Centre for Policy on Ageing Information Service Selected Readings Pensions and Benefits May 2021 The Centre for Policy on Ageing’s selected readings are drawn from material held on the CPA Ageinfo database of ageing and older age. All items are held by the CPA library and information service, which is open to the public by appointment. Photocopies may be ordered where copyright laws permit. Centre for Policy on Ageing Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA Telephone +44 (0)20 7553 6500 Facsimile +44 (0)20 7553 6501 Email
[email protected] Website www.cpa.org.uk 2021 Retirement, pensions, and depressive symptoms among older adults in China, England, Mexico, and the United States; by Peiyi Lu, Mack Shelley. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development vol 92 no 1, January 2021, pp 40-64. This study explores the associations of retirement, and of public and private pensions, with older adults' depressive symptoms by comparing differences between countries and age groups. Harmonized data were analysed from the family of Health and Retirement Study in 2012-2013 from China, England, Mexico, and the United States (n = 97,978). Respondents were asked if they were retired and received public or private pensions. Depressive symptom was measured by the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. Retirement was significantly associated with higher depressive symptoms for the United States and with lower depressive symptoms for Mexico and England. Public pension was significantly associated with lower depressive symptoms for Mexico and with higher depressive symptoms for the United States and China.