Kauidoscope Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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kAUidoscopE milwaukee, Wisconsin member: underground press syndicate (u.p.s.) liberation news service (l.n.s.) .2 NO. 3 (#29) December 20, 1968 - January 2, 1969 25$ S.F. STATE P. 5 BIG BANKS GET BIGGER P. 6 HOMOSEXUAL BIBLIOGRAPHY P. 8 PAGE 2 December 20,^1-968 - January 2, 1969 KALEIDOSCOPE KALEIDOSCOPE GUILTY We could'have had a thousand did not go beyond "contemporary expert witnesses, and still Judge standards of candor, " Kaleido John A. Decker wouldn't have listened. It seems clear now that scope lost. Circuit Judge Decker had long And although an Assistant Dis ago made up his mind to find trict Attorney was willing to bet John Kois, Kaleidoscope'seditor, a Kaleidoscope staffer $10 that guilty. A $2,000 fine and two Kois would be acquited, and al- years in the Green Bay reforma t ho ugh no one, absolutely no tory. Stiff. The two years was one, thought Kois would lose, stayed, and probation was im he did. posed. But the probation had a And what can we say about hitch: It'll be revoked if Kal Judge Decker? He must run for eidoscope publishes any more re-election in the Spring, and 'obscenity.' The entire sentence in the back of his head, louder is stayed pending an appeal to and more persistent than our tes the Wisconsin Supreme Court. timony, was the sound of angry Had it happened in any other volers. Cannon almost won the country (Czechoslovakia, for in District Attorney's post by at stance), the Journal would have tacking Kaleidoscope; Decker is reported it as an example of po assured of re-election by con litical suppression. Everyone tinuing the battle. It's called knows that the busts were polit The American Way. ically motivated, and had no There will be an appeal. But thing to do with stamping out the expenses keep adding up. obscenity in Milwaukee. Anyone If we ever have to pay the who thinks otherwise is either $2,000 fine, it will mean the blind or lame. end of the paper, which was If the State Supreme Court probably the reason for the fine rules in our favor, the Journal anyway. will rear its great liberal head As ludicrous as it seems now, to announce that "The Supreme some of us once believed in the Court did the right thing!" It's American judicial system. Cops the White Liberal Syndrone, and could bust us, politicians could is probably a greater threat to attack us, angry citizenS^cou+d" Kaleidoscope than anything else. hate us...but the courts would Although the state presented have to act fairly and honestly, no evidence, other than the ex within the guidelines set by the No SANTA FOR WEIFARE ChJUREN hibits and the bumbling and at Supreme Court. And within those times hilarious testimony of Vice guidelines, it is obvious that Squad Officer Orville Cham Kaleidoscope is not obscene. But By Dennis Gall children. It only added insult fj pagne, Kaleidoscope lost. Al Decker said otherwise, and he's Unless the Welfare Department to injury. though Kaleidoscope presented the Judgs, duly elected by the of Milwaukee County accepts the Most of the mothers belong to expert testimony from four highly people, and faithfully reflecting fact that Christmas is a necessity the Northside Welfare Recipients, qualified witnesses, all of whom their ignorance and fear. It's there will be no Christmas this a group seeking full rights for agreed that the pictures and poem the American Way I , year for hundreds of children welfare recipients and eventual whose mothers are on welfare. change of the corrupt and de The welfare department does grading welfare system. The Chamber Ensemble not give extra money to recip mothers met again on Dec. 6 at ients at Christmas time. The de 1916 N. 4th St. About 40 chil partment is allowed to give extra dren and 25 adults were treated Happens cash for emergency needs but it to the arrival of a Black Santa. by Rich Manglesdorff well. doesn't feel that Christmas is an An unidentified Commando George Crumb's "Three Madri emergency. How do you tell your showed up at the meeting dressed Last Thursday, December 12, gals, Book I (1965)" were beau children that you can't afford a in a regulation Santa outfit. He are our toys?" White Santa re the Milwaukee Contemporary tifully written, almost jewel-like tree, and that Santa won't visit then led the children and their plied, "All I can do is talk to Chamber Ensemble presented a pieces. Marlee Sqbo's soprano them this year? This is the mothers to the 3rd & North Gim- the children, that's all I can concert at the Art Center. It is voice negotiated the considerable dilemma facing welfare mothers. bel-Schusters store. do." He was faced with the ba to be emphasized that this group changes artfully, while commun They have a solution —they are At the store, the black sarrto sic irony of the white-middle- not only exists, as a loosely knit icating feeling. Ron George and asking that the welfare depart deposed Gimbel 's white-middle class Christmas myth. The white but going unit, but that they have Dave Phillips sustained a fine ment grant 25 dollars extra to class Santa. The children climb middle class has conditioned been presenting concerts for a background for her. each welfare mother this year. ed up on Black Santa's lap and people to expect Christmas to be year, now. Every time the Milwaukee Con The welfare department has re also directed questions to the be a materialistic orgy. As always None of the pieces performed temporary Chamber Ensemble fused. "It would be illegal," wildered store Santa. "Why can't the fruits of the system are de during the first half of the pre plays, some interesting things they say, and told the mothers we have a Christmas too?" they nied the poor and the repressed sentation were particularly satis happen. A stand-offish manner to "get a part-time job." The asked the store Santa. "You can, minorities. It frightens the sys fying. Berio's "Chamber Music" sometimes prevails, as various mothers claim that, since most you can" he replied. Strange as tem when the poor demand si was competent enough, in the patrons and moderators patronize of them are Negro or Spanish- it may seem, the store Santa ap share in the "American dream." Webern-bag that everyone was in with no moderation, but the per formers are generally groovy peo speaking, it is difficult to get a peared to break into a negro ac Many black shoppers in the around 1953, but not very striking ple and a greater turnout of Free job, and even if they did, they cent while talking to the black store that night were not aware Berio. Robert Lombardo's (he was people at these affairs would al- probably wouidn'tbe paid in time children. Was he trying to pass? of the mothers plight. Mary present for this reading of his mostsurely liberate these concerts for Christmas. The system an The black Santa, sitting re Loggins let them know and she work) "Variations" was for solo for the people. Important that swered, "You have my answer," gally on the throne said, "These exorted them to "spend your mo percussionist, Ron George doing you get your head next to the and that is that. are poor children who came to ney somewhere else —not in a fine job in interpreting, but the piece itself seeming another musical trends exemplified here. This answer was given by see me tonight." The plastic Gimbels." At this point.the percussion work with some nice Joseph E. Baldwin, Welfare dir Santa became more and more white store manager jumped in. timbres. Elliott Schwartz' "Con ector, to welfare mothers who nervous a s he perched precari His business might be hurt. Mary cert Piece" involved ten players, assembled on the fifth of this ously on the ami of the throne. asked him, "won't you give the and while it was properly busy month at his office at 1220 W. His "Ho-ho's" seemed hollow and: poor people something for Christ and all, it didn't have a point Vliet. The mothers, frustrated, it may be that he was genuinely mas?" The manager replied as to make unique from that of any staged an abortive sit-in, and embarrassed over the fact that Baldwin had earlier, "I'm not in 100 other contemporary pieces. fourteen of them and Lawrence these children would get nothing a position to solve this." He Friend of the Youth Council were for Christmas. Mary Loggins, a wheeled around and gave his The second half was something arrested. It was a strange scene spokeswoman for the mothers, back as an answer, his con else. An "Improvisation Ensem seeing big, burly sheriff's office asked, "all the little white kids science apparently cleared. ble, "featuring James Faraday and deputys carrying away crying, get toys, but our kids say, where The children and the Black Ron George on percussion instru Santa then left the store — there ments and Dave Phillips on bass was nothing to gain there —the (stand-up and a unique amplified answers are always the same. one) provided creative inter change, excitement and a cohe The mothers have taken a new sion which even occassiona I lapses tactic. They have presented in execution did not essentially peti tions to Penny's, Gimbel- mar.. Phillips was particularly Schusters, Sears, Community Fur compelling. Perhaps it is only niture, and Niss Furniture.