SPEECH Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.


July 13, 2011 Launch of the Host City Cape www.kas.de/southafrica Town Green Goal Legacy Report

The spoken word shall prevail. - The broad stakeholder workshops which undergirded the Green Goal pro- 45 million persons recently voted Cape gramme facilitated the involvement of a Town the world’s number one visitor desti- multitude of groups and organisations – an nation for 2010. Not surprisingly, increas- inclusive city ing numbers of organisations are looking to to host their event. Some - While not specifically a Green Goal events linger for months in the memory. project, the success of the visible policing But only one has delivered such a powerful initiative during the five weeks of the world legacy, that it seems like yesterday, cer- cup pointed the way towards the future – a tainly not 365 days ago, that we were en- safe city joying the spectacular final between Spain and Holland on the big screen at our Fanfest - and perhaps more than anything at the Grand Parade. I can almost hear else, the ability of Host City Cape Town’s those vuvuzelas even now – still can’t get Green Goal programme to capitalise on the them out of my head! We all have a fa- moment in time, demonstrated the benefits vourite World Cup story. of the first pillar- an opportunity city.

When I announced my Mayoral Committee Award winning Green Goal programme this year, I emphasised that our vision for Cape Town rests on five pillars: building an There are many reasons why the 2010 FIFA opportunity city; a safe city; an inclusive World Cup made such a deep and positive city; a caring city; and an efficient city. For impression – but today we are here to focus me, a strong indicator of the success of on just one of those – that of the multi Host City Cape Town’s Green Goal Pro- award-winning Host City Cape Town Green gramme is its clear link with each of these Goal programme, through the launch of the pillars. Green Goal Legacy Report. And right at the outset, let me pause to congratulate the Starting with the fifth pillar... Green Goal team on winning no fewer than three significant national and international - The Danida-sponsored carbon miti- awards, namely gation projects significantly reduced our 2010 carbon footprint and moved the City - the Impumelelo Silver Sustainabil- towards greater energy efficiency – an effi- ity Award for its Green Goal workshop se- cient city ries and Action Plan;

- Several of Host City Cape Town’s - Certificate for the “Best Practice Green Goal projects supported disadvan- Model for Environmental Sustainability” taged communities, including introducing awarded at the SA – German Chamber of solar water heaters to low income houses in Commerce and Industry gala dinner; and Darling – a caring city - The International Olympic Commit- tee’s Sport and Environment award for its


Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V. excellent work “to mitigate the negative en- the significant carbon challenge when she vironmental impacts of the World Cup and stated at the launch of the Green Goal Pro- CAPE TOWN to maximise the positive environmental and gress Report, 9 months before kick-off: MAYOR PATRICIA DE LILLE social legacy.” “Carbon emissions during the 2010 event will remain one of the biggest environ- July 13, 2011 Partnerships - key to success mental challenges for Host City Cape Town.” Funding from the Royal Danish Embassy www.kas.de/southafrica Of course, Host City Cape Town includes made it possible to considerably reduce our both the City and the Province and one of carbon footprint through retrofitting certain the reasons for the outstanding success of council buildings with energy efficient the ambitious Green Goal programme is un- measures, installing LED lights both in the doubtedly the close cooperation between Green Point Stadium and at our traffic inter- the City and the Province with regards the sections, installing solar water heaters in planning, implementation and now evalua- Darling and constructing a hydro-electric tion of the programme. Having now had a turbine to generate electricity within the foot in both camps, I am delighted at this wonderful, new-look Green Point Park. level of cooperation and would like to see it continue in other areas of service delivery. Sappi is the biggest name in forests and paper in and they were also a Apart from local and provincial synergy, significant name in Host City Cape Town’s without a few key partnerships, Host City Green Goal programme. Their involvement Cape Town’s Green Goal programme would from the time of the workshops led to their not have reached the same heights. First buying into the Green Goal vision and sup- and foremost I must pay tribute to the Kon- plying the paper for the production of all of rad Adenauer Stiftung, or simply KAS as we its significant documents, including this eye- have come to know them. KAS stepped up catching and important publication we are at the outset – when Green Goal was only launching today. an idea within the Environment Workstream Business Plan - and enabled a series of im- While Cape Town was at the vanguard of portant stakeholder workshops to take greening the FIFA World Cup, leading the place. These workshops proved the building way in many areas and ultimately earning blocks which led to the development of the international recognition for its work, I am Green Goal Action Plan, which gave life to proud that Cape Town was also a strong the 42 projects, chosen after a careful pri- team player nationally. Gauteng-based offi- oritisation process at the workshops. The cials from the national Department of Envi- award-winning workshops also made it pos- ronmental Affairs and the environment desk sible for civil society organisations, aca- of the Local Organising Committee partici- demic institutions and the corporate sector pated in most of our preparatory work- to make meaningful contributions to Host shops, building capacity of the national City Cape Town’s Green Goal programme. Green Goal programme, and were invited as speakers at several of our launch events. But KAS also did the hard yards and stayed In addition, Host City Cape Town helped to on board throughout the project, including facilitate workshops at national level, build- doing late night duty at the iconic Green ing the capacity of other municipalities. Goal stand at the Fanfest on the Grand Pa- rade. ( If any of you missed out on visiting Green Goal Programme – 42 projects this exhibit, built largely of milk crates, there is a great photo on pages 44 to 45 of The 130 page Green Goal legacy report cap- the legacy report.) tures well the spirit and intent of the “triple bottom line” philosophy, describing projects Danida’s Urban Environmental Management which influence and are affected by the programme proved flexible enough to allow natural, social and economic environments. substantial investment into Host City Cape These projects were carefully prioritised by Town’s projects. Premier Zille recognised


Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V. diverse stakeholders, demonstrating inclu- acy surprise package! Living in a World sivity, strategy and clear intent. Biodiversity Hotspot, our floral and faunal CAPE TOWN heritage is unique in the world in an urban MAYOR PATRICIA DE LILLE Of the 42 projects, no fewer than 17 are context and the garden brings some of legacy projects, meaning that their contri- these riches to life in an entertaining and July 13, 2011 bution to residents and visitors will be felt informative manner. Biodiversity is the long after the completion of the FIFA World heartbeat of the planet. Perhaps it is time www.kas.de/southafrica Cup. Remarkably not one of the projects for Cape Town to combine its expertise in has received an “F” for “failed”! 31 have hosting major events with its biodiversity been completed, 8 are listed as “completed heritage and look to hosting the world bio- and ongoing”, three are partially completed diversity COP in 2014. and one is “underway”. Further, the strong delivery of these projects by the Green Goal Legacy and way forward team, strongly supported by City and Pro- vincial line functions and external partners, One of the Green Goal projects marked as enabled Host City Cape Town to meet and “partially implemented” is the planning, de- exceed all targets set by the Local Organis- sign, construction and operation of Cape ing Committee at national level. This dem- Town’s Smart Living Centre, to demonstrate onstrated an enviable degree of success by sustainable living at home and in the work- the Green Goal team, ably led by Green pace and to be built within the Green Point Goal manager, Lorraine Gerrans. Park, overlooking the biodiversity garden. Both Premier Zille and my predecessor, Time constraints prevent me from highlight- Mayor Dan Plato, stressed the strategic im- ing individual projects – we have in any portance of this project at the Green Goal event already heard about many of these Update Report launch in September 2009 from. But I want to briefly highlight two and appealed to funders to come forward. important areas of international concern which I have noted support several of the The “partial implementation” refers to the high profile Green Goal projects, and these first two of the four steps, and we already are Climate Change and Biodiversity. In have an impressive business plan, a con- both these areas Cape Town is playing a ceptual design of the centre and a substan- leading role. tial report on the desirable programmes to be run from the centre. The Bavarian Gov- The significant investment in clean and ernment in Germany have committed to green technologies to minimise the carbon provide seed funding to take the project to footprint of our 2010 stadiums and other construction, and this is welcomed, but this operational areas of the World Cup demon- funding is dependent on the identification of strates Cape Town’s strong commitment to other sources to complete at least the first climate change issues. Climate Change in- phase of construction. variably impacts people in poverty much more severely and I am pleased to learn We need to re-double our commitment to that a new collaboration between the City source these funds to ensure that this does and Province (and other partners) exists not become the only Green Goal project to around a campaign focused on the critically be stillborn. Our legacy report quotes R35 important “COP 17” climate change meeting million needed for the construction of this in Durban at the end of the year. Keep a centre, with R15 million required to com- look out for “Climate Smart Cape Town” in plete the first phase. Surely this is not an the months to come. insurmountable burden if we share the load with partners from both the private and Who has not yet visited our captivating bio- public sectors and I can think of no better – diversity showcase garden at Green Point and lasting - project in which to invest. Park? The public opening of the park and garden with a free concert earlier this year The centre apart, there are many important marked perhaps the biggest World Cup leg- Green Goal legacy projects which HAVE


Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V. been completed and are influencing the way citizens and visitors live and work in the CAPE TOWN City. MAYOR PATRICIA DE LILLE And this brings me to the conclusion that July 13, 2011 now, more than ever before, Cape Town is a City of Major Events. These events can www.kas.de/southafrica bring significant economic, social and envi- ronmental benefit to Cape Town if planned in as responsible and innovative manner as that of the Green Goal Campaign and more than anything else can lead to the creation of jobs and an improvement in the service delivery of essential housing, water and sanitation and mobility infrastructure.

These agendas – that of attracting major events to the City and delivering basic ser- vices – are not “either or’s”. They are both essential to our social and economic pros- perity.

We have the expertise, passion, infrastruc- ture, accommodation and the charisma to host any event which we deem to be desir- able for the City, whether it be the World Design Capital, the World Games or even the Olympic Games. Given the outstanding success of the FIFA World Cup in Cape Town –and President Zuma himself indicated that Cape Town was his favourite host city - is there a city on the planet who can compete with the Mother City?

I thank you!