Navy League of Australia, and "The Mnrchant Navy," PERSONALITIES Journal of Tha Mnrchant Service Guild Commander John Lnngston Bath, R.A.N
CONTENTS "'NAVY Vol. 14 June, I960. No. 6. ESTABLISHED IS6S EDITORIAL DAYTYS LION DAVEY'S FLOUR . Australia's Maritime Page Letters to the Editors 5 • jMiraal Published Monthly Editoriel 10 Established in Australia for over ARTICLES 80 years. British Tremp A Model Ship by John Clark 12 • S. H. GILL, U.S. Survey Seerches for Sardines 14 When "Coffin Face" Came tjt Melbourne by Sidney Jemes 16 Associate Editor: Our Recent Navel Visitor's Distinguished Cereer It Captain Suppliers to the R.A.N, and the R.N. The Loss of the "Truculent" 36 BRAND W. G. LAWRENCE. M.B.E. • Gravity System in Eastern M fiTIrrenee'n 31 TELEGRAPHIC AND CABLE ADDRESS Managing Editor: LIONFLOUR. • SYDNEY "In Fog. Mist, Falling Snow' JfltTCJ •' 39 BARRY E. KEEN. • * C PERSONALITIES Commander John McLauchlarT. Adams, O.B.E.. RA.N. 20 EDWIN DAVEY & SONS PTY. LTD. Incarporatlag tha "Navy League Jour- nal," Official Organ of the Navy League The Director of Studies, R.A.N. College 22 ALLEN STREET, PYRMONT of Australia, and "Tbe Merchant Navy," Journal of the Merchant Service Guild OVERSEAS NEWS. 'Phone: MW 2531 (3 lines) of Australasia. % News of World's Nevies 26 Circelatfag through the Royal Austra- Maritime Newt of the World 24 lian and New Zealand Navies, tfie Met- chant Service and to the general public. SPECIAL FEATURES Published by The Navy League, Royal Seas, Ships and Sailors by Norton 31 LESLIE'S Exchange Building, 54e Pitt Street, Syd- ney, N.S.W. Telephone: BU 5B0*. Neuticel Question Box 32 Complete Home Furnishers NAVAL OCCASIONS Subscription Rate: What the Navy Is Doing at Sea and Ashore 305 PITT STREET, SYDNEY 12 issues post free in the British Empire, (next door to Esquire Theatre) • 2/4; foreign, 16/-.
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