Maui County Democrats County Convention

April 1, 2017 Maui Waena Intermediate School Kahului


I. Call to Order, Maui County Committee Chair, Troy Hashimoto II. Pledge of Allegiance, Edward Garcia III. Welcome, Troy Hashimoto a. Introduction of special guests b. Special Messages IV. Reports a. Acceptance of 2016 Minutes b. Treasurers Report c. Affirmative Action Survey V. Keynote Address by Governor David Ige VI. Presentation and acceptance of Credentials, Credentials Chair, Arianna Feinberg VII. Adoption of Convention Rules VIII. Appointment of Sergeant at Arms, Parliamentarian and Convention Secretary IX. Legislative Update by Senator Gil Keith-Agaran X. Legislative Update by the State House of Representatives XI. Update from State Party Chair Tim Vandeveer XII. Democratic National Committee Update by Kate Stanley, Hawaii National Committeewoman XIII. Update by new Democratic Party of Hawaii Executive Director Laura Nevitt XIV. Update by Maui County Young Democrats XV. Election of Maui County Democratic Party Executive Officers XVI. Presentation by Organizing for Action, MJ Yardley XVII. Update on the Democratic Party of Hawaii Legislative Agenda, Arianna Feinberg XVIII. Announcement of newly elected officers and remarks by newly elected Party Chair XIX. Adjournment XX. Meeting for Districts and Precincts

2016 Maui County Democratic Convention May 7, 2016 Maui Waena Intermediate School MINUTES

Call to order. The 2016 Maui County Democrats County Convention was called to order by Party Chair Troy Hashimoto at 1:03 pm, introduced the elected officials who were in attendance.

Pledge of Allegiance. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by former party chair Jonathan Star, who spoke briefly on the history of the pledge.

Appointment of temporary Convention Chair Stephanie Ohigashi was appointed temporary convention chair

Approval of minutes from 2015 County Convention

Approval of Treasurer’s Report See Treasurer’s Report

Credentials Committee Report 64-67 delegates

Address by Governor David Ige

Address by United States Senator Brian Schatz

Election of permanent Convention Chair Gil Keith-Agaran was elected permanent convention chair, he recessed the convention at 1:30 p.m.

Convention Chair called the Convention back to order at 1:45.

Motion to accept convention rules Moved by Alan, Seconded from floor. Motion passes

Maui County Party Chair’s Report

Maui County Councilwoman Gladys Baisa

Remarks by State Party Chair Stephanie Ohigashi

Committee Reports A. Resolutions 1. 2016-1: Support to Ban Conversion Therapy Moved by Helen Nielsen, Seconded by Zandra Amaral Crouse Resolution carried unanimously. 2. 2016-2 : Declaring June 26th as Equality Day Moved by Helen Nielsen, Seconded by Roz Baker. Resolution carries. 3. 2016-3: Protecting Public Employees, Inclusive Non-discrimination Policies Baker speaking in favor of the resolution says that the intention is to not support the sending public employees on trips to states where they could face discrimination for being LGBT. Point of information: Lloyd Markus: does this apply to all public employees? Moved by Roz Baker, Seconded by Zandra Amaral Crouse. Motion carried. 4. 2016-4: Promote Family Savings Zandra Amaral Crouse rises in support of the revolution, Stephen West rises in support of the resolution. Resolution carried.

B. Rule Amendments 1. 2016-1A:. State bylaws Amendment relating to the Presidential Preference Polls

Adriana Fienberg: motion to change the motion on the floor, seconded by Gordon Becker. (From 30min. to 1hr. time extension)

Mary Wagner: the current allotted time is insufficient for the amount of people that we have to accommodate. The existing 30-minute extension should be extended to 1 hour. Zandra Amaral Crouse: In Kihei people were voting droves, and the volunteers were overwhelmed it’s just not enough time I’m against the motion on the motion. Judith Michaels: stated that 30 minutes is more than adequate. Stephen West: calls for the question. Convention chair: are you calling for the main question? West: calling on the question of motion to move the rule change because if the main motion dies everything and stay the same. West: in Kihei we had the second highest turnout in Maui County we need to do a better job at the state level…. Jonathan Star: Against, we need a better mechanism I have volunteered at every caucus, turnout was overwhelming…. Jason Eno: In support, there were people lined up outside the door for hours in Haiku, people didn’t know what was going on it was chaotic…. Parliamentarian: point of order The main motion carried.

C. Platform 1. 2016-AA: Relating to Agricultural Home Rule-Maui Zandra Amaral Crouse: Rose in favor of agricultural home rule zoning. Spoke regarding her belief that it would give the people of the community of a say in agricultural practices. Joe Ritter: Rose in support citing anti-pesticide and anti- GMO arguments. Kristy Guzman: Rose against the platform change citing her 300-acre farm in Hana, her experience as a farmer, and that the government should not tell farmers how to farm or what to grow. Stand Up Vote: The platform change carried. 2. 2016-BB: Relating to Agricultural Home Rule – State This platform change regards attempting to add agricultural home-rule language into Hawaii Democratic Party platform. A heated debate ensued, with regards to the activist group Shaka Movement. The Parliamentarian called Point of Order. Stand Up Vote: platform change carried. D. Affirmative Action Plan Mary Wagner calls upon Katie McMillan to adopt the Affirmative Action Plan. Moved by Adriana Feinberg, Seconded by Jason Eno. Motion carried.

Election of State Central Committee, At Large, Female and Male Adriana Feinberg announces her candidacy to Maui representative the Central Committee citing her academic credentials, business experience, and political activism with the Young Democrats and the Democratic Party. Tim Laura spoke about his qualifications and experience. Christy Guzman was nominated by Stephen West and Seconded by Emmanuel Balthazar. She cited her long-term activism with the Democratic party as well as her deep roots in the Maui community.

Special messages from US Senator Mazie Hirono and congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard

Remarks by State Party Chair Candidates Jason Eno spoke on behalf of Tim Vandeveer. He referenced Vanderveer's experience with the Howard Dean campaign, and his vision for the Hawaii Democratic Party going forward.

Tyler DeSantos Tam, “his nuts and bolts” approach to running the Party, and promised if elected to focus on the four key components of employment, fundraising, communications, and training.

Flo Kong Kee spoke about her extensive experience as a Hawaii Democratic party officer, and her plan to hire a professional director to help with the logistics of party operation. She promised to make sure that the bills were paid on time and manage the finances effectively as a former treasurer. She also talked of a robust college internship program within the Party.

Announcement of newly-elected State Central Committee Adriana Feinberg (F), and Tim Lara (M) were elected.

Open mic to Democrats: Candidates and Democratic Party Elected Officials. Bart Dane announced that he was a candidate for the Democratic National Committee, he spoke about his extensive experience on the Bernie Sanders campaign, stated that if elected he would fight to make the party more accountable to its base.

Adjournment The 2016 Maui County Democrats County Convention was adjourned at 4:00 pm

Respectfully submitted by Ben Wilson 12:57 PM Maui County Democratic Party 02/12/17 Accrual Basis Balance Sheet As of February 12, 2017

Feb 12, 17

ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings First Hawaiian Bank 15,403.88 First Hawaiian Bank #2 1,115.15 Total Checking/Savings 16,519.03

Total Current Assets 16,519.03

TOTAL ASSETS 16,519.03

LIABILITIES & EQUITY Equity Opening Balance Equity 4,932.02 Unrestricted Net Assets 12,767.34 Net Income -1,180.33 Total Equity 16,519.03


Page 1 of 1 12:50 PM Maui County Democratic Party 02/12/17 Accrual Basis Profit & Loss by Class January through December 2016

2016 Candidate Fee 2016 County Convention 2016 State Convention Coordinated Campaign Elections Admin (Program) (Program) (Program) (Program) (Program) Total Program Young Democrats TOTAL Ordinary Income/Expense Income Direct Public Support 0.00 36.18 1,830.00 864.98 0.00 2,612.68 5,343.84 2,137.00 7,480.84 Fund Raising 0.00 40.00 0.00 140.00 0.00 0.00 180.00 0.00 180.00 Program Income 0.00 120.00 900.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 1,040.00 0.00 1,040.00 Reimbursement for Events 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,986.38 375.00 3,361.38 375.00 3,736.38 Total Income 0.00 196.18 2,730.00 1,004.98 2,986.38 3,007.68 9,925.22 2,512.00 12,437.22

Expense Advertising 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 212.52 212.52 Bad Debt 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 Bank Fees 187.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 187.14 Contract Services 0.00 0.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 0.00 20.00 Event Expense 0.00 0.00 1,920.37 192.56 2,986.38 521.89 5,621.20 1,139.33 6,760.53 Facilities and Equipment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 867.28 867.28 45.00 912.28 Mahalo Gifts 350.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 350.00 Operations 208.42 0.00 232.57 0.00 0.00 134.37 366.94 0.00 575.36 Promotional Expense 112.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 112.20 Total Expense 957.76 0.00 2,172.94 192.56 2,986.38 1,523.54 6,875.42 1,396.85 9,230.03

Net Ordinary Income -957.76 196.18 557.06 812.42 0.00 1,484.14 3,049.80 1,115.15 3,207.19

Other Income/Expense Other Income Gifts in Kind - Goods 0.00 0.00 250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 1,167.65 1,417.65 Total Other Income 0.00 0.00 250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 1,167.65 1,417.65

Net Other Income 0.00 0.00 250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 1,167.65 1,417.65

Net Income -957.76 196.18 807.06 812.42 0.00 1,484.14 3,299.80 2,282.80 4,624.84

Page 1 of 1

Aloha friends,

I am sorry that I’m not able to join you at the Maui County Convention today.

Each year, I emphasize how important the work you are doing here to advance and protect our shared values really is. And this year, that might be truer than it ever has been before.

I want to thank everyone who made a phone call, sent a letter, or otherwise fought to save the ACA. There are many more fights to come, and we will probably lose more often than we win. But this proves that your efforts on these issues are making a difference. The #resistance is working.

I will keep fighting in the United States Senate, but we will need all of you to keep doing what you are doing as well. We are in this together.


Brian Schatz United States Senator

April 1, 2017 Aloha Maui Democrats,

Mahalo to all of you for taking the time to participate in democracy and the future of our beautiful state. More than ever, our nation needs the aloha spirit. It is our kuleana to approach others with love, compassion, and a deep respect as we work to preserve and protect Mother Earth, and improve the lives of our brothers and sisters—our ʻohana. I'm grateful to serve the people of Hawaii, and I look forward to continuing to work with you.

Change is sorely needed in Washington, and we have a responsibility to reject the status quo of the establishment in both political parties and focus on real solutions that best serve the people of Hawaii and our country.

In politics, that means speaking up and doing what is right, even though it may not be the easy or politically expedient path to take. While doing the right thing is sometimes a lonely road, there is too much at stake to sit quietly on the sidelines as a spectator. We must be engaged. We must stand up for our values.

That means taking steps every day to enact a vision of this country where the ultra-rich can’t game our political and economic systems for their own benefit—a country where we all matter and where individuals of every walk of life are empowered to be a part of this great democracy that we live in.

Mahalo again for your dedication to doing all of this and more as we continue our work to bring about real reform and progress. Standing together, we can accomplish great things, and ensure that our government puts serving people, over politics and profits. Mahalo nui loa!

With sincere gratitude,

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Serving the People of Hawaii's 2nd District

Maui County Democratic Party 2017 Convention Rules

Rule 1. RELATING TO THE COUNTY CONVENTON OF GOVERNANCE. A. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the County Convention in all cases to which they are applicable, to the extent that it is not inconsistent with the Constitution & Bylaws of the Maui County Democratic Party of Hawai‘i or these standing rules.

Rule 2. VOTING BODY A. Pursuant to the Democratic Party of Hawaii, Maui County Committee, the voting body shall consist of the County officers, State Central Committee members, the precinct President, First Vice President (if more than one of each precinct club) the District Council and elected officials. B. No Member of the voting body shall have more than one (1) vote and no proxy voting shall be allowed. C. A majority of the registered delegates shall constitute a quorum. D. Voting shall be by voice unless the presiding officer deems it necessary to call for a show of hands or a rising vote.

Rule 3. MOTIONS AND DISCUSSON A. Only members of the voting body may introduce motions, but all observers may participate in the discussion. B. Anyone wishing the floor for making a motion or for discussion shall rise, be recognized by the Chair, state his/her name and his/her precinct or district. C. Upon recognition by the Chair, the speaking member shall announce whether he/she speaks for or against the motion before the convention. D. No member shall be granted the privilege of the floor a second time on the same motion until all others who wish to speak for or against the motion have had the opportunity to do so.

Rule 4. LIMITATION OF TIME A. A discussion shall be limited to two (2) minutes for each speaker on a motion. Unanimous consent shall be required if additional time is to be granted a speaker, and the additional time shall not exceed two (2) minutes. Total discussion on a motion shall not exceed ten (10 minutes. Unanimous consent shall be required if an additional ten (1) minutes is required.

Rule 5. SEATING A. To the extent possible, the voting body shall sit by districts.

Rule 6. RELATING TO CREDENTIALS A. The Credentials Committee of the County Convention, directly after the opening ceremonies shall report the number of Delegates to the County Convention and elected precinct alternates present with the proper credentials, and shall make a supplementary report after the opening ceremonies as required. B. Delegates to the Maui County Convention must register with the Credentials Committee at the appointed location on or before 1:30 pm on Saturday, April 1, 2017. After that time, unfilled seats will be deemed vacant.

RULE 7. RELATING TO OFFICER ELECTIONS A. Nominations for County officer positions that are contested shall be limited to one nomination speech of three minutes and one seconding speech of one minute for each along with a 3 minute candidate speech.

RULE 8. RELATING ELECTRONIC DEVICES A. All cellular phones, pagers, and other electronic devices shall be turned off or set to silent mode.

Maui Democratic Party County Convention

April 1, 2017

Democratic National Committee Update

Submitted by: Kate Stanley Hawaii National Committeewoman

DNC Winter Meeting in Atlanta Georgia February 23-25, 2017

Election of Officers

Tom Perez DNC Chair Representative Keith Ellison, DNC Deputy Chair Assemblyman Michael Blake, DNC Vice Chair Maria Elena Durazo, DNC Vice Chair Representative , DNC Vice Chair Karen Carter Peterson, DNC vice chair of Civic Engagement and Voter Participation Ken Martin, DNC Vice Chair and ASDC President Jason Rae, Secretary Bill Derrough, Treasurer Henry Munzo III, National Finance Chair

Unity Reform Commission

The 2016 Democratic National Convention established the Unity reform Commission to review the nominating process with a focus on ensuring the process is accessible, transparent and inclusive.

Jen O’Malley Dillon and Larry Cohen Chair this Commission. Chair Perez will name 21 members to the Commission by early May and a report to the Rules and Bylaws Committee with recommendations is due by January 1, 2018.

The recommendations will concentrate on:

Increasing participation in the presidential nominating process Empowering the party and its candidates to be more competitive Involving new and unaffiliated voters Revising Delegate Selection Rules on unpledged delegates Supporting redistricting efforts Broadening the base of the party at the grassroots level Expanding the DNC’s donor base

Caucus Meetings Joined and Attended

AAPI Caucus Chaired by Bel Leong Hong Maryland Labor Council Chaired by Maria Elena Durazo CA Western Regional Caucus Chaired by Aleita Huguenin CA Women’s Caucus Chaired by Lottie Shackelford Arkansas

Current Activities

Democratic Turnaround Tour

Chair Perez and Deputy Chair Representative Keith Ellison have started a turnaround tour. They will meet with Democrats and progressives in a diverse group of states to discuss the importance of sustained local organizing efforts.

On March 24 Perez and Ellison started the tour with stops in Detroit and Flint Michigan. Next are visits to New Jersey, Texas and Virginia. These states represent both places that Democrats lost in November and states where there are opportunities to pick up seats up and down the ballot.

Additional states and locations will be added to the turnaround tour in the months to come.

Transition Advisory Committee

On March 15, 2017 Chair announced the creation of a Transition Advisory Committee charged with providing concrete suggestions and advice on building a party that reaches into and represents every state and territory. The committee will be co-chaired by the Reverend Leah D. Daughtry the past CEO of the 2016 Democratic Convention and Chris Lu, former Deputy Secretary of Labor.

Members include: Mark Begich, Gus Bickford, Sally Boynton Brown, Pete Buttigieg, Bill Dempsey, Akilah Ensley, Don Fowler, Jennifer Granholm, Jehmu Greene, Luis Heredia, Pramila Jayapal, Latoia jones, Rebecca Lambe, Bel Leong-Hong, Terry Lierman, Mary Beth Maxwell, Zerlina Maxwell, Deray McKesson, Ademola Oyefeso, Rick Palacio, Ai-Jen Poo, Rion Ramirez, Astrid Silva, Rick Wade, Simone Ward, Brian Weeks, Jenny Wilson.

Democrats Live

Chair Perez and Deputy Chair Ellison have launched a series of live streaming interviews with leaders and candidates around the country. Guests to date have included Senator Elizabeth Warren.

The interviews can be viewed on hhtps://

Maui County Executive Officer Elections

The following candidates have met all the minimum criteria as set forth in the Maui County Committee of the Democratic Party of Hawaii bylaws to be an officer:

- Tim Lara, Chair - Linda Puppolo, Chair

- Beverly Pauole Moore, Vice-Chair of Molokai

- Sarah Freistat Pajimola, Vice-Chair of Organization and Outreach

- Shane Albritton, Vice-Chair of Education - Paul Janes Brown, Vice-Chair of Education

- Chris Mentzel, Vice-Chair of Information Technology

- Jason Eno, Vice-Chair of Community Issues

- Ben Wilson, Recording Secretary

Maui County Democratic Party - 2017 List of Eligible Delegates to the Maui County Convention

2017 Maui County Party Officers Chair: Troy Hashimoto Vice Chair, Maui: Yuki Lei Sugimura Vice Chair, Molokai: Beverly Pauole-Moore Vice Chair, Lanai: Marlene Baltero Recording Secretary: Vacant Treasurer Linda Puppolo Corresponding Secretary: Tracie Takatani Vice Chair, Info & Tech: Daryl Fujiwara Vice Chair, Events: Edward Garcia Vice Chair, Public Relations: Stacey Moniz Vice Chair, Education: Vacant Vice Chair, Government: Arianna Feinberg Vice Chair Outreach: Sarah Freistat-Pajimola Vice Chair, Issues: Melanie Saito Vice Chair, Labor: Mary Wagner Vice Chair, Rules: Blossom Feiteira

Super Delegates (Elected Officials in the Democratic Party) Lieutenant Governor Shan Tsutsui State Senator, 5th Senatorial District: Gil Keith-Agaran State Senator, 6th Senatorial District: Rosalyn H. Baker State Senator, 7th Senatorial District: J. Kalani English

State Representative, 8th House District: Joe Souki State Representative, 9th House District: Justin Woodson State Representative, 10th House District: Angus McKelvey State Representative, 11th House District: Kaniela Ing State Representative, 12th House District: Kyle Yamashita State Representative, 13th House District: Lynne DeCoite

Maui County, Mayor Alan Arakawa Maui County, Council Chair: Mike White Maui County, Vice Chair: Robert Carroll Councilmember: Presiding Officer Pro Tempore Stacy Crivello Councilmember: Alika Atay

Councilmember: Elle Cochran Councilmember: Don Guzman Councilmember: Riki Hokama Councilmember: Kelly King Councilmember: Yuki Lei Sugimura

State Central Committee Former State Party Chair Stephanie Ohigashi Female at Large Arianna Feinberg Male at Large: Tim Lara Senate District 5 Female: Christy Kajiwara-Gusman Senae District 5 Male Kimo Gusman Senate District 6 Female Donna Domingo Senate District 6 Male John Fitzpatrick Senate District 7 Female Colleen Wallace Senate District 7 Male Kit Thomas GLBT Caucus Rep Eileen McKee Education Caucus Justin Hughey

List of Maui County Democratic Party Officers- 2017 Convention Delegates

Position First Last D8 Chair Christy Gusman D8 Vice-Chair Tim Lara D8 Secretary Lei Sato D8 Treasurer Mary Wagner

8/1 President Loretta Giannotti 8/1 Vice-President Robert Apo 8/1 Council Rep Lorena Kashiwamura

8/2 President Wesley "Wes" Bissen 8/2 Vice-President Cindi Daigle 8/2 Council Rep Kelly McGinnis

8/3 President Marilyn Niwao Roberts 8/3 Vice-President Stephen Castro 8/3 Council Rep Ricardo Medina

8/4 President Shirley Blackburn 8/4 Vice-President Lester Kunimitsu 8/4 Council Rep Dain Kane

8/5 President Mary Wagner 8/5 Vice-President Joseph Wildman 8/5 Council Rep Tim Lara

8/6 President Rowena Dagdag-Andaya 8/6 Vice-President Jack Grace 8/6 Council Rep Herman Andaya

8/7 President Lei Sato 8/7 Vice-President Doug Takamiya 8/7 District Council Rep Sharon Zalsos

D9 Chair Emmanuel Baltazar D9 Vice-Chair Sarah Freistat Pajimola D9 Secretary Brittney-Lynn Cadiz D9 Treasurer Charles Andrion

9/1 President Kelly Ruidas 9/1 Vice-President Vacant 9/1 Council Rep Charles Andrion

9/2 President Sarah Freistat Pajimola 9/2 Vice-President Francis Ballard 9/2 Council Rep Joe Pontanilla

9/3 President Elaine Gima 9/3 Vice-President 9/3 Council Rep Brittney-Lynn Cadiz

9/4 President Kehau Filimoeatu 9/4 Vice-President/Sec Justin Woodson 9/4 Council Rep Vacant

D10 Chair Donni Corrow-Sanchez D10 Vice-Chair Vacant

10/1 President Terez Amato 10/1 Vice-President Nelson Marquez 10/1 Council Rep Vacant

10/2 President Alan Dickar 10/2 Vice-President Joseph Aquino 10/2 Council Rep Rebecca Wimmer

10/3 President Karen Comcowich 10/3 Vice-President Miles Kawabata 10/3 Council Rep Maxim Tornai

10/4 President Jerrybeth DeMello 10/4 Vice-President Patti Balderos 10/4 Council Rep Donni Corrow-Sanchez

10/5 President Sharon Beach 10/5 Vice-President Vacant 10/5 Council Rep Brian Beach

D11 Chair Steve West D11 Vice-Chair Vacant D11 Treasurer John Fitzpatrick

11/1 President Kelly King 11/1 VP/Secretary Zandra Amarol-Crouse 11/1 Council Rep Joe Sarol

11/2 President Judith Michaels 11/2 Vice-President Joe Ritter 11/2 Council Rep Richard Michaels

11/3 President Karen Lollis 11/3 Vice-President Jennifer Dillion 11/3 Council Rep Vacant

11/4 President Vacant 11/4 Vice-President John Fitzpatrick 11/4 Council Rep Autumn Ness

D12 Chair Arianna Feinberg D12 Vice-Chair Paul Janes-Brown D12 Secretary Danielle Phillips D12 Treasurer Leo Caires

12/1 President Paul Janes-Brown 12/1 Vice-President Cindy Martin 12/1 Council Rep Melanie Saito

12/2 President Danielle Phillips 12/2 Vice-President Cory Coons 12/2 Council Rep Conrad Hornick

12/3 President Leo Caires 12/3 Vice-President Daniel Martinez 12/3 Council Rep Kailea Frederick

12/4 President Stacey Moniz 12/4 Vice-President Leah Quittner 12/4 Council Rep Katie McMillan

12/5 President Dottie Binder 12/5 Vice-President Albert Perez 12/5 Council Rep Courtney Bruch

12/6 President Sam Young

D13 Chair Emillia Noordhoek D13 Vice-Chair Vacant D13 Secretary Jason Eno D13 Treasurer Anne Jenny

13/1 President Karen Chun 13/1 Vice-President/Treas Anne Jenny 13/1 Council Rep Christopher Taylor

13/2 President Antoinette Lucienne DeNaie 13/2 Vice-President Jason Eno 13/2 Council Rep Trinette Furtado

13/3 President Douglas Ward Mardfin 13/3 Vice-President Scott Crawford 13/3 Council Rep Jonathan Starr

13/4 President Marlene Baltero 13/4 Vice-President Gerry Rabaino 13/4 Council Rep Vacant

13/5 President Matthew Goodrich 13/5 Vice-President Vacant

13/6 President Keani Rawlins-Fernandez 13/6 Vice-President/Council Rep Beverly Pauole-Moore

13/7 President Leslie Wiley 13/7 Vice-President Helen Wiley 13/7 Council Rep Barbara Perdue

13/8 President Wilma "Noelani" Joy 13/8 Vice President Vacant

13/9 President Clarence Kahilihiwa 13/9 Vice-President Vacant

Maui County Democratic Party 2017 Maui County Convention Speakers & Committee Members

Convention Secretary Ben Wilson

Credentials Arianna Feinberg

Election Committee Arianna Feinberg Mary Wagner Colleen Wallace Stephanie Ohigashi

Parliamentarian Mary Wagner

Pledge of Allegiance Edward Garcia

Maui County Democratic Troy Hashimoto Party Chair

Treasurer Linda Puppulo

Sargent-at-Arms Anthony Sherman Baisa

2017 Democratic Party Affirmative Action Survey Please fill out before leaving convention!

Are you a delegate to the 2016 County Convention? Yes_____ No______

Which category below includes your age? (Circle One)

18 – 20 21 – 29 30 – 39 40 – 49 50 – 59 60 or older

What is your gender identity? (Circle One)

Female Genderqueer Male Transgender

FTM (female-to-male) MTF (male-to-female) Do not adhere to the gender binary

Other :

What is your highest level of education completed? (Circle One)

Less than high school degree High school degree or equivalent (e.g., GED)

Some college but no degree Certificate program Associate degree

Bachelor degree Graduate degree Other :

Which of the following race/ethnicities best describes you? (you can select more than one) *

Native Hawaiian Native American American of African Descent

Chinese Japanese Filipino Korean Other Asian

Micronesian Hispanic Pacific Islander Caucasian Other:

Is English your first language? * Yes No

If you responded 'NO' to the previous question, please tell us what your first language is?

Which of the following best describes your religious affiliation? *

Protestan Catholic LDS Jewish Hindu Islamic

Shinto Confucian Eastern Orthodox Taoist Bahai

Unitarian Native American New Age Non-religious Agnostic

Atheist Pagan Buddhist Other :

What is your approximate average household income? *

$0 - $24,999 $25,000 - $49,999 $50,000 - $74,999 $75,000 - $99,999

$100,000 - $124,999 $125,000 - $149,999 $150,000 - $174,999 $175,000 - $199,999+

What is your field of work? * Please us this space to tell us a little bit about what you do at work. If you are a student or currently not employed/retired, please let us know too.

Are you a veteran of the Armed Forces? * Yes No

Are you in the military (Active)? * Yes No

Do you have a physical, cognitive or sensory impairment or medical condition that requires any type of accessibility accommodation? (circle all that apply)

Limited or no vision requiring electronic versions of printed materials.

Limited or no hearing requiring audio support or sign interpretation.

Limited mobility requiring barrier free access to the conference facility and rooms.

Learning disabilities requiring easy-to-read signs and directions.

Medical conditions (such as diabetes, food allergies, etc.) that require special meals.


What do you think is the most important issue(s) facing our Party today?

Any overall feedback on the 2017 Maui County Convention?

Optional Name:


Please complete this section if you'd like to receive updates from the Affirmative Action Committee.