The Benefice of Parish of St Giles with St Mary’s

Parish Administrator: Vivienne Smales The Revd June Lawson 01977 706803 Parish office: 01977 790448 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Fr. Rod Walker: 07746 980727 Office hours: Mon, Thu, Fri 10.00am-2.00pm Fr. Michael Taylor: 01977 702824 Tue 11.30am—3.30pm Reader David Brooks: 07584 859569

Public Services this week will be additionally live streamed on Facebook on Sunday 1st November at 10.15am, Sunday, 8th November (Remembrance) at 9.30am, Wednesday 28th October at 9.30am. Weekly online Compline - 8.00pm on Thursdays with Jill Clapham, trainee Reader. SUNDAY, 1st NOVEMBER 2020

Today, we celebrate All Saints in our morning service. A day to celebrate the saints of old and to remember that, as we journey in faith, we are ‘surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses’ as the book of Hebrews reminds us. Our worship finds its echo in heaven as their prayers and ours come before God. Revelation chapter 8 gives us a marvellous picture of that: 3 Another angel with a golden censer came and stood at the altar; he was given a great quantity of incense to offer with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar that is before the throne. 4 And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, rose before God from the hand of the angel. This evening, Sunday 1st November 5.00pm, a said service of evening prayer (a liturgy of lament) for the Eve of All Souls will be livestreamed on Facebook only, as no attendance will be possible. Names of loved ones will not be read out during this service.

The Mass for All Souls’ Day is this Monday, 2nd November at 7.00pm at St Giles (also Facebook online). If you would like the name(s) of departed loved ones remembered in the service, please pass on the names as soon as possible to the office: [email protected] or phone 01977 7904448 If you intend to be present at the All Souls’ Mass on Monday 2nd November, please let us know. ‘May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace and rise in glory.’



Remembrance is needing to be marked in a different way in our communities this year. Sadly, there can’t be the usual parade to the cenotaph with large crowds present followed by a Civic service in St Giles. But…we will hold a 9.30am Remembrance Mass as is usual on Remembrance Sunday (also live streamed). We need you to book so that we can ensure that we don’t exceed permitted numbers currently allowed under Covid guidance. So please book, via the office telephone, email or a note. On that day the Burma Star Association flag will be officially laid up at St Giles. This will be a very short ceremony to receive the flag into our safe keeping. If you have a particular link with the Burma Star, through a relative who fought in the war, then please let me know as it would be appropriate for you to attend. On Wednesday 11th November, church is open for private prayer between 10.00-11.30am and you may like to come in especially to light a candle. The silence will be observed at 11.00am. The Royal British Legion are encouraging people to mark the silence on their door- step and display a poppy in your window. You can download these from the Royal British legion website and indeed make a donation to the poppy appeal. Please use the link below.


nd Monday, 2 Morning: Psalm 2 & Revelation 1 All Souls’ Day Evening: Psalm 92 & Matthew 1.18 to end rd Tuesday, 3 Morning: Psalm 5 & Revelation 2 Evening: Psalm 100 & Matthew 2.1-15 th Wednesday, 4 Morning: Psalm 9 & Revelation 2.12 to end Evening: Psalm 112 & Matthew 2.16 to end th Thursday, 5 Morning: Psalm 15 & Revelation 3.1-13 Evening: Psalm 118 & Matthew 3 th Friday, 6 Morning: Psalm 16 & Revelation 3.14 to end Evening: Psalm 143 & Matthew 4.1-11 th Saturday, 7 Morning: Psalm 18.31 to end & Revelation 4 Evening: Psalm 145 & Matthew 4.12-22 th Sunday, 8 Morning: Psalm 91 & 1 Timothy 2.1-17 rd 3 Sunday before Advent, Remembrance Evening: Psalm 82, John 15.9-17



PRAYER LIST As is our practice, the prayer list is renewed on a regular basis. All names, including those recently added, will be removed from the prayer list for Sunday 8th November, and the list will be restarted. If you wish any name to remain on the prayer list then please do so: by emailing Stuart Lonsdale on [email protected] or by leaving a message on the church phone (01977 790448). Please note that under GPDR regulations, full names can no longer be used in the ‘Prayer List’ unless the person concerned has given permission for their name to be used. Could you please indicate if permission has been given.

This does not, in any way, affect the Years Mind list.

SPONSOR A SERVICE SHEET Do you have a memory, either happy or sad, that you would like to share with our congregation, a wedding anniversary; a birthday; the passing of a loved one. Please consider sponsoring our service sheet so that we can share this with you. Either write your dedication in the diary in Reception or email to [email protected] or [email protected] . David Leigh will happily receive any sponsorship contributions. Thank you.


A big thank you to all who donated bottles for the stall and those who supported us on the day. £130 was raised for Church funds. Thank you again. Marjorie & Pat.

ST GILES' AUTUMN HALF-TERM FOOD SHARE Many thanks to people who gave their time to deliver food this last week to local families. From the comments we have received, it has really helped. Paul and Ann Harris CHRISTMAS SHOE BOX CAMPAIGN 2020 Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 restrictions and numerous infection possibilities, we are unable to go ahead with our shoe box appeal this year. I know many of you have been collecting items and will be very disappointed. Please believe me it’s a decision that has not been taken lightly. I hope next year we will continue to build on our success and smash our record of 500 shoe boxes. God bless Diane Williams

THE BELLS!!! After the work on the bells was completed, the bell ringers were pleased to be able to welcome the congregation to Sunday services. The Pontefract area is now in Tier 2 restrictions, and the central council of church bell ringers advises that bells are not rung in tiers 2 and 3. It is still permissible for a solo ringer to ring in the tower and this will continue, when possible, in the immediate term. So apologies for the quieter reception to church – the ringers will miss providing the service in a fuller way. The Bell Ringers


Deadline for Notices and Prayer List, Tuesday, 3rd November.

Items must be received by 3:00p.m.

Please e-mail Vivienne Smales at [email protected]

The November Parish Magazine is available to view on the website. Thank you for all of your contributions. Stuart and Bruce would very much welcome any contributions for the December magazine. Please e-mail items to [email protected] and [email protected] by Sunday, 22nd November.

URGENT REQUEST PLEASE recycle your butter/margarine tubs, preferably 500g but also 1kg for takeaway jacket potatoes at Lunch with Us. Unfortunately the 250g tubs are just a bit too small.

Caring for each other…. In these difficult times, not all of us have been able to return to church. If you haven’t seen someone for a while, please either try and find out how they are or let us know and we will try and make contact. Please also ask the person if they would like to go on the service prayer list (using their full name or just first name). A note to us giving a contact number or address of the person concerned often helps. THIS WEEK THE CHURCH IS OPEN FOR SERVICES ON


Church will only be open 20 minutes prior to the service time.

WELCOME TO WORSHIP—helping to keep each other safe.

MOBILE PHONES—To avoid loss of signal when livestreaming the service, would you please either turn your phone off or put it onto ‘Airplane Mode’ in settings. FACE MASKS – must be worn unless you are exempt. TEST AND TRACE – Please give your details to the sidesperson or use the NHS ‘Test and Trace’ app. HAND HYGIENE – Please sanitise on entry and exit and before receiving communion. SOCIAL DISTANCING – The 2 metres rule to be followed, or if not possible 1 metre plus with mitigations. SEATING ARRANGEMENTS – You will be seated in appropriate seats by the sides- people. SERVICE SHEETS – Please take home with you. MUSIC, SINGING AND RESPONSES - Singing is not currently permitted for congregations. A small choral group is permitted. All responses will be said using a quiet voice. THE PEACE – please only share by a smile or wave. RECEIVING COMMUNION – The sidespeople will direct you. Please sanitise your hands as directed. When you reach the priest, please remove your mask and stretch out your hands. AT THE END OF THE SERVICE - Please remain in your seat until a steward asks you to leave, and then please go directly to the designated exit as guided by them. Mingling amongst groups is not permitted by law indoors and outdoors. The Rule of Six applies. FOOD AND DRINK – sadly, there can be no refreshments available after the service. LIGHTING OF CANDLES – can be done after the service. TOILETS -Toilet facilities are available, but only one person will be able to enter the toilet area at a time to ensure social distancing. TITHES AND OFFERINGS – please place onto the plate near the exit door.


Due to the Coronavirus pandemic restrictions the “Bringing-In Day” and street collection during April could not take place and as a consequence your home box may be getting full and rather weighty. Should you wish for your box to be emptied please follow the procedure below which is based on advice received from The Children’s Society.

 Put the box in a plastic bag and hand it directly to me. I will then leave it for 72 hours before dealing with it. I will then sanitise the box and return it to you in the same way. Please leave the box in the bag for 72 hours before using it again.

 Alternatively, open the box yourself and put the money in a disposable container in a bag and hand it to me. This avoids my contact with the box.

It is also advised that you ring me to arrange receipt of the money so that no-one else is involved and the box is not stored in the church safe.

Thank you Angela (01977 613643)

If you would like something posted on our social media platforms, please email:

[email protected]

To keep in touch with the latest news from the Parish, please visit our websites: Like us on Facebook Twitter: @CofEPontefract & Instagram: stgilespontefract

We look forward to hearing from you.

Daily Hope offers music, prayers and reflections as well as full worship services from the at the end of a telephone line. The line, which is available 24 hours a day on 0800 804 8044 has been set up particularly with those unable to join online church services during the period of restrictions.


At the time of publication, the whole of the district has local Covid-19 alert level high restrictions. Areas under the Wakefield district are: Castleford, Featherstone, Hemsworth, Horbury, Knottingley, Normanton, Ossett, Pontefract, South Kirkby, South Elmsall and Wakefield.

Important:  Wear a face covering (unless exempt) where mandated  Always follow social distancing rules  Only socialise with your own household or support bubble indoors  Do not socialise in a group of more than six people outdoors. DIOCESE OF LEEDS — TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES

Following successful online delivery last term, and as they are currently still unable to meet face to face, the Lay Training Team are offering some further training opportunities using their online classroom [similar to Zoom] for this coming term. Please register for the courses through the link on the web page. Details on how to access the online provision will be sent to participants once they have registered for the course. This is an opportunity to continue to learn and grow together at this time.

Pastoral Conversations pastoral-conversations-course/ Self-paced This basic listening skills course covers the same material as that below, but it offers an alternative method of study. Participants 2-3 hours of study to are able to work in their own time and at their own pace and are complete able to interact with the tutor, and each other, primarily through discussion forums. Further information is available through the Digital Learning Platform.

Pastoral Conversations pastoral-conversations-course/ Monday, Nov 9th An introduction to pastoral care and effective listening designed to nurture skill and confidence in those involved in caring for 7.00pm-9.00pm others.


Bishop Tony commends the following series of lectures, streamed from St. Martin’s in the Field, London, given that ‘Follow Me 7’ this September cannot happen due to on- going restrictions. The speakers are first rate and the subjects comprehensive.

IN WHAT DO WE TRUST? What can we trust in the midst of a global crisis where so much of our way of life that we have taken for granted seems to be at stake?

Monday, 2nd November Trusting in Scripture 7.00pm—8.30pm Paula Gooder

All the lectures are livestreamed from St Martin’s on our Facebook page (no ticket or Facebook account required). stmartininthefields

Bishop Tony Robinson


An online group exploring the book ‘Fire in the North: The Life of Saint Cuthbert’, commencing 4th November 2020. Fire of the North (The Life of St Cuthbert) by David Adam offers us a thought- provoking and very readable insight into the life of St Cuthbert, monk and Bishop of Lindisfarne. This book group provides an opportunity for us discuss, explore and meditate on the life of St Cuthbert, “a man of extraordinary charm and ability” and an integral figure in Northern/Celtic Spirituality. Rev’d Canon David Adam was Vicar of the Holy Island of Lindisfarne for thirteen years, a Spiritual Director and a prolific writer on Celtic Christianity. You will, ideally need your own copy of the book which you can get here from the Book Depository for £7.99 or secondhand copies are available for around £4 on Amazon and elsewhere. Details can be found on the Diocesan website by following the link here: https://


In a presentation to synod Director of Ministry and Mission for the Diocese of Leeds, Andrew Norman, invited everyone to join the newly launched ‘Rhythm of Life’ venture. Inspired by the work of religious communities and a Bible verse from the Gospel of Matthew, the initiative offers an opportuni- ty for Christians to re-align and keep Christ at the centre of our daily lives, through practical commitments, opportunities for mutual support and recommended resources. To get started, everyone is encouraged to read the quick start guide and invitation leaflet. It includes further details and a list of suggested resources for seven areas participants are encouraged to commit to in order to keep Jesus at the heart of their daily rhythms. These areas are: praying, encouraging, reflecting, resting, celebrating, sharing and creating. The journey can be done alone or together, with resources available for schools, children, young people, households and churches. Easy-to-use practical commitment cards, to help get you started, can also be downloaded. The Rhythm of Life DLP page includes further details and lots of suggested resources for the seven areas participants can commit to, in order to keep Jesus at the heart of our daily rhythms. On Wednesday, November 11 a Rhythm of Life ‘get started’ session will also be taking place. It will be hosted by the Bishop of Wakefield, the Rt Revd Tony Robinson, and offers the chance to find out more about the initiative and have your questions answered. To register your interest and to receive the Zoom meeting link, please email [email protected] COMMENCING, WEDNESDAY 4TH NOVEMBER 2020

Telephone: 0800 144 8848 or visit: