Dermatology 1

Authors: M.Balakrishnana, S.Sakthivel & Roshan Akthar 2 DMA’s Most Anticipated One Liners

1. Ash leaf spots : Tuberous sclerosis 2. Oil drop nails : Psoriasis 3. Herald/Mother patch : Pityriasis rosea 4. Bull’s eye lesion : 5. Apple Jelly nodules : Lupus Vulgaris 6. Civatte bodies : 7. Dennie morgan fold : Atopic dermatitis 8. Rose spots : Typhoid 9. Crocodile skin : Icthyosis vulgaris 10. U/L Slapped cheek : erythema infectiosum 11. Burrows are the pathognomic lesions seen in scabies 12. Comedones are pathognomic lesions of acne 13. The pathognomic sign of neurofibromatosis is axillary freckling 14. DOC for dermatitis herpertiformis is dapsone 15. Head is the Mc site for A-V malformation 16. is the Mc site for port-wine stain 17. Mc mode of transmission for syphilis is sexual 18. vulgaris is the Mc type of pemphigus seen in India 19. 7 y/o girl with itching over flexor areas, popliteal region and neck- Diagnosis: Atopic dermatitis 20. Which is a holocrine gland among the following? 21. 24 y/o male with brownish macular hyperpigmented area over right chest with increased growth of hair for 4 years. Diagnosis: Becker Nevus 22. Bromhidrosis- foul smelling body odor 23. Chromhidrosis- coloured sweat 24. Mc site of fox fordices spot is axilla 25. Triggers for rosacea= Spicy food, Sunlight, alcohol. 26. Mc type of onychomycosis= Distal lateral subungual type 27. Terry’s nail is seen in liver cirrhosis 28. Lindsay’s nail is seen in chronic renal failure 29. Markers of melanocyte- S100, HMB 45, MELAN- A 30. Epidermal melanin unit= 1 melanocyte: 36 keratinocyte Dermatology 3 31. Chloasma= mask of pregnancy 32. Melasma is common in sunexposed areas in skin 33. Klingman formula (Hydroquinone+ topical retinoid+ topical steroid)= Rx for melasma 34. Chik sign (melasma like pigmentation over nose)= Chikungunya fever 35. Mc site of Mongolian spot is lumbosacral region 36. Nevus of ota- distributed over trigeminal nerve (V1,V2) 37. Nevus of ito- distributed over acromioclavicular nerve 38. Piebaldism- Autosomal dominant 39. Systemic corticosteroids are contraindicated in psoriasis 40. Puptent sign is seen in lichen planus 41. Dandruff is caused by Malassezia furfur 42. Commonest nerve involved in leprosy is ulnar nerve 43. Staphylococcus aureus is the commonest cause of Bullous impetigo 44. Coin shaped eczema is Nummular eczema 45. Quinke’s disease is other name for Angioneurotic edema 46. Mcc of allergic contact dermatitis in Indian females is Detergent 47. PUVA therapy is done for psoriasis and vitiligo 48. Chloroquine causes exacerbation of psoriasis 4 DMA’s Most Anticipated One Liners 49. Tzank cell is a keratinocyte 50. Pyoderma gangreonosum is seen in ulcerative colitis 51. Herpes zoster is commonly seen in thoracic region 52. Microsporum affects : skin and hair 53. 60 Years old male with bulla on face and neck, flaccid bulla, spreading and ni- kolsky sign positive: pemphigus vulgaris 54. Fordyce spots involve: sebaceous gland 55. Lovibond profile sign is seen in clubbing 56. 35 years old male with bald patches without any scars. The patches are well demarcated with broken hair at the edges. Diagnosis: Androgenic alopecia 57. Sweet’s syndrome is also called as Acute Febrile Neutropenic Dermatosis 58. Mc form of cutaneous lymphoma:s Mycosis fungoides 59. Gardasil vaccine gives protection from- HPV 6,11,16,18 60. Gardasil-9 vaccine gives protection from- HPV 6,11,16,18,31,33,42,52,58 61. Tinea incognito is seen with - Steroid treatment 62. Treatment of Acne - 13 cis-retionol/ Minocycline/ Erythromycin 63. Characteristic lesions of scabies is – Burrow 64. Leprosy affects all organs except - Uterus 65. In leprosy nerves commonly involved are - High ulnar, low median 66. Skin hazards of swimming are - Verrucae/ M.marinum infection 67. Most common type of leprosy in India - TT 68. Slapped cheek appearance is seen in - Erythema infectiosum/ Parvovirus B19 69. Phrynoderma - deficiency of - vitamin A 70. Non palpable purpura is seen in - Amyloid/ ITP/ Drug induced vasculitis 71. Palpable purpura is seen n - HSP/ Serum Sickness/ Wegeners granulamatosis 72. Defective DNA repair is associated - Xeroderma pigmentosa 73. Pseudo bubo is seen in - Donovanosis 74. Satellite lesions are seen in - Borderline tuberculoid leprosy 75. Blister formation in burn case is in – Subepidermal 76. Increased level of IgE is seen in - Atopy 77. Pyoderma gangrenosum is seen in - Ulcerative colitis 78. Erythema nodosum is seen in- RA/ PTB/ Enteric fever/ Leprosy 79. Associated with Pemphigus - Thymoma/ CLL/ Myasthenia gravis/ Atrophic gastri- Dermatology 5 tis 80. Psoralen-A is used in treatment of - Vitiligo 81. Row of Tomb stones appearance is seen in - Pemphigus 82. Darrier’s sign is seen in - urticaria pigmentosa 83. Patient with recurrent swelling on face & due to emotional stress cause is – 84. Patient gets recurrent urticaria while doing exercise & on exposure to sunlight C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency cause is Cholinergic urticaria 85. Atopic dermatitis is diagnosed by - Clinical examination 86. Commonest metal causing skin hypersensitivity - Nickel 87. MCC of allergic contact dermatitis in Indian female - Detergents 88. Commonest cause of air borne contact dermatitis in India is - Parthenium grass 89. Correct sequence of cell cycle is - G0-G1-S-G2-M 90. Flat discoloration on skin as 1cm is called - Macule 91. Oil drop nail appearance is seen in - psoriasis 92. Felon is seen in - Nail bed 93. Tinea unguium affects - nail plate 94. Characteristic feature of atopic dermatitis - Pruritis 95. Air-borne contact dermatitis is diagnosed by - patch test 96. Alopecia areata is treated by - Minoxidil 97. Commonest cutaeneous eruption in SLE is - Erythema of light exposed area 98. Cicatricial alopecia - DLE/ Lichen planus/ SLE 99. Anagen phase of the hair indicates - phase of activity & growth 6 DMA’s Most Anticipated One Liners