Vol. 1. No. 17 May 1, 2016 New Faces at Northside!

Join us this Sunday, March 27, at 10am.

Wisdom from Will Rogers (and God) I was an Okie for 30 years before moving to Wichita, so I’m fond of the humor and wisdom of ’s favorite son, Will Rogers. One reason is that much of what he said seemed to be inspired by the Bible. Read his quotes below and see if you don’t agree that they sound as if they originated with the Author of all wisdom. “Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.” (1 Peter 5:7 – Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.) “The quickest way to double your money is to fold it and put it back in your pocket.” (Proverbs 21:20 – The wise have wealth and luxury, but fools spend whatever they get.) Mark Yeakley “People who fly into a rage always make a bad landing.” (James 1:19 -20 – My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.) “The worst thing that happens to you may be the best thing for you if you don't let it get the best of you.” (Romans 8:28 – And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.) “You’ve got to go out on a limb sometimes because that’s where the fruit is .” (2 Corinthians 5:7 – We live by faith, not by sight.) “Lettin’ the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier'n putting it back.” (Ecclesiastes 10:20 – Do not revile the king even in your thoughts, or curse the rich in your bedroom, because a bird of the air may carry your words, and a bird on the wing may report what you say.) “Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.” (Proverbs 14:12 – There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.) “The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for.” (Psalm 119:36 -37 – Turn my heart toward your statutes and not toward selfish gain. Turn my eyes away from worthless things.) “Never miss a good chance to shut up.” (Prov. 17:28 – Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue.)

• Our sympathy to Tristan Block and family on the passing of his Family Concerns father, Jim Block, last week. There will be memorial service for him on Saturday, April 30, at 10am at Northside. • Tamara Perry was taken to the ER on April 23 with • Please continue to keep our shut -ins and those with ongoing pneumonia. No visits at this time, please. She hopes to go home concerns in your prayers: Rhoda Anderson, Lindy Baalmann, soon. Rich Bankey, Calum Block, Gary Brauer, Johnnie Chrisco, • Darrell Oakley is home doing well from recent knee Janice Clark, Teresa Clark, Janene Crosley, Gladys Cooper, replacement surgery. Irene Cox, Suzanne Dirks, Ron Dossey, Jim & Velma Elwood, • Calum Block had an MRI on April 27. Please pray for good Irene Ford, Jewell Gilliland, Jerry Herrington, Huey Jennings, results. Don Jones, Sally Lansdowne, Norma Laughary, Laura Little, • Jim Andrews’ surgery scheduled for April 28 has been Ruby Mahan, Bobbie McKinley, Kelly McLean, Beverly Miller, postponed till possibly next week. Josh Oakley, Tamara Perry, Jane Peters, Margaret Shady, Jerry • Laura Little continues to recuperate at home from a recent Smith, Ron Talty, Wanda Turvey, Lelia Ward, Thelma Wells, stroke. Ernestine Wilson, Ruth Woolery, and Mary Wooton.

• CR Snacks: Goodtimers please bring snacks on May 4. Bible Registration: It’s time to Boomers please bring snacks on May 11. register for Family Camp • CR & The Landing (for teens) meet each Thursday at 7pm again! This year’s camp will at Northside. be May 27 -30 and the theme • Guest Luncheons: Group 1 will host on May 1 . There will is Confident Living! Register not be a luncheon on May 8 due to Mother’s Day. now! Sunday, May 1 , will be • Metro Manila Ministries is now accepting donations for an your last chance to register online garage sale. If you would like to donate, please contact for this year’s camp. You may register in the Northside foyer before Remy Kingsley at 943 -6178 or text to 316 -210 -9175 or Sharon and after services. A $10 non -refundable deposit per person and all health forms are due at registration. Check the Northside website for O’Neal at 305 -8022.

all fees, forms, and other information. ROMEOs (Retired Old Men Eating Out) will meet Monday, May 2, at 9am at Egg Crate Café Family Camp Kids Classes: Are you willing to teach a kids class near 13th & Tyler. at FC? Please contact Jennifer Douglas at 207 -7139 or email at

[email protected].

Elaine Denman will offer a workshop on Family Camp Talent Show: Share your talent with us at Family Sunday, May 15, 12:30 -2:00 pm that will Camp! We especially love family acts! Sign up at the Activities compliment the sermon series Toby is Corner. See David Little or Shawn Lytton for information. presenting in May. We all want healthy spiritual families and one area of difficulty is Please welcome Ken & Julia Foley who often in relational conflict. More information placed membership on April 24. Contact will be coming so stay tuned for Fearless information: Families: Working Through Relational Ken & Julia Foley Conflict. 7700 E. 13th St. N, Unit 108 Wichita, KS 67206

Phone # 512 -5139 May Single Senior Ladies’ Luncheon & Game Day: Single senior ladies, plan to join us May 27 at noon for the Missions Giving -Sunday, May 1, is the day to next lunch and game day. See Pat Buttermore or Joy drop your missions purpose card into the offering Gamble for more information. plate. Our goal this year is $175,000, and we need

your help to reach that goal! Missions brochures The honor of your presence is requested at the and purpose cards can be picked up at the marriage of Zackary Allen Pericolosi and Information Booth in the foyer.

Autumn Mariah Davis , Saturday, May 7, at

3:30 in the afternoon at Northside Church of


Church of Christ Cruise -In: Free event! Saturday, May 7, You are invited to the wedding of Amy Shobe 10am -2pm at Emporia Ave. church of Christ. Vehicles of all makes and Brent Hayen on Saturday, May 7, at 2pm and models are welcome! Lunch (burgers & dogs) will be served at at Kingdom Life Ministries, 505 S. Ridge Rd., 11:30. RSVP not required but requested to help with food planning to Hesston, KS. [email protected] or at 841 -1638.

New Members

Elroy & Marie Christie and their son, Max, moved to Wichita recently from upstate New York. Elroy was born and raised in Hartford, CT. After high school he served in the Navy for three years and then earned a B.S. in chemical engineering from Howard University, where he met Marie. Elroy has worked for DuPont, GE Plastics, Honeywell, and has done private consulting in the Middle East. In October 2014 he took a job with Koch Fertilizer and was in Wichita a year before his family was able to join him. Elroy played high school and college basketball and now coaches a 10 and under team at the East YMCA that was undefeated last season. At his previous church in Mark Yeakley Albany, NY, Elroy served as the deacon of benevolence. Marie was born in Indianapolis and then moved to Nashville when she was 12. She graduated from Howard with a degree in business administration. She worked for Mobile Oil and for a radio station doing marketing and advertising. Later she started working as a contractor so she could continue to work as the family moved to new locations. She has served on a YMCA board, been a guest speaker for different organizations, and served as a hospice volunteer. She enjoys teaching fitness classes in prisons and hospitals, especially for cancer survivors. The Christies have five children: Mariel (Cornell grad in NY), Maya (HR professional in Atlanta), Marcelino (at West Point), Marys (studying at the College of Saint Rose), and Max (5th grade at Independent School). Niki Ramey was born and raised in Wichita and is the proud mother of Northside’s Josh Herrman and another son, Tim, who is an Air Force master sergeant serving in Germany. She also has five grandsons with twins (a boy and a girl) due in August. Niki is currently on disability due to several back and shoulder surgeries she has had over the past few years with another possible shoulder surgery someday. Niki was a single mom as Josh and Tim were growing up, and she had jobs managing manufacturing distribution for LSI, Altria, and Amazon.com. Niki enjoys sewing, gardening, doing things outdoors, and buying and selling “junk,” as she calls it, at antique and junk stores. Niki was thrilled to become a Northside member on the same day her grandson, Colby, was baptized. Ken & Julia Foley moved to Wichita in July of 2014. He was born and raised in Cheney on a farm. After high school he tried farming with his dad and a year at Fort Hays State, then went to work for Boeing for six years. He also served in the Air National Guard that long. Ken met Julia at the cleaners that she worked at in Wichita for her dad. They were married at the Elpyco Church of Christ in 1965. Ken worked for the electric company in Evergreen, CO, for seven years. In 1978 they moved to Lee’s Summit and he worked for the City Power & Light Company for 34 years, retiring in 2009. For six years they enjoyed spending their winters in Alamo, TX, in a mobile home they purchased there, but they recently sold it and moved to Wichita to be close to their daughter, Johnna Foley Kolar, who writes for the Wichita Eagle. Ken enjoys playing pickleball several times a week at a community center in Andover and riding a bicycle. Julia was born and raised in Salem, AR. Her family moved to Wichita, where she met Ken when he walked into their dry cleaning business. She has been a homemaker most of her life. In addition to their daughter, Johnna, they have a granddaughter who is a nursing major at Emporia State University. Office 838 -5200 www.northsidecoc.org [email protected]

Staff Preaching Minister Toby Levering [email protected] Involvement Mark Yeakley [email protected] Youth Mike Ward Sunday Guest Luncheon: Group 1 [email protected] Senior Sunday: Reception 4-5:45 ; Worship 6-7; Know Your Bible Steve Tandy May 1 [email protected] Slide Show 7-7:30 Counseling Elaine Denman [email protected] Wednesday CR Snacks: Goodtimers Adult Education Sonny Banning [email protected] May 4 Children’s Education Norma Banning [email protected] Thursday CR & The Landing : 7 -9:30pm Elders Albert Brensing Brian Middleton May 5 Brent Groves Doug Wagner Ron Mauck James Wilson Clayton McCullough Saturday Hayen/Shobe Wedding: 2pm @ Kingdom Life Ministries in

Deacons May 7 Hesston Jim Andrews Tim Kucharo Pericolosi/Davis Wedding: 3:30pm @ Northside Jerry Clothier Shawn Lytton Cole Douglas Greg Sandlin Sunday Mother’s Day No Guest Luncheon Charles Gardner Ben Tyson Kreg Greenwood Mike Uhlman May 8 Justin Harrold Tony Weber Joe Holmes Wednesday CR Snacks: Bible Boomers Schedule of Services Sunday Class 9 a.m. May 11 Sunday Worship 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Class 7 p.m.

On April 24, the Wichita viewing area received 13 requests for the BCC Sermon Topics and 2 questions. Missouri received 5 requests for the BCC and 10 5/1/16 questions. Iowa received 3 requests for the BCC and 1 question . Toby Levering A.M. Worship South Dakota received 5 requests for the BCC . “Building a Strong House” Questions to be answered on May 1 in the Wichita area: Fearless Families #1 Mike Ward P.M. Worship 1. Name Joshua’s father. 2. What does God -fearing mean? Senior Sunday 3. Can God’s grace forgive me for taking pain killers for six years if I am not able to stop before I die? Our Parcipaon 4/24/16 4. Why does Acts 16:31 say the jailor’s whole house will be saved if he believes? Sunday Classes 420 5. What does the Bible say about liturgical dance? A.M. Worship 605 6. What significance do candles have and where are they referred to in the Bible? P.M. Worship 240 7. Was Jesus married? Small Groups 65 8. I heard nobody will be married in heaven. Is that true? Wednesday Night 423

KSNW -3 Wichita, KS Contribuon $20,029.83 KSNG -11 Garden City, KS KSNC -2 Great Bend, KS KSNK -8 Oberlin, KS KSPR -33 Springfield, MO WHBF -4 Rock Island, IL KDLT -5 Sioux Falls, SD