tatoable at present. The following comprise as many as men by laying the American government >. favorable to Montreal Prraa Report. Iti I can obtain them. They will Dud out their mistake thin Movtkkai, June? HUM Michael Fortar, of Buffalo, shot badly In groin. THE BATTLE FIELD. quarter. The greatest run* merit and anthuataam haa prevailed arrived here Michael Yeary, of Buffalo, slightly wounded in arm. One company of United Hiatal regular! here all Jay, but It la combined with tba ulmoel ci ufl- THE & of deocc. . killed. Thompson, Memphis, Three men, names unknown, lay dead on BnrvAio, /une 2, IbM. The report of the Prolan defeat «U received thla after noon the laid under the scorching sun. A gentleman Juit from the other aide report! the fol¬ with loud cheer*. The door* of the newrpaper Daniel Wheelao, of company A, Cleveland Ranger*, lowing:. offloea were regularly bealeged all day by anxluu* crowd*. Two battalion* of SRXN GO BRAGHI wounded in neck. The lug Robb, from Dunville, with ahont forty rifle* and a half battory of artillery weie ordered to at Further on towards the wooda two others lay perfectly taken at wan at Fort Kr e parade tin* morn lag, and left here prisoners, Kldgeway, laying four o'olork tbla dead. dock at three o'clock P. when a body of about two afUrnooo, deatlcaUoo unknown 1"lie M., order waa wllh Of the Canad'an volunteers I can speak more reliably. hundred Fenian* came over the hill and Bred Into tho obeyed the olmnnt alacrity It I* thete The Lieutenant Colonel, name unknown, was killed at lug. The tug hacked into the atream, and tired two expected Fenian attack will be nude on BATTLE IN CANADA. Cornwall or ioiuo the first Qre; also Lleutonant P. S. Routh, of the Hamil¬ Khota while floating down. Tho Feulana then attacked portion of th* aarlern frontier to¬ ton volunteers; Ensign Malcolm McEehan, of ; a company of volunteer artillery poated in the town. night. It la that over ten th Corporal, of the Queen's Own; Charles Iu. The flglil was wit- Oonnam ku, R Y June 2. I*flfl of the Toronto volunteers, the Queen's Own, Hamilton neMiud by a large uuuilier of pcrioni on tbla aide. a email Fenian detachment i* moving In thtedirection, THE INVADING ARMY VICTORIOUS volunteers and King'B artillery, from Port Colborne. The force In tho Fort Krie Dght waa all volunteer, con- end intend n udezvotulng at Malone, where a large nam They reached Port Colborne by tbodown train. Colonel aialiog of detachment! of the Wetland canal Q'-id baltery her of the in v ml ore are reported to be already < ongro Buchanan was In command of the entire force. and Dunvllle company of about eighty men. The light (Mad. The fight commenced at eight o'clock aud was over lasted only twenty mlnutea. Captain King of the Wet¬ Malone la the county aaat of Fraaklln county, In ihi« Our War Correspondents by nine, but skirmishing on tho part of tbe Fenians was "K land battery waa aeverely wounded In the leg, and will State, not far from Uie border, and nearly oppuaiU 10 Again kept up until ten o'clock A. M. Buffer amputation. Two other volunleera were wounded Cornwall, Canada. The Fenian was not OARA\ the h*re in army entirely out of provl sions, but none killed. Throe care* of arm* were nccuivd at depot the Field. eaton since Unless the I'lilted 8Late* Marshal thla Tlo y having anything yesterday. sup¬ XSTOAVlt¦ It In reported that a Fenian captain wm killed name by deputy morulug ported soon they must succumb, as the volunteers and rHMMC%SLT not given. were to lie emit by oiprea* to M alone. regulars are said to be advancing on all sides IMP At the battle at Rldgoway neither forca bad artillery, At I'rew dl, o| o-ito this place In Canada, great *i A number of the Fenians carried books In of new* from large prayer VsUSPtHSJO* BRIDBJ but come ot the Canadian* are Mid to have had i peat citemeul U prevail ng in Conaaqueoo* the ACCOUNT OF THE FIGHT. their and In the caso of one man a rtflo ball Fort Erie. The ali'-ota eie ahvu wllh . FULL pockets, / mimfiARA FALLS ink rifle*, while the Fenian* were armed mnetly with the Eight pierced the book, lodging |near the inner cover. Lieu¬ nidtnary niu«ki-Ui. or ten . "if,pan a. are under arm*. The furryboeia from tenant Routh, when dying, asked permission of Colonel Colonel Slarr, of , la eeld to be the one who Una plai e are clo»*ly watched. Din troop* are greatly O'Neill to retain his sword, which was granted, and a )i gave the word to the Fen lane to acalter and aave llicin- ajterclaad, aa the la lief U prevalent mat Faniau ap.en .m Hundred Canadian Volunteers was instructed to see that It was not taken from z'roNAWAHPA guard "* '< nelvc*. ere among th- in. him. *V«a iJUrtU; >AV' ^/I Taken Prisoners* The number of men on both (ides did not stated two Fenlaa* on Their W . to th* Front. A portion of the Port Robinson volunteers, about one y Jamf/ thousand. vr*a*v, June 2. laM hundred strong, under Captain King, wore etationed be¬ About ore huti'l Fenian* left her- >u the twelve hind the main body during tbe fight, as a reserve. They p°-'eoL Murrain, Juno 2.Midnight o'olock train la*t i at for il. tV*-t. Ti.elr detune mm LIST OF KILLED 4ND WOUNDED. were ordered up, but did not arrive beloro the main body R J £ From present appearance* ami from the prem-nl |»eo- LAKE E lion la were In > h.irge of competent waa routed. 9>scw" {feUFFALO Imjii of the Knyliah troop*, there will be no engagt menl They offh em. On arriving at Fort Erie . position was temporarily SCALE OF MILES to-nlghl. but It in apparently mevliable early tomorrow. military of a thoueand of their friend# aaarmhled at taken on board the tug stoamor Thomas Robb; but in a "»o ihi* Upward* Ofllc 1ml Iliillrtln from the Fenian Head* the depot to wltneaa their d«|Mirture and gave them a short time they came again on shore, remaining in the Interesting Aooonnt of Chase qunrters In thla City. hearty and enthualaatle cheer* *? the train left neighborhood of Waterloo ferry. They went through a advent ot the Canadian arnijr has had a wonderful .ml will probably b« forced to retreat to HL Catbarlora IlKiDqnAHTRHa Ficmias RRorunamip, I A dee from la* rt Una aay* abo it "lie After the Fenian number of and seemed a well drilled of patch kp- evening Army. evolutions, body effect on the citizen*, who are all ready now for Aght, unless reiufiircameuU aoon come up. No. 700 HiloadwaT, Nbw Yokk, June 2, IHM. j hundred Fenian* left there leat night fur tba wr*« men. and in crowd* to the with to Tho Irish under command of Colonel flocking front, muskets, A despatch from Monlroai nays that reliable Informa¬ republican army, People of larckport am driving out to the frontier to At about half-past three P. M. a small force of about volunteer their service*. John met the Rriti*h at a called tion bad reached that city that Hen. Hwrany waa in poai- O'Neill, Woope place nlglit In anllrijuillon of wltnee* eg a hetli* h- iwe. n a thirteen Fenians was seen croeslng the brow of a bill, were A squadron, composed of mllltla and cavalry ordered tlon at PL Albana, Vl, with a large force; but the opera¬ Hidgeway, Upper Canada. The Urttiah forces corn b->dy of Fenlana and Ilrttiah troo|w, reported fifteen hua THEY OUTWIT THEIR PURSUERS near the ferry. The volunleore immediately prepared to out In tbl* I* now volunteer* and a of mllllta called the region, rendezvous ng at Chipi>ew*. tor at HL Allan* could get no Information in regard to poeed of regiment dred etrong, early to mum* morning. advance and aa the Fenlana retreated the " upon them, They will be a valuable auzlllary to Colonel l'eacock, the matter. Another report aayi that they numbered Queen's Own." The Rrtllah outnumbered the Irish Aiaivv, Jane 2 !*«M taak of capturing them seemed easy; but just as they one. waa and lasted and will enable him to gather positive information an! about fifteen hundred and were under command of t,°ol. army two to The flglil ng dooporate The Fenian* ber* are very active, *nd have been en reached the base of tbe hill about eight hundred Feniane move about three which time tha Fen ana were intelligently. O'Connor. They bad no arma visible, but were ordered hours, during today in raielng mutier and forward in." in n appeared and charged precipitately down upon the The gaged Admirable Behavior of the supposod policy of O'Neill, who la commanding to go into ramp at F'aixfleld, which la eight or ten milea twice driven back, but again regained their (Kisilion. Another data hmenl leavea at midnight for the I' ene of volunteers, taking them completely by surprise. The the Rrltlab at tha the Fenians, la to prevent a Junction of the two column* from tl Album F,nelly, the Irish array charged point war. If lha leader* had fund* tney aay they rould eend volunteer* broke and sealteted through the woode, ex¬ to and drove them from the and Fenian Troops. of Canadian* He liopes defeat them In detail. of the Imynuel grounds oa* tboeaand me a forward lu twenty -four honra changing over one hundred shuts with the Fenians. Toaorrm, C. W., June 3.. P. M. 1 notice In the Hlztoenlh regiment the large number* remained master* of the Held, which their Irish valor Prominent Fenian* hero eay anliclpata Milt ng About were taken the Fenian* New* cornea vie Buflaio that tho Fenians, after the they seventy prisoners by of Irishmen who profess loyalty, but fear* are manlfeS- bad so nobly won. The Indianapolis troop* led the final to caUfrutu what akirmiah with rut off about one of to morrow, but declined even lud A number or the volunteer* retreated on board the tag, ed as to their *hon face to face with Canadian*, hundred Tin- battle fletd was covered with the debris of n*wj disposition placed a of charge. i|uarter it way be ei per ted. and when they got out Into tbe etream fired on the Fe¬ the Is party volunteer* ernt around to flatik them, and Fenians. It rumored in the army that the com¬ ' the beaten army. r.i June IM« fQZUBE OF MUNITIONS OF WAR. nian*. captured the entire party. «.!**, 2, mander in-chief of the Canedlan forces has Issued orders j Two of Fanlane from lialtiinor* and a cod All the chore from the volunteers ran Private despairbda rut Colbome confirm of Order from Oenrral Orant. companle* along straggler* to give no quarter and lake no prlaooer*. This is doubt¬ particular* Impertaat thla almost In tbtir endeavors to shelter. The a aklrnileb already rent, and atata that both partiea ItvrrAui, June 2, 1MM) pany of *t*ly from Philadelphia paaaed through city craay procure ful, but many subordinate officers evprrss their deter¬ bound for tba border beach waa covered with guns and thrown fought deeperalely, but tba volunteer* were overpowered l ieutenant Oeaovnl Orant passed Weet at noon to-day. to-day, FRIGHT OF .THE CANADIAN8. knapsack* mination to act on that rule. 1 vaaovaa, K Jnna lMd number* of veteran*. . T., 2, away la their flight The Fenians still continued to conduct themeelvei In n by auperlor He arm tba following lulegram to General Meade A number of volunteer left On the ahemrein train coming went ysaterday tbere Tbe regular* are expected to arrive at any moment, manner to win their enemies. surgeon* have for the aeat Mcvvaui, Juae 2, 1*00 praise from They destroy were ell ear load* of Fenlana Ooe ' ornpany of one and tb* Fenlana art preparing to give them a warm re¬ and refrain from of war, and nearly two lliouaand troupe, an reinforce¬ To Major Oenrral Maino, V. S. A., PbiUdstpbw, Pa - nothing unnecessarily, scrupulously hundred and tweaty were uniformed and carried eevaral ception. horses and cattle when ment*. Tba Canadiann are given credit for Indomitable Oeneral Marry la here. A>-stgn blm Id general com¬ movements Toward the Up¬ pillaging. They impress they Fenian Bag*. Tbey got off at lb m Tbl* morning Reinforcements are to he aent across to-night to the what hut nonoc. pWck. mand from liuffalo to the mouth of the need them, and provision* tbey want, there arrived here Mreuly fuwr more from Hmghamloa, per St. Lawrence. Fenians; also stores and I cannot My. No outrages to cKlaeus have bean beard of. A few clll- C June 3.Midnight. The Slate authorities should call out the mtlllia on the Tbkowto, W., ( with fir* caeee of ertna, bound eeat They made ar aena have been but were aoon released The f aodw'a from lluffelo frontier to prevent hostile eipedttlona leaVine the utle.l Buffalo, Jane 3.1 A. 1L am*led, they night epecial my*:. rangemaMn to Mod off tba fimt of lha week a large nom and permitted to retnrn to their home*. "1 erawnd over about two o'clock, and metOolonel States, and to aave pr vale property fronadesUuriion by I here Joel returned from Fort Erie. The Fenian* ». A ber. Money »aa rnland to tend them forward. I.rear DnM with . email force at Waterloo. A courier ar moos. U. MR NT, LAaatoiast Ueaanu ? TtnLaa Camp la tore themeelree behind the a sheet enthuataam proved* among U.e brethrea. Vcnmat, encamped church, TRe Canadian rived aad that Ihe were distance from the beech. Report. reported Fenian* coming. A) Mevemeala wf Vailed IU New St. Albaae. C. W., June 2.11 A. H aaoat Immediately after ova* the oad Rkv»i Fare* Walla frmm thlrafaailiMh During the lest engagement at the Waterloo ferry, as Toaoinn, they appeared hill, St Auasa, Vt, June 2, laM The Canadian volunteers have atruek the enamy. the bottle (commenced immediately, with a galling mm torala ( aaUm|tUI*4. far ¦ 1 tea find, but few of llie Fenian* were Injured. Detachments of Unltod Htalea Imop# have left this W Blood haa boon and a battle la now In nil No flea from behind the fences. The battle lasted Toronto, C , Jno" I ICR The are under but the wounded have sptli raging p.ace lor Alston*, N. Y., by the Ogdeasburg road They prisoners guard, nearly two bourn, when lb* Canadian* retreated, lofurination lrlo(ra|>had b«ro by Cnlamrl Monitfoirtary, been released on will probably picket the frontier. ta tfels State Opposite Cora- parole. A special from Port Colboms deemed reHaklv badly worsted, aad, on tbe tugboat Rohh, Co nniawlaut of lli« 1'uitnd XUia« fuiroi, M Pun Hiroa, Fenians, elated with their eunresa, hare drank despatch getting General McMahoney la eipeeled her* lo night wifti JThe sev« that the volunteer* came up with the Fenians by .teemed out of tbe harbor. Tbe Fen la o lines attended Mlc hiynn, m Ihal Iba cohlrmplaUi an allar( na wall in Canada* and two thirds of them are in a stale of intoxlca- more Msaam huscUs Fenians. Me will Idii eoartHBwf at freely, wap of Colborne at s Mar and at ouoa aboal Ave milea along tba oooat opposite and ''tun a to-bight, ann of o whom I as In but u> mated that the arroeo Muring realities of war. Thin auction of bar Majesty . d<,rb, Uia lowar frrry, and i«nr» Captain King, reported killed. badly lookout at Puffin's m.lee east or It bridge* Frenchman'* creek SWEENY BONE TO THE FRONT. party creek, twenty . amaJI *oi<»n a inao lit "rod Wblla KRERAL wounded In the leg, and may poaalbly recover. He was and Millers Point were burned leal night. provincial dominion* baa nstrar before, within the man krpl by Maphaoti h,m detected men hiding from a beat and fired upon urod all t».« ami dr ril an Iba te. Ac. Ac. taken from the Canadian side on board a lug belonging Telegraphic ommunu atmn I* now open again .l'h ory of two yenrraUooa, b en ao wrought up and ao par- tbayrr thry op p'oTurlooa them, killing one man, when Iba rest retrsab-d and em- about i im <1 to the United States steamer Michigan, and transferred Canada. auiantly and uncomprombmgly yielded tri(j subordi praintana, and ralltrad* of l.nitdr barked ou a schooner lying off shore. In a horaa and antra* Ibence to a rmall boat. The Niagara river was palmlled l.iM airht by the note r moderation to tbn pnbl o defence for an entire dollar* ma wouded off, captain, the volunteers Bring the first shot. Mm with questionable humanity, refused to do. The «!''lament* of the leading American riit/«m* dur mand, vho lit.mod ainiy ordarad tba m.-n andrr annv Detail* of the Flfht from Oar War The fight Is now general The volunteers are dr.vlng Hirerami, Itine 2 - Noon. Tbe Fenian prisoners taken at Fort Erie during the log It a early day* of the lata rebellion wrra very proper tbrn firing Htopbona Illy raala ba ordar-d hnn to Imta Oarreapoadewt.Penlaa* Victorious. the Fenian*. The F.nghali now Fort Fru¬ Tt ara morning bave born released by their friend* Among Iroope oeeupy ty thought to run high and unremittingly Hi tha pabile a numhrr of boiaa of amru init.on into tba fltrr Partial Ltd of Killed and Wooaded, several are k»H«d on both sides Colonel l>aroc* it i* not >et known whrthar the light at '. ara the former was a correspondent of a Louisville journal, reported aUantlor hut Uie uniteraal antiety in nfe ants to tbi warn nfWn botaa mar tad "|vt| Ti aara na» d*,f die. with the artillery, haa sent despatch** that tbeyiann* Hidgi .< ty i» «lth th ' portion of tbe F maua that were at of amiuun Una It dk *i lot Wl. la Bbthi/i, June 2.11:20 A. If. wbo was brought on by Colonel O h'e.ll to report tbe roudlltn af affair* .n tbeae provliewa, aa avii.xeg in and tbouaand round* be here at once. tort F.rie yesterday or an ther. ma* tba burnt la. tba* wtat till* morning the Fenian army moved toward* proceedings. throngbout all tbla teuton during twenty f ir hour* Mayihana throwing It is thought the volunteers wlU at least hold their It i» undetilood Ural the Fort Krie Fen tar:« went down U all tumults that I have d'.on tha rlaar rafryinj tlialr mortal* Wetland canal, in the directum uf Port Colborne, a The Michigan, as well a* a number of tug», are running lael paal, egrasds by popular own until the arrival of the regular* the iivef. Anotbar r< aaya that iba V> nutria laft Irani Ihmi. a loan about twenty-foar rale* from Fort F.r e. up and down the river to prevent any attempt at rein¬ ever known. i-m The volunteer* behaved splendidly, pu-hlng upon the Rtdgeway I* aeten mile- tip ihe lake toward Port Col- eraak at 4 A. M ami atarta-l fur Ki'tgraay. a nllaya are to be tearing all Ibe luck* on the forcing. Ordera are Issued to fire on any boats pasting Through, it la*t night and todlay h.uonaaa of arery n*y reported up retreating Feolana with the utmost gallantry. borne nolnaabuva ll fora aWrtiur hafnad aai and burning all the bridge*. to the Canadian aide, and to arrest any Fenians coming character baa be« u by common'on»ent au*p« ndad And ahrnit nlna tbay It te elated that the etc-amer International ban arrived of Ui* .rar otia Ihoqrand atand of anna aul uir*w airman aa Tea eompan.ea of volunteer*, eoropn* ng one hundred thence, whether armed or unarmed. Tososto, June 2.3 P. M. the hotels, without dudfikrttun rank, newspaper at Fort Krie with troop* from Port Coll*.me the of resort other than the tnany mora into Mr* ft»#r. A nam lmr of lb" lati«r hara d twenty-five nu n, camu down from Port < olborne at R. O. Day, the Fenian agent here, poal lively promises The IjKuUr't bulletin board say* the Fen an« are ofllcee, pts>es publ« It ie undcrntoud that the iwtrol tog* IIred on and Mop barn ftrhod out Ihia n rt v, an I tiioro ta a of g.a iff pant eight o'clock A. M. and took poeaeaUoa of Fert reinforoemouls in the morning hemmed In. that General O Nelll has been killed and and iba aireeta, bar# bean eurroonded by and filled with ped aeveral boats lost uigbl trying to roach Ute ( auadian harral* at tba rraak, Ik, which the Fenian* bad evaruaied, whence they that the entire invading force will be despatched in em aag. r Kngliabman Intent upon knowing tba enure at abort. to re At about tan o ibrck lhaa* mat a that a lank al out vkirmithing jmrtlee in all direction*. Ferselt ef the Fealtns. hour* lent eftfaa politic pariL Tba acanaa Incident tba rapurt We learn that tna Intended proclamation from ihe ''lb* had Ukra Canadian ciUMO* on the bank ot the Curros, C. W , June 3.1 P U. are and there I* roption of theaeveral Irlegram* from front, tha puna opposite Bells ringing greet re|oicmg. Fenian leader* to the people of Canada . bow In the have been in for active service. The excitement along tbe border has not at all abated can learn this is a man bu g of lit# Iroopa. Ih' reeouadlng of Uia mi»k an I preened The only authority 1 for telegram hind* of a of tin* and waa ei to but m rather Incrsaaod by reason of uffeus re gentleman nly, peeled lh* ebear* of the afandaut (lopnlaoe, tb» *|wolal|oaa to-day, from the American Conaul at Fort Erie to Counsellor have been hauled yesterday If affair* had Warranted. V rrmuHl. Bi'fvalo, June 2.7 P. M. operations by the Canadian forces. A report prevalent was in of Ibe Q ieen'a looter* on were far baroad Thurston that Pert Erie possession of the British i anadien acoounla that the F'eataii* will H arrirn, Juar I I Ml Fenian army, about one thousand under late last that tbe Fenians were rein¬ represent find tba of when wa oonaldcr tba strong, ntgbt being largely troops and the Fenians were seven mile# down th* river. p>e*lbillty balnf, Thr Tartan* ar d tba Praia at at ui tba all ado. n r,g topic of Colonel O left Frenchman'* not oonflrined. It la that il»empelve« very much disappointed In caper led eld from of the cause of it vP wad Nelll, creek, forced la fully supposed they Ina gnlfbenae all, ¦ i «. brethren and In < una la. in llooton r.nm Tba atraat ar ara not adloyathrr unlit" . of ibe at three A. M and moved but acoaaelons to their number*. Th»ir C- " 30 P their fuend* a an I aura* camp previous day, received few Togosro. i June I.A V. In tba light of po«*iWy tboaa what. aura, tad ao malt aliaata>n ahra Fort tan. Ibe direction of a email about ten oooeiderable here have sent <.> "bursa fnl atta b aad Charts. Rulgeway, village operatlona betray military skill, acting Varone Arms large supplies Hrrrsto, June 3- 13 >0 P M upon Xrttteb power Magna Ur aaa anaa.lad Tha bar routn, iba thanlr. and all It** from Waterloo A* advened the on the defensive as There I* sensation in the over A I the vtraata bate been with Ute ferry. they Uiorougbly yet. to the army greet city It Is rported that tba Engltab Irocpe ar* retreating day og eurgiag plana of publf raoort ara .Ural mtb Van,a-,a and anti tb* road Hod Into tb* are menaced br two the losses. The 01 *" eilra has a dated at and the ritrs Iwtuea of iba along precipitately wood*, They to-day columns, moving telegram, from Ihe light at Ridyeway. eager lliroug Dcw*pai*r* Famana, and tba r d'intra ar atundad m lb marh their house* in * (tale of tbe In at Port Col that lbs Fsniana are driven aurereded each other Tba individual and (¦wring greatest disorder, opposite organised borne, rort colborne. seying being ho further (articular* y«t received have hourly aarr>»«rir ar and anlbuaiaaai. and Ira, l*a tb ahiudabr# ¦f with them. the formation of which la not bnt Is half a mile. have rallied and have sue has wilb he Utaial Inking nothing away fully ascertained, berk Tr.ey euiwetlve fea'irlty kept ample pore of talk and d a -,r», a lb"fa I- apt-am. I a ma: .if ant daa a* He Fenian mntit* out eome distance ahead at said to be about two thousand and artil¬ in back the who are now and b'r a b o a reported strong, Infantry reeded driving volunteers, le Hrrvst/i, June 3 4PM tooasianbof eveals, Majesty layel In raally atounp .ll, mm*th.n( to Mlatt tba oppranamn A. II. that there wa* a force of Canadian under Colonel of Crimean tr at with Ofteen killed and of The lateel n< w« from tha battle Held i* in the fol and out of lbs mil have u,< t .«| algbt large lery, enother, Peerock, repu¬ leg, upw.rde fifty given iary earviea, fought of I r aland rr* advancing upon them. At tbi* time the tation, and now commander of the Sixteenth British wounded. low ing part rulers brought a geollr tnan j*at from the of unredrained in rib with Industry aad iff i ng . by light |i»it| tha lart two day* ll.ur baa bran an to"r*a.4 had reached a aim at three miles from regulars. This column ta of one the not he ibl« to shore. He . baa not bean bar* ward la forth spot compraed Imitation, It la thought that the Fenians will cam Canwlian my* molt The nty pewHog lid" "f 'rarrl fr*,'n ld,.« f at to t a Canadian irrbr, and from Port on tbe (iarrl- of the Ave two hat- on the far. volunteers for the arrival About I hundred *11 Port bar "Ui a in defence .4 U»# Bldgeway eighteen Colborne, right wing Hlsteenlli, companies, pursuit The hope eigt troop*, volunteer*, left pr.vinos o. ot of tba trarall-ra la n( of f rlia ortf.a nod I,-1 i#«j aon road, at a celled IJme .-tone On one tall tone of tbe Tenth of sod of Colborne ni half Ave tha and tbla a boliai on of tha »'uria( yanlorday and to day ¦Me ef the road wa* * which tbe Fenian* tore another battel ion of volunteer*, on Port where arrived »t noon tha i.rand Trunk mod to and mac-bed in lha tone ribea left for Iba erase t>f actios, aad were la-.a « fence, designation unknown, Colborne, they Kalgvway. a t laoa ihan tnrnly lira baa trad baaa l»flW». »-l». end then advanced into the where with one of the seventh The two at dire tion of Mte,*n*vllle. aoon encountered n diet, fallowed tba Thirtieth regular* Th« Tweo d*wn, Qeld, they battery Forty Royal artdiery, light commenced miles from Hidgeway, Tliey force 'y by aatta, and It la rwmfod and jao»ra.'iy bainTad Ibrmed m Una of lien. John O'Neill being in com¬ with sis Whitworth A. M. The Fenian* were aecreted tn the bush. of Fen an* who are sow mid to tie Ihe aaiae that went known as tha * Own battle, guns. eight tj-fifth regulera, Xing Borderers, tboaa a II ba adl I iional daparAoaa* by tin mand, a hi. ted by OoL Starr and Col. O'Brien. The vol- Tnw force moved from at about o'clock The volunteer under command of 'olonel from li fe lo Fort F.rte A tattle caened, aad the F'enlant Colonel Fare nwnn.anting, ST" under mac h ng ordetu, Chippewa eight column, Ira na d» Monday mofmag. Tba Crat 4atorbm«M loft anteer* advanced down the road end Into the Qeld, about the morning, to Black where left Fort Coiboroe this el Ave n were wonted. rH in U,a lata mora Mil heck. The volunteer* believing this e re on orctiitnua routes, causing sum rsamry marching under 0. Uislr arrival at th# railway station »h# volunteers A well known Buffalo Fenian named Is so tba "east of war" Ind ent** Ua* r -puse of ik* feoiar-a Roiiey tnont at Itnp/fl, boa knt .fry <»lad adjuUM of a advanced out of their abetter at a run. The e severe sen. were Into some and the column >a now la Port wounded that ha I* not lo recover ant Os surraa* of her M*. arraa treat, got urd'r, badly efported aatft a«aai akak M tram la '-aaa fay lb# fr «t Tt. i r rib Fealane then returned to the charge, end the volunteer* At one o'clock they rearbed a little town called New o.lborn* in fell retreat. The Fenian# ere now at the old fort and A* »« LI ex aar g tba gaer .| gave retreating rapidly in the direction of Knlge- fiermany. or Uermantewn, seven or eight miles west of A later despatch U> the 0M« says that ket (ho river down to U.e of Fort a die at Montreal an aid. esa aae-ag UUr i gb way, messengers p village Erie, secompsaied Vy foe tba rlincpaa *b 'h ba brrMybt ay> ar o -rapt way, the Fenian* following closely In pursuit. A.lor Furt hue There it was reported that tire Fenians bad have Just arrived from the hauls fleid of Ibis lanes of two moo* Watch Arm can be eeea BotTO Itaoi* -treat ml r*U .> ruck I M yest" Uy morning aad, ap. that ba dtd ft maaa l|tl. Iraiof o-a »,#. "d Ida pursuing them for over twu mile* they stopped, while an> sraped »a a ridge three miles south. The Biiteeoth and seventh and th# etomh lbs rut rood irsck Forty regular*, battery parenOy. Mgtiala L* boom suddenly >a« upon llanrrnl dnan. aod ba tbaf"f'*a r*'rmrU lb' rtataman* (bo volunteer* went on to Port Colhorn* The march to Una point waa trying to the of colonel are on the L'bilod Htatea revenue ataisnss over bm hoei and tseeedingly Royal artillery, Hoete, ground A cutler haa arrived th.a even threw in* g u- -si w,th great ttnlaa 'hot l.ol t" had a far ra ran them bo martn. Mr Ittnn-rM From my en the Held during tbe actio* I man, number* ef falling with snaatrnka The road Th« leader of the Femana ha# been shot from < leva aad another la . ' is t nwvei# Ir. Tho wa* m- presence r.g land, ipseled imm-d to3 led qa ury gonarnl at U>* lima *4 Uta Rar rt r -|-d l a o* m>.4 waa hoed with The information waa so an trio vind p* ***ar* you that Una information I* entirely reliable, stragglers. A Montreal dei|Wtrb Bay* that Colonel In ately turning fr-s* to »oep-»tl n 4 tba ttoups upoa the «t Wheeler, baaa takan Mpiy. N ,ra *-o*ra. . rtpi a k-a at ether report* to tbe reliable thai Peerwek wisely bailed hie solemn and put Ureal HI Jams# street, remarked that the raur TV fiver l* and < abnl In 4*i art fas Mas wh a tba contrary notwithstanding passing [Wtcilled order* given lo lire on any bsrnp 4* Mar*, front, bamlntad At tba« vm» many af tba » f ar, ml The lem oa lb* Fenian aide wm about sit kilted and hie men in camp. age of the volunteers would eo> n waver, when a Mr Hood lo bat the wh. b urns Is lay thing try>ag ernes, F»n*n* now in tb.a sortdent oocurrud prim tnfeatnnuutty lay dsart dmartnd Mtaaa that of tbe volunteer* Immediately after reports were received that the ko» ked him down. He rose and a u wounded, twenty-three disappeared qu*kly. aeghborboud eiprem (ba r dotarm oouoo lo crom at oil him ap fat aeveoal day* dartag lb ln.p> rtaat tt kn * Maknn, aoa» t .od*f '/ tba killed and had attacked tbe advance of the Port Colborn a Ml gadiay taanaral J wounded la all. The Fenian* fought bravely, Fenians bomrda, The frti't of VaMa' r*g meat ware a*p*utod lbs aft** o»« »«ft t'f* mday, off rwl'imn. lbs red mats bark tbetr main force Paa na fofnm front Ma^ throwing eoala, vesta, and even shirts, and fighting driving upon Tnaovrc, Canada, June J.P. M. A pom nent fenlaa aaaeyta that to morrow wiD bo a a aa art ' fOrrt r> OCf their ground. The hem were wild with eaeitetneat wbea »b* .Ida rhaevad H' people luotllp aVeciad Other argsoirttiooa «f troops sea Mtag per. af lb* Mint* Ma! After Mopping the pureelt Ike mala af Fealaa* doloseI Peacock deemed It pendent to get late comma new* of th* aommeoeement of Iba battle nod There la a doubtful af Ha>ay body arrived, rumor that Colonel 0 Moid *M fecW Am-ag thorn tb* English Warkiagotea . Basest boa bona nnaannat man*and aa a nraltt af Idowa the gervtaoa mad bank toward* Fort i,p.with the other fores before proceeding farther, nil baetooM wan Fnvet# dea wo*adad kM mora immediately suspended M.ghity Kudtssy baa been trnnafewmod Into n autumn** aampoay, roatta Ib-nw t# T . ever Ma ef the force ef the as* Iba Manaar* leaving guard w*aai*l af talk adea, kimees of the aaeerteiety shemy. patches eooeunUy arrltiag aanosnnng the death ¥ Oeweral Harry, who las takes aemtMad of tba Prom to ba m isrbed to tb* M - to* atrial light infantry and ra lorma and aa a mam mr af An lka farm therefore, wee roe well gnown nuaem. tier the vera nam Nothing farther, eunompMahed. my* go asset will Oa it* eleaeel ¦ iniraal rtfitf mogera, an oaaargonay aorpn Otfca* if ihtn man from 4t Be ftom Pert Colbarae ere awaited. Thorn ore ommoee TV* % a at l»|trttrt porta easteeely repono from KL Alheoe, Tt order and prvvoot lovwatooo iota facade trunpn nil taaon this evening as many an 'an itf at Da MNi *ad The esiaisaw haw* faUsn bank owe* Fort Wbm It « Mota 4 that . COVTUUXS M mm Mill