Application Form for a Definit ive Map Modif ication Order FORM A

To: Corporate Director of Regeneration and Local Services, , County Hall, Durham DH1 5UQ

Wildlif e and Countryside Act 19 8/ The Definitive M ap and S tatement of Public Rights of Wayf or the County of Durham

S Briggs Address:

C/0 Aceess·and·Rights of-Way Department······· The Britis h Horse Society Abbe y-P ark-,-Staret on;K enilworth ,··················· Warw ickshire, CVS 2XZ

Hereby apply for an order under section 53(2) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 19 81 modifying the Definitive Map and Statement for the County of Durham by:-

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o ;2 :· Upgr ading • Downgr ading • '\,. t a

Starting at . NZ 077 42.�-- �!l

as shown on the plan attached (this must be of a scale of at least 1: 25,000 and sufficient to determine the way on the ground).

attach copies of the following documentary evidence (include user evidence forms) in support of this application:- 51 • List of documents: 11 8 74 and Waterworks 11 88 3 revised OS 1 Edition and Book of

1 nd 1 nd i 1 I I Reference 1 8 97 2 Edition 25") 1 8 98 OS 2 Edit on 6" 1 8 98 One- nch to the Mile 11 9 10 nland

1 rd 1 rd Revenue Plan 1 9 21 OS 3 Edition 25" 1 9 24 OS 3 Edition 6" 11 9 55 OS One-Inch Sheet 841

Highlighted Current Map I Photographic Evidence I Modification application!

Dated Signed

Definitive Map Modification Order Application Register

Satley - Saltersgate Lane

Description of the intended effect Recording of restricted byway along route recorded on List of Streets (UNC 25.1 Saltersgate Lane)

Description of Geographical Location Grid Reference: 408260.542106 to 407740.542618 Parish Satley Nearest place Postcode DL13 4JL

Applicant’s Details See Form A

Date Application Received 9 March 2018

Durham County Council Contact Senior Rights of Way Officer, Access & Rights of Way, Environment, Durham County Council, County Hall, DURHAM DH1 5UQ. Telephone Number 03000 2654342

Reference Number 1/18/055

Determination of the Application by DCC

Location See Page Below

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Note that the background ordnance survey map does not include the restricted byway ‘Coal Lane’ that extends from the south east end of this application route, heading south east towards Greenfield Cottage (and another ‘Houselop Lane’ leading off Coal Lane). restricted byways 161 and 162. To view the Definitive Map go to: