Jive Connects for 5.0 | Contents | 2


Jive Connects for Openfire...... 3 System Requirements...... 3 Setting Up Openfire Integration...... 3 Configuring Openfire Integration...... 4 Viewing the Openfire Admin Console...... 5 FAQ: Openfire Integration...... 5 System Properties for Openfire Integration...... 6 Using Openfire...... 7 How do I chat with someone in my community?...... 7 How do I turn off the chat bar?...... 9 | Jive Connects for Openfire | 3

Jive Connects for Openfire

Jive Software provides integration between Jive and Openfire. By installing Jive Connects for Openfire, community users can see each other's presence status and initiate chats via the community user interface.

User chat presence is easily discoverable from several locations such as the user profile, user profile hover, and the Jive chat bar. The chat bar makes it even easier to find the people you wish to chat with by showing which users shown on the current page are online, as well as which of your community connections (such as people you're following) and friends are online. Starting a chat with these individuals is made simple via a one-click action, which begins a conversation with the other party via the chatting users' pre-installed XMPP clients.

System Requirements

To integrate Openfire with your community, you'll need the following:

• The Jive Connects for Openfire plugin. • Jive version 5.0 and later. • The following OS/browser/chat client combinations:

Operating System Browsers Chat Client

Windows XP Please see the Jive system Users who want to use integrated chat will need to requirements. have a compatible Openfire client. They need to Windows Vista use a chat client that is compatible with the XMPP Note: Users using Windows 7 URI protocol outlined in XEP-0147. Chrome browser Mac OS X will need allow Recommended chat clients include Spark, , their website to use and iChat. Google Gears in order to use the chat bar.

Linux Not supported. Not supported.

Setting Up Openfire Integration

To get set up with Jive Connects for Openfire, you'll need to:

1. Install the Jive Connects for Openfire plugin. See the Jive core documentation for information on installing plugins. 2. Restart the application. 3. Configure Openfire to recognize Jive. For more information, see Configuring Openfire Integration | Jive Connects for Openfire | 4

4. Configure the application to integrate with Openfire. For more information, see Configuring Openfire Integration

Once the community is configured, users can begin chats by clicking the menus available in the user interface. For user help on the feature, see How do I start an Openfire chat from the community?

Configuring Openfire Integration

You can integrate Jive with your instance of Openfire, which is an XMPP server. This integration enables XMPP chat clients, such as Spark or Adium, to see each other's presence in Jive. For example, when a person is "Available" in chat, they'll also appear so in the application. To integrate the two, you'll need Jive version 5.0 or higher and Openfire version 3.5.0 or higher.

Users need to be logged into their chat client to chat with other users. Once setup, Jive learns about user presence from the Openfire server, which communicates with the user chat clients. However, both users must be signed in to their own chat clients to establish a chat session because users actually chat directly to each other via their chat clients. To support this integration, you must configure the application and the Openfire server to communicate.

Configuring the Openfire connection requires that you make specific settings to both Openfire profile settings and the Jive application, as described below.

To setup Openfire:

1. After installing, launch the Openfire setup tool. 2. When you get to the Profile Settings page, Select Directory Server (LDAP) as the user and group system, and then click Continue. We recommend using LDAP so your chat server can be used independently of Jive. 3. Complete the 3 steps in Profile Settings to finish the setup process.

Note: Once you complete the Openfire setup tool, you can still make changes in the Openfire Admin Console: Server > Server Settings > Profile Settings page. 4. To connect Openfire to Jive, log in to the Openfire Admin Console and proceed to Server > Server Settings > External Components. 5. Click Enabled to allow the connection to Jive, and then specify a port and a shared secret. You will need to specify these in the Admin Console in the following section.

To setup the Jive application for Openfire:

Fastpath: Admin Console: System > Real-Time > Connection

1. On the Real Time - Connection Settings page, you see the Jive URL field populated with the URL at which Openfire can reach your community. In the Shared Secret box, enter the shared secret that you entered when configuring Openfire. Click Save Shared Secret to create the connection. 2. Configure the following XMPP-specific system properties: jive..domain, jive.xmpp.host, jive.xmpp.port. For more on these properties, see System Properties for Openfire Integration | Jive Connects for Openfire | 5

Viewing the Openfire Admin Console

If you've got a running instance of Openfire and you've enabled its integration with Jive, you can launch its admin console from the application's admin console.

Fastpath: Admin Console: System > Real-Time > Openfire Admin

FAQ: Openfire Integration

Why can't I see presence for any of the users?

Only users participating in Openfire will have users visible in the community, and the community/Openfire integration must be correctly established to see presence for these users. Make sure that the integration is properly set up in the admin console.

Why is it when I click on "start chat," some other program other than my regular XMPP chat client appears?

This is happening because the browser you are using has not associated your XMPP chat client with the xmpp: URI. If you make the browser associate that program with the URI, it will open the next time you try to start to chat.

Is there an expected performance decrease on the Openfire server that should be planned for?

The community communicates with the Openfire server for providing presence, so you can expect more stress on that server. However, the community basically caches and subscribes to updates (rather than requesting it from the Openfire server each time it's needed), so it should not be a significant amount of extra pressure.

Can you use other Jive Chat integrations with the Openfire integration?

No; only one presence integration may be used at a time. You must uninstall any existing Jive Enterprise chat presence integrations, and reset the SBS server, prior to installing the Openfire integration plugin.

What happens to users who don't have the client installed?

Those users won't be able to start chats with other users in the system, because the browser will not have associated the xmpp: URI with an XMPP chat client, which is responsible for starting chats between users.

What browsers support this?

The System Requirements describe support for browsers and chat clients.

Does this module honor profile privacy?

Yes it does; there is a privacy option for presence specifically which is in effect; username visibility is also respected.

Can I enable presence for specific users?

No. It's on or off globally. | Jive Connects for Openfire | 6

The Google Chrome browser is asking me whether or not my site should be allowed to use Google Gears. What is this and should I allow it?

The chat bar uses local browser caching in the case of Google Chrome, so you should allow the site to use Google Gears. You must allow the site to use Google Gears if you wish to use the chat bar.

Why can't I see the chat bar in the Chrome browser?

Make sure that the Chrome is allowing your site to use Google Gears.

System Properties for Openfire Integration

System properties provide a way to do additional configuration. To make changes to system properties, in the admin console go to System > Management > System Properties. Keep in mind that both property names and values are case-sensitive.

Note: You should make changes to system settings only under the guidance of Jive's support or professional services teams.

The following is a list of system properties that can be used to fine tune configuration.

Property Description

jive.chat.presence.connections.max.to.filterThe number of user connections to be analyzed for presence, for online counts on initial page load. Defaults to 300.

Set this to a lower value if you find that the CPU overhead for the plugin is too high. Set it to a higher value if overhead is not very high, and users typically have more than 300 connections.

jive.chat.presence.max.to.filter The number of users to be analyzed for presence during presence checks after a page loads. This limits the number of users to be checked per request by the presence service. Defaults to 110 per request.

Set this to a lower value if you find that the CPU overhead for the plugin is too high. | Jive Connects for Openfire | 7

Property Description

jive.chat.presence.refresh.interval.ms The interval, in milliseconds, for refreshing the data in the chat bar. By default, this property is not set, so the presence information in the chat bar is not refreshed after the page loads for the user (unless they refresh the page).

With a large number of users, or users who have a large number of community connections, refreshing the chat bar can be performance-intensive. But if you want to enable refreshes that feel more "live" for users, set this to a value higher than zero.

jive.chat.presence.poll.rate.ms The interval, in milliseconds, between refreshes of the presence indicator on the profile popup and the profile page. Default is 60000 (1 minute).

jive.chat.presence.is.on.demand true to force the chat bar to only show presence information when the user clicks it. Default is false.

Set this to true if CPU use is too high for the Openfire server.

jive.chat.presence.monitor.notification.delayThe interval, in milliseconds, between error notifications if the presence provider is not available to the application. Default is 14400000 (4 hours).

Change this parameter if reminders should be more or less frequent. Set to -1 to disable reminders.

jive.xmpp.domain The domain of the Openfire server, which should be same as the Jive instance. To find this information, navigate to Jive Admin Console: System > Real-Time > Connection page.

jive.xmpp.host The host for the Openfire server.

jive.xmpp.port The Openfire port for XMPP communication, which can be found when you navigate to Openfire Admin Console: Server > Server Settings > External Component and refer to the Service Enabled section.

Using Openfire

How do I chat with someone in my community?

If you have a chat client that uses XMPP, such as Spark or Adium, you can easily start a chat with other chat users. You can chat with those who are your community connections and people who are listed on community pages that list content and activity in the community. | Jive Connects for Openfire | 8

Note: People must be logged in to the community as well as to chat in order to appear in your chat bar.

Starting chat from the chat bar

In the lower-right corner of a community page, notice that you have two options for viewing users who are online and available for chat. Connections shows a list of users you are following, and This page shows a list of users who are represented on the current page.

To start a chat from the chat bar:

1. Choose whether you want to chat with one of your connections or with someone whose name appears on the page.

• To chat with a user you are following, click Connections. • To chat with a user who is represented on the current page, click This page. 2. Click the name of the person you want to chat with.

Your chat client will open and begin a chat with the person you selected.

Starting chat from a user's profile

• In a user's profile, click the Chat button.

Your chat client will open and begin a chat with the person you selected.

Starting chat by hovering a user's name

• Mouse over a user's name or avatar, then click Chat.

Your chat client will open and begin a chat with the person you selected.

Troubleshooting tips if your chat doesn't work

The following guidelines can help you when you're having trouble setting up chat.

• You must be logged in to your chat client in order to start a chat session with another user in your community. • Make sure your browser is setup to associate your chat client with the XMPP protocol. This varies from browser to browser, so refer to the help for your particular browser. • You may need to setup your system to use your chat client for responding to the XMPP protocol. This varies between operating systems, so refer to the help for your operating system. • Some browsers, including Chrome, will respond poorly if you try to start a chat using the chat bar while editing content. For example, the browser might attempt to navigate you away from the page where you're editing content to another page. Work around this by waiting until you've published your content before starting a chat. | Jive Connects for Openfire | 9

How do I turn off the chat bar?

If you're an Openfire chat user, you'll be able to start chats with other people in the community by clicking their name in the chat bar displayed in the lower right of your screen. When you don't want to see the chat bar, you can turn it off in your preferences.

To turn off the chat bar:

1. To the top right, next to your name, select Preferences from the drop-down menu to get to your Preferences page. 2. On the IM Preferences tab, click the Show the chat bar check box, then click Save.