ANN NOLAN REESE Penn Alumni President

Congratulations, seniors! It is with tremendous Red and Blue pride that I write to you from my home in Rye, New York, to applaud your success in earning a degree from the University of Pennsylvania. It has been 47 years since my own graduation, and much more recently that I watched two of my children complete their time at Penn. You have already accomplished so much— and many of you are honored here as Student Leadership Award recipients—Hurrah! Hurrah!

As individuals, you have brought something uniquely “you” to Penn. But as a group, you share qualities like compassion, conviction, and confidence. I’m excited for you all over again, thinking about the endless possibilities that lay ahead. Penn launched me on an exciting journey from Economics major to Fortune 500 companies and eventually to adoption advocacy. I have no doubt that your own journey will be equally rewarding!

I am not alone in experiencing a range of emotions for all of you, including heartbreak over the many sacrifices you have made to stay safe where you live and on campus. I’d like to pause for a moment to recognize that. The good news is—you will be back. Before COVID-19, I returned to Locust Walk more than I could have ever imagined when I graduated. In time, we will all be reunited.

So, here is the silver lining with a little bit of perspective—gratitude. I am grateful in this moment to be a part of a community that is as vibrant and hopeful as each of you. I am grateful for the technology that allows us to stay connected. Finally, I am grateful for all that you have already contributed to Penn, by bringing us the best version of yourself.

Let us celebrate your achievements, small and large. Good luck on the next chapter.

Best wishes, Ann Reese, CW’74 STUDENT LEADERSHIP AWARDS CLASS OF 2021 Penn Alumni would like to congratulate all award recipients from the Class of 2021. The Student Leadership Award Book highlights a selection of the Class of 2021’s award recipients. The awardee profiles feature a selection of quotes, personal narratives, or a spotlight on the awardee’s Penn accomplishments.


MERCEDES OWENS...... 1 KAREN HERRERA...... 17 Althea K. Hottel Shield Award James Howard Weiss Memorial Award

JAMIE JIHEE CHUNG...... 2 CAMILO DURAN...... 18 Asian Alumni Network Student Leadership Award Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Alumni Association Student Leadership Award EMILY ROSE GRAVES...... 3 Association of Alumnae Continuing Education Award SANAEA BHAGWAGAR...... 19 Penn Alumni Student Award of Merit UCHECHI GRACE NWOGWUGWU...... 4 Association of Alumnae Fathers’ Trophy Award SOFIA GONZALEZ...... 20 Penn Alumni Student Award of Merit SYDNEY BELL...... 5 Association of Alumnae Robert J. Alig Award DANIEL GORDON...... 21 Penn Alumni Student Award of Merit PAIGE ORNER...... 6 Association of Alumnae Robert J. Alig Award ANDREW LAM...... 22 Penn Alumni Student Award of Merit FRANCES MARIE PAULINO...... 7 Association of Latino Alumni Student Leadership Award JENNIFER RICHARDS...... 23 Penn Alumni Student Award of Merit CONNOR HUGHES BEARD...... 8 Association of Native Alumni Student Leadership Award EMILY SOLOMON...... 24 Penn Alumni Student Award of Merit JORDAN KING...... 9 Black Alumni Society Student Leadership Award ANA ACEVEDO...... 25 Penn First Plus Alumni Student Leadership Award JUDE DARTEY...... 10 Bowl Award MICHIYAH COLLINS...... 26 R. Jean Brownlee Skimmer Hat Award MOKSH JAWA...... 11 Cane Award DALLAS TAYLOR...... 27 Sol Feinstone Undergraduate Award ANDREW DOUGLAS...... 12 Class of 1915 Award CAMILO DURAN...... 28 Spade Award CARSON ECKHARD...... 13 David R. Goddard Loving Cup Award ANTHONY SCARPONE-LAMBERT...... 29 Spoon Award ELIZABETH YOUSHAEI ...... 14 Gaylord P. Harnwell Flag Award JASON WEIJUN XIAN...... 30 The Trustees’ Council of Penn Women LORAN GRISHOW-SCHADE...... 15 Michele Huber and Bryan D. Giles Award James Brister Society Graduate Student Leadership Award SAKSHI SEHGAL...... 31 GRACE LEE...... 16 The Trustees’ Council of Penn Women James Brister Society Student Leadership Award Student Leadership Award ALTHEA K. HOTTEL SHIELD AWARD

MERCEDES OWENS Althea K. Hottel Shield Award

This award is named for Penn’s first Dean of Women, educational pioneer Althea K. Hottel. Represented by the Shield, this award honors intellectual competence, commitment to ideals, and loyalty to the University. This year’s recipient almost needs no introduction. Mercedes Owens’ activities and honors have touched every aspect of the student experience. As President of the Undergraduate Assembly, Mercedes focused on uplifting often unheard student voices and partnered with University administration to implement student-petitioned initiatives such a grocery delivery service for those with food insecurities and the implementation of a social life inclusion fund to support programming for historically marginalized groups. University staff will note they cannot recall another UA President who has moved the needle on more projects than Mercedes.


J A M I E J I H E E CHUNG Asian Alumni Network Student Leadership Award

Jamie has been involved with the Asian Pacific American Nursing Student Association (APANSA) during all of her undergraduate years at Penn, gaining leadership skills and contributing to a healthy, collaborative environment for nursing and non-nursing students alike. As Freshman Liaison starting in 2018, she consistently asked for feedback from peers in her class and relayed this information to the APANSA board, giving a voice to first-generation and low- income (FGLI) students who were new to Penn. She continued her involvement into her sophomore year as the APANSA Programming Chair, extending the group’s connections into the greater Penn community by hosting events alongside the Asian Pacific Student Coalition (APSC). Dalmacio Dennis Flores, PhD ACRN Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing Peter Van Do, Director, PAACH


E M I LY R O S E GR AVES Association of Alumnae Continuing Education Award

Originally from the San Francisco Bay area, Emily Rose has lived in the region for nine years. She transferred to Penn in January 2019 after studying at various community colleges in California and Pennsylvania. While at Penn she had the opportunity to work part-time in the Wharton Undergraduate Advising office, and to participate in Washington Model OAS. Balancing school with work and parenting responsibilities was a formidable but rewarding challenge. Emily Rose is a single mother to a beautiful 8-year- old daughter, operates a small photography business, and is also a professional musician. After two demanding yet inspiring years, she is graduating with a degree in Political Science with a concentration in Political Economy. As her time at Penn is coming to an end, she is looking forward to applying everything she has learned to cultivate a fulfilling career.


UCHECHI GRACE NWOGWUGWU Association of Alumnae Fathers’ Trophy Award

Uche Nwogwugwu graduates with a major in Health and Societies and a minor in Chemistry. As a student-athlete at Penn, she has grown in so many ways by being surrounded by so many incredible, admirable people. A highlight of her Penn experience on the track has to be in the winter of 2018 when the Women’s Team won the Ivy League Championships for the first time in over two decades. “The culmination of the hard work put in by my coaches, my friends, and my teammates to result in that moment at the end of the meet was really something else and I’m incredibly thankful to them all for the support and patience they’ve shown me over the past few years.” Uche is honored to have even been considered for this award and is grateful to the Association of Alumnae for it.


SYDNEY BELL Association of Alumnae Robert J. Alig Award

Sydney Bell is from Wisconsin and is a graduate of Wharton. She studied Management with a specialization in Organizational Effectiveness and a minor in Urban Education. Sydney was involved with Penn Traditions through being a Class Ambassador volunteering at Alumni Weekend since 2018. She became Penn Traditions Chair to the Penn Alumni Board where she served in that role from 2019 - 2021. One of her favorite parts about Penn Traditions is celebrating through events that connect students from all different parts of campus with alumni from all around the world. After graduation from Penn, Sydney will be relocating to Indiana to work for Amazon in Operations and Supply Chain Management.


PAIGE ORNER Association of Alumnae Robert J. Alig Award

Paige joined the Penn Traditions Alumni Engagement Fund (PTAEF) her freshman year as a way to support student and alumni programming. She became co-chair of the committee in 2019, and in this role helped the board adapt to the virtual semesters of 2020 and 2021. She is grateful to have been able to work with the other PTAEF members, the members of the other Penn Traditions committees, and the amazing staff advisors. During her time in PTAEF, Paige has noted the many ways that alumni can continue to be involved with Penn and she is now excited to start her own alumna journey.


FRANCES M A R I E PAULINO Association of Latino Alumni Student Leadership Award

I have had the privilege of supporting and working with Frances in my role as the Associate Director of the Center for Hispanic Excellence: La Casa Latina, I have seen the deep commitment and passion that characterize her leadership. Frances is a student who has stood out because of her thoughtful and supportive leadership. It is these qualities that make Frances an exceptional leader in the Penn community and someone who has positively touched the lives of so many others. As the Chair of the Latinx Coalition, Grupo Quisqueyano, and Vice President of the Nominations and Elections Committee, Frances has been able to gracefully manage a full academic load while advocating for the needs of historically underserved communities. Kareli Lizarraga Associate Director, La Casa Latina


CONNOR H U G H E S BEARD Association of Native Alumni Student Leadership Award

As Penn closed due to the pandemic, Connor asked Natives at Penn (NAP) to continue to meet virtually to check on each other and for support. As NAP continued to meet, NAP alumni were invited to the Zoom calls. Suddenly NAP calls included 20+ folks and students began to feel they were connected and a part of a larger community. This was the spark NAP needed to thrive. NAP grew significantly in 2020 thanks to Connor and his perseverance and creativity leading up to the pandemic. This year Connor was a member of the Sphinx Senior Society, the first Native selected, and was instrumental in selection of another Native student to the Society for the 2021-22 academic year. I’m so proud he is preparing for his departure from Penn by making sure Native students have opportunity in these spaces. Toyce Holmes FGLI Coordinator, Greenfield Intercultural Center


J O R D A N KING Black Alumni Society Student Leadership Award

Jordan is the consummate quiet leader. I could see this in him early on when he joined us as a Robeson Cooper Scholar, and it has remained a steady thread for years later as he is one of the few seniors who still regularly attends Robeson Cooper sessions as an upperclass voice to guide first and second year students. Jordan took the same approach with his peers, always sharing information about events, career opportunities, wellness resources, and academic strategies. His demeanor puts people at ease, even in their most stressful times, and allows them to imagine what success can look like once they regroup and put some of Jordan’s wisdom into action. Brian Peterson Director, MAKUU


J U D E DARTEY Bowl Award

The Bowl Award grew out of a mid and late 19th-century class rivalry at Penn, best known as the “Bowl Fights.” From that skirmish came an honor for a student who most unites the senior class. Throughout his tenure at Penn, Jude has held many roles within the Undergraduate Assembly. From New Student Representative to Equity and Inclusion Committee Director, and most recently, Speaker—Jude has always ensured all voices are represented around the table. He continued to broaden his knowledge and appreciate diverse perspectives through his board membership within Young Life @ Penn and its weekly Skeptics Dinner. As a leader within the FGLI community, he worked closely with Penn University Life administration to reshape the marketing and application process for emergency funding.


M O K S H JAWA Cane Award

The Cane Award recognizes a senior who has made an impactful contribution to the lives of their fellow classmates. From India to Locust Walk, this year’s recipient is a global entrepreneur that sees common problems as opportunities to create. Moksh began his Penn leadership journey from the get-go, serving as Freshman Year Class President. This experience gave him the confidence to take advantage of all the opportunities Penn has to offer. One in particular was co-founding StoreWithPenn—a platform for students to find reliable and low-cost summer storage. Moksh saw his classmates struggle with summer storage and used the simple concept of student connections as a solution for the real-life, common headache many of his peers face.


A N D R E W DOUGLAS Class of 1915 Award

Presented annually since 1931, the Class of 1915 Award is given to the male student-athlete who best exemplifies the spirit and tradition of University of Pennsylvania Athletics. Andrew’s senior squash season was wiped out completely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but his first three years were historic in nature. He is the first player in Penn history to earn first-team All- American honors from the College Squash Association (CSA) three times, and he was a unanimous first-team All-Ivy selection by the Ancient Eight coaches his sophomore and junior years as well as a first-team All-Ivy pick as a freshman. Andrew is a CSA Scholar-Athlete and Academic All- Ivy recipient, as well as a member of the Pi Sigma Alpha honors society.


C A R S O N ECKHARD David R. Goddard Loving Cup Award

The Goddard Loving Cup Award is presented to a senior for their exemplary service and scholastic achievement. Carson has been a leader both inside and outside of the classroom. She is a Senior Research and member of the Editorial Board for the Penn & Slavery Project, working at the intersection of scholarship and activism. This interest expanded to Philadelphia, where Carson served as the Youth Leader for Vote that Jawn, overseeing a team of high school and college students working on getting first- time voters to the polls. She is a founding member and leader of the Terrance Lewis Liberation Foundation, a grassroots Philadelphia-based organization dedicated to overturning wrongful convictions and disproportionate sentences. Carson is a Mellon Mays Fellow, University Scholar, and a 2021 Thouron Award recipient.


ELIZABETH YOUSHAEI Gaylord P. Harnwell Flag Award

Established in honor of President Gaylord P. Harnwell, this award recognizes a graduating senior for their selfless service to the University. While she jokes she should receive a second degree from Penn in extracurricular activities, we’d have to agree. Elizabeth’s involvements span a wide array of interests including Chair of Hillel New Student Orientation and Risk & Wellness Manager for Sigma Delta Tau’s sorority. As Senior Class President, Elizabeth learned to persevere under the pressure of 2,500 students’ interests and needs. She took her love of singing in the shower to joining Shabbatones Acapella, where she’s served as Marketing Manager, Social Chair, Tour Manager, and most recently, President. She credits performing arts with teaching her to laugh and embrace the ups and downs of life.


LORAN GRISHOW- SCHADE James Brister Society Graduate Student Leadership Award

Loran has worked tirelessly to ensure their fellow graduate students at SP2 and the Law School are heard and well represented. They were elected Vice President of SP2’s student government and a representative to the Law School’s student government, where they continually champion support for underserved populations, not just LGBTQ+ communities…They were also tapped to represent graduate student voices on the Campus Iconography Group, providing key feedback as Penn examines the impact of its current art and looks to better represent its current student body. Their intersectional lens in action is rare and noteworthy. Dr. Erin Cross Director, LGBT Center


GRACE LEE James Brister Society Student Leadership Award

Grace is a person of action beyond words. Her interests are well-rounded, and her mind is open. She consistently shows up to general body meetings for a number of student groups, regardless of whether she is a member or not, to widen her perspective. She has the rare ability to balance her energies on education and community service... She is one of the few students whom I will never forget. When she dedicates herself to do something, she not only achieves what she must for that responsibility, but she also thinks about every step along the way that can be made better. Peter Van Do Director, PAACH


K A R E N HERRERA James Howard Weiss Memorial Award

Karen has taken an active role in supporting marginalized communities at Wharton with her executive board membership in FGLI Fridays and Wharton Equity Diversity and Inclusion Group (WEDIG). Outside of Wharton, she has also made strides to make a positive contribution to the Penn community. Karen served as the Chair Internal of the Student Committee on Undergraduate Education (SCUE) and advocated on behalf of students through her project leadership, contributions to the White Paper publication, and her contributions to the Center for Teaching and Learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Karen brings her whole heart, personal experience, reflective leadership to everything she has accomplished at Penn. She embodies the true nature of a student who discovers themselves, their leadership, and their impact during their time as an undergraduate.

Aman Goyal Associate Director of Student Life The Wharton School | Undergraduate Division


C A M I L O DURAN Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Alumni Association Student Leadership Award

As the director of the Greenfield Intercultural Center (GIC)... I have the immense pleasure of working with Cam. Through his three- year term on the Undergraduate- Assembly (UA) and as chair for two years of FGLIQ, Cam has contributed to building a strong community of students who have supported each other through some difficult times. As a transgender person, Cam has been gracious with sharing his experience to help others understand and advocate for the needs of other students. The lobby to make chest bindings more accessible for trans, non-binary, and gender nonconforming students. As a highly aided, first generation college student, he has worked with administration to strengthen access to financial assistance for medical and prescription costs.... because of Cam’s leadership we have learned a great deal about the needs of students whose Penn experience has been acutely shaped by the intersectionality of their identities. Valerie De Cruz Director, Greenfield Intercultural Center


SANAEA BHAGWAGAR Penn Alumni Student Award of Merit

The Student Award of Merit is presented to graduating students who have provided outstanding service to the University, which, in combination with other activities and endeavors, strengthens and enhances the University.

Sanaea Bhagwagar contributed to the University in three main ways: through college-specific initiatives, advising advocacy, and community work. On the College Dean’s Advisory Board, Sanaea is known as a curious and humorous person who is disarmingly and genuinely humble, despite her considerable accomplishments and abilities. Sanaea takes challenges in stride and has great resilience and is truly interested in others’ well-being, while always somehow maintaining an alert and discerning attitude in her interactions with people through her work as Chair of the Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships Advisory Board.


S O F I A GONZALEZ Penn Alumni Student Award of Merit

Sofia reflected that on countless college tours, she noticed a striking pattern: only one of the ambassadors she encountered was a female engineer, and none of them were Latinx. While the nation was reckoning with racism, Sofia was leading critical discussions about how Kite & Key could improve in areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion to mirror the Penn student body. Sofia is now graduating, confident that she took measurable strides toward breaking the cycle of underrepresentation at America’s first University. Sofia’s work leaves a lasting legacy at Penn and beyond.


D A N I E L GORDON Penn Alumni Student Award of Merit

Daniel Gordon’s leadership and commitment created a new Penn tradition, U-Night, that excited fellow students and helped achieve the goal of increasing the sense of class community. This is among the most impressive examples of student leadership at Penn. Daniel co-founded Gryphon Senior Society for the College of Arts and Sciences, amplifying the voices of 40 diverse student-leaders to advocate impactful ways to enhance the College experience. During his time at Penn, Daniel identified opportunities to build community, and then worked to create spaces for Penn students to engage and connect. Daniel has left a legacy of new traditions, tangible policy changes, and welcoming communities for future Penn students.


A N D R E W LAM Penn Alumni Student Award of Merit

Andrew Lam has a reputation as a caring and compassionate leader who always takes time for other crew members on the Response Team (MERT). During his senior year, Andrew served as Chief for MERT and dedicated so much of his time to training and mentoring the next generation of MERT members. Andrew also serves as the Director of Alzheimer’s Buddies, which pairs student volunteers with people with dementia, an incredibly meaningful endeavor to Andrew because of his childhood experience watching his grandfather battle Parkinson’s Disease. Andrew’s passion for and commitment to his work ensures that members of the Penn and Philadelphia communities may live safer and healthier lives.


JENNIFER RICHARDS Penn Alumni Student Award of Merit

Jennifer Richards found her passion for advocacy at Penn. From Penn Wellness to Peer Advising to her work on the Undergraduate Assembly, in addition to her leadership as Captain of the Tennis team, Jennifer championed physical and mental wellness. Jennifer’s work in a Philadelphia jail brought her voice of advocacy to those who really needed it. The depth and breadth of Jennifer’s accomplishments as a young scholar, athlete, and activist, and her passion for uplifting others is truly unique. Jennifer is a highly committed, intelligent, and creative student and a valued member of the Penn community.


E M I LY SOLOMON Penn Alumni Student Award of Merit

Emily Solomon embraced the Penn Traditions program as soon as she arrived on campus. Serving as a co-chair for the Class Ambassadors committee, Emily volunteered with the Class of 1969’s 50th Reunion during Alumni Weekend 2019 and through that experience truly realized the power of philanthropy. Emily was overwhelmed with gratitude, realizing what a tangible impact that alumni giving had on her Penn experience. Philanthropy became Emily’s passion and she served as Chair for the Seniors for The Penn Fund during her senior year. Emily has been relentlessly optimistic in a year where many would have given up. Emily’s strengths lie in her ability to make connections and build relationships.


ANA ACEVEDO Penn First Plus Alumni Student Leadership Award

I was first introduced to Ana in an email proposing Q-INE, an LGBTQ+ arts and literature magazine for Penn’s students, staff, and faculty. Although Ana was studying abroad, her passion was evident. I could tell immediately she was determined to see her idea come to fruition as this was the first time any student studying outside the country proposed a new project in my 20+ years at Penn. Inspired by La Vida, Penn’s Latinx interest magazine, Ana saw a void and wanted to fill it. From idea to reality was a blur, but one filled with precision and determination ending in first an online publication in the spring 2020, then a full color printed version in fall 2020... Her creation gave LGBTQ+ community members an expressive outlet contributors did not know they needed, including many anonymous authors and artists who are not out or authors and artists who did not have a platform for their work before Q-INE. Ana have left her mark at Penn via Q-INE and the entire campus is better for it. Dr. Erin Cross Director, LGBT Center


M I C H I YA H COLLINS R. Jean Brownlee Skimmer Hat Award

Named for Dean R. Jean Brownlee’s enduring legacy of unifying the Penn community. Michiyah truly embodies the spirit of this award. As a Founder and President of the First-Generation, Low-Income Dean’s Advisory Board, Michiyah organized and advocated for the academic and social challenges of her FGLI peers. She honed her leadership skills through student performing arts, dancing with West Philly Swingers and helped create institutional change within the Penn Glee Club. Within the Glee Club, she served as a Technical Member, Deputy Business Manager, Spring Show Producer, and Co-Chair of the Diversity and Inclusion committee. A published scholar, Michiyah is the recipient of the College’s Alumni Society Research Grant, works as a Research Assistant in the Biology Department and serves as a mentor for Ase Academy.


D A L L A S TAYLOR Sol Feinstone Undergraduate Award

Put simply, the Penn & Slavery Project’s augmented reality smartphone app would not have been possible without Dallas’ leadership. He served officially as the project manager, but Dallas’ true contributions went well beyond that description. Dallas not only organized our group, prepared materials for our meetings with the Provost and others, but he contributed research and community outreach conducted throughout Black communities in Philadelphia. Dallas served as a guiding voice and internal heart of the project. Yet Dallas’ most formative contributions were felt in guiding and centering the group’s commitment to the history of Black people in Philadelphia, and to honoring the past, present, and future of underrepresented voices at Penn and in Philadelphia more broadly. Alexis Broderick Penn & Slavery Project Public History Fellow


C A M I L O DURAN Spade Award

The Spade Award recognizes a graduating senior who had demonstrated leadership both academically and co-curricular opportunities. Camilo “Cam” is a leader who has dedicated his Penn career to public service and creating equitable spaces within the community. As a member of the Penn First Plus Student Advisory Board, CAPS Advisory Board, and as Co-chair of FGLIQ, he has been a fierce advocate for first-generation, low-income and LGBTQ+ students. Through these experiences and his multiple roles within the Undergraduate Assembly, Cam utilized his platform to highlight and address concerns of both, often underrepresented, communities. With a passion for meaningful research and public policy, Cam, a Truman Scholar, credits his experience as a Wharton Public Policy Research Scholar and Civic Scholar with nurturing his knowledge of the field.



The Spoon Award recognizes a graduating student’s achievements and contributions to the class. Anthony Scarpone- Lambert embodies this spirit, having spent his time at Penn positively impacting our campus and city. A few highlights include serving as the choreographer for Strictly Funk Dance Company, tour guide for Kite and Key; Residential Advisor in Lauder College House, and holding the Executive Vice President role for the Senior Class Board. With all these involvements and ingenuity, he still found time to excel in the classroom and balance a full nursing clinical schedule. Anthony has also been awarded the Dean’s Award, the highest accolade given to nursing students, and a recipient of the President’s Innovation Prize for his start-up, Lumify Care, which is already transforming patient care through its uNite Light.


J A S O N W E I J U N XIAN The Trustees’ Council of Penn Women Michele Huber and Bryan D. Giles Award

This award honors an outstanding Penn senior student in the Jerome Fisher Program in Management and Technology who demonstrates academic excellence, leadership, service, and love of mankind. The faculty of the Management and Technology Program work closely with TCPW to select the award recipient. Jason is a senior in the Jerome Fisher Program in Management and Technology, pursuing a B.S.E. in Electrical Engineering with a concentration in Data Science, along with a B.S. in Economics with concentrations in Entrepreneurial Management and Quantitative Finance. Jason runs Penn’s annual Science Olympiad tournament, one of the nation’s largest high school science tournaments. He also serves on the board of the Wharton Undergraduate FinTech group, and the M&T Student Board. An avid table tennis player, Jason has played on Penn’s NCTTA table tennis team. Following his graduation in 2021, Jason will be a Program Manager at Microsoft.


SAKSHI SEHGAL The Trustees’ Council of Penn Women Student Leadership Award

TCPW presents the Student Leadership Award to honor an outstanding Penn Junior or Senior woman who has combined high academic achievements with a demonstrated commitment to the University through her involvement and leadership. Sakshi is a proud first-generation low- income (FGLI) student pursuing a BA and MA in philosophy and minoring in chemistry. She is particularly passionate about issues related to mental health, advocacy for low-income individuals, and equitable access to care. She has helped lead Penn First, Penn Undergraduate Health Council, and Global Women Empowerment at Penn. A Gates and Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Scholar, Sakshi has also engaged in volunteering and advocacy work in her hometown of Atlanta. Sakshi is committed to addressing needs related to mental and public health and access to care for low- income and marginalized communities, now and in the future. She plans to translate this commitment to improving care for underserved populations by pursuing a joint MD/MPH.