Photography and Design: Higgins & Ross

eet, Lowell, MA 01852 MA Lowell, eet, Str Kirk 67

Lowell National Historical Park Historical National Lowell


for Claypit Cemetery Claypit for Fawcett Meghan

Rebecca Duda and students Emily Fox and Fox Emily students and Duda Rebecca

and commitment to Lowell. Lowell. to commitment and

Appleton Mills Apartments Mills Appleton . We are grateful for her leadership her for grateful are We Festival. Folk Lowell

for the restoration of the of restoration the for Financial Trinity History Center, the Boott Mills Museum, and the and Museum, Mills Boott the Center, History

recognized programs such as the Tsongas Industrial Tsongas the as such programs recognized Lowell’s residents in the Civil War Civil the in residents Lowell’s

preservation led to the development of nationally of development the to led preservation for his documentation of documentation his for Comtois Maurice

Her passion for education, traditional music and music traditional education, for passion Her

preserving Lowell’s Irish cultural history cultural Irish Lowell’s preserving

moving Lowell from a concept to an operational park. operational an to concept a from Lowell moving

for his contributions to contributions his for McKean David

She was known for her vision and persistence in persistence and vision her for known was She

the Lowell Heritage Partnership, recognize: Partnership, Heritage Lowell the

Sandy served as Lowell’s 3rd park superintendent. superintendent. park 3rd Lowell’s as served Sandy

with collaboration in Park, National The

This year saw the loss of Chrysandra Walter. Walter. Chrysandra of loss the saw year This

Heritage Awards Heritage Stewards of Heritage Heritage of Stewards

A Special Tribute to Superintendent Sandy Walter Sandy Superintendent to Tribute Special A Lowell Lowell Cultural and Preservation Historic

Michael Creasey, Michael


Rick Smith Rick and Redding, Dave Hyde, Danny

Cathy Burkhart,Ted Fowler, Lee Hammond, Lee Fowler, Burkhart,Ted Cathy non-profit organizations work differently—and together. differently—and work organizations non-profit

we bid all the best in retirement to: retirement in best the all bid we And...

past, it will require that government bodies, educational institutions, businesses, and and businesses, institutions, educational bodies, government that require will it past,

National Historic Site Historic National solving within our community, we must continue to think and act in new ways. As in the in As ways. new in act and think to continue must we community, our within solving

to Salem Maritime Salem to Zujewski Maryann

The City of Lowell has developed a culture of collaboration. When it comes to problem to comes it When collaboration. of culture a developed has Lowell of City The

National Historic Site Historic National

will act as a platform for inspiration and civic dialogue in confronting similar issues today. issues similar confronting in dialogue civic and inspiration for platform a as act will

to John F. Kennedy Birthplace Kennedy F. John to Roberts JR

issues of the past—immigration and race, business and labor, the environment, innovation— environment, the labor, and business race, and past—immigration the of issues

National Park National

preserving a culturally rich community with a powerful story to tell. It is our hope that the that hope our is It tell. to story powerful a with community rich culturally a preserving to Grand Canyon Canyon Grand to Richardson Donna

this city is a testament to the conviction that the people of Lowell, and this nation, have in have nation, this and Lowell, of people the that conviction the to testament a is city this Historical Park Historical

to Independence National National Independence to Jones Patricia thoughtful stewards of our natural and built environment. The national park presence in presence park national The environment. built and natural our of stewards thoughtful

A salute to those who have moved on... moved have who those to salute A the city of Lowell and the Lowell National Historical Park share a vision of evolving as evolving of vision a share Park Historical National Lowell the and Lowell of city the

Farewells and Congrats! Congrats! and Farewells supports the belief that belief the supports ” Heritage of Stewards “ Report, Annual year’s this of theme The

2011 Annual Report Report Annual 2011 Lowell National Historical Park Park Historical National Lowell

Stats 2010 ParkCommunity Legacies &Preservation Community ValuesCultural Youth Totals 1978–2010 Exporting the Lowell Experience Through the years, Lowell has hosted many Year-Round Folk! Pathways in the Student Career Intake Program Now in its third year, “Public Matters: delegations representing cities from around Lowell is well known for its annual to Learning that lead to careers in conservation; the Lowell’s Emerging Leaders” continues to the world seeking to better understand presentation of folk music, traditional crafts Numerous Spindle City Corps that provides summer grow and support learning and activism Lowell’s preservation and revitalization and ethnic foods through the Lowell Folk buses arrive employment and leadership skills to youth 576,415 Visitors that will ensure the Lowell of tomorrow success. In August, Lowell hosted a contin- Festival. This July’s festival will be a very each school ages 16-25; the Youth Theater Program that 18M Visitors will be served by inspired stewards of our gent from Paterson, NJ. A fifty member special one! For 25 years, Lowell has day on French engages young people in living history; and a history, social and cultural capital, and delegation representing the City Council, celebrated heritage traditions and this year Street, Preservation Trade Skills Program with the economic and government institutions. The Mayor, preservation organizations, and the will be bringing forth some of the premier students and Vocational and Technical Class of 2011 is a diverse group of people business community met with Lowell’s artists from around the globe. Check it out: teachers High School that provides opportunities for representing businesses, arts and culture, leaders to discuss the country’s newest A partner-ship stream onto students to hone preservation skills on 5,080 Tours, Events “Paterson Great Falls 1M Students social services, government, and education. national park, with the Cultural Council the curb and historic properties. and Special Programs National Historical Park.” has established a presence in Lowell. Dr. head into the mill to become scholarly Tsongas Industrial More than 200 nationwide and Maggie Holtzberg joined the park staff as detectives and explore issues related to Going to School in a National Park international participants attended June’s Clear views of Lowell’s transformation our resident folklorist and director of immigration, environmental history, As UMASS Lowell has increased its History Center “Innovative Cities: Best Practices in Urban are readily made with the “City as a Cultural Programming. The Lowell Folklife innovation, globalization and labor history. downtown presence, the Park and Tsongas Development” Conference. The Park classroom.” Students and faculty from the Series offers a robust variety of interactive The Tsongas Industrial History Center will Industrial History Center have committed to partnered with Congresswoman Niki Harvard University Graduate School of The rehabilitated Appleton Mills sees artists moving into presentations of crafts, foodways, receive its one millionth program participant orienting incoming freshman into their new Tsongas, UMass Lowell, Middlesex Design made their way to the City in April. contemporary apartments and studios, where looms and performing, and traditions year round. during the Center’s 20th anniversary environment—a national park. Nearly 2,000 32,000 Lowell cotton once dominated the floor space. Community College, and the Lowell Plan Renowned urban planner, Susan Fainstein, Keep up to date on Lowell Folk at: this year. students explored downtown Lowell as a Summer Music Series to organize and present this collaboration brought her class to Lowell to look at urban Some 30 years ago the City had over 5 As part of Preservation Week in 2010, the new component on their jam-packed 2M People about the economic, physical, and social renewal over time and the ways that cities million square feet of vacant mills. With the Park hosted the collaborative exhibit, Lowell National Historical Park has orientation agenda. development of small- to mid-sized cities. address planning, design, economic, recent opening of the Appleton Mill, the “Historic Preservation: Then & Now” with A Rockin’ National Park developed vast and innovative programs for Lowell Folk Festival National Park Service Director Jonathan preservation and social issues. rehabilitation rate for historic mills in Historic New England at the Boott Mill As a commitment to community revital- youth to connect to the outdoors and Eleven UMass Lowell professors Jarvis and White House Office of Urban Lowell is over 80%. This phenomenal Gallery. The exhibit presented Lowell’s ization, the Park in partnership with the explore aspects of American history. Over 80 incorporated the Tsongas Industrial History 2,303 Volunteers Affairs Director Adolfo Carrion shared their success has been accomplished through decline and various urban plan proposals for Lowell Festival Foundation has developed youth were employed by the park and its Center and Park into their syllabi for a new perspectives. In addition to Lowell, speakers good urban planning, financial support recovery. During this time, the demolition of the Lowell Summer Music Series that has partners this past summer. During a visit to “Lowell as Text” course and for the Honors Contributed from Ann Arbor, Michigan; Asheville, through the National Park Service and State significant buildings spawned the historic become one of the best venues for popular Lowell this year, NPS Deputy Director Seminar course, which also used a “city as $50M Invested North Carolina; Belfast, Northern Ireland; Historic Tax Credit programs, and developers preservation movement in Lowell. music in New England. Mickey Fearn observed the Park’s pathways text” theme incorporating the Boott Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and Portland, who have made investments of over $400M. for youth engagement and heard from many Museum, Mill Girls and Immigrants Exhibit, Canalway & Riverwalk 95,410 Hours! Oregon offered pioneering efforts from Given its preservation success, it is not In April, Senator John Kerry and students who discussed their participation work- shops, and the their communities. Congratulations to surprising that the City and National Park Representative announced a Concord River Greenway with Tsongas Thank you to all for the energy Congresswoman Tsongas, UMass Lowell, were recognized as the 2010 Paul E. Tsongas $5 million U.S. Dept. of Energy grant to The waterways Center and Park staff. and enthusiasm you inject, and all the partners. Profiles in Preservation Honorees by the City of Lowell for the Carbon-Neutral along Lowell’s and the links you provide with canals and rivers Preservation Massachusetts. Lowell Park and Preservation District now have forty new the local community! initiative. It will provide a model for pairing exhibit panels that 80% historic preservation standards with energy tell the story of conservation. Lowell’s growth Historic Mills Restored and development.

Congresswoman Tsongas, National Park Service $413M Invested Director Jonathan Jarvis, and speaker Gil Kelley of Portland, OR at the conference.

Photography and Design: Higgins & Ross

67 Kirk Street, Lowell, MA 01852 MA Lowell, Street, Kirk 67

Lowell National Historical Park Historical National Lowell


for Claypit Cemetery Claypit for Fawcett Meghan

Rebecca Duda and students Emily Fox and Fox Emily students and Duda Rebecca

and commitment to Lowell. Lowell. to commitment and

Appleton Mills Apartments Mills Appleton Lowell Folk Festival. We are grateful for her leadership her for grateful are We Festival. Folk Lowell

for the restoration of the of restoration the for Financial Trinity History Center, the Boott Mills Museum, and the and Museum, Mills Boott the Center, History

recognized programs such as the Tsongas Industrial Tsongas the as such programs recognized Lowell’s residents in the Civil War Civil the in residents Lowell’s

preservation led to the development of nationally of development the to led preservation for his documentation of documentation his for Comtois Maurice

Her passion for education, traditional music and music traditional education, for passion Her

preserving Lowell’s Irish cultural history cultural Irish Lowell’s preserving

moving Lowell from a concept to an operational park. operational an to concept a from Lowell moving

for his contributions to contributions his for McKean David

She was known for her vision and persistence in persistence and vision her for known was She

the Lowell Heritage Partnership, recognize: Partnership, Heritage Lowell the

Sandy served as Lowell’s 3rd park superintendent. superintendent. park 3rd Lowell’s as served Sandy

with collaboration in Park, National The

This year saw the loss of Chrysandra Walter. Walter. Chrysandra of loss the saw year This

Heritage Awards Heritage Stewards of Heritage of Stewards

A Special Tribute to Superintendent Sandy Walter Sandy Superintendent to Tribute Special A Lowell Cultural and Preservation Historic

Michael Creasey, Creasey, Michael Superintendent Superintendent

Rick Smith Rick and Redding, Dave Hyde, Danny

Cathy Burkhart,Ted Fowler, Lee Hammond, Lee Fowler, Burkhart,Ted Cathy . together ently—and differ work ganizations or ofit non-pr

we bid all the best in retirement to: retirement in best the all bid we And...

and and ,businesses, institutions educational , bodies government that e equir r will it past,

National Historic Site Historic National As in the the in As . ways new in act and think to continue must we , community our within solving

to Salem Maritime Salem to Zujewski Maryann

oblem oblem pr to comes it en hW ation. collabor of e cultur a developed has Lowell of City The

National Historic Site Historic National

. . today issues similar onting confr in dialogue civic and ation inspir for platform a as act will

to John F. Kennedy Birthplace Kennedy F. John to Roberts JR

innovation— innovation— onment, envir, the labor and business ,ace r and ation past—immigr the of issues

National Park National

It is our hope that the the that hope our is It tell. to story powerful a with community rich ally cultur a eserving pr to Grand Canyon Canyon Grand to Richardson Donna

have in in have nation, this and Lowell, of people the that conviction the to testament a is city this Historical Park Historical

to Independence National National Independence to Jones Patricia esence in in esence pr park national The onment. envir built and al natur our of ds stewar thoughtful

A salute to those who have moved on... moved have who those to salute A e a vision of evolving as as evolving of vision a e shar ark P Historical National Lowell the and Lowell of city the

Farewells and Congrats! Congrats! and Farewells supports the belief that that belief the supports ” Heritage of ds Stewar “ Report, Annual s year’ this of theme The

2011 Annual Report Annual 2011 Lowell National Historical Park Historical National Lowell

Stats 2010 ParkCommunity Legacies &Preservation Community ValuesCultural Youth Totals 1978–2010 Exporting the Lowell Experience Through the years, Lowell has hosted many Year-Round Folk! Pathways in the Student Career Intake Program Now in its third year, “Public Matters: delegations representing cities from around Lowell is well known for its annual to Learning that lead to careers in conservation; the Lowell’s Emerging Leaders” continues to the world seeking to better understand presentation of folk music, traditional crafts Numerous Spindle City Corps that provides summer grow and support learning and activism Lowell’s preservation and revitalization and ethnic foods through the Lowell Folk buses arrive employment and leadership skills to youth 576,415 Visitors that will ensure the Lowell of tomorrow success. In August, Lowell hosted a contin- Festival. This July’s festival will be a very each school ages 16-25; the Youth Theater Program that 18M Visitors will be served by inspired stewards of our gent from Paterson, NJ. A fifty member special one! For 25 years, Lowell has day on French engages young people in living history; and a history, social and cultural capital, and delegation representing the City Council, celebrated heritage traditions and this year Street, Preservation Trade Skills Program with the economic and government institutions. The Mayor, preservation organizations, and the will be bringing forth some of the premier students and Greater Lowell Vocational and Technical Class of 2011 is a diverse group of people business community met with Lowell’s artists from around the globe. Check it out: teachers High School that provides opportunities for representing businesses, arts and culture, leaders to discuss the country’s newest A partner-ship stream onto students to hone preservation skills on 5,080 Tours, Events “Paterson Great Falls 1M Students social services, government, and education. national park, with the Massachusetts Cultural Council the curb and historic properties. and Special Programs National Historical Park.” has established a presence in Lowell. Dr. head into the mill to become scholarly Tsongas Industrial More than 200 nationwide and Maggie Holtzberg joined the park staff as detectives and explore issues related to Going to School in a National Park international participants attended June’s Clear views of Lowell’s transformation our resident folklorist and director of immigration, environmental history, As UMASS Lowell has increased its History Center “Innovative Cities: Best Practices in Urban are readily made with the “City as a Cultural Programming. The Lowell Folklife innovation, globalization and labor history. downtown presence, the Park and Tsongas Development” Conference. The Park classroom.” Students and faculty from the Series offers a robust variety of interactive The Tsongas Industrial History Center will Industrial History Center have committed to partnered with Congresswoman Niki Harvard University Graduate School of The rehabilitated Appleton Mills sees artists moving into presentations of crafts, foodways, receive its one millionth program participant orienting incoming freshman into their new Tsongas, UMass Lowell, Middlesex Design made their way to the City in April. contemporary apartments and studios, where looms and performing, and traditions year round. during the Center’s 20th anniversary environment—a national park. Nearly 2,000 32,000 Lowell cotton once dominated the floor space. Community College, and the Lowell Plan Renowned urban planner, Susan Fainstein, Keep up to date on Lowell Folk at: this year. students explored downtown Lowell as a Summer Music Series to organize and present this collaboration brought her class to Lowell to look at urban Some 30 years ago the City had over 5 As part of Preservation Week in 2010, the new component on their jam-packed 2M People about the economic, physical, and social renewal over time and the ways that cities million square feet of vacant mills. With the Park hosted the collaborative exhibit, Lowell National Historical Park has orientation agenda. development of small- to mid-sized cities. address planning, design, economic, recent opening of the Appleton Mill, the “Historic Preservation: Then & Now” with A Rockin’ National Park developed vast and innovative programs for Lowell Folk Festival National Park Service Director Jonathan preservation and social issues. rehabilitation rate for historic mills in Historic New England at the Boott Mill As a commitment to community revital- youth to connect to the outdoors and Eleven UMass Lowell professors Jarvis and White House Office of Urban Lowell is over 80%. This phenomenal Gallery. The exhibit presented Lowell’s ization, the Park in partnership with the explore aspects of American history. Over 80 incorporated the Tsongas Industrial History 2,303 Volunteers Affairs Director Adolfo Carrion shared their success has been accomplished through decline and various urban plan proposals for Lowell Festival Foundation has developed youth were employed by the park and its Center and Park into their syllabi for a new perspectives. In addition to Lowell, speakers good urban planning, financial support recovery. During this time, the demolition of the Lowell Summer Music Series that has partners this past summer. During a visit to “Lowell as Text” course and for the Honors Contributed from Ann Arbor, Michigan; Asheville, through the National Park Service and State significant buildings spawned the historic become one of the best venues for popular Lowell this year, NPS Deputy Director Seminar course, which also used a “city as $50M Invested North Carolina; Belfast, Northern Ireland; Historic Tax Credit programs, and developers preservation movement in Lowell. music in New England. Mickey Fearn observed the Park’s pathways text” theme incorporating the Boott Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and Portland, who have made investments of over $400M. for youth engagement and heard from many Museum, Mill Girls and Immigrants Exhibit, Canalway & Riverwalk 95,410 Hours! Oregon offered pioneering efforts from Given its preservation success, it is not In April, Senator John Kerry and students who discussed their participation Tsongas Center work- shops, and the their communities. Congratulations to surprising that the City and National Park Representative Niki Tsongas announced a Concord River Greenway with Tsongas Thank you to all for the energy Congresswoman Tsongas, UMass Lowell, were recognized as the 2010 Paul E. Tsongas $5 million U.S. Dept. of Energy grant to The waterways Center and Park staff. and enthusiasm you inject, and all the partners. Profiles in Preservation Honorees by the City of Lowell for the Carbon-Neutral along Lowell’s and the links you provide with canals and rivers Preservation Massachusetts. Lowell Park and Preservation District now have forty new the local community! initiative. It will provide a model for pairing exhibit panels that 80% historic preservation standards with energy tell the story of conservation. Lowell’s growth Historic Mills Restored and development.

Congresswoman Tsongas, National Park Service $413M Invested Director Jonathan Jarvis, and speaker Gil Kelley of Portland, OR at the conference.

of Portland, OR at the conference. conference. the at OR Portland, of

Director Jonathan Jarvis, and speaker Gil Kelley Kelley Gil speaker and Jarvis, Jonathan Director

$413M $413M Service Park National Tsongas, Congresswoman Invested Invested

and development.

onservation. onservation. c

Historic Mills Restored Restored Mills Historic o L well’s growth growth well’s

storic preservation standards with energy energy with standards preservation storic hi ell ell t the story of of story the

80% 80% xh e ibit panels that that panels ibit itiative. It will provide a model for pairing pairing for model a provide will It itiative. in the local community! community! local the

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Preservation Massachusetts. Massachusetts. Preservation Lowell Park and Preservation District District Preservation and Park Lowell and the links you provide with with provide you links the and

an c als and rivers and als

by by and all the partners. partners. the all and he City of Lowell for the Carbon-Neutral Carbon-Neutral the for Lowell of City he t

ofiles in Preservation Honorees Honorees Preservation in ofiles Pr and enthusiasm you inject, inject, you enthusiasm and

alo ng Lowell’s Lowell’s ng

were recognized as the the as recognized were Congresswoman Tsongas, UMass Lowell, Lowell, UMass Tsongas, Congresswoman

to to Center and Park staff. staff. Park and Center

2010 Paul E. Tsongas Tsongas E. Paul 2010 $5 million U.S. Dept. of Energy grant grant Energy of Dept. U.S. million $5 Thank you to all for the energy energy the for all to you Thank waterways waterways The

surprising that the City and National Park Park National and City the that surprising their communities. Congratulations to to Congratulations communities. their

Representative Niki Tsongas announced a a announced Tsongas Niki Representative Concord River Greenway with Tsongas Tsongas with Greenway River Concord

95,410 95,410

Hours! Hours! ven its preservation success, it is not not is it success, preservation its ven

Gi students who discussed their participation participation their discussed who students

Oregon offered pioneering efforts from from efforts pioneering offered Oregon In April, Senator John Kerry and and Kerry John Senator April, In

ops, and the the and ops, sh work- Center Tsongas

Canalway & Riverwalk Riverwalk & Canalway

. . made have who for youth engagement and heard from many many from heard and engagement youth for Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and Portland, Portland, and Wisconsin; Milwaukee,

Museum, Mill Girls and Immigrants Exhibit, Exhibit, Immigrants and Girls Mill Museum, investments of over $400M over of investments

music in New England. England. New in music Historic Tax Credit programs, and developers developers and programs, Credit Tax Historic Mickey Fearn observed the Park’s pathways pathways Park’s the observed Fearn Mickey North Carolina; Belfast, Northern Ireland; Ireland; Northern Belfast, Carolina; North preservation movement in Lowell. Lowell. in movement preservation text” theme incorporating the Boott Boott the incorporating theme text”

$50M $50M

Invested Invested Contributed Contributed

ecome one of the best venues for popular popular for venues best the of one ecome through the National Park Service and State State and Service Park National the through b Lowell this year, NPS Deputy Director Director Deputy NPS year, this Lowell

from Ann Arbor, Michigan; Asheville, Asheville, Michigan; Arbor, Ann from significant buildings spawned the historic historic the spawned buildings significant Seminar course, which also used a “city as as “city a used also which course, Seminar

good urban planning, financial support support financial planning, urban good that has has that the

partners this past summer. During a visit to to visit a During summer. past this partners perspectives. In addition to Lowell, speakers speakers Lowell, to addition In perspectives. recovery. During this time, the demolition of of demolition the time, this During recovery. “Lowell as Text” course and for the Honors Honors the for and course Text” as “Lowell Lowell Summer Music Series Series Music Summer Lowell 2,303 2,303

Volunteers Volunteers

youth were employed by the park and its its and park the by employed were youth through accomplished been has uccess Lowell Festival Foundation has developed developed has Foundation Festival Lowell s

Affairs Director Adolfo Carrion shared their their shared Carrion Adolfo Director Affairs decline and various urban plan proposals for for proposals plan urban various and decline Center and Park into their syllabi for a new new a for syllabi their into Park and Center

explore aspects of American history. Over 80 80 Over history. American of aspects explore the with partnership in Park the ization,

. This phenomenal phenomenal This . Jarvis and White House Office of Urban Urban of Office House White and Jarvis

Gallery. The exhibit presented Lowell’s Lowell’s presented exhibit The Gallery. incorporated the Tsongas Industrial History History Industrial Tsongas the incorporated Lowell is over 80% over is Lowell

youth to connect to the outdoors and and outdoors the to connect to youth As a commitment to community revital- community to commitment a As National Park Service Director Jonathan Jonathan Director Service Park National toric New England at the Boott Mill Mill Boott the at England New toric Eleven UMass Lowell professors professors Lowell UMass Eleven His

preservation and social issues. issues. social and preservation rehabilitation rate for historic mills in in mills historic for rate rehabilitation

developed vast and innovative programs for for programs innovative and vast developed recent opening of the Appleton Mill, the the Mill, Appleton the of opening recent development of small- to mid-sized cities. cities. mid-sized to small- of development with with

address planning, design, economic, economic, design, planning, address A Rockin’ National Park Park National Rockin’ A

“Historic Preservation: Then & Now” Now” & Then Preservation: “Historic Lowell Folk Festival Festival Folk Lowell

ell National Historical Park has has Park Historical National ell million square feet of vacant mills. With the the With mills. vacant of feet square million Low and social social and ysical, ph c, economi the about Park hosted the collaborative exhibit, exhibit, collaborative the hosted Park renewal over time and the ways that cities cities that ways the and time over renewal orientation agenda. agenda. orientation

2M 2M

People People Summer Music Series Series Music Summer Some 30 years ago the City had over 5 5 over had City the ago years 30 Some to organize and present this collaboration collaboration this present and organize to As part of Preservation Week in 2010, the the 2010, in Week Preservation of part As brought her class to Lowell to look at urban urban at look to Lowell to class her brought new component on their jam-packed jam-packed their on component new

Community College, and the Lowell Plan Plan Lowell the and College, Community . . at: Folk Lowell on date to up Keep Renowned urban planner, Susan Fainstein, Fainstein, Susan planner, urban Renowned students explored downtown Lowell as a a as Lowell downtown explored students this year this

space. floor the dominated once cotton 32,000


Tsongas, UMass Lowell, Middlesex Middlesex Lowell, UMass Tsongas, during the Center’s Center’s the during round. year traditions and performing, Design made their way to the City in April. April. in City the to way their made Design environment—a national park. Nearly 2,000 2,000 Nearly park. national environment—a 20th anniversary anniversary 20th

contemporary apartments and studios, where looms and and looms where studios, and apartments contemporary

resentations of crafts, foodways, foodways, crafts, of resentations eceive its one millionth program participant participant program millionth one its eceive tnered with Congresswoman Niki Niki Congresswoman with tnered par p r orienting incoming freshman into their new new their into freshman incoming orienting Harvard University Graduate School of of School Graduate University Harvard The rehabilitated Appleton Mills sees artists moving into into moving artists sees Mills Appleton rehabilitated The

Conference. The Park Park The Conference. will will offers a robust variety of interactive interactive of variety robust a offers The Industrial History Center have committed to to committed have Center History Industrial Students and faculty from the the from faculty and Students Development” Development” Tsongas Industrial History Center Center History Industrial Tsongas Series Series classroom.” classroom.”

Cultural Programming. The The Programming. Cultural innovation, globalization and labor history. history. labor and globalization innovation, downtown presence, the Park and Tsongas Tsongas and Park the presence, downtown are readily made with the the with made readily are “Innovative Cities: Best Practices in Urban Urban in Practices Best Cities: “Innovative Lowell Folklife Folklife Lowell “City as a a as “City

History Center Center History

international participants attended June’s June’s attended participants international folklorist and director of of director and folklorist resident our

immigration, environmental history, history, environmental immigration, As UMASS Lowell has increased its its increased has Lowell UMASS As Clear views of Lowell’s transformation transformation Lowell’s of views Clear

More than 200 nationwide and and nationwide 200 than More Maggie Holtzberg joined the park staff as as staff park the joined Holtzberg Maggie detectives and explore issues related to to related issues explore and detectives

Going to School in a National Park Park National a in School to Going

and Special Programs Programs Special and Tsongas Industrial Industrial Tsongas

has established a presence in Lowell. Dr. Dr. Lowell. in presence a established has head into the mill to become scholarly scholarly become to mill the into head

ark.” ark.” National Historical P Historical National

social services, government, and education. education. and government, services, social with the Massachusetts Cultural Council Council Cultural Massachusetts the with the curb and and curb the

historic properties. properties. historic national park, park, national 5,080 5,080 1M 1M

“Paterson Great Falls Falls Great “Paterson Tours, Events Events Tours, Students Students

. A partner-ship partner-ship A . representing businesses, arts and culture, culture, and arts businesses, representing stream onto onto stream students to hone preservation skills on on skills preservation hone to students leaders to discuss the country’s newest newest country’s the discuss to leaders

Class of 2011 is a diverse group of people people of group diverse a is 2011 of Class artists from around the globe. Check it out: out: it Check globe. the around from artists teachers teachers High School that provides opportunities for for opportunities provides that School High business community met with Lowell’s Lowell’s with met community business

economic and government institutions. The The institutions. government and economic will be bringing forth some of the premier premier the of some forth bringing be will students and and students eater Lowell Vocational and Technical Technical and Vocational Lowell eater Gr Mayor, preservation organizations, and the the and organizations, preservation Mayor,

history, social and cultural capital, and and capital, cultural and social history, celebrated heritage traditions and this year year this and traditions heritage celebrated Street, Street, with the the with delegation representing the City Council, Council, City the representing delegation Preservation Trade Skills Program Program Skills Trade Preservation

will be served by inspired stewards of our our of stewards inspired by served be will special one! For 25 years, Lowell has has Lowell years, 25 For one! special day on French French on day gages young people in living history; and a a and history; living in people young gages A fifty member member fifty A en

om Paterson, NJ. NJ. Paterson, om gent fr gent

576,415 576,415 18M 18M

Visitors Visitors Visitors Visitors that will ensure the Lowell of tomorrow tomorrow of Lowell the ensure will that . This July’s festival will be a very very a be will festival July’s This . each school school each that that the 16-25; ages

success. In August, Lowell hosted hosted Lowell August, In success. estival F Youth Theater Program Program Theater Youth a contin- a

grow and support learning and activism activism and learning support and grow buses arrive arrive buses and ethnic foods through the the through foods ethnic and loyment and leadership skills to youth youth to skills leadership and loyment emp Lowell’s preservation and revitalization revitalization and preservation Lowell’s Lowell Folk Folk Lowell

continues to to continues presentation of folk music, traditional crafts crafts traditional music, folk of presentation Numerous Numerous that provides summer summer provides that the world seeking to better understand understand better to seeking world the Lowell’s Emerging Leaders” Leaders” Emerging Lowell’s Spindle City Corps Corps City Spindle

Now in its third year, year, third its in Now Lowell is well known for its annual annual its for known well is Lowell that lead to careers in conservation; the the conservation; in careers to lead that delegations representing cities from around around from cities representing delegations “Public Matters: Matters: “Public to Learning Learning to

in the the in Through the years, Lowell has hosted many many hosted has Lowell years, the Through Exporting the Lowell Experience Experience Lowell the Exporting Year-Round Folk! Folk! Year-Round Pathways Pathways Student Career Intake Program Program Intake Career Student Park Legacies & Community Values Values Community & Legacies Park

Community Community Preservation Preservation

Cultural Cultural Youth


Stats 1978–2010 1978–2010 2010 2010

Lowell National Historical Park 2011 Annual Report

The theme of this year’s Annual Report, “Stewards of Heritage” supports the belief that Farewells and Congrats! the city of Lowell and the Lowell National Historical Park share a vision of evolving as A salute to those who have moved on... thoughtful stewards of our natural and built environment. The national park presence in Patricia Jones to Independence National this city is a testament to the conviction that the people of Lowell, and this nation, have in Historical Park preserving a culturally rich community with a powerful story to tell. It is our hope that the Donna Richardson to Grand Canyon issues of the past—immigration and race, business and labor, the environment, innovation— National Park JR Roberts to John F. Kennedy Birthplace will act as a platform for inspiration and civic dialogue in confronting similar issues today. National Historic Site The City of Lowell has developed a culture of collaboration. When it comes to problem Maryann Zujewski to Salem Maritime solving within our community, we must continue to think and act in new ways. As in the National Historic Site past, it will require that government bodies, educational institutions, businesses, and And...we bid all the best in retirement to: non-profit organizations work differently—and together. Cathy Burkhart,Ted Fowler, Lee Hammond, Danny Hyde, Dave Redding, and Rick Smith Michael Creasey, Superintendent

Historic Preservation and Cultural Lowell A Special Tribute to Superintendent Sandy Walter Stewards of Heritage Heritage Awards The National Park, in collaboration with This year saw the loss of Chrysandra Walter. the Lowell Heritage Partnership, recognize: Sandy served as Lowell’s 3rd park superintendent. She was known for her vision and persistence in David McKean for his contributions to moving Lowell from a concept to an operational park. preserving Lowell’s Irish cultural history Her passion for education, traditional music and Maurice Comtois for his documentation of preservation led to the development of nationally Lowell’s residents in the Civil War recognized programs such as the Tsongas Industrial Trinity Financial for the restoration of the History Center, the Boott Mills Museum, and the Appleton Mills Apartments Lowell Folk Festival. We are grateful for her leadership Rebecca Duda and students Emily Fox and and commitment to Lowell. Meghan Fawcett for Claypit Cemetery documentation

Lowell National Historical Park 67 Kirk Street, Lowell, MA 01852 Higgins & Ross and Design: Photography

Photography and Design: Higgins & Ross

67 Kirk Street, Lowell, MA 01852 01852 MA Lowell, Street, Kirk 67

Lowell National Historical Park Park Historical National Lowell

documentation documentation

for Claypit Cemetery Cemetery Claypit for Fawcett Meghan

Rebecca Duda and students Emily Fox and and Fox Emily students and Duda Rebecca

and commitment to Lowell. Lowell. to commitment and

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The City of Lowell has developed a culture of collaboration. When it comes to problem to comes it When collaboration. of culture a developed has Lowell of City The

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preserving a culturally rich community with a powerful story to tell. It is our hope that the that hope our is It tell. to story powerful a with community rich culturally a preserving to Richardson Donna Grand Canyon Canyon Grand

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A salute to those who have moved on... on... moved have who those to salute A the city of Lowell and the Lowell National Historical Park share a vision of evolving as evolving of vision a share Park Historical National Lowell the and Lowell of city the

Farewells and Congrats! Congrats! and Farewells supports the belief that belief the supports ” Heritage of Stewards “ Report, Annual year’s this of theme The

2011 Annual Report Annual 2011 Lowell National Historical Park Historical National Lowell

Stats 2010 ParkCommunity Legacies &Preservation Community ValuesCultural Youth Totals 1978–2010 Exporting the Lowell Experience Through the years, Lowell has hosted many Year-Round Folk! Pathways in the Student Career Intake Program Now in its third year, “Public Matters: delegations representing cities from around Lowell is well known for its annual to Learning that lead to careers in conservation; the Lowell’s Emerging Leaders” continues to the world seeking to better understand presentation of folk music, traditional crafts Numerous Spindle City Corps that provides summer grow and support learning and activism Lowell’s preservation and revitalization and ethnic foods through the Lowell Folk buses arrive employment and leadership skills to youth 576,415 Visitors that will ensure the Lowell of tomorrow success. In August, Lowell hosted a contin- Festival. This July’s festival will be a very each school ages 16-25; the Youth Theater Program that 18M Visitors will be served by inspired stewards of our gent from Paterson, NJ. A fifty member special one! For 25 years, Lowell has day on French engages young people in living history; and a history, social and cultural capital, and delegation representing the City Council, celebrated heritage traditions and this year Street, Preservation Trade Skills Program with the economic and government institutions. The Mayor, preservation organizations, and the will be bringing forth some of the premier students and Greater Lowell Vocational and Technical Class of 2011 is a diverse group of people business community met with Lowell’s artists from around the globe. Check it out: teachers High School that provides opportunities for representing businesses, arts and culture, leaders to discuss the country’s newest A partner-ship stream onto students to hone preservation skills on 5,080 Tours, Events “Paterson Great Falls 1M Students social services, government, and education. national park, with the Massachusetts Cultural Council the curb and historic properties. and Special Programs National Historical Park.” has established a presence in Lowell. Dr. head into the mill to become scholarly Tsongas Industrial More than 200 nationwide and Maggie Holtzberg joined the park staff as detectives and explore issues related to Going to School in a National Park international participants attended June’s Clear views of Lowell’s transformation our resident folklorist and director of immigration, environmental history, As UMASS Lowell has increased its History Center “Innovative Cities: Best Practices in Urban are readily made with the “City as a Cultural Programming. The Lowell Folklife innovation, globalization and labor history. downtown presence, the Park and Tsongas Development” Conference. The Park classroom.” Students and faculty from the Series offers a robust variety of interactive The Tsongas Industrial History Center will Industrial History Center have committed to partnered with Congresswoman Niki Harvard University Graduate School of The rehabilitated Appleton Mills sees artists moving into presentations of crafts, foodways, receive its one millionth program participant orienting incoming freshman into their new Tsongas, UMass Lowell, Middlesex Design made their way to the City in April. contemporary apartments and studios, where looms and performing, and traditions year round. during the Center’s 20th anniversary environment—a national park. Nearly 2,000 32,000 Lowell cotton once dominated the floor space. Community College, and the Lowell Plan Renowned urban planner, Susan Fainstein, Keep up to date on Lowell Folk at: this year. students explored downtown Lowell as a Summer Music Series to organize and present this collaboration brought her class to Lowell to look at urban Some 30 years ago the City had over 5 As part of Preservation Week in 2010, the new component on their jam-packed 2M People about the economic, physical, and social renewal over time and the ways that cities million square feet of vacant mills. With the Park hosted the collaborative exhibit, Lowell National Historical Park has orientation agenda. development of small- to mid-sized cities. address planning, design, economic, recent opening of the Appleton Mill, the “Historic Preservation: Then & Now” with A Rockin’ National Park developed vast and innovative programs for Lowell Folk Festival National Park Service Director Jonathan preservation and social issues. rehabilitation rate for historic mills in Historic New England at the Boott Mill As a commitment to community revital- youth to connect to the outdoors and Eleven UMass Lowell professors Jarvis and White House Office of Urban Lowell is over 80%. This phenomenal Gallery. The exhibit presented Lowell’s ization, the Park in partnership with the explore aspects of American history. Over 80 incorporated the Tsongas Industrial History 2,303 Volunteers Affairs Director Adolfo Carrion shared their success has been accomplished through decline and various urban plan proposals for Lowell Festival Foundation has developed youth were employed by the park and its Center and Park into their syllabi for a new perspectives. In addition to Lowell, speakers good urban planning, financial support recovery. During this time, the demolition of the Lowell Summer Music Series that has partners this past summer. During a visit to “Lowell as Text” course and for the Honors Contributed from Ann Arbor, Michigan; Asheville, through the National Park Service and State significant buildings spawned the historic become one of the best venues for popular Lowell this year, NPS Deputy Director Seminar course, which also used a “city as $50M Invested North Carolina; Belfast, Northern Ireland; Historic Tax Credit programs, and developers preservation movement in Lowell. music in New England. Mickey Fearn observed the Park’s pathways text” theme incorporating the Boott Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and Portland, who have made investments of over $400M. for youth engagement and heard from many Museum, Mill Girls and Immigrants Exhibit, Canalway & Riverwalk 95,410 Hours! Oregon offered pioneering efforts from Given its preservation success, it is not In April, Senator John Kerry and students who discussed their participation Tsongas Center work- shops, and the their communities. Congratulations to surprising that the City and National Park Representative Niki Tsongas announced a Concord River Greenway with Tsongas Thank you to all for the energy Congresswoman Tsongas, UMass Lowell, were recognized as the 2010 Paul E. Tsongas $5 million U.S. Dept. of Energy grant to The waterways Center and Park staff. and enthusiasm you inject, and all the partners. Profiles in Preservation Honorees by the City of Lowell for the Carbon-Neutral along Lowell’s and the links you provide with canals and rivers Preservation Massachusetts. Lowell Park and Preservation District now have forty new the local community! initiative. It will provide a model for pairing exhibit panels that 80% historic preservation standards with energy tell the story of conservation. Lowell’s growth Historic Mills Restored and development.

Congresswoman Tsongas, National Park Service $413M Invested Director Jonathan Jarvis, and speaker Gil Kelley of Portland, OR at the conference. Heritage Legacies Lowell National Historical Park