■ /' * - ' nUDAT.llATt.lM O i f l o n i i r IRatirlifstrr Cpfatop g ffa tt Average Daily Circulation The Weather 4 For the Meath et April. 1840 “ 1 tbs siss that tha company had In^ Raymond MarCar wOl preaida at rerdSaat or U. S. Weatkar Bmeau Worii Is pmesadlng slowly on the seaiion as chairman of the ; - 4 Rev. Earl E. Btory will have Mra. Frederick R. Manning lla|»8P o f Caiiipnigii in ! Police Chief 46 Years Bombing Plauen Sue-1 met hall for a celebration of the building was Uken over for the Springfield, 111., May 4.—(P) by the Hartford County CouncU, of the reheabMl tonight at 7:30 at WPA toy center. The floors have The Water Company could not teen members of the group are of the People for 88 Veara. n.JWHAi.4«oi —Injuries r e e v e d when ahe • Honored on Retirement 18th blrthdi^r of the court. This VFW, will be held tomorrow night Calvary Temple, Charter Oak get the neceaeary pipe because of First Claes Scoute who will receive 171 Chnrch Street, Hartford. Cobb. nold Indicates Definite. Central Norway Re­ cpssful in Attack Is always one of the high spoU of been scraped and cleaned, walla was run over by her own car ; at 8 o’clock at the VFW club, Man­ Avenue, H artf^. Carlton Booth have been repainted and. the large the demands of the United Btetee 85 of the awarde and the rest will Phone S-28S1. Ige in Marksmanship caused the death last night of i sults in Signs of Active R/>ckford, III., May 4.—(40— W arship o f Q ueen f the year. Clarence Wood Is ar­ chester Green. Proceeds will be will be In charge.. The rehearsal go to nine Second O s m Scouts. ranging for the entertainment and room on the west end of tha build­ Army. The pipe secured was not Mrs. Olcn Deatheroge; 41. She | Auguat E. Bargren tu rn ^ In used to purchaae tobacco and ciga­ Is for the old-faShloned revival. American Pilots. was-thrown to the pavement Rebellion in Chamber* abeth Qass of 30;( it matrons and patrons will be rettes for the Newington hospital Sunday evening, May 12 at the ing la being arranged for tha dis­ j hin Htar today, retiring after 60 charge of the refreahments. Out ^tlenU. The games are public. Busbnell Memorial, play of the toys. when iter car collided with an­ Iain’s Own Conserv­ years on the police force. Ton Ships; First rof town guests are expected. There U to be a public Inspection Washington, May 4.— (AP) other laatxWedneaday. The col­ During the past half century of the center during the week of lision knocked the gear Into re-j Bargren served as chief for 46 Degree Miatreas Mrs. Lottie I The chapel choir of th^ Emanuel — The bombers of Europe’s ative ' Party; Bitter j Aircraft Sent Out A daughter was bom yesterday Lutheran church will rehearse at May 20 when different clubs and ;Baby lX^eek“ verse, causing the wheels to years, surviving 11 city admin­ In Mr. and Mrs, James O’Toole of Cummings baa called a rehearsal organisations will be aarigned warring nations, photograph­ pass over her body. Figlit for Life Is Ex-1 istrations. When be donned Keep After Designate] of Sunset Rebekah degree team at 6:15 o'clock tonight and the senior Lovely, Hsnd Msde Tsimer street, Hartford. The baby choir at 7:30 o’clock. certain hours on dlfferiint days for ic evidence indicated today, uniform there were 15 men on Odd Fellows haU this evening their visits. The program has not |M[*rte(l Next W eek. | Vessel UnUl ^ui ^ la a grandchild cjf. Mr. and Mrs, from 6:30 to 8 o’clock, and again have failed by a wide margin the force add the city had a Qmrlea Packard of Wells street. on Svinday afternoon at 2 o clock. Orln Dee of 88 Brooklyn street, os yet been worked out. to approach the acctiracy of popiilaUon of 26,000. Now there Dresses London, May 4.—(AP)— 1 are 100 policemen and M.OOO Berlin. May 4.— (AP)i The rehearsals are In preparation Rockville, a truck driver, was un- In batiste with dainty embroidery and the\jjnited States Army Air Farm Plans Sliarwood Trueman of the West for the floor work at the meeting Injureq last night when a vehicle Collapse of the British cam- Inhabitants. Germany asserted jubilant tide Dairy has been confined to Five More Homes lace trim. Slxea 1-3 years. Colors: Corps. Maj. Gen. H. H. Ar­ of the lodge Monday evening when ha was driving hit a roadside sign . >aign in central Norway A grateful city will honor today that )ier lx>ml; Ms home this week with an attack Peach, Mue, malxe" and white. nold, Air Corps chief, exhibit­ him tonight at a banquet The a( grip but expects to return to his a class of ten candidates will be at the Intersection of Middle Turn- Drought Prirhe Minister plmnes had sunk one'of InlUated. ptlce east and East Center street. To Be Constructed ed comparative pictures at a M ore V ital B7-yoar-old. chief will set a I work In a few days. Chamberlain’s cabinet its new badge, o f gold and In­ mightiest vessels of the •Dee was not held. He Void the mls- closed session of a Senate Ap­ a defect In his scribed "honorary chief,” and a ish Navy—* 30,000-ton I hap was due to $ propriations Subcommittee, sternest test of the war to­ truck. What ' promlaea to he one of the 1.00 A fter W a r day as members of his oiVn $6,000 trust fund. tleship of the Queen faateet growing areas In Manches­ whose members said they ap- ter la the section to the west of lieared to show a definite edge Conservative party, hungry beth clS88— off Nor list J. ' Falrflejd street with High and Dainty Pique or Dotted Swiss for military successes, show­ west const. The sinking I ton has licensed aboutlOUl 1.11,660 dogs Cooper HUl rireete extended to in marksmanship for Ameri­ Wallace Carries on Cam­ this year, 60 more than last year. ed signs of active rebellion. Skid by the Germsn ' McKee, with Hartford road and can pilots. paign for Continua­ These gaunt ruins of blasted buildings lined a street in Elverum, Norway, after German air raiders Norway Units The number of kennels licensed McKee as the boundaries. It U In Hie photographic evidence, com­ Parliamentary sources indi­ command to hsve taken has decreased. Bonnets peppered the' town with heavy bombs In the early days of Hitler's Norwegian Blitxkretg. This dty is this oectlon that the model home mittee members asserted, gave the tion of ^Liberal Demo­ 75 miles north of Oslo and King Haakon used it au temporary capital for his government until a few cated that unless a aignal suc­ off Nnmsos. the port \ Is to be buUt thia year by the For baby bojra and glrla, In white and blue or white and pink. army a much higher accuracy rat­ hours before the Nazi raids started. (Paramount News-Associated Press Photo.) cess for British antis is Ask Germany which the last British Chamber of Commei^. ing In "precision” bombing—or. cratic Government.’ Today E. J. Holl temtnlMloned aimed hiU—than European avia­ achieved before next Tues­ in central Nonwny re-emt Architect D. 8. Douglea of Hart­ tors have attained by "pattern" Washington, May 4.—(P)—With day, when the House of Com­ Grant Truce ed yesterdsy ford to prepare plans for five one- bombing—or sowing bomb# over a’ declaration that New Deal farm mons begins an inquiry into AutlMrised aourcee aald Thtrt’s no hurt falnlly houaea to be e r e c ts In thla 59t waa Um first'tlma ainca Um \ the Immediate area of a target on programs would be "even more Torsos Start the Norwegian reverse, the eectlon In addition to five that ha is the theory that one may hit the Labor Standards Law ning of the currant war thrt < likt forgotting already building. vital” In the period of readjust­ present government will face Organized Resigtance to man aircraft liad been senT" Dsriing Msdeirs .objective. )ing Credttod to Bomb Sight. ment after the Ehiropean war la Police Hunting A bitter fight for its life. Invagion CoUapscB in with epcclflo orders to keep i over. Secretary Wallace carried on W ill Stand Unchanged / However, an nuthoriteUve deatgnated batUeShip until The apparent American margin Source declared Britain would con­ seat to Um bottom. TO SHEATHE of superiority was generally cred­ today the campaign for continua­ Face of Allied With­ MOTHGITS DAY Sunsuits tion of what F^sldent Roosevelt tinue to fight for Norway "with Ovar-goysg a$. YOUR FEET IN COMFORT WHY PAY RENT In plain colors, Fine poplin ited to the country’s closely- Mad Butcher the greateet vigor." drawal of Forces. Adolf Hitler aad Air Blankets guarded secret bomb sight. calls "llberel democratic govern­ Sunday, May 12 For 886.06 Per Month After with dainty embroidery. In blue or pink with white ment.” Failure to Agree on Pay- OisUace Favers AIHre Hernwnn Wlltariin 'Gabardine iieehiB to be your peren­ Small Dorvn Payment Von Can White, blue, malxe. 1 to 3 General Arnold, It was reported, Powers Mass representad qa over-; yeere. borders. Sixes 27’’x36"; also told the committee that In an address prepared for de­ Hour Measure Amend- ThU source epoke optlmUUcally Stockholm. May 4—(F)—Organ­ nial favorite . . . and when you see Own a 6-Ro€>m Cape Cod. Steam livery to an audience o f Demo­ Officials of Two Stales of the AiUed ohancea In tbe fight ized Noewcglan rerietanoa to the nawa of Udi lateat Heat. Attached Garage. Large American military planes had ceae. Which they wai the season's newer styles, you’ll be proved speedier under actual com- cratic yromtn, who heard the presi­ Mobilize at Pittsburgh, mento Seen Ending for Narvik, far-north Norwegias Oevmaa tavarion eoUapsed today Dot. Good Locallaa.\ dent say yesterday Uiat the coun­ Naval Forces gard as equivalent to bat conditions, more maneuver- ore port, polhtlhg out that the dla* In,the face of an AUlod katreat even more enthusiastic. For a See . . . \ $ 1.00 29 < try would chooee next November Dumping Ground for Efforts During Session. tance of Narvik from tho German o f an A m y . able^ safer and more economical from all but Uie BorthernBioet aeo- (The yaaoels of tlM < grirater choice of styles, come to of fueL With the Improvements between "wide-awake chauffeurs” 3 Mutilated Bodies. air baiea "will undoubtedly prove STUART J. WASLEY tho war has suggested, he expects and "chauffeurs who wr^ked the Wkshingten, May 4.—(AP) 111 Near East to be in our favor." tion of Norway. both Claes rapraaent aa I THE BROWNBILT SHOE STORE. them to be the best in the world. prevloiu bus line," the secretary of It waa also revealed ' by this Ak>M and cncireled. "with only of appraxImaUly I8J Beal Estate and Insonmee —Disgusted over a week- about |ia,000j)00 at tba i State UMiater Bnlldlag Babies*. It was declared. agriculture osaerted: Pittsburgh, May 4.—( « —Grim- source that after the French enough aromunlUcn for o m day," ehanga pravalUng • $3.00 and $3-75 Tel. 8648 • 7148 Any Time. '• t The Senate committee, however, "The world after the 'var can be faced police officials of two ■tates, long parliamentary ^ ^ o.: Auuntion Is Focussed on troops lended at Namaos, now Um Noiwaglaa central oomnwnd mas \ was reported to have prodded the a world of armed truee and eco­ House members said today i . as ii. abandoned by the Alltee, part of aelMd Germany for aa armlaUee, atrucuon between 181SA \ taunted 10 years by n'ramd butch­ (Vieaeli of tte QualB^ In /B erets army to seak full reatoratiem of nomic nationalism and all the dlffi- that tlielr faHure to agree on \ ASMBlem MedUeiranean their Buppllsa and munlUooa w en acknowledging the Nnsie da maa- Alas shoea la Calf­ cotton crepe with two culUea that go with it, or It can be er who has counted bis vtcUms at blown up. Oku*, o f w h i^ u areMTS a ^ n i l skin, Pstemt, Kid, paifs of panties. 1 to 4 in '^pure sephyr. Colors: the $20,000,000 for aircraft whlcir tere of Norway and Mttoriy aoeus- Nelly Dons the Houae cut ffom the 8788,000.- a world of permanent peace end more than a acore, mobilized to­ wage-hour amendment As Strong Allied Fleet Growing reetiveaeBe within tho Ing the AUlee of "iaeomprehenri- imally carry A oomplanMnt Be>ptlla> and (toede. years. White, pl^k, blue, White, blue, navy. New Rtyles, peach. 000 War Department bill when free exchange of goods. T^ day for a manhunt from Pitta- meant that the labor stand­ In Alexandria Harbor. prime minUter’a party waa ovl* ble acUon" tn ratreattag without to 1,114 mtek Tha, tOami Exeallent Sarvico On Have you seen the cool, crispy, it approved that meaaure. course the world follows after tm burgh, dumping ground for three ards law would stand un­ denced last night when Richard K. proper notice to the embattled tha Qusen Ellaabetli, Wi wearabls faMiions that are bright­ war la bound' to depend to e large more miijllated bodieo. Daw. member of Parilantent for Norwegian forces. ValiaaL Mch toteBng See our showing o f— ening our NeUy Don ahop theaa Chairman Thomla (D., Okla.) changed through the election- Alexandria,’ May 4,-^(4>)—TCu- UPHOLSTERING said plans for construction of 27 extent upon the decision of tte petectlves came from Cleveland, strongly oonaervatlve Hull, declar­ Gavanunant flariag tons, and the Bnriiaun * 29 < daysT Dainty, pretty things that American people.” hofiie of the madman’e meander- year campaign. rope's warring powera, sparring ed that the government’s "stUtuda The fugtttve Norwaglaa govern- aaek a t Sl,100 tons.) are just as practical aa they can be.. i-k new bombing planes costing about Tbe feelings of many were re­ TEBM8 J ' $10,000,000 probably would te lgld Sees Greater A djuslmeats Ings, as they did from Youngs­ for a new opening after a brief toward tbe problem must be roaht, which aloM haa authority BrlHek nnlM e to & TO Designed for your busy life at the .Wllilltre predicted that the town, b., and New Castle, Pa., flected In tbe comment of Repre- changed before the country U In to atM for paaca, formally waa n - (la Dondoo. Britm SUIT office, at home or Jtut gaddiiig before the committee Monday aa Joust in Norway, focussed their a result of members’ Inquiries as nodente**''' idJHIIItments farmers ports of Cfll In a tour of death aentatlve Short (R.. Mo.): attention on the eastern Mediter' right of victory." porUd fleeing Into Um moiaitalto cUnad to . comment on about. Plain colon end glorious had made In recent years tn effcHts that led yb^erday to a railroad "Here we spend $600,000, arg\ie Te Oppose OeaSdeaca Vato oua north country where BriUrit claim. Britain has not prints. Stees 12 to 44. to why the army had not sought for seven days and get nowhere in rar.ean today as the ominous Chocolates the luU asaount of appropriations to reduce eurpluses and raise siding near nepe where three sur­ sounds of military preparations Clement DavtSe, Welsh member French and Norwaglaa forms attH loaa o f any capita) aUg' CALL recommended by President Roose­ prlcea and Income would "appear gically-sliced ^headless ,.corpaes the end. The action of the House' echoed from the Sties Canal to ths of Parliament, a Libera) National, are trying to dkdodga n Oannaa air attack alaea Um start T»w nwHiw . / . Y«f tlilWw’* 5844 Frts n* easy velt In hla budget message last insignlflcant compared to ad^ t- were found In th>ee boxcars:'— is Indeftnsible.” , and thua normally a supporter at eonUngent around Narvik, AreUo war.) moHrar , . , sioHwr . . ThS'$800,000 was Short’s esti­ Dardanelles. Light W brsszy'... January. mente that will be necessary after The slaughterer’s trail, twisted Cktncentratlon of a combined the government, announced rimul* ore p ort From Um litgta command vm S* d«ll«MM wlHi • m Ik IIok from the war.” and obscured by perhaps several mate o f tbe outlay fo r salaries and taneouriy that be had met with a There ware unaubatSattatad ra- Mm announcement Uiat '» m tfecUlly bon« ol h»r to The budget originally proposed BriUsh-French battle fleet in this TEXTILE STORE \ Farmers had demonstrated that other expenses of tbe House dur­ group of colleaguea who bad de­ porte that British fleet urite were vanguards north of tke lmrlta.WliltiMii‘1' CkeceUtM. ing com ^ttee and floor considera­ strategic harbor coincided with A. L. Slecomb, Prop. - (OMtlaaed ea Page Five) they could adapt their affairs to (Contiaaed o* Page^Ftve) apparently well-authenticated i cided to oppose any vote of confi­ DOW engaged In n heavy bombard­ port of Narvik tumad Tke ...... 818 Main Street'. cbainglng conditions In the world, tion of tbe wage-hour problem. dence durtiu "tbe biggest criaU ment t i NarvUt It'waa raportad anamy, wifilt Dm ^ a y t • x Chairmaii Norton (D., N. J.) of porta that Italy waa maakng arm­ TM MrMS...... He to tt.H he conUnued, "but they must have ed forces In the Dodeesmese Is­ wa svsr had to fact." alao Uiat Um biMabardmant waa to rik I t^ renwla flH pirtetee...... *D H w the eympattytlc aupport of a the Houae Labor Oonimlttee was The Maneheeter Guardian raised coyar tha laixUag of aoma axpert In Um Ahdalanaa saetar friendly government and an under­ one of the first to say that „ the lands, some 400 miles to the north­ Fashion may come— Made Gtizen; Deserted Car west. Its powerful voice to declare that French Alplna light artlUary ualta TrondlMtoi, daserted by an- / QUINN’ S D ^ b l n - O standing city public If Ihelr adfcom- question of revisions was "out tbe Chamberialn’a "capacity for eelf- who were charM with Um teak pUshments o f the last seven years window" for the session since the Tbe Allied Naval squadron at Roofing & Siding Fashion may go— Alexandria, near the entrance to delualon U a national danger," tn of eliminating nlgh-perehad ma- fCsatkMSi On PHARMACY Husband Dead are to be continued tn 1840 and the Slayings Clue House, after slipping Into an al­ commenting upon the withdrawal ohlae-gua neste built by Um Oar* years to come." most hopeless situation,, ordered the Sues Canal, waa deeciibed Our Spccisitjr B a b y But forA Summertimis the strongest ever assembled tn of troops from Norway. mana on tha blUa around NnrvUt Wallace’s audience was com­ the committee yesterday to study "What makea the taate of the It waaJmttaatad Um AUlas were It’s posed of several thousand women amendments further. the Mediterranean and was aald to now making aa Intenalflad drive to A. A. Dion, Inc. MoAer Granted Rights Mystery- in Finding of be only tbe forerunner of an even attending the National Institute Te Fass Ne Amewdmeate (Uoatlaned Oa Page Bight) gala complete control of Narvik In 81 Wells St. TeL 4880 P a n ts of Government, sponsored by the Ivger force which the'British and tha Interesta of aatebllahlag a Flashes \ Four Months After Her Throat • Slashed Pair With some members confused by French plan to base here to pre­ baas there. Ita te •If 1(F)' a aeries of rapid-fire votes, the serve the stattia quo in this, area. \ Spouse Takes Life. ICeaMaaed ea Page Five) In California Field. chamber finally balloted 2(H) to 176 (U m Fread) war ministry an­ Staa Up Deft nounced that the Allies had aur- to pass BO amendments at this Both Turfcsy and Greece, alert Sees Britain N( Polka \ Dos Angeles, May 4—(F) — A Slockton, Calif., May .4—(41 — time. rounded a tores of between $,000 May to the impllcatlona of theae ma­ and 4,000’germane at Narvik, aad 50« Itan-born mother has her Perplexed San Joaquin county Tbe week-long free-for-aU cen­ neuvers, stepped up their defense Blag v n W ife Is Shot; authoritiss today turned to an Hit by Nazis that' the Germana’ position wai la PUBLIC / serican citixenablp today, four tered around attempts to ,write preparations, while Yugoslavia, desperate.) Dots abandoned automobile In their into law dsfinlU exemptions for long fearful lest tbe war spread to Btha-after her worried, griev­ hunt for a aolutlofi to the mystery WlMIMlMlte UnlUMWVe to grt Setback Party Doctor Held agricultural operations aa a substt- the southeast, showed rigna of Wlicnaboute of Um Brttleh ex- Theae Summer dreasea ing Xhuaband committed sj^lclde slaying of a young man and wom­ tuto tor the present exemptions increasing anxiety. bivasion of TerHtory Is an whose throat-etaahed bodies pediUonary force which aallad by Narwaglaaa (srka NEW LEGION HOME are made of duPont over possibile deportation. covering only "the area cC produc­ It waa not cisar hero whether away from Namaea Thursday waa Plsytcx babies are comfortable, cool, and un­ Rayon and are equally Tbe^usband’a suicide last New were found in a wheat field near tion" as defined by tbe wage-hour the Allied Naval. concentration Predicted by Itnlian Leonsrd S t, Msnehester PoUce Search Home for unlmown. Some credence wee eeuatryaw la adapted for sport and Tear's Day became Imown only af­ administration. waa precipitated by tbe reported Writer Friend of Ciano given by adUtary obaervere to re- hampered in A dr playing. dress wear. ter President Roosevelt algnkl a The automobile, found last Mon­ First, Representatlvs Bkrdsn, Italian operations or whether the pMd capItaL Their Friday Night at 8x15 Clues; Coroner Studies porte that at least part Of the fartbar fightlag bUl thla Vreek to legalise perman­ day in Fresno, KW miles south of (D., N. C.), failed tn an effort to shoe waa on the other foot. troops wan to iM’ landed farUier here. Was the one Ih which Nsthan exempt from tbe maximum 42- Although Rome maintained offi' Bulletin! ' after the AMlea wrUkdrewale ent restdehes In the United States Post Mortem Findings. north and Um Norriegtan Tele­ . • • • 3 Cash Prises for Mna ludelins Vera Buchhols. Chinchiolo, 23, and Dorothy Woof- hour wrork week aad the minimum rial rilence, diplomatic quarters Benw, May ' 4,—<4i) — A graph Agency senmed to bear this let $4.00 2nd.$2.08 Srd $1.00 6OO*Sh^0^ IdCeilGX awuaanassssaAwaaasssw* •••#•••• s28C Mra- Buchhols herself divulged ter, 18, ware riding when last seen SO-oenta-an-hour wage about 2,- gave general credence to reports Oaly "PtrtimiBary SUradak" Spokane, Waab., May 4.— alive Sunady night. Their trussed waraiag that Italy wbaM gght Hartford, May ~ ' 'Refreshments! Adm. 25c. the dssth of Fred W. Buchhols, 46, Dr. R. A. Hahn waited calmly In off any attorentad attack fwai (Oentlnned an Fnga Twelve) JO^AIUI .sasawssawSaaaaassearfaawsswssaswwssssv29C 40C whan leportefa cdme to tell bar bodies, throats cut, were found (OeatlBaoi an Page Five). (CMttaaed on Page' Fear) city Jail today while police and yesterday. Affiad Naval fareea maariag for the fllMag e f n vi &0c Phillips* Bfillc of Ms^nesis# ea«u*ssaaa*wss • • s • a84c of President Rdosevstt's action. ooimty oflldala aearcbed hla home la tka SMUtarranaan waa T t doesn’t ntesn much to ms Chinchlolo’s body, bound with a #8160 #f GOc S3^rup FiffSa••#••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• e40c DRESS_DEPT„ for clues, the coroner studied post belt from the girl’s,,coat and atrlpa eaaaded today la aatkorlto- virtS ka eaagkt by tha now.” she saM. Kidbols, she added, mortem flndinga and relatlvea ttva tdrcdaa. TMs waraiag fel- Allies Circle 60c Riihinc •aa**#a••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••53c Main Floor, Rear. ebbed himself fatally Jan 1 at an of lining ripp^ from the same Maett System Ai made funeral arrangemente for hla garment, lay face down. Mias lewsd pabHcalloa af Briltek raceat oaeut tost la whtek da county private asalterium. wife, Itylvia, w m was found Sourdough Seeks to Find ^^Ichlorlcidc ••••••••••• ••••••u*,*•••••ea*#**.*• • • • e49c 42, I > Woofteris body, ths hands tied be Nava) BMveaMate. r. B. O’SoBHma isd by PhsuDy Break-Up shot "to death in her bedroom Narvik Forces strain tha Advlsanr 61*00 IponiisOd TTcjisL ••••••• • • •••••••••o*********»*7ic Thunday afternotm. bind the back, lay face up. Both Tba bill to forestall Mra. Bueb- ware gagged. Rome, May 4,-HA) — Giovanni B##fd pf#p#riB|f 60cB4ollc •••*•##•••••••••••• *^*• • ••• ••••••♦ • • • • #35c liols’ deportation—shr of her nine "Dr. Hahn baa shown little con­ ^Bahy^Believed True Hfiir Anealdo, nawspaMr writer who cern over the outcome cC the caac,’* Hlaebee Qaase t i Death •f caadMates tar tka glJMg 60c Pond S Cold C^CAm ••••••••••taaaaaaa**** •,» • • e30C children also wna born la. Qsnada Death was catiisd by the throat often speaks tor Foreign Minister French Report Position ba vacated by —was drafted after the Ammeirir aald Prosecutor Oari Ouackenbusb, Count Galeazao Clano, today pre­ today aa aaly a 36c T iSCfY ShAmpOOa • a^* ••••••••••••saar******** • • a29c adding Uiat the reports of all o8l- riaahea. Dr. Orrin Fry said after Seattle. May 4—dP)—A weU-to-<8 At the same hour, a baby boy dicted Germany eventually'would Of 3,000 or 4,000 D*|ion and other orgsnlxetloBi be­ an autopsy. The girl bad do 71-year-olir-oM sourdough, who was horn to a ScandlnariaB worn' InalaL” .. H. ' Hihbard Hardware came arinieed over the preepectlve cen poaribly would be cheeked to­ Invade British territory. dachsea af id #•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••30c day in an attempt to determina raped, be aald. long has harhorad a suspicion that aa In a room adjacent to Mrs. Writing., in Clano’e pewspaper. Germans as Desperate. N break-up of the large family. Detective Sergt. R. C; Parker a Saattla botpltal gay# hla wlfa StuU’s. Mrs. paanak Apple Blossonis Tslc50c Buchhols, an Amaritan • boya whether Mra. Hahn kraS alaln or n Telegrafo of Leghoni, Anaaldo Hsvea. aa offiear OFF 'dlad by bar own band. and Donald Boacoe, aaristant dis anotlMr woinhn’B baby by ndatake Maek Hair Family Tran epoke of British fear of a Ger­ at 10% World'War veteran, wae married trict attorney, left for Fresno tete Faria, May 4—(F»—The French tlea la wheaa i SATURDAY ONLYl In vtoiiito, where they Uved for "Wa can’t hurry the bonea,” was 28 yaara ago, dlacloeed today that A nuraa showed StuU a baby man offensive Into British terri- War Ministry anaouacad today An Psiiit snd Hsrdwsre the only conuneni o f GbriMer Dr. L last night after questioning of re­ ha was ssarehing for the "baby" with large head and black hair, be talcea te ceart, aald timt tka many yeara. When they came to toiy and aald that what Italian! Uiat Allied fordea had surrounded waa still la aaart and t)mt During Regular 89c 8. OoUlns on the poaaible reason latlvea and friends of the couple he beliayaa to ba bis true heir. said, "a family rilaraeterisUc." knew o f Um German forces and of the United States la 1882, tbs failed to produce any tangible 8,000 or 4,000 Germane ''la the waoW be aasigaad for triaL NatfonsI Hsrdwsre Week! Join Hale’s Kenwood Blanket Club Two and Three Thread mother entered on a temporary for tha ahcotlng, but be aald Mra. Tba aged but rigorous tatbar "She hesitated and imld. *No U’a their "xrlll to win" made them "be- aectoo about NarvUi, Norway, and • • s Hahn’s skull waa fracturad wlien clues. Th ey plaimed to examine in Um Btnmga We Have ALL the Materials Yon Need To Build It With. H m comitate line of Kenwood Blankets la absolutely guaranteed and that’s old eopuigh for any­ opinion be prolm y had been killed such a coitraa could bring day. determined not to let themaeives aceonfiag to military diapatchea, "W oviy drove him (2)ioshlre, dtfsd In Meriden hospital 961 Mala Street Editor of Advance words of another hymn: Mediterranean Action Is Ethiopia) and for toe railway fua*^ Clyde Beckwith has A grasn ob­ that he also wUl yield to tha prea- Rev. Watew-WoodtaH, Rmr. George W. Sfephenaon, "It's streams the whole crea- For Consideration of CrtMO. The story belongs to our long enough to teach a few of the of injuries \suffered Wednesday Major aad Mrs. J. W. Beech, ning from DJlbouU Into Ethiopia. experts how to bid, inddentslly long plate which belongk to some Btallatiun at the Coun* Several Recent Develop* surq. Bttadster Faator The prophet speaking to the ' Uon reach. Call for Shpw*down; Thera have been Indications a good friend Jim Thompson. 8o food donor at our state wweUng. when his car struck a highway sign The QDrnell-Howe situation. It Is Officers la CiMirgs Objectors. copping iirst place. In a close in CTheshlre. HiiLYather, Ralph 8. ments Indicate Anxiety Jevrish exUes la Babylon vokks Bo.plenteous Is the store; ' one time and another that tha i In Thompson's honor. Bill baa runner-up position came Bob Win the owner call him (SOSA) no try d u b Here^ understood, threatened to develop Morning Worship 10:80. Sermon Services of Sunday, May 8: Enough for all, enough for Allies Are Willing to I composed the following poem en- Hayward, la vlce>pmclp^ of WUby Saturday, ctreet meeting 7:80 AlUea war* prepared to fliljimt that plate may be returned to To Avoid Any In­ Into the sort of contest that both by the minister. 10:48 Morning Worship and God’s tnviutlon to seek His mercy each. AtlanUc aty, N. J.. May 4—(P) aoma of these ctolma Howavmy itlUed, Dowd...... More than 160 members of the High achool in Watefhu^. p. m. Have Italy as Foe. Speaking of experts of the owner. Hartford.—Edward Pxyeny was parties Appear more amUoua than The music: communion. and partake of Hla grace In words Enough forevermore.” -The Methodist church. In a de­ there has remained one great aaa ' Tbompeon'e RmUe At the TD show last weeh\at Ltsdlea of Uolumbua attended thetr ternal Strife. ever to avoid this year. Both Utch* 13:00 Sunday SchooL PubUe meeting, indoors 8 p. m. paste-boanla reminds ua of the appointed judge of the CoWp court Prelude—Adagio from first Sunday achool and company that have brought the Invitation What God has to give to man claration of Its opposition to war, unaolvable issue between toe dis­ It seems to ma that amlle of three brothera as of last Saturday Newington Hospital the state annual banquet and Installation field county realdenta. Both re­ Bonota—Mendelssohn 4:00 Junior C. E. The topic: cannot be bought. It Is without By Dewitt Mnckentie'^ Jims’ of Wolcott by Governor Baldv^ to meeting 9:80 a. m. to successive generations with incfiidcd today a pica that con­ putants—control of to* Mediter­ a.m. who deAed all and sundry to partment was repreaented by Cot rites at 6:30 o'clock last evening on the vacancy caused by the death New Haven, May 4— Atwve ,ported------aa angling for tha United Anthem r-The Lord Is Exalted "Homes Where God Dwells. I. ringUig strength and sincerity. money and Without price. Yet Developments in the strained're­ ranean. . Waa brighter than you thought lick them at setback. Anyhow, mander Hall and PImpare of WU- ,4t the Manchester Country .Club. . ^ within the SUtei Senatorial nomination, Making Home Lovelier.” The lead­ Holiness meeting at 11 o'clock. scientious objectors be accorded of Judge Layton Rom. Tha new 1 —West Christians’ praise service 3 p. m. He Is a bold mqn who will pre­ Jews compared It with the pearl lations between the Anglo-French I For we can see. and right from three hardy souls tried It—and llnuntle; Commander-elect Wll'v >e gathering represented three anything elM, peace within the But wrforebefore eithareljtbsr could hurlhurt e^ Quartet —I Sought the Lord— er: Pauline MarshaU. of great price which It was worth consideration by their fellow men. Jurist had been proaMUtlng attor­ rgnks sMina to be the guiding Evangelistic meeting 7:30 p. m. sume to speak for God, but his Allies and Italy during' the post 72 Aa late as two weeks ago^ thaa won. Wa wouldn't of course men Ham Allen and Beckwith of Man looring Aasembliis — Gibbons ney of the town for tbe paat eight other, county Mpdera got togetU’X i Stevenson * 6:80 Young People's Meeting. a man's while to sacrifice every­ ■ •'There la no common Judgment oritaUro Italians insisted oa T h a mtaaage that It brought mbiy of Manebestar, Tierney lues- V. conducted by Major E. Oarey, Ter­ boldness is Justified If he speaks among Christiana aa to what a tion any 'names, but our genial cheater; PNC Ed MlUer and Coq- year#...... thdughlit In the minds o f Connectl- in Torrington to\Mttle the ques- ) Offertory —Melody —OuUmant The Communion aervlee will re­ from mameas to God and from thing to poqseas. hours strike me as ranstltuUng all dom from Brittoh and French i bly of Hartford s m Victory * ritorial Yoimg tu p le 's Secretary Christian should do when his own Mons-Yprcs Post Mathtnks sae those dimple night steward might. If coaxed, tello of Hartford. Dell Coltlne Storrs.—The University of New cut Democratic and Republican tlon once and for' all.alL A secret bal- Postlude —Grand Chorus —Re- mind church ' membera of their knowledge of God's character, will hut a direct InvltMion' to ^Ignor tral over toe Mediterranean. 1 •senibly of RockvIUe. '. lot showed the l ^ e r s favored membership vows, which they will of New York, and Major William nation becermea involved In war," I cheeka give you all the details. gathered the following performers: Hampahlre nine scored UirM runs I ^ e r s aUka aa they maneuver naud and purpose. Moreover, hla words As a matter of fact, there is Musenllni to Join Nazidom in the Italy’s chief aim. While w# had hoped to present Lew Bhonty, John Fsrren, Archie Rerirlng President of Oibbons their r e a c tiv e parties toward the Cornell 41 to 27. Howe moved that The Church School 9:80. seek to confirm by their presence Trigg of the Hartford Divisional read the declaration approved by war If he wants And teeth of snowy white. In the lUh inning to defeat the Headquarters. will be tested, and their truth will a price for God's grace, hut it la Now you might talk John BuH\ B. W. V. plana on our annual "Ladlea Daley and Will Ryan, 4 Ana male Aasen^ly, Mrs. UUtan Mutri* wel­ University o f Connecticut by a important November battle. |the vote be made unanimous and The Men's Class 9:30. Rev. at thia service. not a price in worldly coin. The the General Conference laat night. ,,I refer, of cqurse, to Britain's With tears of Joy, from that comed \be large gathering fnd U m Week depend upon that testing, and not Into giving up hto purse, but whaa Night" pnigram at thia Ume, ' quartet; Mrs. MlUla Godwin, Rich­ ■core of 6 to 4 In a conteat faatured ‘nie experU -point to several re- ! at once announced he, would be Charles O. Johnson, leader. Wednesday, 3 to 8 p. m.—Mr. merely upon the boldness or au­ wealthy, and the learned, and the 'On thle. Issue, our own member­ clearing of Its'mercantile marine big boy wished them an enjoyable evening. "one hundred per cent" behind >r* Monday, Boy Scouts 7:80 p. m. ship la divided. We believe, how­ you try to intrude on toe tradltlea And It Impaatlble, due to the fact ard Chamharlaln, Jack Tbompaon, by the pitching duel between Capt.' cent developments as Indicative of | 0 Tha Women’s Class. 9:80. Mrs. and Mrs. Stephenson will welcome thority of the man who uttered powerful have no more means of from the Mediterranean, and Brit­ toat Britannia rules toe waves^ P oet Bill M oore Around tha club that night She preac4ted Mri...... Mary HutcbliIin- TuMday, Corps CAdet class 7 p. ever, that the (Christian church, In that the Board of Governors did Charlaa Flynt; Maria Girard, Mrs Verne Omnell of the Uednna aiid the anxiety among party chief­ ncll. Wallace Payne, leader. all people of the parish who may them. possessing It than have lowly ish Premier Uhamberlaln's start­ and especially toe Mediterraneoa Two thotisand. yes two thoua- not meet until last night Instead Melaner, all vocal artists; Dotty eon as toaatmistreaa. At Roper of the visitora. tains to avoid any situation which j The Junior CYP Club 6:00. with to caU at the parsonage. m. souls who come with nothing hut a world torn asunder by bitter con­ ling announcement Thursday that Among the .various HpCakera .Band rehearsal, 7:30 p. in: These great prophetic sayings waves, you are asking for trouble, SenscR It’s Spring sand.— of We.dnesday. However, It won't Christensen and. Walter Willough­ Greenwich.—Paul Douglas. Hew may tend even remotejy toward President. Howard Fairweather. Wednesday, 6 p. m.— Potluck that we are studying are not made penitence and the heart's devo­ flict, must not permit Itself to be the. AngltyFrench battle fleet waa 'The lost thing Ekigland would be he king now! who congratulate the Incoming Internal strife, presumably on the Director, Miss Naomi Foster. ■upper, the last of the season, Girl Guards meet at 7 p. m. divided over any mailer.” This act to me waa grand. by, dance specialties; Joe Mangag- York city radio announcer, and A bout Tow n Wednesday, Women’s Home great because the prophets utter­ tion. .. • nlread.v Hi those waters, headed willing to concede would he dom­ To send away that very day Thalia Htretch, for the Aowera nlne, accordion; NataHe Kaalnska offlcera and rammending the re­ MISS Geraldine HigjElns of Bronx- theory that it's wiser to spend no The CYP a u b 6:00. President. for our church and parish people. The conference also decided" It for Alerondrla Bay. League 2 p. m. ed them; they are great, and the God's promises and gifts are ination of this straterto sea whlffi To help his Motherland. and kind Words. Hop# you haven’t and Jiine Karl, ptanlsta. tiring officara Xor their excellent vtUe^^N. Y.i were married in tha energy on Intra-party .aquabhics Louise Dewey: Leader, Flora Come and eat with your neighbors not without conditions. His cove­ would not permit Methodist build­ One /vrouldn't go so far os to The regular monthly meeting of recorda were Mrs. Oonrady of Irish Tea Party, benefit o f the world honors the prophets who ut­ controls so many of her great In­ sprouted any gray hairs since the Doe Keating is still at Nawlng- Town (tail her# by Justice of the which may be needed later for the There wUI be a pracUea aaaalj ;Ies; Devotions, Ruth Kottke; and enjoy the evening with them tered them, because their spiritual nants are everlasting, but n M ings to be uiH>d "In preparation for oay that the Alllea ore trying to terests. the Meni-Ypre Post irlU b« held And-now to Jim alt can RockvIUe, Mrs. Rustell of Hart­ T. P, last time w* nMt. ton, ahia to alt up but very weak. Peace John J. O'Brien. enemy. for the membeTs of the antl-ta Baptism. Mrs. Alice Jewell is chairman of worth and so'indness have been may forfeit his place and part by war." push Mus.snlinl Into the war— Along with tola to* Allies hava next Wednewlay evening In the find "eighty" ford, Honorary RMte President New Haven.—Juatice Hugo I.. .1 >» mention a few o f those de- the committee In charge of ar­ Band and Girl Guards Troop. The delegates overwhelmihgly Brttiah American Oub. A full at­ Oomrada Delssdtmlar la branch­ Mrs. Lillian MahonW of Manches­ platoon of the headquarteni eJ 6:30 p. m. proven in thought and experience. failing to live according to the' though stranger things have hap­ had to consider the relations bs- Hla love and faith so tnia. ing out tor hlmaslf and will sell Black of the United States Su­ velopmOnta-.^...... pany Sunday at the pistol range inday 7:30, Monthly meeting rangements. covenant. Yejected an amendment which pened. They may even hope that tendance la requested as plana To give a smile that was worth ter, and Mrs. Murphy, editor of Thursday street meeting, 7:30 Time and experience soon separ­ tween Italy aad Spain, Ever ■hwt Chevroleta from hla now headquar­ preme court. Judge William Clark There’a the de^fon of-the Dem­ Bolton. * lurch Committee. Thursday. 7 p. m.—The mid­ ate the false prophets from the God's invitation Is for then to Would make the anti-war stand ee- he will reconsider his position and Mussolini backed Spanish GenwrOl- ,wUl hare to be made for our Me­ while "The Beacon,” the C.L.C. newslet­ of the United Statea Circuit Court p. m. feKonly to "aggressive" wars. ters In Dantelaon. The Windham ocratic State Central Committee Monday 10:80, a. m. Meeting week devotional service. Mr. true. forsake their evil ways and their perhaps ulUmately cast hla lot Isatmo Franco In th* civil war, ob­ morial Day activltlea and alao for To see this glft~go through. ter. of Appeals and Judge Irving Leh- to name the United Statea sena­ Manchester members of the local Hartford Association of Congre­ Thomas Lotas will sing. Public meeting, lower hall, 8 p. 1% this propoeal. Dr. Ernest F. the decorating of our deceased County TD boys win get a Up-from Prtooipal unrighteous thoughts. Man can with, them. iH any event It to s servers have speculated as to ths ua where to get Uiclr new cara. men of the New York Court of Ap­ torial nominee this spring rather Democratic club, who are today In gational ministers. Luncheon at Friday, 6:48 p. m.—(2holr re­ m. control even hts thoughts, and Tittle of Evanston, III., chairman eomradee graves. SUte President Bea\ Conklin, Friday holiness meeting and God’s InvlUtlon is "to every call for a show-down. possibility that n Due* might gst Comrade Moor# la feeling quite Good luck. Doc. peals presidedrt at a student'a moot than in the late summer. Waterbury attending the state - 1 o'clock. hearsal. those who accept God'a Invitation of the eommittee which drafted Willing to Fight Italy / The annua] outdoor carnival well and able to walk amiind and B 7 who instaUed tha Incoihing offi­ frial.;at the Yale Law School. Soijgster rehearsaL 7:30 p. m. one that thlrstetb.” It Is expreos- bis reward In Naval and air basai Pinky la afraid be will get lost The sentiment also In that com­ meeting of the Women’s Demo­ Monday 2:30.'(2hamlnad4 Musi- Friday, 7:48 p. m.—Meeting of ed In a modern hymn. "Whosoever nid who follow His ways will find the pronouncement, said; Indications are, however, that close to toe gateway to tte wUl alao be discussed and as our wtabea to be remembered to all cers, waa the main apeakeV of the n»e Law school faculty entertain­ mittee for an early selection of cratic Federated dubs *are. Mrs. caJ Club A n n i^ Tea. the Golden Rule au b. The leaders "We must not do again what we post has been given an Important Epieds Chapter In Boston. Who will volunteer to evening. She gave an inspiring will may come," and the rich sup­ themselves renewed In heart and they are quite willing to take him Mediterranean — a potential mca- the boys. ed the distinguished Jurists at a the state candidates. Edward J. Murphy. Mrs. John B. Monday 6^0, Cub Pack. Mr. Mias Sarah Monaghan and Mrs. St. Mary’s Church dlcT 30 years ago, when we fought Job to do. It Is also Important that keep an eya on him ? talk on the Ideala of the orgi Rov. James Stuart NeilL ply of God's grace, la compared to mind, with a new consclouoncas on at any time. It should be said ace to both Britain and Froao* Hope to ace you all at the meet­ , \ "'Bee-bee. reception and banquet prior to the The determination among Re­ Farley. Mrs Ralph Aceto, dele­ Lynn, Cub Master. Dorothy Welles. The hostesses: of peace and a new strength to bloody wkr with the mistaken our members know all about it. ing Wednesday. tlon, urging the membera 6p to trial. Rector a boundlem and ever-flowing here that I have no official back­ Denials by 8i>aln and Italy that It- Y D Installing publican leaders. Including Gov. gates from the local club and Mrs M onday/6:80, Supper by the Mrs. Arline Gosdz and Mrs. Wini­ stream of living water, both In love and do the right. idea everything we held dear was ing for this suggestion. It’s Just such a meve waa Intended nmy Make a point to be present. —Jeem’a further progress In spiritual Louise Incheon Service of Bos­ fred Webster. Commander Albert Lindsay re social realma. ‘ Sba declared that Raymond E. Baldwin, to keep Na­ T. Edward Brosnan, Mrs. P. R. i at stake.” the way these latest moves look have failed to remove anxiety. tional Committeeman Samuel F. Brannick and Mrs. John Holden, ton. A ji^ices Group 8, Mrs. Bllng, Sun'day, May 0th—Sunday after Urged to Giro Up Sovereignty prsaenting the Mons-Tpre Poet at- In N ew B ritain ths Catholic Ladles of Columl Ascension. to me when viewed aa part of the Would Settle Argumeuti Pryor, Jr., and State chairman membera of the SUte Board. leadef. . The nations of the world were pattern which has been woven In If Italy should eoma into O w ; ianded the Joint Inatatlatlon of O pen Fonim must constantly keep In mind Tueaday 9:00, CTYP a u b cake Second Congregatiottal Church ' 9:30 s. m.—Church Achool. oOleera of the Anderson-Shea fact that they are being held up' Benjamin E. Harwood at their Ferris E. Reynolds, Pb.DM Spain Is Looking called upon by the delegates to the exchanges between II ^ c e war now these grievous arguawsta Churches present posts at least through the Miss Doris Roy. daughter of Mr. sale, Hale’s Store. Men's Bible aass. Neutrality Act "surrender the claim of absolute Post and Auxiliary held In their Army &■ Navy aa examples to thoae about them Minister 10:48 a. m.—Holy (Communion and the Allies since Munich. could bo oettlsd OBc* and tor ajL One of the outstanding Associ­ Hard Hearted AnIeUt and that they must never falter IMO campaign. and Mrs. Ernest A. Roy a atudeirt Tuesday 7:80, Oiolr rehearsaL national sovereignty,” described as Ever since the beginning of the Actually to* AOlea hellsve .ClHf' home last Friday evening. Com Tueaday, 7:48, Professional and Sermon. Sermon topic: ’’As-' ^est for Trade fade Lindsay reports having spent ated Press reporters covering the I bad a very niM dog. He wqa In their devotion and loyalty to the And the speedy show-down in at the Julllard School of MuMc. of Church School at 0:80. "the claim that os a laat resort a war the Fascist official attltud* could ham-string Italy by a P Emanuel Lotberaa Orarck New York city, will be heard In a 7 Women. Members of Group in­ cension". Proves Worth • very enjoyable evening. war In Norway statea thAt the a black cocker spanlil and I called alma of their organization, \ Litchfield county "between Paul L. 8 Nursery at 10:48. nation may do whatever It will for (and consequently that of the ad* whll* thO rreneh Arpq Club Blue Devlla, Those French Alpine T. A. OuaUfacn. Pastor Cornell and Rep. Walter Howe on j concert to be given by pupUs of vited guests. Mrs. Beatrice Man­ 4:00 p. m.—Junior Young Peo­ Its own purposea regardleaa of He waa very much Impressed him Bounce. Every ihpming he MIsa Mary Egan was Installed Morning worship at 10:48. Ser- ple's Fellowship. press) has been strongly pro-Naxl tacked from to* north, Chsusaeura from whom the YDVA would walk over to the bridge with aa president of Gibbons Assembly: who should be the "official” coun-1 tne school this afternoon. ning, speaker. Topic. Moving Madrid, May 4—(JV-The Efu- What effect It haa on the rest of and often bitterly ontl-Atly. This to* east, Germany woali8 ha with the Installation ceremony. a. m. -Sunday achool, con- pictures of the South. Hostesses: moh by' the minister on the aub- 8:00 p. m.—Young People’s Fel­ borrowed the beret, are (or have me and wait until I got ' on the Mrs. D'Esopo aa head of Tierney ty candidate for the Republican Ject, “Words, Words, Words." Bloom Describes Objec* ropean war has caused Spain to mankind.” attitude has been perhaps mors prived o f valuable aid, for Italy! We extend our best wishes to the A-N Club Planning been) doing a good Job for the flrmaUon class, Bible clataes. senatorial nomination. Several of the membere of*8U Mrs. Ehrte Goalee, Mias Margaret lowship. The conference also went MW officers, hoping their year achool bus. Then ha would go home Assembly of Hartford snd Mrs. 10:46 a. m .- Morning service. Special music by the choir. 7:00 p. m.—Evening Service. look westward Instead of north- The conference also went oto apparent than real, and haa rep­ undoubtedly la of moira net 18 '< Allies In Scandinavia. The report­ and play with my little alsters'un- Win Save HeaiUoliea. Margaret's Circle. Daughters dl Howe. Nominating committee ap­ fives Attained in Six win be a very happy and proeper- Mlffltt assumed the chair for Vic­ The ReV Fred J. Benaon will be In . Prelude, Communion—Salome Seraon topic: "Worth". arard fOr oommeroe, and aa a re­ record urging the church to ” labo*f rssented Muamlint’s strategy for Nastdom aa a Ma-hrtUgor«Bt tfeHi^ er la J. Norman Lodge, a vetaran tll I came home. When he saw mq tory Assembly of Rockville. Officially, the explanation for Isabella. wUl go to New H fv w t ^ pointed at thia meeting. by genuinely educational methods" maintaining aa a eombataat. oua one for them. For llie (^niival charge Af the service in the a b -' morrow where they will attend the Anthem, Jesus, Gentlest Saviour The Week Months* Operation. middle-of-ths-road of the 26th DIvlBlon. coming Into the yard ha would run Miss Mary McVeigh, a past the Democratic committee's deci­ Wednesday 2:80, Women’s sult Improved relations with the for a voting majority of clttoeas course until such time aa b* Oreaoe aad Turksy Met quite a few of our boys at aence of the pastor. Rev. Benson 20th annual meeting of the Dioc- Guild, Mrs. Clarence B. 'Etchman, —^Marks Monday. 3:30 p. m.— Girls United States are believed here to Tonight the New Britain chapter to meet me and Jump on me be­ Resident of Gibbons Asscaibly. sion l^ nominate the senatorial Offertory anthem, O God Un­ which "will demand prohibition decided how Italy’s Intereats hast would Jola the Alllea ' the British American Club ban­ was firdaliVcd by the Angiistana resan Bureau of Social Serrtce. leader, Willard Rogers, speaker. Friendly Candidates. WaaUngton, May 4. —(P) — be In prospect. quet last Ratuedsy night. All will be Installed. Rons of the boys cause he was glad to see me. wiis Ihe capable chairman of the candidate early was the desire of seen—(Joleman and make it effective." could be served. They fear Muasottil aad Ida i As the annual carnival of the from Manchester will be there. I loved ,.'to take him walking .Rynod In lw37 and IWnt the pres­ Senator . Francis T. Maloney, Bishop McAullffe and MIm Rosa Topic, "What to See to Hartford." 7:30 p. m.—Girls Friendly So­ The Spanish press carried ar­ Another decision released young seemed to be having a good time. affaiX Postlude, Allegrp—Voickmar ciety. (Chairman Bloom (D., N. T .), of Uttto Afleetto* far BttMr Uona aniefaI mpibmqib than they do< < Veteran's Asaoctatlon la dated hut Our chapter secretary will enter; through the woods and 1 have, been The Mibles were tastefully deco­ ent lime seizing the Emanuel Lu­ whose redomination is regarded aa McHugh, the latter from WMhlng* Hostesses: Mrs. Leon Bradley, ticles today praising the United men from the obligation of answer­ other maa or/or/stato, aa CbarHe Trotter, who works nights theran chiiren In Fitchburg. Mass. Young Peoples Mu Sigma Cbl Tueaday, 6:80 p. m.—-Junior the House Foreign Affalra- Com­ It to my personal vtow, fW>m 1 1 little over a month away. It aeems tain State Commander Gardiner waiting for tha spring Rowers to rated In yello\*’ and white, assem­ virtually assured, to begin-., cam­ ton, D. C„ win be the speakers. The Mrs. Arthur BUng, Mrs. Doris Statea and especially the United ing John Wesley's famous "soul during my t ^ o f tha Ban In the Hamilton Propeller Plant 4:.'H) p. m.—Liitheron Youth meeting will be held In St. Mary a WllUa. Mrs. CbrisUe MeCormick, bdety at 6:80. Choir Rehearsal. mittee, reviewing the first six Statea ambassador, Alexander study on toe ground, that Musso­ w u giving the boys quite a line. quite timely to remind the mem- Hall and wife prior to tha meeting blossom so we could romp together. bly colors^ Colorful pond lilies paigning a t the earliest possible The Week searching" questions In order to lini has little affoettoa for altlier llttla over q year ago. TM ir In New Britain. He waa very kind and gentle to Rally held in tfie Emanuel Luther­ moment. But few If any missed church hall and is being sponsored Mrs. Sldhsy Wheaton, Mrs. Roy 7:00 p. m.—Boy Scouts. months’ operation o f the neutrali­ Weddell, who aUled from Naples Bald Charlie "I could be working bere of the Club ,that plenty of ornamented'the Individual places, Monday at 7:00, Boy Scouts. 'Wednesday, 7:80 p. m.— Choir become pastors. toe Allies or^^for Hitler. Italy has traaea taitq ths war might opa help will be needed at the carnival my little ststera and he never bit and candles IIIUmlnate>agu'« Leap Year and MayAasket noon at 2 o’clock at the YMCA. ter. Friday at 6:30, Senior choir re­ cated: thor Ludwig Lewtoobn. - tlon* from Rome that Italy would 7 best ever. The committee was Retiring I’resldent Lillian Mu- tee's decision to get the__other hearsal under the direction of sums for equipment and expansion alao unanimous In the decision to meeting Is at Meriden on Riuiday, but be said he was glad It wasn't 'trle was presented with a cameo social. Notes Masonic Temple, Rockville,— Juat what toe' son of Lewtoohn get into toe war on Gerfnany'a May 13 at which time the hour ; nominations over with as quickly i Samuel Ramette. of manufacturing capacity." aide whan Mussolini toougtir. to* I! \\(,r \M> 11 11 buy all the material, prises from one of ua little girls, and It might locket. She thanked the members We<1nesdAy—7:30 p. m.. Cmircbiaji possible'. Mr. and Mrs. Felix J. McEvItt of The next Communion service Service 10:48 a. m. The neutrality act authorizes T o Aid of Vessel and Thelma Bowman Spear, for­ Now York, Ifay Mailchester merc>vu>ta exclusively, cards will be Anlahed. hava been, because If that person (or their cooperation during the 81 Walnut street are spendbig th# and opportunity to write with the Not* 139 Lafayette St, Hartford — mer ooncert singer, who said sh* time was right This wqa bhirod Council foliowed by Board ofXAd- j . xime Fer Rivalries Mothers o f the pariah will he the prezldent to ban American CtarsMo Hathaway of which, after all, la only Just, and Dues are due, and convention couldn’t'stop for a dog, hs surely term she held office and wished mlnIstraUon meeting at 8:80 p.'\ m. r w-ju, these tentatively scheduled week-end at Wllbraham A ca*m y. Center ch ur^ win bo on June 3. Service 11:00 a. m. was toe autooFs common-law through thousands of riuhoa \ln registrations should go In now. All WUbroham, Moss., visiting their, spedsl guests of honor at the shlpe from combat nones snd Gannsny after th* tbestrloal "loro anialat DdOy Worinr, o -OIL- M r. Detaltsd announcements of emildn't stop for a littia girl the Assembly every success for the Thursday—Ladles Aid at 2!30 to be made In August rather than The Big Muateal—at which time 887 Farmington Ave., Hartford places American arms Isles to bel­ Ban Franctoeo, May 4—OF—The wife, told State Supfeme Court erlmtaal llbaL la op w to the events will ba published In the advance reglstratlou In the mall I hope that If any other girl haa future. son. Joseph, a student there, and new organ win be installed Mother’s Day Servlca next Sun­ -—Service 11:00 a. m. Justice Aaron J. Ijw y yestarday feast" betwaan HlUar and M ira^ I l(M II I I I I 1 )< ll \ I V p. m. Public examination of tlw in Reptember aa In the past, some tha n day morning. ligerents on a "cash and carry" Coast Guard said the eutter sihl* yoar la prison whan hs t near future. today are for $3.00, and the chap­ a lovely dog ha won't be killed by 1940 confirmation class at 7:30 X leaders said there would be lese attending the Barents’ Day actlvl* and used, V will be on the evening wasn't dtoclossd, hut to* court an­ llnl In toa aacrsey o f to* gloomy up for ssHtwinlng Itey IT. ter gets a refund froip tha conven­ basis. Ariadne bad been dispatched to ^ I llnl And before wa diamtsa the sub­ such a naughty person whowno won'twon i . m. All members and friends ln-\i timt for rivalries within the party Ues. of Mafay 16th. "Everlasting Punishment" will the aid of the coastal lumber nounced “toe pm m ount Interests Brenner Pass. K ject of carnivals, committee mem­ tion committee of 00 cents per man take time enough to tell her about | | ” | * c p a r C LjHIICI vlted. '\to develop the same bitterness Manchester Methodtot Ohnreh be the subject of the LessOn-Ser- schooner Daisy Mathews early to­ of toe child" dictated hto dactotoa. Thin^ got So had that th* otiMr tha vetdiot laatsriiT. 11 I I riK iM r..".o o bers are asked to ba on hand at or lady. After today the price Is The confirmation class will meet ,'Hiat marked, for example, the 1938 .sS) OoMardIO0B0*rdla Lotkeraa Rev. William T. Wallace, Mtailster. mon. day after the 804-foot veasel re­ The 88-yaar-oM Lawtoohn,' hto day London protested te Robm on ■ 13.00 snd no beneOt to your chap­ tha next meeting, which will be It haa made us all very sad and F o i * F u t u r e U s e I Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday {fl|^t between Augustine Lonergan BUNDAT - MONDAY C ^ Garde* **d *Vlaster atteeta The Golden Text Is from Pros. Mayor Acquitted ported It waa leaking badly aad ayas dlmmad by tears, sat bsslds about Um pro-NuaL onU-AIly held at tha Army and Navy Club ter. The committee claims that a we will miss our little pal very I At 4 p. m. IHerman Kopplemann for the R*v. Kart RIehtor. PaatMr M ayg 10:39: “The way of tha Lord la required asatotaace in heavy aaas hto 81-yaar-oM wtfs, tot formsr treatment o f qrar nawa. Brittoh MORIARTY on Monday evening. May IS. gift worth half tha coat of regla- very much. Friday—7:30 p /m.. Brother-, senatorial nomination and fiiat be- 8:80 a. m: Sunday School and Sunday aervloa at Vernon: 9:80 strength to the upright: but de­ Of Conspiracy 280 mllea north of San Francisco. Edna Manlay. as tbs dactotoa was Forsign Minister Lord Halifax In- That oft quoted bug. "spring tratlnn goes to everyone register­ Mary Anne Lynch hood. Debate on the topic, R e-, twMn Thomas Hewes and Joseph CIRCLE Bible Classee. Alfred Lange, su­ a. m. Morning worship service struction ahan he to the workers A report from the steamship announcad, climaxing a bitter cua- qulrad about Italy’s atUtud*, Aad ed. Ree Dave McCollum now at 330 Vernon Rt. Alexander Jarvis who recently 1 BROTHERS fever" doesn't seem to have cur­ _____ , _« 1.- ,. I solved that the United States Toim for lieutenant governor. perintendent. , with Sacraniant o f the Lord’s Sup­ of Iniquity." / IlUnoto, standing by the schooner, tody hattla during which too par­ Brittoh Minister o f EooMmla War. tailed the attendance at our the Army and Navy Club. purchased 22 acres of land from | maintain strict neutrality 10:00 a. m. EngUrti servlco. per. Selections from the Bible In­ ent* ravealad many stormy scenes for* Croaa warned Italy te babaro :in I i I * II t rr SI m i efforts of Republicans to ■aid the crew of toe little vessel *’^£ v ip tio n o f tba weekly setback parties. Rmla Your secretary haa written to Gets Ne 99 Ho I lohn llaCkctt in Auckland, la look- keep 'their organisation Intact and 11:00 a. m. German aervlee. 10:30 a. m., Church achool. clude the following pamage from Taunton Msssr, /M a y 4.—— waa throwing overboard tta deck- of their years together. Ilk* a neutral if she wanted'to b* Hatbawiy waa . haaad on i 1 ing to the future* The land ha* a ^gardless of outcome. thus droid the risk of warfars has Th* Whek Sunday at Manchester: Romans 8:13: "For If ye live after Mayor B. J./Carney o f New load of lumber, and had signaled treated aa on*. ' \ pirtnt by Mr ------Colorado Springs. Oftlo.—(Fi frontaga along the Buckland cut Sunday. May IS begun tlK bear fruit. Rumor had It Tueaday at 7:80 p. m. the La­ 0:30 a. m., Regula* aesslon of the the flesh, ye shaU diel but If ye Bedford stood ^^uitted today, that the ship could "hold out until Waata CrsiR for Ovsrtlaw l^bre Important Phad* widow of tha George E. Rlader came from BaUI- off road which/runs from th# un­ Pentcrast and confirmation Sun­ that Handood wanted to rolinqulah dles Aid. Thuraday at 2:00 p. m. Church achool. through the Spirit do mortify the along with three cn-defendants, of morning.” W* DOW coma to an sven more editor, Walter Ltegatt.' derpass to Ute Love Lane Junction. more Juat to work S3 hours at the day. the chalrntopahlp. But from the the Sewing Circle, at 7:00 p. m. 10:48 a. m., Morning Worship deeds of the body, ye shall live." conspiracy charges in connection PitUhurgh (J^Energstlc Cbaa Important phase of toe quarrel ba- Od that she and Uii momory o f I poet office where he had worked It has broZMKined for business. 10:48 a. m.---The rite of adult govarnorX and 'other party leaders th* Junior Oiolr, at 8:00 p. m. the service with Communion Medita­ Readings from the Christian with the grarting of htu contraete Aateretle Explarer Dies D. Dalpbey, Jr., wants cjrodit for- teraon MussoUnl and the Allies— hufibadd wero UbrtM by i He so work the property In 87 years ago. It waan’t noaUlgla baptlaro and confirmation. came tent plaa*thi, that he stick Senior Choir win meet tion and Sacrament of the Lord’s Sdence textbook, "Sdence and to transport WPA workers. London, May 4. — UP) — Oapt tbo overtima he’s put in at tha ton Fascist territorial aad political appSirtig in tba r that brought Mm hack—he needed gettlpg out sand and gravel to 7:00 p. m.—Mother’s Day pro­ it out, now after weeks of Friday at 0:80 p. m., the Moth­ Supper. Haalth with Key to the Scrlp- A Superior court jury whlA had Ernest Edward Mills Joyce, an county jail. Asking a paroto aft* domands against England and papor. \, level It off and expects later to Music: . the IS taeun to complete his prO' gram and service under the spoh- ■lianasiHs ha* finally yielded. ALSO, er aad Daughter Banquet spon­ turea" by Mary Baker Eddy, In­ heard testimony for e t^ t days ro* Antarctic axplqrer, died bar* sr serving six months of a one to Franoe, Thee* have been thrust hatlonary period as a government ^ e r different parcel* for buslnei ■nrshlp of the Ladles' Aid. BraUO If the State Central Oom- sored by the Intermediate Luther Prelude— "A rio s o "...... Clementl dude the fdlowlng dtatlon from turned Its Verdict of acquittal Thursday at to* ago of , \lt w torea-ytar aanteno* for fato* pra- forward perslstenUy and belUgar- site* or for manufacturing pur- g e n e A U T R Y la 68 •mpkty* to qualify for a Job hour following. mlttee wan* me to s i ^ on," the Laagile. Anthem—"How Long WUt Thou page 408: 8-11: "Christian Sdence Tliuraday night after alaht hours announced today. Joyca aerv tenaa, Dalpbey axplalnad ha arork* ently. RodMater, b d . (9) Snonr BalUmoro. RuMtaiy, May 19 chairman this week, "I wtU "OLD MONTEREY” Forget MeT"...... Plleuger commands man to master the dellbsratlon. The co-defendants with Robert F. Scott from 1901 to ad 16 hours dally and addsd: "9 ^ * Among other things, Italy ’has aad the ale^iaats rtdveiod aa < >■ Confirmation Communion serv­ accept the tatlon.” Soatk MetbedM Chafeh Offertory—"Andante Oraxioao’’ . propenalUea,t*-to bold hatred in were James F. McKenna, Carnejr’s 1004 and with Sir Ernaat Hanry urlng the arorag* worUag day of clung to her clolnw to "living Brothers droua gavo tto find ; ice at 10:48 a. m. StUl to be d from Is Bryor, PLUS . . CARTOON TREAT! Eart E. Stoty, D Jt, Mtadster ...... a... d e r k abeyance with Undnees, to con­ secretary; Mitchell Green, a New Shacklatoa from 1907 to 1909,\and. a faian at eight hours, I haro dons F>oce,’’ for ootonlxstion rights in •bow undsr eaavaa, Acrobato who annoui asvaral weeks ago PoaUude—"Anegro M sestoeo".. French Roll Out the Barrel i quer lust with chastity, ravenge Bedford automobile dealer, and won faaM for aa axpedlUon tyom a ysaFs work in six .months." nun ch Tunlrta, for a share In tha th* aituatlaa by J' that be would it'aeek re-eleatlon. NOW: 10:48 a. m.—Holy Communion...... Mendelaaohn with charity, and to overconw ds- John C. Sylvia, a New D ^ ord County court will haar hto patUton aslvad with tlridi la y o n o f i Obnreh of tlM Nasarene p. ni*e Bpworth League devo­ 1914 to 1917 In whtoh depots wore Sues Canal, for a free port at ■T''« »v’ T'T ' Rev. O. G. Lusk, Paster He too haa urged by the gov- •^CLOUDS OVER EUROPE" MedlUtlon: "Tha Lord Ever Be­ 6 oait with booosty. Cboka thsss ar- truck operator. laid for Bbaektotoo. • i later. Djibouti (gateway to Itallaa —n t o e h a n n ' TT Sunday, 0:80 a. m.- Church ernor and otberaVto\to stay. ' on In the "SAGA OP DEATH VALUHT fore Me."" Musical program: tional meeting. - * rors In thslr early stegaa. If you Interest of party\unlty, and there voREEN HORNET". NO. 9 Prelude•: "Proceanoa dn St. Bae- ^ ie W a e l i would not cbarlab an army of cca- School, classes for all age*. Also Monday, : (L Su). F' Installation of officers offd teach­ arc many who exprees the belief rament”—Chauvet 6 8 s f^ t o r s against haalth, bappl- Anthem: "O Lamb of aod”-r^ aasrton of Church School ers.. a u b In Hartford. neas, and success,*^ Sunday, 10:48 a. m.—PreaeUng MOlr. Wedneaday, 10:80 a. m., Norwrich ■ervl^. Sermon by ths pastor. 9:8(^^ a. m.—Church achool. Sweilah Osagregetlsaal CRareb » ■ Dlstriet masting of the W. F. IL 8. m Buhji^t: "Ytmr Batlsfactloo." TOMORROW Adult class under the leadership at the Rockville Methodist church. B. B. Groea. MfaUstor. YOOCfiirTAffftNUiAfOMTim Sunday, 6:80 p. m.—Junior Soci­ o f Lewla W. HasUna. 3 p. m.. Ladles’ Aid masting at ety. 10:48 a. m.—Church school the home of Mrs. L. B. Burt. Her­ Swedish Mortaing Worship 10:80. AND MONDAY English Ihrening Servlc* 11:10. Sunday. 6:80 ,p. m.—Young Peo­ ■ A * a N * f Y * a nursery. bert Crandan. win give a . demon­ ple's meeting.. 6:00 p. m.—Intermediate league. stration. The hostsss win bo aa- Sunday School 12:00. Sunday Tjjp—Evangellsh Berv- Miaa Evelyn Anesley, speaker. slsted by Mrs. James Pickls*. ifftiyHah Evening Service 7:90. lea. BermsIR^ the pastor. Sub­ 6:00 p. m.—Senior league. Sur­ Communkm Sarvloe. Auntin JohiiRton. Come here yonmclf and aee the most modem dry 7:80 p. nta Choir rehaarsaL ject; "Ommtiflg the Cost." prise prograin. Friday. 3 p. m., the Women’s Wednesday evening prayer serv­ cleaning unit in the State of Connecticut. The Week 7:80 p. m.—Evening sarvloe In Home Miaelonary society wlU meet ice 7:80. Monday, 8 p. m.—Church Board the chapeL Senne*: "When Fools at tha home of Mrs. C. L Balch. Tonight, the -Brotherhood wlD Look at itn Kleaming atainleaa steel chaml^ra . . meet In*. Speak." Hymn-aing. Mias Dorothy A. Rita, Deaconess, bold their meeting at 8:00 o’clock^ I'A.MILY BUNDLE W^MMsday 7:30 p. m.—Mid­ Rev. Charles Johnson will give a see how the new ralvent — perchibrethylene — whiaka ' The Week win discuss the topic, "Youth Proh^ 20 PIECES FOR week Prayer and Praise Service. Monday, 7:00 p. m., Oiit Scouts. lems". lecture oa Norway. away dirt and r Hi m . . . Note how faat the aolvent All are welcome. Tuesday, 8:48 p. m.. Brownie 7 p. m.. Boy Scouts. whirls through youf clothing . . . That la why your Scouts; 6:90 p. m., tha Gleaners PIUdMT Tired: Game OaSed win bold a eovered-dlsb rIotheH come nut with a newnem that will amaM you! Kettle Fallai Wash. — IP) — St. John’s Fellah NaMs**l Prohibition Party ; 7:00 p. m.. Boy BeouU; OstbeSe Owteb Northport high school gave all It m.. Mtspah group: 7:80 p. Then come with me to the pressing department. 33 Gelway Street had but lost It* ball gaam with ^OecUlan club. Rev. Leo* F. Wfeeble, Paata Meets Next Week Thew are correctly designed modem presses — to re* Kettle Falla 40 to 4. The Northport 'Wednesday. 10:80 a. ih., Nor­ Fully Fininhcd coach sent every boy on the bench wich District meeting of the W. Sunday, May 8. ( / Ready To Um store the original shape to ydur garments. And we Into the pitchera pox In a futile ef­ r . M. S. at the Methodist church, Oiicago, K ay 4.—(iF—^Th* Pro­ fort to hold dowTi Kettle Falla. The Low mass wOl be celebrated by use extra pressure to make them hold that shape longer.' Itockvine. the pastor at 8*J0 a. m. with tta* hibition National Committe* ah- 26 PIECES ______il.2 6 game waa called at the end of the Thursday. 3:00 p. m.. Asbury Notice that the prcfwman takes over twenty minutes S t Cecelia choir abiglng. nouneed today It was rallying its seventh because the lost Northport group; 7:80 p. m., Intermediate largest convention in 38 years to 82 PIECES ...... $1.32 pitcher—a girl—waa getting tired. High mass and sermon at 10:80 to finish your garment — instead of slapping it out in • department party. a. to . the Lutnla Choir aingiag. adopt a platform and nominate 38 PIECES ...... 11.78 five. Friday, 8:00 p. m., Somemarco Th* title of the pastor's sermo* candidates for the prestdential It la' not yet known where at the Y. M. C A. win h* T hr** Tabernartes.' campaign. Tkcae prices Include sUrts, ■prats, a fish fotmd la British wa­ sheets, wearing apparel, etc. Dry cleaning isn’t magic. Like any other Job, it's a R O O N E Y Saturday. 0:48 p. m.. Choir ra- Tort, I’Thaa anawared Peter,-«ad Ddegates from more than 80 NO eXTRAR of any kind. ters between November aad Feb­ hearsal. said unto Josus, Lord, It Is good statea will open the saasion .ber* (Four hnndkerrhtefa connt matter of correct methods and enough time to do a ruary, go during the rest of the for ua to he here; If tbou srilt, 1st next Wednesday. Early arrivals na one piece.) _ g (^ job. That bjffhy aXter qnw you’yt tried the dry year. ua msk* three tihsfnseiaa." etc. axpreeasd a ccnvlctiaa that diang- vo2^ 9TOM m t t 17:4. Tke high with tlit Ing public seattineat would giro cleaning here, you arc ready to join the many other R*v. H. r . I Banedletlon of tbo BIsasod Sacra­ tba party a snbsteatlally stronger folks in Manchester who arc saying,“ It’s worth double Sunday after Aaoenskm Day. ment win be esiihrated by tl* endorsemapt than the 87367 votes TODAY eallad Kaaudtar. Chnrch achool at SHIRTS ONLY 3 for 25c whst they charge.” EDISON pasior. received In 1986. 9:80 a. m. Sarvloe In BngUah at After Ugh smas there win he They pointed out that the 1988 SHEETS ONLY 6c each H A R ira io ON THE 4 MM a. m. Text of sennon: John Men’s S-picM suits arc 5$c. Ladies’ plain dreasm ★ a moethly BMottag of th* Lbtala rote was poOad hi only 38 states, SAMB SHOW m ^13-90. Thome: "I am the light dicktr. legal Umltatiaas havtag kept tlielP Aak About. Our 55c. Come in any tima and I will gladly show you of tha World!" 1. The meaning of At 3 pi as. the t adiss Altar 8o- candidates off ths haUote In New Dependable Dry Cleaning through our dry cleaning plant. Just aak for me or ads atatemsnt; 3. The truth of thia WUl haws their moothly Tork, Ohio aad sonw other large statement; 8. Tha acceptance of iBss U ^ with Mrs. Bernie* St states. In 1883 tbs party raoalvad my brother, Ernest. DONE IN OUR OWN Milo statement. drawsM presidlag. 83313 rotea. -s8 iweel bui^iad ease wM pm yen is i PLANT Open: 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. Young People’s Society on Tusa. Moaday svaalag at 7 p. : is 4* visit a Peudaa sbewfeem lieais e< s»md« And,, after a stop, sedeej fa y at 7:80 K m. praetla* o f the play hy S t Cecelia Otte la Parta eeMotk, qeletf pewertsi sweep ef i German Holy Communion ebd r to ho gtvea oa MothoFs Day Paria, 3 b y 4.—(P)—^ITw ooung Pentecostal FeatlTkl, May 18. s fid* Is a PMdaa.H yen eety We Meow youTI he erasy abest Ihk ear. «t PulasM HaU, North street Arclufaik* Otto, hair to tbs Htops- yoo’B ■af sfitwif wby •* ■eey tS m n k m Q ih HIs d Dr. W. A. Maier, famed Radio Tuesday, meeting o f tha Sawing burw throa* o f Austria, arrived In todbesvmtoetjw^ rtl** win bf tbo apeaker at a duh at the home o f Mra. glean Para today oa Ua way back to bis •eaUaiag it's s lew-prieed ear, * to tU v m d sf HmHat, M tA. ^CUSB SIKVICE^ RAYf’ RUGGLfiS 1 Lntbwan Hour Serrtee. to Aa, 96 North strsot at retreat la Wslglam after a sbt- I F e s U f.’ heasihr- Aad kt t a in , sMf ssJAesIteMt (y< hold in tbo Bwrtinen MsmoriaL p, *L , waetar "atady to o B ’ tba UMted tide ia "Tripl*43aihtaa*d." kt tieeflaf, dmriblfdad aad LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING, INC BartfM L oa-.May 19 at 8:80 p. as. On Widnsaday aad Frtdsy Statea, Otto taU rsportan that ba $4 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER PHO) Todmj “ Rdbeec*’’ Plus “ A Cluimp at Oalofd**^ Or. Edward Roebna wOl ba ocgaa< tharo wm bs May Dovotlaa bad aiekad aa aatoral idsaa wbleb M aad tbs K *'' England Ma* vleas at .7:9b p. as, PrMay ova woald praro nasfal *idnftag the >*- T ea r LaaDdrT WHEN T or W ant I t . . . Aa T e a W oRt 1t*V •l-fSCoRtdrStrsse ;G«nBan______I about ttMir gaaM-roPoero1 artfl- Starts Thanday, **Pinoc«Jiio* Choir win stag. Tho gonoral pubile at 7:99 ths yoong asaa wOl hold of caatral guropaaft* COLE Um 1 thti piwto o( a giaiit rwtead gun, located to wwdlaRy tnrttadl ' of th* adhstfsL Ati rtcdary.” 4 -M .tti W it - •Xrf;. J.t/' i\

BATURDAT, MAY 4,1940 / B|AircHB8TER EVENING HFSlALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY, MAY 4.1940 PAGE FlV#/i I ■ Alice Preston mad butcher's victims now total however, the opinion was express­ sale of 812,000,000 worth of fuel in plane equipment. He was i^ot. bridges r.nd. roads to prevent the This Sidewalk Future: Marriage, 24,” declared Detective Peter ed that the diplomatic controversy oil to The Petroleum Heat and Eiiropc^s BoniberN cd aa saving yesterday Hurt . by: "BluaC from bringing up troops. Tall Cedara Hold Torsos Start Merylo of Cleveland, who for. four over expropriation wbukl continue. power Company of New York. July li IM l, 1.900 firat,to(e fight­ Troop-strafing alsf.> la counted on Not Deportation Qiosen Queen yeeurs has hunted the killer. "The The other United States com- However, W. C. McTamahan. Not as Accurate ing planes Incorporating all of to demoralize the defenders. Dance Tonigl^ Suit Different wjtole thing looks like his work." pany tovolved in the expropriation president, nf this company, denied these Improvement^ w u ld be de­ The "Reds” are concentrating Police Hunting However, Deputy Cbroner An­ cohtroveray. Standard Oil of New In New York that, such negotia- livered to the A ^ m . behind the Sabine river separating Jersey, has not reached any agree­ tlona we're being conducted. As Uiiitc Mad Butcher Civilian Omterren meg Forest. Tall Odara of Second Year at Con­ the word “Nazi" on one body Which was expressed that the department (OoBtinaed From Page One) the defense in fan-llkc movement fending Action m Re­ he said “ Indicates a poMbility would continue to demand prompt Abaiifloiied Cur W ill Hetp Spot Plan from Fort Benning, Ga. TTiere non, will be held tonight at Dm) served to 118 guests. Each necticut University# (Oentlaoed frani Page Ikse) there might be some secret so­ Indemnification of this company or 8186.000.000 for the Air Corps but are 40.000 defending "Blues,’’ Sports* Center. Ray Warren, wBs hsd her own guests st her sult of Alleged Injuries submission of the problem, to arbi­ 8h! 'eport, Ls., May bringing the total number of South Coventry ciety, opposed to Nazia, connected the House cut off 820.000.000 by Suci yOt Uncle Sam's defendin') has dharge of reaervationa. reports Andover which were decorated with months'of time, epperently traced tration. Slayiugs Clue troops in the maneuvers to 70,000, 'cllow and green. At each plate >zia« Alice Preston of 21 UUey with the cose." voting to construct only 57 of the n next week's war games' that many have notified hint UmR i()6ckville Club Holds All sidewalk accidents do not back to CHcveland, where in the Merylo reported a bloody print Repty Being Decoded 496 replacement planes the army nearly one third of the nation’s Ml*, auswellI umuutmm was s cuts UtUe paiMr bsakst made street, a graduats of Manchetter depend to a large extent on rallatcd strength. they will be present. Ward Del^ Or. Andre Bchaakar, Ataodata involvo the Town of Manchester downtown Kingsbury Run section of a ''good-eized” shoe found -bn .■■Secretary of -state Hull si|ggest- souglit. Later the War Depart;/ gan ia general chairman and Toiif 1S1-4, m lu u m ra In different colon filled with mints. alone. Just at present this town's (Continued from Page One) the cooperation of aome 9,000 civil­ ProfeoBor of History at tha Uni­ High acbool, C3aaa of 1988B, waa residents for years have been ter­ wrappings in one of the cars ap- ed arbitration to Mexico som* time ment aaked the Senate conimlttoc ian obaervera who will help spot It has already been ilccided that O'Bright'a orchestra will provlds Theas w en mads by Prssldsnt Board of Salactman has aritvad at theV'Bluea" will get to Ixmlaiaftn spring Field Trials versity of Coanoctleut, wall known chosen Queen of the Junior Prom rorized by a man with a knife who ;nrently was that of the alsyer’a ago, and Mexico's reply, which Is engaged to marry CXinstance to reatore 810,000,000 of the HoUae “ enomy’’ planes. the music. Dress will be optlonfi}. wftb Mn. O. G. Andsrson, who hsd a deeUlon to defend in court all In tlhje to take up iiclense posi­ Mra. D. K. TutUa for the second successive year bf | has killed and cut a dozen 'vlcUnM and proved for the firat time that understood to reject this sugges­ SoTaegui, secretary, of the Central slash, boosting the plane tptal to These civilians, in MisslaaIppI, aeveral ot her Q ruge iaaara as chargs of tha d l ^ g room. radio commentator of “Hiatory in ■ults brought as a result of falls tion, Is now being decoded by tpe tions by May 11. The opposing The Mothen^ Club met Wednes­ Cbarlcs B. Pomeroy of WUllihan-q and left them dismembered tn the imteher was a man and not a Labor Council' at Stockton. M|ss 166. ' Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas and ! brother, Joeeph of Provldenca, R. chairman of the ity com- the HeadUnea,” addreaoad 88 mem­ or other Injuries on Icy or broken city dumps. department. It will be made Dublic forces then will Seek victory in a According .o military obsei day afternoon at ths. homo of Mrs sidewalks. But next week tha Su­ woman as some suspected. He also Solaegut toid them, they said, she Thomaa said It was au^gested in Florida have arranged to relay ob- On Today ancKTomor- 11., and a aleter, Mra. NeUle Raffer- mittee for the vlaii atlittandtng bers and invltad guests of tha Cov­ tic, graduate of the Claaa of 1880, considered the inverted “ Z” in the tomorrow morning by the two gov­ 10,000-square 'Itille area between the largest problem confront L. H. AusUn. Tha next moating entry Lisague of Woman Voters at perior court in this county will get Trail FoUows Railway had broken their engagement Sun­ committee that It might be well servatlona to Army , men who will ! ty of Provldenca. the organlaatlon / of Marlboro CtonnecUcut University, and one of carved “Nazi” as “showing the ernments. for the Arniy to for the re­ Alexandria, -La., and the Sabine the use of Irambcra In row in Tolland; An­ will be held June 8 at the home of thslr meeiung yesterday at Mra. a different type of otdewaik suit The trail seemed to follow the day afternoon following a quarrel. nsaemble it at a central headquar­ river. ‘ The______funeral will be held on Mpn- , .Orange. Mra. T)itUa la chairman tbe original founders of the prom sex-fiend killer is not educated and The Mexico City, report of the maining 810.000,(<00. bringing re-- warfare is *he Installation of Mn. Bmeot Evan at Which time Thomas Ombam'a Tea Room- He from Manchester. Mrs. Roaamoad right of way of the Pittsburgh and She returned a diamono engage­ ters where defense plana will be A t Fort Benning, more than day morning at nine o'clock at of Eaat Centrar Pomona Homa at the University yesterday. probably is a fellow who rides the Sinclair oil settlement was'that an questa up to the original budget fective armament to enable Uis nual ■ Banquet to Be both M n . Evans and Mrs Albert talked on tba European conflict A. Hawkins la seeking damages Lake Erie railroad, which ekirts ment ring to Chlnchlolo. mapped for the regional Third 6,000 motor .vehiclea tuned up for Bemard'iBemard'a church. Burial will- Ba;ln; Ecohomica c^m ittee raprsaentlng Miss Preston was alao c b ( ^ trains, roaming the country." agreement had been reached for total. He s^id this suggestion ap­ plane to protect ttaetf. B n y Will show all present what In which ba declared that the alllea from not only the" tos'n but alao queen of the annual miUtary ball Kingsbury Run, passes along New The ring waa found on a key Army's huge mske-belleve .itnig- the 6'28-mile trejc to the Sabine Held Tonight, at. Bemard'i cemetery. Andover G m ge. they laarnad at the Leaden' meeL delivery of Mexican oil to The ring In Chlncfilolo's/pocket. peared to be prompted by the de- Bonday Bervioe Mr. an^Mrs. EUsworth Covall, are striving to maintain the pres Abraham Podrove and. the Hart- at the University of Connecticut Castle's murder swSmp, burial (tonsolidated OU Company (Sin­ 8>e- Valley. Brgue attendants said was on ex­ processing occupations. They aggregated 884,000,000. tba Junior-puppy avent for part of tho lacturer's program, spread over four or five years, he . ' ------The RockvUla Community Play- ^ e Grange voted to bold Its next and tha Stats Ooovanilon to bo property, now In the name of Mr. pert in the use of a surgeon’s -V 20 R««’isions Accepted Biitha:/ Yesterday, a daughter to «oga bom after ITOB. era will gtve two o n e -^ plays Jobs held at the HoUI Taft In New Podrove and tbe Hartford-Oonnec- scalpel or a butcher knife. The Then individual members tried said. One of the contracts, he add­ trophlM w «r« to be awarded In regular meeting on September Naval Forces Mr. ^ d Mrs. J. H. Storrs, 28 during the month of ,May, with 21st' Instead of the customary first m MsBarfi Haven May 15, 16 and 17. She tlcut Trust Oimpany. However, third had the word “Nazi'' carved to increase present exemptions ed, was with the First National Oil anwA arent« tha following c u t / Roaabelle also made reference to the newly Thera'a a good reaaon for Vien­ Corporation of New York city. But C3ii^h street and a daughter to Wednesday of tha month. All it is within the highway lines and nese setress Vitma Kurer’s smUs. across the chest in five-inch let­ from the hours standards only. Mr. and Mra. Arnold Hoose, 869 6 ttnda3r*s event# Include the Gordon, Henry Murphy, Edmund organised ToIlSnd. County League, therefore action is being brought ters. There were no Identifying Twenty such revisions were ac­ he declined to name the other two. ednlor ail-age for doga whelped at* Granges were urged to participate Two weddings took plMs ;hla Tha “Bathtub <^1,” as she wai In Near East street. " Smith, Paul Bpkcha, Marcella the Song and Dance Featival of which Mrs. Thomas Graham, against both the property and .the clues. The nude victims, 30 to 40 cepted for a time, but at the last Informed oil men in New York tarJanuary 1 . IMS with three Oenoveal, Ruth AUen, ConaUnce morning In S t Edward's e b u ^ president of the Coventry League, called after playing that role said they had heard of a consoli­ / Admitted Yesterday: Kranklyn be held at tba University of town. \ * in Vienna from the Broadway years old, had been dead an esti­ minute all were rejected and Rep­ /Syphers, 72 Durant street. troDblae; and the open all-age with Brookes, Phyllis Haffron, Gertrude ban. A t o’clock MIm Fraitees beoomee county Chairman, Mra (Contlnoed from Page One) dated contract with Mexico, In Connecticut in July. State Lec­ 8 Attorney George C. Lessner la hit. T h e Woman," mated six weeks , to two months. resentative Wadsworth (R., N. Y.) Discharged yesterday; Hope tkraa prlaei, the flret of-whlch will Fuller, C layto Weber, Stuart Naft g. E. Flint, Ooimty Director, and volving about 89,000.000 cash to turer Edith Lane was gueat of Jean Monwaky, daughter of Mr. representira Mra. Hawl^na and with alteriiktive of m itrin g a Newspaper Sormpe Fonad successfully sponsored a motion to Learned, 30 Forest street; Mrs. ba ISO. and Herban Englert. The playe ifs. Walter Von Aredale, Ftaanee has assoctqted with him Attorney send the entire subject back to the paid over a period of three yei Dr. John E. Flaherty ta chalr- honor at this meeting. and Mn. Stanley Morawsky of IT. S. citizen or being depofteo to from Rome that Itall»"warahlps. The three cars arrived here j Dinah Fox, 78 Garden street; Mra. will be directed by Michael Adrian. chairman. Herman Yules. Judge Henry H. April 21, the same day they were Labor Committee. and tbe right to take out of ' * of tha eommlttee in charge ,of Meeting Sunday Mra. T.. J. BIrmInghanb Mra. Stafford Springs and Stanley Ku Germany, from which the\had soldiers and planes v «ro pouring Harry Prior, 126 Wells atreet. / vfte-jpnresident Mrs. Peck of the Hunt of H a t^ rd and Olaoton- fled. Recently the announced rar shipped from Struthers, suburban Meanwhile, relatively svrift pro­ can wells during the next six tiM avanta and antrlaa were ache- A meeting of tha Children of Francis Friedrich and Mrs. Max­ llesh, son of Mr. and Mrs Stephen Ropkt^e League, comprising the into the Dodecanese. Birth: Today, a son to Mr. and y well Hutchinson attended a maet- Kullesh of Stafford Hollow were bury Is repre^U ng Mr. Podrove engagement to Michael Joffrh Youngstown, where railroad offi­ gress waa made in the campaign to 30,000,000 barrele of oil. Mrs. John Jones, 104 West Center Just A tfulad to taka part In the trial from Marp of St. Bemard'a church wlU towns c< Vernon and Elllngtoa, and the Hartford bank, while Lewis, of New York. "I wouldn’t Oarrisone Strengthened. cials said they hod stood idle in wrest legislation broadening the See Mexico Winning atvaral Naw England aUtaa. aa be h*>ya betwwm the agaa of Italian sUbnmrinra were reported tHUMacted at tha abort calendar ' DIstrlet MeetiBg held next Monday evening, Mky 6 as beat man. The ushers were Theater Group railroads jrarda Feb. 28. District House floor. tempted to get thd oil companlee son, 44 Main street; Kazinltr Yokl- Maalon of tha Tolland County Su- S'and 14, also, their parents, arc at Rhodee, iargeatxpf tho taland to present a united front (n Ihe There will be a meeting of the in Rockville at Forestdrs' bqH. The George Panclera, Joseph MonW' Invited to meet at t^e . Center Attorney Andrew T. Park said it tiSi 68 Irvi.Bg atreet; Gordon partor Court held on Friday with More Vital aroup* controversy. Jewett, 99 Porter street. Fourth District American Legion guest speakers will tncldde J sky, .John Hipsky and Stanley schoolground to meet a reppesen. The Islands, which Ttaly ob­ was possible the madman 'killer, Reachet Settlement lodga Alfred C Baldwin preaidlng. and Auxiliary on Sunday, May 8 WalUr Darley, WUIIam J. Fttx- .Bernat of Stafford Bpringa. A To Play Here who has burned several victims, The companies have,engaged in Census^ 80 patients. Mra. Alto Fullar Peaae of tative from the WUIImantIc branch tained from the Ottoman, empire at North Groavenordala. At this gerald and William Citron. reception and dinner followed the of Junior Midshipmen. started the blaze in the hope, the Over Oil Seieuret a bitter dispute wltk'Mexico since Bamra waa grantad a dlvorca from Ths one case of typhoid TdVdr After War In the Balkan war of 1812. are March 18, 1938, when, the aouthem A new aclentlfic theory being time the annual District Mamoriai ceremony at'the C. S. P. 8 . hall, strategically Important b ei«ia« gruesome evidence would be des­ Washington, May 4.—(F)— The ■enoa OoUlna Peaae on ground! of aervlee will taka placa. .which waa reported to be in And­ South WUlIngton. -Guests ware troyed. Not far from the yards is Sinclair'Oil Company baa reached republic expropriated their proper­ tested la* the coating of airplane Brings Hartford Thetpians to they vbtualiy control the entraM atualty. She testified that ha uaad Mlnstral Tonight over recsntly was found to bs Mr. prasant from Naw York, Spring- (OonMnued- Prom Page One) hobo Jungle' in which officials a settlement with Mexico over ties. ‘iringti with a thin layer of mov­ profane language In speaking to The annual minstrel show and Smith, son of Mn. Leonard Mcr' Bridal Showers to the Aegean sea, throng . It was reported In Mexico City, ing aif to cut dowrn atrreslitance. field, Chicopee, Ludlow, Maas., and \Be at Hollister Street thlpa must pass to reach the Dar- theorized the victims might have seizure of oil properties, reliable aar. Attomaya Donald D. Flak and danea will be presented this eve ritt, and at present no other cases RookvUla. After a wadding trip women's Divlaion of tha Damo- been ataying. sources here and in Mexico City along wllH word of the Sinclair It is reported that this layer of M »r y Ikifg rtpraaantad Mra. ntng by the Gesang and Declama­ are even auspected. As yet no the couple will make their hofn* For Miss Brown craUc National Committee. ^rilon9Iay7. danellea. VtotiOM Total 24 Now said today. ■ettle^nt, that tbe MexicM gov- air current should prevent eddy tion Club at Mania Grova with report has been forthcoming on Dennis Lane, Stafford Springs T ^ \aame group thronged the They also would offer a baoa *T think it, is safe to say the In State Department circles, ernnidnt was negotiating for the currents from forming. T x b a Hobm Ownar'B Loan Corp- Carlo Genovasi dlreetlng. Music to the source of the contagion. The bride le employed at the John­ south fawn of the White Houae ThV/LltUa TheaUr group of from which Italian planes and MStiaB wna gmntad Judgmant of submarines could oparats against for tha dancing which will foUow Mrs. Rufus Grant is at bar son Memorial hoepital and i/lt. yesterday lo r a garden parto at H a rtfi^ will come to Manchester *7^ H.854.10 with Juna 18 set ae Uw wUI ba furaUhed by K*brick'a or- home at Andover lake and her Kullaah Is employed with the Miss Ethel E. Brown, daughter Turkey, non-belllgerenl ally of which they sipped lemon ptmch, under lira ausplcca of the Educa­ In Ita forecloaure action chaetra. many friends are pleaoed to have Woolen Co., at Staf­ of Mr. ndd Mrs. Samuel J. Brown greeted Mrs/ Roosevelt with a FYance and Britain, tn, the event •gainst Olaoomo and Lulgla her rack In town after her long ford Hollow. of 38 Edgertoo atreet, who:# mar- rush that almpst swept her off tional club/for tha presentation of of war In the southeast. Qaartl. weeks illness In Waterbury. At 10 o’clock. Miss Theresa rlase to Beniamin Ratcllffe of her fast and baard the president two one-a^ plays. Tuesday eve­ sea Control Importaat , Tha inoMoT* of tha fitaSord Louis Purinton and Bertha Jane Navratll, daujdtter of Mr. and Mra. Mlodlatown will take placa bn June Issue a cballenga to oandldataa In Control of the Mediterranean l a « J gpiliiga Agricultural fioclaty, in 15, was tba guest of honor at two ning, May 7)\at 8:15, at the Hol­ Hutchinson have been out of Frank N a viw I of South Willing- the coming electloh^ lister street school' auditorium. vUaUy Important to W t ^ . » TCoatvarahlp to aall additional real Wapping school, both little girls having ton and Joseph C. Rada, son of bridal ahovpera this weak. Wadnsa- whom it is the direct lifeline to day avanlng, relatives, friends and No Light ea Own toleetleee aitata, oraa grantad. been Ull Mr. and Mra. Joseph C. Rada, Sr., Without saying anyfhing that The group ta now In Its thirteenth India, Australia and New ZMland. Tha case of Frank H. Foes, Mn. W. W. Grant neighbors aurprised her at her The children In the middle room of Eaglevllle were married in S t threw light upon hie ohm Inten­ year, and Is well known for the se- It Is equally Important to Franca SMcutor of the estate of Ella A. 7SM, Mnnrbeater of the school held a puppet show home and presented with many as the gateway to her African Wilsoti/ Nurseries Edward’s church. Mias Clara tions as to a third trirm, Mr. riea of plays which it presents an­ Card va. MaUlda E. Landen waa this afternoon for their parents choice glfta, Including twin tables DeCicco of South WUHngton was Roosevelt callod upon eam)ldatea nually at Avery Memorial. empire. ^ ^ . .orttbdrawn. and friends. The children have maid of honor and Miss 'Helen and lamps. Tha bride-elect when Egypt remained In a •***•,^ Ta fipaak A t Masting she returned home found the living to - "quit condemning each , and There were quite a number of been making those puppets under Navratll, slater of the bride waa every act of this administration Plays to Be (Uvea prepamdneas for any svtBtuaUtft Tha May masting of tha Tolland Wnpping peopla who nttended the ths direction of the art teacher, bridesmaid. Charles Rada, broth­ and dining rooms decorated In The comedies---- *- bexgiven to ba\given herer ail army leaves hsve been can­ and tell us just how you wou)d \ 44' AGOPRICED THE B A G Ubrarr Aasoelatlan will ba bald at pink and blue with shower of afternoon and ovaning meeting of Mies Bennett and their room er of the bridegroom was beat change the laws if you were li are Thornton WUder*a “ "Road to celled, coastal and anti-aircraft fibs library rooms oif Tolland the Hartford East Association of teacher, Mlaa Litwln. — man and William NavratU served paper streamers from a central Trenton” and Susan Glaapell's defense are fully manned and mil­ •traat, Monday afternoon at S:80 umbralla, and other appropriate power.” t^ngregatlonnl churches, in Glas­ Friends of Mias Edith Maxwell as usher. He asked administration critics ^Suppressed Desires.” The first, itary flying was reduced to a min­ •*niock with Mlaa Gertruda Fullar decorations. s^etlm es called by Oie title "Th e tonbury tbla week. will be pleased to know that ahe who advocate budget-balanolng to imum to conserve gaooline aup- ad RockvlUa giving a talk on The aixty students of the Ells­ has Improved sufficiently to be re­ . ■ / Another enjoyable party'^ was Happy Journey,’*' is filled with / New Method^s Answer To 'UoBW Itacant Naw Books.” TbU worth Memorial High school, who A new devtoa, recently tested, riven for Miss Prown by Mias say what kind of taxes they pro­ moved from the Manchester Me­ posed to levy or, if they Intended pure/homely fun. Tbe action takes **"**’To Tear Frontlsr / V ' was tha talk which was to bavs wsnt o D .ths Washington trip, re­ provides the cabin of a 'plane Isabel and MIm iMabel Bjorkraan place ^ Ms Kirby and her family morial hospital to Cadarcraat In to brlfig the budget Into balance Tn Greece, Klpg George H and • haaa given last March but which turned to their, homes Thursday with oxygen automatically. At nt their home on Benton street. At make uib "joumey” from Camdeii his general atkff wars wported wna postponed because of the Hartford. Letters and cards may by reducing expenditures, what •eens- The Family Laundry Problem night. lO.QOO feet, tbe first hxygen is re. this shower the guest of honor to Trentokin an old Ford to vlriV bsavy storm. Mrs. I. Tllden Jewett, ba mailed to her there and vteitors approprlatiofui they Intended to preparlniir ^ frontl^ Ail acbools In South Windsor are allowed on Sundays from 8 leased. As tbs altitude IncreRcee, found her gift* the aid of Beulah, tb^married daughter. N torUficatleos, moat Im p o r^ t of ■naldent of the aseoclatlon will be and East Wlndaor are to re-open mors it re'eased automatically to alarm clocks, all over tbe house, cut. In marked epatfaat,/‘Suppreesed GUARANTEED STDCK! WE ARE NDT GOING OUT OF BUSINESS, but art forcctl to clean 50 aeres of laiMl aa Per .a. m. to 8 p.-m. “WUl you in these critical days hlch la the so-called "Metoxaa • aharge ot tha masting which wUl next Monday morning after the kaap the percentage of oxygen which created considerable amuse­ Desires'', is a satire on Freudison ’ which waa constructed along ba followed by a aoclal hour with Reverend Wm. B. TuthiU hat lop off a bUUon dollars from our rapidly ai possible, and are offerinfc all sto lon the land we have occupied for the past 20 years at one-half Its actual spring vacation of ona week. been Ul At hie homa and unable conatant. ment, ringing often before the and Theories of ^Uta sub-oonsetora _ Albanian border. In the north, Average Tinished’ Piece Price fiafroEimtnU. The Pleasant Valley Club, wUl gift In hand was unwrapped. , national defense T” the president valur^and in many instances less. All stock aB^ adjustments will be handled Just as carefully as in the past. Piece U> get about at hia many duties demanded. "WUl you curtaU ex­ mind. Tha aocte^ matron who after Italy occupied Albania In - Mambara are urged to attend hold a bridge and setback party at A supersensIUve photo-alectrle lays great ataaaa oh^ disama and ■ad they are sntltled to bring a penditures for old ago pensions or Aprit\iese. „ V the homa of Mr. and Mra. Homer Ce'l, used in connection with tn- As of Jan. 15, 1840, thefe was believes that desires \ in general Turkey, fearful of a German ad­ Far tow east laaadu aaifto Mand with them to the meeting. Lane, Jr„ this evening. The pub- fta-rrd light, soon will be tested. a total of 171 seaplane bases and unemployment InsuranceT WUl I yee eoa*t omleb Beg (FWaab. And yee dent have to $nee year hoow to gat toa you abolish the SecuriUee and Ex­ should never be euppraased, la vance into the Balkans and ouap^i- A*Waab aenrlea. John Hammond Uc la invited. The device la reported to enable ahehoragas, Includlnr army and taught a leaaon In gobd sense dous of Russian darigns on tha We eon for and deliver nil bondlee. The potoatod Bog (FWaoh bag la a groat Ma> ' Johfi Hammond, 78 of 72 Orova A t the First Oongrsgatlohal Fllington pilots to see through fog. navy bases. In the Ufitted States. change OommlBslan and turn their which dellghta every m ^ h er of Dardanelles, was obviously w n ROSE BUSHES HEDGING venlenee. It Is deelgaei to tal e eora of the larger oMdinm or aanall family, and wbrn the hog to pnobod ine third, ■traat diad on Friday moaning at church of South Windsor thcro functions over to tha Block Ex­ O. F. Herr the audience, \ more anxiora over the p ^ b lH ty THE WORLD’S BEST! In addition to the usual line of twe-tblrda, or fen, yon bnew th • eoot at oora to any oao o f foar oorvteoot **AH Ftotahed*’, Tptoff D ry*, T t o llli* * , or Ills boma following a long Jllneaa .will be a m clal meeting held at change? WUI you end tbe ClvUlan of an a t t ^ b y Italy. DlplomaUc SOpDOO Tr e ^ r ^ d Shrubs Oonservation Corps and the Na- Thoss In Charge \ SEAL-KRAFT SEAL-PAKT PRIVET and BERBERRY, **Daaip Waab”. la a toot tom Do Iho avonga plom prim for .the **AII Ftotabod*' aerVlqt Sgew a abiat So, aafi to M waa bom In Waterbu^, July 10:80 a.m. Sunday morning to vote Teh 488-t RookvUIs General plans for Tuesday obaorvera i ^ t h a t Turkey hr d not 87, 1867 and had been/S ^aident on new membera, who will be Uonal Youth AdmlnlatraUon? Patent Processed ^ lOQ V ari^ priced as low as the ether eerriee. the prlee gee I ao low oo le per ptoee. See tbe tabalattoo below tor qto Bag 0*Waob toot baadto Lets Dummy Make His 650-foot Leap ning^a entertainment are to cr forgotten Itaiyq Imperial ^ h a - iia Best of Rockville for 60 y formally received into the church WUl you destroy, by withdrawing tlona and that itoe feels Italy hra In UM Salsbed eervlea. The annuel Tolland County 4-H i approprlatloho, ths soil oonoerva- of the finance committee of th( EverMooming Hybrid Tea Varietlea Most be sold as rapidly aa peewble to clear Ha arorked for mMy years - at at Jhe 10:48 service. The candi­ Oreen Revue put on by the glrlain ' Educational Club. Tha oommittea ealgnt on AnatolU. a aecUon r f tba plant of the^.^lorton Manufac­ dates for membership are: Hugh Uoo and tree planting program of leased load. Diggiag and iMUHdlag wlU be B a g 0 *Waab la a bargato beeaaoe It Is p tta^ by 4 bo bag toataad of by the | Paefctoai: the varloue clothing olube uill^bei of which Miss Hope Henderson la and Itsita Vqit, undeveloped dooe In the most corefol maaoer, rbdariag turing company retiring eight Greer, Horace VIbert Edith Reed, tha government? chairman, includes alooMrs. Ed' 3 5 ^ dozen oMiro yoa pack, tba greater tbe bargato. /T*«rs Barbara and Betty Burnham and held In North (toventry Com­ *'I rebognlM the horrid dUenuna ehaaees of failore to a nUabnam. 'x munity Houea, Nnd drear revue and announcement of TUUnghaat. crews of mercbsnt ships srriv president, spoke tn different sec­ bars reportsd todky. They A v e ra g e Fimthed Bundle Costing $3.99 award!. A special Invitation Is ex­ tions of ths country. Mlae Dorothy Anderson of tha tended to parents and friends of High school faculty is tn riiarga of BritUh Nsvsl forces hare since ( WINDBREAKS 1 8 f alBi altpa At Buffalo, N. Y.. Taft told Tha war Btsrted hsd been strengthenedX FLOW ERING 5 0 / ea. to $ 2 and up 4 droosea the 4-H Club membere. Advertising AffUUtlon — com- student ushers. ran Bag (FWaah Bog Daily Pattern Gardner Chapman of Maple Music will b# furnished by tbe Sslonlks restdenU ^nervously' That Con tabled 188 Pteeae f a p ro n . ■ powd of clubs in IS cltlea of Naw street Is visiting his grandmother, High eebooi orchestra directed by swslted developments. In ths event SHRUBS >nd VINES Da Lorn Ftolebeg. f pajaaei oeata 1 aUrt York, Pennsylvania. Ohio and On­ PERENNIALS sboota Mrs. Lulu Lord of Hebron. O. Albert Pearson. of s swing of tbe war to tho Modi- SEAL-KRAFT froecaacd . 8 pajansa pants 8 Vew Sports Three-necer tario—that a minimum of 1,700 torranaan, tbla port - would ba a A large aeeortment of heavy No^6 eW8« fof Ptalabtog 1 8 pairs aoeka 8 plltow aUpo Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Lasoff and Federal employes whose annual Complete Aaaortment HEDGES and SCREENS Shirts little daughter, Althea, pf Hart­ strategic prise for either aide. It field grown plants preplantcd by 8 aigbtgowaa 8 dlab towels Pattern 8719 ■alariea aihouatad to 88,(K)0,000 Tha new Empire Air'Behnae, waa p ^ ta d out. Gnaranteed! MANY UNUSUAL BARGAINS! t w a la ta 8 bead towela ford are visiting at the home of were.engaged In advertlamg gov­ 'a spc^l new method. Sure to This three-ln-one sports pattern ■'i . ' Mrs. LasofTs patonts, Mr. and under which Csnsds la to spend It was leamsd hare that a large grow! Mra Samuel Yaamer of Maple ave­ ernment agencies. shout 18,000,000,000 for thres portion of the ten claaaes of reserve is not only pew in the. aense that “I don't care what kind of admln- years and turn out about 28,000 officers called up for a month's nue, for two weeks. Istration you have. If It Indulges it is fresh from the bands ot our Jean and Janet Abom of Maple trained pilots, is reported to be training will be aasigned to the Ale up InAnifaul Specimens Fimdied expert designers. It is also decided. street have bean spending a abort In advertiring. It Is bound to In­ underway. Tha only difference banian frontier sons, from wble“ e a d t 8 eUk tbeoiloa 8 bath towoto dulge la propaganda,'* tas oald. **1 Many Varieties and Siaea 2 0 / Iy new in idea. You'll noUoa that vacation with thalr unela and from the original elan la that Can­ an Italian drive for Salonika A Two-Third Bog 0*Waab 1 allh sBp t tohleelitba don't baUeva any such propaganda ada will not bo u a training cen­ has been regarded as a pooaib Priced To Suit Any Pune That Contotaed 88 Ptooea 8 dreeoeo 8 noplriaa the frock of 8718 fastens tn tha aunt, Mr. and Mra. Ruasall Hum­ phrey of Wethersfisld. la naoaaaarys** ' ter for the whole British Empire. If the European war aproada. Do L o w Ftolabed 1 oproa ItdoWea bMk' at neck and waistline only Miss Adelaide Loethseber, a stu­ Dewey declaied In an address st FRUIT TREES PERMANENT 6 for $1.00 4 eiMoto n baoilburrbtolO WichlU, Kan., that “foundaUens No Oiargo for Ptolobtog 4 searfB (4ritb plenty of lap-over), leaving dent at tba State Teachers* Oollage Sbirta 4 plltow oUpo ''the front perfectly smooth. Thus at New Britain, la spending a short of totaUtarianlsm" were laid VINES >nd p l a n t s 4 dlab towels you can lay it flat on -the boards vacation with her parentA Mr. and when peopla wars aubaervlsnt to CHRISTMAS TREES for Ironing. Made-In tbe popul Mra. Jacob Loetbachar, of Morris government. BAT AT RBTMANDBR*S SEAL-KRAFT Processed “ 10,000 waistband ityla, it has a Comer. "It ia right that tho goveraraaat They are Better and cost no more Some Very Fine Specimens ailhoustta—smail-walstsd. rp Fair Tiylop.______after annmincinijx be arould leep to the Q r Dial M aachestor S2$4 oowtaoua. Sbo raoDy enjoyed ths But Yeet got cold feet, toeeod out tbe dummy seen Brown prodtetod that tha M to ^ l! work. gan Domoentlo dalagattoB. to bo M Osk Strsst Baol Brntlaed. WoS Pattam Book. Ifie parechute. He was arrested by policemea who spent helf en hour Tha May chooan at a oonvaBOM Jhaa IS. T a L l ^ aWlLS0N&C0.1nc. d lmblng stalra to his perdi., Inaet abowi Yost talking into news­ May 1 at q^a CbuNk Community ba prc^Beoeevelt hot aalB- QAirGRlIiL reel i K' ' ■■ ■'■■■ ■ ■' . , , ■ A.' r .-v; i. ■■



with the dangm te a t now men­ munldpalltlee to ba eloaely on A Banner With a Strange Device tbalr guard for open .or trick leg­ Damage Heavy T rophy Nazis Claim in War's Crucial Battje - 4UuirIrfft»r ace tee w ti^ earth, ''if we ara to What Tt Mean$: Tragic Plight of Poles achieve national- security of islation calculated to render tee Daily Radio Programs C v n rttis arms and tee Internal unity with­ eaUbUshmeat of low apead UmlU To Finn Towns out of which our own perils Illegal or tneff^Uva. DaySgkt ilBR* Unleae Otherwlie Noted. Told by Relief Ohae. Battle for Norway m INC. msy^'Wome UUmlUble, we must There can- be no poseiblS doubt ^ II •iM all str*i>t lerata our political partlaan- that the adoption of prims facia By MorgBB M. *tteelr . fores* Traasporta dia- Three-FouPths of Fin­ Washlngto* D. .C — ItoUefAand Greece after tee WocM Itaaekmtar, Ob^ 7:80 Wayne King WalU: I Hit ' TROMAI ntRODtOW ilpa to a point where they shall apeed ilmite by many Connecticut A P raatare Bendea X WiMar. guised aa merchant landed aeeda of the Polish people contto- 'The resultant dtaoe troops before a> •uspected Fwade; 9:15 Students' mock po­ nish Towns Hit in 1800 ' I relief / 0«ii«ral HknacBr not amoteer our devotion to our towns and ctUaa baa already had a I ua to mount rathar than diatotoh, F *«n 4 ^ Ootob«r 1. liil Washington—^The infantry of what waa going Obviously, litical convention* Soviet Air Raids. ' lag the settvil country. salutary effect on tee avarags rate WTIC W;JZ-NBC—« Message of Is­ James T. Nlohbleon, member of rablltkad B»*rjr B»»nln« every nation haa a boast about It- , the Oermana hopdd to carry out a laformatleo sefvloa to of driving la this atate—and un- coup d'etat In Norway without fir­ Hartford rael; 7:30 Radio Guild Drama; 8 the European delegation, reported letlves or friends ojf •aa«>jri and Bolldara Enlar^ a» There are some among ua of ■elf that goea something Uke tUa: Washlngto* D. C.—A eurvey Ua Peat Offtea at Manehattar. whom.lt la hopeleaa teat they will laas two plus two cease to make You can aand your battlawrag- ing a s b o t X If successful, they 1040 kc. M M m. Bam itonee; 9 new aerie* M elc^ to Netlohel Headquarters on bis, clttoen* . - Caaa~ aa Baaend Claaa Mall ^attar. could bavp'told the world that aU tn tee i% b t; 9:45 Rep. C. H. Hal- of Finlend’s recovery needs re- return to Washington after sever-! Food suppUee ere ideqftolf ever do teat. They srlU nail their four tea eatabUshmant of tea Urn- on* Bubmanasa, artUlary, quar- i BlJBtCIlIFTTnN RAraj* ” , termaatara, carpenten, tnglnaera, the peopra In Norway—or moat of leck on .. "Protecting Amertea'a veeU teat S3 of 89 towns were el .months to Poland supeniMng ' egrleulturaJ regtan* be fMOft Ita will Inevitably save many lives. Batorday, May 4 Oaa Taar kr Mall ...... ■/•••••!*!! party oolora to the maet, so to or what-bava-you, but until you j 'em-rN&s Nasis anywray. PMC4." bombed In 1,800 air raids, accord­ tea dtotributloo of American Rm > teeugh daftolta food T Par Mentk br Mall ...... J epeak, and go down In the wreck. It haa taken a great many years they were slightly prai P. M. .. MBS—7 CkU 'N' Jammers; 8:80 Crosa rsUef supplies. taxtst to tha largar eittoe Rlaala Copt ■•••...... /• ...... * •” tend a foot aoldiar with a bayonet | 13:15 — Waateer Report from ing to cable advices reaching here DallTartd Ona Taar If wreckage comee, with their to bring about thla reform. We to plant hla brogana firmly on tee Some Norw^tans Symphonic Strings; 10 Old Do­ Intanae suffering will he tee lo t. becauaa of the lack of iltlona failed to cooperate. The r Bralnard Field. minion Bam. / from American Red Cross repre­ of more then e mUlton Poles, ha' power among tea maai IIEMBEI^ OP hearU full of parUaan anger and cannot poaribly permit Ita baneflta ground—and keep him tecra-^-you 13:30—Song Folks. cant win. king told 'em off. Tba Norwe­ sentatives stationed in Helsinki. •aid, until new crops ara harvest- { mle dlsseess to the "govsfBl THE ASSOCIATED PKEM hatred. But reasonable men and to ba nuUifled becauaa certain 13:30 — Connecticut University Sunday brings: ed end the wheelc of tee count^s general" area, only section of Tka Aaaoelatad/Praaa la aaeluaira* Of course. hlfalutlngiluU gians sunk a German warship or Farm Forum. This Information was contained Ip aalltlad ta tka aaa or rapubllaa* women will weigh party conflicts tranaportatlon concerns operatBig people elate tee o^ two. Watchful English auba and Europe—NBC 7 * m.; CBS 8 * In a report forwarded to Chair­ ! factories begin to turn again. De-' Island ‘ In which tec Red nan af all naan diapatehaa eradiiad 1:00—News, Weather. m.. 8. 7:55 p. m.; W EAF 3:80 structlon of production fteUiUce, permitted to render eld, ta It or not Atbarwlaa eraditad In and the barrangues of political buses find It difficult to maintain dlffarsntly tela warahips fired on tee stream of 1:15 — Market Report. Agricul­ man 'Norman H. Davis to deter-, tkla papar akd alaa iha loral nawa way: •oldier-shlpa an routs to Norway. WJZ-NBC 8; MBS. 8:45. . . . Ssi mine what'part the American Red coupled with a lack ot raw mater- feae than normal. Mr propagandists at their true value the breakneck sch^ules they had tural BuUetln. lute of Americaa—WEAF-NBC, i lell, has gravsiy reduced indus- ■aid. anbllanad Maraln. The primary mlaaUm^of the in­ Then the British closed In on 3:00—I’m An American. > Cross can take In Finland’s post­ Atl.plglrta of rapubllcallon af against the paramount need to set up. Narvik, breaking up the German CBS, MBS 1 from Peru. ' trial opportmiltlea and •ggra^'ated Rad Crosf shipments to apaelal dlanalrhaa bartin ara alao fantry Is to close wjte tee-enemy 3:15-^Daaca Orebaatr* war recovery program. The mes­ create here a nation that can, If Interurban busas cannBt suc­ In attack, aad dearth w capture coup there, and making a fight out WEAF-NBC—1:80 Roundtoble sage stated teat relief needs cen­ tea misery the Rad C^roea la at­ are eonttautog. be eeld. raaarra^ 3:80—Muric Styled For You. "The Trojan Horse;" 8:80, Hun­ tempting to Itghtcn, Mr Nichol­ tee receipt ef through the strength of Its arms cessfully ba operated except at him on hla poaltem* • /T b* infan- of it Now, tba British and 3:00—Golden Melodies. tered around 440,000 Finns who PnUeenrlea dllanf of N. B. .tiy Is tea gmfiral tpiaalon of the French hava panetraUd tbs coun­ dred Years of Postage Btampe; son reported. British autboriUee to pnen ■araleo' Ina and the aolldaiity of Ita people, spqeda teat conatituta constant 8:80—The Next Step Forward. were evacuated from the ceded Latest figures 'piece at 8484,000 entire fo rce X Tlm^ special mii- try to Join up with tbs Norwsglan 6:80, Ted Waema Band quto; 8, Karelian Isthmus and the contin­ tlonal conaignmaBta e f eu stand against a world gone mad. peril to other vehiclea and to pe­ 8:45—Laglon of Safety. Jack Benny! 7, Charlie McCarthy: tee total expended or committed valued at 83M.OOO. Pobliahora Rapraaantatlaaa Tht slona of tee otker arms are de­ army, or that part of It that e * 4:00—Caroptu Capers. ued boepltatizatlon of 40,0' Intereated In nothing but their In­ files of Norway, a couple of high But from tea military point of Johnny Presents Quto moved from baas (in valley, at right) and to •ffected- Junction of Nazi totem from Itandhaln and Oslo near ing adequate attention. planes Is tea Z. R. R. II ment The Swedes are angry, re­ 7:00—KUtenmeyer’a Klndergar- NBC; 8, Sunday Evening -Hour, ties on tee .ableteodled that the Stoere* at and of rail line pletured a ^ v * Now under way to Poland, Mr. osirlea one >0 nun. nlr take. class major powers are finding view both aide* atarted fighting iRB. Flnntob-Sovlet^ntier still to cov­ Saturdsy, May 4 sentful at tee sudden upsetting of out all Over a g ^ how true It la. before either bad guaranteed Unas tedu Sayao; 9:80; new time for Nliehelaon pototad out, la eoa of four ftxod iMohteo And teejr people will be well ad- 7:30—PatU Chapta Slnga For WOTkahop drama* ered with tea frozen bodias of tba graateat maaa mlgratleiia of the wtage. When tbn finne' what quite recently looked like a Looking 6ack over tee first few of'communication from the home You. soldiers Of both side*"' the cable vlaed if they refuse to send to the front. So tee Germane lost trans­ one to the dye works adjacent to ing and hoepttal detaenmants peoples to hlatoro, aqoMlng if not end w tu n Hlspnno-Sulnn Party or Country fairly secure neutral position, and, week* of tee campaign, it’a a pret­ 7:45—H. V. KUtanhom. W JZ-N B O -ll * m., Radio a t y said, ''the common gravea In tha duPont company ware next Legislature representatives ty safe prediction teat both aides ports at the outset to Allied avia­ concert; 3:15 p; m., Forrign Policy Solon Denies the powder plant / ■urpaastof tha nroad tmnafer of It bee n epe^ of SOO of The breakdown of tba Allied like every other nation or person 8:00>— Landmarks of Radio peytoh churchyards are an Im- Etheradga akid polie* lira fight­ charge of tee sttuatlca. whole populattena between Turkey hour. or aenators who haVa not put are moving feet In Norway to ae- tion and eubmarlnea. Draun* talks; 5:80, Cavalcade of HlU; pfesalve sight, with open graves Mjnpalfn In Norway and tl4 con- In a similar position, they would them.aelvea definitely on record curs their positions too fast to LJkewlae the British had to send 8:80—Program from New York. 8:80, Clttoenahlp program from lined with balsam boughs awrtt- Ptrsloo of tba major part of that like, apparently, to find some one keep their soldiers wbeik their feet forces acroas the North Sea In 9:00—^Ltfe Insurance Program, Tulsa; 7, Emmerick KUman con­ Sellm gjobs agalnet any attempt to lobby the convoyed transports. And thay’va Ing tea bodlaa of tea dead.” to blame. It being most Itiadvlea- are now planted.' ' Senator H. Styles Bridge* cert; 9, Good Win Hour. Tha Finnish Red Cross, aided by eeuntry Into a strategically val­ speed limits, out of existence. The Germans made tba first still got to keeup up a supply Una MBS— 3. On a Sunday After­ uable Oennan outpost province; ble to openly blame the Oermana, 9;15-^NBC Program. from 35 Rad Cross socistlaa mlscaleulatlona In Norway when to troopa 600 miles or more from 10:00—Bob Crosby’s Orchestr* noon; 4:80, United Jewtoh appesL throughout tha world, to begin­ Insists '^^ole Concern the precarious situation In the with whom hereafter they M m they tried to mix power politics their home basea. Now trans­ 10:80—Fraddla Martin's Orchea- General Johnson, Governor Leh­ ning to turn from military relief bledlterraBaan and the probability destined to have a great deal to Ridinff Feet First with military atraten. ports and supply lines from horns tr * man and Fannie Hurst; 8, Tropical operations to meet needs among On Appointments That mixture woteed in Poland fronts are fealmg tea bombs of Serenade; 7, Afiaericen Forum, of the sapping of Ihiropean neu- do, they are Just now finding fault One who eigne himaelf P*. D. 11:00—New * tea civilian population, tha report last year. German aplaa, sabo­ aerial and aubmarlne warfare. 11:15—When Day la Done—Larry *(3oveii)ment^Bhcpenditurea;’ 9:05 Win Politif»l Support. tn l courage by Oermany's appar­ with the AUtea for lack of deci­ continued. Plans have been com­ McHugh, writing to the New York teurs, and Information getters The whole campaign sums up at Huard. baritone,' Bud Raln^, WGN Symj^onie Hour. pleted by Red Cross offtdato to ent trreslstlbiuty combine to give sion and positive action. Times with a New York address, wormiNI their way Into Polish tela early spring s t^ s Into a bat­ narrator. Oatoesville, O *, May 4—{JTi— tle between some 75,000 Oerman handle public health problems and to the European war a new de­ One of the things they are say­ says that the Little Falls tragedy grace* crippled the Polish mobi­ 11:45—Eddie LeBaren's Orches­ Mmiday expectatlona: for a welfare program for children Rep. B. Frank Whelchel (D., Oa.) lization by spying out concentra- troops and 50,000 to 80,000 AUlad gree of seriousness for the United ing has not been said elsewhere, brings to mind a question teat baa t r * BOrope—NBC 7 * m.; CBS, 7 * of tee dead and permanently die- stood firm today In a denial of lon point* Slid signalled this to troops fighting a long way from 13:0O-Joc Ratebman’s Orchestra. m., 5:80 p. m. ■tates. hot If It Is a guasB It la a plausi­ abled. government charges that be re­ long puzzled him. That I* why he German air force. Troop home. Supply lines are being 13:80—Gray Gordon's Orchestr* WEAF-NBC—13:15, Ben Berola Famillas of 18,000 combat dead As we realise the more acutely ble one. It la teat the British Pullman bertes are Invariably trains were bombed off the tracks. tom up by special forces teat can 13:45—News. orchestra: 1:46, Hyirnia of AU and 10,000 permanently Injured ceived 82,700 from North Georgia do no more than destroy and run. that this war throws into flux the fleet, which left Its base on April made up so that the aleeper's head Poland's air fields were shelled un­ 1:00—Silent Churchaa; 4, Girl Alone. soldiers are being regtotered to be constituents in payment fbr postal performance. By thla time Kate til they were useless. . And yet the strength of one of fate of many nations and tea en­ T, failed to Intercept tee Oerman la forward, Mr. M cHu^ sees thla Teiiieriow's Jiogtaai WABC-CBS — 1:80, Fletcher easiated in a long-ranga rehabili­ appointments. Smith le climbing Into her own The rest of the campaign waa these special arma may ba tea WUay, philosopher; 8, naw series. tation program. Red Cross repre­ tire course of world history, tsfo transports then moving toward practice as conducive td,, making car, and teen MUa Carruthers goea easy thrii, because Polish aoldlen strength that wUl get credit for A. M. The 44-year-old, athletic-ap­ Washington Daybook 8:00—^News Here Wd Abroad. Lecture HaU; 4, B^lbririg Muric. sentatives reported tee official pearing congressman Insisted his effects srould seem to bo Impera- Norway only because tee British accidents fatal which might other­ on to her home on Long Island. It didn’t get a chance to plant their wlhning tbs Norwegian campaigTi. death toll among civilian* has " ■ I R y Jack * Primarily It's the q>eclal naval 8:05—Organ and Xylophone Re- WJZ-NBC—11 * m., Norman whole- concern In recommend!^ ttvely demanded—tee task of put­ government became fearful of an Is teen 1:30 a. m. feet on strategic ground. German H. Davto to Red Cross convention been set by Finntoh auteorttlea at wise not be seriouB. He thinks that In addition, ahe la the head and aoldiers got there and held on. arm of the British, against tea ciUl. appointments waa to win poUUcai ting America Into a condition of Invasion of Scotland and made Its In all probability some of those 8:35—N ew * . (etao MBS); 13:80 p. m., aeholes- 840. Approximately 1.500 noc- •dpport, particularly to countless founder of the Kate Smith Fan Washington — The alap-and-'.^moBquitoes tee only ones teat at- The Germans went even furthef special air a m of tee Germans. oombatanta wera said to be hos­ Impregnable security against arm- naval declslens accordingly. club, which puts out' a., regular w. ^ three By and large, the AlUea are bet­ 8:80—Gena and Glann. Ue awards; 4:80, Ireene Wicker he found hard to carry. killed at Uttle Falla died of brok­ scratch season soon will be with In Norway. They used tee atorie* pitaltoed. 1,000 of whom exiffered, ad attack and, of fully equal Im- Thia le the first explanation of en necks, whereas. If the bertha Kate Smith n'iwepaper '(the last us ... and I figured It’s high time families of girls la deadly. nucleus of Nazis In the country ting on battlewagons. And tea 9:00—Tba Four Showma* Stating bla position to a Fed­ edition had 40 pages). One of tee 9:15>^Tom Terriaa. MBB—1:80, Radio Garden club; Injuries deacrtbed ns serious. tee eucceeeful movement Into Nor­ we got into tea middle of the If you've merely had a night to spread doctrines and undermine Germane are betting on their air­ eral court Jury, he admitted yes­ portadM, the development of a had . been made up the other way features waa a story entitled. planes. 9;80^unday Drivers. 3:45, Birth of a Postage Stamp. FSod ProMeas terday be might have been “to- mosquito situation. out vritb the Culex and Aedee the regular government. An urgent food problem was nattenal unity far beyond any that way by the Oermana teat doea not around, they might hava auffered How I Would Bhitertaln Kate Then, they put key arm officers Meanwhile the Infantry la go! 10:00—HlgUlghU of tea Bible. Short waves; RNE MoacOw, 7, discreet" In making appointments Wars may come and wars may glrla, the bureau tells me, you broadcast In Engltob; PC I Bliiid- said to ba developing aa n result we have ever known. put conalderable strain on the in­ nothing worse than broken lege. Smith If She Were a Guest In My go but the fall of the bouse of needn't worry. They are pests. It In the country in disguise to lead- in there taking It on tee chin. 10:80—Robert Stewart about the time "contributions” Home for a Day." 10:45—Rosa Trio. bova* S:35 and 9:86, American of the loss of thousands of acres The former la a mere matter of telligence of the outsider. It haa w. • > - • doesn't strike nearly as close la true, and can raise bob and of agricultural lands ceded to were received hut eaeerted there Thla used to be a favorite topic Mlaa Carruthers alao malntalns -to home as a cloud of 11:00—N ew * Weathar. transmtoaiona: 3RD Roma, 9:60, wee no wrongful IntenL Bdanca, of mechanica. It calls for at least tee sound of reaaoneble- hlrring jenoha on tee ekln you love to Request Comer: TGWA Guate­ Russia and tee general dtoorgan- of ours—until we abandoned all an extensive clipping service, and moaqultoea on THE night you u d ' touch and yours, too, hut they or In tests such aa tea cna In 11:15—Strings That Sing. Sold No Job* nothtaig but tea application of In- neia. every word printed apotit Mlaa 11:80 — Muaie and Amarlean mala, 10, miUtaiy bend. toatlon of farm U f* BaUmates hope of Interesting enough people the beet girl have gone to tee don’t do serious damage. which I sing 'Prayar,'" aha said. given Red Crosa .representatives T have not sold a route or a taOlgent effort to our boundless But Sweden, though glad to be Smith goea Into her private press lake for a picnic and a swim. Shirley Ross After tea personal appearancas Youth. to promote a reform In the prac-. books. Sometimea she aenda these 13:00—Day Drsama with Bud by the Finntoh govaroment state poet office," be testified. “I Interaal resources; The latte/ la a free of tee prospect of Immediate Sitting In Rock Creek park the She's A Changed Oal she retumad to Hollywood and teat the next harvest will yield would not if I could, and It I had ties. books to Kate's oflica for her staff other night, I slapped at a.whin­ Rainey.. aaatter of minds and hearts—and invasion, cannot be-.very bappy. to look at, and Invariably they are Edle .Aedia and her clan used Setting Pace was tossed around a U t more un- . only 85 per cent e f the foodstuffs 'I would hava gone about It differ­ ■ We found out long ago what Mr. ing noise nearing tee back of my to pack a klaa of death but acience til she broke loose in "The teg P. M. that la a far less simple proposi­ On cither aide of her Is a country more nearly complete than Miss 1315—PInocdilo. WDRC ently, gantleme* and that la tea McHugh haant discovered and Smith’s own records. neck. It might baVa been tee put a atop to that. They taolatad Broadcaat of 1937." After teat Meatnwblle, It waa announced troth ot tela mattar.” tion. now controlled dr under the mili­ first moaquito of the season. Like tea yellowjack aufferera . . . put she bang-banged through such 13:45—Naw* Waatear. Hartford what, apparently, none of the nu­ Tops Romantic Come­ 1:00—Murie for Modama. teat tee following supplies would The prosecution chargee that rrom the beginning of our In- tary influence of a totalitarian When stories that are erroneous a diplomat caught In a comer, it them where Edle couldn’t come up pictures as "W a ll^ i Wedding," ‘ 18901;* 8SSa* have to Ha brought to from outside merous other travelers with whom refused to be Interviewed. But 1:80—SUvar String* srith Pickens County Commission­ idspendmt history the United elate. She le cut off from all In- appear In the papers. Miss Car­ to see them anymore ... which diennes with Her Hil­ "Cafe Society” |Mld others ' until sources to feed evacuees until next he has dlscua^ the matter ever Just hearing there gave me an made a lady out of Edle. That ap- she could Si. last tiick HoUywswd'h 3:00—SUuta at tba Anoarlca* er H. Grady Jone* a co-defend­ ruthers writes protesting letters to Saturday, May 4 faU: 30.000 tons of grata. 3.000 ant, acting aa a go-batwae* Btatas has operated On the theory tercourae with tee outer world diiravered either—the reason for Idea and 11 popped In on the fed­ pUes only to tele country; There under her trim belt and look Mpm 3:80—Curtis lUaambl*, the editors. When new studio arious Antics. 3:45—Sabbath Maaaag* 13:80—Lat'a Pratand. toned to be ooettog Sdiout America's worst and most Swedish porta on the Oulf of Both­ of goings where tea female hum­ •tar without ever starring In a The Poet's Columo Round. 7:00—People's Platform. Other paasengera might grum­ It’s Annie’s alatara (tn teid lv a picture; she srae a ehUd prodigy 83400,000 monthly, reeulttog to Penns/I. ^ ------N. J.,J May » V 4 - , damaging tragedy—the dvll war, nia are. wholly Iqadequate. Likely Healih-Diet ming la'' thickest that tea bureau receht debutante Anopjihlea wal- 9:80—American Album of Famfl' 7^80—Skyhtoaar* —A ^tarp axploaioa atdnant Oaa | ble, but they would not often in­ until aha reallzad ahe waa taf Mual* 8:00—Gaaghuater*' tax tocrsaeie aa high aa 400 per a hundred economic and social enough Sweden will' be told pres­ of entomology hopoa wlU ba tholr kert’Theobald) dbwn w tea south- adult without having cashed In oenL It was pototed out the en­ of t|M>e duPont da NetNemours powder sist on the berth being remade, undoing. Utnd that do tee most damage In Up In that bright, and bappy 10:00—Hour of Charm. • 8:30—Wayna K l^ a O r^aetr* plant In nearby Carnays Point I consequences of which .have not ently by Germany that ahe must A dvice upon teat distinction, and aha was land 10:80—CatboUe Hour. 8:55—New*—Elmer Davto. tire natlen recognlaee tba reepon- but the superattUoua ones' refusal Tba bureau la puahlng a now the United States and malaria tea In sj^tloA and Ugh pressure eihUlty end Is meettog Its obllga- rM c k tlthla aoutb Jersey area to-1 yet disappeared after three-quar- buUd new Tailroad and highway By Or. Praali MeUay. electrical gadget which duplleatei victima are so common thera that Blooms tea tree of Ufa so fair, IIHIO—New * Weateer. 9:00—Tour Hit Parade. day. to ride feet first was almoat al- saleawoman of a new song by the And Angela play upon their harp* 9:45—Troth and Conaequeaoe* tlone wllltogly. tera of a century. It is such a facilities from the mines to the tee siren love songa of tee mba- It'a Impossible to hide them-all. 11:15—Taddy PowaU'a Orebaatr* PoUca Officer Howard Etearadga I waya bote flat and final. So tee quite femmes. Whan Uw young Ctomposera Rodgara aad .Halt And golden crowns they wear. 1 1 :80—Oralg'a Sunday Night Ser- 10:15—PubUe Affair* ^.^Ivislon that, amid such far reach­ Oulf of Bothnia—or else. Such an /, Do Voar Feet Ache? Annie has some kinfolks in the when tee latter two wote Just ■aid be understood no one waa In­ men dash Into the tray, teq re­ west, too. but-they have * hard 10:80—Oohimbia'a Gay NlnetSM jured by the blaat to a abaker alava ing perils as the world has never railroad* aver atnee, have been Many thousands of people limp­ trying to sell a song and ahe waa There Jesus alts upon a throaa Revu* enterprise, lii that difficult . ter­ sult la ahocMiig...at least shock­ time finding malaria blood. 13:00—Ben PoUaek'a Ordiestr* 21 Persons Killed buUdtog wUeb two persona wars beCbc^ known, conceivably' may using the head-first system. ing around with tired, aching feat looking for a Job baeauae she had As King foreever more. 1 3 :80—Danea Orebaatr* ll.TO Eaae RaBortar. to rain, Would be a levere t tax on ing enough to kill tee love-alck The bureau and medicine and at work. The axploelon which oo- But all Mr. McHugh or anyone are looking relief. to quit one to help teem eeU the He ever watebas o'er Ua own 13:45—New* 11:05—S p o ^ R o ^ Up. this country's chance of Sweden's resource*: As a general rule, tee most awaln* The theory la that if thU education are making headway. currad shortly hpfore 5 * a , ( * * else haa to do la tp tell the porter wholeaalo electrocuUoe syatem Tba time may coma whan the song. Hla rule shaU^na’er be o'er. l;0O-8Uaat 11:15—Clyde Lucas’ Ordieetre In Train Grash survivin^xn-hat has so often been Beaidee, it le'one thing to sell trouble Is produced by fallen “Wa started truckin' west from 11:80 Pence Orchestr* t ) , waa felt throughout a taa] that he’s a feet-flrater and he can can kill off enough male* the Boiglaa of Moaqulto-land may be mile rediu* ha said. termed the^^^eckage of our west­ thousands of tralnloada of Iron arches aa the strain thus created our home town of Omaha," Mias Upon tepsa golden streets r il wUk 13:00—Harry James' Orchestr* hava tee makeup reversed.. Which la capable of causing a great va­ queenles will get diseouragad and as aa the Boiglaa of history. Roaa said, "aad here I end trying Tba duPont wotk* aeroaa teel ern civillutii and another thing to get paid for the tribe wlU become axtlncL It'a But It's etui a good idea to duck And drink of tea cryatal river. 13:80—Ted h o RtWe Orebaatr* Fari* May 4—(S)—Twenty-one rtrsr from Wllmtogten, waa the I .la a wise thing to do. riety of aches and pains In the to steal tea show from*. Sharkey Up with my heavenly King, rn pereena wars wined aad 35 otbere The basis of'party cleavage la, them. Germany hasn't much that feet, leg* and lower back. After a grand theory. I hop* it works. whan you hear that hum-q-de-o- ■eana o f a prevloua axploslon—thla | This Isn't s *1)srts|n bsssuMot" hsstsr built That wasn't all I tearned from tee seal In my first show on dwell S:00—Sunday M on taf MModto* ttjqrad today whan a leeal train •wutn of course, self InurMt. One Joins .Sweden can use In exchange, eVen a pain which aeams to bo due to do, even If it'a only Bteg Moa­ Broadway. It’s fun. but It's al­ the-bureau. Not only'are the girl quito crooning to a lovelorn mate. And Uve with Um forever. S:05—Today In Burop* eraabad through * SooS-weakenod to s prios. It's g 1940 modsl of ths fsmoos Whits* ' or votes with the paT^ which he iif she hu commodity aurpluees of mlki aciatle* or lumbago Rill In reality ways fun In a U t ” (A trained seal R a d l o X ^ 9:15—Rhythnudodla* bridge nanr Vw on In AlUar d * be comliig from foot strain. has oaa of tea leading roles In hssd. BUr SO-gsOon tank sssnm pisnty of hot wstsr believes Is most likely to, govern In any kind. Her noUe of hand are How happy In my heavenly home 9:85-N ew * Wantbar. partaaeuL Many people wboao feet bother this show.) With no more pain and sorrow. 9:45—Our Bast Wlaba* such a way that his persbnal wel­ tee patient a great deal of raUaf Tba hrtdn gave way wlmn tha He's Uncle Sam's for bsihing. dish wsshing. Isondnlng- Whst’8 mors. not much good to the Swedes; nor Manhattan teem, have not yet bad the /set- starting tea flow of tba liquid No Plgora of Speech Forever on Ua shores to roam,^roam. - i 10:00—Cbureb of tee Air. fourth eonoi at tha train was fare will be best advanced, \8ome la her paper money likely to be looked at to And out If tee archoe by means of a few foot treat­ coming from tea hladdsr and kid­ Mlaa Roa* who dances aa wall And ahare In all its glory. N w Torn. May 10:80—Morning Melodlee. eroMtog. The toeOmottv* hag- th« tsnk is msds of monsi metel -y ss nutproof as ment* A doctor with tee needed New Spy Hunter of us do not like to face this ma­ are normal or abnormal. They ney* Also, there la a cloudy aadt- as she singe and act* waa mak­ of tee networks sriU be mo gaga car and thraa good for much for any length of b y George Tucker experience aad akUl la frequently 11:05—E Reporter. gold. 20-y«sr tank gusrsnts* terialistic fact, but It holds true, continue to put up with consider­ menL Will you tell me tee cause?" ing no figure of soeech when ehe IT foUow Jesus an tba ____ la evidence wbea the New 11:05—News end Rbytbi* ooadue left the rail* time. >. able dlacomfort and the story, of able to find tea sore spots In the Answer: In a man of jrour a g * nevertheless, with almost all cltl- eald "truckin'.” She went west And never from Him roam.' ’'York World’s Fair raopana next 11:85—Major BowFe runily. Sweden may have kept out of New York. — I f Kate Smith their foot strain la written - in feet simply by examining the feet the usual cause of these symptoms from Omaha In a trailer Utehrl And when this eartUy life la o'er Saturday. Opening ocremcales 13:05—FaMiloaa to Bong. Onleh Naal A rraatad aena of this or shy other deroo- thought as much of Kate Smith aa their faces In lines of tension and with the finger* The sense' of is a proetatlc dlaorder. An over­ on to a ear driven by her parent* centered bi the rededicatloa of tea one dangeroua altuatlon by falling Katherine Carruthers thinks of Jle win lead me safely home. 13:15—Sunday Serenad* Rsgular price - - — — — • - S129.00 esntlc count^.^ Nor can It be ex­ fatigue and also portrayed In tea touch has become ao well trained growth on a part of tea prostate "Mother had wanted to Court of Paaca will ba carried by. m to help drive the Germans out of Kate Smith, Kate Smith wouldn't Uways 18TS5-tn8t Utoute Newa Flariia* TI Bagu* Tba Natharlaad* way tbay walk. that tee abnormal conditions are gland may obatnict tea outflow of be an' actraa*" she explained, "so He win wipe every tear away aU three whUe NBC also May 4—Gfl—A NaM naambar ef pected party affiliations >dll Norway wher. that could still have be able to live In the same houae 1S:45-MM^ Sbop. When your feet continue to aasUy found and the doctor is able liquid In such a manner as to make when I began to get'to teat And death shall ba no mor* Is ptaaalng a telaeast the same aa 1:00—Ctaur^ of tea Air. ParUaaMnt. M. M. Roet Van Teo- Special disconiit on often be determined on any other been done easily. But how she la with Kate Smith. bother you. It is a good plan to by presBlBff with hla finger* to It difficult to b«BlB voiding tee Katherine Carruthers la unquea- grown-up age ehe was determined Up in teat land ot endless day. Ian year. 1:80—^Democracy ta A etle* ntoge* editor e f the National So­ first 50 sold — — — — — — - 18.00 ad, so long aa personal well to escape a serious lowering— ef have teem examined to find out show the patient he knows exact­ contents of the bladder. However, that I would be one. although she When life at last la o'er. Radio’s Kate Smite to to par- cialist newspaper Nntienala Dag- tlonably the world’s No. I fan, and ly where tee place is which hurt* 3:05-Radio Voloe of lUHglon. remains reconcilable with what is wrong. as I am unable to give you a de­ did wait until 1 got over that cUld Haxel Gilbert. Uelpate by ringlag 3:15—Oonnaetleut Seboel* bled, today waa arraatad. Tha her own standard of living In con­ Kate Smith la her hobby. This la Tba bonea of tee long arch without asking the patient a finite diagnosis by mat:, I suggest the nation's security. a hobby teat over a period of prodigy period when 1 would give Spaagled Banner” and "God Bla 3:85-aaron EUlott'a MModto* agalnet him was not immo- SALE PRICE ------111.00 sequence of the situation that haa should form a graceful bridged angle queatlott. tee best plan la to tee a phyaidaa A m S e * " After the opentoga When the point is reqcbad wheiV eeaaons haa been developed Into a petformanco with practically no Tka Cad 3:65—Newe. diet been cnated it la not easy to eee. or arched effect, which eaaea the An effective means for correct­ near you. urging at an. I also played the I how my head in shama tosdgbt. T|i| i w of other programa wfll 8:00 — Pbllbannonic Sympbeoy one's private interests and the a high ritualistic science, and If ing flat feet la exerdae. One of Monthly Term$ os low ns — $2AS It la hot, perbapa, to be won- you are Inclined to doubt such a weight of tee body while wralking piano wUch got me a Job In a For I don't bUktra I did But right, ^ from the Fair on a more Soclaty of New Tork. 'safety of the country are no long- or standing. When the arch Is tee best exercises eonststa of night Uuh Binging Tn a Little You see, 1 met a lad today. or toes regular bail* ___ over the Sunday after­ 5:00—Cbooee up Side* S fred MitchiB. 74, coughed violent­ from Sweden is one of distressed Long Island and works In a New of the foot. The name “flat foot" may be used and ypu will find Then came her meeting with Over fence and through the field, noon ocacert tlma on CBS occu* 5:80 — Flow Gently Sweet ly. clutched at hla mouth and gasp­ attribute in his character to think foreboding. York bank. I would say that she arise* from the flat appearance of these described In my articles on To Be*Admittefl Rodgers and Hart, compoaers of UhtU at last, ha felt concealed, pled in tea wtntar aaaaon by tea Rhythm. ed: "My upper* —they*!* gone." SEE YOUR MASTER PLUMBER OR of his country first and himself la In her 30'* Every Friday eve­ the bottom of the foot caused by n-AT FEET, and FOOT EXER- scorea of Tin Pan Aney*s song Re gave no notice to tee sign. ' m N ^ Tork Philhannonto. whkk to 6:00—Mhrer ‘niaater. Alarmed reletlye* summoned a afterward; and tkinicing of nim—ie ning, witeoat fall, she arrives for tee arch belag depressed. CI8B8. Tbaaa aitidaa ,wlU be U t* They ware under contract at HSstenad quick'aad threw hURI 'JWJ concluding tU lOtt broadcaat year 8:80—Gene Autny and Hla Melo­ raaeve squad, whleh srorkad for 30 Beware Speed Lobby the Kate Smith broadcaat, at tea Some of the causes of flat feet sent to you when you request Tokyo, May 4.—on—Japan "ax- tba time to write eoaga for movie line. tomorrow, Howard Barlow to to dy Ranch. mtantaa over MttclMll a* he cough­ after his country' Inevitably In- teem by writing to me in care of CBS atudlo Noi S, in 48th atreeL are poor posture, walking with peet* the Phllippii^ to continue muateal* but they couldn't get Right smack Into my wall stocked conduct tea Oeinmhia Broadcast­ 7d)*-New s or the World. ed tateraglttmitly. A t * hospital votves thinking of bis country be­ If tec operatora of interurban And every Friday night, without tee toes turned out too far, over­ tele newq>apar, endodng a large, tba HoUywood studio to accept pool. ing Symiteoney In a aertes of hour pbyelciane found the mleslng plate admitting Japanese Immlgranta de­ 7:80 — Adventures ef BBary fore be reiqembers bis political and Interstate bus linea are begin­ fail, she sita in the same seat, on weight prolonged standing In eelf-addresscd envelope and fie In one number callad "Prayer." thla And than 1 aetad Uke a tool. —to Mtteheire coat poOuL Hie IManch^tei* Division ~and a half prograia* It srin h* Quee* poorly fitted shoes and so on. stamp* spite tba eommonwealth’a adoption ' party. If he puts hla partiaanahip ning to cast about for aoiM Way the aisle, and takes down In short­ irked them because they liked the And Uka a tyrant, bade Um go, tba Sflh ■ass(m for tlito group. S:00-So You Thtok You appetenOy eaueed by hand every word that Is.uttered on -"Although tee effects of fallen Mainy patients ask about ardi of restrlctlva maaaura*" tea For- •ong vary much and at tela mo­ Aad never knew Pd be eo low; partlel* i bsflors hU patilotUm' ha u a to defeat tea determination of Mual* ^ Hartford Gan C^. the program. Bha notes tea aa- arches ara far-reaching. It la com­ support* I f aptaig up tea ardias algn Office spA6B !fm

MANCHg^TER EVENING HERAl J>, MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY, MAY 4,1940 PAGE ETOHT ■ - ■ ...... - - - ' ------— ------SERIAL STORY hit BbooUng flk^Ma flkrad 800 ning abort of auppllea, could not meters (more than 800 yards) high River Again ff. hold out much longer. , Non-Sj^pport ' Plan Details amidst great clouds of smoke. Weddings 'omen^s Clubs There were unconfirmed reporta Obituary "After tbe clouds of smoke cUs- ON LOVE Near Crest cosvninHT. laso. that aome of the troopa renjoved appeared there was nothing more BY CHARLES B. PARMER NKA SENVICK. IN& from Namaoa were en route to Nar­ Is Heard For Luncheon of the ship to be seen except Stale Parley vik. and that King Haakon of Nor­ debris." . Metcalfe-Polyott way* w «* accompanying them Fuoerals Miss EUzabelh Mary Polyott. Conneicticut Is Rising at Oast CN'Charaetefa aboard a Britlah war veaael. Jo^^h Rabaglino Is Or- Local GOP Women to daughter of Mra. Merte Polyott of T;stepped to bridge lamp—she The War Office later denied a Oeorga Draka , Continued Fighting Rate o f One-Tenth o f Sherry Bond society girl i could not S4 her guest’s face "To Be Held in Bridge- Arrange Program for C^ooper Hill street and the late Ar­ er of race horse. Pepper Boy. Swedlah report that the Norwegian to Pay $5 TTie funeral of George Drake of thur Polyott, will be married this ilalnly: abadowa of laje afternoon port Next Tuesday, commander-ln-chlef, Col. Otto Wapping will be held this after­ j4t.Narvik Reported Foot Per Hour. Paul Wharton — a rival owner, fay mavy in the room. For a mo­ . Wednesday^! Meet. Berlin, Majl 4-— 4.— —Hie Con­ racing Is not a woman’s gnto. switch. \Ted Bond got to her feet, ' Reaervatlons for the luncheon- wegian port of Narvik' was re­ ter B. Metcalfe of Barrington, R. I. Bhra Omat — yoong gentleman the Trondheim area or that h^'la After trial In which the jurisdic­ Douglas V. Maclean of, the Wap- The ceremony will take place at 4 necticut river, up to 20.7 feet ihls walked bkek and forth. *9«tter Clttaen* for • Better negotiating an armistice.” /' tion of the town court was ques­ plng Federated church will con­ meeting of the Hartfor. County ported today by the German high Hd6fe "Yes, I Imow mathematics, but and Mancheater Republican Wo­ o’clock at the South Methodlat morning and rising at the rate ^ W'UUs Bond — Sherry's imcle a OomMcUcut” ta the admlnUtnittoo No Authority For OCde# tioned by defense counsel. Joseph duct the services and the burial command, but tbe situation 'was church. Hie pastor, Rev. Dr. Elart I don’t kno^what adds up to hu­ The communique said Huge had men’s clubs, Wednestoy at 1 p. m. described as unchanged and tbe one-tenth of a foot per h ^ , wfli turf “adviser.” . tbMXM ft>r the aiuiual apring: atate Rabaglino, barged with non-sup­ will be In the Wapplng cemetery. E. Story,, will oAciate, using the man living.” \ A note of longing been "conveyed to mn uWdlacIoij^ port of hit child, wka found guilty Portera vrill be the bearers. at the T. M. C. A. ahould be made Nasi vanguard was uid to be re­ expected to reach a c r e ^ o f atxjut came into her (ones. “I want to MnevnUoii of the Federation of Monday by colling the Y. direct, double ring service destination An Norway;, and that and ordered to pay $» weekly. A pulsing all attacks. The bridal attendante will be 2344 feet Sunday morning. ■ Yesterday: Flush with vtctory, know Ufa—the thing— Wonen'i rluba In the Stratfleld &ny Norw<^glRri ordw of the dRy 7208, or Mrs.. John L Wlnterbot- Norwegian troops north of 8Q-day suspended Jail sentence Miss Jennie Polyott, sister of the Weatherman Emeat J. ChrlaUe Paul taunts Sherry, ohallengee her 1 go back to another six years of Hotel. Bridgeport. announcing negoHatlona for an was Imposed. Prosecutor William tom, chairman of the social com­ Trondheim also are putting up lo­ bride aa maid of Jionbr, and Earle to eater the Derby. Bills begin to teaching.” anmisUce obvloualy was made with­ About Town mittee of ths club, 8868. calized' resistance, the high com­ _Jd a crest at least temporarily flood In on Sherry, but she Is de­ Wadneaday and Thuraday of n e « J. Shea told the court that the had been reached at White River, Sherry’s hand pre4s^ the light, eeaaic. Mrs. Laura Hale Gorton of out Wa authority.” case was "one of those pestiferous Ths luncheon Is In. conjunction mand said. . • termined to get her horse to Loois- switch. She looked again at the plfipBtchca from Sweden pre­ with the meeting of the Hertford The text of the communique: Junction. Vt., and barring unex­ vlUe. Arriving homo, eho Ando n Olaatoabury, preildent of the Con- results of divorce In which full fl- Paul Cervlnl, with a score of 144 pected heavy rain or other unfore­ girl who, now facing bek was say- aecUcut Federation will prealde at viously had aald that such an order nancial provisions are not made,” for 85 hands of setback, waa high (ktunty Republican Women’s ssao- "The German vanguard north of stranger parkod In front of her Ing; \ ;^aa Issued by C^l. O. B. Gets, who ciktlon, end as Psul L. Cornell, Narvik repulsed attacking eaemy seen influences, the high water the board of dlrectorx’ meeting at and he remarked on the "stub­ at the card party played in St. mark Should be reached here to­ couetaii Ttaeodoeia Duncan Bond, of I won't cost you a pekny—ru was described ss the Norwegian Bridget's halt last, night , sponsored beadmkater and owner of Romford forces. In Narvik itself the situ­ Wyoming. pay my own way—I ’U h ^\ou t— 11 a m and the prealdenta’ coo^ bornness” of Rabaglino, who. Shea morrow. ■ CooVs Service ^ commander In the Trondelag. asserted, can well afford to pay the by the Holy Name Society, Mrs. school at Washington la the speak­ ation la unchanged. do anything you want” lliek she T. P. Holloran Mother's Day Gift *lBll meeting and luncheon to The most scathing commentator er, a large gathering is anticipated Today, for the third time this Chapter DC Manchester Laundry Gives ^ 1 2 ^ 6 . Mra. Gorton will «lao court’s order. Rose Contle and Mra. Margaret Meetlag Norwegtap year part bf Commerce street ETve seconds after saying ”1 am” took a step nearer, leaned over FUNERAL HOME •prealde at the formal opening In on t)ie outcome of the Norwegian (|uestlons Authority Brannick were tied with 38 points from alt the towns in Hartford "German detachments advanc­ the back of a chair. M id Intent Sure to Please A complete beauty service, including Oil campaign waa' the Manchester county. waa ’flooded, Pitkin street, Blast to Theodosia Duncan Bond, Sherry Ideally loeated - convenient and S e ballroom of the SUalMd Rabaglino, represented by Attor­ for high among the women. Mrs. ing northward from Trondheim Hartford, and Route 15A, froq pepped out of the shock of recelv- Hasn't It occun^ to Fine Service at Low Cost Shampoo and Finger Wave, Arch, Monique II d^ Guardian, which caustically recall­ John .Scott-With a score of 2276 Profimm Conimittee are meeting resistance of Nor­ Sherry, that you actually heed away from the buey thornuKh- o’clock, when two ed that Just before the Invasion of ney Jay E. Rublnow, pleaded not 'fbe program committee of the Portland to Glastonbury, near another relative unannounced. (ara. Distinettvn Service—Mod- Facial Mask and Manicure — Value |4.60 the_ Univeralty of Ooon^tlcut D^tl will guilty. In the opening o f . the waa high In bridge. wegian troops only, since the ‘'My dear! You are Uncle Uor- me? And for a very definite rea­ Motorists who taka pride la tha Norivay Oen. Sir Ermund Ironside, Manchester Republican Women's river, also were under water. son T” ^ n FadUtlee. Onir 63.50. idlacuaa the anbject, "youth case, Rublnow questioned the forces of the western powers pre­ Will Hold Several Days Fbe’s daughter!” Tbere’e a common saying that*welght aad youTI find tha coat far appaairanca and 'eondltlon 'Of..teatr chief of the lm|>erlnl general staff, The Regina d’ltalla Society will club which was instrumental in cipitately left tbe'Namsos region. What do you mSan7” Sherry \ No Ohargo for Onr and it may Isas than you imagined. AU work the Wav.” Other . had aaaerted that^"we have now Jurisdiction of the local court, re­ securing Mr. Otmell as a speaker, Mr. Christie said high water “No—stepdaughter. Ha marriad "old friends are beet” end it may I automohilea make sura that their WUUam I. Nlchola.-naalatant editor marking that the defendant and hold tta annual banquet tomorrow "The commander of the Nor­ would hold here for eeveral days. my mother—when I was a baby. Mked Blowly. \ Fnaerw Parlors. weU be appUed to the Manchester ia called for and delivered and, actually turned the corner.” afUmoon at the Sub-AIpIne club Mloa Katherine Byrne, trice chair­ wegian troops In the Trondheim "Sherry, you're the most gor­ cars receive the beat in care and at -Thla Week’* and ‘"gwnwt The Guardian also aaaerted that his wife have been divorced, and I^ia prospect contained an alamens Adopted me. They're both dead Laundry at 72 Maple atreet in lU needless to say, satisfaction Is iHagasIne, and irfadam Irma G o ^ l of Eldridge street. Dinner will man of the State Central commit­ sector Issued an order o>f the day geous girl I ’ve ever seen. Your AMIbU LA N I E SERVICE guaranteed. attention. They're not eatlafled the "complarency" displayed by thst the whole matter properly Is tee and others is headed by Mrs. C. of possibly more serious diflieulty, now. Really, I'm jio kin, Sheri­ endeavor to provide Manchester Labastlle vrill preaent ”^ e zo­ one for settlement In superior be served at 1 o’clock by John An- In which he noted with bitterness eyes are the most bMveifiy blue, with a laundry eervlee that satis- The Mancheater Laundry, man­ with any old treatment at all as Prime Minister Chamberlain "waa dislo. Mrs. Connie Vltullo Is chair­ ^.''Goodrich, who is vice chairman should additional rain fall while dan.” V DAY ANO NIGHT court. In this claim Rublnow was that the western powers withdrew the river waa at the expected crest, “Call me Sherry — TU call you yoiir~halr the shade of a buralshed flea week in end week ouL Hun­ aged by Fred Hare, le si modem long aa the gaa buggy rune but R*M Bbaflinn —> Street Eat man of the committee in charge. -bf the Town Republican committee. their troops from Namsos without saddle — a figure that's just a make It n rule to patronise aarvlc* cy about hts pact of friendship with overruled by Judge Raymond R. Othera on Mrs. Goodrich's commit­ the highest so fa- this year. Ted,” Sherry spoke warmly and i?5 CentW St, Phone 1060 dreds of bouaewlvos have come to punt that devotea Its entire time Mala Straat Instruments. Bowers who said he Is certain, Informing or warning'him. dream. Aha you,” Ted Bond depend on this concern oa “on old to the washing and ironing of station* that have built up enviable Mussolini and his Innocence about Arrangements have been mkde tee arc Mrs. Raymon-as I am. Sherry—” at 342 Eaat Center etreet. Particu­ In general the British press ap­ were divorced a year ago, the cus- gansett race, track that Went noon. 24 feet w. field is higher math and pbysico— have to, for the high quality of ita economically, with complete aaaur- Bm. u. a ffnt 4i*,| Jnsbaf McLevy will be one of totly of the child being given the ‘*RJukan (half way between' Oslo High water marka reached by to work on my doctorate—but tha 'But you're not plain—you are work speaks for itself and has con­ ance that your clothes will receive lar motorists appreciate tha atten­ COAL ^ COKE peared to appreciate rather than through Manchester at 10:18 thla Since the program committee a.nd Stavanger') was handed over Metcalfe, brother of the bride­ gorgeously alive!” Sherry an tba speakers at the session mother. Rabaglino waa ordered by secured Mr. Cbmell, he has receiv­ the here earlier war stopped that. I had applied OFFICE '4.UPPI.I vinced the pubUc that here Is a even more cere then you give them tion given them end their core by RANGE AND FUEL OILS appdneadsy morning and Dr. Allen resent the comments of the morning dm not pick up ahy race to German troops this forenoon groom OS best man. The uohera swered Indignantly. American press. Interpreting Jibes Superior Court Ui pay hla former followent at the Mancheater sta­ ed the endorsement of his own will be Albert Metcalfe of Bristol, this season were 2i;45 feet on April for my leave of absence, ao here elundry that la different—different youraelf. these prograaslve placea and have Atockdale. Stanley H l ^ Md wife (.1 weekly alimony, and an without a fight. In the Andalanea 13 and 20 feet on April 21. I am—la tha East for a year—but Tha teacher smiled. ” Yee—but AND EQUIPMKl In that each piece Is given the ut­ Banish those wash day blues. formed the habit ot turning all at “ Allied slowness” as refiectlng tion. - Manchester race followers Litchfield County for the post of sector one general, 127 officers and I., another brother, and Rich­ am. A dty hair-do may help— Prompt Deilvtrlsa 'otbera In the afternoon. Governor agreement waa entered Into United States Senator, and his really, not being Mn to you—” The most core and attention to Insure Treat yourself to a laundry serv­ thalr automotive problems over to Haldiwln le scheduled to speak sympathy toward the British- going to the track trayki by auto­ 2,,100 men surrendered. . The Ger­ ard Harbach of Barrington, R. ^ maybe,” she added with a grin, \ At AD TUbm French cause. whereby the fatlier was to pay an mobile. The train gtarted from friends and admirers predict for friend of the bridegroom. Mlaa girl Stopped at tha doorway with ite return to you apotlesaly clean, ice that U winning more and more Oook'e. JOHNSON^ Thursday rooming oh the topic man booty can not yet be esti­ genutna reluctance, "I muan’t in­ "but Sherry, you need a chaperon. Filing • Indriinff Systemk new friends every day. (3all Man­ The recant fir* at Cook's station Under an editorial captioned additional ffi weekly lor the sup­ .Waterbury, * him a successful candidacy. Ann Strickland will play the If you were an ugly duckling, you beautifully ironed and In perfect, •A t Wbat ShaU We Alm f" port of the child. This arrange-^ ’ mated. trude on y o u -- mustn't taka up condition. Work done at tbe chester Laundry at 8416 and give at ths Green hasn't Interruptsd MANCHESTER "Neutral Judgments on Trond­ T h e air force continued recon­ bridal music and accompany the Rivers Cmise could traipse around tba country, Bookkeepin|)Kystem ' PAINT CO. In additions to speeches ana ment was lived up to until recent­ Another card party will be ipon- your time—" Manchester Laundry seems to this progressiva, reltabla concern service and you'll etlll get the Matter! of buelneaa pertalnlilg.^lo heim,"- The Dally Telepraph said: naissance over Norway and the en­ soloist, Mrs. S. W. Knowles, who sleep in a sta}).,jiext td'the horse; LUMBER « nJEL C a ■■Wwi vWMMli mbmPi "Of all neutrals the one to whose ly. It was said, when the |I0 ^ntal snel credited, the other was Justified In ctit. at the Junior Prom last night Plenty of romn tor your stuff; you fool, I guess. Shouldn’t do/lb— Oor. fiprnee and BIridge Sto. tha winter toggery (or sotnethlng hand. / at tjie college. The high command said the hat "No special developments on the World’s Fair on their return. The as they were clearing the atream could te»«« In a foUow-studant to Republican candidate" for prasl- my Mat (ram falUng, that 1 nmy taking 8>1 for herself, assuming west front.” probably mess you up (or more In keeping with the\ warm the court ord^r, would hav. to be tleahlp oinking actually took,place bride's costume for traveling will after a pulp drive. share expenses. Two of you oould weather ahead? If you've put It dent. walk batere God In Um fight at bitter,” German soui:c m also reported nit you’re asking for it. whole episode more paid, and then atluttlng 82 for the S u i^ t Rcbekah Lodge will hold yesterday but that It had’^ with­ be a dusty rose silk dress with ac­ In northern Maine, on the r iii^ Uvs Meely here, on UtUo. It's paid off, procrastinate no longer. Mead Davenport, announcing hla resig­ the fivlagf—FMkn 8«itA Guardian said, “Is thst It follows held the news "In order /to give that two English'freighters loaded Aroostock river, more than 10,000 there’s something about /you I child. ita regular meeting In Odd Fellows cessories to match ana plaid tweed up to the first.” like.” for the State Tailor Shop at 20 nation Thuraday, said his move, in so much shallow optimism, not to E'or the defendant. Attorney hall Monday evening. The degree Winston Churchill turst/Iora of the with ore had been confiscated by coat. 'Riey will make their home cords of pulpwood, valued at abcut “But Where are you going, Sher­ collaboration with a group of hla Som* temptations corns to tbs British Admiralty) a chance-to> say the Germans in Saodefjord. ' Sherry Smiled at bar./I lllifl the Birch atreet and put in your order kay boasting.”. Rublnow said that It Was appar­ will be conferred on a elaaa of In Providence, Mr. Metcalfe being 850,000, hurtled oceanward despite- idan T” under the attractive budget plan friando, is entirely wttliout au- Industrloua, but all temptations at- Law, whose father. Bonar Law, It first." way you go straight to the point- HIGH GRADE taick ths Idle.—Spurgeon. G. E. WILLI ent the accused wanted tn*support candidates. Members from, lodges employed by the (Jolllns A Alk- the vigorous efforts of Orest “Just call me Sherry. I'm going go after tbe tilings Vou want in offered by Proprietor John Dl’Sal^ tborlsatlon by Willkla, and added the Conservative .party under Ills child, and cut ^own on th'esum In this section are expected and a When Churchill, 'maintained, al­ man Textile Manufacturing com­ Northern Paper Company crews to to LoulavUlo—for the Derby. My that hp did not plan to form an Bulth, warned sternly against ienee the high Command felt the Welcome* Ru»$ian life.” VO. It baa bean reported by eompa- Next; Week paid the .mother, who, It Was gcMKl turnout of the local members pany at Centredale. The bride.la erect booms along the river and colt’s nominated. Than 1 11 ship 'You are going to let me go with The State Tailor Shop featuraa qrganlation, raise funds or“ mak* & SON« INC. spread and highly dangermui May 7-10 Seventh annual Art brought out, h ^ l)oen employed, Js hoped for. Miss Jennie Wind Is information s^uld be delayed no View on Sweden graduate of the Rhode Island halt the logo. i him from track to track; may not PRINTING may at the routine moves of a tent mllitaiy authorities that tha luslons ^ a t the war la going to longer. It was said. you, Sherry!” the Robert line, a trademark of reason babind Ruatla’a tejlura In Exhibit at St. Mary's parish house. finurt'a Hlatrmrnt chalriiinn of the refreshment com- Hospital Training School for M broken boom let the four-foot be back for a year.” g Sherry chuckled. "You're going America'a outstanding tailoring mpalgn.’ ” kvta Itself without loss or sacrlflre. German authorities said that Berlin, May 4.—(AV-rBerlln wel­ Nurses. Her gift to the bride­ JOB AND CCiMMERCIAL WiUkle Is preNdent of the Oom- tbe air has been tha poor training May 7 KducaUunul club enter­ Judge Bowers Said that. In mak­ mlHee. comed today aa especially timely logA representing a sixth of tha "Oh!” Ted Bond put down her to learn about Ufa, my lamb." line and a guarantee that your ComplattLinaof tint time Is on our side and that numerous hits were scored on the groom was a gold key chain, and company's spring drive, roar away monWealth and Southern (Corpora­ of her pilots rather than Interior tainment at Hollister street school. ing a decision, he was compelled to battleahlp during the attack, which an assertion by Tasa, official So­ tea cup, looked with widened eyas Tbe front beU rang. Sherry PRINTING clothaa will be styled, tailored and Hitler has missed the bua. ’ May 8 — Seventh and eighth observe that had the accused ac­ The American Legion Auxiliary the bridegroom's gift to the bride and all efforts thus far to re-cap­ at her host " I read all about your tion. \ planas. IHfect Slap At Premier will meet ’’Momlay evening at 7 the communique said waa carried viet news agency, that Germany was a gold locket ano to his beat preeaed the release button. "That,” Prompt and cmetent Prtetlag priced right. Some 750 atylea BUILDING grade choirs concert kt Iligh tually wished to cut down on the and Ru.ne, he would have to as­ Irwin-Ewen land In Itetflcld, Hsdlsy and en roujts to a county fair. He said ■ be a title T OoUId I call Mm 281 No. Mala St. TaL 5727 Panmark. , for those who wish to atten^ ham caused the flames which were accuBlng the AIlkM anew of seek­ Imported woolens. Law's attack on ths Mvemment banquet at Concordia Lutheran sume the father was paying this reported to have shot up over 1,500 Mlaa Barbara Ewen, daughter of Northampton were under water. that he'd been a big trainer, 'Captain* T Your uncle Horace Whq deprive youraelf of euetom church. ojrder, and that any deductions ing to extend the war area, tends ago. Ho told ms of ths thrills of 4raa ^kgarded aa highly a.gnlflcant, feet Into the air.. to put both Germany and Russia Clarence Elwen of 67 Pine street, Sewem were backing up and flood­ liked for me to call Mm ‘Colonel.’ tailoring when It coats no mar* yO/Flowers, Ornqmentah Thla Mimth frtim the former weekly amount The regular meeting of the l8an- will be married this afternoon to ing other low lying sections of ths Derby; of the Derby breakfast '•Weli," Sherry watched her aa defection of a pan of the Con- cheater Community Players will "After the clouds of smoke dis- In the ranks of the peacefully In­ than ready-to-wear suite. You ■arvatlv* maJorlt:^lght concelva- May 12 Manchester Clam and Would hjs drawn from the 85 jair- appearedX’ said the high com­ Raymond Irwin, son of Mr. and Northampton. at dawn—of the champion champ­ with interest, “moot men do like simply p l « out the f*.hJric you UwBBMiPnra.S| Fox Club's combination, coon dog, ilon paid the child. lake place Tuesday evening at the clined nations, according to the ing In Ms staU, waiting for the (This la ano' ’ In the aeries ffiissful la controlling ttaU aonu by YOU CAN LORE YOUB My give opposition Liberals and mand communique, "there waa German view. Mm. Henry Irwin of '9T Summit OfftclaU of Tha Holyoke Water swanky military titles. Let's pro­ want and have your meaauramento lAbor aulBclenir strength to over- fox hound and bird dog trials at The defense, being found guilty, clubrooma. It la Important that Power Ck>mbaiiy«ald the belgitt of tnun'pets to call Mm to battle and mote WUllas; call him ’Major.’ of weakly gardai (articles tvrit- applying n Uquid-llm* sulfur spray Kalvna. Etc. Shati^ every noember be present os tickets nothing mote of the ship to be Autboriaeo sources, comment street The ceremony wUl be per' ANTIQUE ~ taken and, presto, you'll hav* a Bmlgmt In M M bm um t tbrow the government. . Coventry. filed notice of an appeal. Bond waa seen except dabria." formed at 2:30 by Rev. Earl B. the Connecticut river over Holyoke conquest—the band pUying "My How’s that?" ten e n e ^ U y tha Aasocl* In Mnrra or April. Tha rate of Also, Wealey Choriaters spring rill ba distributed for the coming Ing on the situation, said that sidt that la bound to improva your VaonoB Oflaanra, BU Tbe government criUcs were put set at 8200. Authorixed *-Murcea speculated Story at the parsonage of tbe dam was nine feet, nine Inches; Old Kentucky—" "Great!’’ appaaranc* for it’ll fit parfactly. ated Proas hy of the mixture uaad was one part to choral concert at South Churcii,' Charged with Intoxication, John flay. Germany and Russia had been In "He was a,post, not a tralnar,“ RESTORATION (Connecticut Itural Ex- Bias parts of water, and tbs spray , dlaadvabtnge. however, by the whether the V>mmander of the acconi from the beginning of the South Methodist church. Miss nine Inches above flood stage. Hiey In that moment n bond of In­ Taka advantage of tha State Tail­ palrnfL OvnrlwalMl.'^ clarstton ^ Sir John ' Simon, May 14-15 -81. James’ Players, J. Conlnn of Worcester secured Norwegian expedl^nary force to Helen Munson will iSe the brides­ added 4hat the river waa rising Sherry broke In. "Tea, It's thrill­ timacy was weldad — females laotedUig pertmant ataUon.) bad to ba thorough enough to "A Murder Mas B«‘en Arranged sus|>enslim of Judgment on his . The Mother’s Circle of St. Gerard conflict in Norway and the aeizure ing. But there are heartacbee in or Shop's liberal budget terms to­ liancellor of the exchequer, that Norway was ab6ak4 .the warship, maid and Samuel Irwin wUl serve one-tenth of an Inch an hour and against ths mala! Anthentia Iteprednctlone day. Aad If you've got any re­ reach in among the thick growth bb4 Saft OofliMMtfiE Cabinet would put up a united 8t- James’ school hall. promise to get out of town. The w>ll meet' Monday evening at’ 8 of military suxeralnty In Denmark It, too. Now you can take this of tba'traas. Although pin* naadlas . Mav 1ft_Anniial JLfi and were anxious for an announce­ as beat man for Ms brothar. ahould roach Its peak late thla af­ Sherry went to ths door, plsoed And UnMnst Mnkfaig pair work to ba dona, thla ia the New Haven,, , May S^-iff^In- at against ’’^ itlc a l scalp huitt- May 18—Annual May dinner of cases of Carl Barrett, violation of o'clock at the home of 'Mrs. John by Oermony. spartfflsnt—” oraaaad interast In aad Inqulrias are dUoolorsd at first by tbU ChflBgl ment from Churchill. (The Taaa atxtement laid that The couple will laavs for a trip ternoon. ' Oatinued rain mtffht hand on ths knob; tboa threw bar pise* to bring i t WorkmnnsMp King’s Daughters at Y. M. C. A. rules of the road, and Francis E. Hartl of 134 Maple street. Apparently the Oennan dlve- "Shsrry?” bead back, lau gh s llphaMoftng about peats at (Iowan and erna- trsatmant tba trass n w m s nor* Also, elementary grades concert agreement of the Oennan and So­ through Maaaachusette, stopping cause a farther rise. off quality is guaranteed. Cbambsrlaln, thoreforo, wUl And Jones, reckless driving, both In­ boniDers were ordered to concen­ at Ckipe Cod and Plymouth. They The Connecticut reached a Tbs ^ 1 (tom (be West spoks "What’s funay?” n pusMsd Tsd Ol Bvwy Oeeerlpttnn mantala hav* lad the Oonaaetleut msl appsarane* ns soon ss KnjrnttiBfaBS • Wmself ably defended by such at High school hall. volved In an Oakland, street acci­ Mlaa Viva Barton of West Hart­ trate on the battleahlp to the ex­ viet views toward Sweden was tbs nams as a ebild would—a ebUd agricultural axpariment station at growta Btorts. noted two weeks ago in an eX' will make their home on Long Is­ technical flood stage at Turners iksd. “Olvlag Urn a ttUsT” Oemplete Lhto ot Fahrieo astute parliamentarians as Air Also, Oclllan club spring con­ dent aome days ago, were continu­ ford,' teacher of music In the local clusion of other Britto veaaela re­ ■eektng a great tevor. Bberry "Ob. no!" Shsrty.. answersd. New Havsn to undsrtaka n limited A aumbar of 'lasaete and aom* cert. schools la- a member of the com­ change of information in Moscow, land where the bridegroom !■ *■»- Falls at 9 a. m., with a flow of Hat Shops Sign Swreta^ Sir Samuid Hoare. War ed to May 11. ported moving out of Namso 98,000 cubic feet per second waa etoppM speaMag- Tbe plain girt "Laughing at myself—at nor Lone amount of rasenreb la thla (laid at aarloua dlsansaa affect boUyhooks a flaanaar dsaixnai aaeaeiallr BRAITHWA ffeerelary .Oliver Stanley and First May 16 --"Open House” night at mittee airanglng for the apring and denied that Russia had warn ployed. leaned forward, pleading- ' (or rou. will emeetii awar axerr helter-skelter. Tbs bride has been honored srlth rMcheds Tree Stsole. rve sn entourage Harold J. Dwyer tha mqMrimantal farm at Mount la Connaetleut. Bust la tba most bulK*, *1** you Brseefal aarrias* 62PfiarlStrMt tAid of the Admiralty Winston local State Trade school, 7. to 9 dance next Skturday evening of The Importance of the occasion ed Berlin that it would consider "Sherry-this le awfio—my ask­ of—let’s see: you. Uncle W l ^ On Union Terms (CkrmaL Sprays and dusts have conspicuous disessa and looks Uka p.m. Hartford Northfleld alumnks at any German move against Sweden several' gift ohowers, a mloel- A t Springfleld'tha river otUl was n Main Bl.. ManelnHBr. Oean —batter kaaltA (atuichlll — who, Incidentally, U waa emphasised by the fact that belpw the 16-foot peak It reached ing it—we are almoet etrangers— Sara, ths colored groom, a jockey baan triad for aome of the eom* Its nnms. Orange (racklaa begin to Mgarded aa the first choice for May 17—DeMolay spring dance Textile Students tha Wampanoag Ciouittry club. an unfriendly act.) laneoua one having been given last but pleeto. Sherry—TU pay niy Gen. Brhardt MUcb, next in com­ evening by her sister, M m HoweU earlier this spring- on race day's m ym t and" — she BMXMft gnrdao eomplalate and tha mark tba ( o l l ^ as soon ns It MISS ANNIE SWIFT invne.mlntater In event of a change at Masonic Temple. mand of the Air Ministry after way—let...... me go radagwith I you! Danbury, Also, Tea to .unveil F. A. Ver- W. Wright at her home, 82 Main Oeatlanss To BIse began Inuglilag ngato—"Tve only program srlU ba eonttnuad this nppssn. „ Tbsss grow Urgsr, Hoara 2 1* I * a i 11s f r. M. in tM government. As Banquet Guests Mancheater High's triangular Marshal Goeringi was aent to Nor­ Low e « Domsitory goh St one- horaer He’d better run M. Carroll, execuUva.aeentary of under tbe direction of J...... at STO' HO Foim Watch 5ledltcrrsiiraD planck portrait at high school hall. track and field meet with Hartford street. . . A bslf-foot at water rolled over For n moment Sherry sat mute. Tha Hat Makers Association, stat­ OUTTEBB May 17—Dance recital of Faith way to direct the operations per- a low point on Route 8 awiln te—or we*U starve!” O. Horsfall and Neely Turner. In common Growing criticism of the govern­ Public and Bristol, acbedulad for annally. Hartford, May —The Then. ""Why — why—you — but (To Be ed yetterday that two union hat addition a certain amount of In- enough. If the plant U not kUlad A U . (kCT ment, precipitated by th% .aban­ E. SplUane pfipila at Hollister Director John O. Echroallan of Trinity field in Hartford this New England General .Omtracting Annoonce EagageBicnt north-south artery In easterlTVeiv it's Bueh s dlffersnt world!" LAUNDRY factories have signed the bill of U K B DOWN. street school.- the Manchester State Trade Proof of Sox Moot ary moot as the (JOnnectieut continued vaatlgnUaoal- work has always outright. Its nppaarnacs may b* donment of central Norway to the morning, waa postponed because German authoritleo saw In the (Company of New Haven la the ap­ Mrs. Katherine Kelah of Gardner •1 rode bronea in Wyoming," tbs A Laundiy ildrvicd That pvlcaa for tha year commencing dona ia ccnnacUon with rnlaad. OomiuBt and tirolass Focmar Germans, shared attention with Msy 20 — Concert by .gholr at School and' Instructors Ern­ of the Inclement weather. It ndU parent low bidder for the general to rise farther north. glri said .with more confidence. June 1 and that two bthan a n Obneordia Lutheran iChurch. est Panclera of the ■ re reported feat poritivc proof that street announces the engagement On the oppoolte aide bf the riv­ Satlallea Wsdi In And nursary atock aold In Oonneetleut, trsatmant with aulfUr or rotenona- news of a great Allied Naval con- probably be held Monday but the the Nasi air force .-can achieve construction of two women's dor­ ot her daughter, Mias Louise Elsie * 'Tm teaching only — beenuse — axpacted to a i^ on or befor* next aad this tafonnation Is nvallabla sutfur dust, (ram tba first at tbs Oentration at Alexandria and , re­ May 22- Fifth annual outdoor late Quotations Weali Out Monday. to tbs publle. ■lasou. will control rust. Dr. J. 0. ports that Italy waa massing Its music festival of public schools, Arenilt of the Mectrlcal depart decided. alty of Connecticut campus. Rob­ road eras under two feet of water “I l l pay my way, if you’ll let me The ncal* accepted by Thn Bl* ■ontallyr We 1,000 voices and 125 musicians at Jubilant because no German son of Mr. and M m Gustaf Bsngt- Wban laavss of rbododandron, H M ^ says. •rmed forces In the Eastern Medi­ ment, will attend the banquet this ert A. Hurley, atate labile works son of Gardner street. and closed to traffle. go — and work for you tree, Bnvn To ber-Ooodmaa Hat Company and m a ^ r a s t a ^ Educational Square. evening to be glveh the special planes or lives were loot In tha Easewhere in the north, many RlUer says ths entire German stiTiT aad mountain Inural show Osra Ester Feat terranean. May building la showing algiia action, they Intlinatcd that yester­ commissioner, announced yester­ Hie wedding wUI take place at could keep your books—" people Is behind hUn. L ter one, Beteed At tbs tha Paul Martin Hat company Is ^ e tension created by thesf May 24 —^ Rulda. Martin’s dance class In k>om-ftxlng which the of reaching unusual seasonkl prp- stretches of highways were under “IMcleWUUe does that" whits spots. It Is Ums to look (or Mora dUastnua to tb* boOy- recital at Hollister street school. day's success was but the begin­ day the New Haven firm had sub­ the Ehnanuel Lutheran church, I In th e ___ _ I am prepared to take Mm at Me tha aama, Mr. Carroll stated, as tbs rbododandron laoa bug or Its developments waa reflected In an local textile department has bectt. portlona>__A new dwelling on St. mitted bids of 8188.40240 for. con­ Saturday, June 22. water aa moat of tbe rivera In the “Unci# WUUeT" MANCHESTER that under wMdi tha plnate have boeka la an infsatnUoa of tb* Eu> May 25 — 40th anniversary of conducting In the ronem'ah Cotton ning and that similar startling area reached flood levels. S'i rord. Innma, Tunsr any*, n asa iasacts WBVE BOKBY - ABO BBTfi inteiiaified campaign to stamp out John street raises the totkl today struction of the dormitory to be "WUUam Bond, father’s broth- beaq operating this past ynnr. ropaaa cam borer. I f tb* flowcn WE 0AM MELT TOO aubversive activities on the home Scsndla Lodge, No. 23, Onler Sf .Mill, Tarrlfville foT. the past 10 news might come today. There In the southern part of New ^A lfN i IBiff Caamt, BrMMi LAUNDRY suck tbs sap from tba uadaraldas by 85,500. aloo were Intlroatlona that Ger­ part of the Holcombe HaU group Mo ngraament has bean raacbsd gra# asar n ooniflald tb*y may I isnsirtng wi JOHNSON • I.ITTLt front. ’’ Vasa, at Orange hall.' years. land also, were reported rlstnglag ^ H lF ^ “ oh, I remember hearing about Prod Harni Mgr. of laavao between May and Oeto- b* oomptotely ruined by tbU pest. May 27-June^ 1 — Carnival of man attention now waa centering and $140,152 for a building to be batwaaa The Mallory. Hat Com­ bar. Although tha Injury Is not B 1 ^ UM Scotland Yard was reported to Each year for the past decade By deed, members of the Oieney New Yoik. May 4—(ff>-^ De­ engineers sold the crest would net Mm. He's not so much oldsr thsn H i*' moths fly In May, lay sgga on Manchester Eiivi department. particularly upon The Nether­ located next to the Home Econom­ spite tbe threat of trouble la the arrive until tomorrow and no sert- We eorely need gTMt expanslaB n i alo Bt. T d Stld pany and Its union amployaa, Mr. (ntol to tba oraamaatala. It makes have complete ----- the BriUih-Prench flight from Body Identtflei ington, carrying 225 paa*e>>ffen- Service on the Boston and not. word from tha Bfnta Board o Mhas. WINTBE'B Aim> BODY Oa to be keeping a close watch on Through.,the'Cooperation o f the erly by CSooper street to the town . hands brushed her hair nervously Mediation and ArWtratloa ns to Frequently tha plants break over tbe Italian colony for persona June 10 — Opening of Veterans' officials of ' Poncmah Mills, Nomooo wao dUastroua. Allied aailed today for Spain and Medi­ Main railroad between Wells River before the spoke again. —CoL Leaanrd P. Ayeen, Oove- An mfiar Isnvaa IM W. MMflto Tpfe. T*L BNfi Carnival for one week. for park purposes. troops were aaid to have left be­ Hartford. May 4.—(AT—The body nagotlntioBS. aad dt*. Expartmants at tb* sta­ apreadlng antl-Allled propaganda. students of loomftxlng In Ibrrif- terranean ports. and WMte River Junction in Ver­ "Sherry, I must go with you.' Tba lacabug adult baa wings of tion farm In 1282 gave n perfect AND OU,S June 12 :— State Trade school hind valuable supplieo and to have of a man found Thursday In the mont was discontinued because tbe ractnagulnr shape sad marked In It was expected that Sir John vllle and Baltic and other sur­ John E. Divine, 38.' of-61S Main Park river, near the Front street “ But your work on your damoastratlon of control. Trant- graduation exercises.' rounding textile centers are per­ forgotten to take a le ^ one Brit­ BafaMB to Iksttfy. roadbed was flooded at ntany Itcls time to return to private n Inca-Uka pnttera. Hialr young Anderson, minister of home June 14—Graduation of class of street waa arrested Mere for bridge, waa identified today aa Jo- thesis—” Former Sheilff ment of rateaoaa-sulfur' dust were at* gstokig m te»ee e*ei eurlty wo\il(5 annotince In Com- mitted to take the course. 'The Springfield police last night on a ish jounaltst Hartford, May 4—(ff>—Testify­ points by the rising Connecticut "Oh. bang the doctorater Tbs Ufa those who beUsivn that this are smallar and wiagtata and n 1040B of Mancheater High at aeiAi Chotnicky. 80, a farmhand, country 1s scaaomlcally nppliod on Juno 10,17 and 24. Un­ torn, IM matarHite oa* mona next week plana for company supplled,.two Instructors non-aupport count. No rigMng Spim ing that she helps Anthony J. river, wblcta also was cUmbtng girt spoks with aaargy. *T was oootaet spray should ranch them IMy gat qnaaev State theater. The British troops in Norway by the vtctim's estranged wife. matured, and washed up. treated plante growing in adjn- strengthening regulations against during the season In addition to GuiUano, a Welfare Department steadily further south, at Spring* going to iBvastlgnte ths effaet Given Two Years ns they iWt oa ths undaratdas of cent plots ;w*r* worthless. Dusted 4 s :------showed no fighting spirit what­ Mrs. Chotnicky of 28 Lorenao trucker, with Ms books. Miss Baynsead Moloy, EXFEBIt (sBBABOlO •Wtop the war” agitator;. the Instnictors from the local Herman Behrend of 144 High street, made ktentifleation at the field. Mam the spectrum on—but never mind m s the lOBVsa. Niootin* anlfate has pUnta flowered profusely. Mortgage Pfauws Over Coast school. ever, the Oennana declared. Eleanor M. Petrons, city stois sm- Passiagera Uas Bm that! You see. I am awfully ig- witter, to *ha Now Tetli »! Have IBs i baan sueesaafuMy used early In EAMOE On-B street, president a t the Insurance detective bureau of police head­ A number pf iasacts appear on BATnOHEB AMO TIBI German WarpUuiea' again nosed - The banquet-la being tendered City Pre-cancel Stamp^ Club, la at­ AuUinrisad sourcoo apoke with phqre, today refused to he cross- Fassoigara were carried be* — noraat about Ufa. Why. Sherry,” Onh.. Taunton. Mass., May 4.-r-(ff)— June ann again whan tha aaeond C of G* Preparing quarters thla momlHg from a de­ Joseph L. Millette of New Bedford, Hollyhocks but bather them very over England’s southeast coast the 30 graduates of the loomftxlng tending a roundup of the Near tbe utmost dcriaton at the manner scription given by poUcs. examined at the hearing of the tween the two points by bua and ' she looked earaesUy at the youag- geaeratloa larvae appear ia Au­ Money course by the company officials in which, they oald, the Britlah Wrifare Department Investigating road officials aaid the track prob­ er girl, *T m iy know- a lot about In Vienna we hear a lot former Bristol county deputy sher­ gust. Rotaoona-sulfur dust also Uttl*. Tbaaa include tbe aphis and VAPPS V ut night and early today. o h h York Pre-Ckneel Stamp Club be­ V Wa M l OMh lar Cvnry Need: Crowds on the cllfftope along T Guide Book and will begin at 7 o'clock. and French used Norwegian Oommlttes. ably would be dosed for at least ^ methewtatlea, but that HoUywood, a UtUo aboot Now iff, atartod serving n two-yanr ahould bo satlafaetory. Turner tba caterpillar of tba painted lady If boildiiigr beyliig er re* SERVICE STATION ing held at the Hotel Wellington Sesk BoMwIb’s Bevpsrt butterfly. Tba latter may be cen- ka abore watched BritM fighter In New York City over the week­ troops to cover their retreat and two days. A teach one how to ttv«.“ beet' York, and so we think that Is terra tat tba House of Oorrssticn ■tetaa, but this has not been triad modcUiig B he 4n lanes and antl-alrrraft batteries T h e ' Board of Control of the then abandoned them without giv­ SnBete 77tb rraetnre. The Boston and Maine railioad ’.m.tated. went on. *T eran thought America. METCALFE GLAMS CO. yesterday after balsg convicted on at the stotloa, trollad with appllcatioaa of ro< end. Hartford. May 4.—<4P)—A com; tllHOmtsrSt TW Hfid tenoeia-sulfur dust, but tha butter- ■ttle the invaders for three Chamber of .Commerce last night Local Buildings ing them a chance to board a Brit­ mlttes representing the Executive Providence, R I., May 4—(^ — reported that' the most aeiioas you rodag (oik wero—" dinrgsa of conspiracy to register Sinea tba saoaoo Is raUrdad ba- desire a kma. confer with DOra, finally drlvlhg them out to appointed a committee of three Settled H’Hkoat Duel. ish boat Charles Furrer, 28. suffered what flooding OB its Uneo was at Bald­ - “Oty aUekenr" trucks iUagally. eause at tha cold, tt ia not too fly to ao beautiful that it to n pity Board of the State CIO CouneU to dastroy the young. us at one* as we are havlag members to make plans for the To Be Renovated Tha aama aourcoa said the Brit­ called upon Governor Baldwin at he said waa his 77th bone fracture win. IR —between WoodsvlUe and The tenchar laughed. "W ens Superior Onirt Judge John E. late to spray for control of scale Aa tmidentlfied plane, t)eUeved publication of a tourist guide for Budapest, May 4—(iP)— The lah mads no affort to turn their tha capltol today to urge Ms sup­ early today when he fell out of Ms WMte Rtvhr Junction — where thst! But that plain borne Ths thorax Is first flUsd with tw in , who pronounced aattcnca tnaaete. whan pines look ns If th* Thera to only one aura cur* for many calk for loaiiB. n e y bk German,Oen was beard off the Manchester. The’committee con ‘affair of honor” between Hun­ food supplies over to the Norwo- port of the council’s efforts to ob- wheelchair and fractured Ms hip. about 1.000 feet of track were un­ trainer gave me a gUmpse at real sir by a deep Inspiratioa; ths glot­ yesterday, also fined MlUettea $1,- naadks hav* been splaabad with (ba Irish bor*r, n very large eat- art graatsd In the order of Viwdiekst coast last night, but siota of J. G. Elder, Thomas Quish A public buildings WPA proj­ gary’s Minister of the Interior glans aa they thaaoselvea with- tala Uberalisstion of ascUona of ths der from three to five inches of itfe. Z learaad that racing is tis Is tlMD dOM id ia 4 W bw n sn(< STATS TAII OR SHOP 000. In oonnactich with tbs srhltawaah. they are probabte la- erpOtor that tunnels In tbs root­ no antl-slrcraft firing, and Ehrerett Reith. ect has been authorised for Man­ Ferenc Keresstea-Fiacher and Kal­ .drew. unsrapkqrmsnt compensation act AtHyflsPnifc water. f r e ^ hnmsa. industry, with Its (lelsBtly hlik IntrapulaMnln pro* M Mrea Btrad cane Judge Swift gave Godfroid faatod arttb plaa leaf acaln. ‘tlwaa stock. according to Mr. Tunsr. roeoipt of appScetloB. The rs that the British had A recommendation that a book chester whereby four schools, the man Hubay, Fuehrer of the Him- That's how Britain helps those at the next siasinn of ths General Lake Memphremngog in north* h o ^ had. plans and dreams—that sura is nttsinsd, ths glottis opens F. Oranlar a suapandad aentenca of odd peats ars julca-suckars a Tbs hsnttby p a ^ of tb* clumps eoflft of obtalBiflg a I from Namaos, In north let .aetting forth Manchester’s at­ central school beating plant, po­ garlan Nasi party, was reported who fight for her,” they aaid caus- Asssmbljri.' Hyds Park. N. T , May A-*(ff)— era Vermont rose six laches dur­ gambUng'a only Inddentnl — that and the suddsn diaage in prsaours — > OOATB RBIANEO ■lx months and placed him on_pro- are harmful as weU as. disfiguring. may ba moved to another spot ia 'Horwmy, aa well aa from tractions knd advantages be pub­ lice bkadquarters and the munici­ settled today without a duet. tleaSy. PresideBt Roosovelt arrived today ing the Bight but stnnms in rural maar « you nsvsr gnmbla." onuses n fovcibis sxpuldon of sir. AB Klnde ot aspnlr Werh. bntloa for two yean. Hobart nay- Eggs hatch tbs Utter p ^ of tbs garden. Tb* Irtob borer to da* fron m is very smalL' eeetiona were receding. AB mail ■dMsa to the south, was con- lished was.made to the Board by pal building will be renovated. Tbe brief communique reporting at Ms boyhood home benids ths *"lhs snrawd ownsraaverdoes!" - s f a WsHi OnBsd P d aad OsBenrst no aad Adolph P. Baatos rscahrsd May and n waoaaA gsasratien np- stnicUv* but tt ttsusUy nppann la Nd la a brief War Office com- 'Utk Chamber's Convention and Painting and replastering will be Hudqon to spsnd the week-end. highways aanr Newport. VL, wars 'Sherry Intecruptsd supbatteaUy. suspeaidad aaateneas at two old bads that nasd transptoatlag. Haltoen Heads Oaafetenoe. the linking of the totiah battle­ Ondeoi Mads ndts tm Qrdd. pears la tete July or August The Mandbeater Hffns btiert laot night 'after Tourist Bureau gnd also by the tbe work scheduled. Cost Is es­ ahlp said: Bniassli. May 4. — (ff) — Two repotted open with no serious "lUMrry. 1 want to get Into ths Buotbs aaeb aad w*rs j^aosd on A fter erawUng shout for n taw lb # adult BWtb lays eggs on tbs ^Mnff deniala of such a move. Women’s Auxiliary. In addition to timated at 818,000 of which the Hartford, May 4—-OP)— The Rev. "On the afteraoori of May S rismlah Nationalists ware arrant- Bnma Vtaaa PMnI - damage to rondbeds. swUB at 11( 8 —to lorge( tsnnirtng (it e Is gteM you an that you probntico ter two yw ra AH thrao bsura, tbsutmoat microeeople to' tonnts Into la tb* teU aad tba tor* BuUdiaf Loan -Ikkas ra m y m speWrl data oh Manchester the guide may government wtU pay 811.800. Dr. Julius B. Hulteeh of Hartford Britiaii ball wastem (Ml today at Hasaslt nwjsr a new In one Newport heoM, water (or .at Isast n ynnr." dsn sen how ranch you can put In­ are (ran New Bedford. sects sserato tba arax-Uk*. pear' vaa batch fit bprlag. The bast sen- g lo c « eaoaed by this an- also Include a map ol the town. It The achoola to be ftvan latten- will again head tha New Bnglaad at- govMnmaat dserss against parsons Naahiu. N. H„ > t o A — (ff) wan tour Inchas dam la tbe Mteh- to It. not how much yon can got Two otber IndlctaMBts ebaiftng abnpsd seals, under which they Bon for moving Irtob to tote sum- Aafiociation« Ine. only partly dl»- wUl ba dlatrlbuted through the tlon are Lincoln, Robertson. Buck- Oonfaranca of tha Lutharan A «v- diva hotehsrs epagatlaff •Tndlact o " * oe ds- MiB. Amanda Btahoid. fiO. d M to­ on. CsrelBg ths tamOf to ths sse* It WBS • Strang and out of it. Read Herald Advsi, Minettsette with 61 counts of Inrosny anriy autanB, when that* •H M A O Iffr. ”«potta that taurtot Information booth at tha land and HoBIkter atraet Motf- ustana Synod aa a raault of at iMavy _en3tettor in the An»y. A day la Bt AMph** toptoi. ttam TM Bond npenking, net h i —M r 1 froai Charles Plttl* of New Ossi Bftaty to a* ,flo w er Canter u d[^^ tha Women’a Auxi- day a proja^ to prepare moct dactiaa of offlean at t o ttth an- t o fhrwasd ti|r- ■riWiriJBilti— M said tt ths. UHa fltsAisqni BMA.lff J B i| | t ' O on nawpoman to to d la t o I w esaiwterr «U t ba « C t o ■T Jj

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, M AN C H E5GSR. CO.NHv BATLTSDAT, MAT 4 , 194ff ,/ VAyCHESTER EVENmO HERALP. MAfyCHgTEK. XO^^ > WAT T. Red Sox Oiithit Yanks in New Britaiii Tpouiices Three Red Sox Round Trippers On Hit Parade Allies \ Position: ^ W ooing Local Trade Nine, 7-2 R^uel Browhs ’by 9-1 i>amer, Foxx and Wil­ The WORLD This WEE Season along in Gtorge Nyberg, Canadian liams Among First Ten Pair of 3-Run Rallies in eocker who has won 26 of 28 pro of Angott Wiimer ^ Very Obscure* Cartoonists Picture Some Uncomfortable People a y , the merry month 7th and 8th Rreak Up fights . . . roller hockey will bow Batters in Amerk. delegateI - hunting, began,, into the Hershey, Pa., rink (one of M th^ finest in the country) next EDDLERS on Berlin*! streets, this week, were selling war maps with Thomas E. DeWey and Pre*f Slab Duel; Second New York, May 4—()P)--lf you Of NBA Crown i Chisox on Three Horn- ' which designated the fog-shrouded North Sea as the “North, or week V • • the Brooklyn Trust Co., want a quick answer to why the Bees Defeat the^ P ideiit Roosevelt apparently hold­ Loss in Four Starts. regretfully denies it owiui the Boston Red Sox are' setting the German, Sea.” . . v j v j Dodgers—oqly acts as truitee -for And shrimp fishermen off Sweden’s coast said they h ^ heard ing good head-starts. pace for toe American League, Whips Davey ^Day to l«i 4.2; AU pUu Breaking up a pltcber’s battle the half interest held by tha Eb- look at the lUt of the league’s ten nothing of those mines which Britain said she laid in the Kattei^t Republicans have chosen 514 bets estate . . .-note to the allies: Earn Lightyrtiight Rec- Are Rained Onf^ of their .1,000 delegates, with with a pair of three-run ralllea In The censors let the,Bermuda sum­ leading hitters. three weeks ago. They also revealed that German transports the aeventh and eighth Innings, There you’ll find three membere Dewey’s ^forces claiming two- mer sports program get out with­ of the Gold Sox, Roger (Doc) Cra­ ognition/th 41 States. chucged by every day en route to New Britain Trade trounced Man­ out deleting so much aa a word. White Norway, seldom bothered by His thirds of them. 'Virtually all the mer, Jimmy Foxx and Ted Wil­ Aiaoolatod PrtaqSporte Wrttaa: chester Trade at ML Nebo yester­ liams. Cramer is toe leading LpuiavUIe, Ky., May 4 —{(F). — Majesty's Navy. rest must be chosen this month. The Old College Try x The early season setbacks at tha / Upcoming day afteimoon, 7-2. It was the sec­ American League hitter, with a Bamrny^’ Angott, toe lltt'le, glove- ■—. These charges of naval weakness Democrats have picked 374 of Jess Neely Is iQsUUlng the''q1d throWing Louisville slugger, la^toe Yankees, toe surge of UteBrooklyiti ond defeat in four starts for Coacb time spirit Into the boys down kt neat .397 for 23 hita in 88 times left Kant impression on Britons Sunday, May 5 their 1,094. FDR apparently can do Frank Crowley'a nine, which faces new lightweight ehamplon In 141 Dodgers and toe alow steM of tha^ because they were too busy blush­ as he pleases with at least 305 of Rice . . . during the last spring atatea and a few outlying precincts National MuSic Week begins. the High BCbooi in iU next sUrt on practice game, a line toughle took Fox Is in fourth place with .381 stlnglem Boston Bees have ul.poa- ing about Kmething else-^the;way Army w a r games begin, them. This month they choose 392 and Williams, the youngster of ruled by the National ^ x ln g As­ Monday and meets Rockviile Higb a punch at an official and laid him trtbuted in keeping anyone bitt1 their central Norwegian campaign Louisiana and Texas. more, , and the rest early in June. ---- 1 Ttauraday. the trio, has a lusty/.333 to put sociation. ' was being handled. Many> had among the eweet peas for a few ’The one-time bootblack tired In immediate family intereated in ' Monday, May 8 Unpledged New Englanders he More wea deadlocked at one- moments , . . seeme the guy ruled him in into place. / condition of toe Boston Red Boa. painful thoughts of 1915. Jfup to the aeventh frame. New Top hitters in both leagues, the stretch after building up a de­ National Parent-Teacher 'As­ a touchdown when the lineman cisive early margin but maintained But the Oontn doutora clamored | sociation convention, Omaha. Mr. Dewey was ordered abed a t ' fltain tallied in the second when however, are a Chicago C^ib vet­ ■rifMS Recall #alllpell didn’t thin)< the opposition got enough power last night to whip. for attention yeoterday on thaj Pennsylvania legislature Colorado Springs this week be­ Stone singled, stole second, took across. ) eran and a New York Giant rook­ wings of some real power dlaplay»j It was exactly 25 years ago this meets in special session, Harris­ cause of an upset stomach, but in third on an overthrow and raced ie—Hank Lieber and Babe Young, Davey Day, oolemn, plodding Cbi- cagoan, in 18 rounds before a ed while whacking out a ten-ln«'J week that British warriors, landed , burg. New England his boosters sought home when a peg to third went Your Oueea respectively. Both are socking ning, 9-8 victory over the 8L Loulai Maryland primaries. through SumUloaki. The Chowley- at a merry .400 clip, though Lei- Kentucky Derby eve crowd of ap­ at Gallipoli’s beaches and partici­ to sew up delegates from Rhode The B'way columns today have proximately 8,(>00. Browns, js pated in one of the great flaKos of Pulitzer prizes awarded. New Island and Massachusetts. Rhode men evened matters in tha fourth Hannah Williams Dempsey (the ber'B average is more lmT>resstve The Sox collected 12 hits, York. when Kudrowekl reached on an since he has appeared in 14 games Jack Dempaey, . toe former history. Britons themselves admit Island’s suave Gov. Vanderbilt and cheergil little earfull) rMuming heavyweight king who called toe what was important was tha : Tuesday, May ^ error, stole second, took third on her theatrical career (A ) As a to nine for Young. that four of them were home i the Whole Dardanelles campaign the Bay state’s Gov. Saltonstall, a a fielder’s choice and crossed the Leiber has collected 22 hits lit decision as both referee and gainst the Turks was bungled be- German sub sank Lusitania bashful blue- warbler in Billy Rose's Aquacade; Jim Tabor got two, Ted WU 25 years ago. plate on a long fiy to center. 85 tripa to the plate and Young aoie Judge, awarded six rounds to c'atise of shilly-shallying and blood, opposed. (B) Ditto at the Rite Hotel in and Manager Joe Cronin one i Alabama Democratic pri­ Fred Modean started on the slab Beantown; (C) Ditto at Ben Mar- haa 14 out of 35 tries. Angott and five to Day, ecorlag f^footing le^ership. Winston They wanted four even,^ Some toou|^t Angott’a That production was one ' mary. , for Manchester end allowed only den’s Riviera . . . the 'interna' t/cadlng run maker among toe^ run more than toe New York Ta who was— as now— a Primaries In California, Flor­ ii the delegates three blow'e up to the aeventh aa tionally famous ocean links at top notch hitters is young Wil­ margin waa wider. ’The Aaoociated Press scorecard gave him nine kea could manage in their 5-4 vie leader liiN ^ e project, has since ida, South Dakota. Indiana. HatUdou in Providsnes Journal aoldhtrg tii V«i*. Tork Sun ^ Beibel In Jtlc.^mond Timas Diapateh u n i h struct- be struck out eleven batters. He NewporL where royalty, the four liam McCosky of the ’Dgers, who tory over toe Chicago White 8oo«| stated: ed. Both had weakened suddenly in the seventh has tallied 15 times.. rounds and day six. Friday, May It 'W et Spring!' Thara't Always Ona Waiting' 'The Pit And Th# Pandulum' hundred and many famous golf The Red Sox slugging put " “Three divisions In February their way. and four hits coupled with miscues champs trod neatly trimmed fair ’The ten leaders in each JSaguc In New York and other non into first place In toe lea Scientific co^ress of Ameri­ NBA atatea, Lou Ambera otill la would have occupied the GallipoU can republics, Washington. Minnesota’s by Wlerabicki and Saverlck netted waya, is about to wind up as follow; i;>osltlon filled most of last / the vlaltora tbreq rune. Sam Tag­ Amerlean Veaeue,' the lightweight champion. ’The Peninsula. Five could, have cap- Saturday, May 11 yo u n g G o v. public course . . . Bill Henry, heir arch rivals, the Tankeea: . tured it after March 18. . Eleven Stassen was in gart replaced Modean at this point former arorts editor of the Los a B R H Pet. NBA withdrew recognition of hia Now, up Boston way at la New York world’s fair re­ Science Developments At Home tltle' s^fter charging he failed to snil^t have sufficed at th e ^ g in - Lost & Found^ 'Washington tak­ and stemmed the rally momentari­ AngClea' ’Times, now writing gbout Oamer, Boston ...S A IX 23 .397 there ta a distinct feeling that opens. — Negroes Disagree that amount in new taxes— as FDR ly but New Britain nicked him for the raore'serlous things of life (or Wright, Chicago 7 18 .396 defend It against an NBA-aelected last year contendere are gob^,^ ning of July. Fourteen w efe.^ Dona & Doing Distracted parents of Weeky .suggested — or (3 ) push back ing notes for his chieftain John L. Lewis; three hits in the eighth that were the same paper, became a grand Met^skv. Detroit ./.51 15 20 .392 challengechooe day and An- be this year’s champions. prove insufffdent on August 7.’^ Science this week announced it Wolfe, 6, of Charleston, S. C., further that limit of $45,000,000,- Republican con­ Foxx. Boston .'.-.^<1.42 12 16 .391 gott to fi|m it out for tha right searched for him in vain. A f­ lasj/month, warned Democrats that coupled with an error by Gentll- father twice on succeaslve days Jim Tabor w u the real here Now, with his troops b e in g' -^resB)resB became so Jingoistic that had'leamed how to; vention sound- of ouecsamn. x ter several houra Weeky 000 which the U. S. now can write core to produce three^more tallies. . . always one jump, eh grand- Travis. Washington ^ the game, hie eecoad homer pushed back toward Norway’s Pads called Italy’s’s attitude “ defi- iythey did not choose a presiden­ off speech. A f­ pop? . . . a “ Route Hemsley Day'' McQulnn, .St. I^uis 49 6 18 .887 Charley JonekK Angott'a mana­ 1. Look inside solid metal. At strolled into his home, ex­ tial candidate and platform satis­ on the cuff. Manchester got one run hack in the score In toe ninth and hia i shore after two weeks of fighting, nltely, alarming.” 1Brjtain, in fact, the American Physical Society Since choices 2 and 3 seemed t e r consulting Gov. Saltonstall Ita half of tha eighth when Mo- Is coming up in Cleveland. Radcllff. St. LOuU . .50 6 18 .850 ger, said the new'NBA dhamplon irie against the left field w a ll' his government faced — observers was so'alarmed that ahe diverted plained: “ I got tired and factory to Jabor, he would call a an assortment meeting, at Washington, three crawled into the dog house with dangerous in an election year, daan, who had been sent Into right Campbell, Detroit ..41 9 14 .841 probably would flghL.toree tlmea like baaea loaded-in tha tenth hi believed— a situation so desperate ahipping frdelegates to many New Deal objectives but de^ tograpbers asked Joe Cronin to Selkirk, /l^w Yorig 43 6 14 .326 hlmaalf wasn't interektod for^ the have to be rushed to central Nor­ tal spectrometer which, operating postman found this note, aloiw putting back — their saving stood on Baverlck’B single. The latter Joe Having getttog credit f ' " lips that he didn’t plan to enter the the National Negro Congress, mand changes in such programs as waa thrown out at second trying pose leaning on Jimmy Double-X /National LMunie. moment. x way if the campaign was to be on the principle of the X-ray, with an egg, in a mailbox: this week at only $116,000,000. win and JAnity Wtoltehaod | saved. war— yet. “Please take this egg and iMve meeting in Washington, to join relief and farm aid. for a double. Kudrowekl continued . . . “ No." quipped Oonln,Oonin, "I’m"I’n / AB R H Pet. Get the Mos.t Out of Golf, He telephoned his wife at Wa m k a, black mark for losing. shows the patterns of circles that Some strategists were hinting ^ x x enough as it Is.' Leibeir. Chicago ---- 55 IS 22 .400 Local Fighter Ington, Pa., from which ha trana- Unhappy Britain wia.^ said to me a postal card.” The' postman with labor’s Non-Partisan League. Most conflicting advice came on the rally with a double J>ut was leanUig on Meanwhile the Tankeaa: Haris Taka Tha H lf h Rood make up the inner crystalline obliged. that lawmakers end their« worries lift stranded aa Sumialaaki fanned Young, New York ..35 4 14 .400 (erred hie bualnaaa addraoa to up to the AOO marlgl have promised Sweden thgt the Ill a hectic session this week, the by providing funds for a half-year , a keep - out - of - war declaration. Allies would help her in casc^ira structure of the metals. ___ delegates agreed,, after voting to and Taggart filed out. This ended Today's U p Rpw'ell. Boston...... 23 2 9 .391 K ^p Striving to Improve Louiavllla, to inquire whether the a typuoi 8-4 victory avar Object of ^ e fighting was only in a few big bills. Then, when Senator Vandenberg wanted a Don’t give up on the Dodgers Medwick. St. Louis 21' 5 8 .881 Kayoedin 1st German invasion, and was repo^^ 2. Make a mountain out of'a denounce the New Deal for aban­ the Koring by both teams. coupte’a axpecti:ea hair bad arrived White B(& The Box (or aix f Trondheim whose large harbor they reconvened next January straight “mind-our-own-business” DaakowsM started for New Bri­ As likely first place lodgera Franks. Brooklyn ..21 8 8 .381 yet. It hadn’t hut Sammy amUed ed dickering with Russia for a pln-poInt. To the American Physi­ doning a policy of “ welfare of the eed and a punch like a pile- The other plays for exerciae. necesritete a considerably longer S u ^ b ru h moves plus the in­ normal temperature. Obstacle: Hu­ single prevailing wage. order to foUow Bimmie,- weren’t Team No. 8 ...... 28 points Oarta. snowing a total at 101 panta, Thia week, as Nipponese against Dies’ appearance as a .une quoted Democratic leaders as kell, 146 1-2, Detroit, (10). driver. The one who wishes to lower turn with a fuller backewlng than Rain and cold'waather cessant strafing of Allied troops by man beings suffer prostration at The court ruled that the size of named aa startera. • •. Augla Carisoa hit high urea- were observing Emperor Hirohito’s speaker at the conference. predicting that—if FDR did not M ~7 I i 27 12 1 Mlnneapolla—Arne Anderson, 194 Hite Floor TwVse his More seeks competition. the approaching Irons. crimp In tha ottar oonteate., K sxi warplanes produced claims 108.5 degrees. This week Dr. Clar­ a locality is up to the government, Delmn^ didn’t have a chance to •trtng for tta eeason with a neora 39th birthday. General Itagaki, ence Neymann, Chicago, announced which “ enjoys , the unrestricted run — Farley would go into the I Maachester Trade Too bad to^t Zigmund Olbert, 1-2. Sweden, outpointed Johnny He Is never satisfied with hia Developing a putting style la up of 888, and Charlla Wenna^rea by Germans, oh Tuesday, that they chief of the Japanese army in Wanted: Alive & Unhurt ronvention with a majority of the AB R H PO A E Honschen, 196, Minneapolis (lO)i swing a punch. At toe bell for More . . . worries if he has a poor to toe individual, but all putting that ice packed around the neck power to produce its o\yn supplies, Manchester ' High’s diminutive toe opening round, Preston lunged was a eloee seeond with 877. had taken both Dombas and Sto­ China, issued the most conciliatory If Herr Hitler is turned ever tp delegates. E. Wierzbickl, c 3 0 1 18 3 1 Billy Miake, Jr., 183 1-2, St. Paul, one. He can always go back ovef ■trokea have toe same basic funds- ren. Later unconfirmed reports had would keep the brain at 106 de­ to determine those with whom it Muthpaw, had to he in Mhool at stopped Frank Rowoey, 174 S-4, aeroea toe ring and caught the The five blgheot averagao for appeal for peace yet made by the the custody of the League of N a -' OentUeore, es . 4 0 1 2 1 1 toe same time aa Cy Blanchard, hiB finest round . . . point out that mentala. For a putt to roll trua toe aeaaon are: League Leadi Norwegians reoccupying Storen. grees, allow the body temperature will deal, and to fix the terms and Senator Wheeler made it clear Loa Angeles (9). local boy with a straight right to j Japanese army. He urged Chinese tions, unhurt, by the end of May. PeacUc: If ...... S O 2 0 O C No. 1 of the Red and White’s If he had not mlased a putt on and firm, the ball must be stroked E. Briekson ...... lld ,l to reach 111. Duffg . thing out of golf to be sure, but wishing to improve their game la they “refused to take any notice New Dealers were repdrted at­ chase of foreign silver; wrote three Unue but Referee Jimmy Petere E. Nyquut .,y tlS Triplee—Roes. Bootan, aad 1 Hoiue of Commons to hear the uncork his offensive. elements last only, a very short , istician John Beckley, “ showed aenidd 2, Baveriek; two base hlL i;aroe and Blanchard had to relieve bU single In 10th with bags load­ not the benefit he could obtalq if to consult their professional. of it." tempting to coax the CIO boss back larger Incomes than a year ago.” additional millions into the billion- Kudrowskto bito, off Modean 7 in of Torrington- refuaed to allow It. A. C aiw n ar, Jfew York, 2/ _ '-a. - low-down. Prime Minister Cham­ time before becoming other ele- :Um but that was toe only time he ed enMled- Red Sox to whip ha attempted to Improve hls game That eaves Ulne and more a Ai into their fold. Jobs—WPA Commlisioner Har­ dollar appropriation for federal • 8-8. Taggert 4 in 31-8. Deskew- Browne, 9-8. Preston’s weight was given at 157 Homa runs—OtL New TtaE i berlain scowled and reportedly Turley's Bachelors ihents. labor and security actlyitiee; heard faltered-. •• Many eeeklng to Improve ex- trouble. COecarart. Brooklyn, 2. said such a meeting might give the Dodgers' Feat j rington said 100,000_workers were aM 4 in a. K o a la ^ 'a la 8: stolen Joe Gordon, Tankeee His bat­ and Delaney’s ds 168. Every prafcsaieiial wants to 4. Cut down en deafness. Eating Senator Adams propose that perlmenL They chainn their 408 418 889 1191 Stolen baaea Frey. public "the wrong impression.” No exception is made in Tur­ In 1918,/lhe New York Giants Lawmalars' Hoxard leaving relief rolls every month baaea, Wagatr. Jakra, Stone 8. Km- Olbert started only three times ting and fielding paced Tankeee The end cshie after about two Bteace, grip, and clubs. Often thay have good golfers at his club. key's bachelor tax for eunuchs. large amounts of vitamin E will Americana be allowed to extend BriaSM, Peedk, Modean, Kudrow- minutes and Praston’s riuhing, TOam Na, 8 (8 aotato) 2; Werber, CtocbmeM, ’The Liberal Niews Chronicle won nine consecutive victories at Unless Congressmen do some (though some came back); and last season and waa beaten twice to 8-4 victory over White Box. change for toe worse, but the fact , He wants hia members to Im­ D. MOPheraea.lOfi 189 90 805 This week the Eunuchs* Benevo­ cure the, type of progressive deaf­ credit to belligerents. old, S. WlenMeki; left on baaea. .both loeses, however, were due Bill Pooodel, Bees— He allowed aggressive attack with tactics Boston, 2. charged that any faulty decisions ness associated wjth roaring ear the start of the season. The record fancy finagling between now and Secretary of Labor Perkins an­ they are-trying to Improve ahoiws prove. C Bolin ....\ . 188 97 98 882 lent Association demanded that its stood unchallenged until this week adjournment they must either (1 ) The Honae voted tentatively to New Britain T. Maneheoter 10; to poor support... .Briatol heat CUrdinaU seven acsttered hlU and atmllar to those uaed by Delaney they are Interested. - It is a matter of pride with toe should be blamed on Chamber­ noises. Dr. Emanuel M. Josephson nounced a million more Americana baas on, balls, off Modean 4, Das- oavght toe local fighter unawarea C.A. AnderaotfvlOB 106 108 888 Batting—Cramer. Beaton. 100 Negro members be exempted when the slap-happy Brooklyn whack'about $400,000,000 from the liberalize hours provisions of tha him t r 9-4 when he gave up nine struck out an equal number as They make many mistakes, but right-thinking profaaatonal. lain, not Churchill. Its information ofi New York -told the. Acoustical now have jobs than a year ago. hnwsid 8. Kesinald . 2; hit by bite but bis inates. committed ten Bees won socend game of season, and he wasn’t able to regain hie R. Anderson \ 97 101 120 818 WrigbL'CMcsfO. J98. i . was that Churchill had urged a di­ on the ground their bachelorship Dodgers won their ninth. President’s budget, (2) provide for wage-hour law for re^arly em-,. Runs— MoOosky, Detroit, was involuntary. Officials replied Society of America. pitebar, Kudrawskl by Daakowski: misplays behind blm...^then he 4-2. stride. Ringside obterrera believa rect MS attack on Trondheim but Bedlam In Baltimore iloyed salaried workers, then otiuck out, by Modean 11, Tartert that tbs blow on his head hurt De­ card and all but Delansy ware 444 418 418 1278 WUllams. Boston. 14- the -tax was levied on men not dropped a beart-breaktfig 2-0 ver­ that the cabinet had turned down Residents awoke in Baltimore Joltod backers of the more drastic 1, Daskowokf T, Kosiaaki X. 'Ttme dict to Middletown daspita a two- laney as much as Preetoa’s punch- from Pete Vondrillo’a stable. Runs batted ta—Foxx, 'th e project as “ too rash and too supporting wives, regardless of the Headliner: A Not-So-Dark Horse Excites The GOP Monday morning to find squealing amendments by okaying a sugges­ 2 homn SO adhutes. Umpire J. hlt hurling petformanoe aa two es. Teoae NsTTfi potato) 22; Kuhel, Chicago and Ju costly.” reason, and rejected the petition. , tion that it not tamper with wage Oleary. errors paved toe way for tha runs a Gun ...... 21 118 92 ; fit. Louis. 12. „ pigs in their cellars, streets, autos Four Games in Five Days It waa the first loss that Dsla- Hite—Cramar. Boston, 22; By midweek, the foreign'- office requirements. ....his lone victory came at the PAAC Practice BwMay E. Beraard ... 28 lit 101 S As a boy Wendell Lewis Wlllkle never been in polltica;. that he and garages. Five carloads of pork­ nay has austalncd sines bs launch­ E. C ook ...... 77 118 111 : Cooky. Detroit, 20. Rouse Conunitteca heard a labor expense of Trade atoool, 9-3, when acknowledged the Allied position (b. Elwood, Ind., 1892) joined both will have few politiciaigi back of ers had been liberated by, a train ed hie comeback in March. He fer- The Pollah-Americena will prac­ Doubles—Travis, Washlngtaa,! as “ dangerous and very ob.scure.” THAT OTHER WAR board employee afllnn that he bad he held the Mechanics te three riteriy fought as a writerwelght Methodist and EpiKopal churches him; that he w ill have few, if any, crash. Of 800 pigs that eKSped. Ahead for High; to Meet tice at the Charter Oak Street lota, *361 305 910 three tied arith 5. There was talk that the cabinet credited Supreme Court Justice Sports Roundup blows.... but a two-year layoff taiersaaed F — and Invented a gambling game delegates. For him w ill be his ef­ first reports had only 350 retrieved. Sunday morning at 10 a. m. AU Team Na. 1 (1 oafirt) Triples—Tork. Dstrolt. t; would again be revamped. The Al­ MANCMOUKUO fectiveness as an enti-New Deal Roberts’s enuial vote upholding hia weight and he came back as that could be played, behind teach­ Bv BMIa Briots Prospects aren’t bright for Ol- players a n urged to be preaanL F. Welmaa ..101 80 82 281 tied wltb 2. lied alternatives, as experts saw spokesman; popular interest in' the Epidem ic the Wagner labor act to CIO’s Trade School on Monday a light-heavy. He otopped Frankie T. Chambara .104 I l f 94 818 HooM runs—Foxx,. Beotoi er’s bach in either Sunday k HooL bort to aao much action thU eenaon, them, were: contract victories with U. S. Steel I^ U lM eaw w iS k , May Rumor Prandek la 78 saeonde in hls first Aa|>le Jelly gets its nsmt from Low Score ... 77 118 82 : four tied with 4. He beat up boys who mentioned possibility of nis candidacy (his In Seattle, Wash., this week, tory: 8L Louis wlroo oay unites oithar, unUaa Blanchard gooa Into ” -'—— ■ ' ' 1. Withdraw from Norway and and General Motors in 1937; tabled I l^^pUBdry ■terL kayoed MickeyHey Roberta in a snake, the. asp, beesuae It is cold Stolen beses—Case, Wt New York office says it receives death came in short order to a 1 CsTiC ar^ are in a strong contend' bad slumj)....ZIggy will aaa Maneheoter High haa four pltch-*tien haa been to close and gean risk a disastrous loss of prestige; his store clothes, memorized Ham­ the Senate-approved Hatch bill to bis seeond. dadsloneo Too;Tony Shum- to the touch. 282 214 289 288 and Kuhel, ChlcOgo, 4. thousands of letters each w eek); pigeon, a cat, three kittens, Cauw: lag positioe July 4, Ray Blades aervlca against MlddlstoWn next era on^ its roster and U going te I that High holds eiUy an 8-8 edge way In hls third. kayoed Teddy 2. Launch a smashing sea attack let, swiped apples. regulate political activities of itate As a college student (Indiana, and the fact that be comes from ^ e pigeon ate poisoned grain, the wtU get a nice laigi:c does of (rash ’Tuesday and will ha en dock if Cy nepd them all, and maybe,more, ,ln games won, ite margin Mays In bis fourth sod again sarh onTrondheim fjord; employees paid out of federal MaranvtUe has should weaken against West Hart­ naxt week when the Rad and White ; due to a . clean sweep of last yoar'a Oberlin) Willkie debated for so­ the politically important midwest mother cat ate the pigeon, the kit­ alr .T .F ro f Rabhlf sd tbs nod ovsr fihumway in ths 3. Hold on to the part of Nor­ Against Wendell W illkie in a tens drank her milk. fimds. been added to the faculty of Ray ford on Friday___ Olbsrt’a only a U Kbeduled to play four games strits. Red Men’s feature here Isat' Tues- way above Namsos and eventually cialism, chewed tobacco, toured Doaa’a traveling baseball school junior but thU wiU ba hU teat yaar tn five days. Ite first home apppear- Anytktag Ooa nappes the U. S. by freight car. battled campaign would be his connection day. start a new offensive on central . with goliath utility businessea, . . . Rfferse Arthur Donovan (who with M. H. 8. as he’a due to attend I takes The rivalry has produced tuaalaa campus politician Paul M cNutt To ’Trade school all day naxt year/... FOrr fitepa Baneetta Norway from there. ^ long the target of many a U. S. pol­ has been jeered by 80,000) waa place on Monday aftenwon at 3 ranging all toe way from the pay hia way, he fried eggs, made quiet, unaoaumtng chap, ho o’clock at ML Nebo In toe I5to BUblimt to the ridiculous, and the Billy Farr earned sweet revenge On ’Thursday, Chamberlain in­ itician. He is president of (Com­ Short Short Stories ehaered by 400 otand uppers at a dicated the troops -south of Trond- steel, taught history, milked cows. teatlraoirtal dinner lask i^ h t . . . worka bard on too mouiM) and haa renewal of ite Intra-clty rivalry ! phrase "anything can happan” from Fred Rametta of Mtridon monwealth and Southern, a- $1,- Died: Luisa Tetrazzina, Italian Killed: 7,200 iKTSons in auto ac­ planty of what it takoa---- we’d tor tha draw that Rametta gained hmm would be withdrawn. In class he had the best grades. Daaaoa BUI M’Keehnls deposeth with Maneheoter Trade. j holds truer for these diamond hoa- Out of class he had the best poker 200,000,000 firm that opvates com­ soprano; Joseph A, Pasternack, cidents in the U. S. during the first aad oaya the National Loaguo wta- u e to sea him uaed more often... Tws Esogna •nmaiai | tUiUee than for any other engaged at the fiiwris Center last TuMday panies throughout the fbuth, Mich­ quarter of 1940, 7% more than for Not Yat, Says II Daca bands. radio orchestra conductor. aor will not nood too 90 rictoriea Oa Tuesday Coach Tom Kelley’s in by the two Kbrolp. Murdock ia nigbL Farr shot a powerful right the same quarter last year. Manager Joe Hublard of the hand smash to the Jaw early ia Elated by the work of his war­ As one of the most fiuent and . igan, and in the midwest. Beheaded: Three Filipino Chris­ his Bods ooUoetod last year . . . nlna travels to Middletown for too llkcl- to get the alab aoaignment Critidasd: Relief and tax poli- too N, T. Bun asya aalo of toe Green telU us that Crneet “ Tuffy” gams that waa postponed tram ] for High aad Trade, eager to wipe last night's encounter and Rainet- riors, Herr Hitler issued a spirited most outspoken businessmen in Rldea The Sohways tians in the mountain vill|^e of eiea of the New Deal, M>*rimrs ' Taaha to Pootmoster - Oonsral Vtoi u agata slated to handle the ysaterday, Eaat Hartford cornea ' out High's sdrsntsfsntege In toe series. te went Into ths slag (Or a count order of the day: "You have ful­ Aunerico, Wendell Wtllkte has be­ In his favor in a cemtSsign would Pingab, by 50 headhunters 6f the at the annuel U. S. Chamber at Jamoa A. Farley aad pals Is near' coaching retna for the Hublardites hare on Wednesday' iand West Hart- wUl have Fred Modean, Sam Tag­ of nine. When be staggered to filled a tremendous assignment.” come. a top-ranking dark-horse be the picture his supporters AbiUo tribe. Commerce amventioo, in Wash­ lag oomplotlon, thU eeainn but Vlot Urnoelf isn’t ford on Friday, toe latter seeking gart and Burt Bmlto avaiilablo for his feat, Farr whipped aeroee lefts tTAMDARO d.S0x» 17.70 91 Xarlier, be declared war formally candidate for the Republican nom­ would draw of him as a typical so certain . . . he aays he’a ready Settled: The 17-month strike by i n g ^ . to duplicate the 2-1 triumph engi­ ■lah du^ with Taggart the prob­ aad ri|6>te to floor him again and 4.75-SUK)xlt . . 7.95 I OD King Haakon’s Norway. ination for President of the United American; a aelf-made millionaire the Newspaper Guild against ^ • T a * a > 0 «a a t Star to coach if the (3reen rounds up n neered over the Kellcyites last able starter. toe referee baited the proceedlan TIKES Resigned: Homer Martin, former club of good baU pUyata to re- 5Ji0xl7 . 9.76 His Foreign Minister Joachim States. Last week he was busy (at who rides the subways; a healthy Hearst newspapers in Chicago, by fYV' WorrsB W. Brown. Chicago Wednesday. < High ftnd Tm te raninMd ttMir after a minute and one-half at the Hfiffi ifi lotif. dfipandabifi $1 von Ribbentrop grim ly produced the American Newspaper Publish­ specimen of 6 feet 1M end 210 Baptist preacher and former presi­ HaroM • AaMrioan: "Phil Wrigloy pUee those who1l be lost to the 1110 Middletown aiMl West Hart- i baseball rclationahlp back in 1988 5.25ZIS 9J0 I an agreement whereby 115 atrlk-. first round. It was Farr’s eighth ■lleact. with fidfiaUflcally documents allegedly aeized on cap­ ers Association convention. New pounds; a devotee of American dent of CIO’s United AutomobOo must have deaigned thooo n poIUh-Americana . . . it’s under ford tumles are CCIL affairs and end split even, the Kelleyites tak­ win in nlna boute. 6.00116 ...... 1 0 .6 5 era returned to their jobs and 52 Workers, as bead of the AFL-olB- stood that KovU, Obuchewaki, tured British racers at Lilleham- York CityJ expounding his philos­ cheese. Cub unitorma (they look like vasts Oiach KeUsy is certain te save hia ing the first game by T-1 and Coach dfifiigBfid trfifid (o r protfie- others were promised, a total of Rated UAW union which he led Saveriek. H o lh ^ and Vojock will CMck Canon wen his third 6.50216 ...... I2J0 ! aaer. The gist was that the Allies ophy. He will be bu^ at it for Willkie: SecUIlat Te Tyceen WUlkie says he won’t spend a witoont sleevos) as oa economy two leading huriars for these, with Frank Crowley’s chargas tha oee- UoE afffiiiifit fikiddiiiK and $24,000 compensation. from the CIO brand; in n 1931 be with the P A 'a . . . and maybe Zig Olbert slated, to o p p ^ Mid­ ond 8>4. The 1984 gamao Olao ■tnUght atert when be earned a were planning to invade Norway PROM eight sectors of the Far weeks to come. The gist: dollar in his own behalf; says Taft, meaeuro . • • •* loog aa our piteb neat decision over Ed Bradley at fiHdt-wpa. Diaelaimod: Any “ desire what­ feud. ' ora haven’t any armo. Wrigloy Viot will ba, too . . . dletown and Captain Cy Blanchard roaulted ia a spUt after aomt wild O ttie iM i^ 'y *p wSeee tely when Germans got there first The • Eastern front, this week, came Scorns His Chances mcthodi and not by commisaion Dewey and Vandenberg are all well soever to embarraas the British, foelB they have an aMeveo.” due (or another whack at West fastiTitles, Trade puHing out the Hert&en, heldhig the edge on tta principal ochibit contained .al­ Indietsd: The Western Union rival an tta way through tta three reports, of Chinese successes. (See Government has told dark, un­ regulations.” - nualified for the nomination. For especially at a time when it ii e Hartford. That leavea Fran Mur­ first ^ 88-17 and High tha oseond leged orders for the 8th Battalion, me Democratic nomination (W ill­ Telegraph Company and It indi­ rounds. stars.) In south Shansi ( I ) Chinese founded tales about business; the Willkie gives the Republican question of life and death for Ths Maaduater Orsan baqehall dock and Bari ChtverL a couple of by 15-4.’Trads swept both games Sherwood Foresters. Mention was viduals, on charges of dissemihat- announced ’"sweeping advances” public has lost confidence in indus­ party an even chance or better in kie was a Democrat until this year, them.” by India’s nationalist lead­ umpire wmioa WUoea. wtw toam srill practies iunday afteV' untried newcomers, for the Trade in 1988 by 18-8 and 9-8 hut High Frank ByetelaU. wke fights un­ LIFETIME GUARANTEE mada of a force landiu at three iag horse racing information in League baU neon at'S o’ded i at Jarvta (Move, der the neme of Chick Tiger, eta toith Japanese in retreat; neor try. Present economic troubles, -1940; he gives himself no dunce is a friend at many a New Dealer) er, Mohandaa K . GandhL drew a katfe oa T« and Bast Hartford daahaa. If any came b a « in 1988 with 15-1 aad p it a , praaumably ‘Norwegian. Kaifeng (2) they said they blew be has only ooS dioice. Says he: violaUon o f lottery laws, by a Chi- I fBlayere. has tooaw awayray lb s bar- off Wslkar streat AU nmabt of the atertere fan to UsL tta local 4-1 vletortea aad dupMoatad tta nwhed •ksockout hi tta therefore, are at least in part the ; the nomination at aU. He says .cago federal grand Jury; 2t par- Both Britons and Norwegians of­ up eight truckloads of enemy fault of government. S o < ^ and *T hope President Roosevelt Gfaaledt A divorce decree nisi at tha team aad attar p lu n n w mentor wlS prOhahty bare to call feat tn 1887 by whmag 8-0 aad round (Tom Chet August of Nor­ S would run only " if I were nom­ aona, nine companies, two unkma wWi to try eat fOr pontloas on on too . water boy. wich. Joe Forto drow ed a fered pnoapt deoiala. troops; by a drive on Wuhu (3 ) economic reforms of the New Deal runs. ^ la tte author and ablest (conditional) to Sir Malcolm Ma toato warn . . . Jack Rnrtey, 8-4. TVada again regtetered a dean inated on a platform in which I and a trade amoriation, b y a Seat­ wba pUatod aM RUly PotreOe to tta toam tor tbs currant season High and TraM bare conducted smraep in 1988 srith 11-2 and 2-0 dccUion to Ed KeMer of Daniel- inw-.-.'uVJS'* -f ■ The AIUm watdied ■ nervously they said Nanking was threats should be kept; but they should, believe.” • advocate of the New Deal philoso­ Campbell, Britidi Mieed Ung, on r roaeUoa among neutrals to Ocr- the ground of his wife's adultery tle grand Jury, aa a port at tha faoM aad riehae. ttjaha ho baa aa- at tta TM-Oouaty Lsogua. wtU ta a home and homo aeriaa for tta v a rfil^ High tunad tta i SOB. Those fire boys were tbs only MORIARTY BROS. ft.'..' ' tned; an and around Tungting phy. I want to SM us best tha be enforced by a government Against any Wendell Willkie U. S. gevernmont’a d n ra agatanl atoar “FOrpo trick test yeararhy 9-8 aad 4-f. local fighters te t i vietorias. n Duoe’a Lake (4 )' they asserted Japanese . friendly to business dhamp; I don’t want to see us boat with his former buaiocas aaaocia^ , la and by “laws boom at tha Republican conven­ hl4(kbifldlBg eorifc wore'walloped. '.Hmrtaaly Mting objactivas and tion will be the facts that ha has Tony Galenta” Brian Xdmund Lewis. ■’l- '-J*'. ^ ;A; .f r. / '' '■ fe

MANCHESTER EVENING HJERAJ^.'MANLHESTER. CUNN SAIXTRIPAT, MAT 4, P A 6 B MANCHESTER EVENING EIERALD. BIANCHESTEB, CONN. SATCRDAT, MAY 4,1940 TWELV* RED RYDER Trsppeil BY PRKD HAIIMAK ______iiis\ « T o b » .4 ' I ’M ONLT B U Y S E L L R E iM T//^ ?/<' Sense and Nonsense t iVU N i^ JB'OOS rSuetieTtfft Kvery yMir U leap year for TH® NERt'OUS ENERGY OF Edith-Bob's pasatonata kla pcdMtrian*. THfc HUMAN BODY IS NOTH­ got ms In a lot of trouble. ING MORETHAN ELECTRICI­ Evelyn—Did It brings out tha TY. SAYS A NOTED DOCTOR. beast 7 Suave Auto Salesman— It runs Edith— Bure, my big German so smoothly you ran't feel it, sO/ THIS DIAGNOSIS SEEMS PLAUSIBLE AF NOWADAYS Shepherd dog. quietly you caa't hear It, has suqh MOST ARTICLES OF CLOTH­ the commander-in chief, but said ^ r fe c l ignition you can’t smell it, Automobiles For Sale 4 Private Instructions 28 [ Houaehold Goods M | ]\ I a | | n D e f e a t e d he embarked on a British man-K>- ING ARE CHARGED. The place you are least. likely and a* for speed—you can’t aey It! to find a cliarot 1a lit one of LMt Hb4 Found war tha night of May 1. Oetx Bimerech Seems Cinch Londoner—My wosd! HAN1MAL THAT -CAN TEAR THE ABILITY TO USE AND 1939 PONTIAC COACH. 19^ willing to train In epare time by CfJMBlNATION ELECTRIC range bitter accusation brought caustic mottoes haa always been "strike I n w A 9 9 THROUGH AN 18-INCH AISLE ENJOY LEISURE IS- AS IM Chevrolet sport sedan, 1937 Ford preliminary home study to quali­ EsUtea oil and elsctrlc 3 speed New Haven Fighter Is comment froth many Scandi­ ) while the Iron ie hot." PORT AN T a 9 THE ABILITY TO coach. 1937 Pontiac coach. 1935 fy for our practical ahop training. unlU and thrift Cooker. Bargain navian quarters that British IN A CROWDED STORE, AND Automobiles For Siile 4 Bradley Entry n e a v y when the quarters EARN A LIVING ... ONE OF D o ^ e sedan. Cole Motors at the Wrtte Utllltlea Institute, Boa O. price. Kemp’s Inc., 768 Main. Vietim o f KO in the prestige In the northern cou'n- THF.N GO HOME AND KNOCK This Is a real h'alr-ralser: OUT OUR WAV B Y ’J OUR BUARDINU HUUSB WITH MAJOR HOOI»LB Center—6463. care of Herald. triea had suffered a damaging Favorite in C l.»ic for THE DOORS OFF A 12-FOOT , .Customer--Can j’ou recommend THE WATS TO PREPARE FOR fflyrSALE—1 FORD V -8 1934 7th Round at Garden. blow. Norwegian officials in Swe­ this hair restorer T THE RAINEY DAT IS TO omipa. $120.00. 33 Lyndale street. GARAGE. Machinery itiid i'ooh 52 den would offer no comment and B75,000 and Roses: ed the thing over to Johnstown. Barber— Yes. I know a man BUILD tn* A LIVELY AND IN­ NOW LISTEN, I ' y o u DiDNfT PUT rr ; 6 TAE5 A6 0 UE-' HE'S GONE ABAlN N0*M, MiF BOOPLE.*WM»I X Wephone 7889. ______Auto Accytwories— 'i'ires 6 ||^|p Wsnted—F^Mis !I5 New York, May 4.—(g5—The appeared to'be out of Contact with Alas, how well some o f us rerocm- Auctioneer • - i am now offering who pulled out the cork with hie SA TIA B LE INTEREST IN DIDN'T r O THAT UP, B lD 50U C»DWT AMO EVEIW ST1TCM OF BEOCLOTWXS WAS OUT WEST. I SEED (NOUNS Dit Second Choice. this splendid motor car at a bar­ THINGS THAT DON’T COST ANf M30 IcNOVN/ IT.' OFP««.TD TVXE- it TIK E BARGAINS. While they last CLECTRAC W, USED PLOivii boy may slop talking about Gun- their government. teeth and within 24 hours he had ------' squattm* 'rounVwsappcoupin itS4 PLTMOtTTH coupe. 1933 Fort WANTED-EXPERIENCED girl Gerrhan domination o f Norway The Other Eatrlea gain price; who will drive It away a mustache. < MU(?H. SOME AIDS CUD DOWN.' I tX > J T coupe, 1934 Ford sedan, 1933 ' 600x16 U. .S. Royal' $8.70, alao apreadera used and rebuilt trac­ narr.Barlund now that Buddy (the BLANKETS 60 ONLY THEY FCWntAHSl for general office work. Must be tors. Fordson parts. Dublin Trac­ left Sweden cut off from the weat(- —— By Oiyle Talbot Providing there are no scratches for $2.57 / ■ rr LAST NIOHT, ■ D nrry t o u c . c l o t h e s ^PonUac coach, Oole Motors, Main 650X16 U. S. -loyal 110.95, Many a good typlat. Write Box W, The bigger) Baer has given a fairly ern powerg and apparently in line before post time, the others try­ SO WHY GIVE BLIT 1 HAVE TO OO yOO KNOW «TTCK our. BUT M1ETN4 MAJOR NEVER other slses at bargain prices'. tor Qo., Wllllmantic. Louisville, K y„ May 4.—(iP)— Fsrmqr (standing hear the front ■tTMt, opposite Armory.______, Herald. to fall under Joint German-Soviet' ing to take Bimelech’s measure ME THE INDIAN WtASH THEM-- 1 ^AMYTmN6 ABOUT 1ME MAJOR'S CONFESS ID ME HE SOtM' TO TURN Brunner's, 80 Oakland street. creditable demonstration of abil­ of the crowd)— RlghH Where’s IIULD EV EKYTHING BY CLYDE LEWIS Influence, partlciUhily Int trade > Once again the nation's pulse will arc Gallahadlon, Plctor, Roman, the $25?/ 1N50LTS IN DON’T EUKAPLE m OiEAPPEAR iNiS a c t t (B HB I9S9\ PLYMOUTH coach, 1939 Manchester. Open evenings. W A N T E D -W O M A N to do house­ ity both to take It and to band It' * OKSN BED UP. BUT I Ruums Withuut Board 59 matters, since Sweden now has no ekip a few beats late this after­ Slrroco, True Star and Royal Mam TAKIKMs A FHESM AiR CURE Nahh Ambassador 6. 1938 Nash work live days, each week, for 3 out. LAW ewiDSE* TO )AAKE IT-: •edan, 1938 Graham. Messier other outlets. noon while the horses go pounding Sirroco was due to make the eff .(J 4ore proposals of marrlaga now adults. Write Box H, Herald. WANTED—ONE OR TWO room­ But there was Ilttls. if anythlBg. -ABOUT DOOikb, IN «OME R*RK ? Nash. 10 Henderson Road. Tel. Florista— Nurseries 15 Tbough tj>6 Swedish govern­ around the Churchill Downs oval only If the track was light imade In motor cars than In U T ILE BOR ers In private femlly. Oentlamsn Id Buddy’s performance ggdinst ment refrained from comment, one fast. True Star was believed , homes... That Is one peril T188. \ . ' X - in the 66th running of the Ken­ FOR SALE - GROWING Ever- preferred. Tel. 7119. Nathan Mann at Madison Square source close to It said, ’’It appears In there only for his ow ner he highways which no s^ ety greens and Perennials. Orantland Help Wante4l-—Mule 5S Garden last night to stamp him as Hire esn expect nothing from the tucky Derby. amazement. Plctor. haa a few Eampalgn is expected to remedy. FOR RENT —LARGE FRONT a contender for Joe Louis’ heavy­ western powers . . . Sweden’s po­ A t about 4:45 (central standard Nursery. Keeney street. Phone 8ALE.SMEN — AMAZING offer, loom, In-private family. Apply 124 staunch supporters. 4781. weight crown. sition, from the point of view that time I the field of-eight or nine The brutal weather undoubtedly Dnmk--Believe It or not. offl- used dally, every man a prospect, High atreet Tel. 7480. Max Baer's kid brother, you’ll she might be attacked, seems con­ beauties wlll break from the start­ 25c Item. Father Don Blade Co., has cut down the crowd, which err, I’m huntlng for a parking remember, hss been haying a hard siderably bettered.” ing gate and set off on the mile bad been, expected to exceed last Bridgeport, Conn. FOR RENT — COMFORTABLE place. INSURE Movini—I'ruHilna— room, for gentleman, private time trying to live down that Bar- "NatarBl Cnetemera” and one-quarter grind that brings year’s 80,000. Some stayed home, Officer —But you haven't an w its SlnraffC 211 home. Inquire at 167 Pitkin St. lund fight two years ago. when he Economically It leaves Ger­ fame and a garland of rox6s for too, because they were given to automobile. McKINNKY BROTHERS 4iluuiions Wanted— Male 29 pulled up shdrt after a good start many and Russia as our natural the winner and more than $60,000 understand that Blmelech had It ■ Dnmk —Oh. ye* I have. It* In- JAMES A. WOODS local trucking and took a drubbing as a result. It customers.” to the happy owner. sewed up and that the race would the parking place I'm hunting Estate and Insursnec Tass. the official Russian news M l Mata St. Phone 6M60 ami deliveries. Ashes removed. CARPENTER. FIRST clasp wishca Apartmenta— Fla la— waii'a case of win-—or else—last The thousands who have swarm­ be run only as a matter of forrh. for. 381 Center street. Telephone 6560. work 8.5c per hour. Write James 1'eifements night and Buddy won.' He punched sgency, announced last night that ed Into this pleasant toR'n to wit­ Manadetl, Post Office Box 82. East the lighter New Haven, Conn., vet­ Germany and Russia in an ex­ ness the three-year-old classic THERE ARE TWO BIO PROB­ AUSHN CHAMBERS-Local and Hartford, Conn. FOR RENT—TWO 6 room duplex eran dixsy In the seventh round to change two weeks ago "noted that faced a dle. .4496. ntshed or unfurniahed. Call 3737. trated. on a long-term basis. In Scranton 2, Albany 1. lamala aamMss asad abbrsYlstions vantage—249 ^unda to 188—to undefeated pride and Joy of Col. (Other games postponed). Lady-.—My goodnex*! Where Is sissa eeaat as a rd and eompoand Articles For Hale 45 control Mann's offensive maneu building up a powerful Naval base It? I’ve pushed and •pulled every­ words as two words. Mlnlmilm Ml cost E. R. Bradley, old and ailing own­ Natloaal ' i/ 2.1 ,vers. Then he came out Jike i In the Narvik region to patrol the er of four previous Derby cham­ thing in the car. Is price ef throe l l n ^ Repairing FOR SALE—WELL rotted cow Houhc* For Rent 55 Boston 4. St. Louis 2. Ueo ratos eor doy^ifor (rsnslant killer, sending over vicious rights fjord-marked Norwegian coast and manure, and heavy loam, either pions. (Other games jjostponed). LAW N MOWERS sharpened and FOR RENT— 8 ROOM house with and lefts that twice floored Mann thwart any Nazi attempt to use The Colonel himself was not ex­ WATCH THE -RO Al^ INAT­ iSGrrribki. Casctlvn MaroS IT. one $5.00 per load. (2 yard dump Anwrioixn / \ 0 (? ,1 CaaXCbarsa reconditioned. C8(led for .and de­ 2 car garage, 2 aJeres of land for nine counts. The second time Norwegian porta for getting pected to be among those present. TE N TIO N IS THE CATTSE OF vJHV MOTHERS GET GRAY i/ERV A4V5 T6 RIOUA.' truck), n o Broad atreet. Town. around thp British blockade. New York 8. Chicago *./ e esaseoBiiYaaiivs Oat'S...I 1 otsf t eta livered. Tel. 4531—4506. Snow Telspbone 6943. he got up, Mann turned in the His secretary, Thomas Bohne, said Boston 9, St. Louis 8 (1|)) MANY ACCIDENTS. '»raiiit!<>?La»j!asnLaaf»7.iO' ''J i gesssssthastlvs Dart...I l stai\eta Brothers. wrong direction and started to These quarters said the British Blmmle’a owner had "a slight ...... Ill su lll W FOR SALE—3 BEEHIVES, with Staadinn , walk to hla corner and Referee A r­ probably would establish a series cold” and would listen to a radio Mother—What did they teach All ardsra for Irrogalar Inaariloifa .LAW N MOWERS repaired, sharp­ bees and honey. 276 Ohkiand St. Summer Homes For Rent 6V of outposts as far south as 100 Easterw- / , bum 's AND HER BUDDIES Thia Looks Bad wlll So charsod at tbs oho tlmo rata. Tel. 3478. thur Donovan signaled a Baer vic­ broadcast of the race at his Idle W / l/ Pet. / ,yo*i at-, school, today,.Junior'? apodal ratos tor long form o**ry ened. Called fot and delivered, miles below I<4arvik, In the wild re­ Junior—Oh, the teacher told u* COLUMBIA LAKE, new develop­ tory. Hour farm home near Lexington. Wilkes-Barre ...... 5/ .% .714/ TOR OAN* NOM ,T0C.YN« w o n ’t \.OHb n o ih I tVx dap advortlalns slvan upon roduoai. liMIge Bheara ground. Bdgerton, FOR SALE—EIGHT piece walnut On the matter of absorbing gion of lakes, mountains and all about Columbii* who went 2,- HANO 'T ALT. • WXN O H A MAH Ada ordartd bofora (ha third or ment. woodland terracea. cottages Nothing haa happened to change Scranton ...... J / 3 .574 VtEPT VT OV VaJiXVAOUV tfSKNta MY PRETTY LVTTV.E BWCO 876F8*'****’ Phone 3290. dining room set. In line condition, punishment, Baer accepted every­ fjords which offer tremendoiu ob­ 000 mile* bn a galleon. aite day will bo ohargad only Yor for rent and loU for sale. Wn.. A. the opinion that Blmelech is too Hartford ...... 8/ •* .656 Bm T»€. STXB'POOta ONCE PV.9KRY OP T(M9 to MLT UW.O TO TUB tag aetsal sniabar of tlmaa tlia ad also boys bicycle, almost new. thing Mann had t6 offer for six stacles to a northward Nazi thrust, much horse for the others. In the Mother—She did. did *he? Well, (OCA OP ««(N < » MY O U C C H (H R M TVR W A N T E X T O TUNE, repair and Knofla. Tel. MancheaUr 4279 or aertnans StDl Resist Binghamton ...... /io 4 r.NOlME WOCX-5 gaassrei. ebargins at tha rats ssrit. Can he seen at TTYTrtrtrt- atreet. rounds. It wasn’t much. He got a race. The money wUl be poured don't believe all *he tell* you r HU w*vicx me. t. «t (sa M. X mr. we. F-V OV TV« DM*. COMCS.VU. ORAta R IR OUT ad Sot ns allowanes sr rafunds earn regulate your piano or player 3737. The Allies, however, yet have to Eflmlra ...... /.S 3 .500 Telephone 7609. few respectable thumps on the in on him today until he pays a / .500 aboiit^hose foreign car*, my boy. (TtR CAbC. ,(P NRCEWWmV ha nada on six tims ada atoppod plants Tel. Msneheater 6062. subdue German reals^nce In the Springfield ...... /. .4 4 SILENT after the fltth day. body but Natie had to leap upward ridiculously small price—If he Williamsport ---- /. ..3 .420 ‘Would you put 4hi» in a safe, place for me on the plane, MEN WBE No **UII forbids” : display lines not LAW N MOWERS sharpened, FOR HALE—W H ITNEY baby car­ Wnnteil I'o Rent 88 to connect witb Buddy's Jaw and Arctic zone where they have re­ gold. riage, In giKMl condition. Can be wins. Albany . .2 .222 in case we liave a crackup?" VOORVCINO cleaned, oiled, adjusted $1.25. the blows didn’t appear to hurt. peatedly bombarded Narvik from The second choice almost surely The Harnld will nut ba rospuntibls seen Hi 82 Pine street. the sea, attempting to gain con National 8'IDKIKS IN STAMPS •or' awto than ona Incorraet Insar- Prq^mpt delivery aCrylce. Phone, W ANTED TO RENT three or four The attendance was 5.154. will be Dlt, the unheralded geld­ ON SHOCtE . trdl of the ore railway to the Pet. tlsti s< asr ' advartlaamant erdared anyUme. Open evenlnga except rooms, local adults. About $25. ing that won last week’s Wood ANOT\»®.Q tar wars thea ona tima. Fi)R SALE—WELL rotted cow Swedish frontier. Brtioklyn ,. . .9/ .900 . iFLAPPliH FANNY BY SYLVIA SHADOWY MonXy- Telephone 5937. Karl- Dial 7 1 2 4 . ______Memorial, while the coast entry. " The iBBdvartant omlasloa ot In- manure. Place your order early The British expected the Ger Cincinnati . .700 Ir EUbOClt \*» eerreet publication ot advortlaing sen's Lawn Mower Shop, Buck- for prompt delivery. $5.00 for 2 W ANTED BY YOUNG couple, 3 Mloland. likely wlll close as a .556 Y STlCilElNCs will he rootiflod only by eaneallatton Norway Units mans wnuid destioy the railway if New York .. af tha charga mads (or tha aarviet land. ysrd diimp Iriirk loatl. Phone 7083. o f 1 room rent about June 15th. Iney arc forced to retreat, and strong third In the wagering. A Chicago . . . ,500 ABOUT — bushel of small bets la expected to SPORT TOPS AND curtains, lui?T^ Is* tel** Bralthwalte, 52 Pearl street. main road between Buckland and landed safely at other ports.’ April 19, had been landed near The riders of those two horses. In Washing Frontier Guards Agoin LriTLE COTE N WASH'S M T T «R AUD alA«M M ost at tli« CHAROB RATB Garden— FariR— Dairy Wapptng. Price $475. George Gil­ One British officer. Just before Narvik after withdrawing from fact, are sublimely certain that St. Louh .417 |B W6LL NOTE. CACCVi i« dVmta AL0M6 aBova aa. a 4Donven«lne« to iidv«r« .3 8 H :« bert, Buckland. the embarkation at-vNamsoa, said the south. they have the race between them. PhiladMphla TV«V mean I CPLBUDIDLV tlMra. but ilia CASH RATKH will !»• I’roduclsx: 50 .250 ^ ..| ^ * iD U T ^ t llE O ” (neans Just so aceaputf as FULL PAYMENT if the British were bound for Eng­ F Draw Traglxi Plrture Come to think of It, there la Chicago P^14 at tbs business ofTics on or h«- something a trifle silly about mail­ Today's Games many broken treatlez. as Eu­ % v FOR SALE STR a Wb EURY land. Swedish newspaper dispatches tors ths S4>vsntb dsy following tbs Hous4W Fur Sale 72 ing any horse the favorite that / Eastern rope has disvei:^, so thii Swiss ■fit tnssrticm of osch sd eiherwiss pUiils. premier, 13.00 per HJi” 0- Though the main Norw-eglan re- drew a tragic picture of how the i Norwegian decision to capitulate Blmelech will be today. Too many WUliamsport at Hartford. are backing vP 0>^r guaranteed tbs CHAROB RATE wUl bo collsct. saml. 28 Foley street. Telephone FOR SALE SEVEN ROOM aln- slstance had collapsed, there was aC Its responsibility for errors in was reached after the Allied with­ things can happen. Any horse can Elmira at Springfield. neutrality with inci’eaxed border 6718. gle, Manchester Green section. 2 evidence of some continuing guer­ tstsfbsasd sds win be sssumed and drawal. get a poor start or a dumb ride, /Wilkes-Barre at Binghamton. defenses and a larger kroiy. The tIbMr aiUFrararr sfinrbii* Near garage, one acre of land. rilla flghting against the Invaders. FOR SALE - NATIVE GREEN Reports reaching Stockholm A council of war was organized or both. Not only that but there Scranton at* Albany. Rangers, the frontier gunrts who Price $4800. 443 Lydall street. Tel. National "S’ Mountain seed potatoes. John said one Norwe^an volunteer hastily and "surrender was de­ always remains the fact that the watched the border of SwiUer- ClaaNiHiations 6135, New York at Chicago. .SAVE Hill, 816 Hartford Road. force of 140 men had ambused a cided upon by a majority of the colta are being caUed upon today , lan(l fro m '1914 ,to 18(8, arexpn airtkiN.... ------Brooklyn at Plttaburgh ■ BtS UP T4> German detachment of 400 about officers who expressed the belief to run a lltUe farther than the^ patrol again. L ^ a For Sale 7.3 thst further fighting was useless." ever ran before. J Philadelphia at Cincinnati. The Rangers are honored in a ' 20 100 miles south o f Rbros killing Boston-at-St. Louis. Daatka % Houaehold Gd()dB 51 115i wounding 60 and taking The officers Instructed their su­ Just a year ago, for Instance, new SwiM stamp above, one of • Cars ef Tbah 3040 On Every Dollar lota on West perior, Colonel Getz, to sue for , Amerloan FOR 8A L E - many others prisoner. , there wax a pretty little runiier series of four Red Cron semi- la Haaiarlam SEE THE HONEYMOON-rThree $800 for quick peace and "the commander there­ Chicago at New York. Last sag Poaod^ ENGLAND LUMBER Mlddle TurnptI Trapp^ In Valley. named. El Chico, a ball of flW aa PMtaU, commemorating Swiss ftKiins of furnlltire $168.00 $10. Ooodwln Place, upon advised all trooM stationed St. Louis at Boston. AnaouBe*mn*ti ...... sale. Inquire Roroa Is In eastern Norway near a two-year-old sprinter and open­ victories. Psrsanals ...... COMPANY down 18 months to pay. Albert’s In the sector to cease firing Jmme- Detroit at Philadelphia East Hartford. the Swedish fronUer. The Ger­ ing winter book favorite fo f the Switzerland’s Industries m a y AataawMIas Opp. ,5lan. tlreen Mehmil Furniture Co.. 43 Allyn street. dlately and to capitulate." aeveland at WasMngton. ABtaaMbtas for SaU ...... mans were reported to have been Derby. El Chloo wraa a ijlnnlng also help preserve neutrality. Dur- East Middle Turapika Hwtfonl. Conn. The Swedish News Agency d ^ ALLEY UUP Booai’a Bag G«6s Boon ABtaaoblloi tor Exchange .... trapped In a mountain valley Ing the World War, the Swiss Asta Aceaaaortaa—Tlr*i ...... CMtMiBrhui DIeu scribed Namsos as "shot to were permitted, by agreement with Aata Rapairing—Painting Thursday and to have been cut pieces," largely as the result of belligerents, to import foodstuffs, ABta Schooli ...... Mrs. dowm by withering rifle Are from thundering German air raids car­ Aatey—Ship by Truck ...... Union. N, J.. May 4. ifl5 wooded positions. One hundred coal and raw materials from both Astaa— For Hire ...... Mary Slaffoixl, 108.' . diet! tUrd last night ried out while the Allied troops Dodgers Make This Year Germany and the allies, to keep Oaragaa—Xorrlca—Storage ... automatic rifles and 30 automo- were embarking from Njunsos Matareraloa—aicycUa ...... at the Itome of a niece. Mlas were seized. factories In opCrstion. The Sw Im Waatgd Aateo—Motoreyelaa ... harbor. wsra active, too, in .Red Cross. A number of Norwegian troops Behind them the AUlas left Baalaaaa aag F iaXcaalaaal Ba»T Next Year 4 n Brooklyn - work and in helping prisoners of “Oh. you’ve eaten my potato salad befoim! Don't you re- Baatboas Borvtcoa Offorod II TOWBI T iwiBBrfiT Dlea under Lieutenant Dahl, deacrlbed huge quantities of -anti-aircraft Honseheld (tenrlece 0%g red ,...1S-A TO BE SOLD as "a fanatical patriot but never­ guns, artillery, ammunition 'a ^ war and men in internment member, I took somesorae to that school pknk where every- •vlldInB—Centrsrtlns*...... North Andovdr, Maas., May 4,— theless a good soldier," declined to ^Tha propoeed game la the one camps. *'*- l^ody• ■ got ptOmainol * i F «* Flerlsts— Nureerlee ...... i t PO KtKIl STKEKT— A really churminx horn/ Six larxe, other valuable war suppUea M- First of three articlea oa the Pnseral Directors ...... 1* (45- Maurice C. Caaay, 60, town capitulate with the rest o f the cauae there was no way of loading ■et ao Daffy Dodgere. rained out April 21. Heatlna—Plomhlns—Rootins .. it cheerful rtMims. Sunporch iind altaehed xarax*. treasurer since 1937, died central armed forces and fled Into them aboard their ships. German When the redheaded MacPhail, Insurance ...... I I Beautiful lawn. Priced for ijulck n«jc — .Around In the Chelaea BoldleXu’ Home. He the mountains where they prom­ bombs bad blasted the loading the ex-lawyer and oz-footbaU offi­ J'UONERVIU.E F0I.K8 BY rUNTAINB PUX MlUlnsry—Dreumskins ...... >* i r By Berry Greyese Moelng—Trucking—Btoraae IS $630.00 eush. was attached to the chief quarter­ ised a determined stand despite cranes -out ot oonunlaston. NBA Servlee Spoita Editor cial who once tried to capture Public Fscccngcr Herrire ...... SS-A master’s office of the A. E. thinning ranks. Kaiser Wilhelm, crashed major JUST ON THE M ARKET — A 10-roo duplex dwelltnx IbONERVILUE'S HMH PI^BS^RE R ^ T O R WAS RWHT OM THE JOB PalBtInc—PsncriBs ...... n ing the World war. Hla widow [ Rut the fl'ght was over for most \ , New York. May 4—The almanac league baseball. It was Uke Joe Frofeeclcnal Servim ...... I t with furnace heat. Now renth $30.00 monthly, Norwegians and dlsHlusloned Doakes, t)slloon and novelty sales- aepnlOns ...... H Buri'ivcs. Piibltc Records to the contrary, next year ta this ^ PUKIN« THE RGCBNT FLOOD Tailoring—Dyeing—Clcsn)nc .. ** ld»t ’279 feet fD»nl on atreet. e minutes’ walk rtlers gave up their anns on “ man, bursting Into a meeting of year \p Brooklyn. _ 'Tallet Goode nnd Hervlre ...... from Main ulreet. Yes, fouriur ettrattra lotsloD X® with this- Stelnkjer front, one of the Iasi& the directors of tha Greybeards' Wnnted—Buelncie t-ervlce .... I* sectors abandoned. 60 miles north The old cryof ” Welt till next Protective Society, Ltd. CdnenttennI home; Full price . eawsaaoaadi ..$3,800.00 Wni ranteea esursos nnd C laeeti ...... I t o f Trondheim, allowing mecha The following warrantee deeds year” haa been moved up 12 • Major league, baseball was hlde- Private Inetruotlone ...... *• ATTENTION* INVESTOR.S— (-family dwellinx near- REAL ESTATE nized and motorized Nazi legions have been recorded at the office of months bj Leland Stanford Mac-1 botmd with hoSry tradition. Dancing ...... * ‘ j5 to pour Into bomb-shattered Nam- A FI N E FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENtIH It’a Catehiag Vost Oflice. 18 rooms, 2 furnaces. ” Annual rent Town d e rk Samuel J. Turkington: Owners look^ with horror Ifucleal—Dramatic ...... T* sox In the wake of the retreating Phail, LOo Durocher and th e ' Wanted—Instrucllbne ...... IS HurehuBi; Sherwood O. Bowers to Anna R. upon anything new. Plnanrlal $11.32.00. Full price ...... $7,300.00 X . ; Allies. Dart, w lot on the Bowera. . Farm Dodgers ' i MacPbail’s tricks and secrets * T I i a t s o n o p o u r s n •onda—atoeke—Mortsegee ' >1 Thai Home From Contact Norwegtaaa When Flstbuah f«|is start, cheer- sent them Into a world scoring location Bnatnaa* 'Opportunittre ...... n SEE THESE b a r g a i n s TOD.AY: tract In Oakland with restrictions (90(N0 AROUND TAUaNO The Germans also reached tag, they open their raoutha wider series. U K » A Haney la Loan ...... H ARTHUR A. on house value, location, and race Help and Sttnatiaas Orong and were reported' tp have of owner: wnUam Higgins et uz to and more comes out. They feared his wide variety HA YflOR Help W anted— Femala ...... I I made contact with the capltutat- divertisement—night baseball, Help Wanted—Mele ...... S* Rdmtwd S. Michalek et al. North So when WhlUow Wyatt and Salesmen Wanted ...... Inr Norwegians. Eiin atreet property: Antoinette -Hugh Casey shut out the despised works, attendahee contests, MOTMeR. 1 ROBERT J. SMITH, INC. KNOFLA ■Word of the Norwegian surren­ Help Wanted—Male or Female 17 Braslnsky to Fcrtlnand Klein et GianU ta the first cames at Eb- teasers, bands, tmlformed usher* HOME. URAU.V MOP« Aganta wanted ...... 17-* 963 Main Street 676 Mala 8t- Pboat $44B der came from Ooi. O. Oct*, B- lUL acreage In B(ickland: Mark beta Field this spring, the shout, and other aideUnea.wtth which be FB40 9OMR0NE gltuatlona Wanted—Female ... H acting commander In the central WORTMy OP MV aUnatipna Wanted—Male .... 5» REALEST.ATK , INSURANCE Hewitt to Frances Blva Gutrob et "The Dodgers are the team to meant to dress up baseball — Biaatpyment Agencies ...... ** 3130 3343 5(46 area. In an order of the day shot beat,” could be heard acrosk th e , would shove the game Itself into SON/ • ■ Mee ateeh—Peta Pepitry— through with disillusionment snd al. 23 acres off Keeney street; Kathryn Gustafson to Howrard L- river and then some . . . up t o . the background Vehlelee ‘i f Y ou Intend To I.lve On Ear4h, Own A Slice Of II." saving that the step ' was being Rlce, property on Oourtland rtreet" and beyond the Polo Groxmda Doga— Uirdp—Pets ...... •--- *i taken to avoid needleas slaughter Lies Block— VefclcUa Emily and James Harrison U And when Tex Carleton turned RehabUltates third Paullry and Hupnlles ...... o f unaupported. Hl-equipped sol in his no-hit. no-nm gam e' Debt-sWdea oatSt Wanted —Pets—Poultry—Stork tl I Mary B. Glangrave. property at Far aal^-maretlaaeaae I diers. against the champion Reds ta (Tin- But after rehabilitating debt-- BARGAINS •'The British' and .rrench—for Russell street. Articlas For Halo ...... <1 | QuMclaim^ rinnati. to make it nine ta a row ridden Columbus. CTtactanati and Basts sad Accassortos ...... ** I reasons unknown to us—have giv­ By quitclaim’ deeiis. the follow- for the Dodgers and Ue the mod- Brooklyn clubs, MacPhail is •ulldtng Matartals ...... «7 1 S-ltoom Sbigtav (nraga: Bstm en (ip helping ((s In our fight and DiaoK>a4s •^W atch**—'Jtw tlTT > ______— — ! erh major league record for con-1I now acc«accepted everywhere as the tarpre lot. $$456. Easy tem a. hare withdrawn their troops from sccutlve victories at the start of [answer to the frantic appeal of Blacineal Appliances— Radis.. •» I 2 0 0 t e a r s K Karin West to Lawrence,A. Con- Fuel and Faad ...... 4*-A Nsmsns. he said. property on North' School the season. “Who's going to do It' every baseball cashier foundering Oardan— Farm— Dairy Frodacts fco Build In •-Family, 16 rooms; 2-«xr gar­ ”We stand akme against the en­ was tacked onto the Original cry ta a sea o f red Ink. Hauaaheld Goods ...... • • • •> tire German war machine, already atreet and ta another deed, a tri­ SCORCH Y SMITH Royal Wcicoma MaahlBoiT and Tools ...... * i age. Good MMtttlon. $4200. angular park plot at' the JtmcUon . . louder and louder, r-rr— He's the short cut to baseball - Musical inatrumaDU ...... •* OLD B Marlborough Small doxrn pnjBMnt. outflanked and encircled on the Brooklyn is so excited it -an- solvency. Odtlca aud Blora Rqnlpmanl. I* line which the British and French of Center and West Centsr streeU ta given the town by Frank bardly wait for the Dodgers to re­ In 1938, MaePhaU talked fast to . ipasiala at Ike llarca i* FARM. $6 head rattle. 136 J * shou’ld be holding.. -Without aid Waartsg Apparel—Fum ...... JJ Cheney, Paul H. Cheney and Frank turn from their current western mske the Brooklyn trade, which . W egtad —T o Buy ...... acres - land. Old Colonial Conn, 11 'i Aerea, Mngle, gar- from the outride.. .With only trip. May 11. had been taking it on the chin for ' Maama—Maud—Macula—Maaarca I f a M at C. Farley. It U to be used for park NDc. 6 Brcplacca. Wide age. Near Canter, eno((gh ammunition for one day a lot of years, forget a seventh- ' Beatauraats Tenna arranged. ...W ithout planes and other nec­ purpooes. Bpaaa WUboni Beard boards and panelling. OM Buy a lot and build yourself P em it MaePkaU AwakeM place club. essary war materialSk It took more than fast talk for ■ MBnadacn Wanted ...... a home oppoalle the I.ak0. A permit has been granted by ____Banrd Baaarta --•••• •• stale quarters, ever}thing . ‘Twcotjiiprehroi lble Aettoa'* And the Ftatbuah folloartag ta Lippy Leo Durocher to shortstop IsasM Birtaxm 'r ...... ^ t existed 266 yean ago. Lota an k l^ dry aad sight­ State H lgtoraj ahent 86 acres. ‘T t was an Incomprehensible ac­ B u ild ^ Inspector Edward C. ■ -Boeaaa Board ..■k, . . • » 8-room bavee; targe chicken no more anxious to see their Bzid manager Broolyn into third tion on the part of the British and Dliott. Jr„ to Emil Hohenthal who ala P a r Beat* Woadrrful view ot west. 17 ly. Hard reads. Water eap- coops. $5566. will build for Mr. and Mrs. Harry heroes again than the heroes arc place last season, when the Dodg­ nta, Flaia. Tcnamteta •• French, without notifying me. to miles from Hartford on the ply aad elertrirtty. All Cahoon on St. John street. A sin­ to get another whack at the bated ers drew more- than a million paid locations fer Baal .. ** lay open my flanks in the rear so 'or Bant ...... • » edge of Gilead, Conn. To Amertfaa neighborhood. All gle dsrMling with attached garage Giants or than MacPhail U to admiasioiu at home . . . more than Per Rant uj Sei'sral New Heaaea. 4-5-d 1 vras cut off from any possibie re­ get his club back in its,own park, the great Yankees . . . more than aettle edtate reduced from ‘ m prices radneed for qoick to cost 55.500 will be erected. reema. On Eaay Payaseat Ftaa. treat toward Mosjoen." where it can reap tha rich mone­ any other club in hssehali. $l$.6i 6 to $10,066. Property X L sale. 15 mlauto driva ta Atr- (The British W ar CMBoa Issued a IMpartars tary reward to which it is entitled. Larry MaePhaU and Loo Ou- I •M M In c ta r Bate - M IB aaally ba taaaoed. eraft tnetory. statement declartag thero was no The bodgere have reached the rocher kro a boisterous, free-talk­ foundation "for the statement that _ Jpagerty (ar Bate .— W Gnudiidio Ankara. Turkey. May 4.—(PI chillenglng stage. ing, swashtmckllng pair— a wal- m » lUaB ier Bala ..... D George L. the Norwegian commander-ta-chlef They wiQ fly from Chicago to come relief ta these days ot mum waa not Informed o f the Allied de­ Orman Ambassador Prana Von • - Id a«•a ••e • • • • • OM Rants — I nl Batata Papen today poatpoood tadaflnlta- New York May 8 tf BiU Teiry arlU and dump club officials and aoaa- facB rte..-.. REAL EST.ATE AND INSURANCE ' ' And cision to erocuate the Trondheim agree to bring the Giants to Eb- Bgera. area or that he haa negotiated an ly hta departurs for Berlin to re­ 53 HoBMstead Avenue Hurtford, Conn. 2-5S4* 168 Henry 81. YW. 8278 port ta Adolf HlUer on the latoat bata FiMd Maj’ 10. an open da e ::: ?? armistloe.’’, arbijhili a t both outfita. MSEXt I iThs sUleataBt did aot agaM ' ' In tha Meae Bast. V •‘■T

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANLiHESFER, CONN SATTJRDAT. MAY 4. 1940 P A 6 B 9 '•v\ MANCHESIISR EVENING HERALD/ MANCHESTER, CONN. SATtJRDAT, MAY 4,1940 TWBLVB RED RYDER Trspp6d BY FRED HARMAN- iW o S v t j y m Sense and Nonsense L «U 5 0 « Kvfry year U leap year ■ for THE NERVOUS ENERGY OF Edith—Bob’a passkmata ktasM pcdjeetrian*. THE HUMAN BODY IS NOTH­ got me In a lot of trouble. ING MORE THAN ELECTRICI­ Evelyn— Did It bring out tha runs TY. SAYS A NOTED DOCTOR. beast? SiiBve/XuAuto Salesman—It Edith—Sure, my big German \._ao s n ^uthly th lj you can’t feel It, so TH IS DIAGNOSI.u SEEMS I8*t f Shepherd deg. '"quietly you’ can’t hear It, baa such PLAUSIBLE AS NOWADAYS commander-in chief, but. i^ d MOST AR'nCLES OF CLOTH­ .perfect Ignition you can’t smell It, The place you are least likely "Automobiles For Sale 4 Private Instructions 28 imbarked on a Britlah m ^-o- Jwid an for speed—yon can’t see It! ING ARE CHARGED. Lost aa4 Fouiia Household iManii Defeated war the night of May 1. /G ets to find a clgaret ta in one of KITCHEN CABINETS.E« S 0« Wood, ee W8J» I Bimelech Seems Cineh / Londoner—JMy wosd! How do MEN WHO WOULD like to take those fancy boxes that are scat­ FOR SALIt—1838 CHEVROLET 4 Issued his order as actlpg com >Tiu ■ ...... ritou MOVING VAN. up air conditioning and electric lowest prices. Send for ■mander-ln-chlef.) / tered through the rooms of every Mtchen chair, between door Master DcLuxe sedan, 470 logue and price Hat. Lenester, 196 Hartford Road. Phone 4793. refrigeration to better themselves. iBy Young Commeiit C a ^ le Mrs. .Hitt—Oh. I suppose It a-aa house. Weat Middle Tumpllte. and 13- Must be mechanically Inclined, Broadway, Brooklyn . N. V. O The Allied w lth d r^ a l and Getx's For iK. A WQMAN IS A STRANGE Just because one of my favorite drldya atreet. I f found c*111013. 1939 PO N TIAC COAOT. 1937 wllHng to train In spare time by bitter accusation brought caustic h'ANniAL ’m At CAN TEAR mottoes has always been ’'strike THE ABIUTT ’TO USE AND t B B « B B. COMBINATION ELECTRIC range f THROUGH AN 18-lNCH AISLE li . \ ’’ ' — • Chevrolet sport setlBn,T937 Ford preliminary home study to quali­ Estates oil and electric 3 speed New Haven Fighter Is comment from ^ many Scandi­ while the Iron la hot-V ' ./ ENJOY LEISURE IS AS IM­ ' IN, A CROWDED STORE. AND PORTANT AS ’THE ABILITY ’TO coach. 1937 Pontiac coach. IBS.*! fy for our practical shop training. unlU knd thrift cooker. Bargain navian quarters thst British R o ix II a v Fntsw Msawv 1 IbU xtAK** the big Aotonobilcs For Sale 4 Write Utllltlea Institute, Box O, Victim of KO in the t S r a c lle y E n t r y H e a v y But vrhen the quarten THEN GO HOME AND KNOCK Dodge sedan. Colo Motors at the price. Kemp's Inc., 763 Msln. prestige In northern coun­ This Js a real hair-raiser: N EARN A LIVING.... ONE OF BY J. H WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE WITH MAJOR HOOFLB care of Herald. tries had -buffered a damaging Favorite in Cla»»ic fo r ' began pttlng a llttle l^gw ov^r TH E DOORS OFF A 12-FOOT THE WAYS TO PREPARE FOR OUT OUR WAY IM ^ B A U C - I FORD V-8 1934 center—6463. . Customer-TiCan jou recommend 7th Round at Garden. blow. Norwegian offlclals in Swe­ i n on the back stretch. El Chico . GARAGE. this hair restorer? TH E R A IN E Y DJtY IS TO coupe. 4 1J0.00. 3S Lyndale atreet. iwn. Machinery xnd I'ools 5Y den would offer no comment and $ 7 5 , 0 0 0 a n d R o s e s ; ed the thing over to jo Barber— Yes, I know a man BUILD UP A LIVELY AND IN- NOW LISTEN, I 'voo DOarr p u t it ; 6TAES A80VB.' HE'S GOME AGAiM — N^M, MiF (I0OPLE/ WMSN I Telephone 7889. Auto Accessories—T’ires 6 Help Wanted— Fematr ! mem- New York, May 4.--(A^—The appeared to be out of contact with Oil Second-Choice. ' , Jij.. »m. .t » Auctioneer - -1 am now offering who pulled out'.the cOrk with hia SA-nABLR INTEREST IN D O N 'T t o THAT UP, BUT 300 DON'T a? AND EVB N E OR TWO room- But thera was little. If aByttalng, ABOUT DOlNKb / IN Nash, 10 Hendes|pn Road, Tel. Fhirista—Nunerie* 15 ’Though the Swedish govtm - around the Churchill Downs oval only U/the tn ck waa light I made In motor cars than in *rs In prlvAtP family. Gentlemen in Buddy’a performance agAinet ihent refrained' from comment, one LITTLE ME T9M. fast. ’True Star waa believed homes... That Is one peril preferred. t 4i. 7119; Nathan Mann at Madlaon Square source close to it said, " It appears In the 66th running of the . Ken­ f-OR BALE - GROWING Ever­ H elp Wanted— Mule 511 In jBiere only for his ownei” he highways which no safety greens and Perennials. Orantland Oarden last night to stamp him as we esn expect nothing from the tucky Derby. . '. laxement. Plctor has a few ampaign la expected to remedy. FOR RENT —LARGE FRONT a contender for Joe Louis’ heavy­ western powers . . '. Sweden’s po­ A t about 4:45 (central-standitrd Nursery, Keeney street. Phone loom, In private family. Apply 134 launch siipporters. SALESMEN — AM AZING offer, weight crown. sition, from the point of view that time) the field of eight or nliv 4781. iisetl dally, every man a proilpect, The brutal weather undoubtedly Drunk—Believe It or not. offi­ High street Tel. 7480. Max Baer's kid brother, you'll she might be sttseked, seems con­ beauties will break from the 23c Hem. Father Don Blade Go,, has cut down the crowd, which cer. I’m hunting for s parking remember, has been having a hard siderably bettsied.’’ ing gate and act off on thejdlle Bridgeport, Conn. FOR RI«NT — COMFORTABLE bM been expected to exceed last place. lNSJ!m Movlns— I'ruehlnf— room, for gentleman, private time trying to live down that Bar- "Natural Customers" and one-quarter grind thathnnga yeai"s 80.000. Some stayed home, Officer — But you haven’t an SlorsKe 20 home. Inquire at 137 Pitkin S t liind light two years ago, when he Economically It leaves Ger­ fame and a garland of r ^ s for i too. because they were given' fo automobile. HcKINNEY BROTHERS 4ilualions Wanlwl—Male 59 pulled up short after a good start many and Russia as our natural the winner and more th^n $60,000 undcrsUqd that Bimelech had it Drunk — Oh. yes I have. Its In JAMES A. WOODS local trucking and took a drubbing as a result. It customers." to the happy owner. sewed up and that the^’racc would the parking place I ’m hunting ■sal Estate aud Insuraare Tass. the olflcial Russian news 998 St. Pknnr Sosn nnd dcllverlen. Ashes removed. c a r p e n t e r , f i r s t rlaan wishca ApartmentB— KUiti was a case of win—or else—Ib.i I The thousands wh/have swarm­ be run only aa a matter of form. for. sgency, announced last night that 381 Center street. Telephone 6566. work 65e per hour. Write James I'encBivntB 55 night and-Buddy won. -’He punched ed Into thla pleasMt town to wlt- the lighter New Haven. Conn., vet­ Germany and Russia in an ex­ neM the thr^year-old classic AUS'HN CHAMBERS-Local and Manadell, Post Office Box 82, East THERE ARE "TWO BIO PROB­ f o r r e n t —TWO 6 room duplex eran dixsy In the seventh round to change two weeka ago "noted that faced a cool, cloudy day—but the Long Distance Movers Tel. 6260. Hartford, Conn. LEMS BEFORE THE PEOPLE houses, newly renovated. 168-170 gain a knockout verdict after a both states regard themselves as weather man/mld they would be OF EVERY CITY TODAY — 68 Hollister street. Standiings Manchester CARPENTER WORK 60c hr., or Hilliard street. Inquire At 60 Sum­ minute and 3 seconds. interested In the preservation of spared of^.rain. W HERE TO PARK AND T contract, .'0 years experience. Sweden’s neutrality.” TRUCKS W ITH common carrier mer atreet or call 7294. That, at least, showed buddy can ~ nie Top Cboloe WHERE TO JUMP. .\ Evening Herald Mortgage money available. Work W’cll-lnformed British quarters Yesterday’s RedUlta plates fo local andk out of town hit when necessary. He didn't do UhW a a serious mistake has guaranteed. Write Box E. Herald. FOR RENT— AVAILABLE at Indicated that Allied efforts in Eastera \ q s ssHkd Advertisements moving. • L. T. Wood Co. Phone any real damage In the Amt six beem^ade, the winning steed In Williamsport 5, hartford 3. Traffic Officer—Use your nood­ Osaat s(s avaras* worda to a iina. once, two room apartment fur­ heats, relying upon his weight ad­ Norway now wrould be concen­ U ^ b lg race will be Bimelech, tbe le.. lady! Use yoilr noodle. 4496. nished or unfurnished. Call 3737. trated. on a long-term basis. In Scranton 2, Albany 1. laltisla, aambars aad abbrarlatlons vantage— 249 pounds to 188—to undefeated pride and Joy of Cot. (Other games postponed). Lady—M y gfSxxlness! Where Is asiNi eaaat as a word and eompoand Articlsfl For Sale 45 control Mann's offensive maneu­ building up a powerful Naval base E. R. Bradley, old and ailing own­ It 7 I've pushed and pulled every­ worda as two worda Minimum eoii In the Narvik region to patrol t ^ National Is pries dt throo llnoa K epairin ff 25 Houses For Rent 65 vers. Then he came out like a er of four previous Derby cham­ Boston 4, St. Louis 2. thing In the car. Uao rales par dar for traneient FOR S A L E -W E L L rotted cow killer, sending over yieiuus rights fjord-marked Norwegian coast M d manure, and heavy loam, either pions. (Other games postponed). add. LAW N MOWERS sharpened and P’OR RENT—8 ROOM house with nnd lefts that twice floored Mann thwart any Naxl attempt tp/use The Colonel himself was not ex­ WATCH THE ROAD TNAT- BOoellvo MaroS IT. IPST one $5.00 per load. 12 yard dump Norwegian ports for getting American Caehvai Cbars* reconditioned. Called for and de­ 2 car garage, 2 acres of land. for nine counts. Tbe second time pected to be among those present ■TENTTON IS tHE (7ATOE OF vJHY MOTHERS GET C5RAY truck). 110 Broad street, Town. around the British blockai New York 9, Chicago 4. t Qsaaoottiiva Days...! 1 otai I ets livered. Tcl. 4331—4806. Snow Telephone 6948. he got up. Mann turned in the H li secretary, ’Thomaa Bohne, said Boaton 9, St. Louis 8 (10). MANY AirClDENTS. V. .. ■ra.jitFirM . et-J!« Miiui mjo. I s t a ll eta wrong direction and started to These quarters said the British otslli Ola Brothers. FOR 8ALK-3 BEEHIVES, with Blmmle's owner had "a slight StoiidUigs \ walk to hi’s comer and Referee Ar­ probably would establlih a series cold•’ and would listen to a radio Mother— What did they teach AU'ordars (or Irresalar Inaertioni LAW N MOWERS repaired, sharp­ bees nnd honey. 275 Oakland St. Summer HomeM For Rent 87 of outposts Bs far sbuth as 100 Eastern Bool'S AND HER BUDDIES This Looks Bad BY EDGAR MARTIII w ill bo eharsod at tha on# time rate. Tel, 3478. thur Donovan signaled a Baer vic­ broadcast of the race at his Idle L Pet. "you at school today. Junior? Spaclal rataa for Innp term eeery ened. . tTalled foi and delivered, miles below NSnik, In the wild re­ w COLUMBIA LAKE, new develop­ tory. Hour farm home near Lexington. Wilkes-Barre ...5 2 .714 " Junior—Oh. the teacher told us dap advortlalns Sl**n upon requeet. hedge shears ground. Bdgrrton, FOR S A L E - EIGHT piece walnut On the matter of absurbing gion of lakex^ mountains and all 'about Columbus went 2,- WKN«i vt ALL - - - - TOR OMY* NOM.TWt.VNa Ma.Vl.,V VEVT vyp IaJ\TWOOV <»IN8he did. did she? Well, ,1 ^ ' ■ T-NefNE ROOM IDEA OE EElNO MV OOEENTWR assssrsi. ebarstns at tbs rate esm- Can be seen at 27S Porter street. rounds. It wasn't much. He got a OerMiisna Still Resist race. The money wUI be poured don’t believe all she tells ypu r WM mvm iwc. t. Mus u. X s>t. «w. f-V W TWt TWEt COHEE, VLV ORAO O N I --- aS bat ae allow snes er refnnds can regulate your piano or player 3737. •______\______'The AMlea. however, yet have to EHmlra ...... 3 3 .500 T 7 f be b m 4 » ea sis (tin* ada atopnad Telephone 7609. •. few respectable thumps on the In on him today until he pays a a))out thn«)e foreign cars, my boy. rV>«VV>VVVi\X ..' Tbe Harald w ill nut i>a raapuniibla aoen at 82 pine street. W ANTED TO liE N T three or four the sea. attempting to gain con­ S'itiKIES IN ?4'l AMPS -for' m »r» than o m Incorract tnaar- Prompt delivery service. Phono The attendance was 5,154. will be Dit, the unheralded geld­ ON «>WO«E , tle* of aay advartlaamapt erdarad rooms,. local adults. About $25. trol of the ore railway to the Pet. anytime. Open evenings except FOR SALE—WELL rottetf cow ing that won last week’s Wood NNOT>\E« Sar asara thaa oaa tlma. Dial 7124. Swedish frontier. Brooklyn .9(X) , I FLAPFEK FANNY BY SYLVIA Tbs laadvartant omlatloa at lii- Monday. Telephone 5937. Kart manure. Place your order early Memorial, while the coast entry. .700 k asrrset publication of advortlalns sen's Lawn Mower Hhop. Buck' The British expected the Ger­ CTtncinnati . for prompt delivery. $5.00 for 2 W ANTED BY YOUNG .couple, 3 Norway Units mans wiiuid destioy the railway If Mtoland, likely will close as a New York '.. .556 X WUI ba rootiflad only by caneallatton land. at tba ebaraa mada for tba aarvlea yard iliimp triirk load. Phone 7083. or I room rent about June 15th.- Iney arc forced to. retreat, and strong third In the wagering. A Chicago .,. .500 A 6500T bushel of small bets la expected to tandarod. SPORT TOPS AND ciirtnlna, lug­ l>ennnrd L. GIgllo. Tclejihone 6709. thus a long rebuilding process Pittsburgh . .500 A ll advsrtlaaiii.Dts muat mnlorm Ask Cermaiiv go down on both these horses, but Phlladefl^ia .375 la atria, copy and typosraphy with gage and harneHs repairing. 90 W ANTED TO KEN T—8 or 4 room would be necessary. the solid money will be riding on St. Louis ... .333 PSItaiattens aateread by tija nublldb- t.Simhrldge street. Tel. 4740. C3iaa. FOR SALE LOAM. $5.00 per unfurnished apartment, flat Or I In addition, Narvik harbor. If ara and tbay rasorva tha risht to Bimelech when the great crowd Boaton .... .222 lAklng. load. Telephone 6515. house by ' young couple. Phone I captured, must be cleared out of a adit ravlsa ar rolort any copy con- j Grant Truce great mass of wrecked sbipS. yells "they’re off.” sidorad objacilonablo. 653t evenings. _____ There are. of course, a few high­ CUM UNa HOURS—Claasinad aoa LAWN MOWEP* 8HAKPKNKU. FOR SALE —MEN'S rebuilt -and The French War Office bore out Pet. ta ba publlshod aaina day muat ha repaired: aheara, knlvea, etc. relHste «y m e a n S.0iS KMDNffr I’ roducla 5(1 .250 D LITZK R IE O ” means Just so 'MI6KT KNOB SOME ggegptgd gg FULL PAYMRNT it he BrItUh were, bound for Eng­ Draw Tragic Pteture ^ Come to think of It, there la Chicago ■V I MtAB toe 9(16)/CLMNia M id At thg bUBlngi* ofTtc* on or ha* ^ many broken treaties, at Eu­ aiAOOUlMa/ ME IHkWTr. A 9BAL wrm AM 9M0BT- FOR HALE STRAWBERRY land. Swedish newspaper dispatches » trifle silly about mak- Toilay'a Oomea 31 forg thg govgnth day following ih« Houses For Sale 72 Ihi^any horse the favorite that Kooleni ■■■■■' —- rope has discovered, so the Swiss PlEAPPtAafO at* MfllAPBOMLCUl** flrgt Ifiggrtlon of each gd olherwiag plants, ptmilrr, $3.00 per Ihdii- Though the main Norwegian re­ drew a tragic picture of how the Norwegian decision to cdpitulate Blmeirth will be today. Too many WUUamsport at Hartford. are backing up their guaranteed IA»«K thg CttAROK RATE wUt b« MlUct. aaml. 28 Foley atreet. Telephone FOR SALE-SEVEN ROOM aln- sistance had collapsed, there was Ada Ko rggponglbnit? for ormra in evidence of some continuing guer­ was reached after the AlUrt with­ things happen. Any hone can Elmira at Springfield. neutrality with increased border tgUpteOAgd gda w ill b« ggiutnad and 6718. gle, Mancheater Green aectlon, 2 rilla fighting against the Invaders. drawal. get a pbqr start or la dumb ride, Wilkes-Barre at Binghamton. defenses and a larger army. The tiigtr geoarger 4adi vHurgn* ear garage, one acre of land. A council of war waa organised or both. Nqt only tnat but there Scranton at' Albany. Rangera. the frontier guards who taad FOR SALE— NATIVE GREEN Price $4800. 443 Lydall street. Tel. Reports reaching Stockholm Mountain aeed |>olatoea. John hastily and "surrender was de­ always remmns- the fact that the NfttloluU watched tiie border of Switxer- Index of CUsMiliiaUuns 6135, said one Norwerian volunteer SAVE Hill. 816 Hartford Road. force of 140 men had ambuaed a cided upon by a majority of the colU are being'^aUed upon today New Y6rk at Chicago. land from 1914 to IMS, are on B irtb i ...... A Brooklyn at PltUburgh Basasawaats ...... H U P TO , German detachment of 400 about officers who express^ the belief to run a lltUe fairthur than they patrol again. *§ m M arrlacaa ...... -U 75 that further fighting was useleaa." ever ran before. - Philadelphia at Cincinnati. The Rangers are honored In a . 2 0 % '. . , I Alts Fof Sale 100 miles south of Roros killing Boston at SL Louis. 5040 HnusehnM (ioods 51 115. wounding 60 and taking ’The offlcen Instructed their su­ Just a year ago, ror Instance, new Swiss stamp above, one of a Card at Thanks ...... K j On Every Dollar FOR S A L E -- ’TrtREE loU on West perior, Colonel GcU. to sue for there waa a pretty UtUe runner Amerlean series of four Red Cross semi- la Mamorlain ...... F SEE ’niE HONEYMOON—’Three $800 for quick many others prisoner. peace and "the commander there­ Chicago at New York. Last aad Found ...... ; . . . . I : ENGI.AND UJMRER Middle T u ^ lfc e Trapprt In V’alley. named El Chico, a mUI rif^ re as postals, commemorating Swiss rooina of furniture $168.00. $10, Qoodwln Place, upon advised all troops stationed SL Louis at Boaton. Announeamnait ...... t tXIMVANY sale. Inqidre,13 Roroa in In eastern Norway near a two-year-old aprinter and\ppen- victories. M. Ptrsenala ...... t down 18 months to pay. AlbeiT’a in the sector to cease tiring Imme- Detroit at Philadelphia East Hartford. the SwedUh fronUer. ’The Ger­ ing wtnUr book favorite for\the Switxerland’s Industries m a y ~ AutoMoMlaa Opp. Alan. Green Hehmtl Furniture i.'o., 43 Allyn atreet, dUtely and to capitulate. Cleveland at Washington. AutsiBoblas tor Bala ...... * mans were reported to have been Derby. El Chico was a also help preserve.neutrality. Dur­ East Middle Turnpike Hartford. Conn. ’The Swedish News Agency de­ ALLBY UUP Boom’a Baff Goaa Booir BY Y.T. Aaiaaiobllat for Esehancs .... k trapped In a mountain valley ing Uie World War, the Swiss Aota Aeeoaoorloa—TIraa ...... * reatenarlaii Dies scribed Namaos as "shot to Ante Ropalrlnc—Painting .... t Thursday and to have been cut 'were permitted, by agreement with I pieces,” Urgaly the result of belligerents, to import foodstuffs, Auta Bchoola ...... t-A down by withering rifle Are from thundering German air raids car­ Autos— Bhip by Teuck ...... a Unloi I. N. J.. May 4. - tA3 Mrs. wooded positions. One hundred coat and raw materials from both Aataa— For Ilira ...... * Mary H taffort. 108. died last night ried out while the Allied troops Dodgers Make This Year Germany and the allies, tn keep Oaradoa—Sarvtoa—Btoraga ... lo automatic rifles, and 30 automo­ w er« enibarklng from Namsoa at the loms of a niece. factories In operation. The Swiss UatareTelai— BIcyclaa ...... II biles were seised. harbor. Waatad Autos—Ifotoreyelaa ... , It A number of'Norw egian troops were active, too, in Red Cross oual Saakioaa Behind th em -th a AlUrt. tart ^ ~ Next Year in Brooklyn “ Oh, you’ve exten my potxto 8«l«d b tfon! Don’t you re­ Buslaoss Sanricaa Offarad I Treasorer Dies under Lieutenant Dahl, described huge quanUUaa of anti-aircraft work and in helping prisoners of Bousahold Sarvleaa Offarad ....It-/ TO BE SOLD as "a fanatical patriot but never­ guns] artillery,' ammunition and. war and men ’ in internment member, 1 took som6 to that school, picnic when 6vcry- Building—Contractlns ...... * theless a good soldier." declined to ^Ths proposed ^ m e Is the on# camps. ^ body flra ...... : from Main street. Yes. four extra lots go with this Stelnkjer front, one o f the last year In Brooklyn. the directors of the Graybesrds' W anted— Bualnoaa CanIco . . . . I aeotors abandoned, 60 mllas north Bdaratlosal home. Full price ...... $3,800.00 WairantMa The old cry of "W alt tUl next FMotectlve Society, Ltd. Marsas and Claasaa'...... I o f ’Trondhelln. allowing mecha The following -srarrantee deeds year” has been moved up 12 Major league baseball wss hide­ Privats Inaiructloni ...... 1 nixed and motorixed N ^ legions AITE N TIO N , INVESTOR.S— t-family dwelling near REAL ESTATE have been recorded at the office of months bj Leland Stanford Mac- bound with hoary tradition. Dancing ...; ...... *>' to pour Into' bomb-shattered Nam Owners lookrt with horror A FINE FRBCiaBti AND H18 FRIBNUH lUa Catchinf BY MBRRILL HUMBKB Musical— Dramatic ...... Tost Office. 18 rooms. 2 furnaces. Annual rent Town Clerk Samuel J. Turkington: Phail, Leo Durocher and th e' Wanted— Inal ructions ...... TUrehmse SOS in the wake of- the retreating Sherwood O. Bowers to Anna R. upon anything new. PInaorlal $11.52.00. Full price ...... $7.50(1.00 Allies. Ttert. a lot on the Bower* Farm Dodgers. " HacPball's tricks and secrets " TU «r BON OP OURS m M«B JODBAAtMT Bonds—Stoeka—Murtgagaa ... That Home From Contact Narwegtaaa Baslnssa Opportunities SEE THESE HAKtJAINS TODAY! • tract In Oakland wi|h reatricUona ' When Flatbush fans start cheer­ sent them Into a world scoring *-#CATlON eoeUB AROUND ‘DUCMB •6 PRETTY The Germans also reached SOUND AND MB Money to Iy>air ...... on houae value, location, and race ing, they open their mouths wider aeries. UM* A DsiymsioNao Mala and Pltwattona ARTHUR A. H A * A FINB Grong and were reported to have of owner; Wiillam Higgina et uX to and more comes out. . They feared hla wide variety Your Halp W anted— Famala ...... made contact with the eapltulat- SBAISB OP EALUCS- Edmund S. MIchalek et 'al. North So when WhlUow Wyatt and divertlaement—night baseball, Help Wanted-Mala ...... Inr Norwegians. >-Bi6t>ie A SalasBian Wonted ...... >• ROBERT J. SMITH, INC. K M O VL A Elm atreet property; Antoinette -Hugh Casey shut out the despised works, attendance contests, MOtHCR.X AMT- Word of the Norwegian mirren- Help Wanted—Mala or Female Braalnaky to Ferdinand Klein et GlanU In the first game* teasers, bands, uniformed uahefj Home. IMAU.V H0PB*O Agaats Wanted ...... 1<' 96:i*..Main Street f 676 M ala 8 L P h o a t M4U der came from Ool. O. B. Gets, Sltuatlona.Wontad.t—Famala ... ux, acreage In Buckland: Mark beU Field thU spring, the shout. and other aldelines wltH which be P N O 91 acting commander In the central ^ 8 * A C X m y mtsatlpna Wmhtad—Mala .... KEAI. EST.YTE - INSURANCE Hewitt to Francea Eva Gutrob et "The Dodgera are the team to meant to dress up baseball — 1N0RTHV O P Bdaplormant ^Agmctaa ...... 3150 .5343 " 5(46 area. In an order of the day shot beat,’^ could be heard across the would above the game itself, into * 1 7 6 6 SOM-f lAvo stoab Fata Poattry— through with dlailhuiionment and al. 23 acres off Keeney atreet: Kathryn Gustafson to Howard L. river and then some . .. . up to] the background. Vabtalao “ if You Intend To I.lvc On Earth. Own A Slice Of It.” saving that the etep was being Oega— Uirdo—Fata ...... Rice, property on Oourtland rtreet; and beyond the Polo Ground* taken to avoid needless slaughter L ive Stock— VaStclas ...... Emily and Jamea Harriaon ** And when Tex Carleton tumekl KehahUWatea third Pou ltry and BuppUaa ...... o f unsupported, lll-equipped ^ sol DeM-sMdea awtflt Wanted —Pate—PoulH'r-rSierk Mary B. Glangrave, property ^in h>s no-hlt, no-nm game Pea Sale—MIsaallaaaoue diers. ; against the champion Reds in Ctn- But after rehabilitating debt-' BARGAINS •'The British knd French—for | Russell atreet. Articles For Sale ...... Quitclaim rinnati, to make It nine in a row ridden Columbus, Ctncinnatl and Besta aad Accaasorlat ...... o y tm reasons unknown to lie—have giv-1 tbe follow- for the Dodgers and tie the mod- Brooklyn clubs, MacPhall la Balldiag Matarlala ...... 6-Boom Single. - en up helping us In our flght and ' By quitclaim deeds, Dtanionda —Watebae—Jawalry Ing conveyances are recorded: ! rm major league record for con­ now accepted everywhere as the Inrge lot. 99496 hart withdrawn their troops from : answer to the frantic appeal of Blectncal Appllancae— Radio.. 2 0 0 " T E A R s K Karin West to ^wrencCjA. Con­ secutive victories at the start of Fuel and Feed ...... •' Nsmsos." he said. the season, "Who's going to do it? " every baseball cashier foundering Garden—Farm— Dairy Predaeta B u ild In verse. property on North School 2-Unmlly. 16 rooms; S-enr gnr- "W e stand alone against the en­ was Ucked onto the original cry in a sea of red Ink. Haasabeld Goods ...... i - • tire German war msehine, already street and in another deed, a tri­ SCDRUIY. SMITH Royal WcIcoBig BY JOHN C. TKKKIi MaablBsry and Tools ...... nge. Good rooditliin. 94:00. angular park plot at the Junction . . . louder and louder. He's the abort cut to baseball Marlborough outflanked and encircled on the Maateal Inatmaiaots OLD \ Nmnll down pnyassnt. of Center and Weat Centar streets Brooklyn is so excited It' ‘an . solvency. Offtea aad-Btoro Equlpnaant line which the British and French hardly wait for the Dodgera to re­ In 1939, UaePhaU talked fast to .KIMIT Bpoeiala at tba ■leraa ...... FARM. •« head rattle, 136 should be holding.. .Without aid is given the town by Frank W a a rta * Apparet-.,-Fora ...... Cheney, Paul H. Cheney and Frank turn from their current western make the Brooklyn trade, which Waatad—To Buy -rea land. , Old Colonial C on n . I ' i Aerco, 6-room ingle, gnr- from the outside.. .With only] trip, Mgy Jl. had been taking it on tha chin tor ■ m tiHjJ I f ooM at C. Farley. It U to be used for park home. 6 Kreplacea Wide age. Near Center, enough ammunition for one day a lot of years, forget a seventh- once—65666. Tenns nrtangad. ...W ithout planes and other nec­ purpoaei. 'M Baaaa Wltbeut Beard ...... boards and panelling. OM Buy a lot a ^ bulM yeurMlf P e rm it MoePhaU Awakena place club. B oard oca W aatod ...... I essary war materials. It took more than fast talk for a home o p ^ l e the Inke. A permit baa been granted by Seaaaabcdeat Owaera ______arts aobSSBSS slave quarters, everything “lacompre h fathte Aettea” And the FTatbuah following ta Uppy Leo Durocher to abortatop jabblg' Bistaam *? ...... OS existed 200 years ago. Loto nr« high, dry aad sight­ S U te Highway nbosrt 96 ocreo, " It was an tncomprehenalble ac­ BuUdUig Inspector Edward C. -Itoeaaa- Beard ...... 9-room holme; large chicken no more anxkaia -to see their and manager- Brodyn into third tion on the part of the British and ClUott. Jr„ to Emil Hohenthal who oato Par Boo* Wonderful view of west. 17 ly. Hard roods. Water sup­ wUl build for Mr. and Mra. Harry heroes again than the heroes arc place last season, when the Dodg­ ■ta ruu. Tsnsmssta coops. 96366. French, without notifying roe. to miles from Hartford on the M "! ply . and elerirlctty. All Cahoon on St. John streeL A sin­ to get another whack at the bated era drew more- than a million paid LMStleat tar fUat .. lay open my flanks In the rear so F o r a s a t ...... edge of Ul|ead, Conn. Ta American neighborhood. All gle dorelUng with attached garage Giants or than SlacPbail la to admlaotona at boms . . . more than F a r Baat Several N e w Hansen. 4-6-9 I was cut off from aay possible re­ get hU club back In lu own park, tbe great Yankees . . . more than nettle estate reduced from * prloeo reduced for quick to cost 63.600 will be erected. ■aoMB Far B 4 A ...... roema.' On Enny Faynseat Flaa. treat toward Mogjoen.** where it can reap tha rid mowe- any other club In haaehall, 919.696 to 616,666. Property sole. 19 (nlnute drive to Alr- (’The Britlah W ar OSes Isoued a D efortaf* tary reward to wMch It la entlUad. la xry MacPhall and Lao Du- I CM anally ba tnaaoed. renft taetory, ' statement declaring thera waa no — — . V The Dodgers have reachad tbe rocher are a bolateroua, free-talk­ I foundation "fo r the statement that challenging stage. ing, awaabbuckltng pair— a wcl- George L. Grariadio the Norwegian commander-ln-chlef Ankara. Turjkey, May 4.—(ff)— German Ambassador Frans Von They will fly from Chicago to coene rcUef'in tbeaa daya o f mum dnooanoano Bonta — Beal Estnto waa not.4iif6rined o f the Allied dc- New York May 9 If Bill T m y will and dump club offlciala and anaa- cUiion to evacuate the Trondheim Papes today poatponed Indeflnita- REAL E8T.\TE AND INSURANCE AaeMaMor ly his depsuturs for Berlin to re­ agree to bring tbe Giants to Eb- Bgero. area nr that he has negotiated an bete Ftrid May 10. an ^an da a c (6 IMA M l 53 Homestead Avenue Hartford. A!