abbi Yaakov Yehuda Hecht (known to many as “Yankel” or “JJ”) was a man of many colors. He was lively and vivacious; many fondly recall Rhis fiery speeches and entertaining style. He was dependable and a natural leader; he carried the weight of many institutions and responsibilities. And he was also genuinely kind and gracious. The many people whom he helped attest to his boundless care for his fellow Jew, and his constant readiness to help anyone in a tough situation.

But beyond all this, there is one characteristic that those who knew Rabbi Hecht remember most about his persona and very fulfilling life. It is his service, his dedication and his love for the Rebbe, which knew no bounds.

Always at the forefront of the Rebbe’s activities, Rabbi Hecht served in many different roles, often all at the same time, and he merited to receive a vast range of directives and special kiruvim from the Rebbe.

In the next few pages, we will attempt to portray just a sample of the fascinating relationship. A Staunch soldier Rabbi Yaakov Yehuda Hecht

TEVES 5778 46 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER לזכות הרה"ת ר' יצחק ישראל וזוגתו מרת רחל בריינא בניהם ובנותיהם מנחם מענדל, שרה רבקה, חנה פרימט ריקל, יהושע דוד שיחיו מאגאלניק KOS SHEL BRACHA, MOTZAEI PESACH 5739. YOSSI MELAMED VIA JEM 126183

TEVES 5778 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER 47 The work of Mesibos Shabbos in those years was of immense importance. In those early days before the launch of mivtzoim, etc., this was the main vehicle of hafatzas hayahadus in America. Although its impact may not have seemed so global at the time, the Rebbe felt otherwise. During a farbrengen in those early years, the Rebbe said, “My father-in-law, the Rebbe, is starting with Mesibos Shabbos, and with that he will take over the world!” In the merit of his work, Yankel received special kiruvim from the Frierdiker Rebbe and the Rebbe, and

HECHT FAMILY HECHT FAMILY HECHT he merited to enter into yechidus with REB YEHOSHUA HECHT, PATRIARCH OF THE HECHT A YOUNG JJ HECHT. the Frierdiker Rebbe on a number of FAMILY. occasions. Oasis in America transferred to Tomchei Temimim and One of his earliest experiences was dedicated his heart and soul to the Yaakov Yehuda Hecht was on Rosh Hashanah 5702, a few short Frierdiker Rebbe. in the Brownsville months after the Rebbe arrived in the תרפ“ד born in US. On Yom Tov afternoon, Yankel neighborhood of . Someone’s Watching Being an observant Jew in the gathered a few Jewish children in Immediately after his arrival, United States was not easy nor the courtyard of 770, davened with the Frierdiker Rebbe declared common in those days, but in the them, told them stories, and gave out that “America iz nit andersh, is no home of Reb Yehoshua and Sara candies. (This was before the Rebbe different,” and began plans to rebuild Hecht, Yiddishkeit was a way of life. began the Mesibos Shabbos program.) Yiddishkeit in America. When the Young Yankel and his five brothers All the while, the Rebbe quietly stood Rebbe arrived just over a year later, were brought up as proud Jews, on the porch and observed him. Little the Frierdiker Rebbe tasked him with and received an authentic Yiddishe did Yankel know that the Frierdiker leading Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch, chinuch from their father, a prominent Rebbe, too, sat near the window and Machne Yisroel, and Kehos. activist in the Jewish community. watched his little “event” take place. One of the earliest programs of After attending Chaim Berlin After it was over, the Rebbe called Merkos was the Mesibos Shabbos elementary school, the Hecht boys Yankel and told him to come with gatherings, where Jewish children enrolled in Yeshiva Torah Vodaas. him. He led him up the stairs to the would gather on Shabbos afternoon At that time, Reb Yisroel Jacobson, second floor of 770, and ushered him to say brachos and pesukim and to who was a prominent Chossid, lived into the Frierdiker Rebbe’s yechidus strengthen their Yiddishkeit together. in , where his home served room. As a young bochur, Yankel as a stronghold for Chabad activities The Frierdiker Rebbe sat at the volunteered for the Mesibos Shabbos in the United States. The oldest Hecht table wearing his shtreimel, reciting programs and dedicated himself to brother, Shlomo Zalman, began Tehillim from a sefer before him. the education of the many Jewish learning Chassidus with Reb Yisroel, “As we walked in,” Rabbi Hecht children he encountered. His talent in and Yankel and his younger brothers later related, “the Frierdiker Rebbe connecting with the youth stood him followed in his footsteps. When looked up and gave me a bracha. I well, and over the years he impacted Yankel was sixteen years old, the was so startled and so overcome with countless children and strengthened Frierdiker Rebbe arrived in America emotion that my entire body shook their Yiddishkeit. After a short period and established Tomchei and I couldn’t make out a single word.” of time, he was put in charge of the Temimim. This was a turning point Another special kiruv he received entire operation. for him. Not long afterwards, he in those years was from the Rebbe:

TEVES 5778 48 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER YANKEL GATHERED A FEW JEWISH CHILDREN IN Due to the Frierdiker Rebbe’s frail health, his farbrengens and tefilloswere THE COURTYARD OF 770, DAVENED WITH THEM, held on the second floor, and only a TOLD THEM STORIES, AND GAVE OUT CANDIES. select group of people were allowed to participate. One year before hakafos, ALL THE WHILE, THE REBBE QUIETLY STOOD ON the Rebbe called Yankel, ushered him THE PORCH AND OBSERVED HIM. into a side room on the second floor, and a few minutes later brought him inside the room where the hakafos were being held. “For me,” Rabbi Hecht would relate Hidden Miracles years later, “the most special moment Rabbi Hecht once related a personal story of salvation that occurred to was when, after hakafos concluded, the him as a young bochur: Rebbe thanked me for being lebedik. During World War II, all divinity students, including yeshiva bochurim, I understood that I had brought the were initially exempt from the military draft. However, at some point they Frierdiker Rebbe a lot of nachas.” decided that yeshiva bochurim should be drafted, and they decided that I would be the first one who would prove that yeshiva bochurim would do Release Time just fine. In 5702, the Frierdiker Rebbe My father hired a lawyer who traveled to Washington and fought began another campaign to save the the case, but ultimately we failed; they refused to exempt me, and I was Jewish children being educated (r”l) summoned for the physical examination prior to being drafted. in the public school system. Under Before going, I went into yechidus to ask the Frierdiker Rebbe for a the auspices of Yeshivas Tomchei bracha. I gave a tzetl to the Frierdiker Rebbe, and he looked up and said, Temimim, a daily after-school “Der Aibershter zol helfen, may Hashem help you that your salvation will Torah was launched, and scores of come in a natural form, but if it needs to be l’maalah miderech hateva, Jewish children would arrive each above nature, then let it be so.” With that, the yechidus concluded. day after school to learn about Torah, I arrived at the examination office, and they sent me from doctor to mitzvos, and Yiddishkeit. Within some doctor, each checking me from top to bottom. The eye doctor, the nose time of working in these schools, doctor, all the doctors gave me an A. I was in perfect health. Each time I Yankel was promoted to principal of received an A, I became more and more worried. the Crown Heights division, and later, I finished all the doctors, and my report was perfect; I realized that I of the entire operation. might very soon be carrying a gun off to war… In 5703, a new program was There was just one more stop. The psychiatrist. started. New York State law allows He began to ask me questions. children to attend one hour of “What do you do?” religious instruction during the school “I’m a yeshiva bochur; I study Torah.” week, and the Frierdiker Rebbe asked “Do you go out with girls?” that this law be utilized to teach “Girls!? I told you, I’m a yeshiva bochur!” Yiddishkeit.1 Every week, bochurim “Do you go to the movies?” and girls would take children out “Movies!? It’s avoda zara, how could I ever do such a thing?” of school on Wednesday afternoon He went on and on, until he concluded, “You’re nuts!” and learn Torah with them. Yankel He marked my report with an F4, which meant total failure, and I was began working as a volunteer for the released. Released Time program, and he was My father and I came back for yechidus to say thank you. As we phenomenally successful. entered the room, the Frierdiker Rebbe gave us a broad smile and said: Within a few short years, Released “Ein baal haness makir b’nisso, you don’t understand the miracle that Time had over two thousand children happened to you. You should know what type of miracle that was.” enrolled in their programs, and by And then he said with a niggun, “L’oisei niflaos; gedolos—levado.The the year 5710 there were more than Aibershter does great miracles. But their true greatness, only He knows.” ten thousand children participating! The program, which continues to this


as the rav of a community, as well. He began his post in 5708, when the NCFJE ARCHIVES NCFJE A YOUNG JJ HECHT LEADS A RELEASED TIME CHAPTER. members of a prominent shul in East Flatbush approached him and asked him to serve as their rabbi. day, was a first step for many children; involved in everything concerning this Reb Yankel was quite young at the from there, they enrolled in Jewish day program. Throughout those years, it time, and he was involved over his schools, and made leaps and bounds remained under the Rebbe’s close care, head in Mesibos Shabbos and Shaloh, in their Yiddishkeit. and was run with the Rebbe’s direct where he was able to utilize his talent Over the following years, Yankel involvement. In fact, it was Rabbi in dealing with children; he didn’t feel continued his work as the principal Hecht’s activities in these programs on that the offer was something he should of the Talmud Torah. In Shevat 5705, behalf of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch accept. he married his wife, Chava (Lasker). that largely facilitated the close Others, however (the Rebbe After their wedding, Rabbi Hecht’s connection he had with the Rebbe. In included), encouraged him to take the father Reb Shea was in yechidus the years before the Frierdiker Rebbe’s post. With the guidance and bracha of with the Frierdiker Rebbe, and he histalkus, Rabbi Hecht was in and out the Frierdiker Rebbe, he took the post. mentioned that his son, Reb Yankel, of the Rebbe’s room on a regular basis, Rabbi Pinchas Feldman, the Rebbe’s “toigt zich ois in mein gesheft, he is constantly working, consulting, and shliach to Sydney, Australia, relates successful in my business.” Yankel had reporting to the Rebbe. that when he asked the Rebbe how he helped his father each Friday as well as After a couple of years of heading should conduct himself regarding a during summer vacation, and seeing this vast operation, certain challenges rabbinical post in Sydney, the Rebbe his success, his father wanted him to arose, and at one point Rabbi Hecht said that he should speak to Rabbi continue working for him. was nearing despair. When he wrote Hecht who happened to be visiting The Frierdiker Rebbe replied: “Er this to the Frierdiker Rebbe, the Australia at the time for his son’s toigt zich besser in mein gesheft, he is Frierdiker Rebbe answered him in a wedding; he would be able to give even better in my business.” It was letter that “through your involvement him a “breitkeit and shtel—a proper around that time that Rabbi Hecht was in saving the neshamos of thousands rabbinic confidence” in his rabbanus appointed to be the head of the entire of Jewish boys and girls in Shaloh, you and in general. Released Time operation, which was are fulfilling the purpose for which In the years before the Frierdiker and your neshama came down into the ”,(שיעורי לימוד הדת) called “Shaloh Rebbe’s histalkus, whenever Rabbi run under the title “NCFJE – National world, and it is a great merit for you Hecht needed to deliver an important Committee for Furtherance of Jewish and your family.”2 speech, he would ask the Rebbe for Education.” a novel idea to give over. The Rebbe As the head of Merkos L’inyonei Rabbanus would say, “Nem a pencil, grab a Chinuch, the Rebbe was intimately In addition to all of his responsibilities, Rabbi Hecht served pencil to write it down,” and would

TEVES 5778 50 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER immediately proceed to give him a Rebbe reciprocated. I felt like the When Climbing Torah thought to speak about. Rebbe’s child.” During the later years of his life, “I used to tell the Rebbe that I was the Gate the demographics changed and the his Chossid,” Reb Yankel would say, On Erev Rosh Hashanah population of his shul dwindled. Being “before the Rebbe was Rebbe.” 5717, when Rabbi Hecht came a very well-known and beloved figure In those early years, Rabbi Hecht to the Rebbe to give a pan, he in the wider Jewish community, he would sometimes drive the Rebbe asked the Rebbe what to do received numerous offers to become to the public library to make copies about tashlich: For several years the rabbi of various prestigious shuls of various documents and pictures. he had a program of Tehillim in other locations. But Rabbi Hecht Once, after returning from spending recital for his community on wasn’t one to abandon his shul. As many hours with the Rebbe at the the first afternoon of Rosh per the Rebbe’s clear instructions,3 he library, Rabbi Hecht received a phone Hashanah. Now, taking part remained with the small congregation call from the Rebbe. in the program himself would and tended to all their needs for the “Did you go to mikvah today? Do mean forfeiting the chance rest of his life. you have a gartel?” to join the Rebbe for tashlich. Rabbi Hecht answered in the However, his absence may Deep Roots affirmative. cause the program to become The connection between the Rebbe “So please come over.” a social gathering, instead of and Reb Yankel began immediately When he arrived, the Rebbe told the serious nature of reciting after the Rebbe arrived in the United him that Professor Abraham Joshua Tehillim on Rosh Hashanah. States. Rabbi Hecht would relate that Heschel was writing a book about The Rebbe replied that it is a from the moment the Rebbe stepped the Baal Shem Tov, and he asked the “good idea,” and that he should off the boat, he was captivated by his Frierdiker Rebbe if he could see the remain with his congregation. personality. Baal Shem Tov’s siddur. Regarding tashlich, he should “He made a powerful impression “Normally,” the Rebbe said, “I recite it near a running faucet on us. I would always try to have some wouldn’t have dared touch the Baal in the shul, and during the sort of connection with him, and the Shem Tov’s siddur. But since the Aseres Yemei Teshuva, he [Frierdiker] Rebbe asked me to show it should go to a natural body of water and recite tashlich a second time. Tashlich with the Rebbe that year turned out to be quite monumental. It was pouring rain, and when they arrived at the Botanical Gardens, the gate was closed. The Rebbe climbed over the large gate into the garden, and everyone else, hundreds of younger and older Chassidim alike, followed suit. Later that week when Reb Yankel came to the Rebbe to receive lekach, the Rebbe told him, “When I climbed over the gate, what was I thinking about? That I told you to stay at your shul during tashlich.” HECHT FAMILY HECHT RABBI HECHT DELIVERS A SPEECH IN THE SHUL WHERE HE SERVED AS RAV.

TEVES 5778 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER 51 to Professor Heschel, I wanted to give Answers Once, the situation in one of the you the opportunity as well.” mosdos was so difficult that he sat This connection remained strong The Rebbe flipped through the down and despondently wrote a letter for the next (almost) fifty years, until pages until he reached a certain page, to the Rebbe describing the situation Reb Yankel’s passing. The Rebbe’s and handed the siddur to Rabbi Hecht. and concluding that he had no choice secretaries could attest to the fact that On the page, there were two drops of but to return the keys of the mosad to Reb Yankel would, on average, receive blood. The Rebbe related that these its real owner: the Rebbe himself. more answers from the Rebbe than drops fell from the Baal Shem Tov Very quickly, he received a reply. anyone else. On a normal day, Reb in The Rebbe had crossed a line through ”בכל לבבך“ when saying the words Yankel could pen one or two notes, Krias Shema. the entire letter with such force that sometimes more, with messages or On other occasions, the Rebbe the pencil mark went through the questions for the Rebbe, and he would would “repay” Reb Yankel for his other side of the paper. At the end, receive answers within a short period services by sharing information or the Rebbe wrote something to the of time. anecdotes that he heard firsthand effect of, “I don’t have time to read By nature, Reb Yankel was an from the Frierdiker Rebbe. During nonsense.” upbeat person whose happiness was one drive, the Rebbe shared with On a different occasion, Rabbi contagious. However, there were him that Reb Yitzchak Meir Levin, Hecht submitted a financial report to times when carrying the weight of his the chairman of Agudas Yisroel, had the Rebbe, and the Rebbe commented responsibilities became tough, and been in yechidus, and the Frierdiker that a certain source of money wasn’t he would write to the Rebbe asking Rebbe explained to him why it was perfectly kosher. Receiving the answer, for a bracha to find a way out of the forbidden for a Torah-observant Jew he immediately wrote back that he predicament. to be a sitting member of the Israeli would stop taking any money from Government. 24 ELUL 5737, LEVI FREIDIN VIA JEM 20786 5737, ELUL 24

TEVES 5778 52 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER WITH A BROAD SMILE, THE REBBE CONTINUED, After the founding of Machon Chana for women, an institution “AND I KNOW THAT FOR YOUR HUSBAND, ‘TAKING established in memory of the Rebbe’s IT EASY’ ISN’T IN HIS DICTIONARY.” mother, Rebbetzin Chana, the Rebbe called Reb Yankel in, and asked “a that source, but “Mei’ayin yavo ezri, One of his last answers from the personal request”—to become the from where will my salvation come?” Rebbe was two days before he passed “Zevulun,” the one responsible for the The Rebbe replied, “You away. He had written about something finances of that institution as well. surprisingly write that you don’t know, that was causing him stress, and the The many responsibilities on his what do shoulders took up all his time. At one ,מה לו ולעצבים“ ,but Dovid Hamelech already answered Rebbe replied the question: Ezri mei’im Hashem, you have to do with nerves? Consult point, Rebbetzin Hecht felt that it osei shamayim va’aretz, my salvation with understanding friends. I will was too much for him, and while in is from Hashem, the Maker of heaven mention it at the Ohel.” yechidus, she asked the Rebbe to tell and earth.” Together with the note, him to “take it easy.” the Rebbe included ten one hundred Even Before I Say.... The Rebbe’s answer wasn’t what she dollar bills, and said that “if this is how Over the years, Rabbi Hecht headed had hoped for. The Rebbe said that if much has come from aretz mitachas, a large number of institutions— he knows that someone won’t listen to from this physical world, you can only NCFJE, Camp Emunah for girls, his instructions, he tries not to offer imagine how much will come from Yeshivas for baalei them in the first place. With a broad shamayim mimaal, from Hashem in teshuva, and more. Each institution on smile, the Rebbe continued, “And I the heavens.” its own was a full time job, yet Rabbi know that for your husband, ‘taking it Hecht took full responsibility for them easy’ isn’t in his dictionary.” all.

TEVES 5778 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER 53 Some years later, Rabbi Hecht and the farbrengen, asked him to prepare conducted himself with the utmost his wife went to the Rebbe for dollars, what was needed, and cautioned him reverence, his love for the Rebbe and the Rebbe turned to Rebbetzin not to tell anyone, even the mazkirim.4 would break through. Hecht. “Nu, does your husband listen Many people recall his heartfelt to you?” Open Love brachos that he would bentch the Rebbe Rabbi Zalman Gurary was once in In addition to his dependability, at the conclusion of each children’s yechidus when the Rebbe remarked Rabbi Hecht was well-known at rally (which he led as the head of that his will isn’t easily fulfilled. There times for his audacious style. Even Mesibos Shabbos and Shaloh) to weren’t many Chassidim who were when in front of the Rebbe, where he which all of the children would answer ready to follow the Rebbe’s directives with a resounding amen. His genuine without hesitation. The Rebbe THE REBBE ANSWERED, love for the Rebbe would shine forth, mentioned three Chassidim who do “DER SHLIACH DARF and he would bentch the Rebbe, in listen right away and continued by his words, “from the bottom of my saying, “There is one person who OICH EPES KENEN, heart.” The Rebbe would listen to him fulfills my will even before I ask. That THE MESSENGER MUST intently, often with a broad smile, and is Yankel Hecht.” answer amen as well. Once, when Reb Yankel returned BE CAPABLE TOO…” from fulfilling a certain shlichus, he sent in a report for the Rebbe with his younger brother Shalom, who also had a unique relationship with the Rebbe, “More Important than Eating” and would enter the Rebbe’s room In 5727, Rabbi Hecht traveled to Eretz Yisrael a short time before the on a frequent basis. When he walked outbreak of the Six Day War. At the farbrengen before he left, the Rebbe in, Shalom told the Rebbe, “Yankel gave him a bottle of mashke and told him to farbreng in the Chabad shul asked to give over that the shlichus in Yerushalayim. The Rebbe also warned him to be careful about what he was very successful, obviously through says. “Remember that over there,” the Rebbe said, “kulanu chachamim, the koach hameshalei’ach, the Rebbe’s kulanu nevonim, everyone is ‘smart’ and everyone has an opinion…” p owe r.” When he returned, he went in for a yechidus, with the following The Rebbe answered, “Der shliach background story: darf oich epes kenen, the messenger Reb Yankel’s son Shea had become bar mitzvah during his father’s visit to must be capable too…” Eretz Yisrael, and hadn’t had the opportunity for a bar mitzvah yechidus with The extent of the trust the Rebbe his family as was customary in those years. Reb Yankel’s return wasn’t on a had in him is expressed in the yechidus night, but the Rebbe instructed that they enter for yechidus before following story: Maariv that night, “Uhn a shturem, without making a big deal out of it.” After the Rebbe recovered from the That night, Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hecht and Shea entered for yechidus. heart attack on Shmini Atzeres 5738 The Rebbe spoke with Shea, and then after he left the room, Rabbi Hecht and went home on Rosh Chodesh gave over a report of his trip. The yechidus went on for quite a while, and Kislev, the Rebbe held an unofficial the time for Maariv arrived. That day had been on of the days of bahab,5 seudas hoda’a farbrengen on the and the Rebbe was going to fast until after Maariv, so eventually the afternoon of Zos Chanuka. The Rebbe mazkir opened the door to inform the Rebbe that the time for Maariv had kept the plan a secret (perhaps so as arrived. When he did so, the Rebbe told him, “Dos iz mer vichtig vi essen, not to disturb the workday) until the this is more important than eating.” last minute, and the only one whom As part of the report, Rabbi Hecht told the Rebbe what he had said in he shared it with—so that challah the shul: and some basic necessities could be “Sometimes, people think they are chachamim, that they are smart and prepared—was Rabbi Hecht. knowledgeable, and whenever the Rebbe gives a directive, they sit and At noon that day, the Rebbe called discuss and deliberate about it. Ultimately, however, the Rebbe doesn’t him in and said, “I’m looking for a have enough foot soldiers to fulfill his will in actuality…” baal meretz and a baal sod (someone The Rebbe was very pleased with his words of encouragement and call capable and secretive), and I have to action. found you.” The Rebbe told him about


TEVES 5778 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER 55 Chief Translator Perhaps what Rabbi Hecht is most remembered for is being master of ceremonies for the Tzivos Hashem gatherings and Lag B’omer parades. He is probably the only person who would speak publicly in the Rebbe’s presence on a regular basis. Not only would he speak, he would also translate the Rebbe’s words into English while the Rebbe stood there and listened. These weren’t the only occasions when he would give over the Rebbe’s sichos. In 5732, someone asked the Rebbe if he could broadcast the Rebbe’s farbrengen over WEVD radio in New York City. The Rebbe replied that NCFJE ARCHIVES NCFJE while it was a good idea, the time RABBI HECHT LIVE ON THE AIR. hadn’t yet come. Two months later, Rabbi Hecht brought the same suggestion and the Rebbe agreed that he go ahead with it. The Rebbe’s weekday farbrengens on Yud Shevat, Purim, and other special days were now broadcast on New York radio. Besides running the whole operation and its overhead, Rabbi Hecht would summarize the Rebbe’s sichos during the short intervals when niggunim were sung. The Rebbetzin became one of his avid listeners. After many a farbrengen, the Rebbe would comment to Rabbi NCFJE ARCHIVES NCFJE Hecht about his delivery. Once the FROM THE WLCC CONTROL ROOM, RABBI HECHT TAKES NOTES DURING A FARBRENGEN FOR A BRIEF Rebbe asked him how he was feeling; OVERVIEW HE’D GIVE ON THE RADIO DURING THE NIGGUNIM. “M’hot gehert az m’hot gehust asach, I the Rebbe asked that siyumim be Many Jewish youths began to look heard that you were coughing a lot.” conducted through the fifteenth of for ways to reach the United States. The cost of these broadcasts was Av, the radio siyumim were continued When Rabbi Hecht’s son Shalom Ber prohibitive, and sometimes the Rebbe through the fifteenth, too. visited Iran in the summer of 5738, sent money to Rabbi Hecht to help many youngsters begged him to assist cover the expenses. The Iranian Children them. Shalom Ber contacted a number This wasn’t Rabbi Hecht’s only In 5739, the Jews in Iran realized of Jewish institutions, but they were all presence on the radio. Each week, that they had no future in the country. unwilling to take on the responsibility. his lively voice would fill the New The country was in the throes of a He then contacted his father, who sat York airwaves with words of Torah, revolution, and if it were to succeed— down and wrote a long letter to the and during the nine days leading up as it eventually did—the government Rebbe, detailing the entire situation. to Tisha B’av, he would conduct a would be controlled by Islamic The Rebbe replied with a lengthy siyum on the radio every day. When fundamentalists. answer, and promised Rabbi Hecht


that helping the Iranian children and effort to stopping it. He would In the summer of 5750, Rabbi would be an opening for financial spend hours with youngsters involved Hecht spent the summer in Camp success for all of his mosdos. in cults or non-Jewish relationships, Emunah as usual. On the eve of 15 Rabbi Hecht didn’t waste a convincing them, in his fun and Av, he suddenly passed away at the minute, and began a massive covert engaging style, that they were making young age of 66. His passing came as a operation to spirit hundreds of Iranian a disastrous decision. complete shock. children into the United States. For The Rebbe was inside the Ohel a number of years the children lived Camp Emunah during the levaya, and afterwards, on in Crown Heights and Rabbi Hecht In 5713, Rabbi Hecht established his way out, the Rebbe spent some took personal responsibility for their Camp Emunah for girls as an time next to his graveside. needs. The Rebbe was very involved outgrowth of Released Time; he During the shivah, the Rebbe in this project, and took great interest had realized that thousands of girls instructed that two of his institutions in the wellbeing of the children. The enrolled in Released Time were going be named after him. After asking the full story of the Iranian children and to spend the summer in a non-Jewish Rebbe’s advice, the two mosdos chosen the Rebbe’s involvement is beyond the environment. While there were Jewish were Hadar Hatorah and Camp scope of this article; see Derher Nissan camps for boys, there was nothing for Emunah. Hadar Hatorah was renamed 5773.6 girls, and with the Rebbe’s bracha, he Yeshivas Kol Yaakov Yehuda—Hadar Another field in which Rabbi decided to fill the gap. Hatorah, and Camp Emunah was Hecht was active was fighting cults The camp was built with the renamed name Camp Emunah—Bnos and missionaries who were ensnaring Rebbe’s many brachos, and the Rebbe Yaakov Yehuda. many Jewish youths at the time. As himself visited Camp Emunah on two That Shabbos, in an almost the years passed and the rising tide of occasions. The Rebbe surveyed the unprecedented fashion,7 the intermarriage became better known, entire camp grounds and facilities and Rebbe spoke about him during the he would also dedicate much time spoke to the campers and staff. farbrengen, and did so once more


before his shloshim. The sichos The Rebbe said: he accomplished, and to learn a lesson were later edited by the Rebbe and “His main occupation was the from it...” published.8 The Rebbe requested that avoda of Yaakov Yehuda—to bring the 1. Interestingly, this law came into effect the the edited sicha be given out at the Torah of Yaakov to the Jewish people, very month that the Frierdiker Rebbe arrived shloshim event that took place in 770. and primarily to Jewish children, even in the United States—Adar 5700. The Rebbe spoke about his mesirus those far down in the public schools, 2. Igros Kodesh Admur HaRayatz vol. 10, p. nefesh to spread Yiddishkeit amongst and he did it with the fortitude of 96. Jewish children, and his perseverance Yehuda; he disregarded the law and 3. See Crown Heights, Derher Cheshvan to accomplish what he did. The Rebbe he prevailed and established Released 5777, for more on the Rebbe’s view on shuls in dwindling communities. also explained the hora’a from his Time. 4. For the full description of this farbrengen, name, Yaakov Yehuda. Yaakov, the “In general, he occupied himself see Seudas Hoda’ah, Derher Teves 5775. See Rebbe said, is a name that is a shem with carrying out the will of also Derher Kislev 5777, p. 67. hakolel—a unification of all Yidden— Yaakov [the nossi of our generation, 5. The Monday, Thursday, and Monday after because the neshama of Yaakov Avinu the Frierdiker Rebbe], and he each Yom Tov are called “bahab,” and some was a neshama klalis—a general soul of accomplished it with fortitude—to the people have the custom to fast on those days. The Rebbe privately followed this custom. all Yidden, and Yehuda was the head extent that with hearing only a hint 6. Escape from Iran. of the shevatim. The Rebbe also noted from ‘Yaakov,’ he immediately brought 7. It should be noted that upon the passing that Yaakov Yehuda has the same it to fruition. of Reb Yankel’s brother, Reb Moshe Yitzchok gematriya as rebbi, and connected it “...Being that it is close to his Hecht, the Rebbe likewise spoke about him with his life mission of bringing Torah shloshim, it is an appropriate time for during a following farbrengen. to Jewish children. every person to contemplate about what 8. Sefer Hasichos 5750 vol. 2, p. 666.