Ornithology B - Ornithology B - December 19 SO Practice - 12-19-2020

For Multiple-Choice questions, choose the ONE answer choice that BEST completes the sentence or answers the question. For Fill-In-The-Blank questions, type in the name, word, or phrase that best completes the sentence or answers the question. For short answer and short essay questions, provide your answer using complete sentences.

1. (1.00 pts)

. What is the common name for the species in this photo?

A) Green-Winged Teal

B) Mallard

C) Northern Shoveler

D) Wood Duck


2. (1.00 pts) For the species in the previous question, what is the color of the speculum in males?

A) white

B) green

C) rust-brown

D) light blue


3. (1.00 pts) What is the common name of this bird?

A) California Condor

B) Turkey Vulture

C) Northern Harrier

D) American Coot

4. (1.00 pts) The species in the previous question has a wingspan of up to

A) 55 inches

B) 63 inches

C) 72 inches

D) 80 inches


5. (1.00 pts)

What is the common name for the bird species in this photo?

A) Tufted Titmouse

B) Crested Caracara

C) Great-Crested Flycatcher

D) Horned Lark


6. (1.00 pts) In many bird species, like the species in the previous question, male and female adults look quite different from each other. This is an example of A) bilateral morphology

B) bimorphic genderism

C) sexual dimorphism

D) disexual morphology

7. (1.00 pts)

. What is the common name for this bird?

A) Evening

B) Bobolink

C) Cedar Waxwing

D) Western Kingbird


8. (1.00 pts) The bird species in the previous question has a diet in the wild of mostly

A) tree seeds

B) insects

C) berries

D) small rodents


9. (1.00 pts) . What is the common name of this bird?

A) Townsend's Warbler

B) Magnolia Warbler

C) Black-Throated Green Warbler

D) American Goldfinch


10. (1.00 pts) The species in the previous question make nests that they line with

A) horsehair fungus

B) fur

C) fuzzy seeds

D) pine needles


11. (1.00 pts)

. What is the common name for this species of bird?

A) American White Pelican B) Laughing Gull

C) Laysan Albatross

D) Whooping Crane

12. (1.00 pts) The bird species in the previous question includes the oldest known bird living in the wild. When that bird was identified in 2016, she was ______years old.

A) 39

B) 48

C) 65

D) 83

13. (1.00 pts)

. The common name for this species of bird is ______.

A) Harris's Sparrow

B) Lapland Longspur

C) Lark Sparrow

D) Marsh Wren

14. (1.00 pts) The species in the previous question chooses what type of habitat for breeding?

A) tundra

B) tropical forest

C) open grasslands

D) broadleaf forest

15. (1.00 pts) The common name for this species of bird is ______.

16. (1.00 pts) The species in the previous question has excellent night vision because their eyes have a very high number of ______cells.

17. (1.00 pts)

. The Common name for this species is ______.

18. (1.00 pts) The species in the previous question has a diet that consists mainly of ______.

19. (1.00 pts) . The common name for this species is ______.

20. (2.00 pts) Explain how the species in the previous question keeps its feathers waterproof. Be sure to use the correct vocabulary.

21. (2.00 pts) Of the species on the 2021 Science Olympiad National Bird List, the ______is the most endangered and the ______is the second-most endangered.

22. (1.00 pts)

In this diagram of a bird skeleton, the scientific name for the structure labelled "A" is ______.

23. (1.00 pts) In the diagram of a bird skeleton, the scientific name for the structure labelled "B" is ______

24. (1.00 pts) In the diagram of a bird skeleton, the scientific name of the structure labelled "C" is ______

25. (1.00 pts) In the diagram of a bird skeleton, the scientific name of the structure labelled "D" is ______

26. (1.00 pts) In the diagram of a bird skeleton, the scientific name of the structure labelled "E" is ______

27. (1.00 pts)

The common name for this species is

A) American Oystercatcher

B) Ruddy Turnstone

C) American Bittern

D) American Avocet


28. (1.00 pts) The species in the previous question catches small aquatic invertebrates by moving its bill from side to side as it walks forward. This feeding behavior is called

A) sweeping

B) trolling

C) scything

D) billing


29. (1.00 pts) The common name for this species is

A) American Golden Plover

B) Red-Necked Grebe

C) Red-Throated Loon

D) Ruddy Turnstone


30. (1.00 pts) The species in the previous question has an unusual behavior, in that it ingests

A) rice-sized pebbles

B) mud from its own feet

C) its own feathers

D) other ' feces


31. (1.00 pts)

Of the five bird species shown here, which is NOT considered to be a widespread invasive species in North America?

A) Species A

B) Species B

C) Species C

D) Species D

E) Species E

32. (1.00 pts) The common name for this bird species is

A) Vermilion Flycatcher

B) Red Crossbill

C) Scarlet Tanager

D) American Robin


33. (1.00 pts) The species in the previous question has a range in North America that includes

A) the U.S. Pacific Northwest and western

B) the Great Plains states of the U.S and Canada

C) the Northeast U.S. and Southeast Canada

D) Mexico and the very southern U.S.


34. (1.00 pts)

What is the relationship between these two birds?

A) They are the same species. A is a juvenile, B is a breeding adult male.

B) They are the same species. A is an adult female and B is an adult male.

C) They are the same species. A is an adult non-breeding male and C is an adult female.

D) They are different species.

E) 35. (1.00 pts) The closest living relatives of birds that are not birds are

A) lizards

B) crocodilians C) snakes

D) bats


36. (1.00 pts)

The common name of this bird species is

A) Indigo Bunting

B) Black-Billed Magpie

C) Steller's Jay

D) Common Grackle


37. (1.00 pts) The species in the previous question migrates what distance each autumn?

A) 200 - 300 miles

B) 300 - 400 miles

C) over 500 miles

D) These birds do not migrate.


38. (1.00 pts) These eggs are just over an inch long. What is the common name of the bird that laid them?

39. (1.00 pts)

What is the common name of the bird that laid this egg?

40. (1.00 pts)

What is the common name of the bird that laid this egg?

41. (1.00 pts) What molecule makes up most of the structure of a bird eggshell? (Write your answer in words, not a chemical structure.)

42. (1.00 pts) Of all the bird species on the Science Olympiad 2021 National Bird List, which lays the largest eggs?

43. (2.00 pts) Some bird hatchlings are born with feathers and are capable of moving around on their own within hours. We refer to these bird species as ______. Other hatchling are born blind, with no feathers, and require feeding for days or weeks before they can leave the nest. We refer to these bird species as ______.

44. (3.00 pts) Birds have complex digestive systems. The organ that stores food and sends small amounts at a time to move through the system is the ______. The first part of the stomach, that secretes acid, is the ______. The ______is muscular and mechanically breaks down food.

45. (2.00 pts) In birds and many other , the digestive system, excretory system, and ______system empty into a single chamber called the ______or vent.

46. (1.00 pts) Many birds, particularly the Corvidae, eat seeds, insects, carrion, rodents, eggs, pet food, berries, trash, whatever they can find. We refer to these birds as ______omnivores.

47. (1.00 pts)

The common name for this bird is

A) Chuck-Will's-Widow

B) Wilson's Snipe

C) Greater Roadrunner

D) Clapper Rail

48. (1.00 pts) The species in the previous question flutters the naked skin below its chin in what is called gular fluttering. It does this in order to A) attract a mate

B) locate prey

C) dissipate heat

D) generate heat

49. (1.00 pts)

What is the common name of this bird species?

A) Anhinga

B) Killdeer

C) Dunlin

D) Sora

50. (1.00 pts) Which of the following is a characteristic that is NOT shared between birds and mammals?

A) They are both endothermic.

B) They both have four-chambered hearts.

C) They both have honeycombed bones.

D) They both evolved from reptiles.

E) All of the above statements are true.

51. (1.00 pts)

What is the common name of this bird species? A) Least Tern

B) Wilson's Snipe

C) American Oystercatcher

D) Northern Fulmar

52. (1.00 pts) The species in the previous question, and many similar species, have a pair of glands within the skull above the eyes, that open into the nasal area. The function of these glands is to

A) produce and release pheromones to attract a mate

B) produce and release chemicals that facilitate recognition between parent and child

C) remove nitrogenous wastes from the bloodstream and excrete them

D) remove excess salt from the bloodstream and release it

53. (1.00 pts)

The common name for this bird species is

A) Cactus Wren

B) Black-Chinned Sparrow

C) Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher

D) Mountain Chickadee

54. (1.00 pts) In the U.S. the top three direct causes of bird mortality, in order starting with the greatest cause, are:

A) buildings, cats, wind turbines

B) cats, power lines, cars

C) buildings, cars, hunting

D) cats, buildings, cars


55. (1.00 pts) The common name for this bird species is

A) American White Pelican

B) Snowy Egret

C) Northern Fulmar

D) Wood Stork


56. (1.00 pts) For the species in the previous question, the plate or horn that projects from the upper part of the bill is present only in some individuals. What determines which individuals have the plate?

A) Only birds older than 10 years have the plate.

B) Breeding adults have the plate, but only during the breeding season.

C) Only non-breeding adults have the plate.

D) All adult males have the plate.

57. (1.00 pts)

The common name for this bird species is

A) Barred Owl B) Chimney Swift

C) Northern Harrier

D) Cooper's Hawk

58. (2.00 pts) The species in the previous question is a bird of prey, also known as a ______. It has keen eyesight, a curved beak for ripping flesh, and feet with strong ______for grasping prey.

59. (1.00 pts) What is the common name of the bird species in this recording?

0:00 / 0:15

60. (1.00 pts) What is the common name of the bird species in this recording?

0:00 / 0:10

61. (1.00 pts) What is the common name for the bird species in this recording?

0:00 / 0:12

62. (1.00 pts) What is the common name of the bird species in this recording?

0:00 / 0:14

63. (1.00 pts) What is the common name of the bird species in this recording?

0:00 / 0:13

64. (3.00 pts) In duck species, breeding males will lose all their flight feathers after the breeding season. This process is called ______. These ducks will be unable to fly for a period of ______. Their bright colored feathers are replaced by dull brown feathers, called ______plumage, and the males look similar to females until they grow new colored feathers in late summer/ early fall.

65. (1.00 pts)

The common name for this bird species is

A) Brown Thrasher

B) Pine SIskin

C) Ovenbird

D) Harris's Sparrow


66. (1.00 pts) More than half of all bird species belong to the Order

A) Passeriformes

B) Charadriiformes

C) Accipitriformes

D) Anseriformes


67. (1.00 pts) The common name of this bird species is

A) Tufted Titmouse

B) Steller's Jay

C) Phainopepla

D) Belted Kingfisher

68. (1.00 pts) There are many interesting facts about the species in the previous question. Which of the following statements about that species is NOT true?

A) They have been found in Hawaii, the Galapagos, and Icelend.

B) The females are more brightly colored than the males.

C) They cannot live at elevations over 4000 feet.

D) Their nest is a burrow that can be up to 6-8 feet long.

69. (1.00 pts)

The common name for this bird species is

A) Chuck-Will's-Widow

B) Ruffed Grouse

C) Northern Bobwhite D) California Quail

70. (1.00 pts) The species in the previous question is the state bird of

A) Wisconsin

B) Pennsylvania

C) New York

D) Maine


71. (1.00 pts)

The common name of this bird species is

A) Eastern Bluebird

B) Barn Swallow

C) Mourning Dove

D) Indigo Bunting


72. (1.00 pts) For the species in the previous question, which of the following statements is true?

A) Both male and female of a breeding pair build the nest and incubate the eggs.

B) The male builds the nest; the female incubates the eggs.

C) Both the male and female build the nest; the female incubates the eggs.

D) The female builds the nest and incubates the eggs.

73. (1.00 pts) The common name for this species of bird is

A) Clapper Rail

B) Wood Stork

C) Great Blue Heron

D) Wilson's Snipe


74. (1.00 pts) The species in the previous question can be found in the U.S. in the states of

A) Louisiana and Mississippi

B) Texas and Florida

C) Delaware, Virginia, and Maryland

D) Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina


75. (1.00 pts)

The common name of this species of bird is

A) Ruddy Turnstone

B) Ring-Necked Pheasant C) American Woodcock

D) Common Nighthawk


76. (1.00 pts) The species in the previous question migrate to breeding grounds for the summer. In North America, these breeding grounds are located

A) in the state of Maine

B) along the shores of the Great Lakes

C) along the far northern shores of Canada and Alaska

D) in the states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan


77. (1.00 pts)

The common name for this bird species is

A) Carolina Wren

B) American Golden Plover

C) Cliff Swallow

D) Lark Sparrow


78. (1.00 pts) For the species in the previous question, which of the following statements is true?

A) The female is more brightly colored than the drab male, but all their songs are the same.

B) The male is more brightly colored than the drab female, and all of his songs are different from hers.

C) The male and female look alike, but they sing some different songs.

D) The male and female look alike, though the female is much larger, and they sing all the same songs.

79. (1.00 pts) The common name of this bird species is

80. (1.00 pts) Breeding males of the species in the previous question have an inflated red throat sac. This sac has the scientific name of ______sac.

81. (1.00 pts) Some birds lay eggs in the nests of other species, leaving their eggs to be incubated and their young to be reared by other birds and saving themselves lots of energy. These birds, such as cowbirds, are called ______.

82. (1.00 pts) The environmental cue that triggers birds to start their migration is change in ______

83. (1.00 pts) How many species of birds in the United States are listed as endangered or vulnerable?

84. (3.00 pts) This diagram shows the groups of feathers on a hawk wing. The purple group is the ______, the teal-colored large feathers are the ______, and the three light-grey feathers are the ______.

85. (5.00 pts) As birds evolved from reptiles, they became flyers. Explain several adaptations that helped them become better flyers and helped them generate and efficiently use the energy needed to fly.

We hope you enjoyed learning about birds and have gained greater appreciation for them in the wild.

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