of their generation.

Our expected results: Improving teachers' competences and providing quality environmental education program based on improved knowledge and tested methodologies and tools; Creating opportunities for knowledge sharing of such information between students and teachers in Italy and Albania; Enhancing students' engagement, which will translate in performing eco-actions; In Albania, we will work to promote an institutional environment open to child participation and aware of issue related to climate change.

Our main actions: Increase knowledge on Climate Change through tailored environmental education programme in schools in Italy and A lbania involving children and their teachers. Concrete eco-actions are realized in 3 schools in Italy and 4 schools in Albania to reduce their environmental impact and producing evidence. Strengthen capacities and increase knowledge on Climate Change for 4 Albanian Municipalities and the Albania Ombudsperson officials.