Lambda Sci-Fi DC Area Gaylaxians (202) 232-3141 – Issue # 367 – October 2020 E-MAIL:
[email protected] WEBSITE: The LSF Book Discussion Group If you’re interested in lively dis- cussions of F&SF books (with an em- To our ConFAB Friends, phasis on elements of interest to the LGBT ConFABulous 2020 will be a community), we invite you to join the LSF one-day virtual convention on Saturday, Book Discussion Group. Each month, we October 10 (Noon to Midnight). conduct fascinating round-table discussi- The con will have some of the ons of works by significant F&SF authors. same features as our face-to-face con- Before the COVID-19 shut-down ventions, including a single track of panels orders, the LSF Book Discussion Group and plenty of opportunities to play board usually met on the 4th Thursday of every games, card games, and RPGs through month, starting at 7:00 PM, at Peter & virtual connections. Rob’s home: 1425 “S” St., NW – for Do you have an idea for panelists "Reading is the key directions or more details, call 202-483- or a panel topic that you'd like to organize? 6369. Now, book discussions are held Please send your ideas to John Till: that opens doors virtually (same “4th Thursday” schedule).
[email protected] to many good The next book discussion will be held on Do you have an idea for an RPG October 22nd (via Zoom). session? Send John Till an idea about the things in life. Here are the details for the next game you’d like to run: the game system, several discussions: the time frame (we recommend 2-3 hours Reading shaped Oct.