Dollars, AN INTERVIEW Kuntreisim, WITH Shlichus SHMUEL LEW LEBEN MITTEN ’N $2.00

CHESHVAN 5776 ISSUE 37 (114) DerherContents CHESHVAN 5776 ISSUE 37 (114) Alone Against the World 04 DVAR MALCHUS To Where From Here? 05 KSAV YAD KODESH Dollars, Kuntreisim, Shlichus 06 LEBEN MITTEN REBBE’N The Road to 770 12 AN INTERVIEW WITH RABBI SHMUEL LEW A Momentous Gathering 30 a Timeless Message HAKHEL TODAY About the Cover: In the spirit of “Ve’Yaakov holach l’darkoi,” our cover features Financial Difficulties a photograph of orchim being received by the Rebbe for a on Shlichus “farewell” yechidus at the conclusion of the month of Tishrei. 32 Jewish Educational Media/The Living Archive ID #194239, 30 Tishrei, 5740 HORA’OS VEHADRACHOS


ושבת בראשית שבאה בסמיכות לשמח"ת . . ואפשרות זו נתונה oming from the festive month of Tishrei and לכאו”א מדי יום ביומו, ועכ"פ — מדי פעם בפעם, ובפרט בזמני סגולה Cbeginning the new year—shnas Hakhel—we — להזכר אודות יהודים אלו שהיה ביחד אתם בימי חודש תשרי )ועד .present this current edition of the Derher Magazine שבת בראשית וער"ח מרחשון שהוא כבר לאחר שבת מברכים חשון( yechidus orchim — לחשוב במעלותיהם, שעי"ז יהיו מעלותיהם בהתעוררות יותר... In a to the who had come to spend Tishrei with the Rebbe in 5748, shnas Hakhel, the Rebbe ...ובכלל זה — השליחות המיוחדת, של כאו"א מאתנו, ושל כל כלל explained how the memories from celebrating Tishrei ישראל, בשנה זו, שנת “הקהל” )כאמור( — לחפש הזדמנויות לפעול together—marking all the yomim tovim together ב”הקהל”, דהיינו שלא להמתין עד שיעוררוהו פעם אחר פעם, אלא and farbrenging together in one sukkah—serve as a כאו”א, האנשים הנשים והטף, צריך ללכת ולחפש בעצמו הזדמנויות ,powerful tool for us to unite even later on in the year לאסוף חברים )והנשים — חברות( שביכלתו להשפיע עליהם… .when we are physically distant from one-another

This, says the Rebbe, brings Hashem’s blessings into • our lives in unprecedented measures, thereby giving us the strength to fulfill our everyday shlichus. This current edition continues our line of new columns Especially, the timely shlichus of gathering Yidden alongside our classic ones and featured articles. together and inspiring them in the spirit of “Hakhel.” Most notably, we were privileged to have ,interviewed the veteran shliach and mechanech אע"פ שנוסעים ונפרדים, בכל זאת כל אחד ואחת צריך לזכור במחשבתו, .Rabbi Shmuel Lew from London, England את כל אלו שעימם נפגשו במשך הזמן שהיו כאן ביחד. ובפרט שהיו ביחד כמשך חודש תשרי וערכו ביחד הן את הימים הנוראים והן ימי Rabbi Lew presents his personal story of his spiritual השמחה, והתוועדו ביחד באותה סוכה, ובפרט בהשמחה דשמח”ת journey to Lubavitch, and the warm, caring attention he בס"ד The Approach of a Chossid 35 ARUM CHASSIDUS The Chossid’s Calendar 38 Polishing our Buttons THE DEEPER MEANING OF 48 A FAMOUS PARABLE 52 Change of Heart 50 A STORY Tracht Gut Vet Zein Gut 52 DARKEI HACHASSIDUS Conversation on 56 Eastern Parkway BEHIND THE PICTURE 59 Letters to the Editor 12 38

was zoche to have received from the Rebbe all the A Chassidisher Derher Magazine is a publication geared way through. Many of the Rebbe’s horaos to him are toward Bochurim, published and copyrighted by especially pertinent to the avodah of a bochur, and Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim Haolomi. All articles in this publication we are very grateful that he agreed to share many are original content by the staff of A Chassidisher Derher. of these points with us. His inspirational words Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim Printed by Rabbi Tzvi Altein The Print House resonate within his fascinating accounts, and we are Copy Editors Special Thanks to sure our readers will enjoy this treasure of a story. Rabbi Eliezer Zalmanov Rabbi Chaim Shaul Brook Rabbi Yosef Boruch Friedman Rabbi Mendel Gourarie Rabbi Moshe Zaklikovsky Rabbi Sholom Ber Lew • Rabbi Shmuel Lew Design Rabbi Pinny Lew Rabbi Mendy Weg As we prepare for the Kinus Hashluchim Rabbi Yossi Lew Photo Credits Rabbi Michoel Seligson towards the end of the month, we once Jewish Educational Media Rabbi Elkanah Shmotkin again recommit ourselves to the ultimate Kehot Publication Society Rabbi Sholom Ber Shuchat shlichus of our time, in the Rebbe’s words Raskin Family Archive Rabbi Levi Treitel Reproduction of any portion of this Magazine is not permissible without express permission at the of the Kinus in 5752: from the copyright holders, unless for the use of brief quotations in reviews and similar venues. Submit your questions and comments: Call: (970) 680 3370 | Email: [email protected] אז די איינציקע זאך וואס איז איצטער געבליבן אין דער עבודת To subscribe, order a copy, or access back issues visit us at השליחות, איז: צו מקבל זיין פני משיח צדקנו בפועל ממש…

A Chassidisher Derher is honored to feature unique and historic photos from Jewish May it be teikef umiyad mammosh! Educational Media’s Living Archive photo collection. The Living Archive is a project to preserve, and provide access to the video, audio, and photographic recordings of the The Editors Rebbe. These photos are copyright by JEM and are available at שלהי תשרי ה'תשע"ו - שנת הקהל PHOTO: JEM/THE LIVING ARCHIVE / 104489 PHOTO:


At the farbrengen of Rosh Chodesh not knowing who will win, he can Whether or not a Yid sees his Mar-Cheshvan, 5743 the Rebbe spoke become disheartened. Even before triumph over the world is irrelevant about the lesson to be learned from explaining to him that he is not alone to his continued efforts in spreading Noach, who stood alone against a dark but together with many Yidden and goodness—“the good and just in the world and transformed it to good. with Hashem, he should be taught eyes of Hashem your G-d”—Torah At the beginning of Parshas the lesson to be learned from the and mitzvos. He is not the first Noach the possuk says: “These are beginning of Parshas Noach: standing alone against the world; the offspring of Noach, Noach.” The “Noach was a righteous man. He Noach did it too, and defeated it. double “Noach” refers to two types was perfectly righteous in (relation This does not mean that he needs to of rest—“naycha”—in the higher to) his generation.” Although the do Hashem’s will without caring about and lower worlds. The synonymy of way of the land was corrupt and the the outcome. Rather, that he must do Noach and “rest” is to the extent that opposite of why it was created—“He his part and then he is guaranteed the “days of old” mentioned in the created it to be inhabited”—Noach, that he will succeed; just like Noach. passuk about geulah—“Then shall the alone, remained a tzaddik—“a When he knows this, he will do his offering of Yehudah and Yerushalayim righteous and perfect man”—“I avodah with simcha; as the [Frierdiker] be pleasing to Hashem, as in the days saw you, a tzaddik before me.” Rebbe said, when going out to war, of old and as in bygone years”—are Furthermore: not only were soldiers already sing a victory march, associated with the “days of Noach.” the people corrupt, but also the before the victory even happened. Being that Torah is eternal, animals—“for all flesh had depraved This is also emphasized at the this is a lesson for every Yid. its nature upon the earth.” beginning of Parshas Noach. Even When a Yid looks around and sees Even so, through Noach’s avodah he before discussing the details of the that “darkness covers the earth and changed the world—“Hashem smelled flood that destroyed the world, the a [dark] cloud [covers] the nations,” the pleasant aroma” —in a manner Torah talks about “Noach, Noach”— and that he alone has to go out and that there was rest in the higher and rest in the higher and lower worlds. wage war against the whole world, lower worlds—“Noach, Noach.” (Hisvaaduyos 5743 vol. 1 p. 370)


To Where From Here?

This ksav yad kodesh was written by the Rebbe in response to a bochur who spent Tishrei with the Rebbe, and at the end of the month, he wrote to the Rebbe asking for guidance as to how to continue growing in avodas Hashem.

בתוכן כתבו - ידבר ויבקש המשפיע שי’ שלו שיבארוהו פתגם נשיאינו - שלאחרי תשרי צריך פאנאנדערפאקען את החבילה שקיבלו בתשרי וכו’. ...Regarding what you write - you should speak with your and ask him to explain to you the phrase from our Rabbeim—that after Tishrei, one must unpack the “bundle” [i.e. spiritual hashpa’a] that one received during Tishrei, etc.

For the sake of clarity, we quote the Frierdiker Rebbe’s sicha from Leil Simchas Torah, 5709: We once explained that on Simchas Torah, one must begin unpacking the bundles [of merchandise] he bought. Simchas Torah is the culmination of the avoda of the months of Elul and Tishrei; [their energy] can be deeply felt during Shemini Atzeres and Simchas Torah. This is similar to a merchant who travels to a fair, shelling out all his money, and pawning [his belongings] for borrowed money, in order to buy as much merchandise as possible. Later, when he returns home, he unpacks his bags and spreads out the merchandise to examine what he bought. Similarly: during Elul, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkos, we “bought” lots of “merchandise”. On Simchas Torah, we must begin “unpacking.” But we need to account for how well we did with last year’s merchandise; is it justifiable to buy more now? What do we have to show for ourselves…? For further explanation of this concept, see the Rebbe’s letter in Igros Kodesh vol. 4 p. 18; Likutei Sichos vol. 25 p. 299, et. al.



Dollars, Kuntreisim, Shlichus CHESHVAN 5748 - SHNAS HAKHEL

very moment in the Rebbe’s presence is WEDNESDAY, 19 CHESHVAN Eunique. Each t’nuah we witnessed by the After mincha this afternoon, we were met with a Rebbe, every word we heard, is another lesson pleasant surprise: in avodas Hashem. There were, however, some A few minutes after davening had ended in extraordinary times that stand out in the hearts the small zal, Rabbi Groner announced that a and minds of those that were zoche to be present. distribution of “dollars” would take place, right Cheshvan- of 5748, Shnas Hakhel, was one there and then. of those times, and we’ve tried to capture some It’s easy to understand the feeling we had of its significance in this article, based on a yoman upon hearing such news; everyone’s spirits filled that was written at the time. Writing, reading, and with excitement and joy. Immediately thereafter, reliving these precious moments, only intensifies the Rebbe came out of the doorway of Gan Eden our yearning and desire to merit once again to such Hatachton, where a table had been set up. As giluyim. May we be zoche to use the inspiration each person passed, the Rebbe wished him “A hatzlachadiker Chof Cheshvan.” from these descriptions to bring ourselves towards the days of Moshiach, teikef umiyad.

CHESHVAN 5776 6 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER While at first it was very disorganized due to the FRIDAY, 21 CHESHVAN surprise and excitement, soon a long and orderly This morning, even before the Rebbe arrived line formed. to 770, throngs of people had already congregated From all corners of the neighborhood people around the entrance of the building waiting for the who had just caught wind of the news were seen chaluka. running towards 770. People left their stores in As soon as the Rebbe arrived, he began to once the middle of business in order to merit receiving again distribute the kuntres to the thousands of a dollar. There were even people who came by car people who had gathered, and gave each of them a from outside of Crown Heights so as not to forgo an brocha. From across and beyond, myriads opportunity for such a bracha. It’s amazing how the of Chassidim had arrived, and this very unique news spread so fast; within a half an hour, hundreds chalukah continued until the afternoon. of people—if not more—had converged on 770 and The scene at 770 was legendary; in every corner were waiting in line. another person could be seen preciously holding on THURSDAY, 20 CHESHVAN, to his kuntres, with many people choosing to go to BIRTHDAY OF THE REBBE RASHAB the beis midrash to learn from it. The distribution brought with it a renewed koch After krias haTorah this morning the Rebbe in the learning of Chassidus, and the mitzvah of continued the dollars distribution that he began ahavas Yisrael in particular, upon which the maamar yesterday. This time there were literally thousands focused. In the wake of the chalukah, numerous of people waiting in line, everyone there to merit shiurim were established throughout the week to receiving a dollar and to be bentched by the Rebbe study the maamar in depth. with a “hatzlachadiker Chof Cheshvan.” If it would have ended with that, dayeinu. The biggest surprise, however, was to take place in the evening. The Rebbe had returned from spending the afternoon at the and joined the minyan for maariv. Davening ended and the Rebbe left to his room, when the announcement was made that the Rebbe would now distribute the “Kuntres Heichaltzu” from the Rebbe Rashab! Words can’t describe the atmosphere that enveloped Crown Heights at that moment. All the residents streamed towards 770 and stood in never- ending lines winding through the streets.

The distribution lasted around an hour 5748 / 21 CHESHVAN, JEM/THE LIVING ARCHIVE / 101704 and would have (apparently) continued THE REBBE DISTRIBUTES KUNTRES HEICHALUTZU - JUST AFTER IT ARRIVES much longer had the stock of kuntreisim FROM THE PRESSES - TO THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE WHO GATHERED FOR A SECOND CHALUKA. not run out. Thankfully, mazkirus announced that the distribution would continue tomorrow. SHABBOS PARSHAS In the printhouse above 770—where they are CHAYEI SARAH, 22 CHESHVAN already used to emergency work—people pushed Amongst other things he spoke about today, the hard throughout the night and succeeded in Rebbe focused on the shlichus of Eliezer regarding printing another few thousand (!) kuntreisim. the marriage of Yitzchak and Rivkah. The lesson In the meantime, many people congregated in the Rebbe brought from this episode to our lives is 770 to learn the maamar together and to hear a the duty to fulfill the shlichus of “la’asos oid Yehudi.” shiur on it from Reb . The Rebbe added that there should be a special

CHESHVAN 5776 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER 7 emphasis on this in a Hakhel year, when we are bimah on which the Rebbe davens during Tishrei provided with extra help in this regard. was quickly erected. A few minutes before mincha, the shul was TUESDAY, 25 CHESHVAN, DIDAN NOTZACH already packed with people singing “Didan Since last year’s victory on Hei Teves, Chassidim Notzach” eagerly anticipating the Rebbe’s arrival. have been cautiously optimistic about the results of When the Rebbe entered, the singing intensified the appeal which followed. and everyone was trying to get a look at the Rebbe. This afternoon, we were notified that Didan The Rebbe was very serious. On the way to Notzach—the court case was won and the appeal his place, the Rebbe walked through the lines of had been dismissed. children and spent considerable time giving each of With lightning speed, the news spread them coins for tzedaka. throughout Crown Heights. The Rebbe was very serious throughout mincha. From every side one could see men, women and This evening there was a Farbrengen to children hurrying toward 770. commemorate the shloshim of Rabbi Mentlik, The simcha with which the news was received rosh yeshivah of 770. It was also, above all, held to was immense and is difficult to describe with words. celebrate that shehecheyanu vekiyemanu vehigianu to Although everyone was rooting for a victory and this day of Didan Notzach! fully believed that it would come, nevertheless, the news came as a surprise. THURSDAY, 27 CHESHVAN Joy was bursting from our hearts and giant This afternoon our joy reached new heights upon groups of people broke out dancing outside 770. hearing that the court had responded positively to The crowds grew from minute to minute as more Aguch about returning the sefarim in the coming people arrived. days. At 3:50 this afternoon the Rebbe went to the Ohel (much later than usual). The scene at 770 was legendary; Every day in 770 one can see more people that in every corner another person have come from all corners of the globe to spend could be seen preciously holding these special times in the daled amos of the Rebbe. on to his kuntres, with many people choosing to go to the beis FRIDAY, 28 CHESHVAN midrash to learn from it. Beginning yesterday, masses of shluchim started arriving for the Kinus Hashluchim, which will take place this week. As Shabbos approaches, 770 is filled The women and children also came to partake with shluchim learning, davening, and excitedly in the celebrations and stood across the street meeting up with old friends. watching the lebedike dancing. When the Rebbe entered for Kabbalas Shabbos, In the middle of all the tumult, it became known we sang the Rosh Chodesh Kislev Niggun. The that all three judges had signed on this ruling. In Rebbe intensified our simcha and waved his hands fact, in their independently written verdicts, each of to encourage the singing. Even once the Rebbe them made a point of recognizing the tremendous reached his place, he continued encouraging the devotion and self-sacrifice that the Frierdiker Rebbe singing. had for klal Yisroel. The notion that three non-Jewish judges could SHABBOS MEVARCHIM KISLEV, PARSHAS all come to the same appreciation, lifted our spirits TOLDOS, 29 CHESHVAN even more. It drove home and revealed to all, the At today’s Farbrengen, the Rebbe’s first sicha was knowledge that “Moshe emes v’Toraso emes.” based on the passuk of Vayishlach Yitzchok es Yaakov. Rumor has it that from the moment the news The Rebbe pointed out that behashgacha pratis our arrived, the Rebbe showed tremendous Joy. Parsha speaks about the avodah of shlichus. In the interim, we were notified that the Rebbe The Rebbe explained how, unlike the shlichus would be coming downstairs for mincha, and the of Eliezer Eved Avraham, we must fulfill our


shlichus as messengers rather than as slaves; we Every shliach who finds himself in debt should need to bring our own talents and strengths into the engage the services of a licensed bookkeeper. They shlichus instead of just simply following orders. should make an accounting of the entire budget Here the Rebbe mentioned how we must take up until Rosh Chodesh Kislev. This should then be the lesson from this weeks parsha to go out to sent to a specially designated division within the “Charan”—charon af shel makom ba’olam, to be Vaad Hashluchim. Ten percent would be covered mekarev another Yid. by Merkos and half of the remaining ninety percent In the second sicha, the Rebbe noted that before (forty-five percent in total) will be given as a loan to sending Yaakov, Yitzchak showered him with be paid up over the following four to five years. brachos in a manner of lechatchila ariber. We find a Following this sicha the Rebbe recited a similar thing with the Baal Shem Tov. Namely, that maamar ke’ein Sicha, after which came yet another before involving himself in the spiritual life of a Yid, bombshell: he concerned himself with his material well being. The Rebbe announced that on Sunday a special Consequently, the Rebbe went on to say, the kuntres would be distributed to every shliach and same applies to the shluchim of nessi doreinu; that shlucha. all the brachos of the meshaleiach have been fulfilled At mincha the Rebbe encouraged the singing of in their entirety both physically and spiritually! The Aleinu. It began spontaneously as the crowd burst Rebbe cautioned the shluchim not to worry about into song. This was followed by Al Tira, which was negative things, rather remember the words of the sung as well. The Rebbe continued to encourage the Tzemach Tedek, “Tracht gut vet zain gut.” singing until maariv, after which the Rebbe left the The surprise of this Shabbos came during the shul to the niggun of Rosh Chodesh Kislev. third sicha. The Rebbe began by saying that in The overjoyed crowd remained in their places continuation to what was earlier said [i.e. that and continued to sing and dance to the niggun the shluchim shouldn’t need to worry about any at fever pitch. It was a natural expression of the distractions] he will now announce what will be immense joy and overflowing emotion felt by all, done—maaseh b’poel. for their great zechus to spend this Shabbos with the

CHESHVAN 5776 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER 9 Rebbe and to witness the unique farbrengen this week. After Shabbos there was a farbrengen/seudas hodaah to celebrate Rosh Chodesh Kislev. The farbrengen began with Reb Yoel Kahn reviewing what the Rebbe had said earlier, at today’s farbrengen. The featured guest speaker was Dr. Weiss who flew in from Chicago especially for this event. Dr.

Weiss spoke about his connection with , and 5748 / , JEM/THE LIVING ARCHIVE / 147982 in particular, with the Rebbe himself. GROUP PHOTO OF THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL KINUS HASHLUCHIM. Amongst other things, he told the story of the Rebbe’s heart attack and recovery in 5738. The warm words from Dr. Weiss were received with lots of applause from the crowd. Rabbi Aron Leizer Ceitlin from Tzfas was also invited to address the crowd. He spoke passionately about the Rebbe’s new “mivtza Hakhel” and called upon those gathered to mobilize all their kochos for this special campaign. He then went on to relate some personal experiences and successes that he had had in his involvement in the mivtza. As the farbrengen came to a close, Reb Meir Harlig surprised everyone by showing a beautiful video. The film included excerpts of different events and , beginning from when the Frierdiker Rebbe arrived in America until today! The night passed with singing and dancing, to thank and praise Hashem’s greatness “Al nisecha ve’al nifle’osecha ve’al yeshuosecha.”

SUNDAY, ROSH CHODESH KISLEV This afternoon the shluchim took a group picture outside 770. The scene was stunning; hundreds of shluchim arranged in rows one above the other. As the picture

was being taken, the shluchim sang the Rosh JEM/THE LIVING ARCHIVE / 147134 Chodesh Kislev Niggun. Afterwards, they entered 770 for mincha, anxiously anticipating receiving the kuntres and dollar, as per the Rebbe’s announcement yesterday. When the Rebbe came in he turned unexpectedly to Rabbi Groner and informed him that he would deliver a sicha immediately after mincha. Quickly, the shtender and microphone were set up. The Rebbe began by blessing the shluchim and shluchos in their holy and crucial avodah. The Rebbe mentioned that he had received duchos from JEM/THE LIVING ARCHIVE / 147987 / 1 KISLEV, 5748 5748 / 1 KISLEV, JEM/THE LIVING ARCHIVE / 147987 a number of shluchim who had reported incredible THE REBBE DISTRIBUTES KUNTREISIM AND DOLLARS TO THE SHLUCHIM ON ROSH CHODESH KISLEV, 5748.


As the day progressed, so did our excitement, as we were waiting with anticipation for the return of the sefarim! At around 2:00 p.m. the Rebbe left to the Ohel. Before he got into the car, the Rebbe distributed coins to the children for tzedaka. As the Rebbe was giving out the coins, we stood around singing Didan Notzach. As the Rebbe came to the last of the children, he turned to us with a pained expression, and began scolding us for not using the victory as an opportunity to learn from the sefarim. Instead we JEM/THE LIVING ARCHIVE / 147960 / 1 KISLEV, 5748 / 1 KISLEV, JEM/THE LIVING ARCHIVE / 147960 were using our time singing Didan Notzach without MR. DAVID CHASE ADDRESSES THE CROWD AT THE KINUS taking advantage of the gift we’ve been given. The HASHLUCHIM BANQUET. Rebbe then got into the car and left to the Ohel. Rumor has it that the Rebbe asked that if the success. The Rebbe then encouraged anyone who sefarim arrive while he is at the Ohel, some of them had not yet done so, to send one in. should be sent over to the Ohel. The Rebbe then started the distribution of Around an hour later, the sefarim arrived. With kuntresim and dollars, and announced that the delight and elation, the members of Aguch brought shluchim—only the Shluchim—should come over, them into 770. The sefarim were placed in Gan Eden and everybody else should stand on the side. Hatachton next to the door to the Rebbe’s room, and Numerous people who passed were asked by some were sent to the Rebbe at the Ohel. the Rebbe whether or not they were shluchim. In the afternoon the main session of the When one person answered that he is a rov, the Kinus Hashluchim took place. The guest speaker Rebbe smiled but raised his hands in wonder. When was attorney Jerry Shestack, who was involved someone else said that he is a mashpia, the Rebbe in the court case and his speech was received told him “I’m not even taking for myself!” enthusiastically. Later on in the evening there was a farbrengen, MONDAY, 2 KISLEV where the members of Aguch spoke about the We witnessed a touching scene this morning, great victory. More importantly, they emphasized as the Rebbe gave out tzedaka to the children. One the importance of using it as an inspiration for boy put his hand out a second time and the Rebbe growth—to increase and strengthen our learning in gave him another coin. Afterwards, the child called, general and particularly the teachings and lessons of “Rebbe…” and put his hand out once again. The the Rebbe. Rebbe gave him a third coin and stood with him until he put it into his pushka.


Rabbi Shmuel Lew is a veteran shliach and mechanech, and a beloved mashpia to hundreds of people throughout the globe. In an exclusive interview with A Chassidisher Derher, Rabbi Lew tells us about the early years of his life - how he became a Lubavitcher Chossid, how he became involved in communal work, and more. Most importantly, he gives us a glimpse of his personal connection with the Rebbe. Rabbi Shmuel Lew resides in London, England.

Photo credits: Rabbi Pinny Lew, Rabbi Shmuel Lew, Jewish Educational Media, Library of , Raskin Family Archives.


CHESHVAN 5776 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER 13 Rabbi Lew, thank you for taking the time to speak to us. Let’s start from the beginning. Can you tell us a little bit about your upbringing and how your connection with Lubavitch began? I was born in Williamsburg, , in 5700 to a religious family, my father being a lawyer from a Litvishe background. My childhood took place in an era before the big chassidishe communities arrived in America, and you didn’t see Chassidim all over New York as you would today. Whereas the SHMUEL LEW AT THE AGE OF TEN. SHMUEL LEW IN CAMP AGUDAH, SUMMER 5715. Williamsburg of today is a place full of Chassidim, during my childhood Gourarie. Rabbi Gourarie invited me it was a mostly non-religious to join a shiur in Iggeres Hatshuva. community, shuls bursting with people At first, going to the shiur on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur sounded “way out there” to me. I but mostly empty the rest of the year. was a busy kid. I was involved in Lubavitch, too, had just begun various organizations, including to blossom in America, and Pirchei (the Agudah youth Lubavitchers were few and far in movement); I enjoyed playing sports between. Aside from one time when - I wasn’t looking for things to do. I saw two Merkos shluchim at our However, since Rabbi Gourarie had bungalow colony, I don’t recall invited me, I agreed to come. meeting any Lubavitchers, and only Since the shiur wasn’t officially vaguely heard about Lubavitch. sanctioned by the camp, it could not A YOUNG SHMUEL LEW. CIRCA 5716. My connection with Lubavitch take place in the shul or classrooms, began when I went to the Aguda and we had to learn clandestinely in At the end of the summer, summer camp in 5715, when the bunkhouses. Notwithstanding the the bochurim invited me to come I was fifteen years old. questionable conditions, the learning to the Rebbe’s Simchas Bais Part of the tziyur of a camp was serious, and we finished the entire Hashoeva farbrengen of 5716, in those days was to have yeshiva Iggeres Hatshuva that summer. and this marked the first time bochurim come as guests for a The Lubavitcher bochurim didn’t I merited to see the Rebbe. week or two during the summer only learn with me; rather, they Following our summer together, to spend some time learning and developed a personal relationship Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Gourarie called relaxing. Lubavitcher bochurim with me and were mekarev me on me up one day inviting me to join seized this opportunity to visit a personal level, both in camp and the unofficial Chassidus shiurim the various Jewish camps and— later on. [For example, at the end in the dormitory of Torah Vodaas, unofficially—teach the campers of the summer, right before Rosh where I was learning at the time. Chassidus. (This was before the Hashana, I received a handwritten Dozens of bochurim in Torah Vodaas establishment of Camp Gan Yisroel.) shana tova letter from Rabbi Berel were going to these shiurim— Rabbi Two of the guests in Camp Shemtov —in handwriting that I Moshe Feller, for example, who was Agudah that year were Rabbi Berel would later find out was a copy of a student in Torah Vodaas at the together time (and would later become my— כתב יד קודש Shemtov and Rabbi Yizchak Meir the Rebbe’s with a black, pocket-sized .]

CHESHVAN 5776 14 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER a dayan in Baltimore. He, too, went to the Tanya shiurim, and together we would go to the Rebbe’s farbrengens. At the conclusion of the farbrengen of Acharon Shel Pesach 5716, during kos shel bracha, we approached the Rebbe together with Rabbi Berel דא זיינען צוויי בחרים“,Shemtov, who said פון תורה ודעת, רוטנברג און לו, און זיי ווילען בעטען א ברכה אז זיי זאלען זיין חסידיש'ע Here are two bochurim from] בחורים Torah Vodaas, Rottenberg and Lew, and they would like to request a bracha to be chassidishe bochurim.] Rottenberg]?…רוטנברג און“ and...?]”, the Rebbe asked.

“THE GAN YISROEL FAMILY”. THE THREE LEW BROTHERS (L-R) CHAIM, SHMUEL, AND ELAZAR ZEEV, POSE “Lew,” Rabbi Shemtov answered. FOR A PICTURE WHILE IN CAMP GAN YISROEL FOR THEIR FIRST SUMMER, 5716. [I agree, but they must agree], the Rebbe said, and wished us l’chaim. As the year 5716 progressed, I continued participating in the Chassidus shiurim and going to the Rebbe’s farbrengens, becoming more and more involved.

Interesting. So when did the real transformation happen? In the summer of 5716, the LIBRARY OF AGUDAS CHASIDEI CHABAD CHASIDEI OF AGUDAS LIBRARY Rebbe started Gan Yisroel under CAMPERS AND STAFF POSE FOR A PICTURE AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE FIRST SUMMER OF CAMP GAN YISROEL IN ELLENVILLE, NY; SUMMER 5716. the directorship of Rabbi Moshe Lazar, who was a close family friend. brother-in-law), was very involved— and it was simply fantastic. I loved it. Trusting that a camp under Rabbi and I agreed to join as well. I was so excited, I remember going Moshe Lazar’s direction would have I became a steady participant in the home and telling my mother about it. a positive atmosphere, my mother shiurei Chassidus. These shiurim were Over the course of the farbrengen, decided to send my brothers and taught by various bochurim, including the bochurim encouraged us to come me to Gan Yisroel. (Although Rabbi Berel Shemtov, Rabbi Yehuda to the Yud-Tes Kislev farbrengen with we had previously attended the Krinsky, Rabbi Moshe Bogomilsky, the Rebbe. I went to that farbrengen, Agudah camp, my family wasn’t Rabbi Nachman Sudak a”h, and Rabbi and subsequently began going to specifically connected to it as we ; and each all the Rebbe’s major farbrengens. were not “Agudah’niks” per se.) taught at a different level and with By the way, we weren’t the only their own style. I personally enjoyed Did you have any personal non-Lubavitch family in Gan Yisroel; Rabbi Garelik’s shiur, ultimately relationship with the Rebbe? far from it. In fact, most of the learning with him for two years. Right around that time, I had my campers were kids like us: children Shortly before Yud-Tes Kislev, first interaction with the Rebbe. who learned in Chaim Berlin, Torah the bochurim held a farbrengen for One of my closest friends in Torah Vodaas and other yeshivos, and plenty the talmidim of Torah Vodaas. It was Vodaas was a bochur by the name of of them came from homes that were the first time I was at a farbrengen of Yosef Nachman Rottenberg, a brilliant not frum. To be sure, there were many Chassidim and heard this type of talk, bochur who later went on to become


 THE REBBE’S LETTER THE REBBE VISITS THE SITE OF CAMP GAN YISROEL IN ELLENVILLE, NY; TO ELAZAR ZEEV LEW, 16 TAMMUZ, 5716. RABBI SHMUEL LEW’S YOUNGER BROTHER, IN HONOR OF HIS BAR Lubavitcher children there too, but After MITZVAH WHICH TOOK they were far from the majority. spending that PLACE IN CAMP GAN Now, I’d like to tell you something summer in Gan ISRAEL IN SWAN LAKE, NY, SUMMER 5717. about Gan Yisroel that most people Yisroel, with don’t know. Although camp was only the farbrengens, starting a few days later, the Rebbe shiurei Chassidus, and overall When was your wanted the official opening to be on chassidishe atmosphere, I became first yechidus? Yud-Beis/Yud-Gimmel Tammuz, much closer to Lubavitch. Whereas Towards the beginning of 5717, the Frierdiker Rebbe’s chag hageula, the year before I had only attended Rabbi Gershon Mendel Garelik asked so he instructed that a minyan go to the major farbrengens, now I began me if I would like to go into yechidus camp and make a chanukas habayis coming for many Shabbos farbrengens by the Rebbe in honor of my next on Yud-Beis/Yud-Gimmel Tammuz. as well. In my long treks to Crown birthday. (My birthday was months I was asked to join the trip, which Heights I was accompanied by other away, in Adar, but yechidus had to was on Friday - a school day. I played members of our little Lubavitcher be scheduled months in advance.) hooky, and we all piled into the back of ‘kehilla’ in Williamsburg, which I took Rabbi Garelik up on his a pickup truck for the three hour drive included Rabbi Moshe Feller, offer, and he proceeded to arrange a to Ellenville, getting nicely sunburned and the Blesofsky brothers. date of yechidus for me. But he didn’t in the process. When we arrived in [My family continued going to suffice with making the technical camp we had a seuda in honor of the camp for five or six years thereafter, arrangements, he did much more chanukas habyais, and made it back and we became known as a ‘Gan than that. He—together with the to Brooklyn right before Shabbos. Yisroel’ family. Since both of my other bochurim—taught me how to [A few days later, the Rebbe himself brothers’ birthdays are in the summer, prepare for yechidus like a Chossid. paid his famous surprise visit to the their bar mitzva celebrations were In the months leading up to my Gan Yisroel grounds, but I missed in camp (a fact that the Rebbe yechidus, I took upon myself all types it; I was probably at home playing mentioned in a later yechidus), and of Lubavitcher minhagim: wearing ball or the like, and I heard nothing this served to solidify our family’s woolen tzitzis; giving tzedakah about it. I must tell you that until connection with Gan Yisroel in before davening; preparing negel today, 60 years later, it still bothers particular, and Lubavitch in general.] vasser near my bed. I got involved me that no-one told me about it.] in Atoh [Igud Talmidei Hayeshivos].

CHESHVAN 5776 16 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER Lookng at me he said in yiddish, “What do you think, I said Havaya, so I became a Lubavitcher?”

Additionally, I decided to learn the do. However, the hanhala of Torah maamar Basi Legani 5712 by heart. Vodaas had advised some bochurim I began coming to 770 once a to push it off a year and instead stay week to learn the maamar with in yeshiva full-time, and I asked one of the bochurim, which turned the Rebbe’s advice on what to do. out to be a major push for my My second question was whether budding growth as a Lubavitcher. I should join Tomchei Temimim. Heretofore, my only visits to 770 had Although I myself didn’t feel ready been for the Rebbe’s farbrengens, for such a step, I asked the Rebbe but now I had the opportunity to if it would be a good idea. spend time tzvishen di chevre and become part of the bochurim. [When the bochurim prepared A LETTER SHMUEL LEW RECEIVED FROM THE me for yechidus, they gave me a few REBBE WHILE A COUNSELOR IN CAMP GAN YISROEL IN SWAN LAKE, NY, DATED 15 MENACHEM- pointers, and one of them was not to AV 5717, WHERE HE IS ENCOURAGED TO INSTILL IN sit down, even if the Rebbe told me to. THE CHILDREN YIRAS SHOMAYIM AND A LOVE FOR It was difficult to come to terms with TORAH AND MITZVOS. this idea—if the Rebbe instructs you to do something, how could you not listen? In a way, this was the hardest ‘ir.’] I was very emotional, shaking part of the yechidus for me to accept. with awe and immense feeling. But they assured me that, in any First the Rebbe told me a general case, this was unlikely to happen and horaa: that I should learn Chassidus there was nothing to worry about. for at least ten or fifteen minutes every When I walked into gan eden day, adding that for my birthday, I ha’elyon, the first word the Rebbe should learn an extra shiur of nigleh told me was ‘zitzt’ [sit down]. and Chassidus “at your disposition.” (As per my friends’ instructions, Then the Rebbe addressed I remained standing.)] my question about schooling: Two days before my seventeenth “Regarding what you write about birthday, my time for yechidus arrived. college: This [academic] year, which In my tzetel, I wrote about my concludes in will surely hachanos to yechidus, gave a general remain in Torah Vodaas [—instead description of my situation in life, In contrast to all my later of going to Tomchei Temimim right and asked the Rebbe’s advice on yechidus’n and conversations with away]. In regards to afterwards, if two dilemmas facing me at the the Rebbe, during this first yechidus you’re asking my opinion, I think all [אריינלייגען] time, both regarding yeshiva. the Rebbe addressed me with the you should utilize At the time, I was still planning formal ‘i r,’ instead of the informal your energies in limudei kodesh on becoming a lawyer like my father. ‘du.’ [I went into yechidus 25 or 26 for another year - as you wrote I was thinking about starting night times after that, and I had many - and perhaps even longer.” college following my graduation from more interactions at farbrengens I followed the Rebbe’s instructions high school at the end of the year, as and otherwise, but this was the only and finished the school year in many bochurim at that time would time the Rebbe addressed me as Torah Vodaas, but although I hadn’t

CHESHVAN 5776 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER 17 As I was drawing away, after I had taken two or three דו דארפ'סט עפעס“ ,steps, the Rebbe called out to me and said ”.You must also do something for this“ ,”אויך טאן דערצו

moved to , there What was it that made you The next summer, in 5717, I were many things happening in decide to make such a big again went to Gan Yisroel. After my life that were causing me to change in your life and camp was over and everyone went identify more and more with the become a Lubavitcher? home, I went back to help finish Lubavitcher way of life. I was coming You know, my friends were always packing. While there, Rabbi Avraham to many of the Rebbe’s farbrengens, asking me the same question: ‘What Shemtov and I went on a walk. He learning Chassidus, and spending were you missing before?” Or, “What told me that, in his opinion, the time time with Lubavitcher bochurim. were you running away from?” had arrived for me to join Tomchei Slowly, I was becoming known as My answer has always been that Temimim. “You will end up coming ‘the Lubavitcher’ in Torah Vodaas. nothing was missing in my life to Tomchei Temimim anyways,” One of my teachers was Reb Avrohom before I came to Lubavitch. To the he told me, “but it will bother you Yeshaya Rappaport, a talmid muvhak contrary, I had a very full life: I was that you didn’t join sooner.” of Reb Shimon Shkop (the closeness is a gabbai in the shul, played softball I had already been on the path evident in the fact that he is one of the in the local camp, was active in to Tomchei Temimim, but this was few people mentioned in the hakdama various organizations, and had no the makeh bipatish. I decided to go to Shaarei Yosher). We were learning wish to leave my old life behind. ahead with it. As far as choosing a Maseches Yevamos one day, and as And the truth of the matter is that I specific yeshiva to go to, Newark, the didn’t leave my old life behind, for my predecessor of Morristown, seemed מקיש הוי' ליציאה he read the passage (a hekesh comparing the way one values and way of life stayed the same. to be the obvious choice, since Rabbi acquires a woman with the way she is What learning Chassidus and being by Yosef Rosenfeld—who was a bochur divorced), he looked at me and said the Rebbe accomplished was to take my age—had earlier spoken to me in Yiddish, “What do you think, I said everything I had been doing before about being my chavrusa there. “Havaya”, so I became a Lubavitcher?” and make it much more meaningful. After the summer, on Chof- Gimmel Elul, I wrote a tzetel to the Rebbe detailing my decision to join Tomchei Temimim and asking if I should go to Newark, and, in addition, I wrote about a problem that had arisen. My father wasn’t happy with my decision to go to yeshiva full time, instead of starting college in preparation for a career in law. I asked the Rebbe what to do. Two days later, on Chof-Hei Elul 5717, I got my answer. Regarding the choice of yeshiva, the Rebbe נוארק או מאנטרעאל, כעצת wrote Newark or ,הרר"מ שי' מענטליק Montreal, according to the advice of Rabbi Mentlik sheyichye. Regarding my father, the הדיבור עם אביו שיחי' ,Rebbe wrote the] ,מיוסד על תוכן נוסח ברכת הזן A SIMCHAS BEIS HASHOEVAH FARBRENGEN IN THE SUKKAH, 5715.


conversation with your father should Rabbi Mentlik, I assumed that other considerations. (Maybe the be based on birkas hazan (the first it was to be tested in learning, Rebbe put me through this process bracha in birkas hamazon).] the outcome of which would so that I would see what the bitul What was the Rebbe referring to? determine which place was more of a chassidishe Yid looks like.) Rabbi Hodakov, who, in addition to appropriate for my capabilities. All this transpired at the end of his function of relaying the Rebbe’s I approached Rabbi Mentlik, and Elul 5717, a few days before Rosh answers themselves, was empowered related to him my question to the Hashana 5718. That Tishrei was the by the Rebbe to explain these short, Rebbe and the answer I had received. first one I spent in Crown Heights, and succinct responses—explained it to He asked me (in Yiddish), “In your it was then that I truly experienced me: We say in birkas hamazon that tzetel, did you mention Montreal?” Tishrei with the Rebbe: davening in Hashem feeds every single one of his I.e., was it part of your proposal, or 770, hearing the Rebbe’s tekios on creations. “If Hashem gives parnassa was it wholly the Rebbe’s idea? Rosh Hashana, and participating to the 3 billion people of the world, I said “No”. (In fact, I had never in the Sukkos farbrengens. He can provide parnassa for you as heard of the yeshiva in Montreal At the Simchas Torah farbrengen well, even without a college degree.” until the Rebbe had mentioned it.) at night, I approached the Rebbe’s Hashem is the one who sustains us, “If so,” Rabbi Mentlik place—a common practice then— so there’s nothing to worry about. said, “Montreal.” and asked for a bracha for hatzlacha That was it. The entire episode, in Tomchei Temimim. The Rebbe What was Rabbi the entire “test” I had been nervously answered “Amen, Amen.” (That was Mentlik’s advice on a anticipating, must have taken less than the only time in my life that the choice of yeshiva? thirty seconds. Once Rabbi Mentlik Rebbe wished me a double amen.) As That’s a story for itself. When realized that the Rebbe wanted me I was drawing away, after I had taken the Rebbe had told me to go to to go to Montreal, there were no two or three steps, the Rebbe called

CHESHVAN 5776 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER 19 You should always keep in mind that you are there for a single purpose — to see the

RABBI SHMUEL LEW (R) AT THE TRAIN STATION RABBI SHMUEL LEW (C) AND FELLOW BOCHURIM Rebbe. All other ON HIS WAY TO JOIN YESHIVAS TOMCHEI TEMIMIM BREAK OUT IN A DANCE UPON THEIR ARRIVAL AT LUBAVITCH MONTREAL. RABBI AVRAHAM SHEMTOV THE YESHIVA IN MONTREAL. (L) JOINS HIM AT THE STATION. “horses,” like The Montreal yeshiva would visiting family and דו דארפ'סט עפעס“ ,out to me and said :You must also do travel to the Rebbe four times a year“ ,”אויך טאן דערצו something for this.” In other words, Tishrei, Yud Shevat, Pesach, and the Rebbe had given me the nesinas Yud-Beis Tammuz. But in order to the like, shouldn’t koach, but I would have to work on it. get permission to go, you had to be After Simchas Torah, I went tested in nigleh and Chassidus—both distract you from to Montreal, and an entirely before the trip, in Montreal, and new chapter opened in my life. also during the trip, in New York. your real purpose. Those were geshmake years.. (I was tested in New York by Rabbi Mentlik in nigleh, and by Rabbi Yoel When did you visit New Kahn in Chassidus.) It was a strict York during those years? system; Rabbi Hodakov once saw a bochur in 770 and asked him “Where is your ‘passport?’”—meaning the tests. Without your ‘passport,’ you weren’t allowed to be in New York. We weren’t allowed to “just go”; we prepared ourselves before visiting the Rebbe. This was true even when we weren’t planning on having yechidus - which was most times we came to New York, since yechidus was only once a year. The very fact that we went to the Rebbe demanded preparation. This is an important point in general. It is of critical importance to prepare oneself before going to the Rebbe, and you can’t compare being A LETTER FROM THE REBBE TO SHMUEL LEW UPON by the Rebbe with hachana to without. HIS ARRIVAL IN MONTREAL DATED 20 MENACHEM- Every person must prepare on their AV 5720, WISHING HIM SUCCESS IN HIS STUDIES. own level. Some people are on a higher level where they are expected to do to be tested on three baal THE “PASSPORT” FROM YESHIVAS TOMCHEI more than others; for example, when peh. And he didn’t just have to recite TEMIMIM MONTREAL, CONFIRMING THAT I was in Montreal, my friend Rabbi the maamar; rather, he was asked, PERMISSION WAS GRANTED FOR A BOCHUR TO “What does it say in ois gimmel of this TRAVEL TO THE REBBE. Yitzchok Meir Gourarie was expected

CHESHVAN 5776 20 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER maamar? What does it say in ois ches?” the trip by foot, why not travel with I was the second to last person to He was expected to know it perfectly. a horse and buggy? That way, at least enter yechidus that night, beginning On the other hand, other people’s you’ll be able to see the Rebbe!” my yechidus at about 4:00 a.m. preparation was in basic Yiddishkeit. “After I pass away and come to As I mentioned earlier, my father A big-macher in the UJA once flew shomayim,” the Chossid answered, wasn’t happy about my choice to to New York for yechidus with the “everything that was involved in learn in yeshiva full-time instead of Rebbe to discuss communal affairs. my life will try to take credit for attending college in the evenings, Although he generally didn’t keep my trip to the Rebbe. If I travel and he was even more upset that I kashrus, he refrained from eating the with a horse and buggy, the horse had gone to a yeshiva out of town. treife airline meal on the way to New will take credit as well. Why,” the Because of this, during this visit for York. His reasoning was that it didn’t Chossid concluded, “should I Yud Shevat, I had spent Shabbos with feel appropriate to eat non-kosher have a horse in my Lubavitch?” my parents instead of in 770. The right before going in to the Rebbe. Rabbi Greenglass would explain atmosphere at home was a bit tense. Raphael Nouril is a famous artist that you have to prevent your own In my tzetel that I handed to the living here in England. Originally “horses” from invading your trip Rebbe at the yechidus, I wrote about hailing from Iran, he is a genius to the Rebbe. You should always the difficulties I was having at home, artist who was commissioned to keep in mind that you are there for and the Rebbe addressed this at length. draw portraits of the Shah of Iran’s a single purpose - to see the Rebbe. “My father is fond of family. He became a Lubavitcher later All other “horses,” like visiting Lubavitch,” I said, “however…” in life after experiencing a miracle family and the like, shouldn’t distract The Rebbe finished my of the Rebbe, but many years ago, you from your real purpose. thought: “But not that you when he was still non-observant and should be [a Lubavitcher]?” had yet to become a Lubavitcher, Wow. Thank you for The Rebbe inquired about my he drew a portrait of the Rebbe. those inspiring and very father and my family, and I mentioned Although he was completely relevant words. Can you that my grandfather, R’ Pinchas non-religious, during the time share with us some of the z”l had learned by Rabbi Chaim when he was drawing the Rebbe’s Rebbe’s words to you in Brisker. The Rebbe commented, “He portrait he put on tefillin every day. yechidus from after you [Rabbi Chaim Brisker] had a good He felt that when doing something joined Tomchei Tmimim? relationship with the Chassidim, and so intimately connected to the Sure. My first trip from Montreal the Soloveitchik here [Rabbi Yosef Rebbe, his behavior should be better. to the Rebbe was for Yud Shevat Ber Soloveitchik, a grandson of his] is [This was one of the portraits 5718, and since this was the closest constantly praising the Chassidim.” on which the Rebbe commented time to my birthday that I would Then the Rebbe advised me on “it’s better than the original.”] be in New York, I was scheduled how to deal with the situation at Even people who were completely for yechidus on Sunday, 12 Shevat. home. “Go back to Montreal as soon non-religious understood that going to the Rebbe demands some type of improvement in one’s behavior. In addition to the preparation one must do before traveling to the Rebbe, it’s very important to stay focused during the trip itself. At farbrengens, Rabbi Greenglass used to tell us the story of a Chossid who would always travel to the Rebbe on foot, eschewing travel by horse and buggy. As he got older and walking became more difficult, he went to the Rebbe less frequently. Chassidim asked him, “Now that THE REBBE STANDS IN THE COURTYARD OF 770, GREETING THE CHILDREN RETURNING HOME FROM CAMP you’re older, and you cannot make GAN YISROEL, 5717. RABBI SHMUEL LEW CAN BE SEEN RIGHT BEHIND THE REBBE’S LEFT SHOULDER.

CHESHVAN 5776 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER 21 When I answered that they knew and “People don’t know what liked Rabbi Avrohom Shemtov, the Rebbe said to ask Rabbi Shemtov to invite my father to the farbrengen Chassidim are; they think they and arrange for him to come. [When my father was invited to just sing and dance, much as they the farbrengen by Rabbi Shemtov, the first thing he asked was, “Will are portrayed on television. you send a car?” It’s amazing how the Rebbe’s words were right on target. In the end, a bochur from 770 picked up my parents in his car, and they spent a few hours at the famous farbrengen of Purim 5718. Five weeks later, on Motzei Acharaon Shel Pesach, when I went by the Rebbe at kos shel bracha, the Rebbe asked me, “Did your father repeat something from [the farbrengen on] Purim?” “A little bit,” I replied. “Has it [=the situation] gotten better?” asked the Rebbe. “A bit better.” “Nu,” the Rebbe concluded, “it should become completely better.”] After we had discussed my difficulties at home, the Rebbe gave some hora’os for yeshiva. “Find opportunities to influence

THE REBBE POURS A L’CHAIM FOR RABBI SHMUEL LEW AT THE YUD SHEVAT FARBRENGEN, 5724. others; hashpa’ah is not only for those younger than you, but for friends and others as well.” as possible,” the Rebbe said. “Don’t come to the farbrengens, some with Afterwards, I requested a bracha ”.beards and others without beards ניט קוועטשען‘ ,enter into debates for my sister to have children, and the [don’t squeeze them The Rebbe continued: “[In general“] ’אין קורנער Rebbe asked who her husband was. into a corner”], and don’t get into people don’t know what Chassidim When I replied that he had learned machlokes’in.” The Rebbe repeated this are; they think they just sing and in Nitra [a Chassidishe Yeshiva], the a few times. The Rebbe also instructed dance, much as they are portrayed on Rebbe asked, “Is your father happy me to, “Ask the hanhala to send a television. If your father would come with that? They wear white stockings!” report [to your father] about your to a farbrengen and see the people I explained that he had become a progress in learning, etc. When he there: Americans and non-Americans, baal teshuva while learning in Y.U. sees your success in [yeshiva], he will with beards and without beards; and The Rebbe smiled, and said, “Es realize that college is not for you.” he will hear what is being said, it vet zayn gut” [it will be good]. The Rebbe then asked me, “Has will surely have an impact on him.” your father ever been at a farbrengen?” The Rebbe added that my It’s amazing to hear about “No”, I answered. But I added father could be driven to the the warmth and kiruv you that I had asked him if he would farbrengen in a car—which would experienced in this yechidus. like to go into yechidus. make it easier on him, although it Let’s go back to your time “The request that he speak to might be too early to invite him in Montreal. How long a person whom he doesn’t know for the farbrengen on Purim. [i.e. going into yechidus] is more The Rebbe then asked if my parents did you learn there for? difficult,” the Rebbe said. “On the were close to anyone from Camp Gan I was in Montreal for four years. other hand, all types of people Yisroel (like Rabbi Kehos Weiss). Those were very important years

CHESHVAN 5776 22 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER My yechidus’n on 13 Shevat 5720 and 13 Shevat 5721 were edited by the Rebbe upon my request. I’d like to tell over some of the Rebbe’s guidance on issues that challenge many of us. Thoughts where I have more chayus. If I have in his power to grab onto the One question I asked the more chayus in the maamar that hisorerus and express it in action. Rebbe was how to deal with I learned before davening, that’s Now, in yechidus, I asked the empty or negative thoughts. what I should think about; and if Rebbe how, specifically, to bring it The Rebbe said to learn by heart I find more chayus in the meaning into action. The Rebbe said to do לערן“ ;the first part of Tanya perek 41, of the words, that’s what I should like it says in Hayom Yom learn what he [the ,”וואס איך לערן up to the word hamelech, where focus on. “The main thing”, the the Alter Rebbe speaks about Rebbe said, “is that it should be Rebbe] learns [which creates a with lebbedikeit [liveliness].” tremendous bond unparalleled in ה' ניצב ;the answer to these issues The Rebbe concluded: “You the entire world, as explained in ,עליו...ובוחן כליות ולב אם עובדו כראוי Hashem stands over him...and will see that it’s not as difficult Tanya]; keep the shiurim of ; analyzes his mind and heart to see as you imagine it to be.” and, first and foremost, keep the if he is serving Him as is fitting. sidrei hayeshiva, to such an extent It’s better to learn it word for word, Truth that it will have an effect on others. and say it over from time to time, I also said to the Rebbe that I feel [Since the Rebbe said that in speech or at least in thought. like I’m missing a kernel of truth the first and foremost thing Also, learn by heart a few in everything I do. The Rebbe told for hiskashrus was to keep perakim of Mishnayos and Tanya, me that, in general, the first focus sidrei hayeshiva, I made sure to and think them over when you must be on doing. One of the tricks always be on time for sedarim, walk in the street, during your free of the yetzer hara is to convince and I always woke up for seder time, and between the sedarim of you that since you’re not doing Chassidus, regardless of when I nigleh and Chassidus. A little bit something lishma, you might as well went to bed. When my sister got of light dispels much darkness. not do it at all. The truth is, though, married to Rabbi Moshe Feller, But the main thing is to focus that you must do your avoda the morning after the wedding on it as little as possible. When anyway. As the gemara says and I was in zal for Chassidus. a thought like that falls in your the Alter Rebbe paskens in halacha, I received a reward for my toil. mind, don’t fight it! Just think a person must serve Hashem even On the days the Rebbe went to the about something else, no matter shelo lishma. As you get used to Ohel, he would come to 770 early in what it is: If it’s an inyan in Torah, it, it will eventually be lishma. the morning, at about 7:00 a.m. and that’s surely good; but if that’s not listen to krias haTorah. The morning Hiskashrus possible for whatever reason, think after my sister’s wedding, the Rebbe During the farbrengen of Yud about something else—the weather came in for an early krias haTorah Shevat 5721, the Rebbe spoke at or politics—whatever will divert and I merited to be present there.] length about the idea that when your mind from these thoughts. At the end of the yechidus, I said, a person has a sudden awakening “The Rebbe said that I should learn for hiskashrus to the Rebbe, with Tefilla what the Rebbe learns…?” [I.e. no idea where the urge came I also inquired about which what is it that the Rebbe learns?] from, he should know that it’s I“ ”איך לערן נגלה און חסידות“ inanyim in Chassidus I should be a result of the Rebbe thinking misbonen during davening. The learn nigleh and Chassidus,” about him. He must do everything Rebbe answered that it depends was the Rebbe’s reply.

in my life, the most significant Eventually, I asked the Rebbe learning in Torah Vodaas at the aspect being the teshuka to be through Rabbi Hodakov if I could time, which would enable me to be with the Rebbe, which was a come to learn in New York to be mikarev him. Permission was granted, major part of the atmosphere. closer to my brother, who was and thus, my time in 770 began.

CHESHVAN 5776 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER 23 “I realize that if you break up with her, you will feel a wound,” the Rebbe continued. “But I assure you that, eventually, you will break up with her, and the longer you wait, the deeper the wound will be.” What was it like to Were you also involved in our group was the one of the first learn in 770? hafatza during that time? that started working with students. Overall, we didn’t see the Rebbe After I arrived back in New York, Our group was under the leadership very often. We would see the Rebbe I started getting involved in visiting of Rabbi Berel Baumgarten, who on Monday and Thursday during campuses and talking to students. worked in Tzach, and included krias haTorah, weekday minchas and This was many years before Chabad Yossi Goldstein, Binyomin maarivs, and Shabbos, otherwise, had a presence on campuses, and Klein, Chaim Suede, and others. we only saw glimpses here and Our first Shabbaton was at Penn there. But we always felt the aimas State University. The Conservative hamelech, knowing that the Rebbe rabbi at the Hillel there was formerly was there in 770. Everyone felt a rabbi in Waco, Texas, and he had that 770 was their true home, and met Rabbi Binyomin Klein when he that this was the place where their was on Merkos Shlichus in Waco. innermost neshama expressed itself. After he moved to Penn State, he Every night of yechidus I would invited Rabbi Klein to bring a group make sure to stick around in 770 for a Shabbaton, which was set for the entire time that the Rebbe Shabbos parshas Lech Lecha 5722. was there, and I witnessed the In order to spread the word, hundreds and thousands of people we hung up signs all over campus streaming through 770 to meet the announcing the Shabbaton. The Rebbe, representing all segments RABBI LEW SITS ON THE DAIS AT THE SECOND signs weren’t fancy at all: They were ANNUAL “PGISHA IM CHABAD” PROGRAM, ’s painting of of Jewish life. As they came out of ORGANIZED FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS TO SPEND A yechidus, I would speak to them and WEEKEND IN CROWN HEIGHTS; TEVES 5725. dancing Chassidim, with the words try to glean an anecdote, vort, or “Join us for a Chassidic Experience” piece of advice from the Rebbe. and the time and the place. To our astonishment, over three hundred students showed up for the Friday night meal. It was packed. You have to realize what it was like at the time: This was the early 1960s, only a short time after Chassidim had begun arriving in America, and many people had never seen a Chassidic Jew in their lives, English-speaking Chassidim no less. Curious to see what these Chassidim were, they came in droves. The Shabbaton had a major impact on the students, many of whom eventually became frum, or at least more frum. A few weeks later, about AN EARLY DRAFT OF THE FLYER FOR THE FIRST “PGISHA IM CHABAD” IN 5724, WITH THE REBBE’S ten or fifteen of these students came HANDWRITTEN HAGAHOS. to 770 for a Shabbaton. This was


CHESHVAN 5776 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER 25 the first Shabbaton of students in The Rebbe didn’t force them dreamed of such things! It just shows 770, and it was the seed that would to accept him. But he said, “If how these signs of yemos haMoshiach later grow into the famous pegisha. it were up to me - I would say are happening before our eyes, yet, When the group of students to take him, because he will be because it is occurring slowly, we fail came into New York they went in the first of thousands.” [They to recognize the immensity of it all.] for a yechidus klolis to the Rebbe; accepted him, of course.] afterwards, three students had yechidus When I heard about this story, Fascinating. What happened protis, and two had fascinating stories. I danced with joy. I saw it as a to the other student? The first was Professor Yaakov nevua: who could have foreseen in The second student - we’ll call him Hanoka a”h—”Jack” at the time—a those years, in the early sixties, the R. - had a non-Jewish girlfriend and PhD student at Penn. He was in hundreds and thousands of people he was planning on marrying her r”l. yechidus for about two hours. He who would become baalei teshuva She was thinking of converting, but would go on to have a very deep in the ensuing decades? Who would even a kosher conversion wouldn’t hiskashrus to the Rebbe, like a son to a have dreamed of such a thing? save the situation: he was a Kohen, father, and it all began at that yechidus. [It would be like saying that a prohibited from marrying a convert. The Rebbe suggested that he come would be established in When he went into yechidus, learn in 770, emphasizing that he Moscow and be visited by the Russian after explaining to him that his might instruct other people to learn in Prime Minister; nobody could have status as a Kohen precludes his Yeshiva University or Torah Vodaas,

but he—Yaakov—belonged in 770. RABBI LEW RECEIVES KOS SHEL BROCHA; MOTZAEI SIMCHAS TORAH 5752. This was a radical proposal, for several reasons. First, Yaakov was completely ignorant in Jewish knowledge, lacking the ability to even read the Alef-Beis. Do you know what that meant in those days? Not knowing Hebrew was a serious obstacle to any Jewish learning, since there were very few English sefarim to begin learning from. Second, he would have a hard time learning with most of the bochurim, since three quarters of the population at 770 didn’t even speak English! To top it off, he was much older than most of the bochurim in 770. Yet, the Rebbe decided that he should learn in 770. Every Thursday night, the Rebbe would have yechidus with the hanhala of 770. The next time the hanhala went in to the Rebbe, he asked them if they had received any new applications. When they answered that an application had come in from a Hanoka student, the Rebbe asked if they had accepted him. They answered that they didn’t see how he would fit in; again, he literally did not know Alef-Beis. JEM/THE LIVING ARCHIVE / 160907 / 23 TISHREI, 5752 / 23 TISHREI, 5752 JEM/THE LIVING ARCHIVE / 160907

CHESHVAN 5776 26 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER marrying a convert, the Rebbe did A few weeks went by. A group It was all to no avail, and something very unusual. Gesturing of us was in Pittsburgh for an R. later married her. to the shelves of sefarim all around event at the local university (which A couple of years later, a group of the room, the Rebbe said, “You see attracted a huge crowd, about Merkos shluchim met R., and this is all these books? I’ve learned every two hundred people), and we met how I found out the end of the story. single one of them, yet I cannot R.’s non-Jewish girlfriend. After Shortly after he got married, they become a Kohen.” Only someone introducing herself, she told us that began arguing and quarrelling with born with it has that special merit. R. had a collapsed lung and was in each other. And a fascinating thing “I realize that if you break up the hospital. We made up to visit happened: every time he argued with with her, you will feel a wound,” the him at 3:00 p.m. the following day. her, his lung felt a little bit better. At Rebbe continued. “But I assure you The next day, we went to the one point, they had a major argument that, eventually, you will break up hospital an hour early to try avoiding which led to their separation and with her, and the longer you wait, the girlfriend, but she was in the subsequent divorce, and consequently the deeper the wound will be.” room when we arrived. Nevertheless, his lung was completely healed. This yechidus also lasted Yaakov Hanoka, a good friend According to the doctors, it was as about two hours, and R. related of R.’s, tried his luck at talking if nothing had ever happened. it to me after he came out. him out of marrying the girl. The Rebbe’s words “You will feel a wound” were expressed in a very physical way.

It’s astonishing how much can come out of one night of yechidus! Let’s return to your outreach activities. Those were amazing times. I must have gone with Rabbi Berel Baumgarten to at least twenty campuses: Columbia University in New York, Northwestern in Chicago, College Park in Maryland, and others. We also visited communities and spoke to B’nei Brith groups, and I even remember an event in Manhattan across the street from the U.N. It was hard work. There were probably five shluchim throughout the entire U.S at the time—Rabbi , for example, wasn’t even married yet—and people had no idea about what Chabad was, so pulling people in was difficult. Towards the end of his year in yeshiva, Yaakov Hanoka arranged the first pegisha, where students came to 770 for an “Encounter” [pegisha] with Chabad, and I was the co-chair of the program. The Rebbe was quite involved in it, editing the flyers and informing us if there would be a farbrengen that week. Furthermore, when the students joined the Rebbe’s

CHESHVAN 5776 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER 27 farbrengen, the sichos were tailored When you think about it for a difference can I make at this point? towards them. At one of these moment, you come to realize that How is my doing—or not doing— farbrengens, for example, the Rebbe you are part of the most powerful relevant in the bigger picture?” spoke about teshuva and hora’os that organization in the world - not only This thinking is completely can be learned from the radio. because of its size, but because of its wrong. Every person has unique I think the Rebbe had a special message; because of its continuous kochos and opportunities, and nachas from these early students. motivation to reach more and more no one else can do what they can. people and bring the entire world to The Rebbe would always tell each You were there at the very its ultimate purpose. It’s a fantastic person to look at himself and his beginning of everything... feeling to feel that you belong to station in life, and utilize his unique I always say this to my talmidim such a movement, and you can feel ability to make a difference. and talmidos: when you look at exceedingly proud of who you are. There is a beautiful story that Lubavitch today, you see a colossal The danger is, though, that you illustrates this: Rabbi Krinsky, movement. It includes all different can feel too small and insignificant Lubavitch’s liaison to the media, types of people with varying levels to make a real difference. “There are cultivated a connection with a famous of intellect and style, and there already so many shluchim out there, journalist from the New York Times. are thousands of shluchim spread so many Lubavitchers out there. What At one point, Rabbi Krinsky invited throughout the world. him to meet the Rebbe at a Simchas Torah farbrengen. After introducing him to the Rebbe, Rabbi Krinsky drew away to allow the journalist to speak to the Rebbe privately. The Rebbe told him just one sentence. “You can reach more people than I.” This sentence ‘went into his bones’ and made a major difference in his personal and professional life, because the Rebbe made him aware of where his potential was, and where he could make a unique contribution. [Ultimately, his only son became frum and his grandchildren attended Jewish day schools.] This is the way the Rebbe ON AN ENVELOPE FOR RABBI SHMUEL LEW, THE REBBE CROSSED OUT THE MERKOS ADDRESS, showed us. At every opportunity, AND WROTE “C/O S. LEW”. the Rebbe exhorted and encouraged people to look at their own lives and ask themselves ‘What can I do that no one else can?’ I have come to realize that the youth Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, former of England, was one of the of today have a deep hiskashrus to students who I learned with in my first years in England, and we had a shiur the Rebbe, a profound connection in his room for many years. When he became the new chief rabbi, he had an interview with BBC TV - watched in their neshama, more than by millions of people throughout the U.K. and beyond - and they asked people twenty-five, forty-five, him, “What made you, a brilliant and even fifty-five years ago. Cambridge graduate, become a rabbi?” CHESHVAN 5776 28 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER In answer to their question, he told them about his first yechidus with the Rebbe. At the time, he was doing a program on Jewish leadership where he interviewed fifteen or twenty Jewish leaders, asking each one of them about twenty questions he had prepared. When he went in to the Rebbe, after he finished his list of questions, the Rebbe said, “Now let me ask you a question: what do you propose to do to enhance Jewish life in Cambridge?’ This question turned his life around. It was the first time he realized that it’s not enough to

be someone who ‘belongs’ and is JEM/THE LIVING ARCHIVE / 152681 affiliated with —ashreinu ma RABBI LEW RECEIVES LEKACH FROM THE REBBE; 19 TISHREI 5750. tov chelkeinu, a lucky member of the Jewish nation. Rather, he must be a served as an excuse to not fully serve Hashem now? We cannot make producer, a creator, a leader himself. utilize my current opportunities. any excuses for not doing our avoda. “Good leaders create followers,” Rabbi Throughout all the years, you could And the reality is that this Sacks said. “But great leaders create always choose to focus on what you generation of Chassidim truly leaders.” The Rebbe made him realize didn’t have. In the early years, every is mekushar to the Rebbe. that he must be a leader, and take bochur could go into yechidus once When Gimmel Tammuz an active position in Yiddishkeit. a year, but usually only for a minute happened, I thought that there And this is the Rebbe’s or two, and it felt a bit remote— would be two types of people: message for every one of us. only two or three minutes a year! those before Gimmel Tammuz and Afterwards, when bochurim could no those who came afterwards. That Do you feel that young longer enter yechidus, those short was my thinking as a mechanech. people today, after yechidus’n were what everyone missed. Today, though, I have come to Gimmel Tammuz, are able True, It’s impossible to compare realize that the youth of today have to reach the same level this with the terrible situation after a deep hiskashrus to the Rebbe, a of chassidishkeit and Gimmel Tammuz. But the point is the profound connection in their neshama, hiskashrus as in your days, same: we cannot allow the current more than people twenty-five, forty- when the Rebbe’s physical situation to serve as an excuse to five, and even fifty-five years ago. presence was felt so closely? lose focus of our avoda. We have to Anyone I have spoken to about this I experienced a similar type look at the present reality, and think has agreed with me. I see tremendous of issue when I was a bochur. It to ourselves, “This is the situation dedication to the Rebbe’s work, more bothered me that I wasn’t there I am in now - it’s the only show in than when I was a bochur. I see this when the Rebbe was becoming town. Given my current situation hiskashrus in the bochurim I farbreng Rebbe to sign a ksav hiskashrus to now, what can I do to utilize my with, in the talmidos in my school - in the Rebbe, and this hergesh was one potential to the fullest extent?” the way they give me pani’m to take to .the Rebbe, and in many other ways ועתה ישראל ,of the reasons that, in one of my It says in the passuk Now, Yisrael, A large proportion of them have it in] מה ה' אלוקיך שואל מעמך abovementioned yechidus’n, I asked the Rebbe’s bracha for hiskashrus. what is Hashem demanding of a revealed way, and even those who However, as the years passed, you]. We have to look at ourselves don’t—it’s simply more reserved and I realized that this hergesh was and recognize the opportunities hidden. But the deepest part of them not a correct one; it was really a we do have, and elevate them and is their connection with the Rebbe. diversion and distraction from utilize them to the fullest extent. This is a very special generation. my own avoda, and it might have Our attitude has to be, what is required from me now? How can I Thank you, Rabbi Lew.

CHESHVAN 5776 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER 29 מִּקֵץ ׁשֶבַע ׁשָ נִיםּבְ מֹעֵד ׁשְ נַת הַ ּשְׁמִּטָהּבְחַג הַּסֻ ּכֹות; ּבְבֹוא לכָ יִׂשְרָ אֵ ל... הֵהַקְ לאֶ ת הָ עָ םהָ אֲ נָׁשִ יםוְ הַ ּנָׁשִ ים וְ הַ ּטַ ף וְגֵרְָך אֲׁשֶר ּבִׁשְעָרֶ יָךלְמַעַ ןיִׁשְמְ עּו ןּולְמַעַ יִלְמְ דּו וְיָרְ אּו תאֶ ה' אֱֹלקֵ יכֶ ם וְׁשָמְ רּו לַעֲׂשֹותאֶ ת ּכָל ּדִ יבְרֵ ההַּתֹורָ הַ ּזֹאת )וילך לא, י-י"ב(. JEM/THE LIVING ARCHIVE / 139499 JEM/THE LIVING ARCHIVE / 139499


ROYAL TORAH we’re all alike, and Hakhel—the Rambam writes—is Why would the king read the Torah? Lead like the day that Torah was given initially at Har the people, judge them—sure. But Torah? Sinai. For this reason too, the king is the one who Leave that to the Sanhedrin. Usually, that’s the restates it. We connect to our teachers by way of way it would work; the king would enforce our minds, understanding and then internalizing the law and the Sanhedrin would teach it. what they’ve communicated. In this, as mentioned Hakhel is different though, and here’s why: above, there are differences. Our association There are two types of : one which with the king, however, has nothing to do with focuses on understanding Torah, and the other is understanding; our whole essence is under his reading Torah shebichsav, which does not require dominion. He therefore is the best candidate to comprehension. In this second category everyone read the Torah at Hakhel, as everyone is uniform in is equal. You may be smarter than me, but we their subjugation to him. The king then symbolizes both read the same words in a Torah scroll. the oneness of Jews better than any teacher can. Because the emphasis of Hakhel is Jewish unity, (Based on Likutei Sichos, Vol 19 pg. 301) the portion read is from Torah shebichsav, in which q

CHESHVAN 5776 30 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER HAKHEL AT ITS BEST - A WHAT CAN I DO? - TIMELY CONNECTION FARBRENGEN IN HAKHEL Cheshvan is when the real test of Hakhel begins; 5748 was a year of Hakhel. On Shabbos, 15 when we’ve left all the hype and hubbub of Tishrei Cheshvan, the Rebbe encouraged the Chassidim behind and returned to our normal lives. Historically, to seize the opportunity and hold farbrengens the 7th of Cheshvan was the day the last pilgrims on or around Chof Cheshvan, the birthday of reached their homes upon returning from aliya the Rebbe Rashab. These farbrengens were to be leregel. While in the Beis Hamikdash it was easy to utilized to inspire one another to add in Torah feel the unity, here is Hakhel’s defining moment; can and mitzvos, hafatzas hamaayanos, and learning we feel one with all Jews after Tishrei, once we’ve the Chassidus of the Rebbe Rashab in particular. left Yerushalayim, “ir shechubra la yachdav—the city The Rebbe specified that the gatherings be done that breeds togetherness?” Hakhel isn’t just about a with many in attendance, in the spirit of that ceremony that happened on Sukkos, it’s a feeling that year, Hakhel, and that the “rov am” would cause permeates the whole year. Cheshvan accords us the a joy that would inspire the days to follow. opportunity to truly live up to Hakhel’s challenge. (Based on Hisvaaduyos 5748, vol. 1, pg. 455) (Based on Hisvaaduyos 5748, vol. 1, pg. 423) q q


CHESHVAN 5776 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER 31 הוראות והדרכות Guidance from the Rebbe

Financial Difficulties on Shlichus Often, a mosad or shliach expands beyond available funding. The Rebbe explains how to continue growing in the face of financial obstacles.

Mountain Climbing that every year, you must increase supporter along with his shliach, You shouldn’t suffice with what the number of students as well as during yechidus of MIDF: you’ve already accomplished; rather, the studies. Even the deficit must I would like a blessing to influence there must be periodical growth. A increase each year, for this signifies anash — the Chabad community — to lack of added activity demonstrates a living being; when he is fed or send their children to our new school. a lack of liveliness, since every living given to drink, it quiets his hunger You refer to them as anash. [The אנשי שלומנו stands for אנ"ש [thing grows. Furthermore, if there is or thirst for some time, after which word no added activity then not only are he is once again hungry or thirsty. (“men of our peace”). When are you not growing, you are, in fact, in The Rebbe, my father-in-law, they anash, men of our peace, in a state of decline, to the extent that said that he was always in debt, but the plural? When they’re at peace you might need to be told “there never went bankrupt. Bankruptcy with you, at peace with me, at peace ,[since with him [pointing at the shliach (”דאס טויגט נישט“) needs to be a yeshiva”, for, in truth, cannot occur you don’t have a yeshiva at all. it interrupts the continuation of so you should sit down and talk This can be compared to someone activities. However, one must be in peacefully. May there be good travelling along a mountain slope debt, for one must always find new tidings and the sooner the better. —he cannot stay in one place; he activities and new obligations, which The school is still in debt either climbs or falls. If he chooses will cause him to remain in debt.1 and we need a blessing. not to continue, not only will he not May you have much success and all Operating at a Deficit advance, but he won’t even remain the funding you need. My father-in- Excerpts from conversations with in place - instead he will fall down. law used to say that he was involved the Rebbe. The Rebbe’s words are in …Since this is the case, the only in communal work since the age of regular font. The following is from way not to fall is by increasing both fifteen and he always operated at a a conversation with a Lubavitch in quality and in quantity. This means deficit. But he always covered the

CHESHVAN 5776 32 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER deficit and then ran a new deficit of] much true nachas – chassidishe There should be a shiur specifically for the new year. So may it be for nachas – from your children.3 between mincha and ma’ariv, you; there’s nothing to be afraid because some congregants will not of. Do it with joy and gladness. Administration According be there before mincha, and after Amen to Shulchan Aruch ma’ariv the men hurry home.5 A sweet new year.2 A reply to an administrator of a mosad, who unsuccessfully Debts in Rambam Take on New Debts attempted to extricate it from A reply to someone who wrote I ask for the Rebbe’s blessing to the debt in which it sunk. that he has many monetary debts. raise the money we need soon. [Your financial difficulties are] [Version 1:] When you will It should be in a good way; provide not a matter [caused by] segulah complete [repaying] your “debts” in food to Jews in joy and happiness. May [roughly: fortune], but rather Rambam study, you will complete you bear good tidings all your life. cause-and-effect [-the result of [repaying] your physical debts.6 I owe $70,000. your actions]; If the mosad is one [Version 2:] You should repay You’re intimidated by such to which I have a connection, and your debts in Rambam.7 an amount? G-d is estimated to money isn’t earned according to be a lot wealthier than that. In Shulchan Aruch, the results will The Solution — to any case, may you pay the debts be as they’ve been [negative].4 Increase in Hafatza and then take on new debts to You are certainly aware that for spread Judaism even more. many years you’ve been getting into YOU’RE [debt], repaying it, immediately Financing Tomchei Tmimim increasing in hafatza, creating You write regarding the financial INTIMIDATED BY new debt, and repaying it. situation; debts, etc. Although it is SUCH AN AMOUNT? You’ve successfully done this for obviously difficult and upsetting, such decades, — in your words, you are is the situation in Tomchei Tmimim, G-D IS ESTIMATED “accustomed to miracles”—, and אראנו the year of] תשא"נeven in the American branches. As the TO BE A LOT specifically in [”I will show you wonders“ – נפלאות elder Chassidim retell, such was the situation in gashmiyus for the majority WEALTHIER THAN you write a letter whose contents of the existence of the yeshiva. Yet are the opposite of the above! not only did it remain open, but THAT... PAY THE You will certainly return to your it grew and developed. Certainly, DEBTS AND THEN usual practices, and you will continue through the great [Heavenly] to be accustomed to wonders etc. etc.8 mercy aroused by the Rabbeim, TAKE ON NEW DEBTS Sell a Mosad? Never! the yeshiva will grow and develop TO SPREAD JUDAISM even more, in all of its branches. A reply to Reb Zalmon Jaffe, Everyone who puts in effort and EVEN MORE... who, following financial hardships, labors at this holy work is fortunate; wanted to sell a mosad to the bank, we’ve already seen the outstandingly and then rent it monthly (for a more great success that you’ve had in Shiurim are the Vessel affordable sum) from the bank. the initial stages of constructing Rabbi Dovid Edelman relates: The Rebbe gives numerous reasons a building, a large part of which In a yechidus, I told the Rebbe why this should not be done: has already been completed. It will about the difficult economic status Selling the house is: 9 certainly be completed in the near of the mosdos. The Rebbe said: 1) A public announcement that future, and the reward for those who From the standpoint of Heaven, the [sellers] are surrendering the participate [in the project] is detailed there is no shortage of goodness strength of Lubavitch in Manchester, in many places. It is inestimably great, [to give you], however, vessels [furthermore, if you sell the building,] as it is in the measure of Hashem, in a need to be prepared to contain how will you consistently provide the bracha. These [vessels] are them with a building, with rent ,(מדה כנגד מדה) corresponding measure but many times over, [with blessings shiurim that are taught in public. paid in advance to the bank , so The Rebbe specified: that they’ll be able to learn Tanya

CHESHVAN 5776 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER 33 FROM THE there and daven etc. [without and nature, in the near future there needing to concern themselves will be a devaluation10 of the GB STANDPOINT OF with financing the building]. Pound Sterling — and who knows HEAVEN, THERE 2) [Only possible if you can how much the amount you would give them] a guarantee10 that they receive (if, G-d forbid, you would IS NO SHORTAGE will always have this building and sell the building) will be worth [once 11 12 OF GOODNESS money for rent — a guarantee that the Pound goes down in value]. no-one can make these days, given Don’t Sell any Part [TO GIVE YOU], the recent changes in England. 3) Replacing mortgage payments of the Building HOWEVER, (which lessen the debt owed on Needless to say the fact that your VESSELS NEED the house) with rent payments question as to the advisability of [which don’t go towards eventual selling part of the lot belonging to the TO BE PREPARED ownership] — this runs contrary to shul remained unanswered can only TO CONTAIN simple logic and business sense. have one explanation, and that is that 4) [Also inadvisable because of I am completely unreceptive to the THE BRACHA. the following reason, which is] Not idea. Indeed, it surprises me that there to be publicized – according to logic should have been any doubt in your mind about it, since you know that our slogan is “u’foratzto” which means expansion and new acquisitions, rather than contraction or sale. In general, I believe that even from a purely financial viewpoint, there is no need to have any regrets, inasmuch as judging by your past experience, the transaction would not have been a success, and would have entailed problems; for what pressure could you apply upon the would-be buyers to observe and fulfill all the terms meticulously!13

1. Toras Menachem vol. 18 p. 127 2. Living Torah video, Disk 118, Program 470. 3. Igros Kodesh vol. 13 p. 6 4. From a facsimile of the Rebbe’s holy handwriting, published in the Simpson – Chasdan teshurah, 5768, p. 4 5. Hiskashrus issue #972 6. From Rabbi M. M. Gluckowsky 7. From Rabbi S. Lipsh 8. Dvar Melech (5752) vol. 1 p. 67 9. Emphases are in the original. 10. This word is in English in the original. 11. The value of the Pound Sterling went from $2.44 at the end of 1980, to a low of $1.03 in 1985. This letter was written on Chol Hamoed Sukkos 5740 – 1979. 12. Rivkin – Simpson Teshurah (Also printed in Mr. Manchester) THE REBBE SEES OFF THE GROUP OF “SHLUCHEI KODESH” LEAVING TO ERETZ YISROEL, 11 SHEVAT 5736. 13. Mr. Manchester (in the original English).

CHESHVAN 5776 34 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER להאירם במאור שבתורה זוהי תורת החסידות והנהגה החסידותית און ארום חסידות ארום חסידות “—אג"ק חכ"א עמ' רכז

The Frierdiker Rebbe relates some of his memories from the year 5669. At that time in his life he was working closely with his father, the Rebbe Rashab, as his personal secretary. In his unique way, the Frierdiker Rebbe paints a picture of what it was to be a Yid in and specifically a Chossid. Although nothing can substitute for the original, we have attempted to take you on that journey as well. This segment is titled: The Approach of a Chossid

father’s work in the year 5669 was one of circles on questions involving the economic situation of My outstanding importance, including his efforts Russian Jewry. on behalf of Jewry at large. My father spent the last three winter months in various In the month of Cheshvan a secret meeting took health spas abroad, and during his stay in Germany place in Lubavitch and my father presided over it. The he discussed the platform of Machzikei HaDas with participants were a number of rabbanim, as well as some rabbanim and communal activists. Those several weeks wealthy businessmen with a sound grasp of communal of exertion weakened my father considerably, so he was endeavors. The objective was to hear and discuss a report compelled to extend his stay abroad by several days. involving several weighty issues. Finally, on Wednesday morning, the ninth of Nissan, Since I was my father’s personal secretary, the we left Berlin via Koenigsburg, Dvinsk, Vitebsk and coordinator of the office, and one of its five active Rudny, and at 6:00 on Thursday evening, the tenth of workers, I was directed by my father to familiarize the Nissan, we arrived at Lubavitch. attendees with the following three primary issues: (a) As we drove through a few of the Jewish streets of the how to organize the ground-work and the elections for township of Rudny we saw tables and benches outside the forthcoming rabbinical conference; (b) the manner every house, some already washed, some being washed. In and extent of our involvement in the preparations the streets where gentiles lived there was nothing of this and elections for the forthcoming Duma, the Russian activity to be seen. parliament; and (c) amendments to the regulations that As we drove out of the town, taking the road to had been instituted by the rabbanim of Germany, led by Lubavitch, my father said: “I will tell you a story that I HaRav Breuer, for Machzikei HaDas, the organization that heard from my father some 30 or 32 years ago.” my father had left two years earlier. At this point in his diary, the Frierdiker Rebbe pauses with The meeting lasted for five days, in the course of which the story and explains what he heard then, that every story decisions were reached on all the above subjects. The has to contain a lesson in avodah. He then goes on to detail necessary budget was drawn up and the office was charged the lesson they took from the incident and then continues with carrying all these decisions through. with the story: A Difficult Winter From Shul to Shul The winter months were spent dealing with the above Here, then, is the story, as my grandfather told it to my tasks, as well as in routine representations in government father.

CHESHVAN 5776 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER 35 When I was in Marienbad I decided exchanging stories. From there I Chassidim with white beards. Though that I would travel home via Vienna went on to a second and third shtibel, it was not a warm day, their long coats and Warsaw, visiting Berditchev on everywhere finding old and young were tucked up, and on their feet they the way. The entire trip was to be alike studying and likewise spending wore nothing more than shoes and without anyone’s knowledge, aside for their time in positive talk. socks. They were carrying a big bucket Reb Pinchas Leib (the assistant gabbai This went on for quite some time, of water, and talking excitedly. This of the Rebbe Maharash), who would as I wandered from one kloiz to the scene attracted my interest: I could tell accompany me throughout. next. I engaged a few individuals here that these were no common water- Arriving in Berditchev very early and there in conversation—some of carriers. Moreover, as they walked, in the morning, I drove to a hotel, them elder Chassidim, some of them the younger people who accompanied davened shacharis, and went to the younger—asking them questions them kept on offering to carry the resting place of the Rav of Berditchev. about whatever they happened to bucket instead of them, but were When I left the Ohel I went to see be studying at the time, and often constantly refused. the shtiblach of the local Poilisher receiving answers that showed me they After quite a long walk they turned Chassidim. In the first little shul had a firm grasp of their subject. into an alley, where a few houses I visited I found quite a number I was about to return to my hotel down I saw several elderly men who of people sitting and studying, to rest, for there remained a few hours had taken off the long black coats while others were indulging in until my train was due to depart, that usually covered their tzitzis; they the conversation of Chassidim or when I caught sight of several elderly had rolled up their sleeves, and were


CHESHVAN 5776 36 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER washing the floor and the walls of the “After all, young people do need to be I noticed that right next to their kloiz house at which we had arrived. brought up in the ways of Chassidim, there was a well. don’t they? For their sake, older “Why did you have to bring the No help needed Chassidim ought to have mesirus water from so far,” I asked the old folk, I found out after a moment’s nefesh.” “if you have water right here?” wonderment that this was a shtibel of “The reason that we are doing this The same old man answered me: Tolna Chassidim. Speaking with some ourselves,” they answered, “and not “Reb Baruch Yossel, one of our well- of those that had brought the water, through hired laborers, is that we want to-do Chassidim, asked and promised I saw at once that these were Torah to have healthy angels to help out the that if we would take water from his scholars, and Chassidim through-and- advocating angels who come out of the well—both today, in preparation for through. When I asked them what was tekios of the shofar.” the Rebbe’s arrival, and tomorrow, the going on, they told me that since their One of them explained: “You know first day of the Rebbe’s visit—then in Rebbe was due to visit their town the the ‘Yehi Ratzon’ that is said after the honor of the Rebbe he would prepare a next day, they wanted to put their kloiz tekios of Rosh HaShanah, the one that big festive meal for all the Chassidim, in order, in proper condition to receive mentions ‘the angels that are formed at his expense.” such an honored guest. from the blowing of the shofar, and “So why are you doing all of this from the tekiah, the shevarim, the Our Unique Outlook yourselves instead of giving the teruah, and the tekiah, and from Having finished recounting this i.e., the initials of these incident as he had heard it from his] קשר״ק younger men a turn?” I asked them. the four names of the various kinds of father, the Rebbe Maharash, my father sounds of the shofar]? Well, one Rosh now commented: HaShanah the holy Rav of Berditchev “We may gauge the impression that said: ‘Sweet Father, compassionate this encounter made upon my father Father! Just in case the angels that from the fact that he related it in all come out from the shofar that Levi its details. Moreover, when he had Yitzchak ben Sarah has just blown, completed his narration he said to me: are weak angels, then let their place be ‘Here we can plainly see what spiritual taken by the holy, healthy angels that forces the Baal Shem Tov drew down were created by the toil of Your people in this world, both for the Rebbe’s and in preparation for Pesach, as they for the Chassidim, so that both the cleaned their kitchen utensils in order recipients and their mentors should– to fulfill their mitzvah as perfectly as and will indeed–ready the world for possible, kratzen (scouring), shobben the coming of Moshiach, speedily and (scraping), reiben (rubbing) kasheren in our own days, Amen!’” for the initials of For a long while now my father —] ׳!(making kosher) these four Yiddish words are likewise remained silent, deep in thought. Then :he said .[קשר״ק “As for us,” the old Chossid “Regarding the question I asked concluded, “we are doing all of this for the elderly Chossid as to why they the sake of His Name, and for the sake didn’t get the work done through of his servant, our Rebbe (may he be hired men, it was answered well, but blessed with good health).” regarding the question I posed about [My grandfather, the Rebbe allowing the younger Chassidim to Maharash resumed his recollections, have this opportunity he did not give as repeated to me by my father.] any answer at all. This is because the mesirus nefesh needed to give yourself The Wealthy Man’s Well away for the benefit of a younger As I contemplated these person is brought about only through Chassidim, the whole scene before me Chassidus Chabad.” left a remarkably favorable impression. (Likutei Diburim vol 1. p. 256. based But then, when I was about to leave, on the English translation by Kehos).

CHESHVAN 5776 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER 37 “It is a book in small format—just as a Chossid must be in his self-estimation—yet it is overflowing with pearls and precious stones of the best and greatest worth in quality.

“...Hashem blessed my son-in-law...and gave him great powers, which allowed for the building and the founding of a resplendent Chassidic mansion, which contains 383 rooms, in a way which ‘yom yom yabia omer,’ each day ‘says something.’

“This is the meaning of Hayom Yom, so to say, ‘today, is a day...’”

—A letter by the Frierdiker Rebbe, 28 Nissan 5703 Hayom Yom

תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר שבט . סיון . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . אב . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אב . תמוז . אב . אלול . . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . סיון . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון חשון . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אב . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אב . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אב . אלול . . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אב . אלול . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . סיון . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . חשון . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . חשון . אב . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אב . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אב . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אב . אלול . . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . אייר . סיון . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . סיון . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . חשון . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אב . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אב . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אב ניסן . אייר . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אב . אלול . . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . סיון . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . סיון . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . שבט . . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . חשון . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אב . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אב . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אב . אלול . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . סיון . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . חשון . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . חשון . . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אב . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אב . אלול . . טבת . שבט . אדר . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אב LIBRARY OF AGUDAS CHASIDEI CHABAD CHASIDEI OF AGUDAS LIBRARY THE FIRST PRINT OF HAYOM YOM IN 5703.


תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר שבט . סיון . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . אב . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אב . תמוז . אב . אלול . . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . סיון . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון חשון . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אב . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אב . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אב . אלול . . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אב . אלול . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . סיון . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . חשון . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . חשון . אב . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אב . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אב . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אב . אלול . . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . אייר . סיון . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . סיון . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . חשון . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אב . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אב . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אב ניסן . אייר . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אב . אלול . . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . סיון . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . סיון . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . שבט . . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . חשון . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אב . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אב . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אב . אלול . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . סיון . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . תמוז . אב . אלול . תשרי . חשון . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . חשון . . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אב . אלול . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אב . אלול . . טבת . שבט . אדר . תשרי . חשון . כסלו . טבת . שבט . אדר . ניסן . אייר . סיון . תמוז . אב

o date, t­­­­­­he Rebbe’s teachings have been disseminated in numerous ways; be it through the sichos spoken, the Tletters written, or the various forms of spreading Yiddishkeit that the Rebbe initiated. Each is unique in its own style, and much has been written to attempt to describe—at least in simple words—what they each portray.

Along with all of these, and at their head, stands a small ‘booklet’—the ‘first fruit’ of the Rebbe’s published works: A yearbook for the year 5703, called by the name of Hayom Yom. As the Frierdiker Rebbe instructed, the objective and purpose of the sefer are written in the title: Hayom Yom—Luach Or Zarua L’Chassidei Chabad.


INITIATIVE am relying on the G-dly success that Rebbe was living in Nazi-occupied Acharon Shel Pesach 5700. A has baruch Hashem been given to Paris. On the day after Acharon month and a half after escaping the me, that everything that I reckon is Shel Pesach, the Rebbe wrote to European inferno, the Frierdiker good for the masses in Torah, yir’as Reb Dovber Chaskind, asking Rebbe addressed those present Shamayim, and Yiddishe parnasah him to please send the Frierdiker at a farbrengen. He spoke1 about in general, and for Chassidim in Rebbe’s sichos and maamarim from the special distinction of the particular, may Hashem help that the days preceding Pesach. day, and noted that the Rabbeim it be fulfilled sooner or later…” Over a year of wanderings, throughout the generations attached The Chassidim were surprised by trials and tribulations would pass a unique significance to the festive the Frierdiker Rebbe’s words; what before the Rebbe would safely reach meal of Acharon Shel Pesach. would be the distinction of this likkut, American shores. Around a year Then he surprised the listeners; requiring such an extraordinary and a half later, on Motzaei Yud-Tes 2 it has become necessary, he said, to compiler, they could only guess. Kislev, 5703 , the Frierdiker Rebbe assemble Chabad customs, together Long months ensued, and the wrote to the Rebbe with a directive: with short stories and pisgamim, Frierdiker Rebbe’s desire remained The compendium, which he into a single work, fully arranged in a wish; the superior individual had spoken of almost three years accordance to our day to day lives. who was to perform this holy earlier, was to be his responsibility. “This organized collection can mission had yet to be revealed. The Frierdiker Rebbe detailed be produced only by a profound what he expected: The likkut should pnimi and a highly organized person THE HOLY MISSION be organized in a form of a yearly endowed with expansive wisdom. I When the Frierdiker Rebbe spoke calendar, containing the newly those words, his son-in-law the publicized daily shiurim of Chitas;

CHESHVAN 5776 40 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER IT IS A BOOK IN SMALL FORMAT - JUST AS A and precious stones of the best and greatest worth in quality. CHOSSID MUST BE IN HIS SELF-ESTIMATION “...Hashem blessed my son-in-law... – YET IT IS OVERFLOWING WITH PEARLS and gave him great powers, which allowed for the building and the AND PRECIOUS STONES OF THE BEST founding of a resplendent Chassidic AND GREATEST WORTH IN QUALITY. mansion, which contains 383 rooms, in a way which ‘yom yom yabia omer,’ each day ‘says something.’ minhagim; and brief ‘vertelach’ Kazarnovsky brought him the sefer, “This is the meaning of Hayom from Chassidus. The Frierdiker he exclaimed “Ah! Such day-to-day Yom, so to say, ‘today, is a day...’” Rebbe also supplied the title: “The spiritual sustenance!” On another The Frierdiker Rebbe himself gave luach which you will compile shall occasion, the Frierdiker Rebbe praised instructions as to how to internalize be known by the name Hayom the Hayom Yom to Rabbi Hodakov and live with the message of that Yom–Luach Or Zarua L’chassidei with a distinctive niggun: “Hayom particular day. In his replies he would Chabad” (a calendar with implanted Yom—each day is a full day.” sometimes quote that day’s entry and light for Chabad Chassidim). A short while after the Hayom Yom base his responses upon its teachings. The Rebbe immediately began was printed, the Frierdiker Rebbe 6 On a communal level, the to work; choosing and amassing wrote admiringly to the librarian, Frierdiker Rebbe encouraged luminous gems from all of the Alexander Hakohen (as mentioned Chassidim to delve deeply into it. In Frierdiker Rebbe’s teachings most at the beginning of the article): a Yud-Tes Kislev sicha years later, the of which were not yet published at “You’ve certainly received by Rebbe attested to the fact that “the the time, drawing as well from his now Hayom Yom. It is a book in Frierdiker Rebbe ordered the printing own archive of notes, the Reshimos small format—just as a Chossid and distribution of Hayom Yom with (see Derher Tammuz 5775). must be in his self-estimation— the fullest possible shturem!” Indeed, One by one, minhagim, stories, yet it is overflowing with pearls and aphorisms began assuming the shape of the luach. We do not know much about the editing and publishing of the sefer. In a letter3 three years later to Reb Yaakov Landau, the Rebbe reveals that “all of the customs that I published in Hayom Yom were put in upon the directive of my father-in-law, the Rebbe, and he reviewed them once more before going to print. There were some that he instructed me to remove, saying that they are not a hora’ah larabim.” Many decades later, in 5749, the Rebbe added in a sicha4, that “this sefer’l, which was printed in the lifetime of the nasi hador, who scrutinized it even in the minutest aspects”. The Rebbe worked intensely for three months, investing “great e ffor t .” 5 By Yud-Alef Nissan of that year, the work was published. The Frierdiker Rebbe was overjoyed; when Reb Shlomo Aharon JEM/THE LIVING ARCHIVE / 102256 / 16 ADAR, 5709 / 16 ADAR, JEM/THE LIVING ARCHIVE / 102256

CHESHVAN 5776 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER 41 mood, holding a small package in war. The next printing took place his hand. “My brother sent me his twelve years later, in 5717; in it was first composition!” he called out to an updated version of the shalsheles uncomprehending onlookers. A few hayachas, completing the toldos of the moments passed, and his expression Frierdiker Rebbe, and also adding the became suddenly somber. “Nu? What toldos of the Rebbe up to that year. happened?” the Chassidim asked. Over the years, Hayom Yom was “How sad”, he sighed, “that no one published in many editions, and—as perceives what is concealed inside it.” the years went on—also in different Indeed, this wonderful sefer, languages; English, Hebrew, French which—upon first glance—may and Spanish, as well as in Braille, so strike one simply as a book of nice that every single individual may find sayings, is nevertheless filled will it accessible and understandable. much genius and vast wide-ranging On the occasion of the publishing knowledge. Whenever the Frierdiker of the English translation in 5748, the Rebbe mentioned Hayom Yom and Rebbe dedicated a sicha9 to the Hayom the Rebbe as its author, he chooses to Yom of that day, which was essentially bestow upon him the title “Hagaon.” the first time that the Rebbe spoke directly about the sefer in public. ­­­A PNIMI Throughout the years before then, THE REBBE’S HANDWRITTEN NOTE ON THE TITLE The shaar blatt of the initial the Rebbe generally did not speak PAGE OF HIS PERSONAL HAYOM YOM, EXPLAINING printing of Hayom Yom did not have clearly about the sefer. There were WHY THE ORDER FOR THE YEAR 5704 IS SPELLED the specific design unique to the times, however, when the Rebbe would :תד"ש Rebbe’s sefarim, as did the publications mention minhagim that were printed ולא תש"ד ע"פ ציווי כ"ק מו"ח אד"ש "אז printed in later years. It seems that the in it. For example, regarding the עס וועט קומען די צייט - וועלען אלע entire idea of different designs for each daily shiur of Chumash in regards to פארשטייען". of the Rabbeim was an idea which Simchas Torah: Do we begin learning [ACCORDING TO THE [FRIERDIKER - תש"ד NOT REBBE’S COMMAND: “WHEN THE TIME WILL COME, began in 5705, with the publishing of parshas Bereishis immediately after ALL WILL UNDERSTAND.” the Rebbe Maharash’s maamarim. the finishing of the Torah during The first of the Rebbe’s works to kriah, or do we start learning it only at the Shavuos farbrengen of 5703, bear his unique design is the Hagadah the next day? In Hayom Yom it 7 the Frierdiker Rebbe commented Shel Pesach, which was published clarifies that Bereishis is started on that those observing Hayom Yom’s in 5706. The story is told, that the the day after Yom Tov. The Rebbe daily sessions have a wholly different Rebbe asked the Frierdiker Rebbe often mentioned this minhag. approach to kabbolas haTorah. which design should be used. The One special occasion took place Frierdiker Rebbe answered, “My during one of the seudos in the WHAT IS father was a ‘pnimi’ and you are Frierdiker Rebbe’s apartment. During CONCEALED a ‘pnimi,’ it is befitting therefore, those meals, the Rebbe would answer WITHIN IT that the Hagadah should have questions put forth by the Chassidim During those early years, the the same shaar as my father’s8. that had been invited to join the meal. Rebbe would often send shipments After the first print of the sefer, On the first night of Sukkos of recently published sefarim and Hayom Yom was reprinted in 5722, the Rebbe mentioned the fact kuntreisim to his brother, Reb Yisroel Shanghai two years later, by the that the Rabbeim had the custom Aryeh Leib, who was living at the bochurim located there due to the to review specific maamarim often, time in Tel Aviv. He would often be the first to receive new Kehos releases hot off the press, and would THE REBBE LOOKED TOWARD THE share them with the Lubavitcher BOCHURIM THAT WERE PRESENT IN Chassidim in his neighborhood. One day in 5703 he showed THE ROOM, AND ASKED “AZ M’VEIST up at the Chabad shul in an elated NIT, VOS SHTUPT MEN ZICH?”

CHESHVAN 5776 42 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER in order to affect the taharas ho’avir. The Rebbe then asked10, “Is there anyone who knows what they are?” Adding [with a smile] that “it has been printed in Hayom Yom; I have already had enough time to forget.” The Rebbe looked towards the bochurim that were present in the room and asked, “Az m’veist nit, vos shtupt men zich?”—If you don’t know, why are you pushing? In a sicha on Yud-Tes Kislev 5749, the Rebbe actually spoke about learning the daily Hayom Yom: “The beginning of the limud should be regarding something that has to do with that time, the halachos of the day; meaning, the inyanim in which this day’s concept is explained. “In the beginning of Hayom Yom—a sefer that was printed during the lifetime of the Frierdiker Rebbe A SAMPLING OF THE REBBE’S HAGAHOS ON THE SHALSHELES HAYACHAS THAT APPEARS AT THE and every detail was before his eyes, BEGINNING OF HAYOM YOM. and obviously the foreword of the sefer, where there is a pisgam from A few days after the updated When the shalsheles hayachas the Frierdiker Rebbe’s father….” version of shalsheles hayachas was was updated, a sentence was written submitted to the Rebbe [in Kislev stating that in the year of 5730 the SHALSHELES 5742], the editors were pleasantly Rebbe “begins the battle on the subject HAYACHAS surprised when the Rebbe returned of mihu Yehudi.” The Rebbe added In the forward to Hayom the folios after writing and in his handwriting that the battle Yom, the Rebbe finishes off: commenting on a large amount of began then “b’galui”—publicly. When “As a preface to this calendar comes the new entries. There were parts that the Igros Kodesh were published, a write up with roshei perakim of the the Rebbe crossed out and instructed letters were revealed that shed history of the Rabbeim, according that they not be published. In other light on this addition. The Rebbe to the information available in sections he added lots of information; had written to individuals in Eretz the yomanim of my father-in-law, sometimes in the section about his Yisrael—long before that Purim the Rebbe, and his reshimos.” life-occurrences and activities, and farbrengen—in an effort to change When Hayom Yom was reprinted sometimes in the sections that list all the law through quiet diplomacy. in 5717, the shalsheles hayachas was of the sefarim of the Rabbeim, printed Many of the issues that the Rebbe updated, and the Frierdiker Rebbe’s after each of the Rabbeim’s toldos had spoken about during farbrengens activities from 5703 until his histalkus (being that many new sefarim had were added to shalsheles hayachas, were added, as were the Rebbe’s been published since the last update). being called “krias kodesh”—a holy activities up until then (in addition The following are some of call. When editing the draft, the Rebbe to changes that were made to certain the more unique edits: added a line in each of these instances entries in the actual sefer). This was the During the farbrengen of Purim through the word “kodesh,” so that the shalsheles hayachas that was printed 5730 the Rebbe began a major phrase would remain simply “kriah.” in all of the subsequent editions, campaign to correct the issue of ­mihu Another two additions were on until 5742, when the shalsheles Yehudi, where the Israeli government the topic of the Rebbe’s koch in the hayachas was updated once more. did not recognize the need to stipulate concept of Moshiach and geulah. that conversion to Yiddishkeit be The Rebbe personally added a specifically according to halacha. full sentence for the year of 5742,

CHESHVAN 5776 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER 43 יט כסלו, החג אשר פדה בשלום speaking of the new mivtza to As the work progressed, they נפשינו, ואור וחיות נפשנו ניתן לנו, write general sifrei Torah, adding were surprised to reveal that היום הזה הוא ראש השנה לדא"ח that this—being the last mitzvah many of the entries had a direct in the Torah—is connected to the connection to the dates in which This beginning is strikingly similar conclusion of the galus. Afterwards, they had been placed. They soon to the beginning of the Mishneh the Rebbe added a line describing his came to realize that this is a style Torah, where the first four words— encouragement of hafatzas hamayanos, that continues throughout the entire Yesod hayesodos v’amud hachahmos— specifically in mivtza Chanukah. sefer, up until the end of the year. stand for Shem Havaye as well. Regarding that year, the Rebbe With that revelation, they came As he revealed more and more also mentioned that it had been to understand that Hayom Yom is depth, Rabbi Seligson began coined “Tihiye Shnas Bias Moshiach,” much more than simply a luach, and publishing his findings in the Kovetz beginning an annual custom of Rabbi Seligson decided to spend time Ha’aros, and they generated much coining roshei teivos, which the Rebbe searching for the deeper meaning attention—while mostly positive, continued to do for many more years. hidden inside the sefer. Right away, there was also some negative. Many, Rabbi Seligson relates, he had a long at least at the outset, felt that the idea HAYOM YOM list of astonishing discoveries, which was too radical; it is not our task, they IN DEPTH showed him that every single word in maintained, to try and understand the In 5740 Rabbi Michoel Aharon the sefer was precise; it was a complete hidden meaning of the ‘nistaros.’ To Seligson, along with Rabbi Yosef Torah Shebiksav in avodas Hashem. them, each new ‘gilui’ was just a cute Yitzchok Shagalov, began working This depth can be seen in the aphorism, and nothing more than that. on a new edition of Hayom Yom, first words of Hayom Yom, with the This discussion continued until which would be published together first letter of each of the first four Rabbi Seligson’s surprising yechidus. with footnotes bringing the source phrases in the foreword spelling out of each of the entries that the Hashem’s name—the Shem Havaye. Rebbe had written in the sefer. JEM/THE LIVING ARCHIVE / 64464 20 TEVES, 5751 RABBI MICHOEL SELIGSON RECEIVES A DOLLAR FROM THE REBBE; 20 TEVES 5751.

CHESHVAN 5776 44 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER RAMBAM IN being done in Kehos (where Rabbi an opportune time, and decided to HAYOM YOM Seligson worked) at the time. ask the Rebbe about his research As his studies of Hayom Yom Before the Rebbe entered his in Hayom Yom. He asked if it was continued, Rabbi Seligson began room, Rabbi Seligson felt that it was appropriate to print them in a sefer, to detect a pattern in which every day—beginning from 5 Teves, up to when the luach deals with Chanukah topics—corresponds to the sets of ANA NAFSHI KSAVIS YEHAVIS halachos in Rambam. The first day Rabbi Seligson has written and published endless amounts of with Sefer Hamadah (the entry speaks chiddushim and explanations on the diyukim of Hayom Yom. of understanding Hashem), followed Perhaps one of the most interesting of his by the specific halachos—Hilchos revelations is what is hidden in the name. Yesodei Hatorah (6 Teves speaks of It is a common custom for authors to hint to their own names “da es Elokei avicha”), and so on in their sefarim. We find that Tzemach Tzedek is the gematria of and so forth. 8 Teves, for example, the name Menachem Mendel. When the Rebbe’s biurim on Gemara which corresponds to Hilchos were published, the editors suggested the name “Chiddushim Torah, speaks about the Tzemach Ubiurim L’shas.” The Rebbe changed one letter, so that it should Tzedek’s instructions to the teachers read “Chiddushim Ubiurim B’shas,” and explained that the name of of his grandchildren. Rabbi Seligson a sefer is something which one should be medayek in, quoting the continued on this path through equation of Tzemach Tzedek with Menachem Mendel, the author of all the 83 halachos in Rambam the sefer Tzemach Tzedek. It took some time for them to realize that until he got stuck, at one of the the name now was also the exact gematria of the Rebbe’s name. halachos in Sefer Mishpatim, where Regarding Hayom Yom, Rabbi Seligson points out, the word yom he could not find the connection. starts with a yud and ends with the letter mem; with the word written During that period, Rabbi Seligson’s twice, it stands for the names of the Frierdiker Rebbe and the Rebbe. father, Reb Avraham Abba, was not In addition, the word hayom, counted with the milui (and in the best of health, and the Rebbe with the kolel)11, is the gematria of Menachem; the word yom, was very involved and constantly calculated in the same manner, is the value of the name Mendel.12 updated about his condition. Reb Avraham Abba was the doctor of beis harav, and the Rebbe, who usually SEFER TOLDOS ADAM heard the updates from the mazkirim, Rabbi Seligson points out that many of the entries asked to hear about the situation in Hayom Yom reflect days in the Rebbe’s life: from someone directly involved. 1 Adar 5662 was forty days before the Rebbe’s birth, when, as Rabbi Binyomin Klein called the Gemara explains, a bas kol declares who the neshama will be Rabbi Seligson and told him that he married to. In that day’s Hayom Yom, it speaks of the neshama’s is invited to come for yechidus. He descent into the world, in order to light up the world;13 was stunned and quite moved, and 14 Kislev14, the date of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s Chasunah, he immediately began to prepare speaks about yichud Kudsha Brich Hu U’shchintei. for his yechidus, which would take On 14 Cheshvan in 5701, the American Government did not place after mincha that very day. want to issue a visa for the Rebbe to come to the United States, When the Rebbe returned from due to a contradiction in the various applications: In one place it the shul after davening, Rabbi Seligson stated that he was an engineer, and in the other it wrote that he stood in Gan Eden Hatachton, was a rabbi. In the Hayom Yom of that day, the Rebbe looks at where the Rebbe inquired in detail those issues differently: it speaks about how every jew is directed about his father’s situation and the by Hashem in his specific task, and how that is his parnassah doctors’ opinion as to what should ruchnis, to ‘build’ a dwelling place for the Aibershter in the world. be done. Afterwards, the Rebbe And the most obvious of connections is the Hayom Yom of inquired about work that was then Yud-Alef Nissan—“On one’s birthday, he should meditate…”

CHESHVAN 5776 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER 45 to which the Rebbe answered in the published three complete sefarim with 6. Igros Kodesh of the Frierdiker Rebbe, Vol affirmative. He then added about his discoveries. Each Hayom Yom 7, p. 331 his issue with understanding the has been compared to the shiurim 7. Sefer Hasichos 5703, p. 121 connection of the end of Rambam of that day, as well as to the parshas 8. Yemei Melech vol. 2 p. 797 with the corresponding days in hashavua in the Zohar, and the list 9. See Hisva’aduyos 5748, Vol 3, p. 385 Hayom Yom. The Rebbe listened goes on. It is said that the Rebbe 10. Hamelech Bimsibo Vol 1, p. 65 carefully, and then replied: once mentioned to Rabbi Klein that 11. This is a standard method when calculating gematriya’os. A milui is when you “Oib es vet zein der yageita, “Seligson koch’t zich in Hayom Yom.” calculate each letter together with the value of vet zein der matzasah”—if you the letters used to spell it out. so it’s gematria ,יוד will toil, you will discover it. THE DAY IS A DAY For example, Yud is spelled Rabbi Seligson fulfilled the Rebbe’s In the Yud-Tes Kislev sicha would be 10+6+4=20. instruction, and did the “yageita.” mentioned above, the Rebbe said “With the Kolel” would mean that the entirety of the word is used to add one number to the Sure enough, he managed to complete that we must ‘put ourselves into’ entire equation. his work, and sometime later, a book the concepts of Hayom Yom and Hence: Hayom is 137 + 1 kolel = 138 = called ‘Hayom Yom with Ha’aros ‘live’ with the messages within it. Menachem; and Tziyunim’ was sent to print. Then, as the Rebbe spoke at Yom is 122 + 3 kolel for each letter is 125 = This was not the only occasion the time, every day will be truly Mendel (without an ayin) is 124 + Kolel = 125. where the Rebbe was involved in complete and fulfilled as a day 12. It should be noted that the Rebbe wrote to Rabbi Seligson’s work. Over the years, should be. And in the Frierdiker Rabbi Seligson that the name “Mendel” must be spelled with an ayin, casting doubt into this היום – יום, דער טאג איז ,Rabbi Seligson wrote to the Rebbe Rebbe’s words anecdote. But, based on the Rebbe’s response to Our day is a true day. Rabbi Seligson later on, he left this vort in his – א טאג on a number of occasions, asking various questions about Hayom Yom sefer nonetheless (see the following footnote). 1. Sefer Hasichos Kayitz 5700, p. 80 when he came across issues that he 13. The Rebbe noted to Rabbi Seligson that could not understand on his own. 2. Igros Kodesh of the Frierdiker Rebbe, Vol the dates don’t match up, for this is said on 7, p. 30 Some of those questions were 1 Adar I, 70 days before Yud Aleph Nissan. 3. Igros Kodesh, Vol 2, p. 146 Nevertheless, the Rebbe agreed to have these simply about how the Rebbe coined 4. Hisva’aduyos 5749, Vol 2, p. 4 anecdotes included. the names of the months; Cheshvan, 5. Igros Kodesh vol. 1 p. 108 14. Kovetz Chos Ches Sivan 5751 for example, as opposed to Mar- Cheshvan. The Rebbe explained in an answer to Rabbi Seligson, that it is because of the (possible) negative meaning of the word mar—bitter The two months of Adar are written in two different ways; Adar Rishon is called Adar ‘Alef,’ while the second Adar is called Adar ‘Sheni.’ The Rebbe explained that initially only the first Adar was known; hence the term Adar Alef, which stands for echad; in other words, the only one (as opposed to rishon, which would mean ‘the first of many’). Afterwards, when we have an additional month, we call it Adar ‘Sheni.’ [At the time when Rosh Chodesh would be determined by the sighting of the moon, no one could know at the beginning of the of the month of the first Adar whether or not there would be a second one. -Ed.] JEM/THE LIVING ARCHIVE / 64464 Rabbi Seligson continued to study A SEUDAH IN THE FRIERDIKER REBBE’S APARTMENT, SECOND FLOOR OF 770. THE REBBE SITS TO THE LEFT Hayom Yom, and to date he has OF THE FRIERDIKER REBBE’S SEAT AT THE HEAD OF THE TABLE.

CHESHVAN 5776 46 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER introduction) to the) מבוא In this letter to the Rebbe, Rabbi Seligson reports that On his mentioning of the It - ”צ"ל בחתימתו, כמובן“ The Rebbe sefer, the Rebbe comments .בקרוב - the sefer will be completed soon .in his holy handwriting. must [conclude] with your signature, obviously ממש adds the word

- ”condiments“) פרפראות In this letter dated 8 Tammuz, Rabbi Seligson reports On his mention of to the Rebbe that the sefer is in print. The Rebbe notes anecdotes), the Rebbe comments that: Hence, it is - ”ועפ"ז בטח אפשרי שיו"ל ליב-ג תמוז“ :that "מענדל" צ"ל דוקא בעיין, שהרי הוא ע"ש הצ"צ certainly possible that it’ll be published [in time] for Yud-Beis - [Yud-]Gimmel Tammuz. The name “Mendel” must be specifically [written] with an “ayin”, for it is given after the Tzemach Tzedek. (See explanation in the article).

On one of the In a note to Rabbi answers to Rabbi Seligson, the Rebbe writes: מהיר Seligson, the הבפו"מ ]הבפועל ממש[ דהערות :Rebbe comments וכו' להיום יום? מהיר Urgent. [What’s with] the והזריזות תשובח Urgent, the practical actuality of your sooner the better. ha’oros etc. to Hayom Yom?

CHESHVAN 5776 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER 47 להביא לימות המשיח

Polishing Our Buttons

It was noon when the clock tower’s get accustomed to the light and at a bell began to ring, and a buzz filled quarter to one, the troops stood ready the soldiers’ barracks. “The parade in uniform; the parade would begin begins in an hour!” someone yelled. momentarily. As they stood in wait, The hum became louder then, as the each man looked to his friend and men realized what day it was. The noted the perfection and beauty of his annual procession was to take place attire; flawless. All that was left was in the city square and the soldiers for them to add that extra brilliance, would need to march. Drowsily, that slightly brighter glimmer to their the crew got up from their cots and buttons. Then they’d truly be ready. shuffled to the lockers, ready to change At a farbrengen on Simchas outfits for the occasion. The red frock Torah, 5689, the Frierdiker Rebbe coats hung neatly in a row and the declared that Yidden are already boots stood gleaming beneath them. polishing the buttons of their While they got dressed, the soldiers uniform to greet Moshiach.1 spoke excitedly between themselves “The only thing that remains to be in anticipation of seeing the king. accomplished before Moshiach comes, It was a pleasant, sunny afternoon is the polishing of our buttons,“ so it took some time for them to the Rebbe would often quote that

CHESHVAN 5776 48 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER sicha. “Everything else has been accomplished. Ut ut kumt Moshiach! Moshiach is at the doorstep!” Shining one’s buttons is the last thing one does after he has gotten dressed, so understanding the analogy on a simple level would be that the goal has almost been reached and only a small, peripheral mission remains. Simply learning Torah and fulfilling mitzvos, bringing the world closer to its completion. On a deeper level however, the specific mashal of polishing one’s buttons in comparison to the accomplishment of any task, has more THE REBBE IS SHOWN A "BUTTON" PRODUCED BY THE MESIBOS SHABBOS GROUP IN NEW YORK, CIRCA 5702. meaning. A button’s function is to fasten one part of a garment to the The Rebbe once pointed out an On the one hand we are told that other, and in line with our minhag, additional symbolism in the button. all is done. The final touches have been specifically the right side over the As long as a shirt is unclosed, a made. On the other hand, Moshiach left. The button, therefore, symbolizes foreign object can wedge itself into still hasn’t come, which means there our assignment in galus to elevate the the opening. By fastening one’s must still be work left. On Shabbos holy (right) over the mundane (left). buttons, a person closes the gap in Hagadol 57489, the Rebbe delivered The point is not to entirely wipe away his garment and leaves no room for a maamar which speaks about the the left side, the Rebbe explains, for anything unwanted to enter. This things we need to accomplish to bring it is also part of the garment which idea is a parable for “ein od milvado.“ Moshiach. Then the Rebbe asks the protects the person. Only that the left Chassidus explains this passuk to question we’re all thinking, “Aren’t we side must be controlled by the right. mean that there is no existence already done? Why are there still more This way, the left side will also give other than Hashem; everything is tasks we need to finish?” The Rebbe an extension of his essence. The explains that we’ve indeed completed . כיתרון האור מתוך החשך back to the right At this point in history, says the unbuttoned shirt symbolizes a reality one form of avodah, that of beyond Rebbe, we’ve already done our task where otherness is possible. To order (musafim kehilchosom). What to an almost perfect degree and very button one’s clothing means to create we can still do is serve Hashem in an little remains to be achieved in this a world that expresses only Hashem orderly fashion (temidim kesidram) mission; the garment has already and nothing else. A reality where where every day we grow a little been manufactured, the buttons there is no room for anything foreign. more. This is all while knowing that fashioned and sewn. We have to This avodah, which is essential for in essence all the work is done and add just a bit more shine, a bit more Moshiach to come, has already been Moshiach is at our doorstep. May he luster. The last few dust particles accomplished almost in its entirety, indeed come speedly in our days. need to be brushed off. (The Rebbe and all we need to do is polish it5. 1. Sefer Hasichos 5689 p. 42. added that b’derech hatzachus, the In the later years6, the Rebbe said 2. Toras Menachem 5747 vol. 2 p. 173. et al. word dust is roshei teivos “da sitra that the buttons have already been 3. Likutei Sichos vol. 25 p. 481. (achara)—this is sitra achara.”)3 shined to perfection. “Thirty years 4. Sefer Hasichos 5748 vol. 1 p. 279. Even more, the original parable plus have passed since we’ve began 5. Sefer Hasichos 5752 vol. 1 p. 39, Sichos was said about the buttons of a polishing our buttons. By now, they Kodesh 5752 vol. 1 p. 191. 7 soldier’s uniform, and this too is are certainly polished completely . 6. See for example Toras Menachem 5747 vol. a deliberate detail. Every Jew is a “More so,” the Rebbe continued, 2 p. 301. soldier in Hashem’s army, and as “polishing one’s buttons for 7. Sefer Hasichos 5748 vol. 1 p. 279. Moshiach comes we will go out to too long will actually have the 8. Sefer Hasichos 5748 vol. 1 p. 355. greet him while wearing our uniforms opposite effect, diminishing 9. Toras Menachem 5748 vol. 2 p. 507. with their shining buttons4. the fine, beautiful look…”8



There is a certain remote city which, due to its small once again Chabad would be joining their community to Jewish population, does not have an established Jewish celebrate Pesach together. A short while later we received a community. With no Jewish infrastructure such as a shul response from an individual, who has quite a large amount or community center, many Jews there felt that in terms of of influence in the community, informing us that it does Yiddishkeit they were all alone in an alien environment. not seem that there will be an interest in our programs, and This all changed when in 5771, Merkos Shluchim began they don’t think it would be “worthwhile” for us to come. visiting regularly to service the community’s needs. Be’ezras We were also informed that they would be arranging Hashem the shlichus saw great hatzlacha and contributed a their own community seder to be held in the very same real sense of Jewish identity, thereby causing great strides hall that we had used in previous years. Fortunately by many in kiyum hamitzvos. The vast majority of the though, for matters of convenience, it was scheduled for local Jews participated in the Pesach sedarim and tefilos the third night of Pesach, the first night of Chol Hamoed. on the Yomim Noraim arranged by the Merkos Shluchim, This was rather surprising to me, as I had already and before long, a large circle of local Jews took form. gotten to know these Yidden from a previous visit, and In 5774 I had the zechus, along with a friend of mine, in the past they had been very glad to participate in our Berel Paltiel, to have been assigned to organize the sedarim activities and even assisted in many ways. I wondered that year in this city. About a month before Pesach we how this new attitude would affect the rest of the reached out to some of the people to notify them that community; would this undo years of hard work?

CHESHVAN 5776 50 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER However despite the apparent obstacles in our path, 12:46 p.m., we had received an email from this very we were certain that the shlichus would work out. So, individual, but this time in an entirely different tone. while knowing that we have a delicate task ahead of us, Suddenly, they were looking forward to meeting we continued to plan our trip. We explained to them that us and offering to assist us in any way. Moreover, we still felt it would be worthwhile to come even if it was they had just called our hotel and arranged for us a only for the tourists and a handful of locals that were discount on the hall that we were planning to use for still interested. In addition, we would also be bringing the seder! Truly “od heim midabrim va’ani eshma.” matzah and other kosher-for-Passover foods, which Of course seeing how the Rebbe is leading us would only add to the community’s holiday experience. by the hand in such a clear way, gave us a huge Our flight was scheduled for the Tuesday night before boost and we joyfully finished packing our bags. I Pesach and of course that day I went to the Ohel. In my even ran out to the store to buy one more bottle of tzetel to the Rebbe, I described the sensitive situation and grape juice in preparation for a “packed house.” asked for a brachah that the shlichus should be successful When we arrived, we came to realize just how deep in a manner, completely beyond our expectations. My this change of heart was. For not only did they help intention was that although we had complete faith that with cooking, etc. even more than in the past, they were something would change, I understood that the Rebbe’s surprised that I was not expecting it in the first place. standard and estimation of hatzlacha must definitely stand Needless to say, the sedarim were very well above and beyond all of my most optimistic dreams. attended, and the visit as a whole was a great Moments after I left the Ohel, at 12:52 p.m., I success. Boruch Hashem, in a more recent visit for was notified that as I stood in front of the Rebbe, at Pesach 5775 we saw even greater hatzlacha.


The Power of Positive Thought Throughout the teachings of all our Rabbeim, the theme of bitachon in Hashem constantly repeats itself. Don’t Despair! The Frierdiker Rebbe relates in Lekutei Diburim: In countless letters, maanos, and The Frierdiker Rebbe was discussing how sichos, the Rebbe delves deeply into this precious the memories of a Chossid’s yechidus subject, expounding on the importance are, and how reliving these experiences and of trust in Hashem that all will turn envisioning the scene in one’s mind brings out in a manner of revealed good. unparalleled hope and comfort in the Chossid’s darkest hour. He then went on to relate this story: Based on a story of the Tzemach Tzedek as In the yeshivah Tomchei Temimim in Lubavitch, quoted by the Frierdiker Rebbe, the Rebbe one of the mashpi’im was the Chossid Reb actually takes the middah of bitachon to a Michoel [Blinner/Der Alter]. The older temimim whole new level: “Tracht gut vet zein gut” [of today] remember who Reb Michoel was. implies that the actual trust in Hashem When he was a young man, one of his children will bring about the good outcome. became gravely ill, and the doctors said they have no cure and don’t know what to do with the child. Below is some background Reb Michoel went over to his fellow Chassidim information, details, and insights and relayed the bitter situation. The Chassidim into this very important subject. encouraged him and insisted that he not despair. Hashem will surely help, they said. Then they urged him to go immediately to Lubavitch. Reb Michoel cried profusely. He wished he could go to Lubavitch, but the

CHESHVAN 5776 52 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER doctors predicted that there were only a few Power of Bitachon hours left, r”l. So why should he go? In a famous sicha defining the true meaning One of the elder Chassidim reprimanded of middas habitachon, the Rebbe bases the very him sharply. “The Gemara says never to lose foundation of this middah on the timeless vort of hope in Hashem’s mercy! The forces of good the Tzemach Tzedek, “Tracht gut vet zein gut.” will certainly ask Hashem to hold out with Bitachon means that one actually believes and the verdict until you get to the Rebbe.” trusts in Hashem that all will turn out good in a ...Arriving in Lubavitch, Reb Michoel revealed manner. True, we believe that everything was lucky to be immediately received in is ultimately for the best, despite the fact that we yechidus [by the Tzemach Tzedek]. don’t always understand Hashem’s ways. But real “When I came in to see the Rebbe,” Reb bitachon goes a step further. We must trust that Michoel related, “and I handed over the pidyon things will actually turn out good in a way that .בטוב הנראה והנגלה—for my son, I was overcome with the thought: we can see and appreciate Who knows what’s doing with my son? The How can this be, the Rebbe asks. What if the doctors predicted that it’s only a matter of person is indeed worthy of heavenly punishment? a few hours. So I began to cry terribly. Why should he trust that all will be good? “The Rebbe read my note, and he said to me, Based on the vort of the Tzemach Tzedek, the ‘Don’t cry! Tracht gut vet zein gut. Don’t grieve! Rebbe explains that bitachon of a Yid itself is what You will be at your grandchildren’s bar mitzvahs’. deems him worthy of receiving all good. That’s “In those difficult times,” Reb Michoel said, what the Tzemach Tzedek meant when he said “when in my home I faced the hardships of “Tracht gut vet zein gut.” By thinking positively I would and having total trust in Hashem, then, in the ,(צער גידול בנים) raising my children the—”הבטחון עצמו יביא לתוצאות טובות“ :envision the Rebbe’s holy face, and the words Rebbe’s words 1 he spoke at that yechidus, and all was good!” bitachon itself will bring about good outcome.3 The Rebbe’s Thought In another letter, the Frierdiker Rebbe relates the story, adding another interesting point. He asks the recipient to notify him of any progress in the SAFE AND SOUND situation of a sick person for whom he had requested In this letter, the Frierdiker Rebbe writes to a a bracha, and then the Frierdiker Rebbe relates: father whose son was operating an airplane and had There are three stories in this regard, spanning lost contact with ground control. Based on the date a course of three generations, from our Rabbeim. of the letter (25 Adar-Sheini 5703), we can assume My father [the Rebbe Rashab] once responded that his son was part of the war effort, leaving all the to someone who cried to him, begging for a more room for worry. The Frierdiker Rebbe writes: blessing for a gravely ill patient. My father told I heard about your distinguished son who me that he heard from his father [the Rebbe works on an airplane, and that there is still no Maharash], that he was also approached about a word from him as to where he is now. similar situation, and he [the Rebbe Maharash] My great-grandfather, the Tzemach Tzedek, said that his father, the Tzemach Tzedek, also told one of the Chassidim—Reb Michoel Blinner of had a similar story, and he responded to the one Nevel—when his son was in grave danger: “Arouse asking for the blessing: “Tracht gut vet zein gut.” your trust in Hashem, your pure faith that He will The Chossid replied, “What will it help if save your son. Thoughts have effect. Tracht gut I think [good]. You, the Rebbe, must think vet zein gut.” And so it was; his son was saved. [good]. Your thoughts can actually help!” May Hashem help you to fulfill the advice of .זי"ע ,[The Tzemach Tzedek replied, “Yes. But you the holy of holies [the Tzemach Tzedek must notify [me] how things are doing.”2 (Igros Kodesh vol. 7 p. 197)

CHESHVAN 5776 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER 53 Machshava has Effect ...This is also understood based on the Throughout the years, the Rebbe repeated this phrase of our Rabbeim, related by the 4 instruction of the Tzemach Tzedek countless times. [Frierdiker] Rebbe, “Tracht gut vet zein gut.” When people asked the Rebbe for his brachos, In another letter, the Rebbe reprimands a the Rebbe often quoted this timeless horaah as bochur for his lack of bitachon in strong terms. a means to bring about Hashem’s salvation. The bochur wrote to the Rebbe during the In one letter, the Rebbe explains that month of Av that he plans to go home for Rosh the power of machshava actually effects Hashanah and not remain in yeshivah, because the goings-on of this world. Therefore, it is his father is not well. The Rebbe replied: crucial to have only positive thoughts: I am flabbergasted and in shock from this In response to your letter; it seems that I still display of lack of bitachon in Hashem. At the have not influenced you to have a better spirit. I end of Menachem-Av you have already decided believe that I’ve already told you several times what and are certain that your father’s health will still is explained in sefarim, not necessarily in Chassidus, not be better in a month’s time. Because of this, that one should not bring new negative thoughts you intend to lessen your avodas hatefilla [by into this world, and this will ensure that [negative not staying in yeshivah for Rosh Hashanah]. occurrences] will not be brought into actuality… It would be much better and appropriate if you would comply with our Rabbeim’s instruction:


CHESHVAN 5776 54 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER Tracht gut vet zein gut. Be certain that your “Shocking!!! Because the command of our father’s health situation will improve, and you Rabbeim in such situations is well known: will surely be able to increase in your avodah...5 Tracht gut vet zein gut. I await good news.” [The exact lashon may have been a The Thought Will Help bit different, but the three exclamation Rabbi Moshe Feller once wrote to the Rebbe points were certainly there -ed.] about hardships he was experiencing in his After such an answer, I knew shlichus in Minnesota. The Rebbe responded my father was still alive. with the following powerful lines: Shabbos passed, and on Sunday night It is astonishing that we speak and I mustered my courage and I telephoned speak [about this concept], but when it Eretz Yisroel. (My parents and I both had comes to actuality, everyone thinks that telephones, but it was still quite rare in those we meant someone else; not him! days to call overseas.) My mother picked up The phrase/horaah of our Rabbeim was the phone, and I asked her, “How is father?” quoted many, many times; “Tracht gut, “He’s out of danger,” she replied. vet zein gut.” (With the meaning being “When did this happen?” I asked. that the thought will actually help). “Thursday night,” she answered. Instead of [complying], you “create” I crossed over Eastern Parkway to 770 for mincha thoughts contrary to this [theme]. Despite and stood near the Rebbe as he left the shul. “Nu, do our standing in the month of Adar, when we you have besuros tovos for me?” the Rebbe asked. are commanded to increase in joy, you wallow “Yes,” I said. “I just spoke to Eretz in depression (see Tanya about this). Yisroel and he’s out of danger.” To conclude with dvar malchus [from “Since when?” the Rebbe asked. our Rabbeim]: Tracht gut vet zein gut— “Thursday night,” I said. ווען האסטו אנגעהויבן צו “:in a visible and revealed manner. The Rebbe continued ”?When did you start to think good“—”?טראכטן גוט ?When Exactly “When the Rebbe told me to,” I said. In conclusion, we share an amazing story, as told “And when was that?” the Rebbe asked. by Rabbi Avraham Rottenberg of Eretz Yisroel. “Thursday night…” In 5717, Rabbi Rottenberg was living in זאל דאס נאכאמאל “:The Rebbe concluded Crown Heights, when he suddenly received ניט טרעפן, אבער דו זאלסט וויסן אלעמאל צו טראכן a letter from his brother in Eretz Yisroel that It should never happen again, but you“—”…גוט their father suffered a heart attack and was in should always know to think good…”6 critical condition. Rabbi Rottenberg relates: The letter was mailed out on Sunday and I received it on Thursday. Today it’s hard to understand FURTHER READING: לקו"ש חל"ו שמות )א( this; we would simply pick up the phone and מאמר ד"ה הבאים ישרש יעקב תשמ"ח - תו"מ סה"מ מלוקט .call. But in those days, all I got was a letter עמ' רכח Receiving a letter like this, what was I supposed to think? So I immediately wrote a note to the Rebbe explaining what my brother had 1. Sichas Shavuos 5694. Lekutei Diburim vol. 1 p. 316. written, that the situation was extremely critical, 2. Igros Kodesh Admur HaRaYaTZ, vol. 2 p. 537. . Likutei Sichos vol. 36 p. 4 I 3.“—”וכבר אינני יודע מה לחשוב“ ,and I concluded don’t know what to think at this point…” 4. Igros Kodesh vol. 6 p. 286. The Rebbe underlined those words, and he wrote: 5. Ibid. vol. 9 p. 281. Based on Rabbi Rottenberg’s My Encounter interview with .6 “ולפלא!!! שהרי ידוע ציווי רבותינו נשיאנו בכגון .JEM; published on “A Glimpse Through the Veil” vol. 1 דא—טראכט גוט וועט זיין גוט. ואחכה לבשו”ט.”

CHESHVAN 5776 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER 55 Behind the Picture JEM/THE LIVING ARCHIVE / 193118 Conversation on Eastern Parkway CIRCA TISHREI 5740

The little time the Rebbe spent walking the Rebbe on his walk to or from in or out of public spaces, was a prime davening; and the list goes on. opportunity for many who sought the A less frequent occurrence was for Rebbe’s brocha on important matters in the Rebbe to initiate a conversation their lives, and who were for one reason or with someone in the open, outside of another unable to write a letter, go in for farbrengens or dollars distribution. yechidus, or enlist the help of mazkirus.1 The scene captured in these Children often gathered in the pictures is one such exception. foyer to receive nickels for tzedaka; We see the Rebbe in an animated Chassidim as well as visitors approached discussion with Rabbi Chaim Yitzchak

CHESHVAN 5776 56 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER Poupko, on the front steps of 770, sometime at the end of Tishrei 5740.

“BEHIND” BEHIND THE PICTURE Before we can relate what the exchange dwelled upon, let us shed some light on the persona of Rabbi Poupko: Rabbi Chaim Yitzchok Poupko was a prominent rov in the East New York section of Brooklyn, and a scion of a distinguished family. He is both the offspring and patriarch of rabbonim, many leading kehillos around the world to this day. His family traces its roots back to Russia, where Rabbi Poupko’s father was the rov of Veliz, a small town, and from where he fled at a mere 13 years of age, to escape forceful chillul Shabbos in Russian schools. In 5698 he married the daughter of the Tomashpol-Koidnover Rebbe, Rabbi Moshe -Twersky, who was a distant relative of the Rebbe.2 His father-in-law enjoyed a very warm relationship first with the Frierdiker Rebbe and eventually with the Rebbe, and thus began Rabbi Poupko’s own connection with Lubavitch. JEM/THE LIVING ARCHIVE / 109184 But Rabbi Poupko, a man of stature in his own right, had one strong passion pasken on the forbidden nature of territorial that inevitably lead him to the Rebbe’s concessions, exposing halacha’s view on doorstep; he was a fierce activist on contemporary matters of national security. behalf of shleimus ha’aretz, and a tireless Knowing this, we can now understand opponent to any territorial concession or Rabbi Poupko’s own description appeasement gimmicks to the Arabs. of the scene presented here: He sat on the “International Board “I had just exited the main shul 3 of Rabbis for Eretz Yisroel” and led an downstairs after shacharis, and was standing unrelenting campaign rallying rabbis to in front of the steps that led to the path to the front door of 770, when suddenly the Rebbe arrived from his house. The Rebbe, noticing me, asked me if I had time to speak; I responded that to talk to the Rebbe I have all the time in the world! The Rebbe then proceeded to list the numerous faults and dangers that the recently-signed peace agreement with Egypt posed to the Jewish people, as did the talk of giving up land to our enemies. “Over the course of the conversation the Rebbe gave practical advice regarding things we should do, and

JEM/THE LIVING ARCHIVE / 194298 others which we ought to avoid.


One particularly fond memory I have Rabbi Poupko passed away of that episode was when the Rebbe in the summer of 5760. told me (in Yiddish): ‘I am certain that 1. See A Chassidisher Derher 36 (113) “Behind the you will succeed, and it will be not only Picture” your (personal) success, but that of 2. It is worthy to mention that when Rabbi Moshe kedushas ha’aretz and of Klal Yisroel.’” Schneersohn-Twersky passed away, the Rebbe was Throughout the many years of his intimately involved in all matters pertaining to his long career, he received warm words tahara and subsequent burial, even carrying the aron of encouragement from the Rebbe on at the levaya. He was interred in the Chabad chelka at Montefiore cemetery, near the Rebbe’s Ohel. many occasions, something he sought 3. and appreciated with great satisfaction.

CHESHVAN 5776 58 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER DerherLetters This column is a forum for readers to send feedback, add to, or ask any questions about articles they read. All submissions are welcomed and will be reviewed by our editorial staff. Send your letter to [email protected].

In the Elul edition, page 14, you published states that “incidents like this occurred a part of a letter in the Rebbe’s ksav yad number of times before,” I wish to point kodesh addressed to “All Jewish Children” out that one of these occasions was as early from Chol Hamoed Sukkos, 5741. It as Purim, 57151. As the Rebbe was saying should be noted that at the first Tzivos a sicha, someone in the crowd snapped a Hashem rally on 19 Tishrei of that year, picture of the Rebbe, and the Rebbe inquired the Rebbe distributed copies of this letter if the photographer studies Tanya every day. to the madrichim together with coins for When someone answered that he doesn’t tzedaka to be given out to the children. study every day, the Rebbe replied, ‘’Since it is evident that he tells the truth not only with his heart but also with his mouth, from חיים שאול ברוק ועד הנחות בלה"ק now on he should start studying Tanya everyday. However,’’ the Rebbe continued ” ‘’If not, he should give back the picture’’. Much hatzlacha in all your endeavors, Dear Editor, I am writing to express my sincere gratitude Avraham D. Vaisfiche for publishing the beautiful kuntres of stories Kehot Publication Society of the Rebbe in connection with Gimmel Tammuz. Each one is a gem and the entire 1. See Toras Menachem—Hisvaaduyos, vol. 13, p. 324. collection was, for me, an emotional read. דער רבי It truly drives home the fact that ” .”וועט" געפינען א וועג ווי עם צו ענטפערן Clearly much effort was invested in I really enjoy getting the Chassidisher researching each story, and many thanks to Derher every month and I just want to the protagonists for sharing them. Hopefully say thank you to all those that put their many others will choose to share their time into publishing it. Thank you! What personal stories for the benefit of the public. I really enjoyed in the Elul edition was the Thank you for providing rich Moshiach column, “No Jew Left Behind.” It’s chassidisher content for the public. unbelievable how the Rebbe showed in one letter that every Yid, whether he’s perfect or Levi Greenberg not, will never be left behind when Moshiach El-Paso, Texas comes. This letter shows how the Rebbe looked at every yid—as a whole world. Thank you Rebbe for believing in every Yid ” no matter how big or small we think we are. Dear Editor, Moshiach now!! Thank you for your article and pictures of Mendel Posner the Rebbe asking the photographer whether Mesivta of Coral Springs he had studied Tanya yet. As the article

CHESHVAN 5776 A CHASSIDISHER DERHER 59 מוקדש לחיזוק ההתקשרות לכ"ק אדמו"ר זצוקללה"ה נבג"מ זי"ע

לע"נ מרת דבורה ע"ה בת הרה"ת ר' זאב שו"ב נפטרה יו"ד כסלו תשע"ג נדפס ע"י בנה הרה"ת הלל דוד וזוגתו שטערנא שרה ומשפחתם שיחיו קרינסקי

מוקדש לזכות הרה״ת ר' לייביש משה וזוגתו מרת רינה וילדיהם קיילא באשא, בנציון דוד, אליהו איסר, רבקה שיינדל אלתא שיחיו גולדהירש


לע"נ מוקדש ע"י הרה"ת ר' בנימין זאב בן יבלח"ט הרה"ת ר' אברהם יוסף קרן אסתר סילווער נפטר כב סיון תשע"ג

לזכות החתן הרה"ת ר' שלום דובער שי' קעסלער DEDICATED BY והכלה מרת איטא תחי' דענבורג MR. AND MRS. EPHRAM לרגל בואם בקשרי שידוכים SHIZGAL AND FAMILY

A Chassidisher Derher Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim Brooklyn, New York 11213