Duelling in America, Ed
Violence, Masculinity, Image, and Reality on the Antebellum Frontier RYAN L. DEARINGER It is a permanent and universal interest of mankind that men should not kill each other; but the particular and momentary interest of a nation or class may in certain cases make homicide excusable or even honorable. Honor is nothing but this particular rule, based on a par- ticular state ofsociety, by means of which a people distributes praise or blame. -ALEXIS DE TOCQUEVILLE ocqueville, perhaps the most prophetic and certainly the most cited T nineteenth-century foreign observer of American life, had more to say about the image, reality, and significance of violence than scholars have rec- ognized. Like many of his contemporaries who observed Jacksonian America, he was puzzled by the ambiguous relationship between honor, violence, and social class, particularly as it played out in the ritual of the duel. The refusal of a challenge to duel, Tocqueville noted, was the only act he knew to be considered both honorable and dishonorable. Viewing Ryan L. Dearinger is a history graduate student at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. A portion of this paper was presented at the Paul Lucas Conference in History, hosted by Indiana University, Bloomington, on April 12, 2003. 1 first wish to thank three great mentors: Mark David Hall, Kerry Irish, and Ralph Beebe of George Fox University I am particularly indebted to Nancy Gabin for her insights, guidance, and confidence in my work. Additional thanks go to John Lauritz Larson for immeasurable wit and joyful criticism in all matters, and to Michael A.
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