Akizuki Castle Town Nationally国指定つげ原始林 Designated, Virgin Boxwood Forest Stop by and travel “This area has a The Akizuki Castle Town has a subtle history being home to the Akizuki and 奥Okunoin の 院・大 Temple,将かくし General’s Hideout Kuroda clans during the height of their rule, but the 800-year old town has Mt. Kosho Castle Ruins around leisurely surprisingly rich history!” also experienced its share of history and tragedy. Latticework on windows Mizufune Spring ーTotaro Umegatani and doors, old samurai residences surrounded by clay moats, and mossed stonewalls decorate the streets. The area has been appropriately named Mt. Kosho 860m Mt. Hei Mt. Umami “Chikuzen’s Little Kyoto”. 978m Akizuki flourished as a castle town with 50,000 . One koku is 927m approximately 1000 sq. meters and is a unit measuring the yieldable crop of the land. Even today, Akizuki’s history and antiquity are evident. Akizuki was P designated in April 1998 as a Nation’s Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings. To Kosho Trail P Kiln Honkakuji Temple

To Kama City Haccho Pass Tozanguchi Tendai Sect Suiyo Shrine (Akizuki Kaido) Resting Point 朝 Nisshoin Temple Kiln Arahira Castle Ruins Dangoan Pear Picking

Umezono Park Akizuki Jr. High School Prefectural Designated Hakusan Cultural Asset Jinjamae Heiyo Yoshida’s Hakusangu Shrine Birthplace Kuromon Gate Prefectural Designated Tanetoki Akizuki’s Hankuro Tonami’s Historical Site Prefectural Designated Grave Plant Dyeing Residential Ruins Akizuki Castle Ruins Cultural Asset Naruto Notori Akizuki Folk Museum Nagayamon Gate Kannon Jodo Sect Tsunenori Matsuda’s Tiled Slope Christian Bridge Birthplace Dairyoji Soto Sect Temple Choshoji Kosho Gakuen Temple Feudal School and Training Grounds Large Vehicle Notori Bridge Parking Cherry Blossom Spot Sugi-no-Baba St. Nobutaka Eri Monument Information Center WC Tear Slope P WC

Harakiri Rock New Haccho Rice Storehouse Ruins Kyodokanmae Mountain Pass Rinzai Sect Hyakuhachiro Imamura Shin Sect Akizuki Taiko’s Token Kaibara’s Kuroda Clan’s Temple Jokakuji Akizuki Public Hall Art Museum Stone Seat Birthplace Akizuki Jr. High School Koshinji Temple Temple Heiyokan Plant Dyeing Martial Arts Hall Fudo Akizuki Samurai’s Akizuki Hachimangu Shrine Waterfall Tsuguaki Tohara’s Residence Birthplace Akizuki Akizuki Bridge Hisano Residence To Yasu Kogen Post Office Hitoshi Nakashima’s Kinen-no-Mori Suga Shrine WC Akizuki One-Story Residential Ruins Travel in Notori River asakuracity (Kin River) Shunsaku Ogata’s Akizukiyaki Residential Ruins

Route 322, Nakamachi P Recommended Tachibana Kiln Prefectural Designated Tsukimi Slope Walking Course Cultural Asset Ishida Residence Tokiyagura Higiri Jizoin Temple Hideichi Bridge (Fukutake Castle Ruins) Asakura Police Box Defensive Stone Walls Mt. Kosho Temple City Designated Cultural Asset Asakura City Designated Kuzu Ruins Former Tashiro Residence Honpo Kogetsu Taiko (Drum) 1時間コース1Hour Course Natural Monument, Plant Dyeing Nichiren Sect Japanese Yew Imakoji Bridge Performance 倉 Honshoji Akizuki Tanaka Tenmangu Shrine When the Kuroda clan was appointed Parking Lot Temple Akizuki to govern Fukuoka during the Edo Akizuki Handmade Washi Megane Elementary (Japanese ) (Spectacles) Bridge School period, one of the samurai retainers Akizuki Shin Sect invented the “Kogetsu-Style” drum Folk Museum Uomachi Sainenji performance. Meaning the “light of Saifukuji Temple Ruins Temple Hara Kosho Tiled Slope moon”, Kogetsu got its name from the Asakura City Designated Saihin Grave full moon casting a shadow of the Natural Monument, Information Bishamondo Temple drummer and drumstick. Nagayamon Gate Japanese Yew Center Prefectural Designated Cultural Asset Half-Day Megane (Spectacles) Bridge To Egawa Dam 半日コース Toho Kuromon Gate Course Pear & Apple Picking Rice Storehouse Akizuki Parking Lot Ruins Persimmon Picking (Akizuki Parking Lot) Akizuki Route 322 Bypass Products from the Asakura Folk Museum National Route 500 Donmai Pork! Regional Product Development Project! Three Hour Pear Picking Tiled Slope Course Koishiwara River Akizuki Nagayamon Gate Haseyama Parking Lot Kuromon Gate Kyushu Nature Trail Akizuki Akizuki BATABATA Market Haseyama To Terauchi Dam Folk Museum Suiyo Shrine Sites marked with a star have signs. Ukiha City To Amagi Tiled Slope Samurai Residence Nagayamon Gate First governed by Tanekatsu Akizuki, the Akizuki Clan Time passed and Nagamasa Kuroda was awarded the Sainenji Temple ruled the region from the beginning of the Kamakura Chikuzen Province for his contributions in the Battle of Kuromon Gate Period (12th century) for nearly 400 years. Their castle Sekigahara. Becoming the first head of the Fukuoka Home to the Kuroda Clan Megane Bridge was constructed on Mt. Kosho. Under the protection of Domain, Nagamasa gave 12,000 koku of land in Akizuki to Suiyo Shrine Motonari Mori, the 16th feudal lord Tanezane Akizuki Kanbe Kuroda’s (Nagamasa’s father) younger brother Depicted in the Epic Drama! Tanaka Tenmangu Samurai Shrine suffered as a child. As adult, however, he became an Naoyuki Kuroda. A devote Christian, Naoyuki spread Residence important warlord in northern Kyushu. Hideyoshi Christianity in Akizuki. When Nagamasa passed, he left ふくおか官兵衛くん Higiri Jizoin Toyotomi uprooted Tanezane in his later years and ordered 50,000 koku of land to Nagaoki, his third son. In doing so,

Ishida Residence Temple History Akizuki’s him to move to Takanabe Castle located in the Hyuga the Akizuki Domain became a sub-region of the Fukuoka Province (currently Miyazaki Prefecture). Domain. Koshinji Temple Koshinji Temple

Nobutaka Eri Nobutaka Eri Monument Monument Contact Information Asakura City Commerce Naruto Kannon Naruto Kannon and Tourism Department TEL. 0946ー52ー1428 URL. http://www.city.asakura.lg.jp Rice Storehouse Rice Storehouse Asakura City Ruins Ruins TEL. 0946ー24ー6758 URL. http://www.amagiasakura.net (Akizuki Parking Lot) (Akizuki Parking Lot) Tourist Association

28.3 30,000

6758 24 0946

. . TEL ー ー Asakura City Tourist Association Tourist City Asakura Contact Information Contact

Regional Specialties & Fruit Picking

it has since been sold as Amagi Shibori. Amagi as sold been since has it

Time / 30min~ / Time

back to the Edo period. Renamed in 1924, 1924, in Renamed period. Edo the to back

Mid-October ~ Mid-November ~ Mid-October January~May / Season Picking ■

dyeing technique has a history that dates dates that history a has technique dyeing

Sweet Potatoes Sweet Picking Strawberry ● ●

Originally known as Chikuzen Shibori, this this Shibori, Chikuzen as known Originally

Time / 30min~ / Time Time / 30min~ 30min~ / Time

Amagi Shibori Dyeing Shibori Amagi ■ ■


Beginning of August~Mid-September of Beginning Mid-October~Beginning of Decembe of Mid-October~Beginning


Picking Season / Season Picking Picking Season / Season Picking ■ ■

light show. light Grape Picking Grape Persimmon Picking Persimmon ● ●

flicker and dance, putting on a spectacular spectacular a on putting dance, and flicker

Time / 30min~ / Time Time / 30min~ / Time

■ ■

June, tens of thousands of fireflies begin to to begin fireflies of thousands of tens June,

August~November August ~ November ~ August

rivers that run through Asakura City. Come Come City. Asakura through run that rivers

Picking Season / Season Picking Picking Season / Season Picking

■ ■

spots are along the Koishiwara and Sada Sada and Koishiwara the along are spots 0946-62-2535

☎ ☎

Apple Picking Apple best spot for firefly watching. The best best The watching. firefly for spot best Pear Picking Pear ● ● 1-1164 Hakikoga, Asakura City Asakura Hakikoga, 1-1164

s s ’ Prefecture Fukuoka is region this water, at night is exceptionally astounding. exceptionally is night at

without realizing their external value. external their realizing without Renowned for its beautiful nature and and nature beautiful its for Renowned

and enjoy the excellent view. The scenery scenery The view. excellent the enjoy and

products. Often, these resources are items that locals use or eat eat or use locals that items are resources these Often, products.

Experience farming on top of the mountain mountain the of top on farming Experience

Firefly Watching Firefly


s resources into viable viable into resources s ’ region the developing promotes project The

“Mt. Ote 2000 Year Park” Year 2000 Ote “Mt.

What is Asakura City’s regional specialty branding project? branding specialty regional City’s Asakura is What

Mountainside Station Mountainside

❾ 0946-63-3888

☎ ☎

1665-1 Hakikugumiya, Asakura City Asakura Hakikugumiya, 1665-1 Asakura Donmai Asakura


come highly recommended. highly come 0946-52-9300 ☎ ☎

other regional other sweet Shiwakaki (Shiwa persimmons) persimmons) (Shiwa Shiwakaki sweet 1-2192 Yamada, Asakura City Asakura Yamada, 1-2192

from the farms. The fresh vegetables and and vegetables fresh The farms. the from with your children. your with

Asakura’s Delicacy Asakura’s of plenty are There Farm Station Basaro sells produce directly directly produce sells Basaro Station Farm

straight from the farms and play at the park park the at play and farms the from straight

the prefecture. the Pork raised on a rice diet in Asakura City, Chikuzen. City, Asakura in diet rice a on raised Pork

Adjacent to Roadside Station Harazuru, Harazuru, Station Roadside to Adjacent

large park and playground. Find produce produce Find playground. and park large

The sweet, soft, and smooth Toyomitsuhime Figs that melt in your mouth are the best in in best the are mouth your in melt that Figs Toyomitsuhime smooth and soft, sweet, The

● Farm Station Basaro Station Farm

The farmers market is complete with a a with complete is market farmers The


producer, and the produce is named “Hakata Banno Negi”. Banno “Hakata named is produce the and producer, 0946-25-0323

☎ ☎

Triple Waterwheel Triple

and first days of spring at Asakura! at spring of days first and 831 Yanotake, Asakura City Asakura Yanotake, 831 spring onions. The Amagi, Asakura, and Haki region is Japan’s largest green spring onion onion spring green largest Japan’s is region Haki and Asakura, Amagi, The onions. spring ❽

mid-February. Enjoy the various events events various the Enjoy mid-February. enjoy the park. the enjoy

Home of the of Home — Asakura

rich, fertile soil. These environmental factors improve the quality and shelf life of the green green the of life shelf and quality the improve factors environmental These soil. fertile rich,

The Rapeseed Blossom Festival is held in in held is Festival Blossom Rapeseed The children and their parents will definitely definitely will parents their and children

Hakata Green Spring Onions are cultivated with pure water from the Chikugo River and and River Chikugo the from water pure with cultivated are Onions Spring Green Hakata

● water. With playground equipment, equipment, playground With water.


0946-21-7966 ☎ ☎ from summer to fall. to summer from

The cultural facility brings you closer to to closer you brings facility cultural The

4-444 Hiratsuka, Asakura City Asakura Hiratsuka, 4-444

the environment aids in producing the sweet, delicious fruits. Fruit picking season spans spans season picking Fruit fruits. delicious sweet, the producing in aids environment the Cultural Village Cultural Station Roadside

forest for you to relax in and let time slip by. slip time let and in relax to you for forest

The Asakura region is renowned for its delectable fruits. Blessed by clean water and air, air, and water clean by Blessed fruits. delectable its for renowned is region Asakura The ❻ ❺

● AD300) AD300) (300BC era Yayoi a replicates ~

Amagi Water and Water Amagi at Blossoms Rapeseed

Hakata Green Spring Onions Spring Green Hakata

rare ruins of a moat settlement. The park park The settlement. moat a of ruins rare

This archeological park has turned up the the up turned has park archeological This

Persimmons, Pears, Grapes, Toyomitsuhime Figs, Toyomitsuhime Grapes, Pears, Persimmons,

0946-62-2828 ☎ ☎

(National Historical Heritage) Historical (National

0946-23-2132 1833-10 Hakikugumiya, Asakura City Asakura Hakikugumiya, 1833-10 ☎ ☎

3601 Mada, Asakura City Asakura Mada, 3601 adults. Archeological Park Archeological

available). course offers a great time for children and and children for time great a offers course

s best flower garden (factory tours tours (factory garden flower best s ’ region Hiratsuka Kawazoe Hiratsuka Located along Chikugo River, this park-golf park-golf this River, Chikugo along Located

ten million cosmos bloom in the fall at the the at fall the in bloom cosmos million ten

Park-Golf Course Park-Golf

⑧ ⑨ ⑫ ⑪ ⑩

approximately approximately and spring the in bloom Poppies

Riverside Station Harazuru Station Riverside

(Kirin Beer Park Fukuoka) Park Beer (Kirin ❹

④ ⑤ ⑦ ⑥

Kirin Flower Garden Flower Kirin

79 Bodaiji, Asakura City Asakura Bodaiji, 79

② ③

Oyamazumi Shrine Oyamazumi spots.

December 12 Events and dates are subject to change. to subject are dates and Events

★ Oshiroi (Face Painting) Festival at Festival Painting) (Face Oshiroi s best cherry-blossom cherry-blossom best s ’ Prefecture Fukuoka


cherry trees surrounding the lake at one of of one at lake the surrounding trees cherry December 2nd December ①

Sunflower Park in front of Roadside Station Station Roadside of front in Park Sunflower

There are approximately four thousand thousand four approximately are There

bloom in the middle of September at the the at September of middle the in bloom

Cherry Blossom Cherry Autumn Nearly 160,000 sunflowers come to full full to come sunflowers 160,000 Nearly Foliage

Harvest Festival Harvest

Amagi Park Amagi Fair Sunflower

November 11

Akizuki Castle Ruins Autumn Foliage Autumn Ruins Castle Akizuki Asakura Welcome Festival, Festival, Welcome Asakura

❷ ❶ ● ●

Mid Late


annual Hyakunin Isshu poetry competition. poetry Isshu Hyakunin annual Cosmos he procession will be on the following Sunday) following the on be will procession he t ☎ ☎

Kunchi Festival Kunchi

Sunday, the religious ceremonies will be held and held be will ceremonies religious the Sunday, 1546-1 Kurokawa, Asakura City Asakura Kurokawa, 1546-1

Asakura City honors his poem by hosting an an hosting by poem his honors City Asakura

Herb Festa in Harazuru in Festa Herb Minagi Kunchi Festival Kunchi Minagi Hinashiro

(If the 22nd is a is 22nd the (If ● ● ●

experience the joy of art. of joy the experience With the moisture dripping through.” through.” dripping moisture the With

22nd Mid 21st

mountain school. Come by to relax and and relax to by Come school. mountain

And my sleeves are growing wet growing are sleeves my And

October 10 Asakura


☎ ☎

The modern art museum utilizes a closed closed a utilizes museum art modern The

Of the autumn rice-field; autumn the Of

Harvest Festival Harvest Kirin Flower Garden Flower Kirin Dance Bon-Niwaka 4277 Sada, Asakura City Asakura Sada, 4277

Sheltering the harvest-hut the Sheltering Kyosei-no-Sato

river and mountain atmosphere. mountain and river Eso Hachimangu Shrine Hachimangu Eso Cosmos Garden at Garden Cosmos Amagi

● ● ●


“Coarse the rush- roof rush-mat the “Coarse

breathtaking sight of the beautiful, running running beautiful, the of sight breathtaking Mid Mid Mid

Travel! Travel!

written by Emperor Tenji reads: reads: Tenji Emperor by written

training, and accommodations. Enjoy the the Enjoy accommodations. and training,

serve the multitudes of lively visitors. lively of multitudes the serve s first poem poem first s ’ Isshu Hyakunin Ogura The

facility offers hands-on-learning experiences, experiences, hands-on-learning offers facility

temporary shops scatter the riverside to to riverside the scatter shops temporary Sunflowers


Utilizing a former mountain school, this this school, mountain former a Utilizing

Watching Party Watching Competition Roadside Station “Harazuru” Station Roadside the breathtaking fireworks festival and and festival fireworks breathtaking the

Leisurely! Leisurely! 9 September

Takaki Seiryukan Takaki

Akizuki Moon Akizuki Asakura Isshu Hyakunin Sunflower Fair at Fair Sunflower Asakura Competition Asakura

14 household. The main event of the day is is day the of event main The household. ● ● ● 15

Late Mid Mid by hunger and pray for the safety of their their of safety the for pray and hunger by

Hyakunin Isshu Hyakunin in the segaki ritual feed ghosts tormented tormented ghosts feed ritual segaki the in

are hosted in the park. the in hosted are

Held along Koishiwara River, participants participants River, Koishiwara along Held All Around! Around! All All

various colorful herbs and various events events various and herbs colorful various

in the Chikugo River. Chikugo the in

Fireworks Festival Fireworks

Fireworks Event Fireworks Event Fireworks Illumination

The Harazuru Herb Park is decorated with with decorated is Park Herb Harazuru The

indicate open season for cormorant fishing fishing cormorant for season open indicate 8 August

Amagi Riverside Amagi & Festival Summer Triple Waterwheel Triple

● ● ●

summer. This festival is also held to to held also is festival This summer.

Nagare Kanjo & Kanjo Nagare

(Mid-October) 10 13th-15th Late Mid

s first sign of of sign first s ’ River Chikugo is festival the

s first fireworks festival of the year, year, the of festival fireworks first s ’ Kyushu Herb Festa in Harazuru in Festa Herb


(hideout forest). (hideout

(May 20th) (May

7 parade from the shrine to the Kakurega-no-Mori Kakurega-no-Mori the to shrine the from parade July

Amagi Gion Yamakasa at Suga Shrine Suga at Yamakasa Gion Amagi

Fireworks Festival Fireworks

turned into a Kabuki. a into turned 11 of traditional dance. There is even a a even is There dance. Kagura traditional of 13th-15th

perform their dance, which was eventually eventually was which dance, their perform spears), and Urayasu-no-Mai, which is a type type a is which Urayasu-no-Mai, and spears),

Harazuru Spa Harazuru

children travelled to many villages to to villages many to travelled children lion dances, flutes, taiko drums, keyari (haired (haired keyari drums, taiko flutes, dances, lion

s mountain-opening ceremony. The The ceremony. mountain-opening s ’ Shrine

five grains. Performances include shishimai shishimai include Performances grains. five

children a dance to be performed at Gion Gion at performed be to dance a children Yamada Dam Opening Ceremony Opening Dam Yamada

6 children and safety to the household. the to safety and children June

The festival celebrates the good harvest of the the of harvest good the celebrates festival The Fireflies

Originating in 1699, Harakizaemon taught taught Harakizaemon 1699, in Originating Anchoji Temple bring good health to to health good bring Temple Anchoji 17th 17th

(3rd Sunday in October) in Sunday (3rd

the traditional event at Kanbokuzan Kanbokuzan at event traditional the Bon-Niwaka Dance Bon-Niwaka

The batabata bean drums that are used in in used are that drums bean batabata The

Shrine Shinko Festival Shinko Shrine


Cormorant Fishing at Chikugo River Chikugo at Fishing Cormorant

5th) 4th (January ❾ ❽

Eso Hachimangu Eso Fireworks Event, Open Season for Season Open Event, Fireworks Garden Flower Kirin Folk Festival Folk Poppy

May 5

Fair Batabata Amagi Harazuru Spa Festival Spa Harazuru at Garden Poppy Asakura

⑮ ● ● ●

Mid 20th

year. sticks to their faces. their to sticks

⑭ ⑬

cannon shooting performance four times a a times four performance shooting cannon s harvest depends on how much paint paint much how on depends harvest s ’ year

preservation society puts on a hand hand a on puts society preservation

of rice powder and water. The following following The water. and powder rice of

April 4 Akizuki Spring Festival at Baien Park Baien at Festival Spring Akizuki

● ⑫ ⑪ prowess. To protect this heritage, the the heritage, this protect To prowess. Participants paint their faces with a mixture mixture a with faces their paint Participants

Early The Akizuki clan was known for its military military its for known was clan Akizuki The

Oyamazumi Shrine Oyamazumi Blossom


⑧ ⑩ ⑨

Akizuki Moon Watching Party, Final Firing) Final Party, Watching Moon Akizuki

(December 22nd) (December

Eso Hachimangu Shrine Hachimangu Eso

(First Firing, Akizuki Spring Festival, Spring Akizuki Firing, (First ・Terauchi Dam ・Yuzuki Shrine ・Yuzuki Dam ・Terauchi

⑤ ⑦ ⑥ Festival at Aso at Festival ⦆ (Harvest Fortune Ritual) at Ritual) Fortune (Harvest

・Amagi Park ・Akizuki Castle Ruins Castle ・Akizuki Park ・Amagi

3 Oshiroi Festival Oshiroi Akizuki Hayashi Hand Cannon Hand Hayashi Akizuki March

❻ ❺

Cherry Blossom Cherry Throwing) (Mud Dorouchi Dameshi Kayu

● ● ●

The Day of Hatsuu of Day The 4th Sunday 4th Late

② ① ④ ③

how large the harvest will be that year. that be will harvest the large how

town during the plague. the during town Rapeseed Blossoms

amount of mud that sticks to the Daiguji indicates indicates Daiguji the to sticks that mud of amount

portable shrine that was carried around around carried was that shrine portable

shrine) after he drinks a large bowl of sake. The The sake. of bowl large a drinks he after shrine)

tradition originated when people crafted a a crafted people when originated tradition

Children throw mud at the Daiguji (head priest of the the of priest (head Daiguji the at mud throw Children Rapeseed Blossom Festival at Roadside Station “Harazuru” Station Roadside at Festival Blossom Rapeseed

● 2 February

at Suga Shrine for nearly 300 years. The The years. 300 nearly for Shrine Suga at

Aso Shrine Aso


This traditional Gion festival has been held held been has festival Gion traditional This


(4th Sunday in March) in Sunday (4th ~ 15th) 13th (July


Eso Hachimangu Shrine Hachimangu Eso (Mud Throwing) (Mud

Amagi Gion Yamakasa Gion Amagi ❹ ❸

1 January Anchoji Temple Anchoji

Hyakunin Isshu Karuta Competition at Competition Karuta Isshu Hyakunin

millet, and beans). and millet,

Amagi Batabata Fair at Fair Batabata Amagi New Year’s Konomaruden Hall Konomaruden Year’s New

● ●

Asakura for that year. that for Asakura grains (rice, wheat, foxtail millet, Japanese barnyard barnyard Japanese millet, foxtail wheat, (rice, grains

Mid 4th-5th

winner serves to represent and promote promote and represent to serves winner for the health, safety, and rich harvests of the five five the of harvests rich and safety, health, the for

Himiko (Queen Himiko) contest, whose whose contest, Himiko) (Queen Himiko reconstructed the shrine in 1509. The festival prays prays festival The 1509. in shrine the reconstructed

Annual Events Annual events and activities include the Jooh Jooh the include activities and events s 14th generation) generation) 14th s ’ clan (Akizuki Akizuki

s residents. The host various various host The residents. s ’ Asakura from

The annual festival has been held since Tanetoki Tanetoki since held been has festival annual The

Feel and experience the energy emanating emanating energy the experience and Feel

(October 21st) (October

Asakura Folk Festival Folk Asakura

❷ ❶ Hinashiro Kunchi Festival Kunchi Hinashiro