Talking Skinny about Tummy Tucks p9 • Wedding Planner pp18-23 • The Birth of Plainfield p30

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7114 Galen Drive W. #200 Avon, IN 46123 (312) 272-0035 Volume 6 • Issue 11

William Calvert Porter Money 1868-1872 1947-1956

Leon Bayliss 1943-1947 Merle Funk and 1956-1962 1962-1970

Russell Hank Carmichael Ray Daugherty 1971-1978 1979-1982

Roy Waddell 1983-1990 Tom Underwood and 1995-2002 1991-1994

M. James Quearry Dave Galloway 2003-2006 ? 2007-2014 Are we ready for this? Hendricks County’s sheriff’s race has a history of getting down and dirty. pages 6-7 February 2014

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Stories/News? 2230 Stafford Have any news tips? Domestic violence touches Rd, #101 Want to submit a Plainfield, IN calendar event? Have a photograph people you know 317.837.1717 to share? Call Katie Mosley at 451-4088 READERS’ WRITES Statistics say that you know more than one Large 1 topping traditional or email her at young girl who lives in the terror of abuse. crust pizza and an order of That’s why one of the primary outreach activi- [email protected]. She’s a typical 13-year-old girl in so many ties at Sheltering Wings focuses on teen dat- breadsticks Remember, our ways. Obsessed with friends and finding her ing violence. By helping people recognize the $ 99 news deadlines are own style, always attached to her iPod and several days prior to print. symptoms and showing them the right steps 14 iPhone, and spending far more time online to take, we can help our communities address Order online at than Mom and Dad realize. Her friends are this critical problem and help girls find safety, jealous of her cute boyfriend. She’s a good Want to peace, and a healthier future. kid who’s active in school and never misses Like us on Facebook! Exp: 2/28/2014 Advertise? If you know (or are) a teenager who needs Wednesday night youth group. And she’s be- Hendricks County our help, call (317)745-1496 right now. Wait- ing abused. ICON reaches a ing will only make things worse. She hasn’t been punched or kicked. Yet, vast segment of anyway. It started with insults about the way our community. April Bordeau she looks and dresses. It grew into demands For information 46122 for more of her time. He’s physically dragged about reaching our her away from friends in the school hallway readers, call Lola and left marks on her shoulders. Now he’s de- Materna at manding sex, or he’ll break up with her and Good 451-4088 or email tell all the guys lies about her. her at [email protected]. Her parents don’t know, her teachers don’t grammar know, and most of her friends have no idea. Except her friend Tina, that is. A few months READERS’ WRITES ago, the youth team at her church hosted a A product of presentation from Sheltering Wings about To the Editor… teen dating violence. The presenters told the kids about healthy relationships and shared I enjoyed the column written by Jordan signs that warn of trouble. Tina is seeing those Fischer on contronyms. It’s refreshing to have Rick Myers signs, and she’s scared. So this evening, when such an educational and interesting subject Publisher her parents go to dinner, she’s going to call such as grammar dealt with in this high-tech Katie Mosley the crisis line at Sheltering Wings to find out era. Editor how she can help her friend. I believe that if young people were exposed Brian Kelly Maybe you think that’s an unusual situa- to the fun parts of language that conversa- Chief Executive Officer tion. It isn’t. Across America, one in three ad- tions would contain more words and fewer letters (text language). Carey Germana olescent girls has been verbally, emotionally, Production & Design or physically abused by a dating partner. And If possible, I’d love for Mr. Fischer to devel- op a series for young readers – say for first and it’s not necessarily older girls. Ask five 12 year Let us help you with: second graders. With all the electronic media 6319 E US Hwy 36, Suite 206 olds if any of their friends are being verbally Filing a claim available we need to reel in young people to Avon, IN 46123 abused by a boyfriend and two of them will Rental arrangements nod their heads. the print media in the newsprint format. I feel Free estimates Ph: (317) 451-4088 Beyond the abuse itself, teen victims are far that this genre is not inviting to our young people. Established more likely to engage in dangerous behaviors, Located behind Lowe’s at Dan Jones Rd. & Rockville Rd. April 2008 such as smoking, using drugs, and taking diet Thank you for adding Mr. Fischer to your staff. I’m looking forward to his future col- Hours – Mon.-Fri. 7:30 to 5:30 pills or laxatives in a desperate attempt to lose 292 S. County Rd. 800 E. Times-Leader Publications, LLC umns. Avon, IN 46123 weight. They’re also more likely to attempt 317-272-6820 ©2014. All Rights Reserved Don’t lose any more time - let Elizabeth, 46168 You have better things Diamond Collision’s claims suicide. specialists handle everything for you. to do with your time... picnics, ball games, Choosing a collision repair facility now saves time later gardening... if you do have an accident.

Located behind Lowe’s at Dan Jones Rd & Rockville Rd. 317-272-6820 New Year, New You! 50% Off Yes, we want your letters: 7e therapy is the only wellness oriented Any Service Coupon expires February 28th. Readers of the Hendricks County ICON technology driven system that uses 100% of the Cannot be combined with any other are encouraged to send letters to the bodys own energy to strengthen core muscle specials, promos or discounts. editor as often as they wish. The stipu- groups,increase inch loss and tone targeted areas. • Torc Body Contouring lations are that the letter is timely, fo- • Microdermabrasion cused (not more than 200 words) and verifiable. Please make sure to provide Facial your complete name and daytime and • Non invasive Send your Hendricks evening telephone contact numbers. Facial Facelift All letters are subject to editing for • Infrared Saunas County news items to brevity, clarity and grammar. Please di- rect correspondence to: info@myICON. 7114 Galen Drive W. #200 Avon, IN 46123 [email protected] info. (312) 272-0035 • 4 February 2014 • VIEWS Hendricks County ICON

OUR VIEW by Julie BACK SHOP In Toon with HC ICON Bickel Love: More Change is the than lip service only constant

Ah, February, the month of love. Love, as a It’s going to be a changing year for our com- noun, is a feeling of affection; as a verb, love munity. We’ve already retired some of the is the act of feeling that affection. We love all mighty stalwarts of our county. Things will kinds of things: vacations, dinner out, DVR change even more so during this year of elec- and technology. Occasionally, we can throw tions. our family into that category, too. It’s easy to Last month, we thanked Susie Friend for all say “I love you” or “I love this pizza.” Words her dedication and hard work. On Feb. 6, we can just roll off the tongue. thank Emory Lencke for all he has done for the But what about “love” as a verb? Love as a community. There will likely be another retire- verb is an act. It something you have to do; ment gathering for Judge Jeffry Boles who will it’s more than moving your mouth. Love is step down as circuit court judge of decades. helping that wonderful (insert mild sarcasm) Luckily, we have many qualified individuals child who put off a huge project until the last to step into their shoes, but it will take some minute. Love is calling “that” relative and getting used to not seeing these individuals checking in, knowing that you will get noth- that make our county unique. ing but whines and complaints. Love is snug- HUMOR Following through on the elections, there gling on the couch on a freezing February is less than a week left before primary filing night watching a family movie when you have will close. It could be that many potential can- piles of work to do and bathrooms to clean. didates are waiting until the final hour to file. What’s easier? Saying or doing? That’s easy There are few contested races at this point. for all of us: talking. It goes back to the old Retiring minds want to know Ward 5 in Brownsburg will be a race between adage,” You can talk the talk, but can you walk e were out for dinner with some papers.” Sean Benham and Glenn Nulty. Danville Town the walk?” friends and the conversation turned “Not so fast, now for the bad news. In order Council has a race between Dick Burrows and Let your loved ones know this Valentine’s to retirement. Some of us were fully to be reinstated after all these years, you must Keith Gill in Ward 1. season that you can offer more than words. Wretired, some were semi-retired. And, we were teach one more day in the state of New York. Countywide there is a contest between Use your actions to show them the love you all just plain tired, which is how most Then you can rejoin. That’s the law.” Rhett Stuard and Herb Witham for the Su- want them to feel. Stop telling them and show of us feel after a big meal. The issue That night I e-mailed the current perior Court 2 Judgeship. There is a race for them. Words come easy, but they don’t show of pensions came up and I explained principal at my old school request- County Assessor Between Larry Scott and much. Let your action of love speak louder that when I left teaching in 1978 in ing that he hire me for one day, Tina Stoutenour. Then, of course, the race for than your words. New York, I was just one year shy of maybe as a substitute. In my note to county sheriff which is our cover story for the when I would have been entitled to him I explained that I was a former month. any retirement benefits. Mary Ellen alumnus of the teaching staff, but As a side, we tried to reach former Sheriff suggested I call the Retired Teachers I then realized that the term ”for- Roy Waddell who was in office for 16 years, but “Words come easy, Association to be sure. My wife is mer alumnus” is redundant, which heard that he was in the hospital recovering interested in my welfare, but I think Dick Wolfsie pretty much ruined my chance of from surgery. We wish him the best. but they don’t show all I’m entitled to is a pension. Columnist getting to teach an advanced place- The woman who answered the ment English class for the day. I also much. Let your action phone had that familiar New York inflection. told him that I would happily take a home- “We’ve already retired of love speak louder I felt at ease because I knew I could say the room, lunchroom or study hall assignment, words “garage” and “drawer” and “mother” which I had experience with as a teacher. And, some of the mighty than your words.” without someone making fun of my accent. coincidentally, those were my strong suits stalwarts of our county.” Sadly, I had no way of working those words when I attended that very same high school. into the conversation. The principal didn’t think there would be I explained the situation, and to move things any problems making this happen, but to be MONTHLY QUOTE along, I said: “I know I am not entitled to ben- sure, he referred my request to the head of hu- efits, but my wife made me call … so you have man resources, who in turn is going to talk to a happy holiday.” the attorney for the Retired Teachers Associa- “Hold on, Sir. I have some good news for tion. Yes, when you want things to be easy and “Once we believe Rick Myers Gus Pearcy you. A law was passed a few years ago vesting simple, what better way than to get a lawyer in ourselves, we can teachers after only five years. It’s retroactive, involved. Stand by for the decision. Rick Myers is publisher of the Hendricks County ICON and Gus so you should qualify for that pension. Will I be as comfortable in front of a class Pearcy is a contributing writer. Write them at [email protected]. risk curiosity, wonder, “That’s very good news!” as I am a TV camera or an audience at an af- “But the bad news is that you are no longer ter-dinner speech? How much have teenag- BELIEVE IT! spontaneous delight, a member of the Retired Teachers Association ers changed? What will I talk about? Yes, my because you have been inactive for 35 years.” brief return to the classroom will require some Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsen- or any experience “Well, I do the treadmill twice a week, preparation. I’ll just have to work the words sical laws on the books. Each month, we’ll but I understand so thanks for your time and “garage” and “drawer” and “mother” into my share one with you.… that reveals the have a Merry….” lesson plan. “Wait, Mr. Wolfsie. Now I have some good Dick Wolfsie lives in Indianapolis with his wife of 33 years. They In Nevada, it’s still “legal” to hang someone for human spirit.” news. You can rejoin the Retired Teachers As- have a dog and a cat. None of the four speak to escape other. shooting your dog on your property. sociation if you want.” Dick is usually in the basement trying to think up something ~ E.E. Cummings “Wow that is good news. Just send me the funny to write. He can be reached at: [email protected].

6 February 2014 • COMMUNITY Hendricks County ICON

Hendricks County’s sheriff’s race has a Are we ready for this? history of getting down and dirty.

“I love being the Hendricks County Sheriff,” Underwood spent most of his term battling to be successful, we have to constantly work COVER STORY Galloway said. “I kind of regret that my term the “political slings and arrows that came at together and think bigger than our individual By Gus Pearcy is coming to an end this year; I have no regrets you.” After the defeat to Waddell, Underwood departments within the county government. Every four years, it seems, there is a battle running for sheriff. I love it.” got out of law enforcement and pursued a ca- The sheriff’s budget is tight but we do get by – a storm brewing in Hendricks County pol- In 2012, the sheriff was paid $114,000. It is reer in real estate. He manages the Carpenter and we will always do everything in our power itics that brings grown men to their darkest the second highest paying job in the county Plainfield office. For the first time since he left to provide our service, it is vital and we took instincts. Ironically, it is a battle over the po- behind the prosecutor. But the job has some the department, Underwood is helping a can- an oath to serve. challenges, Galloway said. didate, Brett Clark. sition of lead law enforcement officer for the As sheriff, what would you like to be able county. Brace yourself, Hendricks County, be- “I knew when I came in as sheriff that I was In 2002, Waddell’s Chief Deputy Steve going to have to use personnel much more ef- Stoddard seemed to be the heir apparent to to purchase and how much money would cause it’s the year of the sheriff’s election. you need for that line item? (Dramatic stinger!) ficiently,” Galloway said. “Maybe I the mighty seat only to be in a primary that I think that we would get the most value There seems to be no shortage of did too good a job on that because became flooded with seven candidates. Jim for the money by investing in technology up- bad blood in a race which seems to they never gave me an additional Quearry emerged with the plurality needed. grades that might increase our ability to free have little to do with the other races. deputy since I’ve been sheriff.” The current crop of candidates for HC sher- up our employees time, improve our efficien- It’s not just here. Across the coun- Brownsburg has 42 police of- iff, as of the date of publication, includes two cy, and allow us to evaluate information bet- try, electing the top law enforce- ficers. Plainfield is getting ready long-time deputies of the department, Brett ter, but this discussion must begin by first ask- ment officer sets the bar for dirty to staff up to 48. Meanwhile, the Clark and Steve Wagner, and an Indianapo- ing how and where we can money. politics. In Maricopa County, Ariz., HCSD has only 45 officers to cov- lis Metropolitan Police Officer Ty Van Wag- tough sheriff Joe Arpaio’s challeng- er all the unincorporated areas that ner. So far, the race has been cordial. There’s er, Dan Saban, was ambushed near are still growing, Galloway said. no reason to believe that it won’t remain that Steve Wagner Brett Clark Galloway is supporting his chief way. But anything could happen between now his home by the news media asking age 49, Danville if he, as they heard, raped his adop- deputy Steve Wagner in his bid this and May 6. tive mother. year. What are your qualifications to be sheriff? While the word sheriff elicits Current Sheriff Dave Galloway Throughout my working life, in every job is no stranger to political shenani- scenes from the Wild West, it only becomes wild at election time. In Who’s Who? I have held, I have been promoted to a posi- gans. After 30 years as the Browns- tion of supervision or management. Prior to burg police chief, Galloway had to Indiana, sheriffs are limited to two consecutive terms. Then they have beginning with the Hendricks County Sher- resign his position because of an Brett Clark iff Department, I attended many managerial obscure federal law that prohibits to sit out for at least one term. This age 45, Danville means the high noon showdown and supervisory schools. I am now in my 25th federal employees from campaign- year with the Hendricks County Sheriff De- ing while getting federal funds. Gal- Steve Wagner happens every eight years when the What are your qualifications to be sheriff? seat is open. According to Indiana partment. During my exciting and rewarding loway is one of the rare politicians I have worked at the Sheriff’s Department law, sheriff candidates only need to career, I have won numerous Deputy of the unseating an incumbent. Gallo- for almost 25 years in a wide variety of assign- be 21 with a diploma or GED, have Year awards, Mothers Against Drunk Driv- way beat Sheriff James Quearry in ments including supervision and administra- no felony convictions, and train at ing Awards and regularly led the department 2006. During the campaign, some- tive roles. I served in the US Navy, attended a police academy. Over the last 30 in many enforcement categories. I have also one alerted the U.S. Office of Special Purdue University, and completed the FBI Na- years, the Hendricks County Sheriff had the opportunity to be involved in many Counsel that Galloway was violating tional Academy in 2005. I am a lifelong Hen- has come from the Republican tick- specialized trainings, teams, assignments the 1939 Hatch Act because he had dricks County resident and am raising my et. Effectively, the race is over in the and events. For instance, I was on the SWAT applied and received federal grants children here. I am active in our church and primary challenge. Team as a member, then Team Leader and fi- for the Brownsburg Police Depart- in our community. I have dedicated my life to Roy Waddell served four terms nally Team Commander, deciding on mem- ment. The Office of Special Counsel helping others and believe that my experience, bership, trainings, call outs and team actions Ty A. Van Wagner as sheriff from 1982-90 and 1995- alerted the town of this and Gallo- vision, and leadership can help keep our com- 2002. His for sheriff cost him a on scene. I am an Advanced Emergency Vehi- way had to step down and lose pay munity safe. I am a servant leader. cle Operations Instructor (EVO), Field Train- ing Officer, trained Hostage Negotiator, and Why do you want to be sheriff? “Every four years, it seems, there is a battle I am in my 19th year of direct supervision. I It has been my dream since I started at the was in charge of all security with Indianapolis – a storm brewing in Hendricks County politics sheriff’s department. I believe that God puts Raceway Park for over 11 years. In that capaci- that brings grown men to their darkest instincts.” you where you are supposed to be and cer- ty, I was responsible for all scheduling, assign- tainly believe that this is true in my case. I love ing of personnel, enforcement activity, traffic our county and I love my job. The position of direction, relations and communication with sheriff provides a tremendous opportunity to longtime friend and fellow state police officer park management for all events. The US Na- for more than six months before becoming serve and a great way to make a positive dif- tionals at IRP attracts over 40 thousand spec- the Hendricks County Sheriff. Tom Underwood. Underwood was sheriff for ference in our community. I want to make my the intervening term, 1990-94. According to tators on the weekend. I graduated Leadership “I thought there were some dirty things family and friends proud. I want to make our Hendricks County, graduated from the FBI said,” Galloway said of his first campaign news reports, Waddell fired Underwood as community proud. I want to do right by the his chief deputy in 1989, setting up the elec- National Academy in Quantico, and have tak- against incumbent Sheriff Jim Quearry. “I professional men and women who make up en many leadership and managerial courses didn’t run a dirty campaign. I tried to stay pos- tion the following year, which Underwood our sheriff’s department. won. Then Waddell returned to defeat Under- during my tenure as Chief Deputy. I am now itive and tell people what I wanted to do when in my 8th year as chief deputy, responsible for wood in the next primary because he was eli- Is the Hendricks County Sheriff’s I got elected. every aspect of the Sheriff Department. I have “I’m a little unusual, I guess,” Galloway said, gible. After 25 years as a state police officer, Department budget adequate? Underwood said being a police officer was in- had over 7 years of on the job training to be “I’m a policeman turned politician and I’ve We are constantly being asked to do more sheriff and fulfilling the role of acting Sheriff done what I said I was going to do.” grained in him that he wanted to run for sher- with less and it is a tremendous challenge. The iff so he could help people. in the Sheriffs absence. Together, the sheriff Galloway had never run for an office before, county’s unprecedented growth and recent and I have elevated the sheriff department to but the draw of the Sheriff’s seat is one that “I got a great culture shock,” Underwood changes in our state’s tax laws have made rev- many will sacrifice to obtain. said. “It’s political.” enue issues even more urgent. In order for us Continue Are We Ready page 7 Hendricks County ICON COMMUNITY • February 2014 7

From Are We Ready page 6 cessful. We have a great and capable depart- and have had numerous training opportuni- of budget crisis’s we need to find better ways ment. To maintain our level of expertise, we ties over the last 11 plus years including pa- of spending the money we have. Building bet- one of the most respected and revered in the must maintain our force. Pay for the deputies trol, detectives, gangs, narcotics, warrants ter relationships with other agencies and out- State of Indiana. As chief deputy, I am direct- must remain competitive, or we will lose them and active shooter. Through it all, my devo- side stakeholders, like local businesses and the ly involved in all budgeting, planning and op- to other departments. So far, we have main- tion and passion to training to improve my- community could help in the cost of training erations of the department and all personnel. tained and we must maintain pay levels to re- self has been constant. This led me to become and equipment. In Marion County they de- Based on all training, experience, and leader- main the outstanding department the citizens a Field Training Officer and Instructor. I have signed a 503C program with businesses, ce- ship positions held, I possess the necessary deserve and expect. I will always be a good always found that I could lead from any po- lebrity and other philanthropic involvement qualifications to be the next sheriff of Hen- budgetary partner with the County Council, sition or role I was given. As an Instructor I to help fund public safety training. dricks County. honestly and fairly working with them to be was assigned to the Training Division and led We also need to find ways to get funding. fiscally responsible but always working to- the Emergency Vehicle Operation Unit for Enough has not been done over the last sever- Why do you want to be sheriff? ward providing an ever more capable and re- the 1500 man department. During this time al years to secure federal grants, or use county Having worked at the sheriff’s department sponsive department. I designed new drivers training and brought ordinances as it relates to traffic enforcement. for half of my life, it is my home. I have a love 1 million dollars of driving simulators to the Furthermore, seizing money and property for the department that will never diminish or As sheriff, what would you like to be able department though a partnership with the In- from the criminals to help fund training and fade. From the beginning, I have worked to- to purchase and how much money would dianapolis Fire Department. I also graduated equipment needs to be explored along with you need for that line item? ward the eventual goal of becoming sheriff by from the IMPD Leadership Academy. This led going through the Military DMRO program being the best deputy, supervisor, and chief Over the last seven years, Sheriff Galloway to a promotion to Sergeant in the Training Di- to secure equipment for the department and deputy I could be. Everything I have done at and I have been in office, and we were able to vision. While doing this, I have continued to our deputies. the sheriff department I did to serve the em- make improvements to the jail, expanding de- work on my bachelors of science in criminal Also, we need to look at alternative ways to ployees and citizens better. I have always done tectives offices and adding a new laundry and justice. I will graduate from Oakland City Uni- fund law enforcement. Some states are taxing the right thing, even when the right thing was dry storage area and commissary area for the versity in fall of 2014. insurance policies a certain percentage to help the hard road to take. I want to be sheriff of kitchen, as well as expanding the kitchen. We fund all public safety agencies. I have even Hendricks County because I want to make also improved the locking mechanisms of the Why do you want to be sheriff? heard talk in our own party of levying a public sure the department continues to serve and jail and the jail door systems. All cameras and I want to be Sheriff of Hendricks County safety tax. This has been talked about in sev- protect the citizens to the highest degree of monitoring equipment were upgraded and because I believe in servant leadership and eral counties. There is however several things service and professionalism possible. The de- a new 180 day recorder installed to replace I want to make the county a better place to that need to take place before the county can partment is a community partner and that the 30 day recorder. There will be no need live. Also, I live here. I want to make this the do this. partnership needs strengthened by initiating for a new jail for the next 10 or 15 years and best place for my kids to grow up in. I have a Citizens Academy empowering the citizens I will not request a new jail during my terms watched from the sidelines for too long. My As sheriff, what would you like to be able to with the knowledge and tools necessary to as Sheriff. There is no exceptional request I devotion to leadership training and education purchase and how much money would you avoid being a victim. The Academy will teach will have for any item, as we have been able has made me see the need take that next step need for that line item? self-defense laws, shooting, defensive tactics, to meet our goals of modernizing the jail. All in my law enforcement career. If I was able to purchase any item for the preparedness, and general safety. Implemen- purchases will be as usual, such as vehicles, Furthermore, this county has done the Hendricks County Sheriff Department, it tation of this Academy is of the utmost im- bullet proof vests, and other usual recurring same thing over and over again, electing the would be new tablets or iPads with keyboard portance. I will attack the illegal drug issue expenditures. In the future, a garage facility same people or people from the same group. attachments and Wi-Fi. These could be used in Hendricks County by starting new school will be needed to house the Command Bus, Change is needed. Fresh ideas and fresh blood by the road deputies. This simple item is bet- programs and partnering with school admin- pool fleet, mechanics area, secure vehicle and needs to be elected into Hendricks County ter suited for use in the squad cars and can istrations to work together to keep our kids other evidence storage for investigations, re- politics. We can’t keep the status quo. I also easily be removed and taken into a victim’s drug free. I will initiate programs in the jail cords storage and training area. This is a long feel our kids, who are our most precious re- home to complete a report. The new report to end dependency on illegal narcotics and term project and will not be pursued till the source, need better secured schools. With all writing system is web based and can be uti- help the inmates get back on track. I will in- county is in better fiscal position to grant any that has been happening in the country, we lized with iPads or tablets. crease training of officers in specialized areas request for this type of item. cannot be blind to the problems of mental This item can also assist the deputy with to fight the drug issue, including interdiction health, bullying, drugs, and the possibility of photos of evidence, crime scenes and victims. training and patrols for stemming the flow of Ty A. Van Wagner terrorism. The technology in these items makes every- illegal drugs through Hendricks County. I will Also, there is an epidemic going on in Hen- thing simpler. Deputies would no longer be age 45, Avon partner with citizens and businesses to assess dricks and surrounding counties of prescrip- required to return to the jail in Danville to en- and address our response to their issues of tion drug addiction, which can and does lead ter their reports. This cuts down on time and What are your qualifications to be sheriff? concern. We cannot patrol and assume we are to heroin addiction. The Sheriff needs to be gas wasted during the shift to get reports in doing a good job. We must have the feedback My qualifications for Sheriff start with my working harder with the victims, courts, pro- and then turn around and head back out to of the people we serve. I will implement pro- devotion to service and education. I started bation, mental health and the individuals in- their assigned patrol area. grams to keep gangs out. I will see to it that my career in the Army Reserves as a Military volved in criminal activity, including their It even cuts down on the need for evidence the Second Amendment to the US Constitu- Police Officer in 1990’s. I was honorably dis- families. We cannot arrest our way out of technicians (ET). The deputies could become tion is fully protected in Hendricks County, charged. From there I was hired by Plainfield problems. We have to solve the root of prob- their own ET and take photos they could at- period. I will do whatever it takes to keep my Police Department in 1992. I worked sev- lems. I especially want to get the word out tach directly to the reports eliminating unnec- home of Hendricks County safe and secure for eral positions from patrol, bike officer, and about the Life Line Law, Indiana Youth Ser- essary down time waiting on an ET to arrive all of us. That is why I want to be Sheriff. S.W.A.T. team member. I even brought ca- vice Association and Good Decisions. Our on scene. This would stream line report writ- nine (Kinta) back to the department and Hen- youth are dying because of mistakes in law ing and processing simple crime scenes mak- Is the Hendricks County Sheriff’s dricks County. While leading this successful enforcement from the past. We need to work ing the deputies jobs more efficient and put- Department budget adequate? program, I was able to interact not only in the together to get our youth informed and in- ting them back in service quickly. At this time, yes. We know the county has Plainfield community and their schools, but volved. The approximate cost for this and the soft- gone through some lean years recently and all of Hendricks County, including every law ware would be less than $1000 apiece. To- we have been good partners in meeting the enforcement agency. Furthermore, I was able Is the Hendricks County Sheriff’s Depart- tal cost would be approximately less than budgetary goals necessary to keep Hendricks to network by working with different agencies ment budget adequate? $50,000. Savings in the wear and tear on the County fiscally sound. Could we use more throughout the State, including many agen- I can’t think of a Sheriff who would not cars, as well as, gas and down time of a deputy money for training and necessary programs, cies in Marion, Morgan, Putnam, and Boone want a bigger budget. However, a bigger bud- would more than be made up in the expense. yes. SWAT, Canine, DARE, Neighborhood County. get will not solve every problem. We need Over all you would see a savings. Watch, etc. are expensive. If necessary, lat- I left Plainfield Police Department for In- to focus on the needs of those we serve. We Cover photo illustration by Carey Germana er, we will partner with private business and dianapolis Police Department in 2002 dur- need to focus on helping our community not with sheriff’s photos courtesy of HC Sheriff’s other programs to keep these programs suc- ing which time I have served in many areas become victims in the first place. In this time Department and stock photo. 8 February 2014 • HEALTH Hendricks County ICON Marriage advice for healthy partnering 2. Back each other up we’re a team. we have to get through. And sometimes we MARRIAGE Sometimes I think I can get to a high ball, screw up or feel as if we failed. We need that 4. Move together By Lori D. Lowe but when my partner backs me up, there’s reas- personal cheerleader who comes to our side, surance that if I can’t reach it, my partner will When I run to the edge of the court to reach even if just to share in our sadness if things I took up tennis a few years ago. I’m a slow save us. In marriage, we often have to cover for a ball, my partner moves with me to cover the don’t go as we had hoped. learner, but it’s a great hobby for exercise and one another, to be supportive and to catch the middle of the court, and I do the same for her. stress relief, not to mention relationship tips. things that get dropped. We are instructed to move together “like we are 6. Love-Love Recently, our instructor taught us how to be on a string.” In marriage, we also need to move Remember each game starts this way, with a the perfect doubles partner. Many of the same 3. Help clean up the other’s messes together, grow together, stick together. When score of zero (love) to zero (love). Let each day attributes on the court are critical in marriage. When I hit a ball to the volley player instead we get too far apart, each going on separate start and end with love-love from each of you. So, here’s how to be a better tennis or mar- of deep and cross court to my opponent at the tangents and not inviting the other along, the riage partner: baseline, I put my partner at risk on the court. marriage gets distant. Intimacy is lost. It’s more Now, if anyone could help improve my serve, 1. Communicate more But if she moves to a defensive position when fun to share the journey, and it protects the re- I would be most obliged. she sees my mistake, she may be able to clean lationship when we are connected. On the court, it’s easy to let a ball whiz be- up the mess and get us on track. If I apologize, tween you while wondering which of you is go- she acts as if it’s no big deal. A partner who 5. Build one another up ing to get it. Any hesitation or confusion, and constantly gripes about how I put her in a bad When we’re losing a match, it’s easy to get you’ve lost the point. In marriage, we often as- Love position and made things hard for her wouldn’t down on ourselves. Negative self-talk occurs sume we know who should do what and when. be fun to play with. In marriage, let’s face it, audibly on the court. But a good partner helps Lori D. Lowe is a marriage blogger at Her We assume we know how our partner feels or book First Kiss to Lasting Bliss: Hope & Inspiration for Your we often have to clean up each other’s messes, you shake it off, gets you refocused, helps you what their preferences are. We are probably Marriage is available on and in all e-book for- both literally and figuratively. We should do so take a deep breath and start again. Same goes mats. Lori and her husband of 18 years live in Indianapolis wrong far more often than we realize. without resentment and griping, because, hey, for marriage. There are really, really bad days with their two children. HEALTHY HAPPENINGS COMMUNITY HENDRICKS INDIANA UNIVERSITY FRANCISCAN WESTVIEW HOSPITAL REGIONAL HEALTH HEALTH WEST HOSPITAL ST. FRANCIS

Feb. 12 Feb. 1 Feb. 3 (each Monday) Feb. 4 Wellness Education Series: Safe Sitter Mother Connection support group Children Cope with Divorce Heart Healthy When: 8 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.; Cost: $35 When: 12:30 – 2 p.m.; Cost: Free When: 5:30 – 9:45 p.m.; Cost: $50 When: noon; Cost: Free Location: Hendricks Regional Health Danville Location: Plainfield Recreation Location: Visiting Nurse Service, St. Francis Location: Community Healthplex Sports Club 1000 E. Main St., Danville and Aquatic Center 4701 N Keystone Ave., Indianapolis 3660 Guion Rd., Indianapolis Contact: Jill Woodward (317) 718-8160 651 Vestal Rd., Plainfield Contact: (317) 722-8200 Contact: Lauren Campbell (317) 920-7472 for registration (reservation required) Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 6 Week One at West Feb. 10 Parent’s Night Out Bariatric Surgery When: 10 – 11 a.m.; Cost: Free Cancer Educational Workshops When: 5:30 - 9:30 p.m. Weight Loss Seminar Location: IU West Hospital When: 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.; Cost: Free Location: Community Healthplex Sports Club When: 6 - 7 p.m. (Terrace Classroom), 1111 North Ronald Location: Franciscan St. Francis Health Cancer 3660 Guion Rd., Indianapolis Location: Hendricks Regional Health YMCA Reagan Parkway (Terrace Classroom), Avon Center, 8111 S. Emerson Ave., Indianapolis Cost: $20 first child, $17 each additional (Conference Room 2), 301 Satori Parkway, Contact: (317) 217-3627 Contact: (317) 257-1505 (members $5 off) Avon (reservations required) Contact: [email protected] Feb. 28 – March 2 Feb. 26 Feb. 10 Juniors Spring Tennis Open Feb. 20 Breast Cancer Coffee Club Southside Chronic Pain Location: Community Healthplex Sports Club Stress Management Class When: - 7:30 p.m.; Cost: Free Support Group 3660 Guion Rd., Indianapolis (8-week commitment) Location: IU Health West Hospital When: 1 – 3 p.m.; Cost: Free Cost: $52.10 When: 6 – 8 p.m.; Cost: $300 Physician Dining Room Location: Southport Library Contact: Miguel Dungo (317) 920-7406 Location: Hendricks Regional Health Avon 1111 N. Ronald Regan Pkwy., Avon 2630 E. Stop 11 Rd., Indianapolis Conf. Room, Floor 2, 8244 E. US 36, Avon Contact: Alyson Lainhart (317) 519-7461 Contact: (317) 838-3434 (registration required)

Works of Faith Art Show: On Exhibit Now – February 22nd Valentine Canvas with Trica Gall: February 5th, 6:30-8:30pm = $35 Valentine Card Workshop with Margaret Soucy-Lowry: February 8th, 10am-12pm = $30 For travel information Open studio with Margaret Soucy-Lowry: February 8th, 1-4pm = $50 visit Framing Hendricks Visit our website for details or call (317) 852-0252 to register Soucy-Lowry, Valentine County for 20 years! 124 E. Northfield Dr Ste. K, Brownsburg, IN 46112 • Call (317) 852-0252 • Hendricks County ICON HEALTH • February 2014 9

Talking skinny about Have electric heat? We have a better tummy tucks way to cut your heating budget. Q: I am interested in liposuction or a tum- BODY BEAUTIFUL my tuck, preferably liposuction though. I have had two pregnancies, seven years And we’ll pay you to save. By Dr. Barry Eppley apart with the last one being five years ago. This has left me with loose skin and fat Q: I would like to get a tummy tuck and around my mid-section. I am 38 years old Heating and cooling are the biggest energy expenses belly button reconstruction. I’m not sure and weigh 140 lbs and have a 34” waistline in any home. Older, inefficient heating systems can what type I need. I work out approximate- measurement. I feel great, but I just can’t ly five days a week. I have a lot of scar tis- get rid of the skin and fat around and un- claim more than 50% of your energy budget. sue near my C-section scar that is bother- der the naval area. I have had two abdom- some. Would a procedure also help with inal surgeries in the past and skin hangs the scars? What type do you recommend? over the suprapubic scar. If I just have lipo- Talk to us about the benefits and savings that a heat suction will I be left with flabby skin? pump or geothermal system brings—and about the A: You are correct in your assessment that cash back you’ll get for upgrading. We’ll give you as you would benefit by a tummy tuck. When it A: As a general rule, if one has significant much as $1,500 for installing a system that saves you comes to tummy tucks, there are really only loose skin on her abdomen before liposuc- two fundamental types: a mini or limited and tion she will still have loose skin afterwards. money every month. a full tummy tuck. The difference between While many forms of liposuction have been the two is in the location and amount of ab- touted about their ability to tighten skin, the Visit to apply, or to find more ways dominal tissues removed. With uncommon amount of skin tightening obtained is almost to save. exception, most women are better off with a always far less than what patients desire. As full tummy tuck because it produces a better I always tell patients, liposuction can tighten result, remakes the belly button, and provides skin in the range of millimeters; however, pa- the best exposure for complete rectus muscle tients are interested and need skin tightening plication. As part of the tummy tuck, all scar in the range of centimeters most of the time. tissue from the previous C-section(s) would With loose skin around the belly button and be removed regardless of whether one gets a overhanging a suprapubic scar, you would be mini- or full version. better served by having a mini tummy tuck Be aware that many tummy tucks also in- which would incorporate liposuction with it. corporate liposuction as part of it to get a bet- Given that you already have a suprapubic scar ter overall result. That could be liposuction of you might as well take advantage and use the the flanks beyond the zone of the tissue exci- entire scar for a mini tummy tuck. It does not sion or above the zone of tissue excision in the add that much more scar length and its abil- upper abdominal area. ity to remove skin make it more than a worth- while trade-off. The more you save, the more you save.

Dr. Barry Eppley is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Indianapolis. Comments can be sent to [email protected]. 10 February 2014 • HEALTH Hendricks County ICON Join us for the 2014 7 Ways to supercharge Hendricks County Business Leader’s your inner athlete have a known health concern, such as a heart Women’s Business WELLNESS condition or a back injury, go to your doctor. By Chris Summers of IU Health West They are your best resource for mapping out the route to your goal, without hurting your- How often do we start the year with the self along the way. Leader Luncheon best exercise intentions? From taking that kettle bell class to racing in the Indianapolis Find your starting line Mini Marathon, the road to fitness resolu- Maybe your goal is to lose weight. May- tions is paved with visions of our inner ath- be it’s to finish a spin class without puking. lete. But long work hours, kids’ music lessons Every person has to start somewhere. If you You’re Invited and finally getting the dog to the vet turn our want to run a 5k, then start with a standard smooth route to wellness into an obstacle test like running a half mile. Throughout your course worthy of the TV show Wipe Out. journey, you can check your progress against to Join Us! “I see a lot of people set a goal to start run- where you started. ning around the first of the year,” says Jeremy Enz, running coach and director of rehabilita- Keep an exercise log tion at Indiana University Health West Hos- Some use a notebook, others like mobile pital. “Unfortunately, here in Indiana, the first apps such as My Fitness Pal. Jot down your of the year usually means very cold weather. time, distance or duration and how you feel SAVE THE DATE! We may have the best of intentions when the during each workout. Later, you can come th weather is 40 degrees, but when temps dip back and compare to previous workouts and into the 30s and 20s, nobody wants to go out- your goals. March 13 side to exercise.” th Whether your resolution was to start run- Find a few minutes to stretch June 12 ning or just to move the clothes off the tread- Current mainstream school of thought is th mill in the basement, all is not lost if you’ve to stretch warm muscles. For most of us, this September 11 stumbled off the starting block a bit. Enz of- means stretching at the end of our workout. If fers a few tips for getting your fitness plan th you are a hardcore weekend warrior, stretch- December 11 back on track and staying the course for the ing after a brief warm-up could help prevent long run. injuries. Luncheon times are See your physician Build up your strength It may seem like the fine print for every ex- In January, you may not be able to get out- 11:30am to 1pm ercise article ever but there is some merit to side but you can still start with strength exer- at Wellbrooke of Avon this one. If you haven’t been to your prima- cises to get your key muscle groups stronger. ry care provider in the last year or you Powerful hips, glutes, calves and core 10307 E. County Road muscles all go a long way to improv- 100 North • Avon, IN ing any exercise performance. Cost: $15 Bankroll your motivational currency One of the best ways to stay mo- tivated is to put a goal on the cal- See you there. endar. If you want to start running, then sign up for a 5k. If you want to work out three times a week, then For additional information, sign up for a gym membership and contact Cathy Myers let the monthly fees serve as your reminder. Or, schedule a workout [email protected] or date with a friend. We tend not to call/text (317) 918-0334 wuss out if someone is counting on us to show up.

Watch out for injury Every new exercise routine comes with its fair share of aches and muscle soreness. The biggest red flag for an injury is pain that increase through your workout. If you ankle hurts before you start and gets worse throughout your run, it’s time to stop and let it rest. Hendricks County ICON HEALTH • February 2014 11

Experts in Rehabilitation American Senior Communities have a centralized Managed Insurance Department. That department consists of multiple team members who collaborate to expedite each managed insurance referral. We also have Business Office Managers who are experts in Medicaid and the Medicaid application process. Medicare, Managed Care and most supplemental insurances accepted! Our specialists will assist you in understanding benefits. Stop and focus in tant. We have places to go and people to see. MOM’S the WORD But have you even asked yourself if those are By Alyssa Johnson important to you, or are you just doing them “Where caring people because it’s what you did yesterday? make the difference!” In our busy lives, it’s difficult to make the So what is this bigger perspective and how time to stop and really ask, “What’s impor- do you begin that process? I’m glad you asked! tant in life?” I’m not talking about the impor- It’s really about taking the time to ask a sim- tance of deciding what’s for dinner tonight, ple question – WHY? With every activity you or even how you’re going to get this current do, ask it. “Because I have to” is not allowed to project done at work. I’m talking a little big- be an answer. No one is holding a gun to your ger in scale. The sad truth is that we tend to head and making you do these things. You are just focus on what’s right in front of us when choosing to. Why? Be clear with yourself. Be we’re rushed. But living life like this leads to honest with yourself. feeling like you wasted precious time when Once you know your motives, you’re free things slow down a little (and yes – they will to ask if there’s a different way to do things – eventually). maybe even NOT do them. Being clear on your motives is essential. If Your Vibrantly Live Challenge: This isn’t a you do things just to do them, then life will do it once and you’re done activity! It’s a way feel wasted and meaningless. There will al- of life. You make thousands of choices a day! ways be things that need to get done! Yes – THOUSANDS! This activity has to do But if you look from a bigger perspective with challenging every decision. But that’s a and focus on what is important, your deci- little overwhelming. So choose a particular sions will be made more intentionally and will area of your life and focus on it and get clear, add purpose and meaning to even mundane then move on to another. For example – may- tasks. But this takes a little more time and a be look at your morning and every decision little more energy – something most of us like you make. For example: what time you get up, to believe we don’t have. every little step of how you get ready (how you Why do we do that? Yes, life is busy. But I style your hair, your entire make-up routine), think there’s a great sense of pride in believ- how you interact with your kids (if you see ing we’re busy. We must be somebody impor- them), what you eat for breakfast, how you drive to work. See where I’m going? Start small – don’t overdo it! A whole new world will open up. Have fun!

Onsite - Online/Proxibid - E-Bay Consignment Alyssa Johnson, LCSW is a Counselor & Life Coach for Moms. She’s been a resident of Brownsburg for over 15 years. To learn more about how she helps moms live the life they were created for, visit or call her at (317) 513-5678. 12 February 2014 • HEALTH Hendricks County ICON

You can do magic team because you took the time to go with me.” RELATIONSHIPS Using your spouse’s name and saying exactly By Sherry Strafford Rediger, Ph.D. what you appreciated, acknowledging there may have been a sacrifice made and pointing Steve and Ella have only been married out something you value; these are ingredi- two years and are wondering what hap- ents of an appreciation that can make a dif- pened to the magic. Lately their relationship ference. An appreciation made in this manner has seemed an effort – a chore. Steve is feel- can help change a negative relationship atmo- ing tied down. Ella feels sphere misunderstood. Privately, Genevieve Keegan-Bedano both Steve and Ella won- der if they’ve made a ter- rible mistake. This couple’s experi- ence, unfortunately, is not uncommon. Most people can relate to it at Anne-Marie Briscoe some point in their mar- riage. How do good re- lationships turn so neg- ative? What can be done to return to harmony? Some of the best re- search on marriage and Abigayle McKinley Hensley relationships has been done by John Gott- man. He describes four behaviors that will do direct damage to re- lationship: criticism, KENA HOLLINGSWORTH CHRISTINA ZIVITZ contempt, stone-wall- Founding Partner Founding Partner Elizabeth Eichholtz ing, and defensiveness. These four behaviors are so destructive to marriage that Gott- man nicknames them the “The Four Horse- men of the Apoca- Jessica Hopper Robert Shive Cassie Ringlespaugh Rachael Ehlich Janice Mattingly lypse.” From Gottman’s research, we learn that couples into something much whose marriages are strong are five times more positive. more likely to express appreciation directly to We all long to know we are respected and their partner. Sometimes this behavior is the valued. Expressing appreciation may seem difference between marriages that remain sta- L. Leona Frank Erica Walker Thomas Blessing Catherine Michael simple and natural until you try to apply it ble through difficult times and marriages that well. It takes practice! Try writing an appre- end in divorce. ciation note and leaving it somewhere your Creating a life together involves a lot of ef- spouse will be sure to find it. Challenge your- fort – a lot of giving. In the trance of every day self to genuinely appreciate your partner ev- life it is easy to take for granted your partner’s ery day – and then multiple times a day until contributions and at the same time build up it becomes an easy habit. resentment for all that you are doing. Often Marriage is work. There is no getting couples don’t even realize how starved they around that. But you can choose your ap- are for a few genuine words of acknowledge- Hire Us proach. If you choose to chip away at your Before Your Spouse Does ment. partner with complaints, criticism, and with- So what is appreciation really? holding, marriage becomes an untenable bur- DIVORCE & FAMILY LAW Webster’s defines appreciation as “a sensi- den. On the other hand, approach your part- MEDIATION & COLLABORATIVE DIVORCE tive awareness” and “an expression of admi- ner with the desire to be a team, to be on the ration, approval, or gratitude.” Sometimes a same side, to build-up – especially through Custody Child Support Prenuptial Agreements general “thanks” is enough. But more often appreciation – and the work of marriage can Adoptions Education Law DUI your partner needs to hear something per- be light. Maybe even magic. sonal and specific. An example: “Steve, I know how busy you Dr. Rediger has been helping individuals, couples and families for over 25 years and is in private practice in Plainfield. She can are and it meant so much when you went with be reached at (317) 839-1333, through her website SherryRe- 317.DIVORCE | me to the parent teacher conference. You ex- or by email at [email protected]. 11555 N. Meridian St., #530 | Carmel, IN 46032 • 2680 E. Main St. | Plainfield, IN 46168 press yourself so well and I really felt like a Hendricks County ICON HEALTH • February 2014 13 Staying positive seem negative most of the time may believe LIFE CHOICES that the world is a scary or mean place or that By Karl Zimmer everyone is out to get them. This could have a foundation in a more fundamental belief about Is it really possible to stay positive regardless Lawn Solutions an individual’s own worthiness, but the gist of restige of the circumstances we face? Wouldn’t that be it is that one sees the world in a negative way. P awesome if that were true? I’ve met some really So, the inverse is also true. Those who are more The solution to all your outdoor needs positive people, and I remember wondering if positive have a positive, joyful model of the they were actually being honest or if they were world and themselves. The most positive and Emergency - 24 Hour Service Erosion Control just pretending to be so positive. I remember a successful people also have what I believe is the coworker who came to work the morning af- Tree Removal Fall Clean-up most empowering belief for having a positive ter her vehicle had been stolen, and she had the perspective and leading a successful life. Lot Clearing Rip Rap same smile and sunny disposition she always What would happen if we knew that when had. Gutter Cleaning Fence Install and Repair negative things happen in our lives, they actu- So how can you stay positive regardless of ally result in a positive outcome no matter how Dirt Work the events you face? Much can be revealed by negative the event seems at the time? If nothing how we react to the weather, traffic, and other could happen that would result in a long term rather routine events. Listen to your own inter- negative outcome, there would be no reason to nal dialogue next time. We have all dealt with have a negative outlook. I realize this sounds adverse weather or traffic jams, and though far fetched, but think of it this way. If you knew they aren’t typically dramatic (absent the re- you were living the life you were meant to live $50 Off cent winter storm), we usually don’t let them and that everything that happened was so that get us down. We just deal with them and look you could realize your fullest potential in every forward to another day. We all know people, way, wouldn’t you look at life more positive- Tree Removal however, who tend to look at the negative side ly, no matter what happened? Yes you would! of things or who complain about nearly ev- How cool is that? erything, including things they can’t control, CALL TODAY! (317) 524-9100 which is the perfect formula for misery. Karl R. Zimmer III is a clinical hypnotist, having been licensed Our behavior and mood are reflections of and certified by the State of Indiana. His practice, Zimmer Suc- cess Group (, is in Plainfield. Information our internal dialogue, which is based on our provided is for informational purposes only and is not intend- model of the world and our beliefs. Those who ed to diagnose, treat, or cure any condition or illness.


Cold is an understatement. And so is associates who personally drove stranded and impassable roads to ensure our patients thank you. On behalf of the Hendricks patients home, to a physician who helped continued to receive the care they expect Regional Health Board of Trustees and clean up after a burst pipe. From those from us. It was truly an honor to watch Senior Management Team, we are deeply who slept on cots to work extra shifts, this team of individuals illustrate what grateful for all those individuals whose to the families that demonstrated it means to treat people better. And it extraordinary efforts helped us care for incredible patience and support. And of instills a real sense of pride knowing that the community we so love — even in course, our EMS partners, contractors and the Hendricks Regional Health promise to dangerous and trying conditions. From suppliers who braved -40° temperatures the community has never been stronger. February 2014 Teacher Mrs. Wire of the Month By Julia Diagostino, 4th Grade Pittsboro Elementary

My teacher, Mrs. Wire should be teacher of because she is amazing!!!!!!!! She has taught us so well that I am positive that everyone in her class will pass ITSEP. Fourth grade can be tough, but Mrs. Wire takes tough and turns it into a relaxing all day long foot massage. She does the same thing with stress, but makes it into a back massage with a gift bag full of candy and free ticket to Paris. She is so funny. If she were a ten year old, we would be best friends. From left, Jennifer Wire, Julia Diagnostino Mrs. Wire deserves the teacher of and Jay Pucket the month!

Kids, send your name, address and telephone number along with a 100-word summary of why your teacher should be honored as the ICON Teacher of the Month to [email protected]. The deadline for nominations for the March ICON Teacher of the Month is February 10, 2014. Your teacher could win a pizza party compliments of Chicago’s Pizza and a $100 gift card from Indiana Members Credit Union. Please take time to nominate a deserving teacher from Hendricks County.

Chicago’s Pizza, Plainfield, is the official ICON Teacher of the Month Pizza Party supplier

Pittsboro Elementary students, 4th grade class, enjoying a pizza party!

AVON • BROWNSBURG • PLAINFIELD Hendricks County ICON COMMUNITY • February 2014 15

February 28 EVENTS Family Film Series - Despicable Me Where: Washington Township February 7 Park Pavilion Center Father/Daughter Dance 435 Whipple Ln., Avon Who: Girls ages 4 – 12 When: 7 p.m. years old and their fathers Contact: Stephani Massa Where: Brownsburg High School at [email protected] or (317) 745-0785 1000 S. Odell St., Brownsburg Website: Cost: $35 per couple $9 for each additional daughter Contact: (317) 858-4172 Website:

February 7 Shot for a Pop Where: Avon High School 7575 E. Co, Rd. 150 S., Avon; Cost: $1 When: Halftimes of JV and Varsity basketball games between Avon and Lafayette Jeff Save February 8 the Date! Brownsburg Sertoma Club’s Saturday with Saturday benefiting Sheltering Wings Where: The Duke Energy Event Center at Metropolis, 2499 Futura Pkwy., Plainfield When: Just after the Super Bowl Cost: $100 per person Contact: (317) 386-5062 Website: /premier-event AROUND TOWN

February 15 Gentry joins board Daddy Daughter Dance at HRH Foundation Where: Plainfield Aquatic and Recreation Center, 651 Vestal Rd., Plainfield With the vote of its directors at the January When: 6 - 8 p.m. meeting, Hendricks Regional Health Foun- LLiivviinngg WWeellll dation elected one new board member, six February 22 returning members, Danville Winter Festival and one officer. Carol CChhaannggeess When: 2 – 7 p.m. Gentry was elected to Where: Danville South Elementary School complete a one-year 1375 W. Lincoln St., Danville term, expiring Decem- EEvveerryytthhiinngg!! Cost: Wrist bands for children $10 in advance, ber 2014, to fulfill the $12 at door; adults free term of retiring member Contact: Carrie Rader (317) 374-9027 Jo Mead Rush. Gentry, a or [email protected]. Brownsburg resident, is a graduate of DePauw February 27 University, a community volunteer, and ten- College and Career Fair nis player and coach. Jeff Donovan, Donovan Where: Hendricks County CPAs and Advisors, Kathy Duffer, State Bank of 4-H Fairgrounds and Conference Complex Lizton, Julia Mulholland, Joe Neher, Bob Sex- 1900 E. Main St., Danville ton, and John Skelton, First Merchants Bank, When: 5 – 8 p.m. were re-elected to fulfill three-year terms ex- Website: piring December 2016. Brett Clark, Hendricks County Sheriff Department, was re-elected to February 28 serve a one-year term as secretary. All other The B’s - Brahms, Borodin, officers return to continue the second year of • Independent Living Britten, Bernstein their two-year terms: Joe Neher, chair; Kathy • Assisted Living Short-term Where: Avon Middle School South Duffer, co-chair; David Stopperich, MD, Liz- es 7199 E. US Hwy. 36, Avon; When: 7:30 p.m. ton Family Medicine, treasurer. Jo Mead Rush, • Memory Care Rehab Suit Contact: [email protected] Re/Max Centerstone, was recognized for her • Skilled Nursing Care Available or (317) 272-0452 commitment of 14 years as a board member Website: and two as board chair. She joins the Foun- • Rehabilitation dation’s Conrad Council with other former board members who have served Hendricks Regional Health Foundation since its found- 317-745-5184 Equal Housing ing in 1982. 4171 Forest Pointe Circle, Avon, IN 46123 Opportunity OUR ICONIC COMMUNITY PARK PRO PAYS IT FORWARD As a child growing up on Indianapolis’ near west side, Nate Thorne became known, by those who saw him the most, as a “pool rat.” But Thorne quickly recognized that those same park professionals and the parks where he spent his time were a refuge from potential problems that any inner-city child of a mother could encounter. Thorne was recently named the Outstanding Professional by the Indiana Park and Recreation Association, being recognized in front of his peers for consistent dedication to improving parks and recreation in his community. Thorne is deputy director of the Plainfield Parks and Recreation Department and has worked to pay forward the outreach shown to him as a child and young adult. “I was the poster child for what you would think about with outreach,” Thorne said. “I had a wonderfully supportive family and mom, but parks became my home away from home. My experience was free and open play, but leap forward to middle school and I started to have a connection with the park employees.” Thorne gradually moved from the kid who wanted to help out, to junior lifeguard, then finally on to a paid position. He became the aquatics for Krannert Aquatics Center in Indianapolis, and in 2003 took on his role with Plainfield Parks. “What really transplanted me with this job was the good fit, because Plainfield was showing such a huge commitment to parks,” Thorne said. Through his own experiences, Thorne recognized that the town also saw the need for a system that was not only about recreation, Photo by Derek Clay but about providing stability and “refuge” for those who might not always have it at home. “I’m an example of what hopefully can become of all that hard work,” he said. CUT BACK IN TIME

Don’t be too quick to dismiss the entrepreneurial skills of today’s youth. Leland Wade, owner of Leland’s Barber Shop in Plainfield, has capitalized on a barber shop atmosphere of the past to attract customers both young and old. REVERENT READING Wade, just 19, graduated Plainfield High School, completed barber school and opened his own successful barber shop in well under a year, despite an Many lessons can be learned from our childhood, and growing up in a diverse economy that isn’t the kindest to new businesses. cultural atmosphere in a Ft. Wayne apartment community only added excitement to “I really had no intentions of opening my own place,” said Wade. “I went those lessons for the Rev. Phil Rigdon. around to (other local shops) and there was really nothing available that Rigdon, associate pastor at Our Shepherd Lutheran Church and School in Avon, was a good fit.” Wade said he was working part time for the man who is his merges those lessons with Biblical principals in an imaginary fantasy he created with businesses landlord when the location just off U.S. 40 on South Center Street his recently-released novel, Under the Bridge to the Seeds of Light. became available. “A number of years ago I was reflecting on growing up with The style of the old building fit perfectly for what Wade had envisioned as a my brothers in an apartment setting, similar nostalgic barber shop, and while he hadn’t always planned to be a barber, he to that described in the book,” said Rigdon. couldn’t escape the childhood memories or his entrepreneurial ambition. “I thought, how can I tie in some of those “It was sometime in high school that I thought about (being a barber),” experiences, along with some fantasy-like he said. “I always had good memories of getting my hair cut with my dad. It aspects, and add that to a Biblical reference seemed like the barber shop was a good place for guys to go and talk.” and come up with something that was Through much research, plenty of hard work and a drive to succeed, Wade coherent and flowed well.” has found success. “It’s been a much better start than I was ever anticipating.” The result is Rigdon’s first novel which he says has the universal theme of “finding Compiled by Derek Clay and Gus Pearcy Submitted Photos courage and strength for the sake of your friends, even when things are difficult. The book is available through Amazon, Do you have ICONIC community Barnes & Noble and Tate Publishing. information to share? Email: [email protected] OUR ICONIC COMMUNITY OUTSPOKEN Page Murrell has something to say about the Constitution, and she says it well, according to the judges of the local American Legion Oratorical Contest. Murrell, a home-schooled sophomore was one of three contestants sponsored by the Avon American Legion. She will advance to the Legion’s zone competition in Knightstown. Mark Bode took second place at the competition, and Sara Zolack tied for fourth place. Both are students at Avon High School. “I talked about the founding principals of our nation,” Murrell said, “and the rejection of the Constitution in the 1900s (by the Progressive Movement).” She learned about the topic as part of her home-schooling and was really intrigued by it. “I discussed how we, as a nation, can bring back those principals into our current society,” she said. “I’m very passionate about the Constitution, and this was my opportunity to talk about i t .” From left, Page Murrell, Mark Bode and Sara Zolack. Mom and I have always been close. Wellbrooke helps us stay that way. BOWING OUT Discover a new choice for service-rich assisted living After 12 years as head of the convention and visitors bureau, Emory conveniently located near you. Lencke, 68, is reluctantly retiring. The former executive director of the Brownsburg Chamber of Commerce plans to spend more time with his From birthdays to holidays, and all the days in between, family and six grandchildren. she’s always been there for you. Lately, you’ve noticed she needs There will be a retirement celebration from 4 to 7 p.m. Feb. 6 at Savor support with daily activities, and you’re wondering how to be Thyme Cafe, 224 N. Green St., Brownsburg. Reservations are requested there for her. You can, with Wellbrooke. by calling (317) 718-8750. Wellbrooke offers a new approach to assisted living: • Service-rich environment that provides help with tasks like dressing, bathing and medication reminders SIGN HIM UP • Fresh, resort-style design and spacious private apartments Owen Mahan, 7, of • Resident-centered care assuring comfort and dignity—our Pittsboro was recently LifeSTYLE Promise™ to you and your family named top recruit for the Best of all, there’s a Wellbrooke near you, so staying close to University of Indianapolis (UIndy) Greyhounds your loved one has never been easier. Call today for information baseball team. Through or to schedule a personal tour. TeamIMPACT, head coach Gary Vaught will hold a “signing day” for Owen Feb. 4. “It is such a humbling experience to meet Owen and welcome him and (317) 273-2144 his family as a part of our 10307 E. County Road 100 North • Indianapolis, IN 46234 program,” Vaught said. “He is so full of life and will be inspiring to our young men.” Owen, a burn victim, was recently presented with a team uniform, bat, ball and glove when he visited the team. Do you have ICONIC community “It was amazing meeting Owen,” UIndy senior Evan Eyer said. “We Move in by March 31, 2014, and receive information to share? shared a lot of smiles and laughs.” a complimentary moving package! Email: [email protected] NP/ICON/2-14 Call today for more information.

WAVN-68 Mom Ad Minority.indd 1 1/28/2014 2:27:04 PM Bridal Show

3rd Annual Hendricks County ICON Bridal Show Held at the Prestwick Country Club HOSTED BY 5197 Fairway Drive • Avon, Indiana 46123 March 16, 2014 • 3pm to 6pm

For questions or vendor space information, please contact Katie Mosley [email protected] • (317) 443-0054 Wedding Planner 2014

Photo by Ryan Woodall for HCICON

Hendricks County [Click] with your Icon Bridal Show photographer By Nicole Davis If you are not comfortable with your photographer, it will show in pictures. Spending time More vendors than ever before will join the third annual Hendricks County with a photographer, make sure they fit with your personality and create the type of work you Icon Bridal Show on Sunday, March 16, 3-6 p.m. at Prestwick Country Club, are searching for is the best advice Ryan Woodall, of Vow & Forever photography, says he could 5197 Fairway Dr., Avon. With a larger venue, this year should be better than give. ever, says coordinator Katie Mosley. “Make sure you really click with that person not only on a personal level but make sure that “People should want to attend because of the many unique and everyday work fits along the lines of what you want your wedding pictures to look like,” Woodall says. ideas for the wedding, honeymoon, gifts for bridal party and so much more,” “Make sure their work stands for what it is you are looking for on your wedding night.” Mosley says. Woodall says they have engagement sessions with every client before the wedding. This gives Brides that preregister will be eligible for a drawing for free gifts and prizes. people a chance to get used to being in front of the camera, as for many it’s been years since For more information, contact Mosley at [email protected] or call (317) they’ve had professional pictures taken. 443-0054. “It gives you a chance to be in front of the camera and get to know the photographer more personally,” Woodall says. “On your wedding day, it shouldn’t be the first time you’ve interacted with them.” With so many photographers to choose from, Woodall says many couples might be over- SPECIAL SECTION whelmed when looking at the options. published by Times Leader “You can look at different wedding photographer sites all week long and look at a different Publications, LLC site every hour,” Woodall says “One of the best ways could be to ask friends that have been mar- ried about their experiences with a photographer, what worked and what didn’t.” Wedding Planner 2014

When the dress fits... or doesn’t

By Nicole Davis The wedding dress – many girls spend time daydream- ing of what they’ll look like in it. It will be an image cap- tured for a lifetime in photographs. Yet, no woman is built the same, and many dresses are. Picture finding the perfect wedding gown. When the order comes in, it’s too small. It’s too late to return it. When the dress doesn’t quite fit, don’t sweat it. There are Hendricks County professionals out there to help. “I find that the dresses find them,” says Diana Frewer of A Fitting Creation in Plainfield. “The dresses absolutely scream their personality. Our clothes exude our personal- ity. We wear what we’re comfortable in. The bride should pick what she wants, and what she thinks she looks good in because my job is to make sure they look even better.” Frewer says she has noticed the wedding dress is usu- ally ordered. The fitting is close, but not always exactly how it needs to be. “They don’t have to just do with it and think that’s what they have to deal with it,” Frewer says. “I want you to zip it up, forget you have it on and go have a heck of a won- derful day.” Frewer says making a dress the appropriate length is the number one priority. No bride wants to step on their gown all day long. She says women today wear large heels, 4-6 inches in many cases, and she says it’s impor- tant to consider what the dress will look like when those tall shoes need to be taken off – something brides rarely think about. “These cute little shoes are going to show a little, but when you take them off, you won’t be stepping on your dress,” Frewer says. Frewer recommends when choosing the professional to fit a wedding gown, to ask a lot of questions. She says to Worry-free make the bride feel more comfortable, they could bring in a pair of pants or a shirt and let her hem them – to know the type of work she can do. “I think what is most important is you are 150 percent wedding plans comfortable with the person who is going to alter your wedding gown,” Frewer says.

Stop by my Booth It’s All Show your hair love! at the Bridal Show Pamper yourself in our relaxing Wash House with a signature Paul to Win a Free Gift! Mitchell treatment followed by a About Thyme precision haircut and style. $26 Daniel Cope th Catering Weddings & SPECIAL THROUGH FEB. 28 (317) 201-6323 Take the love Gift of a $5 gift card for every Special Events home with 701 W. Main Street, Danville your FREE $25 gift cards purchased GIFT! for the one you love! (317) 513-2297 • (317) 745-6801 [email protected]

1024 E Main St, Brownsburg, IN 46112 (317) 858-6105 Wedding Planner 2014 That’s entertainment

DeLIGHTful Entertainment

By Nicole Davis Transform your venue. Create a setting for better pictures. Lighting has grown to be a bigger trend in the entertainment industry the last couple of years, says Jared Wade of Plainfield’s Sure Tones Entertainment. “You can completely change a venue from nothing to amaz- ing with lighting alone,” Wade says. “For the last couple years, there has been a large surge in the lighting field, in up lighting, down lighting and pin-spots; focalized lights that you can posi- tion on one side of the room. It makes specific spaces in the re- ception hall pop. Instead of looking monotone, the room color transforms and then there are pin spots that focus on the cake, the head table, centerpieces.” Choosing the right source of entertainment, Wade says, is important because they are the professionals that communi- cate with guests and set the tone of the evening. He says his biggest piece of advice is not to focus on “the stuff, meaning the types of speakers they have, how new the equipment is, how big the lights are, how many songs they have.” The main focus should be about the connection with that DJ. Ask what makes them different from anyone else. “(Couples) realize it’s more than pushing a play button,” Wade says. “They want somebody whose personality is appro- priate and will be able to capture who they are. Your DJ is your voice through the reception. It’s great to see more and more brides take the approach of not necessarily ‘how much are you,’ but ‘how long have you been in the industry?’” Wade says he has been told guests will remember three things more than anything else – the dinner, the cake and the DJ or entertainment. If the happy couple skimps on one of those three facets, guests will remember. So when doing their budget, figuring out what they are going to spend, they need to consider that. “My job as your host is to help guide you through the night,” Wade says. “When you see all those people smiling and laugh- ing, that’s exciting for me. At the end of the night, when the bride and groom look so happy, that’s really amazing.”

Photos courtesy of Jared Wade for HCICON Wedding Planner 2014 You can have your cake and… Eat with elegance

By Nicole Davis Nothing is beyond imagination when it comes to wedding cakes -three different fla- vors, bright colors, creative cake toppers or no topper at all. The choices may seem over- whelming. Brenda Kissick, owner of Brenda’s Cakes and Catering near Avon in Indianapo- Photos courtesy of Brenda Kissick lis, says simple and elegant is the go-to style in weddings this year. “There are so many designs now,” Kissick says. “I’m not sure what I would do if I did a wedding cake for myself again.” PROUD TO BE NAMED Dewanna Mooneyham Agency Kissick says many of the cakes couples or- American Star Certified Agency AN AMERICAN STAR Excellence In Customer Experience der have nothing on the top, leaving the icing (317) 272-4777 CERTIFIED AGENCY [email protected] smooth or putting a monogram on it. Some cakes feature elegant ribbons, bows or ruffles. “A lot of girls just like the cleaner look,” Kis- sick says. American Family Insurance Company, American Family Life Insurance Company, American Family Mutual Insurance Company, American Standard Insurance Company of Ohio, American Standard Insurance Company of Wisconsin Home Office – 6000 American Parkway, Madison, WI 53783 ©2013 007123 - 4/13 AAA Honeymoon Registry

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FREE Travel Agent Services • Travel Accident Insurance (317) 718-8750 • Membership Not Required • Earn Vacation Rewards [email protected] Wedding Planner 2014 A different kind of dining

By Nicole Davis Enjoy a mashed potato bar with all of the toppings – sour cream, chives, cheese and so much more. Jan Atkin- son, owner of All About Thyme Ca- tering in Danville, says creative food bars have gotten more and more re- quests. Working out the small details of a mashed potato bar, Atkinson says she has done every- thing from a traditional buffet-style dinner to taco bars. “It’s pretty casual but I think it turns out nice,” Atkinson says. “People will remember that as being a bit more unique. It’s the novelty of it. It sets them apart from the traditional buffets.” Atkinson says budget plays a huge part in a couple’s choice of caterer, and she says she works to fit the menu into any budget. She says when choosing a caterer, people should always look at recommendations from other brides or from different venues. Many companies post reviews on their Web sites. “The most important part to me is that people have been happy with a caterers services,” At- kinson says. Down to details By Nicole Davis Planning a wedding takes a lot of detail – from big things like choosing a venue, clothing, catering and entertainment to the little things like party favors and gifts. Local stores in Hen- 2014 Dates Available dricks County, such as Finer Things in Brownsburg, can help with those fun little favors and wedding gifts. Your dream wedding is possible at Prestwick! Melissa Blackshear, owner of Finer Things, says the store has a number of customizable items for people having wedding to give to attendants or guests to give to the bride and groom. Bridal party favors include hand stamped jewelry, formal clutches, air dry clay flowers, handmade wooden boxes, glass pens, hand-painted signs, notecards and more. Wedding gifts can include paintings, potter, handcrafted household items, graphite and charcoal drawings and other artwork. Offering a well-rounded wedding experience, the store also hosts a series of “make your own wedding flow- ers” classes so that the brides on a budget can make their own wedding flowers. “We will do everything we can to make sure their day is special,” Blackshear says.

Custom bridal and formal clutches. These are awesome and affordable too. They can be made to match the dresses or to be given as gifts that can be used at any time. They can be embellished with beads, lace, crystals, etc. A variety of metals, closures, and length of chains are also available.

Custom painted silk scarves, wraps, and fans in wedding colors. Photos courtesy Melissa Blackshear

Hand Stamped jewelry and favors. These are very affordable and com- pletely customizable. These can be customized to include the date, bride 5197 Fairway Drive and groom’s names, a favorite quote, etc. All types are available in hand stamped from necklaces, keychains, rings, bracelets, pocket tokens, guitar Avon, IN 46123 picks, golf markers, bottle and decanter tags, money clips, lucky pennies, to our exclusive “Message in a Bottle” which is great to commemorate the (317) 745-6448 big day and give well wishes to the bride and groom. This line also features reclaimed vintage pieces, watch parts, and bullet casings worked into men’s and women’s jewelry and accessories, including tie clips & pins, and cufflinks. ...With Great Rates

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*$50 membership savings account required. Rate subject to change and effective 11/1/2013. 60-month term. Current IMCU loans exempt. Subject to credit approval. Hendricks County ICON LIFESTYLE • February 2014 25 Strange name but widely popular Cariñena prefers warm/hot, – grown mostly in Roussillon – WINE & DINE dry climates, is usually grown as that is a product of mutation. It By Charles R. Thomas, M.D. bush vines, (head-pruned) that is not grown in great quantities. are allowed to grow to old age Around the turn of the centu- Have you ever seen that name before? like a bush and not attached to a ry (2000), The European Union Strange name that doesn’t ring any bells, right? trellis. It is a late-ripening grape manifested its frustration and Well, hold onto your hat, because Carignan, that produces high yields of up displeasure with Carignan and although slipping in popularity to Merlot, to 12 or more tons/acre. The va- began to order pulling of vines is still the most widely-planted grape in the riety is very susceptible to rot, to the extent that more than world! It is a dark-skinned, high-acid, high- larval infestation, mold, pow- half of the production in France tannin, grape that is useful mostly as a blend- dery mildew, and downy mildew. was eliminated by the year 2000. er for other red wines to bolster their color This problem is due to the fact Growers were actually paid to and tannins. Carignan is not often produced that Carignan’s favorite weath- pull up their vines. This stance as a single varietal, rather it is usually part of er is warm to hot. Unfortunate- has been reflected in other coun- a complex blend, or under some proprietal ly, much of it is moist that leads tries and it appears that Carignan name. There are several other names Cari- to fungal problems. The grow- could be headed for a global ex- gnan is known as, including the most popu- ers faces the same dilemma as in tinction. lar, Mazuelo, the name by which it is known other grapes-that is; do you al- Chateau Thomas Winery in the Rioja region of Spain where it is an im- low the vine to produce a large seems to be one of a couple of portant blending grape for the popular Rioja crop that usually lacks some fla- dozen wineries in the United wines. It is also known as Cariñena in North- with grilled, roasted red meats, stews, hash, vor and character, or do you prune to reduce States that produces Carignane as a varietal ern Spain, Carignano in Italy, Gragnano, and and other hearty creations. Some particular the crop load and get better flavor. Since that wine. Most of the others are in California. Pinot Evara. The town of Cariñena is thought food matches are sausage pizza, pepper steak, vines are bush grown, hand-harvesting is usu- The more recognizable ones are Bonny Doon, to be the site of origin of the grape in the Ara- Singaporean black pepper crab, New Orleans/ ally necessary, but more costly. Ridge Vineyards, Cline Cellars, Porter Creek, gon region. In France, Carignan was the most Cajun dishes, and certain Thai dishes. This As a varietal wine, it is very dark, in fact and Arigolas. Try Carignane sometime and widely grown grape, mostly in the Southern will never be your show-off wine to present to inky, medium body, medium alcohol, scents see if it is a wine you like. region of Languedoc and Roussillon to make your wine geek friend who is looking for ei- of black fruit, berries, cherries, nutmeg, with their popular, inexpensive table wines. In the ther a fruit bomb (ala Robert Parker) or a big spicy black pepper, dried figs, licorice, and Charles R. Thomas, M.D. owns Chateau Thomas Winery with United States, this grape is grown as Cari- tannic monster. This is more of an everyday, plum with a prominent after-taste. This wine locations in Plainfield, Fishers, Bloomington and Nashville. gnane and again, mostly as a blender. pleasant dinner wine. Contact him at [email protected]. is best enjoyed as a dinner wine, especially There is also a white variety of Carignan Hendricks County College & Career Fair Hendricks County 4-H Fairgrounds and Conference Complex New 1900 East Main Street, Danville Year’s Gift February 27, 2014 Certificate Workshops start at 5pm; College Fair runs 6-8pm for New This is THE COLLEGE FAIR plus much more! Come and experience all the educational Patients! opportunities and choices available to high school graduates, both YOUTH and Dr. JC Anderson Dr. Justin Mohr ADULT! There will be over 100 different education providers, including:

Four Year Colleges Medical Training Providers Polar Vortex causing you back pain? Two Year Colleges Apprenticeship Programs Be free of pain, headaches & other health related issues. Accelerated Degrees Construction Trades Technical Programs Programs Trade Schools Other Post-Secondary $40 Exam  Military Programs Education Programs For $40 you will receive an initial exam and X-ray (if deemed necessary) and $25 will be donated to Susie’s Place, a Children’s Advocacy Center. Call now to schedule an appointment. Workshops on financial aid, scholarships, college life, and career assistance will go on throughout the evening. Bring your friends, Offer Expires February 28, 2014 your family and anyone else who is interested. ANDERSON CHIROPRACTIC For a schedule of events, participants and additional information: 7390 Business Center Drive Avon, IN 46123 • Ph: (317) 272-7000 Youth: contact your high school guidance counselor Adults or non-traditional students, contact Hendricks College Network at (317) 745-8804. You know the scenario. There’s someplace you need some personal attention, someone’s actually going to be (or needed) to be and time has become your worst ene- there to help you solve your issue? Great customer ser- my. Problem is, the kids still haven’t eaten and you don’t vice doesn’t just magically happen; it requires investment have time for a sit down meal. Your choice will prob- into training appropriate employees with necessary skills ably be a quick stop at the drive through and away you to problem solve; not just take an order, implement tech- go. Sounds good in principle, but wait! Before you pull nology to effectively serve the consumer, and provide a away from that window you’d better take a moment to showroom for consumers to have a “hands-on” experi- count sandwiches and fries, drinks, and napkins, and… ence with the products. You get the picture. Been there done that right? We all With these objectives in mind, Splash Pool and Spa is have. What about some great customer service! Is that furthering our commitment and “stepping-up” our game too much to ask, or expect? It shouldn’t be. by focusing on creating REAL value for their customers. It’s no secret there is a merchant’s war being waged As the new season of outdoor living approaches, we will throughout our fair land with the hometown business concentrate our efforts to improve our customer service owner and the internet. Regardless of where you land on in the following areas: the issue, here’s a question everyone has to answer. Who 1. Answer the telephone with a live person to assist the will you call for customer service when that part or piece nature of your call. A customer’s time is precious and we or apparatus doesn’t work the way you thought it would, appreciate that you called on us to help! or it just doesn’t seem to go together like it should? I 2. Require industry specific certifications in order to dare say the internet customer service line won’t be a great deal of help, if you get professionally train our staff. Having time to enjoy the backyard amenities is price- through at all. less. Our season to “live” outdoors is limited and when problems arise “time” is of With the advent of the internet, consumers have incredible resources not to just the essence. research products online, but to purchase them as well. While having this option 3. Innovate technologies that deliver REAL value to our customers. From pro- may save you a few bucks initially, this savings is often compromised when the fessional grade water analysis testing equipment to NEW or improved energy effi- product does not quite meet your application requirements or expectations. As cient products that ease the burden of maintaining equipment or amenities, Splash a small local merchant, we can appreciate a consumer’s diligence to “get the best is ready to SERVE your needs! price,” but we hope that we can deliver the best VALUE for your needs. A small 4. Encourage feedback from our customers. We realize that questions, com- business/specialty store depends on the support of the community to exist. These ments, and complaints are a part of doing business. We VALUE your feedback and businesses and their employees depend on your business to keep their doors open sincerely want to listen to your suggestions or concerns! for business. A small business/specialty store is generally the best place to get the 5. Foster genuine integrity. We will work hard to honor all commitments we “hands-on” experience, leverage a successful resolution, and build a lasting rela- make by setting clear expectations and communicating accurate information. tionship for years to come. The internet is a great place to purchase products at As a local merchant, Splash Pool & Spa considers it an honor to provide a service rock bottom prices, however, consumer beware: the internet is not much more to our community. We want you to be satisfied with our product and our service. than a commodity transaction. Providing a great customer experience is our JOB #1. Stop by and step out of the Unfortunately, small business/specialty stores will not always be the cheapest, weather into our warm and friendly showroom. Let’s talk pools, hot tubs, saunas, but what’s good customer service worth to you? Wouldn’t you rather pay a bit and how we can help you make a Splash this season! more and have the satisfaction knowing that if there’s a problem or if you need Mention this Don’t forget your Article and Earn Rewards Valentine… Points on Any Spazazz products. Hendricks County ICON LIFESTYLE • February 2014 27

TsT Home Improvement Services LLC Tip of the Month By Tom S. Truesdale Protection Against the Extreme Cold Old man winter has arrived and is definitely packing a punch this year. This month I am going to offer a few tips to help protect your home from the freezing temperatures that can cause damage to your home.

Winter storms can bring power outages: • Be prepared with an emergency electrical back up generator. • Generator systems come in all shapes and sizes, from full home back up systems to simple low cost gas powered generators. • A licensed Electrician and Contractor should be involved when installing this type of system.

Furnace maintenance: • Contact your local Heating and Air Condi- tioning company and schedule a maintenance inspection for your furnace, preferably before the winter season is in full swing. • Preventative maintenance will help insure your • Open doors on sink cabinets and furnace does not fail during extreme tempera- place space heaters in the room for ture situations. added heat • Change filters to insure your unit can run ef- ficiently. Check for cold air entering around doors and windows: Getting a handle Natural Gas or Propane: • If you can feel cold air around a door or a • A gas log fireplace is an excellent way to window consider replacement and repairs provide back up heat and supplemental heat to in the spring. your home. • Temporary window treatments and on the hassock weather seals can also be installed to get Common locations for freezing pipes: you thru the winter. Fabrics INDOORS/OUT • Exterior hose bibs Being prepared and checking the items I have By Pat Donovan Choosing the right fabric is important. • Disconnect and shut off all When using a plain fabric on the sofa, con- exterior water hoses listed above is a proactive step towards protect- Making decisions in selecting furniture is sider a small design, stripe or plaid for the ot- • Un-conditioned/Un-heated garages ing your home during extreme cold temperatures. always important. There are a lot of things to toman. This will help to complement the sofa • Plumbing lines ran in ceilings of garages Keeping plumbing fixtures from freezing will help consider: the style of your existing furniture; minimize the need for costly repairs and potential and complete the space. Most furniture stores are in danger of freezing. the colors and fabrics used; wall color, drap- damages to your home. If you have any concerns do not have ottomans with color or design. • Well tanks and softeners systems in ery, etc. Also, consider how you are going to or questions don’t hesitate to contact a local con- Many are a solid color and can be available in un-heated garages use the new item, in this case an ottoman. It • Provide insulation, supplemental tractor and construction professional for help and leather. You can select a fabric and have it cov- is important to choose new pieces that work heat or heat tape to protect lines guidance. Hope this months tips are helpful, stay ered on the ottoman you choose. Waiting for warm, spring will be here soon! I HOPE! well with all of your existing furniture. Look from freezing. the perfect item is worth it. • Plumbing lines under sinks that are located at your existing space and the furniture in it. TsT If you have a lot of skirted upholstered pieces, against exterior walls The photo is of my design studio. The sofa you might want to select legs for the ottoman. is a plain color with some colorful pillows. The Everything does not have to match perfectly, ottoman has a small print fabric and the legs but it needs to blend successfully. TsT Home Improvement Services LLC are exposed. The accent wall behind the sofa Function provides the “wow” factor to complete the area. Remember to always think outside the Helping people one job at a time... What type of room will the ottoman be box and create something you will love for- placed in? Is this a formal space or a casual ever! area? Always consider the size of the room and existing furniture to be sure the new item 317-550-8677 will be a compliment. You might be using the Plainfield, IN • email: [email protected] ottoman for extra storage, so always consider the size and location. Make sure that it is large enough to work where it is placed but also 1 Free Home Improvement Consulting Visit small enough not to overpower existing items. Ottomans are available with storage compart- Residential Renovations • Home Improvement Consulting ments and are great for hiding a throw, pillows Home Additions • Garages and Detached Buildings or books. Interior and Exterior Contracting • Build to Suit Pat Donovan, ASID owns Donovan’s Interiors, Inc., Avon. Contact her at 317-272-6134 or [email protected]. In Home Access and Mobility Solutions • Handyman Services 28 February 2014 • LIFESTYLE Hendricks County ICON

Throw your hat in the ring his plans to challenge incumbent President GRAMMAR GUY Howard Taft, who had succeeded him. Old Teddy’s response? “My hat is in the ring; the I allowed myself to stray briefly into a po- fight is on and I’m stripped to the buff.” litical discussion this week, and an Roosevelt went on to split from expression came up that I’ve used A healthy breakfast the mainstream Republican Party frequently without ever wondering of the era and formed the short- about its origin. lived Progressive Party, otherwise and a healthy weight The idiom in question: to throw known as the Bull Moose Party, of one’s hat in the ring. 1912. His political ambitions to re- We know what it means, of MyPlate recommends drinking milk claim the presidency for progres- course – to enter the race, to join a sivism ultimately failed, but his for a healthier start to your day contest, etc. – but where does the bullish, boxer’s response to politics expression come from? Boxing, it took root, especially with his use of turns out. Jordan Fischer Skillet Eggs the idiom. RECIPE In the early days of boxing, bare Grammar Guy Today you’ll hear politicians and Polenta fist or otherwise, the rings were lit- For HC ICON by Family Features and pundits alike talk about who’s Makes: 4 servings eral rings formed by spectators. If you think skipping throwing their hat into an up- breakfast will help you To offer yourself up as a fight- Serve this morning meal coming political race. For- maintain a healthy weight, er, or to challenge another, with an 8-ounce glass of tunately, despite how you might want to think you simply threw your hat fat free milk and a slice of divided the parties again. In fact, MyPlate rec- in the ring. whole grain toast to start seem to be these ommendations include The first record- right with a serving of veg- days, politics rare- starting the day with a ed use of the term gies, whole grain, protein ly comes to fisticuffs. good breakfast: in a boxing context and milk all before noon. occurred in the ear- Start with breakfast ly 1800s. But how did it • 1 cup sliced mushrooms Eat a breakfast that evolve into a political saying? • 1 cup red bell pepper, helps you meet your food We have avid boxer, and 26th Presi- cut into strips group needs. People who dent of the United States, Theodore Roos- Jordan Fischer is a contributing columnist for the Hendricks • 1 cup zucchini, halved skip breakfast often weigh evelt, Jr., to thank for that. County ICON. To ask Jordan a grammar question, write him lengthwise and sliced at [email protected]. more. Eating a nutrient- In 1912, a reporter asked Roosevelt about into half-moons dense breakfast may help • 1 jar (32 ounces) you lose weight and keep marinara sauce it off. • 2 1/2 cups lowfat GREAT SERVICE By choosing a balanced or fat free milk breakfast, you can get off • Salt to the right start, and fill SMART PRICING • 1/2 cup finely ground in the gaps in food groups polenta or cornmeal likely to be missing in • 2 teaspoons olive oil, CALL RAY’S TODAY. your diet. Milk is a per- divided fect breakfast complement, • 4 eggs yet more than 8 out of 10 “Is your company’s New Year’s resolution to go green? Call Ray’s and find • Chopped fresh basil Americans still fall short out about all of its exciting recycling programs. Whether you need a small (optional) container for office recycling, or large-scale equipment to handle excess of the recommended milk servings each day.1 packing materials, and things in between, Ray’s has you covered. Ray’s Trash Spray large nonstick Milk is packed with nine skillet over medium-high. is the only call you need to make for your recycling and waste removal needs. essential nutrients, including eight grams Add mushrooms, bell pepper, and zucchi- We offer consultants to review your needs and design a competitively priced of high-quality protein. Along with building ni, and sauté until vegetables soften slightly, custom program for you. Call us today to schedule a review of your property’s muscle and keeping bones strong, protein at about 3 minutes. Add marinara and simmer disposal plan.” breakfast can help you feel full and satisfied so to heat through. Reduce heat to low and keep you won’t feel hungry by mid-morning, which warm. will help people stick to their weight manage- Bring milk and salt to a boil in medium ment plan. saucepan over medium-high. Slowly whisk in Studies show milk drinkers and breakfast polenta, stirring constantly to prevent lumps eaters have more nutritious diets and tend to from forming. Cook until thickened, about 5 be leaner than non-milk drinkers and break- minutes. Remove from heat, cover, and keep fast skippers.2,3,4 And to cut fat and calories, warm. opt for fat free or low fat milk – they deliver Heat oil in large nonstick skillet over me- the same nutrient-rich punch for fewer calo- dium-high. Carefully crack eggs into pan and ries and less fat. cook until whites are set and yolks are cooked For more breakfast tips and recipes, vis- to desired doneness, 4 to 6 minutes. it Also, follow the To serve, divide polenta among 4 shallow Milk Mustache Campaign on Facebook at serving bowls; top with marinara and an egg., and Twitter @ Sprinkle with chopped basil if desired. 317.539.2024 • 800.531.6752 MilkMustache. Hendricks County ICON FAITH • February 2014 29 Andrews family enjoys practicing what is preached Being able to step out and put into practice WHERE WE WORSHIP what Is heard at church each week allows us to grow spiritually. Blake and Carie Andrews spend time wor- shipping at Our Shepherd Lutheran Church What is it about your place of worship in Avon. They enjoy going to the zoo as a that helps you to feel connected to your family, as well as going to parks and fishing spouse, children, parents or other family? during warm weather. Blake is a union elec- Our Shepherd offers many ways to trician, while Carie stays at home during day strengthen our relationship both as a fam- with the couple’s boys and works from home ily and our marriage. For example, there are in the evenings. marriage retreats for spouses, vacation bible school for families to attend together, as well What is it about your place of worship that helps you grow spiritually? as numerous outreach events that allow other relatives to come and participate. Our Shepherd helps us grow spiritually by practicing what is preached. When loving What is one meaningful event that has one another is the topic of the sermon, mem- taken place at your place of worship? bers of the congregation step out and serve Both of our sons were baptized at Our Christ through serving others in need. For Shepherd, which are very special memories. example, we have helped in the food pantry that is operated two Saturdays of the month, Why would you recommend your place of serving Hendricks County. Often the gospel worship to someone? is the focus of a sermon We would recommend in church and we are en- Our Shepherd Our Shepherd to others couraged to share the gos- because it is an extremely Lutheran Church pel with others. We have welcoming congregation 9201 East County Road 100 N, Avon been involved with our that genuinely cares. Our (317) 271-9103 missions team in the past Shepherd is excited to where we’ve had the op- welcome others and join Submitted Photo portunity to reach out and Compiled by together in worshipping From left, Blake, Bryce, Carrie and Avery Andrews. share Gods love to others. Cathy Myers our Lord Jesus Christ. Building true love that leads to lasting relationships peace as the condition that would pervade the while moving troops into other lands. The fice, teaches the true definition of love upon DEVOTIONAL earth once communist ideals had been ad- word Marxism was defined, “the main laws which families and societies are built up. By Michael LeFebvre vanced everywhere. Soviet diplomats could of development of nature and society.” Thus This February, as Valentine-themed cards sincerely insist they were pursuing peace Marxism was rendered true by definition, and and commercials surround us with messages In the early 1980s, a political firestorm was not one theory among many. of love, watch out for the tendency to embrace erupted around claims the Soviet Union was Changing definitions does not, however, definitions that simply justify what we want to using toxic agents—dubbed “yellow rain”—in change reality. “A rose by any other name,” believe. Turn to the Scriptures and the pattern Vietnam and Laos. If true, the Soviets were vi- wrote Shakespeare “would still smell as of Christ, where the true definition of love as olating a 1975 chemical weapons treaty, ban- sweet.” How we define words does not change self-sacrifice is provided. ning the use of toxic agents. how life and the world actually work. The fall Around the same time, a new edition of of the Soviet Union is a tribute to the failure the Soviet Military Encyclopedia Dictionary of building a community around our desired appeared. In it, the definition of the Russian definitions rather than reality. “Husbands, love word for toxin was changed. Under the pre- Unfortunately, “justification by re-defini- vious edition (1976), toxins were defined as tion” is not just a fading relic of Soviet propa- your wives, as Christ “[poisonous] substances of bacterial, plant ganda. It is a common human tendency. And or animal origin...” But in the updated one of the leading victims of re-definition in loved the church definition (1983), reference to “plants” our own day is the word love. was removed. Observers noting the We assure ourselves that we are peo- and gave himself up change accused the Soviets of turn- ple who love by choosing a definition ing an illegal action into a legal action of love that already fits us. Love, we for her, that he by modifying definitions. With the like to believe, is a good feeling we get might sanctify her...” new definition, the use of plant-based from people who are pleasing to us. But poisons (“yellow rain” was allegedly a that is not real love. That is not the love fungal poison) would not violate the that builds strong families and a strong so- ~ Ephesians 5:25, ESV 1975 treaty. ciety. Love is not a warm feeling that leads To this day, the “yellow rain” contro- to commitment; love is commitment that is versy has not been resolved. But the often blessed with warm feelings (but not role of dictionary definitions illustrates always). According to the passage of Scrip- a technique common in Soviet propa- Michael LeFebvre is pastor of Christ Church Reformed ture quoted above: Jesus, by his self-sacri- Presbyterian, Brownsburg. Contact him at (317) 626-6178. ganda. The Soviet dictionary also defined 30 February 2014 • COMMUNITY Hendricks County ICON


Celebration of

Photo by Rick Myers SMALL BUSINESS Buildings along a block of Plainfield’s Main Street.

May 8, 2014 The birth of ‘Plain’field By Ken Sebree general office of Public Service Indiana, now In 1822, Jeremiah Hadley purchased land Duke Energy, was located along US 40 east of 4pm to 7pm west of Indianapolis that would become the downtown. In 1961, the Indianapolis Times Town of Plainfield. It was 1832 when Elias newspaper reported that there was a “small Hadley and Levi Jessup officially platted the flow” of young families and new home build- Town of Plainfield. It is reported that the ing on the southeast side of Plainfield. Most name Plainfield was chosen to reflect the of these homes were in the $16,000 to $18,000 “plain” dress and manner of the large num- range. ber of Quakers in the area, many of whom By 1980, Plainfield hired a town manager to had moved to Indiana from North Carolina advise the town board on technical matters, because of their opposition to slavery in the and the town launched a long-range plan to southern states. In 1839, the Town of Plain- provide better streets, parks, and other com- field incorporated, but later gave up the incor- munity recreation facilities. poration. In 2010, the old downtown area was placed In 1860, a local newspaper was started, and on the nation register of historic places. This in 1867, the Indiana House of Refuge for ju- district is bounded by Lincoln Street to the Banquet and venile offenders was built west of town, later north, East Street to the east, Ash Street to to be named the Indiana Boys’ School. The the South, and Mill Street to the west. Soon Conference Center town’s first high school, Central Academy, was after, many of the old main street buildings established in 1897 and the first high school were renovated to preserve their original ap- 2353 East Perry Road graduating class in 1900 consisted of only pearance and architecture, financed in part by three students. a government historic preservation grant. In 1904, Plainfield incorporated for the sec- Many changes have taken place throughout ond and final time, and by the 1910 census, the 190-year history of the Town of Plainfield, For more information, contact Cathy Myers (317) 918-0334 the town’s population had reached 1,303. It is which is now recognized throughout the area interesting that in the 2010 census 100 years as a town with an outstanding quality of life or email her at: [email protected]. later, the Town of Plainfield is listed as having for its residents and excellent schools, church- a population of 27,631. es and community recreation facilities. Throughout the first half of the 20th centu- ry, much growth came to Plainfield, including a new Carnegie Library, many new business Ken Sebree is a practicing architect and resident of Hendricks buildings along Main Street in downtown and County for well over 40 years. Contact him at ken@ numerous schools and churches. In 1951, the or (317) 272-7800. Hendricks County ICON COMMUNITY • February 2014 31 Living a life of challenge and adventure ICON of the MONTH Brandy Perrill lives life to the fullest

Brandy Perrill has been part of the Hendricks County community for 10 years. Originally What is it that makes you angry? from St. Charles County, just west of St Louis, she met her husband in physics class Disrespectful or judgmental attitudes while at Purdue studying to fulfil her dream of being an astronaut. After graduating and a couple moves, the couple ended up in Belleville. She says she misses her What do you do to escape from reality? Missouri family but has found a new family of friends in Hendricks County, a I escape to hang with Mother Nature. place she is now proud to call her home. Perrill started a career in workforce development and is now in her What or who is the greatest love of your life? eighth year at Hendricks College Network, serving as executive director. My best friend and husband, Shaun. We have helped each other While she finds her technical background useful on a regular basis, grow and have had so much fun along the way. We are totally in love she says she feels blessed to have found her calling. She has a passion with our rescue dog – a black German Shepherd, Walker. to serve others whether it is helping students and businesses identify Which living person in Hendricks County do you most admire? and reach their goals at HCN, as a college instructor, a community volunteer, or an after hour’s mechanic. Here we learn ore about our I have been lucky to work with so many amazing mentors, leaders, February ICON of the Month, Brandy Perrill. and philanthropists in Hendricks County. I am a fan of so many! I admire each citizen who finds a cause they care about and takes time What do you consider your greatest virtue? to share it with others! I am curious … about everything! I want to know how things What is the quality you most like in a man? and people work! I really do like people and love getting to know what makes them tick! I want to know your story! Genuineness and respectfulness

What do you most deplore in others? What is the quality you most like in a woman? I know I can be guilty of it, but selfishness is so ugly. Genuineness and courage

What do you like most about living What is your greatest extravagance? in Hendricks County? Lately it has been camping and live music. We spend most I grew up west of St. Louis and didn’t know a soul other weekends camping, and if we can throw some live music in than my husband when I moved here. But I am in love with there – even better! On any given weekend you will find me in the people I have had the opportunity to get to know. I do the woods or water: fishing, hiking, kayaking, jet-skiing, off- feel like this is home now. We can do such great things when roading or just stargazing. I can’t wait for mushroom season we all work together and Hendricks County is very good at and I’m working on my master naturalist certification. Oh, that! Keep it up, friends! and bring on the Bluegrass and Americana!

If you had to live elsewhere in Metro Indianapolis, What are your fears, phobias? where would it be? Snakes and SCUBA Diving. I am a I really like living in Belleville. I have such easy access to most of the Brandy Perrill certified diver but it scares me to places I go. I am close enough to everything I need; yet, far enough the point that I can hardly bring away that I feel like I live in the country, which is peaceful. I have never myself to do it. really lived in an urban area other than during college – is West Lafayette considered urban? What has been the happiest time of your life? I want to say today is. I will always work to make things better and it is no good for us to live If you could begin life over¸ what would you change? in the past. Who knows?! I think the ups and downs have taught me so much. Which talent would you most like to possess? If money were no issue, how would you spend it? I do wish I could play the fiddle. My grandmother, great-grandmother, and many other women I would ensure the animals and natural resources and were protected, would help educate us in my family were amazing fiddlers! I am still hoping it is somewhere inside me! all to realize that we are created equal and each have so much to contribute, and I would go see this awesome world. What do you most value in your friends? I love good listeners and gravitate toward those with a sense of adventure. What makes you happiest? I love to help people; it is so satisfying to use the gifts God gave us to help others. I have been Which historical figure do you most identify with? lucky to do this in my career for the past 10 years. I also LOVE being outdoors. I am happy I love the many passions of Amelia Earhart. She was an aviation enthusiast (my college major), taking in the many beautiful surroundings whether it be a crop field or the forest. a women’s’ advocate, and a pioneer. She definitely used her talents and lived her dream.

What is your favorite vacation spot? What is your greatest regret? Hawaii is by far the most beautiful. More locally, we love to visit interesting places where we I don’t want to have regrets. can do something adventurous. Lately that has been West Virginia for mountain exploring What tenet do you live by? and whitewater. Water and mountains are non-stop entertainment for me! The Golden Rule! I am working on a new one too: “The most difficult thing is the decision to What do you do with idle time? act, the rest is merely tenacity.” – Amelia Earhart I don’t have much idle time because I love to stay busy and always have something planned. If I do though, I read nonfiction. I want to learn! Compiled by Cathy Myers