i ■.

Manchester—A City of Village Charm PRICE) FIPI'EEN CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DEC. 3, 1973- VOL. XCHI, No. 54

t w e n t y -t w o p a g e s Federal ency Planned State Motorists Czar-Designate Weather First Does Not Rule Gasless Sunday Out Rationing r \ By The AsBociated Press WASHINCJTON (AP) — Deputy Treasury Secretary Connecticut motorists seem to have weathered the first \ \ William E. Simon challenges suggestions that his impen­ weekend of a voluntary ban on Sunday gasoline sales ding appointment as the new federal energy czar lessens the chance of gasoline rationing. without too much trouble, according to automobile club of­ I V , “ That isn’t so,” Simpn responded quickly when asked ficials and state police. - ■ \ Traffic Sunday was about 25 per cent of the normal whether that is what his appointment as head of a nearly volume, said Alex Parley, spokesman for the Connecticut created Federal Energy Administration means. “I don’t rule out rationing. I don’t rule out anything.” branch of the American Automobile Association (AAA). it#, Parley said a special Simon, 46, said the new agen- n . . , telephone number to help cy would begin quickiy to try to Su n d S nighT S e ^ Independent Connecticut come up with new federal motorists needing gasoline was Petroleum Association. programs for tackling the fuel William Proxmire, D-Wis., con­ busy throughout the weekend, —And the National Weather shortage. tended that Nixon’s energy but none, of the callers had ac­ proposals were not enough to Service said November was Sen. Charles Percy, R-III., tually run out of fuel. State warmer than last year and I F - F ranking Republican on the prevent severe fuel shortages, police also saM they received loss’of jobs and cold homes this there was reason to think Senate Government Operations few calls from stranded winter. December’s average Committee, said hearings on motorists. temperature also would be the new agency would be held Issuing the Democrats’ of­ Expressway service areas above average. Thursday. ficial response to the Nixon were open Sunday, but gasoline For the entire heating season Simon had been one of the program, Proxmire said fuel wasn’t sold, officials said. so far, the weather service said principals in an administration rationing was necessary, In other developments; this year has a 12 per cent policy struggle over whether although he called it “ so bad —Sen. Abraham Ribicoff, D- 1 ^ . saving over normal and a 22 per formal rationing of short that I would want to get rid of it Conn., told President Nixon’s as soon as we possibly can.” cent saving over last year, supplies or a stiff gasoline tax new energy czar, W illiam , calculated in degree days. is the best government Another congressional Simon, that 21 Navy tankers Democrat, Rep. Wright Pat­ A degree day is calculated on response to the fuel shortage. should be taken out of man of Texas, said he thought a base of 65 degrees and is the While White House energy ad­ mothballs and pressed into ser­ the fuel shortage was “just for difference between the average viser John A. Love and Love’s vice bringing oil to New I the short run” and was caused temperature for a day and 65. deputies were saying gasoline solely by the Arab oil cutoff. “ I England from fte Southern and For example, if the average for rationing probably couldn’t be Western United States. a day was 30, the day would avoided because of the Arab oil doubt rationing would do the —Ribicoff also said he have 35 degree days. cutoff, Simon was pushing for a trick,” he told interviewers on thought Simon was a good —’The Danbury Chamber of strong mandatory allocation the CBS radio-television program “ Face the Nation.” choice to "grab the loose helm Commerce has decided not to program of supplies, man­ Space Shuttle E;j(plained Speaking on NBC’s “ Meet the and bring some badly needed light Christmas decorations, a datory conservation programs Press,” Treasury Secretary direction to the country’s reversal of a previous decision and perhaps a gasoline tax, Uoyd H. Aronson, aerospace education specialist, explains Besterfield. Aronson and two other aerospace education George P. Schultz said, energy policies.” Former that the season needed the gaie­ with rationing only a last- the function of a space shuttle to students at Bentley speclists will present lecture-demonstrations in Colorado Gov. John Love had ty the lights would bring. resort. however, the fuel shortage was “ a long-term problem. We have been Nixon**s top energy ad­ bchool. Watching the demonstration are, left to right, Kurt Manchester schools all this 'week. (Herald photo by Love, a former governor of a genuine crisis, a critical visor. Wagner, Michael Doyon, Terry McConville and David Ofiara) Colorado, will remain as a problem. I think the Arabs have —U.S. Rep. Robert H. Steele, presidential assistant, but his done us a favor. Finally R-Conn., said Simon soon would new role is unclear, a everyone is awake.” visit Connecticut to evaluate spokesman said. the energy problem facing the Kissinger May Space Story Being Told state. —State Insurance Com­ missioner Thomas White said a Visit Syria To Manchester Students reduction in highway traffic because of the gasoline shor­ By The Associated Press JUNE TOMPKINS demonstrated the growth of the melting snow, and the famous tage could bring auto insurance Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger will visit Syria (Herald Reporter) rocket from the X-15 to designs rates down. But if the crisis geological fault in California is later this month during another peacemaking trip to the * Possible future space in­ of the future including a space detectable by satellite. forces plants to close for long Middle East, Arab diplomats reported today. habitants were exposed today shuttle. ’The X-15, he said, is periods. White said, fire in­ Other satellites which enable The diplomats in London said to some of the exciting drama now retired in the Smithsonian scientists to forecast weather surance rates would rise Kissinger’s trip to Damascus, harder line than Egypt toward that goes on in today’s giant Institution in Washington, D.C. patterns, and which enable - because the sprinkling systems his first, was arranged through the proposed peace negotiations space program. Other rocket models dis­ in the cold buildings would have worldwide communication Presidents Zulfikar Ali Bhutto with Israel, tentatively Students at Bentley School played were miniatures of one were described by Aronson. to drained, increasing the of Pakistan and Anwar Sadat of scheduled to open in Geneva on listened to Lloyd H. Aronson, of the first, the Scout which was There is even a scientific potential for fire damage. W Egypt. The American secretary Dec. 18. space science specialist, as he equivalent to seven-stories satellite observing the sun, he White added that most did not visit Syria during his They have refused to touched on various phases of high, to the Saturn V which is as said. drivers don’t have sufficient in­ J'V tour of Arab capitals in early exchange war prisoners with NASA. high as a 36-story building. Probably the most exciting surance to cover four or five November. Israel and have continued in Aronson, a native of Connec­ v/iicOne aircraftain-idii, uiuucimodel Aronsonnioiiauu satellite isIS Pioneer 10 which is passengers, meaning that if Informed sources in Beirut public to insist that full Israeli ticut, is a representative of the showed the wide-eyed audience >^scheduled to take pictures of they drive in car pools they underscored that reports of his withdrawal Iron) all occupied Educational Programs Qffice had propellors on top of the the planet Jupiter, a planet should increase their insurance plans for a Syrian visit now Arab lands is the only solution from Goddard Space Flight craft which would raise, it which throws so much energy coverage. were significant because the to the Middle East stalemate. Center of the NASA in perpendicularly off the ground. that as Pioneer 10 passes it, it —Connecticut homeowners “I United States has had no formal ’The Syrians have accepted Greenbelt, Md. He is one of By means of a special device, will be thrown into outer spade, should be able to keep their diplomatic relations with the cease-fire but have given no three space educators who will the pilot can switch the or infinity. Aronson said there houses warm all winter if they ■ A . Damascus since 1967 and it was public announcement they are appear in Manchester schools propellors to the front of the is a plaque on the satellite take conservation steps and if generally believed the Syrians prepared to attend the Geneva this week giving lecture- craft enabling it to move which contains certain informa­ the weather isn’t worse than refused to see Kissinger during talks; The Arab diplomats said, demonstrations. There will be a forward, like an ordinary air­ tion about earth along with a last year, said Raymond L. his November tour. however, that President Hafez free program for the public plane. Upon reaching its picture of a man and a woman. Langfield, president of the The Syrians have taken a Assad already is picking a Wednesday at 8 p.m. in Baigey destination, the position of the One can only conjecture when delegation in private. Auditorium at Manchester High propellors could be switched or if such information will be The informants gave no School. again to the top and the craft received, said Aronson. specific dates for the new From a counter top which could land straight down, on Messages from Jupiter to Kissinger trip, which had been extended across the front of the mudh the same principle as a earth take 45 minutes, and by Buckland Project widely expect^ in Washington. stage, Aronson talked about and helicopter. the time a return message is Aronson showed pictures il­ sent to Pioneer 10, the elapsed lustrating the kind of informa­ time is IV^ hours, Aronson Hearing Resumes tion which is received from a explained. r satellite assigned to reporting In 1976, a probe satellite, 4be experiments in earth’s Viking, is scheduled to gooto Tonight At 7:30 Ben-Gurion Laid resources. The information, Mars and send back informa­ when translated into tion on the planet’s surface and photographs, can tell what kind changes from Rural Residence weather data. DOUG BEVINS To Rest Near of crops grow bn large farms, The information which comes (Herald Reporter) to Comprehensive Urban crop blights, fish run in the to the Goddard Space Flight Continuation of a Nov. 5 . Development (about 138acres). ocean’s depths. Industrial (38 acres). Business Center, which is the tracking public hearing on zone changes Floods can be predicted from center of the NASA program, is for a massive development at 3 (81tii acres), and Business 1 Zin Wilderness the direction of the flow of (seven acres) Zones. in the form of a number Buckland is scheduled for JERUSALEM (AP) — David Ben-Gurion was buried Fischer’s firm is planning a language using the binamary tonight at 7:30 by the next to his wife Paula today on the edge of the wilderness system, and sound tones. Manchester Planning and lO-to-15-year development CLOUDY program to eventually include a of Zin. • The system of communica­ Zoning Commission (PZC). tion, called telemetry, which is A one million-square foot shop­ The; site was a lunarscape of breathtakingly beautiful The second hearing session is computerized, can tell scien­ to be held at the Municipal ping center, a hotel-conference mountains and canyons. center, office buildings, an in­ tists at Godddard where a Building Hearing Room, but An honor guard stood at attention a&his flag-draped cof­ i dustrial research park, and a spacecraft is in relation to the Town Planner J. Eric Potter fin was carried from a helicopter. sun, the temperature of the I?"'*'- has indicated that the hearing residential condominium com­ 1 , », The craft ferried it from Partly cloudy tonight with the craft and the human body site may be moved to a larger munity. Ben Gurion’s faihily behind a Jerusalem after thousands of low in the upper 20s to upper within, along with other perti­ hall if public response is too ’The Nov. 5 public hearing white rope as the chief army Israelis mourned Ben-Gurion at 30s. Considerable cloudiness nent data. The sounds, as Aron­ great for the hearing room. drew strong opposition to the chaplain, Gen. Mordechal memorial services for the and unseasonably mild son demonstrated them On a ’The PZC hearing will deal plans by an .80-famlly Piron, prayed: founder of modern Israel. He ’Tuesday, the high around 60. sample machine, sounded like a with four zone changes homeowners association at "God in heaven, take this died Saturday at the age of 87. Precipitation probability is 10 cacophony of beeps, which only requested by MAP Associates, Buckland. Since that hearing, man of vision, this powerful ’The service in Jerusalem was per cent tonight and 20 per cent a computer or a trained ear an investment partnership led two other groups — the leader, into the Garden of ' held in the open plaza of the Tuesday. could decipher. by developer Arthur M. Fischer Democratic Club of Eden, into your peace.’’ Manchester Sings Carols Knesset, Israel’s parliament, The energy given forth by the •1 Manchester and the Parkade Thousands watched from Winds will be southwesterly of New York City, to allow where an estimated 250,000 sun is a factor which space The night was cool and crisp, the.sky was clear and starry, Merchants Association — have ^hind police lines,^ and the at 5 to 10 miles per hour tonight development in Manchester of a Israelis Came Sunday as ^ n - scientists need to make their also voiced opposition to the state radio and television and west to soiithwest at 10 to 20 and the people who turned out Sunday night for 561-acre commercial- Gurion’s body lay in state. An m.p.h. Tuesday. space efforts workable, said plans. stations broadcast the service. Manchester’s 4th Annual Carol Sing appeared to enjoy industrial-residential center at honor guard of 12 policemen Wednesday’s outlook — Aronson. He demonstrated the Buckland. An advisory report prepared Secretary of Agriculture Earl themselves thoroughly. Sponsored by the Manchester Area for the PZC by the planning stood around the coffin. -. cloudy and mild with a chance ability of sun energy to produce About 263 acres of the L. Butz headed the official sound transmission and power. Council of Churches and the town park department, the division of the Capitol Region As the service began, sirens of rain. proposed development site are delegation from the United One of the more interesting event drew a crowd of about 300 to Center Park. The Rev. Council of Governments' is wailed throughout the country, in Manchester, and the States. It also included High displays was a space suit and Ronald Fournier of Enianuel Lutheran Church acted as recommending denial of zone bringing motorists and remaining acreage is in South Undersecretary of State Anchorage 14 the explanation of” how it master of ceremonies and Mayor John Thompson brou^t changes to allow business uses pedestrians to a halt for a Boston Windsor. Kenneth Rush and Max Fisher, works.” If you have $100,000 for. greetings from town officials. The carolers were treated to iif the area, because such uses ; minute of.silent prayer. ’ . Chicago a senior official of the United one, you can have a suit that is a thoroughly enjoyable program provided by Manchester e Tonight’s hearing, concerned would be “ clearly contrary’’ to President Salman Shazar, Denver • - only with the Manchester por­ Jewish Appeal who is also a made of 21 different layers and High School’s Round Table Singers, under the direction of ^ Premier Golda Meir and her San Francisco * tion of the land, noncerhs zone (See Page Twenty-Two) personal friend of President cabinet stpod silently with Nixon. Washington - (See Page Twenty-Two) Martha White. (Herald photo by Ofiara) . PAGE TWO - MANgHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn.. Mon,, Dec. 3, 1973

M M CHESTER_EV Fijlj^ 1 ^ ^ Conn.. Mon non 9 twr. Bushnell Events Country Club Asks PAGE THREAT. MACC Erich vpn Daniken, author of To Raise Its Dues Now... OPEN DAILY 10-10 “HKH PliUNS DHFTDr "Chariots of the Gods?” and 3 Ways to | mcMulUlUitlUHVlII- "Gods from Outer Space,” N e w s C h argiilt “THE DEADLY appears in a lecture/slide at K oiart MONDAY AND TUESDAY DNLYI TRACKERS" iwi The Manchester Country Club The present dues schedule is presentation at the Bushnell is seeking town permission to Memorial Dec. 6 at 8 p.m. Sisler Mary Patricia about two years old. Prior to 5lh S»nt»ttonal W9§k! raise its annual dues. Permis­ In his books, which have sold Executive Director January 1972, it was $230 for a “BILLY JA C K " (Pfii sion is needed because the coun­ 20 million copies, von Daniken family membership and $180 try club rents town-ownfed land theorizes that the earth was for ,a single membership. Ai^SundayorNondjiyniglt and its dues and fees are visited in ancient tim e by Oleksinski explained the in­ governed by ordinance. Con­ astronauts from another solar crease is needed because of in­ The act of giving thanks is ap­ Words of greeting from sideration of the request Is on system who deposited the seeds flated costs and because of WAHR WEIGHT propriate in all seasons. Nor Mayor John W. Thompson and the board’s agenda for Tuesday. that grew into today’s civiliza­ about $100,000 in improvements have we moved too great a dis­ prayer for the nation and the The club’s present annual PROBLEM? tion and that evidence of their Try this one. A thick, juicy sirioin steak, frosty made recently - about $25,000 tance from that holiday’s at­ world offered by the Rev. Dr. dues schedule is $318 for a fami­ presence is scattered about the on the clubhouse, $40,000 on the USB mosphere to relive the of beer, baked potato, cpffee and ly membership, $240 for a globe. George Webb of South United golf course and $35,000 on equip­ experience of the Sunday Methodist Church measured the the bread and saiad you can eat. single male, $165 for a single Von Daniken’s lecture ment. preceding Thanksgiving when scope of the ecumenical spirit female, and $42 for juniors. E - L i M program features slides of ^^The whoie meal's just $4.50 on “ The facilities were people from the many worship- that inspired the congregation. The proposed schedule is $400 Excess water in the body can archeological findings which he Sunday and Monday nights. deteriorating rapidly,” he said. ping communities of The Round Table Singers under for a family, $200 for a single be uncomfortable. E-LIM will uses to substantiate his You can't beat it. So "If we hadn’t made the im­ help you lose excess water Manchester converged on the the leadership of Martha White male, $200 for a single female, theories, including stone relics provements, we’d have had a weight. O n ly $ 1 .5 0 Church of the Assumption. Well and the Bell Choir of Center you might as well join us. and $100 for jufliors. of the Mayas and Incas, the run-down golf club on our over 500 m em bers of the Congregational Church lent At the Steak Out’s Great Willie Oleksinski, club presi­ UOGETT RexALL pyramids, Stonehenge, cave hands, Even with the proposed PARKADE PHARMACY Manchester community their own uniqueness to the dent, said the proposed raise drawings in North Africa and Steak Steal, increase, we’re still about $100 ___ 404 W. Mlddlt. Tpkr __ responded to the “Call to celebration. has the backing of almost the hundreds of "indications” in a membership less than com­ Worship” of the Rev. Ronald J. Gratitude within the entire membership. *‘ other parts of the world. Erich von Daniken niiNir parable golf clubs.” Fournier, co-pastor of the gathering was made tangible in Tickets for the lecture are Emanuel Lutheran Church and the offering of $222 which will $3.50, *$3, and $2.50, and may be’ series is being offered now as a president of the Manchester be divided between the’ purchased at the Bushnell box unique Christmas gift idea. Area Conference of Churches, office. . Manchester Welfare Depart­ South Windsor Lectures start in February. and were welcomed by the ment for Thanksgiving baskets Capt. Irving. M. Johnson, Art Buchwald, America’s Rev. Edward Pepin, pastor and the Connecticut Indians." USNR, will bring the latest in a favorite humorist-columnist in of the hosting church. Appropriately, in this 150th WALT DISNEY’S long line of highly acclaimed hilarious comedy more than 500 papers, starts the year of Manchester, this film-lectures, "Sailing Adven­ series Feb. 5 with anecdotes Thanksgiving worship was co­ Wethersfield Shopping Center Rotary Planning COUPON/' tures — Cape Horn and Around C O U P O N ^ from his new book, “I Never sponsored by the Sesquicenten- 1115 Silas Deane Highway, Wethersfield, Ct. COUPON/- T i W r the World,” to the Bushnell TV Tonight Danced at the White House.” nial Committee and the Dec. 7 and 8 at 8:15 p.m., and Hte. 83, Tolland Turnpike, Vernon, Ct. Vincent Price, March 4, x; See Saturday’s Harald tor Manchester Area Conference of Auction in Spring D a r n Dec. 9 at 2 and 5 p.m. Exit95,Offl-86 SNAP brings tales of his fascinating Complete TV Listings Churches under the chair­ “Sailing Adventures,” ’ ’hn- Rte. 9 and University Drive, Amhersi, Ma. career in "The Villains Still manship of Mrs. David' c w r son’s latest film, trace.' .jng JUDITH KEUHNEL Pursue Me." - 6:00- Holcomb. Also to be auctioned of' s a BOWLING TECHNICOLOR* and exciting career on ,he high Correspondent Bob Steele, popular Hartford (3-6-22) NEWS The Connecticut Council of trip to Bermuda for tw vTth 3 seas. Tickets for tius third 644-1364 ' radio celebrity active in the (18) I SPY Churches held its annual $400 from William F. ' jung; a S1955 Wall Disney Productions event of the Bushnell course of Regular 100 Hartford scene since 1936, (20) SOUNDING BOARD meeting at the First theater weekend in ’^ew York, film-lectures may now be Th^ South Windsor Rotary proclaims, "Radio is No (24) ZOOM Presbyterian Church in valued at $200 from Burgess AT: 6:10 — 8:20 purchased at the Bushnell box Club will embark on its biggest Cinch,” on March 26. (30) TO TELL THE TRUTH Bridgeport last Friday. 'The Associates; a self-propelled A great gam e for the office. D a lr q undertaking next spring when it PLUS: AT 8:10 Betty Furness, long (40) WILQ WILD WEST business meeting was marked power mower worth $200 from whole family, a real BUMPER Appearing in concert Dec. 9 Q u e e n ARTFORD RD stages auction ’74 to raise associated with consumer in­ by a realistic view of the needs South Windsor Equipment; and test of your skill. SHORT SUBJECT at 8:30 p m. will be Judy -6 :3 0 - funds for pressing community TOSS REBOUND terests, discusses "A Con­ of the state as serviced through a $550 Magiiavox color televi­ SHOT ' Collins, folk singer and com­ (3-8-20-22-30) NEWS needs. sumer’s Bill of Rights,” on the churches. A display poster sion set trem the Henry Agen- A strong test of skill. Another great family game. poser. Her repertoire includes (24) FOLKLIFE The auction will be held in April 23. This past April, she, graphically demonstratcxi the March at the Colony cy- ACROSS songs by .facques Brel, -7 :0 0 - DAIRY QUEEN * was sworn in as commissioner extensive concerns of this Restaurant, Rt. 83, in Vernon. Berthold Brecht and, of course, (3) MOVIE crazier. Also to be auctioned is a con­ Giant size of New York City’s Bureau of ecumenical mission. Reports Co-chairmen of the affair are {(ELD DVER-NEW THRILLEr\ herself. ■'Istanbul Express" (1968) Consumer Affairs on an interim from program divisions Don Henry and Bob Milkie. crete patio from (Charbonneau TIc-tac-toe. REGULAR PRICESI (P6) Tickets for the Judy Collins (8) TRUTH OR appointment, replacing Bess witnessed to the depth and Their committee includes Sal Concrete Constructors; a Throw bean- Walter Matthau concert range from $5 to $7.50 CONSEQUENCES breakfast dining set from Rex Myerson. effectiveness attained. In the Garafolo, Jack Casey, Andre __ ^ bags in the Joe Don Baker and are available at the (18) DICK VAN DYKE LUNCH IDEAS! Lumber; and a home trash Tickets are available at the words of the Rev. Nicholas Bushnell box office. (20) NBC NEWS Charbonneau, Bill Crowley, and Coupon Bushnell box offic'fe, phone 246- Titus, president of the council: compactor from S & R Sanita­ [ With Coupon squares. Coupon Coupon \ “CHARLEY VARRICK”y The Bushnell announces a (22-30) NEWS Dexter S. Burnham. 6807. “When will be discover the uni­ tion. Coed IM ) Dm . 3, 4,1973 new Morning Lecture Club (24) YOUR FUTURE IS NOW As an indication of what can Good Dec. 3, 4,1973 Goo4 Onl) Dec. 3, 4, 1973 ty which is there in Jesus Deed Oeh tec. 3. 4,1973 featuring Art Buchwald, Vin­ 2 PCS. CHICKEN DINNER be expected to go on the block, There will be many more -7 :3 0 - Christ. We Don’t create cent Price, Bob Steele and Bet­ a $3,200 Oldsmobile from Scran­ items and the committee will (8) POLICE SURGEON ecumenism. We discover that With Cole Slaw, French Fries, Roll T*KC ROUTES 15 * M « H (tXIT 15) ty Furness. q ton Motors, Rockville, heads be holding weekly meetings in (18) GREEN ACRES it’s there — waiting for us to COUPON/- The series offers 11 a.m. lec­ (22) HOLLYWOOD SQUARES the list. its quest for additional articles. / OO NT M IS S IT (R) experience it — and to celebrate The committee also will select tures at the Bushnell, an op­ (24) WOMEN it!’’ tional 12:30 p.m. dis- a band for the dancing which “THE GODFATHER" Tlieal<*r ■ (30) HOLLYWOOD SQUARES After dinner, the gathering cussion/luncheon at the Hilton, ■'61/4 U . BRAZIERBURG will follow the auction. SEE IT AGAINI Tim<* S rhediile (40) POLKA did celebrate hope under the STAY DRY® 24x72” and a free Bushnell express theme of "Women and the With Lettuce, Tomatoe, The committee is hoping that 99* ANYTIME shuttle bus to help patrons get - 8:00- (8) A MAN NAMED Church” prepared by Betty Gay Booklet other business concerns will to the hall from downtown DEODORANT CARPET Kauffman, president of With a Heap of French contribute to the growing list of parking lots. With prices at $10, LOMBARDI PHONE 649-9333 Showcase Cinema 1 — “The Connecticut Church Women valuables which so far amount Reg. 1.31 _ , $8, and $6, the four session (18) NOTRE DAME Fries on a Big 5" Roll. On Energy RUNNER Way We Were’’ 7:20-9:45 United, and the Rev. Davida to $5,850. Regular or un- HIGHLIGHTS ^ scented. 8-oz.* Showcase Cinema 2 — “The (20-30) LOTSA LUCK Foy (iabtree, minister to Proposed Our Reg. 3.88 Manchester Civic Orchestra Long Goodbye’’ 7:35-9:55 (24) ‘S W ONDERFUL, ‘S women. Prudence Crandall Your Choice Indoor-outdoor olefin Showcase Cinema 3 — "Cops MARVELOUS, ‘S GERSHWIN Center for Women. Special Recommendations on a pile In a host of CONCERT & Robbers” 7:55-9:55 music was rendered by the proposed energy-emergency John Deere decorator colors. Skid- SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9 - 3 p.m. Showcase Cinema 4 — Spanish Choir of First Baptist booklet and on alternatives for resistant back. - 8 ^ E “Without A Stitch’’ 7:35-9:40 BAILEY AUDITORIUM (20-22-30) DIAN?} |A I^ Church of Bridgeport. an energy-conservation Snowmobile MANCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL Vernon Cine 1 — "Charley GIVEN AWAY organization will be given the Varrick 7:20-9:20 -9 :0 0 - FREE! FREEI Program Manchester Board of Directors (3) HERE’S LUCY Special Indoor lights, in Haydn Sym phony No. 104 Vernon Cine 2 — "The God­ Tuesday. tinsel reflectors. father” 7:30 (8-40) PRO FOOTBALL Conoertinl for Piano and I MOVIERAnNGB The recommendations will be Buy now-get a ful 2 spare bulbs. Burnside Theater — Steelers vs. Dolphins at Miami from Town Manager Robert Save. Orchestra by"Vincent Persichetti “ Executive Action” 8:00 (18) 700 CLUB iFDRRARENIBANO 8 FT. CHRISTMAS Weiss and result from a Fktti: Harold in Italy by Berlioz I YDUNQPeOPlE U.A. East 1 — “High Plains (20-22-30) MOVIE meeting he had last Wednesday Season Limit 2 with Coupon Soloists n4MM iiwt4ai.M ii*. a It M m i With Coupon Coupon I Drifter” 7:30; "The Don Is "The Double Man” (1967) •y\ FMMMMMtMMMlyM with municipal, school. Red -> Witfi Coupon The Glazer Duo (24) WEST MEET EAST of teed Onlii Dec. 3, 4,1973 Dead” 9:30 « «Ht cwMf Nr iMmf M MMml Docd My Dec. 3, 4, 1973 Dood My Dec. 3,4,1973 Deed My Dee. 3, 4,1973 Gilda Glazer, Pianist Cross, Chamber of Commerce, U.A. East 2 — “Deadly -9 :3 0 - STOCKING Manchester Memorial Hospital c Robert Glazer, Violist Tbackers" 7;30-9:30 (3) DICK VAN DYKE Mt tta AMinu Full erf Toys and All Types of and fuel-dealer represen­ avings Tickets $2. U.A. East 3.— “Billy Jack” I Students Free (24) BOOK BEAT Christmas Goodies tatives. ^ COUPON/- COUPON/-|s 7:00-9:15 "rhe booklet would contain Jerry Lewis Twin Cine 1 — —10X10- M IltflH III* (3) MEDICAL CENTER tips on the conservation of “ Billy Jack” 7:00-9:35 (24) PHANTOM INDIA NO PURCHASE NECESSARY energy and the protection of Jerry Lewis Twin Cine 2 — ------I -1 0 :3 0- homes, in the event of an oil 16-OZ.' “ Deliverance” 7:15-9:30 , MiniCTU g i HARTFORD ROAD supply shortage. The booklets 7 PAPER (18) LIVING WORD 1A MEMBERSHIP AT THE Columbia, Connecticut, will of Manchester, Inc. accept Bids for School Bus SALES • SERVICE H i m For Feb. Production ITALIAN VEAL CUTLET C O U P O N ^ I ^ Cloch TWIN LOBSTERS VERNON TENNIS FORUM Transportation at the office of BANQUET FACILITIES the Superintendent of Schools, VVe Service What We Sell" at the Horace W. Porter School COVENTRY C po/i/.i 3-PACK in Columbia on December 13, PLASTIC LEMON A-4 Championship Courts FMKV MEMKRSMP 1973 until 2:00 p.m. & POWER EQUIPMENT CASSETTE MANCHESTER 646-2228 lAOpen every day 7 a.m. - 11 p.m. At which time bids will be FiT 44A Meadow Brook Plazi HOUSE publicly opened and read aloud. Hrs. 9 6 M & Thur 8 PM 3 PLEDGE Twin Cinema VITO’S ^ Non direct shadow tree lighting O K Y >40 Bid specifications may be ob­ BROOM TAPE C in em a 2 (Forrnerly Villa Louisa) Shower and locker room tained at the Superintendent’s SATURDAY 9 to 5 Reg. 1.78 office any school day during Spray Wax fZ: Villa Louisa Rd., Bolton Reg. 1.67 3 Cassettes. 60-mln. tapes. ■k Complimentary towel service VHNVnijU. school hours. 742-6103 I 14 Oz. Size Open Snndays-rClosed jtlondavs Avocado, gold or orange. A-Professional instruction Our Reg. 420 Limit k 2 . Glass front viewing lounge MEMERSHF Remington'^ Cleans, disinfects! Limit 1 '4r N u rs e ry •Net Wt. ^ i i i i e r s H Super-Sharp k Free parking O K Y >25 '!R E m G T O N ‘ Replacement RIades Ijil'ACCMENT BLADES l u n c F?e 5 0 p e c 1 ^ • Helps keep the close shave comfortable. 'Spaghetti and Meat Balls...... ilii & III...Ill III. B • New precision guide for easy ' (All You Can Eat) installation. 'Sausage and Peppers...... liiiii' • Fits Mark IV, Mark-C, Mark III, Includes Salad Mark I, Lektro Blade® and With Coupon 'Grilled Ham Steak ...... Selectro® Shavers. With Coupon With Coupon I With Coupon Includes Salad Died (Wy 3,4.1973 3 Bl.idePack |,9B Dud Only In . 3.4,19n Deed Only Dec 3, 4, 1973 Deed IMy Dec 3,4,1973 DINNER SPECIALS 3 Blade Pack 1798 'Shlsh-Kabob ...... Lamb, Beef, Onions, Peppers PHONE QUINN’S SHAVER CENTER MANCHESTER SOUTHINGTON ^DeUverance' Tomatoes. Includes Salad and Beverage ^ 20 BIRCH ST. MANCHESTER N O W 4 WATERBURY CROMWELL 239 Spencer St. 881 Wolcott S«. 43 Shunpike Rd. 41D Queen St. (Route ID ) IB R DOWNTOWN AREA - OFF MAIN (Silver Lane) 'Chicken Francals ...... CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Opposite Naugatuck Mall At Intersection of Rt. 72 and 9 Neor 1-84, Exit 37 ADULTS $2 KIDS 99c 99c ANHIM E Includes Salad and Beverage 646-8250 ASSOCIATES While You Walt ■ Sarvlca on Romlngton Shavon ______TEL $46-9820

dtp % r c,:

PAGE FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Mon., Dec. 3. 1978 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester; Conn., Mon.. Dec. 3. 1973-^ PAGE FTVF. i®anrl|rfitpr iunnng Mnnih Vernon Founded Oct, 1, 1881 Notes Publiihed by Manchester Publishing Subscribers who fail to receive their The Rockville High School Ck>., Herald Square, Manchester, Conn. newspaper by carrier daiiy before 5:3(< Booster Club will ho|d its an­ ... I ' ' > nual banquet and awards night 060^, telephone 643-2711 (AC 203). p.m. should telephone the circulation A'.. Wednesday at the PAC Ciub on department, 647-9M6. F^bliidi^ every evening except Sun­ Village St., Rockville, starting days and holidays. Entered at the Member Audit Bureau of Circulation ' at 7 p.m. Mwchester, Conn., Post Office as Se­ Member of The Associated Press Richard Tingley, athletic cond Class Mail Matter. director at the high school, will this Christmas give him Burl L. Lyons, Publisher have charge of the program and The Manchester Publishing Co. coaches of the three teams to t assumes no financiai responsibility for be honored will be the guest t^ grap h ical errors appemring in adver­ speakers. the very best money Subscription Rates tisements and other reading matter in Michael Simmons is footbaii t Payable in Advance The Manchester Evening Herald. coach, Charles Saimond, One Month...... 13.25 Display advertising closing hours, soccer, and James Balcomb, can buy...^% Single Copy — ...... 154 three full days prior to publication.' cross country. Members of these teams will receive their By Carrier, W eekly...... 754 Deadline for Herald want ads, 12 noon letters and special individual One Y ea r...... — $39.00 prior to day of publication; 12 noon awards will also be presented. Six Months...... $19.50 Friday for publication Saturday and Tickets, may be purchased by give him Three Months...... $9.75 Monday. calling the athletic department at the high school or Roy Cameron, vice president of the Booster Club. The deadline to? / i Other Editor’s Say reservations is Sunday. 4T.V Tri-Town Players MIGHTY-MAC ’The Tri-Town Players will OUTERWEAR meet Dec. 11 at 8 p.m. in the C’mow Fat Cats... Lottie Fisk Building, Henry Park. mO: “I think the emphasis on these shor­ will feel when, after making every ef­ Plans will be discussed for the “melodrama” to be tages is all in the wrong place. What’s fort, we are told that we will get the produced by the players early rzn right for me isn’t right for all the fat same percentage less of fuels as a in the spring. The group’s Christmas party cats.” single person who runs a 10 room will be held Dec. 7 at the home So stated one of our readers this hous' ghi ablaze all the time. of Jeanne Mangino. 3 wwk and, you know, there is truth to W^ expect President Nixon to put Stonington Shore. (Photo by Sylvian Ofiara) Anyone interested in any phase of the theater is invited to her statement. his hands where his mouth was the' attend the Dec. 11 meeting. What she was complaining about other night. He should set an example,^ Auxiliary Parly was suggested solutions for conser­ Dobosz-Ertel-Laboc-Hansen should be the first to set up his Unit 14, American Legion ving energy. Suggested for, that is, “cookie tree”, and certainly the first Open F o ru m Auxiliary will meet Dec. 19 at 8 i Inside v'W the average homeowner. What about to cancel his (Jhristmas away from p.m. at the Post Home, West rtd., for its annual Christmas ' P / the fat cats, we asked ourselves this home. Sickening Pleasure ‘‘eminded me of the Arabs who phrty. week. ^ Then there is that huge Christmas ® must be laughing about the ! Church Events dilemma they have caused by Do we tell our children that the in­ tree at Rockfeller Center in New York We, as Americans, have R eport Dec. 9 will be White Gift Sun- come face to face with a severe withholding oil. Who is laughing day at the Union door tree cannot be lighted much if at City. An awesome, most beautiful shortage of energy. Although it at Manchester and withholding Congregational Church. Each all this year because we’re conserving sight but it must go. is unthinkable and inexcusable its $100,000 bridge unUl spring? I...... Rowland Evans and Robert Novak H H M ()hurch School student is asked After the warmest fair on to bring a gift, wrapped in electricity? And then we see giant for a great nation of ours to be We don’t want to go into specifics going through this, it is very record. white. (MsR r ones lighted in the center of town for locally. We hope that Manadnock much REAL. And the fact is Sincerely, The Oil Club This year the gifts will be Mrs. Martin V. Thone hours at a time? Region residents know what they what many of us today are ig­ given to the Rockville Public noring. 71 Garden St. Health Nursing Association for Do we say we must curb our social must do and will do it. We wish they I, myseif, had the sickening Manchester KUWAIT - The shameful below the maximum. It cannot big oil companies that operate ‘ distribution at Christmas. driving? Then read about the Presi­ would do it without Governor Thom­ pleasure of watching hundreds \ shortsightedness of the Nixon spend the doliar income. the immensely valuable fields * Items such as mittens, knitted of cars whiz by me while administration in ignoring the Yet, U.S. politicians and in tiny Kuwait — British ' hats, scarves, children’s un­ dent flying off for a vacation? Do we son taking the credit for making them traveling home on the highway Thank You power of Arab oil as a weapon sorne high-leveT Nixon ad­ Petroleum and Shell — were ^ derwear or pajamas, and urge airlines to curtail commercial to it. in the Arab-Israeli 25-year war pushing the government to in- slippers are suggested. from Vermont, Thanksgiving To the editor: t ministration officials who ought D weekend. is painfully evident here where to know better are now ac­ crease.the rate of production as In the game line articles I flights, many of which are important ^ e personally do not enjoy being The entire Women’s Not only did cars race by me some of the world’s purest cusing the oil states of high as 6 million barrels a day. ' suggested are puzzles with A Auxiliary of ’The Manchester for business or emergency travel? But chilly most of the time, we have never but when I made a concentrated crude is produced at a cost of a “blackmail” because they That would have made Kuwait ■ large pieces, picture books, Midget and Pony Football effort to slow traffic down in mere six cents a barrel from won’t continue feeding oil to the second only to Saudi Arabia as a coloring books, crayons and approve non-combat military flying liked bugging our kids to “turn off Association, Inc. extends their the passing lane, I was honked ground to tanker. West while Israel occupies sub­ producer of crude — larger ' card games. Gifts should be "or, for that matter. Sky Lab antics? “Thank You” to the those lights.” We cringed at the at, high beams flashed on me, “You must face a cold fact,” stantial Arab territories in even than Iran. marked with the age and sex of newspapers, professional men, Do we lower our heat and shiver day thought of no lighted candles in the dieads 'Stuck out of. windows a leader in Kuwait’s national defiance of repeated Western the child they would be suitable merchants, parents and direc­ yelling at me, and a lew other assembly told us in the pledges to restore most of the Such a drastic increase in for. and night, while public buildings are windows for Christmas. We find it tors, for their generous choice actions I should not want cloakroom of the modern old borders. production would have been Adults may bring monetary donations and support of our i heated for social use? hard to drive at 50 miles per hour in 60 to repeat. parliament building. “The Far worse, veiled hints of fine for BP, Shell and its >i gifts to the morning worship I “Annual Harvest” dance which We understand that all Selectmen What an all-out, united effort longer the war goes on between U.S. counteraction against the Western customers but poten- • service when a special collec­ mile zone. We don’t like cold water was Nov. 10. ’This generosity it 1! we Americans seem to be our Arab friends and the Arabs can have oniy one result: tially disastrous for the future . tion will be received. > , E have been invited to discuss the from the town showed great in­ detergent for the washing machine. sharing. Is our county so far Israelis, the better it is to harden the Arabs, thereby of Kuwait. Specialists here es­ Following the church service terest in the Midget Program. problems with the governor. We hope We don’t like a tepid bath in a shallow gone that when asked to make economically for us.” extending the oil squeeze. ’The timate that even a S-million-r^ on Dec. 9, there will be a ( iv Without the help of the Conceding that this is “a barrel-a-day production rate - special meeting of the church something concrete and equitable will tub. Uiis small concentrated effort fact is that the steady growth of townspeople, we could never at­ tragic way to look at it,” the oil production in the Arab states would exhaust proven oil steering committee to discuss to conserve energy we find this tain our goal. Therefore, our come out of such a meeting. On the other hand, isn’t it time that • impossible? parliamentary leader insisted, the past few years has served reserves in Kuwait in about 40 future use of the bank building gratitude goes on each and We rarely agree with (Jovemor Our government, clad with all nevertheless, that it is the ac­ Western and U.S. ends more years. ’Then what? (next door to the church) we realized, though in this unfor­ every one of these supporters. c curate way. than it has economlically purchased several months ago. Thomson but his recent suggestion its corruption and madness, tunate way, that the land-of-plenty Thank you again. The reason: with the price of benefited the oil states. ’The “We shudder to think of the atrocity and failure, is still run Sincerely, that families do away with lighting has a limit to its resources. We’ve by the people human beings. So oil soaring (the posted price present squeeze, imposed by time when our oil runs out,” C Elizabeth Krob here is about $5 today, up from the political requirements of one high-level government and go back to decorating trees with been told so many times, but more of we can all gather together in president $2.88 00 Oct. 6, the day the war the Arab-Israeli war, is proving planner told us. “’That’s all we About Town . r if t our circles and complain and 19 Maple St. popcorn and cookies gets applause us have never really believed it. argue about today’s problems started), Kuwait wants to that point every day. have. We must use it sparingly from us. Manchester reduce its production of oil far Only three years ago, the two and wisely to survive as a The board of trustees of m e? Perhaps this hardship, nothing new and viciousness. But remember North United Methodist Church one tRing; We are the creators, nation.” What we’d like to hear is more from to those who ex[wrienced rationing will meet tonight at 7:30 at the have always been, and always church. local officials. In a survey this week, during World War II, will give us will be. And just look at what In short, reduced future kind of society WE ARE production of Kuwait’s rich PEAKMAN *165. we got the feeling that they and pause to consider our personal abuses ’The Handicrafts Group of the creating! Lambsuede 35" single breasted car coat Dacron/Orlon deep pile lining. Notch pile crude was aiways inevitable, . Manchester Newcomers Club merchants are waiting to be told what of valuable resources. We could come Did you drive home tonight collar and lapels; Frame button holes, leather buttons, pile edged slash pockets, center and so were eventual cutbacks, will meet tonight at 7:30 at the vent saddle stitched, yoke front and back. Color Clay. Sizes 38 to 46. to do, or what they have to do. traveling 50 m.p.h. or, my Capital Fare of the infinitely richer reserves' out of all this with new life and Community Y. 'The making of a II Wouldn’t it help to have everyone fellow Americans, is that, too, in Saudi Arabia. In Kuwait, one ^ cloth mache madonna will be If lifestyles which we might respect beneath you? A Andrew Tally oil official told us, the proper , tonight’s project. make some effort on their own, ourselves more for. — Jeffrey, New Phyllis A. Muldoon production rate may be one without an edict from on high? You Hampshire Ledger 150 Eldridge St. miliion barrels a day — far less Gamma and Kappa Chapters Manchester than the 3-million rate the. FIELDMAN *100. and I know what we can do to con­ A Lunatic Asylum? of Alpha Delta Kappa, honorary Seacloth 42" double breasted storm coat of Dacron/Cotton Poplin, accent stitched, Western companies were national sorority for women serve energy. We also know how we aiming for. belted, pile edged, slash pockets, yoke back and front, center vent, removable epaulets. educators, will have a (Christ­ Color Putty. Sizes 38 to 46. Thank You In Saudi Arabia, King Faisal m as social and dinner Dear sir: had given private assurances Wednesday at Manchester WASHINGTON - I have last 18 months, which means it and Russia is now nearer to the We wish to thank everyone that he would probably meet Country (Club. The event will The Wrecking Crew listened carefully to those now costs us even more to keep U.S. than to Europe. who donated food and c^ners the high-pressure demand of open with a social hour at 6 princes of our imperial govern­ troops abroad. Lack of fuel will In any case, those 315,000 U.S. the U.S. and gradually escalate ^ for liianksgiving for families in troops are a good deal for the p.m., and dinner will be served gUiched ment who would place the cause industrial shutdowns and his production to around 20' av6 5 ^ ' our care. ' could plunge us into a depres­ European economy. ’They con- at 7. Members are reminded CoW®'* Co«af® COREMAN *70. burden of fuel conservation on million barrels a day by 1980— to All Cotton Corduroy 29" button front jacket, satin quilt Fortrel Polarguard Interlined. , bring gifts to exchange and We appreciate the thought­ little old ladies huddled in cold sion. But on the question of titute a shield for European in­ fulness of all and the contribu­ almost three times the rate Pointed shirt self collar, upper button thru flap patch pockSts, lower slash hand warmer lodgings, and have yet to hear a overseas troops we’re qphaving dustry, which is busy trying to wrapp^ and labeled gifts for at the ' tion of 22 boxes of canned goods before the Oct. 6 war. But such snu8 pockets, placard front, epaulet stitched shoulder strips. Adjustable button shirt cuff, suggestion that the year of the like the bankrupt millionaire price us out of world markets. convalescent patients. Mrs. protection- assurances contradicted harsh Evelyn Gerard and Mrs. Miss o contrast accent stitching. Color NuBronz. Sizes 38 to (t6. by the students of Verplanck energy crisis i? a good time to who preserves face by buying There has even been a nasty Sdiool. economic facts: the Saudis Ann Beecher are in charge of pock®'® take a look at U.S. forces another Rolls Royce. suggestion from Rep. Charles Sincerely, could not possibly spend the arrangements. stationed abroad. Twenty-eight years after Vanik, D-Ohio, no wild man, Miss Mary Della Fera tens of billions of dollars In an­ A polite young man at the World War II, we’ve got 42,000 that we’re keeping troops in director nual income^ resulting from ^A essiW e- Pentagon informs me ,that troops in South Korea and the, Europe to “protect American such a production rate, which,. pa easiW . putton ) Welfare & Social Ser­ same number in Thailand. Good multinational corporations and figures on the consumption of as in Kuwait, would hasten the f POWgPUl PLUN6EX OIARS BUtiO®* creed twead^ KICKMAN *85. vices, oil and gasoline by those night, we’ve even got 900 their massive investments.” Bo«ona- All Cotton Corduroy 36” single breasted car coat Dacron/Orlon pile lining, completely Town of Manchester day when oil. Its only economic ; force? are not readily available “miliUry personnel” teaching We th e people have asset, would disappear. i OOCGEDTOIIETS cot-avNaV pile lined coat with notched pile collar, zingo pockets edged with pile, center vent, counterinsurgency tactics to swallowed altogether too much Art extra aartnent- leather buttons, washable. Color NuBronz. Sizes 38 to 46. but that he’ll call when the can Both countries want only I MiGrtTf 3 Who^s Laughing round 'Up some. Splendid. the Ethiopian Army. I refuse to twaddle about “Soviet threats enough oil income to finance t ^'''*'ahirds'S Meanwhile, however, nobody check on what we’re up to in to the Free World.” Ifit were long-range investment in petro-1 not so tragic, it would be com­ To the editor: can stop me from deposing that Mali, lest I be tempted to take chemicals and to train < The picture of the Olcott St. — figures schmigures — those the hemlock. ical to hear the Pentagon technicians to surmount cen-1 OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9:00 P.M, \ “bridge” in The Herald 600,000 troops overseas, in­ ’The 315,000 troops in Western princes run on about disarma­ turies of primitive technologies 1 cluding 315,000 in Western Europe are supposed to help ment tables. As Rep. Clarence and economies. ; Europe, are a heavy drain on “deter military domination and Long, D-Md., remarked: “If It is senseless for American j our fuel supplies. political coercion” by the the Russian menace is as great officials to scream.' Soviet Union, says the Defense as the Nixon administration “blackmail” because the Arab ! ’They got planes over there Department. But, hold. ’The claims....then why has the ad­ Herald oil states finally, after years of ’ vratefi and tanks and jeeps and Pentagon also says that ministration consummated all and being ignored, are using their ; ior wind Yesterdays generals’ limousines and fur­ “Western European countries kinds , of deals to help the paW'®* treiated REBAL NBirS SHDP are only lever of national power to I Fabi'ca THE COMPLETE MEN'S STORE" naces to ward off the ague, and collectively have the second Russians with their grain force Middle Ea^ settlement to : litency- 25 Years Ago none of this equipment is on largest gross national product problem, their technical repel Charles W. Holman is named their liking. • NIVER AOAIN dial ilck fMlIng solar en e rg y r^ ^ if they tell in the world, one-third larger problems?...” when your tollM ovaiflevn ad\us'Ahble “ Outstanding Citizen “ by me the fuel/ comes from fhan the Soviet Union’s." Some But I digress. ’The point is not It is Just as senseless as it MANCHESTER VERNON Kiwanis Qub. Communist threat. was for the Nixon administra-- military reserve I’ll reply that. whether Russian troops are TPILAFLEX bach arebS^I 901-907 MAIN STREET TRI-CITY PLAZA if we weren’t trying to play about to land on Staten Island, tion to ignore the reality of ibe Stotibl Arab oii power since the 1967 Toiist Plung«r s 10 Years Ago chief of police for the world we If there is a threat, our Euro­ but whether U.S. troops abroad duiy "P)r:rcioee »>V KeePl 643-2478 ^ 872-0538 pean “allies” seen! relatively war, when the’ Arabs first UnlUu otdiiuiiy plunfcra, ‘IbUiSa Town directors find no indica­ wouldn’t need all that military should continue to contribute to do«( not permit compreued oir or unconcerned. In 1972, the U.S. threatened to use it to obtain m e n y w ater to tp lith back o r etcape. tion of fraud in recreation reserve. the energy crisis while families tlaps are , out. spent almost twice as much of Israeli withdrawal from Arab W ith Ibilaflex the lull prenure plowi department in examining town in Minnesota and Vermont are throufh the cloffinf m an and " ■ wUh tape coldabllSlI. Come on. Uncle Sucker. its total tax revenues n territoiy. Now that the Arabd audit. ordered to flirt with pneumonia •wi>hea,it down. We’re In trouble. You keep military business as its Euro­ have found how vulnerable the • tUCTIONeiW STOPS SPUSHrSACK Mrs. James Carson is in- and public schools study plans CHARGE IT WITH MASTER CHARGE OR YOUR PERSONAL REGAL CHARGE telling us~ we’re going to freeze pean pals, and maintained a West rieally is, the comfortable • CfNTEIIt rrWLP, CANT SKID AROUND v.^lled as worthy mistress of for shortened sessions and a TAPCRCO TAIL OIVCS AIR.TIONT FIT this winter. We got inflation up higher per cent of its population past when oil flowed to suit the ^ u g h te rs of Liberty, No. 17. longer vacations. What is tbis— M Ih t Oanutna Toilaltad'’ to here. We’ve had two in the armed forces. Maybe a government or' a lunatic West’s demands may never return. *2 * 1 AT MAROWAM nOMI devaluations of the dollar in the there’s been a great land shift asylum? . O ^s»sssissimism^ PAGE SIX - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester.. Conn.. Mon., Dec. 3, 1973 Honor Roll Goventry jG rade_7^ Columbia ' Subtle Message ^ r a d e _ 9 ^ Jtm M Adwni Clifford Adamy Lisa Allard RICHFIELD, Minn. (AP) - Sharon Anderson Qiry Anderson Elizabeth Anderson. Patrlcfa Armstrong Mark Andtraon Dr. Lee Nelson is collecting John Baatww Terl Arendt autographs on the cast on his Adrien Barecco Laura BalbonI OPEN 10 A.M. - 10 P.M. DAILY Council To Hear Robin Betasky Michael BerxenskI Kevin Barnett Board Adopts Policy left arm. Debra Beaterfleld Theodore Bdutal Kirk Seattle Kathleen Blasko ■ Darlene BIrtlea Debra Beaupra Nelson, a dentist'who broke Robert Bridgeman Marylou Brennan Mary Benson Benina Bronlaa Reports Tonight On Executive Sessions his wrist in a fall from a ladder, Kathleen Brovyn Nancy Bldwell Kevln>Carrlars David Buckwald Robert Bryce showed off a message at church Joanna Castalll « Laura Burnett Patricia Bunce Kareh Chambers Llia Carson TamI Bunt VIARGI54IA CARLSON sponsor a baked ham supper Sunday which a friend had Susan Clavette Linda Chambers jotted down. Kim Champy MONICA SHEA will be cooking, sewing and Correspondent ^turday at 6 p.m. in the parish Laurie ColantI Brian Charlebola Craig Coffin Advertised Brands Discount Savings! house. Proceeds will be used Sherry D'Allesandro Suaan Colbert Kathleen Corey Correspondent leisure pleasure. Tel. 228-92C4 It reads: “Proverbs 10:19.” Kevin Davida Christopher DeClantla Alison Cornish 742-9495 New officers are; Tracy for missions. Advised by his friend to look John Dodge Joanne Deveau Katherine Costello Adult tickets are $2:50, Marabeth Dolan David Dickie Deborah Craig At the Town Council meeting Brazeal, president; Diana up the scripture in the "Living Mary Donovan Brent Downing Karen Craig tonight at 7:30, there will be O’Hara, vice president; Debra According to a recently children six to twelve, $1.25 and Bible,” he found this message: Cheryl Dow Mark Downing Todd Custer Jaffrw Ewing several reports given. Pasek, secretary; Kathy • adopted policy concerning children five and under,, no Susan Everett Thomas Denisky school board executive charge. Christine Fedorchak Lori Ferlaio Jane Dewey There will be a report by Zwick, treasurer; and Jeneane "A good man has a firm Deborah Flynn Cynthia Conn sessions, the board may, by footing, but a crook will slip and Lucy Fontaine Councilman Robert Keller con­ Hubbell, news reporter. The guild will also have a Wendy Foremen Janice Foye Brian Donovan majority vote, meet in “mini” sale. fall.” Janet Fowter Anna Fralflcclardl Ann Downing cerning a long-term fire depart­ Yule Decorations Robin Franklin Theresa Frank Nancy Downing ands! ment funding plan. The Rotary Club of Coventry executive session to discuss Donna Qanley Carolyn FraHaroll Diane Dube confidential matters. Michael Qalfney Lawrence Dunn u ia p if} g @ nmmimNBBACH Frank Connolly, town will again sponsor awards to Richard Qettlng Confidential matters include, Dana Qllbert Linda QIass Myona Duval S C H I C K ’ W' planner, will give a ijeport on residents for Christmas season Karl Qolnik Marlene Eckert i§ S (e r m ite r P lk ( biit are not limited to, in­ Edward Lamleux Joseph QrzymkowskI the design of the Lake decorations. ELECTRIC SERVICE INTERRUPnON Ralph Ley Cheryl Ferguaon dividual student problems, per­ Daniel Lima Allele Hegler Glenn Floadorf Rehabilitation Program. Due to the energy crisis, Msry Anne Hardy Sharon Gaffney UJeSTBEND.^. < R ^ sonnel problems. Special educa­ IN EAST HARTFORD Jennifer Locke The council will also discuss lighting displays will not be Qerilyn Lombardo Thomas Harley Raymond Qllha tion and negotiation. ’The votes James Healy Adrien Qodreau . TOnSTMfl^TEIl'i^ WSSSSES the sale of a fire truck. considered. There will be an electric service Interruption A jo<\ Lumpkin Carol Hickey of each member will be Ralph Maccarone James Graham ■ iSSndmi Club Meets The awards committee of the In East Hartford on Tuesday, December 4, Heidi Holcomb Teresa Qronda recorded in the minutes of the Colleen MacQlllvary Robert Hyde David Hardy B J o a M I N l O N beautification committee will 1973. The Interruption will last ap­ Suaan MacLeod The 4-H This and That Club session. The records must be Mary Majewskl Carolyn Inkel Timothy Harley GRAIMDIIMETTI make the selections, and Douglas Janssen Celia Harrell will meet tonight at 6:30 at the proximately 90 minutes beginning at 9:00 Paul Marta Dennis Joy M REAAiNGTON W m m k i PRODUCTS available for public inspection Baverlee Mature Albert Harrison Glktl-e -P R E S T O home of Mrs. Ralph Pasek, judging will be completed by A.M. Karrie Kay April Hellstrom at all reasonable times, accor­ Deborah Mayo ' William Kelly Twin Hills Dr. Dec. 19. Winner of Federal Award Kathleen McCoan Michael Hennessey \ ding to the policy. A list o1 the Streets affected follows: Carl Klallson Laurie Hubbard The members will finish the Any suggestions for ap­ Rhonda McQary Tracy knotia Lory Isenberg Loren McLaughlin Daniel Krutt frog bean bags that will be propriate or outstanding Christ­ All of Walnut Street Cynthia Mlllla Robert Kellsey presented to the Mansfield mas decorations may be The board also established a Christine Laggis David KoskI A fish ladder along the Hop Brook, built in conjunction with the seven-mile section of All of Mountain View Drive Michael Mumlord Marc Laufer Susan LaunI Training School. telephoned to Mrs. Arlene policy concerning the activity All of Bergren Drive Maureen O’Connell Mary LIbbey Linda Lamleux Interstate 84 through Manchester which opened in September 1971, has won a Federal Joanna Oahinsky Diane Lima Projects for the coming year Paquette at 742-7030. fund account. An administrator Dean PaganI Nancy Lemonda Highway Administration award for its demonstration of the compatibility of highways and All of Brookline Drive Jerry Lynn Patricia Lutz of the school will be responsible All of ChrlsUne Drive Robert Parrott Joel MallnoskI Holly Miller the environment. The federal award, won by the state transportation department, cited for the proper administration of Robin Petig Karen McArdle Marina Moysr All of Cummings Street Kelly Ray Rail Michels Laura Nadea> the fish ladder as an “outstanding example of the preservation of wildlife or natural the finacial activities of the ac­ Laura Ronzello Sharon Mitchell Alice Nea areas.” Connecticut took two awards in the sixth annual highway administration competi­ count in accord with the All of Groenlawn Street Lynn Sadoaky Suzanne Moseley Cheryl Ddr.!' provisions of state law and ap­ All of Preston Street Laura Schauster Susan Oakes Susan Pr.,lulca tion — A first-place citation for restoration of a 132-year-old covered bridge between MIphael Scholsky David Oahinsky Wayne ' arkor Cornwall and Sharon, and a second-place award for the fish ladder. The federal contest propriate accounting practices All of Arbutus Street Thomaa Slnnamon David Oatrom Suzanne Patterson and procedures. All of Rondy Lane Steven Sloan Kimberly Pennington Vickie Pearson drew more than 1,000 entries from all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia. Dale Smith David Petig ' ■ Robin Poirier Board To Start All of Edgewood Street Jerome Smith 3 I Edward Platok Ricardo Quental All payments made from this All of Concord Street John SoblakI Thomaa Prignano Lynn Quitadamo account will have the approval Valerie Sterling Cheryl Rafala Becky Redman of the administrator responsi­ All of Home Terrace Lori Stone David Reich Ellen Rich ^ Citizen*s Forum All of Hlghvlaw Street Natalie Swift Debra Schlff Agnes Schaschl Rockville Hospital Notes ble for the activity fund ac­ Clark Taylor Leslie Scott Alleen Scholsky Hamilton Beach Proctor-Silex Panasonic When the Vernon Board of to the Bermuda biological sta­ count. In case of inclement weather the Interruption is Brenda Thomaa Lisa Secrist Janet Sybolt Westinghouse Iona tion. Students pay their own Jennifer Thomas Kelly Sherman Michael Sherman Education meets tonight at 7:30 planned for the same hours on the next clear day. Julie Tucker Kathleen Shlrar Jeffrey Smith Toaster-Oven M icrow ave in the Sykes School cafeteria, it expenses for the trip. This will Laurl Turkington E lectric Can Opener Admitted Friday: Elaine Be- Warehouse Point; Margaret Richard Voisine, Elizabeth St., The annual school district This Interruption Is a necessary part of HELCO’s Nancy Slelfert Laura Smith E lectric will, for the first time, have a be the fourth year of this ven­ Jacqueline fwlble Amy Sllverstein Lori Snyder mont, Somersville; Norman Fay, East St., Rockville; Anna Rockville. audit is to include an audit of Chrlitophar Valenta Mary Slnnamon Robert Terry WITH POP-UP TOASTER formal citizen’s forum which ture. continuing modernization program to meet In­ K n ife Oven Knife Sharpener Knights, Berkley Dr., Vernon; Neff, Earl St., Rockville; Sheila Admitted Sunday: Phillip the activity fund account in­ Shelly Valentina David Smith Suzanne Thomas & will become a regular part of creasing customer loads and provide Improved ser­ Carl Waddell Kathleen Smith Catherine Thompson IMumidifier Anna Neff, Earl St., Rockville. Weinberg, Hany Lane, Vernon; Mazewski, West Rd., Ellington; cluding any from student • Cheryl Weldl future meetings. vice to the community. Agnes Szarka Alexis TItor Discharged Friday: Timothy Jean Leavitt, East Hartford; Laura Newth, Corrine Dr., organization funds. Payment Margaret Wilkins Mary Toland Karen Turek Q 9 7 IQBO 195 g 9 9 The board usually meets the We have scheduled this work at a time which we Janet Wilks Valerie Toros Cynthia Twible Boor, Miriam Dr., Veron; Alton Sean Cassidy, Norwegianwood Tolland; Exlaus Parker, Moun­ for the audit is to be made fn m second and fourth Monday of town funds. hope will cause our customers the least In­ Judith Wilson Paul Turek Andrew Vincena 1 9 9 * Sen. Ribicoff Boyle, W. Maiq St., Rockville; Apts., Tolland; Debra Osborn, tain St., Rockville; Albert Christopher Young Lori Turner Donna White 79®« the month, and the Town Coun­ Christine Tyler Marc Cloutier, Neill Rd., Ver­ Warehouse Point; Raymond Perkins, Hartford; Joyce convenience. Sandra Whitney Slim, hole-in-the-handle knife Combines a pop-up toasjer and Up to 70% less cooking time. cil the first and third. ’This will Staying Neutral Money raised by student Robert Upton Barry Whittemore Deluxe 12 gal with 3-speed fan. Remove 'n rinse handle, easy non; Henry Duell, RFD 4, Welton, Hammond St., Royce, Hillcrest Dr., Please accept our thanks for your cooperation and Joseph Waggnor 'Jrenda Willis is easy to hold. Stainless sileel an all purpose oven that heats Cook direct from freezer to be the second time since elec­ HARTFORD (AP) - Sen. organizations must be expended Walnut woodgrain steel cabi­ cleaning. Magnetic lid lifter, Rockville; Dianne Durgan, Rockville. Rockville; George Wells, Hartl understanding. Colleen Wright Nancy Zajac blades, 8 tt cord. #275 up to 500 degrees. #22221 oven. #NE-5300. tion that the board has changed Abraham Ribicoff, says he for the benefit of the students, Elizabeth Young Scott Zinker net. #HD125P. built-in cord storage. Blueberry Circle, Ellington; Angela Adamezyk, Geraldine Dr., Vernon; Barbara Jeffries, THE HARTFORD ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY Marcy Young its meeting to the same night as won’t take sides in the competi­ according to the policy. Edrie Ernst, Tudor Lane, Dr., Coventry; Paula Boor, Edgerton St., Manchester; Gina Zaccardelll the council. tion to win the Democratic Manchester; Robbin Gauvin, Miriam Dr., Vernon; Johanna Lydia Knights, Berkley Dr., Last year, for the first time, nomination to challenge Gov. Vernon Ave., Rockville; Gail Litz, Main St., Ellington; Vernon; Evelyn Marston, Ham Supper the board had three student Thomas J. Meskill in 1974. Gibbons, Mt. Vernon Dr., Ver­ Dolores Tolan, Packard St., Campbell Ave., Vernon. The Women’s Guild of the L a O O representatives to serve as a “I have no preference and I non; William T. Harrington, Manchester; Therese Loukbier, Discharged Sunday: Stephen Congregational Church will ■South Windsor- liaison between other students don’t intend to announce a Broad Brook. Somers; Betty Bamforth, S. Wiecenski, Hopkins Rd., and the board. The three preference,” Ribicoff said in a Bernice Hunniford, Vernon Grove St., Rockville; Walter Ellington; Gordon Doherty, students elected for this year weekend broadcast interview. Ave., Rockville; Joseph Kinc- Jones, Union St., Rockville; Rockville; Faye Ferrera, are Mary. Ellen Johnson and So far only Homer Babbidge, Town Council man Sr., RFD 1, Rockville; Beth Phillips, George Dr., Farmstead Lane, Rockville. Linda Aubin, seniors, and former president of the Univer­ Guilio Palumbo, Eaton Rd., Rockville; Darlene Johnson, Births Sunday: A daughter to Christine Doherty, sophomore. sity of Connecticut, has Tolland; Cathleen Shorten, White Rd., Rockville. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Janton, Miss Doherty will serve a two- declared his candidacy. But To Fill Posts Grove St., Rockville; Kathleen Births Saturday : A daughter Vernon Rd., Bolton; a daughter year term. Congresswoman Ella T. Sullivan, Blueberry Circle, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Nancy Gozdz, a teacher in the Grasso, D-Conn., and state At- JUDITH KUEHNEL AAFP Member Ellington; Agnes Wormstedt, Amwake, Stafford Springs; a McRitchie, Somers. school system’s language arts ty. General Robert K. Killian •SBHVICI DII^T S T O H S Uorreepondeni Dr. Desmond M. McCann of J L. Court St., Rockville. daughter to Mr. and Mrs. department, will report on her are potential candidates. 6 4 4 -1 3 6 4 Ellington Rd. has been elected Birth Friday:)A son to Mr. Broad St. The Town Council will meet to active membership in the General Electric General Electric sabbatical year which she spent and Mrs. James Stemmefman, M'irro McGraw-Edison in Denmark studying methods Manchostor tonight at 8 in the council American Academy of Family Hamilton Beach Mt. Vernon Dr., Rockville. Vernon chambers. Physicians, a national associa­ E lectric of teaching in that country. Admitted Saturday: Agnes OPEN DAILY E lectric 3 Quart P ortab le The Rockville High School Ski The following appointments tion of more than 34,000 family E Lottery Leader Walker, Brqoklyn St., 10 A.M. -1 0 P.M. B len d ers Club will ask the board to ap­ are expected: Town auditor, doctors. K n ife Can O pener BOSTON (AP) - Rockville; MWard Lik, Cre- for a term ending Nov. 1975; As a member of AAFP, Dr. Corn Popper Electric Heater prove a trip to be taken the sent Circle^/Ellington; Macery weekend of Feb. 1-3 which will Massachusetts leads the nation Zoning Board of Appeals, two McCann will be required to >88 Britnei>< Esquire Dr., Sharp Drop Noted J ^ 9 9 mean the students have to have in per person sale of lottery members, for terms ending complete 150 hours of con­ i ^ 9 9 2 5 9 9 tickets, says the director of the Manc,hester; Clifford 1977; Economic Development tinuing medical study every some time out of school. ’This Hemtheler, Webster Rd., Ver- requires approval of the board. state lottery. Commission, three members, three years. qoh; Joseph Kincman Sr., Snip- In Construction 9 inch stainless steel blades Cutter removes for easy clean­ 7 speeds for every need! 44 oz Miss Lucille Kuhnly, head of William E. Perrault said Sun­ for terms ending 1977; Mass SWWC Tea Delicious popcorn electrically! 1320 watt portable heater. Au­ day that the dollar volume foe sic View Heights, Rockville; Transit Commission members, TTie South Windsor Woman’s Fingertip control. Storage rack. ing. M agnetic lid holder. Dur­ unbreakable container opens the science department, and at both ends for easy cleaning. Aluminum see-thru cover, heat­ tomatic thermostat, instant the week ending Nov. 22 was Ruth Menard, W. Main St., residential additions, for a term ending 1977 and two Club announces a tea for Attached cord. #EK-15 able case, cord storage #EC32 Francis Brookes, a science Rockville. The high rate of mortgage Pushbutton controls HB616 proof legs. #M9233-56 heat elements. Tipover switch. C $2.1 million, a rate of .37 tifcket members to the Planning and teacher at the Middle School, money and the deceleration of alterations and conversions prospective members Tuesday per person. Michigaiyvras se­ Discharged Saturday: Mary $257,780; commercial conver­ Zoning Commision for terms will present a request for a new construction on Rt. 83, by at 10 a.m. The tea will be held cond at .28 and P^rmsylvania Andrulat, Old Stafford Rd., sions, additions and alterations, ending 1977. group of students to take a trip the Zoning Comrnission, are at the home of Mrs. Leonard third at .25. Tolland; Allan Crabb, $ 112,0 00 . . Also expected is the appoint­ cited as reasons for a sharp Black, membership chairman, Also, 6 additional costs for ment of a member to the Zoning drop in construction in Vernon 74 Timber Trail. Anyone in­ ¥ Board of Appeals to fill an un­ for 1972-73, by Francis McNul­ new dwellings, $56,000; 3 terested may call 644-8758. expired 'term left by newly ty, town building inspector. storage buildings, $519,400 ; 674 A pot luck supper for miscellaneous permits, W78,- elected councilman Robert J. During 1971-72 the total dollar members and their hu^ands 185; theater building, $140,000; Myett, and an alternate to the RIGHT FOR value of new construction was will be held Monday, Dec. 10, at Zoning Board of Appeals to fill YOUR FACE $9,057,284 and for 1972-73 it was bank building, $90,000; in­ 6:30 p.m. Chairman of the event dustrial building, $125,0004 the unexpired term of William $5,490,109;*even though .single­ is Mrs. Rodney’ Andersen. commercial building, $40,000; F. Neal. family dwellings increased by Hostesses will be Mrs. Jerry h i h e a r t -s h a p e d ... well pump and storage building, A public hearing will precede 23, commercial development Burge and Mrs. Robert neeaw.needed If if your hair Is ihshort now, let-us show you how a wiolet can declined. $7,500; dairy barn and milk the council meeting for the pur­ Brandenberger. A cocktail par­ transform your beauty Image today. ® A total of 962 building permits plant, $92,000; demolition of pose of hearing any people in­ ty will precede the supper. terested in the proposed Elm were issued, and fees collected house and construction of new Candy Sale For A Nowor Hair Style This Fall, Make Your Appointment Now restaurant, $75,000; post and St. water main connections. and deposited in the town’s The students of the South Fairshare Aquatek intermatic Hamilton Beach general fund amounted to $30,- beam for barn, $12,000; fire Free Firewood Windsor High School choral Toastmaster 027. The fees taken in cover the damage repair of apartment, People who are using their groups, and band are selling Carnage ^a(rm $10,000; sprinkler system for Super Sealer E lectric Butter-C p cost of operation of the building fireplaces to conserve fuel are novelty banks filled with candy M ater P ik department. restaurant, $20,380; plumbing, reminded that there is a gigan­ 'for Christmas stocking staffers. 2 -S liee T oaster 18 Oak Street In Downtown Manchester heating and wiring for 210-unit tic. pile of wood at the Sanitary SEALS IN FRESHNESS Of the^ $30,027 figure, $4,500 ’The sale is an effort to raise FOR DENTAL HYGIENE T inierV Corn Popper Mon. - Sat. 9 to 5; Thurs. & FrI. 9 to 9 apartment complex, $308,500. was paid in fees for sewer con­ Landfill area off Strong Rd. funds for the purchase of con­ nection charges. Also, heating and air con­ ’The woodpile contains some cert attire for the vocal group. 190 ditioning for two new theaters, g i 9 9 [99 e Z 9 6 Permits issued during the large tree limbs, brush and ’This project is being sponsor^ 97 year, and the.value they repre­ $16,000; electrical work for excess wood from construction by the ^ u th Windsor Friends 13 theaters, $15,000; boiler sent were: 99 new dwellings, projects. Emil Lucek, director for Music who will hold their Heat-seals boilable food pouch­ replacement for four- 2-slice pop-up toaster with col­ Dehtist approved oral irrigating Turns lights, TV, appliances $2,454,500; two apartm ent of the Public Works Depart­ next monthly meeting ’Tuesday es, utility bags. Makes it easy 4 qt cover doubles as server. apartment building, $38,300; 9 ment, said that the wood should or control for perfect toasts appliance. Pulsating action. 4 on or off automatically. Dis­ buildings (8 units each) $111,- at 8 p.m. in the music room of to freeze, cook leftovers. #5061 Dispenses butter automatically. trailer permits, $45; and 125’ every tim&. Crumb tray. #B140 jet tips included. #49 courages burglers. #HT150 C%> And Post Near Ifour Phone 000 ; 56 pools and equipment, burn clean with little ash. the high school. The public is in­ Bright parly colors. #500 certlfifates of occupancy, The landfill area is open dai­ vited to attend. $105,414; 3 wall signs, $5,200 ; 2 $187.50. ■ I I 1 demolition permits, $1,450; 97 ly except ’Tuesday, from 8; 30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and until 3:30 Notice Hoover p.m. on Sundays. General About Town Horace W. Porter School WESIMPUFY Columbia, Connecticut Convertible The executive board of the Washington School will have INVITA’TION TO BID ^ Electric 3 Manchester Junior Women’s Public School a Christmas Fair Friday from • ' Club will meet Wednesday at 8 2:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the school Rham Speaker Pupil Bus Transportation Vacuum ■p.m. at the home of Mrs. Wirt cafeteria. The fair will feature TEENS Dr. Stan Shaw, an educationl The Board of Education, 8 Cup Craft, 31 Diane Dr., Vernon. craft items and baked goods. psychologist and assistant Columbia, Connecticut, will CONNECTICUT Any chairman unable to attend accept Bids for six (6) new Refreshments will be available. director of the learning dis­ is asked to contact Mrs. Alfred The Happy Crafters 4-H Club AND abilities program at the Univer­ school buses, three (3) mini­ Cleauer Woodward, 643-6927. has donated time and materials sity of Connecticut, will be the buses, and one (1) travelall to Coffee to the fair. guest speaker at this evening’s be delivered complete as per with Attachments John Mather Chapter, Order WOMENS meeting of the Cross Country specifications to Colunibia, GOVERNMENT. of DeMolay, will have its an­ The Manchester WATES will Connecticut. Van Wyck Association for Children with W i M aker nual Christmas dinner spon-, have a business meeting beaming Disabilittes. The All bids must be received by or CHllblinee 1-ro0-848-2220 sored by the Mothers’ Club at Tuesday at the' Italian- meeting will be held at 7:30 at delivered to the Horace W. \99 Can O pener 6:30 tonight at the Masonic American Club. Weighing in Rham High School. Porter School-in Columbia on In Hartford 566-2750 Temple. Later, the Initiatory will be from 7 to 8 p.m. and Fashion Booterama! Dr. Shaw will speak on "Iden- December 13, 1973 before 2;00 >99 p.m. degree will be conferred and of­ members with names beginning tifying. Diagnosing and & Bottle Opener Now you can cut through red tape and get the answers you need, At which time bids will be 24 hours a day. Our telephone operators cover the entire range of ficers will be elected. Members A-C are reminded to bring fruit Educating the Learning Beats as It Sweeps as for the basket. publicly opened and read aloud. • state government agencies to.provide information on topics such and mothers are reminded to Disabled Child.” He was the ■> ■ It Cleans 9 9 bring grab bag gifts. » Your opening speaker at the Special Copies of specificaitons may be Brews up to 8 cups ol fla­ an Consumer Affairs, Taxes, Pollution and Transportation, $ obtained from: • ?-5?peed Motor 5 Pick up the phone and ask us about these, and other vital staje The Fellowcrart Club of Choice Study Institute on Learning vor-perfect ccjffeo.. keeps Manchester Lddge of Masons Clarence C. Edmondson Opens /y size 0( shape can. issues that affect your life. , A Christmas party for World Disabilities which was held • Inslant Rug Adjustment it warm. Automatic shut- will have its annual, meeting Nov. 15 at the Gilead Hill Superintendent of &hools With built-in bottle opener and oll feature. #CM 4 War 1 Barracks and Auxiliary Columbia, Connecticut • Big Disposable Bag and election of officers tonight Two great styles...one incredible price! Tall, sleek krinkle patent up- School. magnetic lid holder.. #VW-7 The Governor's State Information Bureau will be held Dec. 16 at tne VFW at 6:30 at Willie’s Steak House. 06237 ’ . Home at 1:30 p.m. R eser­ Members attending and not pers In your choice of front laced granny boot pr side zipped s^le^ vations must be made in ad­ - . -. _ Y m haw a right to know. previously inaking a reserva­ Assorted colors, sizes 5 to 10. • «• n , vance with Adelaide Pickett at tion should contact John 649-2285. ‘ “ . ■ DeCioccio Sr. ■ V ,; MANCHESTER EVENING HEFULD, l<^anchester. Conn...Mon.^ Dec. 3, 1973- lAr

MANCHESTER EVIKNING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Mon,, Dec. 3, 1973- PAGE NINF. ■ He ------MEA Winter School Closing COMPLETE aV! . The Manchester Education facts presented to show that an saltation with thoje whose lives extreme” measure, and closing 11 To Act Association (MEA), represen­ extended Christmas school are to be significantly altered,” of schools in February — if the f'OiM’-' I >1.. I ^ I Vernon Notes ting 437 Public school teachers, vacation would relieve the he said. ■ , » energy crisis persists — would INSURANCE AN'.M I r 5 is opposing .State Education energy crisis, which the Ross Students, teachers, parents, be a better idea. sINCt I9H Ordinances Commissioner Maurice Ross' plan supposedly aims to do. and school administrators “If it's a desperate,emergen- The proposal to close schools from The MEA’s executive board would all be hurt by the Ross cy,” Glaeser said, “we'll have Vernon residents who have I Dec. 14 to Jan. 13. doesn't feel that Ross “has plan, Glaeser said. to do it.” But educators should SERVICE paid their motor vehicle taxes PTO Auction •I t ' ;iiimg with two members of the Tlie MEA executive board properly consulted with those .Glaeser said the extended have a role in the decision­ I . DI • i I * i may be surprised to find it says The Northeast School FTO Coiiseivation (Miiimission and states that, the Ross plan who will be affected” by the Christmas vacation is a “pretty making, he said. on their registration renewal will sponsor a Dutch auction, two memhers to be elected at doesn't represent “adequate school closing, Glaeser said. card that they have not. Tuesday in the school gym­ CUCKOO’S i.'ii lias tlic tow.n meeting. thought or planning,” MEA He continued, “Teachers.feel An error In data processing, nasium. cig lor The second ordinance president Arthur Glaeser said strongly that the education of ‘ by the company reporting The auction will feature a ■ ■ t)i-iiii provides for the appointment of Friday. Glaeser said there children should be a priority in Real delinquent motor vehicle ac- variety of handmade items TEL. 646-6228 .e- Nir constables for the town in lieu haven.'t been- any “concrete" our society and not one of the ; counts to the state Motor Vehi­ which will be on display from 7 NEST of the pri'se^t elected first sacrifices that 3hould be Choicest Meets In Tovm\ Estate cle Department, has caused in­ to 7:36 p.m., and immediately procedure. made to the present energy convenience to taxpayer*, and after that they will be Auctioned 117 EAST CENTER n . . ;np The Republican Town Com­ crisis. Closing schools should M . put an additional work load on off. oikmIs- mittee again voted to stay with only be a last resort after TUESDAY ONLY SPECIAL! the tax collector and motor Norman Rivard and Peter .cleate . tlie elected procedure which it About Town careful consideration and con- : vehicle department, Mrs. Moulin, teachers at the school, Sylvia Wilson, Vernon tax will be the auctioneers. ill. : lit tuiil previously recommended r e n d a r •'I r last Aiigu'-’t when requested b>' Manchester Chapter of collectdr, said. liie selectmen. Hadassah has a limited supply How To Hold CHICKEN LEGS ROBERT J. SMITH, She said even though it was Th(' Democratic Town Com­ of tickets for the film “Ben- inc not the fault of the Motor Vehi­ ';.*e mittee in .August was in favor of Gurion Remembers,” which FALSE TEETH cle Department, that depart­ Roche Honored will be shown Wednesday at Securely or BREASTS INSURANSMITHS SINCE 1914 ■'Si- the appointment procedure and ment is cooperating with her of­ James Roche, chairman of 7:30 p.m. at Cinerama Theater, Do ftlse teeth embarrass you by fMIx or Match) Mile remains of that opinion. cominz loose when you eat, lau^h, lb. fice to release the names of the Vernon Democratic Town The final item on the agenda 492 Farmington Ave., Hartford. or talk? A denture adhesive can help. those who were reposed Committee,, was honored by Tickets are $2.50 and may be FASTEETH* gives dentures a long* 649-5241 delinquent in error. wilt he a vote to designate the e t t firmer, steadier hold. M^kes eat­ some 130 friends and associates 'ocoiul Mondav in May as the obtained by contacting Mrs. ing more enjoyable. For more security Anyone receiving a at a dinner party Friday night Victor Moses, 44 Cone St.,; or and comfort, use FASTEETH Den­ HIGHLAND PARK MARKET 963 M A ln STREET, MANCHESTER \nniial I'oun \teeting. ture Adhesive Powder. Dentures 317 Highland St., Manchester Phono 648-4277 delinquent notice in error for his leadership and hard Mrs. Martin Rubin, 50 Moun­ that fit are essential to health. See (Ground Floor Next to House & Hale) should notify the tax collector's tain Rd, your dentist regularly. work during the recent election office immediately. campaign. Enforcement Officer John Darcey, Vernon housing Roche was his party’s can­ code inspector, has been ap­ didate for mayor and was pointed as code enforcement of­ defeated by Republican Frank ficer by the Zoning Board of McCoy. Even though the An Early Christmas Dinner Appeals. Democrats won only minority Be Closed In this capacity, Darcy will positions, the Democrats said About 80 residents of Mayfair Gardens, housing for the said she’s a distant cousin of Canadian Prime Minister they feel Roche’s efforts great­ have the responsibility of elderly, were guests of 8th District firefighters Saturday Pierre Trudeau. All of the food and coffee for the dinner ly strengthened the Democratic checking on stipulations and night at a third annual Christmas dinner, held in Mayfair were donated by Top Notch Foods. The rolls were donated aul funds fiom the sf.ac can be Santa Has opened restrictions attached to party in Vernon. Gardens’ Cronin Hall. Loren Nelson, at left, serves Mrs. by the Parkade Bakery. Second Congi^egational Church iqiplied. Imwever. sta e funds variances granted by the ZBA. State Rep. Thomas Dooley Yvonne Trudeau as Robeirt Eschmann, chairman of the gave the firefighters’ committee of 20 the use of its kitchen will noi cover the entire cost. Big Brothers was master of ceremonies for event, serves Mrs. Catherine Armstrong. Mrs. Trudeau for preparing the dinner. (Herald photo by Ofiara) 3 Arl.H iN C i i i f l s The Men's Union of Union the dinner held at The Colony The .\ndovTT League of Art’s Congregational Church will Restaurant in Talcottville and .ir.il ('rat'.- ^w'ill meet this meet Wednesday at 6:30 p.m., attended by many prominent ■ veiling at ' at the home of rs. His Pack at the church. The meeting will Democrats. Rarbai a F. '-an. Hunker Hill start with a supper and will be Tolland Notes R.; followed by a speaking Paying their tributes to Comment Session I he discihs' .i.m of the evening program. Roche were Robert Dillon of VIVIAN KENNESON will be Hie .Andover Spring Art Norman Cabte of Vernon, Patricia Dr., a long-time friend Correspondent session, 7 to 9 p.m.. Town Hall; chairman of the recruitment A 9 to 11 a.m. comment ses­ Community Calendar Fe'iiv.;i and meunbers are of Roche; former Lt. Gov. At- sion will be conducted Tuesday Tel. 875-4704 Monday: Planning and Zoning Board of Recreation, 8; 15 p.m.. efuckoo’s Nest...your place naturally for ■ I h-oiiie t„ i)i ;ng tiieir own committee, and a member of tilio Frassinelli, who is also A film about veneral disease Administration Building; 3t S>BiMa the board of directors of the Big by the Manchester Board of ■Commission, 8 p.m., Town paintin.L's for ciitique. Democratic State Central Com- Directors. It will be in the entitled “VD A New Focus” Hall; Youth choir rehearsal, Women’s Republican ( lub young, free-wheeling, headshaking Brothers' will explain the mitteeman for the 35th will be shown at Tolland Middle Christmas party, 8; 15 p.m., program. Also speaking will be board’s office, on the first floor 6:45 p.m., United hair. No teasing. No hairspray. No District; Deputy Secretary of of the Municipal Building. School tonight at 7:30 for all in­ Congregational Church; VD Czuchra home. Old Post Rd.; Theodore Bauckman, president terested parents. Are you and ar-nohair shopper? State Harry Hammer; Atty, Similar sessions are held on the film, 7:30 p.m., Tolland Middle Choir rehearsal, 7:30 p.m.. hassels. Just cool cutting and dynamite of the Rockville chapter of Big Robert Killian Jr.; Councilmen The film will be shown United Congregational Chyrch; Check out the hargains on the Brothers. first Tuesday and third School; high school styling. Naturally. And because the Peter Humphry and Thomas Thursday of each month. tomorrow to Grade 7 and 8 prayer meeting, 7:30 p.m.. Herald Clasr died Pages A seven-year-old boy will also membership class, 8 p.m.. Benoit, and Mrs. Fern students with parental permis­ United Congregational Church; Seventh Day Adventist Church. Cuckoo’s Nest believes in healthy tell what a Big Brother means Garafolo, dinner chairman. sion. The film deals frankly Thursday: Women’s to him. Now completing their VFW Auxiliary, 7;30 p.m., post .-'li seventh year, the comment with the nation's leading com­ home, Rt. 74; Tolland Junior Fellctwship Christmas young hair, they use pure ecological sessions are for those town municable disease. Woman’s Club, conservation program, 8 p.m.. United organic products. Result; A hairstyle residents who wish to file A second film, “Dangerous committee, 7:30 p.m., Af- Congregational Church. ■ -'St? suggestions or complaints on Curve,” dealing with curvature friacano home. Cedar Swamp Friday: Bible study, 7:30 that’s just you. No more - No less. OECKEH LIQUIDATION SALE OF any subject in the board’s of the spine, will also be shown. Rd. T p.m.. Seventh Day Adventist jurisdiction. Bell Ringers Church. PORTERFIELD PET SUPPLIES The Bell Ringers from Sunday: Men’s breakfast, 8 no appointments needed - M0N.-TUE. Those who appear are given Tuesday:' Board of has been moved to a tobacco barn, rear 334 Chapel Rockville United Methodist Selectmen, 7:30 p.m.. Town a.m.. United Congregational annonymity from the public. Church will play at the United Church; VFW, 2 p.m., post Don’t Forgot Road, So. Windsor. Now open 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. All Their suggestions and com­ Hall; Tolland Grange, 8 p.m., stock & fixtures to be sold. Congregational Church of Wilcox home, Merrow. home, Rt. 74; Tolland plaints are relayed to the Historical Society Christmas I Tolland on Thursday at 8 p.m. Wednesday; Board of Educa­ HAIRCUT CLINIC manager’s office for review, 2nd and Ath.Mondays, 7:30 P.M. Art & George Porterfield in the sanctuary. tion, 8 p.m.. Central Ad­ party, 2 p.m., Benton possible implenientation or cor­ Homestead. After 6 P.M. — 68 Spruce St., Manchester The Women’s Fellowship in­ ministration; Voter making NO CHARGE CALL AHEAD 649-9520 rection, and reply. vites all families in the area to hear this holiday music. A brief meeting and refreshments will follow.

/(7524 V. When You Buy 1 This $29.99 Variable Speed Jig Saw BOTH for *30.00 I-F lii fits X i n i l L c u Take Home c Tour Choiefe of fl, B or C for just gordenJ alL uv ^La35... $9.50 BIG SAVINGS R garden/ of SkaLunar^

Here’s a wonderful gift idea guaranteed to put stars in the eyes of every kL garden of with a $100 deposit child on your Christmas list . . , while you save at SAVINGS BANK ,0F to your S.B.M, Account P e r f n i n e . e MANCHESTER. You may purchase one of these stuffed animals for a frac­ tion of its retail price each time you deposit $100 or more to a new or SANTA IS GIVINGk^ 5 Gallon existing S.B.M. Savings Account.*Your savings will earn an effective annual Deluxe Vacuum Cleaner return of 5.47% on Regular5^% Savings.. .your earnings are compounded CoLgneo continuously and credited monthly from day of deposit to day of withdrawal. ‘36.95 AWAY Bring the children . . . come in and see the wonderful world of Christmas Toys on display at all S.B.M. offices. Make your deposit. . . buy Christmas And Prizes for all Children Toys at BIG SAVINGS while you save at S.B.M. ^ISOra RncL

\ * W/iiVe supply lasts p o u jc k r . 2 * 1.00 *5.00 *10.00 DLL a t ^LiH'erfLeld3. Take Nome Your Choice of G, H or I for just C all $ c .o o #7116 TRI CITY PLAZA Va" Variable with a $100 deposit to your S.B.M. Account Speed Drill Kit SANTA'S CASTLE fij ‘19.99 Between the Hours of 3:30 & 4:30 P.M. Take Home J Tour Choice of 0, Eor F for just And 6 P.M. to 7 P.M. Mon., Tues., Wed. $ /l.0 0 (Dec. 3, 4, 5 1973)

with a $100 deposit ^ ‘1.00, ‘5.00 and ‘10.00 Bills or to your S.B.M. Account 646-1700 ^Free Coffee or Hot Chocolate at A.C. Petersen’s or ,7/619 2 Speed . Grants City Bradford House (Vernon Store Only) • ■ red Jig Saw Kit - -.nder ‘19.99 -^V 2 Price on Santa Photos All Children will receive a Free Santa prize envelope B s te r Hardw are Savings Bank# OF Manchester q it. ii; Downtown Manchester Member F O.I.C. Majority of envelopes will contain money it OF OUR STORE 643-4425 Connecticut's Largest SavIngsBank E$sl of the Rli$r Eight Otficet Serving MANCHESTER • EAST HARTFORD • SOUTH WINDSOR • BOLTON ^ E A C H CHILD MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT SHOP MONDAY THRU SATURDAY TILL 9:30 FREE GIFT WRAPPING PAGE TEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Mon., Dec. 3, 1973 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.,^Ion., Dec. 3, 1973 - PAGE ELEVEN 'About Town ■T. •

Business Bodies Lloyd H. Aronson, space A group from NASA will science specialist, will be guest speak at the Rotary Club speaker ^t the Kiwanis Club meeting Tuesday at 6; 30 p.m. at EARNINGS UP NAMED TO BOARD Xerox Continues meeting Tuesday noon at Manchester Country Club. Gulf and Western Industries, F ra n k S. W ilson, a Search For Manchester Country Club. IWc., -whose subsidiary MAL Manchester native and Tool and Engineering Co., is at graduate from Manchester Home Site 280 Adams St., has announced STAMFORD (AP) - The 25 Light U.L. that earnings for the year ended Xerox Corp. said it still intends 6 Ft. Scotch July 31 reached $89.2 million, up to locfate its corporate Indoor Set W from $69.4 million in 1972. headquarters in southwestern Pine Tree Earnings per share reached Connecticut. $4.60 on a primary basis and jrause Our Reg. Chairman Peter "McColough Misses’ 4.49 Our Reg. 15.99 $4.06 fully diluted, against said in a company publication florist e. Greenhousea 3.33 primary and fully diluted ear­ Knit to p s Xerox was investigating sites in Safety sockets, molded vinyl nings per share of $3.30 last southern Fairfield County. year. Sales rose to $1.93 billion, plug, spring clips.. C7 bulbs burn The Greenwich Planning and SPECIAL ALL WEEK! independently. versus $1.67 billion in 1972. Zoning Commission Nov. 21 Assorted Colors I ( ^ 4 C A Reg. denied Xerox permission to 3.99 25 Pack Boxed construct its headquarters at a 2.99 site in that affluent community Pool Pomspl 5® * .Sleeveless acrylic knits, great for Christmas Cards shoreline. 3rowjT^ In our Greenhouses | • I®***' dre§s . . . or short sleeve basic 101 artificial flame­ OPERATIONS proof branches to McColough said Xerox hadn’t shells, many colors.’S, M, L. Our Reg SUPERVISOR make an attractive changed a 1969 decision to 1.99 Sportswear and Accessory Depis. colorful Christmas Jack Bannon of Manchester relocate its headquarters from 1.27 Parkade Trip Winners has been named operations tree. Dish tree stand Rochester, N.Y. An outstanding selection of cards included. supervisor, group data The corporation temporarily processing department, at Aet­ LARGEST RETAIL GROWERS IN MANCHESTER on high gloss stock, beautiful Michael Dworkin. fourth from left, presents Roy Goff, 891 Center St., with a check fur $500 is renting office space in Stam­ 3-dimensiohal look. which was part of the prize trip to Disney World, Goff won in connection with the na Life & Casualty. ford while searching for a site Proportioned Doubieknit Skirts Bannon joined Aetna in 1967 a// Monchtiter 643-9559 Manchester Parkade Association’s 17th anniversary sale in October. Dworkin is associa­ Frank S. Wilson for its permanent 26’’ 6-Roll or 30” and has been a computer 621 HARTFORD ROAD, MANCHESTER AVERAGE High School, has been elected to headquarters. - ' tion president. Goff is giving the trip to his parents and twin sisters. He was recently laid operator for two years. He lives 4 Roll Gift Wraps off from his job with Nutmeg Construction Co. so the money, he says, will come in handy. the board of directors of Arrow- Reg. at 75C Downey Dr. 4.99 From left are sister Natalie; his mother, Mrs. Dave Krinjak; Goff; Dworkin; Dave Hart, Inc. He is president and U.L. chief executive officer of the 3.99 YOUR Krinjak; and sister, Nanette. (Herald photo by Larson) “There’s One Classified J.M. Ney Co. Machine washable acrylic knit with set CHOICE Wilson is a director of J.M. Near Youl” in waist, darted for best fit. A'-line 1.17 Ney and the Greater Hartford styled. Petite 8-16, average. 10-18, tall Bright, colorful paper or foil in IMPROVED EARNINGS Chamber of Commerce. He is a 12- 20. pretty holiday designs. corporator of Hartford Hospital United States Envelope Co., and Manchester Memorial which operates plants and sales Hospital, and a member of the offices across the country in­ Society of Manufacturing cluding in Rockville, reported Engineers, the Board of record sales and significantly 3 Regents of the University of improved earnings for the Hartford and the Hartford fourth quarter and year ended Rotary Club. He is a member of Oct. 31. the Manchester Lodge of Sales for the year rose to Masons. $90.5 million from $80.9 million, Wilson holds a bachelor of IF YOU CAN WAIT a gain of 12 per cent. Fourth science degree in business ad­ By Aurora quarter sales were $25.4 million ministration from the Universi­ against $21.7 million for the ty of Hartford. YOU CAN SAVE 20%* same period a year ago. He is now/ a resident of Order now for delivery of your custom Shifty Checkers Net income for the year Glastonbury, and he and his By Fisher Price amounted to $2.1 million, equal draperies, slipcovers or tedspreads wife Joan and their, three After Jan. 1,1974 Girls’ la n d 2 Piece or Pursuit to $3.09 a share, after provision children, Gail, Jeanne and Play Family Houseboat Misses’1&2Piece Our Reg. 7.9l9 for preferred dividends, an in­ Peter, reside at 196 Cedar After-holiday delivery assures you of a Dresses or Skirt Sets Men’s Big Cable Sno-Jet Coaster crease of 50 per cent. This com­ Ridge Ter. 20% savings. This sale includes all Dresses pares with earnings of $1.4 Hi-Crew Sweater YOUR by Coieco fabric, labor and installation. Have our CHOICE YOUR Reg. million or $L93 a share for the representative visit your home now with Reg. to Our previous year. Cash Dividend Reg. Reg. CHOICE 6.49 samples andJdeas. No obligation! 7.99 5.37 Our Reg 13.99 _ _ 6.99 4.99 Fourth quarter income was The directors of the South •SALE DOES NOT INCLUDE DRAPERY HAROWAHE 3.88 Shifty Checkers - You change the 1.99 $616,000, or 91 cents a share, Windsor Bank and Trust Co. ^ Cold weather fashions in knits, cor- Polyesters jersey knits, sweater face of the board with every move! Play Family Camper 1.37 compared with $526,000, or 77 have declared the 15th con­ y j duroys'and acrylics. Many wanted knits. Sizes for juniors, mla i^ .vand Bulky knits, mock turtles, front/back Pursuit - An action packed chase 26” tough poly coaster, 2 hand cents a share, for the cor­ secutive semi-annual cash divi­ colors, sizes 4 to 14. women. — cables, Scotch heathers. S to XL. game - hours of fun! Standard Toy Bottle Cutter grips. Real thrills! responding period in 1972. dend of the bank of 8 1/3 cents ------per share payable Dec. 15 to TO SHOP-AT-HOME, CALL YOUR NEAREST GRANT CITY! Fresh Pork I Californio stockholders of record Nov. 30. Roost Sole! Steak or Roost

Loin Side Seni Boneless 4 Id 6 Iks 95ii Check Is Santa bringing infants’ andToddiers’ G.E. Can Opener, General Electric Quarter Loin C huck ^ Flame Retardent LaminatoKnit Hamilton Beach Hoiiday Fashions Knife SharpeneSr Walkie Talkie P ork Chops 1 Stenk or Roust ^ u a f a n c y Sleepwear Sweat Jacs Electric Kettle Our Reg. Each pkg Contains p Reg. an Equal Amount oL * 4.77 2.99 8.97 11.99 & Adorable fashions in slack sets, 6.88 Sirloin Hip Center 7.99 2.29 Easy clean feature cutting unit. . Boils water super-fast! 1,500 watt ^ Cut Chops | | ] suits, dresses, creepers! Easy care Flannel Ahd brushed fabrics in boys 5.99 Telescopic 36” antenna; sends andj Fully automatic, just pierce can. fabrics, acrylics and knits. Styles for and girls styles. Gowns, PJs and heating element; 2 qt. capacity. receives voice communications.] C Full warm thermal knit lined, zip Efficient knife sharpener 334/351. 20 per store. No rain- Uses one 9 volt battery, not includ-J boys and girls. footed sleepers. front. Navy, green, wine) S to XL. attachment. EC33 ■' ..'’.'TiT/?* checks. ed. C enter Cut 1 Oven Ready ^ Sjsruce Up Your Home P ork Chops 1 Rib Roasts For The Holidays Glamorene Upholstery Shampoo iPorkRoost^ETOB Aerosol foam.with O O c 1^9 PJ brush applicator. Reg. '*1.49 0 9 Hosiery Guard Fresh Chicken Parts Sale USD A Choice Beef Safe Strengthens hose as you wash. Reg. 1.59 Q Q * ' Chicken Legs 63» Porterhouse 32 oz. Formica Floor Shine \ Warm Pile Ladies’ Heritage 3 Ib. Dacron Self polishing, makes OQc Chichen Drumsticks 69;. London Broil 1!! Boys’ Knit wax obsolete. Reg. 1.69 ^ ^ HoodedJ^cket Sport Shoe Ski Pajamas “88” Sleeping Bag 10 Piece Bar Set' Chicken Breasts 79l Kleenex Boutique Toilet Tissues Top Chuck SteakT l"?. Reg. 32c Our Reg. Our Reg. / U ^ Reg. 2 ply, 2 roll pack bath j t Breosts 1” Fillet Steak ‘S ' PI! Reg. 15.97 11.99 ■ BW ■ 4.99 9.97 room tissue. For All Meat 8 3.57 4.99 Woodtone and black vinyl 3 qt. Oscar Mayer Bologna or All Beet pkg Finast Sliced Bacon Machine washable plush pile, fully 6.88 4.44 Heavy duty rayon duck, flannel 1 Gallon Wood Preen ice bucket, coasters and tools. lined. Drawstring hood. Many Soft manmade uppers, marshmal- liner. 100” weatherstripped Oscar Mayer Ham “S Colonial Sliced Bacon !» 3. Cleans as it waxes Reg. ^ 0 > l Gift boxed. colors. Infant/toddler sizes. low crepe soles. SizesSi; 5 to 10. Knit ski PJs 4-7; also PJs 8-18. zipper. Carry bag. wood, panels, etc. 2.99 I Seafood Specials! Mr Deli Specials OUR LOWEST PRICE!

Haddock Fillet Boiled Ham H i ^ All Disneyland Domestic ■ Freshly hall 109 Large Frozen Sliced to Order ib | , and Vista Childrens LP’s t a k e it Smoked Cod Fillet German Bologna § Featuring WITH YOU! Turbot Fillet ... Swiss Cheese WELBILT 3 Haddock Roast Beef Robin Hood-New Movie Bambi # Dumbo # Pinocchio • Jungle Book Snow White# Peter Pan#Mary Poppins Magnavox 12” Diag. Zenith14” Diag. 30” Digimatic ^ /rs f.O ’ the Fresh Fruit & Vegetables! You’ve always wanted an extension phone for your Portable TV_ Portable Color TV Electric Range flBBlS living room. Only now, you can have one that really ^ US No.l Pototoes belongs there. Cradle phones in elegant motifs, colors and Special 3 weft Purchase finishes. Or handsomely appointed chest phones. Series 98 Series 1.98 Series 2.98 M anchniar 4»33 $238 $149 Many solid state components. High performance chassis. Sun­ And not nearly as expensive as your friehds will imagine. If One Week Special! VHF and UHF antennas. Handle shine color picture tube. Super _ igimatic clock and timer, lift-off for easy portability. video range tuner. top for easy cleaning. Big oven. ^ Santa hasn’t been to The Phone Store 10^89 to look at one of these for you.. .you’ve got 24 oz C | | ( some hint dropping to do. a WAYS TO CHARGE Anjou Pears 3» 1 Tomatoes Family Pack pkg ^ * 1 PMOUt MANCHESTER SALE: Mon., T ues.. Wed. Plain, Fried or STom BamkAmericahd Mon. thru Fri. 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Jucumhers 3» 39'' Egg Hant Parmigiapa. Delicious @ Southern New England Telephone 1145 Tolland Tpke. Saturday 9:00 d.m. to 10:00 p.m.

We Reserve/the Right to Limit Quantities Prices Ellective thru Dec 8. 1973 /

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn.. Mon.. Dec .3 1079 _ p a g e THIR'TEEN PAGE TWELVE — MANCHESTER EVENING rfERALD, Manchester, Conn., Mon., Dec. 3, 1973 •Bolton- ONC OT THf STf.Jp A SM O PC O M PA N it Adult dipyourmiay to mmi-priced savings, get yoiir Our . Engagements I Roundtable Opens Servicemen School ss*:*esis:;:*sss*::x I ' Yule Season Considered Navy Fireman Ret. Timothy The Roundtable Singers of Nancy Donovan and Brian R. Fairman, son of Mr. and Manchester High School, under Kilpatrick were the accom­ DONNA HOLLAND Mrs. Eari H. Fairman of 11 the direction of Miss Martha panists for the chorus. Correspondent Marilyn Rd., South Windsor, White, presented the first in its 646-0375 ANY OR ALL OF THESE COUPONS MAY BE REDEEMED FOR ANY $5.00 PURCHASE. recently graduated from The Roundtable Singers were series of holiday concerts introduced Friday night by Jef The Board of Education is recruit training at the Naval FYlday night in Woodruff Hall seriously exploring the Training .Center, Great Lakes, Cleaves, president of the of Center Congregational Couples Club. possibility of an Adult Educa­ 111. ' ______^ Church. tion program at the high school CLOROX BOLD Sgt. Robert J. Surdell Jr., son in limited areas. TETLEY YUBAN F In t C/8M of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. More than 70'*persons It is considering an ap­ BLEACH DETERGENT Surdell Sr. of Rockville, is a attended the concert, which SHOE propriation of a honorarium for TEA BAGS COFFEE member of the 1960th Com­ was sponsored by the Center someone to direct the GaUug 49 oz. Box 100 Count Pkg, munications Squadron which REPAIRING program. 1 lb. Can Church Couple’s Club, with this coupon and a $5 purchase. Quality shoe repairing at With this coupon and a $5 purchase. With this coupon and a $5 purchase. has earned the U.S. Air Force If anyone is Interested in this Good Mon., Doe. 3 - Sit., Die. 8 - Limit oni git. p ir customir With this coupon and a $5 purchase. reasonable prices. Shoes Good Mon., Dec. 3 -S a t.. Dec. 8 —Limit one box per customer Good Mon., Deo. 3 — Sal., Dec. 8 — Limit one pkg, psr customer Outstanding Unit Award. Sgt, The program included responsibility he is asked to flood Mon., Dec. 3 — Sat., Dec. 8 — Limit one can per customer made loifger or wider. Surdell, a 1968 graduate of traditional and contemporary contact the superintendent’s of­ S iM M S S Jli m s m 3 Rebuild your shoes for the mmmsmsmmmmMMi Ellington High School, is ser­ Christmas carols, a choral fice. holiday season. ving as' a radio equipment selection from "The Nut­ Hold Math Contest operator at Kirtland AFB, N.M. cracker Suite’’ and the Sam Y u lya s Tom Sheridan’s Grajle 7 and 8 ■ Pioneer photo I ‘‘H allelujah Chorus’’ from 23 Oak St. math students recently par­ " SA V E 7^ Burian Moss photo With this coupon on a 13V!i oz. pkg. with this coupon on a 1 lb. pkg. SAVE 20< Navy Seaman Ret. Robert D. Loring Studio Nassiff Photo Handel’s “Messiah.” Manchester. ticipated in a math contest in­ With this coupon on a 8 oz. jar With this coupon on a 10 lb. bag The engagement of Miss The engagement of Miss Morton, son of Mr. and Mrs. The engagement of Miss volving the use of specific sym­ Carol Ann Humk'e of Marianne Smith of Manchester John Morton of 52 Woodland St., Lynne I. Redmer to Richard F. The engagement of Miss The engagement of Miss Nan­ bols in writing the numerals 1- CHEF-BOY-AR-DEE BLUEBONNET YUBAN Tarry town, Md. to Stephen to James F. Quinn Jr. of PILLSBURY recently graduated from ^ s s e tt, both of Manchester, Susan Marie Aleo of East Hart­ cy Lorraine Zapert to Walter 1 0 0 . Richard Moore' of Manchester Holyoke, Mass., has been an­ recruit training at the Naval has been announced by her ford to Joseph D. Quaglia of Alan Roser, both of East Hart­ The purpose of the contest has been announced by her nounced by Her parents, Mr. H a p p i n e s s I s ... FROZEM PIZZA SOFT MARGARINE IN STA N T COFFEE Training Center, Great Lakes, Manchester has been an­ ford, has been announced by her was simply to develop the l ( ^ Good Mon., Dec. 3 - Sat., Dec. 8 Limit one pkg. per customer Good Mon., Dec. 3 - Sat., Dec. 8 - Limit one pkg. per customer ^ FLOUR parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. and- Mrs. Harry F. Smith of 24 Good Mon., Dec. 3 - Sat., Dec. 8 - .Limit V....Kv.one jar per customer ^ 1 Good Mon., Dec. 3 - Sat., Dec. 8 - Limit one bag per customer i 1 1 1. ______E. Redmer of Manchester. nounced by her parents, Mr. parents, Mrs. Nancy E. Zapert power to think and create. Humke of Tarrytown. and Mrs. Alexander Aleo of of Canoga Park, Calif., and Bigelow St. AREEALLY CLEAN LAUNDROMAT Army Spec 4 Louis F. Bassett I David Teller, contest winner, Her fiance is the son of Mrs, East Hartford. Walter H. Zapert of Glaston­ Her fiance is the son of Mrs. liV AIR CONDITIONED!^ Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis will be awarded a prize ap­ Helen E. Bassett of Manchester Mr. Quaglia is the son of Mr. bury. Edna Quinn of Holyoke and the Bassett Sr. of Egypt Rd., Her fiance is the son of Mr. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY SPECIAL propriate to his interests. and the late Harold A. Bassett. and Mrs. Richard W. Moore of and Mrs. John Quaglia Sr. of 119 Mr. Roser is the son of Mr. late James Quinn Sr. !! Projects On Display Ellington, recently participated Miss Smith is a graduate of 357 Spring St. Waddell Rd. and Mrs. Elijah Roser of South 8 Lbs. DRY CLEANING - $1.50 I' A wide variety of math ^SAVE 8“ li^SA V E 12" with other American and Allied Our Lady of the Elms, With this coupon on a 24 oz. bottle With tnis coupon on three 5 oz. bars SA V E 3 5 " SAVE 4 0 ’ Miss Redmer, a graduate of The bride-elect is a 1971 Rd., Bolton. p projects, done by Sheridan’s with this coupon on a 96 oz. bottle with this coupon on a 48 oz. bottle troops in "Exercise Reforger Chicopeee, Mass. > Quality Speed Queen Egulpment Manchester High School, graduate of East Catholic High The bride-elect is a graduate ■i students, are presently on dis­ V" in Germany He is regularly Miss Humke is a junior at Mr. Quinn attended North attended Southern Connecticut School and a 1972 graduate of of Rham High School and a 1973 I. play in the library show case. WESSON ■ DIAL DOWNY assigned to the 48th Avialion Walter Reed Army Institute of Adams (Mass.) State College DYNAMO State College and is employed Creative School of Hair­ graduate of Manchester Com­ The projects include abacus-, Co. armament shop in Anseach, Nursing, Washington, D.C. and is employed by the New BELCON LAUNDROMAT - 309 Green k at Caudill Rowlett Scott of dressing. She is employed as an munity College. She is present­ creation of new number COOKING OIL BATH SOAP Germany. England Telephone and FABRIC SOFTENER LlOUID DETERGENT Hartford. instructor in the Manchester ly attending Central Connec­ systems, scale models of 0000 H0n „ uoc. 3 - fDo:. S - Umll ono boltio por cuotomer Good Mon,, Ooc. 3 - Sal., Dec. I - Limit thiee b .f5.por customoi Good Mon., Dec. 3 - Sat., Dec. 6 - Limit one bottle per customer Mr. Moore is a graduate of Telegraph, Holyoke. Good Mon., Dec. 3 - Sat., Dec. 8 — Limit one bottle per customer ^ S branch of the Creative School of ticut State College and is a homes, architectural drawings, Airman Paul A. Phillimore, Gettysburg (Pa.) College and is The wedding is planned for Mr. Bassett is a graduate of Hairdressing. member of Phi Theta Kappa pantographs, different posters son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Howell Cheney Technical presently employed by the Jan. 19 at St.,Bridget Church. 3 Her fiance is a 1969 graduate Honor Society. Phillimore Jr. of Rt. 87, Colum­ on mathematical and School and Albert I.Prince National Park Service in Gett- of East Catholic High School Her fiance is a graduate of Bonus Mini-Priced® Special! Starts Mon., Dec., 3-Sai., Dec. 8 bia, has recently completed Air geometrical designs, Technical School and attended syburg. and attended Manchester Com­ Bolton High School and a 1971 Force basic training at photographs of a swinging Mini-Priced® Specials White Gem U,S. Grade Hartford State Technical munity College. He is employed graduate of Miami Dade Lackland APB, Tex. He has flashlight suspended from a The Stop&ShopCompanies School. He is employed at the by Megson & Hyyppa Civil College. He is employed as a been assigned to Sheppard The wedding is planned for ceiling creating mathematical Travelers Insurance Co. April 6,1974 in Tarrytown, Md. Engineering and Surveying of fashion display manager by curves. Salad Tomatoes AFB, Tex,, for specialized Glastonbury. Howland, Inc. in New London. training in metalworking. He is No date has been announced Also mathematical art, revi- The couple plan a June 14, The couple plan a June 22, sioti of the calendar in different FRESH a 1973 graduate of Windham for the wedding. 1974 wedding. 1974 wedding. High School. bases, optical-illusions, various froM mathematical tricks and FLORIDA games, measuring instruments, sun dails, a wooden device Radio Shows Duplicate Bridge creating “Quivor Pictures” and Produced by numerous reports on the sub­ MiBi-PriCBrFrozen Food B u ^ — Srt)’ it with ject of math. Calvary Church Nov. 28 are as follows: first, The significance of ihe Cut up or Split 45° Results in the first session of hearts and flowers of projects is that the' study of A Quick & Easy Meal! St. Mrs. Lena Hill; second, Mrs. Commitment totheConsumer ‘‘Restful Moments” is a new the Manchester Bridge Club jn ecious frems. The math should include one or Judy Pitts; tied for third, Mrs. At this low mini-price®, you’ll come radio broadcast heard on WINF open pair club championship duster ring with more undertaking by each stu­ Doris Murphy and Mrs. Nancy Banquet Fried radio Sunday evening at 9:06. played Friday night at the dent, calling for constructive a’running. When you buy U.S. Grade Atkin. diamonds, rubies, The religious program is Zipser Club are as follows: thought or action that is beyond “A”, White Gem chickens, you buy the produced by the Rev. Kenneth emeralds and sap­ North-South; first. Bob and the usual preparation of class C hicken./.£i1^ sweetest tasting chicken that money can L. Gustafson, pastor of Calvary Gail Haar; second, Norma Results in the Nov. 28 phires, p25. The assignments and classroom Church. Fagan and AI LaPlant; third, Manchester Community Y non­ heart riiig xvith ame­ work. buy. A delicious budget stretching value. Get acquainted It is 24 minutes in length and Dick and Ann Jaworowski. 2 lb. Ripple French Fries 39° masters game are as follows: thyst and cultured Energy Crisis ' ' SUN GLORY 2 lb. Pkj. Limit 3 per customer please, either whole, cut-up or split features recorded music and Also, East-West; first, Ed first, JoAnn Scata and Jackie pearls, pO. 14 K Warren DeMartin, a HELCO with Stop & Shop's We^ve Named The 3aby— song by nationally known recor­ Conway and Jeannine Ray­ Fetherston; second, Rhea and employe , spoke to students in ding musicians and vocalists. mond; second. Peg LaPlant and yellow gold. Ea.sy Stop & Shop Spinach 'ff 16° 3V4-4 lbs. Bill Gregonios; third, Mary Grade 5 and 6 on the energy LEAF OR CHOPPED consumer Interspersed with the special Tucker Merritt; third, William Tierney and Grace Barrett. Payments crisis. He showed a movie of U.S. G RA D E music is an informal sharing of McDougall and Jim Polites,. White Gem Roasting Chickens Svclnys. Lisa .Ann, daughter of John and V ilma Parmelee Prices subiect to change such a crisis which happened in representative... devotional readings, poetry, Svelnys of Newington. She was born Nov. 15 at Manchester England last year. DeMartin Sara Lee Lasagna with Meat Sauce Vk°g' 89° and selected passages from the Results in the Andover South Windsor Bridge Club WHOLE OR SPLIT Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are M r.. nd Mrs. was invited to speak on the Taste O’Sea Krunchee Fish Fillets X': 55° Living Bible. “ Restful Bridge Club duplicate game will have a Swiss team club U.S. GRADE “A” YOUR STORE MANAGER Willis Parmelee of Durham. Her paternal grandmothe. is Mrs. career educational curriculum. White Gem Chicken Breasts Moments” is produced in the Friday night at the Andover championship game Tuesday at J? Macaroni & Cheese Howard johnson's ^(” 65° Ceslava Svelnys of Tolland Tpke., Manchester. 7:30 p.m. at 1788 Ellington The manager of your Stop & Shop Calvary Church parsonage Congregational Church are as Taste O'Sea Clam Platter U.S. Ave., Wapping. Teams will be JEWELERS-SILVERSMITHS SINCE 1900 ADVERTISEMENT Pkg. b S r living room. follows: first. Mr. and Mrs. G RADE “ A ” has always played an important role Auglienbaugh, Tina Marie, daughter of Albert and Mary made up at game time. A meeting will be held Stouffer’s Broccoli Au Gratin V“k°»^-59‘ White Gem Chicken Legs or Thighs ‘‘Calvary Church Echoes,” Paul Barton; tied for second, SSS MAIN ST. MANCHESTER - Also: Hartlord • Middletown • New Britain in the Stop & Shop Consumer Program, E Scarpello Aughenbaugh of Merrow Rd., Coventry. She was born also a locally produced broad­ Mr. and Mrs. Donald Weeks, Tuesday, Dec. 4 at 8 p.m. at Nov. 6 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grand­ Hawaiian Punch Fruit Juicy Red 1a°n"39° increasingly so since the establish­ cast, is heard on WINF radio Dr. and Mrs. Tanash Herrick Memorial Park for all parents are Mr. and Mrs. Cosmo Scarpello of Coventry. Her bS r y Pkg. Sunday morning at 10:15. The Atoynatan, and Jim Macomber those opposed in any way to Morton Danish Sweet Rolls 55° ment in 1967 of our first Consumer paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Aughenbaugh of weekly 15-minutes broadcast is and Clem Hitchcock. proposed family life program. Hendrie’s Double Dozen 24 count package Coventry. Her paternal great-grandmother is Mr„. Elizabeth ^^Quality-Protected^’ U.S.D.A. Choice Beef! Advisory Board — a trailblazing effort an outrdhch ministry of Calvary We urge those who have not yet Aughenbaugh of Lauresdale, Pa. in consumer relations — at South Church of the Assemblies of read a copy of the curriculum to God, 647 E. Middle Tpke. Ac­ Results in the Manchester attend this meeting. Concerned Plainfield, New Jersey. Vihherts, Michael Ross, son of Ross D. and Wanda Campbell wedding plans .Snow Crop Orange Juice cording to the Rev. Mr. Gustaf­ KofC Duplicate bridge game Bolton Parents. Vibberts of 90 Valley St. He was born Nov. 17 at Manchester In the six years since, Stop & son, ‘‘The primary reason for Thursday morning at the KofC Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandpare 'ts are Mr. and Mrs. oz'. CAN A Q ® Shop’s Consumer Board program has C 12 the radio broadcast is to share Home are as follows: North- Ramon Campbell of East St., Hebron. His pa ei .lal grandparents 100% FLORIDA ORANGE JUICE hymns of faith and strength and South; first, Mrs. James grown to 35 boards in six states,-from are Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vibberts of 45 Delmont St. His mater­ devotional messages from the McLaughlin and Mrs. Roy nal great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Chesley Campbell of Maine to New Jersey. Bible for the many shutins in Warren; tied for second, Mrs. in your future? The 700 members of those boards Windsor and Arthur Pinney Sr. of Andover. His paternal great- hospitals and homes throughout Maury Brown and Mrs. 0 Philip Town Officials John's »«< Cheese Pizza'->7 99° grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. David Ross of Florida. the greater Hartford area.” Holway, Mrs. Fred Fuerst and On MMH Board represent consumers of every age, Mrs. Robert Warner, and Mrs. “Revitaltime,” the inter­ Dr. Alice J. Turek, Morton TV Dinners 2 'w ’1 economic situation and living style. national radio voice of the Ethel Coon and Mrs. L.V. may we suggest: CHICKEN, TURKEY, MEAT LOAF OR SALISBURY STEAK MacKenzie. Manchester director of health, Each and every one of them has some­ Jackson, Junies Michael, son of James H. and Robin L. Assemblies of God, is heard on has been named to the planning Also, East-West; first, Mrs. thing to say, to us and about us... Sibrinsz Jackson of 174 Vernon St. He was born Nov. 19 at WINF radio Sunday evenings at committee of Manchester Hendrie’s Ice Cream && ’1°° Joseph Barre and Mrs. Richard v a n il l a when they say it, the Stop & Shop Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents %re 9:30. Heard on over 650 radio Our Newest Collection., Memorial Hospital’s Board of , MAPLE WALNUT, CHOCOLATE CHIP, Mr. and Mrs. William Sibrinsz of 128 Campfield Rd. His paternal stations around the world, the DeMartin; second, Mrs. Milly HARLEQUIN OR BUTTER CRUNCH manager is listening. Dennison and Mrs. D. ’Thomas; Trustees, representing the grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jackson of 174 Vernon St. broadcast service orginates in town, and Alan Mason, town the 650-seat radio auditorium of third, Mrs. Robert Dunfield and Besides participating in the Con­ Mrs. Roger Crafts. director of human services, has Mlnj-mcBd’Dairy Specials sumer Board program, the Store the Assemblies of God, been named alternate represen­ "Quality-Protected” Beef Springfield, Mo. Evangelist U.S.D.A. Choice Denning, Thomas Roy, son of Franklin and Carol tative. Top Sirloin Steak Manager may conduct a tour of his C.M. Ward has been speaker on Town Manager Robert Weiss, store for a class from the local schools Bartholomew Denning of Brown’s Bridge Rd., Tolland. He was the Revivaltime broadcast Results in the Manchester the CHEVRONI [Sun Glory Margarine who announced the ap­ born Nov. 17 at Rockville General Hospital. His maternal grand­ stop & Shop brands A or groups. One regular duty is to check weekly i^nce 1953. Community Y novice game pointments, said they were ‘ 75% regular ground beef, 25% hydrated textured mother is Mfs. Sarah Bartholomew of Grennan Rd., Crystal represent meaningful j€ vegetable protein. Overall tat content not more than 24%. that his “Shopper’s Corner” bulletin Lake, Rockville. Hi:, paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. a NAVY HERRINGBONE DOUBLEKNIT made following a meeting he savingstoyour budget.W I Beef Plus Paul Denning of 11 Murray Rd South Winds •, He has a brother, TUXEDO... had with Edward M. Kenney, board is covered with useful consumer Michael, 7: and a sister. Line , 6. » MMH administrator, and Jacob Stop & Shop Crescent Rolls pk” :35‘ information. Miller, chairman of the board Borden Processed AmerSlicesAmerSlii TenwPk°g'79° About Town “This is a big step toward Florida Citrus Sale! Backing the Manager is our head­ coordinated health services Feature Tasty Bits in Wine Sauce ’5,789° quarters staff, including the Consumer MiTciiT, Daniel Robert, son of Robert A. and Barbara An exquisitely styled tuxedo, the jacket is enhanced by wide peak planning for the town,” said Fruit Flavored Drinks 5!p"Silor& 3 eSru,,', *1 Affairs Department. In future columns, Vaiciulis Mercier of East Hartford. He was ,orn Nov. 12 at Weiss. “Those gaps in health Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents navy velvet lapels and collar which are trimmed In VV navy satin. The we will be sharing the Store Manager’s The I Manchester Memorial The Old Guard of Emanuel services that are identified will 5 °59 slacks are matching navy herringbone flares with navy satin lorida Oranges 'a are Mr. and Mrs. Leo Vaiciulis of 16 Avond.ile Rd. His paternal Hospital auxiliary will sponsor Lutheran Church will meet strlplng...Add to that a sfriking white, blue, gold or pink ruffle sh’.l be brought to the attention of “know-how” and “how-to” with you. grandfather is Albert Mercier of Hartford. His paternal great­ a venereal disease prevention Tuesday at 10 a.m. in Luther the Advisory Board of Health, As one of our Store Managers put grandmothers are Mrs. Rose Mercier of Hartford and' Mrs. workshop Wednesday at 8 p.m. Hall of the church. ’The meeting with 4" navy velvet bow tie — and WOWI An extraordinary lookiiTg wedding party... y the town’s Board of Directors, Elizabeth Rose of East Haven. He has a sister. Dawn Lynn, Vh. in conference rooms A and B at isopen to all retired men in the concerned agency staff, town Florida Tangerines or Tangelos — »59 it at a recent Consumer Boand meeting: neighborhood. the hospital. Dr. Samuel Smith, Also Avaffab/e In Burgundy Htrrlngbiml commissions and citizens.” “My customers know that today’s obstetrician and gynecologist, 73711056 food situation has no simple solutions Jfweit, Heather Elaine, daughter of C. Everett and Joan vuili present slides and a Indian River w r r " “ . ' ' ' -59 Morrison Jewett of Abby Dr., Hebron. She was bom Nov. 30 at filmstrip. All parents of Manchester Junior Women’s and they ask me to talk straight. I’d like Windham Community Memorial Hospital, Willimantic. Her teenage children are invited to Club Garden Club will meet Plus...The Bride and Groom receives FREE with 4 or more tuxedo to do the same with you." « 3 maternal grandmother is Mrs. Brig. John D. Morrison of 186 attend with their children, as Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the home rentals a 41-piece glassware collection by ‘LIBBY’... Homestead St., Mancheste*'. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. are any interesied persons. of Mrs. John Hanley, 5 Hawley About Town % Gal. Jar-Orange or Grapefruit Juice 79! Jo h n Astin store Manager/Manchester and Mrs. W. Charles Jew ut of Abby Dr., Hebron. She has two St. Mizpah-Spencer Circle of J & J Shampoo sisters, Becky, 11, and Debbie, 6; and a brother, Glenn, 3. A Mass for the deceased Plus J12...Y0U also receive a FREE garter and Ring Bearer Pillow — South United Methodist Church members of Gibbons Assembly, another Regals exclusive!,. will meet Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. Its "no more tears formula‘' i2v$oz. Mini-Priced'Dell-Hut specials t Mlnl-Priced sen service Dell I Hunt, Matthew Gerald, son of Timothy and Lynda Colombo Catholic Ladies of Columbus, The Women’s Christian at Susannah Wesley House of leaves your hai r baby-soft. hti. 9 9 ' t l Mlnl-Priceil iromourKiicliBns Hunt of 50G Spencer St. He was born Nov. 21 at Manchester will be celebrated Friday at Fellowship of Second At Regals you may’‘select from. 20 different styles and colors of tUe church. M rs, Thomas I EXTRA I Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandmother is Mr?. Patricia 5:30 p.m. at St. James Church. Congregational Church will tuxedos...AII of which are In stock, nothing to send away fori... Ferguson will speak on Christ­ Nepco Cold Cuts ilonialm^FranksMILD Colombo of 70 Spencer St. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and All members and their families have its Christmas meeting mas customs and foods. Arrid Spray Deodorant Exciting deli Lg. Chicken or Beef Pies’/ r ’ l^ank. MADE WITH QUALITY Mrs. James Hunt of Windsor. are invited to attend. POWDER, REGULAR OR UNSCENTED e o z ."fA C I LUNCHEON, P&P, OLIVE C O C selections to tonight at 7:30 at the church. Luncheon will be served. Meat Lasagna INGREDIENTS V \r7 9 ° Hostesses will be Mrs. Elsie Our all week mini-price* gives can f U OR MOCK CHICKEN J j ^ Iv i please everyone 8 9 ' Twin Submarine Sandwich 7 oz. 65° Burgesa, David Edv ri Jr., son of David E. and Christine Swensson, Mrs. Mary Mayo, you your Sfpp& Shopsworth. I w Colonial Beef Franks-1 Ib. Pkg. ^ I”' Burns Burgess of 27 Christopher Dr., Vernon. He was bom Nov. Ask Anyone Who Has I t — Mrs. Mabel Kuster, Mrs. Bayor Aspirin— 300 Count Bottle *1 ^ Potato Salad or Cole Slaw^Kiteta'’ 39f^ Colonial ^sTYLE Sausage Sticks‘=?xr»1« 20 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents Fine, No Body hair can be vexing and Christine Valentine and Mrs. t \ Mlnl-Priceo Fish Specials are Mr. and Mrsi Marshall Burns of Albany, N.Y. His paternal needs a lot of help. Mary White. Modess Mini Pads— 30 Count Pkg. 79°. Colonial Jellied Corned Beef i',. 89° Colonial Sliced Bologna-1 Ib. Pkg. $139 grandmother is Mrs. Elizabeth, Burgess of Rensselaer, N.Y. He Wilkinson Bonded Blades s count package 49° Fried Clams AMERICAN ORIGINAL I t lb. has a sister, Beth Ann, 3. . Duet can help, with todays perm, a < REGAL MEN'S SHOP White American Cheese 59° Colonial Cold Cuts Lunclieon.'blive or luxury 69° Pko. new frizzless, gentle method for adding Durward J. Miller of 358 Lydall St., was recently ap­ Stop & Shop Kitchen Meat Loaf ib 89° Colonial Bacon Sliced Haddock Fillets— Frozen Hodge, Brian Llewellyn, son of Lt. Col Harold B. Jr, and long-term cucLwave, or bounce to your MANCHESTER pointed chairman of first aid at Stop & Shop Windshield Wash gallon'jug 59°. Chinese Style Pork Roll ^kitchens'" t6 9 ° Merit Brand Sliced Bacon ■’p:* i « Boston Lite Cod Fillets frozen ns? Kwang Pun Kim Hodge of Wrights Mill Rd., Coventry. He was hair, preventi^ damage, providing life. 901-907 MAIN STREET ' TRI-CITY PLAZA the Greater Hartford Chapter Prestone Spray DeHCer h o z aerosol can 89° Slim Jims— All Varieties tVi oz. PACKAGE 59° First Prize All Meat Franks l.k7»1*9 born Nov. 20'at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal 643-2478 * 872-0538 of the American Red Cross. grandmother is Mrs. Jae Suk Kim of Seoul, Korea. His paternal Miller will serve a one-year grandmother is Mrs. Harold Hodge Sr. gf ^ Jarvis Rd.. He has Duet Beauty Salon DPfN TUES., THURS. UNTIL 9 P.M. OPEN MON., THURS., HU. UNTIL 0 PJI. term ending Nbvember 1974. STOP I SHOP in • MANCHESTER 263 Middle Turnpike West • EAST HARTFORD 830 Silver Lane. 8:00a.m.<10:0Qp.m., Mon.-Sat. three sisters, Yong Hye, 7, Kirtl, 4 and Vanessa, IVi; and a 521 East Middle ’Tpke., Manchester Phone 649-3906 ciumtmiianu.wmiusmeiumBsrmstSM.'taum^ brother, Harold,B. Ill, 3.

f PAGE FOURTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Mon., Dec. 3, 1973

► » > » i i f < <■ i n i : V e r n o n MANCHESTER EVENING HER A IjiJ^anchester. Conn.. Mon.. Dec. 3. 1973 -^ PAr.P; FIFTEEN CARL’S TV Manchester SLATE POOL TABLES About Town SALES Hospital Notes' Scandla Lodge, Vasa Order of from *235® ® »ndii|i Purchase America, will hold Us Christ­ SLEEP SHOP No Batter Prices DISCHARGED FRIDAY: mas party and potluck BRUNSWICK - GOTHAM - FISCHER No Bettor Sarvlqa Roger E^ Mosher, 118A McKee Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at Odd ^PECIAL OF THE WEEK Fellows Hall. A business FULL LINE OF ACCESSORIES A n y w h e re l ' St.; John E. Sullivan, 29 Steej) Topic for Hearing Hollow Lane; Martha White, meeting will follow. Members HEADQUARTERS 285 Main St., South Windsor; are reminded to bring a dish RIZZO SKI & POOL FOR Robert Ricking, 123 Waddell and a $1 grab bag gift. Vernon Circle, Vernon Sat 9 - 6 Phone TV • APPUANCES The Vernon Town Council will hold a status of expansion and improvements to Rd.; Roy J. Fitzpatrick, 27E Open Daily 10 to 9 Sun. 12 • 4 647-9420 STEREO - TV PARTS public hearing and a special town meeting 186 in the Vernon area and a report on Bluefield Dr.; John F. ’The VFW Auxiliary will meet A ACCESSORIES at 7:30 tonight at the hfiddle School on a protecting the Fox Hill Tower from van­ Reduker, 67 Joseph Lane, South at the Holmes Funeral Home, It’s TwinU 872-0884-87B*4304 request for an appropriation of 1160,000 to dals. Windsor; Peter P. Surgzich, 400 Main St., at 7:30 tonight to LAPPPLAZE purchase Camp Newhoca on Bolton Lake Also to be’discussed will be the contract East Hartford; Leone V. Cote, pay respects to Isabella AT BLAU FURNITURE STORES YOUR GUIDE FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS... RT. 83 VERNON shore. negotiated with the engineering firm of East Hartford; Merry Wilburn, Heritage, who was a member. If approved, the town will buy the camp 'Anderson-Nichols, a- request to waive 437 Taylor St., Vernon. WHERE THIS SPECIAL PURCHASE IS MADE POSSIBLE | from the trustees of Newington Children’s •parking meter fees through the holidays, Also, Jacqueline A. Holmes, There will be no Buckley Men's Doubleknit Hospital. The amount will be paid in five several requests to abate taxes, authoriza­ East Hartford; Yoland J. W ith BLAU'S New 3 Store Buying | installments, the first to be paid when the ' School Library workshop tion for the mayor to sign all checks pen­ Touchette, 168 High St., tomorrow. deed is transferred and the other four each ding appointment of a new director of ad­ Rockville; Anna F. Rowe, 11 Power — Hundreds of Twin Sets _ year on the anniversary of the signing. ministration discuss the office of the town Lockwood St.; Raymonde M. The town plans to pay the amount from attorney, the enforcement of state Nadeau, 14 Emily Dr., Members of Hose and Ladder FIRM ECLIPSE MATTRESS ■ revenue sharing funds and therefore there statutes which prohibit the throwing of Rockville; Samuel Adamy, 174 No. 1, Town Fire Department, MATCHING BOX SPRINGS | BARY CHRISSY will be no interest charges. The town plans offensive matter on the highway, and con­ Parker St.; John R. Moriconi, will meet tonight at 8 at the to use the campsite as a recreation area. sider the creation of a Town of Vernon 21 Lilley St.; Paul J. Malsick, McK^e St. firehouse. MATCHING SETS! ■ Following the hearing and the town bicentennial commission. 935 Main St., South Windsor; serving Connecticut homemakers since t909 vr MIMS 8! meeting, the council will hold its regular Immediately following adjournment of Georgina P. Vince, 232 New meeting to consider several items, some 7 ^ I MIDDU TFKE.mANCHESTa the Town Council, the council will meet in State Rd.; Donna M. Doherty, A ll Colors, All Sizes. tabled from the meeting held two weeks its capacity as Sewer Authority to discuss USB Downey Dr. Fire Calls O u r R eg. to *65. (Opp, t t RfU ipiom W t Chunk) ago. X the condemnation of properties for sewer Also,.Louis J. Pelletier, East b la u [ Multl-browi The council will hear reports on the easements. Hartford; Timothy L. Hagan, SATURDAY FREE furniture stores and 174 Hebron A ve., B olton; 10:24 a.m. — Small electrical DELIVERY Multiblack Middletown Old Saybfook Manchester Cythia A, Thomas, East Hart­ fire in fuse box at 18 Oak St. 346-6606 388-5300 643-4159 IMATCHING BcHsm ford; Wilbrod J. Messier, 71 (Town Fire Department) CHRISTMAS Two feet of cuddly delight. Baby Grandview St. f Linda M. Rem- 11:27 a.m. — Small fire in PER SET soft, auburn hair "grows" out to Police Report HANDBAG *15 ** by, 371 Adams St.; Austeen S. washing ihachine at 53 Lake St. 1115 Main St., Manchester GIVING nestle around'her shoulders. Wilson, 27 Cook St. (Town) &1B-4159 Also, Donna P. Burnett, 176 11:02 p.m. — Accidental E. Middle Tpke.; Anthony Lip- MANCHESTER vehicle without a license. Court triggering Of alarm from Box charged early this morning po, Manchester; Cammy M. 531, Nathan Hale School (Town) OPEN TONITE and EVERY NITE ’til 9:00 Make it a Delicious 239 Spencer St., Manchester I An armed robbery Sunday date is Dec. 17. with disorderly conduct in con­ Starr, East Hartford; Douglas (Open Saturdays ’til 5:30) night resulted in the arrest of —Kenneth Washington, 48, of 11:08 p.m. — Rescue call to 4 nection with the investigation Nelson, East Hartford; Christmas With A Joseph Eloi Aide Noel, 23, of 73 Chestnut St., was charged scene of automobile accident • Cash • Charge • Budget Terms • Up To 3 Years To Pay of an incident in his sister’s Richard P. Sorrell, Wrights 3 near 373 Main St. (Town) East Hartford, Manchester Sunday with operating an un­ Opeit^unday^til Xmas from 1 to 3 for Browsers Only... apartment, police said. Mill Rd., Coventry; Sebastian SUNDAY Food Gift From Us! Police report. registered motor vehicle. The Hanrheettf Rutadr^ Police said Davis discharged Lom bardo, 73 R idge St.; 1:23 p.m. — Dumpster fire at Noel was charged with first- car is owned by the Hartford MANCHESTfiR a 12-guage shotgun for no ap­ Marian V. Moberg, 130 rear of Parkade Bakery, 400 W. IV e degree robbery, carrying a Fire Insurance Co. Court date H a ve ... parent reason. He was held in Highland St. Middle Tpke. (Town) loaded weapon in his motor is Dec. 17. lieu of $500 bond and was to be DISCHARGED SATURDAY: 5:50 p.m. — Report of smoke vehicle, and possession of a —A new house under con­ REBAL MEHrS SHBR i r Gift Hams & Turkeys OUR UYAW AY PLAN presented in Circuit Court 12, George J. Kelley, 33 O’Leary at Main and Eldridge St., no m cpftfure »fHt srour non-narcotic substance struction at 103 Highwood Dr. MANCHESTER VERNON is now in effect Manchester, today. Dr.; Alexander J. Pouy, 64 fire (Town) i r Fruit Baskets (marijuana). He was being held had its front window smashed, I9Q1-907 MAIN STREET TRI-CITY PLAZA ASK ABOUT IT SOUTH WINDSOR Park St., Rockville; Helen M. 7:26 p.m. — False alarm from ' 64^-2478 872-0538 at Police Headquarters in lieu it was reported to police Sun­ South Windsor Police Messenger, East Hartford; Box 551, Pearl and Foster Sts. i t Candies & Nuts of a $10,000 cash bond and was day. Valu6 of the picture win­ MUSIC arrested three persons Friday Pauline Slosek, East Hartford; (Town) to be presented in Circuit Court dow was set at $400. ^ Baked Goods night in connection with the in­ Frederic W. Reid, Tolland Rd., TODAY ROXES IICYCLE 12, Manchester, today. VERNON vestigation of a break into Bess Bolton; Marie P. Biske, 17D LAROatT aCLECTION OF 10:51 a.m. — False alarm, via OPENING HOURS AT REGALS! The victim, Alice Fogarty of Two Vernon Police officers ^ Deii Party Angels, R«W RICVCLCt IN TNI Eaton Donut Shop on Sullivan Garden Dr telephone, of fire on Summit St. Kl*ch«nAlcl. VKRNON AREA 39 Niles Dr., told police that were treated at Rockville Ave., reported Nov. 14. TR ASH COM PACTOR Choir Boys, Also, Richard Rose, Steeles (Town and Eighth District Fire Piatters someone had followed her from General Hospital early this Arrested were Kenneth Every Nile till 9 P.M. on Santa Claus Professionally Assembled ' Crossing Rd., Bolton; Arthur R. Departments) a friend’s house to her morning for injuries suffered Sequist, 20, of Windsor Locks; Tischofer, East Hartford; A t o y s & NOVELTIES residence. while making a double arrest in OPEN Dates Circled! Reg- $9.95 ACCESSORIES & GIFTS William McDonald, 23, of Daniel J. Deveau, 322 Oakland I Mrs. Fogarty told police that connection with the investiga­ Warehouse Point; and Candace St.; Margaret H. Zukis, 54 SNOW SHOVELS Also, Earl D. Kibbe, 142 the suspect stopped in front of tion of an incident on Grove St. Godard, of North Granby. ’They Foxcroft D r.; John E. Furphy, FAM ILY Steel & Aluminum the residence, approached her, School St.; Tammy M. Lajoie, Manchester Store M A GIFT OF CHEESE IS M Arrested were Lynn Morin, 12 were all charged with second- 29 Stone St.; Eunice M. Pease, Vernon Store JUVENILE SNOW VEHICLES and pointed a loaded .22 caliber Brent Dr., Vernon and Michael East Hartford; Kathleen degree larceny and third- Somers; Evelyn L. Hoering, 9 1973 ^ SURE TO PLEASEI Sadloski, 48 Hollister St.; Mark 1973 NOVEMBER 1973 GIFT rifle at her. He ordered her to Doran, 22, of Hayes Ave., degree burglary. Terrace Dr., Rockville. NOVEMBER 1 9 7 3 ^ With Over 200 VarieUss bam IsA ppI drop her purse, which contained Ellington. Miss Morin was P. Wellington, 500 Avery St., s M T W T F S To Choose From. All three were scheduled to Also, Beatrice E. Yanusitus, South Windsor; Andrea M. S M T W T F S $400 in checks and cash, and charged with breach of peace, appear in Circuft Court 12, East 344 Miller Rd., South Windsor; ^ ...WE MAIL ANYWHERE.. then to go into her house. Dipace, 46 Camp Meeting Rd.; IDEA GIFTS and DECORATIVE ACCESSORIES interfering with an officer and Hartford, today. Olive G. Bezik, East Hartford; 1 2 3 1 9 9 Mrs. Fogarty, police said, second-degree assault. Doran Betty L. Mastandrea, London n TRI CITY PLAZA Carlene A. Kahili of East Sherri L. Canning, East Hart­ Rd., Hebron; Lhe A. Courtney, MANCHESTER PARK APE • MANCHESTER complied and then immediately was charged^ with the same 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 i f VERNON Hartford was charged Sunday ford; Lauriene E. Locicero, 138 East Hartford; Saralynn TURNPIKE , call^ police with the descrip­ three offenses plus an added 11 12(Ia)l4 15 16 17 (If Mon.Frt. 10-9 night with operating a motor Park St.; Richard Getchell, Budge, East Hartford. 11 12 13(14315 16 17 T i Sat. 10-6 tion of the suspect’s car. charge of escape from custody. vehicle while under the in­ Manchester; Jane Fitzgerald, 18 19 20 2122 23 24 TV { % Phone 872-6739 Noel was stopped and ap­ The arrests were made in fluence of liquor or drugs. She 239 N. Main St.; Carol T. 18 ^ ^ 2122 23 24 Next to Stop & Shop ^ [POST ROAD SHOPPING PLAZA prehended a short distance connection with an incident that is scheduled to appear in Cir­ Wasko, 199 Oak St.; Barbara J. 25 2 6 © 2 8 @ 3 0 2 MAIN STREET. ROUTE 30 away by Officer Richard Rand. took place when the officer was mm BRAY’S VERNON, CONN. 872-3159 cuit Court 12, East Hartford, Bowker’, Old State Rd., An­ WILTON’S The purse and its contents making a routine check of the Dec. 24. dover. ViTlfMlN JEWELRY STORE MON. thru SAT. 1973 Gift Shop were recovered. business establishments on Carroll L. Moriarty, 49, of Also, Pamela W. Parsons, 43 1073 DECEMBER 1973 DECEMBER 1973 737 Main St. 9:30AM to 6:30PM Grove St. 964 Main St. in OPEN East Hartford, was charged Clinton St.; Sherry C. Smith, 15 HEADQUARTERS S M T W T F s » SPECIAUDNG IN Manchester A burglary at Papa Joe’s Police said Doran became S M T W T F S OPEN EVERY I Thurt. 8i Fri. Eveningi *til 9 with operating a motor vehicle N. Fairfield St.; Richard A. I Liggett Parkade Manchester's Oldest Estebllshed Downtown Manchester E Restaurant at 489 E. Middle abusive when the officer SF PANEL & CARPETING NITE t il l 9 Jewelry Slorel Headquarters for vehicle while under the in­ Burr, Vernon; Anita E. Ghelfi, Low Prices: 1 . ..'L ..SHARPENING...... Tpke. Sunday afternoon FOR CHRISTMAS questioned him and Miss Morin fluence of liquor or drugs, 462 Bolton Rd., Vernon; Doris COLLECTOR I ICE SKATES. KNIVES, SCISSORS ! 'ALPINE =HAUS WE SUGGEST; • PLATES • BOTTLES resulted in the loss of a money interferred and allegedly struck Friday night. He is scheduled to C. Blair, Stafford Springs; 8 S K I S H O P ETC. •CHARMS •PINS • ZOO ANIMALS bag and its contents of $1,027 in an officer several times with a appear in Circuit Court 12, East Ronald G. Morris, 81 Oxford r o u t e 3 0 •WATCHES •CLOCKS WE HONOR CHARGE CAROS cash. metal curtain rod. '15 J ^ l l / g ) R l P • BRACELETS • HUMMEL FIGURINES ALL BICYCLES AND Hartford, Dec. 17. St.; David E. Jones, Warehouse VERNON Entrance, police said, was Police said the escape from WANTED ______) 2 2 • GLASSWARE You owe it to yourself'to REPAIRS GUARANTEED, Point. ' • DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT gained through an unlocked side custody charge against Doran Clean, Late Medel TRADE-INS ACCKrrED COVENTRY DISCHARGED SUNDAY: 26 27 28j9) Over 200 Panels RINGSand WEDDING visit this fascinating shopi door. came after Doran said he was 31 31 Donald Allen, 40, of Forest ^ o lp h Quey, 115 Brookfield To Choose From BANDS Employes and the owner, ill and while being taken to USED CARS ' iseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee^t * Rd., Coventry, was charged St.; Agnes I. Woodman, 14M C James Nixon, were in the front Roickville Hospital he escaped COMMERCIAL CARPET Friday with falsely reporting Garden Dr.; Arthur E. Tap Prices Paid of the place at the time of the custody. starting at — $3.99 an incident and on Sunday with Jackson, Glastonbury; Stacey Far All Makes ^axexexufiffaimscsttfilAcit burglary. The alleged incidents occurred Tfiif-C/irialmaf (^Ive SompfMng third-degree criminal mischief. L. Kenyon, 57 Saulters Rd.; REBAL MEN'S BflBP CALL ROCKVILLE 875-4304 ’The case is under investiga­ about 2:30 a.m. and Doran CARTER CHEVROLET "THE COMPLETE MEN'S STORE Thai The Whole Family Can V$el He was released on $100 non­ Herbert R. Kingsbury, Union; i CHRISTMAS tion. turned himself in at the police 872-0884 surety bonds in each incident Sherly A. Jaquith, 1077 Main CO., INC. MANCHESTER VERNON station about 9 a.m. Both were 901 -907 MAIN STREET GOODIES 4 TYPEWRITER and is scheduled to appear in St.; Lillian G. McCarthy, 1229 Main Street TRI-CITY PLAZA Carol Olsen, 32, of South released on $500 non-surety LAPP PLAZA Circuit Court 12, Manchester, Wethersfield; Jane A. Geer, Phone 646-6464 M3-2478 872-OS3S FOR DOGGIES Windsor, was charged Saturday bonds. Miss Morin is scheduled RT. 83 VERNON JT on Dec. 17. Storrs; Allen A. Higbie, 477 N. with evading responsibility and to appear in Circuit Court 12, GIVE A BIKE FELICE’S Main St. CONN. For The Holidays operating at a speed greater Rockville, on Jan. 8 and Doran than reasonable in connection is scheduled to appear in the COIN featuring... with a Nov. 21 two-car accident same court on Dec. 18. Breakfast, Lunch on Windsor St. She is to appear Police said Officer Moynihan Make The Greatest Cooking and Dinner in court Dec. 17. Discovery Since Fire was treated for bumps and , STAMP bruises and Officer McDonald AMANA RADARANGE 19 Maple St. Manchester marLOW Prices, In other, Manchester Police for an injured left shoulder. (Around corner frorf? reports: I We Have All The Brands! plus E-Z TermsI Edmund G. Ciscon, 47, of 45 Main St.) —John Stiebetz, 19, of South ' Royal • Olivetti Lawrence St., Rockville, was EFFECTIVE IMMEDIAnLY Radar Range LOCATED IN THE •Coats • Hats SALES, SERVICE, Windsor, was charged Friday arrested Sunday morning and Starts at $299.00 ' Remington-Rand MANCHESTER 10 Speed 9 Speed • TurUenecKs . CmithU-'nrnna nC.lVlALa,RENTALS, SUPPLIESbUPPLlBiS with evading responsibility in charged with turning in a false LARSON PETCENTER ' 3 Speed • t o y s • connection with an accident on alarm on upper Lawrence St. THE MANCHESTER AUTOMOBILE DEALERS » APPLIANCE Headquarters for: Dog Grooming Summit St. Court date is Dec. and interfering with an officer. 13 Windsor Ave. I Set Up and Ready to Go 17. n CENTER Rockville Domestic Coins LAYAWAYS WELCOME The arrest was made in con­ —David Scayett, 18, of 54 Come In For A Demonstration 875-7655 Domestic Stamps Gigantic Selection SUDS & nection with the investigation Coin & Stamp Birch St., was charged Monday of a false alarm turned in Satur­ ASSOCIATION WILL COMPLY WITH THE FARR’S with operating a motor vehicle Supplies & OPEN 6 A.M.-9 P.M. day night. Fire Chief Donald SCISSORS I 'Your RLOWGift Store for Family and Home! 2 Main SL 363 BROAD STREET while his license was under Maguda had asked the police to Accessories Poet Road Plaia B t so 5 DOWNTOWN MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER „^-0pen Daily to 10 (Formerly Mr. Turkey) 8TS-76Z4 suspension after investigation patrol the streets in an attempt VERNON r j Free Purnell Parking-Master Charge Cards Accepted! of an accident at Main and to catch the person responsible COVERNOR’S REQUEST TO CONSERVE ENER6Y Locust Sts. Court date is Dec. as the department has been For You Holiday Wine List... |.|H 17. plagued with false alarms over —Armand Ouellette, 28, of 77 the past several weeks. The energy crisis Is making all people sacrifice some of F o r N o .l Laurel St., turned himself in at After being arrested Ciscon Police Headquarters and was was taken to Rockville General the luxuries we have all taken for granted until the present o n y o u r served with a Circuit Court 12 Hos(ntal and later transferred time. We hope all of you will try to be more conscious A S T I GANCIA warrant charging him with to Norwich State Hospital. His when using our limited supplies of energy... Italian Sparkling operating a motor vehicle while court appearance date will be Christmas O sf > his license was under suspen­ set after his release from W in e sion. He was released on a $100 Norwich. GE "Potscrubber"'” cash bond and is to appear in Reginald L. Smith, 42, of 17 In the spirit of co-operation to conserve energy we will court Dec. 17. Built-In Dishwasher with High St., Rockville, was have the following schedule beginning December 3. DON’T V. Carat —Russell Saunders, 16, of no charged Saturday night with Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday — 9 A.M.-8 P.M. $150.00 4 Pushbutton Cycles: certain address, was charged first-degree reckless endanger- 1/3 Carat Friday with loitering on school ment, threatening, interferring Thursday & Friday 9 A.M.-6 P.M. — $ 0 5 5 S K im t SACRIFICE Power Scrub'“ for pots, pans, casseroles: $275.00 Normal lor everyday loads; Light Soil for grounds at Manchester High. with an officer and risk of in­ Saturday 9 A.M.-5 P.M. '/< Carat snack plates or dusty, stored dishes; Rinse He is being held in lieu of a $50 jury to a child. Tenth j HOCKEY SIZE FOR $495.00 4 Hold" for once-a-day dishwashingl Pov*- surety bond and was to be Police said Jhey received a erful 3-lavel wash m A a c B presented in court today. complaint of a distqrbance at actioni PRICE ^ 9 ^ —Roland Jenkins, 39, of East the 17 High St. address. They TENNIS FREE TREASURE SHOPPE Hartford, was charged Sunday said they found a man with a ri­ , Gilt Wrapping DOLLARS WITH with, fourth-degree, larceny fle in his hand and his wife and IVEST 7 PARK STREET EVERY PURCHASE (shoplifting) at Treasure City, child present. in the Parkade. Jenkins was Police said they were ROCKVILLE, CONN. i l U r MANCHESTER TEL 8 7 5 ^ 1 0 0 released on a $50 surety bond threatened when they entered MORIARTY BROS. IL L with court date set for Dec. 17. CHORCHES MOTORS LYNCH MOTORS MANCHESTER S-8;30 DAILY ® rra 0 U » &Son the apartment. Three officer's Canter Street PEARL 80 Oakland Streal . 348 Cantar strati TED TRUDON WED., THURS., FRI. 649 MAIN , m a Hchester, conn. —Robert McCarthy, 34, of 81 were present, Robert Ahnert, OLOSMOBILE PACKAGE PARKADE “Shop n p ’weler you can trust” „ Mancheatar M ancheatar Mancheatar OPEN TILL S P.RI. Rachel Rd.,was charged Sun­ Gary Kology and David John­ Hartford Road PORCHE-AUDI & PHOHE 6 4 3 -2 1 7 1 day with fourth-degree larceny M a n ch aila r STORE cs^atossts:^ son. TED TRUDON ’ MANCHESTER f»AM(ADE (shoplifting) at Treasure City. Unable to post a $7,500 bond, MANCHESTER TED TRUDON \ m m ii De CORMIER MOTORS OILLON FORD CARTER CHEVROLET VOLKSWAGEN He was released on a $150 non­ Smith was held at the police 2BB Broad Street 319 Main street 1229 Main Street PLYMOUTH PONTIAC surety bond with court date station over the weekend and M ancheatar M ancheatar Tolland Turnpike Mancheatar Tolland Tumpika . 373 Main Street Talcottvllle Dec. 17. was to be presented in Circuit Talcottvllle . Mancheater ' —Roy McCarter, 17, of 428 Court 12, Manchester, today. Hillstown Rd„ was charged Daniel Davis, 18, of Park Sunday wUh operating a motor West Dr., Rockville, was * ■* • f ' PAGE SIXTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Mon,, Dec. 3. 1973 ‘ ’ V -

MANChW e R EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Mon.^ Dec. 3 .1 9 7 3 - PAGE SEVF.NTii’.irN Ernie Moore Stars Granby Five Herald Angle Eller Lashes at Mates In MCC^s First Win Tops Cheney By Earl Yost Cougars outscored Trinity 134 Seconds' later. Bob After Loss to Bengals B y Chris Blake Sports Editor to vault into a 22-20 lead. Moore Niekrash’s fifth foul at 7:55 had five points in the spurt. gave Moore a pair of free Off to an inauspicious start, the Cheney Tech Beavers Center'^Ernie Moore Guards Stan Alexander and throws. He hit both and Greg team dropped a 63-55 verdict to Granby High NEW Y o r k IAP) — “ This team is a disCTace,” said pumped in 30 points and Curt Iverson each picked up ^ defense manhandled Chicago’s Moody stole the ensuing in- Saturday night at the victors school. M innm ta defensive end Carl Eller after Sunday’s loss by collected 18 rebounds and three fouls in the first half, with modest offense, allowing the Bears past midfield just once* boiinds pass and scored an easy Granby’s Bob Corneroli set a the Vikings to Cincinnati. “ I think the National Football Rianchester Community the latter sitting out the final 13 Bill* 17, Falcon* 6 hoop to give the Cougars some new school scoring standard as Cranby (6.i> League should fine this club.” minutes. B F T « ,r ,4 made it into the record books with his ninth 100- College staved off two se­ breathing room. he hit 38 points, breaking the coiiins Ra»»le-Da%%le Play With Iverson on the bench, 1 0 2 Eller and the Vikings aren’t accustomed to losing, much less yard rushing g^me of the season as Buffalo stopped Atlanta’s cond half rallies by the Weselcough converted both Church League old standard of 34 held jointly Corneroli 16 6 38 Moore picked up the offensive 1 1 3 losing big but they ran into an aroused Bengal team and came "How did you like the way Jimmy Weston took charge Trinity frosh to score a 79-69 ends of a one-and-one situation by Ned Hidreth and Bob Jensen hi*Q"fI!I!fi fgained 137 yards to up slack. He cashed in on a three- Opening action in the Inter­ Lewis 4 0 8 away with a 27-0 defeat — the Vikings’ worst loss since 1968. It his total for the season to 1,587. He needs just 276 yards in his two out there tonight?,” a happy Dee Rowe asked members of to cut the margin to four. But, Erickson. Gilbert 1 1 3 victory over the Bantams point play at 2:41 and scored faith Basketball League of WM also the first time Minnesota has been shut out since 1962. final games to break Jim Browns’s record of 1,863 for a single the media in a post-gafne conference after his UConn Moore scored from inside and Manchester Saturday night saw Romella 4 1 4 SGdson, Saturday afternoon at the another hoop as Manchester Leading the Cheney cause Essex Johnson raced 40 yards for one Cincinnati touchdown and basketball team had soundly whipped Yale in its opener Alexander hit on a jumper for a Wapping upend Trinity, 32-22, 27 0 63 Hartford-based school. It took a 34-3riead into the locker was senior Co-Captain Tom I^mar Parrish went 23 yards with a fumble recovery for another. _ Cowboy* 22, Bronco* 10 comfortable 62-54 edge. Faith Lutheran destroy Tem­ Cheney Tech (55) Saturday night. The final score was 102-88 but it in no way was the first game for both room. LeCourt who pumped in 24 B F T Ken Anderson hit on 12 of 17 passes for 105 yards and a TD ^ g e r Stauhach was dumped five times by the Denver defense After that, the Cougars ple, 46-17, and Center edge showed the superiority the UConns held in the misthatch. clubs. The second half saw the points. Martin Cerrigione Viklinetz 3 0 6 The victory kept the Bengals in the thick of the AFC Central but got up often enough to throw toucBdown passes of six and 27 opened up a 13-point spread at Cerrlnglone Weston, the sm allest man on the team at 5-10, paired Emanuel, 36-3^. 6 1 11 Division chase. Cincinnati and Cleveland are a half-game behind The outcome was decided on Cougars build two modest leads 73-60 and coasted home. chipped in with 11 tallies for the Foran 3 1 7 nf "ffrai” dip ped Uio Broucos out Wapping was led to victory by Beavers. LeCourt 12 0 24 Pittsburgh right now but the Steelers have to play Miami tonight. of first place in the AFC West. with Jimmy Foster, only three inches taller, to spark the the boards, where MCC enjoyed and Trinity come back to within MCC committed 42 fouls to Rob Reeves’ 12 points while Korlowicz 1 0 2 Should the Steelers lose, all three clubs would be tied with just . Raider* 17, Oilers 6 , success with some razzle-dazzle playmaking that a 51-31 advantage. Moore did two each time. Trinity’s 27 and six players Cooke 1 3 5 Ken Irish had 20 points for Cheney was out front after two games left-in the regular campaign. Linebacker Phil Villapiano made the big play for Oakland, ■ resembled Harlem Globetrotter play. most of the damage in the se­ ,.A n aggressive MCC defense fouled out of the ruggedly Trinity. the first eight minutes, 14-11, bu 26 6 56 ■IJe Browns stayed alive with a come-from-behind 20-20 draw picking off a fumble by Lewis Jolley at the Raiders’ one-yard line Typical of opening tests, there were turnovers galore cond half, hitting for 18 points and two Alexander steals played contest. Lutheran was led in its romp fell behind at halftime, 29-24 with Kansas City. and racing 52 yards. Oakland scor^ on a two-yard run by Marv and 11 caroms. followed by layups gave the At the charity line, MCC and some of the sleight-of-hand passing by Weston and by Kevin Busque and Steve and ran out of gas in the second In other games, Los Angeles clinched the NFC West with a 264) Hubbard SIX plays later and the Oilers, 1-11, never recovered. Both teams experienced locals a seven-point edge, 42-36, clicked on 22 of 38 for 57 per Foster in particular was too much for their mates at Jaworski with 12 and 10 points half, trailed 49-35 after three romp over Chicago, Buffalo stunned Atlanta 17-6, Washington Lion* 20 , Cardinal* 16 opening game jitters in the first at 16:55. The Bants shaved four dent while from the floor the tim es. respectively. Ted Wasserman periods. Newcomhe rallied past New York 27-24, Dallas dumped Denver 22-10 Bill Mun^n tossed a fiveyard touchdown pass to Charlie half. MCC turned the ball over points off that margin with Cougars shot 47 per cent. had six points for Temple. Houston 17-6, New England downed San Diego Sanders and set up another TD with a 43-yard pitch to Earl 19 times while Trinity lost it 14 John Lines and Weselcough get­ Moore led all scorers with 30 The John Kleis-coached Exciting Team Dean Anderson and Drew ^ 1 4 , the New York Jets held off Baltimore 20^17, Detroit tripped McCkiltouch for Detroit. Munson also showed some ability as a times. ting field goals. while Weselcough was high Beaver quintet will try tq get on Sets Pace Winzler collected 14 tallies St.Louis 20-16, Green Bay stopped New Orleans 30-10 and San scrambler. ^ “ I’ve said it before,” Rowe mentioned, “ this is an Trinity used the good outside Then the Cougars reeled off the right track Tuesday when it man for Trinity with 23 apiece for Center while Rick Francisco topped Philadelphia 38-28. Packer* 30, Saint* 10 exciting team and one that is worfli the price of admission shooting of Gary Weselcough nine unanswered points for a 51- markers. Moody added 11 and travels to Bolton for an 8 p.m. Johnson had 15 marker for InCup Win Brown*JJO, Chief* 2 0 , tie GrMn Bay picked off four New Orleans passes and returned to see play.” and a bundle of Cougar tur­ 41 advantage before Trinity Iverson netted nine for the contest. Skins Roy Jefferson Makes Successful Pass Reception Emanuel. aeveland roared from behind with two long-range touchdovms two of them for touchdowns, safety A1 Matthews rheing 58 yards novers to take a 16-9 lead asked for time out. Cougars. The UConn campus is all hopped up over the success of Pete Athas o f Giants Brings Wide Receiver Down on His Back in the final six minutes. Rookie speedster Greg Pruitt ignited the and linebacker Jim Carter going 42 yards. Quarterback Jerry midway through the first half. Once again, Weselcough led Off to a good start, MCC CLEVELAND (AP) - John the fall sports teams and it has carried over into the Browns’ comeback with an electrifying 65-yard touchdown Tagge ran 41 yards for another Packer TD. The was to be the Bants’ the way as Trinity outscored plays its first home game Newcombe, a 29-year-old basketball campaign. The Huskies were accorded a sprint. Mike Phipps and Milt Morin combined on a 51-yard pass 49er* 38 , Eagle* 28 biggest margin. MCC 11-2 to trail by just one, 53- Thursday night at Cheney Tech, Australian citizen, is on his way number of standing ovations and one would have thought Pair of Firsts Gained play for the tying TD. ^ Fullback Ken Willard rushed for 117 yards and quarterback In the next four minutes, the 52. hosting the Eastern Connec­ to proving his statement that he Ram* 2 6 , Bear* 0 Steve Spurrier scored twice from the one for San Francisco. The the Yankee Conference title was at stake from the fan ticut State College JVs at 8. wants to be the world’s best reaction. In Hartford Swim Meet Larry McCutcheon rushed for 152 yards on 24 carries and Davis 4^rs built a 28-0 lead at the half and then held off a late 3 tennis player. Ray Booted field goals of 30,16, 39 and 26 yards as Los Angeles Philadelphia rally. UConn basketball is big league, make no mistake about Newcombe cobined with 35- Jurgensen^Brown Combine Manchester Rec boys placed it, and once the state’s top high school players wind their and he took a fith place in the year-old Rod Laver over the well in the 19th annual Greater way up to the Storrs campus, this goal will be reached. Ski Owners Hopeful 25-yard freestyle in the time of weekend as the Australian .MiineheNler CC (79) Hartford Swimming Cham­ 17.6. “ I’m optimistic about recruiting good Connecticut high B F Pts. team swept the Davis Cup back Alexander 3 1-3 7 pionships held Saturday at Friday night the Manchester school players. A lot of them are now interested in Connec- ^OODSTOCK, Vl. (AP) — The president of the down below by defeating the Iverson 3 3-5 9 Hartford Public High School. Rec won its second meet of the IE] Scoreboard lEl I Eastern Ski Areas Association says he thinks the skiing ■Moore 10 10-13 30 U S. Team 5-0. Talents to Overcome Giants tucut,” Rose pointed out. He added, “ There isn’t a player Mike Wasyluk, 14, took a first industry in 16 states of the Northeast is going to sur­ Moody 4 3-8 11 winter, season, besting Enfield Newcombe defeated the L-. Pats on Way Back in the state that we don’t know about.” Kichnet 0-1 in the 200-yard individual 343-126. vive the energy crisis “ and may in fact survive very Lomax 2-2 U.S.’s best in Stan Smith in the WASHINGTON (AP) - with a bandage around his defensive unit did an outstan­ Weston is a Connecticut product, the flashy sophomore .lohnson medley with a time of 2:28.6 The locals are coached by suing kickoff and it was w ell.” 1 2-3 first singles match 6-1, 3-6, 6-3 Sonny Jorgensen and Larry chest, lamented the injuries he ding job against the Redskins, out of Cromwell where he was a three-time All-Stater. Ueynolds 0-1 and was second in the 100-yard Mel Siebold and Mary Beth recovered by the Giants. o and 6-4. Newcombe was paired ^ ^has suffered this season. Pro Football The associahon president, Tom Corcoran, said it D'Agala 1-2 1 freestyle with a time of 59.9. Tucker. Brown could be called the but were just not strong enough Three plays later, Randy Dishaw 0-0 1 with Laver in doubles play "Everytime I get over one, I to stop the last two Washington Cousy Impressed was important that industry representatives “ try hard Sammataro on 0 Robert Michaud placed fi;th walking wounded of the Johnson completed a 12-yard Saturday and the Aussies set get another,” said last season’s After Third Straight to eliminate any legislative discrimination against our Guerin 0-0 0 in the 13-14, 100-yard Washington Redskins. But it drives engineered by Jurgensen touchdown pass to Bob Tucker. One freshman who flashed in his first varsity game was quaglia 0-0 0 Smith and Erik van Dillen down most valuable player. “ I am of 77 and 66 yards. American Conference in d u stry .” backstroke with the time of Bridgeport Bows would be hard to convince On the next series, Kilmer Totals 29 22-38 79 6-1, 6-2, 6-4. N sore. It was really hurting in East Tony Hanson, a 64 Waterbury lad who paced Holy Cross 1:20.2 while his younger brother “ When a tea'm like threw an interception to Jim FOXBORO, Mass. (AP) — Plunkett slid to his left and Corcoran, in an open letter to ski area operators BRIDGEPORT (AP) - The Sunday Newcombe won his the New York Giants that W L T Pet a touchdown. It was the first High a year ago. Hanson showed some moves that amazed 'I'riiiitv Frosli (69) the first half but I said to Washington’s gets going, it’s Files, setting up another Randy The pitched to for made public Friday, said “ it remains essential that as Geoff look sixth place in the 11- Purple Knights of University of there is anything wrong with x-Miami 10 1 0 .909 kickoff return for a score by a many onlookers, including former pro great. Bob Cousy, B F Pts. third match of the finals by put­ very difficult to stop them,” Wyman 2 3-4 7 12,50-yard butterfly in the time Johnson touchdown pass of ^ Buffalo are on the road back to no gain as the Patriots had to New England player since 1962. individual operators and as associations of ski areas we Bridgeport were swamped 35-14 ting away Tom Gorman 6-2,6-1, either of them physically. said Johnson. 7 5 0 .583 who was my neighbor at courtside. Siegrist 1 5-5 7 of 37.5. yards to Ron Johnson. respectability in the settle for an 11-yard field goal “ That return turned it speak quickly and factually to our congressmen and Switchenko 3 1-1 7 by the passing of Juniata 6-3. Jurgensen, suffering from a New England 5 7 0 .417 “ Connecticut has two great little men in Foster and In the 10 and under category, The New York quarterback in the first period. The next around,” San Diego Coach Ron Weselcough 8 7-9 23 quarterback Gary Shope this Newcombe, long-haired and knee injury that has kept him NY Jets 4 8 0 .333 National * Football League sen ators. Niekrash 2 2-2 8 also praised the Washington “ I can’t remember a better Wishbone offensive play gained Weston,” the all-time All-American said. Home just a few Dave Simonelli’s time of 41 flat weekend in NCAA College Divi­ out of action for five games, Baltimore 1 10 0 .167 and Oklahoma’s Wishbone Waller said. "That gave them “ We must petition their support for striking from Gott 1 on 2 mustachioe, owns homes in defensive unit. “ You’re not comeback where a team over­ just a yard in the final quarter. days after resigning as coach of the Kansas City-Omaha, Thompson 13-4 5 in the 50-yard backstroke was sion II regional playoffs. teammed with Brown , who has Central offense is in the play book the momentum.” the language of legislation, any reference to recreation New Braunfels, Tex., and going to hit long drives on them, came so many Adversities,” The Patriots fell behind 14-3 Lines 1 on 2 good for fifth place. Pittsburgh 8 3 0 .727 After Herron’s long dash, in Cousy admitted he was surprise at the jumping amd Johnson 0 2-4 2 Shope fired touchdown psses Sydrtey, Australia. He retired- rib bruises, to defeat the Giants even though we did in the se­ said coach George Alien, whose with valuable being non-essential or any stipulations which would Eight-year-old Karl Bylciw Cincinnati 8 4 0 which he out-ran former Big shooting ability of the little backcourt duo. “ I knew about LaCharite 3 on 6 of 62 and 45 yards to Pete Len- from the game a year ago and 27-24 Sunday and set up a show­ cond quarter. You’ve just got to Washington team is now 9-3 and .667 at quarterback. unfairly restrict the availability or use of fuel needed won a gold medal in the 25-yard Cleveland 7 3 2 .667 Ten sprint champion Ron Foster, but this was the first time I’ve seen Weston and Totals 22 23-29 69 tini to roll Juniata’s record to just this yeap decided to pick up down next week with the Dallas take advantage of any breaks in first place in the NFC East Plunkett and the Patriots by our business.” Score at half 34-31 MCC. breaststroke with a time of 21.4 myself I just have to overcome Houston 1 11 0 Smith, the Patriots forced a San he’s a great little man.” Weston had 22 points, Foster 18, 10- 1 . his racket again. Cowboys for the National Foot­ you get.” by one game, “ That Sonny did .083 took the wraps off Coach Chuck it.” Diego punt. Plunkett then led Corcoran, in suggesting the industry might survive ball Conference’s East Division an exception^ job. He hasn’t West Fairbanks’ Wishbone for a cou­ Earl Wilson 21, 19 for UConn and two for Yale, Gary The Giants, now 2-9-1, looked an 80-yard scoring march, the crisis well, said many areas stood “ to be unwitting title. Brown scored on runs of three been working out regularly Oakland 7 4 1 .625 ple of plays Sunday in a 30-14 Custick 19 and Cal Chapman, the fifth starter, 11. One of like they were on their way to capped by his pass to Vataha beneficiaries of the enormous quantities of kids who Jurgensen completed 11 of 11 and six yards and put because of his leg. He just Denver 6 4 2 .583 victory over the hapless San W ilson’ s basket tries w as at the wrong basket and Y ale had an upset victory when they built with 21 seconds left in the first’ will be out of school this winter.” THIS YEAR, MORE tiHAN EVER passes in two fourth period Washington ahead with a works out one day a week. If he Kansas City 6 4 2 .583 Diego Chargers. a gift two points. up a 21-3 lead early in the se­ half. touchdown drives to cap the ISyard touchdown pass from works out too much, the leg San Diego 2 9 1 .208 The Patriots netted just one cond period by taking advan­ Plunkett, the 1970 Heisman One of the night’s disappointemnts was the play of Tim come-from-behind victory. Jurgensen, who replaced Bill swells iip and hurts.” National Conference yard in two running plays off YOU CAN DEPEND ON Kilmer in the third quarter tage of two Washington mis- Trophy winner, then scored on Kearns, former East Catholic High standout, who paced Brown scored all three East the Wishbone, but Plunkett cues. New York coach Alex short quarterback dives in the the Elis in scoring last year. Kearns hit on Yale’s first two Washington touchdowns. after the Redskins’ starting' Washington 9 3 0 .750 Webster praised Jurgensen but passed 14 yards to old Stanford third and fourth periods. He baskets and that was it for the night although he sat down Junior Tankers Bow THE DODGE BOYS FOR The 39-year-old Jurgensen quarterback aggravated an in­ After Ron Johnson scored on Dallas 8 4 0 .667 buddy Randy Vataha for the go- most of his compliments were as Floyd Rice ran 51 yards after finished with 13 completions in jury to his left ankle. Philadelphia 4 7 1 .375 for lenghty periods. “ I expected Kearns to do a little more made his usual quick getaway a 3-yard run culminating an 80- for Brown, who picked up 71 ahead touchdown and then scoopin g up a fum ble by 27 attempts for 186 yards. He New York quarterback Ran­ S. Louis 3 8 1 .292 than he did,” Rowe said. after the game, but Brown, yard drive, Washington’s yards in 18 carries and 61 on scored twice himself on short Plunkett and Doug Wilkerson E carried three times for 16 Results: 200-yd. medley SOMETHING REALLY dy Johnson said the Giants’ NY Giants 2 9 1 .208 Despite a new school mark in Speedy Duncan fumbled the en­ three pass receptions. runs. was credited with an intercep­ yards. the final race, the 400-yard relay: 1. B Central Long Way to Go “ We had our big backs tion on a pass which Bob Adams “ He’s very responsible for; 1. (Smith, Pettingill, Wasyluk SENSATIONAL! x-Miami 10 2 0 .833 freestyle relay, the healthy and had been practicing grabbed, but couldn’t hold. The the way that team is moving,” ‘ “ We’ve got a long way from being a gjeat team. We’ve and Greenburg), 2. E.H. Detroit 5 6 1 .458“* Illimg/Bennet swimming team the Wishbone for five weeks,” Chargers went in to score after Waller said in praising Plunkett (Bishop, Dufour, May and Green Bay 4 6 2 .417 got to be m ore aggressive. I’m quite pleased with the win, dropped a one-point decision, Fairbanks said. “ I guess it was Wilkerson’s larcenyat the New after the Patriots improved Lavigne), 3. E.H. (Gulino, Taste o f Lem on fo r Orange Bowl Chicago 3 9 0 .250 overall, but others will be hard. 78-77, to the East Hartford High nothing to write home about, England 34. their record to 5-7 with a third Lapata, Bener and Tarascio). West “ I know that we have a better team than we had in the JVs last Friday. but it adds a bit of dimension to On the ensuing kickoff, 5-foot- consecutive victory. “ You 2:10.4. x-Los Angeles 10 2 0 .833 last three years,” Rowe confidently said. The team of Brett Gallagher, what w e’re trying to do with the 5 ignited the know that’s a dangerous offense 200-yd. freestyle: 1. Beckwith Atlanta 8 4 0 .667 Wayne Smith, Jeff Greenburg ball club.” Patriots, sprinting 92 yards for with Plunkett.” C One noticable change in the UConn picture was a much and Mike Wasyluk was timed in B/I, 2. Merridy B., 3. Gregoire 74 DODGE TRUCKS San Francisco 5 7 0 .417 stronger bench. 4:26.4, eclipsing the old stan­ E.H. 2:29.4. Alabama, Notre Dame New Orleans 4 8 0 .333 Next on tap will be Holy Cross on Wednesday night at dard by 13.8 secohds. T h is^ - 200-yd. I.M.: 1. Keller B/I, 2. x-Cincinnati division title Storrs. MOUNTAIN DEW - Dottie fort, however, was not enough ^-niiflelm E.H., 3. Gallagher Whitehead 184-480, Jenny ___ Colts Galled Wrong Play “ We haven’t had too much luck against Holy Cross in the as East Hartford had built up a B/I. 2:45.7. past,” Rowe warned. 50-yd. free: 1. BockusE.H.,2. Granato 175, Sandy Beben 179, Boast Perfect Marks cushion going into the final Donna Price 218-505, Betty Sunday's Game* Don’t count the UConns short. One game doesn’t make a event. i\iiig E.H., 3. Greenburg B/I. Richardson 179-479, Shelia New York Jets 20, Baltimore season but the club showed enough Saturday night to bring Dave Beckwith of 27.0. Price 182479, Edna Ruff 192- NEW YRK (AP) — Alabama and Southern Methodist’s Clint Hackney 17 old fans out of the woods once again. Illing/Bennet was the meet's 100-yd. butterfly: 1. Wasyluk 470, Lee Bean 192-485, Mary Notre Dame will bring perfect ruined the finale for ousted Texas (Chris­ Buffalo 17, Atlanta 6 Jets Protected Edge only double winner. He cap­ B/I, 2. Bochus E.H., 3. Chaves 455, Bee Moquin 496, records into their Sugar Bowl meeting tian Coach Billy Tohill. His 21-yard field Cincinnati 27, Minnesota 0 tured the 200-yard freestyle Gallagher B/I. 1:08.0. Washington 27, New York 100-yd. free: 1. Williams Viv Price 4M, Donna Strattman on New Year’s Eve, which now looms goal with 31 seconds. left lifted the with a time of 2:29.4 and the Giants 24 State College Roundup E.H., 2. King E.H., 3. Smith 452, Gay Dudzik 469, Mary Bot- As one of the nqrqerous Games of the Mustangs to a 21-19 victory. 500-yard freestyle in a time of New England 30, San Diego 14 As Field Goal Missed B/I. 1:00.6. ticello 480, Denise Bixby 453. Alabama poured 72 players into action 7:01.9. The latter becomes the Century in recent years. Los Angeles 26, CSiicago 0 500-yd. free: 1. Beckwith B/I, against Auburn and the Crimson Tide school standard as it was the The Orange Bowl, however, is tinged Green Bay 30, New Orleans 10 2. Keller B/I, 3. Lavigne E.H. RESTAURANT - Frank rolled for 362 yards on the ground, 89 of N E W YORK (AP) - and wide to the right—and the first time it was swum. with a taste of lemon in the wake of Oakland 17, Houston 6 “ We came out at the half 7:01.9. Blank 149-148-427, Bob Schreiter them by Wilbur Jackson, while Gary Jets had a 20-17 victory. Wasyluk set a new school Louisiana State’s stunning 14^ loss to Detroit 20, St. Louis 16 “ When they go into a pre­ thinking we’d try to shut them UConn and Stags 148-386, Leo Bachiochi 136-357, Rutledge scored twice. It was sweet “ Had I known they would mark in the 100-yard butterfly 100-yd. backstroke: 1. Bishop Tulane, the first time that fate has Cleveland 20, Kansas City 20, vent defense, you’ve got a out,” said Jets’ Coach Weeb THE DODGE SNO-FITER. Jim Lambert 148-377, Pete revenge for last year’s bitter 17-16 setback blitz I would’ve called a pass,” in 1:08. E.H., 2. Gondelm E.H., 3. befallen the Tigers since 1948. tie wonderful chance to get Ewbank. “ They really took it Krupa 150-360, Joe Bachiochi when Auburn turned a pair of blocked Schnellenberger said. “ I Other winning efforts for Merridy B/I. 1.17.2. A rugged four-wheel-drive pickup engineered with one thing in mind; snow. This^pecially equipped Alabama, No. 1 in The Associated Press Dallas 22, Denver 10 eight or 10 yards,” said away from us. They scared the 389, Joe Dawood 151-166435, punts into late touchdowns. Win Impressively Illing/Bennet were turned in by ratings,, helped lower the curtain on the thought we could bust it. It’s heck out of us.” 100-yd. bredststroke: 1. snow removal package has the str’ength and dependability to get winter off the road. See it .now Emil Palmeri 141-137407, Bob Notre Dame only lived with one of its San Francisco 38, Baltimore Coach Howard Jon Keller in the 200-yard in­ regular season Saturday night with a 35-0 The Jets had built a 17-0 half­ Dufour E.H., 2. Intravid E.H., (before the first big snowfall). Get the full story from your nearest dependable Dodge Boys'. ‘ Hyde 351, Ed Doucette Jr. 137- most (^isappointipg losses for 11 months. Philadelphia 28 Schnellenberger. dividual medley and by the 200- pounding of Sun Bowl-bound'Auburn. time lead on the first of two strong shooting by UConn guards A1 Weston and Jim 3. Lapata E.H. 1:20.4. 381, A1 Kuzsas 381, Robert That was a 40-6 whipping by Nebraska last y^rd medley relay team of Notre Dame, ranked fifth, then went out Unfortunately, the Colts Bobby Howfield field goals, an Foster enabled the Huskies to overpow er Y ale 102-88 in the First off, you get either the Dodge W100 or W200 four-wheel-drive power wagon pickup. Then, to make it a Sno-Fiter, Morin 140-387, Robert Johnson Jan. 1 in the Orange Bowl, the same Monday's Game ■ Smith, Wallie Pettingill, , and gave the experts something to chew on needed a lot more. With two 80-yard touchdown scamper first weekend of College basketball in Connecticut this 400-yd. free relay: 1. B /I we’ve added: • Power angling blade • Seven-way control valve • Heavy-duty front axle* Heavy-duty front springs 143- 363, Roy McGuire 354, Bill stadium where the Irish did Miami in this Pittsburgh at Miami, 9 p.m. asyluk and Greenburg. with a 44-0 whomping of Miami of Florida minutes to play in Sunday’s with a fumble by Phil Wise and season. (Gallagher, Smith, Greenburg • Power lift • Distinctive Sno-Fiter side decal stripe • Required Optional Equipment: • 50-amp alternator • 70-amp- Sheekey 140-382, John Ortolan! weekend. Saturday, Dec. 8 The natators elected ... just two weeks after Alabama beat National Football League game a 15-yard scoring pass from Joe Fairfield dominated fired a game-high 30 points and and Wasyluk), 2. B/I (LaBelle, hr battery • Plow lights • Front clearance and identification lights • Increased cooling • 7.00/15-D (8PR)* mud 136- 361, Mike Balesano 153-3^, Minnesota at Green BAY, Beckwith and Alan Girelli co­ Miami 43-13. The Irish stormed to a 24-0 halftime lead and the Colts trailing by three Namath to Emerson Boozer. Northeastern 79-59 with a field captured rebounding honors Merridy, LeBlanc and Keller), and snow tires—front and rear. Bob Boroch 151-388, Rollie Irish P.M. captains. The next meet is Second-ranked Oklahoma, ineligible for as Wayne Bullock plowed over twice from points, they had the ball on the --0 The Colts got their first three goal accuracy to 57 i)er cent. with 11 grabs, helping Yale 3. E.H. (Berner, Gulino, 144- 139-157-440, Ed Doucette Sr. Kansas City at Oakland, 4 Tuesday Fox Middle School at post-season action, wound up with a 10-0-1 in close and Pete Demmerle latched onto New York'40 with a third down points just seven seconds into 'The Stags led throughout their come to within 10 points in a Tarascio and Congolosi). 4:26.4. For 1974, front-locking hubs are standard equipment on WlOO and W200 Dodge models. 137- 370, Henry Strullet 136-380, p.m. 3:15. record by trouncing Oklahoma State 45-18. a 21-yard scoring pass from Tom and 22-yards-to-go situation. the fourth quarter on Hunt’s 17- contest. last-gasp rally. But the Ivy Frank McNamara 149-144-137- been a real good play for us. It ♦For WlOO Sno-Fiter models. For W200: 8.75-16.5-E (lOPR) or 7.50-C (6PR) mud & snow tires—front & rear. The Sooners’ tie came against defending Clements. The same duo combined for a all boils down to execution. If yard field goal but, after In other action. Central Leaguers weren’t able to keep 430. And, unfortunately, national champion Southern California seven-yarder in the third quarter. you make it, you look good. If Namath teamed with Jerome Connecticut State won the up the attack. early in the campaign. Schnellenberger called a draw Barkum on a i63-yard pass play, play instead of a pass. Lydell you fail, you look bad.” Trinity-University of Hartford DODGE SPORTSMAN WAGON. DODGE CLUB CAB. HAPPY HOLIDAYS - Irene Elsewhere, No. 14 Houston came from It was Notre Dame’s first perfect Howfield restored the Jets’ 17 Mitchell picked up a scant two The missed kick ended a Invitational by downing Hart­ Sirois 129-345, Frieda Madden 16 points down at halftime to defeat Tulsa regular season since 1949 and Coach ARA Selected point edge with an 18-yardqr. America’s own number one best seller. W\th yards on it. So rookie George furious fourth-quarter rally ford 80-68; Trinity took the con­ The pickup with 34 cubic feet of storage 133, Kathy Hayden 132, Inez 3^16 and No. 19 Tennessee edged Vander­ Parseghian clutched the game ball like That’s when the Colts finally Hunt had to try for a field goal that turned a runaway into a solation game 88-83 from its great features and our fine deals—we’re space inside behind the front seat. This year, Babineau 340. bilt 2C[-17 on two field goals by Ricky Demmerle clutched those touchdown started playing football. They 3 from 46 yards out. It was short nailhiter. Wesleyan; Quinnipiac lost 84-64 planning to keep it that way! we have the Club Cab in several four-wheel- Townsend in the final five minutes. catches.' HARTFORD (AP) — The moved out to their own 46-yard to Alma in the Tip-Off Tourna­ Connecticut Sportswriter* line, then struck with their drive models, too! Georgia earned a bid to oppose It was "a very rewarding year” for ment at Genesco; Southern U.S.MIXED - Bill Livengood Alliance ha* selected Joan patented “ flea-flicker.” . Maryland in the Peach Bowl with a 10-3 Oklahoma, too, according to Coach Barry Connecticut captured the con­ 202-570, Ed Duchaine 142-578, Joyce, record-setting pitcher Quarterback Marty Domres triumph over Georgia Tech while Army, Switzer, who overcame a recruiting scan­ Silas Credits Heihsohn solation round of the Cortland Rusty Burnett 215-563, Roland for the Raybesto* Brakette* fired a lateral pass to wide Florida State and Texas-El Paso com-, dal, ineligibility and injuries to debut Invitational by defeating Ithaca Smith 204-529, John Kozicki 202- softball team, to receive a receiver Cotton Speyrer. With pleted all-losing seasons. Navy thrashed brilliantly as a head coach. Steve Davis 81-72, Western Conn beat 222-202-626, Ralph Trott 524, Gold Key award. For Success of Celtics the New York secondary Army 51-0, the biggest margin in the scored three times Saturday and the Cathedral 73-69. Bruce Moquin 5^ , Ed Yourkas ' The Brakette* of Stratford moving up to protect against history of the 74-game series; Florida mighty Sooner defense held Oklahoma Connecticut led Yale by as 530, Ed Wilson 538, Walt Delisle went to the national woman's BOSTON (AP) - Veteran wear down the opponents,” the run, Speyrer suddenly walloped Florida State 494) and Brigham State to a pair of field goals until the final much as 25 points late iii the se­ 532, Bee Moquin 176470, Louise softball tournament last year forward Paul Silas thinks the Silas said after the Celtics stopped and floated a wobbly, Young bombed Utah 63-0. period. cond half. Eli Mike Baskauska Dawson 1 8 5 ^ , Ruth Smith on the strength of M*. Joyce's cdaching of Tom Heinsohn is defeated the (Chicago Bulls 120- lame-duck pass to Glenn 192-464, Ann Pagrickas 175, pitching, which helped the the reason the Boston Celtics 98 Saturday night at the Boston Doughty, uncovered and almost Lynn Burge 201-455, Bonnie Raybesto club roll up a 29-0 have been successfpl at Garden. , unnoticed at the Jets’ 15. He !• wa’ro open every nlgM ’til Weitz 179, Sandy Brown 462, Steelers Put Lead on Line Tonight season record. wearing down opponents since trotted in easily fqr the BTack and White Ginger Yourkas 479, Cindy She prefer* the title Ms. ^ (axcapt Saturday) the beginning of the National Silas said the Celtics were up touchdown. WeVe celebrating our 60th Anniversary McNamara 451, Eleanor Wilson Ms. Joyce, 32, will be MIAMI (AP) - The if they lose to Miami. The dismissed any idea that they Basketball Association season. fo r the Bulls after the “ it wasn’t pretty, but he got dMoratlpg ribbon 475. presented the award Jan. 28 wolvot, burlap, satin . all sizes ..,..*11 with great truck deais! Pittsburgh Steelers put their Bengals impj^oved their record would .rest their starters for the “ It has a lot to do with the Milwaukee Bucks had snapped it out there,” Domres said of lead in the American to 84 by drubbing Minnesota 27- in New Haven. Speyrer’s pass. « h w w ry imn thing playoffs and make Pittsburgh’s kind of combinations the coach their winning streak at 12 the 2 LO€AnONSTOSERVEYOU! Conference’s Central Division 0 Sunday. Also on the Steelers’ Other Gold Key award* has been using,” he said. "The night before. PYTHIAS- Frank Chaves attempt at ending a two-game Namath tried to bring the on the line tonight in a national­ backs is Cleveland, 7-3-2 after will go to Dick McAuliffe, an guys coming off the bench know 223-502, A1 Hopper 517, Norris losing streak any easier. Jets back quickly—but was in­ ly televised National Football tying Kansas City 20-20. infielder for the Boston Red what they have to do and Chorches Motors, Inc. Brown 539, Ed Daniels 528. “ It’s a great feeling. You tercepted by Ted Hendricks on Sox, and retired U.S. Coast 80 Oakland Street, Manchester, Conn. League battle with the Miami Miami’s defending Super they’ve been very effective.” could sense it in the locker the Jets’ 19. Five plays later, lEGAL MEN'S SIH Dolphins. Bowl ) champions are already Guard Athletic Director John “ A team has to have fresh TH f COHfUTt m t n STORf Miami Coach Don Shula. said room before the game that Lydell Mitchell plowed in frpm D o d g e d S. Merriman Jr. , dowritown manehester MANCHESTER VERNON MERCHANTS- A1 Heim 139- T|{e Steelers, with an 8-3 assured o f a playoff spot with a the Dolphins had an obligation players in order to play strong everyone was anxious to atone one yard out. It was suddenly -907 MAIN STREET . TRI-CITY PLA AUrHOmZBD DEALBRS 373, Rich Mazur 136-368, Ding record, face the prospect of lOrl record and the Central to other contending teams to go defense and with the bench for the loss to the Bucks,” 'he close, but not close enough for ___643-2478 ____ * ' 872-0538 falling into a tie with Cincinnati BOYS Balch 146-357, Ed Orlowski 3M. Division title. But club officials all out to beat Pittsburgh. doing the jo^ we’ve been able to said. the Colts. Pa g e EIGHTEEN — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Mon., Dec. 3, 1973_____

mWCHESTER EVENING HERALD, M .g l ,a |„ . t o .,.. n ... UCLA Win Streak Intact i l Scoreboard (S NINETEEN Fast — Effective The “ Action Marketplace" -'V I HAPPY ADS Herald Classified Ads ' • Over 15,000 Paid Subscribers After Scare by Maryland Pro Basketball (15 Word Minimum) • Over 60,000 Daily Readers • Fast Results er 18 Days 1 Day ...... 8c per word per day NBA 3 Days — ...... 7c per word per day Eastern Conference COPY CLOSING TIME FOR NEW YORK (AP) — Maryland almost pulled off the un­ Len Elmore led Maryland with 19 points. ® c per word per day Atlantic-Division 6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS imaginable in college basketball — beating UCLA in The fourth-ranked Terrapins were not the only Top 20 team dis- W L Pet GB NEW YOhK (AP) — The Aimeriqan 26 D ays...... 5c per word per day ap^inted during the first opening weekend for most teams Sunday, the Capital Bullets edged the 12:00 NOON DAY BEFORE PUBLICATION Pauley Pavilion. And after losing 65-64, the T errapins w ere Boston 17 4 .810 Basketball Association’s longest Seattle SuperSonics 98-96; the Houston Happy A d s ...... $ 1,50 inch - Cincinnati defeated ninth-ranked Louisville 65-58; Arizona No. still proud and hungering for more. New York 13 12 .520 6 Rockets buried the Cleveland Cavaliers Otadline for .Saturday and Monday 15, after an opening victory, lost to Southern California 100-76- basketball game is over. It took 18 , is 12:00 Noon Friday « “We were privilege to come that close to UCLA on its home Buffalo 10 15 .400 9 days to complete, involved an un­ 130-104, and the Detroit Pistons clipped the PHONE 643-2711 court,” said Maryland’SvTom McMillen, “and we hope to play and Jerry Tarkanian’s new home-court debut was spoiled when Philadelphia 9 15 .375 9Vk Lost and Found Nevada-Las Vegas, No. 19, lost to Texas Tech 82-76. precedented decision by Com­ Los Angeles Lakers 114-108. 1 Uotorcyclss-Blcycles ll them again somewhere." ^ Central Division Nets 121, Cougars 103 Building-Contracting 14 Business Opportunity 28 Help Wanted Second-ranked North Carolina State, scheduied to meet UCLA missioner Mike Storen, and nearly ______35 Help Wanted 35 Maryland’s performance Saturday night came within four Capital 12 9 .571 New York’s scoiled 32 LOST - Yellow tiger female cat, BOY’S CHOPPJIR bicycle, . . . SoiiMond Dec. 15, o p^ed its season by waltzing over Athletes in Action 119- had a man play for both sides. NEWTON H. Smith & Sons - EXCLUSIVE franchise being seconds of giving Terp Coach Lefty Driesell what he said he Atlanta 13 11 .542 ^ points and grabbed 17 rebounds to key the 7 months, Northfield Green excellent condition, $45. Cal CASHIER - Restaurant, five may hov* fMtyou The contest — which concluded in a 95-90 Condominium. Please Call 646- Remodeling, repairing, ad­ offered. Proclaimed by wanted more than a national championship — to end the top- nA « third-ranked Indiana beat The Citadei Houston 9 16 .360 5 nets’ 121-103 triumph over' the Cougars. 649-9469. nights a week. Phone 289-2737 TOWN OF MANCHESTER 7 « 5 , No. 5 North Caroiina stopped No. 14 Houston 97-74 7415. ditions, rec rooms, porches and thousands as the ninth wonder akoppyadl ranked Bruins' unbeaten streak at 76 and be only the second team Cleveland 9 I8 .333 6 overtime victory for the San Antonio Erving also blocked six shots and had six Marquette, No. 7, defeated St. John’s, Minn., 91-45, No 8 Notre Sallees Ottered______12 roofing. No job too small. Call of the world! Investment com­ in seven years to win on the Bruins’ home court. Southern Western lonference Spurs over the — started assists to key .the New York attack. 649-31&. ______Dame leveled Valparaiso 112-62 and lOth-ranked Kentucky beat on Nov. 14. It wasn’t completed until Sun­ LOST ■ KEESHOND - gray- pletely protected by inventory KEYPUNCH California has achieved the feat twice. Midwest Division Conquistadors 105, Stars 100 ODD JOBS, light trucking and saleable merchandise puts Miami of Ohio 81-68. ’ day night, however, because the Spurs black female, 10 months old. OPERATORS VISTA VOLUNTEER Despite 18 points and 27 rebounds by center Bill Walton, their Milwaukee 21 4 .840 Chuck Williams led a balanced attack Phone 633-0734. rough carpentry, cellars and at­ CARPENTRY - Repairs, you in business. Profits in successfully protested an apparent 84-83 remodeiing, additions, roofing. Experienced in Alpha-• Player-of-the-Year, the Bruins were able to halt a hteryland Puget Sound 84-55, Kansas Chicago 18 7 720 3 for San Diego, scoring 20 points and con­ tics cleaned. Small trees excess of $25,000 the first year iij: Happy Birthday to State, No. 13, downed Utah 87-82, No. 17 Jacksonville rebounded moved. Manual snow removal. Call David Patria, South Wind- Numeric work are needed im- i second-half charge only when Dave Meyers stole the ball from Detroit 14 11 .560 7 triumph by the Spurs those 18 days ago. tributing nine assists to carry the FOUND Wired Hair Fox can be built to over $50,000 in from an opening loss in the IPTAY Tournament to defeat Auburn 646-1931, 9 to 5 p.m. sor, 644-1796. ^ ______mediately for first and second : FOR THE ELDERLY I THE WORLD’S John Lucas with four seconds remaining to preserve UCLA’s 77- San Antonio charged that the official • Terrier dog. Black, white and subsemient years. For details K.C.-Omaha 6 21 .222 16 Conquistadors past the Utah Stars 105-100. Voluntwr to provide a variety of services to the elder­ game victory streak. W-78 and Memphis State, No. 20, whipped Wisconsin-Milwaukee Pacific Division clock was not reset properly when posses­ Bullets 98, SuperSonics 96 tan female. Call Dog Warden, call Mr. Parker at 1-634-3233 shifts, ^ n e fits to full and • g r e a t e s t 646-4555. LIGHT TRUCKING, odd jobs, WES ROb Di NS carpentry (Meriden). part-time employes. Salary j ly. Minunal stipend for one-year program which may Golden St. 14 7 .667 sion changed hands — thus robbing the It was all Elvin Hayes in the final lawns mowed, trees cut and remodeling specialist. Ad­ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• negotiable. Hours flexible.: be extended. i • M O M I Los Angeles 16 9 .640 Spurs of 10 seconds to cross mid-court. minute of play, as the Capital star scored ditions, rec rooms, dormers, removed. Cellars and attics Help Wanted 35 Move with us into a spacious J Portland' 11 13 .458 4V4 Storen upheld the protest, the final 30 the deciding basket, then blocked two cleaned. Free estimates. Call built-ins, bathrooms, kitchens, new facility in South Windsor. • In te r e s j^ applicants should apply to the Personnel Of- I STELLA Seattle 9 19 .321 8Vk seconds were replayed Sunday — the first shots in the closing seconds to help the 643-6000. 649-3446. ■ FULL-TIME male clerk and time the teams were scheduled to m eet— Call... : fice. Municipal Building, 41 Center Street, Phoenix 7 17 .292 8Vi Bullets open their new building — the stock work. Apply in person, Manchester, Conn. 'I MORSEY Sunday’s Games and the Spurs won the game. SHARPENING Service - LEON aESZYNSKI builder - Barrett Plumbmg Supply, 331 E.C.M. i Love. Capital Centre In suburban Largo, Md. — FOUND - Irish setter male Call new homes custom built, Capital 98, Seattle 96 Bob Netolicky, meanwhile, was traded with a 98-96 victory over the Seattle Dog Warden, 646-4555. Saws, knives, axes, shears, Broad Street, Manchester. 6 4 4 -2 4 4 5 David skates, rotary blades. (^Ick remodeling, additions, rec Closing date for filing is Friday December 7th., 1973. Houston 130, Cleveland 104 from the Pacers to the Stars the very day SuperSonics. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••%•••••*•••••••••••••••••#••« service. Capitol Equipment rooms, garages, kitchens Detroit 114, Los Angeles 108 the protested game began, and nearly Personals-Announcements 2 MACHINIST — Part-time, mor­ Pistons 114, Lakers 108 Co., 38 Main St., Manchester. remodeled, bath tile, cement nings, The Amerbelle Corpora­ DIETARY AIDES - Part-time. ABA became the first player in history to play The Lakers put the game right into the work. Steps, dormers. Residen­ for both sides in the same game. PIANO wanted, any condition. Hours daily 7:30-5, Thursday tion, 104 East Main Street, Experience helpful but not Florist-Nurseries 48 East Division hands of the Pistons, but Detroit nearly 7:30-9, Saturday, 7:30-4. 643- tial or commercial. Call 649- \ After the protested contest, the Pacers Call anytime, 742-7141. Rockville. Contact Mr. Larry necessary. Hours required W L Pet GB gave it back in the final minute before 7958. 4291. Passardi, 875-3325, between 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and CHRISTMAS TREES - Tag and topped the Spurs 90-79 in the regularly Carolina 10 9 .690 'eking out a 114-108 triumph over Los 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. An equal op­ 3:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. East cut later. All trees $5. Free scheduled contest. In other ABA games Autos For Sale 4 R.E. GOWER — Finish carpen- HELP WANTED Kentucky 16 8 .667 H i Angeles. LIGHT landscaping, attic and portunity employer. Hartford Convalescent Home, greens and coes. Houle’s Sunday night, the New York Nets bombed tiy, kitchens, rec rooms, ad­ Machine Operators New York 14 12 .538 4(k Rockets 130, Cavaliers 104 OLDSMOBILE - 1968, Cutlass cellar cleaning, cali anytime, 745 Main Street, East Hartford. Clnistmas Tree Farm, Bunker tte Carolina Cougars 121-103, and the San 649-1573. ditions, porches, any type P rm lm factory axporlonco daalrsii. StMdy wort wl I good Hill Rd., Andover, off Route 6. Memphis 9 17 .346 9V4 Rudy Tomjanovich and Calvin Murphy Wagon,W a g i fully...... equipped, TOOL MAKER, machinists, pay. lull company pidd Insurance program. Diego Conquistadors trip p ^ the Utah remodeiing, 646-2087. miiling machine operators, and 742-6832. 3 Virginia 7 16 .304 10 each scored 31 points for Houston, and the excwexc^lent condition, $995. 649- f u l l - t im e SALESMEN Stars 105-100. 8582. HAVE A problem? Yoi . jtne it lathe operators. Experienced West Division Rockets coasted to a 130-104 decision over - we do it - from ceilar, to roof. rtNY TYPE remodeling and ad­ necessary Appiy at Paragon Interested in selling tropical fish, pets Fust-Feed 49 Denver 13 11 .542 In the National Basketball Association the Cleveland Cavaliers. ditions, masonry and carpentry and pet SMpplies. Must have seiling amerbelle NEED CAR? Credit bad? Free estimates. 647 9400. Tool Company, 121 Adams experience. Opportunity for advance­ CORPORATION Indiana 14 13 .519 ’A work. Free estimates. Cail A. Bankrimt? Repossessed? Street, Manchester. ment. Cal) between 10:3OS p.m. 104 L Mabi Strool. Rockvllio FIREWOOD for sale by the Utah- 13 13 .500 1 CUSTOM MADE Draperies, Squillacote, 649-0811. An Equal Opportunity Empioyor Staico 1938 pick-up truck load. Call 643- Honest Douglas accepts lowest WILD CARSO PET SHOP 0001. San Antonio 13 15 .464 2 down, smallest payments. very reasonabie, work MACHINIST - We have the 643-0108 i m San Diego 10 15 .400 3Mi guaranteed. Cali anytime, 649- CARPENTRY - Porches, gar­ following openings: Lathe, Douglas Motors, 345 Main. ages, additions, bathrooms, Sunday’s Games Bridgeport, Jig Bore, Cin- FIREWOOD FOR Sale, by the Major League BasebaB kitchens. Houses, repairs. Free pick-up truck load. Call 643-0832 New York 121, Carolina 103 AUTO INSURANCE - com­ timatic. The Purdy Corp., 586 CLEANING Person wanted, BAILEY Employment Service ODD jobs, paneiing, household estimates. Small jobs. Stephen Hilliard Street, 649-0000. one day a week, days, 6 4 6 ^ 1 , after 5 p.m. San Antonio %, Indiana 90, pare our low rates. For a Martin, 646-7295. RNS LPNS of Manchester has openings for telephone quotation call Mr. re|«irs, carpentry. Call 649- evenings, 646-6040. secretarial, bookkeeping, sales, (AP photo) overtime; completion of- IMMEDIATE opening for fuil- AIDES protested game To Select New Talent \ Dolin at 646-6050. Bootlng-Sldlng-Chlmney 16 data processing, technical and HAY - per bale, weed free. charge Bookkeeper with typing CLEANING WOMAN, one day Full or part-time positions managerial in Hartford, Excellent for mulching or bed­ Indiana 90, San Antonio 79 ^ Players Were Ejected After This Free-for-AU 1969 BUICK Station wagon, TWO handymen want variety of experience. Hours 10 a.m. to a week. Phone 646-^45. available on 3-11 and l’.-7 Manchester and Hartford sub­ ding. 644-2361. San Diego 105, Utah 100 HOUSTON (AP) — Denny McLain, jobs, iawns raked, limed, fer­ ROOFING and roof repairing, 5:30 p.m. with fringe benefits. 129 Penalty Minutes Were Doled Out in Philadelphia Battle league trades now are being carried on power steering, power brakes, Coughlin Roofing Co. M3-7707 shifts. Company paid li>e, urbs. All employer paid fees. Ted Uhlaender, Elrod Hendricks and from five days after the World Series to rebuilt engine, $950 or best tilizing, mowing. Cellars, at­ Call Miss Coburn, or Mr. ELECTRICIAN - Experienced health, major medical and Phone 646-8150 for appointment. HARDWOOD for sale, cut to 1 tics, cleaned. Reliable service. Shenkman, at Pilgrim Mills, in commerical and residential \ Wade Blasingame were among the the end of the winter meetings. offer. 872-2320. BIDWELL Home Improvement disability insurance. Truly 1/2’ lengths, split and delivered, Reasonable rates. 643-5305. 646-1000. wiring. Benefits. Call 646-5420 call anytime, 649-1573. better known names available for a Two recent controversial developments Co. E xpert installation of one of the best benefit YOUR TIME is worth money as Pro Hockey 1967 FORD Country squire, between 8-5:30 p.m. DuBaldo an Avon Representative during Bloody Brawling Melee for 29 Minutes $25,000 price tag a t baseball’s annual have added spice to these meetings — the aluminum siding, gutters and Electric Company. packages in the industry. po'wer steering, power brakes, MASONRY — All types, trims. Roofing installation and *>>MNS11UTII)ll TiUNEES the biggest season of the year, FIREPLACE wood, cut to winter draft today. sale of the San Diego Padres and the fieldstone Meciality, work Pleasant working conditions. order. Pick-up truck load, $45 NHL trarailer hitch, new tires. $350. repairs. 649^95, 875-9109. Job training opportunities right now! Cash in on all that The 24 major league teams officially managerial situations in the New York guaranteed. Call after 5 p.m., FEMALES to work in plastics Opportunity to join dynamic spare time. Call 289-4922. delivered. Call 646-1337 after 6 East Division Mornings, 644-8393, evenings, exist for Men or Women in the opened this year’s winter meetings with Yankee, Oakiand A’s and Detroit Tiger 568-5810. 643-1870 or 644-2975. factory, full or part-time. Call - nursing team as one of the p.m. W L T Pts. HORACE Tetrault — Siding, A their selection of minor league talent. organizations. United States Air Force.Call 646-2920. nation’s largest health care SECRETARY - part-time with Boston 17 4 2 36 roofing, storm windows, aw­ McLain, the one-time 31-game winner A group headed by Marjorie Everett 1970 CHEVELLE Malibu, two- REWEAVING burns, moth nings. Quaiity workmanship, 646-7440,Msgt. Gary Miller, facilities continues to experience in biiokkeeping and Montreal 14 7 holes. Zippers repaired. Win­ EARN EXTRA money f 2 30 for the Detroit Tigers, was one of wili be seeking formal approval from the door hardtop, V-8, power free estimates. Fully insured. 555 Main St., Manchester. expand. typing, Monday through Friday, Toronto 12 8 5 29 dow shades, Venetian blinds. Christmas, work at the Dowown- 9-1 Call 646-8024 between 9 a.m. NHL Teams on thousands of players available for the National League to buy the Padres and steering. Phone 646-5127 after 3 872-9187, 649-3417. Household Goods 51 NY Rangers 12 8 5 29 p.m. Keys made. TV for rent. town Christmas Hospitality and 12 noon. standard fee. keep them in San Diego. But it’s reported Marlow’s, 867 Main St. 649-522k RN’s-LPN’s needed im­ Center, December 6 througn Contact Emelia Kurnik NY Rangers 11 7 7 29 ROOTING — Specializing CLEAN USED — refrigerators, So were Uhlaender, an outfielder with that National League owners will turn mediately. Full-time, part- December 24th. Call 649-2358. Assistant Director of Situation Wanted 38 Buffalo 12 10 1 25 down the sale. \ CLASSIC 1947 Willys Jeep, repairing roofs, new roofs, time, temporary and seasonal ranges, automatic washers nine years of big league experience; Hen­ conmletely rebuilt, running TRUCKING, odd jobs, moving Nursing Service Detroit 9 14 1 19 gutter work, chimneys, cleaned employment. Excellent wages WANTED Oil burner mechanic with guarantees. See them at B. dricks, a catcher who spent most of his Also taking the spotlight this week will con(fition, overdrive and many large appliances, cleaning and repaired. 30 years TYPIST would like dictaphone D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649 Main NY Islanders 4 11 7 15 be a formal hearing between the Yankees cellars and attics, also some and benefit package. Evenings for apprentice for Vernon, MEADOWS or other typing that can be done Became Street Gangs career with the Baltimore Orioles, and extras. $750. 649-9443. experience. Free estimates. and night positions to coincide St., Call 643-a71. Vancouver 5 12 4 14 Blasingame, a well-travel^ southpaw and Detroit Tigers and an informal one tree work done. 644-1775. Manchester area. Apply Conn. CONVALESCENT in my home. 646-1207. West Division Howley, 643-5361. with spouse’s employment. Refining Company, 994 Hart­ who once won 16 games for the old between the Yanks and A’s in an attempt CHEVROLET MALIBU 1967, ^ PORTABLE automatic washer, Philadelphia 15 6 2 32 GUTTERS cleaned and Some day position yemain. Also ford Tpke., Vernon. CENTER Dogs-BIrds-Pets 41 NEW YORK (AP) — For 29 ugly minutes in Philadelphia Milwaukee Braves. to resolve their confused managerial door hardtop, small engine, GU’rTERS and roofs repaired openings for nurse’s aides on all not quite a year old, Kenmore, Six players were ejected for the incident, four of them Flyers. Chicago 11 5 7 29 repaired. Guaranteed no leaf 333 Bidwell St. Manchester Sunday night, professional hockey was transformed from a McLain and Uhlaender were available situations. automatic, power steering, and replaced. Excellent shifts. Investigate this oppor­ PART-TIME PBX Operator, $150, white, call anytime, 247- Cummins, playing his fourth NHL game, was among the Seals Atlanta' 11 8 5 2$ radio, snow tires, one owner, problem. Interior, exterior workmanship. Reasonable 646-2321 ENGLISH SPRINGER 9078. from the roster of the Iowa team in the Ralph Houk left New York to manage painting. Reasonable rates. B. tunity today. 646-0059. apply Watkins Brothers, 935 game to a bloody, brawling melee which threatened to banished. St. Louis 9 8 5 23 exceptional condition. Asking prices. Free estimates. Ralph I spaniels, AKC, 8 weeks old, American Association; Hendricks from the Tigers and Dick Williams resigned Lessard, 646-6688. Main Street, Manchester. champion sired, pedigrees will become a riot. “I think if he could take it back right now, he would,” Flyers Pittsburgh 7 12 4 18 $775. 643-9708 or 647-1908. Saunders, 646-1399. FULL-TIME Hairdresser with ELECTROLUX with power E Rochester of the International League and from the A’s, presumably to join the accompany. Call 872-6805. The teams on the ice became street gangs. Sticks and fists Coach Fred Shero said of Cummins. “I didn’t think it was inten­ Minnesota 5 11 7 17 either assistant or manager nozzle and shag rake, goM con­ Blasingame from Hawaii in the Pacihe Yankees. But the situation was muddled SNOW PLOWING - Quick dition. with power nozzle and became weapons of war — not athletic ability. tional.” Los Angeles 5 4 4 14 19^1 BLUE Matador station Heating-Plumbing 17 license. Phone 649-7666 or 875- KEYPUNCH TEXAS REFINERY Corp. Coast Ledgue. when Oaklane owner Charles 0. Finley wkgon, cylinder, automatic reliable service offered. Free CHRISTMAS puppies, AKC shag rake, good condition. And after the game — a 5-1 Flyers victory over the California Canadiens 3, Flames 1 California 16 6 5547. offers plenty of money plus 6 1 13 Jbe morning draft raised the curtain on stepped in and refused to let Williams go transmission. Call .646-6622 estimates. Forming new routes BOTTI Heating and Piumbing SUPERVISOR miniature schnauzers, born Upright Hoover Dial-a-matic, Seals in which the score seemed secondary — tempers continued Jacques" Lemaire netted the winner for.Montreal in its 3-1 Sunday’s Games now, call 643-4084. ' cash bonuses, fringe benefits to November 5, will be ready to go a week of busy activity. to New York unless he received “adequat,e after 6 p.m. — Prompt, courteous service. NURSE Aides - fuli time 7-3 Needed for second shift ser­ mature individual in good condition. $30. Call 875- to flare while the horror and tension of the night wore off. triumph over the Atlanta Flames. Pete Mahovlich opened the Montreal 3, Atlanta 1 by Christmas. Select yours In the next five days, executives from conipensation.” Then the Yankees pickeid Call 643-1496. shift and other shifts available. vice bureau operation. Must Manchester area. Regardless 9190. Philadelphia center Bobby Clarke, last season’s Most Valuable scoring on passes from defensemen Guy Lapointe and Serge New York Rangers 6, Toronto 1968 BUICK, GS, 400, low C & S HOME CARE, carpentry, now. Four females, two males. the major and minor leagues will carry on up Finley’s lead and said Houk couldn’t Opportunity to join dynamic be a keypunch operator with of experience, airmail C.F. 872-3263. Player in the National Hockey League, was smashed in the face Savard, while Chuck Lefley had the other goal. mileage, 14 mpg. Must sell. roofs, insulation, painting, NO JOB too small. Immediate official business with the style of a big cor­ manage Detroit unless they got something interior-exterior, trucking, nursing team at Meadows Con­ supervisory experience. Pate, Pres., Texas Refinery with a stick by rookie California defenseman Barry Cpmmins Rangers 6, Maple Leafs 4 Boston 5, NewYork Islanders Best offer. $72-6701. service on service calls. Free valescent Centpr, 646-2321. Excellent starting wages, Corp., Box 711, Ft. Worth, Tex., ELECTROLUX poration. in return from the Tigers. Both managers snow plowing. Complete home estimates gladly given on DOBERMAN Pinscher puppy, midway through the second period. Qarke needed 20 stitches to Vic Hadfield and Rod Gilbert scored two goals each to carry benefits. Hours 4 p.m. to mid­ 76101. C Rule changes will be voted, the major resigned whiie under contract. and apartment care. Call 649- heating or Numbing. Faucets one AKC champion sired rra 1123 Main St., East Htfd. close the wound, and while he went to the dressing room for the New York Rangers past the Toronto Maple Leafs 6-4 Pete Buffalo 6, Detroit 1 DUNE BUGGY, $400. Call 649- FULL-TIME Computer room one being the extension of inter-league American League President Joe Cronin 4828, ^-6066. repaired or installed. Water night. New office facility, m ale, welped, 9-9-73. AH 528-0606 repairs; his teammates streamed off their bench to go after Cum­ Stemkowski and Steve Vickers had the other goals. Chicago 2, Pittsburgh 2394. and shipping help wanted. Call PART-TIME clerk to work in 1 trading to include the 30 days from May 15 is expected to rule in both cases this pumps worked on. Complete pleasant surroundings, con­ docked, cropped, shots, and mins. Bruins 5, Islanders 3 Philadelphia 5, California Rick at ^ency Records Con­ retail store. Must be mature. ready to go. 643-0529. 1 in addition to the current period. Inter­ Wednesday at the hearings. 1964 PONTIAC, cylinder, $75, SNOW PLOWING - For a free heating systems, rec rooms, veniently located. Call... *¥ACUUII CLEANER “He deserved whatever he got,” said left wing Bob Kelly, one 6 estimate call 646-4758. trol, for interview, 646-6856. Evening and weekend hours •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Bobby Orr - who else? - and Phil Esposito - who eise? - needs work. Phone 646-5897. etc. Call M & M Plumbing & E.C.M. available. Profit sharing retire­ 'POWER NOZZLE of the first Flyers over .the boards. “It’s an unwritten rule in scored goals to help the Boston Bruins clip the Islanders 53. On­ Heating, 649-2871. Live Stock 42 MILLAR TREE Service, Inc. REAL ESTATE Career - Earn Mrs. Coopar 844-2445 ment plan, ^ p ly in person. 'FLOOR POLISHER hockey you don’t hit anybody over the head.” set up the first goal and scored the second, while Fred O’Donnell, 1965 CHEVROLET Impala, 2- Removal, pruning, spraying, $15,000 plus. For a confidential Cumberland Farm Store, 449 GIVE A gift certificate. 'RUG SHAMPOOER Right wing Bill Flett agreed. “It’s too easy to kill somebody. I Don Marcotte, Esposito, then Ken Hodge overcame goals by Nevv door, power steering, power SEWERLINES, sink lines, Hartford Road, Manchester or etc. Fully. insured, ucensed. interview, Ralph Pasek, Horseback riding or Instruc­ See These at our store, open don’t know who that stupid goon was, but you can bet if he stays York’s Bob Nystrom, Billy Harris and Jean Potvin. brakes, good running condition, cleaned with electric cutters, Realtor, 289-7475, 742-8243. MACHINE operators to start 328 Green Road, Manchester or Free estimates. Phone 633-5345. by professionals. McKinney tions. Ideal for XMAS OR until 8 P.M., Monday thru around, there will be a lot of people taking runs at him.” Black Hawks 2, Penguins 1 Sport Whidden Gets First Shutout $250. Call 643-4566. immediately. Experience not Bolton Notch, Connecticut. Birthday gifts. For particulars Other National Hockey League scores Sunday night: Montreal Bros. Sewer Disposal Com­ necessaiy, will train responsi­ Saturday, for your con­ Defenseman Bill White drove the rebound of a Dale Tallon shot pany, 643-5308. call 646-0363. Bolton Riding Canadians 3, Atlanta Flames 1; New York Rangers 6, Toronto past Pittsburgh goaltender Andy Brown with 11 seconds Slate 1970 COUGAR, air-conditioned, MAINTAINER ble applicant. Alt company paid Academy, Route 85, Bolton, venience. Maple Leafs 4; Boston Bruins 5, New York Islanders 3; Buffalo NEW YORK (AP) - goal 12:52 of the second period. automatic, power steering, gets Painting-Papering 13 Position available for main­ benefits. Appiy Connecticut C yr Conn. remaining to give the Chicago Black Hawks a 2-1 victory over the victory over Quebec. Quebec JOHN C. MARTIN Plumbing - cle Accessories, 316 Hartfora Sabres 6, Detroit Red Wings 1, and Chicago Black Hawks 2 Penguins. reasonable mileage, private tainor in state operated com­ Cleveland Crusaders’ goalie Jets 5, Nordiques 3 jum p^ to a 2-0 lead at the end owner. Call 649-0484 after 6. Free estimates on remodeling Road, Manchester. FACTORY Reconditioned Kir­ Pittsburgh Penguins 1. Fran Huck scored three R&M PAINTING - Painting, munity college. 35-hour week. Sabres 6,. Red Wings 1 Bob Wbidden bas bis first of the first period, but could. paperhanging, exterior and in­ repairs and new construction. First Class Articles tor Sale 45 by with one-year guarantee Clarke, known for unobtrusive play on a boisterous, physical Buffalo’s Jim Lorentz scored twice in the opening period and World Hockey Association times and Jean Guy Gratton hit only come back with one more GTO, 1970, mags, 3-speed, stan­ terior, commercial and Call 8754)448 . Many fringe benefits. Apply to TRAINEE WANTED - Must be parts and labor. Call Ray, 875- team was badly shaken up by the incident. "I won’t forget this,” four other Sabres added goals to carry Buffalo to their second twice to lead Winnipeg to a 5-3 goal in the rest of the game. ' dard, $895 or will trade. Call residential, 644-0642. Mr. Edward Madden: neat, dependable, with a desire DOLL DRESSES - Pajamas, 50 9190. shutout. SHECT METAL cents, complete wedding outfit, he said. “I have two little kids at home, and if I couldn’t play victory in as many nights against Detroit - a 6-1 decision Tuesday 649-1149. FRANK SCOTELLA plumbing, MANCHESTER to learn new trade. All com­ hockey, what else could I do?” “I wanted that one for a long repairs, remodeling, free es­ $2. Dihwasher, portable, BASKETBALL J. P. LEWIS & Son custom COMMUNITY COLLEGE pany benefits, tools supplied. MECHANICS WALNUT Dining room set, Cheney Tech at Bolton time,’VWhidden said Sunday Trueks-Tractor 5 tim ates. No job too small. Contact Dan Lee at 646-8^. excellent condition, $60. 643- table, 4 chairs, matching decorating, interior and 6452. Thursday after he and the Crusaders exterior, paper hanging. Fully Prompt service on emergency. 60 Bidwell Street sideboard. Excellent condition. shutout the Edmonton Oilers 30. Review of MCC Fall Sports 643-7024. Manchester & MACHINE BASKETBALL 1971 CHEVROLET 1/2 ton pick- insured. 649-9658. RECEIVING AND Shipping $250. Phone between 5-8 p.m., Sweep of‘Major Titles But the 5-foot-lO 165-pound up, with shell, power steering, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ______646-4900______clerk for paper warehouse. DARK RICH clean loam, 5 646-1825. ^ ECSC (JV) at MCC \ Electrical 18 ASSEMBLERS yards, $23.50 plus tax. Gravel, goalie says, “It wasn’t one of automatic transmission, power INSlbE-Outside painting. ARTS AND Crafts High school diploma or Bowling Friday disc brakes, heater. $2,700 or equivalent. Excellent oppor­ Minimum one year sand, stone, pool and patio CASTRO Convertible sofa, my toughest games.” Special rates for people over ra. TRI-CITY ELECTRIC - Ser­ demonstrators needed, no sand. 643-9504. Goal of Jack Nicklaus BASKETBALL Jim Wiste scored two of best offer. Call 872-6239 after 4 Fully insured. Estimates given. tunity, fringe benefits, 8 to 5 experience. Must read excellent condition. Phone 649- ving you in any electrical experience necessary. Part- 7047. Bloomfield at East Catholic Cleveland’s goals s the Campbeirs Record p.m. Call 649-7863. problems, remodeling, time or full-time, no collecting p.m. Call for interview, 522- blueprints. Excellent fringe 8211, An equal opportunity ALUMINUM SHEETS used as LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. Cheney Tech at Stafford Crusaders handed Edmonton its maintenance, trouble shooting, or delivering. Beat the high cost benefits and pay. printing plates, .007 thick, MERCANTILE- Bill Sheekey Clark 144-350, Bub Bender 147- Masters, U.S., British Opens Coventry at Tolland' 1959 GMC truck, flatbed, very NEED a Pap - call employer. Machlnery-Toole 52 (AP) — "One of these years,” and the PGA) they are always fifth loss in the past six games. etc. Call us today, Dick, 649- of living, call 633-1697. 23x32”. 25 cents each or 5 for $1. 136, Leo Foglia 142, Don 354, Bryce Hunt 154-376, Pete Ellington at E.O. Smith good condition, best offer over after 5 p.m., 1 3739 or Bob 646-0194. Jack Nicklaus said with a pen­ on my mind. They are the tour­ The victory. extended the Featured Season SECRETARY - Bookkeeper, PRESSURE RLAST Phone 643-271. FOUR safety shaper collars, Mathiews 149, Ken Montie 136- Brazitls 160-372, Jim Bell 362, East Windsor at Bolton $1,300. Call 649-2888 days, 646- HAIRDRESSER for sive far-away look in his blue naments you build your season Crusaders’ unbeaten streak to 6989 evenings.l Ask for Uierie. excellent opportunity to help MFG.C0., INC. five sets of cutters, 3/4” bore. 137-396, Bob Cuneo 135-353, Ed Ralph 364, Eid Burbank 367. Rockville at Enfield T. J. FLANAGAN - painting Flooring 19 Manchester salon, full-time, NEWSPRINT end rlls. 25 cents eyes, “I’m gonna have a really around. four games. and papering, call 643-13-1949. set up a small office and par­ 41 Chapel Street Call 649-9704 after 5 p.m. Mick Holmes 138-388. Jerry ^eat season.” Saturday Feature of the fall sports year at Manchester Communi­ two weeks paid vacation plus each. Inquire side door. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• “Right now,” he said Satur­ Elsewhere in the WHA, the Auto-ServIce FLO O R Sanding and ticipate in establishing ofrice Manchester, Conn. FRIENDSHIP- Steve BASKETBALL ty College was the individual one season scoring record in five personal days. Good pay procedures and files. Must be Manchester Evening Herald. Musical Instrumente 53 there was a moment of day after closing another Jersey Knights defeated the Accessories 7 GRAD STUDENTS available Refinishing, (speciafizingcializii in Women^s Volleyball Kershaw 237-509, Randy Kroes Norwalk CC at MCC soccer set by forward Bobby Campbell. He tallied 12 goals and 50% commission. Call experienced. Position available stunned silence. And then brilliant season with a victory Minnesota Fighting Saints 2-1, for painting, 4 years older floors). Inside painting, manager at 649-2807. IDEAL CHRISTMAS gifts, STANDING 231-516, Skip Kelly 210-555, TIRE RIMS, 3 pairs, 14” , 15”, January 2, 1974. Send resume Call Mrs. Brunetti, 643-2487, HAMMOND, luxury Spinet laughter. in the Walt Disney World Open the New England Whalers as the hooters posted a 5-6-3 overall and 2-2-2 league stan­ experience, fully Insured. Free ceilings. John Verfaiile, 6^ hand pieced quilts, beautiful Bruce Moquin 210-222-574, A1 16”, $5 each nm. Phone 643- estimates! Call our competitors listing present salaty to Oscar between 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., organ, model T582, has W L Even Nicklaus had to join in. edged the Chicago Cougars 4-3, dard for a fourth place finish in the Connecticut Commuhi- 5750, §ra-2222. BABYSITTER Wanted - three and warm. Phone 647-9750. automatic rhythm unit and ac­ Dolphins ' - 8 1 Peralli 217-524, Tom Kershaw Golf Tournament, “I’m looking 9664. then call us, 649-7034. R. Guilbault, Director weekdays. He looked a little embarrassed. forward to Augusta.” the Toronto Toros defeated the ty College Athlqtic Assn. (CCCAA). times a week, days, Tuesday, Rockville Public Library, 52 companiment plus built-in Marlins 6 3 507, Bill Dorozenski 531, Carl Bonds-Stocks-Mortgages 27 Wednesday and Thursdays. He almost blushed. The Masters the first of four Houston Aeros 5-2, and the Win­ The Cougars’ victims in­ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Union Street, Rockville, Conn. CMERA Polaroid Land, $20.; cassette recorder. Cali 649-9704 3 STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls, Sharks 5 4 Lepak 527, Bill Avery 520, Lee South School district. Call after calculator, electronic unicorn, after 5 p.m. “You didn’t let me finish my annual major tests of golfing nipeg Jets beat the Quebec Nor- cluded the Eastern Connecticut thrashing of South Central CC. Qarage-Service-Storage 10 fireplaces, flagstone terraces, 06066. Stingrays 4 5 Bean 184-210,563, Bert Toutain thought,” Nicklaus continued, MORTGAGES, loans first se­ 5:30, 649-7621. model 804, eight digit, $50. Call greatness will be held in Tony C, Hurt diques 5-3. State College JVs, Greater Top individual performers were concrete repairs, inside and cond, third. All kinds. Realty Barracudas 2 7 182, Shirley DeLisle 459, Betty “what I mean by that is that Knights 2, Saints 1 Hartford CC and Thames 6464310, 872-^7. DRUM SET, 8 piece, blue, see Walsh 479. Augusta, Ga. in April. Bob Marko, Bernie Santore and WANTED - In Manchester outside. Reasonably priced, statewide, credit rating un­ RN or LPN, part time, 11-7, through, Ludwig, Zildjian cym­ Porpoises 2 7 sometime I’m going to be able Valley State Tech. area, need to rent garage 643-0851. “I’m always asked dbout my In Bar Scuffle The Knights’ ]^b Brown beat Bob Austin. necessary. Reasonable. Con­ Laurel Manor, 649-4519. BSR RECEIVER and turn­ bals. Call 643-4900. to do what I want to do in the goals.'Well, the Masters — and goalie John Garrett from 30 tostore 16’ boat. Phone 872-^9 fidential, Quick arrangements. table, creative speakers with NAHANT, Mass. (AP) — ' Backboned by former Wind­ PRINTING PLANT major championships. getting ready for it — is my feet out for the winning goal in Coach John Sutheriand’s golf after 4 p.m. NUTMEG PAINTING - Alvin Lundy Agency. 527-7971. DENTAL Chairside assistant, record collection. $200, Phone Former Red Sox outfielder sor High standout Steve Interior and exterior. First and Second Shift Wearing Apparel 57 “Yeah,” he responded to a next goal. Tlien the next goal Jersey’s 2-1 triumph over team brought its final mark to 100 Constitution Plaza, Hart­ for orthodontic office near Ver- 643-4938. question, “I’d like them all in a Tony Cbnigliaro suffered a cut Teachman, MCC’s defense 2-2 with a shutout victory over Reasonably priced. For a free ford. Evenings, 233-6879. non Circle. Experience , BUSINESS after that will be the next Minnesota, which now has lost Motorcycles-BIcycles BLACK AND RED wool year.” tendon in his hand when he allowed 2.07 goals per game. Hartford Tech. Bill Laklng’s 78 11 estimate, 643-5295, between 6^ preferred, reply P.O. Box 2356, OFFSET STRIPPERS 1,001 TRAIN sets-kits and major championship the U.S. its past three games. p.m. checked coat, size 16, hardly “My goals always have been scuffled with a patron at Whalers 4, Cougars 3 Teachman, Ray Boyd and Jeff placed third in the CCCAA MORTGAGES - 18t, and 2nd Vernon, Conn. ■ y , ■ . accessories for Christmas. Our . CHECKING Open. Then the British Open Conigliaro’s night club, police GIRL’S 19” bike, excellent con­ mortgages — interim financing worn. $20. Phone 649-1055. the major championships (the Tom Webster had two second- Fournier played consistently championship. MCC placeil people will help you and answer and S0 on. said. dition, $40. Call 646-0091 after 4. Building-Contracting 14 — expeditious and confidential PULL-Time clerk, general of­ all questions, not just hand you period goals to lead well all season in the backline. fourth in the team standings. Experience necessary. This Is your opportunity to Wanted to Buy 58 A policeman, Thomas Hutton, New service, J. D. Real Estate fice. Apply Watkins Brothers, a package and send you on your England to a 4-3 victory over EXPERT bicycle repairs, all join one of Connecticut's largest and most ACCOUNTS suffered a cut knee, wrist anil First-year Coach Jim Dyer Paced by Larry Woykovsky, Assoc. 646-1980. 935 Main Street, Manchester. way. Mhmy super specials. The Chcago. The-goals were makes, models and speeds. progressive printing firms. WANTED — Antique furniture, The thumb dislocations in the has a promising team in the the harriers provided rookie Train Exchange, 70 Hilliard glass, pewter, oil paintings or Webster’s 17th and 18th of the Peugeot, Ralei^ dealers, Business Opportunity 28 Muffler That’s struggle Saturday with a patron making tor tne 1^ 1* campaign. head Coach Barry Sheckley Se r v ic e sTA’no N a.ttendapt, Street, Manchester. other antique items. Any quan­ Free checks. Free statements. season. Manchester Bicycle Shop, 649- HICIDI full and part-timv, apply in per­ Top wages and a liberal benefit program that In­ who refused to leave, police Led by captain-elect Greg with a winning season at 7-4. 2098. tity. The Harrisons, 643-OT09, No Minimum Balance Guaranteed for It was the third straight vic­ COUNTRY store for sale, lock, son, Clarke Motor Sales, Route cludes a non-contrlbutory pension plan. "Apply In FOR SALE - New Marquis dia­ said. DeNies, returnees include Woykovsky broke the MCC KMODEIIK 165 Oakland Street. tory for the Whalers who are Boyd, Fournier, John Unwon, s ^ k and barrel. Well traveled 6, l^lton. person or call 643-1101. mond ring, written appraisal as long as you The patron, John Lornado, 20, course record three tinies. ASSORTED Sportster parts for highway, for particulars call leading the WHA’s Eastern ‘TMfESSIONIIL CMFTSMMISHr value $500. Sacrifice $3to. Call of Bast Boston, was arrai^ e d Bill Hale, Telmo Zuniga and sale, frame, gas tank, fender, 289-6208 or 649-7669. LIQUOft STORE Manager - Rooms Without Board 59 own the car... Division. Woykovsky’s best time was 875-8531. MANCHESTER STATE BANK in Lynn District Court on goalie Rick Epstein. The latter Strutts, etc. Excellent condi­ Finest of Kitchens for 74. busy, modern store, 25:05 for the 4.7 mile course. tion, call 649-2888 days, 646-6989 1/ charges of disorderly conduct Toros 5, Aeros 2 compiled 108 saves during the Specialized custom BORED with your present Manchester area, excellent ALLIED PRINTING SERVICES INC. Florist-Nurseries 45 CLEAN ROOM for working- 875-2517 Toronto’s Peter Martin, a 5-9 evenings. Ask for Cherie. 1041 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER and assault and battery on a past season while giving up 2.1 The harriers defeated the counters. ' $job$? Invest $5,000 (secured by salary,' bonus and 579 Middle Turnpike West gentleman. Call 649-1425 after 5 right wing, scored two goals to inventory - local financing benefiis.Please write Box EE, CHRISTMAS TREES - Tag, cut p.m. Open Sat. 9 A.M .-Noon police officer. His case'w as goals pef game. - University of Hartford JVs lead the Toros to a 5-2 victory f- HANDLEBARS - all stylstyles and available) in a nationwide Manchester Herald. Manchester, Ct. your own. Large selection. OLENDER’S MUFFLER SHOP continued to Dec. 10, and /he twice and scored a crucial 24-27 factory seconds,Is $5 each. Call for appointment ROUTE 83 over Houston. Mhrtin opened The tennis team buffered business that returns well over Spruce, SCOTCH Pine. Stanley ROOM for rent, Coventry area, Member FOIC ROCKVILLE was freed on personal victory over Northwestern CC Connecticut CycleLiycle Accessories, An Equal Employment Opportunity Employer Tree Farm, Long Hill Rd., off scoring at S:52 of the first through a dismal 1-6 season. 875-1501 $35,000 the first year and eveiy DONUT:m XkER - or trainee, parking, minutes from recognizance. in a league meet. 316 Hartford Kd, Manchester, Male/Female Route 6 at Andover Church. 742- Manchester or Rockville. Call period aijd scored an unassisted The lone victory was a 5-0 year. Call Mr. Slater at 232- ^ p ly in person, Bess Eaton, 150 643-1682. 5747. Center St. 9 a .m .-12 noon. 6438. 643-0309 between 6<8 p;m.

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■ ■ , t tP * f / ../ / 9 9 •* , f * 9 a f . PAGE TWENTY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn,, Mon., Dec. 3. 1973

Roomt Without Board 59 Apartmanta For Rant 63 Apartmanta For Rant' 63 Out of Town- Houaaa For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Houaea For Sale For Rant / 66- 72 Out ot Town-For. Sale 75 MANCHESTER - 2 bedroom MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester; Conn., Mon.. Dec. 24! 197.3- ROOMS - Full motel service, MANCHESTER.- New Usting, PORTER ST. area - im-’ color TV, free parking, ?40 a apartment, ideal for young •VERNON - Like new, duplex, at Six-room Cape located close to maculate 7 room Colonial, gar­ M ANCHESTER - 6-room COVENTRY - nice 3 bedroom BUGS BUNNY family, includes heat, Colonial. Large kitchen, formal OUT OUR WAY BY NED COCHRAN week single, $49 a week double PRESIDENTIAL 83 Skinner Rd., freshly whools, churches and shopping. age, trees, privacy. Hutchins Ranch, with dishwasher, dtyer. OCR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE occupancy. Connecticut Motor appliances and carpets, ^05 dining room,' 3 bedrooms, gar- washer, and antenna, 3/4 VILUGE APTS. decorated, two-bedrooms, Fireplaced living room, fiiree Agency, Realtors, 6495324. soa...BLuaaeft/ HB JUST PISCOVEREP THAT IF HE Lodge, 400 Tolland Tpke., monthly. Paul W. Dougan, kitchen with appliances, living g r o o m s , move-in 'condition. ®i?®'„„iidtoaculate condition. finished rec room, new 3-zone 1 OFFERED ID START TEACHltJS SEOROE HOW WELL.l WNPEREP WW ttREFCr 5UPE A CHAIR HAP INVESTEP « 1 0 ,0 0 0 IN , TO PLAV CHESS THIS EVENIMS, AAARy-BUT SlWCE WA6 CLMMINa To BE A Manchester. 643-1555. Realtor, 643-4535 or 646-1021. Priced in the mid 30’s. Zinsser $29,900. Philbrick Agency, hot water heat, good sized lot, CAES^R UNPER HIM- I MANCHESTEN room, bath; basement, parking. MANCHESTER - 6 1/2 room 'WHAT'S AILIN'YER AMAL6 AMATEP SHOELACES' HE HAS TO SO BACK TO THE OFFICE .THIS'LL BE POLICE 5EP6EANTI I Agency, 646-1511. Realtors, 646-4200. ' ■ full price, $29,900. Mitten Agen­ A (300D OPPORTUWITV FOR TO EKPLAIM TH' ■ ta e V're HE'6(.i30m' POWNi TRIEP Heat included. $230 monthly. Ranch. Fireplace, rec room, PAL, SYLVESTER? HE'P HAVE /VIAPE A FORTUNE' 'iHOULP HAVE'fiUES5EP MANCHESTER - Homestead cy, Realtors, 643-6930. RUDIMENTS OF TH' SAA/E TD VOO.' I'LL aiVE BOTH faster th an a ■ TO LARGE COMFORTABLE One and two bedrooihs. Call 872-3487, if no answer call immediate occupancy. Subur­ IT WAS NI7NE OTHER VOU A LIFT WITH' TH' PISHES AND WE CRIMINALS^ Pan VAULTER T e l l room, double closet space, bath" Park Village, nice 2 bedroom 872-0333. MANCHESTER - Original . CAN S E T STARTED.' than FUNNYFAcr ban location. City utilities. $30,- ifJUFFUe! WE WERE WITH GREASY t h e m , and shower, parking, Townhouse, private entrances Near schools, churches owners selling their home, COLUMBIA LAKE - 7-room FINNEY. AMERICA6 900. Hayes Agency, 6464)131. IN TOWN SURROUNPEP HANPS; EUT and patio, full basement, in­ and shopping center; on Raised Ranch, 2 1/2 baths, f a v o r ite . gentleman only. References. HEBRON - 4-room apartment toree large b lo o m s , 2 full ■ THEY Immaculate 6-room Ranch, imposter: Phone 649-0719. cludes heat, appliances and bus line. Call anytime. baths, large kitchen with built- fireplaces, paneling, carpeting, WOULPNT and bath, country living, city MANCHES’TER — Englewood spacious living room with r a i i FREIGHT ■carpets, $245. Paul W. Dougan, in oven, range and dishwasher. huge recreation room, garages. ! / / LISTEN . conveniences, next to a Drive, Cape. 6 rooms, 3 or 4 fireplace, good sized dining ONtY. Realtor, 643-4535 or 646-1021. 646-2623 bubbling stream. $170 per Attractive dining area. Living bedrooms, near everything. Hutchins Agency, 64 9 ^4 . room with fireplace. 30s. room, 3 b^rooms, kitchen •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• month. Deposit required. LaPenta Agency, Realtor, 646- 4 1/2 ROOMS, second floor, Children welcome, no pets. Call Wolverton Agency, Realtors, 2440. with oven-range, and dis­ SOUTH WINDSOR - New Apartmanta For Rent 63 stove, heat, hot water, and gas. 646-6776. 649-2813. hwasher, one car attached listing, 3 bedroom Ranch, living Working couple. Call 649-4068. THREE R(X)MS - quiet, plea­ MANCHESTER - Executive garage. Well landscaped yard. room, dining room, kitchen, MANCHESTER - Three- sant, convenient location. ROCKVILLE - First floor, four- MANCHESTER - Older custom built Ranch. ’Three Good location. $82,900. •first floor family room, 1 1/2 bedroom apartment in four- FOUR ROOMS, second floor, Working adults, no pets. Partly room apartment. All utiHties, Colonial in excellent condition. spacious bedrooms, family baths, attached garage. family house, appliances, newly stove included, parking, garage furnished, lease, security. 643- appliances. Immediately Much new- work performed in­ room off kitchen, rec room, IIU REILTY Ct., MC. Located on 100’ 200’ treed Tot. MICKEY FINN decorated. Available im­ available, adults only, no pets. 2880. cluding 2 full baths, formal M - m Many extras to stay with this BY HANK LEONARD available. $175 monthly. Phone den, lovely secluded lot. Hayes 3 2 2 j p j i u u r a n n mediately. Security required. Call 649-8733. 872-3749 after 4 p.m. dining room, three bedrooms, 2- Agency, 646-0131. Robert D. Murilock, Realtor house. F. J. Spilecki, Realtor, SURE DO, LOLA— "' AN' IF VOU'RE AROUND, $155. Eastern, 646-8250. FOUR-ROOM apartment, se­ car garage. $35,900. Wolverton 643-2121. BUT WHEN I GET YOU'LL ONLY GET ATTRACTIVE 4 1/2 rooms, se­ HORACE/ I WOUGHT T'HOLLVWOOD, I'LL JEALOUS— y y / cond floor, $135. 396 Hartford VERNON - 4-room apartment, Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. CUS’TOM built, air-conditioned, RP MPPTIAI/ A STAFFORD SPRINGS - Atten­ you LOI/ED ME! FOUR ROOMS, adults only, no cond floor apartment, stove and Road, Manchester. Call 649- refrigerator, stove, washer and California Ranch. Fireplaced pets, heat, hot water, refrigerator, $150 monthly. tion Mr. Handyman, 5-5 duplex, 1946. dryer. After 5 p.m, 646-4203. MANCHESTER-VERNON line living room, formal dining GEORGIAN COLONIAL - appliances, near bus and shop­ Lease, security. Middleaged - Original owner leaving state room, modern kitchen with five-year old heating system, Center chimney, two minimum work needed. Good ping, $180 monthly. Call 649- couple preferrM. No pets or FOUR ROOMS, second floor VERNON AREA - Three large and can give immediate oc­ dining area, family room, three 7620. children. References required. fireplaces, modem kitchen with investment potential. Asking m with heat and hot water. Adults bedrooms, parking providra. cupancy on this three bedroom large bedrooms, fourth DOS possi-l h'* TP built-ins, large formal dining $18,500. W. J. Barcomb, A dults kave'v Call 646-1074. preferred, no pets, $180 per Basement. Children just fine. Ranch with 2-car garagd, ble, 2-carr garage.garai Beaumuily ^ 3 GARDEN STREET - spacious room, front-to-back living Realtor, 644-8000. fiRAMPAW ,2.'3 Ut >♦. Ow\ THAT PROBLEM y month. Call 643-8344. $140. 97-19. Rentex, $25 fee, 549- fireplaced living room, large landscaped. id grounds.grou Marion E. room, large front foyer, den, 6-room apartment, 3-4 FOUR-ROOM apartment, first kitchen with dining area. Near Robertton, Realtor, 643-5953. screened porch, four bedrooms, bedrooms. Available December* floor, cellar, storage, jaragq, COVENTRY - Immaculate MANCHESTER - 4 rooms, se­ acre lot. Low 40s. Wolverton 2 1/2 baths, garage. Large lot, CAPTAIN EASY 1st. $200 plus security, lease. yard. $155 per month. Call cond floor, one child, Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. 50 DURANT STREET - Raised Ranch./ Family room, BY CROOKS & LAWRENCE VERNON - Modern one high on a hill, in one of fireplace, two-car garage, 649-1924, 643-5778. 2871. appliances, parking, no dogs, bedroom apartment, nice, con­ Immediate occupancy,' five- THE WAITRESS AT THE/ DEFINITELY... M a n c h e s te r ’s f in e s t '•WHEEL OF FORTUNE”/ I CH ECK ED YET VINA TOLD IN VIEW OF December 1st, $135. 633-9057. MANCHESTER - Four family deck, aluminum siding, large HER ROOMMATE venient location, $145 monthly room Ranch. $25,900. LaPenta neighborhoods. $66,500. RECOONIZEP LOU WITH HER RIGHT HIS S H A P y DELMONT STREET - New NEW 3-bedroom Duplex, half of lot. iJwner transferred. Asking HE'P CLOSED HIS includes heat, hot water, stove, home in the center of town, Agency, Realtor, 646-2440. a f t e r I LEFT RECORD, MAYBE Philbrick Agency, Realtors, mid 30’s, Evelyn Carlson, 643- OFFICE ANP LEFT duplex, 2 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, two-family. iVi b a th s , MANCHESTER - Centrally exceilent condition throughout POLICE HEAP- p i c a r p h a s and refrigerator. 647-1113. 646-4200. ' t o w n ; appliances. $225. plus security carpeting, appliances included. located 4 rooms, just with four large rooms each 0836, Northeast Realty, 569 QUARTERS A REASON FOR 7907. LYINS LOW! and references. Call days, 643- Full basement, $267 per month. redecorated. $150 monthly. ROCKVILLE ROCKER - A apartment. Excellent estate 5144 ask for Jack. MANCHESTER $31,900 MANCHESTER - Older home, 6 Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 643- Security requir^. References. acre of land, all you own with builder. $65,000. Wolverton large rooms, immaculate con­ 4535, 646-1021. “ WILLINGTON -.Selection of PR ISC ILLA ’S P O P No pets. Available December this 5-room apartment. Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. WHY WORRY dition. Centrally located. 323,-r BY AL VERMEER 118 MAIN ST. - 3 room apart­ 1st. 228-9692. two duplex Raised Ranches, ''/^NP ANOTHER'' Children accepted. $150. 95-30. ABOUT GAS? 900. Philbrick Agency, I’D NEVER HAVE^ SHE WAS CAPTAIN ment, heat, security, $160. Call TWO-BEDROOM Townhouse, CUSTOMIZED CAPE, lovely one with three acres, im­ LTMIN<5,..VAK, MARRIED HER IF Rentex, $25 fee, 549-6980. Realtors, 646-4200. ,^A1C, VAK... OF THE DEBATINGr 646-2426, 9-5. full private basement. Private SIX-ROOM duplex, large corner lot in established Walk to major shopping and mediate occupancy. ’The oUier r O K N O W N ! O F TEAM! bus from our spotless 6 room fully rented. Ten rooms each. H E R P A S T entrances and patio. Inc’ ies modern kitchen, dishwasher, STORRS area - On Route 44-A, neighborhood, tastefully CAPE - Six rooms, wall-to-wall LOVELY 2-bedroom apartment Cape with oversized garage Near UConn. $42,900. Lessenger heat, appliances, carpe , .,’,45 appliances, separate laundry Brand new duplex, wall-to-wall decorated, centrally air- carpeting. Wooded lot. Near 3 Company, Realtors, 646-8713, with refrigerator, range, dis­ per month. Paul W. ) 'ougan. lOom, convenient to bus and carpeting, 3 b^rooms, full bath conditioned, ^as heat, 3 or 4 and ai l\pge back porch. Huge posal, heat and air- hospital. $29,900. Philbrick 423-M91. Realtor, 643-4535, 646-’v21 shopping. Security required. on second floor, half bath first bedrooms, fireplace, porch. eat-in kitchen, formal dining Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. conditioning, parking. $195 643-2018 after 6 p.m. floor, large living room, kitchen Asking $34,900. Owner, 649-6325. room, 3 bedrooms, fireplaced monthly. Handy to Main Street. WE HAVE customers waiting with dinette area, all living room, oven & range and RANCH - Two years old, 6 1/2 Call 644-2427. for the rental of your apartment ■'V ATTRACTIVE - 4 l/2room appliances, stove, self-cleaning SIX-room beautiful Raised full dry basement. Call Joe rooms, large country kitchen, SOUTH WINDSOR or home. J.D. Real Estate apartment, gas stove, furnace, oven, double door refrigerator, Ranch, two fireplaces, two-car 13x21’, 3 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, R E A D Y N O W FOUR ROOMS, second floor, Associates, Ire. 646-1980. garage, too many extras to Gordon, 6495306. STEVE CANYON \ ______prking, inquire 17 Indian Hili dishwasher, disposal, toil base­ first-floor family room, garage. BY MILTON CAMFF hot water, gas stove with St., East Hartford. list.Cail Peterman, Realtor, ment with washer-dryer hook­ $38,900. Philbrick Agency, For immediate occupancy. 6 WE'D LIKE 5U/MMER TD ^ 8 - BUT heating unit. Near Main Street FOUR large rooms, second THE LOCAL BAD BOVS HAVE ^ herT used^toI T ^ A teleg r a m "^WE WANT VOU^ ups. Rent $250. Call 643-7244. 649-9404. •• B & W » » Realtors, 6464200. iO TO AFRICA ALONE TO WHY A The BARROWS & WALLACE Co. room Ranch completely USED ALL THE CURRENT U.S. SAYIN6 THAT TWO THINGS -AND A WOMAN'S TOGO THERE business section. Adults. $110 floor, porch, working couple, no FOUR room, second floor, gas \ HELP PUT THE ALGOKVTE WOMAN? Realtors — MLS redecorated inside. 3 FAMILV PROBLEMS TO UN­ GET IMMEDIATE ATTENTION i SCREAM! , AND SCREAM monthly, security. 643-7094, children, poodle accepted. 646- stove, adults only, no pets, one MANCHESTER - Two homes MININ6 MISSION BACK WHY ME Manchester Parkade — 649-SS06 COLONIAL - Large front-to- il-i '1-3 . DERMINE MORALE AMONO — ANYWHERE. evenings. 2087 after 1 car parking, $125 per month. for the price of one. Mother* bedrooms, full ceramic tiled pitE/yssa ' : TRACK P CIVILIAN CONSTRUCTION back living room with bath. Wall to wall carpet in After 1 p.m., 649-5987. Dad, Sister, Brother can have fireplace, formal dining room, THREE ROOMS, heat, Bualnaaa Locatlona tor their own 3-room apartment in living room, dining room and THE BORN LOSER BY ART SANSOM parking, utilities. No pets. Rent 67 two-car garage. Vinyl siding. MAIN STREET - 5-room apart­ this (residence A) west side Immaculate condition. $34,900. hall. Range, refrigerator and Security deposit. $150. 247-4688, VILLAGER ment, newly decorated, garage, neighborhood. Oversized Cape SEVEN-ROOM Raised Ranch, air conditioned. A best buy at HOW MUCH Y THEMlWO-m- HOW ABOUT Y THATOWe-'lBAR- UTAKEIT, BUTDOMT 236-0564. INDUSTRIAL SPACE - 1,400, 2 1/2 baths, recreation room, Philbrick Agency, 646-4200. $165 monthly. 646-2098 with everything, big living $32,900. Call 6495306. FO R m T 0LP$A®TWeM?|- JHWLITTLE ) OiV%OW..MOO APARTMENTS 8,300, 10,000, 6,200, starting at room, big kitchen, big screened fireplace, carpeting, garages, a ) T I T ,„ \U PICK IT trees. Hutchins Agency, 649 I'"' MANCHESTER - Homestead Five-room, 2-bedroom THREE-ROOM apartment. .80 cents a .square foot, in­ in porch, big lot, big 2-car gar­ MANCHESTER - Brand ONB? A FWBOOLLNR. 'vX)B?y( cam HAWS IT FOR OPMgXr hear! J Park Village, deluxe 2 bedroom townbouse, wall-to-wall cluding heat. Warren E. age. See it - you’ll believe it. In 5324. Stove, refrigerator, heat, hot spanking new Colonial, RUB OaLAR. Townhouse, 1 1/2 baths, full carpeting, fireplace, 2 air con­ water. Phone 647-9251. Howland, Realtors, 643-1108. the 30’s. F. J. Spilecki, featuring formal dining room, MANCHESTER - New Dutch The BARROWS k WALLACE CO. private basement, includes ditioners, appliances, heat Realtors, 643-2121. living room with fireplace, Realtors — MLS MANCHESTER — 100,000 Colonial, 3 or 4 bedrooms, heat, appliances and carpets, and hot water, 1V4 tiled baths, Furnlahed Apartmanta 64 kitchen including new range Manchester Parkade - MMSOt $265 monthly. Paul W. Dougan, square feet, will divide. dining room, family room with washer and dryer hookup, STARTER or retirement home, and dishwasher, 1 1/2 baths, 3 Realtor, 643-4535 or 646-1021. Suitable for manufacturing and 4 rboms, landscaped lot, gar­ fireplace, aluminum siding, 2- good size bedrooms. Aluminum pqtio. No pets. ROCKVILLE - Available now, warehouse. 1-226-1206. car garage, wooded lot. Merritt nicely furnished 3(4 room age, close to bus line, ^,000. siding, aluminum storm win­ WOODBRIDGE Street - Two Agency, 646-1180. Call 649-7620 apartment, residential area. Itoith Real Estate, 64641^, dows, screens and storm doors - CENTER of Rockville - Older bedrooms, appliances, parking, THREE carpeted, air- 649-1922. front and rear, gas (2-zone) hot two-family home that is truly yard for children and pets. $125. Adults, no pets, security. $160 conditioned rooms available MANCHESTER - New 7-room THK FUNTSTONKS monthly, 64^10M. water heat, city utilities, the handyman’s special. One I5> ll\N \.B \Rm ,R\ 50-62. Rentex, $25 fee, 549-6980. immediately. Can be sub­ UNDER $30,000 - Three Ranch, three bedrooms, 2 landscaped including new apartment vacant. Asking $26,- divided. Call 649-5261 or stm at baths, family room with T M *»f Ui Fal OH “ 5 12-3 FOUR rooms, garage, heat, hot ONE ROOM, bath, bedroom Cape, aluminum shrubs. Bowers School district. 900. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 649 WHAT DID MANCHESTER - Five large John H. Lappen, Inc. 164 East fireplace and patio off kitchen, 1577. water, appliances, quiet, con­ refrigerator, heat, hot water. siding, enclosed sunporch plus Reasonably priced at $37,900. ALLEY O O P THE - rooms, convenient to stores and venient location, available im­ Center Street. sundeck, acre of w i^ e d land. aluminum siding, 2-car garage, Do call soon....Martens Agen­ BY V.T. HAMLIN Apply Marlow’s, 867 Main lovely wooded lot. Merritt WEATHERAAAN bus line. Security, no pets. $130. mediately. Security deposit. Street. Keith Real Estate, 646-4126, cy, Realtors, 646-2550. COLUMBIA - Only $29,300. 53’ THAT OLD BUCK ) YEAH.' HOW'RE WE’LL-WORK OUR S A V ^ 872-0602. $200. 649-7544, 649-6985. 460 MAIN STREET - Ideal for 649-1922. Agency, 646-1180. Ranch, 20’ living room, three IS BLOCKING TH'y WE GONNA GET WAY AROUND HIM, store, office etc. $160. Call 646- MANCHESTER - Neat as a pin bedrooms, full cellar, 3/4 acres, WAY/ _^B A C K TO TH’ BEACH BOYS' C'MON ' FURNISHED FANTASY - Two 2426, 9-5. 7% assumable mortgage. NOW, MR.OOP? FOUR-ROOM Apartment, MANCHESTER Area - bedrooms in two-family. MANCHESTER - 7-room is this charming 6-room Cape. appliances, ample parking,, (Hebron) Modem 4 rooms, $190 luxury Ranch includes in- ’Three bedrooms, living room, Lessenger Company, Realtors, basement for storage. Children , Utilites paid, parking. Yai^. STORE, 24 1/2x35’, full base­ Manchester 6498713, 4299291. per month includes heat, hot $175 takes it. 75-12. Rentex, $25 ground pool, huge kitchen with dining room', and rec room. and pets accepted. $125. 08-91. water, carpeting, appliances, ment, Center Street location. all the built-ins, den with OVERSIZED CAPE Wall-to-wall caipet and paneled Rentex, $25 fee, 549-6980. fee. 549-6980. Call 649-0459. EAST HARTFORD - Brent- storage, 649-2871, 6464W82. fireplace, 3 bedrooms, two full Large fireplaced living room, walls. Asking $31,900. Zinsser baths, heated family room, 2 Agency, 646-1511. moor Road, area of fine homes! E Houaea tor Rant 65 eat-in kitchen, formal dining SIX-ROOM duplex, near LOOKING for anything in real plus garages. Wolverton Agen­ Lovely 3 bedroom split, large schools and shojming. $200 room, baths, 2 large family room with book shelves, estate rental — apartments, MANCHESTER - 4-bedroom cy, Realtors, 649-2813. THREE BRAND new monthly. Call Peterman, homes, multiple dwellings, no bedrooms on second floor, Colonials. Lots of extras in? formal dining room, eat-in Realtor, 649-9404. Dutch Colonial. Four baths, I beautiful country setting, kitchen.’Carpeting, many fees. Call J.D. Real Estate double garage, executive * MANCHESTER - 6 room eluded and m eed to sell in time Convenient custom built for present extras. Financing available. Associates, Inc. 646-1980. neighborhood. November 30th Ranch, formal dining room, for your l^ry Merry Christ­ HEAT PAID - Five spacious I fireplace, garage, walk out owners. mas. All have gas hot water Forties! LaPoll Company, rooms in two-family house. occupancy. Hayes Agency, 646- Realtors, 5691030. TWO-BEDROOM duplex, half 0131. DOWNTOWN basement, large lot! Char-Bon heat. For more information call Plenty of parking. Only $160.22- of two-family. Includes I Agency, 643-0683. t h e __ Martens Agency, 31. Rentex, $25 fee, 549-6980. COLUMBIA - country kitchen, appliances and cameting. $220 MANCHESTER - Six-room I MERRin AGENCY Realtors, 646-2550. per month. Paul W. I^ugan, MANCHESTER - Four or five large living room, both MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON ONE.S and FRANK RIDGEWAY C OFFICE Realtors 646-1180 brick Ranch, two baths, two carpeted, plus 3 rooms, 1 1/2 Realtor, 6434535, 646-1021. fire p la c e s , g a ra g e . $300 I bedroom older home. Rural V 4C R R D J’f/<)«44 location. Small bam. and gar­ batl:ns, 2-car insulated garage, MAAM—t h e r e 's ITAAAKES/VEFEEL r KEEP THE CORN WIN AT BRIDGE APARTMENT "" monthly. Security, references. [Main Street location! jalousiedled patio facing pool, $43,- . SO ROM/\NnC! FLAKES CO/MING! MANCHESTER - Nice second Hayes Agency, 646-0131. age. Reduced to $37,900. Paul MANCHES’TER - 5-5, 2-family, The bidding has been: 3 RENTAL OFFICE W. Dougan, Realtor, 643-4535. Lota-Land tor Sala 73 200. Owner, 2293610. A BLAZING floor apartment. Two ■ Ideal for attorney o rj kitchen, living room, dining Signal partner loud and clear West North East South We have a large variety of bedrooms, convenient room, 2 bedrooms, each unit, 2- I WAS HEBRON - four-room modem | sm a ll bUSineSS. ■ BOLTON - 166x100’ wooded lot, SNOWY n ig h t! 1 ♦ Pass 1T deluxe one and two-bedroom neighborhood. Older couple PRIME AREA - If you want car garage. Merritt Agency, COLUMBIA - Holiday occupan­ HOPING house for rent, 2 bedrooms, close to Bolton Lake. $2,600. W. cy, 3-bedroom Ranch. Two-car and writing about interesting o n e discard that will Pass 3+ Pass 34 apartments and townhouses preferred. $150. per month. modern tile bath, 20 minutes your children to swim in their 646-1180. O O • ^ youfp guarantee defeat of the con­ Pass 3* Pass ? Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 643- own pool and play in their own J. Barcomb, Realtor, 644-8000. oversized garage. Completely (>» NORTH bridge hands. His newest throughout Manchester. Ren­ from Hartford. $200. monthly, I Will redecorate to suit 1 SAYTHAT tract. Pop up with your ace of You, South, hold: 4535. large backyard, call us to find renovated. Excellent location. 4 Q764 compendium, entitled tal office open daily froip 9-5, references. 228-9094. I tenant. Rental $100! MANCHESTER - Three- diamonds. ♦ KJ65 fA 8 3 2 ♦K 1 0 4 * 6 3 out about this fine Split-level Low taxes. Mid 30’s. Petrus ? J109 ‘Bridge, Perfect Plays and bedroom Cape, rec room, Oswald: “This sensational What do you do now? other times by appointment. ■monthly Includes! home. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, NOR’TH COVENTRY Realty, 2293777. ♦ KQJ1076 Match Point Ways’ includes MANCHESTER - Older one- HECK OF a house - Two carpeting, fireplace, extras. discard will get your partner A — Bid four'notrump. Your bedroom apartment, on bus 643-1577. 6.8 ACRES OF PRIVACYII some old timers and very spacious bedrooms, appliances, Iheat. Call Mr. Dwyer. ■ Mid 30’s. $900 down to qualified new ones.” to lead a diamond. If South partner is showing a spade con- line. Includes heat and veteran. Warren E. Howland, BOLTON - Beautiful Contem- WEST (D) EAST DMUTO {NTERPiHSES, MC. parking, porch, laund^ hookup, Beautiful rolling land adja­ p ra ry Ranch, 10 rooms, 2 1/2 Jim: “Here is a simple one ruffs with the nine you will troi. You can afford to go right 240-A New State R d , Manchester appliances. Older person yard for children and pets. $180. 100x190’ LOT goes with this Realtors, 643-ll(W. cent to a state stocked river 4 10832 ♦ - score your ten spot of trumps in to Blackwood. preferred. $110 per month. Paul clean 8-room older home. ’Three baths, fieldstone fireplace, ? 8 7 f AKQ62 called, ‘The power of the pop 92-02. Rentex, $25 fee, 549-6980. for your ultimate honie. immediately. If he ruffs with TODAY S QUESTION 646-1021 ,W. Dougan, Realtors, 6434535. bedrooms, 2-car garage, large sunken living room, large ther­ ♦ A 4 985432 up play’. Just look at the West 646-1700 DARTMOUTH Heights - Near Owner will take back a 10 year a high trump you will collect You bid four notrump and your { mopane windows, on 11/2 acres J1 8 7 6 4 3 2 ♦ kq and North hands and the bid­ kitchen included in this scarce Martin School, Ansaldi built, 7- COVENTRY - 4-room house, 2 ■ mortgage at 9%. with $5,000 with 10 mile view. $48,500. WINTHROP ding. We’ll give you a clue to the setting trick with it later partner bids five spades to show, SIX-room flat, second floor, MANCHESTER - Available low 30s price range. More land room Colonial. 2Vt baths, BY DICK CAVALLI SOUTH bedrooms, sunporch, garage, |i down. Fantastic situation for Philbrick Agency, Realtors, the proper play. You decide on. Either way you get a plus three aces. What do you do now? modern kitchen with dis­ December 1st, four rooms with I available to buy. T. J. Crockett, fireplace, appliances, city 4 AKJ95 large yard. Children welcome, 646-4200. BOV, AM 1 BORED.' I'VE NEVER canT anvbocjv , WELL ...ASK to open a heart and not vour score.” Answer Tomorrow hwasher, disposal, washer and heat, centrally located. Adults Realtors, 643-1577. utilities, 3-zone heat, plastered those looking to the future. ?543 $200 monthly. Security deposit. BEEN 6 0 BORED IN /MV HELP ME A SlULV singleton ace of diamonds.” (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) dryer, carpet in living room, only, no pets. $185 monthly. Call Available January 1st. Call 649- walls, two-car garage. Joe Gordon, 6495306. ♦ - INEW.SPAPER KNTEKPRI.s e ASSN I MANCHESTER - East Center COLUMBIA - Immediate oc­ WHOLE LIFE' TO FIND A QUESTION... 4 ^ A J1 0 9 5 Oswald: “That is quite a dining room and one l^ ro o m . 9 to 5 p.m., 643-1579. 9948. MANCHESTER - $29,900, six- Immediate occupancy. Charles Answer to Previous Puzzie Sweet. Eight-room house for room Cape, Byron Rd. Lesperance, 6497620. cupancy, spotless two-bedroom RELEASE FDR Both vulnerable clue because we feel that the One-car garage, heat and hot The BARROWS k WALLACE Co. MVeOUNOL£66 M ANCHESTER - New 2- lease. Five room paneled suite Carpeting, fireplace, eat-in Ranch. Fireplace, dining room, Countries p A L M G O U D E l_ M water furnished. Good Out ot Town- Realtors — MLS ENERGIES? West North ace of diamonds lead would A 1 A R E A M O O family. Three bedroom includes waiting room and kitchen, 9 bedrooms and dining MANCHESTER - Fine spacious full cellar. Additional land and neighborhood. Convenient, to For Rent 66 Manchester Parkade — 64S-S306 barns available. Low 30’s. Pass Pass almost surely be the best T 1 P L 1 N Q P O T apartments. Carpeting and air- ______receptionist room. Second room, or 4th bedroom. Garage. S> 1 E N A O T o L 1 T H shopping and schools. $250 per Colonial home in attractive es­ Pass 34> opening. Anyway you do open .U’ROSS conditioning. Convenient loca­ Treed lot. Helen D. Cole, Petrus Realty, 2298777. 2Biblieal f- 1. t ) 1 n K month. Call Peterman, Realtor, LARGE furnished two-room tablished neighborhood. Four Pass Pass the eignt of hearts and your tion. Available December 1st. ment that you may wish to sub­ Realtor, 6434666, 646-2482. APPROXIMATELY 70 acres of 1 Land ol prophet A R ■ A, e> E A & 1 T E 649-9404. . apartment in beautiful country bedrooms, first-floor family partner proceeds to cash kiimxnos 3 Ship s deck R E At t H P. L. A C E D lease. Excellent location, ideal beauiful level land in Tolland. I Opening lead—8T M erritt Agency, 646-1180. ■ setting, $140 monthly pays room, and meticulous Wanted-Real Eatate 77 m three heart tricks wllile B Land ot 4Capilal»)t , N T' R E E P A L A, T E for professional use. For details MANCHESTER - Relax and decorations makes this an un­ Choice development piece. T. J. .samovars (Jeorjiu R O A M R l O A a 1 k E a PETS ACCEPTED - in this 3 everything. 742-8161. South follows suit. You have 1 ^ 1 P call .... Martens Agency, enjoy life in this delightful Cape Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577, or By Oswald & James Jacoby 12 Overai'l u ’oll. • 5 Horn 5 room apartment, fully usual offering at $43,900. SELLING your home or to discard on the third heart. i:i Mosi M O N R O E A R 1 £> E Realtors, 646-2550. Cod home on Porter Street. 8754279 6 Huij’iii 1.1 ^ A L E c A T U R E S carpeted, parking, laundry VERNON - Willow Brook Warren E. Howland, Realtors, acreage? For prompt friendly Oswald: “For many years What discard do you make?” optmuslic neijzlibiu’ S E= R L A 1 C N A P facilities, $145. 93-32. Rentex, WOODLAND Front-to-back living room with 643-1108. 14 Knjjlish actor 7 Kinpluv y Apartments, 3Vz rooms at $180; LARGE WOODED lot, close to service, call Louis IK Realty, PICK George Coffin of Waltham, Jim: “There is one and just O s E S N E E N T E $25 fee, 549-6980. STORE for rent, first floor. fireplace, formal dining room, 2 649-9823. c3k\AU-l / ( IHim-lDOHi 8 Hum slijdilU iVz rooms at $205. Includes Columbia Lake, $9,5()0. Keith I2--3 Mass., has been collecting MANOR heat, hot water, refrigerator, Inquire at Dubaldo Music bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, and a 15 Menial 9 Hrisilc 25 Kitchen 44 0ounlvin . MANCHESTER - 2-story Real Estate, 6464126, 6491922. deliciency 10 Kgvpii.in AVAILABLE Immediately, oven-range, disposal, dis- Center, 186 West Middle Turn­ lovely enclosed porch. ()nly one ALL CASH for your property le^ilure ' Okl.ihom.i pike, or call 6496205 or 643-6802. car Is necessary as shopping Contemporary. An exciting 7- SH O R T RIBS 16 Watorini* place godiless ’26 Me.il cut 4.^ l\iet modern 3-room apartment, APARTMENTS ,'hwasher, wall-to-wall •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• within 24 hours. Avoid red tape, BY FRANK O ’NEAL 17 Land.ol the 11 S'lpa palm Homestead Street and public transportation is just room custom designed home, 27 Moslem judjii’ Kh.ivvam carpeting, appliances, parking, carpeting, air-conditioning, ••••■••••••••••••••••••••••• only one year old. Three Out ot Town-For Sale 75' instant service. Hayes Agency, Ireelab • 13 Kltuopiah 28 .Arabian 47 S.iil \.iiil HI.IM ROBIN AND YOU*''N A BAG XMR/CH... / o k a y t h is /s \ storage. Hilliard Street. 649- (Off W. MKMe Tpke.) around the comer. Quality built 6490131. I 8 l \ m l prince seaport i.Si’ol - parking, swimming pools, Apartment Bulldinga- bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths with 2 HOOD. I EOS THE RICH AND LOOK POOR ' OF60lP?/\ 7289, 568-3850., MANCHESTER lighted tennis courts, basket­ and carefully kept. Priced to jlH /V W .// sneKUP/J 111 Trawl 17 .Iapane.iinj: ;i0 Hr.uili.m UAR HOUSim CORP. ROCKVILLE-’Three familv, se­ MLS, 643-1121. fireplace, wall-to-wall ly on same lot. $51,900. Owner- JM Your Doily AcIMIy Guide JK SEfL 23 > r f V 23 Landol koala appellation 37 L.tml ol esiu.ii v Here’s five-roopis with Vernon, 872-8511 between 94^ Agency, Realtors, 6495324. r MAR. 21 Tr According to Ihe Slort. '' • bears 22 l*rophel ol 1 and 2-bedroom luxury cond mortgage to qualified carpeting throughout, oversized agent, 649-6600.. ocr. 2 2 yyLsGi h.inshee>> 52 Vul.inii . appliances, laundry hookup, weekdays, after 4, and on 2-car garage. Slate foyer, treed "^APR. » To develop message for Tuesday, 27 Head covcrifiji David s time 40r.iUle sound 53 .\dmis>ion buyer, $38,900. Owner-Agent, MANCHESTER - Rockledge 1- 2 -11-23 4- 7-2G 64/T? ;U) I’erlaimnji lo porch, yard for the kids. $1M. apartments. Features wall-to- SELLING your property? Call 23 S w is s river 41 Wipe out ch.ir^ie weekends, call 872-4400. 6496600. lot in prime neighborhood with COVENTRY - Oversized 6 read words corresponding to numbers 65 66-74 ' A .•\nus waU carpeting, vanity tile section. Beautiful 5-bedroom D:'37-47-68 I va r » 43 Chemic.il 54 Momc'. 81-04. Rentex, $25 fee, 549-6980. city utilities. Immediate oc­ room Cape, IVk baths, full shed us first. We’ll buy your home of vour Zodiac birth sign. SCORPIO 31 C’ereal fir.nn. Split, has living room with ^T A U R U S 24 Soviet river SU lllM 'S low.I batns, built-in oven, range, ROCKVILLE • Three-room Bualnaaa Property - For cupancy. Low 60’s. Warren E. dormer, large rooms, $29,900. immediately at a fair price, all 1 Remoin 31 M oy 61 Today ocr. 23 ’ 32 Knnl drink fireplace, dining room, kitchen 2 Poised 32 Heodsirong 62 Expedite 33 Operated' 9 10 11 THREE ROOMS, heat and hot dishwasher, refrigerator and aparthient, heat, hot waterj Sale 71 Howland, Realtors, 643-1108.. LaPenta Agency, Realtor, 646- cash. Call Lou Arruda, 644-1539, 63 Need 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 with all appliances including I ^ MAY 20 3 Your '3 3 To NOP. 2f'= 34 Kinial v water, parking, centrally disposal, electric heat, 2 air stove, refrigerator. $135. Adults 2440. Arruda Realty. 4 Useful 34 A 64 Come dishwasher and disposal, wall- ^35-39-54-59 13.18-30.33/ ornament 12 13 located. Call 649-5761. only. Security deposit required. 5 Sudden 35 Find 65 Your 49-63-84-87H conditioners, glass sliding INCOME Property, downtown, MANCHESTER - Five family ^62-67-89-90 66'W ov 36 ronceals Parking for one car. Call 643- to-wall carpeting, rec room, 31^ 6 Changes 36 Lazy IS doors, all large rooms. Full shows 28% profit, great retire­ baths, large lot. Priced right. plus 5-car garage. Excellent In­ GEMINI 7 Information 37 Strain 67 W ork * SAGITTARIUS 3H Wapiti 14 SINGLES Apartment - Three 9678. 38 dr 68 Pressure 3!) Small basement storagie area, ample ment income. Keith Real come, central location. $69,900. BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE 8 M ind NOV. 22 / 17 IB rooms with appliances,, for only Call Mitten Agency, Realtors, 9 M a y 39 Interesting 69 Indicated Kuropc.in 16 Estate, 6464126, 6491922. Philbrick Agency, Realtors, y^-'r^JUHC 20 70 Invites DEC. 21 ■rf~ $110. A real steal. 95-30.. Rentex,P parking. Starting a t $175. Han­ 6434930. 10 Is 40 Children counlrv ROCKVILLE - Five roorps, 646-4200. What is your Property Worth? THAT'S MV 11 Even 41 Too 71 W ith 19 20 21 22 $25 fee, 549-6980. dy to shopping, schools^ bus HEV, BAT.' THEt?6’S WELL,WELL...AND A PRETTY . .5,4944-55-58 3, 8-10-2YQ 4) Dimnuitiyc acre yard, garden, $150, Five Houaea For Sale 72 C^0-75-79:86 12 Affairs 42 And 72 Force 28-50-83-85V& SUlllM'S and religious facilities. NICOPCMUS; A Girl in here little girl,too. now put 73 Bring 26 21 28 29 We will inspect your property and suggest 13 Frustrolion 43 An 42 Individual 23 24 25 robm, $135, Four rooms, $115. ’TWO-FAMILY Duplex, 7 and 8 YOU leav e CANCER 44 Act 74 Ttxloy CAPRICORN MANCHESTER - 6 rooms, 3 Model apartment open for in­ TWO-FAMILY ZONE WITH A GUM... DOWN your gun, honey. WE’RE 14 A 43 Swan jicniis . 32 Appliances included, utilities MANCHESTER GREEN - rooms. Newly remodeled an asking price. (No obligation.) lJUNE 21 T5 Anything 45 Emolionol 75 Proise DEC. 22, ^ 30 31 bedrooms, duplex, full private spection 1-5 p.m., Saturday HIM ALONE AMD A POUCE POG; MOT GONMA HARM ^ 76 Qeneficiol 46Tlieaincal extra. 872-0359,8 p.m. to 9 p.m. Charming old home, 7 rooms, This large, older home on kitchens and baths. -Large Ask us about our guarantee sales plan TODAY!!! I 6 0 f 46 Demanding JAN. IP NtXJR PET STEER. ^ iiJwV 22 »17 Mechonicol 47 And 77 Serious' abbrcviatinn 34 35 36“ 37 basement, spacious clean a!hd Sunday. Other times by two fire^aces, I'M baths, two- West Center Street in private yard. Immaculate con­ 12-16-40-4Ji 33 rooms. Security deposit. fVl'5-17-56-57 18 Could 48 Be 78 Criticism 4R('jil oil appointment. . ^ ROCKVILLE - Rockland car garage, plus potential of Manchester, ik ripe for dition throughout. Garages. l>'60-71-82-88 19 Property 49 The 79 Perhaps 45-52-69 hranchc" 38 39 40 Available January 1st, 1974. Terrace Apartment, Highland prime business location on R E A L T O R S -, MLS 20 W ill 50 Creotiye 80 To AQUARIUS 51 .Mric.in remodeling. 7 rooms, IVk Centfal location. $49,500. LEO 51 Attitude 81 You Call 646-5377. 21 Don't JAN. 20. counlrv 41 Avenue, Large and beautiful 3 acre lot. Upper 30’s. Frank 0. Philbrick Agency, Realtors, PASEK 52 Attachments 82 Greot GaH: baths. (Hose to everything and 22 Arise 53 Kleclric.il uiiil 50 U M H U IN CORP. room, one-bedroom Steele, 742-7M8. 6464200. 289-7476 — 608 Burnside Ave., B. Hartford ®^AUG, 22 23 Under 53 Cot^d 83 Present FBB. It 43 U 45 4T^47 48 48 FIVE ROOMS, tiled bath, heat 0 8 6 in a B-zone. Now vacant and 24 W ith 54 W ays . 84 For 55 Tending lo apartments, available im- 1-29-32-38 85 Ideas 5- 6- 9-22/Tl avQid 54 and hot water, included, newly 643-9581 ready to go>at $32,000. Call 742-8248 — Twin Hill Dr., (kiventry 25 Versatile S 5 0 f 24-27>72 52^ 53 mediatoly, includes heat, hot PORTER ST. area-7 room CIRCA 1730 - Antique Colonial -46-61 26 Settlement 5 6 Should 86 Publicity 56 Finnish lake remodeled, middleaged adults, RobortMurdock, Realtor * Doris Smith... MemiMr NaUonal A««oe. of Real Eatate Boarda also mem­ 57 Be 87 Cdutibn PISCES 57UnruMled water, carpeting, air- Colonial, first floor paneled recently restored. Seven VIRGO 27 Unexpected S' 56 securito deposit, references, no 643-9551 conditioning, all appliances, family room, fireplaced living fireplaces, summer kitchen, ber of the Hartford, Maheheoter .and Vernon Mullple Uot- 28 And • 58 Service 68 Care 58 Icelandic pets. Parking, 11 1/2B School Stephan J . Luchon Jr. lag Service. 29 Be 59 To 89 At narratives 58 with dishwasher and disposal. room,, dining room, three' new baths, kitchen. ’Two-car 30 Blind 60 Hondled m a r . 2o < V ; : ^ 57 3 St. Across from East Side Rec. JARVIS R EA LH CO. 4 . 5 : ” 90 Ho”'* iMiia-N S u p t - 846-5257 Private terrace and pool. Froih bedroo'ms, garage, $38,900. R aaltort IILS garage. Philbrick Agency, 12 4. 34-36-51-53, Near Main St. 4 643-1121 0\14-19-26h3l , )Good (^Adverse ^Neutral |N£ASeAetM ENltHFaiSk ASSN.-I " $165, 872-6360, 5 2 9 ^ . Owner, 647-1988. Realtors, 646-4200. ,gV48-7m81T4tf 7^77-78 . i Kind ol plane PAGE TWENTY-TWQ- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Mon., Dec. 3. 1973

Obituaries Space Story m ' (Conliiiurd from Page One) Barnini is requesting a zone (Continued fi'om Page One) Aronson remind^ his young a regional land use plan. change from Rural Residence listeners that the spacemen of It is expected that the hearing to Business 2 Zone for a 3.7-aqre equipped with openings for the future might be among the on the requested zone changes parcel and a change from In­ Mrs. Heritage Dies, Holy Cross College in oxygen, water^and bip-sensors. school audience. ' will be concluded tonight; and dustrial to Business 2 Zone for a Worcester,” Mass. Manchester—A City of Village Charm Aronson explained that once the PZC then has a maximum of 1.5-acre parcel. Both pieces of First DA V Unit Head He was a Marine Corps inside the sky-lab, or a space 130 days to take action on the land are south of Tolland Tpke., veteran of World War II and chamber, the astronauts can SHOPPING DAYS adjacent to the restaurant site. Mrs. Isabella W. L. Heritage, zone change applications. Heritage of South Windsor, later became a career Army remove their space suits and Rare Coin TO CHRISTMAS TWENTY PAGES 81, of 226 New State Rd., the man. He was retired six years they just wear suits that resem­ The only other item on A Town of Manchester zone first commander of the Raymond F. Heritage of Monroe, La.,- and Clifford E. ago as a lieutenant colonel and ble coveralls. Collection tonight’s PZC public hearing change request — Rural Auxiliary of Manchester , since his retirement served as Inasmuch as they are agenda is a zone change, sought Residence and Residence A Chapter, Disabled American Heritage of St. Petersburg, Fla.; 4 daughters, Mrs. Isabella town manager in Wilmington, millions of miles away from the Stolen by John Barnini of Manchester, Zones to Industrial Zone for a Veterans, died Sunday at a Vt. and was currently the tax earth, the astronauts have to for a 65-unit Howard Johnson’s 3.8-acre stip of town-owned land Manchester convalescent Zoppa of Manchester, Mrs. CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (A P )- Ruth Matthews of East Hart­ assessor there. He was a take the earth’s environment Man Captured motel near the existing Howard near Barnini’s property — has home. The theft of over 5,000 ancient been withdrawn from tonight’s Opposition Expressed ford, Mrs. Laura Edwards of member of the American with them. Their suits, or un­ Johnson’s R estaurant on Mrs. Heritage was born July Legion and the Lions Qub of dersuits as Aronson described Greek coins valued at more Tolland Tpke. hearing agenda. Largo, Fla., and Mrs. Hilda ' than $1 million from a Harvard In Enfield 26, 1892 in Seymour and had Wilmington. ‘ them, are wired with tubes for lived in Manchester for 75 Driscoll of South Portland, museum is “a tragic loss for Maine; 22 grandchildren and 17 Survivors, besides'his water cooling. Their outer sujts After Chase years. She also was a member mother, are his widow, Mrs. scholarship,” according to the great-grandchildren. can resist temperatures of 3()o,- ENFIELD (AP) — A high­ of South United Methodist Lucille Rutz Trebbe; a son, Jef­ associate curator of. ancient we’re open every nIgM Hi Funeral services are Tuesday 000 degrees, said Aronson. art. speed chase in a. stolen Church, the VFW Auxiliary, frey C. Trebbe, at home; three Bio-sensors attached to the (except eeturdeyj To Buckland Project at 11 a.m. at Holmes Funeral Massachusetts state police car Gold Star Mothers, Bigelow brothers, Cyril O. Trebbe of “The coins are a fundamental red heart yarne Home, 400 Main St. The Rev. body send information back to a ended Sunday when the driver Chapter, OES, of East Hartford Portland, Joseph H. Trebbe of medical team which keeps con­ part of our teaching In wool and orlon DOUG BEVINS ^ Dr. George Webb, pastor of resources,” said the curator, of the fugitive cruiser tried to on the applications, being con­ and the Order of Amaranth, Middletown, and Maj. John M. stant record of an astronaut’s f9 have evanf //We thing' (Herald Reporter) Many of the points mentioned followed by loud bursts of South United Methodist Church, David G. Mitton. “Their value elude pursuers by ramming a sidered by the Manchester Monday night by opponents of 8:30 , Atty. Marte challenged East Hartford. She was a past Trebbe of San Antonio, Tex.; blood pressure, respiration, Traffic problems, business applause, and statements by royal matron will officiate. Burial will be in lies in their use for study and roadblock on Interstate 91, Planning and Zoning Commis­ the development proposal were the objectivity of PZC member of the White two sisters, Mrs. Alfred N. temperature, and heart beat. concerns, and the environment the ■ applicants, including Shrine. East Cemetery. research, and in this respect, authorities said. sion (PZC), which lasted until similar to issues raised last David Paris and asked Paris to Sweet III of Portland and Mrs. In fact, Aronson said, the were the niain issues raised Fischer, were often greeted by S urvivors they are irreplaceable.” Jacinto Oliviera, 25, of ,11 p.m., when PZC Chairman month, when the applicant — disqualify himself. Paris are 4 sons. Friends may call at the John M. McGuire of Guilford; machines presently in use in Monday night by a large uncomplimentary remarks Thieves stole^the silver and Chicopee Falls. Mass, was •the tWirade of main itreit \ Clarence Welti shut off debate. declined to disqualify himself, Clarence W. Heritage of funeral home tonight from 7 to and several nieces and hospital intensive care units MAP Associates, an investment from the audience, despite bronze coins early Sunday mor­ charged by Connecticut and downtown manchester/ we se/f number of townspeople objec­ Monday night’s public partnership led by developer maintaining he had an open Manchester, C hester L. 9.- nephews. where a central nurse can keep Welti’s attempts to keep the ning. Three or four armed Massachusett authorities with a ting to zdne change applications hearing — moved to Highland Arthur M. Fischer of New York mind. (A related story is Funeral services were held track of certain bodily func­ meeting running smoothly. holdup men knocked on the total 11 offenses in the incident, which would permit a $100 Park School from the Municipal City — first presented its plans elsewhere on Page One). Nov. 13 in Our Lady of Fatima tions of her patients were Although Welti asked museum door, and when the- police said" million commercial-industrial- Building Hearing Room to the public. Most of the opposition from James Maher Church in Wilmington. Burial devised by the space center. speakers to observe a three- night watchman opened it, they Troopers said this was ivhat residenti.al development at because of a large turnout — Emotion seemed to play a the Buckland homeowners James W. Maher, 66, of 14 Mrs. Janies Armstrong was in Wilmington. He showed the type of plastic Buckland. minute limit in their com­ tied him up, police said. \ happened: was a continuation of a Nov. 5 large role in Monday night’s association dealt with potential Bliss St., died Sunday at-'Hart- Mrs. Emma Jones bag that contains a “space” ments, many opponents spoke They carried off a foot safe Oliviera was hitchhiking on I- About 175 persons attended hearing recessed because it hearing: Comments by more traffic problems in the area. ford Hospital. He was the hus­ Armstrong, 79, of Golfport, meal. Eve^thing from salmon TIME IS running out! Monday night’s public hearing was running late. for a long time, going into much Fla., formerly of Manchester, containing 2,650 coins and 91 in Springfield, Mass, when than a dozen opponents were greater detail than evidenced at Earl H. Flynn, a professional band of Bernice Gregg Maher. f Samuel Gold salad to filet mignon can be they received a report that he traffic engineer hired by the died this morning at St. feamuel Gold, 82, father of scooped up about 3,000 loose Call For An Appointment Soon the first public hearing last He was born Aug. 26, 1907, in frozen and dehydrated, and coins from glass cases, the un­ was struck by a car. When association, testified that the Manchester, the son of Petersburg (Fla.) General Howard W. Gold of 59 Barry with water squirted into it from month. iversity said. The money dated Massachusetts trooper Timothy ^ To Get Your Doggie Groomed proposed Buckland develop­ Jeremiah and Elizabeth Wood, Hospital. Rd., died Sunday. a water gun, it becomes a Thq main opposition to the from the 7th Century B.C. to the Hackett investigated, he said ment would generate a large Born in Northern Ireland, Other survivors are, another Paris Defends Right Buckland development plans — and lived here all his life. gourmet dish after a few 4th Century A.D. Oliviera jumped into his patrol Before The Holidays Arrive amount of traffic which would He was employed as an assis­ April 23, 1894, she had been a son, a brother, two sisters, and minutes of kneading and which affect about 263 acres of 4 The coins were valued “in car and headed south. Hackett be an “exessive burden” to tant secretary in the claims resident of Manchester 37 years five grandchildren. tobacco land in Manchester — waving around in a centrifugal excess of ?I millicJh” by the was injured trying to stop him, We are complete artd ready for your local streets. department of the Connecticut and of Golfport 15 years. She The funeral was today in the motion. again came from an 80-family FBI, but a spokesman said they troopers said. Santa Claus stocking: Mutual Life Insurance Co. for was a member of Temple chapel of Weinstein Mortuary, A white pill in each bag is for To Hear MAP Request homeowners association |n the Flynn offered figures on would be hard to dispose of. Pplice from Springfield and 41 years until his retirement in Chapter, OES, in Manchester. 640 Farmington Ave., Hartford, the purpose of preventing Fancy coats-The famous turtle neck Buckland area. The associa­ expected traffic growth, which “They would be difficult to Lbngmeadow in Massachusetts charges, said there was no con­ 1%7, Survivors are' her husband, with Rabbi Leon Wind and Can­ bacteria buildup when the bag sweaters-Beautiful collars-Favorite DOUG BEVINS political action committee tion, represented by Atty. Vin­ apparently conflicted with fence because of the uniqueness and Enfield (Conn.) joined the flict of interest involved and he He was a veteran of World James Armstrong of Golfport, tor Israel Tabatsky of Temple is ready for disposal in a special toys-Stocking stuffers-Also gift (Herald Reporter) chairman Robert Bletchman, cent Diana, went into greater projections made in a traffic of the collection,” said agent chase. declined to disqualify himself Fla.; and a brother, Hamilton Beth Sholom officiating. Burial container. certificates available David Paris, a member of both of which confirmed Paris’ detail this time, presenting study prepared by Wilbur Smith War II and served as a staff Carroll Farmer. “You couldn’t The stolen cruiser slammed from the hearing. sergeant in the U.S. Army Air Jones of Manchester. was in Congregation Ados Manchester’s Planning and statements. expert testimony which Associates for the developer. Food trays for use in the sky- go to a regular coin collector into a roadblock'set up by En­ Marte said there might be a Force. He was a member of The Homes Funeral Home, Israel Cemetery, Tower Ave., - . P.s. Remember, we will be glad to take your doggies] Discuss Buckland Development Zoning Commission (PZC), said After the hearing, Paris com­ appeared to contradict a traffic Atty. Diana, reviewing the lab resemble a hot plate with without raising some field police and it was finally “serious risk” that a court Center Congregational Church, 400 Main St., is in charge of Hartford. Monday night he wasn’t in­ mented that the question of a study offered by the developers. position of the homeowners miniature deep’ well cookers. eyebrows.” brought to a screeching halt as for just a nail dip. appeal of any PZC decision on was a past master of arrangements, which are in­ Memorial donations may be Develoi»r Arthur M. FiRcher of New York City (left) discusses a detail in his proposed volved in Democratic Club of conflict of interest has been a Concerns of the local business association, said the Buckland ' Small cans containing any of The university has refused to several police cars forced lie the Buckland zone changes Manchester Lodge of Masons, complete. made to charity of the donor’s $100 million development at Buckland with Atty. Paul Marte of Manchester, who Manchester meetings which “nerve-wracking experience” community that part of the development would create too about 70 varieties of food and put a monetary value on the driver to the side of the could be “based in great part on belonged to Tall Cedars of choice. ^ Su(b & Seb^m . represented Fischer’s firm in zone change public hearings Monday night at Highland Park resulted in a resolution, ap­ for him. “I’ve gone through a Buckland plans — a proposed much traffic, too many lights, drink set in the'wells. Those to coins until it had taken a com­ highway near the Route 5 exit. Route 30 Post Road Plaza Vernon Mr. Paris’ pre-determination of Lebanon, Delta Chapter of School. (Herald photo by Bevins) proved by the club’s executive great deal of torment in the last one million-square foot regional too much commercial use, and be heated, like veal Parmesan, plete inventory. All cars involved were the matters at hand.” Royal Arch Masons, and Mrs. Ulysses Lippincott Open Monday thru Saturday 8-6 board and political action com­ few days,” he said. shopping center — would inadequate buffers to protect for instance, are prepared by, On April 5, thieves stole eight damaged, and two officers Paris maintained that he had Adoniram Council of Royal and Mrs. Katherine H. Lippincott, State Licensed 875-7i842 mittee, opposing zone change Paris attributed some of the adversely affect Manchester’s neighbors. merely pressing a button on the silver Greek coins from the were injured, troopers said. no preconceived ideas about the Select Masters. 61, of 8 Ridgewood St., died Sun­ John Slogesky applications for a massive controversy to The Herald’s commercial climate were Dworkin, stating that most hot plate which heats the con­ museum that were valued at development proposal. “ My He also leaves a daughter, day at Manchester Memorial John Slogesky, brother of development at Buckland. report last Thursday of the expressed Monday night by Parkade merchants are op­ Hospital after a long illness. Anthony Slogesky, of 211 Oak tainer. A little shot of water $200,000. L “I was not there,” Paris said. mind is open and I can make an Democratic Club executive downtown merchant Burton posed to the commercial Ms. Linda Maher of Police found those coins objective decision on this Manchester. She was the wife of Ulysses Lip­ St., Manchester, died Thursday makes the dish very delectable, Gas Tax Increase “When I found out what they board resolution. Paris said Pearl and Parkade Merchants development at Buckland, said Aronson. buried in woods in Waltham on s thing,” Paris stated. The funeral is Wednesday at 1 pincott. at Hartford Hospital. A private did,” he added, “I resigned,” The Herald reported that the Association president Michael spent most of his time talking A grape drink, when April 25. They said they were Paris entered into the record resolution was adopted un­ p.m. in the Holmes Funeral She was born in Torrington on funeral was held Saturday. The BIG BIG rather than be accused of any Dworkin. about adverse environmental prepared, resembles a blown up led to the sit by one of three copies of his letters of resigna­ animously, but the executive effects. Home, 400 Main St. Burial will Feb. 3, 1912. She had been a Lowe-Rohbacker Funeral conflict of interest. Other Opponents speaking plastic container. Aronson men who were later charged tion from the Democratic Club board action was actually by Dworkin, a pharmacist, was be in Buckland Cemetery. resident of Manchester for ,58 Home of Glastonbury was in Paris had been vice president Monday night were concerned showed how an astronaut could with larceny in the case. vice presidency and political majority vote — It was un­ very concerned with potential Calling hours are Tuesday from years and was a member of the charge. Be Asked Of Congress of the Democratic Club, with environmental effects of action committee. He also air pollution. He mentioned that 7 to 9 p.m. Zion Lutheran Church. either set it “ in the a ir’’ thereby a member of its animous of those members the development — air and between drinks, or anchor it in WASHINGTON (AP) - executive board, and also was a offered letters from club presi­ attending. , water pollution, among other a study of his prescription files Manchester Lodge of Masons She also leavek a daughter, n S f f i r a scheduled to take up a measure disagreement over rationing Oil Export dent James Holmes and items — as well as potential showed that 75 per cent of the Mrs. Roland Spearin of his hot plate tray. Congress may soon be asked to to put the nation on year-round versus taxes was at the heart of member of the club’s political will have a Masonic Memorial action committee. traffic problems and the large people in Manchester already Manchester; and two sisters, Astronauts use a commercial Ban Urged 913 Main St., Manchester authorize ^ tax increase on gas-. Daylight Saving Time to con­ the decision to reassign energy, Service at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the oline that could increase Paris said he “specifically shopping center. suffer from allergies or funeral home. Mrs. William Adreulot and wet-dry cloth for washing, and WASHINGTON (AP) - serve fuel. responsibility. Barnini Zone Request brush their teeth with a Specials on Sale Tuesday Evening Only — price to about 60 cents a gallon. exempted’’ himself fqom The applicants didn’t speak respiratory problems. Memorial contributions may Miss Anne Fidler, both of Congresswoman Ella T. Simon, who will remain as “swallowable” tooth paste. December 4th - From 6:00 to 9:00 P.M. Administration forces Administration officials con­ meetings where^Jbe Buckland very long Monday night — their Pearl, owner of B. D. Pearl & be made to the International Manchester. Grasso, D-Conn., is calling on deputy Treasury secretary, has Today’s Their bodily wastes are put in favoring siich an increase were sidered close to Shultz and development was discussed Draws One Opponent initial presentation last month Son at 649 Main St., said Order of Odd Fellows, Connec­ Private funeral services will the administration to stop oil been aligned with those ad­ Simon were talking soundings Manchester “can’t stand much plastic bags with a bacteria working toward that goal in ministration advisers arguing because zone change lasted about two hours — ticut Eye Bank of the New Bri­ be held Wednesday at the Thought exports during the energy on Capitol Hill about a higher although Fischer and a few of more retail development.” proof tablet and saved. Congress even before a Makeup that a heavy tax on gasoline is applications are pending before representing Barnini, main­ tain General Hospital. Holmes Funeral Home, 400 crisis. gasoline tax well before D 0U 6 BEVINS tained in bis presentation to the his experts made some com­ Pearl said he’s tired of town For work that has to be done BUFFERIN PALS of F^esident Nixon’s energy ad­ the best way to reduce con­ the PZC. Main St. Burial will be at East Mrs. Grasso said in a letter to TWICE A S Simon’s designation, sources (Herald Reporter) PZC that the zone changes — ment. authorities encouraging com­ E such as using a screwdriver visers, sources said. Cemetery. There will be no Commerce Secretary FAST A S PLUS IRON sumption. said. Paris’ comments came at the John B. Barnini’s zone When the hearing opened at mercial developments which that would necessitate secure President Nixon was affecting 3.7 acres of Rural ...... Ip Memoriam calling hours. The Season of Hope Frederick B. Dent that the oil ASPIRIN ANIMAL SHAPED On Monday Simon said once start of a PZC public hearing change application for a 64-unit Highland Park School at about footing for leverage, the expected to announce today the Their representatives were Residence and 1.5 acres of In­ (S**«* Page T»‘n) Friends wishing to make sent overseas in October would SUPPLEMENTAL he is officially appointed to the Monday night on the zone Howard Johnson’s motel adja­ dustrial Zone land—are the In . loving memory of Harry L. Hoar flooring of theskylab is Bottle Of 100 creation of a new Federal new post he would become trying to determine how high a memorial contributions may have heated 16,250 Connecticut VITAMINS change applications after Atty. cent to an existing Howard logical thing to do and rezoning who passed away December 3, 1970. “Now the God of Hope fill you- designed with a diamond Energy Administration headed tax increase on gasoline make them to the Newington homes for a year. Bottle of 60 chairman of the Cabinet-level Paul Marte, representing the Johnson’s restuarant at ^394 wouldn’t create any traffic Every day in some small way. with all joy and peace in grooving in which the astronaut $1.75 Value by William E. Simon. Congress might approve, the Home for Crippled Children. Energy Emergency Action applicants, asked Paris to dis­ Tolland Tpke. drew only one op­ problems. Memories ol you come my way. believing...” Romans 5:13 can fit the sole of his shoe more $2.59 Value Also today the Senate Was Group formerly headed by John sources said. Jodaitis Appointed Time and years roll swiftly by. qualify himself from the ponent at a Monday night public Podrove emphasized that But love and memories never die. or less locking his foothold. INVITATION A. Love. Some apparently concluded hearings. hearing conducted by the Barnini doesn’t need PZC ap­ Advent is a season of hope. Plans for the future already Love resigned Monday and Water, Sewer Head Son. Clarence Charles F. Trebbe that a 10-cent a gallon tax in­ Manchester Planning and proval to build a motel. The C Hope is one of God’s greatest in progress are the cooperative sources said his deputy, Charles Marte, mentioning the Charles F: Trebbe Jr., 51, of TO BID BIG L SALE Manchester crease might be realistic Zoning Commission (PZC). only thing of concern to the In loving memory of Gino Schiavetti, gifts to man. Hope makes life efforts of Russia and the United J. DlBona, also submitted his Democratic Club executive Wilmington, Vt., died at his BIG L SALE enough to be proposed formal­ 'The opposition was voiced by commission is the zone change Frank T. Jodaitis of New Britain has been appointed by who died December 3, 1964. meaningful. It transforms the States in an Apollo-Soyuz test Sealed bids will be received in resignation. board resolution and an infor­ home Nov. 11, aftpr a long Youth Dies Atty. Craig White, representing request, he said, noting that Town Manager Robert Weiss to be administrator of The years are nine, my darling Gino, and fear of the fpture into con­ project which will result in the Office of The Director of ly' mational letter Paris wrote to illness. Love, who had said that gas­ Irving J. Schwartz, owner of plans for the motel were briefly the pain is less, it's true fidence. Hope affirms that God astronauts from the two nations General Services, 41 Center In Crash Such a tax, accompanied by the editor of The Manchester Manchester’s water and sewer department. Time did heal the heartache that came Born in Manchester, July 8, oline rationing would be the Connecticut Motel Inc. at discussed just to keep PZC with our loss of you. will be with us all the days of uniting in space by means of a Street, Manchester, Connec­ PROTEIN 21 permission to oil companies to Herald, said the “openness and He will fill a vacancy created when Jay Giles was named 1922, the son of Mrs. Rosalie 4 WAY Gregory Sylvia, 15, of 29 necessary, told the Denver Post 400 Tolland Tpke. members informed. Two boys now are young men, tall and our life. Hope assures uS that docking module which will ticut until December 14,1973 at SHAMPOO pass through to the consumer fairmindedness of the planning director of public works earlier this year. straight and true. Higgins Trebbe of Portland and HASAL SPRAY Downey Dr., Manchester was he didn’t want to remain in a White said Bamini’s request The PZC hearing on Bamini’s the future will all bring new enable the spacemen to 11:00 a.m. for the following: Regular, Dry or Oily increases in crude oil and other commission might be Jodaitis, a civil engineer and a graduate of Worcester Exactly like their father, in all they say the late Charles F. Trebbe Sr., Relieves Nasal Congestion killed in an automobile crash “superflous job.” — to rezone small pieces of application was conducted at and do. promises from God. transfer from one craft to the Gasoline 4 oz. Bottle costs, would raise the price of questioned if he (Paris) were Polytechnic Institute, presently is employed by the U.S. This forever we pledge you, our love and he spent his youth in • Motor Oils, Grease, V4 oz. Bottle Monday night in East Hartford, “To be honest, it’s been dif­ Rural Residence Zone and In­ the Municipal Building Hearing prayers we give. The promises of the past have other. Aronson said there is a 98$ Value gasoline at the filling station by permitted to act” on the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in Middletown and was a graduate Lubricants nasal spray police said. ficult to try to do anything dustrial Zone land to Business Room before the public hearing FromI the lh< three ' who loved and lost you. been fulfill^, but each fulfill­ U.S. astronaut presently in $1.08 about 14 cents per gallon. requested zone changes at the Hartford area as a contract administrator fora variety But remember as long as wte live. of Middletown High School and ment becomes a new promise. Bid forms, plans and Value Sylvia was pronounced dead meaningful and even to get the Buckland. Zone — would aggravate traffic site was moved to Highland Wife and Sons Russia working od the special That would mean a retail' of federal programs. The future is filled with specifications are available at BIG L SALE on arrival at Hartford Hospital attention of the President,’.’ the conditions, constitute spot Park School to accommodate a docking module. All future price of about 60 cents a gallon. Paris, replying to Marte’s He will assume his Manchester post Dec. 24 at a $14,671 promise and our.^God gives us the General Services Office, 41 according to authorities. Post quoted Love as saying. zoning and would allow con­ large number of townspeople spacecraft will have common Peter Putnam, 16, of Hart­ struction of a facility which turning out for a hearing on a annual salary, with 50 per cent of it to be paid for two years we’re open every night ’til , i good reason to have hope. docking devices built in, he Center Street, Manchester, Siirfon said in ah interview ford was reported in very poor isn’t needed, because the 31- proposed development at (except Saturday) O God of Hope, fill us with all said. Connecticut. that speculation that the by HUD, under provisions of the federal Interdepart­ condition in Hartford Hospital unit Connecticut Motel only Buckland. hope, that* we may face the “We have to think of the Town of Manchester BIS L SALE reorganization reflected a vic­ mental Personnel Act. felt squares in 80 colors! as result of injuries receiv^ in operates at 60 per cent capaci­ PZC members didn’t make future with the confidence that future,” said Aronson,” and the Connecticut tory by Treasury Secretary Space Program Jodaitis, who is single, will move to Manchester, when he the accident, police said. ty- any decision on zone change We hav0 wery lItVa thing you are with us. Amen. need for ^pace repairs.” Robert B. Weiss George Shultz and his sugges­ takes his new post. General Manager The accident occured about 9 tion of a gasoline tax over I^ve Atty. Leon Podrove, applications Monday night. MENNEN p.m. on Burnside Avenue, was “sheer nonsense.” Series Continues PUSH BUTTON ROLL-ON police said. , But informed sources said the Rev. John F. Flora III Students from four schools specialists; and John R. Ban­ St. George’s ANTI-PERSPIRANT •the rnirocle of rnoiu ] DEODORANT DEODORANT yesterday and five schools nister, space science lecturer, downtown manchesfter^ we sell Episcopal Church 4 oz. Can ban today listened to represen­ are appearing all this week lottery tickets 2.5 oz. vv* V. • vw * Bolton $1.09 Value Directors To Hear tatives of the Educational before school And faculty A V 4 V % > $1.74 Value Programs Office frpm Goddard groups, and service Space Flight,Center of the organizations explaining FUNERAL HOME BIGL Sewer Requests NASA in Greenbelt, Md., as NASA’s role in today’s world- Eitablighed 1874-Three Generations of Service they presented their lecture- They were guests ^ a y at the SALE demonstrations on the space Kiwanis CHub meeting at the 142 East Center Street, Manchester 646-5310 BIG L SALE SOL R. COHEN Also tonight, the board is program. Manchester Country (Hub. ’They \ (Herald Reporter) expected to approve Lloyd H. Aronson and Minot will meet tonight at 6:30 wito OUCHLESS The Manchester Board of Republican appointments to H. P arker, space science the Manchester Rotary Club at Directors will meet tonight for boards, agencies and com­ the country club. VITALIS missions. The Democratic V7 CURAD its fourth session in 15 days, Tomorrow’s schedule calls with with another ^heduled for ne5it majority made its ap­ Grooms Hair TRANSPARENT for two lecture-demonstrations LUCIA Tues4ay. Tonight’s meeting is pointments last ’Tuesday. The each at Manchester High Without Grease BANDAGES 4 being moved out of the Republican majority tabled its^ School and-Illing Junior High King Size 12 oz. Bottle Municipal Building and into appointments, pending Director School, and one at Waddell $1.97 Value BONUS BOX Keeney St. School — to ac­ Vivian Ferguson’s return from ' School. 80 ASSORTED comodate those residento of the England. Another presentation for the B ig and bold are PAGANT Town Manager Robert Weiss Mostly cloudy tonight with a BANDAGES area petitioning for sanitary general public will be at Bailey today’s looks in men's S '! 0 3 sewers in their streets. will brief the directors on alter­ chance of a few showers toward Auditorium tomorrow at 8 p.m. natives for a townwide energy- morning. Low in the upper 30s. rings. Here are two Sponsored by the 83$ Value The sanitary sewers are Thursday, the space conservation organization and . Wedne^ay mostly cloudy with SCANDIN LODGE H23 being requested for Keeney St., educators will appear at iroih our new collec­ BIG 1 SALE BIG L SALE Leland Dr., Linwood Dr., San- on plans for distributing an showers likely. High in the low Vasa Order of America Buckley School, Nathan Hale tion: the buckle ring 1------VALUABLE COUPON------T tina Dr;, Garden prove Rd. and energy-emergency booklet. 50s. School, and three times at with 3 diamonds, Emanuel Lutheran Church j« This Coupon Must Bo Presentod At TImo of StAo I Erie St. A public hearing on the In addition, the board will Precipitation "probability, 30 Bennet Junior High School. per cent tonight. 70 per' cent $955; sculptured December 8th at 7:30 MARCAL request is being conducted hear a proposal for town Friday’s schedule includes tonight at 8, with possible ac­ a'cquisition of the Odd Fellow’s Wednesday. ; lion’s head with 3 presentations at Manchester 64 Church St., Manchester JUMBO M.78 I tion scheduled for the board's • Building at the Center,' and will . Winds, south-to-southwest Green School, Richard Martin diamonds, $235. In 2 PLY TOWELS Value! Dec. 11 meeting. consider a request from the less than 10 m.p.h. tonight, in­ School, Highland Park School, U K gold. Easy Newl Softer ultra brite ' I Also up for public hearing Manchester Country Club, for creasing to l(Fto-15 m.p.h. by and two performances at East Payments PUBLIC IS INVITED 150 Sheets I tonight is a $42,000 proposed permisston to increase its dues Wedne^ay aftqmoon. Catholic High School. allocation for a storm drainagq schedule. Outlook Thursday, chance of Youngster Eyes Moon Rock FAMILY SIZE 6.75 Oz. Thursday, Dr. Isidore Adler, h i project for the N. Elm St.- The board is being asked to sHowers and continued un­ a senior scientist in the WITH COUPON ONLY White Brook area, to be consider an $80,000 allocation seasonably mild. Lo^ Laboratory for Space Physics Cliff Carlson, 6, son of Fred Carlson of 130 (hooper St., Friday from 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesday evening, the moon rock The above space Is available to your group on a FIRST CO M B I Good Until Dec. 6th. financed by revenue-sharing for new water mains in Cooper Anchorage 10 3 at Goddard, will meet in special wonders if he will ever get to the moon to get a rock for his will be displayed at the Manchester High School frotn 7 to 8 FIRST SERVED SASIS to publicize comraunlty service programs, Hill, Cedar, Ridge and. Arch BIS L SALE 1^ Thli Coupon Radaemablat^ At BIQL DISCOUNT | funds;.and a $14,500 proposed Boston^ 48 41 workshops with advanced collection as he contemplates an encased ceal moon rock p.m. prior to the lecture-demonstration on the NASA space through the courtesy ol Watkins. Contact Mra. Joyce Smith at The Sts. The proposal is for in- Herald between 1 t-iz a.m. Thursday the week b^ora publication appropriation' for the Clpcago 60 41 science students and science . program in Bailey Auditorium. The program is open to the stolling about 2,800 of 12-inch presently on display at the Mary' Cheney Library. The . JEWELERS-SILVERSMITHS SINCE 1900 lor Monday's ad, and Monday between 11-12 a.m.-for Thursday's VocaUonal Education Denver 38 2Q faculty members from the high moon rock may be seen at the library today and Thursday public. (Hefald photo by Ofiara) . ad. Please phone 643-2711... ft Program, to be financed by a water main, to reptoce Under­ schools and Manchester Com­ 958 Main Street, Manchester r - Also: Hartford • New Britain • Middletown FILM DEVELOPING-40%Na Ratarva Tka HIM Td llMlt QHanllllaa DISCOUNT San Francisco 58 48 froni 1 to 8 p.mi., Wednesday from 1 to 6:30 p.mi., and state grant. sized pipe. Washington ; 60 37 munity College. V ■ ■ ■■■■ -.v