» '• o JUNE 25.1987 .,' • . '• . ' .' - B VOLUME 15 - " J NUMBER 33 "-: . -.•• "' 2SECTIONS,'52PAGES- -.


Environmentalists, Police chief files lawsuit against city City manager says dispute . JlflfgfllPffSBBBI n"-'IU 'P anglers, oppose Is 'management disagreement' Chino Island project By Matt Perez Pinellas County man plans \". ttorney Patrick Geratjhiy, representing ;' 15 homes on uninhabited island Sanibei Police Chief John Butler, on h ATucsday.afternoon at.thc 5 p.m. .-leadline,:: By Steve Cason • ' " •-" filed a civil suit in Leo Coumy,Circuit Court igainst the City of Sanibei. The suit is based on , t's been more than 20 years since.a bulldozer Butler's list of !8 complaints against city manager Clary Price, (ieraghty said. '- h and dredge rumbled through Chino Island but ! those sounds could be heard again, soon, if a The suit, liled pursuant to the 1986 Florida .<>f\ If- I Whistle Blowers Act, seeks an injunction proven- , J'inell,i3 County developer gels his way, :; In addition, Butler maintains Sgt.'Jatk Primni " Roger Broderick, of Pinullas Park, asmajl com ting the city from dismissing Butler in any way ; ; •om his job pending tho suit; claims compensation was continued under the police pension system "'' munity north of St. Petersburg, wants to develop after leaving full time police status. I'rimm works '.. *.-v Ihc southern half ofihe tiny uninhabited island ir any 'wases or benefits Butler might have lost ; % uc't»'ihi> city=s action; and seeks reasonable :< V part time as chairman of Sanibe] r^mtTgency ; with 15 single,family homesitt's. > l ists, including attorney's fees for bringing the Management Plan. ' ' • '•'• •- * ; Broderick applied to the U.S. Army Corps of lit. .- • • .. ... HulliT said he notified I'ritfc of these discrepan- He demands ajuryjri.il for al! the issues triable cies, but was ordered by Price to sign a document so the city could fi/e;for revenue sharing funds by : Among the complaints are allegations of misuse Ihi- June 30 deadline. V by the cit" of state revenue sharing funds,; !: : sl'rice maintains there'is nothing improper wilh ipecifi'ca'iy. Butter says parks ann recreation : Inc-document hij/irdered HiUk-r to sign, and th.it \ = director iiick Noon continued.to receive police.in- the dispute is another management disagreement,' l •ntive pay after leaving full time status with -•'_= '•, • "We (the city 3rf in violation of the law beraiisjr. Sa'n'ibel Police and becoming a department head.; ,;, •'••-- • please see page MA'.-

"Engineers ea'rliei^this niGnth fur a |HTmil.,t{ Blni)vmif; MJ breeze a ml surf. When anked f heirfarqritr fur,?. • -crease boat traffic in the area, ef feet iveljptk's troy- FAtf&mul/'tt'*u-hatuv'Ciinybiy"Tht(ouplrth.wXmn^^ : ing the prized fishing and breeding grounds i around the uninhabited island. • .••-'" tnvniai Hand"during'vinU-r*ra#jrt. The_tiV^rt^nyf(«^*:OT.'At«r1A I¥rsf'»Mo/'.'y.»M«re w In a letter to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sut\shine." . .-- • ' • ~,i .. rU "•,.'" "'•-.' . • . _s ; '• district office in Jacksonville, David MrQuadc; president of thr South West Anglers Club, writes. "Increased hont traffic and human-.ictiviti'e'a in ibi^ City to set up marine almost-virgin territory cannot help but he disrupt . tivi? of the valuable marine lift1 in tho .-surrounding 3(]uatic preserve." patrol unit, improve pier ; s - .Local fishing conservationist Fritz Slopjiullwin By Steve Cason;': o 11 'is urging other fishing flubs to tak(- a similar he CiCitt yv fif>ff SariiIn.-Sa"ibi-1! «i(i v^e Tnont .* u-.i'u •••- . / --. • . ' . . -A -•'•: v „ stance. "Chirm Island is in iht? middlfi.of the aquatic1 preserve.. .ahd anything around that- •"' T island is part of thai preserve,".said Stoppclboi'i. |,waV,l!.i.^Mi»ha|,arllim,!m:1ril..-..n1il-|..r.. ^^.^l^,!^, ^ Larrv I'aul. chairman of the- board ui dirccti.ns" l.-.!ikinu-. The," ' ofPanibej Island Fistiimj Club ,in<1 u member of ' will gn ar.i the ma-iiii- " •*>• 'T'ir s'iint.nlililiMcI'liy Th rnnlS-.- ftii -. . '-'" - •/ ' • p.iease seo psge 27A f .* r.i e see page 15A the island eye

flashlights, which rt-flected back .-. brightly when bounc- ing off alligater eyes..; - The eleven -alligators counted in the sloughs of **•••" Snnibel River in- , dicates a high • ., number, Webb said. - given the dry condi- tions. The river level v was less than than . one foot above sea level at the beginn- _ ing of the subtropical Dispelling alligator myths rainy season. or maintaining status Data "on climate ly Matt Perez ;_. quo. Findings frorri conditions will pro-.; Safiihel's own wild :, the June 22 count ^vide future research = - kingdom was invaded studies with a tool to' Helen and Flelcfor Harris of Danville- VA. during the dark will he available next Celebrating ,week, Webb said/: r explain what raw relaraftcra meal, rending last week's.. hours June 22 by a 1 "One of the things population numbers •" edition of the Island Heporler. In royal style platoon of island :: -. indicate. - . - naturalists seeking that limitj s a rount is | A\Sanibel couple a hrce/e, and it was Webb said hun- .-S-. | celebrated their 60th shining-alligator.; , r .with the pages of the eyes,-, ' •-' " ') dead calm," Wt-hh ches, guesses, emo- All the news Inland Reporter. "We i Redding anniversary said of climate conili-_ tions and fears about that's fit thought using the i in royat style -• as During the second tions. ailigators arelhe '-'" _ local paper wnuld be I gupsls of Lady Olpa " annual istanri __.; -:. . : Hut to Sanibcl- 1'• guiding factors now. .; to eat off r V-fun-shys-dihing"" ! Maitland in England. alligator count tiiat t. in public peYcepfions • | : Mr. and Mrs. H, ', - ; Captivs Conservation Once the waiter or ' room manager •>- night* 2fi par- ,; Foundation executive about managing in- Nadlnc Miller. "We ] .Albert Anderson, of (sticipants, inclttdihg • teraction between.. waitress takes away ; Sea Gatt; SaniHc-l, a -. director Erick Liml your menu in most want to keep the iit- • one visitor from : .. Wad, it was anything '" people and alligators. ~-. mosphere relaxed I .first had a trip doivn England and four.; . restaurants, there's I Herman's River hu(_;.calm, he said. - Hard research may and laid back." from Ohio, scanned "That was fjuite a • help dispel myths nothing left for.you i" Rhine and folbwcd it GO sample ar^as to :• to do hut get bored, c- • •:Miller said shy>''- ; trip," said Lindblad •••• about alligators and: ' o^ I with S werk at the ijalhcr alligator ' : Not so at Captain -, often sees customers«- of alligaVirs-I' ,".. ... •provide wildlife "reading the [taper ] Norfolk home of population data. ;' : Sammy's Shell Shack I Lady Maitfand, a . thrashing in the -v .. managers wi|h,!>ctte.r - and some even work- Dr. Rill Webb said Sanibel River «am(i|e ways coordinate c'rin- ' where there is ing the crossword j member of the : 1 literally a wealth ef- _j British government. the purpos'.' of the arrasbetween Island tinued development news and information puzzle. , :.-•• j>uryey is nut to gain :- Inn Road and Rabbit . with the reptile's . Helping thrm^ !ran accurate figure 5nr to keep you occupied. Miller said they ? Road. Counters scan-; ~ natural home on the \. .'• chose the Island <• • celebrate were their the number of -/. '•.'_' •- ned the darkness " sanctuary island.G ; " Located in Palm daughter and her - alligators or, the-;; ;; Ridge Center, the ; Reporteraser the ! Times awl husband. Dr. and island, but to collect ,r. restaurant specializes . other papers because Mrs. James Mosoley, M ; data;that cou!d help. * HOLIDAY MAIL: According to Sanibel - in shellfish and the "it gives iho island 'also of Sanihel, and ! wildlife managers Postmaster Paul Adams, window service on Fri- . > Island Reporter. . news.. .We wanted ' granddaughter j • decide how to control " day, July 3 will be curtailed to 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. The to keep it the local Camcroji. The five i "interaction between.". Post Office at Jerry's, 1700 Periwinkle Waj% will • Since its opening ,' family members also/ people and alligators. June S, restaurant newspaper," she said, :; be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for stamps sales and ; - quickly adding, "it spent a celebration ^ •"' Research on the •. mailing of letters and uninsured parcels...." ' '- owners Denise Miller weekend at the Ritz sample areas will There will be regular delivery of mail on Friday, and Wally Arnold . also fits the table ^' better." - Hotel in . continue for a decade Juiya.; ; ' -; . • • . ,. v . • have tried to keep 1 to determine : r every table covered Bon appetiUET ..-• Cameron, a stu- : On Saturday, July 4, there will be no delivery of dent, is serving an in- I whether, alligator : mail except express and special delivery. Outgoing ternship with the j populations are in- ',. mail may he deposited at main office, Jerry's Post British Parliament.O ] creasing, decreasing , Office and Chamber of Commerce collection box.D FOCUS ON:

came back. Laser surgery, still in houses and the indicate ginger- .- ^Vincent ,,lhe experimental stage, was un- :• bread woodwork with which he Bonher successful in his case. His larynx embellished the windows, roof . wasremoved March )0 of last and porches. . . all, muscular, with close-" year and that led to eatty retire- This is an interest he plans'.ta- clipped gray hair, Vincent- msnt. vi . resume soon, after getting his TBonner is Ihe epitome of a .3. "Lcbuidn't yell at people any , machine shop in order. . . , re tired police captain. Then you -.' more," he explains, only half in • Another interest is the New " - T hear the low, cbnlrptled voice and jest.' " • '• . ' * ~ >-- Voice Club of Fort Myers, for '.;. ' the image changes somewhat. .While still in recovery at the ^ which Vjnce serves as vice- - . "Everybody thinks I'm the God- [ Now York Eye and Ear Infirmary, "president. The club is made up of - father," he growls with a big grin. Vince was visited by Volunteers laryngectomy patients who do the . Vlnce /5peak3 through a hole In',, who talked to him about life . • kind of work that did Vince so . the base of his Ihroat, or stoma, without a larynx and the options much good after his surgery. - as a result ol a laryngeclomy last : available. ... ?' " ,. ., "We go into Ihe hospitals and "^year.^;.... . ~; ; . - - "'..; t talk to people, convince them '..--•.The diagnosis of cancer of the /'It really helped a lot, I was so. they won't be.mute and set their . larynx came four years ago while scared," he admits. .,'•.- mind at ease." . *~ ;: he was still on the job as chief of He decided against the artificial ; police in Bayonne, NJ. "It'sTight voice. "You have to take ii out They also speak, in schools and clean itJt's really more of a about the dangers of smoking. . : In the middle of the jungle," he '; says', across from New York Har- nuisance." .. . .':-, For all of his adjustment, Vince -'^ '• bor. " f With the help'of a few lessons finds annoying complications (^ ; •In esophageal speech at the Inter- life with a hole in his throat. He 'r He had moved Into thai posi- national School for the Disabled, r can't swim, lor instance, because tion from service in Korea with . the water would go directly into Vince was soon talking up a : U.S. Marine Corps and a stint as a storm. Some people have difficul- his lungs. He has .to wear a \ . New Jersey state tropper. Signing ty with the technique, but Vince . medical bracelet advising on with the Bayonne force, he as a natural, • ••-_ "' emergency medical technicians r- progressed (rorri patrolman lo Esophageal speech works by that if oxygen is given, it must be .captain •_. • ~ •' ° swallowing and.conirolling air given a! Ihe base of the throat rather than through Ihe mouth. - He liKed the action. There was- , and training Ihe muscles that are : always something going on. It left to vibrate in place.of the He's still a young mari of 54. " ~ was a tension-filled job and Vince cvocal chords! ' . . "Graft," jokeaVince in explana- He Would like to get back on a ' had a twopacks-aday cigarette ' Vince and his wife Nannette,f tibn of his island digs. But , motorcycle once in .a while and habit.. who works at Friday's Creali^e= seriously, throughout his career in enjoys flirting with the ladies. .. He took radiation treatments ' Jev/elry, moved to Flonda last Ju- law enforcement he bought old Vince may have a new voice which brought about a two-year r. ly and, more recently into their houses and renovated them. ..-. and a new home, but he has the remission and then the cancer •> new luxury.home in Shell Harbor, H^e specialized in Victorian same old gleam in his eye.n r the islands ' community •: .calendar -I-Thursday, June 25:

"D.Mohday, June 29: . CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Summer . " Siller sponsored by i^e Sanibet-Gapiiva Ohamher of GomrnGtcs. 6 io 8 p.m at the Putting Pelican, Beachvtew Country Club- .- Speakfir wi!t be F.'ank Nocera. executive . director otihe Lee County Tourist Develop- ment Council. ; • ._ BIG ARTS: Regular meeting of Bawier • Island Group ior trie;Arts. 6 p.m, at Sanibe! • Island Reporter wins six statewide awards Conqregationai Church .of Ctos\."', "• TheIsland Reporter garnered six more, Reporter, received suriirirf placu for emir. awards for journalisticexcc-Htmce recently in lal reporting u-ith a scrips on alligator cm •trol. Ihc 3986 Better Weekly Nrwspape? Contest : ' handlers on Safiibi-!, And a second flare in t)Ut- New phone number sponsored by thi; Florida Pros*; Association. - door writing for a piei-p on Sanihei's iinnii;il ; r- First place for overall graphic design among 'alligator counts which aypvarmi in the Jun» for Medicare.assistance : weekly newspapers in Florida with circulation? ,_' 19S6 issue; ' - ^ f:"'. f ' • ;>- F'lori'ia [i Mciir.irt' l-j<{M)..i:i:i-758G. - bt-tween 5,000 and U,WJ wont to the Reporter, liypp/ici»rifs jpir.h .r -. \ .^ -la the area nf new* repU.-ti. i.>ii,;'-.:.:,:7ii^r> ". N!i. :i<^.r- --r^ram clucio^ the Iilr.i,.l Hcpurtrr. -n-^TvHi ?vmnd - • _ - ••*i>ntt:>t •>•.*'.: rS> :r,:itif- "rr":;l «-m--?:r.r;i':., .« pJact! for graphic: " ••• •"-.= • • •• " • E,ir! Hartma;i, now wriieranri spcciiii pp>- i't'asartu;!. Then- '.vr-n- -.iU'.1* «-ntrU'* fr^rri . jciftn iMJitnr for the O^senr:rx aiui the- Island --_ :hroui?hniit Fiorida/V; / "v :. , . ^'i O numlur :'i>:- hi.Tit-iii-jiiry

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r weather High Low - Rain Thursday June 18 r . 94 ,75 • 0 - SAMBEL ISLAND Friday, June 19 98 73 .6 ; Saturday, June 20 92 . 74 0 Sunday, June 21 '94 ; 75 0. Monday, June 22. 92 76 0 Tuesday, June 23 94 73 0 BOOKSHOP : Wednesday, June 24 93 74



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the islands Two bathers battle strong currents at Blind Pass •By Steve Cason here were two near dmwnings Sunday . .' Tin the waters off Blind Pass,\in area - known for its s-vift and treacherous cur- • rents. : • •" -.•;•• Tht; first incident occurred around 1:11 p.m. when a North Port man. Richard Taylor, 42. '; became tired while swimming about 100 feet off- . shore, said Jim Bates, a volunteer Emergency Medical Technician wittCaptiva Fire Department. "Taylor was plucked from the water by two men in a passing boat and carried to shore. "When we got there (Taylor) was stable and breathing on his own," said Bates. ; • • Taylor "Was transported by air to Lee Memorial Hospital where he was treated and released later, in the day, a hospital spokesman said. r; Bates said he did not know the names of the two men in the boat, but identified them as a vacation- On the way in, Pietsch said the current was so~~. The area where the two swimmers encountered ^ v ing paramedic and police officer from Dayton. OH.. strong that it parried them several hundreds problems is marked with warning signs about the The second incident incurred about two hours yards south of where they went in. He added.that strong currents. "People don't realize how - later, when Herman Pielsch, 77, of Fort Myers, he was fine after getting bark to the beach and •••:•dangerous it is to swim In an active pass," said ran into a similar problem tn the same area, resting.. v Captiva firefighter Paul Garvey.D .•. - - ^ : Sanibei Fire Chief Frederick Renz said. - n "I got out a little too far and tried to get in and just ran out of gas," Pietsch said Monday. Pietsch was swimming a "couple of hundred .- BICYCLE yards" offshore when he got tired and had to be - assist odby his son-in-law and two other <, RENTALS ' beachgoers.."! was just exhausted," Pietsch said. Robert "Bob" Gawle ' RENT THE BEST FOR LESS RKALTOR-Associate'


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'No bad comments'on beach plan —Garvey By Steve Cason .:."••-.,<-• <^ "25 to yo years". Erickson said. : "..; • . H .- it's going to cost them." ' . - - - ,. =' J aptiva Erosion Prevention District will-.' -. The hoard has not yet decided hew or even if V review two reports at a special meeting the beach should he maintained once it is installed. -.Property osiers wiil be assessed based <,n the {2 '• G Tuesdaynighl. One concerns the amount of storm protection and recreation ~'~~- > maintenance costs for the proposed beach restora- Preliminary estimates on restoring the heath : hover around $7.9 million; but maintenance costs ''*' benefits they derive from the project. Under the § tion project, the other, a "fine tuned" version of ' plan, gulf front and commercial property owners -n the cost apportionment plan.\ would hi? additional According 1o figures in the L J report, an eight-year maintenance program wouM - would shoulder the biggest percentage'of the, - m If tinle permits, board members will also discuss - costs. Preliminary assessments range from a high o - "ideas1.* tyr the 198788 budget. • . • add $5.1 million to the cost. Annual maintenance •'• was estimated at $037,600, .;!. ;ofaliout $21,900 far a gulf front parrel located ' *>. The primary focus of the meeting is expected to The. final projett cost, along with the finalized p alonjj ttitf Gold (Vast to a low of about $300 for a: m be the maintenance costs for the proposed new 31 version of the apportionment plan, should be ;; non gulf front property owner in The Village, r . - beach. The board agreed June 13 to proceed with Those figures, though, are only estimates and do ;a plan that calls for varying beach widths of he • ready by mid July, in timeTor the board's regular ;• meeting. • . -.<,.,,' nei take into account anticipated state and federal '' 'tween GO and 80 feet, and ordered-Applied funding.. / . * .-' u .-. Technology and Management consultant Karyn •- :_ So far there has hecn little outward reaction to"'•'. Ertckson.to prepare two alternative maintenance the plan. CEPD chairman Paul (larvey said he has ' _The apportionment ptan'cannnLbe finalised until schedules, one for long term maintenance and the - received .several phone calls on the subject, bii'l no . : .fiie final project cost is determined, .rj other for annual maintenance' "had comments." He said that would probably :' • Garvey said !hi? board is "on srh'rduie." to meet With out maintenance the new beach would only change once the apportionment plan is finalized • its'deadline for a Novembyr referendum. last about 10 years: If, however, the beach were and Captivans see for the first time what they are' properly maintained for 10 years, it could last for .actually going to have to pay. "That's what. ' , Tuesday's meeting begins at fi p.m. in'the Cap everybody's interested in." said C.&rvey. "tt'hat tiva Community Cen.lcr.C-; -,: • -^ - H

Shopping center "•>• : V Sanibel Naturists: construction delayed clothing and address optional By Mary Coleman , " - By Matt Perez':* ; "-""- "A*-.-' '• :•- ;: •'. rfT^he bank and shopping center portion of ° : I the development 3t the northeast corner of - JL Periwinkle Way and Tarpon Bay Road has t made headlines in big newspapers a few . .. -• '.,'--•/ : years back when Sanibel Naturists put on - ' been delayed by efforts of the banking group in ; get a state charter and Sanibel Planning Commis- Itheir clothes to clean up Bowman? Beachv Usually, they just laid out in the raw. sion has placed an expiration'date of Oct. 6 on the development order. v .'. . '" The group,.which_advocates clothing optional : beaches, is still going strong, spokesman David The property was subdivided in March and con Southall said recently. But despite the group's ; struction of the-7-Eleven r'ood Store, approved V name, there is only one active member from under a separate permit, has begun. Sanibel. More than 100 Lee County members, split" . Giles I'ageaii. owner of the land, said Tuesday between Cape Coral and,Forl Myers, participate that his contract with a potential buyer who would in weekend activities. : '-"- build a bank, fur which plans have been approved,* Sanibel Naturists is preparing foi National •I'Xp'rn, O>t. f>. But th-it gr;i!i[i which if currently;". Nude Weekend at the end of June','Liry nivisinns. - - •' .. -^ ' - • ' wont tell their age. It is not a bunch of naked:yip-- ' Planning director .'irure Ji'igers explained" that n pics organizing sweltering orgies as people like to resoluli-in by^ the.plarifiiBg runimission is con think. "The corny part of it is, you've gol nothing Mdered a dc-v'fjppment order, wheri-as a develop- to hide." said Long. ir.enl permit is"i*50e'd by the dfparimrnl after all Sanibel Nalurjsts report a successful past year, stipulated rondittuns h.ive betu.srili.-ned. hich included trips to Cayo Costa for beach - The development order was issued to flasparilia clean-up projects, boat trips among other out-" • Square Associalcs; a ttivhinn of Edison Properties. inlands and most importantly, no arrests. "• Giles Pagrasi, speaking on behalf of Gasparilia ''We don't do mush out on Sanibel any more -S'fjuare A'sorlatesi said thai if the proposed bank- because of the sheriffs (department)/' said Long.- ing group does not succeed in gelling a charier, . The one member from thq,island wa*.flt his sum- • his group would'procetd with construction of the ~ mer home in Illinois, unavailable for comment. . initially approved plan* and lease space .out to a The headlinesyears ago also focused on a conti- branch of an established •hanlc-"'".: .!h~ - nuing battle between proponents of clothing op- • lional beaches and Lee County Sheriffs Office, specifically Sheriff Frank Wanicka. <,, .One more graduate Southall and Long, who used to preside over the, nude sunbathing group; said they remember times .*'' He supplied the at Bowmans Beach when sheriffs deputies sneak-, -following information, • ed around in the bushes with binoculars, cracking in his own words: down on sunbathers in a plan called Operation r Sanibel S'aturist member Mary Southnll ami. -ACTIVITIKS: Varsilv Cover Up; :•_ c\ - -' . • , toddler pick'up trash during the Bolt:man's ''Ka^ehalt 11-12; J.V. , "Frank Wanicka gathered sufficient boldness to beach cleanup last year. '. \-, liartetball JO'-II; Sfu-.'" assert his sheriffdom on Sanibel.''Southal! recall-., denl Government; ed. "The statement was that Sanihel was part of. treasurer 11-I2: LeV: ; Lee County and had to abide by that law." County l.eadershin He said Sanibel Police rarely harassed nude sun- disorderly conduct charge. Their legal eagles Steering Coiimitlet bathers in the style of Wanicka's office. Long dispute the interpretation of that law th.it says vict- chairperson 12; recalled a meeting during the past year where a . " disorderly conduct is any action which can offenc photograph editor »f police officer saw a sign for a Sanibel Naturists ,./ the public morals. - . ; " ! "Panther Prints", 12. - meeting directing members and guests to a beach •: Disorderly conduct is n statute sheriffs deputies area near the Lighthouse! - , -; apply when faced with naked, breathing bodies on AWAIJDS AND The officer was called to the area by a complai- the beach. -' . -:-, HONOHS: Quill and nantl'but told Long that, he thought (he sign in- He cited an appellate court decision that states "Scroll ,L?; Letter in dicated the meeting of a boardsailing group. •; .: playing disorderly condnc! charges on nude sunbathers- = once again become a safe place for nude sun-.. graduates;, Jeffrey bathing. . - _ iiasl-h.if!;' wi![ i:ing; and Sanibe! Naturislr- is raising money to fight what : Deramo was not inrlmJ. rairhi-(; r, fpiv ray? Southal!>a!is legal ha-.i^sment. • ' Perhaps eveifthe deputies' noisy motorized ed. •" ."We have not rind -: ;T<\(5; sbrmigh because .the tricycles could be replaced by ^onietint-^n bicycle •••• T.hc • 18-yo.ir-uld ITTiliK !"l .ANS:: AI- state is a _fnrmiu.-.t-;^ >.cf•• t:r--..-vv," he taid. "There's selling Si'K.SOsuntan lotion. •= -. . >• '• Cypress Lake Hich • UniIVCT- 1 been son of un K.7:--1.:^. r.ri;. •:••' . ^ "What we're asking for is freedom of chuire, .'School graduate, son i>f \ >ii- soar kifr the right io hrue a poriifm ni' she li>.-afh • (jeort;i- .n'ni Khiinc Hot-'. ; -xi\i.hc tiona! p irrat the' regarded as clothinlhi g optional.i " hid Lr-n^.... ;'fmir(*. *•?.?• a-lvadur in ' • Ijolh nMiiemi:-.1; AX\I] business «

Klein named telemarketing manager of - Gulf Coast Newspapers

J Massaprqiia. i.or.g

Island Moped files for Chapter 11 needs .if resiclrals in a wid.-.ln! ilcgn-f Tr™ : tin'ri.niiiuuiilv. Nnsin Ciininusnitv - Thernvnernf Island Mnpnlon 1'eriiinkle VVsv itiillars..iiL.li'1>K im-liuliiiB $1110,0011 i-.vh to .Oi.,.»i _ - . has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy proiTcdinRS in- <>n.-y uutird.lu >''-'•' -;^'<'«'i- in fJ'.iikiwr,^,, I'l'tlT J. Horns III. «-|w is ir'rnrpuralnl as Burns' lm-,Ma»tachu>.i;tts i.U',;,,,,. MA. :' "•"»! "Ml " iivl-.nl.- r.« years, .-.hr, lives ,,r. rreditors anil, under the provisi.iin ol ChaniiT II. " r'".v -I nini.inii -ii Alln-d Cytif- sai.l Hurr.s J-iHne orthelLS. liankrupfly act. may nmiinui-in '•> business while reuri;aiii/ui^ ui'.iiiT crmri SU),IT\» '-' - sion. . : - :, . ; - Island M,,,,ed.»-hW.renl»m,.r.edsan,n.iry ,. -The case involves more than half a miliiim

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fences, or other conductors of electricity. DohT i A BOLT FROM THE BLCIE seek shelter under trees. Crouch down or kneel but do not lie down or hide in a ditch. • - .— If you're inside, stay away from open doors, Florida leads nation windows, stoves, metal pipes, sinks and electrical appliances. If lightning strikes near your housor in lightning-related electrical current can be conducted by any one of these, things, • 'lj •"' '?'• deaths and injuries " The chances of surviving a lightning strike and living to icll about it aro slim, says Wilson. "I \ wouldn't want to go to a blackjack table With v" By Steve M. Caaon those odds and'txpect to win." he said. "The few here arc few things in nature more awesome highly publicized cases where they do walk away than a bolt oflightning. The intense flash of a>c-few and far between." - : : ; - Tlight'ind roaring crack can be both^ ••(,- Sanibel restaurant owner David Wackerman is fascinating and frightening. Frightening enough to one of those fortunate few. He was struck by v c send most of us scurrying fur cover. >.-.- r« - lightning in;Augusl 1985 while jogging on the And for good reason^ Florida leads t^-* nation in beach near the Sanihel Lighthouse, "I was running lightning-related deaths and injuries. Since 1959, '-: on the beach with my daughter and I thought the more than a thousand people have been killed or storm was up toward Captiva- It didn't seem to be injured as a direct result of a lightning strike, ao-- around Sanibel so I didn't think much »boiit it, ,i cording to a recent report by the National Oceanic Then I was out. I just sort of felt my hairburn for* and Atmospheric Administration. u- ;.-^ . a second.-The next thing I knewl was on the

I was running on the beach with my daughter and I thought the sjorm was up toward Captiva 'The chances of surviving a .. ... so I didn't think much aboul lightning strike and living to tell it. Then I was out. I just sort ol & about it are slim. I wouldn't want felt my hair burn lor a second. : to go to a blackjack table with ,.-• .The next thing I knew I was on •, ..those odds and expect to win. the ground :... It was pretty ...... • '"" • " - iohn Wilitrn traumatic. - Oatid Wacketmon quences very deadly'in most casos."_> ground ... It was pretty traumatic." hr sairf. Although anyone raughtoutside during a • - " Wackerman doesn't take chances anymore. "You |- ' . Twenty-three of those incidents happened in a thundersiorm fa at risk^ boaters and golfers should figure it's never going to happen to you ..., When _. -Lee County,'• . =' he especially careful. If you arc outside during a it does you figure it can happen anytime." ; " . storm, the National Weather, service offers thu Reports of lightning strikes on Sanibel are rare, ,- • Because lightning is such a* regular occurrence, ! most people laktr it for granted, especially during • following safety tips: ;'• hut not because they don't occur, said Sanibel . the summer months whenyou can just abqul set - Boaters should crouch down in the boat away, Assistant Fire Chief Charlie Frederick.."We have •, your watch by the afternoon thundershowcrs; ^ from metal objects. Put down fishing rods or other some hellacious electrical storms here . •. but "Since it's a common risk we tend to get a little because they're so common we usually don't get : '." metal objecU.and stay low until the storm passps 4 complacent about it," said John Wilson, Lee Coun- "over. . !. > ."'"'.. .- "•" '" that many reports." .; -^ ,; ' ty director of the Division of Emergency Manage- : - Golfers should put down their clubs, get out Frederick said his department typically \ . ment., . of their golf cart and crouch down on the ground averages oniy one report a year. "There's pro- * ~ ; Most people are more fearful of a hurricane or away from tall objects. Do not hide under trees. babiy a lot of incidents where lightning gets into ,-- : tornado than they are of lightning, said Wilson, - If "you're outside, stay away from high .»;. (a house'sl wiring or plumbing but we don't hear . ..". 'who warns against having such an attitude. "The ground, tall trees and tall metal structures. Don't about it because the owners arc either away or ^ threat of [ightning is very real and the conse- touch any meial objects such as clothes line; ? don't realize it happened." he said.D ~

c=}anlbe.L JJiLancL LIMOUSINE "Swingit" at the Dunes! Play the mild nine or the challenging wild nine at Sanibel's only 18 hole golf coursel yi-rri nnnn SIGHTSEEING • Memberships available for season or imm 472-8888 SPORTING EVENTS monthly" : " f • Aqua driving range ;; • Lessons from our Class A PGA Pro and THE USPTAPro .---,; -.-.•;• *'K BRASS ELEPHANT Fully stocked Pro Shops v RESTAURANT 6 all weather tennis courts Also, enjoy dining and cocktails over- looking the 18th green at Mulligan's Join Us For Our Fabulous Restaurant and Lounge. , Sunday Champagne Brunch Buffet DINE AT THE DUNES ' •• ' Rto.aiimp -;•"/" " 10:00 A.M.^to 2:00 RM. t1U5

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O .:- /county : : * New auto safety device more than a bag of.hot air f By Earl Hartman - r/; ; t's a pillow of airland it rmitd sav*> vmir life. An ;)ir bag takes t/25lh of a second to Ideploy in a'collision, tri^ered by sensors on the car's frame. Two or three seconds nfler im- - pact, it.dfflatcs to allow the person protected to r have free moyi'ment. . The Florida Highway 1'alrol is currently ^, ;! 'Operating nine demonstration Aphides with these ."• passive restraint systems in a statewide educa- ;, tional effort. Troop F. hoad^uarlyed in Fort fi Myers, is one location. w~'. _ Troop F's U. James Hhodrs has bcRun , demonstrating his air bag-cr|uippcil car to groups, and firmly believes the air bag is the "ultimate" protection, particularly from the most killing, crip- pling and damaging kind of highway accident, the . headon collision, •"" ~ : • Rhodes calls it "another measurr of protection," . but it is not e o ff* A passive restraint — you don't have'to hook it, to push it drum t< •" pump WOT even turn it on — it operates u automatically, Rhodes stresses. But it protects a "pretty much eliminat I* pOS! driver or passenger who doesn't know or has cidentr.1 discharge," Khodi ,;.; forgotten it's there and has .never read how it - One drawback" di lain: On< the sytem .-.- works. As Rhodes says, "It's just there," re-idy if deployed, it has he replaced at the repair shop, there's an accident. ,. just as a biisted fender or a bashed bumper v,• ould.. ,•• As air bags in new model cars become more - fihodfs said, however, that most insurance co Split si'cottt! mfiatinu of thin air h ulii far p. : 'readily available - U.S. Secretary, of Transport a- panics "-"ill fix the air b.itf system just a^ tlicv • Kntku Murphy from vxtrvmr w.j; u httui- ' - tlon Elizabeth Dole has ordered a gradual phasing ivoiKil the fender or bumper. AMhoiyjii.thr en ,1 isV. ;'OH ei.lli*i;n. '"."- ••• " •' " , r- j f h j l, l .g«9 i abnui S1.000 on a ncft^car. wiifTv-idirr us,-. : ' Thv caf tJiat Rhodes liM'si in dirn ;,>red i>y : that figure ciuLi be -i> k>«--^ SSO^J m-st year, ,; hap is .TtuncticmaU'IIP-vchifti?. J y : two-thirds of the.L'S. firVt - • • -i - ..-...: - J—.:-.. ...- n... .,:. •—. i.,.!*= -.-..' - . ^n time, are equipped with air hacs^ . - ill the :bt linr>l |.n>' •Otjr 'in," Hut j •expensive". Some 19a7 m ; - .i Hhodea am!i the Florida Highway Patrol si;e iW VlIF officer ,i(I.-.-\nd.ihpy . Hhcidt-s's air'W woffl dppitty jii ;( wrrrfc; it is. lo air bags as necessary to assure that thv nioinriiis; '(••lit viisplav purposes nislv- ant! \i nffi fun tionsl. In- : public has'the fullost possible pruli'ction.- '. .. into rffrrt'ln July I'JSC auti it dcsiencil to tic en ytead ii' the chemical which hfi*ws->jjic ».ij> insianily :- At speeds as low as 1(1 mi,h, at which the air fofri'd t\s n sirimdarv violation -This mt-ans an of onjmp.'tct, Khiide.s carrits sn air compri'^or in lhl- .bag will deploy, a force oi' 10.000 pounds pressure i"iffr r.tn cili- an offtfidt-r for not wearing hi.T seal cos's trunk to build up ihfrii.-ccssary.prri'iiire tc belt whi'ti he is iiifijinrd f"r anothfr.virtiatioii. ; is exerted on a 200 pound person in a headon colli : . inflate the dt-monsfniiiori f»atf- Bui, his is n-usabic-i :'::: sion, and deaths have occurred at thUJow speed, ..Cifhtjons'havc been "siibstantHi!.'; Khudcs said over and over. '=•. " . . f^Rhodcssaid. . . , ,...." ; allhoiiph a separate count of them has not bcc-iV / "Florid,-. Highway Patrol vehicle* arc nnl «iw - Many early drawbacks of the air bans have; bee kegl. llf)wp'ver; "we take that law very s«ri«usiy; • pfpiipptd with the passive restraint syM<;ms. - overcome," he said: drawbacks such as its"dcpioy-' we'tf.ol "tlial it is an important p,;rt of our job '-Un Rhodes says, but he heJievcs that as cost comr-s /. ,. _ ing accidentally by tripping a release inside enforce it)." lie, Added, "Our jo')'s nol down, the Fill' will be using them in the near car or on the grill. Now; sensors on the car's frame^ until we gct.lOO percent ronipliance." fntiinv;"- :• : • / . "'..,

il '•'•'-• W ^ Listing

V--V 1987 "'"v>' ~A -. •••••""• ^^^^' Associate of the | Month

;-. . -. i". "" :. DANCOHN Dan first vKileil Sanibel.ln 1976. After graduatina from Pamona Col- ' '• |^^B "- •''• ' ~ ^BSSfH leije with a Bachelor of Arts degree, ^SHi iinjt," ~ ' wBBffl Dan became an island resident. ! BB9E/ *^W tttCr BWBM ' UP became a full time Heal Lstate ^^ga] *^ *^^ pJJBm •; Profrsstonal foi John Naumann & '-'• BfflBy^!ff. ^ JjHsl Assotiiites in 1978i and is a member of lhe Five Million Dollar Club. , .. Drfii's leisure lime is spent playing lennW and enjoying his uifc and three children and their hiime in Gumbo Limbo. ';. • . ': • Work with a professional... •'•' : F^^ / ^SSf ' ' ~ ' \

DANCOHN. Rcaltor-Associale at 472-3121 ., John Nciuiiitinii & Associates liic, ffcillors uith offices at: 7 Il»')!'

New law a January IJ1. Il*fi7. He wa< a member iif.Sanjbel-. .' threat to open ".,""• Cajiiiva Lions Club ;imi was an h'in«r.iry njtmbiV • ••'I !hv £.inihrl.C»j>!iv.-f Sht-lf Club. He h;.d been a " government — FPA !!•,^•!^l^lu•^Vt^t^f• Sanibr! Conimtinity. CMtrch ;wA the St-I C'.irijinmity A*s"i<-atifm for 11 \t-,irs. He C By Mary Colcman ' . - isi> ;iti';irdi-n( sr;«ok fisht-rman/'V ' ." .• . "- overnment in iht sunshine may be jeopardized by a new law passed by the j; " GFlorida Legislature lal»! on Friday. June 5, the last evenuiR of the 1987 session: So says Dick Shelton, executive director of the Florida Press Marcia V. De Rpcco - Z . - - Association, who has asked Governor Bnh Msr- tincz lo vela the bill, assed as HR 1336. " Marcia V. I)e Rocco, formfrSy of SanibcI. died Sunday at aye 79, She moved hcre'in 1975 with her The bill wouldI.permit governmental agencies"or husband Jovan De Rocco from Stroudsburg, I'A " ; boards to meet in secret with their -attorneys to ... r , A graduate of Butler University, Mrs. fir Rocc* discuss litigation. Former Governor Heiihin Askew Charles J. Muller V . was an artist, sculptor and painter, teaching in vetoed a similar measure in 1977. saying that it < Brooklyn College and Hernin iligh School in '.' - .- " would "diminish considerably the atmosphere of - Sanibel resident. Chuck Muller, 81. died Mon- . . • - - ' openness that has come to be expected of govern-* day, June 13. 1987. ~ '•'•'-- '. ment in this state." .-••:- ^ She was a charter member of tlic First Church . „ He was born in Antwerp, Belgium on March 1 j, of Christ Scientist, Sanibel-Csptiva.'Her husb.ind, At that time Askew pointed out that many of 1906. "• ' " • ., -..'"-•• .•• •-' ". •'•• a graduate of ihe University of Belgrade School of the decisions whif^f public boards and agencies Mr. Muiler, a resident of SanVbel since 19iifi. Architecture, Yugoslavia, designed the Sanibel ;- - make deal directly with pending litigation. "These : came from Detroit, MI. He is survived by his wife > Chrisiian Science Chi'irch which was completed in. decisions include the sale of public lands, en- dola Fae; two sisters, Rose Hotif and Emma Ken- 1979. .;...—".- •-,.-"--". ,"•• vironmental disputes, educational issues, and the nedy of Michigan; sisterin law Madeline Mullen Although ihe De'Hoccos moved to Cinnamon '. financing of public projects-.. S« what we are - three nephews, Capt! Brcce Kennedy, Dr. Lawrence Cove, Fort Myers, last fall, they remain™] " '. talking aboulis excluding the public from a "ignifi Kennedy. Kor.octh Houf, one niece Valarie Muih'-r memhers of the island church First Reader Frank.- cant amount of public business," he continued. He Kern; 17 great nieces and nephews all of • AjjStsrvens commented, "They fitted in with the also noted that secret discussions tend towander Michigan. ", . . '?": :• • . • . ; island very nicely." He officiated at thc'fnemorial- far afield and may result in final decisions on mat- Memorialsr-r vices were hrld Ttie?day,;,?une 2:1% serviceYesterday at I1, a.m. al Phi! Riser Funeral ters of great.public interest. -^ at Sanihrl Community Church at. 11 a.m.' Donati'm* Home in Fort Myers'. : "•/.. Like the earlier bill, the one recently passed can h'c madf in his memory to I ho Sanib«i-Capt;v,i Ik-sides hrr hiisband. Mrs. Dc Rocco is survived provides for tape recording and transcripts of , Lions nub. . •:= •: hv,a brother, Dr, John T. Cispps of Sai:ramr-n(o, these serrei meetings t;i be released on'conclusion Chiirit-s and Fae had hevn m.irric-d •!":.> ^ars'tm -"CA.C: '.. • . - -.". , .,. •; " - • . (if the litigation. Mul/as Askew noted, "It could : literally to years before the puhlic has an oppor- tunity to become informed about what should he public decisions. Ify that lime, any chance for •'/ "public influence on those decisions would surely _ necessary to put- the public agency on t'tjual to federal court the class action suit against the ci have passed ... The harm would be done." footing with opponent.*.' attorneys and that such ty over its occupational license suit. ' ~ Finally, Askew commented that public liligalion meetings would save' governmenial enliUrs targe "The hipgest area where (Government in the - is financed by public money and the clients of:: amounts of money when settlements are at issue. Sunshine) is 3 prohlem is "settlement negotiations these attorneys working with agencies -ind boards ... Sanibel City Attorney David LaCrois, when ask- and discussion «f the bottom line," explained are not the members but the people they=cenrcf ed which city litigation cases currently pending LaCroiV. He gave as an example a theoretical suit sent.. . ". ".".•••' ,.- _^ ~- could benefii from the ntw rule, replied "allot against the city for which the city would agree to Senator Fred Dudley (RCapc Coral) was one them." '•-::- " .. --" settle $15,000 on the plaintiff. Tht? city attorney who argued in support of the exemption from the . "In handling litigation, there are technical would then be unable to offer the lower figure of • Sunshine requirements. The measure was strongly strategies I have never been able to discuss with $10,000 toc.iu.se the higher figure would.be a maV lobhied by the Florida League of Cities, which the council publicly," he said. He gave as an;cxam- ter of public record. maintained that such private meetings are •• ple the advantages and disadvantages of removing

isproudtojtnnounce we are open for BAILEY'S ASUAL WEAR 7 DAYS A WEEK FROM 11:30 TO 2:30 -featuring - - : ' \

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We also have FRESH SEAFOOD PLATTERS, great fries, and h "Oiir Po-Boys will make you think you're back in New Orleans.:

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sanibel county

j Police chief's >;, • • "*" • DUCK STAMP ECG combats £dult illiteracy PHICES FLV HIGH: "c Ediaon Community • secretary to retire The price of Federal • Jie served between 8:30 reserved for questions | College is serving as and 9 a.m. The and comments from -•' : Migratory Bird Hun- Sanibel Police Dnpt. secretary Betty Balph is ling and Conservation community host for the ; - teleconference and the community par- ] retiring effective July 3. ..-"'. Stamps, commonly first national video concluding activities' tieipants" around the ' teleconference on adult According to a release signed by Police Chief known as the Duck will be followed by a country. , . - i John Butler, Balph was appointed secretary to Stamp, wilt Increase in illiteracy and its im- luncheon in the private Sponsor for this na- j the original startup police department in 1974 and price July 1 from $7.50 pact oifthc workforce, dining room of the col- tionwidc initiative is I also acted as secretary to Duane White, then to $10 according to Friday, June 26 from 9 • lege cafeteria at 12 the American Associa- a.m. to 12 noon in the -• : . chairman of the planning commission. ;;. U.S. Fish and Wildlife .^noon. tion of Community and "She became an auxiliary police and worked in Service. .: board room. Building "TJie American , Junior Colleges in \ many capacities within the department: dispat- C. Room 220. ;, Seminar: Literacy. cospnnsorship with cher, records clcr^ and assisting in criminal in^ Proceeds from sales The purpose of this : Your Community and Project Literacy U.S. vestigations in addition to routine duties. She has are used by USFW to important and . un . its Workforce" wil! (PLUS!, Nations! purchase wetland . _ numerous letters of commendation from within th^: precedented event is to^ originate live from the Association of Private.. department and from citizens and organizations," habitat for en- , bring together, in each U.S; Chamber of Com- •Industry* Councils, Butler said. -: : vironmuntal manage- of 1,000 communities, merce in Washington, American Association ment- According to leaders of literacy ac- n.C, as a national/local of School -Ad- .^ She was also active in the formation of the USFW, the Duck Police Re-creation Club, acted as its secretary and tion programs with •"''(own hall" meeting. ministrators. Council of ".Stamp wilt cost $12.50 other leaders from in-i The program will in- Chief Slate School.Of- - helped publish the annual telephone directory. in I9S9 and Slain ."- . Her plans include some travel. She'will continue dustry, government. • clude B roster of ficers. Association of 1991. Community . College : to live in the Fort Myers area.D ; labor; and community; ^istinguished.paneHsts Tin; ciisl increase. groups to develop, a: and speakers and Triislei-s, with funding- D REFUGE CLOSES FOR HOLIDAY: J.N. July I is the first coordinated, com-! models of exemplary provided hy IBM ••!> "Ding" Darling National Wildlife Refuge Visitor price hike since 1979.. j>r«hcnsive ^litera*'}' '• stale, regional and Educational Systems. . Center will be ciosed Friday. July 3 and Saturday. Duck Stamps -ran be. r fducaU'oi! action f.To .. local literary plans will ' For more informa July 4 for the holiday weekefti: Regular hours at _. used to gain entrant. gram for their locale- \ be showcased. Suh*tan-. " into National Wildlife' tion call Dr. Dorothy L. the Visitor Center arc Monday through Saturday Registration will: 'tinl lime Micks during Lord at 4^99242* or from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Wildlife Drive will be Refuges and National the - i n I e r a c 1 i v e'. F'nrklands that charge begin .it 8:30 and a cm- Suzanne Klf-tcher at open during daylight hours during the holiday. . tinental breakfast will teleconference are Remember, this is Take Pride in America season entrance fees. : , forU.S. Fish nnd WiirfHfc ,., Happy July Fourth. 'Can Cope' group Oehlbeck's 'Captain's Collection' on display 1 Fir.=t rc-derat of Fcrii: > "Can Copt-," a sttp- difif-lav Jure 22-July .*; 25 xW and 30x40. In- " Support group for Alzheimer's Myers is presenting:- at First PV-ii-rar- Co! • eluded In the^groiij) is port group fur people- Dr. Luther W.- OehJ--: The Alzheimer's sup- blems of Alzheimer's, dealing with .the !cge Parkway office. "Contempa ;ind Small port group,", an infor- Thursday, July 2, 2 to beck's "Captair.'s-Col • ..from July 6-17 at the Friend", which-, has challenge of cancer. lection" during June mative meeting for 3:30 p.m.-in the Cape will meet for discussion Del i'raiio -office <-in recently received people who are - Cora! Hospital LIFE and July, and at some ' Cajie.Coral; July 2Q-31 reconnilion by the Na Tuesday. July 7-from of their Southwest5 caretakers of victims of " Center B. -.,-.-.' 10:30 lo 11:39 a.m. in at.-the Sanibf-I office." .tional Wildlife Federa Alzheimer's * desease, Florida locations. " •'-. Ttic collection con tion for their head- . the LIFE Center at •• The "esri'.hif oftntd^ will discuss cojiing with """ For further informa- Cape Coraf Hospital. sists of full ;u'o!or - quarters . - in :Jun0 5 al ihc niain oi'-;; Washington, D.C.L! the day-to-day pro- tion, call 57-1-3129.:: For . further informa- canvas-texture Fforida tion,.call 574-3129.". .'ficc'm downtown Furl' •nature scenes in exhibi- Mvers. h '.vijs' bi; on': tion sizes 28 x 30. \.

CONTINENTAL CUISINE : ,; _• .;i , - -.Since* 1969 - : \ ^ A Truly Affordable Dining Experience Oh, what a veal!



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- All dinner include Nropolitan or Cocsat salad, a side dish of spaghcttini, and Jresh French Endless fashions:,. bread.. : .. .from day time fun to serious nights. (Corfu dining specials available on selected menu items from 5:30 to ioutn 9> 6:30 or first 1 GO people Mrved) Siesta Key -St. Aimand's • Sanibel Island . b" SINCE 1969 '•:;:] Lctizias .. In Periwinkle Gardens".. .1551 Periwinkle Way Italian fare at its best! ' .-. 472-9111 ••-.-..!- Great Fashion shows al... 5:30PM.WJ3OP Mon. - Thistle Lodge (Casa Ybel Resort) - Open 7 D.iyi "LETIZIAS" lues. - Brass Elephant (Hilton) : Tull LWJU'JI l\cew The Affordable Dining Experientel Wed, - Thistle Lodge : \\ • ". 472 2177; ." "\ . • Thurs.-Thistle Lodge " " :: ' Sorfy. No Reservaiions - - - - I fcl '••"• Fri —. •: Dunes and South Seas (poolside) :?. '331*3 W. Giilf Dri^e - Sanibel Island - On The Gulf! * ,i Sat.— Thistle Lodge : " • 12:30-2:00 - • ; captiva

1 :; fur help unp'fiHaily. ii:a\f her -^mn{ Oi c^taWUH .1 en;;. 1 'Ghostbuster' crete rase, she s.iid. -• ' ..' '• '• • •• ';* • Khc'found hff-.clfMiIrd.li)- r-ii-f u, hr![.>olvt it murder, a kidr.Jppmg and i?i I in* srtiali l lo 100, Newel! said she uses her exira .sensory ^ £ By Matt Perez' . - / V abilities to help people in need. She credits her "

Q ••"" • ..- ""'-.' ' " - . • • abilities to love for (elhiw human beings. ; . Z "w-^inding lost objects by using supernatural - In Texas, she recalled undergoing tests from a 3 W abilities is trivial pursuit to Karen Newell, a person researching ESP, but gave up on him w JL self-professed psychic who moved to Captiva . because the tests were so ridiculously simple, '"• o ,.' 'i^May- "Dealing in death is my forte," she said. She said she still is willing to work with police, .• Though many people show genuine interest in though she tires quickly of skeptics who make her \ the supernatural — just count the ticket receipts go through "psychic stunts" to prove herself. " -y ^ from any Stephen King film — Newell said most As for finding lost objects or reading thoughts, people are scared to accept psychic subjects those skills have been perfected by what she calls because of their upbringing, mentality or religion. her spirit guides. IrOnically, she loses her car keys Pointing to an article from a major Florida at least a few times each day, she added. :. ? newspaper, which .sentutiunalked the subject wijij ;•: "US what I do best," Newel! said-of being a ' pictures of ;i.grt'i'ri-f:u*vtl Hinduswami in a crystal ^psychic, not losing car keys. "This is what fulfills ball, she ssid, • Th.it w:iuUi prebably ^'iiry half the me." She ceils herself a professional who cringes : people ir, ;hf tvmhtry." -,-.•• • " -.. ^ ' ~.\l charlatans who make money off people's in- / Irooically, iiic- jC'.-ami rov?mb!erf ft character on a securities. ." ,- r ..""•;: ;: popular Saturday nuii-r.ini: chiiurfn's show." Being a sensitive Jswit unusual, she.said. Some people are born aware of power* in their brains that commonly "go uniaj'j'ed, she .said. Some sen- . -• of hf-ihig Ii-r j.\i ••!;!.;..4.iii>.'-i!:v M;d.*Al 12, she . silivvH. however, cannot-face being different front, has lict-ii in Ihe .:ias?ii!i^s for 2\) years, during'. . the norm and *hut down their psychic abilities. , " •-which shi: r,:^ wursi't1 hr vtYns Acicitlvbs, grievr . "Ai thcbctfirtrimi:. I didn't understand it," . ... ing spfm.'-es z'\d -"rieiid.-i ~he h.is met ort her travels N't'woii s.n'1. rfhv'f^jMcd w.i!kii»K '»*". "'»rn« and ' .'-.• across the United Stamps.; • . •" ": :•. ' • -•" • /pleast see pag«. 13A - She said sh't" hciped-'poiice in a small town in . Ohio piece togtther-a rise of rape when 1 he vic- tim, a teenage girl, could not talk about the man -R*'jht; Knr >i dock n'ti Cap •• who raped her; A police sergeant^'no called her

° THE BRASS ELEPHANT RESTAURANT We Are Pleased to Introduce p imp House; Offering a Tantalizing'Selection of New Dinner Entrees .." ' ; at Very Appealing Prices! - : - Serving every Evening From 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. all you n eat... Featuring Freshly Prepared y can e .PRIME RIB OF BEEF; ,, Shi "'with'.Creamy Horseradish Sauce..,: ...... $9.95 Shrimp or /Vlaskaiii Crab w CHICKEN BREAST SANIBEL V < \": with Diced Tomato, Avocado, a Hint ^ 'K of Lemon, Shallots, and White Wine. ,,S?.95 POACHED FLOUNDER with Midori Melon Sauce arid r' . Fresh, Kiwi....;,... .,...."•- :•.'. .-'. ."$8.95 PORK CHOPS NpRMANDY Broiled^'ith Apple*Jack Brandy and a ^ ;'/ •> ' Dash of Brown Sugar and Cinnamon. /7. .'. .S9.95 . PASTA PRIMAVERA ,-• ••' -. : ,,' - Linguine with Fresh Vegetables : and Herb Garlic Butter. .•*.....'.;...... $8.95 -. SHRIMP AND CRAB LOUIE : Served with Asparagus Spears, Avocado and Egg Wedges on a bed of Crisp . . •'

Garden Lettuce... ."r. ..-•-.- ;.....S7.95

These are a Sampling of ihe Twelve New Entrees ; Now Available on our New Ultra Menu v seafood dishes

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PSYCHIC „ that psychics are called When someone is"bcing •• Part of reading souls is to determine paH live? n • from page 12A - ~ " haunted by a ghost. Hht has been eallfrd to contact, of a person- "" * . * immediately feeling pain or other emotions from ghosts who refuse to leave their grieving spouses.; Related to, but diffrrent from the sou!, is the people there. It u she said Once she said she was asked contact the. ghost spirit. " '"" •••-.-.- " . . led. hearing the baby waiting. - ' .. ' you." ' .-• • _" ; V". • •• .- " r part of her attitude when people confront her '; Hriefly, she describes ghosls as earthbound rn- ; Heading the spirit could he viewed mpn' af a per business suit as an vxamplc. CHenis havr; (old her out, she listed a few focusing on her specialty: son from the lius-inning ofXlnw till i-#iv." Sti«\-"'fld that thtv put aside intuitive part* of thrir psyche denth or afterlife. " " ,if~a spouse" or'boss rcacti-d ncgntl'vciy !o that ^ : Psychics are helped 6y "gui'des," which she '' (Lseek a common locfllion t« live. On Captiva, she * : facet, ll is all putt of social conformity, said. . : ; , .describesas entities from a supernatural world. said, she has sensed numerous souls of ancient . i .Ncwrll. " .-_ •]. • - ' n ."• ' • i" These guides also helped her h»ne her sensitivity Egyptians- " ,_ -'"•' • ;. ;: '1. • She calls these people (he, "shut downs." They . to thft supernatural, she raid. •'• The soul is carried on from body to body put '.hemselves into intentional,'socially acceptable 1 ;1 cShe is sensitive to ghosts, she said, hul declined through time by reincarnation, which Newell jruts/ • , ,-,', " _' '-•••••.•-'- if:'•-.- to entertain legends of pirates' spirits guarding points out is an idea subscribed to by two thirds of '•}- "They don't realize it. but it makes them feri mythical treasures on the islands. : - . the world population, Hindifand Buddhist cultures i.safc," she said. "Anything you live with long- •". In the spirit of "GhoslbusUTs", she exphined for example. ... -^ enough, you become."Q. „ • , " . Discover The Special WorliOf The Disney Channel 1 Ohlc IV offers yoii the finest It offers \^>u exceptional; in family cnitrt.iinmt'ni. You'll ^ uplifting and deeply satisfying gvt up to five tirrivs'",: eliterjainnient rareh~ ethv numbtT.ofclLin-1 fnuniJ on ordinarj' IV. '- ncN 1! hmir-a Jjy limeles** entertain- : prngrammin^ tlui -; nienl for people of offers more choice. |> ;ill apes And grtMt reception too1 .. /, !)iMie> (hannel and AndwitlVcable'lV. Cable IV imU, CJH you can Milwc'ribe lo us nmvfordetdils, . Hie DisriLTChannel

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CHIEF Council members a. year, hp added. : . .... '. .'. • From page 1A '" ;. voice confidence ; I "Butler i|iiesli \ .City finance director Renee Lynch said Butler fidencc for city mahaj»er.parv Price. :" • .^f Monday, Price said. '. " ••• ". . .•;;.. ^" . ; has always signed tJie form in past years, and that .. Said Councilman Jerry Muenrh. 'Jn lieu of Price previously ha-J Ciimv under fire from ihcvTi . his allegations may not he relevant to his signing rumors and newspaper iirticles, we riecd to give police department and island residents for i* the revenue sharing application. ]/, iJ ••; the city manager a vote (if confidence." : deciding to search outside the department for . • Butler had challenged Price last week by saying Councilman Lenn l.'oren'son said, "I've been ' liutlrr's successor.'-';; ;: . • " •, " :"y .. '" 1 his attorney would not'file suit if Price and plann- associated with Gary Price I for a long iirael and, ()ne of Uiitkr's dispules with Price is that deci- " j ing director Bruce Rogers resigned. any sniall rcijuesl. by the planning commission sion, Hutler, when he Srinouncpd his retirement, ' =• Rogers has declined comment. :-" he has taken care of immediately." :";"-" " told Price thai Lt. Hay Rhode* should be the next u ! ,Price said Monday the complaints are basically . Councilman Mike Kiein said he had not had \ -police chief. _• -. ! •"' '.\\ ; disputes with his managemerit philosophy, and time to read H newspaper article aliegerily un-v>; Hhodr-s'grew up onSanibel and was an original [ -,. that Butler docs not like to admit he works for favorable to Price but said, "Such intntsjsrriion" member of SPf). He left Sanibel after Price an- ^ • Price.: --.•;."• "=•",."" will (eventually) be worthwhile, but.I haVi- the: nounctd an outside search for a police chief, and •:.-.• When asked'why he has not fired .Butler, Price utmost, confidence in Gary Price." ^ .?. hc,.aci'epted a post as public safetv director for' said,."I think you try to work with an employee. , Planning commission chairman Hill Webb sa'd .Gla'dstoritsMO. . . . / '' : - "I think he is trying destroy the city's credibili- he personally has'^reat confidence with Garyf" Price said Rhodes was administratively, im- ty and my credibility to make liis own ends and thai "anybody who doubls that hasn't work mature, and rrcommendt-d that he look for a part- -, • • easier," Price said. ~ . • t*d as closely with him as.I have."".; . -^ time job in a nearby community to help him gain Butler has said he wants to \w a citiwn of - Sanibel after his retirement July 2fi,and that and accumulated sick leaie pay if he retired or, serve Sanibel. - . ^- :. o : Price and lingers enforce beliefs and prejudices In-, ^resigned. •- ;•_ .- " • --'-- (,. - - .:' ". Rhodes said in a telephone thterview Tuesday .'' -•- stead of helping the citizens. ./ -Butler announced his July 26 retirement on . from Gladstone, that he recalls a basic difference - "\V,e enforce the land development code," Price -• February 19. but withdrew the action three mon- in management styles hetween Price and Hutler.'"' ("-. O it- « •- said, deferring to the Sanibel Comprehensive Land ths later, indicating he was involuntarily forced^ "The chief has always held first and foremost in Use Plan: "Beliefs and prejudice aren't even in- , from office. Also, he stated circumstances leading hi? mind, service to the island," he said. "He volvcd." . . to his retirement were in possible violation of the always did things to fry to resolve basic ; " "v " Price has received ,1 volt- of confidence from the- 1986 Florida Whistle Blowing Act. . o - problems.", " ":;'.-. '•-"'•' G;! city council, and Butler said no councilmen have Price on June 19 released a letter from his at- Price said he only wants to do what is best for ever complained to him about his performance as torney, Robert Burandt. that states Burandt was the city. As for Butler's complaints, which he ~ ..th« only police chief Sanihel has ever had. n unable to find any violations of the Whistle B!ow: prefers to cali management disagreements, he said '-'- .However, Uutler received a low to moderately ;• ing Act based on information provided by Butler. . none of the 18 allegations involve criminal actions, satisfactory job evaluation from Priccat his an- . "As you 'are aware; the City of Sanibel has misfeasance or malfeasance. - • _. .-. • , •'• nual review. Previously, Butler, had received ex- decided to accept Chief Butler's resignation and Misfeasance refers to the performance of a •...-•. =. cellent ratings on annual reviews from previous ci- have been actively searching for a new police ! - lawful action in an illegal or isnpropcr manner. ' ' ,ly managers of Sanibel. .-•.., .: «--r chief," the letter states. ' ". •'•,'- '•"., Malfeasance is defined as wrongful condtict.O - : -' Butler said he and Price have not met face to ••• ' .Butler said court proceedings could continue for face since February*when he received aenvelope trom Price containing a draft memorandum, draft '-'.., news release announcing Butler's removal from of- , fice and a form'stating he would receive a bonus CAFE ORLEANS ': and Ice Cream Shop; «••• i f "Traditionally the Best" BREAKFAST 7 A.M.-2 P.M.-LUNCH 11 A.M.-2 P.M, Gourmet French Ice Cream

— Featuring — Homemade ." Ire Cream Eclairs Fresh Baked Cookie* Private lanai with view of the lakes • Covered pa Ample storage • ndPles > •.;-•; Grand upemngupemngg CelebrCelebrat

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For those of you who take their main meal at lunch Warn J we present a sampling of our new entrees.,: FORK CHOP NORMANDY •'-'. ° culent braised park chop with apple J*irk brandy, a hint o( brown ''-.) ' ; sugar and cinnamon - - STOP IN AND ASK ABOUT 6~UR < >v /SLANDER DISCOUNT CLUB ^

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r AND MORE!!! < ' For those of you wilh a busy schedule U'e-r < w i^also feature a "quick-out" special. •* .:. NEW EVENING HOURS: .9 A.M.-8 P.M. M-F •. - 472-8677 for reservations ' . 9 A.M.-6 P.M. SAT. '•- i- '.. / - '.'"". \\ A.M.-4 P.M. SUN., Sanibel Island Hilton Inn 1610 PERIWINKLE • ClMF. TKCE CENTCIi • Across Urni C&S Bank . 937, Gulf Orivc SaniW, Rorida-172-31S1 -"• •!'•••. SANIBEL' 813-472-3666 •J-'

| PATRQL - thcrt; are p.o problems the permitting proems ;'• ••. GOURMET • from page !A . . '" ~-' •'••' 'could bfi completed in about six weeks. OrnT Hie ; 1 permits.art? issued, the project would.go out t«.i : -' PIZZAS unit, city manager Gary Pnci "jaid. ., . WE. An interlocal agreement between the cityatid hid. Construction is expected lu lake hhmii \\\o '\ .wesks. . - '- . V ' • '• • . • " •• BAKE II ..: county concerning the two projects: was approved OB YOU ,.. hy the city council June Ifi. To qualify for the As for the police departments,marine unit. " ' . BAKE IT money, the. city has to complete the two projects Price said it was still in.the development stages. I before Sept. 30, the end »f this fiscal year- About the only thing that has been decided for AT r Building a "T'-: at tho end of the pier would add certain is the cily won't buy a boat: "'No, we're not about 400 square feel of much needed.dvcL1 space. going to buy a patrol b&it ;.. ;it least I don't sec "During the winter season that place is just pack- one in the foreseeable future." Price said. ed," said city parks and rerrealion/Jircetor Dick Instead. Priceisaid tbo city may either work out • Noon! "It's just.like sardines out Ihcrc." an arrangement with a private boat owner or ••.--;•' SNSRIDlBtEIPlBl.ES ; In addition to lhe'iVtF" and the repiankingi Noon enter into some kind of agreement with I.ee Ciinn- • said several more benches would also bu" added. jty Sheriffs Office, which already has a marine '••>, ' division. - .- • - • . . :.; •-• • "CHEF/SPINACH :-' "The pier itself is in good shape structurally," said rDA .- Noon, adding that the handrails and eight pilings Although both the sheriffs office and the ' B, TOSSED & •- were replaced about seven months ago. . : FlolidaMarine Patrol occasionaliy ,n_,itrd Sanibej SHRIMP^ ••:;->• .'•"C The pier was built in the early 1970s, prior to n waters, neither agency has the manpower to spend .: the city's incorporation. It is located near the a lot of time patroling canals. "There's no way wi» :: Lighthouse on the island's hayside. ,T : can concentrate our patrols in thi' canals," said FMP Capt. Denis Grealish. "Wi- just don't have;-; -."..,• Noon said he would liku to use an extremely 1 : "hard variety of wood called pan lope for ihe con- c, that luxury*.' . ' . ; . • -.: • • struction..Thc wood comes from French Guyana .Grealish said he wuuid welcome a Sanihe! police i and has a 20-to 30-year life span and is guaranteed patrol boat. "We encourage local municipalities to '" nol to splinter, Noon said. But because the wood is establish maffne units," he said. ~ : more expensive than regular marine grade lumber, Sanibel Police l.t. Lew Phillips said he was not " Noon said it may be too expensive to use. Because aware of the proposed marine unit, but thought it , of this, he said he will prepare two sets of ....!•. was a good idea. "A boat would be a nice adden- specifications: one using pau lope and one'using dum to the police department." Phillips said. ['•/ ; marine industrial grade lumber. v " A boat would be helpful in the event anether.; vessel was in distress close to shore, for drug traf- Noon said the city has already applied for per- 472-2555 CARRY OUT ONLY •'* mits from the stateDcpartment of Natural ficking investigations, and surveillance workj ;g^ : .Resources. Department of Environmental Reguta- I'hiliips said. "I'm sun* we coijld be very creative ; tion and thetJ.S. Army Corps of Engineers. If "with it," he added.G - • , -• i> Giait CM'-ies • K.R* l.ir^e I'i" • ai3 MUCH. '.,U<:M l

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,««»:« *• "*on SaVfcei*'''''1 " ***: " Ca't "- - - - r C Sailitel Surt_Shop " ;" B.K h Siutl - Cspl'-.i A1) DiriifTisions Approsrm.iti- v" Sa?.ii^i.FL- .- •a. FL - "- .472 5777. - • m 3544 :: ©

I e reel;tales and nautical news Offshore action

Biy sStev 'greate Cason ' says guide arpon appear lo be regroup- WANTED! ing- agai" 'n offshor" •' e ' and if the early part of the week is any T : indication of what's lo come, the re " PROPERTY FOR SALE maimier of the month' should be ex-

Over l(S (HIC! p3,i;«^ jvni with ESI sarii ivar.'Owr b5t. me ri-p.:sl cwtomm. CAN YOU THINK OF ';' On Monday - :t dav better % reftrred lo as "T Ilay al .S.inihrlv A BETTEH, LARGER, MORE INTERESTED ; 1 Island Marina" — Fishing guides . gruiip of polentiii! ttvjl I'slatt buyers? . ; Ted Cole. Pat Uvctrt* andNeville RoVson accounted fur a total of NEITHER CAN WE! nine tarpon and a hammerhead shark. . • • . ;;,; >, L« an ESI [notional six; "The fishing is really starting to h. •why'itisinvourlwbimtwttt your piopt-rty U» pick up again," said Tod, w ho - iii!f 'vitls iij " "-: - reported a lot «f action off Knnpps . Point this past week.''.: • - Monday morning ln-li>ngfd t» AVAILABLE -I'iit. wh')i had a party from Wiscon- sin lhat,wcnt tw..i for three. Ted tried In Ho him om1 l)ctti>r in the afternoon hooking np.with four, but COMPASS POINTE 132 - GULF-ITRONT Pal countered with the shark. wsth ipcciacu'ar v:c>vs. Spjcfoui I-AO bedroom t\io The hammerhead was caugfU by liath'coiii!iivinfen«s of homo PLUS your own CABANA. . laughingly held up her hand and Pat Loveln>, caught this 5Vi foot ? Amenities include two tennis eouib. BBQ and picnic • spread her fingers about six inches hammerhead shark Monday after- area, and rartjt! pool in'lovely setting. Furnished-m apart, adding "I've never caught a noon offKnapps Point in about 20 - ,iust. browns, paprika and light to mtdium^uiicker fish bigger than this in my, life." ; ' /eft ofuater. " ~ \ woods. Pholos. video and da'a' pac •available •'-. -'• Nancy was fishing'with her hus- ; "S295.000 Furnished • ,. •'' '-},-- .'-'_-_ band, Russ, who last Thursday .# laid clsim to a 45 inch cohia lust - caught three tarpon, the largest of week'. ". :i ••..•_. SUNDIAL T-402 - Enjoy ihe best of both worlds which went about 130 pounds. .•-;.. Full resort aclioti or p«ce and quiet in your own ,>Said Pat, who was the guide for \ : private world on the fjast side.-Two Bedrooms.Two all of the Woodruffs'excursions, •"baths plus a Den. Call lor complete. details. ' Retired Bailey's Genera! Store "They brought a lot of luck to me." manager Chuck Skinner has made . $237.0110 Furnished. ' . -• .." " ' n Ted's afternoon charter was Mr. good on his promise to do some "- and Mrs. Clark, a couple of serious fishing. Last week he . - - "•THE DUNES - Be irV. King of % Dunes in this . nowlyweds from New. Hampshire. brought a brand new boat, a 26-foot four bedroom." two and one half bath prestigious Of the four tarpon hooked, they " Tiara Pursuit, which he plans to : .borne which contains 3360 square feeU>S air cbndi- <~ managed to get two to the boat. = use for charters. He's billing it as ' - Honed space which includes a family room. :!en. and • One went about 70 pounds, the .; the only guide boat on the island -. study. The master suite is located privately on Ihe en-.". : other 120 pounds,"' . • with a porta potty. - . . - " tire stiitind floor and offers a three, room bath with ••' Ted said the couple had planned . sauna. If ihe house has'not sold ;;ou yet. the view • Christened the Jeanne l.uuist, "' : to keep the larger fish and have it \ the sleek craft is powered by twin-.. will.-tmagine.'-'not'only will you have ihe finest home . mounted, but after the lVa-hour "115 Suzukis. Although docked at' in The Dunes, but also ihe most panoramic view. fight felt compassionate toward it - : ,. Sanibel Island Marina. Chuck will -. . i'roin six rooms in thi; home you have a view^ovef . and let-it* go: u ; the 3rd. 4tb. 7lli. ami 8ih (airways, and two LVKSS. . be booking his charters through his Neville hooked up with two tar- wife's travel agency, Aladdin " •"-' -.- - ..- Truly 'one of the most elite addresses in The Dunes. pon, one in the morning and one in ^ Travel House, . ' • Coll !or complete daiaj's. and a private showing the afternoon. "The offshore action - is great," said Neville, who also • please see page 17A LAKE PALMS - The best value per square fno'l in new construction on Sanibel must truly be Lake, • Palms Condominium Unil *4. At only 51O5.1HH). tor^ a two bedroom, two and a half bath apart men! wiih WOULD YOU BELIEVE over !.(H1(l square: feet, .this sail water bkefton!~.c homo lias beautiful views from" 'mair- livirfij area and DINNER AT THE JACARANDA master bedroom. Fully oppliancedand.taipeled. this r property h^s an excellent potential rt^ila! income and FOR $1100? :.. YES, IT'S TRUE! investment rciurn percentage. Ask us for the com^. ' plete data package and first year ownership analyse- . 'Between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. order one entn'o ofl our menu - on Ihis exceptional value. ; at reflujar price and receive a 2nd en!re"e (or $1.00; . i" • , • .-.":': ", (Offer good through 7-3-87) '.' :

FORT MYERS •Tfie dinner alfeted for 31.00 will be the least expensive enlree selected.

Dinne- r' 5-1; 0 .PM ..:: . i. " th--o first s\10 0 people - " Live Entertainment 11038 DUBLIN CIRCLE - I unil 7 Days tn Lounge building located close to Samuel and Beach- Heal m ; • ^ /, /, - ''r\^ ., ' Money Maker tn 19.S6. Call (or specilic details and Liquor . Mon.-Sat. figures. 5^4800 " ' License • - / QHOUPER \ ~— and All Major . : / BED SNAPPER .-. \ Dixieland Credit Cards : / FLOUNDER • SHARK \ Jazz Band / SWORDFISH • SALMON \ Wednesdays • COBIA • SHRIMP • CRAB N RIBS • SNOW CRAB • SCALLOPS , OYSTERS • CLAMS • CHICKEN .V GAME HENS • STEAKS ,. , V PASTA • GOLDEN SNAPPER / : \ GREAT SERVICE .- / Happy Hour" ; \ •'•AND MUCH, / J • Entrees 4-7 PM ,. •: \ MUCH MORE / from $7.95 • Reservations Late Menu : taken after In Lounge <••


- : •. • ;•.. ;,. : • ' CT^ -- -. - 1223 PERIWINKLE WAY, SANIBEL ISLAND, FL (n«.i to Guii si.iraoi 472-1771 police watch il Crack habit may have prompted store burglaries — police By tyatl Perez phone i-aH from a''worker at Chief's' THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS! anibel Police arrested Michael warehouse in Fort Myers, wiV?ri> • .. F." Schiller Tuesday in . ' Schu'er had gone to find his . " . : girlfriend. Police apprvfiendi-d him •' SMIRNOFF Sconnection with three : at the warehouse, arrested him and burglaries of Chico's chain of '-_ , look him to jail, police said." 79 clothing stores, Detective Wayne .Hinz said Schuler has no prior ar- - Hinz said/ : '..;- rest record in Florida and the '...'.. 14 Schuler, 24, is charged with " burglaries are hot connected lo a .grand theft, which;indicates that previous burglary (if Chico's Other PEACHTF^EECREAM ' •- more than S300 was taki-n from the Place last year. ' $ three stores, : Hinz said Schultr had been stop- Police said they suspect Schuler SCHNAPPS 9 ped at about midnight while driv- was stealing money to pav for a ing suspiciously on Periwinkle Way crack hamt.3 ' with another man. At 4:15 a.m. the . • MAILROX MAULER; Sanibel • OLD MILWAUKEE samt. officer who stopped Schuler Police June 20 were called by - found the door ajar at Chico's Loft various island residents aflrr about '* t Periwinkle Place. An unspecified 30 mailboxes Were vandalized Fri- J'7 ! day night'for r>o apparent reason. ." •• nount of money was mi=sing from Ten mailboxes on Bunting Circle. '.,t . . .e cash register, thu shop owner four on Pir.icefu! Drive, four on " .is contacted and came to aid C 9 •-•- - licp. The o-.vher tnokjinlice inlii ^Serenity L;im\ r.i^hy oi Sanrtcastic J Best Selection of Wine in Area ; -ioo's clothing store, below *" ?,P.oad, one on Mqon!ii;hv Drive and ;' Baku's Loft, and found monev also O!»> on Aliiatro?? Road were damatr. WINE CHILLER AVAILABLE ;- hid been iaki-n from that noisier. ed. aceor'iim; "> polfc**'rfpi)rt<. All. FREE OF CHARGE! Hina a.iid thsy suspei'Ied the . ' art- in Tht- Dunes and QunifKi \,\v,-. • ••-rpotratwr must havt\)i?.d.a kry- """ b.i suhdivsions. Fleports static r, ' £OP£/V£y£B*b/\Y; • since the door had been \tvked •fiasebalrbiil may, have- hern uscil .n •before the owiibr^rrivcfi. -•' (he vandalism. Also, a pnrcdiU • ""• While police were atJVriwinkli-r E'.iilot on ScTenity.Lane wa*. finiini . -PSace; a burglar alarm smintipi! at tipped over. .•,'-•'•- Chico's Olher Store in Palm Ridj»u - Polin- iniitcatcd thr:y'hs«"t": a Bailey's Shopping Center :l •'Plaza. Police also found money suspect anri the inypstiiratinn con •" - [!\TMKMMY kOAD*ICMTOIOf KMWNIUt.WH ' -'missing from that.store and the ... tinues. - . - . . • door ajar, y •:~~ . . • BOM) VIOLATION: SaniboV" Schuler's girlfriend, who works -; Police report Alexander Sassman ; for Chico's, on Monday morning •' -violated his hond^ur.e 20 by ap- reported seeing her abandoned car pearing o'n the island ai Huxter's on Sanihel Causeway, and she said Market oh Periwinkle Way, Accor- she suspected Schuler had taken ding to reports, a police aide who her keys and burglarized the shops. : works part-time as a cashier at : •• Police found a ring of keys to Huxter's signed an affidavit placing '••'Chico's stores on the floorboard of "- Sassman at the store Saturday. the abandoned auto. While in- Sassman is on bond m connection ••: vestigating other employees at the with an arrest in November on r chain of stores, they received a > various charges.D «' . : ~

TALES^ .,30-pound blacktip on Sunday,. • trom page 16A Fishing off Sanibel Pier Salur, . . AI Flesh, fishing with guide Alex r:day, vacationing lovebirds Darin : Kaniadakis and Amanda McCarty, ;: Payne, hooked up with three tar- "' • pon on Saturday. One, an . - .- from St. Petersburg, caught a pa'ir Old ^ 80-pounder, was a release mount,., of blacktip sharks. His measured :,lL which Alex says he encourages all three feet. Hers was about a foot ['.] of hls-charters to consider. : ; ; longer. Said she. "I guess Vm just a u 1987 DINING VALUES ' ; ' Alex got a second tarpon and a - better fisherman." - TliMlliUJniitivii'HiHi^'liasKi-.-ii'i.'ilUK'shoivEofth'cGuirnr^ Mfxiin ;is Itirij; ;L- itiopt i-lnintfisynn remember. While we I iiiVsixty years iH-'irii! tlii> liiiuis.'ihiit's tlie way we like if ami we think ym will, IIM! Drive to Cajitiva Islami — enjoy ' Sanibel's First and Finest nur ("iirKt-ous suns-ft mv\ IIM/K iis over. We are ejjen daily Seafood Restaurant for (liiiniT from r,::jO In iOPM. " :.._ SEAFOOD BUFFET , " Harbor Wii feature! our locally'famous Seafood Buffet every KHl- IM V. "piis wis Ihe premier senfucHl buffet of the island and , it is noW wHifly copieil. For a great va!u« compare mirs at House only llfi.'J'f ;ier person plus tax and Kratuity.' • Restaurant SUNDAY BRUNCH 4 - Dine In Authentic Oldc Island Atmosphere. On SUNDAYS il is «IT [*ojm!arCaptt\ia Islam! Bninrh. U's_ 1 EARLY BIRD SPECIALS 5-6 P.M. really mor,c like dinner for'only $10.95 per jivrson plus"" * All-You.Can.Eat Steamed Sbrimp gratuity. itunH'iiselyVjpular. . . Fried Grouper - J7.95 Stuffed oi Fried Flounder - $7.95 . Clam Dinner — J5.95. RESERVATIONS ' '472-5161 4? -=. "'"••; Friday NiQht Fish Fry v , ", Piano Slylings by \ All You Can Eat (trom 5 to 6 p.ti;.)lf>.95 Robert Perez



Now .through June 28th i 'THE PAPER DOLLS l:'y\ .;; : '•• " Don't"misfS-VV. Florida's Original-- . -•''••'• "Cralj Races" nnrr 5:00 p.m. - 9:.1O p.ir ,)l(mdqn iiighl "p.m. & 10p.m. Fairiijy ownpd & operated 1241 Periwinkle Way. J '• Saniliel Island, FL .. Sincerely. f~jr| 472-1242 Biit and Anne Waiter area £ Boats and manatees can co-exist, | says Fort Myers dockmaster ° Public meeting on docks £ Issue set for June 30 - 0C --' • . g •» jrnnatec habitat and its protection is the _ •W """•• I W I 'ssue over wn*cn a controversial limit on '* ' '.LYJLdocks'for private and commercial use is be- . 2 'n8 proposed by the U.S, Corps of Engineers for ';='3 portions of Florida, and a public meeting is sol (or to June 30 in.Fort Myers to receive input. ~.: ~ "-.the lumbering manatees, or sea cows, have .. •--, ", '- '~ been reportedly decimated by sjit'ediriB boats . ../- -slashing them with propellers or bludgeoning ".-.:• them with hulls inthc warm waters sgf the Orange V River- extending into Lee County, the St Johns - : T l! '•-.' River on the east coast of Florida and Lake : '- Okeechobce, as well as waterways in other areas fed by hot springs. - . ' • ... G 0 The Corps' proposal would limit by general per. • mil the construction of boat dockage to two docks or slips for 100. fuel of shoreline, with onu.allowed for a sail boat and one for a power boat. Two power boats could not dock in the same 100 feet " . under, the provision but two sailboats could. -}/ "; " ;. However, on the Orange River of I.fe County* ; : three rivers in Citrus County, the Faka Union : Myers.-,- . . •• -x--, • •-•-,- - ''•/•'. •"•-. Hansen is s member of the Southwest Fiorida," Canal in Collier County, and the (MS Canal in ;. •'. The.mt'eting will include presentations b^the*' Regional Planning Council's study committee on .* Martin County, individual permits would be _ " Corps of Engineers. U.S, Fish and Wildlife Service manatee/lioating problems. He said the corps was?." necessary for boa^ slip or dock construction. ; and the Florida Department of Natural Resources! . bypassing the committee, and forcing their p;an on Meetings are scheduled for Fort Myers and Fort Opportunity for comment, both written and oral,. the public regardless of whether it is justified, -Pierce, the eastcoast terminus of the St. Johns and questions, from.the audience will be provided,; : before a local protection p!an can be put into ef- •• River.' Fort Myers' meeting will be June 30 from " the Corps said. ~ ; •; _.\ •'.': • - >3 p.m. and ai«i from 7 • 8:45 p.m. at the Main - feet..., • .":,- ' --. - .... •••-. • :. ; '•;;. ;'" Library meeting room. 2030 I.cn Street, Fort y - Hansen, who said his family has owned and ~ A letler.rectived hy.the Qbtervf.r.ttom Caipt. ' operated a boatyard on the Orange River for more Ed Hansen.dorkmast^rat Fort Myers Yacht " . than 757ears, a yard in existence for more than Sasin, to the Corps of Engineers, criticizes the Ar-' 100 years, sent the corps regulatory chief.in my's proposed action. . '•"'• " •, • ''"?' r:-' • • Jacksonville papers authorizing the navigation : ' project on the river in 1902 which he claims orily^. - Congress has the ri^ht to change. _'-., V •' '•" r< RAM ADA' The seasoned Lee County captain says in the •REH/V,TE-R'ATE letter, "Since tlse.Orange River has the greatest ~ herd of manatee in the world, an iriei!igi;?| person tlr lil'S " Rv\"fi:i'. ,n ii/i^siY." \'iF: r.should be nble to understand that boats a^>l - We'r i ***• Bc'orc Disncyi : rnanalees ran'tocxist. We need help in Trnproving :. FHCV TKIy.ii ^ this relationship. Whatwn have accomplishe"d without any state or federal help has been for the - love of the.aniir.al and to prevent damage.to -. " hoats.'Xi; " - • ." : - ..". - '"'-'/- - " o c TOLL FFUE:J-B00-2B2-212<1lFL ONLY) $&* '""'- OB rtl£PH0NE|8l3)J24-2G21 UAMADA' INN -OUl.ANDO WESTCAT I .V IMit t'>. I?. I'.M lli.x"|.W(.. Kis\immrt. H 31742 Make your building experience a pleasant one

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-"•- FORONLY For the First 100 seated 'i mtmi »»«i!«ble...Hjppy Horn 5-7 P.M. In ihe DININQ HOURS 5-10 •> TAVERNOPEM 4-Closc

_imp House &Tavern ,kleWV 472JI6I ° mer served 5-10 P.M. Hajot OedifCards Actepled © *:

il-.f outdoors

Right: the baarduitik A trip to the past . leads to a CoveredM shelter avirfookina EUcra Bay. Refowin Matanzas Pass Wildlife Preserve retains Colorful moth lights : briefly on >i tree .'/ . original Beach beauty » . ' , branch, . - ;;

By Partlck McCarlfly / .... encrii'sfuo roolsin the wate 'A small woudon alga on' Kslero Boulevard . ••'".', visitor Visitors sca cann watc watchh Miihoiit sailboas asjhi>y p:i: "down A marks the entrance to I lift Malagas Pass .""the ' chaiVftrf haffncll and possibly a n-slrni! osprey m>1 th the XXwiWIire Preserve on Fort Myers lieach. The ""ri1 landing niKUftj- from the ('lass I'aviilinn. Mure sign welcomes visitors In the wildlife Ihafonce in- tnan likely, plleateil woo.l|.CTkers,»ill hi- sivn, and habited all of Estero Island before tourists, con- ht:r"*']- wll!ll]l '"•• santloary. They are lhp,uri|;lnal dominiums, liars and.nmcrc-to.f reasor; the bird watching Uumiinft-s acrjuired the \ land. . •••-• Th(! sign Is about four feet tall — :not easily , : seen without EfiL-jifically looking for it. Hut then - The odpecke • be s en pecking at In theil alamos Preserve is <|UsiH_ ~ a peacefully- 7. i quiet place. It's the type of place you must seek '. . OUt. •• ~'v. ' -•-,;*•-...- ' ' ~T • -.. . Mangroves dominate the'i2.il-res adjacent to t; Estcro Bay. They were once owned by John and Harriet Dunning. The Cunning's donated half the ••'(?.fl ; \ land, the other half was bought by restdenls of the .;• ~ island to create the community's preserve. An ambling trail covers Ihn preserve. It is shel- \ ly in places, muddy in sections and often covered. with a boardwalk that skims over the roots of • k-.trees." •-' " •-:-"' •-. •.'"'. -•- '.: •."•<;. *" -/ The boardwalk has bridges which'cross a ditch I twice and at one point is elevated three* feet above .''a mangrove wetland. Through the trucks and the . tops of small mangroves* the bay waters arc'scen.- or are identified.by vheir 'flipping' type of call. =." On another stretch of trail, the eviT-prt'sen't fid- |^! Thv slow "woo woo' of iiii.- tvirile dove is a familiar : .dler crabs bocoma'so numerous that their :• sourid as is the almost constant buzzing of ; - .-_ '. sidestepping into the burrows they hide in makes grasshoppers in the^iir. : .; ' the ground appear to move. Around the holes are The ground in the preserve is sunny in parts : •: balled deposits of mud. -•' . '•" -•• •. ; ] f *;Farther along the path, crabs are found racing , if. • please see page 25A- ^ back and forth agairtst water ebbing in the bay. -;S} ; Red Mahgroves along its shore dab their oyster '

HAIRSTYIINO •PERMING CCLORIHG • MANICURES SAFETY I!ARBOR MATRIX • SEBASTIAN ''FRAMES! CONSTRUCTIOriCO. j MOI'EIS: 1-5 S Tlll'BS. tVENIS'C , 472-5699-• Full-servlCB Experienced Builders -••'•. "" • Fountain Court/""- - -.t 8250-201 Colleoe Pathway ' "; QURLITV ~° .. j. i , I Fort Myers. FL 33907 (813) MJ313! . | \ $?$•J • • " • 1B3O-D Periwlnhle Way ,/' ? IS OUR W^AJ •• sanibel.FL .(8I3H7213U 200 PerlwinWe Way • _At Wlfa Landing .. . CBCoiji65 "• • .;. i-^i R€PUTflTION.

i MAKE PLANS ip«U«llr.oiiltci»fperel.lano , ..-• V }ff'LjJJ :uslom residential conittuctlon." - " '"??• R -390e , for your PaineWebber SUMMER U VACATION Robert D.Snell liXl'liltlliN'CEAltKAI; : Pelicans Roost Condominiums • : ^aInv(j'5tmer.t Kxecutivt' ^ i •; 605 Dona'x Slretft '.Tjllli to Vi N

cAward "Wiiming R TOLF'S TOP 100 RESTAURANTS Florjda ,i Trend magazine 1981, 1982. 1983, 1984,1985, '; 1986 "'. '! -•: •"• : -''' -. •'• J • "One of my favorite restaurants in the United 1 ^-Slates' .".." e •'"' ;•.-•-•- ; Take yoiir taste buds to the Orient •. Robert Toll, Sept. 1984 ;' ,, ' " : -;i. ; '•'•; Rafed pi i> (Excellent) Fort Mysis News. P : ^ and feasf at our authentic V •:• "' vPress ^ ' V • ^ :•- " ''•':" ^ ' •.'":":: ^Tepanyaki Tables. '.-v>\' ;: ^ • 'Winner of 1985 "TASTE ollhe ISLANDS ::,-• . AWARDS" including "BEST RESTAURANT for l! DINNER", "BEST RESTAURANT for :..:; ; . CELEBRATIONS", "BEST RESTAURANT for', : a DESSERT", and "BEST RESTAURANT for ALL ^REASONS". .-'.?• • .- ;;, • Also featured: Chicago Tribune, PM Magezina. Saturday Evening Post, Fodcr's TraveTGulde, ; • . Eisiem AWInii WagaiaeT MiamiH»raTdT~f : -. Discover Florida, Kouid ancTrJirdan, JtiV6\ r and Leisure. The Orlando Magailne. Qalfam ^ ; Morning Newt, Motile Travel OulrJa Quality ••: r :z: n BiIST "^ ~~75— ~l ff=i : Storing 7 Day* Lunch 11:30-2;30 * Dfrmsf 5:30-10 p.m. , ; . <> Ai Sundial Beach & Tennis Resort ; Full ear Sank*. Alt milof crtdlt cards. '• -\ CaplWaliland , ~: : • . 473-5558;: 1246 Middle GuU Drive, Sanibel .• 472-1114 *•©*•

maggie s memories

2 ilial cost of the new air- Here comes the bride(s)... to renew her vows 1 soloist will s'ing "ILovr- port '. was to -I)' , but You :Trulr'*. and "O, oh. the «host thi;6ry, wh.it rraily was paid? >UJ By Margaret Mlckle you'd soon sea kids fly-' "Thcrp's _ahuthtr IVrffci I-ove" and-. change happening ~'at;... A move$ould be.exp'cn--. I'asioc William; H^d- ing-to-*a well-tit-htcd sivc in riiorc.ways ihar.' home. - ."-, ,-. ' r ,flhe point whcfL' fr>r-4 will officiate' as'. G Reporter ran a full ; m ,McGregor i ftuui'pvard- thrfi- of 'the .ttujplt*"- a e on e ' -:G'G s> : ..ami,Cleveland Avtnutr A. cc P K '^ colorful • Want to know the .•rene,w their.: vows. jjf blossoms on the trees difference between : a meet ... the lovely Vic- Johnny Jones ought After the recessional,. cc and shrubs on Saniriel conservative Scottish torian' home v that for notBbit being at Se- to be ashamed of there will he ;i recep- gandCaptiva Islands:.. person and a free- ovcr(50 years, starting^ • cond and Fowler himseIf-P. lie comes tion, and some of those ui all of 'cm saying thanks spending Irish person? in 1933, has been Streets, but is credited, along "and wakes up \ original bridal gowns *f for the rains. I tried to • known .. as -1, thp _• with tearing down the' Gusaie Jones (no kin! 35 85years old..will be" Virginia is the one who' : 2 pick out my..favorite, came home loaded Engclhardt Funeral'--. <>!d, original' cour- who was dreaming of mwiclcd. ^ < hut couldn't,make a Home, is soon to-• thouse, ' forcing the •fried chicken and hot down with packages." '.' r w choice. However, I do 1 become temporary county fathers to build biscuits. Johnny got his Maxwell and Marion "" • • D a a ."• n-- W~pay irihuteV.to the Now look what's hap- quarters for,, a new ' a new courthouse befit- just dessert.; Her ShL'ster^ who will golden yellow blooms bank. •? ting thev newly dream made him celebrate their 60th an- pened'to First StreeJ..^ : ;•' of the* prickly pear cac- That beautiful home, Way back in 1884 " csablislicd Let: County. - hungry.---' niversary 0 on- ••• tus and the frangipani once the residence of when William .TowJcs,-"'" .;• -. n.cHl-- : '. •••'•• DOG September 24 have _ .with Mis special the Frank C. Alderman weathy cffltlcman,; . People fuss all the All brides are been married longer - ..:' fragrance. .,'/•• .. : families, both Sr. and steamboater and mer- time about (he "wall-to- beautiful is an old and than.any other couple .-;",-' The article also men- Jr.rand later the home cantile businessman wall" traffic on true expression; but all ' at Shell Point.- The. tioned yucca. When-1 of Fay and Robert built the home, its ad- McGregor: Boulevard brides are not young, other couples who are was a kid on Captiva, ^Paul, is now an antique dress was Riverside — all the way to the , dewey eyed girls fresh renewing their vows.'. we called them Spanish -Avenue, Towlos is 'beach, but they should out of school, fn fact, are yictor "and Uayoncts and we had cshop. Right on down remembered riot only Margaret Barnctl, 57 the street is the former try going down the hall there's a group of June ' lots more of them than • for. his Hair, but as the ^r' here in Awing. • brides who arc about to -years; Harold and i.v tourists. On a real . Blcmkf! home, suctr a renew their vows'at a pretty place amid man who both built and •••• •, DUD; •; Eleanor Yegge, 55 ,. black night we'd go to 7 lore things down in ' You'd better watch .•'Celebration, of Com- years; -Herbert and : the beach and play like tropical plantings. That... Fort Myers. mitment"- at-Shell Daniese Eaton. 50 is now'a B&B lodge. it, boys. I mean that T those tall white things &->t only did he build .move .• from downtown "Point -Village. .The years; Glenn and . were ghosts. If some of Bed and Breakfast has Pauline ilclmick, • 25 . now. come to Fort- several, outstanding; to Page ,; Field. traditional wedding u* worked hard enough t ;Myers.- ' - -.'"Vc homes, "the- most' Remember what thejn-. march will he played, a . years. •••""-• •"• ~- • •". :^ ^SPECIAL MEETING CAPTIVA EROSION PREVENTION DISTRICT;

the..Captiva Erosion Prevention District wi'l shol'd a special meeting on Tussday, June 30,- 1987,.at 6 p.in.-in tlie. Ciipliva Con m unity Center Comptox.Tiie Soilovving iiems will be

.discussed:'*1' • • • • -..''"- . .^ .1) Cos K* apportionment plans "tor fc&ach restoration project. .-' •' "^-'"''-'_' .--". ..••; . 2) Beach and shore preservation project. .•3) Budget forfiscal yeaf.1987/38:-.-- TAIIITIM GARDEN SHOPPING CEmEH ' SAKIBEl 472-5323 if a person decides to appeal any decision : ; made by the District Board with respect to ...":" - . REOPEN FOB DINNER' ••'•' ' any matter considered at such meeting or ...''. '•', . MON.'i.6-22.4'tl!9P.M. s. s : hearing.7he will need a record of the pro-, -Scruing Dinner Mo(i.-5o{,.;; " ceedings, and lor such purpose he may need CBREAKFAST" - 7 A.M. to ensure that a verbatim record of thp pro- Features hand-s . . • Favorite Beers and Wines; ; T . • . l~ Sunday Only - Open from 7 A.M. • 4 P.M.

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I AccC _„„' •*.•/•";• d)\. pubSio forum

; withdrew it having accomplished : r ships killing many innocent v Ng Bruce Rogers 'fair some beneficial changes., 1 ir Americans. They say it "was a - * -3 andcourteous " Quoting or interpreting Mr< Jor- mistake and apologized. We accept : : dan, your story said that "his ap-. G "• :• • • - - ' 6 " :•?,. • - ; : and then U-Il the grieving parents ' a; To Island Reporter: Wr'would like plication in particular would be con- their sons did not die in vain. - . sidered" and that, as a consequence • w to say a few words of praise for In. the meantime, Kuwait, who of his complaini'ichanges would be \ a Bruce Rogers and the .Sanibel I'lannr also has close lies with Russia, asks n made in requirements "to make (the7 -•"•~2 ' B Department, Our family moved them to.protect their, ships in the selection process* more inclusive." •;•'"• ui to the island- a year, ago while a ; Gulf. Bussia, evil but not stupid,'"- : K None "f this is true. - :" . "spec"' home was being constructed. says, in effect, "You must'be crazyT § on the vacant lot next to us. Pro 1. We process all applications Kuwait'Jhcn asks us-and we': say • < blems with grading and leveling :-aiik«. Mr. Jordan's is not being . "Sure, no problem." So.what ir we're : treated differently from any others;'.. • (O sbecame apparent in ihe later phases putting more innocent American - : "" of construction. Specifically, it ap-; 2. Thp. Housing - Foundation's ~ lives on the line for a country friend- ^-" pearcd that the run off would flow. ; board of directors announced their. ly to the evil empire, it will keep //' ; directly into our yard. . ' legislatively mandated annuals Russia from getting a foothold in the i .We called the planning depart-' review of their selection procedure, area. And who. arc we protecting ;• mcnt and they responded promptly specifically the point system for Kuwait against? Iraq, who attacked ' to our concerns. Inspectors were_ ranking applicants on March 2, 3 us in the first place? No . .. Iran, to ' sent out and the builders were in- : weeks before Mr. Jordan's applica- whom we sold weapons, which can , ;-• strucled to correct the problems. AL tion and two months before he filed now be used against us. Don't worry .-: one point we had direct contact with his complaint.-; Actually review is though, Casper (our not so friendly c^Bruc© Rogers and he was both fair under way constantly, to consider" ghost! said Iran is too rational and • "•_'. and courteous. -.-:.' ! "ways to ensure' the utmost in wouldn't dare attack American « fairness and objectivity. Race is not, ships. (Iran ... rational?) -v; „- '•-•-':'-'.' :• We happen to be glad the plann- 0 r ingdepartment is enforcing codes. ; nor ever was a factor. Points remain highest at present chiefly for low in- I con understand this. What .^ While we realize this can be a pain in _come and larger families, occupation ' helped was seeing the movie "Dr. - s the neck while one is building, it in protective service, and length of Strangelove" for the second time. ,.'»-' keeps the island a better place to employment and residence on Originally I thought it was a fantasy _ ,V ~'-_. live. ,:We moved here because it Sanibel. - . -. .H'1.^, " about kooks, idiots and fanatics id ;';••" seemed to us that the people here'* our government causing-nuclear ••'-'• =. >'.'.' really did care ahnjut preserving the ' 3. Since nothing has changed, it is', war: Now I realize it was more a pro - ^ '•: :." environment. One does not have to logical that: Mr. 'Jordan became phelic documentary about our car1." : travel very: far off Sanibel to see aware that he had no grounds for his rcni administration^ In the future, 1 fi -'" what happens if development and . complaint and withdrew it.* , however. I'm sticking with the Marx - businesses are unchecked. We hope • ' Mr, Jordan's officjal complaint Brothers movies. They are noA as i' ... the tradition on which Sanibel was alleges racial discrimination on ^ridiculous as this .idminis!ration and • incorporated continues. • *- f'ebruary 23 and March 1987 in the they do make more sense. '~ ••". • •-- '_ /'.. Mary and William Vollmer, sale of a unit; that the Housing Foun- -''••---- . I .-•'- Jim Snvder .:- :•_'-, 'o,"iK'v : ; •' ;-; '". Sanibel' dation did not notify him about the stal us of his application and refused • to process ii; that we did not seek Ocean survey -Sanibel Police'go "'' federal funds just, sn we couldj Keeping your dog 'extra' mile ° had sought and discovered the fact safe"•froifj snakes / beforehand, and ihus avoided filin: , to help citizens .,-"'.. a-complaint theJ main purpose briri, Campbell urn submitted for publica- : :h •i observer of ih_p' Sanibel ''political:-- out the facts.".;; ;.; . .. ^ . : i ~ ' ;' '• ' '>•-." seen? but a !0 year resident of •• . : ;T" Dtirothy K. Ncwmar •Sanibel, I find ti ironic that Chief .- " Director, }{6n$ittg Fovttdativ Dear (ieorge: I read your Article . about the coral snake with great in- _ : Butler is ^accused ~ (among ,.nther : : " ^ things) of "showing an unwillingness tercst in the May 14 issue of Island - to work as a team with, citizens." My > Support for a ;-. Reporter. -\ ''- --"'.."•[_ vr;, T impressions are that the Sanibel y I live'in Ouif.Pines and during 1 April there were several sightings . {Police" Department under ;'Chief bike path'; • :.;. Butler, goes that extra mile to help of this snake. My question to you is, - ' ; the citizens of SanibeV: _; V .: separated from U , how dangerous would a coral snake '•• •"...-;. Except for those folks who store ; be with a dog? My dog walks with us " -.-'•" . used Jeeps in their attic, I have".. road'";- ••%•; :V '"--.;.-..' (under our control! but does scamper into the yards now and then. She's ;"- -:,•>••/: never heard a negative comment To tsland Repnrter: The recent por-.. ; about Chief Butler and the Police never allowed out alone but if I'm tion of the biVepnth the ciiy has gardening she's loose and we walk '. ~ Department. John Butler and his built, Woodring*s to Huxler's* com- - ;.-;;• force are truly "Sanibel's Finest", the "circle"- several times a day. If plements the.area and, mnst impor- she ran over a coral snake, would it "'i Frankly, I do not believe that these tant, is safer for (he bicyclists. x , 'comments can be made about other attackin your opinion? I think she^ Our hats are off to those! '-.-\ -departments within the city hierar- would be afraid if she saw one, and .r businesses whoS have ^cooperated wouldn't disturbjit, but easily could i; y • =••.- chy. ".:.?. ""/••:. ••^:.-- ; : .. " ' : with the city in this endeavor. by mistake step on one, or see one on; -. •• - : Robert D. Thompson," Last Christmas time, a boy fell the beach path. * _ -.'"• : !.".-. .," A "'• - ;*"/ ''.' [•••• "" • Sanibet'' from his •bicycle'along Periwinkle Way where the bike path converged I would appreciate an answer,, ; with the road. With hravy,,traffic, w hen you have the time. " 'City staff have Lee C; Buckhart, fortunately the boy fell away from - ; the road into the vegetation. Who ^ f " " Sanibel • ^rriy thanks and knows what would have happened if ; he had fallen on the road. . ; _ Since our recent venomous snake ^ support /,;•- •#;, /'.. article, much interett hat been ex- Let's support this project; pretied. : The letter from Mn. ".- ;••• .'JTo Island Reporter: Since when are wholeheartedly and let our views be discriminate; and that we used the Buckhart typifiet some of the con- . .-~ police chiefs in the business of known that we-do want the bike 1 cerm expressed. Her concent, -•' threatening city officials? I'm point system for ranking applicants path to be continued and separated hudably, relates to the dog, not v reminded of^a three-year-old trying also as a means of racial discrimina- from the road i along Periwinkle tion. ^ ;, "•'; i : ; • herself. '/•-. '"'<--• \- ": • •-" '•'."•'.:•. to bargain bedtime with his parents. Way. . ..-; : : i! • ; " .- . , S{y dog Boris, a • mixed breed . i The hardworking women and men ..''• These allegations are false. We . • ' Berdenna Thompson, : 1 Labrador, once got tangled up with ' •' ..fV'wJifT run our city, you have' my" have no sales program at all and •".;"r : ;; •-. Sanibct . thanks^and-• my • support ^for a have not had any units to rent since a coral snake uihile he was sniffing ' •'• thankless job you do extremely well. well before Mr. Jordan applied. We - around in the bushes. Wheh pulled. . >:,.---"5\ ' Cnrolyn Smith do not use race as a criterion in any . Shades of'Dr. out by his collar and leash, the en- [tangled snake came part ivay out . ^"V^'" ^bi aspect of our program. Mr. Jordan has-known of my_ application for Strangelove' In u-ith htm —far enough for iden- federal funds for some time and my tification- The snake fell away and- ' ^Allegations of ^ persona] guidelines respecting this administration 'disappeared. Boris iva*'unhurt_ — : racial discrimination art- at least as To Island Kepnrtcr: By jove, I think not env&nomated. He had a fairly racial ( • - • : strict as thoseof the federal govern- I got it! Our President sold weapons •thick cont, Even hairy legs.- This '& ^discrimination " -"tnent. In any case, federal law bars- to moderate Iranians "i.e. Iranians v-oulii protect- him from' small- are false " : use of federal funds for building on withoul'ii gun! as it good will gesture mouthed Vfjiomous snakes like cor- ? 33 barrier islands, of which S.tnibel and niso for three hostages, which ais. Hair is not much, protection , agninst ratjk/inakex, thnujgk, aM~ - ^.; To Island Itcportcr: Your June Itt • is one. It >n"u!(i bi> of in^cri'^l that were then rcplawd by threr more. story, on Anthony Jordan's : whilv .;our point'. sysfr'm exclude^ 'Iran a^t'd'lhi! weapons to.bomb the '.- Snnibet-'dot'i. incredibly, slitl'havey • : -withdrawal of his cgmplaini agams';..* rare, it givrs .lddr'd, |mmts for such hp!l Gut of our aHy; Iraq. We then us- tjinirwhtibiickii. A Sorih Fart Myf rs./, housing dfcarivantage as arf>os fnun - \ friend' hist •• hh long-haired -. • . ;'m(.'t~lhe Housing Fiiuhdation 'and, in-'' . i-d >'0me.n!" the profi* to help o;. er- "'.' ;- cidi'ntally also, L-ily council) conveys • large 'families on Jnw.-ificome.rover- . Jhrow .I'^mntrynwhn Ji.is iir and , case has'nierit and thai Mr. .Ionian Oiie ffiuiti v^sh "th.'fi- Mr. Jordan • M|tf«d.:"Ir.i.j Vilarks.onc. of rtur ''/'••

public forum

. _ a Utt of bare-and loose belly skin Lake High School Band arid has hecn lose enthusiasm. It is gratifying to : and about the same to long time ! would be at greater risk from coral in existence for only two years.- . - know that the individuals we ap-. : friend Beverly Hunter's. '_''.- !=F snakes.'-'- • '-•••/':•"• -'" :. •"' • However, young as we are, we are : proach for assistance are as excited - *• Why did I !pave Florida? It was:-. , Mrs. B'sdag walks with hervnder - the "only team from Cypress Lake ' for Itinn's success as we arc Par- not an easy decision. With Barbara ,':\voice control biit does "scamper in- High School lo quality for an'inter- ticipation at the Junv 6,'.'Go fnr the aird Elizabeth in San rtie^oanii Russv ,':- to the yard now and then." She is national competition in lite highest Gold" grill" ttinriAisingttoufnanivnt and Gob in Chicago, as tht? aging pro- not allowed out alone, a wise deci- class possible for high schools, and ~; -indicated another urea: example nf cess continiincd I found there was sion. But when Mr$. ft is gardening, the only Winter Guard to qualify our community's Wliet in Kiim's - not enough family in, my life. The ':'• the dog may be free, not so wise a - from Southwest Florida. We did not " quesi. _•: •",•:,". :;. -. -_. ''. ciimajr is pretty important to a decision.. ' .-''--•-•..- "-.. • .'•_; qualify for finals.— we missed by ;^Earh of HinnV supporters is WSji 41) year Florida ~ resident, so the We Pfed to know two things: 1, three points, but did the very best ing to put Saniht'l on the country's : choice of San "Diego" was* obvious. the type of dog, big. little; hiiry. performances we have ever had. We" boardsailing circuit. To all of you we With great supporffrom Barbara . • street-U)ise, country and .woods- are now ranked 13th and 30th out of extend our sincere gratitude"- - (Elizabeth and Patrick are tem- 3.000 Winter Guards irTthe world. ', ..wisefend, % is there, snake cover Pray for wind: ;:V •< ' = porarily in D.C.t »e decided in around the neighborhood! Mulched (Participants were from Holland, ....• . Tom and (Jin^er Newmeyer, November 1985 that this was for mv.. beds, rock wait, rock pile, wood pile t ., Spain, England and Canada.) •'._" ". lV • •" . . '-" l'\ *. Sanibel The departure from Sanibel was Stacked firewood is especially at- We are pro~ud of our ac- '. Nov." I. 1986, it having taken that tractive tosnakei,. complishments this^ear. Next year long lo sell my house. > • '--? -'. I have always advised people on ~ we will move to a higher.lcvel circuit- /Emily Barefield -"* San Diego is easy to love. Views of ~' Sahibet to keep their dogs confined in Florida and will be going lo Pen- ?..- ocean and '. mountains are '••--. or on a leash at all times. It is the on-sacola, Chicago, and we also hope lo sends greetings everywhere, and spectacular. I'm' ly safe thing to do, especially if uou ' qualify again for Nationals in the from San Diego; -.""- ducking responsibilities,' but have Jtve %n Gulf Pines, where dogs.have ' same class. You did help us. Thanks. r joinrd the church, (he ton, a Gilbert -been comumed byalligators in _th$ To Island Reporter: Tn.friends and ''_ and-gullivati group, and Jessica's pait. Alligators are probably more - 11 :-••">- ;''- :- ' 'jiH Stern.,? relatives East nf the Mississippi, I J Brownies - and gone to many of a problem for dogs than are coral understand there are; those who. : ., :-- ThePlayers. Winter Guard,- ; "cultural events," including opera. snakes. _ " .- • • -.'. r. Cypress Lake High School believe I disappeared into thin air, - "' concerts, wine tastings; pub crawl- '••> • ' . ..." George Campbell others, that I was . lost between n ing. The best, though, was having so \ SanibeL and California; and some- much FAMILY for Christmas, New ," Winter Guard Ririn's family ^ ; , who guess I just don't love them any • Years and my -moving day, as mor«! Actually, the answer is "None; Elizabeth, Patrick and Benny" all says thanks ^ -v.'- says thanks for * of the above!'' I, I have always been _-:camr>fJiist great! ;' -.. " . for trie help Olympic support ° infamous as a noncorrespnndsnl;^,-;!. I do miss you at) ^ and Sanibel until after Christmas I did not know'"'_ and Miami and Tallahassee. One life ..To Island Reporter: Many, many • To Island Reporter: When the op- what to say concerning my- is just not enough! ' .(SV'j. thanks, to all of you.who helped to ,; portunity to back a winner'calls, the . whereabouts; and 3, from, then on I :. -.With love. support Hhe ^Cypress : Lake High ., Sanibel community listc-iis. We, the - • meant to write a New Year's letter, Emily Barefield :.,. School Winter Guard andme on our •;; - family of windsurfer Rinn (hen a Valentine letter — well, I • : .._ : San Diego, CA ' p • •. recent trip to Dayton, Ohio for the , Newmeyer, wish to express our hope your copy of this will reach you ,--Ji?y International competition. Your help heartfelt thanks to our many kind by the Fourth of July. : ^ ^ ,,-. •' \ was greatly appreciated and we had supporters. . '.-. - I am alive and weil at the above • " v a successful trip. ;: address. My house is a duplex Liters ;o "Public Forum" -• : More than 90 of our neighboring h«*8 b«»n getting lengthy of V - - Your support was very special a3 merchants have pledged their finan- ' townhouse with two bedrooms and a lato. Writers tra aikad to kaep _;._ "most of jyou,'I, believe, were -not5 ;-, cial support towards It inn's qualify^ den, a fenced yard for Grover. a lalloti lor publicsilon under \ totally certain just what the Winter • ing campaign for the ' splendid view of Tecalote Canyon . 350 words. They should be - •7 Guard is and helped us purely from !and numerous birds for- me; senl lo "Public Forum", Island ; : : Olympic Boardsailing Team. Their Raporur, P.O. Box H, Sinlbel. .^J = kindness,;;^ . .)f " V "• generous support has certainly Backyard birds.infludc: white Florid* 33957. All letter* - ' 'J Tne Cypress Lake Winter Guard helped Rinn achieve his national , crowned and house sparrows, gold should Include rume, address •••;• Is a group of.30 students who per- ranking as "ninth top windsurfer in - and house finchesiscrub jays,brown . and telephone number of the 5 •- form a seven-minutes disciplined the men's lightweighMivision." -.'"" towhees, hummingbirds (mostly An- wriitr. Withholding the name : J ol (he author of i letter or us* - routine using flags,; sabers/and Although it Is a tough challenge to . na'si;, passing -.hawks.-, include ol a "pen" name It not permit- • Y'- rifles. The precision movements are raise, funds based solely on the; •,-: kestrels, .red shoulders, red tailed" led, except for rare Iniiorrcej : caliber of your son's .athletic In which a letter conceivably ' ;•" ' done to music, and we do ours in the • •:ian'd UFOs. My house is =15-20 .':.: costume of the mimes. Our Winter abilities, this endeavor is one for :'minutes from Barbara's .(includes could lead to reprisals. ;: Guard is affiliated with the Cypress which my wife. Ginger, and I never granddaughters Ann and Jessica).. devil's advocate permits & deeds

Wanicka's arrogance doesn't solve problem -The following d*«dt fof more tria-i $60,000 were recorded at By Richard C. Allen advertising to attract tourists to the area! He _co County Courthouse dur'mQ the wwk *ndifig Juoe 16:- --. . . Douglas and David Smith to Robert McDonald. Lot 31. Unit 3, . The opinions below do not necessarily reflect later hit the commission with a proposed new Sanibel Estates, $200,000. _ budget of $16.5 million •- up over J2 million from those ofihe staff or management of Gulf Coast u f Rulus Dodrlll Jr. to Oavid Lund. Lot 47, Seagull Estates, . Publications, Inc. Reader respome is invited, i ~ the current year. ." - ':.' -''''". '• ' SI78.700. •-.••"'' - , • -i But, despite the sherifrs simplistic view of the Jose! Raboy to Ho**'d Parish. Lot 60, Phase III, Dunes., problem, thert are other reasons for overcrowding. JI75.000. " .- .-'Two strong personalities clashed noisily in the Micnaei Latona to William Register, Patcei tn Lot 13, Portion ~ ..hearing room..of the Lee County Commission,..; on One is the failure to project future needs adequately ol B-G.Sanibel Highlands.S170.000 ', • ' ,- '•'•--'-..'; Tuesday, May 12. Lee County Sheriff was there to in a growing county. The problem did not spring up request (demand?!) more than a half million dollars full blown in the closing months of the budget men! Lot 9, Section 1T. Townsriip 46 S.. flange 21 E.S130.0O0. as an emergency, appropriation to relieve over- period. It could - and sh&uld - have been an- Safely Ha'borXoip. lo Sheity-Creagh, Parcel in Tract B. crowding in the county's jail facilities. Commis- ticipated at the start of the budget cycle, instead of Villas al Safety Haibor. Upper Capliva, St 10,000 ". sioncr Charles Bigelow, however, declared that this hitting the commission in May with the news that • David Duncan to Albof! Pudvan. Unit 305. Nutmeg Village; over 200 inmates have been sleeping on the floors of S250.000. •.:-."" • " • ' .".••••- • was no way to run a county '— coming in'for an j •*-' Robert Brolt lo Anthony OeVito, Unit 79. Stage II. Villas at --.emergency appropriation just two months before the jail for months. ' "'\ ' ;• Safely HafOor. u^perCapHva. S)37,50&-;" .;" " .-.-^ • " • •- Romaine Schanock ro Antnony Auionno, Ontt 4-406. Sursdia!, - consideration of the new budget. "It's absolute - And the judiciary has contributed l<> the problem, j ,ij foolishness. This is not the way this business should by requiring excessive bonds in minor cases, failing S127.3CO. • -r • • • _ ••' /. •- -.-. s ;•; •" ; c •' be done!" .-; r : '..•..*' to make use of alternative sentencing, and too readi- Unit 2C2, Btiilding D Seascape, Phase Hi. $120,000." -• •- -• Wanicka replied: "You've got two alternatives; ly terminating probation on such grounds as inabili- Evelyn Schfeibef lo Paul Regp Jr.. Unil D-'-O! Seascape "you can build more bunk.i_pryoucan turn'cm loose!"- ty to pay the required fee. Also, there is a critical Pnase III, $136.500.'• -' • ' '-'.. :;" -;--''-•> •''-:• ' shortage of judges and courtroom facilities in Lei _ / Btgelow pointed out to the sheriff that an ap- . Jhe CH/ ol Oimbsl issued (re following building permlti propriation of that size has to "come out of some-^ County, resulting in lengthy delays in setting trials. drying the week ending June 23:~T , « • " body's hide," and that money loss cojild cripple one" • Following the commission's decisions on May 12 :.;Xllred Laudemarf. Bi9 Lmdgren Brvrf.. tor $96,915 (or asm'gfe >V or more of the other 25 departments of county and 14,1 discussed the problem at length withXom- family residence by Niemann-Wotier Development Ctirp. - .. ' : government.. Wanicka'arrogantly responded that missioner Iligelow, and I am convinced that his Island Inn. 31H Gulf Drite, for tJ 75.000 for a restaurant by perception of it is sounder than that nf Sheriff CMI Conslruction. V; - . • his work is more important than that of any other " Sanibel Malind, 634 N. Yachtsman Drive, lor $34,000 for a ' division of government. After the meeting. Commis- . Wanicka. Mr. Bigelow observed that, "A lock-up is snack bar by Comer and Moor* •- • '- •' sioner' Bigelow observed that, "We saw a little^ the.most expensive and least rehabilitative way to Edward J. Boleman. 444 Lighthouse Way,"tor 12.000 for a , ,: demagogucry in there today." ' - '"• '[' deal with crimei. A high percentage of jail inmates . solar v»at*tr neater by United Plumbing Inc. ,• .; ." . shouldn't be there." The supervised release pro William C. Trimarco, ?585 Coconut, (or $10,839 tor a pool and .:.-• Two days later, the commission agreed to provide deck by Richardson Pools. ' " -. . r the funds for hiring 17 additional employees, and <: gram should result in reducing the jail population by Leo and Natalie J[1.670 Emeril, for $115,000 for a single provide for double-bunks tn single bunk cells. But 20 percent. More than half that population are family residence by Kenlor Corp. : ' •• - Commissioner Bigelow pointed out that the problem awaiting trial or'sentencing. Improving the court Cha'les F. Bonser, 940 Spoonbill Court, for $115,000 for a ; system can reduce that^number.considerably. ; single family residence by Kentor Corp. " " •- .,"< isTnot simply one of enlarging jail capacity, but.in- .' Roger Fleming. lii&Seagrape rorI7,500lorfepaitsbyCom- • volves.the entire criminal justice system. The com- The commissioner characterized the sheriffs or and Moore Constfuclicn.. -.' ", . . ..'' •= mission therefore also provided for a supervised castigatfon ol Tourist Development Council ads as Ralph^and. Catherine Calietti. 1406 Sanderljng Drive, for . release program for misdemeanants, and voted to "silly". The advertising dees not Realise" crime, S6.000 for a stooge roo^enclosure ty Carlton-Naumann Coil' ; ' establish a task force lo study long range solutions although a growing population increases the struetion.''. • '-.'-.•;'•• • " , 'i' '•'• '- number of offenders with whom we have lo deal- SHe(»a Development Inc.," 1245 Buttonwood Lane, !or r to the jail problem. The sheriff pooh-poohed the plan 142,675 (or remodeling by M-chael C. Henmng.L; . . -• _to release nondangcrous persons awaiting trialjtsr Commissioner. Itigelow has fought for a task force- ^: misdemeanors, and blamed the prohlem of jail over- study of the entire criminal justice system and over sight of the activities of law enforcement agencies. crowding entirely uponjrock cocaine, and — bizarre- : ly - on the Lee County Tourist Development Coun- It is long overdue.G " ~ : • •• "•;«.


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UAIt-U-QVC 77ME . fLATUHf.VC. DI\N£K*rif.MIS 7 O*>* Pf (WEDNFSDAVMGMTSI'LCIAL) u.s.n.A. I'IUMI: 195 Keg O' Ketchup 32 oz. B.B.Q. Pork Ribs Full Cut $O69 * HI SH B \hl n IIBf Ai) f H«M .If HII \ S 011 S Round Steak...ID. £m FKIDAY & SAIL'HDAY NIGHT Mayonnaise. .12 oz. U.S.D.A. CIIOICF. JLKHVS IAMOU1. .A * IIMII DM I'll-LSI New York Prime Rib *O Tomato Strip $ /• 99 Juice 46 oz. Steaks m. *1 U.S.D.A. CHOICE Boneless BAKERY Spaghetti... M^OZ. Rib Eye $C99 MWLH1OHSCHAJCH 1 Q < 1 (1Q Steaks i u. «3» Blueberry Donuts XtbluR X lAMf. U.S.D.A. Tomato SI 00 French Bread. 1 LB. 99'. X , HORNF.L lll-ACK I.AHV.L $ 39 Jim nowf r > OA(TCoca-Cold " Margjrine 11 n gum i* -» T Bacon m. Di»»;oke $179 Ca(f. Fr<>c Did Ccke 611 hi I li1! lilt U SEAFOOD FROZEN Canned Q $ 1 00 Dog Food. 11 o/. » GORTON'S CIIUNCKY $ • 29 LiMiiunatlc...,;- l&i,/ Olt* N ( Fish Sticks. io ci. E,\. %J 1 ' JI 1 f& ^1 *fl no Cat Food. (,I,O7.«SI<>» JL HLD SNA PI'EH $ C 7 9 Fillets LII. «J» 16.:, a^ BABY BAY $C99 Laundry $ "| 89 Shrimp 11. «J» BULK PRODUCE Detergent.... 12 oz. JL

DELI sin f r % uwi - Bathroom Cantaloupe » 995* Tissue mi.. ,M U' \()HK SMII . srift r C $1 00 m fry Provulone • = 1» Cucumber!. xM ion M. MO.MI M1Df SIXI II If 11% 39 Foam .. $ "| 49 Paslii Sal.irl n> f iirrn/iMi PlPlates J.5OCTL . Genoa Saliimi 'rid- Plums (HfWh MtK MMH IHO.M <•( fnrt Fl HiHlMlfM :Y«llow Sq Q-Tips. 69* Now OFFERED IN OUR RESTAURANT MAI)I:IO 1 I'l CASH ALLOW OHDF.U I 25 MINUTCS I'l.H FROM PIZZA OHI)i:H. SCKAICII TOPPINGS AVAIU\BLC SOFT DRJ/VKS PEPPERONI Coc.i-Colii. Spritep , Cherryy Ccike, Root Beer , SAUSAGK "JImnsonir -.X^/ GLASS...ASS . ;..l; 7575cc MUSHROOMiimiROOM ' '!•»*'. PITCHER ...:•. '... 3.50 ONION Coffee, Iced Tea, Milk also available GREEN PEPPER FOH TAKE OUT BLACK OLIVES BEER CALL 472-9300 MICHE1.OB.:.DRAFT 1.10 & PITCHER.. .4.75 GREEN OLIVES Pi//a Available from HEIN1-KEN (Bottle)....'.' 1.50 BACON 2 P.M. Io 10 P.M. BECKS (Bottle) 1.50 ANCHOVIES JERRY'S SPECIAL MIQHB.OB (Light ISottle) 1.50 jf.-r.vj/..

IU HISIKU IIILHIdllTlOIIMIl 'JC' III MS 01 I fill H I HUM .MINI r.lli in II l\ M .Ln/o,v OPEN 6 ,\ M. IO MIDMGII1 Of CAM Vftf.l Kf>/U)'VV»P;Kfll';\Kf.KlWV ft A M lOMIDNKilll 7 UAYS>IT.R ttl.l-K 7 DAYS I'l It IU I K ©

-"£ • '"

Enjoy the beaches —^ avoid the jellyfish

• would he possible fora 1 •/• Residents ..can now cm!, of I he water and •';. Anderson .said*- the' Restaurant & Lounge i» enjoy' iirjt .hcavlicf inr; - W^JI I In? 'itrca where sensitive person to suf- fer shock and drown. Vr juilyfisS is the second: Lee Goti'nty without thfi -sting occurred dry. '"siagt1 in medusae'' A Casual Happy Place! thi* concession (if ;i : "The- jellyfish Kich Carlson, a nyrse I '- dcvciiipnu-ii:. When a' Fun in the Sun Watch Ihe Sunset 'husi* ;,t« Jrist^,-as.);i. VOIKMCS onto tlie. skin willi the; emergency department ^of/ L'fc* .'medusae dk-s ii-assfx-!) ,:£., Dine under the Stars < f? Hut there is* i. ni*n* slinging' cells .cal'ed ually reproduces by : (.vtsiioV in the ,ire;t .. iH'inatoey.sts,". said ' Memorial Hospilal sain ! : reliyisins .what apjivi.r.= -waters that" ri'a|)j)i?.irs Anderson. 'Some sting they have never had ,*f"' oi Tjin Taylor inaudrnj a - 'V* •. annually,.• ihc . moon you immediately, some any life-lhrr-alt'nlng:; ^.10 lie- dots frfim • its>j • emergencies concern- underside. These lar-j Sunset Serenade on the Beach! jellyfish., f; : do not. It those thai vae fiital and atiach to, Ur. I'etpr Anilcrson, have not been ac- : ing jellyfish stings. ;: 1 Tim will be entertaining mgtitfy GPM-16 PM r tivated get wet, lie recommended hard.substrate on the biologist, with lhc 1 gea bottom, coral.-; FRESH FISH ENTREES > RAW OYSTER BAR University of Florida, , however, they will also pouring either rubbing ; : said the moon jellyfish release their stinger." alcohol or 'drinking. shells or rock.. The • . Mon -WH.-Tluir. 11:00 A.M. 1C 10:00 P.H .".. growing polyp survives" Fri.-Sal.-Sun. 1100 A.M. to Closing , ts common world-wiile.- alcohol over the:area ; He added this ex- where the sting occur through the ..winter. Closed Tuesdays • 472-92!? - The six-to 10-inch wide. plains the fact that a red, adding that sin^c- . .season until a warming' »no n miioBa tmnntt t» smm im Puninwn ti cipi^j Bticti coeletilcrate is trahslu^. dead jellyfish can still r cent. Itv is recognized beer is often available lcmperalure muses it: sting a person, and on the beach it would / (o release liny jellyfish.'. by (he' clover-like 1 3 shculd therefore be left work as well. / S". • :' • These become the' gonads,;the'reproduc- ; alone. ' .-,' ••-•' tive organs, En its - "If it persists, they moon jellyfish common! should. seek medical. in-the summer months.; .. center." ; " .- .,. .; •:- - James Watrous, : chairman of the " assistance," he '; said. "'' He said some species. -'". Anderson safd the - "Kids can have a more of jelly fish have proven sting;^of--; the moon Biology Department al '^serious severe fraction '!' fatal to man, like Ihe, jellyfish Is not serious, St. Joseph's University just because oF their not even as painful as En I'hiladetphia, said Portugese man-of-war.' Offers the Most the more slings a vic- .. size. The jellyfish : bul only to individuals: : that of a bee. He added ""stings will cover a ; Unusual In Gifts C tim ^receives, the i with a bad heart orin ii though, that il [3 impor- - " larger area." .-'•" 1 Decorator Accessories... tant a persorfsttmg get greater thirlmpacl. It weakened slate.G '••.'.'

The Matanzas Pass Wildlife Preserve beg3n as a • from page 19A -"-'^'.". > ,/-f- yoluriteer'eomni'inity project. It was opened.- ;; : and shaded by hammock of trees in others, II is \ January, 197S. and received the President's '[ covered with needles and leaves from the oalts,_-. fi ^Stewardship Award thai same yeart). . • = -"• mangroves, gumbo limbos and the few Australian -The preserve is still maintained on a volunleer; -,Pines al the preserves entrance. Florida holly, basis. Anyone interested in volunteering shutiM i; seagrapes, natural hedges of sage and cabbage contact Norm Sabce, slewardshiji chninnan at-; [[ : palms with dangling ferns grow wildly in th« •lC3-5537i Donal:bns can' be sent to Harold,. H -•- preserve. ." ' • - : Gressam. P.O. Box 2508. Fort Myers. FI/:W931-LJ| ; (813)472-2767 <"• Shipping available r< 1551 Periwinkle Way. : U.S. Canada GEiiroj VISA. NC, A ^ ^.Personal charges E. free delivery ' . ;;

annimEiMi.s.hlt'ntlnfllmnrlftil ;- ! ^ i;lL

H Cast I.i^lilhoust-ICiKl, ' by ilsi'\clusi\i;[iri\iicy, will hn jnsl Irn Dstiitr . ^ ; ; \ illiis.uitl ri^hl listalr Iliiiiii-siina sprcliHufjir Estate Living i!\|iatisrnnirailifrniii prnprrly. ;'

tatnli* [Idinisnnfl Ivsliili; Villas I'lvilun; tinitjiii* : "•/.*' < pni|i,Tt>. IrfimSK Imnilrttl (Iisi^nnrliiuLiIrd hi tmil.i-ff:\rl floor plans. Our ;- i.ilUvivw n;iiiaiuin^oppfiritin!iirsiinSanilii-l .Island (o ]Hiri'lt.'isi'itiilivliliiiil hoiiii'.s •- - :• ;: . - ,,tht:(iul|'iii'\lr\ir

CBEACHIESTATES^ ; Lsh-c safe by JOHN NAljMA^'N & ASSOCIATES, INC.s •''• ""il49HriiiinHt«U)r:J!ani&,rL339S7rjn-312J ' n. iwc TIM i-soo-2S2-U3«i us itil ntt I-SUO-IM-SOO I

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Fantasy Island- Property Sales 1 & Management Corp. rf WHERE PERSONALIZED EXPERT SERVICE COUNTS!!!


^••_- ^r«.'••;. ^;"-^.;^.:;.'^»'5 |

IM.ViINi., ,T.en highly -landscaped acres of the most popular reniai : 1 Located atifiOO Middle Giiif Drive is wiu'iout question \he. premitr - resort p;*.|ieri> on Sanibl'l, Point e Santo features unique Spanish^tyle condominium on S&nibci, Featuring 84 residontial *3Q>jay^!itnmium "".architecture, iennis, sbuffleboard,. pool.-Jacuzzi, and a recreation -..rentals only*, on IS acres of manicured landscaping, two heated pools, ... program for. children and'adults alike- Every one,, two or''.three _ six tennis courts, two saunas and much more. Each two bedroom, two \ bedroom unit has a fantastic view of the "beach. We have-a. large'.; bath, plus den,'or three bedroom, three bath plus den unit has an ..inventory of units for sale and rent in all buildings and floors. Ail unobstructed beachfront view. All come with every kitchen appliance " fourth floor units have a private rooftcp sundeck. CALL^NOW TO :> imaginable. Make an appointment now to view the island's finest." c-"', ' VIEW THE BEST FOR YOURSELF.' V - = =319-Two bedroom, two bath with den-$369,000, furnished. One of-

:: kS> ; ; v "•• - - '•-'>.& -> :• • \ .:••:••• • • "- " - ' "• : e " •" the best buys alGulfside. Easy toscc." . ...-..': - ' :•:' *A'4-lTR0UND FLOO^- : Sf ft: : • 123-Two bedroom, two bath, plus den nicely furnished with your POOL ANA D BEAC'cOVOV ™ l- three bedroom, twu bath wfih own private staircase to the beach. $365,500. .: , , • '•- , Fla. room says it all Muxury. Furnished for $137,500. terms.'"^ : *B-42- FOURTH FLOOR HEACH VIEW PENTHOUSE WITH SAND poiNTE #113 ^ ; PRIVATE ROOFTOP SUNDECK. Large two bedroom, two balh with Two bedroom, two bath Gulfvicw. Just remodeled. Ideal Rental Unit-, ;^a fantastic rental history. $259,000 furnished. Seller will consider tradrp. : - for low density West Gulf Drive iinit., ' - _"' '--!'•'" priced at $208,500, furnished. • - . , . _ ' \\'

• '. - :^'-..'--: .:'•' ->>•••-' ^: " ' .-•••" • -: . " :.' '.& •'" 'sC-lll^Two bedroom, two bath corner unil'with great panoramjc^ ;vifcws.$221,995furntshed.Excellentrentalhistory.ii COQUIQ N A^o'ACH 629D •rFirst floor two. bedroom/ CJ^^I . Good rentall history, completely!) #C-33-Three bedroom, t ewly refurbished with great rental furnished for only $149,901 history,$260.00. .- 0 : .:^~- aD6^Ground floor walkout. Two bedrooms, two baths, with ;"" "'•^.•. y; JANTHAINA3A :-. '•'••_• ' , gulfyiews $212,000 furnished. Outstanding opportunity for someone to _- This three bedroom, two bath penthouse unit offers everything for the ''.-.- be in the right place at'(he right time. Call now. - • discriminating buyer. A rooftop sundeck, pool side cabana are a few of

1 : the features. Priced at 15^000 $197,500 furnished. This dream home "-•• ^r: '.—••-"••'--•--, : L'*:~ • -';•. : •;••'- . • • - .-' ^ -, , - .ff has been featured in .rircA ifectural Digest. Easy to be shown;- ^ ' " : ; so46- SUPER TWO,BEPB:\\-. TWO BATH, FOURTH FLOOR •' PENTHOUSE. THIS ircOVlotMUST SEE. IT WILL NOT LAST •j LONG. Priced to sell fasP. ^15,000 furnished.. : ., ; " " - JONATHAN HARBOUR " - : ! : " }&• '-• ' -, 1 • ^ -.- • •- • • •• "- .^ ;• • -•••'•' ••f}--- '' ^ '. sE-2 —Completely refurbished first floor walkout unit, plu's^reat Two bedroom, two bath townhouse with your own deep water boat (i e : dock. Featuring community pool, tennis and dubhGusc, plus security : rental history. $217,500. CS • • ."' , ' " gates. Priced to sellI at $240,000. Call for more details. . ~

;.«E-6-GULF FRONT two bedroom., two: bath, custom 'decor - : . $ -. '•'•' . "•-'•,-. ••: •'.'."-" :" •- : '"• ••-•. ^throughout. Walk 50'. from your porch out,to beach, $295,000 furnished. •-'';• i SUNDIAL ''":'••-."• '•: : l H-103-Twpbedroom,lwobathGulfview,$m.500furnished. .,' %>. ; --"?E-7-Gulf front three he^ a Italh ground floor. Walk right out ^ib 600' of beautiful h d at $259,500 furnished. Fantastic (1303-HeanLifully furnished two bedrooms, two bath plus den with V . rental history,'; : ; , fabulous giiIf views. Unit has never been rented, immaculate. $259,000. G-407 —. One bedroom club suite, motivated seller, calt today for your "* eE-3(i-Gulf Front 2 bedroom, 2 bath, nicoly furnished with beautiful : ..iviews$325,000. • • ". .- .• «" •/;_';- „ :< ^ -;- " .' • •-;•: '. •• - ^ personal showing. Priced at $155,000. . ^ . h. L;SE-21-GULF;FHONT three" bedroom, two bath plus good rental ">, history. $335,000.^: ^ --..' - o. ' • ._ .^ .-. >f-"._ . GULF FRONT two bed "^ beautifully furnished plus'a fal)ulousrentalhislory-

;•;-;•'/ H^ - IHOMESITEI ; •"..-, • O\O BEST BUY ON SANIBEL4 «? GULF-RIDGE EAST - Prestige community with guardhouse and A NK\V home with three bodrooms, two baths, all appliances plus a security gates. Deeded beach access, tennis court and pool. $175,000. " fireplace. All of this for $159,0001 Call today for details. GULF RIDGE ^Prestige community - one acre homesite with all ;,I,AKKMi;ilKX ;•; ''_„ : "'- amenities. Pool, tennis courts, deeded beach access. $175,000. ••. Three bedrnjims. three '"COT Y\ 'a'ti; P'us screened poo!" and '•• ' GUMBO LIMBO - iffordable homesite in family neigh-. borhood. $57,500. v.romplclclyfurnished. All oP.W h+Hfjours [or $167,000." ; ':;

472-5021 P.O. BOX 210 — 2402 PALM RIDGE RD. (800) 237-5146 SANIBEL ISLAND, FL 33957 FS CHINO " ^" • from page i A . ,' \-."-••" •di^uEate.since the o.triy K'GOsMt one vmt snnit- <•[: PET SUPPLIES Fort Myers Itentfi-TnriVnn Hunttrs Club, said 'hi' f;y.tars ago two houses wore built ther*? Hut both 1 plans to take Stoppcibcin's mjut'st to both cluhv •• were latcrdftstroyed. one by fire nmflh'u other by ; No More Long Trips . at their next regular mi?etfn|;. "Chino is in the .-'"~i-hurricane: ' L . -.- " "-• - <__..• '";• •"- area where we fish tarpon .md it's ont- of the key - 1 The canals were.dredged h-lhe early 'fiffc j'mf • : to the Mainland! > habitats in the bark bay. . .I would be "stunned if portions uf the island lyero (iili-d in; Ei(tiipmvMit-'Js': ..they (the club membership) didn't oppose.the Wu carry qualily.name : I'd on that -project was shuttled to th^'island '••''* 'development," he said. ;!•• "... 2 aboard the ferry boat The Itest, and the rusliiisr,-; '•' ; brands in pet supplies for Paul-said the two clubs have a combined framework of a gangplank used to offload the . f birds, fish, cats, dogs, and membership of about ISO people. _ " •• ..equipment is still there. The Iwisted stcri has : ;i small anirriais.cWe have.- \ Tom McAllister, vice-president of Cape. Coral ' ;;spawner numerous rumors over the years about ;: accessories, toot Fiea and ^Tarpon Hunters Club, said his organization, too, the island's history, including that it was at one ; tick control headquarters. was asked about sending a letter in opposition to time used as a fueling facility for military boats ! the project, but declined to do so, citing club and a CIA training giound prior to the HayofPigs; Gifts for pets • • . • - :;. policy. "We don't gut involved in environmental ;. r : iiiviision. said Stoppclbrin. :.., '• -; | And People Gills. Tool] issues unless it (is)something devastating,"- - " In more recent years the island was w.oii by '••', ' McAllister said. He added that he personally - ; Fort Myers Yacht Cltih. The island is a favorite '; TARPON BAY TRADING COMPANY didn't think 15 single family homes would have among picnirersV -.; '-.' r- ^ -,; ;; -rsthal much of an impact on the environment. ... '. - ; :: 472-4949 Iloland 0. Roberts,^ former hire County Com-> .• 2460 Palm Ridge Road ^ •-. -""There's a lot of things that could be .worse," he missioher and president of (he Lee County Censer-; : said.; •- • -. '. •-•, •,. , .."• -.-• -:• vat ion Association, Inc., wrote the Army Corps of ;• - v The island, surrounded by mangroves and dot- Engineers, saying. "Evr-n under the most cautious h " ted with Australian pine, prickly pear cactus and plan, development of islands such as Chino Island •! -s- at least one coconut palm, has been pretty much is unwise from an environmental sUndpoinl/'C? .•;

Condo, course; v e ..-•"• o: at Edison CUSTOM FINE ART ATI ' , . A course designed to prepare condominium REMODELING '• managers for day to- day management of condo associations, focusing on statutory requirements of opera-:\-. lion, with he held at v Edison Community Col- lege from June 30 to Aug. 4, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 to SPLCIALLV FEATUKliO THROUGH JUNI- 9:30 p.m. Cost is"$i5?,: JUDYTARGAN which includes texts. '•'• AUDREYKUHN' ." Pre-registration is i ANNE YOUKELES. •- required. Class limit is * QUALITY CUSTOM FRAMING ; 25. .Contact Phyllis Forbes at the Institute ; Tiltpon Bay Road: Oppusile Bailey's for, '-''Management. Development at Edison Community Colleije, . (813) 472-1193 « 472-831) -, 4S9-92OO.D: :, .:.;. ;*-v-

NAPLES 'H'GAVV- hipe'v 5eaga'»j [>iv^ ^ Limited number trmilnlng ol l!i*»* unique - ^••: 81.3,263 6603^" .- tillage luldtntu (tailing it 18S.000. Juil ifrp* (toy. on on* *'d«. horn ihe popular , Ilihlng wat*)« of S*n Cailo* Bay and on Ih* Nnlkd brlurai \Wican lUy •«*! P^hSliMc In N^ o!h»r, thvci>-tla1 blue * Met* of thcGuKof 'jitrmifT, uiupuilpd tn>.Hlifi(!iii nmimurilly \hM ntht\ IAWC Ilie ultimfltp in bcachfriml living, ; Mexico. Ihrtt tpecUl giounrf lev*I llwt h.K bwti previously iin,i\allil)lp ^l anv pi" r, N.i S(iHiMi k | 'fafiMl «n I he most it-Jred [Axe o( irtldtnce*. rich *lfh Ihetr own gardvs vn-. uRcis niullipli' rrsitli-nty hKSJiiHiv tnirrjrrttwf uii'iin . rniMbibii ipiH (nrt pn^xTiy on flit ol Sanilxi h atlditiun W ley and pittite •ctrentJ Unit ire within nxkii« priAii™ in (he ruuitmim >i wtwity »n\ |KK« . ' alrpt lo all you.tfqulre. : - • - .. from 1188.500 lo $750,000. - , - brtiKI (ii , PROFESSIONALISM..; : ,: ,°; arid results moke us #/.'.-

"1149 Periwinkle Waj 12W Periwinkle Way r Sanibellsland,Fkxida3395?(813)4'23121 '. - TonFn>e:hFL(800/282 0360_ : _™ OulolFL (800| 2376004 %s ,

/ ;; Beachcomber ••' • QulPtly,t*cludpd on Fail Gull Dilvt>. Br»(hcomb*t Ifnnl* lif>rwly l*aiiliH "dlffdlvfoin one of ih* lilanJ* ii'tdnt und matt nltisrilvt •)Hning as rnurh as ISSO squ/rr bet n( bfnrhfrotil, luxury m intrmtril in: bcachcil The buildingi. dr*lgnrd in ikr tlyir of It ad Minna I .- itlnnd living Jmpt>rt»il Roor lilr*. tlthuondi, mtialTonh.fx- ' island t'irtagei, air beautifully tird (ngrihcr uiih hiindiom* prtn^iif )ui 111 roomvturopfrtrl imptrrd crafunui^hlp and D ii-. a u, D o*» fifliurnt UDOIII. ilrtitalrly Ifllllrri! hilionin. gliiH bl«k fflh- tcire ned bfllronirt mvitmiVmg 1W ufllpriut I he Gull ul Mn- m Do* n H.. w Do*.. "Ingt anil olhet unique aublUrtuial d(>M(U 635 fait Gull icn. 30*9 W«r Gull Driif . - . i .. " • T „ n •"* :: r^ :


:fr I

NEW ? CANNOT BE COMPASS ISLAND LISTING At DUPLICATED POINT-i: LOTS LOGGERHEAD on SANIBEL GULF RIDGE -, Prestigidbs ', subdivision with security gate. private beach access, pool and tennis court, building site with.'- ..restrictions!.. Ottered at •$99,000. Caii Vivieiine.Boiild . Radiganat 472-5187 for mo>fe Vfe LOGGERHEAD CAY #351 — -details. ; ! •; ; ; :^.. Gulf .view overlooking land;; scaped courtyard, lacing pool II you're looking loflocation; and gull. Ground lloor. 2bed- "ailordability •"and.-large.- this OEL SEGA — Deep water canal •room/2 bath, furnished and lovely canai' front home is lor you. Ihe large lot has a pool lot in very': secluded location excellent renlai history- Call ' #101 —Large corner unit with a and'iquiet neighborhood. Van Hooper at 472-5I87. and 200.; on a natural canal... . spiral stairs leading down to* Beautifully,vegetated, approx-; LOGGERHEAD CAY #121 - Located oh the quiet East end ; ' the * cabana., 1 w'o bedrooms., -ol the Island; this 3 bed- . inalely. 22.000 sq. it, and . Don't miss. Itnslirst lloor. two baths and a (ieii in the liv- ? room/2 bath home features- walking distance to beach. GULF FRONT1;1 condominium ing level 'A lulli. bathroom in ' : Mexican ti!e tlooring "a tarr.ily Call Betty Clark al 472-5187. ; featuring,the beach at/your thecabana. Covered parking.- room with fireplace and an door by day and captivating Beautilully decorated-.with a* enclosed lower level apart- lights across *-lhe". water*-- by grand Svveepiru) view*; of the ment. Asking S267.000. Call OEL".SEGA —.Vacant deep- night! Many upgrades in ttiis GULF. Priced at S325,000.: Rosalie Tipson at 472-5187. ' waler canai lot lor sale. Only a spacious unit. Call Van Hooper Call Rosalie; Tipson at few'leH with direct Gull and ; .. 472-5187. j;..;:"*. " -•,.••• "•-.. Bay access. Located on CANAL" - #183—- * Enjoy\lhe living'in';, LOGGERHEAD CAY #584 - secluded Harbour Lane; within spacious !op lloor, three bed-" Enjoy a Gull view from '.his walking distance of Turner's1, FRONTAGE L room/lwp bash! condo unit beautifully decorated cpndo. Beacff. Asfiing $165,000. Call: directly oft the GULF OF MEX-; There lire .."two" bedrooms/2 Hap Connelly at 472-5187. , SCARCE!! : baths; tiled entrance and kit- ICO wi!h.trils own private : chen; The rental income,is as "-sunde.ck ;*Easily rented thru- "attractive as isr!his unit. Call ; out season i! desired. Extras" ; SANIBEL HIGHLANDS - One Rosalie fipsgn at 472-5187. include . elevator. covered , ol the very last lots available toy . parking • and •' locked groujid purchase in an inexpensive''.' floor storagei- Caik Mary GUMBO tut we have the ultimate loca- - prce range. Close to beach and Mather- or Frank irvirf' at tion with, canalside boat * shopping Great buy.Xali Bet-, 472-5187. •*..:!;-• ; : -.-_ ' LIMBO dockage and direct BAYFRONT sy Belpedioat 472-5187, .: ::; e#i43 — Be'ween the Goil and:. views at YACHT HAVEN, a \ theTiulli-'iVilP. the'goll course - beautiful rj un:i'conriomlnium just a chip shot away*, your development Forget; your.. gorgeous -Gii!!; Front - cpn-' "trailer,, unless ycu .want to dominium home* at Compass*; YACHT HAVEN store your boar irvyourovefsU- .^ \;Po.inl is surely the Sahibel way'. 800 Sextant Drive ed garage whsnTjorie. Cuxiiry -ro Play! fhisSukurious 2 bed-: living'Irons $34SJ.00p "Slop -. roqni.' ^ bain'aivaits your in- by our lurnisiietlniodel. cpen !< Spection today! ,MI Sandi • ."'•'.Spacious.three .bedroom.' t.vo Tuesday thru .*Saturday ;l-5 v " -Bodhaine Jt'473-5137. ' , - - ; bath; piling home - in quiet *P M," «.- ••*". '-" - :" ; ::residenii.ils neighborhood. " Large living room.-'oiira-kil- .•i'-I^A Chen ;and -.closets'"gaiore. Enclosed Storage, room; at \~ •• giound level.'Call Evert Young ~- at.472-5187.' -; ': ;i\ •••••• ;-. | ••. • Sanibcl-CaptK'a

: -•••:;, '-,•' 1509 Periwinkle;Way= ; K -r THE BEST MAPS o) Sim'M -k •• ".:•• Sanibel-Island, Florida 33957:. >


' <*.:;;..;: -*;•:•'•" * i~'p i' ,;> <*•>


underside of presidencies REPORTER i In new book ••:, r Cooking: another Japanese Import Island Lite: Things to know and do


. \Holj,seiBills495, signed into, law last month, isjpfodf that bureaucratic snafus'never die& By George R. Campbell >•; ; Illustrations by Ann L. Wlntcrbotham

wish I could have warned ll- ' Roosevelt liked the idVaof a boll Governor BobMartinez before j-weevil eradication program^ so hi .' Ihe signed House Bill 495 into" . gave it a nod. People were,, -- -:'-, . ^ V law last month.,If he had known - employed to roam all over the .'•'•.., the story I'm about to tell you with ! South to destroy and extirpate all boll wee vilsfgovernment lethargy, f- wild growing cotton plants -\; - ;, >;.and costly and idiotic bureaucratic everywhere - on the seashore, on - : ! inertia^ne probably would not have . : : ~ barrier islands such as our ownijn ' signed the new Boll WpeYit '"-''- " forests, on prairies, and fn every" ,p ^Eradication Bill. Any sensible -!:"/ conceivable area where Goisypium' .. 'governor would have'vetoed it;/ "« ! 'sp. could be, found, A veritable ar-- ; ,r ; The new bill,whichjook effect " . my of machete-armed men took to : ; • • •-immediately upon signing, gives roads, waterways, hidden forest - . ."'.:/-. the Department of Agriculture .- . paths - everywhere where cotto^ . ; "authority to establish boll weevil might possibly be found. AnilT . ',-••'•• /eradicationareas and quarantine " Sanibe) was a major target area, : ... -i'\zo"nes. It prohibits qotton planting because a lot of wild cotton grew ; -••;.;. In certain areas, and allows for. the on the island. It still docs^. J . destruction of existing cotton \Vell, theelaborate program just ^.-/ plants in others which seem to be, . plain did not Work due to the venal •;• v. in close enough proximity to com- .; greed of the cotton destroyers,V .. -" r mercial cotton fields to present a \They liked their work, 'tnd they.. ... ; boll weevil threat: \- \\ ;: vlj J. .'didn't want to be too.successful. \\~, "-/ It certainly .seems sound in con-' ;-• - ": ccpt to protect commercial cotton j./ .Tifpy did not want"to^ extirpate col- ;'- ';[ /crops frcm parasites by distancing '_,,' ton because that would kill the job. AndJob s was what it was all .; , , /crop lands from pest sources. Thus, , i* about. Over a 40-year period we • ^H you have a commercial cotton ••--.- managed to put the Great Depres- ' " ^ field in north Florida dr. Georgia' : ^ionbehind Us, and World War II- ? :,/ and you'create & buffer zone out of 1 also. During all of the fifties and ;"n,the peninsula of Florida for exam- \. sixties and early seventies, this ; jj^ pie, and in that buffer zone you do program was still going on full ^ : f^v not permit the growth of any host '^ r blast, until about ten years ago,: ^ V; plant capable of providing",! living - ' "•••' .to cotton parasites, it seems clear -1 -; ,;-that the cotton cr% would besuffi-; : Vciently isolated to be protected. It •t: _-. sounds good,'but it isn't: it just '•-;• . ^doesn't work,' and I'll tell you why. . %y-: About: OUT ti:itd cat- •> --=. There are peojiie on Sanihcl wttn -. ' Iivorder to put this whole sub- -.'. • : (on is quite hoiablc: - , -^recall one'particular cotton "exlcr- . ; ject into proper perspective, we and shim y. The large-- : minator" who i»K>ked more like a ' .-have to go back to Roosevelt's New-,-.1 . two-legged Long John Silver with a : '; Deal days in the early thirties. In • spectacular large '_'•'•' • red bandana tjcl around his head ' " ..,'.' those long ago days in addition,to . - yellow flowers ar,H "and a Hathaway lypt- Warfc (--atch X r"5 FDR there was Henry Agard :•• ^ ."over one eye. lie was very colorful "^Wallace who was first Secretary of . in a plaiii shirt. Hi/r terrifying m-Piii^- ; 1 Agrirulture', and later was ; ;-\- MUiallnddvpUta] - was accentualed by his three-fool '•• Secretary of Commerce, then Vice ' machetev-This man was so piratical very desirable garden > >: ..President. Later he even made a •--.-• 'plant't,efb' To SanibtI in appearance that he scared the >._, ruri for the presidency as a "Pro- .=_._;_ people, the cotton - pants off our citizens, but protests'^; "•gressive" candidate, whatever that \ ,_ /totter ihoutd be eaiy . ; went unheeded, for over the many, ' . kwas. Anyway, we ancients heard a : to recognize.:Its ttrnc- years of Sanibel's metamorphosis < : yjbtabout Wallace when we were " .lure i» t;cry much like from natural place to elitist mecra,- •;- ^.young, and of course FDH too. It • :; the erotic kibiscut.-'* ,- occasional tourists from Ohio were, v- •;~aeems that Wallace was worried : terrorized by this machete wielding Both belongtotkfj' apparition right up to about ten •.•"- '".' ? about boll weevils in the South, ••#family Malvaceae? _ \ : _.:* while FDR's concern was about : .tyyearsago.". J ' • -•.•-• ".-= • ^ " ; ^getting people;on some kind of; ;' •""- .; I have had no personal ex- "..-.'" =•; "'X. perience with the Roosevellft, • : "payroll, getting people back to ':: Wallace Boll W evU Eradication :; " * -.work, and digging out of the dep-"-. ? 1 •" : Program anywhere except on ".''•..- -) ths of the Great Depression. Both -,- : Sanibel. but I presume the . .; -".^ .FDR arid Wallace had nobicj decent -;. "eradicators" worked thesame way fgoals^but when they.tried to com- • '•• • bire them, at least in this instance, everywhere clse'as they did on • -^> basic human greed prevented their 4; •/,\ Sanibel, which was very carefully. ' '^-innovative solution from working..' Always care was taken not to kill : ; ; : .' .;- One day, something over a half.:. •" the job. I can assure you that on century ago, Wallace walked into ..; .; Sanibe' th* program was a costly . -. the Oval Office and suggested to-,; "• ".. governmental boondoggle.-1 can ."'.;,• : ?.'> his boss that if the New Deal coiilB ;'- .'; show you today places'where large spo'nsor a Wild Cotton Eradication . allace also gave us-thc . ; '--, work either. All this was about the/ .. wild cotton trees were cut down :-.; ".: Program, a whole lot of good ;' wonder plant, kudzu. thatn ~ same time the effort -"^'leaving a six-Inch to.a fool high -i^l. rampant weed of the •__• was being made to electrify all the >. stump which new sh'oots could, did, !X things would eventuate, not the W ! r f ,^ least of which would be employ-'[ . ^southland that was to have provid- farmhouses from thc'Atlantic to and are growing, aftd also where '.*'• :• ment of a hunch of otherwise , ed nutritious fodder--for. every, fann ": the Pacific. That did work. Our ' the surrounding imiiiiluih-s of . ilmmal and which was to havh' aid-';*-; '' o«n I,re Oiimly F,li.'<-lr)C -• S'une'iriployed characters who would : \ -'^rdlings wern «aVfiu)Iy" nurtured • .. ''be employed !<> destroy wild cotton e; V, thoeasy way. They perpetuated : " Carihhean Basin, both are now in- o never-ending, always worsening cy-' " Another prohlem with population ' " ,;JQ the program for more than 10 -y. inextricably mixed up genetically in 'clc that is increasingly costly in control hyempioytng gossypol is m years. . •••= : - ; ..-";; such,a way that nobody knows the. l.dolfiirs and human health. that it lowers potassium levels in ' . ^ •;'••• Now Governor Bob Martinez has : exact botanical nature of the many '; -The cottn'n plant belongs to ihe the Wood. Most Chinese, according *•» signed a bill into law which may cottons grown globally today:'?- .. • family Malvaceae, as does out to Liu. have a low potassium Q well recreate a similar costly and But all of.the cottons are damag- - cherished hibiscus. The flfowcr ' . r dietary intake and consequently' a: futile situation. Talk about deja vu. cd by insect pests, such as the pink structure when closely examined, •; thtir blood levels are low to.begin - '•' JJJ . This time around the job of the : boll worm and the boll weevil. ^even to. the uninitiated, is instantly • with. I.iu explains that low ^ . cc exterminators Is going tu be rather !,Wherever cotloh is grown, pests • .. recognizable as a hibiscus*cousin. potassium causes fatigue, and thus ;-2 more difficult. This is because for attack it. When the boll or seed \_ Some cotton plants, but not atlf:"; • ilseif is an acceptable contraceptive : iu five or six years it has been again pod is attacked, the fibres are ?ijt ., "contain in their seeds a toxic prin- "agent. ".••--•' . ,-.. ;J \ " K '-«-"legal to p!ant wild cotton for'hor- and shortened rendering the pro-. "•: oipal called gossypol. It ts a'pig- '"'- \: U just might be necessary"to 2 ticultural purposes. Large number.' ; duct less usefutl \Vhilc we were •" ,,ment classified as a polyphenolic '° treat the new generation of wild .;' • < of plants have been sold so now .: undertaking our futile program for compound that is unique and not .cotton "exterminators" that will be •: w wild cotton doesn't only exist in -= 40 years, others elsewhere tried ' -related to products of other plant hired to execute, I mean enforce. > T - wild places, but it exists in many other, control measures to preserve ^ families. The glands, bumps on the ;v House Bill 495, with gossypol. If : '• : gardens as well. So the activity, re--' or protect cotton plants.' I recall : : "cotton seed, hold the gossyp6l. 'C- something isn't done to halt the - - - • juvenated by new .Stale Law 495,"" seeing a huge cub?, of slacked cot- . These glends are so tough that - : production of exterminators,'i.e., ;.. • is almost certainly doomed to be ton Sn the desert in.Turkmenia'in when cotton seeds are pressed for -exterminate the exterminators, "'*-~i'-:-: another.costly failure. / '; : the southern part of the Soviet cottonseed oil, usually they are not - this idiotic boondoggle is likely to :.; _, It is on the SCCP property W Union a few years ago. This great ruptured and thus the gossypo) . be around forever.G ' , :; cube must have been 100 feet high, ," ., Sanibel that numerous specimen ; „ does not find its way into the oil. - '. plants lc£t over from "cotton . -,:•- \ 100 feet long, and just as wide. It - Cottonseed cake, that material was like a small mountain or a^ which is left over after pressing for '.•'-•' eradication", can still be found. It is = George Campbell uns trained in -: ironic to note that although the geometrically symmetrical iceberg. oil. is almost harmless too, because zoology and botany and spent Sanibel CapUva Foundation's It was immense. This cotton had ' the gossypot reacts with other sped several decaiiet in Asia, Africa, •' : ; native plant nursery sold wild cot- - been produced on great plantations . • parts and is soon inactivated. _ .. ^ •~ Eufope and South America, Muck \ - • ton after the ban was lifted, they in Asian USSR, and, unwisely I '.. Howpve?, in the presence of water, of his life he has been involved in •_ '.- "now are in step with Martinez and . contend, a Haytex-like substance- >. . the gland wall breaks down. Hence; - the study of crocodilian!. t{e is ,; vahe State or Florida. When I tried was employed to control the cotton chewing of cotton seeds! can result;r •founder/chairman of th* Southwest \ •. to bay one.there. I was told it was. pests. Baytex is that insecticide -- ., in.lhe release of gossypol and of - I) -Florida Regional Alligator Associa- .-IL,^ ah "undesirable" plant and that that is used so abundantly on course can be undesirable: " tion. He %s the author of "The _ . . "" '... they no longer sell it. ^ Sanibel each Rummer to kill mov ' The Chinese have been studying : [ Snture of Things on Sam'Vt"noit quitoes. It isn't only the mosf|uitik's ••- The botuntcal .nomenclature fof= • gossypol for use as a male roh> ;: \, in its fifth printing,^ .. cotton plants is much confused. ;; 'that die. We all die a little with ^ traceptive for about ten years. It '' Ann \yinterbetham was a -> Most cotton in the world is either " each application of this dangerou?" really work). It does indeed ha|t - teacher in Massachusetts for 17 . 7 1 i. Gossypium hirsulum or Gossypium •'drug. , ,: --. _ -'.'?" -.-^ - - ; • • ;' ° male fcrlilityi'U is such a good ~. !' year* before moving Jo Sanibel in V. ; barbadeneie or hybrids of the two n our southwest and Inv'•- male.fertility control agent, that > 1$65, She UIIJ a founding member-] far or cultivars of one: or the other, or northern Mexico, it has • • about 10 percent of men fail io of SanibelCaptiva Conservation0 '< - both. Gossypium, meaning cotton,' Ibeen convincingly \- '-•-,• :'•"' regain their fertility when they :' Foundation and chairman for seven ~' is the name used by Pliny the-r- demonstrated that pink boll worms* stop the gossypo! treatment. This " • years, and from 1975-85 served on , _ Elder and is now descriptive of the are not controlled economically by - information comes from Dr. Guo- : Sanibel Planning Commission, genus. Hirsutum merely indicates • employing dangerous '-.-. " Zhen of Capitol Hospital in Peking. eight yeart as chairman. " the hairy nature of the seeds, while .In China male sterility is not a pro- : organophosphatc insecticides, hut c . -; She and Campbell are •". T ' barbademe would describe the • that, as resistance in,the pest." t)!em because with 20 percent of <'av.thor/illuitrator of a number of _ ;.! - native form of the^West Indies - .species develops, more, and more the world's population, no one is , ^ , bdbks.about the flora and fauna of : ; the sea island cotton which Colum- __ - insecticide is Required and even- -:, really lamenting the fact that 10 Florida: Together they guide >%;•. bus found upon his arrival in 1492. percent of those treated with _ '• ; •'- tually that pesticide substance is .-. natural history field trips to - .:v •- . Soi we really have two species in \ no longer of value in solving the . gossypol become permanently .Kenya?Galapagos and Australia. Git to know SUNDIAL

•= JUST ONE STEP BACK — From the sparkl- ing bluetgreon waters of the nuff.Suited to [- VIP pffers the only on-site sales and the buyer for that special 2nd homo or; future reliremen! cofido. From this fourth ;; information office at Sundial. -^."•;"" -..! floor apartment you can en?oy both the sun rispandset,almost unique in Sundial.Call; The VIP Sutidial professional sales staff, Robin Humphrey - Realtor Associate for an experienced at Sundial, fists and sells appointment, to view. Priced to'sell at'- " $269,000, 472-6632 evenings. ^ ONLY Sundial properties.. v -1 I W ""• •^•.'"•••• :4V. ". •':.•'-•• •>>=••; = AN EXCITING, PICTURESQUE VIEW — O( rhelGulf of ^Mexico from the spacious HEBE IS JUST A SAMPLING OF PROPERTIES balcony oi this highly desired one/bedroom ;; CURRENTLY AVAILABLE AT SUNDIAL: r-# club suite.,This top floor apartment is fust steps from the beach, pool.and Sundials un- matched am'enities.Owner motivated -make Tan offer! Contact Dave Parilta -Realtor : SPACIOUS LIVING — This gulf front apart- -•Associate for details, 472-0201 evenings. :;• -- ; merit.with wrap around balcony contains SUNDIAL ^ ; two bedrooms,'two baths, plus den in a location that is sure to satisfy alf your vaca- JUST THE RIGHT SIZE — Two bedroom, • BEACH & TENNIS RESORT ; tlon or second Home heeds.' Excellent rental - two bath apartment with'garden view that I combines comfortable living area with af- '••'- income is available if so desired. For further fordable maintenance fees and taxes. This ; information'contact.Dave Parilia .Realtor unit is in the Guarantee Menial income pro- ^'Associate, 472-0201 evenings, .-'.v gram and priced to soil; Call Bob Malistic -Realtor Associate for showing and com- :Dlete lour of Sund^i, 472-1528 evenings.:.; ^ A TWO BEDROOM WITH A DIFFERENCE — ; If you like unique things then ask to see this FEW AND FAR BETWEEN — True gulf front , " "B" building unit, it's a two bedroom with a in ajull resort complex are few ; differenced This apartment has been perma- and far between on Sundial. This top floor tvtient residence for the present ."owner for' apartment has commanding views o! the\< ..many years. Whether you keep it jar a se- Gulf of Mexico fronTalmost evgry room\ ^ j'cond home or a rental apartment the gulf Use is as yoursecond iiome and rent it out • - FOR INFORt^ATION-AREA pODE (813)' V view will enchant you.' Cal!;tor an appoint-. "when"you are not here or just keep it as yoifr - •- ment to view. Robin Humphrey - Realtor personal tropical., re treat! Call Robin.Hurn- Associate ,wil! be pleased to show you phfey • Realtor Associate for appointmeril [ • around, 472-6632 evenings." . tO.view, 472-6R32 ^venings. \: '''•' ' ' .fj..}: 472-4151 EXT.380S't'OUT OF.TOWN —CAll COLLECT 4C'



Sanibel Realty Proudly Presents BOB BURGOON, YpUR EYES DCl NOT a member of our Professional Team. ; DECEIVE YOU. ••*•• «. AN UNCROWDED ENVIRONMENT* ; / WITH NATURAL SURROUNDINGS ." YOU'lAiOSE YOUR WAV TO THIS LOVELY CON- : Bob Buigoort spent his youth in Chicago's south suburbs ." DOMINIUM IF WE 00N7 ESCORT YOU... Second and tlved most of hij aduft life in the MiOwesl. He attend- We actually have a SANIBEL. LOT Floor. Courtyard V(e« witn roomy 2 Bedrooms. NEAT ed the University of Illinois, completed the Cadet Program FOR SALE!! Not only Is the price a : ~ AS.4 PIN with the Professional Decorator's Touch in me U.S. Navy and later became a Navy pilot during ; Ifie lalest style of Florida Pastels. Make an appoint- WofldWarll. ,o-v o reasonable $33,000, but the owner ment today to see this EXCITING NEW LISTING be- . 'ing otto'ed at J 134,000. Call Ann Gardiner for trie Ren- - 1 will consider financing your pur- . • iv,. 10 t>ii Sains Position with Sanibel Realty. tat History and alt I ho details. 472-6565; evenings, Bob had i very successful career with the Trailmobi'e Divi- chase.: Call Maryann or Pete Skehan '472-1003. -•• for assistance. 472-6565. or in the sion of Pullman, Inc." in Chicago. Bob'9 philosophy in- ; cludes a balance of hard work ard pray, and following the evenings, 466-0097. ,"- •,;••'-'> -•.'_*/•!•" •Golden Rule." " ""^ -'• r

\\B and his wife, Florence, row lFveir,Fcrt Myers, have two married Oaughte'S| anrj twc grandsons. Tha incredibly beauf^ul. wuiher1^ Sambci and a sailor's !t?ve of (he #a!ef mahe working on the is'anda.a pleasure and a pfivitege. Bob a'do enicys meetini) people from so n different arws Of 4he world.- ''['ty- ' "., '' - "

iijgh a fie*comer to Sanibel PsaHf. eoh rate* Sanibwt ly's Sa'es Training Program higil/ as weir as nanir.g tjnanagement 5uppo'I syslflr^wah s p'ogressive a .:- "..: JHE ULTIMATE IN ):- i" : BrwSl a higfi degree of SutceSs |f voy a;e .'o^iitng fc r , prty on Sanibei or Cootiya islands, calf Bob BuigtW /•: -p-;A CONTEMPORARY L?rESTUE :": 'oi pfo'essional service, 47J6K5, airj.(n ihe evenings h SURflOUNOED BY NATURES LUSH TROPfCAL can be "reached at 768-I5C5 '•.-.'.-.."• ,.-". ,'. -".::' -•• ;_ VEGETATION NEAR THE MOST BEAUTIFUL OUCH- • ON THE ISLAND,'mis Jwo tedroom condom^nitiin" allows you that idealislic lilesty'e of cafflreeJivir-g. ' .. Enjoy the privacy of upstairs bccJroofni. file conve-.- .: nience of roomy ctoseis aid the expansive diroert "aions. All this lor S13-4.9CO FURN!5HED1 Call Bill ' '. Thomas or;.5leve Ystes at 472-6555," Cvenlnss tafJUST REDUCED .472.1797 or_S42-015i, : v -. : PROGRAMS YOU 4?, ^ •=•> yA LUXURIOUS, CONVENIENT* s; V SHOULD , « iK ^^ AFFORDABLE LIFESTYLE, ^ ASK ABOUT.vi • -- r- Tne time i'o buy is now. so"take a walk Ihrough this «*'• - :'r • citing and unique tbwnhome with two bedrooms plus. ; ;; lott or-third bedroom, screened porches, covered ;V> parking, pool, tennis, plus many;many"more features * AIT properties advertised r including a few steps away from the (list tee at tne i - popular Dunes Country Club. Ottered at $134,900. . arc on VIDEO r..' ^, 4 Call Ler>. 472 6E65; evenings, 47S-3609. ; . « $500 Rental Utbate^ :; THIS CONDOMINIUM IS A CLASSICf. • 1-Year Homeowners MANV HAPPY RUTURNS" wiwyou nav6 you».oWn ,i. . condominium on; Sanibcl f$lan^l. ^-onsttJer Stifr*bel Warranty" s. Siesla and the larger of llw ifobr'plaris. No others available In the ti69.O» price; range *yith • IAO1 tedroofns, . a :garage. 1?*1*' wo-«snop, on siia .jnanager ana a FOUR DAY MINIMUM RENTAL Calf • Airline Reservations - • Maryann or Pete Skehan loivan appoiniment iw!ay. ' 472-6565 or in lhr.e«ffrvJngs. *66-0097. . • .: • Vacation Rentals .= - • Lending Institution

^ Affiliation ' t^ ; •>• • New Home Construction

:. ARCHITECTURE FOR ., ' .• PropcrtyManngement- .•: "-".:.,. 'THE FINE ART.OF LIVING 1 • MuItipIe 1-isting Service ': CALIFORNIA ARCHITECTUBS HAS ~CO.VB\ TO r FLORIDA. THIS EQUISITE 3-fevei Harr.i mcluiie'5 • DEEP WATER DOCKAGE lor your >acht. RIGHT (M THE MILLldN'OOLLAR VIEW IS FREEH! '~.;: FHONT OF YOIJR HOME, Calhedrai-Ceilxngs Jay to see. the paro^aTiic «jf;// Ci^.G t't^lht^ir^'


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Darling, say * a little ••••:: isanibel library something in ^ -Hawaiian for • Vida! probes the underside ? ° •the folks--i-^ of presidents McKinley and Roosevelt ilnfllysist, cleverly dorige* !b« top • at chadwjck's. • Fiction;".. .". '. •"'. =-.'< • '-.^~- • Empire —'Core"Ti«ia_!•'/,' J " secret task force ofinteitigetice of- " . " The fifth volunic. in Vidal's . ; firers assigned to rapture him/ - A--a American saga contiriiit's tn Determined to avoid confinement stylishly mix rral and imaginary ~ - as a scientific curiosity; Halioway •r:? ..fabricates an entirely new identity * characters and to portray the -^ '. : ,history of the nation through the . for himself while amassing a con- life af one American family. This siderable fortune. Jl's a new twist - VZ entry probes the underside of the . -.,-.. and a fresh perspective on an iii: ; presidencies of McKinley and ' "; -~ .trifcuing subject, the ultimate but- Theodore Roosevelt during an 'era' • '.sider. '••- " • .'- ' •'•_..!-•- when the Unite* States replaced A. L_ 'lilso. GcoffjiottQ •— Alison Hardntg"- Britain as the world's1 greatest iin-; , \ • This diverting novel of Victorian .. perial power". Delight fully cnler-?;*l : ••:--•-' • England is notonly" written in ; ' taining and etegantly; written. -'•-, v •. ^ Dirkensian style but extends one of Tke Parttm't Daughter^ :. D his stories by telling the life story y_ ; Catherine Cookson "':;'"'•'.^ ' ; of Pip's mysterious l«t sister. Living in the stratified society of (Rain-d as an orphan, it is not until late 19th century England, the >. ;._. she comes of age in 183U that: . • local pastor's daughter, tomboyish Oeorgiana Curwen can begin to •= Nancy Ann Howard, attracts the ' . unravel her pasi. Her only legacy master of the manor,; Dennison ^ is a bundle of letters, advice from a ?- -Harpcore. Their cross-class mar- . mother she nevcrknew. In "' '-J riage sets off a chair.ipf events that _; :- - developing her own identity' -s - v Ge^rgiana becomes a recognized ar- - changes the lives and social posi- ; ! : tion of several others in the com- ;_.••. tist and through her life mirrors ^ .'" the social ferment of the time when munity. The long intricately,woven :r narrative is colored by the recrea- - .---.L'i women s rights were just beginn- . ~ ':•• ing to be asserted in a male /- -.tion of the society and landscape of •--[ dominated society^ .\ -:•** •.: 'rural Northumberland.;. HS ".-:• : .-.i Biography: : ;:. ;.._-.. ": •• -Y-?'.: Memoirs of an Invisible Man - . u •H.F.Saint " ' :••_ .!: <.-**"•• • " •t " Hammer — Armand Hammer.' . '• After being rendered invisible . & -•--• Now nearly 90 years old. Ham-^ . r by a freak physiochemical accident, • mer, the head of Occidental , Nick Halloway, a seriintics"-- ;-'•""" ; ",; '^'..'.'•' ' .-• please see page 5B'".•.".- Sounds like > two strangers in parrot-dise. in tfie tavernj

Chadwjck's;hew island look is a natural^, "setting for its famous Hawaiian Ijuau feast every Tuesday 'night. Theexciting steel" •;• /drum bandrfrec leis, tropical ilrifik' -. / samples and exotic island dishes are the

Aloha! Welcome to casual i^laiul dining nt ChiuKviekV5

[••'. * The new Chad wick's precis you with a ; " "' v burst of bright colors, a tropical island; ... ; "' decor and the expanded lounge has !i Inrgc *; •>. enliTtainiueiil area and dance floor, v • :

:'•',••:? :;Wt're proud as a parrot! Ci»me see'whyt Enjoy 01^ delicious Maine Lobster "no-£rills style" ; in our Tavern from 4 until closing r : — or - get the full lobster dinner;, "; ; Santa Cruz in the lounge, •"* -,". 9:00 pm -1:00 am Nightly except Tuesday _ treatment in our dining room. .$10.99 ; Maine Lobster Specials Sunday— Thursday Only -,;;"- OVTiilc Supplies Last) '

S.;472.5U1 1523 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel 472-31CIi . V • clubs

Lions president Rogers « " •>'"• ar.d members Dick Piile and Rodney Jones w._-, ' :'•"••",? ' ;•' •.'• V- -.., . "'• • • ". ,;j O'Otnnor is the -jon o( MrAind Mrs, Michael N..-.-'- 1 i i Surveys have »iisn ro.vcaied that people want'.''; '-_ '- ptausi following their" tpi «h' s. ./ • O'Co'nnor of Capuva ii.i.. Captival •- . '.. '.' .-.-,; New member pick Dockntan was introduced, rV '"'morcjocal news i-ovira^e ;»n'ii mor^ports,--: -. -' :

;; LIBRARY- Gie5. ht-t'husband,and some" pit her the complicated.snusica! superstar 'Ti;m'pif ,;.;. ": ' • „ .:-•• X'. co-workers sheittired the Frank > •[ Leonard.Berstcin has bad one of : Row cultivation of crops, the _ ' • from pag<2 4B -; ' -, family in the secret annex of an,, <~ Ihc most remarkable carecrs.in the . distilU.tion 6i li'jiior, chemical war-, © .Petroleum, has behind him a ...... Amsterdam office hiiii.jini Oies \ _ history »f music. His carper has. •.: fare, arid decimal fractions are just _ ^.business career of impressive - f' - herself had been a yscttm.pf the, tj been called frenetic, torn as it is a few.of the astonishinttly many : •" . -: variety encompassing fieldsTas '-.;.. ravages of WWI and had.been". "•-•':'•' /between composing and c-mdiictini;, dovice-i and processes that tfce ;. ^:" divergent as art and North Sea oil. ' sheltered by a Dutch family. In this/ • between jazz and the classics, bet- " •We.st had to-borrow from the o- Here Is his story in full sweep, a * "simply told.rtcolk'ctl(!n she "' ,;•ween the negative reception of his Chinese, or discover independently ~ ; 'saga to boggle business executives describes the changes the Nazi oc- ;; art music and the overwhelming long after them. Tempie has reduc- • ; and enthrall.general readers. The. ' cupwion brought and the efforts • .: success of his'Broadway stage • ed the monumental thirteen . : . ,£. ^ book also carries not incidentally"-: many made to resist, and recounts music. This objective profile of the : . '.f/oJume."Science and Civilization in ''.? messages for work peace from this _ her pt-rilous relationship with the , man has been impressively resear "China" to a single manageable ; concerned, involved world-class \i. Franks. Sincerity, humility, and . ^ fhed and presents a fascinating pic- . volume. Endpaper charts and ; ; :. philanthropist. (, - ^,- courage are expressed irj simple ;-- ture of an Amtrican"musical -\.' oih».T pfrlinent illustra-: :;-•" : : r testimony. ' '_''-.- ." . - ,. ^-^ • tfons enti.inre the well written"".. ;- Anne Frank Rum m be nil ~ Miep material. The study is ihe subject,_ "•":--'"G.ies'".;" "-'•• ';'. •"•-. :;."'; ;'_ ."». ^ Burn*tcin — Joaivf'eyser > ,: ';_.'. Non-Fic!ii»n: '"•'• -, • . of a forthcoming PBS television '" - ^It has been almost 55 vears'sincV _ • A person of great contradictions. The Genuia af China - F

do yourself classifieds

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Eo -•* Isl-nif "'i-* •' • " ' '. S^T-ibc! 6 i iS".'.""' Bio ;; W hf-ur.u.jt .... i.. •"• • 'Sanitei CMS**" '• 8u ii J?e»'»J» "piling! . .. Sanibe! Homes- .* •

•it Isr Che^r . ~. ', W V*1t Dnjlniun- ' - - .s " 3ii».be! 5«8fiS : -' J. j" Tnsertioni ::Xi \ _ J- AD TO APPEAR IN: ( Box) ;...«wi)ASMc; :; . fc«,,,-.S.«i. U: 7 t>; i; LM>;'aS.nesMuraii^ ," U=JO'S UfiiimiicJ .;•) ~U««Bc*- ," •:.- . Song of ihe Ec» Resoit ; msD . : : ; Hair and Pat's H*t"Ca '- - • S-iulti Seas Plantation .'--'i;v ' - Instructions/Rates " - ' ! : - '°!Qu sfiam's'of Ms:no ~"' - !; Mdi'CPr Gi.-)u[>; " So-ces'and Spoons - •GEN. MERCHANDISE;: •", REAL ESTATE/SEHVICES ' in iCs Ccurtry Club J.i'"McJ;s SIirifiiphwsE -. ^ Sunccait Alummuip : 25 Words!'.<:.-. ,.;^r...... S3 •.-• 25Vydt(ls^... \...... $4 - £• e. Cermet 5anc!i Realty " ." =1. - ' Sweei Carol^e'i "'. - - ' J •Additional Week .....;,. .$2.50 4Weoks .$14 Ex jr.utive TiUe )r;s'jtar,co \ Mucky Ouck, Fl, MyC'S Bc\.-.". Tarpon Bay EJecKie' . ". Additional Papers ..$2.50 -Additional Papers . - ..-S325 wk. E>eciitfvE Seivices, itic ~ •;; -. Nsvs* Plumbing : . ^.""•"-^".IV"?-: Exlia Words 10«Ea.Word/Paper/Wk." . .. . "• • VnG Oysiei Co,:. • ••;'. Nutmcfl House "'" ' ...... Tiinbo's.Prawfibtokef Fantasv'H Beamy S?lon . .: Occsn flee! Cljb. Key L rg^> . '^-' 'TIT* Root Teci : ? fa \tj9/ l^Eani* P*6[i ; ' Ultle Kcusc Sfioppir " :it-- Iryfiy's Car Wash r..-.'^- ~ : K" - -- PAYMENT: ECHECK^ D'VISA.n M/C '.-= • F'TieWOrff CvtfcB - Ol'shoio Sa^ng School =* ."^ 7-sh'ft Place". ; ." ' '[

. Fiic'ie's Islflii.i Appstul -: •""»•• . ' •:• . i:--" _••? TjVecn WdWts Inn "

: ; ; - G vifi Plumb 'ig : Phoio Sariitw! '• - - . ": V/cciis ai'd th-ngs : •' ; G anadaApiS,: :' - .':''.:-- ' Pott's Dwjgie Shflp' • •, ^.- ' V/mdvjrfing oi Ssn.Ul G •; . Pisttwf's lauriiJry Wnged Sandals Producticns n eve Sailing fmiridaiJan '' fimi"S)>op f( the is'and G jf jurvico Cenlw" • . il' :. :- ":/;::': •"••"

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•>!•*.'..": shell shocked J The case of the Stuffed Dermas UJ By Art Stevens' He removed the cotton from hwears, slammed- . the car door and ambled into the glittering crowd.J- At that moment; Johnny.Carson, Sanibel's new ; AVhcnlust wclefi Sam Shove! and Norm3 ;, mayor, was asking for quiet to introduce the guest .i-Wrsestrings, their cars were roaring off into the of honor, Nikki Masin»»lo. ; • ;• l~ Sanibcl night. Norms had hired Shovel, a partner ,'Thank yon. ladies and gentlemen. Hoy, it sure in the Shovel and Archer detective agency in <:• ^was hot in Sanibel today," Carson said. . ^ ;V i Sanibcl, to investigjtcallrged threats on her life. '; "HfjAv(hot was il?" the crowd shouted in unison.

i N'orrria claimed that ever since a second sea "It was so hot Ihc sea shells were roljecting pco- •%: :shell and stuffed durma shop near her own had plv," Carson said, '•-'•'••' n- • "- •->"''" -••--.'. -:.~ f opened at Bailey. Center, someone was out' to get ."Ho, hnrha; ha," said the crowd.; ! ;: • •;; % ~~- knim- how to sail," Masimoto rt-tortt-d. - ,, : : s ; her. -.. ' :. _ ;.''." ". • -•*"••• • • - * " ,. \ ". "But seriously, folks," Carson will. "No Tonight;. 'I "Dim't play hardball with me, Masimtitn. Ymi're - ' ; r '• Shovel, flushed with ron-nt success on finding " bho^ monologues tvnight. 1 m here for a sirrious the one. YmA-e' been taking potshots at Norma ! : : the elusive and valuable Maltese Chicken, col- \ purpose, ;• ; -'-.•' ..'" -, ''•': " " - -[}.•>•'. I'tirsestrings." r<~ '. . • :.„*'•?-. '.*\-\ \ '". ^"-" "• lected an advance of five big bills from Ihtvtan- "It's ln-en my privilege to b« your mayor for!; ': - "What's a hardball'.'What's a potshof? Why - ^ % talizingly seductive Miss I'ursestrings. His - : several months now and I can't.tell you huw - :' • don't you talk English?" said a flustered " : : " strategy.was to shadow her at a safe distance and - plraiivtl I am ly have taken this job. You've all . ' • Masimoto. • . "" :• *•.-.' -'-vf - • '•'-" •'"• '-.• --.".-• 11 decoy her pursuer into revealing himself. \ : bt'en.very kind to me and have really made me ; •. = "It's him. I know it's him, Nurma shouttd. "I ~ ':'• Norma hung a left from Casa Yfoel onto S x . feel at homoV Since I mijved HtTe.l'vo breonu* a • ^ recognised his fingerprints.": , . ; . ." '' Periwinkle. Shovel followed about,-1 wo cars behind.'1 real admirer of Mr. Masimuto- His sculpture is the Masimoto,was cornered and he.knew it. He let When he was on a case his juices flowed and he finest thing I've ever seen. Tonight you'll be ad* (*o of. Norma's nt-ck and "slumped back into a chair. ?. observed everything fn sight. He observed that he miring his newest sand castles. • •• = • "Wny didn't she leave town? She didn't pay at;; " had a flat tire, but willed the car to go on even -^ ,. "Ladies and gentlemen, I call attention to the ti-ntiim to my warnings. Why didn't she just go = v . though it was dragging concrete off Periwinkle ' ; special stage in the froni of the room." ''~'-\\ .; .- away?" .Masimoto blubbered. ._ :'•':- =r and manufacturing its own sprinklers. . "^ '••• '--»-.- At'the "cue,the gallery lights dimmed, there was "Itut why; Masimoto?" Shovel asked. "You had ^ -• Z. Norma was cruising steadily along, signaled for . a drum roll and a spotlight .beamed at the closed everything^-You were idolized in Sanibel..You're -' ~- a right.turn and turned left onto Tarpon Bay. The curtain at the front of ttie stage. The crowd held • our greatest artist. Why would you jeopardize •«'••- .two cars behind her plowed into $ pepper tree > its coMective breath as the curtain opened and ?j» your garter by threatening the life of Norma ."" '• - leaving Shovel with daylight to spare between his there on a pedestal was a collection of six rar*; :- I'ur.M'Strings?" •"" - "i> • •>• -^ i wounded car and Norma's 1955 Edsel. She turned -stuffed dermas. .. / - h The glittering crowd glittered in anticipation of '••..« .right again into the Schoolhouse Art Gallery. ••'. " Just then a piercing scream broke- the silence "'• - Musimoto's answer. Me looked at the crowd with "Of course," Shovel said aloiid, "the Masimito . "and suddenly all the lights went out. There.WITH • : pain in his eyes. !? . : .; // opening."- : ,-:," . /':"'-'\:'-' *•:•'.- • .,' sounds of a struggle taking place near the stage :-,] "Becaustd she taunted me with her Stuffed dcr-" •• • He remembered that the famed Sanibel and the darkness seemed interminable. The crowd mas. She kepi telling me thst hers were bt-tter ^ : Japanese sculptor Nikki Masimito was the guest murmured in confusion and bewilderment and the : than mine. I couldn't stand it anymore! My artistic ~ '._-. of honor at a lavish Cofktail reception at the ; lights went back on. • ' '. ;. •••- '- -\- intfgrily was offended, ^ ; _ <--'; \> ; • ;..,-, v There was Norma Furscstrings attempting to '•[ . Schoolhouse to kick off a .showing of his new sand iy ; "One night when she was wailing on linejo get-; • :' grab (he stuffed dermas off the pedestal and^'^y ; ' " castles, ft was a fund raising event with the pro- into McT's, I"broke inio hershopand replaced her . ^ Masimoto had both hands around her lovely neck.- r ceeds going to'Masimoto's favorite charity — the : stuffed dermas with my own inferior ones. I didn't Pandemonium broke loose;, ; ^ li ;r restoration of his patio. Everyone'of importance ; " think she had the'artistic presence of mind to ' would be there. ,- f'l-- ; . • ~ \~. }- 'J;. A gun shol rang out.and that slopped the'panic, know the difference. Hut she did and now.my . .^. " : -.; Shovel was puzzled. Why should Norma attend a the confusion and Masimoto. Shovel had fired ar -. career is ruined. No more chic art openings in" .- function where here possible tormentor could use shot into the air aitd was walking toward^ '-.-;; •":/ -Sanibel. As you put it, Mr. Shovel, the jigisin-^ : " the backdrop of crowds and noise to do her in? ' Masimoto. ''• ,. v' •••.•; • ' - -. S deed "up/It's now the slammer for me." And he ~ .- -Shovel shuddered at the possihle,consequences. ; ;,; "Get your hands off. her. Masimoto. The jig ;s i- began to cry, --- .•;;. ''""}•,,--- ' •.-.. •'•:•.'-<• : and realized he. had to keep his eyes and ears . up," Shovel said smartly. • ' -.: '.; v. • -•• . '. Shovel put the cuffs of; him and turned him over fc c ;. open.- -^ •. •_ -. •-- - . .; -;; .. - '.' ••-.".- •"-. "What's a jig? I don't have any jig. I don't eyen .- --''• • please see page 16B r-.!


::-^v ; /• Sanibel-Captiva Office v > b


" • ;- '• • "^^ • • • " •-" ' • •- •'. - - - 'I-: -'- :• •' T ; %,• - ,-•;• t . HAS MOVED FROM , ,." -"•-. • 2398 Palm Ridge Road : $ TARPON^ BAY RD. * SUITE15 -••:-,:-"-- •• SANIBEL PROMENADE i- : (ACROSS FROM POST OFFICE) , :V: mfee bath," formal dining.Mecenlfy re tevol CBS. Inquire about tetms. o , W^j: 472^4102^,: v.:-C Prudent buyers buy from comparison. Ask For These Professionals If you have not compared these For Your Insurance Needs properties you have not found the •• 3ANIS WHITAkER : •'•-• MONICA ALBERT FEKSONAL RISK MANAGER PIRSONAL RISK ASSOOATt best housing value.

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TIIOMAS J. RODERICK Ofta 813/472-0700 Licensed Real Estate Broker Home; 813/472-6203 • /••-.• i'«t arts Veronique Bablet: a dissident in the world |bf art By Fran Flue lie r ;.' •';'

"B-"Vench painter Veronique ' •4 M tablet, 28, is an ..-'•'• -L ^engaging way of emitting a '" n • :; little "poor sound and widening her green eyes before making a: commentl It's just as Gallic as any shrug and bespeaks a certain in-;.. ' rv ,dependence. - - ;•' . ^ And BableCn Capliva resident *-, for the moment, has that in full • • ~J measure. "My parents were like — • what u she doing now?" remarks , Veronique of the hands^ff attitude of her parents; Robert and ' ; -. " Raymqndci who live; in Lyon,; -: -Trance.' V ." ••. • ~..£\> •• " ''••• '-, . • - Q _•• What the young painter, married :

to Eric Branger, a former cook-chef • • -;• . • "at La Vendee restaurant, Captiva, '- and herself a waitress at Capliva •Inn, is doing now is reflecting on-.- ,'her impulsive nature and the series p—^ ---; :• of events that have brought her to -, this moment. "I'm always involved ' aw::u:: • •- ">-*•<.*• - - in'so' many crazy .things," she says..,' some each day in their studio. At *• - In 1984, she f»und herself with : :-But now she and Eric are mourn . the end of five years, not one of the group tn a joint French and ' -•' ing the death of iheir friend. Jean the dissident group was awarded a • Mexican go%-ernmenl ruUura) ex- , '- Above, kft; Captiva beach tcene fcj/ Grodin, manager and chef of La . diploma. .; ,-,-•'-."'. " °. .-_-, changed program in , Mexico • ^ a C Veronique BabUL Right: Artiat ;• ? Vendee, and the plight of his "•'- ; , But by then "Le Cite de la Crc-a-. wa Vi q Bbll-: " ' widow, Anick, and daughter, Jen- V tion", as the group came to be "7 media project of murals, sculpture : :i GreuiM a.-.u mangtr were irom theL r> :'.'nifer.'r-t.-;', • '- A'' :''-/' - "•"'.' ' ••'-.''• known, and which today is famous and photography with eight French tj .same* province. ••-,: .-.-. •-.'-• "It has been so big a surprise for in France, was Involved in itsowh^ artists and three Mexican artists - us," she says ,with sadness. "No, we 7 Veronique and Eric have been on projects. Veronique says they com" : participating. Her feelings are that ~ : do not know what we.will do." , /. plcted seven or eight murals and Captiva for two years. : • - it was not too easy to work--? .•; '- !";. "It looks quiet for me," the artist •- Vi'That Is not quite the same ;•;•7\V •• sculptures in and around Lyni). One' together because the two cultures : Veronique, the fourth of-.six ;! \ .; was of Oullins, south of Lyon. - says she thought upon first arriv. T, saw things — even the art itself — .;. ing. But along came Hurricane ::. : : children ot&Geometre Expert, :- : : Gl ; Robert Bablet and his wife,•""• '[•'['••:• -*t. They also completed a series of • •Very differcnlly. --' v'''[.I-f- ; :.'''-Kate and Elena, the aftermath of . paintings Hike the 14 stations of = • Six years with "La Cite de la, * which Verontque immediately cap- '--- ;Raymonde, who passed the exam _]~ : -. jfqr the Art School of Lyon and . :~'-'~'.\the cross"! on "madness" which are - - Creation" meant almost a total " : ,!" tured on canvas. ; •;, - ' - went home to tell her parents she. '-; now sent to conventions of physl- y- absence of private life, Veronique" „ " - Hers were the only paintings . ; cians for educational purposes. says, and she was eager to work by ' Grondin permitted on consignment was already enrolled, \ ; J '•-'* ~'~~. : ;.^ Nor Isjt the Veronfque who : -'~'i Next, they were engaged by a * herself by then. , :V: . In his restaurant. "He always chose . ; Madame Chantreuit for her,school .' When she returned to Lyon, two -" the best of my works", says Veroni-;. found herself one of 12 dissidents :; : , of 80 classmates in the art school .-. at Hautcville in the mountains near artist friends and a nurse talked ^ *?•• que of Jean's taste. -- : .-.-""• j- Switzerland, where they were to her Into opening a restaurant. _', Meanwhile her paintings are also ~ .who wanted andgot their own ;:: : separate studio courtesy of the city : work with unmanageable boys six : "I'm ready for everything" says oh consigncmln at Captiva Inn, . : ;.pf Lyon. • •<"_.-- - %'::]' •-_/! -r '•' ":••-:^ to 19 who had been sent there by Veronique.,But she was not quite .<_ .where she continues to work as a : v;--''More life was outside than in- : their.harried parents.' ''..':-, • '_-•'.• ready for the amount of hard work .„ ^waitress. - J- . :;•'• :•> -tv : aide the school," says the young:: • ., - But she says that while the boys ,-"-, involved in an enterprise started ' '.' ' In both places they have been V painter. "We started jiist for fun •— ; were happy'while they were there,- by novices. Nevertheless.'lhrough.i * selling off the wall. And the Bell ; •• 'qto play—Jo make fun of these ar- ',-. they.were "worse off' after they the restaurant, she met Eric", a Tower Gallery has expressed in-' :: i trsts who are 3ar3 , ^Meanwhile, Ben Nygren of . v '-' other rebels — * who were sculptors,:' the work was still going on. It was - with France's most illustrious chef, >> Sweden who owns La Vendee has pultthcir restaurant up for sale. ., V photographers and even a writer- . very sad". "..-"-.' . " V. ° - Paul Bocusc, at his restaurant in : " v Veronique says she does not yet • historian besides the artists - v < iShe.pstiders now the feasibility n~ Collonges-au-Mont d'or a suburb of •- > know what she and Eric will Ao.J~ found themselves a cause cc/e6re • of Madame's experiment. "I wonder '.. Lyon. - - •_, " >'*$.. - "]"". •..•"•." ;• ; if it was very helpful? We should ~ "He had worked hard but then -- : "Life is short, the art long,op - : portunity fleeting, experience! • soon enough.> :'.-••• - ..;.':- ,••:;.• have had some people to Continue he could go anywhere," says ; : treacherous, judgement difficult." :, ."When you choose this type of "V; our^work". ',;-'"'••"-•-- ' '•" •- -^ •'''•' '•' Veronique of Eric, whom she mar- : Courtesy of both Svneca and Hip- ,..T life, it's no bi&dea!," she says how: " -. But as an art teacher, Veronique ried later, . '-''.' ~- []' . -, ; ( : 1 -pocrates. •• ' ',.".."•"•:.*-'•-" ... =•• '„ did work with "average bored u • ^"Anywhere* turned put to be But at the time, Veronique and her - ^ , Vernnique would agree, perhaps • . friends not only remained in the I : kids" In the Lyon schools, where*" V Captiva. Grondin was at that time . art was also used as motivation to starting his La Vendee Restaurant with a iittle "poof" and large, ex- school causing teachers to take ":-". ;. : : L ; sides In their cause! but worked : change the lives of the students. . '< oh the faraway isle and recruiting ^ . pressive eyes.D^ --• -

"Cottage on the move ? >- historical museum-Lj " 'r~" only taking classes but also • • ;- $5 per piece and a maximum of - : teaching Oriental brush. While three per photographer. c - The duplex cottage on The Col- .BIG Arts meeting & £here, she was a collector of "-,."" • ; Works can he dropped off bet-. . ony grounds which was saved from sculptures, fabrics, paintings and .-• demolition for BIG Arts was y^~ Barrier Island Group for the «.wten 9 and 11 ajn. at the Center, jewelry. . ' = -#"-.'? .:. scheduled to be moved in two sec- Arts (BIG Arts) will hold its mon Saturday, June 27. For more infor^ tions from East Gulf Drive to City thly meeting beginning at 8 p.m., .Call 042-7714 for more informa-. ' mation call 9392787.G - . ../. - r Hall, property this week. It will be < • Monday, June 29 at Sanihel Con- ti'jn.p •.*-..'• t • ; ), " ? gregational United Church of 'Teddy and Alice' used as an arts center...-! , . v r , Christ on. Periwinkle Way. " r, •. '•-- Photography, arts shows '•'.''', Tickets to the first majfir produc- . • BIG Arts vice-president Pete : Smith said.il was his understan- •.'. The new arts center is to be A juried show, "2D.31)", hosted - tion of the new Tampa Bay Perfor-.7 ding that the building had to be • discussed, anJ refreshments an: to - hy Lee County Alliance of the ming Arts in Tampa,_"Teddy and r. moved by Wednesday to make way ~ be served, according to Jill Good- Arts, will be held Sunday, July S * Alice"; an American musical writ- for the Scott Naumann & . man, publicist. . - '. t,- <"• through Friday, July 24, at the : ten by Jerome Alden, who wrote Associates development of luxury All members and others in-, Center, I009I McGregor I)lv : • b •' . :.: '-"*'

' '•• "B":"' • -'f


; with a grain of salt f

* Another Japanese import:; 1 erf aiid tan revel in thf j, : mashed potato ;salad ; UMr yiiur-i-H.1;.-. • : . •.•* rviih-ntiy, •• • thft» . r'ByGlnnl Brown ed f»r .ft least 12 huurs,- 1 i .lapiinesc "an npt~-?ht ' ";:*" ••"My^ister,lhci-i.rW *>niy priijilf to have thought, of M;rvin(f tciirt ". KitKland. and ifiius she" »"«"" mashcii potatoes. •- . bring mi' buck a I'eel f..ur I'm' told oii goijfj I . for classic Er.i,'l;*h Lri- i 'Voii thority- th2t almost fle, loaded with;Jam (tOuiii.s, iiiK jn a cup>.f dict-d with- rhives, ' mavun. not.- She hring*; me .ing. Jin-., and Min* a ;: t-,lcumbpr.: alonj; with"-., naisesrui perhaps a lil back ,a recipe for Kar.'s meritiini --.ninn. -t ^n^,^ ,mjf)11 "^ Mir,.a(]fin VIT> tMr-.iy ai^ut haif an hour tn a ;,ft,,r nrajnm,. hot>s ssici-.i! Spanish ham. ' • Th.•••roare iv.'n thine* -- mixniret.rb.ilf vinegar j*.l!. UV important" t» . y-u ran rMj up ih»= m h? w.-irht'ri about in o;i^hsh.w;il,T.. ,-•• fiM,^s Th!. VIlion«" K«n(|ies into litth- (his- rfci|ic Out•;- vtiu -• hcr^.d^andpar "a^, .h^trjWrs.,- ,,n^,- aBd- Sfc*-- 1 run"-':. ii'sL -Tf;i! 'hi (urt: a n,pi wnrih of ,; th41 .• thfn rj« thc-n ' « ith .'srrll> v are no n-.^rmule l,.f 0...' -• .-© •eri. tan ••)[;. hro'A n "•' iin;:h>".,hui net.. Si ir in (me liiMjjy chop hnrs d'oi'itvrfs :U

-: '.;; .. !>cd h-ird bfiiii'ii.rif'e. u*?t«-kiail parties..,. . '_"•'- ; - , ; .oHc^3/bJV>>-"aid"". 'Thp poiatoup s ' ,. Chili thoroiiijh'y'and '• -Tht, , obvj'ous, ":_- --\\ you may hyr sulistiliiU' .' ,t 'ii. mash with (' rrioiinr!fd.,(in -a-. . rnesisaiji' hcrc^is th.ir> ' iiKtant [n'i.itDis," I r.ir, . L.^_cup.<>f milk or ;i.t;ir{" cri^p f next ti i>u-h;tir- .'.Ute this" with ' f;rt;a: 'muri;-. <•(> th« iexlurK; is „ t-carrji' authority.- bcrausf T " «.tiffcr than yois would .1 wiMfjii of toniato'ari'i pn'tttinr's rjna't .br- .tried it, and tl just does !i(!i;mal!y; 'wani 'f

^-.^^16283 &TAM1AMJ TRAitiSOUTk FT! MYERS 5

LISTINGS OF THE ^ WEEK! v AAIM REALTY GROUP, INC, - • ':" -!- ^in--,. -.•-•,:- "-•/'* ^ PELICAN : THE VILLAGE OF SANIBEL Fabi)!ausGu!f view from this very spacious 5 2340 Periwinkle Way '! 2nd f!t$f pn;i. it has 2 bedrooms'2 baths, . Sanibei Island, FL 33957 ,i and a de/j that can be a 3rd bedroom. Im- fnacuiate • condi-iion. Fully .furnished.' 4 ' '$335,000".'".. - < : '; -- -• "/*". . '. Other Exclusive Listings: ; .: . • litinilaBay.ApriratccfMnmunit.y - SECLUSION "AND "SPACE ON SANIBEL in UiednmiaticH'tting of Southwest •• ••v"-. BAY VIEW. -- ' HoriHa. Enhanced l^-'iinspttjlcfl sunuiind-.- ISLAND — This two building home opening - onto an interio:? courtyard was designed by This completely remodeled and renovated . iiigs, \vt fully develcijK'd and readily r art arlist. The property contains (We lots and duplex has a view of the Bay and is walking, accessible. ,';. /'-• - '- . • " - ' -.- - has a deeded walking easement to the Gu'f distance to ihe beach; 2 units-.-with .1 beach. J*wo bedfooms, 'wo baihs and 5 bedroom and 1 bath each. Fully furnished. dramatic high-ceilinged lofl area plus a new, '$225,000. . ;.. . ^ • ' .*'.. '. . . .v . %ij{le family homes, homesitcs.. • -. 1 kitchen with all appliances, including washer \illas aitd contioiTiiniunis. All oiiut ritenliy and dryer.:-: '• =-. :; • ?" '•'••' ;..: ;•«•' ioaited iKtwveii Naples and KtrtMycrs. All designed with your taste in view. FORT MYERS VILLAS .-.4 Bedroom/z'bathi. pool home. Central location, perfect second GUMBO LIM8O — A great family nesting place home cr starter home with a private mor- inside-*.af^J out. INSIDE' — three large tgage? No closing costs. Owner being v bedrooms, three baths and a spacious kitchen transferred, $85,900. --. .•."•. ' .'• %-• that adjoins the family room. OUTSIDE — a SANIBEL ARMS —.One bedroom, one batfia marvelous family-oriented neighborhood with a condo —. EXCELLENT location. Fully fur: friendly mix-- of young and ycungat-heart families who enjoy the year-round amenities of nished. S125,000. c- -'" .- • :-' ... life on SanibeUsland. Asking $165,000..•_; -: Thriving business in the TAHITI AN GAR- DENS SHOPPING CENTER ... one of five i-KING'S CROWN UNIT 115 — Breathtaking successful (ranchised operations now avaK-' views of the Gulf from your screened patio. The able for the modestrcost'o!.$16,000 +' inven- view is also reflected in the dining room "floor-. tory and including (ranchise fees.'= Call' . to-ceiling mirror to add excitement among this 47M546 or 472:5629 for details. >.. . Robb & .Stuckey decorated elegance. Sliding doors are sun,,treated and kitchen area is shut- ON CJ^PTIVA — 3 unils, income producing tered.A short flight p/ siairs (felevator also} from pioperty.located near beach. One' bedroom. .= onu bathi two bedroom, one^batr?; three your parking space and wide spacious-vyalkw'ay bedroom, iwo bath. S?95,0G0, •= -- ' \: -' to your tiled entrance, a King's-Crowfi-ority con- struction1 feature. Pricoa to "sell at S24S.90Q. ."• THE VILIAGE Or SANIBEL ••'. -,ar>iso! J, SN^G HARBOR, — three bedroom,- two j s'npvvos •J f>f r-pping : $#», pius cnt'iina. Top. floor, end trhit with cent --fiiOve* 3 soace '• fantastic view.' FuViy furnished, tn'us: ?se — now c-r!? .SO. Ca!t imTl6'J .1 ' S335.Q00. " -,; - " ' :-."



movie merrpnes;

By 1959 he had follow- Stewart RranRcr. S Double your pleasure with dual successes ed bis father Vin films -Perhaps (he prwpect_=JJ - By Cllf Potter ; iihv'.. birth of^ahother -.. Although his name ap- and married Humphrey- of confrontation with' y I'he old ! question: Harrison Ford who peared on the credits BogartV.Klwidbw - the U.S^ Air Force • ^ q was \n^ win instant - he remains one of those Lauren liacall. A spen- General : ' Jimmy oi(: "What's in a name?'" recognition - in A'nir secondary roles who ts_- did.actor in his'own Stewart - already -~,^ keeps surfacing from,. 1 : Wart in 1977, and cap it, known only by his face. "' right he won an Oscar famous as "the typical ^ time to time — par- as best supposing ac- American: boy "next JG off with glory and fame - The present Paul J ; licularly in the enter-, in Raiders of the Lost tor in AH theiPreti- door" helppd" in' his> tainment world. For ev Harvey, as everyone Ark in 1981, and more ' knows,-is the popular- dent's Men in 1976, and decision to forego his ^ ''ample: would you recently in the award anothfi fcr Julia in given name. \ "• aj - believe -that Harrison. columnist and commen- winning W'ilnesi and 1977 - and he's sii!lr > Ford was a,superstar tator of radio ami TV. - •'""-" ;, • •"•'' -• ~m': c : goiftg strong. in the golden era of the the;.current The Mos^- Jnson Rohards ap- Clif fritter - James Stewart was ThevideoofJimmy's o^ silent 1920s, and "that quito Coast" peared in more than '- best known movie /(*< a 2 born in-' London," Wonderful Lift is high m -: as a handsome and Paul Harvey, this 200 silent and sound England in 1913, an& 0 dashing leading man. ; lime on page one, was a movies from 1921 until Oaudette Colbert and . _ on the ratings list;/ played opposite Glara. character actor whose his death in 1963. My became an ardent" " was readily accepteij. Although-he doesn't Robards_ fan and ad- by both English and nerd to prove that he's - Bow, Gloria Swansnn, long tenure in stock . mother played the -. : r Marion r Davies, and companies and" film , organ for most ot his mirer. ^ ' h American audie.nrps as stii! around his "aw "•' most of the glamouous stretched from World silent films and often The other Jason/1i a virile, he-man swash- shucks" personality is . : remarked • on ,hcr Rnhards. his son, ?erv-•-. ;^ reflected in a collection^ s, women of the day? c War '[ lo the early i sound movies. His -dislike of the man as a edinihci:.S.Navyand - •'•'• Something wrong : of narrative poetry - a ^Harrison Ford was casualeffort of several , \ born in 1892 and died in stately appearance and performer. During a received the" Navy\T •f here? -Weil, ht wisely cultured voice is still -visit to New Yorktily Cross for valor. In ac--I; decided to avoid confu- jears and the runiorcd 1957. He retired from : ! target "of several the screen in 1932 - enjoyed ir^ the rerun in 1942, she saw him on tior: 'during the Pearl ;"3ion 'by changing; his 1 professional nntne \ to •pubiishers/TJ .; . - -- , just two years before ; movies if the 1910s. the "-_. stage with . Harbor attack in 19*11. ^

Crimestop golf tourney is set'W* &- ''„ Fii|i;FederaloLgprt.My;ers for July 11 ;, Lee County Sheriffs l3a_s_a.njmp_pYt_anL.Qiessage Department announced the (|rst5. Crimestop: Law Enforcement Golf Tournament to be held -:l} Saturday, July II, atr- Rivtr's Edge Cour.tr>' ^ Club, Fort Myers. All ; monies raised will • benefit the Crimestop" Ki'ncraifund.. *r _"•--' Registration is open;, \o all law enforcement personnel, those" ~in ,: niated fields and the public. The tee is $35 to those in enforcement •-'and $45 to the public. ,Thc tournament wil> "beginat 7 a.m. and con- "dude"around 1:30 p.m." with an awards .ceremony immediately ':~- following:' • : -. '' :*•": Local restaurants and businesses will be sponoring holes' and ;• tecs and donating prizes, including a cruise to the Bahamas, sponsored -J by Tropic Travel. Businesses can become a sponsor for $100, . . •*-• , Clark added there is a limit of 144 players. > He said they hope to raise $5,500. • n and taKea hike' . .or a cruise.. .or a sail... For more informa- whatever! Sign up, slip a.tew bucks away every tion about registration other week from now until April 25,1988 and or, sponsorship, call gel ready to get away, when you're a member " Crimestop at- o( our Vacation Club you're automatically a n- 335-928S.G ,"- "* ":'-. \ member ot the WISE Traveler's Club,.; .with dis- counts on all torms ot travel.. .airline, cruise or hotel. Our Vacation Club Passbook is your passport to adventure. Enjoy! ' ' --

• /tot mttSteku*

CALL FORA QUOTE!! A Savings Inslitution Serving Southwest Florida .:.. > -and Polk County • - $ AUTO LEASING INCX 20 Ofllces tn Southwest Florida 2340 PERIWINKLE WAY To Serve You This speciarsavings"program available until August M, 1987. SANIBEL, FLMB37.-; E13'472-4484 " * J- outdoors •S Boardsailing,n family ^ style;;.jn spirit c, g of Pete— and Max a: ByMatt Perez ;' ,;. • a..v £ s ;>">j-cccatch the wind," Max Headroom ^ • : c v. . I , might say if he were a boardsailor. iv Q • \*J Picture the country's newest video 2- star, enclosed in a 19 inch Sony screen stjuare, 3 • riding the light winds in San Carlos Bay. • - Only he would have to have lessons because : boardsailing is not something any TV-head can just jump into.;tVL'li, maybe not. ' " Solution: Free hoardsaiting lessons Monday \" through Friday at 3 p.m. The clinic conducted this; . '• wi't'Tt h being held at the boat ramp off Causeway

: : ; •' _ Road. "••:;."• *' ^" ' ." -• :. "•? .' ' .." ''.-'- ;" Thr plan is to carry on the business oFbna'rdsaiK .'^ ing in the spirit of the late Peter ?.inger. wh.ojn--- - tro'duced bii.irdsEitiing-'tu manyjsland families.5" "\-~\--. Ben McGuiri; i^.Wlmisiirfing Works of Sanibel .said the week Eong'rlinii: is ;• chanci' for'the1 family • ;' to share boardsailing as a family.activity". Another : clinic is scheduled,for .ifter the.July 1 weekend. • "Ii>. a nevj iiieaT' h> said. "We're, going to take ... . mom anrTfiad'iUi'J give them lessons."" -v. -.-. '• Riftti Xcwmcycr points Ml';l\? principle* «/ M\\nU^ti-ng U) a group of about Atioui "O^rnoms, dans and kids showed up for ; Kilethe 1firs1 J fE* ^ iciSfiii.3:>fi:n^ Miinaay'.>iiiuu.t>^. i;l^Iitul(•LIn'si meter^s Uinivunm 'i'Newmeycr'am* Travis' Gulnac took, the class Parking snafii causes classes to relocate By Matt Perez .-.'; - : ; .- :•; \\ A free .boardsailing'clinic at Dixie Beach •[[ & "Honest to God," said McGinn-, "That's the / | ~. vuil" t>ii' *• 1411. f.iti ii*. i * u ev ar( the family"from Houston," said the clinic was a f\ B° ' ' l beach access was interrupted :; ' height of ignorance." " - '••'*.&. ^ great idea. '-'The kids get tired of jiisi swimming "" jCJLMonday during its first session when a • '-. Sanihsl Police Officer Jim Wilson, who was on at the beach," she saitk --..'-' ; Sanibel Police officer told participants that alP ;. routine patrol, told the family group *if about 20 . ,:i Newmeyer had planned to donate his time to il In Rally parked cars had to be moved. -,'-: , : K .that he was only carrying out orders. Tdon'l the first session of classes while hi* carries on his No problem, except thai Instructor Rinn •. ;; make the laws, I only enforce them,** he said 1. * campaign1 to.make, the United Stall's Boardsailing Newmeycr, Sanibel's Olympic boardsailing -i , •;. repeatedly, ^j --•-.-'...... '"•-:•. .Team, and pbssihly, nuaiify for the 1958'Olympics. hopet'iil. did not have a parking sticker on his •; '. ; Police<.*nded «p coming hack to the art-a five ~ -.,,: McGuire said Newmeyer is volunteering time in car and had to leave the uncrowded area. T '; ;i times after classes resumed, Newmeyir said. appreciation for support from Sanibel Kiwanis dur- js'ewmeyer is donating his time to teach the ~[i He added that all but one of the class members/ : classes, which are sponsored by Ben and Missy -'.! 3 were brought back to the area alter moving ing his Olympic campaign to make the national 6 v v :( team.; "' ••':.. '••.:"" • •. - "., • McGuire of Windsurfing Works of Sanibel. A =y ,, their cars to the twardiailirig shop. . The most important skills boardsailing begin- few class members also had to move thfifr ears' ; •Q Goodwin said he waa only, concerned about a because they had not purchased their S\ - : ;; precedent being set for illegally parked cars at ners will learn is to judge wind direction and ; : - maintaiivtheir balance, Ncwme.ver said. - -• o esidcntial parking permits.' "j: .•' i. • I:- \'\-. the nearby beach access.v. ? : : Balance will first be learned on a land simulator, The classes have nowbeen relocated to tht^ :; ri,- - Goodwin, who lives on San Carlos^.Bay Dri%re, ^which is a sailhoard mounted on a swivelling ; boat ramp ori the east side of Sanibel Causeway.) V recalled fighting for the public's rights a few" . pedestal. The simulator gives beginners a1 feel lor •':• Permits to p^irk at the beach access cost off-' =•, years hark when council made parking or- '•r- ^ islanders $30 each; ;:•;:; , '? ' .•.; = ,'" wave motion though turning velocities are not 1 : dinanci'S at the beach access more flexible, representative of varying turn speeds in the At about 3:40 p.m.. Harry Goodwin «f San .t ;; ^"allowing the public to park there. -.' ;- " waleft • •-•.-.--••„:•. " ' • Carlos Bay Drive reportedly railed police to %_ :; He still thinks city council should order signs • -. In addition, land simulation does not help thy? . complain about illegally parked cars among ' •;! #-placed a! I he. beach access to inform visitors beginner develop lalerai (side-tosidti balan'jt;; •ehicles at the beach access. '• -; \ _ '-•, iy| and residents ahflat all parking and ysage rules. ..That skill and judging wind direction are learned -"I don't want to spoil anyones' fun," Goodwin M = One sign at the entrance to (he island is not when the beginner gets wet. .- ' said that after noon.-"It isn't that I want to in- ; ';\.enough, Goodwjn said. '-~_' .During the water phase of training, twardsaildrs te.rfere; Ilhink thit its a dandy thing." he said ? v. Police Officer Janet Cali sitid a sign stating' . ~ will be secured by a nylon tether lo keep them of the boardsailors, '-. =• 3 : ' " :; which permits allow parking at thp area should from drifting too far and to keep them in voice When Ben McGuire learned police had , •": : " be In place there. Also, $he sai'I she was not ••- range, Newmeycr said, i ,, • • ordered the cars moved, he said, "For cripes , .=: ; aware of donations to (he police, recreation pro- ^ ."Keeping your back to the wind at .all times," he sake, it's for the police program." He was refer- :f gram from Windsurfing Works of Sanibei,; " added, is thephrase used to help bt'ftinnnrs con- ring to planned donations to Sanibel Police^ :':•= 13- cerilrale on the.force that drives them. Recreation Club from funds generated ni the re- "I could report 10 times a day ."said Goodwin cent Sanger P"iithwe<;t Florida Sailing Cham- / of parking violations at the access. "Nohndy r" : : scenis lo know what the rules are/'": ,• .••" j :, V . . • please see page 1 IB p;on*ihips. .-".' •', ' J •• . • ';.. ;; •"" '.;">

' sports digest : . • BKACHVIEW MEN: The threesome of Jacqus .' Harrington, Jim E3son and Les Sncll carried the day with their plus 3 to take first place in the . :-._•' Beach view men's golf association tournament on - r - Saturday. l,.'^".'"'"- . • . . - ; In second place with a plus I were Tom Judssn. ' Bob Aycock.Bert Lane and Tom Bedford. -C - •-' Earlier in the week, the winning team at plus 8". was Rudv Mikulic, Jim Esson, Clay Marsh and HankGroh. ;[ - :- * , . ; Golfer ofjhe week was Marsh with a plus 7.Q '.-.. M DUNES WOMEN: In an 18 holt, low net tour- nament. Barb Sutherland took first place with a 63.. . last week at The Dunes when the women's golf. '• association had its weeklv play. " ' : ~ ' V BarbSisson was second with R4, Fran Nuclic... . Fun run? ;" • • ' /; _ , third. 66. Ann Halmer and Cathy Sutherland tied Lakes Park, Epr! Myers, kos the seen?.vf."' : for fourth with 8S.: - - ^.. , - • • •'> •'- -- - •. -.' .'.'VvWhration of'Unmmf.T — FOTAUV Pimm*.. . • Another tie involved low potts: Marge Feck and - Saturday spornr-TtiS tip TV 20. Ever.t? bvtfan Mary Vernon both had 32.Q '. =• ' /•' faith,n fun rtin and followed by stemming. .. Uoativ'g tml other a?.tivUicf~nvi'{lab!e til ihc. ••• '•. 11 DUNES MEN: The accrual of points for eagk'5. birdies, pars and boge) s was the game played by ~ t Abn .-j Ke Zfi rrK.of Sanibil, mats tsfier the '' me:i of The Dunes Golf Association at their club ilv r •k "fait tiki- trn miles" to his- last week.."' „; • '•-.•-."-.;" t: SwnbelrAly planning director • Ururv Rogers, t,- mis fpr thr-'fir^h tine i"r-_ ib.v \ ptease see page I2B ~Ju'i-u;.!r;:i;i p.itje 1 OB " . V\


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well being sports digest ? Relief for 'cotton mouth • from pafje 10B '"- , . In first plarr was f{ob Kra[if wjtn.^2 followed by. £ and 'restless legs' '"* Wendi-ll Lapp with 10. Ron Hernandez was third . 1 By William E. Schamadan, H.D with:)?. •••__.,- ... ."-•• f •-- Among 9-hotfrs, Lcnn Lorenson took the match any of the queries t receive have been with 24. One Coopvrridcr.Wiis in second with 22 answered in these columns, but then- " Dr. Srhhmadan, and Fred Glawr, a close third. 21.-: Malways seems to be a stack of unanswered mat). So this week's column, and perhaps an occa- sional one in.the future, will provide some shorter this side affect. '-'. •?.' -•. " • .''"-. •... answers to a variety of unrelated questions. . : Being dehydrated will also aggravate the pro-; •' • HKACIIVIEWSWIMJKRS: Haying thiir usual Dry Mouth: An 80-year-olt] gentleman who is • hlem, so be sure your fluid intake is adequate. Lit- high team, high individual event, the Beach vie*;. "Sizzlin* Summer Swingers" lasl week saw the .taking some heart medicine wrote'about his ' •;'•'• tle sips of fluid (other than coffee, tea, or alcohol team of Barbara Spoehr, Jan Kinder and Barbara.;" chronic dry mouth. This makes his dentures un- which are ali diuretics) at frequent intervals will ; McGuffin came tn with a plus 9 to take high team comfortable and causes him more trouble than his help. This might meaning carrying a flask with- =I 1 ! • first. =, '.'..'• • ' "". • .. :=•" ,;v heart problems ever did. My mother, who is 87. you. - ;= ; ->- ;. .'-", - ,' ' -. • • :- * - . . _• %.•- '•• " . has the same problem, so 1 can be sympathetic One/of the ways to tell if you are drinking ' >i-j Spoehr's plus 5 was high indiviHual winnrr"with. with his concern. If it were a simple problem, enough fluid is to check the color of your urine. If Mary Jane Preston following at plus 3.C .* - ~ however, somone else would have solved it long . it is always urine colored or dark, it's likely to be r

• ago. _•' ~ :' ' •• •• • .. ., ; '•'•' ..;; •' - ' •.. • concentrated, indicating a need for more fluid. If ; Unfortunately, part of the aging process in- your body has lots of fluids to work with, the ,' r.f. ' eludes a decrease in the amount of saliva which ts urine is water colored and very pale. Hut don't be produced. In addition, many of the medicines fooled by colored dyes which are in some ;, : B fiOLF LKAfil'K: The Timbers stayed out in .. which are used to treat heart problems have,, medicines, vitamins and candy. They can color the urine even when fluid intake is adequate. - :; * front again as they handily beat C & S 2 to litr ;. dry ness of the mouth as a side effect. X-ray treat- The Dynes Monday Night Golf League. The . ment for a head or neck tumor could also decrease Sucking on a piece of candy, or something '''•'•-'••• Timbers' wins arc now H. losses 4.. \ - • " the production of saliva, but routine diagnostic similar, will stimulate the production of saliva and Big Boh Hood with its Monday night with over dental X-rays are not likely to cause any troubles relieve theory sensation for awhile.'Any comment Dunes I 3 to 0 remains in second piare wiih 12 and ; of this kind. The way this gentleman writes leads I make about talking loo much is going to get me v me to belieVe he is quite a talker, too. And you all into trouble, so 1*11 skip that suggestion and hope ; , 6. " • - "•• • . • ' •:.,•,-.-••*• Dunes ll. easily taking care of The 4 Players, know that those of us who talk a lot suffer from the information above has been helpful. - .; also 3 to 0, ts in third with 9 and 9. Trailing arc C ' "cotton mouth" on occasion. - : - Restless Legs: That last answer wasn't, very & S 8 wins. 10 losses; Dunes I, Vlt, 10'Aj and The short, but let's try one more. A middle aged •> •";; So, what 16 do? First, review your medicines. 4 Players, . ' "•-' Your pharmacist can provide you with a patient in- reader asked about the vague discomfort she feels formation sheet about each drug you are taking. If -in her legs at night, which is relieved oniy^by con-' dry mouth is a side effect, it should be listed with : tantly moving them about in bed. As strange as it ~r ( the other sidt effect*. • ; { " .. ,_ J may seem, another reader called me — long . : > • HOLE-IN-ONE TOUU.N EY: Burnt Store Marina The other two most commonly used reference distance, yet - to tell me she had found relief for will host a $100,000 hcle-inone golf tournament on : are the AMA drug evaluation guide and the Physi- :-f her "restless legs" syndrome by putting a heavy Friday, July 4 and Saturday, July 5 with Iwo- cian'i Detk Reference (PDR). Both of these pillow on top of the covers on top of her. legs. player teams competing for over $2,000 in prizes each day and $25,000 for each hole-tn-one. ; volumes are available In the library and they list If the usual suggestions of improving physical ; ; every side effect that anyone ever.thought they t! conditioning by walking and other exercises, win- The shotgun start is at 10 j.m. each day. had while taking medication. If the medications ding down in anticipation of bedtime, or a warm '-, Participants are welcome to play on one or both you arc taking contribute to the dry mouth pro- - : bath, don't seem to be working, try the pillow on days at an entry fee of $40 for cart, green fee, •-• ~ ; blem, talk it over with your doctor and see if there the legs routine. It works for one of our readers, prizes and barbecue on one or both days. For. more "- ; are other treatment choices which might avoid ,; and it might just improve your well being, too.D v Information, call 637-1577.D "..-"••• •:• ;

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Allow Niemann Wolter to make your dream home a reality. We will assist you fromdesign to final selec- Dunes tions. Your home will be builf with the quality of This design is a great buy at $90,100 on your Sanlbel craftsmanship you've come to expect in a Niemann lot. Stop by our model located In the Dunes Subdivision Wolter Custom Home. '?"' and let us give you a tour of this home presently underr construction;! \ -• '.•.,'- .*-.••• ? ". The "Dunes" design offers spilt bedrooms, large screened porch, family room along with an encolsed Homes from $89,900 garage/storage area on the lower level. " . : (on your improved lot) Sanlbel Homes features over 25 basic plans to help with your Island building needs. •.;= ;

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I ] casting arouncl Don't overlook the fine flesh of the ray By Fritr.and Nor ma Stoppelbeln - . '"•-.-;• imr. can be obtained from large rays. After yoy ~ N>- have killed your catch, cut off the wing on each ** or several weeks, local waters have been dressing a skate side of the fish and rinsr thoroughly to remove to teeming with skates and rays as they move any excess blond. If the fish is large.'the wings can ™ Fto shallow waters during hreellingscason. bi: skinned, hut this is difficult and not necessary, jj •Kays have one or many serrated spines on their - To skin a skate or ray, peel away the hide. Make — ^ tails. These barbs are usually covered with a toxin a cut under the'skin to get a skin flap big enough r- that causes (Jainful puncture wounds that may V tu grip. Grip the ^kin with one hand, then use the ?J become Infected; • • - " other to cut back with a sharp fillet knife. It will o" Ordinarily.rays are shy and avoid waders, but be easier and quicker to leave about one-fourth of 31 care must he taken and it is wise.to shuffle along an inch of meat attached to the skin. Skinned meat. ™ and give the ray a chance to net out of your path^ can be cu) into chfinks and sauteed or pan fried." O . Should oneinflict a wound, 'application,!)!meat V: .If you.choose not to skin, skates and rays can be 3 tenderizer is recommended and a trip to ihe doc- cijoked'or frozen with the skin on! The skin is casi- g * tor is the best treatment. ' ,^v ... _ °- lj|'remo\:ed afti-r poaching. • . -. '": Among the species of rays commonly found are -1 iielore cooking or freezing, it is important ir> - the smooth butterfly and cownose ray..These rays soak the fish in a brine or acidic solution to " ' can average 30 pounds. - ' : remove any excess uii-a. Sal;, vinegar, milk or - Skates are closely related to rays, but do not Irmon juice can be used for this. A standard salt have tail spines-Four species occur in (he gulf. or vinegar solution is one cup of salt or a half cup MosUire under two feet in length. ; : , of vinegar to one gallon of water.. . Rays and skates arc bottom feeders, foraging - i Since the meat becomes firmer in vinegar than <• for snalls/shrimp. clams and other bottom- sail, it is recommended that the fish be placed in: •'•'- dwelling species. This dict'Xcflects in the fine v the refrigerator for four to eight hours in hrine _ - .. 1. Cutaway wjig -. : quality of flesh found in skates and rayn. ' 1. Remove thin outer edge . and four hours in vinegar. Skates and rays can be . •--" The smooth butterfly ray and the winter skate = •" around ine wing •, left in lemon juice or milk up ti>;24 hours., ~ • : ,; have been widely used in making "scallops." The ' 3. Slice into Itiin strips. " : ;Aftef brining, the skin should be scraped with a edible portions arc the "wings" which contain -•• ; 4. Remove skin from twin s>Ces knife and rinsed. Skates and rays become very dry ' - white' meat similar to scallops in texture and has ••• . 5. Skate meat that can be fried. if overcooked. They can be prepared by steaming,. •- been used as a substitute in this and European •* ' broiling, baking, boiling or barbecuing. Frying is . countries for years. _ " -~- --. : -, r : probably the most difficult method, because skala ' Many fishermen reject these broad, flat fish ' ~ . meat contains a lot of moisture that causes ths because they are considered a nuisance. This pre- grease of oil to splatter, The cooking period is " i!-« judice is a result of the fish's ugly appearance and the idea that they are dangerous because of their • short — five to eight minutes for steaming, 10 '" Often, this by-catch is discarded, just as sharks .minutes for broiling and 10 to 10 minutes for bak- long stinging tails. In reality, skates andjays are were once regarded as nuisances when hooked. X less dangerous than blue fish, for example, because ing./ '• • ' -""... " . ' - . - n ' . •" -"' ' <:. Inshore bottom fishing, using a standard two- Next time you catch one of these neglected and _ their teeth are pavement-like and not sharply „ 'hook bottom rig with most any kind of bait is ef- : pointed. For the few species of rays that have ;unappreciated creatures, try ittyou might like it. fective for those setting out to catch them for If the flesh of skates and rays has been known to ' barbed stingers, it is necessary to exercise caution food. '•"'' • ".;." ' . '" when planning to kill one for food. Cut or clip oft impersonate the highly prized flesh of the scallop, the tail before handling the fish, just as the wise ' As with sharks, skates and rays must be dress- there must be something to its flavor and texture. fisherman clips off the barbs from catfish before , ed within a few minutes after being killed. Once Fillet the wings as you would a flounder, cutting ft proceeding to fillet them. : :" ' t dead, the flesh becomes permeated with urea. This fillet from top and bottom of the cartilege layer in =s fluid is broken down quickly by^surfacc bacteria, each"wing. Serve as fillets, or take your trusly : forming ammonia which gives the meat a strong 'Skates and rays are good fighters, especially on ; cookie cutter and make "scallops."' ; - <; .light tackle. While some fishermen target cownose odor and bitter taste. ^ > - ; •; With so many popular food fish species scarce in rays when they appear inshore, most catch them . The most useable portions of the skate or ray ., this area, or out of season, skates and rays can accidentaly when bottom fishing for other species. .are the wings, although roasts from the back sec- provide good fishing and good food for the table.D , THE SANIBEL-CAPTIVA / CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PRESENTS THE 8th ANKfUAL r FAMILY RCJAD RALLY Sponsored by THE ISLAM) REPORTER and ISLAND GARAGE/GOOD VEAR Co-sponsors: BAILEVS GENERAL STORE, ESI, THE TIMBERS, •TWEEN WATERS INN, WEST WIND INK ' • . ' . S>. - . ' '- •- • r, "• ' ' ' •• • " " - "• . r.

:» - -. V " -;° AT THE DUNES COUNTRY CWll" r. v :.-S - : •'•• ; ;'•'. . SATURDAY. JULV-I. l()S7nl i P.M.,, " .' '''•-':'* ~_l < A : •> : VROQEEDS TO BENEFIT [-':-..• ; ": - '.'

PRIZES: $100/Winner • S5O/2nd • $25/3rd $15/4th • AND FUN GALORE! •

THE EIGHTH ANNUAL FAMILY ROAD RALLY is an .,, ENTER NOW TO INSURE EARLY STARTING TIME exercise In fun: It starts at the Dunes Country Club at •'". T 1:00 p.m. on Saturday the Fourth of July. . \ v

,At the start, each entrant is given a set of dues to Mall.your entry to Chamber of Comrncrcc. P.O. Box 166. check points along the way. These keep you on course. Sanibel. FL 33957:" Uring your entry to the Sanibel-Captiva You also receive at the start a list of.questipns to Chamber of Commerce on Causeway Hd. "S answer about places or things you wil! spot en route. ; Points arc awarded for each question answered ^ Entry fee is S 10.00 per car {unlimited passengers). ' •'-•"-' correctly. ~ .•.;'' /^~..,.-••• ' .'•._"'- :

»•'.•• " ;";' :r . - .- ' '+.''• ' •" •" -'':'. An average time and mileage forlhe course is pre- FAMILY ROAD RALLY computed, and the entries coming closest with the. ' highest number of points will be the wlnnersj. . • ENTRY FORM* • _-'iSo. load up the family car. bus..van or pick-tip with NAME-. your sharp-eyecj family mid friends and try yq.ur skill. You don't have to be a race driver, in fact. Saiiibcl ADDRESS_ Police will have iadar units posted along the way to dis- TEL:_ qualify those exceeding posted speed limMs. C $10.00 ENTRY FEE ATTACHED ;» ENTER NOW! Slarjinhume is 1:00 p.m. En'iraiiis •"•' This covers car, driver and all passengers ;. will be checked out aflwo-iniirsti; intervals. Yotir cariy inllXKSJ'AVAIIi.r. TO. ciHry will assure an early.sl'arting time. , ".-• , ^ SAXIIlKi.CAIfl'IVA C'llA.MIIKK OK COMMKRfK ©


§ PUBLIC INFORMATION: Club, Inc., Box 355. Sa'tibef, FL 339D7. ;. -. n' CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Open Monday J SANIBEL BOY SCOUTS: Meets every Tues- -';. through Saiufday 9 a_m. to 8 p.m., Sunday 9 day at 7 p.m.al SaniDel itt'ary. Guests . ~ •*- . a.m. to 4 p.m. Ollice located an Causeway. island and'visiting acouts are welcome. Call Ron • §} Road. 472-1080. Sebaid at 472-4141. ••...... ,_ - EMERGENCY NUMBERS: Police, 472-3111; in Fire and Paramedics. 936-3600; Island ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: At St. ~ ST. ISABEL CATHOLIC CHURCH: Salafday Michael and A" Angels Episccpal Church. ; :; w . • Apothecary [24-hour emergency service). vigil, 5:30 p.m.: Sunday mass, 8:30 and HI 472-2768. CROW (Care and'Rehabilllalion Peri*inklo Way (all meetings at 8 p.m. and %~" 10:30 a m.; daily mass, 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 no irnoking). Thursday, closed discussion, _; Z Ol Wildlife), 472-3644. a.m.; daily mass, 8:30 a.m.; holy day ; ^ ISLAND HISTORICAL MUSEUM: Open : Friday, open speakers. Sunday, clftsetf •.=" schedules sarncs as weekends. 3665 Cap- Step. At Sambel Coogregaticnal United ' Thurs.and Sat. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed. tiva Road. 472-2763. •' " t s'-. . D on holidays. .:'"•• ^- - T Church. Peri*lfik!a Way. Mondaj 10 a.m. Q- CAPTIVA MEMORIAL LIBRARY; Open 9 women's closed discussion. Tuesday 8 •*" ". IU a.m. lo 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and , FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH-. Pastor Jamie p.m. closed discussion, Thursday, noon, . - 1 *- Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Wednesday; 9 a.m. Stilson. Sunday worship 10:33 a.m. and men's closet) Big Book discussion, ALANON: B p.m. Tuesday at Sanifce' Ccm- 5 to 12;3O p.m. Saturday, Closed Monday. Home Fellowship Meetings Sunday 69 - ASSOCIATION: Meets the second Thurs- munity Church Periwinkle Way: non-1 -" ' g SANIBEL PUBLIC LIBRARY: Open 10 a.m. . p.m. Wednesday evening Fellowship 7 p.m. day ot every monlh at Beachview Country . p.m. Fridays, Sanlbel Community Church, m lo 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday, 7 lo 9 Club, Cocktails 5 30 p.m., dinner 6:30 p.m.J . U.S. POWER SQUADRON: Genera! For Inlormaiion. call 472-3935. - .. '" ' a: p.m. Wednesday evenings GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH: Cypress - : membership meetings second Wednesday CHRISTIAN WOMEN BIBLE STUDIES:- Q EMERGENCY VETERINARY CLINIC: 5605 Lake Drive, Fort Myers. 482-2099. The R«v. ol each month at the Community Associa- G'Oups meet each week at the lollowing , z South Tarnlami Trail (in the Dragon Plaia), Fr. Arhthur Kontinos. Sunday 9:30 a.m.. Or. tion, Periwinkle Way; Luncheon each . times and places: Tuesday,830 a.m.. Nim- < Fort Myers: 939 5542; dieting emergency thos; 10 a.m., Divifiai Liturgy, v- -,••, Wednesday at nocn and eiecutlve meelinq ble Thimble 2242 B Periwinkle Way; Tues- -J veterinary service nights, wee^nds and _ the first Wednesday ol each month. For in- day, 7.30 p.m., Jackie Tetreaulfs home,' " 2 holidays. .' • M formation, call 472-1316.!-i '••'-.'.'" ^i :- 1528 Angel Drive, 472-3756. Fof additional .-'• CHURCHES: - ..;". ROTARY CLUB: Meets every Friday 7;45 information, call Jackie Telreauit at POST OFFICES:-, '"am at Wll's Landing. Visitors and guests , tnv& - . -- • • '• "• SANIBEL COMMUNITY CHURCH: 1740 SANIBEL POST OFFICE: On Tarpon Bay are welcome. For information, call 472-1880. SANIBEL-CAPTIVA CHRISTIAN WOMEN'S Periwinkle Way. Worship 9 a.m. (includes Road, 47M6S5, Open B a.m. lo 5:30 p.m. BARRIER ISLAND GROUP FOR THE ARTS CLUB: Meets (he second Thursday of each children's ministry) and 11:15 am-'Mother's Monday through Friday through May 1. (BIO ARTS): An 0rganliaIiort founded to" > month; luncheon at 11:30a.m.,Sundial. " , . morning out, Friday 9 a_m. Alanon, Tuesday Closed Saturday and Sunday, although ; build a Cultural community ol Sanbiel and Beacn and Tennis Resort. Reservations re- o 8 p.m. and Friday noon. Office open M-S 9 • mail is delivered on Salurday. . •- - '" ' Captiva. All members and prospectivo "• < quired. Call by the Monday belore lunch- ' a.m.-3 p.m. Pastor Dr. Denny Dennison. 472- JERRY'S GROCERY STORE: Jerry's Shop - members are urged lo attend meetings. .;y eon, either 466 50B5 or 472-4275. Pre- •'"• . 2684. _'". . .:-. " , - •""-, pina Center, Petlwinklo Way, 472-9300. Meets the last Monday cl the month at school nursen/ available, call 472-2577. >• Postal counter open from 9 psn. to 5 p.m. .7:30 p.m. For lurlhar information, contact VISITING GIRL SCOUTS: Juniors. Cadets ; _j'- SANIBEL CONGREGATIONAL'UNITED Monday thru Fiiday. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Satur- Poliy Malsumoto, 275-3065. and Seniors, call for Reeling acheduls at ; CHURCH OF CHRIST: Sunday services at day. " • "£-•>.'"••" SANIBEL COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: 472-9341. -. -, 10 am. with the Rov, J. Richard Stein al Meetings held at 6:30 p.m. on tha second CAPTIVA POST OFFICE: Captlva Road, -. KIWANIS CLUB OF SANIBEL-CAPTIVA: J ; --; " Wednesday of each month. November 2050 Periwinkle Way, across liom 472-1674, Open 7;30 a_m. to 4:30 p.m., Mori- Breakfast meeting Vi'ednesdayi at 7^0 .-. - Periwinkle Flace Shopping Center. Church 1 through ffay at the Community Associa- u day through Friday, Saturday 9 a.m. to t am, at the Putting Pelican, Beachview '-. -i ollice open 9 a.m. -1 p.m. Tuesday - Satur- tion auditorium on PerlwftMe Way. Otfice a p.m. Clo&ec Sunday. -.•.-. Counlry Club. Visiting Klwanians welcome. day. 4720497 or 472-8100. : hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday '- WESTERN UNION: Bailey's General Store. For more information, call John Friedlund. from 9 am. to 1 p.m. Telephone 4722155 : : . . . -. -bo'-. - Bailey's Shopping Center. Open from 8:30 472-1S37. -••• " . . *".- • '•'•: w 472-1316. V SANIBELCAPTIVA FIRST CHURCH OF . a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Satur- LIONS AUXILIARY: Meets third Wednes- --. "•' - CHRIST SCIENTIST: Sunday service and SAN81EL CAPTIVA ART LEAGUE: Outdoor day ct the month at 6:30 p.m. for dinner at . : day, 9 a.m. lo 1 p.m., Sunday. ., , ,-- - Sunday School, ll a.m. Wednesday even- workshops every Thursday year around vTho Dunes. AH wl«s of Lions are _„ : "-, : ing meetings, 8 p,m. Reading room, 10 trom 9 a.m. to noon followed by s?ck welcome. ••• " " * " •=' '-"• . a.m. lo noon Wednesday and Friday. 2950 iungh and critique. Phone 481.4769 for SANIBEL-CAPTIVA JAYCEES: Meets every >: W. Gulf Drive. 472-4449 - '-'• REGULAR MEETINGS: locations. tndoor,workshops January, \' Thursday at Coconut Grove. For intorma- February. March: Membership open to all tion cali Tom Konlinos. 472-1366. COMMUNITY HOUSING RESOURCES: area residents, phone 472-0905 for Infor- ISUND CHILDREN'S COOPERATIVE: An - - ; ST. MICHAEL'S AND ALL ANGELS: Sunday First Monday, 7:30 p.m. Call Dr. Dorothy ; mation.- - ' '••-•>•."• ir- - ' organized babysitting exchange lor island . summer schedule (June-September) — 7:30 Newman at 472-3700 lor Information^ OVEfiEATERS ANONYMOUS: Meets Mon- residents. For more information, call & 9:30 a.m. • Holy Eucharist; nursery, 9:30. t SANIBELCAPTIVA AMERICAN LEGION: days, 7:30 p.m.. at Sanibel Congregational ,. 472-0344.. ' ! ••"- " " x •• • :- Weekend winter schedule {November- Meeting on I ha second Tuesday ot each, United Church ot Chris!. For information, FISH: Friends in Service Here is a ~ May! — 5:30 p,m. Saturday, Holy Eucharist: month at Legion Hall, Sahlbel Captiva call 472 21*7. -. ^ H •••:••-f? •. .,£...--• volunteer crganiztion of non-professionals - 7:30 a.m. Sunday, Holy Eucharist; 9:30 am. Road. -'--•<. SANIBELCAPTIVA SHELL CLUB: Meets 1 anrlus to oiler neighborly help to people Sunday, (w/niirsery) Holy Eucharist; morn- CAPTIVA CIVIC ASSOCIATION: Board of the third Monday ol each month at 6 p.m.. , tn need Call 472-0404 night or day. ing prayer, 4th 5unday:-11:30 a.m. Sunday, governors meetings, lirst and third Tues- at the Sanibil Community Association -: KEN'S BIBLE STUDY: Meets each Tues-. ; Holy Eucharist.: 1* • • . •:•.., day of each month 10 a.m. at Capliva Com- ..building. Oclcber through May. New day 7.30 a.m. al 1223 Periwinkle Way. Hon- munity Center. •"- '• - • : : M Weekday services, al) year!—.9 am. 'members are most welcome — annual ' denominallcnal, sponsored by Kiwanis ' LION'S CLUB: Meets the first and third dues are t6 (or individuals, S10 for a cou- °- Ciuh. Visitors welcome.; -i • Wednesday, Holy Eucharist and healing ser- Wednesdays. 6:30 p.m. at Sanjbel Com- : . pie. Membership chairman is Al Brldell vice; 7:30 a.m., Thursday, Holy Eucharist munity Center. •• ,~ : (472-1637) or write lo Sanibel Capliva Shell •-._ ' and Bible study.-..•-. -^ .-« •"' ;•". ^ AMERICAN BUSINESSWOMEN'S .--•* r"..


Quality I'ntistnictinii by ilri'H Wcularz (Ifitcral Coiilractor, Inc. a state ccr- tifi«l cntitrnctnr with '-* vt-nrs' exitTicncp on Snniiiel & Caiitiva

1«1» rcriuinklc Way, Suite 101. Sanibel, FL 33957 wmuwz:1 .Call (813)-172.5858 tides ^ charters /guides

Canot Adventures: With Siil'ng: Sailboats, canoes : naturalist Mark "Bird" : and bicycles for hire with Westail. Choice of four _ sailing windsurfing insi tide chart Contarvation Canitr: J.N. "Ding" Darling Nk-- * trips: Sanibel, River, Wildlife tion available al .Sundial features guided and self- tlocsf WlldliU Reluj*: The Refuge, or Buck Key. plus Beach and; Tennis" Resort. . guided tours, educalion ex- live-milo sell-guiding~: all new car tour, Refuge Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Sat. 27 Wildlife Drive: Bailey Tract ! hibits on the '.islands* -'; Wildlife Drive. Call 472-5218 • For more information, call San. 26 1.34PMH 10:21PML. natural systems, wildlife walking trails, and two - for Inlormaiion and reserva- <72-4t51. ' ,;2'15PMH 10.53PML and vegetation, and a gilt canoe trails are open daily Tues 30 : 5;24AMH 8:38AVL 2.MPMH 11.25PML shop. Open 930 sm-JJO from sunrise to sunset. The p.m. Monday ihruugh Frl- Visitor Center is located oil dav. Located on Sambet- SanibelCapliva Road. All Capliva Road, admission . facilities are free ol charge. _ lr« to members, nilh a nor- For naturalist program tnfnr- mal Jet to visitors. nation, check at the Visitor >< Centerorcall 472-1100.. V fj; Birrlar !»lind«; Guided Parkland Vtnturtt, Inc.: nature trips to the barrier Guided nature treks ol the islands with Capt. Ralph Everglades and Southwest ; Bartholorr; - - ... -. . . . OSPftEY CHARTERS tlon.call *72-5277...•••-,• : wilderness areas. Canoeing, Day Sailing: Guaranteed tun hiking, sea kayaking., aid 1 CAPT. BOB SABATINO : A SanlbtUCiptUi guldt (or ov*r 20 year* 27'Hatley with tower - fully equipped aboard 33 It. sloop Summer wildlife observation. Gait/ 482 1328 for mere inlorma- S Flthlng Dtrby Grand Prlzt Wlnnars : Yi DAY - FULL DAY TRIPS Wind. Sanibnl's most Taipon, Sheik, Trout] Mackerel - sightseeing, shelling economical charter Sailing CAPT. ALEX PAYNE tomr* of Tirpm ui 472-5395 lessons. 472 6330. Li/*

>"!i B Chamber of Commerce, jus! off I've / ,. REGULAR MEETINGS: Causeway on IF.S Eaiitic! side. ^> . • Gullside City Parx just off CasaYOel ' SANIBEL LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS:" ROjd. Meets at 9:30 a.m. on the third Monday ol • Fishing Pier, al the eastern lio of Ihe every month at Ihe Sanifcpl library Call island is'^rtd near the Ughlhouse. : - • - Charlotte Hamlet, J72-292r. •• •• • Turner Beach, at Blind Pass. -. -.^ VOICE OF JOY: NoodanominatJonfii liir-e o~ of praise, prayer and teaching meets ihe 10 Sa^ibel City Hall. 800 DuHfop Road," •' "BEACHES:;-"':"'" •-•;. ./ third Tuesday of each month. For more ; 472~i6*B. Open to tho public Iree of Charge !rom 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. TftU'Sday '-Information, call Judy Brodeur al •~ Unrestrici-d beach access li a^ailablo and Saturday. Closed on holidays .472-5433 or Kim Stilson at 472-9584. n at the Ugrii^ouss. along (he causeway -.' SANiBEL-CAPTlVA CONSERVATION islands, at the fishing pier, at the InterstK- * SCORE: The largest business consulting £ FOUNDATION: Sanite!-Cap!Wa Road, lion of Tarpon Bay Read and West Gulf . agency in the world. SCORE (Service 472.2329. Exf.iblls, nature tralli'arid a gift ' Drive, and at ths county pith at Bowman's' Corps of Retired Executives; and Us ser- shop. Admission tor non-members is 50 • Beach ($2 lee). OlMslandsfs with patting vices are all free and confidential. For fur- ' certs for children, Si for adults. Open 9:30 stickers *ill find beach accesses at Bailey Iher inlormalion, call 933-3005. & a,m. lo t p.m. Monday through Friday. Ma/ vl Road, Beach Road, Nerita St'eet, Donai CARE AND REHABILITATION OF to November. Guided trail tours upon re- THINGS TO KNOW: Street, Fu'gar Street, DUie Beacrt" WILDLIFE (CROW): Board meats second quest with 24 hours notice. Open 9:30 a.m. Boulevard and Blind Pass. t»land residents Monday of each month in trie CROW to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday, -. FISHlNGf No permit required for sa'twater can utilize additional accesses on West ~ Lboard room at 1:30 p.m. • December to April. Guided trail touis d?ily. fistiing, Florida fishing license ts needed - Gdll Drive wes! of R a bolt Road, on Bolicn- - AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF RETIRED SCCF'S Native Plant Nursery is open to Joranyfieah-water angling; licenses •-'--. wood Lane, Sea;rape Lane, lh» Colony - .»-• , -_ - •> .;. r^spDnsil^e lor any filler cr deb.'is \rorn • -VILWAR flEENACTMENT SOCIETY: t tt rf BABYSITTERS :: ; f -- '-jMmah Une. Capliva. Bi-monlMy ' : a.m, to 12 30 p IT., Mondays )! friwc a ^ jlings. Call 472-p4E2for more inlcfpa- fcofimd St. Mich r-i Air I Wsfr !3A-."- yojr dos '.Tiust I>e U'luar con- Episcopal Cby >IHL D q i roi n! ail iirr-es v.npD in pufciic.'Please V INLAND FISHING' CLUB; Meets at 6 p.m. .caecial ile.m - ear, up afitr ysur ceis. : i^- r - <* •• [he first Tuascay cf each .-Tirr.th at the SINSO: Al San fct.1 Ct-n PUBLIC RESTROOME: I,",'" ' .:; ' -"'^ V-i:arandalnn. tion 7:30 p.m. Tur'ddy PLV AMERICAN LEGION POST 123: Meets so. ! }ine, 472-M27 e cc;d Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at !;..UHy Miller, 472- Legion Hall on Sanlbfil-Captiva Road, ' : -• AMERICAN LEdiON POST AUXlUAHY: Meats first Wednesday of each month at 7 EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: ;i Mien* e 0»Ftifo, 172-C2Z3. ' P.m. at Legion Hall on Sanlbol-CaljSliira ?30 3 ti •':• Sanibel Police Department v;.;,.:.'. .:.^... 472-3111 Road. '-•-.•„• : V-Sanibei rire,p'epartmen;.. ..^.... j...... ,936-3600 s-; Emeraencv Medical Service.....?-.-.-. . n-- •"•"•* .936-3600 "rTHINGS TO DC?: ;.. Captiva Fire. Department:: .*t..-.-...."-.'.. .:;• . .„'. .9-1-1 ISLAND LIFE S ?F»iloany i'.iiT; • ;". . •; Lee County Sheriff's Department .,.;..-'.'.. X\ 332-3456 i CROW: CARE AND REHABILITATION OF J! check yojr - '. • " WILDLIFE: SanibelCaptiva Road • 472-3644 " Florida Highway Patrol.;.";;"".'...-." ,., 936-0511 t-lv ' Open house for the oublic from t to 3 p.rr>- American Red Cross ./..:...... ,...... ,.". .334-3401 on ihe last Sunday of every menlr> tnrouG.i o* a'tsrahD"; r y~ winter season. :• -.••;.'•• IsfandWaterAssociation .",i,.....'..,. ^ .,... .472-1502 >v,"3 -"'• • . " 1 : Reporter. P.O. J.N. "OING " DARLING NATIONAL Lee County Electric Cooperative ..... 472-3511/995-2121 WILDLIFE REFUGE: 472-1100. The fivg. ; FL33S&7. Uvi U.S. Coast Guard ... ..^.463-5754 .is Friday ono !^ :••» . mile, sell-guiding trails and Iwo Canas : (rails are open daily sunrise lo sunset The .; Florida Marine Patrol""-... ,-.\. v.. ;33A-8963/800-342-1829 publication. }r\ ,:-^ ,- l,-,:-;-J " - • Visitor Center off SanibefCapiiva Road is : Life is OlfereJ open as stated on the sign at the entrance Game aqd Fresh Water Fish Commission ;;800-282-8002 . basis: we win to tha center. All laciiilles are tree cf : Lee Mental Health Hotline...;....,s ..275-4242 'include any a -fyiaroe- ' "" " -1" • • o Off:-. ' ISLAND HISTORICAL MUSEUM: Adjacent - Poison Contrcl . .... r,...... ; 800-282-317,1






BUY WHERE DECORATORS AND BUILDERS BUY.., PAY WHAT DECORATORS AND -- BUILDERS PAY ... AND LESS. % n. 466-5665 It's rate you see a saie'ol this magnitude. It's the CASUAL FAMILY DINNER finest tumiture {rom the finesl manufacturefS like Tuesday - Sunday Open 4:00 P.M. 'Thomasville, Vance, .Cbmlp't Designs, Dixie Fairfield Chair, Hutton, Paris Our Menu includes:. £>- '\ ^ . Avenue and many others,- - ; :t SEAFOOD-ITALIAN CUISINE - STEAKS • me ROOMS • BEDROOMS , : •KiATTRESStS SUNSET SPECIALS -4:00 P.M. -6:00 P.M. Stonin., at S5.9S • SOFASUEPtRS • TABUS •CHAIRS G • WU1UWTS •SECTIOHAIS • OWMG ROOMS • DECORATOR (THUS LIVE ENTERTAINMENT - Fri. & Sal. Nighls. 6-10 P.M. • ACCESSORES FE.ATUBLNG MUSIC FROM THE 40% & 5

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Split Top Rolls ...... 99 Chicken BreasT' Cake Donuls ... ~1.99 Cole Slaw'"'. :f Potato" Napoleons .. ,..89 Boiled Hanu. o Chips Beef Bologna .'. , .L1.49 JriedPies ...: .95 Cheese Bread... ,:.-1.79 Brownies..... —-farm fresh produce health a beauty frozen & dairy n PAqua'Fresh Diumn and juicy, sweet oPump I Pound Cake 1.59 iCurad Bandages 99 California f Orange Juice .55 iPepto Bismol 2.69 ^Vegetable's" !?.'... 1.36 f Anaci'n Tablets.... 2.99 nectarines jAmerican Singles .. 1.58 iSure Solid 2.69 Yellow" iBiscuits ...21 Corn .. iSoV Margarine 93 Baking :,2.29 ***** Florida ,.89^ 24 Large Shrimp .'.....„ 8.59 PRO Mushrooms ... .057 Bananas. ***** Potatoes ...... ,.,1.49 Large Mangos .. .69 furb'ot Fillets .... ,3.79 PRINTS ***** 4Orange Juice . '.\& 1.39 Pinapples :! .. 1.59 Grouper Fillets .... 6.69

opon Regular Hours On July 4th SHOCKED , \ - s .colors when his partner Miles Archi-r hargsii ijito .'"_*" • frdm page 6B ^ _ the gallt'rg y knocking over l-ht: M.mimolu sanrl ^'•-to Captain Quccg, the bc:iri of Sanibers"poiict.-. .- t I ' ' ^ '' 1 ast Ir DON'T BUY 50 force." "I'iirlv's over, cvervom . Time to %t> home* "Sam. I've been looking alt over for you. \V«\i» -. Display •""' >• .As the crowd was dihficrsinK, ?>oriv.n rurse- ADVERTISING 472-1587" in strings sauntered U)> to him and planted a great ' Snnihpl ami Shovt;) ani! Arrrser havn IH-OR hiriui to UJ '"8 kiss'pn his cheek. . rind i%m," " . ••"•. .- '. • v".:; -v : .BUY Classified Z' ""Golly, Sam. Yoii did it, You're thegreatrst." " And thus ondi:il IW s.tr.ini;ti '".iht.- >>f iheir.tuHfd ' 466 0050 .-5 Shovel wis stSnint; to lurn all sorts of Sarnbt'l . Ilermas.L"'.. V ' ' ' .' - - •" - \ 1=-- RESULTS! "": BUSI1ESS SE1OTE MREGTQEE7


HATE-DOING THE I'AVHOIX? t FIGURING SALES TAX?.. UNDER PRESSURE ^ -- : , tail : Pegay'Anne Troul INCORPORATED The Island's Exterior ^ ,Vn> Boo.fckeeplng Serejces „„„ '^•.Cleaning Professionals1. M CARLTON-NAUMANN CONSTRUCTION I.B.N.C' . ' 691.6828 • Houses'" • Decks • Boats ;."^ : NOT EVERYBODY'S ^ • Roots * • Outdoor Surfaces * Mobile Homes CLEANING RATES DOING IT z 'Ave. fles. Rool S75, Single Story Home S75 CAPT. FRAN COOKE Remodvlintj and iiptiating thti*. exhiinq CLEANING SERVICE : San\bn\ home lo nm\irrii>c (fie rhcalalitig'"_ CALU gmes—Ccndominiunn—OMites 472-7000 isitifiil Cleining Pcnonnt). Island property values. ' \ .- .,', ' Going awayP LOCKSMITH > "-THEY SHOULD BEIH ; ; s will open c-r ekise, . J Check weehSy ' CNC. Inc. specialhrs in home remrnk'limj and XpONS LOCKSMITHS or~fnon!rTly. ." expansion. Make :hc mos! of*your Som'fcW Jii- '* TOT»L SAKS WO SERVICE . ; 'Excellent references. - vestments. Free estimates. Kfjcrrncci:- available. ... : VO" . |: ";-

Call CatltotuNaumann Cotistitictfon, (ncV- Cvinni-U Gpniml Conii.irh»i '1)36178 : '•. PLUMBING ,, (813) 936-1333 , ^CROWN PLUMBING • NEW CONSTRUCTION DCVEIOHHG PURE DRINKING WATER .REMODELING Rrvme OsminK Process 1 ANDPRIHTINC L Remo (Rip) Gabaccla / : Purrst Drinking Wotrr AiaUabtr '• .472-2513 O At Your KlUhrn StnH , THE ISt AND CAMERA CALL SWEETWATER PLUMBING "i Ucensed BSnSad Insured P.O. B.n 627. S^n-bcl. FL 339S7 i- ' SHOP FOR FILM & • FINE ACCESSORIES - . r 472-4329 '; 1571 Periwinkle Woy Nave-- ' . CARPET OTYCIEANING M< Plumbing UPHOLSTERY DRY CLEANING """" ""' •••••• .-•• 2 244 A'J- ..' Sates 4 Service , Periwinkle Way Call 472-1101 482-5690

SWEETWATER PLUMBING ™ WOOSTER TV & APPLIANCES '•i:s ?%r~ BEPAJR SPECiAtlSTS, ; ::i-: i ^SALES •RENTALS • SERVICE -•••• • .-:.'' P.O. Bo< 627. SarttDet, Ft. 33957..:; •. . V-: '"' TV •Major Appliances? •Stereo • Air Conditioning "On-/s/and""SerWce for t Your TV or Appliance 3323 Woosler Lane 24-Hour Emergency Service 472-1133 2422 Palm Rldgn Road -.'.-.' 472-2244 472-4783 •BURGLAR-FIRE- MEDICAL ALARM 1 "—TARPONSAV ELECTR/C7 " SYSTEMS • Commercial \ '"r - ' • ^ Residential Sanibel Creative Tile Co. New Construction — Service Calls 472-2853 : \. v Electrical Wiring 24 HOUR Telephone Wiring and Service" 472-Tile |; ' Bonded, Insured t* CENTRAL 2416B Palm Ridge P.O., 472-9675 residential •> commercial MONITORING ENTERTAINMENT complete repair & remodeling service^,; ONSANIBEL



DON'T REPLACE YOUR, ,12131-. CABINETS or TOPS! ON SITE CLEANING SENTRY Give them a face lift. Mica & Cotian tops. * * Caipet • UcWsiery „ " !. SECURITY 33 IBS. EXPtfllEHCE • Drapes fiiTX! UTAV • "^ :: : "' 936-0344 ? ^, • Emergwcy Water Eitrac!^ • • : [ "SYSTEMS • Fife S SiofR P.es!i/a!,;jr!"" '' • - ; j^.. • Pressure C'eifimg (foe's. paTcs. e:cj . "'. , -j* •". "-. 472-1231 . • pfopeiy yjiagsTtiii & Seen"!/Crs • 24 Hr. Central Station r (_ 433-S3 7< ;': • Ca:cei Ssies Sfit,-*roo-Ti . .. "• ]• -• DECKS. ADDITIONS. REMOCEL1NG OR Monitoring . NEW CONSTRUCTION V Duraclean, by hahitat v JOHN B.OAHIN " •. Burglary, Fire, Medical Cor.ltoctor f LIME TREE CENTER ;.--': 472-0555 GUARANTEED ADS 6 PAPERS TO SELL ' CHOOSE FROM 500,000 READERS CALL FOR DETAILS iliSEDS RATES START AT S3.00 EVERYBODY'S MARKETPLACE .ggs, - nn HOMES FOR CONDOS _ CONDOS- ANNOUNCEMENTS DO SALE 2 :;• FOR SALE 4 FOR SALE

HURRICANE SEASON IS NORTHWEST FLA -A wjo MARINER POINT CONDO .- Bay l.-om 2 BP?2 BA. Fur- - APPROACHING - Do you place'cfsl'Tclc 3l'e0;oom Landings have your home and posses- sions dotomanied on an ..[•jsicentfui flit's of Chiptey /(;gr>sge' Cair 472S72S. •INSURANCE :,..VIDEO- ' .Fierda fft^ps ^•••s; TAPE?*' - r A!fordar>ie fbam*>th !if?r»a;;f-. r-«K(tr.i> Only the Landings has it All. •measure. Gail Tern today - Joofs.fe.i--J tu tr,'ge tsoui m bac^ yard —r)T,v,ic» fo>v:,->i3 INTERVAL: BRING YOUR SUITCASE- This 3 DCdtoom 2 b3ih com-' T Sanitjel ' 472-65S2 of Priced ,i! ' SS^iiQ CiH • OWNERSHIP 5 ple'ely furnished condo is ready for immediate occupan- Evelyn MiinK ,t\ M,li^. ~<\ y Vsttn THE irigs, eleciric shutters. .jndeiOuiitling ca.'king $'69,500 fJATURAl HISTORY FIELH bcdfnoir'. Beacii ..Vpi TRIPS to the besl wildlile WILL NEGOTIATE - Tii 2 bearcat? condo;ovjr!oo''-5. . FabjfousGu!' vie*i. Nic s haoilals '.n EAST AFRICA, one ol the many Landings Ij^es. OHty.S78.OGO. . • to DafWirVS GALAPAGOS , GoJf. tenms, poo', saili BETTER THAN NEWNEW!! — You'll lovve lo onteenteriair r ISLANDS (and Ecuador's a« resort amenities • i!iniTLaV(;Froillot",2C» - - high Andes and Amazon •you become the proud HHE* owner oll this 2 bedbedr con. celienl rentals. By o* jungle) .; and - to " (Norlhwest FlY). tiPrf-eiJ :: do overlooking pool anand just steps to golf S tennis Call P«ee reduced lor fast s HiqMjf vegetated. v.,itT • lo vie* this beautifully appointed t-ome. $132,500. • AUSTRAlLiA'S GREAT below appraised -vi'vi at :• " 314-96r-4407. :r and water S12S.000 " BARRIER REEF and RAIN S4C.50C. cr-niocl Evelyn;..'. 549 " • »B0 OWNER WILL LEASE BACK - tor $1,000 per month un. -FOREST national parks. If 4723661 --. til 9JV87 on thisCOMPLETELY RENOVATED 2 bedroom you have Interests In n&lure, Mark Thumian Rt?atty aii . - : 20n.l30sq:tt.H89.900. P.O. Box 685,-Sanibel, Fl,. Call. 1-805-6er6000 Eil. \ BY OWNER — South Pointe GH-2045 lor current -tepo • 813-472-3677 MOVE RIQHT IN - Completely lurnished two bedroom 33957. . -_• ALL-TFN ol. On slory.-snS u p 562 ••' •- c> IR-0709 two balh condo on second lioor is waiting lot new -. BDJ' BA. por carpot 544 , .p NF,CatGO8t2 •; ; , owners! Lako and goll course view loi only $(19,900! - siorage. Ur»'J« iSLO loan CASA VBEL'ior" sale" -Tip- Indeoendsi! Disirtoutof assumption cos!. Dowr pay- pe'corner floor - wt-eM 16.- 15BI. SQUARE FEET OF LIVING AREA - in this 2 SANSBEL BAYOUS - ' CaiF W"iOr Prc-jucts ment negotiate J39.500. 17. 18. Last wee"--Apnt.tftsi. ; "'' Brigfil,-- cneerlul. *eir bedroom apartment wilh a den, and an entn scissiipd ' Pal F'sher - («o ot May. Sleeps 6. Blag" ~ maintained, three tedroo'Ti,- ''4667516. ..; balcony: and ONLY S87.5OO! = F146 ViiU s"II sc-paraieiy.. tSLAN9 BEACH CLUB — 5U34S-7147. Weekends." CLOSE TO AMENITIES — 3 bedroom 2 balh condo *itn GEN.REAL . . SC^eon^J pijich with pass SnnitJ^l, 2 BR,2 BA -Idrge screened balcony overlooks lake and.^joll course. ' 514 342-2379. > ESTATE fORSAlE 1 thrcugh froTi eal fn Kifcr"?!> ' - Penthcuse. Gull vffrt, fu'.ly.. Hicely furnished! Ready lor immediote'-occupancy. .I*o-ca/' garage »i|li- furnished, full laundry. Call LTGHTHOUsirReVofr'T'A $163,000. :; " .. ' • laundry, easy caie ystd, ne* • 1-813-472 4358. V Glut — La'gn lu»ufy-/,aier. 'DISCOVER a;> conditioning, large io!: ; (rc-nt. 2 bedroom, 2 bath ar.tl RENTAL INCOME - Rcacioua 2 bedroom full/ furnish- (110 n 265} backs no lo a^ti td condo that has tenant thru June. Jus! steps to tennis . PINE ISLAND" includes laKe. E>tsric-r and ' V • COMPASS POINTE • races, pool.., lenms. b^, artrJ club house. Call today lo see! J83.500 complete. GULF FRONT — 2 homes. 7 acres, pont cycles, sleeps sii Comcarc .. professionally cleaned ] Unit Sambei,. top floor. 2 hefrj:e yov buy! .Cati B.j. CLOSE TO SHOPPING AND BUS STOP - Utye 3 2B d fMed bedroom 2 balh garden conda — Call lo see — ONLY historical Pmtjlanii area Deeded . beach access •( Gg*ie Vacation Shopjie .J82.OOO! : ... Asking $155,000. Can is'ana Sales, li'ic."(B13> 4f2-1212. Pejl Eslale Associates. Inc:: 5<5 - . •• -,- CIO624 TENNIS LOVER'S DREAM — To have the courts right Licensed. Peal Estate across the street. This two bedroom completely lufnlsh- SiniDelliiindfleptntr . Cip(Cor*'tQti!irver ed condo priced at just 585.000. - Hisloric estate or. 6 acrns, tropical gardens, '}«\ Myirj BBKH Obumr REAL ESTATE INVESTOR WANTED! - Now under an- need restoration '• Chimttt Shopping Gcdr . nual lease, one bedroom, condo with eastern exposure block to beach. Adjacent lo - overlooking.the lake. S73.0OO. u '• bay for boat owner. HOME; — Ne*l to golt course, -, on. Capliva, Or rent out while; EXECUTIVE VILLA - Features too numerousio men- piling homes slatlinc-.a! . gove. New 3" BR<3 8A: Classified Department tion In this large three bedroom home^ MINT CONDI-. - S65.OOT» apaMmen! w!lh 3A. r; .TION! $209,000.: „ - ;" Unbelievable. Owner needs Islands Realty to leave. A Steal!: Alsd LAKE AND GOLF COURSE VIEW — from this 2 bedroom Realtors . ^•widow's waiK. garage, 3203- 466-0500 condo. Just steps from marina. Cathedral ceilings in liv- sq.ft.,5200,000.472-0250; i ing area. Belter than new! $145,000 . .., ; OFFICE OPEN WEEKDAYS 8:30 TO 5:00 283-1100 . 549, IR0702 Deadline: Monday 11 a.m. (or all Observer IT'S ALL CUSTOM MADE! — IhiS 2 bedroom, 2 balh HOMES FOR WATERFRONT HOME ' papers and Charlotte Shopping Guide. home has been professionally decorated with only the '• h ''-Magnificently decorated S ' Tuesday 11 a.m. for Island Reporter. finest in furnishings. It Iruly, is a must see! $125,000 SALE refurbished ground-leier furnished. •-.' . ;. ' 1 fome *itn IVi car gararje in We reserve the right to properly classify, edit or re 2 WK. SPECIAL prestigious Sanibel Isles. |ect afiy ad Be sura to check yourai the first week', VIEWlVIEWt VIEW! — You I! love to entertain in ttiis June 12-30 — Due to illness 1 Dock space for 50 beat with it appears.' We will not be responsible for errors' - magnilicent 2 bedroom home on the 16lh floor ot Ariet - Price d.-opped J7.5O0. tor -daviis for another 21' bo-Jl. - afier the firs! publication and miiSt be notified . (overlooking intracoaalal waterway. There's still tiriie lo - Quick'sate! B* ft. Deluxe 14' choose the carpet. S2W,0CO. - "-"> Only S269.500. Call Pam'' x 6'' mobile wftdrnort \2' within three day? in order to secure any adjust- Ptafiler, broke/ salesman.' ; v, 34' carpeted Family Rm. t ment. « • •" - I . " " - DON'T HIRE A DECORATOR - Movo right in to ihis John Naumann "&] All ads are priced at a flat rate, no refund or ad- . lavishly furnished two bedroom home and enjoy irn> 2 bedroom 2 ba»i. CH * Air all appt. on 100 y 200 !t. "jiisimenis for unused weeks. • • . r- panoramic view and sunsels. Lccaled tin 9th floor of Days 472-3121 or E*esi Al Ih l hlse at Th$ Vfl*dr\gs ^QOQO Prepayment MAY be required on some classifications. 3o* n payment. S Punta Gor- " RATES: Based en prepayment prior to publication."" BUY NOW — RETIRE LATEPI.- This completely fur- ' da Heighis t block E.:;ol nished efficiency Is available now and Ms e*ceilent run- H*y 41. Ph. 6374307 lor_ -i General Merchandiss* up lo 25 words • S3.00 ' . tal history. Fourth floor location overtaking one ol t"e app- ... -., " " •-• S2.50>additional weeVs and.'or additional papers. many takes, $74,0OQ::p •.'•"•" 302 , - NIG 0701 Feal Estate' op to 25 words • it 00 DESiGNED TO IMPRESS - Toe view Ot the iaVe and golf W ATeRF RON f f UndeTco n-. 1 -.- $3 25 additional wenksand.'or additional papes. course from the. Mving room is exceptional Tnis "6^0 stroclion Old Florida style bedroom condo is completely furnished lor only $/5,0G0. home, You'll enjoy boatirig, 6*!ra *ords • 104 per *ord. per paper, per * NORTHERN EXPOSURE - Large t/.O bndfuom second (ishing a^d bird wdtching DUPLEXES l« by requeil. floor garden apartment wilh peaceful setlirg overlook- from veur own backyard. Fealures: greatfoofr */ FOR SALE ing lake area. Over 1.400 3q. ll. (or ONLY SH9.000. Call to-: ANNOUNCEMENTS". ..00 BABYSITTING"- .- 20 day lor appomlmenl to vis*. : fireplace, a Spacious ea|-ir» kilch-*n. dining roGm or den. GENERAL HEAL LOSTANDFOUND.-...21 ESTATE FOR SALE..,.-.1 PERSONALS ....'.V...22 YOU'LL FEEL AT HOME in this love\y."completely tuf-;..'- " T ' " ' "HOMES FOB SftLE". ...2 nlshed two bedroom two-balh condominium.. Under- HELP WANTED ..-'.•.".v3i building parking -= CONDO in HEWJfcondilion — ALL .- floe . Huge -Masic DUPLEXES FOft SALE .3 POSITIONS WANTED .. 32 CONDOSFOR SALE 4 FOR ONLY S140.000! . . .l: ,; Suite second Hoc ANTIQUES. ..-39 Hed'oom has a vaulted ceil "INTERVAL^ -.'MUSICAL . .:.?;.:..:•.« COZY — Completely tufrsish*p;ef(isi2 8ft COMMERCIAL ANDCAMERAS -.43 mode enclosed separatley. PROPERTY FOR SALE ,.8 GARAGESALES ,-...i"44 chen — All this for only 1120.000:!.! T*o zone atf t heatmg'cag- . w'loft Fabulous go!) vieur, HOMES FOR RENT S AUCTIONS., ,45 eft pools 2 palio. All this recently tedecorated^ READY FOR THE HOME OF YOUR DREAMS? beautiful-* ; DUPLEXES . within minutes to the O*ner must seii. Priced al • WANT TO ly furnished and on the goll course. This two bedroom 2 beach. S359.900. Calf- , boitorn market: $260,000 FORRtNT ...:, BUY-MISC, ,46 balh has it all- ONLY S 140,000. • 813472-3BB7. — !.rm. Qualified buyers call at COHDOS/APTS. SERVICES v47 SMALL PACKAGE — Cozy efficiency that ofIgrs full size, 562 . -.1-0716 402-397-7000 _ Jane K: FORRENT ...,\, "PETS.,..:..•;:••:...... «• aparlment living for only 168,900 compieiely furnished. 562 -' IR 0716 , MOBILE HOMES AUTOMOTIVE '.-. ...S3 Call today for appointment, . •_ - " ; FOR RENT ...,.., RECREATIONAL - BEAUTIFUL TILED HOME :• COMMERCIAL : VEHICLES -M PROFESSIONALLY DECORATED- Lovely 3bedroom.2 PROPERTY ~ MOTOHCYCLES ...... 55 bath, 2nd floor condo with southern exposure overlooks - ON LAKE BRITANNIA FORRENT ...... 'TRUCKS FOR SALE ...57 the lake and goll course. J03.9OO. VACATION BOATS AND New, large,luxury,3 bedroom, 2 balh home, = RENTALS..-,.".'.; MOTORS .....61 ? - Ihe I Muling Hi-itliv hit. i :64 BUSINESS : ••(813) 945-1000 Eves. (813) 542-3848 . OPPORTUNITIES . INTERVAL . , 'HOMES : DUPLEXES CONDOS/APTS. OWNERSHIP - -*'•• -5 LOTS COMM, PROP. , FOR RENT FOR RENT: 10 FOR II FOB BENT "•: 14- SANIBEL COTTAGES - "• UPPER CAPTIVA - Large GROUND LEVEL Sanibel' ~"""NEW DUPLEX^. Salley Harbor Club lakeside . 680 SQ. FT. Officr suite s week 42. 5 star deluxe on -.home. Enclosed ,|ioaled NEAR SANIBEL and teach !ol near teach. Oy>ner «vil! • ANNUAL \\. es. TWO APARTMENTS cjPtation. Room for Ipnflis". • SANIBEL - Ufifufpishcd..;.. •• firs. peci. cerfecl Ic • , Sunibet...- builaing nearesi Beacf;, 2 court.' I49.90O. No agents. . SD.'1 BA cvR-en en tsft'Cn bedrooms jnd'2 bat.i. also n.ual lease. 502 898-905i. " 305-854''H44 - days - : AC. )ao.,^!;i-?r:ert »o'£h' '1619 Periwinkle at screened porch ooo* imi ,5fi2_-_ - •_IR-C625o 305-8651503 eves. A • lOCtJ 50 tt jivitnj a^fia. An- 5 us en *-Us teJ Bt; • tennis:: Please wile Blind r I5LANDTOV/ER Pi^ZA • IMMACULATE' - co!. """ (n,"in,i J&S'TO Can •> Bo< 50-1 16681 UcGregci "562 . BI-0625 ly lumistied 3 .bearoom" securny. Aduns. "O eels. Mi^i. 4820333. Blvd. SW.. Fl. Myers. FL home.-garage £ Screened 4S3-O1S1 QI 463-3442. • 33908- . " •'•''•• ,./ GULF FRONT LOTS Ftc-rida room. Gulf drive, fiJ9 _ :•' 1R-O708 SUNSET SOUTH- 2 t-e-2- : CALL BOB 472-1581 ' ; [ 5 -' . Side by side. Lasttwo tJirecily across from beach. UhTVURNtStftD ""'2 SOUTHpLA available! Excellent Available Dee. B7 - Apr. 36 BEDROOM.. Screetipd garaqe. pool. cJufcHou^e.' VACATION Beach - Club. -weeI* ooppitun«ty.< flu'ldan Corch."-. launrity hockup. Gwl £00 yds. O-eiioOs'-i RENTALS 22-5'27 6/10. Gulf JfoiH 2 ES!aieMcyDeiheiasi Phone 1-703-95W583, 15 : . Summer*mrJ Cf. ! mile' BO/3 BA. S!eeps S. Poet. 551 • \. :' - "ift-OHH • 'iy lurrtis^-^d. 309/674-58fl8. ' tennis. S7.000 or reascrafre ; sooth of Gasldies Lea*; THE ATRIUM : -' Call Fred Spring at H OflS E "LOVER""' "-* len t •'': ". . . IC910 o!!er. 665 Sunshm? Lane £33Q'mo. 466-6490. - • ; - L^vufio!J5 ^u'! frontcondo" - Ceautitul "rtgrne ort.5 acr fwo"BEDR90M."tv.o"?oth. AHamrihle Sctinqs. Ha John Naumann d - id? • • . .iR-ceas lop 'loor. cHisest lo g-jti^ . 3Cii( AvacabiG Sep.t. I. ttirciign : •••' A«s;iatieyea'1 round.- . a.BiM"v«OL DeTRmte' 3!. 1937. No pets, i , s3f5 mOi-secu-itii. No ^*l- Tennis. pccL gti1. First, la&t ^- Call or wril0 tor brochuro :. SANIBEL- -'Call me ioi '.Ken or cets Ca!t art>!irne,"-i A st5Curitif."-SE5O njo. - some f?fttf£inQ values- in f n- GUMBO LIMBO LOT: For CebC^e. SJ4-5602. C G. Leach. MD ^aie sy o^ner. New listing. ler'vai ownersmp tor sate on C-a'i' cciEftCl ""603-/72-4457^ , 7497 - 99IM St., Cf. N 1 se;.. -. _ t cera _ Sanibe) Isl To bei •"•' Whlto Bfl«rUkt\ MN " ANNUAr"~flENTAL:"'rJew;. ^c0rrV|y,ob3tri: Situaatet ^ cr, 55110 - WATtHFBONT VBB' PIUS The Gijlt -o' Vexico Fi C ON DOS/APIS.- 612-426-S75B plan :iJesiijn and •'ur- 813-472-1218 Eves.--.- ; FOB RENT "' ^ unil--conp-«tsiy ^•u'nisti^-d. ° " 562 ..- " .r- . "iR-0709 • ijs ii e«ceffenl lasie OeccraSed {i-,-«nrtouse. V T s, bicycles." pooi.^il ; SOUTHI SEAS'"* , Avaiiabie. Portii' cf iona.. Herh Simon: Broker sales- - PUNTA GORDA .Ma'ira~ort msf. pcoi. 5pa. ..PLANTATION : ', -man. (813) 372-3113 of alter ' hours — (8131 574-5697. Va- BUILDING LOTS cation Slioppe Sa'ea, li- .... . JOil1l -«I4816665J • ^R,t' : £43£07!5 ; . S50Do«nS50mo. Sayside Vifia l cedroom 2 ' censed Real Esicle BtcVcr. ROOMMATE WANTED: '-- Sest ™;ue ,n SVJ Fionaa: catr; I9S per mqhi, 3 nirjnis 'r: : 546 " • ~y:-, ' .I-C6Z5 the r^rr.arr.inj Qu-cl. Jefi'ais. soft-smoker 639-2002 • .SANIBEL Beacft --CitiD il. RENT TO OWN: 3 BD c-sreo : felerences Share on -flates'aptty until DL-C. 55.- - "•"' large luxury gull trcnl ,2 " 4-riex OTI Cyf-ress.i-aite Df. • "^15-3636007. : . ' .-bedroom. 2 bam. screened Use year red! as "a dewr. f 62 IR-07W Lcls ulf. • porch. Pool., iennis; ot- tulit • Cos ;i. Ltvmg isy ter RENT FROM OWNER — cyctes, sleeps si*. Compare 'oom. .. om with . $14 50G. sale puce. CsM 'o« " and Save! Lu»urious 2 BD'2 . before'you buy! Call B.JH Selling puce IZi.bOQ. Pert : tree 1-800237-4790 Qf (613) 9A condostmGuif al Pointe -- Gawie. associate. Vacation ' aeCKS. nardwoqd floors." 549-7777. Ron ,Carppn,'ef. - Serher carpet, nine Hunlef ." Ssnio. King's Cro*r,; Associate. AlniaPuaity. (arts. 3 zone A CaHcs Ba^ Shell Pt. CASA YBEL ROAD — C'bse . view."1 . . S*OD =fnc. Broker. 472-1545." •Vsilage area. 472-M72. " v : lo Beach Access — UnfyV- 1-B13-472-5559. - Or i vie*, golf 3CX) H. to beacn -. .545 . ;. " •• CW24 549 • 10716- 1-813 433 3030. r. - 312 858-112! ailer 5 pm. SANIBEL~Coltage - y/cch.27 5tJ . . IH-0709-' fc-'Ct1. Avaiiaole Ju'-y '-. Cait _--{Ju1r 3-i0].--Slecps 6 Uf)'t5 GUMBO LIMBOS/D .COTTAGES'ai Gc^iK^eas 117 S H9atSH.500ca Und P'anrafiot!, C^ctiva Suiting ANNUAL "RENTAL^ *• -Eeau'iful-large wocOed «t f!e.HiIy GfCvsr. 472-1613 - 120 at S12.000. P'iced !o •?J2l:E7 !o :,'l-SS. S'CiCs 6 "• PRIVATE BEACH - se!i. Alao avaitabie lor rent. ior s-iio by c-wrser. t£C It. n 200lt.,3O,TGO5q li.ie^W) SANIBEL annuai fentai. utv HOME1N •„• Call Doug al 411-271-8010. •Sou'h ' 'iea? PiailauoR- • :.. 562 . ,;• ~ 1-0733 ., 813-472-3677 iurnjinet) 3 SS-2BA CBS . homfi V*ew ori!o San!tf:lr' Seascn S"d oM-season rer- -- NOHTH'AMERICAN • . Lake and "&jnctL;ary (and. • la's difftcti'y ci ^00 (f,Guit - AVAIL ABLE JULV l TITLE INSURANCE " -.. AQENCY. INC. iJt-iUjpftJ. and )u(r;i5!iea 2 • •- .Specializing in ;/. . SEOOlmcnth cr S750 'A'.lh tieavi'y *ccfle(T Caii days n . PetBonalliM Real Estaia' yard cate •& utilities. cafpelini; Aaulis Q .\\. 813-4724*10: 613-472-4218 47Z-4515. :.} .;. Closings ar.a Your Frerer, no pe)s. SilG^rr-o 549 •--, . '• I-GK5 pius-utiiit'fis Calf site* 5 " , '• •• Title insurance Neerfs ; - flMESHAREAND • p n?. 472-«04S/ " ' • MOBILE HOMES ' ~- •;-BAVSIDE VILLAGE ^ : GENERAL REAL ESTATE .—?' ' JI • " " !*?0? 3 6D'2 8A, Ffonaj' ?(y:e .' - 11595 Keily Roaij- FOR SALE 7 ^COOUfNA 'eEACH/'iGtif! : " For1 Myers. Florida 339(B MODILE HOME- —i Ti^o J.-ont i^ondo 2 . 9fl'S;3As'"• 813-4S4160O- r.otirt- covered p.rkq, !t. MldiJie ?' • 6262 Sunset Dr.. PH-t-A 1 -Sanibel. Ali the iin^crnl'R;. Southwest Florida Vacation Getaways ait; QZ02. ;•:• S. Miam!. FL33U3 ; • Call co)recl:305-6«5-6985 ,ficli:dps g AT LOW SUMMER RATES : COMM. PROP. ' Call RfJiC(B13)334-2«4,;•>=.*. FOR RENT,, *'•> 14 - IP' B'tiM. '_ - r LOCATION . . 305-271-5069.- >» '' HOMES - E2 ~ _ •, i.-crcjr .; FOR RENT 9 . ELEVATOR COVERED PARKING ^TARPON ' MAGNIFICENT BEACH CLUB ANNUAL"LEASE~" '= JusMh'ee of.iiie area! - LAKE KENNEDY "' reasons 'crieaS'ng Q'.UCQ - • U^R y>2 •••jith Ftonda room AND -60 «" 115 in Cape Coral. A * i, ssaceat Execul^ve Sei- srd second story, maste' ' SANDPO1NTE real bargain. Not on Ihe -" vices Cenle- o"i f'en*inkle Lake, but a Feitecl vie* By ' ; -• suits .Close to besch^SOOO uff (tor.: condos. 2 BR. VJ3i across from C&5- BA. Pool, tennii. Call. • . •:• ' • . Bank. "S13.S00. Cal •, F^ntasyjstgria 472-5021. " 544 . I £$25 : To '.ind out Ifte oiriei g-'eat teasofis. call Carol Arnold, 313-646-7547 j Assocat?.'BBVK.Btokers, ;' V ,693-1000 6C2. -JUST LISTED- " -; CLAM BAYOU - Almost i v • h .guesl • quarters. Sanctuary Style Vie«sJj-; V . SOUTH SEAS CH oicToF FIC E ¥P ACE?n PLANTATION BEST BUY,ON SANIBEL -on lagoon. Gtoun-J level Sambel Realty Center. I45O LAND'S END bedroom, 2 bath home in a Quiet neighborhood. Locate ; pet mcnih. Call Bert Jenfcg on a cul-de-sac In one of Santbel's most desired subdh of Joan Good a! Sanibel VILLAGE sions. Near (he beach this home cveriock3 a beautil_. Realty, 472-6565: evenings, aea'JBA. Faniasticviewo lagoon, sanctuary set I Ing lor DKdbifds and wildlife, A rare 4722066. Gu'E and . Redfish Pass find and perhaps never —-' al "th• e price of i;b5,0O0' . -• 545 ; : • . IR-0716 WeoMy or monthly rates. Call tocfay - this won't l ••.'&'•' 813-472-1989

" Space Available lor Lease — BAYWI^D PLAZA" ,-

2402 Palm"Ridge Rd.; Sanibtl, Ftr'tacross ffcm 1st Federal). 550sq.it. units or combine lor tlQOsq.ll. Excellent location, ample parking, -ground level, ; If you a:e buying or selling a lot — it pays to call variable usage, no mamfenance fees, hurricane arid brokers/ Still* 5 - break in security; cdfpeied and panelled, low sq. it." : consultants 2J23 Wodslar lins rate5.-Sfiown by'apDOintmem. Cail 472-29Z6. , @ olsanibelinc (313)472-3255 ._ VACATION ' ~ 13 RENTALS 15 BEAUTIFUL VACATION '4iNiHf - <;" *

-.HOUSE: J B07 5*. »g-)i 0- . . Ps*s >B£ 7*frt. -4*a' •> t-L t^p''T-i.'/ii33r'-a*S^1 9S25A'~5rve-ney rapV."

KS^a^re •.^«"«<\ .<""' • i-losKSSJje / COCOA BS/ICH L ri j :!;; TOWNHOUSE""~~ ~iu° 'S': ; h ;* ' * .:••;y-^~;v-.

;5*. f; :>-": ">• ^ r i 5 Slip;:*: S

iifVJVj«7. - "" i' 'a PRICE fiENTAL : i»;eas.' wo C*-«MI«- . '

SOUTH SEASj>LAKTATION Goach Collage ! BD.2 BA GRANADA VILLAS on ihe-gui! 1700 .-.V cl! VACATION RENTALS season, $1,250 wk.St^so-.. ."•SAN7BEL ISLAND. FLORiCfi • ' SS5G *k. January. 1 313 8867872- 56? 1R0625

houses. Sleeps 6. Access fcy plane ot.ooal only. Water

S45O'*k. .305 971-0456 or 305-391-0711. =i 2S/B — IVI Btti — Kil —"~LR/Ofl — TV — full) FurnnhfO 562 " - - - 1-0625 .. On CJ^JI x/dechi • 150 fiiti t> BeicD :: CALL (813) 472-0244

'•. (813)472-6565 BOCA GKANDE HEAL ESTATE 1630 Periwinkle Way across Hoi Accommodations - ["fi V . CONDOMINIUMS o .. - - " .- '-- Location Summer fl-ilea FISHING FOR A Bandy Beach S7O0-S90O . Blind Pass 300-550 % PLACE TO STAY? "Captiva Shores "400-050 CompasisPoint , . .. 400-900 Vim Vnil find SOIin- creat , • Caquinar'aeacn . 500-7OC irluhiti« n'thc unique DonaK Village , 3Q0-40C VACATION RENTALS rl;t of (i 'j.pi!;i Dugger's Cottages 150-350 loose fr»rti a variety of r •~ .Giilf Beach? WINTER rnr vial, rclr^ai- . Pir.eCcveofSanibel • " eca Ciulfjidfl Place*"- < '2'X-;t:;';" PoinieSanto - :. soo-aso King* C(O*n'" 700- 925 I '-"5" !•• Sandpic«rbe.icf: '''-•' J25-500 Sand Points , " '' JW-5M Ugge

,t/While Caps " ' ' .- . 270-450 rwo WeeK Minimum ** *30 Da/ Minim Special Discounts for Four Weeks'or • -. Longer on Mcst Units ^ : ..'-,. All units rent by the weak, uhless j .; specified. Minimum tales shei*n. : ! : David L. Schuldenliei t?yf*7O CHO'I BOCA GKANDK REAL ESTATE. INC.- Most owners allow a 5 -i lo i0 ,idiscount licensed Real Estate Broker ^472-5021 tor slays ol lour weeks or marc. P.O. Bo« 210—Palm Hidqe fla •'• Out-ol-fown caliafs ca1 • ••• ' '-> • P.0.'Box686 -••-••• SaniDeililan^Fla. 33357 flO0/237-S!4S : • . Btxa Grande, FL 38921

BEAUTIFULCAPTiVA ISLAND: A new private PRIVATE HOMES home *itn Victorian Key * West ^ha^n Ciefideil -Aim GULF TO BAY. Sunny'&IO Florida home on Captiva. Fouf be'drfooins. uo and one-half . .'iu/ury. A l*onnule st'Ois ": baths, boat dock and jacar/t. Ji.000 -weefc. CAPTIVA. Luxury baytrcml (Jiip'en *.ih 3' &^3Ch On 'trtG Qu^f. ^'/tthi*^ bedrooms, 3V> batr>5- Dock lor ooat or ssa- - plane. S500-600 week. ; .... WALK TO BEACHES. Nicely furnishad 2/2. Sceened porch, double garage and private The ESI Difference.'-" -backyard. Wtl! accept sma!i"pets. S1400- 1600 mo.- . ,: ' . • . ,:atne(fra! coiHngs. Den. : Is Service GULF FRONT ESTATES Two secluded Cdp- • Furnistiiid with lovely tivs homes, pool andspa. Baauliful Gull Shaker antiques. Photos.., .- view, luxury accommocJations. S' Q00- and telerences available ' VAGATION RENTALS $1,400 wk. '- • . ... S550 A'k. Miy 3 - Oec, 1*.'' . SHELL HARBOR POOL HOMES. 2/2and3'2. •^850/*i(. Dec. l«Ma> 3i Bolh with docKS, 5 mmitis waiK to boach. - 51,600-ROOOmo.. rentals.. Write: Henry : THE RiCGf. 3/2^«replace, private beacn ac- Hofiietsa ICapuva) "'431J 11 other Tropical Islands. Call or Mop by "ami ' cess, community poo' and tenms. Luxury at Tangiowooi/ Drive, tli'iCuvtTilicKSIDificRncc.Switclihojrdopcn . its best. Si,800-3.0COfmo • . . ' Nashville, TN 37216 (615) TAHITI SHORES. 3/2 boot,'Dsach access.on •'-'262-9859. . 24 hours evcrvdiv ofthcve.tr. i --•' ; lagoon, JI.200-1,B00'moo : THE ATRIUM:"7898-sq It. .'>GulI front luxury.-. 2,'J tiedroorrs, 2 baths, ".huge balcony. 5 paddle- fans. ANNUAL HOMES Brochure. Summer rates/ $545. Sept. J473 sea;on- W. GULF OS." - 3='2"vne*ly constructed - ... 562-IR drVe . and access and across thttroad t(om,.ths

GULF PINES. 2;2 lumisharl Cor poo', tennis.' Baich* access S67f

• Chateau!' Sur Mer Call OJ.net.-. ~Jo: . rates." 314-993-4843I tkZ • _IR0?O?.

3 PEOROOM 2 bain, riBwi/' (813)472-6565 "YOUR SECOND HOME IS.OUR FiRST PKifjntry VACATION „„ HELP ..HOUSEHOLD £ RENTALS _J5T- PERSONALS 22 WANTED 31 FORSALE 41 3E8V1CES 47 SERVICES 47 SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION HOLLY'S Expert. Lo.ing,. •; Collage. 3 BD/2 I3*ort g«i!. all new RECEPTIONIST LOVE YOUR 11 ^PetSiltinq'Scrv'i'ce — *rii!s • Pool, njrirtis. Satin :--e: -AK. n? "AMOLJRELLE . yoa're a*ay. .HELPS v^s^'.s , LAWN : summer • f.-itl January *=0G Special Rates - perswk. Sea-cn S1.6C0-- Limited Time Only rtssitnial. perbr^si. ar3 lev-" ar1 "insured. '"'We DoXi • Owner, evenings 303 227- ^ng care for youi pits — an 0«0. -. • o Mode's & Escorts alternate to venr,e(3;scar.. "562Jfi-0625 " 275-5880 ''•: ding — 'sSorKfong term" — SANI8EL. HOUSS ~^ San-^ 555" ' licensed — pe! !a •with,,, waier-sh'Ung Catalogue & Wholesale ADORABLE Maltese pup- 562 - 10625 sion?! 15227. References : Accepting Applications background, needed to join Prices. 1 •800-225-6292 prels'ready for ne* home. and "gift certificates avail-"' Ha*e SholS S350 369 9455. SUNDIAL of Sanibel: AD- a waterski school team on 306_, ALLZONE&0715 ,275-3303 1 able. ;- ••- • • solute true Gulf front Captiva. The position is fult 549 - " "• SIR-O624 555 -BSCNG«24~ 481-4842,472 2028, location In "A" building. 1 & ; time. Call 472-5111, Ext. USEO X£ROX 28CO COPIER, 3459. .: • " $300. Sanibel Public Library' 483-6072. • • ~ '- HIMALAYAN KITTENS - 2,^ bedroom- condoa. AAA MODELS ~ ; 472-2483. . ••• •..••-••''' Bruct Bsltowi. CFA color points and Breathtaking vitiw of Gulf. : •• 1 • . 554 '! •-" IRB-0700 - Nicely furnished. Available 'solids, Shots. asKipg S250. ESCORT SERVICE : : weekly.(3181*929258. : 433-1 WO - THE BOAT HOUSE *~ ANDREWS .' 894-1221. ' ; 562 - IR-0729 J RESTAUPANT BRIDAL SET • Interior, exterior painting •; 551 RG070? ' Delightful & Discreet - ( _, " ,-- SC-0605 15681 McGiegot Blvd. S,.W. Matching yellow gold men & General cleaning • Window WANT TO BUY .' jln Kingston Square)' woman's wedding band- washing * Sen'or Discounts ELEQANT SERVICE IMMEDIATE OPENINGS patterned finish. Ladies^ • Call Andy tot tree REAL ESTATE 53 16 Dating I Eteort Sirr/c* ;. Full and pait-ttme .. 'single diamond 6nQ$ge- - estimate. 6M-M2Z l- 433-32B3 Students & -• ment ring included. Must 544 " - NBI-0716 280ZX,-2*2,'7?. tn «• = SANIBEL FAMILY looking Uttttul 1 Ttcfful Retired personnel see. S495 Call 489 0663. • ceUent conditton. Must see. "10 BUY BUILOINQ LOT on : CASH REGISTERS -•--. SC-0805- ' are encouraged Sanibel for homeslte. CASH . .; 24 Hr, Scfvice , :• Good Isres J3500. 472-4375 . • SALAD PERSONS...I5hr. • GARAGE OR TERM. Send dota'la lo - • Paper- Ribbons HELP • servers...S2.50 hr. -. 7 P.O. Box 16*2, Sanibel SALES 44 "' - Programming and • BUSPERSONS...S4 00hr." 33957. WANTED -': Service Cortlracts 31 • DISHWASHERS... ' ^ 19B5^ONb^^ERO50 549 '. . .. 1-0702 » WE BRING -, Used and Ne* Sales ' scooter. 3B0tf m'ies, : TYPESETTER, familiar with - •• - S4.0Ohr.' . "... OUR TRUCK And fle.ital3 - .'544 , • '•' .5BIC625 excetsent condition, asking . WANT TO •• Compugrachic eauipment . ar.d cash tar your furriitu'e. ! All Makes S345.472-0003. •; - " . 5-11 p.m. Fn_ Sat.. Mon. A r -037-9464 RENT 17 LADIES ^neeiied to shew appliances- an!icues iocls 1R seme Tuesdays. Call Gmni" 1 527-2127 • 561 - " "°i^ ~ toys.8 gi!ts tfl December." Ilshing gear, gcil club).,- !1 93*0303 "FULLY FURNISHED.-"-9 Z-3 al 466-1811 atter5 p.m." ,\ Fun joO. tJo m^eslfr-enl" boat motors and boats. • faao VO LKSWAGON Rab- s. -• bedroom house. vVanted to1- small i!ems, etc. or^com-" tit. A,C, sunroof, good pa'nt r job. rebuilt .etrgine. Ev rent, by mother and" " e'ete estates. • f: '. CHIROPRACTIC - HARRY " coMenl cof-dition. S2.500 or daughter, wsih weU-tehaved G. KAIfl, DC. The pracijce QUICK SERVICE best ofter. 1390 Pontiac dog. with a cne year lease. o! Chiropractic. 16"4O i. Excellet d -Willing to pay S50O cc-r mo. ECEPTIONIST for -.du •"•" . 463-6096 -i ;-. . Pertwinf-le Way. .Limelree ; .power Must be wjttiin waikin^ vff'i isy Classified" Oooar! sss ' .- aci-cai3- Center. 472-1824. iH-0716 ier. steer distance to beach, and lent. Must bee " brakes.'Ai'C, pw windows d , equipped with washer, diyer .^n-oy tQIking lo people tEDUlpCC . WANTED:. 75~overweight , cruise, radio cassette. ".. and garage. Photo would be WANTED; 100 psople wtio : Diversified dunes .include . SERVIC65 47 Eeople wanting to io« a S3 500OBO.1-697-2454. nice when confacling: Flo are serrdus about making light typing. Company HOOFING / , minirfium 10-29 pounds by . 302. - lfl.C.N,G-0708 Farmer,. 41 Westfield Rd. money. Earn $40Q-J1,200 per benefits. Call 466-0500. '' Labor Day. Must be aencus 1 PROBLEMS??? , SPORTY convertible, 1972 Cor&m.N.Y. 11727. : mtfnlh - . part-time. " 562 . -: BSNO-0702 and willing to participate in 1 Want Honest Report? a proven program 4S2-1O3S -Bulctt Skylarks Custom. ; -549 . . .- • 1H07D2 , $2,000-14,000 per lull time. . original owner, superb con- HOUSESITTERS mature, on : 554 " G1BSCNK24 For information — 482-1035. Call; Ken Long " - dition. Crystal blue w/wtiite " WANTED TO RENT Condo call • days, weekendr. vsca- •• 554 - : ALL-0621 convertible top. Turbo Jof cottage. For last 2 vuks o! Itor\s. Includes peia. Colonial Roofing , MARY'S CIEANTNS~SEH- VICE; On Sanibel and Cap- hydramallc* 350,.psfpb. February and the 1st «k. of SALES HELP WANTED: 20- .beautiful hor 549-6770 '• ;^ T tiva Isianc*. Openings tor Custom trim.' Always Match tor 2 retired nurses, 30 hours week. |F1e*tMe LAWN CARE AND LAN0-° : net* clients. Mornings. Call garaoed. M.500 approir. 542- wilt care for pels. 472-4708. hours.} Eicellenl pay. ; SCAPING.. Free estimate. 772-2684. 2177. - -; 545 • - : ..: .10-0625 Please call Lisa. 472-7507. , For residential or cornier- 555 .' - ' 1-0910 562 •-- "-. NC.IRO624 WANTED~Tor 2 bedroom 555 1-0625 19B5. BUICK'^REGAL, V-6 atjariment or cottage to rent - ISLAND EXXON MASSAGE THERAPY HOSTESS needed, meals •; ' . needs.(ull-t!me perienco on the Islands. T-type turbo." Automatic. on annual basis or buy on 'apeulic massage tor re- and toll paid, medical'deniai , . and part-time help, Licensed*— bonded — in- ."' While with blue inferior. Captiva Oct- 1st thru June and i habiiiation. available, good *orhihg 472-2012 Eu-ed. COASTAL GARDEN Power steering, brakes. 1st-'Call Paul McCarthy relief cf stress, headaches conditions Call Sue, 472- - 544 • ' . i-0625 SeRVlCES. INC. 939-0482. lochs, windows and seats. 472-7549. . 2177. .-, fatigue, poo/ circulation, Cruise control, till "wheel, . .562-1 4RO625 . back pam. edema. Swedish. 550 ;__•__ __ _1;0625 HOUSEHOLD TT- VERTicuTTl'NO""- 0y77p . digital' dash board, stereo Deep Tiss'te. Shiatau. Re- ..cassette, low miieace and BREAKFAST COOK, salary FOR SALE ' 41 ccmtment only. We are S.W. - tlejology, Neuromusculsr, many extras — including ei- - based on experience. Eve- Roriiia"s one and onff Ver- ' MORTGAGES FOR JUNE BRIDES Leno* Polarity. Olana Silverstone, terior package. Call Colleen . 18 ning disn*asher (no ex- • ••' .'jouiiet. since i960 OeSoto Fire dinner*are 24 kl gold -. Licensee! Massage. Thera- at 936'0675. Sells "new.,? perience needer)). Benettts' 1 ^INVESTOR WANTED! trim 45 piece set open stock ^''5930647, Charloltc — *" -- pist. G>tt certificates avail- 117,700. Asking only S9.B0O. include hospiialiration, den- " 40.000, Builder will pay 14«/S ' not used. Retails 12164 sell 635-0457, uce - B56-3123. -'able. Island ~To*er Pina, 520 . _ NSCB1G-0625 tal.and prolil sharing. Apply Icr S975; 167-3062. r- C«(ucr -'793 9966. . 1619 PetiwinKie Way, Unit by valuable leaded" Vl^OOO in ' person or call. Jerry's 558 • .' ALL-0762 105A, 472-5579. Open daily "Cape Cordl downtown ol- Foods. 1700 Periwinkle. 472- . POflTABLE dlshw7stie'F> *ood top, porcelain lined, by appointment. lent condition. Must see." lice building. Phone 93fJ0. - • . r pot scrubber, excellent'" """CRICKET"" 5*5 \_ • 1-0723 Good tires. 53.500. 472-4375 542-2822. . 545 : . -11'-' 1-0709 ; : ' LAWN MAINTENANCE days. . - _ :-r-. -- " -'- - G.B.N.S.I-O624 .' condition. 5 piece 56t ied IS"YOUR LAWN too ihick.'". ResldintUI — Commaiclai 562-•• .-'"-. ,1-0625.- '. ACCOUNTANT bookl-eepef wood furniture, vacuum -~ I tim» or momhly BUSINESS ,n r musl Ce capable be main- cleaner, coffee table, radio,, " Ailldoycurverlicuttingata - Rsasonablc - Rallibl* :- OPPORTUNITIES lij taining complete set of wroughl • iron chairs, reasonable cost. Chariotie relrigeraSr,. silk plant, .- book; through financial . 454-0755; -_ 637-0457. De&oto: - BEETLE: Restored inside INVESTORS WANTED statements, computer-and . much more. Reasonable. and out- Nevr tires. AMiFM . for manufacturing of ,Attef6p.m. : -^ 9930647v lee - 656-3123, '"payroll skit's requited Jot 624O093.; ' 'y cassetie. Good buy at ^FISHING EQUIPMENT Collier — 793-9966. ; non-smoking oflice Call '"S1800-Cat! 462-6577, POOT & "PATR) , 566 .-;•- -•-• •'; ALL070Z 472-5152. Asfc for Theresa. ••- | Train lo be J ; | FURNITURE: 12-piece. top NO AFFAIR too large or too .551 ^ - _ '.^^.BC-OTOl FRANCHISE ICE CREAM: -t_ 550 " iR-O7O2 '. quality PVC fiirniture set, small. Specializing in T93b~CHEVr"MON2AVsood - •Business. South Fort Myers '' tan bamboo look: made by THAVEL AGENT ..Maryland, seafood dishes. conaition. SI200"of best location: profitable.. I75K. , GOVERNMENT JOBS! Now - • Pipeline,: Ihe Cadillac of. ^813) 472-0154. • ;: TOUR GUIDE ft ..Chesapeake Catering Co. offer. Must sell. Aia.j 197J - pipe lurniture. includes ; Dodge pjcKup in'fining 'v . . . 544-IR-0716 skilled and unaMi'ec!. Fcr large patio table, lour large Caltfl24-4flM. o. list of jobs and application. condition, SJ50 or best -.' FOR SALE DELICATESSEN: •? chairs, umbrella S stand, •^•*IBlDi6St • 306 _-^ C,S.lR,G-0624 v ca '3CNSI-O708 •' - ' 472-5558 " :: . '" ' 5BI0 tlvrr.evisitsawUibi 302 ,V 1R.N.G-0701 new york times crossword puzzle

... BY MAURAB. JACOBSON/Puzries Etfted by^Eigene T.Msi 1 ACROSS 9- 17 Practice ginh 63 ['laved the •'• 95 Ref.i I Antai control enqueue SfiTime—-h;i1l-- ; 6 Esau's land' . 3R Completely . BSComposrrwf •97 Pub sim k ll)Cjfe3U Cnmb form •'Pump and - 98 Publisher who" USch; ~\ . .IHBeremorse I Ciruinv- • -i managed t cooperative/ 40 Conducted stance"? .--' (airways? @ Reddish- 104 Ancirnl Greek 17 Billaddcndtim wrote ^'Hai > trllowdyr .>poot .. "' " 18 Serena ties 72 Anonymous " lO5Somegrn1 ' 2OPari5iani:pp -7 .John" dcrs:Ahhr. 21 Irondi-licicncy •iJtCjnoiin 73 S g lOSFnnddu , 23 Actress Mftiejls :: G Coronet Wis. " ..idolized by • 49 Virgil's tonput 7Wi!> 50 La—, : •"• 78 CorrespondeCr d I071nilielhicl(o Wntcrofpzzf Bolivia - . 80 Folded twrdei i09 53 Shogun's 82 Tnmahawk Tokvo 83 Use a dub 54 C.trt'.nn ; securities , 86 Author Sheeny 56 Haff a 87Pormer':; ,;: '-• note sawbuck - Venetian ruler .29 Tissue: Comb. 57 Lord iirvass.il 881nvcniqrofa I20Trans-Ali form : '"••-:'••:. 59'Alsonquun Turkish- 121 SirAnthon^ ~30Authoro[ •. -Indian confection''. l22Leonme Hindu (airy 62 Einstein's 93 IRS - . complaint lot"? binhplace "" employee. . 123 Pooh'scre; f '• Q0WN : 16 — Bell (Anne' -H—diamonds - 68 flown hi I I'attotU.AR. ... ' Bronie) ,; (bigrasino) Calpurn 2Oneolthe - - , <• . A Wsshinglons - _ 20'"an «l«i«alile • airship '•: Soviet 3 Dauphierof - ' _ mannrr ; ,46 Join the

74 Greek ars : amma 24llapgard's . 5111 (joes Iwf.ire 75 Utah's lily Avrsha Iwauty 77Beatlc 27 Ffosh •" 52,Bri(is'hItt:er - . .esthetics 541haicoin 78— pepper "Exodus" role course ' 55Cryof(lu,l)clieI (Redfordrolc) •.'••.ft ;1 8 An avis lays 31 Sonny's sibling 56 Scourge ml!>l8 79 Giant to a them 32 Timetable (or 58 Dies—- • Dodger :•-. -,^L short .81 Crew , 9 Souvenirs ; 60 A bit open' m 10 Navigational 33Cho|7sc!umsilyi| 61 Caustic •• system 34 Fifth of Clyde compound 9 0'Marecjraee 99 Busmi-w abbr 111 Police sp. 11 Savanna . 'Island ; 62 Rubber Iree lOOThmwjyid UlBeaplamlift 14Bjmhi\Junt ': - blackbird . 35 Nantes night 63 Dactyl, e.g. hS Fairl).inks: lUWllt 12 Eng. starter : 36 Supermarket : 64 Troubadour's 86 Legs Diamond 9!fr!r2 GodJess. in the 101 Handbill » . 13, tung.nuw - depf. • - • • • lOILikpabatit.im : Zedong. 41 Palookaofthe 66 Runs in 87Earlof r- 93 Filmy vanri 101U.S.mi»i!e 14 Puckered :'=. comics Beaconsheld . of cloud 108 Unit of force - fabric 42 Potributary 88 Falcons' •it Flexible llOShnnccifyof SOLUTION QU PAGE 10B , 15 Colored 43 Othello, [or .one. weapons . ,, 98 Floats aihly Japan = V:

idiosyncrasies/ ot the * Tuesday, July U - struments of a kind,.: ^ sonic of the important "Adventures in Good Music" T music of Italy. \ Scores of Current Monday, July.20 — orchestral voices writ- ••~:?" f'Adventures in Good Friday! July 3 —. Thurs'fey, July 9 - Events'*.— -Special . The •Heartbeat of ton in support of the •__ .Music" with host KarlVFrom Spa-To Shining Saved By the Belle - 'events in history have Music — The human soloist in concertos. Haas airs weekdays at Sea - Musical' sclec-~ Karl Haas conveys the inspired-composers to : pulse, can be felt in 12.-05 p.ra. over WSFP- ftions descriptive of or- message of redemption,- write some of their ; many musical composi- ! through female con- finest works. Today's Friday. July 24 - ^t'FM 90.1 Concert: 90. dedicated to cities and tions. Today's program Degrees of Wind • Both the series and its regions of the United stancy, as found in the ADVENTURE offers a i offers., various ex- States. •" '' fields of opera, song selection of them. amplc'sT f.--_ Velocity - Karl Haas- host have received in- : illustrates '[' the ternational recognition Monday, July 6 — and incidental music, a Wednesday, July 15 j Tuesday, July 21 - -. - Friday, July 10 - - ,. • '' Instrumental simulated sound ot for- the quality "and Anthems Incorporated. Ask And Vou Shall various wind strengths variety in the"shows.. — Karl Haas presents Can You Name Him? - Relatives - Karl Haas : Learn - Karl Haas A - popular mystery presents, compositions '; as found in musical The July schedule;. music using exerpts : discusses and features compositions. -. follows: . • from national anthems composer quiz calling - featuring various in-; the equivalent of ques- ' --•-,'. Wednesday, July 1 n•F various countries.- upon the listeners to struments and their tion marks in music. - : identify a famous Monday. July 27 - ':- Outdoor Music -• A" Tuesday, July 7 - related counterparts. Wednesday, July 22 The Son Also Rises - master by his works. Thursday; July 16 - ; goodly helping of music &Mahief" Retrospective ~ - Rhythmic Likeness Karl Haas features the , inspired by the great — A look at the. im- Monday, July 13 -- First Course - A. ; ~ Pieces by different accomplishmenls of • sampling of the,wide : outdoors. • mense contributions of The., Challenge of : composers are Often • well known sons of . Thursday. July 2 - Gustay Mahler, boihin Economics — Many variety of overtures '. based on the same famous musicians. .;i: : : with an assessmer.for [\J ' • Mountain. Journey — A . vocal; and orchestral: maslerworks arc based ., rhythm patterns. To holiday week program ' music. • ; ; - '"on motifs composed of thrir roles. • : day's ADVENTURE Tuesday, July 28 - sampling music written Wednesday. July 8 just; a few notes. Friday, July 17 -\ ; proves the point. - •- " • Tutti Flsuti . -.: A about mountains in — The Italian Sound"- Today's program ex- Four By Four ~ A prn- = Thursday, July 23 - - festival consisting .of general or describing Karl Haas identifies amines the economical -' gram of unusual i pieces for various ; 1 SufipnrtinK, Evidence ^specific ranges. the.; typical-tonal means involved. ':- Huartels for ' four in- ^ > KarlHaas presents. types ot flutes."

BOATS AND _. BOATS AND BOATS AND BOATS AND MARINE e_ MOTORS 01 MOTORS 61 MOTORS 61 MOTORS 61 ACCESSORIES OC iitious name ot Permaline INTERVAL BOATS SPORTCRAFT, 17 II.- Full . HOBIE CAT SAILBOAT.^ SAILBOAT - 20 too! boat. Co. snef tnst £3i^ Isrin is" new canvas. 70 Evinrude & Sacfilice must sell. Beach EAKSand9\$ HP Johnson. FOUNTAIN coniposect ol the fallowing " 75 Johnson oytboards. Har- *fiefls alurninum trailer, Air in.eiceiient'condition OF YOUTH - persons wncse namesi and ding trailer, Ashing J4SC0. Cuddy cabin, new* btmi^i places of residences are as Excellent condition. 472- -and hot sticks. Ashing : 5 FOR BOATS " loN'o*s: Duane B'andli P 0 - I23OO. • Call Jan U'lter. ^ON£ STOP BOAT REPAIR 393J. 549-3137. . 1 . Bov <893 M. Ft. Myers. Fla. , 4820323. ' - " " ALL PHASES... - - ' ' 339IB. OAnerahip of Per- ! 562 DSC10624 / BOAT slip for sale - In pro- FIBEPGLASS ' •• malire Co. Is ^s follows: leclftt) cove -un Sanibef, BOAT REPAIR & Duane Brandli 100%. 24'7" VENTUHE • RF.FINISHING covered, po*ef « *a1er It is my ir n to a MCGREGOR saitbca;. 15 HP /•CUSTOM COVERS available. P.O. • Bo« 507. .. lo"the Ciefk o) Ihe Circuit 1985 •-£*inrud*. fully •CONVERTIBLE TOPS - Sambel.FL 33957. Comt in ard for Lee County. equipped. Loads of a»i/a<.. 62^5?5 -'~ 'MARINE UPHOLSTER.Y S4.500 or Cest ofler. 481- 489-4747 '-: Florida to register the said name of Pefmaline Co. 87J0. .-''•- TWO fiberglass dingnys - 1 S940 Youngquist fltf. ' 554 - - ' 1F1C-625 under the ptovisiensot Sec- sporlsyah. 1 skimmer. J5O S. Ft. Myers tion fc65_09, Florida each. S437I45. 554 •' SBi-0624 Statutes, 1970. ' - , - -~~ 5«9 . ALL4625 MAN, 150 Johns Witness my hand, this 1st : !sa.?OO wi!h Oaf of-June. !937; Duane B'anrjM. •. ^ , '" LEGALS S*orn to and subscribed S62 1R-C625-. 64 :(o by fJuare B'anaii before available. PO. Bo» 507. •T^e tuis 1st day cf June. A.D;-, QUALITV USED BOATS , -Samfcel.FL 33957.. [ NOTICE OF INTENTION '937,, AT AFFORDABLE PRICES 5 6 2-1-061 £-• [ -TO REGISTER Dixie C RolL-rsen ; ONLY AT - COME SEE US AND SAVE FICTITIOUS NAME OOTAflY PUBUC PAIM GROVE MARINA ^h? us-jjeisigned, doc Notary Pubiic," Stato-^of MARINE TRADING POST Call or slop by . -.- he/ety c?('lity lhat I 2500 Main,SI .--"' SEASKIFF, SpoKsM*-- with ; cor- r 1 i--Old41alPor»3eNa -1000 San Carl «srt I ; pi.'e's Des 23.1990. Bonded - - FMB • " -' Myt3r-iJg& Good co^d'^on. ifiiy fjotarv Pub'^r, "Unde?- . l Fort Myers - Fort Hio.'sBwh - "- 463-733S $10000.549 2305. ; 997-5777 . : vr> . 4662636 550 ' •- ALL-0624 551 ' SCOTCH IR-June i. 11. 18. 25. 19S7-" ±_J.

CONDOMINIUMS CONDOMINIUMS, HOMES THIS IS A SUNDIAL GULF FRONT CON- DOMINIUM that is considered "Prime .? Location" simply because this is the last phase and the last building. A fabulous view to the lights of Fort Myers Beach. Two bedrooms and den with over 1,700 It.. of living and a wrap-around porch. Please, ' • call either Scott Naumann, Broker- Salesman (days 472-3121, eves. 472-6202) :.. orG.G. Robideau, Realtor-Associate (days 472-3121, eves. 472-5102) ' '•}•• IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR VALUE In an*,. . outstanding condominium on Sanibel, you might want to consider Blind Pass. This DIHECT ACCESS CANAL/POOL HOME — No need to look further, this home has it SPACIOUS, GRACIOUS AND ENCHAN- unit has an excellent history in a complex all! Five bedrooms, foi'i^ths. spacious TING — describes this lovely 2 bedroom, 2 that offers all of the amenities you desire '' •plus mile?-of white sandy beaches. AH » kitchen, family >s_\ \Jed pool and bath unit with exquisite Gulf front view ! e sonatlirect overlooking pool, hot tub and gazebo. this for only $129,500 lurnished. Call Bob "'• beautiful settiiC|vJ* 5^' '" access canal. Z?,dted on She quiet east Lush, courtyard and tall "privacy foliage" Chuback, Broker-Salesman (days 472-3121, <> eves. 472-2036.) *;.-,. end of the island and offered for $349,000; complete the tropical setting of this small Contact Joe or:Joan Burns, Realtor- 16-unit complex. One of very few luxury GREAT VALUE AND CONVENIENCE are ' •- ..Associates (day's 472-3121, eves. complexes with weekly rentals possible. featured in this two bedroom, two and one- 7 :472-5814.), _ .- ; . . For details. call Joyce Blakcly, Realtor- half balh condo unit at LAKE PALMS. In- Associate (days 472-3121 eves. 472-4208). cludes 2 screened lanats, laundry ciose!, WATERSHADOWS — Two bedroom wilh -. covered parking and storage closet.:At-:i den or three bedrooms, two baths, dining tractive view of the lake. CLOSE TO ? toorn, kitchen, laundry room, 40 ft. screen-. EVERYTHING! Asking $115,000. Call Scott .; ed patio, fireplace, double garage with PENTHOUSE FOR UNDER .-5260,000! Nauman'n, Broker-Salesman (days :~ . built-in storage cabinets, seawalLand large Located in the popular rental complex of . 472-3121. eves. 472-6202) or Susan dock. This home is in perfect condition 11 Pointe Santo der Sanibel, this wellr Buckm'an," Realtor-Associate (days . arid ready to move into. Easy to show, call maintained, 2 bedroom/2 bath con- 472-3121, eves, 472-6954.).. , '-' . r. MikeorG.G. Robideau, Realtor-Associates dominium offers gulf views Irorh the (days 472-3121, eves. 472-5102.) -. ./• , 0 screened terrace and the private rooftop sundeck. Many upgrades and priced to sell _at $259,000 fully furnished. For further In- HOMES formation, contact Debbie Welnstock, " Bioker-Salesman (days 472-3121 eves. 472-1294). :,,. - \ ; 1

OMETHING SPECIAL - :The" J view down .(he mouth, of the. xarial is \-. GLAMOROUS CANAL-HOME in popular wonderful, This 3 bedroom, 2'.Vbath honeT- Shell Harbor subdivision close to Gulf j has vaulted-ceilings, floors .'are 10x10, 1 beach, with 2646 squate feel of air condi- white, tiles and seafoam carpet;'-Two - tioned space, this: custom "grade, level - L.J system A(C,"security system, fan windows, "' ranch features three bedrooms," three s- fireplace, mirrored walls and tinted.win-.,; baths, den and. family room, all elegantly (lows.-.The lower level is -enclosed and'•-- furnished. The porc^- lanai and pool area "' there is a 3-car garage. 157' on canal, 80'" will tcharrr: you for "S-J25t000 and worth deck for ;ha! special boat. For moie intor- every cent! For additional detail and your rmaiion. call Mike or- G.G.. Robideau, private-inspection, please call Carl or. • Re3llor-Associates;(cfays 472-3121. eves. . Trudy Deremo. Realtor-Associates (day's 'SPECTACULAR GULF . FRONT APART-: 472-5102.) ,. "" ".„ • " ' L 472-3121, eves. 472-3042.) , n MENT in low density SNUG HARBOR en BRAND NEW OLDE SANIBEL STYLE -.-. £• the" desirable east end'of Sanibei. Over •Three bedroom, two bath in great Shell ' 1800 sq. ft. of luxury and a ground level Harbor location. Popular osen floor plan ^ HOMES: cabana. Tremendous ^condition, new with cathedral ceillrr-: ^ ieo.Osq.ft.of . LIGHTHOUSE END OF ISLAND — This carpet and porch furniture • truly a air conditione^fj\^Va porches and well vegetated lot is lo»^;>d on a quiet, DREAM offering. Contact Dan Cohn, ~ fuily encloset^jNtr level with ,2-car sandy lane ]usi » ->» \ Tj from the Bay "Realtor-Associate (days 472-3121, eves. garage. Action priced at 5349,000. Only and beaches, t^vj Vr Jesirable proper. 472-9337). ':. , one of its kind available on Sanibel.,Con- ly will not last £!ig at $99,500. For lurther " tact Carl or Trudy Deremb, Realtor- Inlormation, contact Debbie VVeinstocki Associates (days 472-3121, eves. Realtor-Associate (days 472-3121, eves. 472-3042.) " , -. ..- ; ; 472-1294.) . _ .

KNOWLEDGE.-EXMlENC i Please send me more information: :/.:• PROFESSIONALISM ..;.•; j I -! ond instills 'make us-§1. •••' i " °'* \'

: 1149 Poriwinkle Way / 2427 Periwinkle Way Sanibel Island, Florida 3395? (813) 472-3121 .. . - Toll Frec:lr. FL(800)282-0360 " ':': '. Out of FL(800) 237-6004 °