Panes to [] Oscos de Eulalia Santa to Panes


Nature Park, and Sierras de Carondio y Valledor Protected Protected Valledor y Carondio de Sierras and Park, Nature

Pico Caldoveiro Protected Landscape, the Las Ubiñas-La Mesa Mesa Ubiñas-La Las the Landscape, Protected Caldoveiro Pico


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Guide to the to Guide


SECTOR NORTHWESTERN PENINSULAR NATURE TRAIL CANTABRIAN MOUNTAINS. INLAND ASTURIAS SECTION I. PANES-CANGAS DE ONÍS (76.4 km) the route goes uphill towards Campomanes. SECTION VI. TUÑA-BERDUCEO (102.7 km) 1. This section starts in Panes and, between the slopes of SECTION IV. CAMPOMANES-VILLAMAYOR 6. After leaving Tuña behind, the route runs near Llamas Sierra del Cuera and the Eastern end of the Picos de Europa (107.9 km) del Mouro and it continues until Onón. In Corias, the Natural Park, the path runs along Alles and Carreña, going Monastery of San Juan Bautista observes the route that 4. From Campomanes, the nature trail continues bordering towards Benia de Onís. Until it reaches Cangas de Onís, sets off towards the mountains of , the Las Ubiñas-La Mesa Natural Park, and it takes a de- the route traverses different rural towns of rich heritage leading towards Besullo. From this point, the road forks tour of its route to visit Llanuces, or the Alto de Cobertoria. through an equally beautiful natural environment. on both sides of the valley of river Pumar. The route Once it passes Bárzana, the nature trail goes towards ri- towards Berducedo meets some historical trails such as SECTION II. CANGAS DE ONÍS-MELENDROS ver Quirós following the “Senda del Oso”, which runs the Camín Francés, the first pilgrims’ route to Santiago, (61.6 km) along the mining railway line from Truvia to Quirós. After which overlaps with a long part of the nature trail. crossing Villanueva, the traveller will find an alternative 2. From Cangas de Onís, the trail runs through the cou- to the route, which runs along the towns of Tuñón, San SECTION VII. BERDUCEO-SANTA EULALIA (88.4 km) nties of Cangas, and Piloña y . It shares Andrés or Castañedo del Monte. In the stretch towards some stretches with Camín de la Reina, a Roman road, 7. The stretch between Berduceo and Villamayor, Yernes or Brañas de la Senra can be visited and it is accompanied by rivers Sella and Piloña. The has two alternative routes: the traveller can cross over the before reaching the town that puts an end to this section. route traverses Villamayor, wading across the famous Salime reservoir, or walk towards the town of Villarpedre, to raised granaries of Espinaredo. Camín Real del Sellón, SECTION V. VILLAMAYOR-TUÑA (78.5 km) the reservoir’s lowest point, where you have to contact the another Romana road, comes across the trail. Once the boatman (previous notice on the time you want to cross) 5. From Villamayor, the trail connects with the Camín Real trail enters the Redes Natural Park, it leaves Fresnedal who will take the traveller to the other bank of the reservoir. de Cueiro path, where travellers can enjoy the Pico behind in order to reach Melenderos. Caldoveiro protected landscape. Overlapping with the 8. After leaving Grandas de Salime behind, the path rea- SECTION III. MELENDROS-CAMPOMANES (90.5 km) Camín Real de la Mesa, one of the first historic Asturian ches the town of Castro, where you can find the Chao de Samartín Celt settlement. From Castro, there are two 3. Leaving Melendreros, the trail plunges into Sierra de trails or roads, the route continues through Dolia, ma- alternative routes for this last stretch of the nature trail, Peña Mayor and, after going along Entralgos, it runs king a detour until it reaches Belmonte. The traveller then which meet at La Coba. From this municipality, the trail along the Cuencas Mineras Protected Landscape, bet- continues traversing Boinás, and after leaving Alcedo be- follows among chestnut trees, pine trees and oak forests ween the valleys of river Nalón and Aller. Leaving Bello hind, the trail has a fork. The traveller can either get to until it reaches Santa Eulalia de Oscos, a town of the cou- and Murias behind, travellers can visit Villar de Murias Torayo going through Espinaredo or descending along nty of Oscos-Eo, located between Asturias and Tierras before reaching Santibáñez. After ascending up to the the valley of river Genestaza after climbing the moun- de Burón in Galicia, which sets the ending point of this ports of Rasón, having crossed the Carisa Roman road, tain range. This stretch ends at the town of Tuña, known for its manor houses. stretch and of the nature trail.

Real de la Mesa Salime reservoir Cangas de Onís bridge Camín Landscape in western Asturias.Landscape in western 2 8 1 5

7 6 4 3 Cantabria


Harshness of natural environment 2 Upward gradient 850 m Guidance along the route 2 Downward gradient 1.635 m Route diculty 2 ROUTE LENGTH* 600,7 km* Amount of e ort needed 5 TIME 152 h**

Total length including all branches Town Point of interest 27 sections of approximately 6 hours each Panes Santa Eulalia de Oscos 1500 Beyo Cave of cheese ripening Sellón chapel 1200




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